#[ but then i enjoy the plotting and gushing with you guys about what our muses would do so thank you for keeping eiji alive-ish
solivcgant · 5 months
but would you still enjoy eiji if he suddenly gave up gaming to camp with his shibe
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midnightscxre · 5 months
Ok I'll be honest. . . I want to SHIP!
I want complex, angsty, heartbreaking, deep and unique relationships built between our muses that we can totally go nuts over. To build the connection from scratch, make that roots strong and always have more delights to put into the story that always will be full of surprises. I want us to adore the girls and guys we write for,and just be fair to each other over it and not to use the other for just one.
Honestly, just want a long term rp partner that will enjoy investing equally in everything, plot, ship, characters. . . Would love a mumu thread, and love both of your characters and just ask to receive the same appreciation for mine,not just the guy, since I would adore to ship both of them romantically. Currently into supernatural,crime / mafia,slasher and apocalypse plots but others aren't out of the question. Preferred platform: Discord.
What can you expect:
Visuals,playlist, videos... I l o v e to send those out/make them to bring our story to life
TOTAL gushing about our pairings. I can't help myself when I'm into the story
Long term,realistic development with bunch of side threads to put our lovelies into different situations where we can overdose on fangirling
Where are you lovely writers with same desires ? (21+ only)
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red-flight · 9 months
7, 10, 16 and 56, your choice which muse or 'in general' :),
7. What’s a negative thing about your character that you enjoy writing?
I haven't gotten to really explore a lot of the negatives with the boys yet. But I do love exploring negative traits as much as positive ones. You're rather familiar with Theo and his self-destructive tendencies, I look forward to finding what it is with these guys that will be just as much fun.
10. What’s the hardest thing for you to write?
My brain is not wired for that.
Sometimes I struggle with something that I'm like "oh god this is too cheesy" or "this is so specific to me and only this mun that nobody else it going to get it omg this plot is 95% just developed in our heads what is the hellsite going to think" and then i wonder if i should move the thread to discord instead.
I have to remind myself it's ok if everyone else doesn't get it.
16. What’s your favorite thing about rping a canon character?
Genuinely getting to gush about and love that canon character. Especially getting to share stories and make new stories and explore all the little "what if" scenarios that canon doesn't explore with them. Them meeting other characters that they don't, in canon. Especially a canon that is not always written linearly, so there's all sorts of great characters they haven't gotten to meet over the years.
56. How did you learn about roleplaying? How did you get started roleplaying yourself? 
Actually, i found online rp through deviant art.
Before that, my friends and I in school used to just pass a notebook back and forth. And even earlier than that, my little sister and I used to lay awake in our bunkbeds and just talk out stories before falling asleep as kids.
But it was on deviant art that I found someone who wrote Kal Skirata way way way back. I don't remember if they did rp or if it was fanfic but that was how I first found tumblr. From there I first got involved with a group rp, and eventually into Firefly for my first indie stuff.
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aaetherius · 4 years
Noise!!! I absolutely cannot get enough of your writing! You've a phenomenal way of expressing your muses and I'm always in awe of your ability. You have such a vast range of understanding the characters you write, it's amazing how well you portray them. It's not often I see muns able to manage a vast variety, from good muses to evildoers. The fact I was completely unknowledgeable of GBF, to now having a solid basic understanding thanks to you, is fantastic! Moreover, the descriptions that you write are poetic and feel as if I'm actually reading a book. I'm always enthralled by how you're able to write so seamlessly, descriptive, never failing to describe the surroundings, emotions, and dialogue in every post. You capture so much and truly inspire me as a writer to do more! And to top everything off, you're such a wonderful mun! I love chatting with you and spinning ideas with one another; whilst unintentionally finding ourselves with plot twists/new discoveries! Can't wait for more!
