#[ My Mom Does All The Grocery Shopping ] -- Scott McCall
chbslove · 2 years
scott 'i thought it was guacamole' mccall is objectively the funniest character in teen wolf
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kaitlinamberxo · 3 months
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“My mom does all the grocery shopping.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 18/100: Scott McCall
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actionkitty · 1 month
scott "my mom does all the grocery shopping " mccall you will always be famous
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teen-wolf-quotes · 9 months
Jackson: Alright, little man. How ‘bout you tell me where you’re getting your juice?
Scott: What?
Jackson: Where. Are you. Getting. Your juice?
Scott: My mom does all the grocery shopping.
Jackson: Now listen, McCall. You’re gonna tell me exactly what it is and who you’re buying it from because there’s no way in hell you’re out there kicking ass on the field like that without some chemical boost.
Scott: Oh, you mean steroids! Are you on steroids?
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lydiasscott · 2 years
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metagalacticx · 2 years
thank u!! <333
1.Whether I like or dislike their character
i love scott mccall more than any character from any form of media i have ever consumed. when i was 15 my family gave me teen wolf and scott mccall themed gifts and my love for him has only got stronger over the years <3 anyway enough about me. i’ve seen some people say scott being poc shouldn’t matter (esp to justify hating his character) but it does. he is from a single parent home with a mother who is a nurse and he is so committed to doing good and saving lives. here’s this teenage boy who starts the semester just wanting to make first line, to mean something, to be good at something. and he’s bitten and now he’s cursed, this isn’t what he wanted. and then suddenly someone’s trying to kill him and kill people he cares about and he has to choose every single time to do something about it. but he’s still a teenage boy and he wants to be normal and he wants to be in love and he wants to play lacrosse but things keep happening and he has to keep choosing. so scott mccall chooses, every single time, to save others. to ensure no one gets hurt if he can help it. he loves his friends and he’s also hilarious??? he makes mistakes just like anyone and everyone else in the show but that doesn’t detract from his character, it only makes it that much more compelling. i always have words for the writers of this show (🔪) and their treatment of scott and his development but at the end of the day, scott mccall is an excellent poc character and i am so grateful i started watching teen wolf so i can continue to appreciate that
2. who I ship them with
kira! scira is my teen wolf otp.
boyd! because they had so much potential and we deserved more!! boyd was robbed of his defection arc and scott deserved to hold hands with him.
allison! but in a this love was not meant to last and that’s okay kind of way
isaac! i mean who doesn’t?
3. What my favorite scene or scenes of them were
my mom does all the grocery shopping. iconic. legendaric. cannot be topped i’m sorry.
but also that ‘i want a semi-freakin normal life’ scene ✨ because #felt
and of course this scene that gave me goosebumps the first time and continues to every singleeee time: ‘what did you think we were gonna do, run?’
4. my favorite season of them(If they’re in multiple) 
season 1!! if you pay attention to scott in season 1 literally everything in every other season after makes complete sense! his worldview isn’t static of course, but the foundation is pretty solid from season 1 and i love noticing how much things change and stay the same for him throughout the show.
thank you!!!!
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a-tiny-sloth · 1 month
takeaways from episode 1 of teen wolf:
this show is very silly goofy but the character dynamics are well-written and intriguing and the humour also really holds up in my opinion so so far i'm really enjoying myself
scott mccall has a singular brain cell bouncing around in that beautiful head of his and i love him
stiles' energy is simply unmatched
derek just ominously standing around like a weirdo
they're doing kafka's metamorphosis in class
"where. are you. getting. your juice?" "my mom does all the grocery shopping"
stiles googling (i'm sorry - inquiry-it-ing) "silver"
goofy-ass four limb teen wolf werewolf run you'll always be famous
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jakeluppin · 9 months
Also Scott McCall!!!!
1: sexuality headcanon: he's bi 100% 2: otp: alison/scott really was just so good 3: brotp: scott/stiles 4: notp: not sure i super have one? probably scott/derek not feeling that 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: scott really is just one of those people who is so quick to fall in love and because of them he ends up being polyamorous 6: favorite line from this character: "...My mom does all the grocery shopping." 7: one way in which I relate to this character: awkward, a lil dumb, caring 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: he really can be dumb sometimes but he is too sweet to be embarassing 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll
send me a character
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teacuppigdog · 3 years
Scott McCall was ahead of his time
If Teen Wolf had come out today he'd have got the appreciation he deserved
Himbo before himbos were cool
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TW muses tag dump 2/?
