gooseagain8 · 1 year
Can you provide silly fun facts about ur fangan for me to chew on and overanalyze/nf
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Here's the main cast! Keep in mind that these designs are also very old and not how they currently how I want them to look, I have even more old concept art so let's go through those first!
Character Concepts -
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Originally I only had 7 characters for the fangan, based on the 7 deadly sins.
Left to right is, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Lust, Greed, Pride, Sloth
But of course I needed more characters because this would be like the shortest fangan known to man. Luckily my friend knows ALOT about the deadly sins and even told me about old additional sins so I can add more characters and learn more in depth about each sin.
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You can see the additional sins in the first pic. I have notes for the hero just like the avarice girl but i dont have space and it probably needs to be updated
All three you see there have their designs DRASTICALLY changed
So um please ask again if u wanna see their designs :')
Fangan Concept -
I started out the with the idea of making the fangan be more on the... fantasy side?
Lemme explain the whole idea,
All 11 Ultimate Talents are on the verge of death, by some miracle, Angels from above have given them chance to live.
Well the thing is that this is a fanganronpa AHAHHAHAHAH so yknow
All 11 would have to kill, try to get away with it (they won't) , get executed , repeat process until only one is left alive.
I named this fangan, DR: Miracle Event
Right now I'm unsure if I should keep that as the main theme for the fangan because, can you even call it that at this point?
Is it a good idea and should I stick with it? What the hell do I name my fangan??
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iobartach · 28 days
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okay! this has been a LONG time coming, so brace yourselves for this... we're gonna talk about that injection scene from ats.v so comic purists especially please don't hunt down my ass for what i'm about to put out into the universe 😂
....so ..... let's talk about ... atsv's injection scene ;
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what was intended by it? fuck knows, waiting for sony to send answers on a postcard. buuuut, for my take, let me be clear on the interpretations / meanings that i'm not gonna perpetuate ;
it's not rapture. i'm drawing a HARD STOP under that thought. noooo thankkk you.
it's not the source of his spider powers. we're staying true to our Cronenberg-inspired metamorphosis horrific-ness here 😎 even if more... recent reinventions of miguel shown in the comics would tell you he willingly opted to make himself half-spider, i ain't subscribing to it. (miguel's perspective on his transformation probs deserves its own hc post eventually! stay tuned!
so... if not this... what then? well...
i'm gonna posit that the injection(s) are a way for miguel to manage his 'condition'
for that, lemme do a little recap / reminder;
following his accident, miguel has experienced a multitude of changes. one of the most prominent changes is that he's become an obligate carnivore / hypercarnivore if you will. which means, meat is his new bff - he'll crave the calories, he'll eat it cooked or even raw, especially if it placates his tendency to gnaw when starving. and when he does eat, he tears and swallows chunks - not really a chewer any longer.
whiiiich introduces a new issue; anything plant based? loses its appeal to him. it's a slow progression, too. he'd start with reducing portions. taking a bite or two. leaving the rest. until there's next to no greenery left on the plate, when he knows he needs the nutrients they provide.
and ooh, it's actually gets a level worse than that : )
not only does he stop eating vegetables, fruits, *maybe* fungai? idk? but wellll his own mutated body might even stop producing the important stuff like vitamin c, and things of that ilk ! so ... what's a hybrid to do? how's he gonna make up the difference and get the nutrients he needs? ( especially when you consider... whilst he doesn't eat often, due to a combination of altered metabolism and slowed digestion rate, he could eat and consume calories in the magnitude that could make a damn saiyan blush --)
but, even so, it won't make up for the deficiencies 😔 so what's a spooky spider lad to do?
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Come up with a solution, duh!
Yesss, baby, we're talking supplementation! operating in a similar manner to a diabetic needing insulin, or someone with B12 deficiency, for the all important food stuffs that miguel has perhaps tried, and tried again to consume, he's gonna turn to science for a lending hand, load up on what's either missing from his diet now, or that which his body simply can't absorb any longer
And, in addition to this, these shots are important in another sense 👀
they help miguel to manage his spider tendencies
since the way i've approached this with my earlier hcs is, well, tl;dr my mig's human / spider dna isn't a 50/50 split, it's gradually veering more towards spider as the years pass
this means that, it's a bit of a perfect storm brewing; lack of nutrients + behaviours & tendencies that he is likely chronicling by the day is ... a recipe for trouble! i can bet that miguel by himself can ... manage / hold himself together ... to a point, but, to paraphrase a friendo; have you ever met a hangry person? there's a limit to everything!
and we've seen miguel breach that limit already, during the miles chase in atsv. if ya had a bingo card for just about the worst everything happening in a single day? that card probably got filled UP during that chase! 😔 perhaps stress also played as factor there was well - the dude's carrying a LOT on his shoulders!
anyyyway! back on topic! let's expand the supplementation too - let's also throw in some sort of hormones? i know this is a whole science in itself, and ain't scientist 🥹 so i'll leave this a bit more broad, and say that they also play a part in stabilising miguel, ground him, so he won't go chasing a kid across the city... .ahem 😔
leading on from this, though, i wanna add some last things here. i know, i'm... meandering here , but lemme say;
take note of the intensity of miguel's eye colouration!
r e d - sorry, but you're shocked, buddy, best of luck surviving 💀
scarlet / bright red - feeling aggro, but holding enough of himself together to not act on his impulses
garnet - the default, feeling spidery, but also feeling human as close to a harmonious state as he can manage for the most part
dark brown - the goal!👀this is potentially a state that achieved after he injects himself. it floods him with a calm like nothing else he's ever felt. it's when he feels the most human again, a memory that's easily forgotten when you've got fangs and shoot webs from the back of your hands!!!
and it's with this last point, with the brown eyes, that i wanna bring this home with the little ritual miguel develops; after takin an injection, he'll make a point of brewing the strongest cup of black coffee that he can manage. a rare treat these days for him... especially given that caffeine does not agree with spiders. 💀
so yeah!!! thanks for reading through this ! 👋
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betasuppe · 2 years
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~♡ nok's 2023 Commission Info Guide! ♡~
Commissions are: CLOSED.
Here's my updated commission info sheet - featuring multiple styles & different levels of detail for whatever you might be looking for!
Check for more info below the cut:
All listed starting prices are in $USD. I accept only via PayPal for the time being & I must receive the full payment before beginning any work.
I'll send you sketches to approve before moving to the line art stage. You can choose for me to either share every step along the way for review or just to have me present the final copy when it's done.
I'll make only minor alterations of the end product at the final stage of the comm, as I do not offer re-draws of finished comms or refunds of any variety. I'll do everything I can to make the drawing perfect for you along the way in each stage of work, if you so choose to be involved!!
Additional characters, props, detailed designs & requested backgrounds will cost extra. Please lemme know if you'd like an estimate for anything in particular you might have in mind.
I also offer traditional pen & pencil work, too! Just say the word if you're interested & we'll go from there! Traditional work has its own unique pricing & we can discuss that further then.
I intend to have the final drawing prepared for you between 3 to 4 weeks at the most after receiving payment & your approval of the sketch. I have a full time job irl & my life is stupidly hectic lol! & if you need the drawing any sooner, there'll be a $25 rush charge incurred but I can get it to you within 2 weeks at max.
& tip$ are always appreciated!♡ I will always do my best for you & I put a little extra helping of love into every drawing I do no matter what!♡ Still, any bit of thanks is a huge motivator for me, too!
Of course, please feel free to reach out to me at any time for setting up a comm for you! I have big changes coming in my life & any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Respond to this post, send me an ask, or DM me & we can go from there if you wanna snag an open spot.
Otherwise, as always, thanks for your support, mates! & let's get drawing, yeah!!♡♡♡
ALSO - - - ! ! !
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voidthewanderer · 9 months
Public: 14 for Sweetjane x Ripper. Hier sind kekse.
@bleumanouche || Location Based Smut Prompts
Public #14: inside an abandoned house.
This takes places before the duo would be officially married, but sometime soon, I feel. Ripper wanting to show off some of his old stomping grounds. And yes, I did the math, It would take like seven days to walk from Boston to Atlantic City. This was not easy to do as apparently there are ZERO walking paths into AC. I may have been able to sneak in that thing you mentioned to me about Sweetjane finding some old pictures of Rips before the war too. I clearly wanted to write. I didn't realize just how much I did. Whoops. This is a long one; my longest prompted writing, I do believe. I honestly had to break early with how long this was. Please send help.
As always, lemme know if I need to change anything up on her vocal quirks; her's is super unique and I don't wanna mess it up!
MDNI🔞: 18 + CONTENT UNDER CUT Word Count: 2,302
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The trip down to Jersey had been longer than normal; though Ripper had an excuse this time around. There wasn’t a chance in hell that he was going to let Sweetjane even try to stay up for the entire nearly five day trip it was going to take just to even make it to the border of New Jersey, let alone the additional two days to specifically get to his old stomping grounds. He wasn’t exactly sure what would’ve been left of Atlantic City, but it would’ve been nice to even see.
He’d doubted that there would’ve been much of anything involving his childhood home, especially after his parents had moved a bit further north once his grandmother had needed more medical attention. But, he’d spent a good nearly thirty years of his life in the old gambling city and he wanted to share what was still left with his soon-to-be wife. Maybe it’d be a decent settlement, someone got some of the casinos up and running somewhat proper, even if they were just playing games like caravan. Just to have a little bit of fun.
Not to mention, it had been the first time in a while since he’d really just gotten to spend time with the one he loved; just him and her. Yeah, they spent time together, but they were still in fairly public settings… Too close to other people where he could whisk her away when the mood felt right and not get the looks before or after the fact. It wasn’t a secret by any means, they were just sometimes annoying.
“How much long’a till we get there, Rippa?” Sweetjane couldn’t help but yawn as she spoke, the sun was just starting to set.
“Mol’s takin’ her time, innit she?” he hummed, “She’s probably gettin’ tired too. If I’m right, we’re just gettin’ outta Absecon now. We’ll probably hit Atlantic City by complete nightfall. We can stop for th’ night if ya want, though.”
“Nah, le’s get ‘ere. Get th’ whole day ta look around in th’ mornin’.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he hugged Sweetjane close to his side, nearly pulling her into his lap, “Just remember, you can lay down if ya want. I think I can steer Molly by myself for another few miles.”
Despite his suggestion, Sweetjane stayed away, cuddled up close to Ripper. He kept his arm tight around her waist, making sure she was stable on the seat of the carriage. He knew he could protest to her staying awake as much as he wanted, she’d stay up to be with him longer. It was fine, he certainly didn’t have a problem with it, especially since he knew he’d hopefully be seeing the city’s light cresting over some settlement walls soon enough.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be. A roadblock ahead caused him to perk into high alert. He carefully shifted Sweetjane to the side, pulling up the bandanna he’d kept around his neck. There was just something about the area; they were either completely fine with ghouls or hated their guts, there was no in between. He didn’t want to know what this area was like. As they’d gotten closer, he started to suspect that it had been raiders trying to get a quick cap or two off of passing traders and caravans.
“We’re gonna take a detour; I don’t trust these guys,” Ripper furrowed his brow, trying to get his brahmin to turn on the nearby intersection. He could see the group take aim at him, him keeping his hand on his own gun, though they never fired. The next road was a few miles away.
“Well… guess we’re takin’ a trip t’ the childhood home,” Ripper kept his eyes forward now, unsure of what exactly they’d find.
“Ya gonna be good with ‘at?” Sweetjane looked to her partner as he pulled the bandanna back down, seeing him shrug before she’d even finished her question, “It is what it is. Knew Gamma kept the house even though she basically lived with my parents full time just outside’a Morristown, but who knows what over two-hundred years has done t’ it, y’know?”
“If yer alright wit it.”
In all honesty, he wasn’t sure if he would be or not. He hadn’t seen his childhood home in nearly thirteen years, not including the time that had passed from the bombs. This area seemed to be worse for wear, but not terrible. However, looters were still a thing and his grandmother did have a lot of stuff people would have long since used for scrap for other things. Part of him hoped that it would’ve been left relatively alone.