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tuanyiems · 4 years
Champagne Truffles
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Yugyeom x Reader (f) It’s a little angsty at the start oops but still this is a fluffy one, it’s me after all words: 4k plot: it’s your anniversary date night and he’s determined to make this a night you’ll never forget, established relationship!au a/n – Forgive this unedited piece, it’s 3am rn lulz I spent too much time gushing over got7 I had to take out the smut content to make the deadline lol but anyways, make sure to stream Last Piece as you’re reading!!! And this concludes my November of posting exclusively for Yugyeom! (It still counts as November if I haven’t slept yet!) And what a beautiful month it was! Thank you for following me on this Chocolatier journey, I’m sure these two will show up again in a drabble or two in the future. But until, please enjoy and give got7’s new album a listen if you haven’t already. It truly is another masterpiece album c’: // part of Le Chocolatier drabble series, which you can find the masterlist for in my blog. feel free to read this as a one-shot or part of the series, in any order you want <3
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“So, how was work today?” you start, climbing into bed where Yugyeom is already tucked in and scrolling on his phone. The bright light illuminates his face, and you pause, admiring his profile as you wait for him to answer.
But Yugyeom only shrugs, not even bothering to look at you. You grab your own phone from your nightstand, twisting it awkwardly around in your hands as you think of something else to say.
“It’s getting colder these days, isn’t it?” you ask softly, staring down at your phone as you flip it once more and watch it light up to a picture of you and Yugyeom at a carnival. It was one of those summertime, pop-up fairs. Yugyeom had convinced you to call in sick and the two of you made a trip an hour out from the city to play like two teenagers in love. 
Your lips twist as you press your thumb into the screen where Yugyeom is holding your hand in his. Even when your hands were getting clammy from the summer heat and the nerves of waiting in line for the pirate ship, he had refused to let go. 
“Nice try,” he had scoffed, before lifting his hand to kiss the back of yours. “If I let you go for even a second, you’ll definitely find a way to hurt yourself.”
You rolled your eyes, “You’re so protective for the weirdest things.”
“Weird? Who was the one who fractured their wrist while bowling?”
You looked away, pretending not to hear.
“And who’s the girl who got a concussion while walking in a department store, hmm?”
“Hey! That time wasn’t my fault!” you pouted, allowing yourself to be tugged along as the line moved up. “Who puts such heavy items on the top shelf anyways?”
“But what normal person climbs the shelves?!”
“An! Independent! Woman!” You defended, slapping his chest with your free hand with each word.
He only laughed, eyes shining down on you. “You could’ve called for help, or oh I don’t know, asked your boyfriend to get it for you? I mean, what else is my height good for?”
“Eye candy, of course!”
“I’m just a piece of meat to you, aren’t I?” he joked, bumping you by the hip before quickly pulling you back into his chest.
You giggled, “Oh course not, babe. I’m obviously using you for our future offspring too. It’s my gracious consideration for future generations.”
“Future offspring?” Yugyeom’s cheeks blushed a rosy hue and as soon as you noticed, you followed suit.
“I mean! Uh-well…if…” you sucked in a breath, forcing your heart to calm. “Anyways, if they end up inheriting your height and my butterfingers, it’ll end up being a disservice to society actually.”
He chuckled, hand squeezing yours. “Probably,” he mused softly, cheeks still warm with daydreams.
When you turn your phone again, the screen flickers awake and there is his blushing face again, eyes twinkling with thoughts of the future…or, that’s what you always thought he was imagining when you look at this photo, but maybe you were just being delusional. It could’ve just been the summer heat making him flush.
The Yugyeom from that memory and the one sitting next to you feel like completely different people. You don’t understand what happened, only a few months had passed since that day. At first, you had summed up his quiet behavior to the changing season. It’s not like Yugyeom had never been quiet or moody before, but never has he iced you out like this for so long.
It makes you nervous actually. In two days, it’ll be your three-year anniversary. This is supposed to be a good thing of course, but in the back of your mind sits the nervous belief that something bad will happen on that day.
None of your previous relationships have ever lasted longer than a year. You and Yugyeom were always so stable that you never thought this would be a problem, but his sudden changes have made you more superstitious. 
“Baby?” you utter softly, touching his wrist to put his phone down. He looks over but doesn’t say a word. “Um, I was wondering how you wanted to spend this Saturday? We haven’t really talked about it, so…”
Your voice trails. He looks at you almost fiercely, a slight frown on his lips.
You swallow. “Not that we have to do anything. Maybe we could just have a quiet day inside. We can marathon that anime you really like! What was the name again? With the cute pig?”
“Seven Deadly Sins,” he answers, looking back at his phone.
“Yeah, that one!” you say, voice much brighter than how you feel. “But…I was just suggesting. We can do what you want to do. Did you have something in mind? Food you’re craving?”
Yugyeom sighs, turning on his side to turn the lamp off. “It’s late, babe, let’s decide later.”
