#[ also- i get what you're saying but the nancy thing was complicated and- i'm not exactly NOT on her side ;) ]
gunspluraltm · 2 years
🍷 - Eddie (because last time Nancy Wheeler was drunk she said some super nasty things to him so...no) send the thing for drunk eddie or nancy / @alwaysthesitter​
          “Hey there, big boy.”  He sniffs, drawing the bottle of beer into his arm. Clumsy, yet oddly sure, steps have him wiggling into the spot next to Steve. Did it mater that he stepped on him? No- pft, of course not. Did it matter that there was more room on the OTHER side of him on the sofa? No. He had something, like - really really important to talk to Steve about. A grin grows at his lips as he tugs the bottle out of his arm then and takes another swig of it. Then it falls just as quickly - thoughts zipping left and right as his eyes go from Steve, to the person of interest - who was currently ignoring him again at this plebian party, and back to Steve. 
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         “Y’know - girls, are WAY too much trouble." Brow pinches and he looks at him again. “You know? Like - like, they got boobies. And I like boobies, you like boobies- she’s got boobies. But goddamn they’re - like, these beautiful riddles you- you get when you have to talk to the dragon before you enter the cave. And you think! you have the right answer! But you don’t! And it’s just- poof.” His hands lift and make the motions of mock explosions, complete with the flaring wiggle of ring adorned fingers. “You are dragon toast my little gremlin. Dragon. Toast.” And he inhales, before his brow pinches and he looks at Steve again. He was sure he had a question. “Hey King Hairy Steve, you got any girls? Mine spits fire like Smaug. SMAUG.” And then he hums, “Worth her weight in gold too.”
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unclewaynemunson · 7 months
Pt2 to this post
'Is something wrong?' Nancy asks, not long after the two of them have taken their familiar spots on the hood of Steve's car. They're basking in what might be the last warm sunlight of the year, looking out over the quarry, at a safe distance from the edge.
It's become a tradition the two of them share, ever since they reconnected back in March. It calms them both, to just sit here and take in the view, no one around but each other. Nancy is one of the few people Steve can share a comfortable silence with: sometimes they sit here quietly for what feels like hours, side by side, listening to music or to nothing but the birds singing around them. But they also have their best conversations here: it's the place where Nancy entrusted him she wanted to break up with Jonathan; it's the place where they talked about their shared past and decided they would always love each other as friends; it's the place where they finally talked about Barbara in a way they couldn't when they were younger. It's where Nancy talked about the ghosts still haunting her and Steve talked about how lonely he sometimes felt.
Steve huffs. 'How did you guess?'
'When you frown, you always do it with your whole face,' Nancy notes. 'So it's hard to miss, really.'
Steve glances at her side profile. There's a serenity to her features that's still relatively new. It means she's healing, slowly learning how to be happy again. It means she stopped waiting for the end of the world and started believing in a real future again. It makes Steve proud of how far they both have come.
'I had a fight with Eddie,' he confesses. 'And with Dustin, I guess.'
'What happened?'
He sighs. 'It's complicated.'
'Wanna tell me about it?'
The look in her eyes is kind and inviting. Steve hesitates. He wants to, but he doesn't know if he can. It's a risk. It's scary.
But he can't imagine Nancy Wheeler ever being careless with his secrets. He can't imagine her judging him, can't imagine her being as small-minded as most people in this town.
He was planning on telling her anyway, because things had been going so well with Eddie lately and – no, he shouldn't think about that right now. But maybe it would actually be nice to talk about it with Nancy.
'So, um...' His throat feels tight and his hands are sweaty. 'I recently discovered some things about myself. I-' The words get stuck somewhere on the way to his mouth, and he clears his throat.
Nancy doesn't push, but only gives him an encouraging nod, waiting for him to find his voice again.
'I found out I like boys,' he finally manages to confess. 'And I need you to know that – that that doesn't mean that what I felt for you wasn't real. It was. I loved you, and now I fell in love with a boy. And-'
'Steve.' Nancy's hand suddenly covers his, causing him to finally jerk his head away from the view over the quarry, to focus on her face again instead.
Her eyes are wide, and she squeezes his hand.
'You don't have to explain yourself to me,' she tells him. 'We're good. But thank you for telling me. For trusting me with this.'
Steve heaves out a relieved sigh, and Nancy smiles; it's that genuine kind of smile which reveals all kinds of dimples and soft lines across her face.
'We might be more similar than you thought,' she tells him, a faint blush spreading over her cheeks.
'Really?' Her words make his breath catch in his throat. He squints at her, trying to see her in this new light. 'Are you saying what I think you're saying?'
She shrugs. 'I don't know. I'm not sure yet,' she admits. 'Still figuring things out.'
'Take your time, there's no rush,' he tells her. 'But...' He bumps his shoulder against hers. 'When you're done figuring it out, talk to me, okay?'
She nods. 'Okay.'
For a while, it's quiet between the two of them. Some kind of raptor circles high above them in the sky. They both follow it with their eyes until it disappears among the tree tops west of the quarry.
'Is it Eddie?'
Steve blinks dumbly a couple of times.
'Wha- what?'
'The guy you were talking about. The one you fell in love with. It's Eddie, isn't it?'
'Jesus, Wheeler, what kind of sorceress are you?' Steve exclaims.
Nancy laughs again. 'You're not being as subtle as you think,' she tells him. 'The two of you have been hooking up for a while now, haven't you?'
Steve huffs dramatically. 'This is unfair. You know everything; I can't even tell you my own secrets anymore!'
'So what happened?' Nancy asks. 'You said you had a fight with him?'