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exlibrisfangirl · 2 years
Scott McCall for ask game
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Thank you, Nonny! 💛
do I like them: I don't adore him, but I do like him. Scott antis can gtfo, tbh. In this house, we appreciate Scoots McGoots. ✌🏻
5 good qualities: He is SUCH a himbo, loyal, brave, caring, determined. He is basically the human embodiment of a Golden Retriever... and who doesn't like Golden Retrievers? (I mean... I'm allergic to dogs, but even *I* can't resist a goofy, enthusiastic, tail-wagging Golden.)
3 bad qualities: He is SUCH a himbo, can be an idiot sometimes, can also be a bit obtuse when it comes to other people's feelings and motivations.
favourite episode/scene/etc: Probably something from the first few seasons. Pre-S4, peak himbo, beta!Scott is my favorite Scott. That said, I love the scene in S4 where he breaks free of the berserker curse and whoops Peter's ass, lol.
otp: I don't have one for him, but if pressed, I'd say Scallison.
brotp: Sciles is my BROTP, hands down. But I could be persuaded to consider Scerek, Scydia, and Scisaac, as well.
ot3: I don't have one for him, but I find the concept of Scott/Allison/Isaac intriguing.
notp: I don't really like Scalia, but I wouldn't go so far as to label them a NOTP.
best quote: “My mom does all the grocery shopping...”
“I'm the hot girl!”
“Give me the finger!”
head canon: After Allison died, when Chris returned from France and finally moved out of the apartment he had shared with her, he had a hard time bringing himself to get rid of Allison's things. Scott offered to help him, so he wouldn't have to do it alone. That's why we later see Malia wearing some of Allison's old clothes; donating them to her was Scott's idea. <3
give me a character and i'll answer
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torturedpoetdean · 3 years
ok but has there ever been a more iconic line on television than “my mom does all the grocery shopping” literally genius comedic gold Scott mccall himbo OF ALL TIME
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bruh--wtf · 4 years
Trust Issues
Part 2
Previous Next
Stiles Stilinksi x Reader
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Later, at home, you hear a knock on your brother's window while he's at work and go into his room. You see Stiles and raise an eyebrow as you open the window. "Can you come with me?" He asks. You freeze.
"Can you come to my house, like now?"
"You have my number, Stiles," you say.
"Would you have agreed?" You clench your jaw and shake your head.
"No," you say.
He smirks. "Exactly. Now come on," he says. You close the window and he hits it as you grab your jacket and go downstairs.
"Stiles!" You yell. He turns to you and smiles as he climbs down.
"Alright, now come on," he says, grabbing your arm and pulling you to his prized jeep. You sigh and sit next to him.
"What's this about?" You ask. "Scott isn't even here, so-"
"Just shut up," he says. You look at the boy surprised.
Stiles drives to his house and when you try to get out he locks the door.
"My dad's home," he says. You nod.
"Okay? And?" He turns to look at you.
"Well, he might assume something because I've never actually had a girl over. Well not in a long time," he says.
"I've been here before, Stiles," you say. He nods.
"Yeah, but with Scott," he says. You sigh and sit back.
"So do you want me to wait here, or...?"
"No! No. Ugh, fine, come on," he says, unlocking the door and letting you out. You get out of the car and go up to the house. Sheriff Stilinksi was at the door ready to yell at Stiles when you walk in first.
He freezes and looks at Stiles. "Uh, Y/N, what are you doing here?"
"I have no idea," you say honestly. He gives his son a confused look. Stiles sighs and grabs your wrist.
"Y/N and I have a project together. We need to work on it," he says to his dad. His dad nods and waves the two of you off. Stiles pulls you to his room and you laugh a little.
"Okay, what is going on?" You ask. He barely looks at you and you look around his room. It was more organized than you thought it would be. Granted, you hadn't been in the room in years. You sit on the boy's bed as he brings his laptop over to you. He sits with his back to the headboard and you sit beside him.
