#[ and i will move all of the active rps over there !
offestivities · 2 years
i’ll be extra low activity due to some things but will resume regular low activity most likely by the new year.
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rockinrpmemes · 4 months
Some things NEW RP blogs need to understand about tumblr rpc etiquette:
It's good to see the RPC slowly reseeding itself after tumblr went all "scorched earth" on the writing community a few years ago. However, with a new crop RP'ers, comes a few issues that need to be addressed...Again.
If you are underage and approach a RP blog that clearly states: "NO ONE UNDER 18/21" Move on. We will not follow back, in fact, many of us surviving RP'ers since the 2015 RPC exodus are well over 30 now, and we will not be caught in some sick trap because a child thinks it's not a big deal to RP mature content with us. Go find someone your own age, and don't ruin our lives (literally, it's illegal and gross) because you have no impulse control.
Please, always reblog aesthetic pics, art, etc. from SOURCE, not the RP blog you're following. It's great if you like the photo or drawing we posted for our muse/s too, and want it as aesthetic for your muse/s, but understand you are clogging up the our Activity Feed. We don't see it as a compliment, rather, we see it as someone that is using our blog as a "resource" to siphon from, and nothing else. You will learn, as you RP more, even if you use some kind of thread tracker app, we ALL rely on Activity to see what exactly is going on with our threads and headcanons. Reblogging art, gifs, photosets, and text posts directly from us is a breach of RPC etiquette.
Same for memes...if you reblog a meme from us, and not the OP or another meme blog in the reblog roll, this looks like you're only following the RP blog as a resource, and not as a potential partner. Some RP'ers on here practice "meme/reblog karma" which means, if you take a meme, send a meme. But generally, 99% of the RPC frown deeply on RP'ers that reblog memes from them instead of source. Use the search bar and look up: "RP MEMES", many will pop up, often from Meme blogs like this one.
Some RP'ers do NOT feel comfortable with duplicates of our muses following them. Please read their guidelines or ask the mun privately if you are unsure. I don't know how it is elsewhere, but in the tumblr RPC, we have often seen duplicates of our muses stealing from us, so it raises a red flag across the board. Be it headcanons, plot arcs, ship-mates, etc. True, we can't steal partners/ship-mates. They can go write with whomever they please. But understand, if a duplicate starts to reblog ALL our stuff for their blog, and copy our plot lines and hound our main partners in order to replace us, it's very suspect, and you deserve the hard block you get. Where it gets confusing, is that some of us have no problem writing with duplicates, because we impliment "multi verse/ multi ship" law. Again, if you are unsure, READ THE BLOG'S GUIDELINES OR ASK the MUN.
If you send a meme or IC ask to RP blog to break the ice, be sure you actually know who and what their muse is. IE: If someone has a very canonly sweet and gentle muse, and you send them a confrontational, "down-to-fight" meme from your muse, I don't care if your muse is a textbook asshole. Use better judgement, because I can bet 9/10 times, the mun won't answer, because they will be baffled on how to reply. Same in reverse; if your muse is an innocent sweetheart, and you approach a chainsaw wielding murder demon from hell, while playing the cutiepie card, you will not get a good response. Know the type of muse you are approaching! We are not responsible for your muse's experience. We will answer In Character, or not at all. Don't complain about it later.
Never join in on a thread or verse that you are not invited to join. Again, I don't know where anyone allows this intrusive behavior, but if you see 2 or 3 people deeply embroiled in their own threading, you sticking your head into their thread and reblogging it to your blog "to keep" as a fanfiction or to "join in," is beyond rude and invasive. THREADS ARE NOT FANFICTION. You can "like" a thread, or do dash commentary, even message the authors on your compliments, but you never ever put yourself or your muse/s in their world without plotting or asking first.
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rpschtuff · 2 years
What is going on with cutting posts?
You may have seen some posts floating around lately about the beta editor and trimming reblogs, and possibly found yourself extremely confused trying to figure out what this tangled web of editors, extensions, and add-ons even means. I’ve been on this site for years, and I still find the whole thing terribly confusing.
So this post is my effort to explain everything -- legacy vs beta, New XKit vs XKit Rewritten, editable reblogs vs trim reblogs -- everything. This also doubles as a tutorial for the various methods of cutting posts.
Tumblr is in the process of switching to a new post editor that some old users have opted into, while new users have been forced into it.
The old Editable Reblogs extension does not work with this new editor, requiring people to use a new extension called Trim Reblogs.
Trim Reblogs and Editable Reblogs are not compatible. If your partner uses Editable Reblogs, you cannot cut their posts properly using Trim Reblogs (unless you’re willing to do some tedious and frankly unreasonable workarounds).
The only way for everyone in the RPC to cut their posts properly and efficiently is if everyone moves to the new system and uses Trim Reblogs. Clinging to the old system with Editable Reblogs is actively creating issues for the people using the new system -- some of whom do not have a choice.
Cutting Posts
Cutting posts is the act of removing older replies on a thread when reblogging it. This goes by several other terms, including trimming replies/reblogs or any variation of that wording, but I will be referring to it as cutting posts to avoid confusion with the Trim Reblogs extension, which will be coming up a lot.
Typically, when cutting a post, you only keep your latest reply and the reply from your partner that immediately precedes it. This means that instead of a thread looking like this...
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It would like this:
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Or like this, depending on the method used:
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In either case, the first post is gone while the second and third post remain.
Cutting posts is done so that threads aren’t all extremely long on the dashboard. When there’s three short replies like this sample, it’s not that bad. But imagine a thread with twenty replies where each is several paragraphs long. That would require people to scroll and scroll and scroll to get past it. And since the same thread would be reblogged multiple times, your dash might become the same posts, over and over and over again, with only one new addition at the end each time.
Cutting posts is extremely common Tumblr RP etiquette. Many people won’t follow you if you don’t regularly cut replies, due to how irritating the alternative is.
Copy and Paste (Outdated)
Once upon a time, you used to be able to cut replies without any kind of extensions. Unfortunately, those days are gone.
That method worked as follows. You would go to reblog as usual...
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Copy and paste the last reply, putting it in a blockquote (or using any other formatting you like, really), then add your own reply underneath.
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Then you can simply hover over the older replies and click the red X in order to remove them.
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And this used to work. But now, the very first post in a thread cannot be deleted -- only later reblogs can. This means that the first post will always stay above the others, no matter how far along in the thread you are.
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So since cutting posts can’t be done normally, we have to rely on browser extensions. This is where things get complicated. And also where I need to explain the different editors.
Legacy vs Beta Editor
Every time you make or reblog a post, you are using Tumblr’s post editor to do so. This is the area where you type up your post, add images, etc. Tumblr has been using the same editor for several years now, and it’s called the legacy editor.
However, Tumblr has been slowly rolling out a new text editor, called the beta editor. You may remember the beta editor when it was first rolled out a couple years ago as a buggy, unstable mess -- that’s not the case anymore, and it’s no more buggy than the current editor. For text posts, it’s functionally pretty similar, and even has a few features that some of you might want, such as easy colored text and the ability to make posts non-rebloggable. (Photo and other posts are fairly different, and I know gif makers have some pretty understandable reservations and complaints about it, but I won’t be covering that here.)
Older users have the option to toggle between the legacy and beta editors at will, while new users (starting around November/December 2022) are locked into the beta editor and cannot switch back to legacy.
To check which editor you have, go to make a new text post and look in the top right corner.
If you see either of these:
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You are using the legacy editor, with the option to switch between the two.
If you see this:
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You are using the beta editor, with the option to switch between the two.
If you don’t see anything at all, you are using the beta editor, and cannot switch.
While the text interface of the two editors isn’t terribly different for roleplay purposes, the methods by which you need to trim reblogs are entirely different. Each requires a different extension -- specifically, a different version of XKit.
XKit is a browser extension designed to add features and functionality to Tumblr. It includes many quality of life features such as a mutual checker, better tag tracking, queue improvements, ad blocking, more detailed timestamps, and so much more. (It was preceded by a similar extension called Missing E, if you’ve been here long enough to remember that.) And among all of these many features is the ability to cut replies.
The original XKit is no longer in use, having stopped updates in 2015 and being entirely unusable now. However, a few new versions of XKit have popped up throughout the years.
New XKit & Editable Reblogs
A different team created New XKit as a successor to the original, a similar extension designed to restore many of the same features.
New XKit’s feature to cut posts is called Editable Reblogs. It works by adding a pencil button to the left of the post when you reblog.
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Clicking that button will break the post’s formatting -- actually changing it to how Tumblr posts used to be formatted -- but allow it to be edited however you wish.
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So in this instance, I could simply select the first reply and delete it before adding my new reply underneath.
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Editable Reblogs is only available if you use the legacy editor. It does not work with the beta editor and does not even appear as an option.
XKit Rewritten & Trim Reblogs
In 2020, Tumblr began to roll out its updated dashboard, which is now permanently in effect for all users. While the new interface looks very similar, the code was actually entirely redone, and behind the scenes functions very differently from the older dashboard. As a result, some of New XKit’s features no longer work as intended -- though a few still do, such as Editable Reblogs.
In response, the New XKit team decided to similarly start from scratch and created XKit Rewritten, another iteration of the add-on with similar features once more. However, not all New XKit features are available on XKit Rewritten, and vice versa. Many people are running both extensions simultaneously to take advantage of features on both.
XKit Rewritten’s feature to cut posts is called Trim Reblogs, and it works completely differently than Editable Reblogs. With this, you first need to save the thread to your drafts with your reply already written.
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You’ll see a scissors icon appear along the bottom of the post. Clicking that will open the trimming options, letting you select which previous reblogs to delete.
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Clicking Trim will remove the selected reblogs.
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You can then click post. You’ll note that this method preserves Tumblr’s formatting, as opposed to Editable Reblogs, which breaks it.