'It's fucking stupid,' he sighs. 'Dustin was getting way too excited about the fact that I was gonna be hanging out with you, so I told him I was seeing someone. Next thing I knew, he was telling Eddie all about how I was seeing a girl.' He waves his hands around to make annoyed air quotations. 'I wanted to tell Eddie it was a misunderstanding, but Dustin was there, so I couldn't out us just like that, and he looked so betrayed and heartbroken... He didn't wanna listen to me.'
Steve sighs; he still can't manage to forget that look in Eddie's eyes when Dustin delivered the big news. 'I wish I would've talked about what I felt for him earlier. I should've been honest when I had the chance, y'know. But I was afraid he wouldn't wanna label what we had, that he wouldn't feel the same way – and now we're in this whole mess. God, he must hate me right now, Nance.'
To his surprise, Nancy gives him an unexpected slap against his arm.
'Ouch, what the hell was that for?!'
'What are you even doing here with me, Steve? You should've gone after him, tell him how you feel!'
'I tried, obviously, but he didn't wanna listen to me!'
'So make him listen! You're in love with him, he obviously feels the same way about you, and you let him leave to wallow in a broken heart he doesn't even need to have!' She rolls her eyes and slides off the car, adding something under her breath that sounds suspiciously like an exasperated 'Boys!' before she pulls Steve off the car as well. 'C'mon, time to get your ass over to the trailer park. Right. Now,' she says through gritted teeth. And, well, Steve knows better than to argue with a determined - and truthfully quite terrifying - Nancy Wheeler.
Read the last part here Taglist: @withacapitalp @ultimatedreamer104 @irregular-child @jcmadgirl @estrellami-1 @myguiltyartpleasure @hallucinatedjosten @jaybren @thew1ldblueyonder @melodymeddler @alycatavatar @zoeweee @lolawonsstuff @fairy-princette @saramelaniemoon @phirex22 @krazyperson @xxsky-shockxx (I only put people on this list who explicitly asked to be tagged. That's really no problem, I love to do that so dw about asking, but I got a lot of relatively vague reactions to the previous post that i'm not gonna dissect and interpret, bc I don't wanna clog anyone's notes unwanted. So just to be clear: i consider it a huge compliment if anyone asks for a tag but please do it clearly if you do!)
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monstrous-femme · 6 months
So You Want to Write Poly Fic: A How-To from Your Favorite Poly Mutual
(i know for many of you I'm your only poly mutual so that works too)
This guide is going to rely heavily on Stranger Things pairings, because that's the fandom I'm currently writing in, but these concepts can apply to any fandom.
Expand your definition of Polyamory
Fandom loves the triad, and if this is what you want to write, there's no reason not to. However, three people all dating each other should not be the only thing you think of when you think of polyamory! Here are some other configurations for your consideration:
Jonathan is dating both Nancy and Argyle, but Nancy and Argyle are not dating each other
Chrissy is dating Robin, but sometimes makes out with Heather at parties.
Eddie, Steve, and Nancy are all dating each other, and Nancy has a separate relationship with Barb.
Steve and Robin have a queerplatonic relationship that they consider their primary partnership, but both date other people in a casual setting.
Chrissy is not ready to be in a relationship after breaking up with Jason, but has casual hookups with multiple people who are aware of and comfortable with the situation.
2. Pay attention to your dyads.
One of the most common mistakes I see in poly fics is trying to superimpose the same way you'd write monogamous pairings onto more people. The problem with this is that in a couple with only two people, you are only writing one relationship. In a poly ship, you're writing more, and probably a higher number than you think of. This is where the dyad comes in.
A dyad simply the relationship between two people. Say you're writing Nancy/Chrissy/Robin (as you should). You're not just writing the one relationship between the three of them. There are also three separate relationships to consider:
Chrissy/Nancy Robin/Chrissy Nancy/Robin
Each of these relationships will have its own dynamic, and just because they're all dating doesn't mean it will all be the same. This is why I often caution newer writers away from writing relationships with tons of characters off the bat. The jump from a triad to a quad moves you from 3 dyads to 6. Now, depending on your POV character, you may not have to focus much on every single dyad, but you do need to be aware of their existence.
3. Metamour Dynamics
A metamour is a person who your partner is dating and you are not dating. Metamour dynamics can be very complicated (but also very fun to play with when writing) because of the feelings that can come up seeing your partner with someone else.
Let's say both Steve and Robin are dating Nancy, but not each other. Are they thrilled to never have to be apart? Do they find it hilarious how much they share one brain? Or do they get sick of never having space away from each other? Does Robin resent that Steve's relationship with Nancy is more recognized by society because of heteronormativity? Does Steve resent that Robin's never had her heart broken by Nancy?
Metamours also may be awkward or choose not to interact. Let's say Nancy's dating both Barb and Eddie now. Do Barb and Eddie form an unlikely friendship? Are they consistently awkward and tense to a point where Nancy doesn't keep them near each other?
There are as many different metamour dynamics as there are people, and giving some life to these relationships will give a lot of texture and realism to your poly fic.
4. Let it be Messy
When we write monogamous pairings, most writers in a longer fic will include things not working out, miscommunication, hurt feelings, jealousy, anger, and angst. But there seems to be an anxiety around allowing any of these things to exist in polyamory, as if by admitting it's not always perfect, we're giving ammunition to polyphobia. (This same pressure is put on poly people in real life to be the Perfect Poly Partner and never experience difficult feelings around polyamory.)
The truth is, relationships are complicated. And while I love seeing poly pairings in fluff and smut, there seems at time to be real resistance to putting poly pairings into genres that are messier.
Mess is a part of life. Mess is especially a part of intimate, vulnerable relationships, and, on a personal note, I need the mess to exist in fiction because stories are how I understand myself. When poly people are allowed to be human, it helps me (and probably other poly people) give myself permission to be human too. You are not hurting the poly community if your characters mess up, especially if it's in real and human ways.