It had taken a little bit longer, but his grandmother’s old house was soon in view. It had seemed unharmed; graffiti on the outside, but structurally sound. He pulled Molly and the cart around the back of the house, helping Sweetjane down before taking her hand, “Let’s get inside before it gets too late.”
He went to push open the door, finding it was locked. Sweetjane watched his shoulder drop slightly in his sigh, having her take a step back. Firmly planting a foot in the earth, his forcefully kicked the door, foot connecting below the handle. He gave another kick, the door swinging open.
Sweetjane approached, resting her hand on his forearm, “Ya alright?”
“Yeah… Just… didn’t think I’d ever have t’ break into my grandmother’s house.”
“Ey, means ‘er stuff’s gotta be safe, right?”
“Yeah, probably. Dunno how long it’s been since she’s actually been in th’ house.”
She took his hand again, gently pulling Ripper inside. He’d kept his gaze to the floor, not wanting to see the state of what it could have been. Fingers lightly caressed his jaw, forcing him to look up, the feeling in his heart mixed.
The place had been completely untouched by time. A thick layer of dust, but everything remained where it was. He was breathless when he did speak, “It’s still… It’s all still here…”
“How ya holdin’ up?”
“I’m just… I’m stunned. Nobody’s tried breaking in or anything… I’m thankful… but god, didn’t realize how not ready I was t’ see this.”
He took Sweetjane’s hand, leading her through the kitchen and into the living room, talking about his childhood in the house, every story he could remember, his tension seeming to leave as he shared his life with her. And Sweetjane was quite happy to hear the stories, getting to further understand her partner’s life.
“Ah… y’know what? Lemme get somethin’ in front of th’ door. Go make yourself at home, wanna make sure we’re safe. God knows how close people are t’ here.”
Ripper went back to the kitchen and Sweetjane started to look through the various knicknaks that littered almost every single shelf. Her eyes specifically stopped on a worn box between some books. She pulled it out, carefully taking the lid off, not wanting to damage it or whatever may be inside.
Photos aged with the time, the yellowed paper begging to be viewed. Using the lid of the box to clear some of the dust off the couch, she sat, shuffling through the photos. Reading the backs of each photo before actually viewing them. Most of them were labeled with Ripper’s former name, Joseph, the year it was taken, and a location. One photo in particular made her set the entire box down, her just admiring the man in the photo.
He’d been sitting on a railing, in a conversation with somebody out of frame, a large smile on his lips, features of his face just slightly obscured by his long, wispy hair. Patches littered his pants, all looking home made, leather jacket sporting some, though not nearly as many as his pants did. She couldn’t make out any of the words or anything on them.
Soon enough, Ripper had returned, sitting next to her, “Whatcha got there?”
“Found some pict’as,” she showed Ripper the one she’d had in her hand. Rather than seeing him brighten, he seemed to shrink into himself slightly, “Damn… I really have changed… haven’t I?”
“Ey, ‘at ain’t a bad thing.”
“Yeah… but… damn. I dunno, ‘s different when ya see th’ difference, y’know?”
“Chiriklo,” Sweetjane’s voice was firm, “Th’ yea’ on this is 2064, how old were ya?”
“Shit, I was twenty-three. Cody was three, I was in my… third semester of college, I think. Amelia took this picture… think we found out a month later she was pregnant with Amy.”
“Yeh, so ya were still a babe. C’mere…”
Ripper kept his eye on Sweetjane, though he didn’t really move. She put the picture down, opting to move herself, pushing him back against the couch and straddling him, “People grow an’ change. ‘S life. I don’ care what ya looked like then an’ I don’ care what ya look like now. Yer still my Rippa. My Chiriklo.”
Hands worked under his shirt, causing a small gasp, “Oh, Tesoro…”
He drew his hands to her thighs, sliding them beneath her skirt so he could touch skin. He savored the touch, his own hands wandering up closer and closer to her hips; his fingers eventually able to brush against her groin. He brushed his thumb against her bud, watching her take a small breath at the sudden touch. His hands shifted back to her joints, guiding her slightly to rock her hips against him. She did and he took a breath, having to pull his hands away to free himself from his pants.
Just as he went to guide himself to her entrance, Sweetjane took over, causing Ripper to let out a breath. His gaze fell low, watching his cock press deep into her cunt. He rested on hand on her ass, grip somewhat tight as he let her take lead. He lit up watching her rock her hips against him, watching his cock dipping inside of her with each arch. He used his free hand to push up her top, rough finger teasing her perking nipple. She brought herself down quick as she gasped, rising a groan from the ghoul as well.
“Fuck… ya know just what t’ do… always…” Ripper breathed out, guiding Sweetjane to try and move a bit faster. He arched his own hip slightly, giving small thrusts each time she brought herself down on him. He felt her breath quicken, muscles tightening as they pressed on with their consummation.
“C’mere…” Ripper lightly pressed against her shoulder, pulling her against his chest. He wanted to draw her in for a kiss; one that he savored completely. He pressed his tongue into her mouth, tangling his fingers into her hair, keeping her as close as humanly possible. He felt her swallow a moan as she neared a climax, him feeling how on edge she was.
“Your doin’ amazin’…”
Sweetjane went to sit up slightly, Ripper resting his hand between the small swells of her breasts. Oh was her heart absolutely racing… He was surprised that she wasn’t being louder, how on edge he knew she was.
“C’mon… give in… I know ya want to…”
The low croon of Ripper’s voice, it had been just enough to get exactly what he’d asked; her letting out a loud moan in her climax, hips dropping down to completely take his cock inside her. He continued to guide her to keep moving, though, his thrust growing a bit stronger, more rhythmic. He wasn’t showing a sign of stopping anytime soon; not that either one of them seemed to care. Neither cared if people could hear them, for the night? This was their house.
Both hands fell to her hips now as he went to take over her movement, letting her just relax and enjoy the rest of the ride. She arched back up, her hands supporting against his thighs as he held her steady to take over his pace. Nearly every thrust rose some sort of whimper or moan from Sweetjane; his own voice trying to encourage her to make more noise. It was just them… as far as he was concerned. If their tryst attracted the attention of passerbys… Well, hope they enjoyed the show.
Ripper rolled his head back against the dusty cushion to let out his own groan on one particular thrust inward. Sweetjane shifted so she could look at Ripper, “Rippa please.”
This raised a snort with a small laugh, “Impatient are we?”
She moved, pressing herself up against him, him letting out another groan, “F-fuck…”
Another thrust and he felt her fingers curl into his shoulders, “Tease.”
He couldn’t even complete his thrust upon his release, pressing himself completely inside as he let out a moan. Sweetjane bared down slightly as well, her letting out a shaky breath following her own moan. Ripper inhaled, his hands wandering up her waist to rest at her ribs, fingers brushing against her skin, “Goddamn… Never gonna get over how fuckin’ amazin’ ya are…”
Ripper went to push up from the couch, “C’mon, I’ll bring ya t’ my old room. Sleep in a normal bed t’night.”
Not giving her a chance to even get up, Ripper easily scooped Sweetjane up into his arms, keeping her tucked close to his chest. She’d seemed fairly zoned out at that point, a momentary bliss from the long travels the two had. Providing her that relaxation was always a happy plus for him.
A small struggle to get into the bedroom and Sweetjane soon found her bed against the bed, the ghoul’s larger frame quickly tucked up against her side. She rolled over to face Ripper, him hugging her close against his chest, “Go t’ sleep, darlin’. We’ll get t’ Atlantic City tomorrow. Jus’ spend an extra day there.”
“Yeh… I love ya, Rippa.”
“Love ya too, Sweetjane.”
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cunttruck · 1 month
I've read your addition to your post about the fatphobia and ableism inherent in Wall-E. In the last sentence, you say something like "I could go on about how I'd fix [the film] but this post is getting too long."
If you haven't done so already, could you please post your thoughts about how you, personally, would rewrite Wall-E to get rid of the fatphobia and ableism? And also, do you know of any similar media that gets its messages across in a better way?
(this two month old ask references this three month old post)
thanks for writing in corey. hmm. good questions all around. lemme throw this under a readmore
unfortunately, having fat characters/actors in sci-fi is pretty rare. falls into the (bullshit and lazily written) presumption that characters can't do sick stunts or action shit if they're quote unquote overweight. if anyone can dispute this or has evidence against the contrary id love to hear some suggestions. if not for me for people like me who're looking to get into that type of thing
as for the first part of your question: ive been thinking about this for a while. there's a pretty big difference between what id like to write in order to make a compelling story and what would be easy to portray/fit into a movie-length easily digestible childrens movie, if that makes sense
seeing as wall-e is a movie about life, id like to see the humans on the axiom be given a bigger role. as of now, they're pretty heavily sidelined and reduced to fat jokes (even the captain, who's name is forgettable even if his personality and role isn't). wall-e is a product of its time; one of the first "big things" that had a strong concept of a post-capitalism ecological apocalypse (ironic now from the minds of disneypixar).
something that has definitely been left untouched in mainstream movies of this type is how capitalism and the government fucks over disabled people, and centering a concept around this idea without portraying people who use disability aids as lazy and privileged could be interesting i feel like.
i'm not entirely sure how this could be done, ill admit. im not a film student i do pixel art and reblog other peoples posts. but i'd really like to see someone smarter than me try. wall-e is a movie that's extremely dependent on the cute robots to do the heavy lifting moral-wise, so squeezing in anything apart from that while appealing to the disney audience would be difficult.
what i'd do personally is turn the inside of the axiom into a work of art.
700 years is a long ass time. the nature of humanity is to create. wall-e failed hard in that regard, showing us a snapshot of a miserable looking world where "everyone got dependent on technology to cater to their every need until they couldnt even move for themselves". that sucks balls and i dont agree with it at all LMAO. humans will always have a sense of boredom, a sense of drive. there will always be people who want change, who need something different that their environment can't provide for them. and it'd be up to them and their community to provide that change, not just the robots.
the beginning of wall-e sets up the idea that the affluent plan on leaving earth on spaceships to escape the trash-ridden world. a small scene with an ad showing the sad minimalist inside of one of these ships would be enough to introduce the idea of a boring cruise ship into peoples minds. i really enjoy the idea of contradicting this as soon as he makes it to the axiom: the doors, white and boring on the outside, open up into a brilliantly colorful banner-ridden repurposed hub for creativity. it would still scratch that "this place is so much different/cleaner than what wall-e is used to" itch that they attempted to do through the clean and sad capitalist hellscape they threw us ass backwards into
and to really answer the question you originally asked: i would show how humans on the axiom live. there's plenty of scenes of storybuilding showing how everybody brainlessly lived in these conditions for hundreds of years; i would replace those scenes with showing how people have changed the axiom since it's launch. and instead of relying on how it changed everyone to look like the same unoriginal blob, i'd highlight the differences between everyone. ways of life that would be necessary in order to live in such an environment.
people who have named their own accessibility robots and customized them, people of all different body types. people who need canes, people who prefer the chairs. lifts with space for hoverchairs, benches and rest stops and signs about how to exercise properly without hurting yourself in gyms. people walking with difficulty, people of different ages, people who've identified others as friends and family who can help out with their disabilities. people who are actually human rather than props, you know? if you think that's too much to ask for or unrealistic fuck off, cities are like this every single fucking day. go outside and admire the strangers in your everyday life.
it would still scratch the itch of "everyones mindset has changed" without it being "everyones mindset has changed for the worst". wall-e is about hope, goddamn it, where's the fucking hope for humanity?
there's still innovators, there's still scientists, there's still people with fucking hobbies and honestly it's disrespectful to think that nobody would know about how life used to be on earth. there's still going to be historians, there's going to be people who want to help those around them, theres going to be people who want better for themselves and others. 700 years is an insane amount of time. god damn.
ok tldr cause i went off again: the way id rewrite wall-e to combat the rampant fatphobia and ableism is not by removing the reliance on mobility aids and fat body types, but by normalizing and highlighting the everyday use of mobility aids and showing the different lifestyles different people partake in day-to-day. basically doing the opposite that wall-e did for us. i know for a fact that there is absolutely no way that every human in a ship of a few thousand would all have the exact same mindset, all id do is highlight these differences and show how things have changed for the better since the capitalists who made their prison died out. yknow
it mightve been too much to ask for in 2008 and itd probably be labelled by way too woke for people with no brains but that's what i've got
thats it thanks
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ladyimaginarium · 8 months
Free General Collective Reading !!