EDITED TO ADD: Apparently you don’t need to already have your reply written in your drafts anymore. You can save the post to your drafts without adding anything, use trim reblogs, then edit the post to add your reply. Either works fine.
This method does have two major issues, though. First, if the first post of a thread was created in the legacy editor, then the system gets really buggy and just doesn’t work.
This is what happened when I tried it out. Initially, it seemed to work as expected.
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However, when I posted the reply, or simply refreshed my drafts, this happened.
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Attempting to trim again simply caused this to repeat. There is no fix for this. This means that for this method to work, both you and your partners need to be using the beta editor.
EDITED TO ADD: You can fix this double posting by either using trim reblogs before adding your reply, or by adding your reply, using trim reblogs as intended, refreshing your drafts, editing the post, and clicking the red X to remove the first of the double postings. I have a better guide here.
The only other alternative is to move the thread to a fresh post when you reply, so that the new first post was made with the beta editor. Then you can cut future reblogs of the post using Trim Reblogs as normal.
However, the other major issue is that if your partner uses Editable Reblogs, you cannot use Trim Reblogs as intended. Let me show you why.
Say I want to reply to this post.
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I’ll add my reply and save it to my drafts, as before.
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You may have spotted the issue already. The first and second replies are now “combined” so that Tumblr sees them as a single post. We want the post to be interpreted like this, so that I can remove the oldest reply while still keeping the one immediately prior to mine.
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But Trim Reblogs can only see it like this.
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When I go to trim reblogs, I can only remove the previous replies as an entire unit. I can’t remove just the oldest reply and keep the one immediately prior -- either it all stays or it all goes.
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This is admittedly better than nothing. However, most people do want to keep their partner’s previous reply for reference, and just to have on their blog. This means a lot of people using Trim Reblogs simply don’t cut their partner’s posts at all.
You might be able to get around this issue by combining it with the outdated cut and paste method I described above. When saving to your drafts, paste your partner’s last reply above your own, using a blockquote or whatever formatting you like to separate the two.
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You can then use Trim Reblogs to remove the first post, leaving only your copy pasted reply. The formatting is broken, but it’s at least workable.
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However, this will only work if the very first post of the thread was made with the beta editor -- since people using Editable Reblogs have to be using the legacy editor, you’re likely to still run into issues on a lot of posts. Which can again be solved by moving the thread to a fresh post made with the beta editor, but at this point we’re stacking so many issues on top of each other that I really can’t blame you if you just don’t want to bother with any of them.
All of this brings me to...
It’s time for the RPC to collectively switch to the new system
I’ve stuck to the legacy editor myself due to the issues described above -- using Trim Reblogs when everyone else still uses Editable Reblogs is an enormous pain that I don’t want to deal with. Even as I make this post advocating for people to switch, I’m dreading actually doing it, because I know that most of my partners still use the old system and I will have nothing but headaches.
But the thing is, everyone refusing to switch is what’s creating the headaches in the first place. If we all moved to the new system together, these issues would simply disappear, and we would all be able to effortlessly cut our posts using Trim Reblogs without ever having to worry about it again.
The RPC needs to collectively make the switch, for two reasons.
First, Tumblr is going to switch everyone to beta eventually. Refusing to switch now is really just delaying the inevitable -- it’s not a question of if you’re going to be forced into the new system, but when. By switching now, you can go ahead and get used to it and start giving feedback to both Tumblr and the XKit Rewritten team if you find anything buggy or broken.
Second, as I said above, new users are locked into beta, with no option to switch back to legacy. Trim Reblogs is their only option for cutting posts -- and as long as most of their partners are using Editable Reblogs instead, they cannot cut their posts properly. Their only option is to use a series of increasingly ridiculous workarounds that most people won’t understand. The fact that it took me 1500 words just to explain everything should tell you how confusing the whole thing is -- you can’t be that surprised when a lot of people, upon realizing that they can’t cut posts without a whole lot of tedium, decide to just not bother cutting them at all. The best way for everyone to be able to cut their posts properly and efficiently is for everyone to be on the same system.
Yes, the beta editor is different. It has some weird quirks. It will be a bit of a learning curve to get used to a new system of replying to threads. But this is a change that’s going to happen eventually, and is a change that needs to happen for a lot of people to able to cut their posts properly.
(It’s also worth noting that -- assuming you still have the option to switch -- you may be able to toggle between the two systems during the adjustment period. I haven’t been able to test this yet, but I see no reason it wouldn’t work. Use Trim Reblogs whenever possible, and especially for the partners that have already made the switch. But when you get to a reply that it just won’t work for, toggle back to the legacy editor and use Editable Reblogs just for that thread. It’s a bit annoying, but it could be the middle ground needed to help people start making the switch. And once the majority of the RPC is on the new system, then this won’t be an issue anymore.)
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inkyvendingmachine · 9 months
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T'was The Night Before Crisis... Season 4, Episode 1
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 Call of Cthulhu Season Four Masterpost (Coming Soon)
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of  a Call of Cthulhu scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
WE'RE BACK. After over a whole heckin year of 10000 RP logs, we have returned with our final season of Cthulhu! It's been not just a year out of game, but a little over a year worth of in game time has passed too, and they boys are indulging in a chill, at home seasonal celebration... for now! Surely nothing weird will happen, nothing ever does around holidays for these boys obviously.
Happy Holidays!
Art Credit: @inkdemonapologist : sketching + inking @inkyvendingmachine : concept + colouring
A week. Two weeks. A month. A season. A year.
A whole year and a couple of months go by without any crazy outside force trying to rid the boys of… anything really. The time isn't exactly calm or empty… but compared to recent events, for a while, things were… kinda normal?
Well, except for when Joey got Peter to help him meet with Y secretly to prevent the gang from continuing to mess with JDS, or when Sammy and Henry realized mid tennis match that a version of Henry had slashed him right through the center. Or how the Prophet can just pop out now without ink. And how Susie has been brought in on all this, and perhaps brought in on even more than just the supernatural content as her bonds with Sammy and Joey grow tighter. And how Peter is actually moving to New York City now and ends up visiting Jack just as Beans goes missing and now there’s many little Beans kittens. And the summoning spell to ask the spirit that helped them in Haiti what will become of Sammy and Prophet. And the other summoning spell for Prophet to get his instructions from the Masked Messenger. And Sammy still can't tell where he's going half the time after uncovering some of Prophet’s memories. And Joey is still a bit hesitant to leave the studio if not being actively distracted. But other than that! It's been normal!!
And the boys have made it all the way to Christmas. Joey's received some parcels in the mail, from the Fowlers and Nicole. The Fowlers actually sent each of the helpful boys uh… 1000$?? That's a thousand. EACH. IN THE 1930s. For helping out… which I guess if stuck eternally in soul lake hell, wouldn't have that money anyways. But still, that's quite a lot for the time.
Meanwhile, Nicole has had time to move on from her heartbreak, and is ready to start a new chapter in her life, and as thanks, leaves Joey both the keys to her old apartment (the lease being paid up for a few years already) and to her previous car, with a guarantee she's giving these things up for better, not to worry about her. And totally not because maybe all the occult scratches and bullet marks in the wall makes the apartment hard to rent, or the fact that her car is an extremely recognized Mercedes, or that both of these assets were hounded by gangs for a bit after her magical mistakes…
It probably is actually all out of good will and appreciation, and these things will come in useful, especially if they do need to deal with more mafia or what have you. Joey doesn't need them tracking Henry's car home to his family or back to Jack's house.
With those gifts out of the way, the actual holiday is spent in Jack's house, with a big potluck meal. This holiday celebration includes a small group of friends and their families, namely, all the people Jack has befriended and also would be okay with the Lurker partying with em. The event goes well, Sammy gets to play through the night, Henry’s children get to hang out with a real Bendy and also a buncha newly grown-up cats, Henry gets to eat as many cookies as he wants… 
That… slows down when Henry sees a yellow sign in a ribbon. But as soon as he tries to not lose his entire cool and freak out, it disappears… the ribbon was just a ribbon the entire time. Perhaps golden ribbons shouldn't be their normal holiday decor… 
Meanwhile, Peter feels eyes on him and decides to move away from the window maybe, especially because it feels like he suddenly knew exactly which star in the sky holds Carcosa at the same time… surely a fine coincidence to have happened at almost the same time. But nobody else is acting weirdly, sooooo.
The night wraps up, with Susie and Norman heading out first, followed by Henry and his family. Sammy also heads home after being socially exhausted and desperately needing his alone time, and Peter helps Jack clean up some before heading out too. Jack heads to bed, only to find an already asleep Joey with a Spark sprawled on top of him, probably after he “closed his eyes for a moment” a little earlier. 
The next day, there's technically work, but it's a short day because what's actually happening is a charity auction and party. A collection of “originals, signed by the creators” has been donated to help raise money for relief efforts in a few warring European countries, as well as the “entertainment” for the evening (Bendy cartoons, of course), courtesy of JDS, which means of course all the stars who signed the auctioned items were invited to the party as well.
Yes, even Sammy. 
(And also Jack, Henry, Susie, and Joey of course.)
The event is being held at a yacht club, advertised to the wealthies of the city midst the great depression, with live music playing and glittering evening wear, and uh. Denis.
Y'know, Denis?? That rich guy from NOLA who invited us to the masquerade?? That Joey casually name dropped his legal name to in order to keep him from tracing himself and Sammy back to JDS, when they didn't know who or how dangerous their initial information gathering was.
Anyways, a quick little talking him in circles by Joey corrects that past mistake, as well as gets him the information that Denis is actually related to one of the people who put the entire event together. Ha. Good to know.
Of course it's difficult to shake him afterwards, since Joey is one of the few people Denis knows all the way up in New York. At least Joey actually has a fancy car to talk about now.
Meanwhile, in the quietest, emptiest corner he could find, Sammy notices something odd about the song that's currently being played live. It sounds familiar, and while surely there's been some Bendy music played this evening…. This particular song is not that. But it WAS composed by Sammy.