I hope this helps you feel more comfortable and confident writing poly characters! Feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any follow-up questions.
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skyesdaisys · 7 months
Hi love can you please write some Callie x fem reader hcs
of course!!! writing headcanons is so much faster and easier than actually writing one shots (literally need to write/finish my other two current requests ahsjdjdj) also callie my babygirl, i love her SO bad
your guys' relationship is a bit of a slow burn. because 1. she's with kyle but also 2. mommy issues. she knows her parents relationship isn't as perfect as they make it seem and it takes a toll on her a bit (kind of like nancy wheeler, but at least with callie, jeff actually cares about his family, with shauna.... it's complicated, but we're well aware of that)
even as friends, callie wants to keep her distance. like yeah, she does have alana but with you, it was different. something that was stronger (yet again, i don't think callie let alana sleep over at her house and i wouldn't blame her)
but when you do, callie REALLY wants to make sure you don't come to her house mainly because of shauna. it's just lesbian with mommy issues (callie is a lesbian to me, i will die on that hill)
and well, it takes her a while to build of the courage to tell you how she feels about you. like a loooooooong while. but she does eventually because you help her open up more, making you feel like safe space for her
but it takes a bit longer after you guys get together for her to let you meet her parents
when she does, she literally begs shauna and jeff to not be weird about it at all
jeff tries to keep his cool about it, to be an ally (he literally searches online about "what to do when your daughter brings home a girl?")
shauna, at first, isn't fond of you, but over time, she comes around to the idea especially since you make her daughter happy. like genuinely happy. shauna does live her daughter, she just..... has a hard time showing it
you and callie aren't very touchy, and you guys don't have to be. when you're watching tv together, she has her head on your shoulder (or vice versa)
and if you aren't as affectionate as she is, that's fine. both of you have your boundaries and you set them and respect one another
same if you are physically affectionate. she let's you hug her, lay your head on her shoulder or her lap, cheek kisses, but you don't go overboard. just the small little things she enjoys
it takes her a while to say "i love you" but she eventually does when she feels that you're the one. and you are!
everytime you stay for dinner, jeff always tries to make you feel apart of the family. he just wants his little girl to be happy
and does this mean you'll be dragged into their family messes? yup. you are officially apart of the family, you are joining in their disasters whether you like it or not
and that means bonding with shauna a bit more as she slowly sees you as trustworthy and knows you're a good fit for callie (i know for a fact that she did not like kyle at all when callie was dating him and obviously, she hates that fucking cop and as she should. acab)
honestly, callie's parents become family to you, and accepting you into it because you make her happy (they are a dysfunctional murder family, but they are happy, in a weird fucked up way)
and yes, jeff invites you to holiday dinners, which makes callie flush in embarrassment
did this turn out to be more of you meeting shauna and jeff while dating callie? yes. but come on, the experience would be hilarious like "yeah, i'm apart of my girlfriend's crazy family that covers up murders. no big deal :)"
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thewrongmoon · 2 years
ACTUALLY I'LL SAY IT NOW: many fans (usually more casual ones) treat relationships on the show as either a way for self-insertion or as a way to "reward" characters and its honestly really fucking stupid?
like relationships should be about chemistry and communication and what is best for them as CHARACTERS.
st*ncy for an example:
steve is a fan favorite. steve is funny, attractive, charismatic. steve has been trying and failing to get a gf for 2 seasons.
nancy is a pretty girl who steve is attracted to. because steve is so nice and attractive, people think that means he deserves nancy. not only are you ignoring the characters goals, personalities, and aspirations, you're being incredibly misogynistic in thinking a girl is like a prize for a character you like.
other st*ncy fans, usually the female ones, do also believe this to an extent, but they also want to be the one to date steve. nancy is easy for women to project themselves on to, she's smart, pretty, funny, but has an edgier side to her. so they ship st*ncy as a way of kind of also shipping themselves w/ steve.
but the same is also true for byler/mlvn.
most mlvn fans are like. and i'm saying this because its true, not to demean anyone, usually either teen girls or nerdy guys from reddit.
teen girls are attracted to mike, and they insert themselves in the role of el. el is kind of a blank slate (through no fault of her own, mostly through trauma) so this is pretty easy.
nerdy guys from reddit can project themselves on to mike because mike is nerdy and unathletic. el is objectively a pretty girl, and she has super powers which make her special. these guys think its good representation for them when a guy like mike has a girlfriend like this, because it's also exactly what they want.
now byler, and this is controversial, can also be found guilty of this. specifically i see this from bylers who really hate mike or really love will. because they think will is perfect, he's been through so much pain, he deserves to be with mike, because he is in love with mike. this is once again kind of just using mike as a prize, and not really taking into account what mike actually wants as a character, or how well these characters fit together. now mike and will do actually fit together and have good chemistry/communication, which definitely complicates things. like, you got the right answer but with the wrong equation, you know? but because of this when you "show your work" (yes i'm going with the math analogy) your interpretation doesn't match well with people who solved the problem correctly.
tl;dr-- relationships are made of TWO people (sometimes more) and you have to consider both sides of the equation. you also have to look at how they work together, and how well what the characters want line up. if you ARE just going to rely entirely on self-projection or wanting what a single character wants, then that's actually completely fine too, but just be open about it, yknow?
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nitewrighter · 10 months
Do you think that the other characters forget Efi is only 12 (I think). Like she and Torbjorn spend the day going over super complicated schematics (and she even corrects him once or twice) then she puts on Power Puff Girl pajamas, watches Bluey while eating ice cream before bed? Could we get some fanteractions between her and the others?