You sat close to him to look at the laptop. You look up at him as soon as you see what's on it.
"You can't be serious," you say. He sighs and points at the screen.
"Just hold on, it makes sense." You press your lips together, and put your head on the boy's shoulder to read what was on the screen.
The more and more he explained his theory the more it made sense.
"Were you kidding earlier? When you said Friday is a full moon?" You ask. He shakes his head. "Well, what's gonna happen to Scott?" He presses his lips together and shakes his head.
"I don't really know. But I'm gonna help him," he says, looking at his laptop again, probably looking something up. You just studied the boy for probably to long. He looked at you again, looking over your face.
You quickly shift your head to look at the laptop again, curling up, closer to the boy. He looked at you for a moment.
"Are you cold?" He asks. You give him a small smile.
"I'm fine," you say, holding onto his arm. He nods and the two of you continue researching. "Stiles?" It'd been at least an hour.
He hums in response.
"Were you talking about me this morning?" You ask. He looks at you.
"I mean, I heard you and Scott say something before you know he pulled me over," you tell him. He shifts a little.
"Oh, uh, yeah." You look up at the boy to see him uncomfortably avoiding looking at you.
"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine," you say. No. No it isn't fine. Stiles was talking about you and you want to know why.
Wait. Stiles and Scott. It wasn't just Stiles. Well, from Scott's reaction, it kind of was jist Stiles.
"Um, no, I was just you know, saying how crazy the body thing was. And well, that's the craziest thing to happen since you were born." You hit the boy's chest.
"I'm not crazy," you say. He chuckles.
"I disagree," he says. You roll your eyes. "But in a good way," he adds. He smirks at you and a small smile plays at your lips. You hold onto his arm a little tighter, looking back at the screen. "Crazy... and the best thing to happen to this town." Your gaze snaps back up to him. He looked a little nervous about your reaction. You studied the boy for a second.
"You really think that?" You find yourself asking in a whisper tone. He nods.
"Yeah. I do," he says. You press your lips together. What do you say to that? And why did it give you butterflies in your stomach hearing it from Stiles? That scared you. You just stared at him for a minute before turning your head back down.
"Thanks," you mumble, trying to hide your blush. And the small smile creeping on your lips.
Eventually it gets late and you grow tired. You shift a little, laying down a little more, still holding onto Stiles arm. He looks at you and then the time.
"I can bring you home if you want," he tells you. You chuckle and look at the time to see how late it is. 12:30. You shake your head, turning a little more towards the boy.
"I've gone to parties with Lydia, Stiles. I'm fine," you say jokingly. He studies you for a moment before continuing. It doesn't take long for you to fall asleep though.
Stiles looks down at her, realizing something and sees Y/N asleep on his arm. He lets out a breath, looking down at his laptop. He carefully closes the laptop, not wanting to wake Y/N up. He moves it.
Then, he pulls his arm away from Y/N slowly. She adjusts and snuggles up to the boy's chest. He was a bit unsure if he should wake her up or not.
"You're going to be the death of me," he whispers. He carefully shifts to be laying down and she buries her face further into his chest. He wraps his arms around her, and reaches up to turn his light out.
The next day, you wake up in Stiles' arms. You shift a little, confused. Stiles was heavily asleep, and still had an arm around you. You look around a little and your eyes land on your phone.
You grab it, and see that it was a little past seven. You quickly sit up.
"Shit," you say, putting your phone down.
You shake Stiles a little, and the boy rolls over, groaning. You sigh pushing the boy back over.
"Stiles, we're going to be late. And I need to go home and change. Stiles!" He waves you off and you huff. You climb over the boy and pull him out of the bed. He groans as he lands on the floor.
"We're going to be late! Get dressed!" You say. He gives you a confused look and grabs your phone, checking the time as he hands it to you.
You walk out into the hallway and hear shuffling.
A few minutes later Stiles stumbles out with new jeans on and a half buttoned flannel.
You follow him out to his car and youu stop by your house. You change and grab your backpack.
When you get to school Stiles immediately runs up to Scott.
But Jackson stops you.
"What's up with your brother?" Jackson asks.
You raise an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Scott can't play for shit. Him, and his little friend, are losers. So what happened?" You knew your brother and Stiles weren't popular. Or good at Lacrosse up until yesterday. But Jackson being the one to point it out ticked you off.