When he was improvising with some random music on the street while hanging out on the balcony of his and Joey's hotel room. Properly freaked out by having a song from a very scary time literally come back to haunt him, Sammy runs to find someone, (Joey is still busy with Denis), and comes across Jack first. But before he can fully explain, the entire party is interrupted.
Chatter turns into hushed confusion as some pale man up near the front starts speaking in tongues. It's hard to tell if he's trying to perform some ritual or just incoherently rambling, but it doesn't matter! Because very quickly there’s a gunshot!!
And the Prophet? He's awake. He knows what that gunshot was. He's been waiting for this.
It has begun.
Of course the entire party breaks out in panic once the gun goes off. Joey doesn't know what sort of Eldritch nonsense was happening up front, but upon scanning the crowd and noticing Jack and Sammy together, beelines for the snack table to grab Henry and search for Susie.
As everyone is being rushed out, some of the boys manage to notice that not all of the panic is simply from the mad ramblings and sudden bullet, but also we've got some people in the crowd bleeding from their eyes. How festive!
Upon getting outside, the Yacht club is of course already being surrounded by security and the police, as the sudden gun shots quickly alerted locals to the nonsense going on. Nobody is allowed to bolt until an investigation is conducted and people are questioned, but of course Joey managed to sweet talk his way over to a telephone to make a very important quick phone call.
To one Peter Sunstram! 
Turns out, between all their arguments, there are a few things they can agree on, which includes quietly spying on suspicious parties even though they should probably not be doing that if they actually wanna be safe but surely everyone will understand when they find out IT'S FINE.
Anyways Peter’s been keeping an eye on Y, and earlier in the day Y seemed to be performing some ritual before having some kind of … breakthrough? Revelation? Peter had told Joey of it, and in good faith Joey agreed to keep an eye out for WEIRDNESS, hoping that Y was upholding his promise to not be interfering with JDS anymore. But now this episode seems to have specifically happened, right at their exact event for the evening, so Joey does his best to pass along as much info as he can in that moment to Peter. As well as set up a backup plan in case anything else happens to them before they can escape the Yacht Club.
After some interviews with the police though, they’re allowed to go free. Listening to other partygoers' recollections they’re able to pick up a few more names here and there – the one who fired the gun up front by the bandstand is said to be another local gangster by the name of Johnny Nero, and the band playing on that bandstand one Red Leverett and the Jumps – but no evidence that really points the crew in any sort of serious lead. (including more commentary by Denis wHY ARE YOU STILL HERE UR NOT PART OF THE GROUP)
So having managed to collect everyone together, including Prophet returning Sammy to the front for the interview thank the lord (not that one)(not that one either)(maybe that one) the JDS crew head over to their very safe and secure hide away to talk about what just happened: that’s right, they’re going to Peter’s apartment.
And staying there through midnight! Listen, the last time weird shit started happening like this, everything popped off at midnight and there were panics all around. It’d be nice to know where people were this evening. And while they’re all sitting around waiting for that to pass, Henry and Peter can even talk about the really weird things that happened last night! Yknow, where Henry saw the yellow sign for a moment and Peter felt something watching him from space? Those very normal Christmas activities?
The group also gets informed about how Peter maybe has been keeping an eye on the Y that still hangs out in the city, and how Y was excited over some weird ritual. While he goes over that and also Joey and Peter guiltily kinda admit to their secret spying tendencies, Henry gets info from Linda when he calls to explain why he’s not home yet and how he won’t be home for a little while still. She’s remembered some research that crosses over with the prophecies they had gotten a month or so after the last big event like this. And Jack and Sammy bring up how they had been theorizing over who’s and what’s in the prophecies… for instance, that which the Phantom seeks, who bears already the scars of following the Mender’s lead….
Is it Peter? He followed Jack into the weird ghosty world. Is it Joey? He’s followed the Mender in other ways, and also literally bears scars caused from Jack’s healing. Or is it somehow Y?? Who seems… involved in this somehow, despite promising he wouldn’t be fucking around with stuff that might step on JDS’s toes again.
With no real conclusions, but midnight having come and past, people start to head home. Joey has someone drop him off at the studio, as after weirdness happened with any sort of occult stuff he’s interested in checking in on Bendy and the Stone. Since, those tend to be targets for this kinda creepy thing. Bendy is perfectly fine though, and hardly even noticed anything going on… So Joey picks up some of his notes and… finds himself unable to leave the studio. For some reason it just seems like the wrong idea… so he spends all night up researching, unsettled by how many non-leads he has into what will possibly happen next. It’s starting to feel like Haiti again, knowing that something bad is coming but really having no idea where to fortify with this information.
But he does have something new… 
He has plenty of things new now, including his dream spell. 
Peter’s not the only one who can spy, and while Joey is sure he’d hit some kind of barrier trying to peek in on Y’s dreams… just knowing whether the man was still alive, or possessed by some eldritch nonsense seemed like a good place to start. Maybe his excitement at the ritual earlier was coincidental…
The thing is, defying all reason, Joey’s able to step into Y’s dream just fine somehow.
This is probably not something he’ll regret doing later, surely.
[Next Episode] (not yet released)
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heybiji · 3 months
In reference to the last ask you posted! Do you mind going over your tips on role-playing as that active-type character and/or digging up the thread of conversation it seems the original asker was referring to? I'm so interested in your experience role-playing for both prep in possibly joining a game someday and also bc it sounds like such good character creation and general writing advice!!!! I tried checking you blog but didnt turn up anything that touched pn it more (No worries if not though!)
Sorry for this late response!
My advice is make characters that create opportunities for story.
Reacting to a story is fun! Reacting to a character is fun! But if you're always reacting then you're creating opportunity for other characters to react, so sometimes you gotta Act to let the other characters and the story React.
To do this, characters should all want something. And not something vague (like "to be happy"), it should be something more tangible, more specific, and everything else can stem from there. It'll guide your character naturally. It's their Motivation.
More under the cut (or skip to the end for more standard advice)
For example, my dnd character Dandelion wanted more than anything to go home. "Going home" meant a lot of things, yeah it means being happy, it means he wants to be with his family, it means he wants to be loved, it means he wants to feel safe, it means he wants to belong somewhere, but the tangible idea is "go home."
Because I knew this is what he wanted most of all it guided all his actions, and his actions for better or for worse all made sense because of it (and I made it clear that was what he wanted "on-screen" on multiple occasions). So anything that involved the idea of getting home would activate him, and he'd also deeply empathize with anyone and anything else away from home/away from family. Giving him one strong, clear motivation instantly made him an active participant in the story. This made him active with other characters too, any mention of home, any mention of family, any idea of not belonging, it drew him toward them.
(as a DM now this is also what I need more than anything, what's your hook? how can I tempt you? how can I make your character move forward? how can I make your character react? also characters that create opportunity for story take a LOT of work off the DM's shoulders in my experience, it shows you're engaged and it feels less like dragging a cat around on a leash haha like "are you enjoying this? do you want this? i don't know! please give me something!")
my more standard advice?
Be a good listener
Be present (in the moment)
Be curious
Be the biggest fan of all the characters
Put your story on-screen frequently, give people the opportunity to react to it and join in on it (this can be as simple as "my character's body language changes at the mention of 'home')
Create opportunities for the other characters to have their story on-screen (ask them questions! if you know what the character's buttons are and it makes sense in the moment, press them! listen to what they're saying, pay attention to what they're doing, and react to it)
Interact with the world! Interact with each other! And make these things mean something to your character!
Your character should make mistakes. Mistakes create opportunity for everyone.
If there's a genre, or theme, play toward them earnestly.
The more you RP, the better you'll get at it! It's a process and that's okay!
my little tip for knowing whether your character is Active vs Reactive: if the story were a musical, do they have an I Want song? do they have multiple moments for songs within the narrative? have they shared a duet with another character? do their songs change, evolve? songs happen for important moments in a musical so if you're not contributing to important moments, it may mean you're reacting more than you're acting. which is fine if you're playing a game solo and are granted access to the narrative by virtue of being the designated main character, but because RPing is collaborative storytelling, everyone should be doing their part!
143 notes · View notes
molluskmirage · 10 months
The villainization of Bad is perplexing to me for a lot of reasons. Fandom wanting him to pay for his actions when he didn’t even have the highest kill rate in purgatory on his team… Bad and Tubbo had the same amount of kills day 1. Bad was probably killed more by red team then he killed yet still its not enough for the red fandom.
also regarding Dapper. ‘Bad’s actions made it so no one would help dapper’…. Bad would never hold a parents actions against a child. Leo actively helped Vegetta and Roier place bombs all over Bad and Dappers farm house causing them to move. And even when they moved Bad still included Leo on the allow list. He loves Leo. Dapper really admired Vegetta and wanted to speak with him but was struck by him for teasing Foolish.
Bad teases and tricks and lies about unimportant things, steals furniture and he has trust issues yes, but he also counter balances that by providing others with lavish gifts and items and knowledge that takes hours to do. He repairs broken machines the kids have done for there parents, he takes care of the kids so no one dies of neglect, he keeps people company, he’s provided so much countless food and armor and exp to everyone at such volume its absurd to count. He made spawn so that it would be easy for others to get around when they died and constantly refills the xp.
He’s rp an actual demon but genuinely most of Bad’s actions while surface level inconvenient in depth he’s ridiculously generous and kind. The only time of him ‘cutting loose’ being in a game that was designed for killing and his son instructed him too. So many in the fandom gave weight to Chayanne’s message but for Dapper it was :eyeroll: whatever. Dapper who had been self harming themselves to help aid his siblings and other islanders was instructing Bad to run over other islanders, he wouldn’t say that unless it was important.