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Withdraw: You're being told by your spirit guides to please take the time to relax if and/or when you can. It's the weekend, after all! Take the time to have a nap, too !! Sleep is very important !! Foxes or some kind of fox spirit or a deity related to foxes may be significant to you; I'm specifically getting Inari and kitsune specifically. Maybe you watch Naruto ( iconique !!) . Either way, please rest. Good luck w/ everything !!
Surrender: This pretty much echoes the previous card. You're being asked to surrender anything that stresses you out for the time being. Literally just chill tf out. Prioritize you first and foremost (unless you have, like, a kid or something, then obviously prioritize them but even so take care of yourself too, though I'm getting the feeling this is just probably going to be for very few people)! Very straightforward !!
Confidence Is Your Key To Success; New Moon In Leo: Something big in your life may be happening considering this card is upright and the bright golden colors illuminating the card and Leo energy practically radiating from it. It's pretty straightforward, whatever you're working on, whether it's yourself you're working on or maybe a project you've been thinking of working on, it's going to be okay !! Leo rules the Strength card in Tarot so Leo could be significant, whether you have those placements or someone who's important to you has those placements, Leo Season ( July 23rd-August 22nd ) could be significant, too. Whatever this is that you're working on, I'm& wishing y'all the best in whatever you decide to pursue, SLAYYYY !!
You & Your Loved Ones Are Safe; New Moon In Cancer: What a lovely and perfect card to end your reading !! Generally speaking, if you're reading this, you and your loved ones are safe and you don't need to worry about it so chill out & have fun !! Cancer may be significant, whether you have those placements or someone else you know does, it also rules The Moon card in tarot and Cancer Season so that may be significant. These are all straightforward messages which I'm& grateful for !!
Shufflemancy Song: Cruel World — Lana Del Rey.
Additional Notes: omg.. have some of y'all cut sb off ?? Looking at the shufflemancy song I& can't help but be curious LMAO lemme know y'all's situation if that is actually the case I& wanna know the tea !! Regardless tho your cards here look really good for you so good for y'all !! If any of this resonates with you, you can reblog it & add it in the tags or comment how it resonates, I'm curious to see how this resonated with you !! All really straightforward messages g-d bless !!
Disclaimer: take what resonates & leave the rest, keep in mind that energy and outcomes can always change & nothing is forever set in stone, you have free will in every choice you make !! as a general message: my readings are for entertainment purposes only and don't replace professional medical/legal/business help. feedback and a review after a reading is given, whether public or private, is obligatory. you can do that by reblogging ( only if the reading was made for you specifically ), dming or emailing us privately on the matter. if you do not provide this, you will be added to my greylist and won't be given anymore readings, free or paid, until you give feedback.
decks used: Threads Of Fate Oracle; Shadow Edition & Moonology Oracle.
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SION : Ahahahaha!
EST : …Emma's got her hands full with Navi and the Black Fairies… It can't be helped.
EST : I'll hold Sion back. Kai and Gui, I need your help.
KAI : R-Right…!
GUI : Okay, I-I'll take care of it!
SION : Hold me back!? Me!? As if you could hold me!! Hahaha, don't make me laugh!!
KAI : Ngh!? This fucker…!
GUI : Please stop that…! I don't want to fight Sion…
GUI : Whoa!?
EST : Kai, Gui! Don't get any closer!
GUI : But… But! This can't be happening…!
GUI : Sion is really…
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GUI : …Ahh… It's not working…
SION : Gui? What are you doing up so late?
GUI : Oh, Sion. Umm… I made a new magical tool, but I can't get it to work…
SION : Oh, I see. You're magic…
GUI : Y-Yes… So, um… If you don't mind…
SION : What?
GUI : Oh, uh, nevermind. It's nothing…
SION : Give it to me.
GUI : Wha-?
SION : I see… So you're using pyroxene as a catalyst for the light magic…
GUI : Yes! With it you can change the brightness at will! I thought it might be useful for expeditions and things like that…
SION : I suppose you'll also be needing a report on how it feels to use, and how much magic it consumes?
GUI : Y-Yes, would that be okay!? I know you've been busy lately…
SION : Yeah, it's a learning opportunity for me, as well. I'll rope in that single-celled idiot, too.
SION : Kai's been breaking his brain over Est's homework. It'll be a nice change of pace.
GUI : Sion is… A little naive, but he's really kind and looks out for us!
GUI : That's not Sion!
SION : Hahaha... I'm feeling the magic flowing through me! This is what I've been lookng for!
KAI : Hey, Sion, did you even hear what Gui said!?
KAI : You've been talking so much about power, you're like a kid with a toy!
SION : You're the kids! You think you can make your dreams come true by taking it easy in a place as uninspiring as this!?
SION : I don't need Magia Seminar anymore… And I don't need you!!
EST : …Sion… This power of yours… It's not just because you're possessed by a Black Fairy, is it?
EST : You've dabbled in the forbidden arts, too, haven't you?
KAI / GUI : Forbidden Arts…!
SION : ………
KAI : You've gotta be fucking kidding me…
SION : Hahaha… What about it? You've seen what it can do right? Lemme show you!
EST : …Nh… Indeed. That's a lot of power. However…
SION : Ahaha… Hahahaha!!
SION : Gh… Ugh… AHHHH!!!
KAI : Hey, Sion!?
EST : In addition to the use of forbidden techniques, the Black Fairy has spiralled out of control…
EST : He is now in a state where his strength and magic are being rapidly squeezed out of him. At this rate, he could lose his life.
KAI / EST : What!?
EST : I know it won't be easy, but I'll stop Sion. He's dangerous, so Kai and Gui, I need you to stay back.
KAI : I've had enough of this shit, Sion!
GUI : Sion…!
EST : No, I said get back!
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SION : Nh… Don't come any closer… Ugh…
KAI : You're a pain in the ass! A complete jerkoff with a fractured personality complex!
KAI : Am I gonna have to kick your ass to make you understand!? Cuz that's how it seems to me!
SION : …What did you just fucking say? There's nothing you can teach me!
KAI : Don't be a fool! You're fucking dying! And we don't wanna live without you!
KAI : So can't you just rely on us for once in your fucking life… What is Magia Seminar for!?
SION : Kai…
GUI : Sion… I have a lot of respect for you…
GUI : You helped me study and hepled me perfect my magic tools. I… I'm so happy.
GUI : Actually, I might be a little angry with you… But I'm also amazed you have the guts to talk to our teacher like that.
GUI : I admire you. So, please… Please come back to us!
SION : Ugh… Shut up!!
SION : So annoying! That's what you guys always say, always do…
SION : Always tryna get involved in my business without knowing the first thing I'm thinking!
SION : You don't know the weight I'm carrying! You have no idea!!
Look, it's that kid… Oh, it's the sinful one… I can't believe the Dark Clan has been tainted with Light Magic…
KAI : How are we supposed to know when you don't tell us?!
KAI : But I do know one thing. I know you've secretly been working to make your dream come true…
KAI : You want our help… I know you do!
SION : You pain in the ass! I hate your stupid, annoying, troublesome, meddling!!
SION : Always…
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Tainted light… Sinful magic…
KAI : Hey Sion, your light magic is amazing! No way you'll fail with magic like this!
GUI : Sion's magic is… …Warm and beautiful.
SION : Always…
GUI : …Sion?
SION : I thought you'd be happy, you meddling single cell!
KAI : …Ah-Haha! Oh yeah?
GUI : Ehehehe~…
EST : Sion… Stopped moving…?
SION : Ggghh… Aghh…!?
KAI / GUI : Sion!
EST : …No… I don't know how much more his body can take…
EST : Heaven brings the drop of life. Earth brings the breath of life. Know the compassion of a merciful world…
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SION : …Nhh!?
EST : Kai, Gui! I'll try to neutralize the forbidden arts….
EST : While I'm doing that, do you think you can find a way to suppress his magic!?
KAI : But… How do we…
KAI : Oh! Sion, that's it!
SION : …Nh…?
KAI : We did it in the lecture. It's magic control!
KAI : A quick flick, then a swoosh. And then a swoosh at the end… Like that!
SION : Wait… I don't understand that at all! How can you do that with just onomatopoeia?
KAI : We don't have time for this! We're here to help you!
GUI : Sion can surely do this…
SION : Nh! Ha… Haha… You're telling me…
SION : Of course I can…
KAI : Oho, there's the Sion I remember. Let's do this!
KAI / GUI : Ready!
SION : Gghhaaaaaaa!!
MATEO : Gghh… Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?
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13, 14, 18? and i do have an extra question similar to 10—that's allowed—has any of your writing or that of someone else's stuck with you? a sentence or event or feeling?
I just answered all of this and it deleted itself!! AGHHHHH i hate the internet. Lemme try again but sorry, it'll probably be shorter and madder now!
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
I'm not the right person for a like medical mystery hurt/comfort. Too close to home on that one (sorry to all the people who wanted an angsty follow up to Alone, just not my thing). I think a lot of what I write at this point comes pretty easily. Feelings! Longing! Being stuck! All that works well for me these days.
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I'll only loan ones that I'm not particularly attached to. And yes, Michelle does still have my copy of Finlay Turner is Killing It, thanks for asking!! (BTW please read this book, it's so funny, it's about a mystery writer who gets mistaken for a hitwoman and someone hires her to kill their husband LMAOOOO)
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
Since you didn't pick one for me, here's one from Advice that I think is interesting:
Kate purses her lips, trying to remember. Everything before feels like a dream, like she only woke up to the harsh real world the day the phone rang.
“I was young,” she finally offers. “I think…you never think it’ll happen to you, you know? It’s always someone else—someone else’s brother, someone else’s child. Every time I’d see something in the news, or hear about something happening in Iraq, it didn’t feel real. It was like seeing a car wreck on the freeway; you’re like, ‘oh that’s so sad, I hope they’re okay’ but it never feels like it has anything to do with you, even though you’re driving on the same highway. It was always like, ‘that couldn’t happen to him. He’ll be fine.’”
This is a much bigger block of dialogue than I usually write. I try to never go more than two sentences without a break for an action beat, because people don't tend to talk like that. People tend to talk in shorter bursts, waiting for a listener to chime in or nod, say "oh man," something. Monologues aren't actually that common, and I think they're boring to read. Kate in particular doesn't ramble, doesn't say much. Her lines tend to be short and weighty, all of her words very purposefully chosen ("I just think we need to keep things, you know. Compartmented." That's so short but says SO MUCH.) So here I was pushing myself to the limit of how much she might talk, especially in such a tense and emotionally fraught moment, when she's trying not to cry in front of Jane.
I'm happy with how it turned out because I think it's still one thought strand, not a ramble of several connected thought stands that would need an action tag or break for an emotional beat. She isn't changing beats during the monologue, it's just that this thought strand includes an analogy that she has to explain.
I went back and forth on how to bring that in, if this would be one dialogue chunk or a few, but ultimately this is where I ended up and I'm happy with it.
(If you want to get nerdy with me about thought strands, beat changes, and action beats/dialogue tags, send me an ask and I'd love to get into it)
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Well shit. The pet talk has me thinking about turning into a neko because of a curse gone wrong... would you like to write headcanons for the jjk men reacting to their crush befalling that fate? Who'd try to reverse it, who'd want to keep them that way? Who would use the chance to get closer or even turn it into pet play?
ahh to be a neko and be owned by a handsome jjk man.....
warnings: not sfw, afab reader implied, cat/neko hybrid reader, petplay mentions, master/pet dynamics!
♡ —-> below the cut: gojo, nanami, geto, toji, sukuna, mahito <—-  ♡
♡ Gojo probably immediately figures out how to reverse it - but the thing is, right away, he doesn’t much want to. You just look so cute with the neko ears resting on your hair, your hands curled like paws, your tail curling around you so cutely. The light purr in the way you speak, the way your eyes keep contracting as you get distracted by a loose thread on his clothes or the light reflecting off his sunglasses. 
He’s going to take a lot of pictures of you; partly to make fun of you with later, partly because he just can’t help it. You’re adorable! As part-cat now, too, you’ve gotten a lot less good at hiding your affection. Gojo is suddenly being subjected to you batting your head against him, rubbing your face against his to mark him as yours - and he’s not complaining about it at all. 
