#[ V ] ;; & YOU WILL ATONE. (main.)
adventures-written · 1 year
[I’m not afraid of you.] For Conrad or any of the Trigun muses?
Dialogue Prompt
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"I am afraid that I am not the one you should be afraid of." He paused, eyes narrowing just so. "There are far greater things at work here. Far greater than you or I."
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the-vampire-queer · 7 months
The Vampires Digital Media Poll: Round 1, Bracket 4
Please reblog for a bigger sample size.
Results get posted on December 10th. at 5PM CST.
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If you wish to learn more about your options, either as a refresher or an introduction, press the "Keep reading" button.
What is The Vampire Diaries (+ The Originals + Legacies) about?
Summary (TVD only, due to nature of spoilers when it comes to spin-offs): "This supernatural drama, based on the series of novels by L.J. Smith, details the lives of two brothers, Damon and Stefan Salvatore, who have been living as vampires for centuries. After years of moving from from place-to-place to hide their eternal youth (and bloodthirsty condition), the brothers return to the small Virginia town, Mystic Falls, where their lives as humans ended. Damon is snarky, handsome and charming, with a propensity for evil, while Stefan tries to remain noble -- in part to atone for bad behavior in his past." Source: Rotten Tomatoes
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Source: The Vampire Diaries
Nina Dobrev - Elena Gilbert (TVD)
Ian Somerhalder - Damon Salvatore (TVD)
Paul Wesley - Stefan Salvatore (TVD)
Candice King - Caroline Forbes (TVD)
Kat Graham - Bonnie Bennett (TVD)
Note: Cast lists provided here are not complete lists of people and characters featured in the media being listed. These are partial lists that include some of the main characters and their actors.
Additional information: The Vampire Diaries show is based on the books of the same name by L. J. Smith. Lots was changed in the book-to-show transfer. Some fans prefer the show over the books.
What is V Wars about?
Summary: "A doctor is pitted against his best friend when an ancient disease turns people into vampires; from the comics by Jonathan Maberry and Alan Robinson." Source: Rotten Tomatoes
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Ian Somerhalder - Dr. Luther Swann
Adrian Holmes - Michael Fayne
Kyle Breitkopf - Desmond Swann
Jacky Lai - Kaylee Vo
Note: Cast lists provided here are not complete lists of people and characters featured in the media being listed. These are partial lists that include some of the main characters and their actors.
Additional information: The V Wars tv show is based off of the comics of the same name. This show also features Vampire Diaries actor Ian Somerhalder, known for playing Damon Salvatore.
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violetflowerswrites · 2 years
Five Minutes
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Summary: Bruce Wayne reluctantly attends a fundraising gala with his lover, a former childhood friend who knows his life as the Batman. She puts up with his rich kid brattiness while he can’t wait to mark their reunion with a quickie in the library.
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Female Reader
Disclaimer: spoiled, angsty, and bratty Bruce. Soft boi Bruce and possessive Bruce. Sassy and teasing reader. Lots of kissing and touching. Fingering (female receiving). Consensual p in v sex. Public sex. 18+ for explicit smut and language.
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: I still can’t stop thinking about Battison even though I watched it months ago. Here’s my take on what Bruce would be like with someone who understands him, especially when he doesn’t want to have to explain himself. The story is set in Gotham perhaps a year after the events of the movie. The smut is heavily inspired by the library scene from Atonement because it's hot AF. Enjoy Bruce in all his soft boi glory!
The quiet whirring of the elevator is the only sound that echoes through the underground caverns of the Batcave. You shove your hands deeper into the pockets of your coat, shivering in the cooler temperatures as you descend downwards, surrounded by black rock and concrete. Flickering lights blink a greeting to you as your heels click down the empty hallways towards the main foyer, where a medley of computer screens flash unflattering closeups and shaky videos of the Gotham public, and the occasional criminal. It’s dark and damp and uninviting, but even with the lights off in this maze of a secret lair, you can find your way around like it’s the back of your hand.
After all, you designed it.
“Hello?” you call out, your voice swallowed up by the vast space. “Bruce?”
Suddenly, a dark figure slams into you like a brick wall and you stumble backwards, narrowly falling on your backside before strong hands grip your back.
“Y/N. What are you doing here?” Bruce grumbles, his eyes practically glowing through the black of his mask.
“I’m fine, thanks for asking,” you huff. Bruce was never a man of many words. “Alfred said you were probably in the Batcave so I came looking for you.”
You notice a muscle tightening in the corner of Bruce’s mouth. He always hated the nickname you gave his underground hideaway. And that’s exactly why the name stuck.
“It’s been a month.” Bruce states matter-of-factly. He stands there, unmoving.
You almost burst out into laughter. For anyone who doesn’t know Bruce, they will probably think that he is just making an observation. But you know better. This is his version of throwing a bratty little tantrum, complaining that you’ve been away too long.  
You close the distance between the two of you and wrap him in a big hug, your face pressing against the woven kevlar of his bulletproof costume.
“I know, big guy. It was a long and boring business trip. But I’m finally back home. Did you miss me?” You tease him.
Bruce says nothing, refusing to move. It’s like you’re hugging a tree. A spoiled, passive-aggressive, angsty, Bat-costume clad tree. You wait for Bruce to get over himself, and simply pull his body even closer to you, your fingertips barely able to lock behind his back.
Finally, he acknowledges you by tucking his chin down on top of your head in a wordless affirmation of yes. He did in fact miss you. A hell of a lot.
In a matter of seconds, Bruce scoops you up until your ass is comfortably resting at his waist, and your legs automatically link around his torso. Your arms cling to his neck, even though you know Bruce would never drop you.
“Am I too short for you?” You immediately grin at him.
“Need to see your face.” Bruce mumbles under his breath.
You gaze back at him, curiously looking over his mask and the black eyeshadow surrounding his eyes. It has the smallest flecks of glitter in it, and you wonder what brand he must be using. You’ll have to find one that’s more matte for him.
While you’re preoccupied with Bruce’s makeup choices, the man before you decides to finally show his affection by kissing your waiting lips.
You smile into the kiss, and return it passionately.
“You’re a big baby, you know that?” You chuckle at him. Bruce makes a non-verbal grunt. “I’ll take that as a yes.” You continue to pepper his exposed skin with kisses, pressing your soft lips to his jaw and cheek and neck.
Bruce frees up a hand to grip the side of your head, a gloved thumb rubbing your cheek tenderly.
“Did you miss me?” he asks quietly.
You bury your face in the side of his neck, an aroused flush spreading across your hot skin. “Of course. I wanted you. Every night.”
Your lover reaches his hand in between you now, tickling your collarbone, and brushing his hands across the front of your chest, just barely passing over your sensitive nipples. A shudder courses through your body at his touch.
Your lips press a hot and wanting kiss to his, your hands gripping his face. “B-Bruce, if you keep touching me…” you pant, your shallow breaths mingling with his steady ones.
“Not now.” Bruce abruptly lowers you to the ground, making sure your feet are steady before letting go of you. You brush your hair out of your face, clicking your tongue in annoyance. Bruce’s emotionless mouth tugs into the smallest of smirks. Bastard.
“I’m leaving.” He says, turning on his heel.
“The gala is in an hour, Bruce.” You remind him.
“I’ll be there. Bring my suit. Take a car.” Bruce punctuates each instruction with a steel-booted step, clanking across the concrete towards his motorcycle.
“A please would be nice!” You roll your eyes, but your comment is lost in the revving of his engine and he peels off into the night, cape flapping in the wind.
God, he’s a spoiled brat.
Exactly 60 minutes later, the Batman shows up out of nowhere, appearing in the headlights of your car like a silent shadow.
“Jesus Christ!” You yelp, Bruce’s large body taking up space in the tiny alley where you’re parked. “Do you have to do that every time?”
Another sneaky smirk tugs at his lips, even though the man says nothing.
With an exasperated sigh, you get to work making him gala-ready. The two of you tumble into the backseat of the luxury SUV, and you quickly flick on as many lights as you can.
“Shoes. Pants. Shirt.” You pass him each item of clothing as Bruce quickly peels off his mud-soaked costume.
“God, this is disgusting. Dump it in here.” You hold out a black plastic bag.
“It will wrinkle.” Bruce states as he looks at your outstretched hands with disdain.
“Hah! It’s covered in filth Bruce. Alfred will take care of it, and hurry up. We’re already late.” You laugh at his fussing.