I can understand not liking a character theirs plenty I dont personally find my cup of tea but that doesnt make them evil. Its so strange to me that the fandom finds Bbh to be ‘the worst’ narratively, when Slime actively tried to murder Dapper and the other kids, Cellbit has gone full serial killer, Vegetta nearly killed Bobby with bombs, Forever lashed out in anger at Leo yet Bad stealing furniture that can be replaced by sticks and wool is the absolute dread of the server. Bad in a killing game was mean when others were mean and one of the few members of his team that could protect his team.
it’s interesting because for the most part Bad’s crimes are psychological (not to say its not a torment) but it’s interesting because it seems to be labeled so much worse then physical actions other characters have made. Bad doesn’t let others actions get to him he forgives and picks himself up and tries again maybe more guarded this time but he doesnt complain about others actions he always blames himself and carries on. Bad doesnt excuse himself he knows that his actions can cause distress from others and still does them without regret but he also understands others wont like him for his actions and fully accepts and expects it.
234 notes · View notes
martyrette · 3 months
•˚ʚ Martyrette’s TRP3 Aesthetics Guide ɞ˚•
• Remastered •
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•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• INDEX •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Default (credit: @martyrette)
Special (credit: Wyrmguard Secret Nonnie)
Gradient Text (credit: @ladytruebane & Wyrmguard Secret Nonnie)
Empty 'Race' Slot (credit: @martyrette)
Headers (credit: @martyrette)
Additional Information (credit: @martyrette)
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
Formatting Links
Icon Links
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
TRP Icon Glossary
(Whole section credit: @martyrette)
Transparent Background
Tips & Info
Further Resources
Closing Word
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• PREFACE •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
TRP Aesthetics & formating has always been a well-guarded secret within the World of Warcraft RP community. This guide serves to break down that gatekeeping and give everyone access to the tools to make their TRP in whatever cool way they want!
It's been a long time since I realized my first guide, so this one serves as not only an updated version for all the new tricks I learned, but also a connection to further resources which have come out since then.
This guide will also be actively updated with Further Resources when new guides and tricks come out by other creators.
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SYMBOLS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Symbols! Dare I say the face of Aesthetic TRPS! There are two kinds of symbols: the symbols you can simply copy/paste easy-peasy & then the ones that require a special symbol to activate!
When using ANY, make sure to include this ㅡ symbol somewhere in the line or it will appear as a box.
Normal Symbols:
‹ « Ω ∑ ∂ ∆ ∫ ƒ × ∞ § √ π ½ ¼ † ‡ ¦ ¤ ◊ ° • ∙ -ㅡ » › ±
Special Symbols:
♡ ☆ ° ♪ ♩ ♭ ♬ ★☆ ☜ ☞ 〉 《 》 「 」 『 』 【 】 〔 〕 ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ Δ ∮ ▒ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ◊ ◈ ◇ ◆ ■ □ ◁ △ ▽ ▷ ∆ ∇ ▲ ▼ ⊙ ◐ ◑
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
FORMATTING •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Formatting is a bitch. THANKFULLY, we got some tips & tricks here to make it easier for all of you! This section will be going over gradient text, empty 'race' slots, headers, spacing, additional information and all that funky stuff that just makes it look nicer. Who thought moving text over or changing it's size would make such a difference!?
Colour Gradients:
Once again, thank you to @ladytruebane for showing me how to do this all the way back when I made the first guide. Give her love. Or else.
Okay, so you want to do something like this?
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You're going to want to go to this website: https://www.stuffbydavid.com/textcolorizer
Put whatever text you wish within the box and the colours you would like. Copy paste the BBCode selection into your TRP. Every 'color' must be turned into 'col', every set of these brackets [ ] must be turned into these ones { }, the # & = must be erased and = must be replaced with : . It is a long process, but it won't show up unless you do this.
Below is a small video of me verbally explaining it as well (and showing how long it takes. (¬_¬") )
Empty 'Race' Slot
So you want to make race/class all one colour! It's actually HELLA easy.
Go to your Race Slot and delete everything in it, once you do that, press spacebar and BOOM. Empty! Just make sure whatever you want coloured is in the Class Slot, and it will appear the colour of your choice.
Small demo below!
How to make your text bigger! There are three sizes of header:
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You can colour your headers whatever kind you want - the gradient even works with headers as well! Headers can be used for all sorts of things: Titles, About Sections, Quotes, Borders, Symbols, whatever you want! Icons are also effected by headers so you can orientate an icon wherever you'd like within your TRP!
Just make sure everything is within the {h1:c} & {/h1} or else it will appear as it's default size.
Additional Information
Additional Information can be a canvas to put whatever you want! Here's an example of what I do with mine!
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The sky is your limit! You can really do anything with it. Here's a small video explaining spacing with Additional Information and some tricks I've learned.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• LINKS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Links are where you put your. . .Links! Artwork, tumblrs, carrds, social links, etc etc. Here, I'll be showing you the different ways you can format links; orienting them on your page as well as turning them into icon images! The former was hard af to figure out but when you see how simple this is, you will laugh at me-
So formatting links; it's basically the same as formatting normal text as shown above. You can even colour them too! Here's a quick little show of how to make a coloured and formatted standard link.
The order of code for coloured links is as follows: Header (If wanted) > Colour Code > Link To make a link appear as an Icon, you MUST place the Icon Code within the text section (as seen in the video). If you do not, it will not appear and ruin the string of code.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• BORDERS •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Borders can be used wherever within your TRP! They're good for sectioning information and just making it look nice and formatted. There are three different kinds of borders: Symbols, Images & Icons. I will explain how to make your own, as well as share some for free use!
Symbol-based borders are by far the easiest to make. You just type them out and play around with the symbols of your choice! You can really put them anywhere within your TRP - Additional Info, About, OOC info, literally ANYWHERE.
I encourage you all to try and make your own! I bet they'll be super cool. For now though, here's some examples ya'll can use.
∙ ♩ㅡㅡ♪ ♬ ♪ ㅡㅡ♩ ∙
.°☆ ㅡㅡ°.♡.°ㅡㅡ ☆°.
∙. ㅡ~†~ㅡ .∙
° ㅡㅡ ° ◇ ◈ ◇ ° ㅡㅡ °
- . : .ㅡΩㅡ. : . -
Image borders can come in two forms: full images or flattened images. The first is very explanatory, whatever image you pick can divide text. This can be scenery, crowns, gems, Blizzard-licensed character art & so much more! There's a butt load to pick from, so take the time to browse and find the perfect one.
Here's an example I did using a Revendreth image!
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Flattened images can also be used as borders! To flatten an image, you must alter the last numbers within the string of code. As you can see here, this is the normal image and default code.
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I go in and edit the number 128 to 5 and get this flattened image as a result!
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Again, feel free to play around with this and find the images and sizes you love best! I've even seen some people super impose them for backgrounds??? Badass???
Icon borders are like the weird lovechild of Image & Symbol borders. With a mixture of Icons & Symbols, you can really make some cool shit. Icons can be formatted and moved around your profile with Headers. Like so!
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•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
TRP ICON GLOSSARY •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Here is a collection of aesthetic TRP Icons I've found and categorized for your usage! They are divided by UI-formatting, colour (random picks), Racial, Faction & then any other cute random ones I find.
Sadly, the black, white & brown Icon sections has to be cut due to the sheer GIRTH of this post. However, you can really find any sort of Icons within the searchbar! Keywords like colours (black, pink, green), races (Nightelf, Human, etc) and so much more can be found easily! Want your icon to be a class ability? Use the class as your keyword.
Transparent Backgrounds
These icons appear as their shape, rather than having a black box or background behind it. You can use these little guys for all sorts of things! I've seen people use them as borders, bullet-points, decor, like literally anything.