He will very much use this as an opportunity for petplay. He’s got a bit of a power complex about being the strongest; you being a cute little pet at his knees, all helpless and mewling, is something he didn’t realise he’d want so badly. And you’re so sensitive, when he touches your ears or your tail. He kind of wants to get you a collar, to leave you like this forever - but he’s not going to, because at the heart of it, he’s a good man who wants the best for you.
It won’t stop him bringing this up all of the time afterwards, showing you the pictures, and buying you a cute tail and ear set to wear for him when the two of you are spending some alone time together, though. 
“Aww, kitty - that’s right, smile for the camera - say ‘nya~’!”
- ♡ -
♡ Nanami is more concerned than anything else. His first instinct is to protect you, and his second instinct is to be frustrated with himself for not protecting you thoroughly enough. He takes you back to his place before Gojo or anyone can see you, knowing that most of them won’t let you live this down and preparing to organise things himself. When it turns out Shoko can’t have a look at you until the next day, citing the fact that you’re not in any real danger, Nanami resigns himself to having to spend the night with you in this state. 
He tries to make you a bed in the spare bedroom but you crawl onto his bed anyway, nesting at the foot of it, curling yourself in covers. When he doesn’t pay attention to you, you sigh, rubbing your head against his leg, as if to say ‘well, go ahead, pet me’ - unfortunately, if you want Nanami to do that, you have to open your mouth and ask. He doesn’t want to take advantage of you.
When you finally do ask him with your words, he presses his lips thinly together but he also knows cats - you’re not going to let him rest until he does it. He finds himself soothed by petting your ears, the soft rumble of your throat, the way that his touch seems to make you relax. He hadn’t realised just how comfortable you must be with him. 
Nanami will not do anything to you in this state, even if you try and initiate it - when he gets to take you to bed for the first time, he hopes there will be no cursed nonsense present - just you, and him, and the beating of your hearts. But at least this little experience has given him some courage to push forward with his crush.  
“You really want me to stroke you? Well . . . I suppose I could . . . is this alright?”
- ♡ -
♡ Geto does not want to like the sight of you with your eyes big and wide and cute cat ears on your head and a tail extending from your backside as cute as he does. You’ve always been one of his favourite curse users, and perhaps he’s been nursing a crush on you for longer than he’d like to admit - but this just feels rude. You’re so cute with your head tipped to the side, sticking very close to him, fair brightening up when his hand so much as brushes your arm. 
He does want to fix you, of course - he doesn’t want anything to dull your sharp knife-edges, the cleverness thrumming beneath your skin. He thinks of the people he surrounds himself as family, and you as - as more than that. But he indulges in it for a little too long. Liking to watch your tail swish as you walk, your ears twitch - liking the noise you make when he runs his palm over your face. 
Geto, too, will indulge in a little petplay. How can he not, when you were so obedient and good for him even before this unfortunate occurrence? He soothes you with pets and kisses as you sink onto his cock, calling you his good kitten, asking you to purr for him and groaning when your slightly sharper than usual teeth nip at his neck and you mewl so prettily at the touch of his hands on your spine. 
Out of anyone, Getou is the most likely to tie a ribbon around your new tail and get you a cute collar with a bow and a bell on it. When you’re sat on his lap with his cock inside you, he murmurs softly not to let the bell jingle, be a good pet and stay exactly where he puts you - and for Geto, you’re a very well-behaved pussy-cat, and you do exactly what he asks you.
“Mm, that’s right - good kitten. You feel so right there. You’re such a pretty thing, so well-behaved--”
- ♡ -
♡ Toji should want to do something about this. He hates the idea of all of this cursed energy clinging to you - but he also knows there isn’t much he can do, and he isn’t willing to lower himself to ask for help from anyone who can do anything about it. So, welcome to your new life - you’re Toji’s cute little kitten now. He likes his kitten to lie on his lap, to nest in his bed, to eat off a bowl on the floor and wear their pretty collar--
He likes his kitty to be well-behaved, but honestly, Toji’s treatment whether you are well-behaved or not is much the same. He likes that you’ll sit and listen to him like everything he says is the most important thing in the world - likes that, now you’re his good little housecat, he is the centre of your universe. He’s rough with you no matter what, but you grow to absolutely love that sensation - love digging your claws into his back when he fucks you, love it when he groans ‘good kitty’ into your ear, love it when he stretches out beside you and lets you nuzzle into his chest, purring at him. 
He secretly likes it when you act up a little bit; if you spill your milk or if you purposely ignore him. He loves having an opportunity to tame the brattiness out of his kitten - to tug on your tail a little meanly, to remind you of who exactly you belong to.
“Aww, kittycat-- you’re really pushin’ my buttons today, huh? C’mere - lemme remind you who your owner is--”
- ♡ -
♡ Sukuna . . . if you’ve ended up like this and you’re Sukuna’s object of affection, we can only assume that Sukuna himself is the one to have engineered it. No other curse would dare to touch his property, after all - and if you are Sukuna’s, you are his property. You being a cute little kitty now doesn’t change the fact at all; if anything, it reinforces in Sukuna’s mind that you’re his pet. He owns you. You ought to be on your knees, your head bowed, practically quivering if he deigns to pet you or lavish you in affection--
You will be staying this way.
You’ll be learning exactly how a good pet behaves; how and when to use your tongue, how to respond to your Master’s petting of your ears, how to learn to roll over and present yourself when your Master wants to take you. Heaven help you if you go into heat, kitten - Sukuna’s deeply amused by your whimpering, by the way you keep nuzzling against his thighs and telling him that it hurts, please fill me up, pleasepleaseplease.
If you’ve been very good, he’ll reward you by filling you up fuller than you even realised you could be. If you’ve been very bad, you’ll be sobbing and clawing into his sheets and begging to be touched with your own need streaming down your thighs. Either way, in the end, you’ll be mewling into Sukuna’s kimono with tears on your face from the stretch, secure in the knowledge that you’re owned. 
“A good kitten walks on all fours, hmm? A good kitten obeys their Master. A good kitten knows to do it immediately when I tell them to open their mouth--”
- ♡ -
♡ Mahito wants to find out everything he can about this interesting new development. Chances are, if he has a crush on you, you already know it - subtlety is honestly not one of the curse’s strong points. Chances are, too, if he has a crush on you and you’re still around, you’re okay with is - but this is probably going to push it over the edge. His hands are all over you, petting and tugging on your ears and your tail, probably trying to see how they attach to your skin and laughing when you flinch or blush or a certain rub of his thumb across your tailbone makes a purr thrum in your throat.
He’s telling you how cute you are through it all, laughing - he’s talking earnestly about the way humans keep pets, how he’s always wondered about it, and now he’s had one dropped into his lap, and isn’t that just fortuitous? At first, he wants you to be as much of a pet as you can - on your hands and knees, purring, mewling, the whole nine yards! But once he’s exhausted that option (Mahito’s moods tend to be whimsical and over in a flash before he’s moved onto the next one), he wants to explore your new additions and how doing certain things to you makes them feel. Expect to be fucked from behind by Mahito pulling your tail - expect him, too, to be very interested in the concept of cats going into heat! You’re an endlessly fascinating new toy, until you’re not quite as fascinating--
And then Mahito is shifting his soul to have his own cat ears and tail, to be mess around with you some more and see if your reactions are any different when he’s made himself your cat-boyfriend! Eventually, he’ll get bored of you being part cat and he’ll figure out how to get you back to your normal self on his own, but by then the damage has probably already been done and some part of you is just conditioned - to purr when your head is scratched, to docilely sit at Mahito’s feet and paw at the front of his trousers.
“You’re so cute! Humans like to play with their pets, right? Let’s play, then! Purr for me, koneko-chan~”
-  ♡ -
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captain-yeet · 3 years
Tantrum (Volturi x Reader)
Summary: First they break into your house, expecting you help without question. Then, an argument? All while you had a headache? Not today.
Word count:1.3k
Warnings: Foul language. That’s all. A lot of the word “fuck”.
Authors note: Me writing??? And in FIRST PERSON POV? A change, for sure. I hope you guys like this. I was inspired purely by the concept of the reader going full-blown Wanda Maximoff on my two favourite Volturi men like she does in Wandavision with Monica. Also this is my 4,420th post hell yeeeeee.
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Peace and quiet were two things I highly valued when I was relaxing at home. I liked being able to shed the stress from my bad days and decompress in the comfort and safety of my own home.
Today, was not one of those days, and I blamed it entirely on the three vampires that decided today was the day that they would become additional stress factors in my life.
The day had been hard. Slamming the door with a little too much force, I sighed as I turned the lock on my front door and threw my keys at the general direction of the counter. They missed, just slightly landing on the edge of it and falling quickly to the floor, the loud jingle hurting my budding migraine.
I sighed heavily, staring at the keys on the floor. I didn't feel like picking them up. They weren't gonna go anywhere, so why bother?
"Aren't you going to pick those up?" A smooth, amused voice asked from the couch.
Jumping in shock, I reached into my purse slung over my shoulder and began reaching for my taser, only to stop as my eyes landed on the source of the noise.
Two very familiar men and one unfamiliar man sat in my living room, watching me. All of them had a pale pallor to their skin and each of them had matching red eyes.
My shoulder slumped in defeat. "Why do your kind insist on breaking and entering? Don't you have any sense of, I don't know, common decency?"
The one who spoke stood up, running a hand through his blond hair. "Common decency went out the window with the immortality, love."
His smart remark earned chuckles from the two other men on the couch.
"Demetri," I groaned, rubbing my temple. "Why are you like this?"
"You love me."
"I really don't."
"That's not what you said the last time we were in the area -"
Heat rising in my face, I got defensive. That smug little - "I was drunk. Don't go taking anything a human says seriously when they're both A) a sappy lightweight, and B), very very drunk."
The unfamiliar vampire, a dark-skinned man with locs tied into a bun, spoke up for the first time. "Dare I ask?"
"What do you want?" I cut to the chase, wanting nothing more than to sleep. Soft rain was falling outside; I loved sleeping when it was raining and the weather was moody. These three vampires stood in the way of me getting some peaceful - and hopefully healing in the sense of my migraine - nap time.
"We need your help. Your gift, specifically," the third vampire spoke; Felix.
I shut my eyes for a moment. The last thing I need is to deal with their cover's drama. "Volturi bullshit in my house? I'd rather not."
Demetri took a small step forward, his face pleading. "Please, Y/N, hear us out."
And so they told me what was going on. A rogue vampire had decided that he wanted to make a coven that rivaled the Volturi out of himself, his two coven mates and a bunch of freshly made vampires. He was gifted with the power to manipulate metal; they wanted my own gifts to act as a shield to that power.
"So lemme get this straight; you expect me to be your little human shield against this Magneto vamp and for... what in return? Getting to live?”
 “That about sums it up,” Felix commented, earning a snarl from Demetri. Felix’s eyes widened in exasperation, turning half his body toward his friend. “What!? You know that’s the case, Aro himself said so.”
 “I won’t allow that,” Demetri argued, his jaw tense from gritting his teeth.
 “You don’t get to decide that.”
 “Like hell I do and you, and all three of them know it.”
Demetri’s voice reminded me of honey. It was sweet, inviting, I could honestly listen to it forever. I’d never admit it out loud but I liked his voice a lot. Felix’s voice was deep, it partially reminded me of thunder beginning to rise in power. 
Right now though, it was crashing as hard as a rough storm could, and Demetri’s voice as sweet and pleasant as it was, was rising to match Felix’s.
It made my head hurt.
Without thinking, I raised my hands, fingers reaching out, at both of them. A red energy enveloped them, a matching red appearing to encase my palms and fingers. They each let out noises of surprise as they began to leave their seats and hover above them, both men looking at me in shock.
The third vampire watched on in surprise and faint concern. Like he wasn’t sure if he should step in or watch and see what happens.
 “Y/N!?” Demetri shouted, his vermillion eyes wide with shock and betrayal.