Bruce stuffs his long limbs into the dress clothes, while you tie up the bag and toss it into the trunk. Then, you retrieve a box of what you dorkily call the “Batman to Bruce Transformation Box” or Triple B for short.
“Okay. Time for Triple B to do its magic.” You breathe out as you settle back into the backseat.
“A nickname. Again?” Bruce looks up at you from tying his shoes.
“Gotta find fun somewhere, right?” You grin at him, “Now give me your face.”
You grab a heavy duty makeup wipe and clean off all the eyeshadow. Then you put some product in his flattened hair and comb it back, away from his face. You tuck some loose strands behind his ears and spray it all down generously with hairspray.
Bruce sputters at the mist and you ignore him. You dab some cologne onto his neck and the man has the audacity to complain again.
“I smell like a wet dog.”
“The cologne is called “Woodland Musk” and it’s very expensive so you’re wearing it.” You tut back at him. “We gotta get you picture and people ready. This gala is a big deal Bruce.”
Bruce just looks at you with disappointment, and sighs. If you weren’t rushing to get him ready, you would have taken a picture of his pouty face. It’s a side he only shows to you. And maybe Alfred.
You take out a small velvet box and hand it to him while you brush off his suit jacket. Bruce opens it to find a shiny pair of silver cufflinks, engraved with cursive initials T.W.
“These are my father’s.” Bruce observes quietly.
“Alfred thought it would be nice. After all, you will be donating in his name tonight.” You glance back at Bruce, noticing that his eyes have turned down in sadness.
You gently take the cufflinks out of the box and fasten them to his sleeves. “I’m glad we can remember him in this way.” You pat his hand and look up at him, smiling reassuringly.
“Let’s go.”
Bruce’s eyes widen as he takes in the emerald green satin dress you’re wearing. You slip a $20 to the teenage boy who takes your coat, offering a small nod. He eagerly scoops up the tip and scurries away.
The material of the dress catches the light of a chandelier, making it ripple as you walk, like ocean waves gleaming in the sun.
“Bruce! Stop staring–we’re late!” You hiss at him, raising your eyebrows. Bruce snaps out of it and in two strides, catches up to you and offers you his arm. “You look good.” His compliment is almost lost in the quiet murmur of the crowd as you near the ballroom.
“I thought you said ‘not now’?” You turn to look up at him, eyes twinkling.
Bruce continues to face forward, his expression unreadable, but a little bit of pink colors the tips of his ears.
“We’ll see.”
The next few hours pass by in a flurry of small talk and a whole lot of ass-kissing. Your brain is whirling from trying to recall every big-name in Gotham and their wives and their children and of course, their net worth. You find a short reprieve at the bar, finally able to get a glass of wine to relieve your overworked mental state.
Bruce slides up next to you silently, his slightly furrowed brow the only indication of his discomfort at such a public event. You know he hates this kind of stuff with a passion.
“Ah, Mr. Wayne! And Ms. Y/L/N. You look lovely tonight, my dear.” A balding man with a large handlebar mustache and an equally large beer belly lifts his drink in greeting to you. You instantly recognize him as Luke “The Cowboy” Lawson, a ranch tycoon from Texas. Next to him was your real estate magnate of a father.
“Mr. Lawson! Thank you for making the trip all the way out here. How are you?” You greet him.  
“Lawson was just telling me about the water problems he’s been having on the ranches. The drought is really putting his business under. Not to mention all the illegals that keep coming over.” Your father interrupts.
You wince internally at his comments. He was never one to shy away from his political stances, and you try to avoid him for as much of the year as possible.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything we can do to help?” You reply sympathetically. You are quite fond of Lawson with his big laugh and cheerful demeanor. How he managed to stay friends with your father for all these years is a mystery to you.
“Lawson’s Ranches used to supply Gotham most of its beef and milk supply, but you haven’t been providing much for us in recent years. It’s because of the drought, isn’t it?” Bruce cuts in unexpectedly. You peer at him through the corner of your eye. His face is resolute, and determined. What is he thinking?
“Well, uh, yes that’s correct, Mr. Wayne.” Lawson carefully replies.
“Wayne Enterprises will sponsor Ms. Y/L/N’s engineering company to find an appropriate solution for your water crisis. In return, I would like you to allot a sizable portion of your supply to Gotham city, at a reduced price. As we are rebuilding, we have lost much, and food shortage is becoming a major issue. I’ll have my people draft up a contract by next week.” Bruce offers with an air of boredom, as if the solution is obvious.
“H-hold on, Bruce–” you try to interject, but Lawson and Bruce are already shaking hands.
“That sounds like a great plan.  I look forward to working with you Mr. Wayne.” Lawson smiles warmly at the two of you. “You two make a great team. Excuse me, while I make some calls.”
Your jaw drops slack as you watch Lawson leave.
“Bruce! I can’t believe you just–” you whip your head around to reprimand him.
“Can you not do it?” Bruce finally looks down at you.
“What? No, of course I can. We’ve been handling drought projects for years and Lawson is a good family friend so of course I would want to help him out, but –” you calculate the implications quickly aloud.
“Then it’s done.” Bruce states with decisiveness.
You stare at him and shake your head in disbelief, but a soft chuckle makes the both of you turn to the man still before you.
“Hah! Lawson is right. You two make a great team. You always have, ever since you were children playing around in that great big mansion of yours, Bruce. I’m sorry, I find it hard to call you Mr. Wayne, that was your father.” Your father wipes invisible tears from his eyes, his laughter lacking actual happiness.
“Father, it has been a while. You look well.” You greet robotically, your manners ingrained in you since you grew up in the media spotlight. Perks of growing up rich you suppose.
“Yes, yes, I’m doing fine, Y/N.” Your father waves a hand dismissively. “But you didn’t tell me that you’ve been in touch with the Waynes. I haven’t seen Bruce out in public in years.”
“Father, I think you’re misunderstanding. We’re just–” you quickly intervene, knowing what your father is thinking in his calculating mind.
“We are together. I’ve been seeing your daughter, Mr. Y/L/N.” Bruce interrupts whatever explanation you were going to say with the actual truth.
“Ah! Excellent! Well, I wish the two of you well. Welcome to the family, Bruce. Call me anytime the two of you need anything.” Your father beams greedily, knowing that having a Wayne for a son-in-law would increase his fortune by the millions. Perhaps more.
He kisses you on the cheek and shakes Bruce’s hand. “Now, you must excuse me. I have more deals to secure.”
With that, your shrewd father disappears into the crowd. Your senses finally register the unmistakable clicks and flashes from cameras as the media captures every embarrassing moment of that interaction. You know you already caused a frenzy arriving with Bruce Wayne as your date, and then to see Bruce talking to your father? You could practically hear the wedding bells ringing.
You plaster a fake smile onto your face and lift up onto your toes to whisper into Bruce’s ear.
“You have a lot of explaining to do, big boy.”
“What the hell was that, Bruce?” You sputter in shock, hands on your hips. “First, you make a business deal without consulting me, that’s gonna cost millions for the both of us, and then you tell my father that we’re together? It’s like you want to be on the cover of tomorrow’s tabloids!”
Your infuriating boyfriend simply peruses the bookshelves of leatherbound covers, the warm browns of the library surrounding you in a comforting glow.
“You’re mine.” Bruce simply states. “They need to know.”
“W-what?” His admission catches you off-guard.
Bruce turns and walks towards you. You inadvertently step backwards until your bare back is pressed against the shelves.
“You’re mine.” Bruce repeats, his face inches from yours. He immediately kisses your lips, and you can feel your anger melting away.
You hear the rustle of his suit jacket falling to the floor and the distinct clink of his belt becoming undone.
“B-Bruce, wait–they’re gonna know we’re gone!” You whisper into his mouth, your protests sounding very feeble. Only Bruce could make you lose the battle against lust with just a kiss.
“Five minutes.” Bruce murmurs against your chest, his lips already traveling down your body.
“You only need five minutes?” You pant at him, with a teasing tone. Your lover simply looks up at you with a raised eyebrow. He’s made you cum in far less time.
“I’m not waiting anymore.” Bruce kisses the tops of your breasts, pulling down the tiny straps of your gown off of your shoulders. You suck in a breath and your head falls back against the books.
To be honest, you’ve been aroused ever since Bruce kissed you in the Batcave. You just didn’t think he would make his move at the gala, in public no less.
But, what the Batman wants, the Batman gets.
His hot mouth finds your hard nubs and suckles gently on them.
“Gah! That feels good, Bruce.” You voice out your pleasure in a loud moan.