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(Left 2 Right)
Red Paw: {icon:pet_type_beast:25}
Rat: {icon:pet_type_critter:25}
Dragon: {icon:pet_type_dragon:25}
Fire: {icon:pet_type_elemental:25}
Wing: {icon:pet_type_flying:25}
Helmet: {icon:pet_type_humanoid:25}
Sparkle: {icon:pet_type_magical:25}
Cog: {icon:pet_type_mechanical:25}
Skull: {icon:pet_type_undead:25}
Wave: {icon:pet_type_water:25}
Green Paw: {icon:tracking_wildpet:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Murloc: {icon:newplayerhelp_newcomer:25}
Green Dot: {icon:7fx_alphamask_glow_teal_blend:25}
Green Flag: {icon:newplayerhelp_guide:25}
Blue Heart: {icon:ui_jailerstower_defense:25}
Blue X: {icon:ui_jailerstower_offense:25}
Blue Lightning: {icon:ui_jailerstower_utility:25}
Tombstone: {icon:ui_jailerstower-scenario-deathcounter:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Grey Rune 10: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_10_off:25}
Grey Rune B: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_b_off:25}
Grey Rune G: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_g_off:25}
Grey Rune K: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_k_off:25}
Grey Rune M: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_m_off:25}
Grey Rune N: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_n_off:25}
Grey Rune O: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_o_off:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Light Rune 10: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_10_on:25}
Light Rune B: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_b_on:25}
Light Rune G: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_g_on:25}
Light Rune K: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_k_on:25}
Light Rune M: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_m_on:25}
Light Rune N: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_n_on:25}
Light Rune O: {icon:cosmicenergy_rune_o_on:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Copper Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_01_small:25}
Silver Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_02_small:25}
Gold Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_03_small:25}
Platinum Sword: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_04_small:25}
Diamond Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_05_small:25}
Purple Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_06_small:25}
Godly Swords: {icon:ui_rankedpvp_07_small:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Quest: {icon:tracking_warboard:25}
Experience: {icon:garr_currencyicon-xp:25}
Logs: {icon:garrison_material:25}
Alliance Circle: {icon:ui_allianceicon-round:25}
Horde Circle: {icon:ui_hordeicon-round:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Lollipop: {icon:inv_valentinescandy01:25}
Snake: {icon:inv_snake_red:25}
Rose: {icon:inv_helm_misc_rose_a_01_red:25}
Syringe: {icon:inv_trinket_revendrethraid_02_red:25}
Vampiric Rune: {icon:inv_inscription_vantusrune_castlenathria01:25}
Question Mark: {icon:inv_misc_questionmark:25}
Heart: {icon:petbattle_health:25}
Fire Rune: {icon:spell_fire_rune:25}
Hunter’s Mark: {icon:ability_blackhand_marked4death:25}
Stitches: {icon:ability_rogue_garrote:25}
Bear Trap: {icon:ability_hunter_traplauncher:25}
Skull: {icon:ability_deathknight_necroticaura:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Rogue Mark: {icon:ability_rogue_deathmark:25}
Runeblade: {icon:inv_sword_1h_rogue_c_01:25}
Warlock Hood: {icon:inv_cloth_demonicdominationsuccubus_c_01_helmet:25}
Cleaver: {icon:inv_knife_1h_pigman_b_01:25}
Vampire Knives: {icon:inv_cape_special_revendreth_d_02:25}
Cannibalism: {icon:ability_racial_cannibalize:25}
Red Crystal: {icon:inv_jewelcrafting_gem_32:25}
Potion: {icon:trade_alchemy_dpotion_a16:25}
Thorns: {icon:inv_misc_necklacea6:25}
Red Matter: {icon:inv_artifact_corruptedbloodofzakajz:25}
Fire Bloom: {icon:inv_misc_herb_19:25}
Cherries: {icon:inv_misc_food_40:25}
Ruby Necklace: {icon:inv_jewelcrafting_necklace3_red:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Harvest Moon: {icon:ability_druid_eclipseorange:25}
Dash: {icon:ability_druid_dash_orange:25}
Curse Sigil: {icon:ability_creature_cursed_01:25}
Firewave: {icon:ability_rhyolith_magmaflow_wave:25}
Candle: {icon:inv_helm_misc_candle_a_01:25}
Tigerlily: {icon:inv_misc_herb_tigerlily:25}
Amber Necklace: {icon:inv_jewelry_necklace_75:25}
Goldfish: {icon:inv_magicalfishpet:25}
Banner: {icon:inv_shield_1h_drakonid_c_01:25}
Sword Sigil: {icon:spell_holy_sealofvalor:25}
Chi-Ji Crane: {icon:monk_stance_redcrane:25}
Bone Necklace: {icon:inv_7_0raid_necklace_08a:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Amber Potion: {icon:inv_alchemy_80_elixir01orange:25}
Darkmoon Eye: {icon:inv_darkmoon_eye:25}
Jack-o-Lantern: {icon:inv_misc_bag_28_halloween:25}
Fire Flower: {icon:inv_summerfest_fireflower:25}
Bottled Flame: {icon:inv_summerfest_firepotion:25}
Fire Fox: {icon:ability_racial_fireresist:25}
Scorched Hand: {icon:ability_siege_engineer_purification_beam:25}
Bronze Skull: {icon:inv_misc_breadofthedead:25}
Halloween Cat: {icon:achievement_halloween_cat_01:25}
Sanctum: {icon:warlock_sacrificial_pact:25}
Fireball: {icon:spell_mage_infernoblast:25}
Pumpkin Pie: {icon:ability_mage_conjurefoodrank9:25}
Animal Tracks: {icon:ability_tracking:25}
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(Left 2 Right) Clover: {icon:inv_misc_herb_goldclover:25}
Golden Harp: {icon:inv_misc_trinket_goldenharp:25}
Yellow Bird: {icon:inv_misc_thegoldencheep:25}
Priestly Hood: {icon:inv_helm_cloth_raidpriest_r_01_gold:25}
Marigolds: {icon:inv_misc_marrigolds_01:25}
Heavenly Feather: {icon:ability_priest_angelicfeather:25}
Golden Blade: {icon:inv_polearm_2h_drakonid_c_01:25}
Rightous Fist: {icon:spell_holy_rebuke:25}
Ducky: {icon:inv_g_fishingbobber_05:25}
Clock: {icon:spell_holy_borrowedtime:25}
Niuzao Symbol: {icon:monk_ability_avertharm:25}
Honey: {icon:inv_cooking_80_choralhoney:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Skull Trinket: {icon:inv_inscription_trinket_melee:25}
Pirate Map: {icon:achievement_ashran_tourofduty:25}
Domination Rune: {icon:ability_domination_rune13:25}
Cosmic Rune: {icon:inv_prg_icon_puzzle15:25}
Golden Lotus: {icon:achievement_faction_goldenlotus:25}
Holy Steed: {icon:spell_holy_crusaderaura:25}
Sun Icon: {icon:inv_qirajidol_sun:25}
Glowing Horseshoe: {icon:ability_mount_charger:25}
Cage: {icon:inv_box_birdcage_01:25}
Autumn Icon: {icon:ability_ardenweald_paladin_autumn:25}
Fan of Knives: {icon:ability_warrior_bladestorm:25}
Prayer: {icon:spell_priest_pontifex:25}
Butterfly: {icon:inv_pet_butterfly_orange:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Dragon Wing: {icon:inv_10_gearupgrade_flightstone_green:25}
Poison Needle: {icon:ability_poisons:25}
Imprisoned: {icon:ability_demonhunter_imprison:25}
Dark Deal: {icon:achievement_general_raidrepresentation:25}
Toxic Maw: {icon:ability_creature_poison_01:25}
Crown: {icon:ability_rogue_controlisking:25}
Monk Symbol: {icon:ability_monk_zenmeditation:25}
Traveler: {icon:achievement_explore_argus:25}
Green Feather: {icon:inv_icon_feather01e:25}
Leaf: {icon:talentspec_druid_restoration:25}
Frog: {icon:inv_frog2_darkgreen:25}
Vines: {icon:inv_misc_herb_evergreenmoss:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Ring: {icon:inv_misc_6oring_greenlv4:25}
Gadget: {icon:inv_misc_enggizmos_20:25}
Necklace: {icon:item_icecrownnecklacec:25}
Bandages: {icon:inv_firstaid_bandage2:25}
Medical Symbol: {icon:achievement_guild_doctorisin:25}
Shield: {icon:ability_dragonriding_compassion01:25}
Toxic Sludge: {icon:ability_hunter_stickytarbombtrap:25}
Scythe: {icon:inv_knife_1h_maldraxxus_d_02:25}
Darkmoon Marker: {icon:inv_darkmoon_vengeance:25}
Fel Cloth: {icon:inv_fabric_felcloth_ebon:25}
Witch Pot: {icon:inv_misc_cauldron_nature:25}
Banner: {icon:inv_bannerpvp_03:25}
Demonic Rune: {icon:70_inscription_vantus_rune_tomb:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Transformation: {icon:spell_druid_incarnation:25}
Scaredy Cat: {icon:ability_druid_cower:25}
Tome: {icon:inv_7xp_inscription_talenttome02:25}
Skull: {icon:inv_offhand_1h_artifactdoomhammer_d_06:25}
Seashell: {icon:inv_ore_osmenite:25}
Blue Flower: {icon:ability_dragonriding_draconiccultivation01:25}
Mana Potion: {icon:trade_alchemy_dpotion_b10:25}
Bubble: {icon:creatureportrait_bubble:25}
Azuna: {icon:achievements_zone_azsuna:25}
Blue Moon: {icon:artifactability_balancedruid_fullmoon:25}
Icy Touch: {icon:ability_deathknight_icygrip:25}
Prowling Feline: {icon:ability_druid_prowl:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Arcane Intellect: {icon:spell_holy_arcaneintellect:25}
Frost Rune: {icon:spell_frost_wizardmark:25}
Frozen Heart: {icon:spell_frost_coldhearted:25}
Undead Wing: {icon:inv_icon_wingbroken07e:25}
Dewdrop: {icon:inv_misc_shadowdew:25}
North: {icon:ability_hunter_pathfinding:25}
Mug: {icon:inv_misc_food_cooked_madbrewbreakfast:25}
Arrow: {icon:ability_hunter_aimedshot:25}
Sparkles: {icon:spell_magic_managain:25}
Skull & Crossbones: {icon:ability_rogue_feigndeath:25}
Dagger: {icon:inv_weapon_shortblade_06:25}
Crystal Ball: {icon:inv_misc_orb_01:25}
Diamond: {icon:inv_misc_gem_02:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Screaming Skull: {icon:ability_creature_cursed_03:25}
Crescent Moon: {icon:talentspec_druid_balance:25}
Nightshade: {icon:inv_misc_herb_13:25}
Crystal Ball: {icon:spell_druid_momentofclarity:25}
Bear: {icon:spell_druid_guardianofelune:25}
Voidwalker: {icon:spell_shadow_summonvoidwalker:25}
Engulfing Shadows: {icon:ability_rogue_envelopingshadows:25}
Dark Dagger: {icon:ability_ironmaidens_convulsiveshadows:25}
Evil Spirit: {icon:inv__demonbolt:25}
Nighttime: {icon:spell_shadow_twilight:25}
Old God Eye: {icon:inv_eyeofnzothpet:25}
Evil Face: {icon:ability_demonhunter_vengefulretreat:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Arcane Rune: {icon:70_inscription_vantus_rune_suramar:25}
Dark Angel: {icon:ability_priest_darkarchangel:25} Origami: {icon:inv_inscription_crane:25} Grapes: {icon:inv_misc_food_58:25}
Totem: {icon:spell_shaman_dropall_03:25}
Ring: {icon:inv_10_jewelcrafting_rings_ring1_color2:25}
Swirling Dark: {icon:ability_warlock_soullink:25} Spider Webs: {icon:inv_misc_web_02:25}
Scarab: {icon:inv_misc_ahnqirajtrinket_01:25}
Clashing Swords: {icon:spell_holy_blessingofstrength:25} Skeleton Key: {icon:inv_treasurevault_key01:25}
Pendant: {icon:inv_misc_necklace_mop1:25}
Shadow Clone Runes: {icon:spell_holy_prayerofshadowprotection:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Perfume Bottle: {icon:inv_valentineperfumebottle:25} Orb: {icon:inv_misc_orb_02:25}
Tome: {icon:inv_misc_book_01:25}
Bomb: {icon:inv_misc_bomb_04:25}
Curse Rune: {icon:spell_warlock_demonbolt:25}
Cupid Bow: {icon:inv_bow_1h_love_c_01_pink:25}
Arcane Rune: {icon:ability_ardenweald_paladin_summer:25}
Icecream Meal: {icon:inv_misc_food_strawberry_ice:25}
Headress: {icon:inv_helm_cloth_legionquest100_b_01:25}
Plushie: {icon:inv_tailoring_elekkplushie:25}
Staff: {icon:inv_staff_16:25}
Faerie Fire: {icon:spell_nature_faeriefire:25}
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(Left 2 Right)
Comb: {icon:inv_misc_comb_02:25}
Silk: {icon:inv_chest_cloth_58:25}
Pink Wing: {icon:inv_icon_wing04b:25}
Halo: {icon:ability_priest_halo_shadow:25}
Potion: {icon:inv_potion_34:25}
Pearl: {icon:inv_misc_enchantedpearl:25}
Scroll: {icon:inv_inscription_modified_craftingreagent08:25}
Eyeball: {icon:inv_misc_cat_trinket11:25}
Enchantment: {icon:inv_enchant_formulaepic_01:25}
Bloody Maw: {icon:spell_deathknight_gnaw_ghoul:25}
Demon Hunter Rune: {icon:ability_demonhunter_sigilpurple:25}
Berries: {icon:inv_cooking_80_wildberries:25}
Thread & Needle: {icon:inv_10_tailoring_purchasedthread_color4:25}
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TIPS & INFO •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
Simply a collection of little tricks and nuggets of info I've learned about TRP over the years. They don't quite count as formatting so uh. I dunno. This is my guide, I'll do what I want-
The larger your TRP is, the longer it will take to load. Don't feel put off if someone whispers you about it thinking they were accidently blocked!