I don't know if I discussed it on twitter or on here, but actually in the novel The Hero of Numbani, one of the things I thought was a really cute little world-buildy touch about how Efi interacts with the world at her age is that she often finds herself in these adult spaces, and the adults around her are drinking coffee, and they're like "uhhhh here" and they keep giving her coffee that's like... 50% milk and loaded with sugar--like it's clear they didn't really expect a kid to be in this situation and they're awkwardly doing what they can to try and accommodate her, and she partially recognizes that and also pushes boundaries and feels this need to prove herself.
Also like, 12 isn't really a "powerpuff girl pajamas and Bluey" age, 12 is like.. the age where you semi-convince yourself that you could probably stop arterial bleeding with your little bare 12-year-old hands if the situation called for it. 12 is when you're in a fucked up simultaneous state of "World is big and scary and my body is starting to do things I did not give it permission to do and I'm not ready" and also "I'm Nancy Drew levels of hypercompetent and you can't stop me." Ideally, 12 is where you're starting to push your own boundaries more and more but you're also kind of struggling with the fact that you are outgrowing things you used to really care about. You aren't quite at that asshole stage of "expanding independence but with very little concept of consequences" yet, but it is an age where you are grasping more and more complex concepts. But also your brain is still struggling to really make a leap into abstract/symbolic thinking, which is why algebra really sucks at that age. But again, Efi is a super-genius so developmentally she's at an even crazier intersection of what she can and can't do compared to her peers.
I got off track. Anyway here's Efi interactions.
Sojourn: ...You um, you don't have to stand all the way over there. I don't bite.
Efi: *awkwardly shuffles toward her*
Sojourn: ...
Efi: ...
Sojourn: Soooo---?
Efi: *hoarse whisper* You're so much cooler than in the cartoons.
Sojourn: *snrk* I was this cool the whole time.
Sojourn: So, I guess I should say, there's really no pressure here. If you did choose to join us, you would just be here as a consultant, and--*deep breath* Okay, the thing is, with Liao gone, you're actually one of the leading minds in the world on AI learning systems, and the way things are with Null Sector, we need to be better at anticipating their next moves. I don't want to put that pressure on you, but given everything you and Orisa have done for Numbani, your willingness to work with Lúcio before, and the position we're currently in, we would be honored if we could get your perspective on certain pieces of intel we have now.
Efi: ...
Sojourn: I get it, it's a very scary situation, and if you just want to stay with your parents and the rest of the civilians, we'll still do everything in our power to keep you safe. Orisa is proving to be an incredible asset on her own. Really, Lúcio just remarked that you seemed very passionate about protecting your home, so if you would be interested in the chance to do that on a larger scale--
Efi: Do I have access to the armory?
Sojourn: Eh--?
Efi: Oh it's not for me, it's for Orisa.
Sojourn: Uhm...
Efi: :)
Sojourn: *clicks tongue* Um--You know what? I'm going to call your parents because there are about 90 more parameters in this situation I need to figure out.
Efi: Oh! They're fine with me having access to the armory.
Sojourn: Yeeahhh I think i'm going to ask them myself.
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lunamadhatter99 · 1 year
Be My Queen
Part 2
SteveHarrington x Hopper!femreader x EddieMunson
Sorry I'm late, I had some trouble finding both the time and the inspiration to write it.
This one is a little shorter than usual because I want the next one completely about baiting Vecna.
Anyway, I hope you guys like it, let me know also if you want to be tagged in the next chapter ❤️❤️
Chapter summary: the team gets ready to face probably the worst they've ever faced, what better timing to confess some feelings?
Chapter warning: none I think... if I missed something let me know.
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We finally arrive in this open field and I can take a break from all those creepy thoughts.
We split into small groups, Dustin and Eddie are tasked in making shields, Erica and Lucas in making spears, Max helps Nancy and I with the shotgun, , Robin and Steve making "bombs".
Nancy wanted to be as sure as possible with the aiming so we're cutting the end of the shotgun.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Max asks me.
"Positive" I nod and before she could say anything back "it's safer for you this way"
"She is right, Max" Nancy supports me "I really wish she wasn't, I really wish there would be another way... but this is the safest option"
"I'm just scared, okay?" Max admits.
I sigh and so does Nancy. Just like the others Max quickly became like a sister, the exact moment we met, she was family.
Seeing her so distraught and uncertain makes my heart clench.
"So are we" I sweetly say to her. "Fuck... I'm more scared than ever, if I'm being honest. But unfortunately if we don't do anything, no one else will and... again, unfortunately looks like we're smarter than anyone else"
A small smile appears on Max's face at my comment.
Then her eyes focus on Nancy's cutting the shotgun.
"Is this legal?" She asks her.
"Actually, I think it's felony" Nancy answers "but it guarantees one thing." Her eyes find mine for a moment before hitting the end and making it fell on the ground "I won't miss."
She says this to reassure me, which I'm more than grateful for.
"What about you?" Max looks at me "Are you gonna do something about those two idiots or you'll just wait and wait..?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." I feign innocence.
"I'm pretty sure now is the best time to say something to them... you know, confess something" Max hints.
"I don't know. It's complicated..."
"It's really not" Nancy chimes in as she stands up "just tell them how you feel. I know it's difficult, but... literally it's now or never"
I look at her and sigh, then turn to Max, who nods agreeing with her.
"Fine... yeah, alright."
I turn around to look at Steve by the RV with Robin, he probably feels like he's being watched so he looks up and about until his eyes find mine.
I gently smile at him and he smiles back. I can see he's worried sick, he probably feels guilty too somehow, that he can't find another way to do this.
I then look at Dustin and Eddie playing fight.
As he spins around he locks eyes with me and smiles waving at me as he walk backwards, he eventually fells and Dustin takes advantage of it and attacks him.