You slap the boy.
"Just because Scott's a better player than you, doesn't mean you get to be an asshole. Don't talk about my brother or his friends like that again, you hear me?" Jackson scoffs and smirks at you, taking a step closer to you.
"Or what?"
"Or I'll do a hell of alot worse than slap you," you snap. You push past the boy, going towards your first class.
Later, in the hall, you see Jackson and Scott.
"My mom does all the grocery shopping," Scott says. Jackson had him pinned against the wall. You march up to them. You push Jackson back, glaring at him.
"What did I say about talking to my brother?" You say. He smirks.
"You said talking about your brother, nothing about talking to him," he says. You glare at him. "You know he's on steroids, right? Imagine what coach will think."
You punch Jackson. He puts a hand to his nose and you see a bit of blood start to drip down.
"You don't know shit, Jackson. You're a complete idiot. And if you actually like Lydia, you're not going to say anything," you say. He glares at you, knowing if you said anything to Lydia she'd talk to him.
He glares at Scott. "Y/N won't be around all the time, McCall," he says. You scoff and push him.
"You're all talk," you say. He glares at the two of you and walks off.
You find out Scott is going to the party with Allison and nearly scream at him.
You were happy a girl finally liked your brother, but yeah. No.
Friday night you go to the party.
You were sitting there, watching your brother have fun, avoiding looking at Lydia and Jackson practically having sex infront of everyone, and being by yourself. When you see Derek. You walk up to him.
"What the hell do you want from my brother?" You ask. He smirks at you.
"Our brother now," he says. You scoff and shake your head.
"No. He is my brother. You don't know him. And I don't know why you did what you did, but I know that I'm more scared of a puppy than I am of you," you say. His eyes turn a sort of yellow shade and your eyes widen.
"Are you sure about that?" He asks. You swallow.
"Positive. Is that like an anger thing? Should I be looking forward to seeing Scott doing that when I piss him off from now on?" He grabs your wrist and you try your best not to wince.
"You'll see. I only want the best for Scott. He needs me. He however, doesn't need you or your little boyfriend," he says.
"I don't know who your talking about, because I'm single. But Scott does need me. And I'm going to be right there when he realizes it," you say. He smirks.
"You'll see," he says. He lets go of you and you look down at your wrist to see that it's red.
"If this bruises I'll find you and punch you," you tell him. He chuckles.
"You'll be fun," he says. You raise an eyebrow at him, but he just walks somewhere else in the party.
To say running between your house, Allison's house to make sure she's alive, and looking for Scott all night in the woods in detail is alot. But you get the gist.
After school you see Scott talking to Allison and smiles, which is a good sigh.
You feel a hand on your wrist and you get pulled into a corner.
"Oh my God, Stiles! I'm going to kill you!" You say, hitting the boy's chest. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Last night was... crazy," he says. You nod in agreement. Then you realize who is against the wall. And you realize that he has his hands on your hips still. And you realize the way he's looking at you.
You smirk at the boy. You lean up and kiss his cheek. He looks down at you in shock.
"I'll see you later, Stiles."
You start walking towards Lydia's car, seeing as she usually was the one to drive you to and from school.
Once you get in the car, you look over at your brother who looked like a deer at headlights looking at Allison's car.
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moonvigil · 3 years
no-one will ever be more iconic than scott ‘my mom does all the grocery shopping’ mccall
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Come Collect Your Trash, Scott McCall Defense Squad
Okay, I know my previous posts were all focused on negative aspects of Teen Wolf and its fandom (which were all TRUE!) and I don’t regret them but to remind myself why I begun to like the show in the first place, here are some of my favorite things on Teen Wolf. Once again, this is my personal opinion and not an attack on anybody individually.