A TRP doesn't have to be long to be good. Size doesn't matter, it's how you use it as they say.
Don't feel pressured to make your TRP a certain way. It's your TRP. Have fun with it and go crazy!
Don't feel afraid to reach out & ask other players how they did something in their TRP if you like it! Though some may still gatekeep techniques, there's been a shift in the TRP culture. You may make a new friend too!
If you get a TRP formatting error, you're most likely just missing a / or { } somewhere within the code. I do it all the time and a comb through the code normally shows me where one went missing.
BACK UP YOUR TRP! The worst feeling in the world is writing a super swag TRP only for it to get shitted on by a WoW update. Below, I'll show you a quick and easy way to do it.
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Alternatives to AI Art, another post I’ve made awhile ago. The community has this weird culture about NEEDING character art, so here’s some alternatives to AI!
Super cute TRP templates done by this lovely tumblr account. Stumbled across them by chance, but I'm kinda adoring the themes & aesthetic they've got going??? @trp3-templates
A really amazing post on r/WoWRoleplay where the community has shared some more tips & tricks I haven't covered within this guide. It warms my heart to see us helping out each other!
The original TRP Aesthetic Guide I made years ago. All the information has been imported and improved here, but I'm a bit of a sentimental sucker, so I'll be linking it here too for legacy purposes.
•• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ •• CLOSING WORD •• ━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━ ••
GUYS, it's been over a wholeass YEAR since I released the OG TRP Guide. That's crazy, yo. A lot happens in a year & I'm so glad to have heard how many people got my guide and appreciated it. You guys have gotten hella creative and I can't count how many swag & aesthetic TRPs I've seen since it's release. Not only that, but people have also been more open with sharing techniques & tips. Just makes me fuzzy inside or someshit.
Point is, since I released it there's a LOT of stuff I didn't know and even more things being found out. That, and there's a lot of stuff I thought was common knowledge that isn't; thus not adding it to the original one. I asSuMeD- So, I began asking some of you just how you were doing it & compiling EVERYTHING, just incase! Like the first, this project is a bunch of roleplayers coming together to make another fun resource for the community. ENOUGH MUSHINESS. GO MAKE A CUTE / SWAG TRP!
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ladysarai · 2 months
@inception30daychallenge, Day 31: A letter to Inception fandom.
Dear Inception Fandom,
Friends, I am Old. I have been around the block and back again. I am old enough to have read fanfic on the computers in the school library and printed out fics for my friends because they did not have computers at home. I read fanfic on dial up. I cut my teeth on fanfic on FF.Net, on AngelFire websites, and on AOL Message Boards.
I say this ONLY because I want you all to know How Long I have been in Fannish Spaces, and how many fandoms I have been involved in, so that you can believe me when I say: I have NEVER encountered a fandom like this one.
If you look at my AO3, you'll see that most of my posted fics are dated prior to 2010. I spent most of my 30s not being particularly fannish. I didn't post fics. Once LJ made the move to DW, I lost track of fandoms and friends (and never really grasped Tumblr, tbh), and whatever writing I did, I kept to myself. I thought I had lost the ability to get fannishly obsessive over a piece of fiction. There are a lot of Real Life reasons for this--jobs, health, family crap, mental health, selling my home and building a new one, working in healthcare during COVID... And I was put on a medication a few years ago that, it turns out, basically induced depression, but I didn't realize it until February of this year, when I stopped taking it.
It was like a switch was thrown in my brain, and I suddenly wanted to read fanfic and create again! It was great! And one day I was rereading old fics by a favorite author and thought "what else did they write?" and saw they had Inception fics. I thought "huh. That was a fun movie. It provided the premise for the very best RP game I've ever been involved in. Why not?"
As they say, the rest is history. I fell down the rabbit hole of Inception fanfics, discovered an obsession with Arthur/Eames, and dragged my bestie @nutterzoi down with me. I swear that in April, I watched that movie basically every other day for the entire month. And then we started writing fics. I have now posted FOUR Inception fanfics since the middle of June. With Zoe, I'm working on a Big Bang and on several other fics. We literally have a gdoc of ideas for fics because otherwise we will forget them all.
This is all great, Sara, but what about the fandom? Guys. Friends. Zoe and I have been writing fanfic together basically nonstop since before Y2k. We have not posted any of our fanfic since prior to 2010. UNTIL NOW. And the reason I am happy to write and post fanfic? For other people to see and read?? Is because of YOU, the fandom.
This movie is 14 years old, but the fandom is alive and active. Arthur and Eames have about 3 minutes of screen time together, but over 8,000 fics on AO3! @inceptiversary came along just as I was finding my footing here on Tumblr, and MAN, the things everyone has come up with for @inception30daychallenge just blow my mind! The creativity, attention to details, impressive meta and gorgeous fanart and graphics are incredible. Maybe some of the reasons this fandom is so calm and comforting is that I missed the early growing pains, but it is FUN to come into a well established fandom with so much to read and see!
But even more than that... this fandom is KIND, and WELCOMING. I point out again that I am Old. I have reached the point in my life that I do not want to spend time around people or spaces that are not comfortable, especially online, which is where I go for my escapism and fun. Every single person I have interacted with in the Inception fandom has been friendly and encouraging. I hope you all know just how rare this is for both a fandom and for an online space. THANK YOU for being so wonderful. In more ways than one, you have restored my faith in fandoms and fannish spaces, and in my place in them. I certainly hope you're all okay with being stuck with me, because I do not see myself going anywhere.
Thank you for giving back a part of myself that I thought was lost and gone forever.
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aching-tummies · 1 month
Hunger RP-Starter
Hunger RP-Scenario Starter inspired by recent events. Been stressed to the nines lately and went to bed last night with my stomach finally feeling pure 'hunger' rather than hunger mixed with a dash of upset somewhere. It growled quite a few times for me at that point--wish I had a partner to enjoy them with. It was too late to bother hunting down something to eat--and eating at 2AM would have likely caused an upset that I didn't want to deal with. Woke up about six hours later to more hunger pangs and more growls. While the hunger pangs were intense, it felt really, really, really nice to not have any trace of upset anywhere in my guts. Felt 'clean' and 'light' if that makes any sense.
You hurry to the couch, still-steaming bowl of popcorn in-hand and a cold drink in the other. Less than an hour ago, you were at work, counting down the minutes before you could trade your work-pants for PJs and just chill out over a movie.
Finally--date night. Considering the cost of actually going out, the two of us opted for an at-home movie night. Streaming exists as well as the countless DVDs and other formats we've each collected over the years.
As you get settled, we start the movie. I've claimed the far right side of the couch, curled over on my side of the couch. Shockingly, I've turned toward the armrest rather than toward the middle of the couch. Closed-off posture. Seems a bit odd to you, but you're hoping that I'll unwind a bit as the movie gets underway and 'date night' vibes start to hit or something. Until then, you've got a warm bowl of popcorn to warm your lap in place of me.
"Babe--want some?" You ask, nudging the bowl toward me.
"Pass. Sorry--I love the way you make it and all…but I don't really wanna pick kernels outta my teeth tonight." I explain, curling up on my side of the couch and nudging the bowl back at you.
About ten minutes into the movie, you pick up on a sound and pause the movie. I curse under my breath, having hoped that this action movie would have enough explosions and fight scenes to drown out any noises made here on the couch.
"Babe? What's going on? You okay?" You ask with a frown.
"Fine--Fine!" I stammer. A loud growl from my stomach interrupts my statement--a clear cry that the tank is empty. I blush at the sound, curling defensively against the arm-rest yet again.
"So…you're…hungry? Wasn't the plan to eat dinner separately? If you'd said something, I coulda picked up something for you on the way home--I was at McD's anyway." You suggest.