“Shh…” Bruce chuckles as he continues to kiss your tingling skin while palming your breasts with his strong hands.
Without further ado, Bruce lifts up your bottom and perches you precariously on the edge of a shelf. He pushes the slinky material of your dress around your waist and dips a thick finger into your folds.
“No underwear?” Bruce questions.
“This dress shows everything, Bruce.” You moan appreciatively at his touch, your mind barely registering his words.
“Mmm. Tempting.” Bruce comments with a grunt. He pushes two fingers now into your pussy, his hand quickly becoming coated with your slick.
“Oh my god!” You yelp at the invasion, the pleasure overwhelming you already. It’s been a while since anything besides your own fingers have entered your core. And Bruce’s fingers are much larger than your own.
Bruce silences your noises with another tender kiss, his fingers thrusting in and out of your hot pussy in a regular rhythm. You squirm under him, your hands gripping the back of his neck and shoulders as you try not to fall off the shelf.
Wanting to make him feel good too, you reach down and find the waistband of his dress slacks. Bruce groans against your lips as your fingers gently grip his hard member and you stroke it slowly.
“You have two more minutes,” you tease Bruce, your eyes locking with his as he presses his lips to your tender ones over and over.
Bruce grabs your wrists and wraps them on the back of his neck. He takes out his engorged cock and lines it up with your waiting pussy. You stare down at his member, your body already throbbing with anticipation.
And in the next second, you’re in ecstasy.
“Ohhhh!” Your moan elongated with lust, “Bruce, I’ve missed you.”
“I know.” Bruce replies with a moan of his own, his hips thrusting up into you. He stretches you deliciously and in return, your pussy grips him as if it was made just for his cock. He speeds up, the force of his movements making books start to fall off the shelves.
The two of you pay the mess no mind, your focus occupied only on the high you are both chasing.
You bury your face in his neck, breathing in that expensive cologne that made him smell like a wet dog, but to you it was just the unmistakable scent of Bruce Wayne.
And the scent of sex.
For the next few moments, there are only the lewd sounds of wet skin slapping together and the panting moans of the two of you as you have desperate reunion sex. It’s as if the two of you have forgotten everything except each other.
Forgetting that your father and the media is gonna go crazy about your new relationship status. Forgetting that Gotham is still half destroyed from the flood. Forgetting that Bruce puts his life in danger every night as the Batman. Forgetting the sadness and the darkness that haunts every waking minute of this city.
For the moment, you have each other, and it’s enough.
“Shit!” You burst out, Bruce’s cock hits deeper than you thought possible, and it brings you the most incredible wave of bliss. “You’re gonna make me cum, Bruce!”
“Ten seconds.” Bruce grunts as he thrusts into you, speeding up. His hair has fallen out of place despite all the hairspray and you think to yourself how sexy he looks with just a bit of his bangs falling into his eyes.
Keeping his promise, you feel his warm seed spurt into your waiting pussy just as one final push tips you over the edge into body-shaking shivers of orgasm.
Your eyes squeeze shut as you press your lips to Bruce, your moan muffled by his hot mouth. If you don’t kiss him as you cum, you know that everyone is gonna hear your screams of pleasure outside in the halls.
Five minutes was definitely enough time.
Out of breath, you silently lower your body and hop down from the shelf on shaky legs. You quickly find the strappy heels that had fallen off in the midst of sex, picking up his suit jacket as well.
You place it on his shoulders as he tucks himself back into his pants. The two of you wordlessly replace the books scattered across the carpeted floor and before long, the library looks as if no one had been there in the first place.
Your hand grips the doorknob before you hear Bruce speak.
“I love you.”
You turn, brushing his bangs back behind his ears affectionately, as you gaze into the clear eyes of your lover. Your bratty, soft little Batman.
“I know.”
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by-glass-and-waves · 5 months
do you have a playlist or like a mixtape for inspiration or setting the mood when writing your stories?
Oh boy I hope you're ready because YEAH I DO
Associating songs with themes/scenes/locations have been my thing for like years and I would totally listen to a song over and over to figure out what happens during each part as well as what themes/ideas fit with a song. I made a few playlists on my oc worldbuilding shit a long while back in this manner heh
My playlist is divided into each AU, complete with weird titles to remind me what is what in each song
It is a work in progress though, a lot of them on the bottom haven't been organized yet and may not even be used actually there's a lot to organize omg
Link is for my YouTube playlist (and if you're on YouTube Music I recommend using the video for the first song because if you select the audio only version it will not give you the remix)
I go by vibes more than lyrics, and I thought that most of these should be more soundtracks though there are some exceptions
Song list/associations under the cut, it'll be in the playlist description as well (it's really long sorry)
Emil Ultimatum - Narinder (Courtship/Depression Quest/Restart) - use the video vers since the song vers only plays Emil (Despair)
Depression Quest
Courtship of the God of Death
Master of Time - Narinder
Dark World - Anupet
Epilogue - The Gilded Cage
Wretched Weaponry (short vers) - The Chained One
Widespread Illness - Prison of the Mind
[Tower of Sunz] - The Wrong Side of Love
Midcentury Motion - Escape
Danger in the Forest - Darkwood
Terra -
ZETA, la chanson - The Wanderer
Esto Gaza - The Heart Shaped Pond
Bran Bal - Eye of the Storm
Currents - Respite
Yoru Vln - The Stars Above
Somnus - Grief in Darkwood
Freya's Theme - Narinder
Malchut's Song - Shapash
The Kingdom of Noigllado - The Bishops
Kagachi - The First Resurrection
Ristaccia - Chaining the One Below
Trisagion -The Temple (Shapash)
Pandemonium - The Temple (The One Who Waits)
Memoria - Recollection
Once in a Lullaby - The Crystal Temple
Wretched Weaponry (long vers) - The Crystal Temple/Regret
Candy Shoppe - The Blacksmith's Final Gift
Innocent Wish - Yearning
Palliative - Distance
Water from the Same Source - The Admirer/Understanding
Unrequited Love -
Eidolon Wall - The Gateway/The Lands Below
Shadowlord's Castle/Memory - The Temple, Defeated
Eidolons on Parade - Slow Descent into Despair
Sarabande - Understanding/Contentment
When We Finally Fall Asleep, Pt. 3 - Mutual Understanding
Amusement Park - Arms Full of Offerings/Growing Jealousy
Dark Colossus (Kaiju) - The One Who Waits
Copied City - The Gateway
Possessed by Disease - Unraveling
Mourning - The Bishops
19th Century AU
The 13th Anthology - Narinder
Snow in Summer - The Lands of the New Faith
Turii ~Panta Rhei~ - The Dying World
Turii ~Panta rhei~ (Orchestra) - The New World
Main Theme of Final Fantasy V -
Zephyr Memories ~Legend of the Eternal Wind~ -
Saving Words for Making Sense - A Tender Moment
The Disney Afternoon - Town Theme/Respite
Blinded by Light - Crusade
Silver Dragon - Boss Battle
Gods Bound by Rules - Frivolous Masquerade
Blind Justice, le concerto - Blood of Chaos/"What… has become of us?"