1) Will I ever stop stanning Scott McCall? Never. He is one of the best male protagonists I’ve EVER seen in a teen show; I said what I said. In an era of Damon Salvatore, Chuck Bass who ruled the tv while their problematic actions were ignored by the fandoms; we got Scott McCall who has zero per cent toxic masculinity in him. He is a bi-racial teen who not only lives with his single mother, but respects her and emulates many of her traits like compassion and a sense of adventure. He starts out as a typical, somewhat immature teen who is thrust in a world he never knew existed and becomes a leader and a true alpha. I’m so glad I got to be part of such a kind, empathetic, heroic character’s journey. Yes, he’s made mistakes, yes he’s not perfect, but in the end he overcomes all of his ordeals, saves everyone and proves exactly why he is THE true alpha. I could go and on about why I love Scott so much, but I think for now it’s enough. (Also, anti-Scott people DO NOT interact with me or try and fill my inbox with your unsolicited opinions, just like I don’t engage with you people. Like if you hate Scott (I can’t genuinely think why), it’s your choice.)
2) Teen Wolf has the most ICONIC comedic lines. I don’t need to elaborate on why everyone loves the show’s humor. Lines like ‘My mom does all the grocery shopping’, ‘You’re not gay. I could be!’, 'You’re the hot girl’, 'I’m worth five dollars?!’ etc.. will always live rent free in every TW fan’s minds.
3) This show is every multishipper’s dream come true. Everyone has chemistry with everyone. Like if I don’t like a ship, it wouldn’t be because the characters didn’t have chemistry. It helps that the cast irl are such great friends.
4) The friendship of Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. Ik, season 5 sort of ruined their dynamic and a part of me still dislikes Stiles for his assholish behavior towards Scott (again, I’m not anti Stiles just because I called him out on his jerkish behavior) but still it is one of the best relationships in TW. Their adventures, their bickering, them always sticking together, I loved it all. And obviously, Motel California remains on my all time favorite episodes because of how strong their bond is.
5) The friendship of Scott and Lydia. Okay, I know they’re sort of underrated but I love their dynamic. Like Lydia literally went from 'I don’t know him’ to 'Not all monsters do monstrous things. Like Scott.’ They were both abused by Peter (he non-consensually bit them both, so yes ABUSED!), they both have great character arcs. Bonus, there is never any storyline where Allison (albeit, after confronting Lydia for kissing Scott during full moon, which was fair enough), Kira or even Malia doubt if the scydia friendship is 'anything more’ because their friendship and dynamic in general is just pure and wholesome and you know they’d do anything for each other.
6) Melissa’s iconic 'Be your own anchor’ speech. It is so inspirational and is for every teenager out there. This is for anyone who’s undergone a breakup, have unrequited feelings for someone, or are afraid that they’re going to end up alone. I love this speech and it should be talked about more, dammnit!
7) The music. Enough said.
8) The acting. Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien, Crystal Reed, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Shelley Hennig, Arden Cho, Dylan Sprayberry,Daniel Sharman, Ian Bohen, etc.. everyone gave their 100 percent to their characters and it totally shows.
9) The ending. It was great, positive and reinforced that it is Scott’s journey, the importance of friendship, everyone’s ship even though not endgame, got some screen time and just perfect, somehow.
10) The agency given to female characters. Like, I’m still sort of pissed of about Kira’s departure, but you gotta hand it to the show for its multi dimensional portrayal of female characters. Almost all of its episodes pass the Bechdel Test, the female characters don’t have to give up their kindness and sweetness in order to be 'strong’ (a.k.a the idea perpetuated by our toxic patriarchal society that 'strong’ people are cold hearted, unkind and it is used to excuse assholes); they’re already badasses and they are assets, rather than burdens to the pack. Each one is unique in their own way and a breath of fresh air from Elena Gilberts (who are defined by their romantic storylines) or Bonnie Bennets (perpetually ignored and mistreated and only there to progress the white men and women’s storylines while her own are put on the backburner). Bonus, there are zero scenes where they 'fight’ or 'compete’ for men. There aren’t any stupid, unnecessary love triangles.
11) The show is addictive. Even if TW has its plot holes and unexplained story lines. It is written so well that you can’t help but binge watch the hell out of this show.
Feel free to add reasons as to why you like the show that I’ve somehow missed.
@scintalla Okay, but… what’s the point of posting your delusional anti Stiles pro Scott garbage in the Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale and Sterek tags? No one gives a shit about your shitty personal fav Scott McCall/Tyler Posey here
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dylanobrienaddicted · 3 years
my mom does all the grocery shopping
Scott McCall Teen Wolf 1x01
still the funniest teen wolf line lmao
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