"N-No…i-it's not that." I stutter, causing a frown to replace your features. If I don't come clean with an explanation soon, it'll probably ruin date night.
I palm at my belly with a sigh. "I…My stomach's been really nasty the last few weeks. Stress and whatever. Been kinda…uhm…messed up and icky the last week or so. Y'know…s-stuff not digesting properly or quickly, guts tied in knots…that kind of thing." I begin, you nod, waiting for me to continue. "I just…t-today's the first day in a week and a half where my guts feel 'normal'. No residual sludge just sitting somewhere, no awkward cramps or twinges anywhere. No sickly, sticky bloated feeling anywhere. Nah…it just…feels like it's finally cleaned house and…w-while I am hungry…I just…I don't wanna rush into putting something in it. Kinda just wanna enjoy feeling cleaned out in case it acts up again with the next meal."
My stomach snarls angrily throughout my explanation, clearly hungry.
"S-Sorry…I-I know you really like this movie. I can take a nap or something in the bedroom if you wanna watch the movie in piece." I suggest, moving to get up.
What do you do? Pull me onto your lap? Come with to the bedroom to advance 'date night' activities? You gonna respect my desire to leave my guts empty? Is the replacement entertainment for tonight gonna be my very, very vocal tummy? You decide. Send me your best responses.
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papers-pamphlet · 1 month
masterpost for the the lore/timeline of my amrev ocs :3
So the ocs i have are :
Giles Eleison and his lore/background
Claudia Eleison (née Difiori) and her lore/background
Josephine von Segensfeld.
there is also Carol (Giles & Claudia's daughter)
i have designs for the parents of these goobers but I won't focus on them too much.
Some stuff before we get to the timeline
here are all my tagged posts for these bozos, in order from when they were posted ! ; #Giles Eleison, #Claudia Eleison, #Josephine von Segensfeld
I also have a rp blog for Giles & Claudia, although i'm not too active there.
now onto the timeline.
Claudia Difiori is brought by her father, to Germany. See her lore.
So began a love affair between Claudia and Josephine von Segensfeld. But during a party hosted in the manor, Claudia "broke up" with Josephine because this was "unnatural" and "she had to marry a man". They had a huge fight and became bitter towards each other.
Giles Eleison is there as well. His father took him there so he may find a wife.
Giles Eleison meets Claudia Difiori, shortly after, he asks her to marry him.
They both thought marriage would fix them. it did not. [1]
some years pass. Carol is born.
News of the rebellion in the American colonies reaches them. Giles reads about it one certain morning and suddenly it feels like his entire life's purpose was revealed to him.
Giles quickly leaves his home to join the army.
Giles is thriving ! The bloodshed, violence and death is exhilarating ! He's a completely different man than who he was before !
Frederick Kenneth (@lil-gae-disaster) gains the friendship of Giles. They become drinking buddies !! [1] [2] [3]
Frederick returns from a spy mission and brings along one Joseph Hayes (@hamalicious-soup)
Giles is tasked with interrogating Joseph. [1]
Giles, for the very first time in his entire life, experiences attraction to someone. and its that man .
Joseph falls for Giles as well after seeing him covered in blood
they're tentmates :)
GILSEPHH !!!!!! [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] (I love Hamalicious's art so much genuinely)
Joseph finds a certain miniature portrait of Claudia, this is how he discovers Giles has a wife
What Claudia has been getting up to since Giles left
^^ After years of not responding to her letters, Claudia caves in to her loneliness and invites Josephine over. She sails all the way to England by herself just to see her again and so began another love affair. Despite that, Claudia is still deep in her delusions and it ends just as messy as the first time.
Cathy trynna investigate her brother
**not exactly sure where this would fit but since this is in the redcoat hamilton au, Giles would try to kill Laurens for the fun of it. But he also does find Lams "interesting"
POST-WAR, the Kenneth Farm
note: Giles was originally meant to have one ending -- he would be shot and would die alone on a field without anyone having loved him. But thanks to Joseph, his fate is split into two possible paths, or routes as i like to call them. One where he does die, and one where he ends up surviving, but pronounced dead at first.
Secret ending: Liver Failure .
Frederick reaches out to Claudia to live in the Kenneth farm
Freddie bonds with Carol !!
Claudia meets Joseph there and much awkwardness ensues [1]
Late night interaction with some of the residents [Do you not feel guilty ... for not marrying a woman? & explanation], [Which Giles Eleison did Joseph Hayes know?]
Claudia finds out about Joseph and her husband somehow and awkwardness increases tenfold
About Claudia and self-acceptance. [1] [2]
Claudia finds out about noblefarm, also she finds an actually good father figure in Gilroy
Freddie learn about one "Miss Josephine" from Carol [1]
despite that her time in the farm has been really good.
It can't stay like this forever, y'know !
after Gilroy Kenneth's death, Claudia is reminded of her own father. She quickly moves away and returns to her solitary, lonely life, spending her days as a widow and nothing more.
silly farm shenanigans [1]
m..marriage . woah . [1]
Giles becomes a freaky priest [1] [2]
**will continue :3
extras, fun facts
Giles first started out as a character ai persona that i used to torture Laurens in front of Alexander. Also he was meant for my redcoat Lauren au at first.
Inspo for Claudia's backstory: "utang na loob"
Josephine and Freddie are cousins !
Josephine von Segensfeld and Joseph Hayes were once meant to have an arranged marriage. Josephine went livid when she found out and threw a huge hissy fit. Richard called off the marriage. [1]
a memory from giles' childhood
modern au giles :3
@marsfingershurt @lil-gae-disaster @hamalicious-soup @laurenshamiltonjr @cacaobeans
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Hey everyone, Mod Bee here.
When I first started this blog, I had no idea what I was doing. I thought my silly little original post wouldn't get too big, and that I would be able to handle the scope of sharing all the awesome fanmade descendants, answering questions about the silly little universe I've helped create, and telling the story of Sexyman Descendants.
...Turns out that was WAY too much for me to handle. The sheer load of attention I was getting had me WAY too overwhelmed, and to be frank it made me super intimidated to revisit Sexyman Descendants in any form whatsoever. Which is a shame, because I miss these characters as much as you guys do :(
Now that I've taken a step back from the blog for a bit and have a grounded, clear head, I've decided to limit the scope immensely and start fresh. I'm starting a fresh blog over at @/sexymandescendants (aka, the old url for this blog) where I can hopefully interact with the Sexyman Descendants universe in a more healthy manner. It will mostly be RP-focused, but I'll most likely still be reblogging fanart and whatnot over there too if the opportunity ever arises.
I hope that one day I'll be able to revisit some of the more ambitious projects I've started and/or talked about on here (ie: an archive of fanmade descendants, a Discord server, etc), but for now I'm putting those plans on indefinite hiatus. They only contributed to my burnout with Sexyman Descendants, and it'll be best for my mental health if I leave those projects behind for now. Thank you for your understanding!
TLDR; this blog will be up as an archive, but all Sexyman Descendants activity from now on will be at @sexymandescendants. Hope to see y'all there!
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what you said about philza’s privilege in terms of the qsmp experience (and just in general) is a great point tbh. i believe that HE believes in what he’s saying taking into account that he has access to different information than we do (not necessarily MORE, just different — dudes not on twitter for example so may not have seen testimonies from ex admins, but has info from people still involved in the server that we are not privy to etc). ultimately he’s only intending to talk to his community and reiterates that he’s not a spokesperson for the project, just another guy playing on his friends server taking what’s been told to him in good faith, so his truth is his truth but not necessarily the objective truth etc.
one thing I’ll say about the ‘no rp actors’ thing is that probably that’s referring to those specifically hired to do full time rp. my thought is that some admins still on the project that have been doing rp (the ‘5 active’ ones) are doing it for fun in the downtime from their main tasks. this seems pretty indicative when you only really see them doing this with bbh, because if it was actually their ‘job’ they would be available for the other creators still playing too. (i saw a bbh fan comment that ‘these admins suck at improv’ which, yeah. not their primary job probably lol). the only admin I’ve seen hang out with several creators is ‘ollie’ who we now know is ricardão, and that speaks for itself really given how many hours he’s clocked on the server just for fun outside of his ‘work’ obligations. so it’s like, should the new team specifically be telling the admins not to rp on the server if this is the case, to strictly stick to their tasks, or is it better to allow them autonomy over their time regardless of the arrangement? idk. in the end i’m reserving most of my judgement for if/when they release a statement on what changes have been made after (/if) this ‘restructuring’ gets done.
Hi anon, thx for the ask.
Even if they are not rp admins specifically I personally don't think they should be playing on the server at all right now unless they are getting paid for it. Letting the admins do volunteer work like that sets a dangerous precedent moving forward for all admins workers. The studio will be more inclined to hire (or keep employed) people who will do extra just because they want to, without pay, and it will end up the same way it is now: people being underpaid and expected to do much more than they are reasonably able to.
It's easier to picture when you imagine that it's something more boring. There's a guy at this restaurant that hasn't been paying their staff for overtime but he keeps pulling overtime anyway because he loves cleaning dishes so so so much. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, but he still shouldn't be encouraged to do so until the restaurant gets their shit figured out.
"Autonomy over their time" would make more sense if they were being paid hourly wages or a fixed salary, neither of which we've seen evidence for. As far as I'm aware all employees who have come forward were paid in unrecorded one-time payments or as contractors for a fixed project/piece/job.
Quackity Studios is going to have to figure out how to pay workers who are often working overtime hours, whose hours are not fixed and fluctuate wildly and unpredictably, and who are living in many different economic climates, which is a task I do not envy them at all.
They also (best case scenario) will have to figure out retrospectively how much they owe all of their unpaid and underpaid workers from the past year. I do not have much faith in this happening given the size and scope of this task and the fact that there is no way, at this moment, that the QSMP has made anywhere close to the amount of money that cost to run it. I personally think that QS is going to fight very hard to not have to pay any of their workers for work previously done, although I would love to be wrong.