I shushed him, closing my eyes again but not letting up on my hold of the two. “Please,” I whispered. “I have a very, very bad migraine. It’s been a long day. I’m tired. I want to take my fucking pants off and have a nap while it’s raining. That’s all I wanted. But you-”
Adding emphasis to the last word, I lifted them higher in the air. “You undead, annoying, pain in my fucking ass bitch boys decided ‘Let’s go and make unfair demands of Y/N today that she can’t refuse or else we kill her. Oh, and let’s argue really obnoxiously in her house while we’re at it’.” I kept my voice low, still a whisper; it was gentler on my pounding head and I knew they could hear it.
Now the third vampire was grinning. He’d sat forward in his seat, enthusiastically watching me lose my temper like it was a suspenseful movie unfolding before him.
 “I will help you. What choice do I have?” I continued, opening my eyes again. “But for the love of fuck, please, I am begging you, stop arguing and keep your voices down before my head explodes?”
I lowered them back onto the couch, and sat down on the floor, breathing heavily. The room was very quiet. I could only hear the pounding of my head accompanied by my heart beating out of my chest.
 “Forgive us,” Demetri said quietly.
I looked up to meet his gaze. He was looking at me with shame written across his features, his eyes dark. 
 “That was quite the show,” the third vampire butted in, chuckling softly to himself. Seeing my confused expression, his eyes lit up as if suddenly remembering something. “The name’s Santiago, by the way. Lovely meeting you, Miss Y/N. I’m a fan.”
I frowned, taken back by the ‘I’m a fan’ comment. “Thank you for not causing a ruckus like these two, I guess,” I replied, gently jerking my head towards Felix and Demetri.
 “So you’ll help us?” Felix asked, catching your attention. Turning to look at him, I saw that he had the same bashful expression as Demetri. Nodding in response, he nodded to himself. “Right, okay. Thank you Y/N.”
The three vampires stood up, gathering themselves. “We’ll meet here tomorrow evening. We have some reconnaissance work to do prior to the job.” Demetri approached me and offered his hand. Feeling the exhaustion catch up, I took it. The coldness of his skin felt soothing. “Get some rest, love,” he murmured as I stood to my feet.
The three Volturi guards took their leave at last - out the front door this time, instead of through the window they’d so kindly helped themselves through - and I made my way to my bed, shedding my shoes, my socks and my pants as I went.
The soft plushness of my bed made me let out an obscene moan; I hoped they were far away enough that they didn’t hear it. Worming my way under the covers, I laid my head on the pillow and shut my eyes. Stupid handsome vampires, I thought to myself, as sleep finally took me.
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survivingfmandcfs · 3 years
Hi, my doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and I was wondering if you have any tips or advice for finding a support group, things that help with pain and extreme fatigue, or just resources in general? I really don't know where to start to be honest.
Hi, friend! Welcome to the party, lol. Lemme see if I can find you some helpful advice.
Book Recs (I found all of these at my local library. If your library doesn't have them, you can always request that they get a copy! Or you can buy them yourself if you're able.):
The Mayo Clinic Guide to Fibromyalgia
The Fibro Manual by Ginevra Liptan
Surviving and Thriving with an Invisible Chronic Illness by Ilana Jacqueline
How To Be Sick by Toni Bernhard
Stuff that Helps:
Heating pad - sometimes the only thing that saves me from hours of literal agony
Shower chair - just got one myself and it has changed my life
a really good pillow - seems silly, maybe? But I got a super nice side-sleeper pillow that's made of some sort of memory foam that cradles my head just right and it has made a world of difference, especially on days when I'm bed-bound. Best $90 I ever spent.
Gentle (very, very gentle) yoga to stretch out tight muscles and limber up stiff joints. There are some fibro-specific practices on youtube and the ones I've tried have been quite nice. Also just gentle stretches in general can help.
Sit. Everywhere. Making dinner? Get a stool. Chatting with someone? Find a chair. Sit on the floor if you have to. Heck, lie on the floor if you have to. Does it look silly? Probably. But I am so far past giving a shit and frankly once you are it makes your life a lot easier.
Find 2-3 easy meals that you can make even on bad days, and keep the supplies for them on hand always. Also, separating leftovers into single serving sizes and storing them in microwaveable containers makes feeding yourself easier.
If you think a mobility aid would improve your quality of life, get a mobility aid and try not to worry about what anyone else thinks. If it helps you, then it helps you. There is no "you have to be this sick to deserve help" threshold.
Not all sleep advice works for everyone. Take what you need and leave what you don't.
Hopefully some of this helps you? Tbh, I'm still figuring it out myself. But we can figure it out together!
Speaking of which, I'm not sure what to tell you regarding support groups, because that's an avenue I've never pursued, myself. Tumblr is sort of my support group! I'm sure there are plenty out there, either online or in person, and I'd say the main thing is finding people that you mesh well with, who have similar health goals and communicate in a way that's helpful to you. If you feel good around them, and that you're all building each other up, then you're golden! And if not, you can always try again.
(But also, dear followers, if any of you have additional advice or know of an online support group that might be my new friend's jam, please chime in!)
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clandestine-j · 3 years
this episode was pretty good, i'm here for this vibe if they continue with it. lots of shit happened, i have feelings about it so lets go!
(this episode also helped me discover i really am a horrible person lol)
NICK X KATE: Nope! Full stop, don't want it. Bitch you nasty for being friendly with him while posting about his daughter. Nick x Davis is the true otp.
JORDAN & CO: JAIL. Plain and simple, ya'll enjoying this too much. Jail. Please. I beg. Ya'll are sick. A gun in a school and you're Bruce Wayne? Bitch.
KATE: As stated above and addition, I started to be cool with you. You still have to go jail but after serving time, I might be cool with you afterwards. Then you flip flop again went back to doing the worst. Limiting the comments doesn't help. Raggedy.
RAFA: PRISON. And let me tell you, my boy, Aki, he got Fox News in the back of his pocket so, step the fuck back. That's why Max figured yo ass out. GO TO PRISON. PRISON. And he tried to play him for a fool at the end. Prison isn't enough, vanish.
KIKI: SIS! You gotta get it together for your daughter. She can't be the more but, I feel you. Do better, be better. It's not as easy as just saying it but if you have family you can rely on, start to rely. You're daughter her habits from you.
JULIEN: BIG SISTER ENGERY THIS EPISODE. I'M LOVING IT AND LOVING IT. I think she can stop trying a bit now and but I'm here for the connection, I'm here for it all. Quick thinker, knew the circle wasn't tight. She wasn't really there for Audrey but she has been, I think she just got caught up. Since Zoya moved there, they haven't had the chance to just be sisters, to just love each other without any drama. They have not only the past month to make up for but years and she wants to do right by Zoya. I'm glad she realized at the end that, she needed to be there for Audrey but I'm not upset because I get it. I also LOVE that she finally, stood up to Monet and say and get wit it or get it out. Boom. I've been waiting.
OBIE: I wanna ride hard for you because people keep talking about your hair line. I think you need to learn that relationships will have ups and downs and it won't be perfect all of the time. I feel like Obie is chasing perfection, no fights, no problems, just coasting and it won't happen, it'll never happen. Do better. That being said, I'm glad we got something from Obie. I'm glad we got to see him being the Prince of New York. It's hella shady that you didn't just come out with the truth and you wanted to do a song and dance but Obie is doing more and using that name so yes, give me character stuff.
MONET: BYE. No, but really. Amazing one liners as always. I liked the little fight with Julien, I felt a bit of distress, I'm into it. While I did expect her to cross Julien, I didn't expect her to cross Luna and all her hard work, that was dirty but you moving the story and shit so what can I say? I don't think Monet will go for the crown but I could see her finding someone to prop up. I want more of her parents, maybe she has a very bad relationship with her mom? Also, sis, Julien is right, you can't keep jumping clients when they want to change and do up their image. No sis, no. (And you almost tanked Julien's career soooooooooooo)
AUDREY: SIS U WERE SINKING. Okay, so Audrey isn't a character I feel that connected too. She's bitchy, a little less than Lunet but still. So, I have a hard time caring but objectively, you should break up with Aki. You know him by now and maybe it's comfort or you really want to have something. It's okay, break up with him because he's a friend and not the boyfriend you need. You want someone who will let you vent, not solve. Not see. Go live with Julien. The fight with your mom is understandable (And realize that forcing people on her won't work.) because you shouldn't have to be the back bone of the family. The dad line was a low blow, the airport thing was a low blow but you're a teenage girl and what can I say? Nothing, just don't become the woman you hate even though parents are the models. That being said, if I had seen her interacting with her dad more, the line wouldn't have been as low. But I can't tell that he loves her, we don't even get a phone conversation. Do better writers. And I think at the party, she got a chance to see how her mom felt. I don't know what happened to move but I think it has something to do with her meds. Audrey, be a boss. Break up, tell him that ya'll are better as friends because it won't go has bad as you think it will. Move in with Julien (I just want to see it happen.)
ZOYA: I don't even have much to say. My sis was popping off this episode. I got sass, I got questioning her relationship with Obie. Yes, talk about how you feel about him with the girls and go girl stuff. I really felt her when she said she wanted her own friend, writers please give her, her own friends. PLEASE. I'M BEGGING. Simon, you dirty dog. I'm glad Obie got it out but he could've said something to her. I'm sick. I'm more upset that he wasn't a new friend or a love interest. Just ugh. But I liked Zoya this episode, she could worry about normal teenage stuff for the most part without having to worry about being attacked by Monet and Luna.
LUNA: MY GOOD SIS. Just like I didn't expect Monet to turn on her, I didn't expect her to not stand by Monet. I know she was enjoying the Zoya vibe and thought it was cute, she was becoming a bit more friendly sure but I wow, yas. Go off girl. I want to see more of fashion stylist Luna, a Luna sponsored fashion show where Aki models and drama happens? I'd be here for it, I am here for it.
MAX: I was ready to box. Listen. I was ready to fight this point as much as I felt for him. So, the feeling for him. He honestly, believes that Rafa is good for him. And he was catching feelings? He thought Rafa needed him in his life because he had no family, he also has no family in a sense to him at least. So, he's really caught up in this man. And I feel so bad that he said he's sober when he's with him or something along those lines. That's heartbreaking. I'm glad that talk in the end pulled him out of it, I'm glad he realized that he had a hand to play in his friends not wanting to be around him or deal with him. I'm glad he followed them and was in on the hug. Wonderful. Now my dude, you do not deserve Aki, not as a romantic partner or a friend. My boy was seriously worried, and you blew down on him WHILE using a nickname for his nickname....sick. I was ready to throw hands, like. My spirit was not right. That was so low. I keep seeing people say that because Max wasn't in a relationship, Audrey shouldn't feel some type of way and Aki is just letting his hurt roll off because he's worried but while you didn't have a duty in the relationship, you had a duty as a friend, to both of them. You ghost for a week and say nothing, no talking about the blow up or the outing and you running with this little stanky thing, you try to ease back into the group, no. And you still don't deserve Aki's time. Like. My dude did not hit you up after the kiss, he was not checking for you on that dating app, he was interested in other mens, you sat between the couple. Okay. He had been checking on you from jump. Just no. I'm sick of the shit. Never step to my boy like that again.
AKI: MY boy. Lemme get this out the way. You need to listen, not solve or give perspective. Like, she doesn't need it. I get your friends in danger but express how serious you think this is to her. I get that a long-distance relationship might not bother you and you think things will work out because there are bigger problems but talk to her. Re-assure her. Or break up with her her. As I said before, ya'll will not hate each other if you break up. And learn to just, even, pretend or something but you struggle in this aspect. Do better. That being said, Aki, episode MVP. He said, something is off, take him down. My perfect himbo man, said not my watch. And listen, you can't be as pushy because people don't respond but I'm glad you were on it. You knew. You said, I'mma run up on this man and you did. Yes. That being said, stand up for yourself, this boy does not deserve your energy. I get it. You might have a crush, this is bestie but bestie has not been treating you right for a while. And this was a new love. You're too loving, let some of that going at Rafa energy pop out around the friend group. But you a king and you care so much, just re-focus for now. Find you a cute lil thang and make the boy jelly. I need this resolved before I can accept anything canon, fanfics is where I'll be. But overall, Aki was making moves, you gotta learn something from the right wing media mogul.