"He's such a baby" I whisper to myself with a smile.
We're all waiting for Dustin and Nancy to check everything for the millionth time, never too careful they said.
I look at them, biting my nails and bouncing my foot.
"Hey" Steve's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.
"Hi." I say softly.
"It's gonna be fine" he tries to reassure me.
"He's right" Eddie appears beside me too.
"Yeah.. easy for you to say. Your job is basically jamming with Dustin" I say with a forced laugh and they stay silent "I'm sorry... I didn't mean.."
"I know." Eddie gives my arm a soft squeeze.
"You're very brave, Y/n, you know that?" Steve tells me.
"Oh yeah? Then why I'm shaking like a freaking chihuahua?"
"Because it's still a crazy situation."
I look him in the eyes and see sincerity in them, along with fear of course. I look at Eddie and see worry.
I think of what I'm getting myself into... Vecna might not want to kill me, but it doesn't mean he won't if necessary.
I guess it's time to talk.
"I... I think I need to tell you something" I sigh.
They look at each other, sharing an understanding nod.
"It's alright, sweetheart." Eddie squeezes my arm once again.
"We know." Steve says with a smile.
"What do you mean?" I ask. How?
"We talked the UpsideDown, while we were walking to Nancy's house. We... both realised our feelings for you. And we also realised that you're the one who has to choose" Steve explains.
"Yeah, we were about to argue on who had more righ to ask you out, but you should decide who you want..." Eddie says" if you want any if us of course." He quickly adds.
They do feel something for me.
Oh god, what a relief I wasn't crazy.
"I..." I start, but Eddie cuts me off.
"The choice is yours and... it won't change anything. Whoever you choose" he says is almost resigned.
"I... don't want to choose." I say shyly.
"What do you mean?"
"I too have feelings for you... for the both of you" I say looking back and forth between them.
"Yeah" I laugh embarrassed looking down at my feet.
"That's... that's good" Steve says and Eddie nods.
"Is it?" I look up at them.
"Yeah. I mean... yeah" Eddie looks relief and just smiles, while Steve chuckles grinning.
"It's implied we're taking you out on a date after this is over" Eddie declares grabbing my hand.
"If this.."
"Don't." Steve stops me "we're gonna make it, okay? I'm not letting some delusional monster prevent me from taking my girl out on a date"
"Our girl" Eddie corrects.
"Our girl out on a date" Steve repeats with a roll of eyes.
"I'm just scared and I don't want to keep my hopes up" I confess.
"I know, love. Trust me, then. We're gonna make it. Right, Munson?"
"Definitely. Trust us, sweetheart." Eddie nods.
I look at them for a moment, they're trying to be strong for me.
I nod.
"Guys" Dustin calls us and we turn our attention to him "it's time to go"
"Let's go end this" I say and walk to the RV followed by Eddie and Steve.
We're at Creel's house.
It's time.
Max, Lucas, Erica and I are about to get out.
"alright, you know what you have to do, right?" Nancy asks us.
"Yes, Nance. We do. We got over it a thousand times." I tell her, to reassure her.
"Then one more won't hurt" she smiles, but she's tense.
"I know" I go hug her and she hugs me back tighter.
"Hey, no funny business, I don't want to come back to know you made a demonic deal with him to save us all, but sacrifice yourself" Robin blurts out hugging me once I pulled away from Nancy.
"Wouldn't dream of it, not without my lawyer"
"Please be careful" she whispers.
"Wait!" Dustin exclaims.
"What's wrong?" Steve asks alarmed.
"What... we don't have a song for her" Dustin says.
"I don't think that would work with me." I tell him.
"Well we can't be sure. Maybe it helps! Fuck... why didn't I think of it before" he curses.
"Language" I warn him
"I got it" Eddie chimes in, moving his hands into his pockets.
All eyes are on him, watching him curiously.
He takes out a tape.
"What's that?" I ask.
"Your favourite songs.." he quietly say, heat rising to his cheeks.
"Eddie.." I softly say walking to him.
He hands me the tape and I see there are all my favourite songs in it.
"I wanted to give it to you for your birthday, but... guess now it's the best time"
"It's still very appreciated. Thank you" I say kissing his cheek, he responds by hugging me tightly.
"Please be careful"
"I promise"
I pull away, still holding the tape in my hand and I turn to Steve.
"Kill him. Please." I say in a whisper.
"You don't need to tell me twice" he says.
I nod and wrap my arms around his neck while his are around waist.
I turn ready to follow the others out, but Dustin stops me once again.
"I'm sorry" he says.
"About what?" I ask confused.
"That I couldn't find another way"
I immediately hug him tightly.
"Shut up. Never say that again. It's gonna be fine and we'll be back to our movie night sooner than you think" I say to him and I pull away. "Okay?"
"Okay. Yeah..." he takes a breath and nods.
"After all... I'm pretty sure it's my turn to pick" I wink and he laughs rolling his eyes.
Finally we wall out of the RV and into the Creel's house.
As Erica walks to take place in the playground Max, Lucas and I start to place the lights around the house.
I sit on the ground, I try to calm myself watching Lucas and Max talking through notes. I hope they'll work it out after all this is done. Max has been through a lot this year, Billy wasn't exactly Mr Kindness, but he was still his brother and she saw him die, that must've been hard to witness, she deserves to be happy. Lucas deserves it too.
I can't help but think about Jim. When he signed the adoption papers and took me to Hawkins was, I think, the best day of my life. He taught me everything I know and he made me who I am today. I owe this to his memory, being brave for him, for him and for El. I hope she's alright, and I hope to see her again after this.
Suddenly the flashlight outside catch my attention, Steve, Nancy and Robin must be ready.