Even considering just those two things, not to even mention the logistics of a structural and leadership overhaul that we've been told is taking place, it is irresponsible and honestly self sabotaging to continue to allow those admins to rack up rp time on the server.
The RP admins are not essential for continuing to run the server. If they are being paid that is money that could go towards backpay for the under/unpaid workers. If they are not being paid their activity on the server is only increasing the potential liability QS has in regards to their unpaid laborers.
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berniesrevolution · 2 years
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DES MOINES, Iowa — Wearing bright yellow Crocs, carrying a backpack and holding a clipboard stacked with papers, Ahmed Musa listens intently to a student. You would be forgiven for thinking Mr. Musa was a student himself; it is ​“staff dress like a student” day during spirit week at Theodore Roosevelt High School, and Mr. Musa looks the part.
Then again, Mr. Musa, 24, was a Roosevelt student not too long ago. He graduated in 2017.
He is talking with senior Jackie in a second floor hallway. She is animated, her purple and white braids falling across her baby blue N95 mask as she explains a problem. She is the president of the K-Club and there was an incident among members. The K-Club, she says, is about all things K-pop, from Korean music to food to movies to fashion. Mr. Musa laughs — he thought it was the ​“Kulture Club.”
Jackie goes on to give a broad overview of the situation: Racist and homophobic memes were posted in the group’s online chat of several dozen members. Tempers flared and arguments spilled over from social media into the classroom. Then a shouting match erupted during a club meeting. Fortunately, it didn’t come to blows. Members contacted the club’s teacher-advisor who contacted the school’s ​“restorative practices” team.
As a restoration facilitator, Mr. Musa’s job is to listen to problems and help students find solutions. Talking with Jackie that morning was the first step (a ​“prerestorative conference”) toward a formal ​“restorative circle.” Restorative circles are a group activity meant to help repair harm and restore relationships.
Jackie was one of several students I spoke with during two week-long visits to Roosevelt this year — once in the spring and once in the fall — to witness the school’s implementation of its new restorative practices program. Vanessa, a freshman struggling with the transition from remote learning during Covid, and Yonathan, a sophomore caught with drugs and weapons at school, were also among them. (Students involved in the RP program are referred to by first name to protect their privacy.)
Before the pandemic, armed officers known as ​“school resource officers,” or SROs, from the Des Moines Police Department would patrol the school hallways. But during the summer of racial justice marches and protests after the police murder of George Floyd, students, parents and community members spoke out against SROs at Des Moines School Board meetings. In the end, the police contract with the schools was terminated. After scrambling to make remote schooling work during the long, mournful slog of the pandemic, Des Moines Public Schools (DMPS) were left to find a way to reimagine school safety — and fast.
The district moved quickly to implement restorative practices, an increasingly popular educational model for school safety, violence prevention and mediation.
The 2021 – 2022 school year was a huge opportunity with the highest of stakes: DMPS could become one of the only districts in the nation to succeed in concurrently removing SROs and implementing restorative practices, or the district and its students could be thrown into crisis.
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Restorative practices (RP) derive from ​“restorative justice,” which is used to bring together, in mutual agreement for mediation, the victim and the perpetrator of an offense. The goal is typically restitution for harm caused while helping the perpetrator restore community ties.
In education, ​“practices” is often swapped in for ​“justice” because it involves children who aren’t in criminal proceedings. Formal conflict resolution, after a dispute or rule-breaking, does play a role, but RP is also proactive, explains Anne Gregory, a Rutgers professor and one of the nation’s leading RP experts.
One core proactive practice is ​“check and connect.” This might be as simple as having teachers and staff say hi to each student as they enter the school, or asking a student between classes how their day is going. When there’s an issue, students can then sit down with a trusted adult to build ​“their own insight into themselves and what’s driving their behavior,” Gregory says.
Gregory emphasizes that relationship building is a two-way street. These micro-interactions of ​“check and connect” also change how teachers see students. They undermine ​“overgeneralization [and] negative stereotyping” and create space for understanding, Gregory says. When a student has ​“attendance problems,” for example, the right mindset involves ​“thinking about and understanding what’s going on for the family of that student that morning in getting out the door” — which is a ​“very different approach,” Gregory adds, from ​“sending a police officer to your house the fourth time you’re truant.”
(Continue Reading)
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leolingo · 11 months
(long post about purgatory and meta and rp)
sigh one thing ive been thinking is that it feels a bit unfair to see so many people complaining or doomposting over how purgatory affects the overarching qsmp rp story or how it ~interrupted arcs~ or is ~disturbing current storylines~ or ~narratively unsatisfying~ like. Sure. its a bit abrupt and most players were caught off guard because lore-wise it stems from the federation which means none of them were told about anything beforehand
but... its only been three days. maybe we could have a little faith? like idk ill be soooooo out there rn and say that maybe the admins did this now for a reason. maybe itll make sense later on. we already see lore repercussions with elquackity and his motives and all the nods to the eggs.
theres fair criticism to be made (when done respectfully) if youre mainly here for the roleplay but i feel like we sometimes need to remind ourselves that the qsmp storytelling is a VERY ambitious project. lmao. imagine being the writing team and trying to wrangle 20+ characters with distinct points of view and journeys on an ever-changing story because of the very nature of live rp. its practically IMPOSSIBLE to tie up every loose end neatly and at this point i dont think we should expect that. keeping up momentum with all plotlines must also be pretty hard, cc's schedules and outside factors like server programming and building and mod tweaking and all those meta elements considered and so on and so on
i DO also want the story to move forward and be cohesive and make sense in a satisfactory way. like i really do!!!!!!! but i try to understand that thats not ALL the qsmp is about. from the start quackity said the server wouldn't be exclusive to the rp aspect. it sure is that way right now, but thats because most of the active members are VERY passionate about roleplaying. thats a good thing! they have fun and its fun to watch and the experience is mostly good for everyone because it corresponds to their expectations to an extent
the thing about purgatory is that i feel like its a lot more meta than most people doomposting realize. it ties into the story, sure, but to me it feels like the sudden switch in environment and vibes and stakes isnt actually catered to the rp and thats FINE. like thats not what it exists for and thats fineeeeeee
pac for one has said he appreciates the event for the change of pace, though its very hard (lol), because regular qsmp was starting to feel a bit stale to him and he was kind of running out of things to do. THATS A GREAT THING! managing player engagement like that is awesome and sometimes necessary. YES, purgatory caters to a very different playstyle than what we're used to -- and thats one of its strenghts.
a lot of hispanic creators have also felt this!!!! roier, rivers and carre most prominently have been VERY excited about this event because its similar in format to a lot of spanish speaking events like mc extremo and such. a lot of these players are also not particularly interested in rp-ing and had not been logging on very often prior to purgatory.
even roleplay regulars like tubbo, fit and bbh have shown interest in purgatory for the competitive nature of the setting!!! thats cool too!!!! something different, new possibilities to play around with. thats what the events should be about. kudos to the admins and dev teams for attempting it in such a big scale. their effort shows and all the mechanics weve seen are really fucking cool
i love the roleplay!!!!!! its one of my favorite parts of the qsmp!!!!!! but its not ALL there is and it shouldnt be! non rp-oriented creators are also part of the project and deserve to have a little fun too -- not to mention a big chunk of the hispanic fan community that has blown up twitter with support bc what we have rn is similar to events they already love!!!!!!! im glad to see so many of them get excited again!!!!!!
at the end of the day, qsmp is a LONG long term project, and purgatory ends in two weeks. by the time its over, we can all choose to engage with it as we wish. it can be a big filler episode in your mind, if you want. it can be just for fun..... otherwise, if its not fun, your regularly scheduled qsmp will be back soon anyway :3 its fine to not like it, its fine to have something negative to say about it if properly tagged and not like. crazy entitled or blown out of proportion for what this situation is.
i just hope we can all manage our online experiences accordingly and avoid making things less enjoyable for each other. this is supposed to be fun
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duskymint · 5 months
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((Due to work running me into the ground, I'm splitting ALL my muses into two groups. Active and low activity.
Blackmint is getting moved to @clown-demon. Which is my main. I will NOT be continuing our thread UNLESS we're moots on that blog. Just because I don't wanna over step on any toes and move our thread when you don't rp with non moots.
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mwill0600 · 4 months
Hi all! I’m currently looking for a long term rp partner. Heres a little about me:
My name is Meghan. I’ll be turning 24 next month. I work night shift in a children’s hospital, so sometimes I might be a bit too busy to reply with work and sleeping. But I promise to make up for it on my days off! I have a cat named Sullivan, who just turned 1, and I am completely obsessed with him. I’ve been writing for a little over 10 years now, beginning on the good ole 1D forums page that is no longer in existence. I love to read, and I love even more recreating things I read or movies/shows that I watch.
Terms for writing. 20+. I’m looking for someone who is pretty active for rapid fire. Obviously we all have lives, so I don’t expect you to be active 24/7/365. Life happens, and life is busy. What I do expect is quality replies. However, i do not tolerate three liners. I expect responses to be minimum a decent sized paragraphed. Just enough to keep the story moving along. My replies range from a decent paragraph to a full novel if it calls for it. I typically match what is given to me. I write primarily in discord, so if I’ve communicated that you aren’t giving my minimum, I will no longer write with you. But for the most part, I’m very easy going! If somethings going on, just let me know! DOUBLES ONLY!!
Disclaimer: I primarily write fxm because that’s all I’m really good at writing. I don’t have experience with mxm or fxf, so I just don’t do it.
I am also all for friendships outside of rp. I like getting to know who I’m writing with, it helps me write better for what you’re looking for!
I’ve made this post long enough. Heads up, I only rp on Discord. Send me a message if you’re interested and we can discuss further!
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