Grandma (Destruction) - Guardian of the True Word
…con lentitud poderosa - Threshold of His Temple
Bipolar Nightmare - Betrayal
Black Song White Scales - The Sacrificial Beast
The Sound of the End - The Point of the Sharpened Blade
Raison d'etre - The Final Battle
God Shattering Star - The Final Battle
The Ultimate Weapon - A Heart for a Heart/Sacrifice
North - The Red Crown
Dispossession/Piano Ver. - Aftermath
Dust to Dust - Crossing the River
His Dream - Within the Circle
Theme of Love - No Illusion
Terra's Theme -
Shadowlord - Shamura
Shadowlord's Castle/Roar - Silk Cradle
Sustained by Hate - Revelation/Disappointment
March of the Dreadnoughts -
Atonement - A Heart for a Heart
VS. Star Dream - Kallamar
Midnight Moonlight -
The Final Battle (Magolor's Theme) -
Three in the Morning (Aftermath) - Abandoned/Regret
Destati - Imprisonment
Village of Dali - Respite
Kaine/Salvation - Relief
Alien Manifestation - Bitu
Dwelling of the Ancient Gods - The One Who Waits/The Gateway
Lord of a Dead Empire - The One Who Waits
Between Heaven and Earth - The One Who Waits
Birth of a Wish - The Red Crown/The Deal
A Beautiful Song - vs Heket and Miniboss
Crumbling Lies (Front) - vs Shamura and Miniboss
Song of the Ancients (Atonement) - Baal and Aym
Pascal - Ratau
The Spirit Dais - Bitu
Tango Appassionata - Allani and Narinder
Phantom Forest - Lost in the Gardens of the Ball/Shamura
Aerith's Theme -
Nautilus - The Capital
Yoru Vo - Halycon Harbor (Night)
Moonsetter - Baal and Aym
Requited - Across the Room/The Dance
War & War - Shamura
A Funeral of Flowers (Rain) - Prince Narinder (Unfettered)
A Funeral of Flowers (Thunder) - Prince Narinder (Amenthes)
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afarcryfrommymain · 10 months
Far Cry OC Tournament Round 2! Wesley Beltran v Deputy Calahan Hartley
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Wesley Beltran (@stacispratt)
About: wes beltran considers himself a generally calm person, and this is true until his friends are in danger. staci and joey are his only family in hope county, and he'd do anything for them. after the seeds take them from him, his singular goal is to rescue them at any cost. at first, he agrees to help the resistance, because the more people fighting the cult the better, but the second any task doesn't directly help him get joey back from john (his first goal), he'll ditch it. he doesn't want to waste time, he wants to get right to joey, and also get his hands bloody punishing the people who have hurt her. after he gets accustomed to his brand new bloodlust, he prefers to use knives/blades/shovels to kill cultists over guns. it's more personal and painful for them. this is especially so with john seed! killing him from a distance with a gun would take all the reward out of killing john. also, it turns out that john seed's obsession with him scratches a very particular, desperate, life-long need inside wes to find someone who loves him more than anything, and his priorities after he rescues joey starts to blur into something that includes soaking up john's obsessive love forever and ever so he can (maybe, possibly) finally feel so full of love he'll never starve for it again! that's not to say john and wes don't beat the shit out of each other, because they do, most notably at wes's confession where wes beats john over the head with a metal pipe to rescue joey, and at wes's atonement, where john tattoos wes and then wes hunts john down until john gets the upper hand and steals him away to his bunker where, you guessed it, they beat the shit out of each other again. when marshal burke dies, wes blames the resistance. staci suffers near-death torment at the hands of jacob seed, and wes can't reconcile this with the idea that the resistance cares at all, because he's so sucked up in the well-being of his own two best friends. eventually, consumed with his mutual obsession for john seed, wes joins the cult and becomes john's right hand man and favorite chosen. he doesn't particularly take pleasure in torturing or killing innocents, but his loyalty to john has cemented itself and he'd do anything for him, just as he'd do anything for joey & staci. plus they still get to make each other bleed without politics also boomer is his bestie :)
Anything else we should know?: corruption arc through obsessive love babey.
Art for Wesley by @bybats (sorry for forgetting it in the first round TvT)
Deputy Calahan "Rookie" Hartley (@inafieldofdaisies)
About: Calahan is 23, the main source of Sheriff's Whitehorse headaches and occasional bane of John Seed's existence. A destructive pretty boy that ends up wreaking havoc anywhere he goes and quite often finds himself in trouble thanks to his cockiness and daredevil nature. Still, this is just the way he likes things anyway. What's a party without a little fire?
Does your OC have anything to share?: "Strategy? Pfft. Like I'd reveal my secrets."
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fokispokis · 2 years
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This au is macaque central and basically nothing involving the other characters changes. Everything that happens in canon happens in this au and there is no change in the plot or timeline. BUT!!!! The main thing about this au is that it features my little homie, the nine-spirited lion, Yuansheng!! SO in peachbuds Yuansheng manipulates macaque into possession because he has six ears and is the only one able to hear him (or smth like that) and this au is based off of that!! It’s theorized that Yuansheng was a master manipulator at shadows and dark magic, his nine heads have a powerful bite that surpass sun Wukong’s power.
In my au, similar shit goes down. Sun wukong leaves to fight Buddha and leaves ffm to Macaque in case his return is… delayed. Yuansheng and Macaque have met before, however Yuansheng is not keen on getting his ass beat by wukong so their meetings are slim. Now that wukong is gone, he sees it as the perfect time to get into macaques feeble little head. He doesn’t posses him flat out, he starts small, manipulating him gaslighting him girlbossing if you will.
The moment he ACTUALLY possesses macaque is after erlang burns flower fruit mountain. Macaque feels small and powerless and no matter how high of a rank he’s granted he is still nothing but a pathetic monkey to the eyes of heaven. Yuansheng strolls up and he’s all like, “hey I got unfathomable power just let me use your body and I’ll beat the living poop out of erlang.” And so HE DOES
After the whole thing Macaque is absolutely PUMPED at the fact that he got to use magic- albeit not his own- BUT MAGIC NONETHELESS!!! He asks Yuansheng if he can stick around in case he needs to use his powers and he’s more than happy too!! (Maliciously)… Time goes by and Macaque and Yuansheng are good friends!! Buuut Yuansheng is still an evil bastard sorry to disappoint 😔 He starts to taint Macaque’s relationship with wukong and trying to completely cut his ties with him, constantly telling Macaque that he doesn’t deserve this kind of pressure and that Wukong was just abusing your loyalty (hypocritical LOL). At some point, it works and Macaque is absolutely SEETHING with anger. He decides to search for wukong and give him a piece of his newfound power. So macaque and Yuansheng set off!!!
They find wukong, macaque is delirious with anger and Yuansheng sees it as the perfect opportunity to possess macaque and kill wukong because he killed his grandchild that one time (or smth). Wukong recognizes that macaque is possessed and wukong being wukong figures the best way to get unpossessed is to BEAT THE LIVING SHIT out of macaque. Macaque did not expect him to have a 1 v 1 against his old friend but FUCK IT WE BALL!!! Macaque gets struck in the eye and this is when Yuansheng realizes “OH SHIT!!! This is not a good sign…”
(Side note, whatever happens to macaque does NOT happen to Yuansheng, Macaque is just a vessel).
Yuansheng pops out of macaque last minute and just watches wukong KILL HIM!!! Wukong is dripping with rage, and instead of mourning for his best friend, he zips off to try and find Yuansheng and make him atone for his sins. After hours of searching, he comes back empty handed and goes back to his journey in hopes that it’ll give him a distraction.
When the coast is clear Yuansheng returns to Macaque and tries to possess him again, to try healing him. When he can’t seem to access macaque’s spirit he realizes he’s dead, like DEADASS DEAD. For some reason this hits Yuansheng hard and he starts sobbing profusely. Usually he doesn’t attach himself to his vessels but Macaque :(.
Que the whole LBD resurrection sequence and macaque is back! He comes face first to Yuansheng throwing up all over the floor and he’s like “Erm…. Akwaaaaard.”
Blah blah blah they reconcile or smth idk still working on this part. Macaque tells Yuansheng that they need to work on teamwork and rather than Yuansheng just possessing macaque, macaque eases into the use of magic and they let their powers intertwine instead of feed off of each other. So they do that and they become a powerful and awesome duo!!!
I like to think during that whole era, those two bounced their habits off of eacother. Like, Yuansheng can do a monkey grimace, climb trees, search for ticks, and mimic monkey sounds. And macaque can hiss/growl, purr, and unintentionally lick himself.
ALSO these two are not meant to be shipped they are just best friends who are on the top of everyone’s wanted list.