Max and Lucas look at me, breath heavy with tension.
I take a deep breath.
Time to phase two.
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momotonescreaming · 7 months
I'm absolutely obsessed with your latest story. This was exactly how I imagine those two would interact.
I don't get the notion why people insist Nancy would be a good teacher and tutor the others. I mean she is smart, but also too literal. She follows things to a tee and if you question anything she says she would blame it on you not getting it. She's not someone who thinks too much out of the box, which is required for being a good teacher. And with Eddie struggling so hard to graduate, she would make things worse lol. Both wouldn't get the other, which would lead to a huge fight.
And I don't mean that to hate on Nancy, in fact I might be heavily projecting here because I'm kinda the same. I was above average in school but I could never teach anyone anything because I had only one way and if people didn't get it I couldn't really help. Tho I wouldn't make passive aggressive comments like Nancy I would apologize all the time for not being more helpful lmao (bc I'm a people pleaser lol)
But yes also if you think Nancy would like Eddie after witnessing his probably daily speeches in the cafeteria that we live in a society? Girl would run out before Eddie set his first foot on the table. (Also again heavily projecting here because I would run out because Eddie would be too much to handle for me. Robin I could handle because she is like my best friend but Eddie? He would drive me insane lmao) Those two are polar opposites and I love reading about the tensions. <333
thank you so much for the ask nonnie! and thank you for reading and liking my lil ficlet 🥺🥺🥺 every time someone says thats exactly how they picture eddie and nancy I get a little bit stronger
I feel like a lot of people automatically assume that smart= good teacher, when you're right, that couldn't be further from the truth. You need to be adaptable, have creative thinking, you need to admit that you can't be right all the time in order to be a teacher. And Nancy does not have that. You're 100% right that Nancy is a steamroller, she is on train tracks. If you don't follow her way (the right way, according to her) then you're wrong. You're not getting it. You're just not trying, because there's no way that she's admitting that she can be wrong.
That's not automatically a bad thing! Thank you for sharing! I totally understand you're not trying to hate on Nancy. Neither am I. You can like a character, can think they're interesting, and point out their flaws at the same time. She's a teenager! She's very particular! She likes things in order! And that's not bad! It's what you do with it, and how you let it affect your life - that's where the issues arise.
And oh my god the cafeteria speeches. She'd hate him. She'd think he's annoying and unhygienic, standing on tables like he does. Putting his shoes where people eat? Ew. She'd sit there silently judging and hoping for him to shut up and sit down. She'd hope he graduates already so he can get out of her hair. (Then of course they get lumped together with the Upside Down).
When Eddie was deep in his high school hierarchy bullshit - he'd think Nancy was a suck up conformist for getting good grades and going after the most popular guy in school. But in S4 he changes! He realises that he's been making assumptions based on nothing! He gets along with Steve! And idk I don't see Nancy changing that much. At least, not with the way canon has her at the moment. Because she doesn't lol. Yeah, she has guns now, but she's still a steamroller of a woman who can't see any other way than hers.
Idk they're very different people! They're complicated! And I think the upside down would make them end up as friendly acquaintances, but that's it
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Just a little 'hello & welcome to my blog' post.
Most people have a pinned introduction post & I thought I should probably get on that. This will also double up as a FAQ post too:
First & foremost: FREE PALESTINE! I won't hear any different, go argue with a wall (no it's not performative, as I have been accused of in the past (all because I criticised an actor), I've attended marches, signed petitions, written to my local MPs, attended meetings & help set up fund raising events, so fuck off with your 'performative activism' buzz words, I'm not here for it). As I run a Stranger Things page, it's worth noting that I do not support the zionists in the show, most notably No*h Schnapp (tagged as 'he who shall not be named) & Br*tt Gelman (tagged as 'other he who shall not be named). If you are one of these people that venomously supports them then fuck off off my page. You're not welcome here.
Secondly, Hi, I'm Kay (she/her), I'm a veteran of Tumblr, unfortunately. I love watching films, I love to draw, read and have green fingers, yes I'm a plant mama, I just friggin' love plants. My prized plant is my monstera because she started off so small & now she's doubled in size. So happy! I also put the B in LGBTQ, I'm very proud of the bi community & love being part of it (bigots can go suck a cactus). I also have crippling anxiety and I'm irritatingly shy, I wish I wasn't but I've always been shy, so if you want to talk to me, you're going to have to be the one to reach out otherwise I'm radio silent (I'm working on it). I'm a millennial, so if you're a minor, sorry, I won't be forging friendships. But you're awsome, just know that!
I used to have Texts From Last Night (TFLN) blog for Stranger Things a few years back that was basically the same as this blog (except back then I had thousands of followers *sigh*). I deleted it because a) people were annoying about it, b) people didn't seem to understand that this wasn't to be taken seriously and c) I got chased off the site because apparently labelling Mike as bi was a death sentence. I said fuck it, and deleted. I started it around when season 2 came out & deleted just before season 4. But I'm hoping the fandom is a little more mature now & I can start up with a fresh, new Stranger Things TFLN blog again, mainly because I miss making edits. Making edits helps take my focus off my anxiety. Yay anxiety.
I take texts from the site Texts From Last Night (it's no longer being maintained, unfortunately), then I take screencaps from my own laptop or from a site called screencapped, then throw it altogether.
I do sometimes edit the original TFLN to fit the screencap, so if the original TFLN mentions a name, I'll change the name to say, for example, Lucas or Nancy. I'll change it if it includes ages & place names too, just to fit with Stranger Things. I also sometimes add my own Text to make it flow smoother, for example this one with Steve & Eddie (the post), the original TFLN only had the 'Eddie' part but I didn't think it flowed well, so I made up a 'Steve' text with a made up area code, so it made more sense that 'Eddie' was responding to 'Steve' rather than just having it as a stand alone text (I really over-complicate my descriptions, huh?).