GROUP: I finally feel like I talk about them as a whole. I wish they would've shown the others being upset by Max's ghosting because ya'll acting lowkey outta pocket and I didn't see anyone but Audrey and Aki check for this boy. Like, do you really care? But he fit into the group hug at the end. I know Monet saw a rising star in Zoya at the bar place, you make this a powerful DUO. YOU KNOW YOU WERE FEELING HER. Luna and Monet roll their eyes Audrey but ya'll bet not play like the three of ya'll don't enjoy gossip, fashion, talking about people and lowkey making fun of Zoya's newbie-ness together. Honestly, I'm happy we got more group interactions and little moments, I can start to kind of see how they were friends for a while even if all of them aren't close.
Random Thoughts:
how was your son missing for two weeks on and off and there isn't more panic, you different but oh no heartbreak
aki is so loving towards everyone's parents, i love it
i also love that he assumed max was with aki
audrey as the child as it worse but her kiki's acting makes me feel for her more lol
the two girls were a bit of fun, i'd like to see monet take them down or build them up for fun
"i'm chuck bass" + the lil pull was great
i feel like max was already thinking about them becoming more when he mentioned audrey pushing him out but i'll take crumbs so he was probs just thinking about sex or the group as a whole
kate get out of nick's life, nick keep her out
zoya stop talking to that woman
jordan eww no, you can have kate
i'll ship obie and aki to get aki with someone that likes him and loves him, they talk, they have do something, i'll take it, whatever
i want throuple and i want akimax but not like this, i can't take the threesome scene unless max say's sorry and aki ducks him for half the episode if it's not that, i don't want it
maybe it's the start of a dream and it ends
(i do really want the ship but i don't trust the writers or the characters)
who or what was max suppose to be?
why am i getting teachers and not family, i've seen jordan just one too many times
rafa prison
obie had shit to do this episode, use the money, i wanna see it
when will a student or random party gain control of gossip girl, give me that
rafa prison
i also think i’m a horrible person because i care more about stopping rafa than audrey’s home life so i was rooting for aki
overall, solid episode, maybe the footing has been found? i'm here for it and ep 6 looks like it's about to pop off
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cyhyr · 3 years
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The Seventh Day of Whumpmas:
The First Snow
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: T
Pairing: Kakashi & Iruka; past Kakashi/Iruka
WC: ~2110
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: omegaverse, past mpreg, omega!Iruka, alpha!Kakashi, baby OC, undiagnosed depression, postpartum depression, mutual pining
A/N: This is in the same verse as On a Need To Know Basis (Rated E), Reunion (Rated T), and Countdown (Rated M). Timeline-wise it's about a year and a half after Countdown.
This is now called the Lights verse.
Tagging: @kelkage @atereal
Anyone else who wants in on the tag list lemme know!
Winters in the Land of Fire are far from the snowy, icy wonderlands printed on cards imported from the Land of Lightning. Sure, Konoha has seen its share of freak snowstorms, but generally winter just brings a cold, wet slush that might or might not freeze solid. It’s a miserable time of year and the perfect time to teach theory and history instead of practicals.
Iruka sits just beside his balcony window and wishes he were still teaching instead. It’s only cold today, and with the cloud cover it would be a good day to take the students out for cold-weather sparring. The other teachers don’t understand why he covers it in his classes, but he’s never heard of a jōnin-sensei complaining about a graduate of his class not knowing how to handle themselves in the cold. Iruka sighs; hopefully the replacement the principal chose will be good for them.
“Ka-tan! Peek!”
Iruka looks up and watches his pup giggle and pull a blanket over her face and then lower it again quickly, laughing so hard she falls backwards. He can’t help but smile as she rolls back over, sits up again, and plays another round of peek-a-boo. His heart hurts though, because he should be happy. So many omegas would kill for the life he has—a beautiful, happy pup, getting to stay at home to raise her, and of course an alpha who ensures his standard of living is more than comfortable that he doesn’t need to go back to work. No one mentions what he’s supposed to do if the beautiful happy pup isn’t enough to make him happy; or that getting to stay home with her means that he’s thinking in baby talk; or what to do if the alpha or your pup was the result of a one-off heat-fueled decision and what if that alpha is the same person you’ve been harboring feelings for for years and you just know that they’ll never love you back the same way but they feel like they have an obligation to the pup and—
Iruka sighs. Hikari crawls over to him and uses his chest to pull herself up to standing. He puts his hands around her hips and back and puts on a smile just for her. "You’re getting so strong!"
“Ka-tan, ’trong.”
“St-rong,” he says, emphasizing the first letter.
“That’s right. Good job.”
“No, little one, it’s a bit chilly today.”
“I… well, you do have a coat, I guess…”
“Coat!! Out!!” Hikari giggles and bounces her knees. “Please please please?”
Iruka hums and kisses her little nose. “Fine. Fine, okay. Let’s get you ready.” He picks her up and rocks them both up off the floor. She babbles to him as he gives her a quick sniff check (no diaper change needed yet, thank the gods) and then ducks into her nursery to collect a coat, mittens, hat, scarf, and boots. It takes him almost ten minutes to get her dressed because she keeps asking to try it herself. And he knows that at just about a year and a half old she doesn’t have the dexterity to do any of it, but he lets her try anyway.
She manages the hat. He smiles softly, and they share the pride of her little accomplishment.
After putting his own coat and boots on, Iruka carries her outside and stops in the open doorway.
“Ah, Iruka-sensei,” Kakashi stammers. “I was just. Um. Checking in?”
“Tou-chan!” Hikari holds out her arms for him and Iruka holds in his sigh as he offers the pup to her alpha parent. Kakashi hesitates only the slightest bit, but then takes her and swings her up into the air. Her laughter is like bells, loud and long.
Kakashi lowers her down and rubs their cheeks together, discreetly takes his mask down and scents her. Iruka looks away before his heart explodes.
“We were going to the playground,” Iruka says.
“Oh. Well, may I join you?”
“I… okay. Sure.”
Because he’s lucky his pup has such a doting alpha parent and really, who is he to deny Kakashi access to the daughter he so clearly adores? He starts down the steps while Kakashi follows with Hikari, the two of them chatting the whole way to the playground.
Kakashi didn’t really stop by to see Hikari, though really she brightens his days—his life—like nothing and no one. Truly, he’d been hoping to catch Iruka during Hikari’s nap, because it’s been almost a year and a half and he’s… he wants this. This family. And he needs to talk to Iruka about it, but if Hikari wants to go play then Kakashi’s hopeless to deny her that chance.
But he wants them to come and live with him. And he’s willing to provide so much to make that happen. He just needs Iruka’s consent and approval. He could provide so much more for their pup if they were a mated pair and living together. There’s only so much he can legally do as only a co-parent instead of a live-in parent. And as a mate, Iruka would be able to fight for his job back—Kakashi knows that Iruka’s upset about no longer teaching, but as an unmated omega parent the principal has reason to deny him employment under a stupid, archaic, “what about your pup” clause. If they were mates, he could very easily say, “oh, my alpha’s got Hikari for the day”.
Oh how the thought of being Iruka’s alpha makes Kakashi’s heart throb.
Hikari babbles away, pointing out trees and people and small animals. She never guesses on things; if she doesn’t know what something is, she always points and says, “Tou-chan, what’s that?” in her little baby voice and Kakashi explains it as best he can.
By the time they get to the playground, he’s explained the difference between a branch and a tree, helped her say chipmunk three separate times, and gotten smiles and swooning sighs from eight beta women and three omegas—all single by their scent.
He puts Hikari down and lets her run to the slide while he stands as close to Iruka as he’s allowed. He shoves his hands in his pockets, rolling the charm he has in his left pocket between his first finger and thumb. The charm is made to go on Iruka’s heat collar, but he supposes that he could also fashion it into a bracelet or a necklace or—
“So what did you really stop by for, Kakashi-san?” Iruka asks, not taking his eyes off of Hikari for a second.
“Well, you see, sensei, I—”
“Stop calling me that,” he snaps. “I’m not… I’m not a teacher anymore.”
“But you’re our pup’s teacher, in a sense.”
“I’m her mother. The difference is vast. As a teacher I got time off and—” he groans. “Nevermind. Why are you visiting today?”
“I can’t stop by and see my pup, or the mother of my pup for that matter?”
“You can, but I like to have notice. That’s why we agreed that you would visit every three days, and take her overnight once a week.”
Kakashi scuffs his feet. “Yes, I remember. I’m sorry if my presence bothers you so… I can… I can go, if you’d rather?”
Iruka sighs. “No, don’t. Hikari… she loves you. And if you want to be in her life, then I want her to have you.”
“And you, sensei?” Kakashi turns just a bit, just enough so he’s mostly facing Iruka instead of the slide where Hikari squeals as she goes down it for the fifth time. “What do you want?”
“Sleep. Uninterrupted sleep. Until I wake up naturally. Then I’d like to go back to sleep for another bout.”
Kakashi chuckles. He’s not sure if Iruka’s joking or not, but it’s funny all the same. “I could… I could take her for longer than just one night at a time, if that would help?”
“I… that sounds—”
“Ka-tan!! Look!” Hikari points up at the sky, her little pink mittens a colorful beacon against the cold gray sky. Kakashi looks up where she’s pointing and sees what’s got her so excited. Soft clumps of snow are slowly falling, melting once they hit the ground. It’s not cold enough yet for the snow to stick.
She runs over to them and holds out her hand, where a clump lands and immediately begins to melt. With wonder in her deep brown eyes, she looks up at Iruka and asks, “What is?”
“It’s snow,” Iruka says.
“What’s snow?”
“Frozen crystals of ice.”
“What’s a crys’al?”
Iruka looks exhausted and ready to burst if he has to answer another question, so Kakashi crouches down and says, “Snow is what happens when the sky wants to rain but it’s too cold. Alright?”
Hikari nods and then asks, “Eat?”
“Did you need to go have lunch?”
She giggles. “Silly Tou-chan, no!! Eat the snow!”
“Tip your head back and open your mouth,” he suggests.
She tries, but in tipping her head back she loses her balance and starts to fall backward. He reaches out to steady her, but she’s already sitting and landing on her bottom, giggling all the while. She has a bright, beautiful toothy grin as she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue and makes an elongated, “AAAHHHH.”
Kakashi waits with her until a clump of snow lands below her eye and she stops and wipes it away with the back of her mitten. “It tickles! And it’s cold!”
“Well, it is very soft,” Kakashi nods. “And, like your mother said, it’s made up of very tiny pieces of ice, so it’s going to be cold.”
She opens her mouth again and this time catches a clump of snow on her tongue. Through an open mouth, Kakashi can understand her saying, “Ka-tan, look, I caught it!”
He looks up at Iruka and smiles with his pup, and his breath catches because Iruka looks perfect with the snow falling on his lashes. That’s not to say he doesn’t always look perfect, but somehow in the wonder of Hikari experiencing this first snowfall Kakashi only sees him as more perfect.
“Iruka, I—”
“Why don’t you two stay out here and play for a while, get some bonding time in?” Iruka asks. “I… I could use a nap, if that’s okay?”
“Oh, yes, of course! I’ll have her home in time for dinner, if that sounds alright?”
“Yes, thank you,” Iruka nods. He puts his palm on Hikari’s head and—that’s not the right kind of smile, is it? “Be good for your daddy, okay?”
She nods rapidly and stands up enough to give him a clumsy hug, then toddles back over to the slide.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, I’m just tired.”
“You’re good with her,” Iruka says softly. “She should be with you.”
“She needs both of us,” Kakashi says. “And she is always excited to go back to you whenever she stays with me overnight.”
Iruka shrugs. “Bye, Kakashi.”
“See you later,” he waves to Iruka’s retreating back. He’ll have to go and talk to him later about moving in together and mating… for now, he turns back to his pup as she screams happily going down the slide.
Iruka walks home with hunched shoulders against the chill of the falling snow and just barely holds in his tears. And then he shuts the door behind himself and sets all of the seals and slides his back down the wall beside the door until he’s able to wrap his arms around his knees and sob.
Because he’s not cut out for this. He’s not able to be what Hikari needs. But Kakashi. Kakashi’s so good with her, like he’s actually able to follow his instincts and they’re all right. He took to being a parent like it was easy and natural and… and this is exactly why Iruka has to let her go.