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typotripprr · 1 year
hey i'm bored so i compiled a list of random cytus ii trivia things i found from others or discovered myself (this is a long post)
there's spoilers but it's like 5 things. but be careful anyway
if you listen reallllly closely to joe's character menu theme you can hear the joez cafe theme behind it it's pretty neat
neko and xenon's ring tones are their respective character menu themes
^ additionally, in her dlc logs her ringtone is her dlc character theme, while in the main story logs it's her normal one
credence (cherry's list) and phantom razor (xenon's list) both appear in neko's dlc logs when she goes to under velvet, which is also why those two songs have glitch charts for them
sunday night blues appears in neko's dlc logs, making it the only black market song to appear in the story
(an obvious one, but) sairai is a secret song in xenon's list, which is why the deemo x cytus ii collab for alice's character has him in it
^ the same is true for fur war, pur war and conner, fwpw appears in conner's list and conner appears in hans' story
i remember this one thing about nekosaikou's real name being bob but i'll have to find it. it's there though.
the first song in ilka's list, alb (meaning white), likely represents ilka. the last song you unlock (as of 4.8) on ilka's list is noir (meaning black) which also likely represents violette
re:the end -再- -> re:the end -cy- -> re:the end -cytus-
eternity (silaver ft. nathan brunley) has like 6 different versions of it for some reason but from what i can tell only 4 are available
atonement (sihanatsuka) is unlocked in Cam_KyuuLab_698_06_02, which is when phoenix atones for all the things he did to nora (breaks down sobbing)
as of 4.9, graff.j has 95 songs. rayark, stop giving him more. we do not need more collabs (except arcaea collab we'lltake that)
although conner himself is not directly on his song select background, there is a prosthetic arm and eye on it. weird.
speaking of conner, cherry says that she thought he was in his 50s, while conner is actually 35. so he's old but not really old
vanessa technically has the most original songs considering that all 22 of her songs are made specifically for cytus ii
sta composed incyde, though under the alias of YbeLL. if you reverse it to get LLebY, then convert it with a caesar cipher with a left shift of three, you get "II by V". ii for cytus ii (presumably) and v for well. vanessa
vanessa also has a song named ii-v which is 2:05 minutes long
neko's favorite dish is a meat stew that include pork belly, meaning domesticated farm animals like pigs likely still exist in this time
but also stray animals without chip collars get taken away by the admins (a.r.c. or something) so hmmmmmm
a more well known fact, but kai is directly based off of kiva
that one 'i am lady' post by txpazolite in game is based off a tweet made by t+pazolite
if you look at the bottom left corner of conner's bad end background you can see some pills scattered around, so maybe he takes medication of some sort?
^ also he kept a photo of sasha hidden on his desk
a.r.c. kinda just falls out of the sky in the bad ending (as shown in aroma's, cherry's, and xenon's bad end backgrounds)
as seen in his oa area, robo's room in node 08 has a window that's overlooking a.r.c. (which is also absent in his bad end background)
(recently and accidentally rediscovered) e00 has some pretty fucked up dialogue when going through the free characters' oa spaces after completing every oa task (personal most-fucked-up for me are "E00200... It's just a serial number, it's not my name." and "The cost? Probably the loss of emotions and... the ability to communicate with others.")
that's everything i have so far, i may or may not find more in the future but who knows anyway have a good day/night and bye
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hey, i hope life's treating ya well this week! i finished y6 yesterday and came to share some thoughts if you don't mind :)
i think kiryu tried to project on his kids what he wanted kazama to be like as a father, but ultimately kazama'ed all of them, especially daigo. i found the ending of y6 very touching, but that's because i like daigo in all of his bland npc glory, and i agree with a lot of criticism of that ending being somewhat weird, especially when we had so little interaction with haruka, who just. you know. woke up from a coma. i wrote this already in my blog, but i'll repeat myself: that ending would've made much more sense if we had just more of daigo in general amd/or saw his transition from his y2 version to his version later in the series. like, we know haruka and kiryu are close, and we assume daigo and kiryu are close too, but i'd love to see more evidence of it in the actual text. that one substory in y0 clearly wasn't enough. i wish we could have more of haruka, MUCH more of haruka, too. the lack of her agency in y6 after y5 felt frustrating
i did enjoy the game, though. i really liked the callbacks to the previous games. as for side activities, it never seizes to amaze me how the eroge minigames are become just more and more unhinged. but all the missed storytelling opportunities, man
(it's also v funny that daigo's sr card code in clan creator is kiryusavemepleaz. i don't speak japanese and therefore haven't played rggo, but i know about a story where majima lets daigo win him on purpose or something? also the situations daigo's often put in (which are mostly near death experiences), him never getting any kind of resolve with ryuji as well... i think yokoyama kinda hates daigo lmao)
Heya! I sure love thoughts and I sure love talking about Daigo :]
On the note about 'Kazama'ing his kids, I'm going to be ugly and take a minute to interpret what that means if you don't mind.
When it comes to what Kazama did to his kids, he allowed Nishiki and Kiryu to join the yakuza despite knowing the dangers of it at their insistence. Ergo, we see Kazama prioritize the yakuza, telling Kiryu to leave the Dojima situation in Y1 alone. Moreover, despite Kazama lacking faith in Nishiki's abilities as a yakuza, he still expected him to be able to lead a family by himself while he took care of Yumi in hiding.
As for Kiryu and his kids, it was evident Kiryu wanted to be able to parent the kids at Morning Glory- to speculate, maybe as a way to atone of Kazama's messy paretning without outright admitting Kazama had faults. However, his bond with those in the yakuza inevitably kept him coming back, especially in regards to Daigo (who, of course, we find out he sees as a son. In this, it's a case of Kiryu still wanting to be a good parent, but the priorities aren't exactly there). In this (and I've discussed this in a post prior), Kiryu's attempting to spread himself thin when it comes to his family: he wants to help the Tojo, if not predominantly due to Daigo's presence there, but he also wants to father the orphans at Morning Glory. Unfortunately, since Kiryu can justify leaving the kids as Okinawa's a safer setting and he's admittedly at his best in a fight, he ends up leaving for Tokyo every time action's needed.
It's actually Kiryu's constant leaving that had me assume he was writing his letter to Haruka at first during Y6's ending, specifically when he was talking about how he lamented not spending more time with her. On the subject of Haruka, Y6 really did her disgustingly: as soon as she was of age, she becomes a mother and, on top of that, she gets hit by a car and is in a coma the majority of the game and doesn't even get to properly spend time with Kiryu before he vanishes. I genuinely wish and- foolishly- hope one day Haruka can actually get the respect she deserves after having been such an important, prominent, and interesting character throughout this franchise.
To talk about Daigo and Kiryu, the main subject of this ask I feel, I think RGG did as much as they could when it came to demonstrating Kiryu and Daigo's relationship. In Y5, it's revealed that Kiryu believes that people who become close to him suffer (and in this scene in particular, he's referring to Daigo after he gets shot on the roof)- how long he's had this mentality I couldn't definitively tell you, but I wouldn't be surprised if this has been a thought since everyone's deaths in Y1. Because of Kiryu's fear for others' well-being, it can be reasoned that Kiryu might have wanted to keep his distance from Daigo as much as he could lest something go wrong (but of course, he also feels responsible for protecting others, leading him to take action where he should probably leave things be). In Y4, we can see the buds of Kiryu regretting not being there for Daigo when he needed him most, outright apologizing to him for putting him in the position of chairman without any proper training or time. Considering all of this, Kiryu's letter to Daigo aligns with what we've seen: even if Kiryu wasn't able to be close to Daigo and properly guide him like he should have, he still confesses that Daigo was incredibly important to him and he regrets letting that fear stop their bond from deepening.
Daigo on the flip side, we become very aware that he values Kiryu immensely. To return to Y5, at the end of his taxi ride he tries to reassure Kiryu that he's able to carry himself without his help (i.e. 'I'm trying my best to walk this path' after Kiryu kicks him out of the car). Daigo's need for Kiryu's approval is also evident in RGGO: the story with Majima you're talking about is one of his character stories where he first becomes chairman. In this story, Daigo struggles to understand what Kiryu's intention was entrusting him to the Tojo Clan, but once he realizes it, this is his turning point to stop being the brute he was in Y2. To extend on RGGO shining light on Daigo's feelings for Kiryu, during his initial meeting with Mine in Mine's story, he lets Mine know he was so ardent in watching the Tojo at first so he could make 'the man' who put him in that position proud, and later during their bar conversation in another one of Mine's stories, he lets Mine know that while he doesn't consider Kiryu family at this point, he still considers him someone incredibly close to him (and as we see in Y6, Daigo will do a hard 180 on this and proudly call Kiryu his father). To jump back to Kiryu for a second, we can argue that Mine's whole 'what could Daigo see in a man like you' line could have contributed to Kiryu's want to distance himself from Daigo. Because what if Mine had a point: what WAS there to admire in Kiryu? What could Daigo POSSIBLY like about Kiryu, and would it not just be better if he wasn't in his life after- inadvertently- getting him put in a coma? To end this segment on a goofy note, Daigo's clan code being 'kiryuhelpmeplz' is super funny with the father/son lens: Daigo's gotta call his dad to help him out </3
EDIT: In regards to the RGGO story I mentioned here, I misremembered the exact quote and that drastically changes the scene and meaning I'm referencing, and significantly portrays the relationship between Daigo and Kiryu differently from what I've said. For the correct quote and sentiment, please refer to this ask here (x)
In all of this, it's reasonable that RGG couldn't expand on Kiryu and Daigo's relationship, but that's what makes Kiryu's letter so significant. We see from Kiryu and Daigo's sides individually that they saw each other as family, but neither of them were able to confront that fact directly for one reason or another (Kiryu, again, with is fear of hurting those he loves and his general inability to express his emotions perfectly. Daigo might have thought seeing Kiryu as his dad was inappropriate, especially after having had to believe he killed his actual dad). Kiryu lamenting the bond they could have had wouldn't have had the same merit if Kiryu and Daigo were actually able to bond more, but because they didn't and we see they still cherish each other, the impact's there.