The numbers on the posts are area codes, and the texts aren't colour coded, I just use what ever colour stands out against the background. I also don't do it by ships; I'll find a text that I think is funny and find a screencap that roughly matches up, so please don't request ship/character posts. I'll maybe do submissions at a later date, where you can send in your funny texts but right now, I'm just making my way through the TFLN site.
Not a particularly interesting introduction post but there you go. I ain't got much to say, I guess. But I will say thanks for your support so far on here, you guys seem to be enjoying the posts and that's all that really matters. Much love!
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elekinetic · 2 years
hey i have a silly little question! i have 2k words of planning but no idea how to start translating them into actual writing and i thought i could ask you for help because you're obviously the master of scriptwriting lmao
i've written scripts before but i always struggle with trying to get my ideas onto paper in the form of coherent sentences :,) idk your scripts always turn out so gorgeously written so i thought it couldnt hurt to ask for a bit of advice <3
(i should clarify: i'm trying to start drafting a screenplay for this story i've been planning for months but i've been staring at a blank page for hours 🥲 if you have any tips on how to translate ideas into actual writing that would be super helpful)
AH you’re so sweet, i’m far from a master, but i’m happy to share the stuff i’ve learned as a third year undergrad.
so like, for me, i struggle with figuring out what to do in scenes and how to make them…useful? if that makes sense? in a good script and a good film, every scene moves the plot forward, the character arc forward, or both. (by forward i mean changes, set backs are obviously a very important part.) so when i sit down to write a new scene, i make a list of everything i want to accomplish.
i’m gonna use this scene of mine as an example. my list looked a little like this:
- primary goal: teens find out about will’s visions
- secondary goal: show how on edge mike and nancy are.
- secondary goal 2: establish the dynamics of the kids and teens working together.
ok, so how can we accomplish those goals? that second one should clearly be an argument since they get on each others nerves. and why don’t we make the argument about why the boys snuck out, bc they have to come clean abt wills visions to explain why they did. and to show that the teens hold more power in the dynamic and that the boys are struggling without their usual freedom, let’s emphasize that the boys did something dangerous the teens specifically told them not to do.
cool, so we have a general idea of what our scene is: nancy chewing the party out. but that’s just an idea. each scene is made up of a bunch of beats stitched together. here’s how i figure out what to put in a scene:
write down A) where everyone starts emotionally in the scene and B) where everyone ends emotionally in the scene. figure out what changes.
nancy is going to start annoyed and end resigned. so….she’s mildly annoyed and then decides it’s fine? that’s not particularly interesting, so how can we’re complicate it. OK, let’s make her get close to blowing up, and then see her be the bigger person and pull back. that way we’re ALSO progressing her character arc and seeing her grow from the hot-tempered girl we saw in early seasons.
i’m trying to kill as many birds with this scene as possible, so i’m ALSO going to add details about what the other characters are doing. it’s important to remember that if you’re going to have a character in the scene, you gotta do SOMETHING with them. here’s a breakdown of some of the choices i made for the other characters in the scene:
mike: very snarky, very on edge, very combative. this is bc he’s fresh off his fight with will, the party is in trouble, and they just failed to save el. i’m using this scene to highlight how upset that would make him and how that anger would affect the people around him.
will: stands up for himself. that’s the most important thing. he will not let himself be spoken over and takes responsibility, says yes, i know we shouldn’t of done this, but we did, and heres why. and we have to do it again. he’s coming into his own!
lucas: he’s defensive but he also kind of bends under the pressure and defaults to nancy. he tries to help will but it’s clear this is an unfamiliar dynamic for him.
dustin: show that he’s not as grounded as he probably should be.
steve: steve has four lines. FOUR lines, but we’re still doing something with him. he calls nance out, tells dustin to stop, but also tells the boys nancy is right. he’s very serious rn and it’s a good way to reinforce that his disagreement with nancy is not petty (never petty) and he’s always coming from a place of genuine concern.
jonathan: jonathan helps pull nancy back and dies everything he can to support her bc HES A GREAT BOYFRIEND and that was what i did with him. also expressing concern for not only wills safety, but the whole party’s. he also shows some leadership.
on that note, i also want to explore relationships in the scene:
jancy: they’re supporting each other without being asked. reinforce that this is a strong partnership, even through rocky waters
byler: will telling mike to back off and mike listening. mike being protective of will even though they’re still technically fighting.
dustin & steve: the dynamic between him and steve is shifting. steve is part of The Teens and dustin is not. steve tells him to quit it kind of sternly. this is new for them.
nancy & steve: mentioned before, steve will call nancy out but also back her up. no malice or pettiness in his heart.
the party: dustin and lucas try to cheer will up and defend themselves. they’re close.
basically you can accomplish a lot in a scene bc not every “accomplishment” has to be a massive thing. it can be as small as “dustin looks down” to show he feels chastised, which is new to him!
worst comes to worst, word vomit. Write the worst possible version of your scene ON PURPOSE and then edit from there. you just gotta get something down.
AH ok that’s all i have for now but if you have more specific questions please please please send them! I wasn’t really sure what to put here, so I just kind of word vomited. Hope this helps!