“Oh, okay.”
In the darkness, your worries fester though.
“Baby?” you whisper cautiously. Quietly, you curl against his back, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Goodnight, Gyeom.”
A moment passes before he twists in your arms and pulls you to his chest. You smile, looking up even though you can barely make out his features in the darkness.
“Night baby, I love you,” he presses a kiss to your forehead, and you find yourself relaxing in his arms.
That night you fall into a sleep so good, you end up missing your alarm.
Rushing around the apartment in only a forest green blouse and your nude hip huggers, you unpack your purse for the fifth time that morning.
“Babe, have you seen my charger?” You yell from the bedroom.
“It’s not in your purse?” Yugyeom calls from inside the bathroom.
You huff, throwing the items haphazardly back into your bag. “No!”
“Just take mines!”
“Thank you!”
Rounding the bed, you make your way to Yugyeom’s nightstand. Unlike your own though, his drawer is a disorganized mess. You furrow your brows, shifting through the old mail and random trinkets.
“How does he find anything in here?” you mutter, stuffing your hand to the back and hoping the wire was buried somewhere there.
“Y/N!” Yugyeoms voice booms from behind you. You jump in surprise. “Why are you going through my drawer?”
He snatches your hand out and slams his drawer shut.
“I-” You try to blink back your surprise. “I was just looking for the charger.”
He let out an exasperated sigh, bending behind the nightstand, and pulls the wire out.
“Here,” he tosses it into your hand before walking to your shared closet. “And don’t go through my things.”
Gaze on his back, you place the charger into your purse meekly. Grabbing your cream trousers from the bed, you quietly step into them as Yugyeom gets dressed too.
“Sorry,” you mumble when he finally turns to you.
He lets out a sigh, threading his fingers between yours. His thumb rubs over your hand gently. “I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to yell.”
“Jackson,” you slide on your rolling chair towards your cubicle buddy, cup of hot chocolate between both palms.
“Uh oh,” Jackson looks at you once before twisting dramatically in his chair. “You’ve got the frowny face!”
“Frowny face?” Jinyoung pokes his head into your cubicle. Seeing your expression, he immediately walks into your cubicle, leaning onto Jackson’s desk. “Who do we need to hurt?”
“No one,” you sulk, stirring your drink. “I just had a question.”
“It was Susan, wasn’t it? I hate her,” Jinyoung scoffs, crossing his arms. Jackson chuckles, nudging him to stop.
“No, I was just wondering,” you pause, looking at your cream flats. “What are some signs when a guy no longer loves you?”
“I’m going to kill Yugyeom.”
“Why is murder always your go-to?” Jackson jokes, trying to lighten the mood. “It can’t be that bad, the last time I saw Yugyeom he was madly in love with you!”
“I just…I don’t know…it’s a feeling,” you frown, gut twisting as you’re speaking the words aloud. “It’s probably nothing.”
“Well, what signs have you been getting from Yugyeom?” Jinyoung asks.
“He’s just gotten quieter in the last couple of months. Sometimes it feels like he’s hiding something from me. Like last night, he was mostly on his phone even though I was trying to talk to him.”
“On his phone doing what?”
You tilt your head, shrugging. “I don’t know, Instagram? Twitter? But that’s not the point.”
“Wait, Instagram or Twitter, Y/N? Was he scrolling through news or was he sliding into DMs? These are important details,” Jinyoung interrupts. Both you and Jackson look at him with wide eyes.
You feel your heart jump to your throat. “Y-you think…maybe, he’s c-cheating on me?”
That thought had never even occurred to you as a possibility but now that you hear it…Your vision starts to blur.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N!” Jackson slaps Jinyoung’s thigh, pushing him away as he hurries to put an arm over your shoulder. “Jinyoung was just asking stupid questions. Yugyeom’s not that kind of guy.”
“But what if he’s right?” you mumble. “This morning I was looking in his drawer to borrow his charger and he yelled at me for going through his things. He’s never done that before! And every time I ask about his day, he won’t really tell me anything.”
You sniffle, rushing to wipe your falling tears.
“Don’t cry, Y/N,” Jinyoung pats your hand softly. “You’re probably just spiraling right now. I don’t know Yugyeom the way you do. He was probably just scrolling through pictures of tattoo art or something.”