Smiling today at Hikari experiencing snow for the first time… it hurt. It hurt so much, that watching her was the only time he can remember being happy in so long. And they’re perfect together, and he’s a dark stain on their life, and—
They don’t need him. They need each other. And legally, there are only three ways Kakashi can get primary custody. He’s not going to get Kakashi to agree to mate with him; he knows that Kakashi can do so much better than him. And he’s not sure he has the energy or wherewithal to kill himself.
So he has to leave.
If he goes missing, the pup’s primary custody will go to her other parent.
They’ll be perfect together. They already are.
Continued in Proposal
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Brackish And Briny Waters (three)
[Ralph Lamont X Female Reader]
Summary: Spend the weekend painting the house with your husband. Previous Masterlist Next
Tags: 17+ | 1.6k words | Painting a house together, aka domestic stuff, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, pulling out, vague mention of rats.
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AN: part 4 is gonna get angsty I just finished it
Anything involving greens was a heavy battle between you two, as Ralph seemed to have some kind of vendetta against them. The more blue you got, the less you fought and you eventually settled on a cool tone to use for the laundry room with a compromise to paint floral accents in a forest green tone along the edges of the back wall. You did find an exact replica of one of the original wallpapers in your second bedroom which you wanted to move to the living room. 
Colors selected and purchased, you went home starving and managed to scrape together some left overs with a side of rice to fuel you to start on the real work. You also bought brown paper to cover the solar room window holes until you can finish that room as its own project. 
Ralph rolls up his sleeves and puts on his bleach stained lounge pants to help. You lay down tarp and use up 3 rolls of tape to cover the kitchen and the dining room. Every window and door is wide open as you set your record player to play some 'whistle while you work' type of albums. And whistle he does that husband of yours, enjoying your company and shaking his hips dramatically to make you laugh. You two haven't had this much fun in so long it feels like. 
The summer citrus color you chose for the kitchen was really working for you. Ralph intended to put the wallpaper up in the other room to get 'double the work done' but still you find him working the same wall just to be close to you. You talk about missing that classic NYC pizza and dinner tomorrow and Ralph promises to ask his colleagues about any music shops in the area. 
You take a nap on the porch swing to get away from the paint fumes, an iced tea almost slipping from your hand. When dinner time comes, you cook while he details the removal of the old wallpaper from the dining room to work tomorrow. He's rambling about using a third coat on the living room paint and you don't think it's necessary but you know he'll agree with you come morning. 
"Come eat Ralph Vincent," you scold him for getting paint on the door frame but all is forgiven when he sweeps you into a hungry kiss. 
"I'd rather eat you right now." 
Ralph's flirtations are interrupted by his own ractious growling stomach and you laugh at him as you shove a plate into his hand. You eat together by the window in the living room. While it hasn't been painted yet, you have moved the furniture to the middle of the room and the fumes from the kitchen and dining room are still very strong. You hope it doesn't affect your sleep tonight (or hope it puts you down like a dose of melatonin). 
"Floyd's got a boat," Ralph tells you. "Says he takes it out on the water almost every day. Asked if I wanted to join him." 
"And are you?" You spin another forkful of angel hair spaghetti on your plate. 
Ralph slurps his like a child. "Am I what." 
"Are you going to join him on his boat?" You speak slowly and patronizingly. Ralph pinches your breast and almost makes you drop your plate. "No. I hate boats. I hate water. I don't want to be trapped for hours out there listening to him talk about paintings and philosophers, at least at work I can walk away." 
You chuckle. "I think Floyd sounds very interesting. What do you have against him?" 
"Nothing," he protests, "he talks too much. He's loquacious– that's what Justine calls him, and she's one to talk. If you must know, he's actually my favorite– he knows when to keep his nose out of my business." 
Dishes are made slightly more difficult with Ralph hanging off your shoulders. He peppers kisses up and down your neck, even finds a hickey from the morning that's started to fade and he remarks you. You dig your dripping fingers into his hair when he finds that spot on your neck and gives it some much needed attention. 
"Ralphie, baby, please," you whisper, "I could use your help with these." 
Dishes are done in record time and suddenly you're being whisked away to your bedroom (not that you were complaining). This room has the wallpaper that you had no intention to change aside from a fresh upgrade. Ralph takes your hand to spin you around and back you into your shared room all the way to the edge of the bed. Along the way he plants kisses from your hairline to your collarbone before he lets you fall atop the thick quilted bedspread. 
He gazes at you with a warm expression. The soft "my girl" he whisperes makes your heart swell. 
You expect him to pick up your legs and pull you by your knees to the outside of his hips (want him to even), but Ralph has other ideas it seems. It's not until his head is between your legs that you realize what he's up to (or rather down to). You gasp a lung full of air and grab him by the hair of his head. 
"Jesus," you sigh. 
Your husband's rumbling laughter causes your thighs to twitch. "Say my name, I'm the one doing all the work." 
"Yeah but you love– aha!" His beard brushes your inner thighs and leaves a delightful burning sensation in the deepest part of your soul. "Fuck…" 
You pull his hair harder and feel the soft locks stretch in your bloodless grasp. You can feel that immortal coil wind tighter and tighter inside you as Ralph devours you. You start chanting his name, the pitch of your voice beginning to crescendo the closer you get to that fire cracker ending. Ralph doubles his efforts, eager to have you fall apart on his tongue and fingers. 
He's more than making it up to you tonight. 
When you come, your body curls in on itself and your thighs lock around his head, effectively deafening him. You have no idea if he can hear the scream that rips from your body but you can't either as your eyes rolls back in ecstasy. 
You relax onto the bed and feel it dip with an additional weight to your side. You slide into Ralph's easy embrace, his dry hand coming up to hold you to him and just rest for a bit. 
"Fuck," you say huskily, "you're really good at that…" 
Ralph kisses you in answer, trying to deepen the connection but you have to twist away to catch your breath. Instead he plants lingering, sweet kisses on your neck, your cheek, your hair. His hand caresses your back in circles until you're nearly asleep from the motion. 
You flinch when you feel his nose brush against yours. "Baby… don't fall asleep." He sounds so sweet until his voice darkens and he says, "I'm not done with you yet." 
You lose track of time and all you can feel is Ralph Lamont. You're both covered in a sheen of sweat and his hips rock leisurely into yours. You don't know who grabbed who but your hands are tangled together and refuse to let go. Ralph's breath dusts over your neck, cool in contrast to the fire of his physical form pressed against you. You want to come again but you let him draw it out, let him love you tonight. 
"Ralph." You whisper in his ear, begging with no pressure to change pace. You're happy if he's happy and he is very content to keep thrusting into you to his peak and slow down, never stopping but always making you want more. Your man kisses you flush on the mouth and adjusts his position. His thrusts change. They grow from hypotonic and shallow to a little hard and more purposeful. You moan at the feeling, your legs locking around his hips to draw him deeper despite your exhaustion. 
Your orgasm washes over you nice and gentle, nothing like the force of the first time. You're conscious enough to lock your ankles around Ralph's hips, but it still doesn't prevent him from slipping his flushed and reddened cock out and finishing on your stomach as he always intended. You feel a strange tickle of disappointment as you come down from your high but push it to the back of your mind for later. 
Some way, somehow, Ralph still has enough strength to clean you both up and tuck you into bed. He curls around your body despite the near unbearable heat and falls fast asleep, his soft snores right behind your ear lulling you under the tide of sleep. 
Your Saturday is awash of more painting and moving furniture with Ralph. He made coffee and eggs and brought it to you in bed, then dragged you down to look at the frayed wires on the clothes dryer machine. 
"Might be rodents," you muse. "I'll get some traps on Monday and find my soldering iron." 
"We'll get traps tonight," your husband countered, scratching his chin, "the sooner the better." 
You finish removing the old wallpaper in the living room and carefully put up the new one with little fuss. The kitchen still smells of paint but it's dry (it had better be, you left the windows open all night and it's freezing in here) so you put the kitchen utensils and appliances back and remove the protective tape and brown paper. Ralph is proud of the precision work done in the corners and edges, patting himself on the back and yours. 
"We did good babe," he said, "by this time next week, we'll have the whole house done!" 
You laugh at his optimism. There were still cobwebs to dust, cracks to spackle, floors to polish, windows to replace. This was the very reason he picked this place… 
To keep you busy. To keep your mind from wandering to those dark places that linger in your past. 
At least it was working.
Tagging people who might like to know: @werwulfy @hoodoo12 @escape-your-grape @go-commander-kim @fundamentally-lazy @mimiscappinisideblog do y'all wanna be here? If not lemme know please 😅 DM me
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Silver Linings: Part 5
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts 
A/N: Don’t mind me I’m just over here hyperventilating bc of this gif. 
Trigger Warnings: Angst, FLUFF.
Word Count: 1,897
Characters: Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | *Part 4* | Part 5
***Almost 1 year later:***
“Dear Y/N,
I hope this finds you well. I’m glad to hear things are still moving along at the shop. I think it’s great you’ve moved up in the business now that you don’t have to hide. A beautiful woman like yourself should never have to. In response to your last letter, I feel it’s important to tell you that I’ll be coming back soon, this week in fact. I know you’ve said you’ve waited for me and I can’t begin to describe how relieved I am to hear that. I’ve waited for this moment as well, and I’m counting down the days until we can meet again. I’m looking forward to whatever surprise you said you’d had.
All my love,
Her eyes scanned the letter as she curled up on her sofa, a tea cup nestled in her hands as her heart fluttered at the letter.
It had been almost a year since Thomas’ standoff with the mafia, leading to Luca and his men’s demise. Officially clearing her of any danger, at least for the time being.
She quickly went to the phone, calling her father who was most likely at the shop, recently raking in the dough so to speak, as his rum-running business was taking off, leading to a collaboration with Michael in New York.
“Hey, I just wanted to let you know he’s coming home.” She said, the sound of the men shouting and working in the background.
“Who? The one you’ve been writing every week for the last year? Oh right what’s his name...Michael summin’ innit?” He asked, jokingly. She chuckled lightly as cries were heard from the other room.
“Yeah. I know it’s going to be tense but I’m going to need you on my side. You’ve helped me enough as it is since you felt bad after him leaving. I just need you to be on my side this time though, please?” She said.
He sighed as he thought about the last time he and Thomas had a nasty fight, knowing the new addition would force an unlikely truce between the family, one that Alfie was as hesitant to make as Tommy was. But it was needed, especially if they needed help in the long run. Each of their families coming too close to death since the standoff.
“Alright, I’ll play nice. But that’s just because I want to see that little one grow up happy you hear? I’ll ring Tommy and let him know if he doesn’t already.” He said.
“Thank you. I have to go, but I’ll come by after I uh...take care of this.” She said, knowing she had a world of explaining to do.
“Good luck, darling. I’ll see you both soon.” He said, the phone lines ending as the cries grew louder.
“Hello....Y/C/N (your child’s name) have a good nap aye? It’s okay. Shh.” She cooed as she bounced the little baby around. They were just a few months shy of their first birthday.
“You’re going to meet your father this week sweetheart. He’ll love you. I promise.” She said, carrying the little bundle into the living room as she listened to them babbling.
As the day drug on she realized the date on the letter read a few days ago, meaning Michael was most likely going to be there today.
“Christ....” she mumbled as she held the baby who looked more like their father each day.
Over the time that their child had been in the world, she’d grown to like Michael’s mother Polly. Becoming ever thankful to have someone who understood her plight at a young age. Polly hated that her nephew and her father tore them apart, but at the time it was the best thing to do. But when she noticed Y/N started getting sick after meeting with her on occasion, Polly had known. She knew just in the way she carried herself, and how her eyes sunk with the newfound exhaustion. She even read her tea leaves which Alfie was skeptical of at first, but she knew and it was true. After she’d found out, Y/N pondered over her weekly letters, wondering if she should tell him the sudden news, but she figured it was best to keep it to herself and the family for the baby’s safety. But now, since the threat from the Changretta’s were gone, and with the news of Michael’s arrival, she figured now was as good of a time as ever.