My long ugly ramble aside, I'm glad you still enjoyed the game! I don't know if you have any more of the games left to play, but if you ever get around to them I hope you enjoy them!
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arknights-imagines · 2 years
Okay so what’s your opinion on phantom? If you don’t mind me asking.
Hi there anon 💕!!
Aaa omg, my opinion on Phantom, okay ✨!!! I don't mind at all dw! Ty for asking aaa 💞~
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(Phantom sends his greetings, and Miss Christine as well sgshs! He's used to the spotlight and he's happy to be here for everyone 💕~)
Phantom is another one of my most favourite Operators omg 🥳!!! Initially I wasn't v interested in him, however as time went on and I came to learn more about him, I grew to love him lots! I've mentioned this before dvdhd, one of the main reasons he became one of my favourites is because he's inspired by the musical 'Phantom of the Opera', which happens to be one of my favourite musicals 👉👈 svshsbs anywho, I really enjoy using him in-game and writing for him here on the blog, lots and lots aaa 🥰!!!
Firstly, I love his design v v much 😭💕!!! His rather elegant and Victorian-esque way of dressing fits with one of my favourite sort of clothing styles (which is formal and expensive suits, with ties and such!) so I love all of the outfits he wears ✨! I also find it v v cute that he sometimes matches with Miss Christine a lil bit, such as how she wears a red bow around her neck and he wears his red tie in his 'Dreambind Castle' skin svshsgs!
I like his lynx ears and small tail sgshs 🥺💕 (he has the features of a Canada Lynx, I've noticed~) and his EN voice is phenomenal, his EN voice actor did him lots of justice!!!
(And I'm v v excited for his live2D skin to release to the EN server aaa 🥳!!! It's super breathtaking and he looks super cool!)
Secondly, in terms his skills set in-game, he's one of my most favourite Operators to use (just after 'Rico sgjshs ✨) as he lots of fun for me! Phantom is extremely flexible and useful, he can do just about everything you'd need a Fast-Redeploy Operator to do 👍! Not to mention that he's a two-in-one with his clone 'The Phantom in the Mirror', which can be retreated and redeployed also!
I've put lots and lots of resources, time, and LMD towards my Phantom v gladly with no regrets ever svshs 🥳!! I bring him almost everywhere I go in-game lolol 👍~
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(Here's my Phantom aaa ✨!! I'm currently working on the Mastery 3 for his first skill!)
Thirdly, as for his character agahs!! He's v v compelling; tragic in some ways zghsgs, however with some hope for betterness as well 🤔!
Unfortunately, Phantom has been through v v much aaa... 😭😭 From when he was a child, for lots of years, he was in the control of the Crimson Troupe sbsjs and I can't imagine what they forced him to do or what they manipulated him into doing was any good - to say the least 😔
Considering his past, Phantom is v elusive - he doesn't wish to linger around people or create bonds and such, for quite a long time it seems as if his only close companion was Miss Christine
He often talks about himself in manners such as "there's no need to remember me" and "you shouldn't have to bear any of my burdens", such as here:
"I need not. In times of celebration, there need not be me. Under the midday sun, there need not be shadow."
"They have nothing to gain from remembering me."
"You'd like to hear my real voice? No, you can't. It isn't something you ought to bear..."
I feel that, because of what he's done under the control of the Crimson Troupe, Phantom believes himself to be a person whom people should steer away from, as the unfortunates that follow him will befall them if they don't wvshhs 😔 Fortunately, since joining Rhodes Island, it seems as though he's beginning to accept the care and kindness of others , and shows warmth to others also (such as when he interacts with his fellow Operators or with us, the Doctor 💕)!
Phantom has a lot to atone for, however I feel that before he can do any of that, he must forgive himself first svshs 👉👈! And I believe that if he remains with us and Rhodes Island, he's most definitely on the path towards forgiving himself and such 👍!
I hope that someday he'll be able to forgive himself, and be able to be happy and loved 😭💕 he's been through so much, he deserves to be safe, and also lots of love and happiness!!!
Anywho svshsg, now for a small Phantom relationship headcanon ✨!
Fourthly, I feel that Phantom would like it lots when his s/o wears his clothing svshs 🥺!! He maybe is unsure with physical affection, so having his s/o wrapped him his cloak or wearing one of his jackets his a way for him to stay close to them without actually being physically close 💕! He'd definitely compliment you as well, mentioning how you look wonderful in his clothing svshs 🥰~
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That's it, just about all of my thoughts on Phantom svshs ✨!!
Tysm for your ask anon, and for giving me the chance to talk about our theatre catboy, who I like v much 🥰!! My opinion of him has went through lots of changes, so it was interesting for me to think on all of this stuff I've talked about here aaa~
Like I've mentioned before, all of you guys are welcome to send in asks regarding my thoughts on Rhodes Islands Operators ✨!
Okay sgshsh, I'll get back to work on what's next for the blog now 👍!! Ty again for your ask anon, I hope you'll stick around and please have a great day 🌸!!!
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read more for breeze-by reviews of the books films and shows I read/watched in 2022
a tree grows in brooklyn (reread) - 5/5 cemented as one of my favorite books. reading it at 25 was very different from reading it at 18
lord of the flies - oof 5/5 v chilling
the neverending story - 2/5 the whole movie is in the first seven chapters and it just drags on from there and bastian was annoying
an absolutely remarkable thing - 3/5 interesting story that I wouldn’t usually read and it ended kinda ambiguously. the main character was a little annoying but it was good for the story
the curious incident of the dog in the night time - 2/5 kinda overrated in my opinion and was kinda a bummer overall
their eyes were watching god - 4/5 kinda a bummer too but v beautiful
walk two moons - 3/5 a little overly Solemn in my opinion
shadow of a bull - 2/5 a little boring and anti climatic
hooked - 5/5 sutton foster has been one of my favorite performers for years and I really enjoyed getting a closer look at her life
the women in the castle - 5/5 a very chewy read. not a book you can dismiss easily
the hearts of horses - 4/5 v unfortunately titled and covered, but v enjoyable slice of life read. actually related to the main character, and the horses were written realistically.
jack and jill - 3/5 very slice of life w Moral Lessons, and I didn’t really agree with the moral lesson
the boy who harnessed the wind -4/5 more memoir-y then I thought it would be but I liked it like that
wink: - 3/5 finished on 1/1/23 but I’m counting it. definitely worth the read but could’ve been better
red riding hood - 2/5 pretty silly plot but gary oldman was acting his pants off
the prestige - 3/5 v captivating but left me feeling ick
a monster calls - 4/5 almost as good as the book
atonement - 2/5 v pretty but. betrayled
gladiator - 5/5 v refreshing to see this type of movie, 2000s style
encanto - 3/5 not enough recovery time
moulin rouge - 3/5 wild but it could be deep
the caddy - 3/5 jerry lewis is the basis of my sense of humor
logan - 5/5 really liked seeing such a grounded superhero film
hanna - 3/5 underdeveloped as whole. woulda worked better as a mini series
last christmas - 3/5 liked the characters, well acted and written, didn’t like the twist
school of rock - 5/5 there is nothing wrong with this movie
to all the boys p.s i still love you - 3/5 silly conflict. girl just go to school
if I stay - 4/5 much deeper than I thought it was gonna be
sing - 3/5 loved the littel chameleon creature
the fantastic mr fox - 4/5 v strange but a little long
the exception - 1/5 left me feeling v ick
winter’s bone - 4/5 different from what I expected. v grounded and unsensational
beastly - 2/5 lol v v 2011 black cover ya book feeling. v silly
the giver - 3/5 better than I thought it would be. rushed through in favor of a more dramatic ending
the addams family - 5/5 enjoyed everything about this
the addams family values - 4/5 not as sharp as the first one but joan cusack is in it
nope - 5/5 sooo good. loved the concept of an animal like alien and everything was set up so well. does rely on the “don’t look a horse in the eye or it will go berserk” thing which is just. not true. (literally just be chill and the horse will be chill. it’s more about approaching them from the side than directly in front). but on the whole the horse portrayal was pretty good
vengeance - 3/5 got v tense after the twist. went some places. left me feeling hmm
good will hunting - 4/5 literally heard of this movie my whole life. it’s good
rampage - 2/5 I love big scary animal monsters but this got too big and silly
potc: on stranger tides - 3/5 the story was better than I thought it would be, but overall it wasn’t made with the same care as the og trilogy
potc: dead men tell no tales - 2/5 almost just stupid
spiderman: no way home - 4/5 everyone was acting their pants off and it was great
black panther: wakanda forever - 4/5 ran a little long but loved all the choices and visuals
weird - 3/5 what it says on the can. bizarre and funny
the princess switch 2 - 2/5
the princess switch 3 - 3/5 unexpected pathos???