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scoupsahoy · 1 year
it's 5am and im up for no reason time for everyones favorite segment: ryan's bad opinion corner
todays episode: stranger things fandom and ficdom pet peeves and things i find silly
disclaimer: it's 5am i'm grumpy and none of these things are worth getting angry about. i don't actually get mad at people who do this stuff or write these things. in fact i love torturing myself but more than that i like to read and sometimes people take these things and make it fun or dramatic and i love drama. most of these are just silly little things. we all have them snd i know for a fact that some people's pet peeve is just like. everything ive ever written
people who can't talk about mike wheeler without making it obvious how much they hate him irrationally. especially in fic. why are you making him so antagonistic towards everyone he is so desperate to be liked. have u seen that kid. have u watched the last four seasons of stranger things
people who can't be normal about billy. real bad opinion corner type shit but like. i wish people could write or talk about him without either excusing how shitty he is OR absolving him of all that. if you make him a cartoon villain you're kind of diminishing how fucked up and racist he was in canon, like that isn't enough to make him a shitty guy and an antagonist on his own. let people explore his character without forcing them to pick between "needs to be tortured to death for his crimes on screen Or Else you're a billy apologist" and "needs to be forgiven by everyone and kiss steve at the end"
not a pet peeve just kind of a thing that makes me tilt my head a bit bc i think it's kind of silly. future fics where dustin and suzie get married... like they met before high school i love suzie so bad but like what is the chance that every single one of the kids in the show is going to be with their middle school sweetheart their entire lives. this opinion does not extend to lucas and max i hope they get married.
when people imply that eddie or robin are biphobic. biphobia exists and is complicated and can be explored in fic or whatever but when i see gay characters who are massively biphobic and only the gay characters who are massively biphobic it sure rubs me the wrong way. gay people are not biphobic by default. ESPECIALLY IF ITS LIKE
fic where steve is literally fucking eddie and eddie's like "man i cant believe hes fucking me and he's straight and doesn't like men at all" like thats not even biphobic at that point like eddie you need to be punched in the head with a blunt object you are just stupid and not in a cute way. i can't read several thousand words of that. no one would act like that even if they were biphobic
when nancy isn't annoying. make her annoying. make her abrasive and judgmental and kind of mean. but also like. don't forget that she's like very smart and helpful and caring and full of guilt and love. you think she can't be good and amazing and also a bitch? god forbid women do anything.
******* just in general but i don't want to be crucified ive already made two deeply inflammatory statements
when people don't love lucas enough. love him more. you are silly.
when you're mad about popular fanon and write an angry fic basically using the characters to make your point for you. and i totally get it. if u hate that trope u can also say hit da bricks. but i can tell how pissed off u were about this while writing and it does not make me agree with u more. in fact it's an interesting enough thought experiment that it can stand on its own and having the argument in the fic where you're basically mad at the fandom makes me less inclined to agree with you or want to keep reading. this is mainly because fic is something that is enjoyable to me when it's written out of love for an idea rather than frustration. you can always tell when the writer is annoyed and it makes it wayyy less enjoyable to read
i feel like that last one was kinda mean (or it was before i took out the particular context bc even though it's unlikely anyone will read this i dont want the person who wrote the thing im talking about to catch wind of it) so im going back to sleep i love you
last one
people who go out of their way to tell an author that their headcanon is unrealistic or their writing pisses them off or they didn't like how something played out or how someone was characterized. get over it please if you didn't like it, it wasn't for you. complain to your friends if you must, not the artist. don't make people feel like shit i'll cut off the roof of your house like wile e coyote and i AM serious about this one
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stoprobbersfic · 2 years
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Uh. What if I told you the answer to this actually involved Jonathan and... Steve?
I'm gonna pull out these 2 bits from Armistice:
“You know, I never got to apologize.”
That’s not what he’s expecting to hear. “What?”
“When I came to your house, last year, I wasn't… I wasn’t looking for Nancy. I was coming to apologize. Because I said a bunch of really fucked up shit about your family, while your brother was missing. That’s not me. I’m really sorry, Jonathan.”
Steve never uses his first name. He looks at the older boy steadily until Steve finally meets his gaze. Jonathan is surprised to see something like fear in his eyes.
“Apology accepted,” he says simply, thinks for a second. “I don’t regret punching you.”
“I don’t regret punching you either.”
And then just a little further down:
“And did either of you think about me?”
The hurt is plain in Steve’s voice, and there’s a weight on Jonathan’s chest.
“No. Or, I didn’t. You’d have to ask Nancy if she did. I wouldn’t be surprised, but we also didn’t talk about it.”
“Not even once?”
He sighs, feels himself deflate.
“Maybe we would have. We definitely should have. But after the… things happened, when we got back, there were drawings all over the house and Mom and Will and Mike were all gone and, well, you know the rest.”
Steve does know the rest. He knows about both times, was there both times. Helped save his brother, his mother, both times.
“I never thanked you,” Jonathan says. Steve’s eyes had drifted off past him to the middle distance but now they snap back to his. “For coming back the first time, helping us trap the demogorgon. For protecting the kids this time, for setting the vines on fire. For helping save my family, twice. Thank you, Steve.”
One side of Steve’s mouth tips up.
“You’re welcome, Byers.”
I think what I like about this is that they're saying real, valid things that need to be said to each other: "I'm sorry I said that shit about your family while your brother was missing/the whole town thought he was dead" and "Thank you for coming back to fight a monster, which was definitely about to eat me when you came back in the door."
I maintain and will continue to maintain that Steve and Jonathan should have been friends for years by now. I understand the complications with Nancy but I also understand that saving each other from monsters sorta trumps love triangles by A LOT, and i think the two have a lot they could learn from each other. I even think their personalities are more compatible than they think, and we should have been given the opportunity to see by now. (I also know we are NEVER gonna get this in canon now, there's no more time, so i will keep writing it until my face and fingers turn blue because fuck you duffers that's why.)
And I think in this scene (which, these two quotes are part of one big long scene) gets to tease out the foundation of mutual appreciation and mutual respect that this friendship could have had. Would have had, if they let me write the show ;)
And I'm really proud of that, because I think I did it well.
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