As the evening drew near, she put Y/C/N down for bed, praying that when we he did come, he didn’t wake them up.
After pouring herself a glass of wine, she heard a knock at the door, her heart racing as she opened it see Michael, holding a small bouquet of flowers.
“Told you I’d be back.” He said with a grin. He’d pretty much looked the same, except his fashion sense improved a bit. His hair more slicked back than usual and his eyes slightly more tired, but not as tired as her own.
She couldn’t say anything at first, just wrapping him into a long hug on her doorstep.
“My god I’m so glad to see you. I um....I have a surprise. I just....I don’t want you to be mad alright?” She said hurriedly as if he’d leave again.
“Aye slow down sweetheart, it’s alright. I’m not leaving anytime soon. Lemme look at you...Wow.” He said twirling her around, noticing the more prominent circles under her eyes and the way her hair was slightly disheveled. She was still as beautiful as he’d remembered.
“You look beautiful. Maybe a little tired, but just as beautiful as when I left.” He said, giving her a kiss that was long over-due.
“That’s why I wanted to show your surprise. I...I have a good explanation besides work picking up and all. Take a seat in the living room and try not to be too loud.” She said rather quietly as he entered the apartment.
He didn’t think much of it as he sat down in the familiar living room, his heart aching at how he’d left the same room so long ago. But his demeanor soon changed though as he saw the sleeping baby in Y/N’s arms, his mind racing with trying to figure out how and when, and unfortunately with whom this could’ve happened with.
“Michael, please don’t be mad. I uh...after you left-“ She began as he cut her off. His voice blank as stared at the wall.
“Is that....is that someone else’s child Y/N?” He asked.
“What? No. Michael...they’re yours. It’s our child, I’ve named them Y/C/N.” She said swallowing hard, her worst fear seemingly coming to life as she knew he may not have taken the news well.
“Really?” He asked as her answer sank in, a small smile forming on his face as he looked at the little one wrapped in a small blanket, clearly still asleep.
“Yeah. I waited...and obviously couldn’t do much in the waiting anyways. I just....didn’t know when to tell you because I didn’t know if it was safe with the mafia and all. I just wanted to keep them safe. I hope you can understand.” She said, tears falling down her cheeks as she quickly wiped them away.
Michael quickly sat near her, holding her to him as he looked down at his child. His world feeling like it was changing with every millisecond.
“I don’t blame you alright love? I’m glad you’re both safe. That’s all I care about. I’m just sad I couldn’t have been there, but we have all the time to make up for it, yeah?” He asked, his heart about to explode as he realized he’s a father. The baby looking like him the more he gazed at them. In that moment wanting to protect them more than anything else in the world.
“I love you, Y/N. I love you and our child alright? I’m here now.” He said, helping her calm down as the baby started fussing about.
“Shhh. It’s okay love.” Y/N said gently, sniffling and wiping away her tears as she handed the baby to Michael.
“Are you sure?” He asked, his hands shaking slightly as he didn’t want to drop them.
“You’re their father. I trust you more than the family.” She said as he cradled the small bundle.
“They’ll be a year old in a few months. I think Y/C/N may have brought our families together. At least somewhat.” She said with a nervous chuckle.
The baby settled down as they fell asleep in the comfort of Michael’s arms. Causing a huge smile to form on his face.
“I can’t see why they couldn’t bring them together. I’m assuming my mum is handling it better than Thomas.” He said, an understandable annoyance in his tone towards his older blinder cousin.
“Yeah...Polly could tell I was pregnant just weeks after you’d left. She gave him a stern talking to though. I’ve come to like your mum after all. She’s a nice woman.” She said.
“How did your father take the news?” He asked.
“He was kind of like Thomas, only he felt more guilt. He knew making you leave would upset me and once he found out, he wanted to get you back once the Changretta drama had been resolved. But Thomas kind of kept him from infringing upon that plan. Him doing the rum business with you was his way of extending an olive branch I think.” She said, taking a deep breath as she laid her head on his shoulder. Taking in his familiar scent that she longed to have back all those months ago.
“I’m glad you came back though. I don’t think we could’ve gone much longer without you knowing. It ate me up inside not telling you but I’m so glad you’re here love. We need you.” She said, glancing at the flowers he’d set on the table.
“I have a feeling I’ll be staying a while now. So don’t worry about me. I’ll figure things out with Tom and the rest.” He said, brushing his hand softly over the baby’s little head, the hair so fine and fragile he pulled his hand away slowly, not wanting to disturb them.
“Y/C/N’s perfect. I....I can’t believe it. I never thought I’d come home to this....Thank you love. You’ve done so much. I’ll repay you, I’ll be sure to once this all gets settled.” He said.
“Just you being here is payment enough. Thank you for waiting. I know I sure did.” She said, yawning then kissing his cheek. A long, yet peaceful silence formed between them as the stars sparkled out the window, filling the room with a lovely blue glow.
“Well love, if you want to, you can stay up with them for a bit. I’d really like the sleep.” She said chuckling lightly.
“Of course. I’ll be there soon.” He said staring at the new little light in his life.
“Alright, goodnight you two. Love you.” She said.
“Love you too.” He said back, glad he was finally able to say it in person.
Never in a million years would he have thought something like that would come out of such a tense situation, but maybe there were silver linings in life after all, they both just had to wait long enough to finally see them.
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
From Song to Storyline: Comparing Lorde’s “Melodrama” Album to Hailey Upton’s Upcoming Journey
Ok I couldn’t resist, I made a comment about how Hailey Upton is in her Melodrama era (because yes, I’m an absolute Lorde fanatic) and my loving soulmate @sylviebrettsey mentioned Taylor Swift’s Reputation too, but ALSO how she was unfamiliar with Melodrama so you can thank her for this analysis of why I picked Melodrama as Hailey’s season 9 mood! It’s going to be VERY long so I’ll put everything under the cut but I hope you guys like it! (And Sky, I hope you find this Lorde knowledge to be helpful lol. This is going to be very long but I hope it’s worth it and convinces someone out there to give the album a listen)
Reputation is an album that feels inherently vengeful in all the best ways. Songs like “Getaway Car” and “Don’t Blame Me” fit Hailey’s predicament at the end of season 8 very well, especially in relation to Jay. Those two songs as well as the album in general make for a very intense musical journey and Hailey’s been through a lot of intense things so naturally, it seems like they’d fit together. But based on what we’ve seen in interviews, I picked Melodrama for Hailey Upton’s season 9 era because that whole album plays with the idea of what happens after.
Lorde mostly talks about the crash that happens after a party when referencing this “after” but it acts a metaphor for being on a high note (a relationship, life, careers, etc.) and then crashing down. It’s a gritty, heart-wrenching album that holds so many similarities to what Hailey’s feeling. Coming into season 9, we know she isn’t sleeping, she can’t eat, there’s guilt eating away at her over what she’s done and over having to be around Kim constantly while keeping her secret. We know she’s clinging onto Jay with this proposal, know she’s going to have this internal torment because she can’t tell any of them what happened but Jay’s starting to notice something’s wrong with her and catching on to what happened. So, without further ado, lemme just give you snippets of lyrics from various songs on Lorde’s Melodrama album that fit with different parts of Hailey’s journey— as well as the unit’s journey— going into the new season!
1. “Sober”
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In Sober, Lorde writes and sings about her experience of getting a panic attack at a party (Hence, the “Oh God, I’m clean out of air // In my lungs, it’s all gone” line) but then having to act normal because of social expectations and adds the “Played it nonchalant” line. In relation to Hailey, this represents her covering her ruse even though it’s killing her inside. Then, when we move further down these lyrics, it talks about being alone with the truth and dancing with the truth— again, Hailey struggling with the truth of what she did. Then, at the end of this first verse it could almost be seen from Jay’s perspective. “I’m acting like I don’t see // Every ribbon you used to tie yourself to me” is SO similar to what Jesse Lee Soffer’s been saying in interviews about Jay not knowing if Hailey’s proposal was genuine, and also what he and Tracy have said about Hailey’s proposal being genuine but also a product of her clinging on to the one good thing in her life.
2. “Liability”
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Ah, yes, finally! The best song on the Melodrama album and arguably one of Lorde’s best songs ever! She wrote this in the back of a cab about the struggle of trying to love herself and worrying she’s too much for her friends. If that’s not a Hailey Upton sentiment going into this season, I don’t know what is! Not only is this applicable to Hailey with the Roy situation but it could also be applied to 8x11 when she was scared that her baggage and trauma around being abused by her father meant she couldn’t be with Jay. Also, now that she’s done this huge, massive thing that she has to live with, it’ll make it even harder for her to love herself— and for her to consider the fact that maybe, if she was truthful about that night, her friends would still love her anyway.
3. “Homemade Dynamite”
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Homemade Dynamite, according to Lorde, describes “the moment when you meet someone at a party and an explosive night follows”. Again, right off the bat you see motifs of lies vs. truth when she’s saying let’s let things come out of the woodworks. It also technically talks about being blind to rules and dreams which is perfect for the finale: Hailey was blind to her dream (because let’s be real, thinking she could stop Voight was a fantasy), and Voight was blind to the rules. And just like the song says, it’s all bound to blow up on Hailey sooner or later, like homemade dynamite.
4. “Sober ll”
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I feel like I don’t even need to explain my thought process behind this one. Trauma, melodrama, gun fights, terror, horror. ALL OF THESE are key words for what Hailey’s been through and will CONTINUE to go through. “They’ll talk about us, and discover // How we kissed and killed each other” is also applicable to the synopsis about how the FBI is potentially getting involved in discerning what happened to Roy. If they do, it could launch an investigation into the entire unit which could uncover a lot— “kisses each other” being the relationship drama that happens within the unit and “killed each other” being what happened with Roy and Voight’s general track record of murdering criminals and covering it up.
5. “Writer In The Dark”
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Ok this first line is pretty much the entire reason I put this section of the song into this post. “I am my mother’s child, I’ll love you ‘til my breathing stops” is very strongly representative of Hailey’s past. She was raised in a household where her mother loved an abusive man and continued to love him even through the abuse of her and her children. It’s traumatizing, sure, but it also explains why Hailey’s reaction to shooting Roy was to go home and propose to Jay. She gets that loyalty from her mother, to the point where she could even stay in situations that hurt her (like refusing to leave Voight in the warehouse). But Jay doesn’t hurt her, he loves her unconditionally too which is why Hailey would love him until her breathing stops— or until, as it proceeds to say, “‘til you call the cops on me”, which is applicable in a much more literal sense.
6. “Supercut”
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Supercut is probably my personal favourite of Lorde’s songs. The buildup is beautiful and the come-down is slow and gradual. It’s the epitome of pop in my opinion. But Hailey most definitely plays that moment over in her head and in her head, she would have done the right thing that night. And maybe she’s hoping the unit (Jay especially) will forgive her for shooting Roy instead of letting it cause a fight. This whole song is about replaying moments of a relationship in your head and changing the scenario so that it plays out as if you did everything right. You won’t always do everything right though, because we’re human and make mistakes, but it’s more than plausible that Hailey’s trying to capture that feeling.
7. Liability (Reprise)
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Last but not least, we’ve got the reprise for Liability! This one’s a little more generic because it’s just the general vibe of the song that fits Hailey and this PD angst so well but honestly “And all of the shit that we harbour // Make all the kids in the choir sing, “Woo-hoo” is very applicable to Hailey because she’s got a lot of baggage going into this new season. “And maybe all this is the party // Maybe we just do it violently” is another line that fits her situation so well. In addition, since Liability is one of the last songs on this album the outro of the song is almost like the absolute rock bottom reached in the journey the album tells. It could easily be compared to if/when Jay finds out about what Hailey did. (Seriously, just imagine Jay saying “you’re not what you thought you were” to Hailey and tell me that wouldn’t make you cry! In a good way OR a bad way!)
Anyway, IN CONCLUSION: Melodrama is a twisted, heartbreaking album that fits into Hailey Upton’s upcoming journey in season 9 with the Roy storyline PERFECTLY! If you have time to listen to the album— or at least the songs I mentioned— then please do because it’s SO worth it. But until then, we’re going to be in for quite the angsty ride this season when it comes to Chicago PD and personally, I can’t wait to see what they do with it!
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