hildago - 3/5 honestly think I would’ve liked it better if he shot the horse at the end :/ which is a horrible thing to say but
falling for christmas - 2/5 I did it for you miss lohan
disenchanted - 2/5 and one of those is solely for idina menzel singing
jojo rabbit - 5/5 tonally brilliant and surprisingly full despite being under two hours
glass onion - 5/5 v fun and v engaging from beginning to end
tv shows
attack on titan s4 pt 2 - 3/5 not enough levi. also can we just finish this dam story
stranger things s4 - 4/5 a lot of crunchy plot stuff happened, v curious to see how it will end
only murders in the building s2 - 4/5 not as strong as s1 but still v enjoyable
derry girls s3 - 5/5 no notes
kenobi - 3/5 not bad but also pretty unnecessary
this is us s6 - 3/5 pretty likely end to the series but the more I thought about it the more I didn’t like it
abbott elementary - 5/5 no notes. most enjoyable mockumentary I’ve seen
rutherford falls - haven’t finished the first season yet so reserving final judgement but so far so good
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vermanaward · 1 month
liveblogged pll 81 thoughts
mnk ranged attack finally, all it took was a third gauge bar
rip nin huiton (which. tbh with mnk greased lightning being collapsed into a trait doesn't surprise me. i wonder if they're nuking the sam buff dependence too)
Oh Boy another finisher to squeeze in under pots. at least the animation upgrade for jolt looks cool. and it seems accel is still mini swift
picto looks like it could be interesting, gameplay wise. i was kind of expecting a sticker collecter/user since we don't have a caster one of those yet but.
sch gets an enshroud [eyes emoji]
whm gap closer on temperance is interesting decision. i want to guess it's like icarus (maybe icarus will also get an upgrade to match it? idk)
looks like the tank gap closers are being unified/losing damage, which is v nice
id rather they just mailed everyone a fanta but if its a per quest thing then maybe all characters will get a bonus fanta, not just new ones. or maybe they will move the arr fanta there for new toons, in which case rip.
i do like the cooldown period though, means i can change voices and test in a ds dungon to see if i hate it actually
the optional combo collapser is nice, especially for controller players
atonement 2 and atonemnet 3 should break up the spam but. still gotta put an F in chat for people maining pld
rip blood weapon but at the same time its like. you're pressing it with delirium anyway so it's whatever
a fray combo/finisher is making me [eyes emoji] but i dont expect anything much
lmao the new gnb skill/combo is lionheart. ofc it is. 'whatever' intensifies
feint and second wind buff is nice. there seems to be quite a few universal defensive buffs in the 90s. sorta sucks that they won't apply at lower levels but i kinda get why (ultimate balance mostly)
oh no they've gutted mnk
the chakra changes are good but MAN. rip buff and dot upkeep which. i get a lot of people found hard or offputing but. skill issue. read your tooltips its not hard. idk i found it fun about mnk but i never played it in anything remotely Effort requiring so take that as you will
they removed spineshatter????? QQ
plentiful harvest is. it's skill issue?? same with manafic on rdm. which they're also going to change. fml
actually that would track with the trailer as well. oh well
you probably should not be using movement tools in enshroud, but. the harpe upgrade looks cool nonetheless i guess?
new rpr burst tech unlocked - nooming around like you're a smn
or pre enshourld in/eg > eg/in > enshroud > harpe > normal burst [thinking emoji]
vpr seems. hm. reminds me a bit of dnc tbh. no thoughts head empty press glowy butan (don't overwrite your procs, use everything)
they're trying to say It's Quite Deep Actually but. idunno i will reserve judgement
chat: so wait you remove mnk 'having to' watch their buffs to see what to use next, but add it to vpr? devs: uh well we added a ui element to tell you what the crack is without having to squint at the bar so. so why could you not have added that to mnk. you gutted mnk for vpr. actually mad
brd changes seem v nice (i say as someone who loathes playing brd)
oh barrel stabiliser is getting the harvest treatment too. i guess im speedrunning the stages of grief here
..drill charges (plus the new tool? tools for fuckin days)
standard step without having to do step actions? hUH????? DETAILS.
media tour leaks cant come soon enough
fuck yeah swift buff
rip blm mp tick tech
this absolutely a potshot at nonstandard and blms nowhere will stop doing nonstandard
moving ley lines was a MEME. a JOKE. (but for qol i get it its nice congrats blms)
[donkey kong meme] you can move your ley lines... Once
solar bahamut, huh. i think lunar looked better tbh. i don't expect any lore relating to this, but
alexander when
w8 does this mean smn has three major primals now? 4 minute rotation, inch resting
smn rez not dead. status of physic currently unknown
"just like we said last time, we're thinking about removing rez next time, please look forward to it"
one thing i guess i do potentially like about this manafic change is that you can aoe combo right away (since 3x aoe combo requires 60/60, meaning you need to build mana before manafic)
oh shit they're also changing the aoe combo to 50/50 as well. nice!!
idk how i feel about all of these 'when u use ur raid buff you get an additional ability to use'. feels like button bloat
picto looks like it could be interesting.
it has a non targeted dash!!!
i guess if i have concerns, it's that. moogle and madeen are the only creatures, etc, so there's not much. variety. but the same is true of like nin mudras, smn primals, etc
instant casts during your raid buff is nice. it seems they are really trying to incentivise people to fucking press their buttons lmao
oh okay the whm gapclose is not on temperance
seraph enshroud 👀
another post raidbuff attack. lol. lmao even
no rng cards is nice. it sounds like cards have had a pretty thorough overhaul
rip astrodyne, nobody liked you
so sge gets salted earth, k
sge said double caster rights
wait is it really an aoe dot? sge gets all the nice things... (but can't turn into an angel so. really who is the winner here)
no pvp changes other than vpr and pct being added until 7.1. cowards
...mountain dew collab. the fuck
...are The Youth not familiar with mtn dew? huh??
collabs outside of japan though fuck yes
oh no there's an official overpriced loporrit plush
...magnets on a cable tidy? :|
thats all she wrote ig
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mywhispersofink · 2 months
Daylight- An Adaptation
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This is an adaptation of a song called “Daylight” by David Kushner, who sang and wrote it. Kushner joined hands with a few other writers like Hayden Robert Hubers, Jeremy Fedryk and Joshua Bruce Williams to create this masterpiece. The main idea behind this gothic pop by Kushner is overcoming darkness but mainly indicates sexual guilt. It could have stemmed from the idea of sexual interaction as whole or affairs, that could be labelled as the forbidden love. Kushner has mentioned that he was inspired to write this song from his Christian beliefs, which justifies the usage of rich language and biblical references he has made throughout the song. However, this piece has been interpreted in many ways by the audience since its release in 2023. This song is very close to my heart for many reasons and my initial interpretation to it when I first heard it was related to being stuck in a very passionate yet toxic relationship. In this adaptation, I will be making some changes to the second part of the song to exemplify the journey of letting go of such a relationship despite its difficulties. 
Link to the song: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=v8m1wqCfZAg&si=o8NuakIUnwJrJvEL 
Adapted song lyrics
Verse 1
Telling myself I won't go there
Oh, but I know that I won't care
Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt
This lust is a burden that we both share
Two sinners can't atone from a lone prayer
Souls tied, intertwined by our pride and guilt
There's darkness in the distance
From the way that I've been livin'
But I know I can't resist it
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Verse 2
Tellin' myself it's the last time
I am looking for mercy that I can’t find
From the depths and darkness of our hell,
Our hell we made of songs,
With a haunting melody of love thralls
With my hand up in the air
I'm down, deep down, on my knees now,
Oh dear Lord I try to follow your light,
But it's night and her shadows are closeby,
I hear ’em weeping down my neck,
I feel them causing me a wreck, 
I know she is screaming at the back 
“Please, don't leave me in the end”
There's darkness in the distance
I'm beggin' for forgiveness (ooh)
Now I won’t resist it, oh
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
I will not drink the poison from the same vine
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Showin' all of our sins to the daylight
To the daylight, runnin' to the daylight
To the daylight, runnin' to the daylight
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Verse 3
So now I'll walk by, like a ghost leaving all behind,
All the love we kissed and shared,
So now I walk away, like a mist from the grave of our love,
Leaving behind what I couldn't save,
To the dawn of my redemption to seek my salvation, 
While breaking the spell of your love,
Though my lips are still singing your grails.
I will break the spell of your games
Though my lips will still sing your grails
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
I will not drink the poison from the same vine
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Showin' all of our sins to the daylight
To the daylight, runnin' to the daylight
To the daylight, runnin' to the daylight
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
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uppervalleyes · 3 months
Upper Valley Honda
Upper Valley Honda is based in Vermont, but it serves a substantial number of New Hampshire-based customers. In an attempt to atone, they intend to visit the oppressed upon arriving in White River Junction. honda car dealer near me Nobody does Honda service like Upper Valley Honda in the Upper Valley region, which includes parts of Vermont and New Hampshire. The parking lot can be accessed from the addresses mentioned previously. We are extremely proud of our network of top-notch Honda dealerships and financing specialists. At our on-site service center, we sell and maintain both new and used Honda vehicles. There are numerous reasons why the name Upper Valley Honda is intriguing. Upstairs Valley Honda is one of the many happy Honda owners in the White River Junction, Vermont, area. Now is the perfect time to stop by and inquire. Among the many benefits of joining us is the opportunity to become an essential member of our team.
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technodromes · 5 months
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⚙️ Starter Call ⚙️
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Heya! Like/Comment** on this post for an unplotted multi-para starter with my Utrom OC, Grum. If you are a multimuse as well, specify in your comment for which muse the starter is for and/or which verse you would like. If you just like this starter call, I will make any choices myself. Verses that are currently available;
V: The Utrom Engineer (default) Main verse. Grum is separated from the Kraang hive and the Utrom. They’re on a journey as a traveling engineer, ultimately seeking atonement. They desire to be at peace someday with themself and the world. V: The Kraang Engineer Corrupted verse. Rather than feeling guilt and wanting to redeem themself, Grum decides to own up to their past. The amount of bad experiences and unfortunate encounters further embittered them, driving them to finish what Kraang started. V: Welcome to Grum’s Workshop Having found finally peace with their past and themself, Grum settled down to open their own little workshop. They repair usually spacecrafts, but they also offer their service for any other kind of tech that needs fixing. They loosened up a little ever since and seem to struggle less with social interactions.
** Since people can't read rules and I'm growing tired of it: I write with RP blogs & mutuals only! If I don't follow you back or you're no RP blog, please DON'T interact with this post or I'll block you right away.
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beldaroot · 1 year
anita,,,,,, episode 11,,,,,
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if you haven’t watched it yet pls ignore !!!! but if you have…..
OH MY GOD!!!! this episode was so insane i was literally crying within the first 2 minutes 😭 my heart hurts so bad for rei… and i can’t believe they did that to misaki!!! i knew that SOMETHING was going to go down but i was not expecting for THAT especially so soon T^T im so glad that rei figured out what was going on and called kazuki and that kazuki was able to get there in time to save miri but……. OTL misaki did not deserve that :( i know she hadn’t been the best mother up until this point but i truly think that she wanted to change and you could tell that she really loved miri! i am so so so not looking forward to when they have to tell miri what happened……..
and as if i wasn’t already crying hard enough, at the end when kazuki and rei were like “this isn’t a pretend relationship anymore, we’re becoming a REAL family now” T^T MY HEART…… they love miri so much,,,,
it also really !!! squeezed my heart !!!! to see how much they were showing rei’s love for miri in this episode. ofc it’s been a few episodes now that rei has been slowly revealing how much miri means to him, but for some reason this episode hit even harder!!! like when he was sleeping with miri’s rubber duck at his side???? i was sobbing!!!!!! and you could hear the fear & panic in his voice when he called kazuki telling him to go get miri……. ohhhh my god this anime is going to kill me. i believe episode 12 is the last episode, and im so nervous for what’s gonna happen T^T
yes i did watch it and i had the same whirlwind of emotions as you!!! that picture truly sums up exactly how i felt after watching HELP
i actually kinda enjoyed seeing kazuki and rei all miserable in the beginning LOL it just really drove it home that these two love and care for miri so much and feel utterly at lost without her :(
but i am slightly disappointed in how they handled misaki... i know she wasn't the best mom, but you really could see that she regretted her past actions and wanted to change for the better for miri. it's just unfortunate that she didn't get to do that successfully at the end and that she essentially had the same fate as miri's father? she didn't deserve that (especially when rei and kazuki got the opportunity to change but she didn't)! i honestly can't wrap my head around it without getting a lil bit upset lol i do hope the ending lands well bc that whole arc felt so rushed and unnecessarily brutal :/
but the ending! yes, it made me so happy how it was rei that pushed for the family to stay together! you can see the guilt he has for being responsible for killing both of miri's parents and that he wants to "atone for his sins" (though i don't think he's the main person to blame). it was just v nice to see that he accepted and wanted to change! and all of this came naturally bc he truly does love miri with his whole heart and would rather give everything up just to make sure she's safe! and the way it was so easy for him to convince kazuki bc even though he knows a foster care system would probably be safest for her, he also knows that what's best for her now is being a family together! i loved how they said it wasn't going to be a fake family anymore - everything about their relationship will be real and true! though i'm still concerned if they're planning on lying to miri about her parents and their role in their deaths or if that's something they're going to be truthful about. she's only four, but i don't want this "real" family to already start off with lies, ya know? i'm v v v curious on how this show will end! it's crazy that they're wrapping everything up in a single episode OTL that's why i'm hoping for some type of ova or something! more than anything though, i need to see rei take his family and that creepy "last words" dude out! i cannot rest until those people are gone and no longer a threat to miri!
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Worthy Brief - October 5, 2022
May your sins be removed as far as the east and the west!
Leviticus 16:13-16, 21-22 And he shall put the incense on the fire before the Lord, that the cloud of incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the Testimony, lest he die. 14 He shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat on the east side; and before the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times. 15 "Then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering, which is for the people, bring its blood inside the veil, do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it on the mercy seat and before the mercy seat. 16 So he shall make atonement for the Holy Place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions, for all their sins; and so he shall do for the tabernacle of meeting which remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness.
21 Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man. 22 The goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities to an uninhabited land; and he shall release the goat in the wilderness.
One of the main lessons of Yom Kippur is understanding the significance of "rachamim," the mercies of God. The scripture expressed that our sins are removed as far as "the east is from the west," -- meaning they are completely forgiven when confessed. On the feast of Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, two goats are involved in the sacrifice. The blood of the first goat was placed on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. The other, or "scapegoat," was released into the wilderness, signifying that our sins were not only covered but also removed. In the days of the Temple, this "scapegoat" was led through the Eastern Gate toward the Mount of Olives, where it would disappear from view as it fulfilled the removal of sins from the people.
Now the Mount of Olives was also the location of the ascension of Yeshua (Jesus) when he left this earth after his death and resurrection. His shed blood took away our sins when He brought it to the Heavenly Mercy Seat, typified by the goat who was slain on Yom Kippur. But He also ascended and disappeared from just east of the Temple on the Mount of Olives in the same way as the "scapegoat,"….. showing that our sins are completely removed, as far as the east is from the west!
Yeshua's sacrifice completely covered and removed our sins. We can walk in full assurance of His forgiveness, with a cleansed conscience in newness of life today and every day. We are perfect in Him. Receive His mercy, confess your sins, and walk in freedom, fully realizing they have been removed -- as far as the east is from the west…by His amazing grace!
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
George, Baht Rivka, & Obadiah Baltimore, Maryland
New Video: Pipelines, Red Heifers and the Smi'tah cycles [ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYZy6bgm9pw | Rumble - https://rumble.com/v1lxoaa-pipelines-red-heifers-and-the-smitah-cycle.html ]
We are planning our Fall Tour so if you would like us to minister at your congregation, home fellowship, or Israel focused event, be sure to let us know ASAP. You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information.
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