“But he’s so handsome and amazing, he could have any girl he wants. What if he’s found someone better? Someone who doesn’t burn toast or, or-”
“Hey,” Jackson squeezes your arm with a frown. “We don’t tolerate that kind of talk in this house.”
“House?” Jinyoung chuckles.
“Our cubicle home!” Jackson clarifies, making you smile.
“Ah, I see a smile,” Jinyoung announces, making your lips stretch wider.
“My makeup is running, isn’t it?” you laugh weakly.
“Yeah, you’re a mess,” Jinyoung teases.
“Good time to ask Susan for an early weekend,” Jackson nudges you playfully.
“Yeah, leave early and go have a real conversation with Yugyeom about how you’re feeling. No use in holding things in if it’s just going to make you cry anyways.”
“Someone’s crying?” Susan, your project manager, pokes her head into your cubicle. When she sees your state, she gasps. “Y/N, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”
“I’m okay,” you flush with embarrassment.
“Nonsense, you should let her start the weekend early, Susan,” Jinyoung states before smiling at her sweetly. “And as her favorite co-workers, you should let us join her!”
“Nice try, Jinyoung,” she laughs goodheartedly, before turning to you. “You two have to stay, but Y/N, you’re free to go. Come back Monday, feeling better, okay?”
She sends you a wink before striding off.
“I hate her so much,” Jinyoung grumbles.
“You gotta stop lying to yourself, man,” Jackson laughs. He turns to you and pulls you into a hug. “Go and talk to him, Y/N. The longer you wait it out, the longer you’ll just be running circles in your head.”
You nod, convinced. “Alright, I’ll do that. Thanks guys.”
“Call me if you need a hitman!” Jinyoung calls as you rush out of the cubicle.
“Hey, why are you calling at this hour?”
“I just missed you,” you hum into the phone, as you walk down the familiar sidewalk towards your favorite chocolate store. “How’s work?”
“Um, actually,” there’s a pause on the other line before he continues, “It’s kind of busy. Probably be home late today.”
“Oh, okay,” you put on a tone of disappointment as you round the corner to the store. You snicker to yourself. Maybe surprising him at work and helping him with the shop will pick his mood up.
“Yeah, sorry, but you know this time of year. People like to eat chocolates.”
You smile to yourself, slowing your step as you reach the storefront. “Yeah, I know. It’s how I met you.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” you chuckle.
“Anyways, I really have to go now.”
“O-” You freeze, staring into the window of the chocolate store. “Okay.”
“Bye,” Yugyeom doesn’t wait for you to reply before he cuts off the line. You barely register the dead phone line though. You gulp, watching as your best friend, Jenny, pulls Yugyeom into a tight hug between the counter. In her arms, he smiles with full cheeks.
Stepping back, you cross the street in a rush, collapsing into a seat outside the French café across from Yugyeom’s store before your legs give out entirely. 
This doesn’t make sense. While Jenny was one of your closest friends, she and Yugyeom weren’t especially close. This was partially due to the fact that Jenny lives in another city two hours away from yours. Yugyeom has never expressed any interest in spending time with your friends unless you were with him, and so things just don’t add up.
Jenny never sent you a text that she’d be in town, especially on a Friday. Just as you’re about to go through the text messages in your phone just in case, you see the door of the chocolate store open and out walks Yugyeom and Jenny. They’re so deep in their own conversation, they don’t even glance at you, right across the street from them.
You take in a breath, shaking your head. This just doesn’t make sense. Getting up again, you make your way down the street, watching them from across. Maybe Jenny needed a special order of chocolates. Was there a birthday you were forgetting?
You stop in your tracks, watching as Jenny practically jumping with excitement alongside Yugyeom. She must’ve said something funny, because he tilts his head back, mouth open wide, the same way he always laughs at you when you make a stupid joke.
Shaking your head again, you continue your steps. No, Jenny is a trusted friend. You’ve known her since high school. But the longer you follow, the more your stomach starts to hurt. It’s exactly because you’ve known Jenny for so long that you know she would never be this animated with your boyfriend.
Your chest hurt at just the thought, but you can’t help it from echoing in your brain. That the two of them look too comfortable—like they’ve been meeting for a while. 
Biting your lip hard, you stop in your tracks again and force yourself to turn around. No, this just didn’t add up. And you didn’t want to trail after them like some kind of stalker.
You trust Yugyeom and you trust Jenny.
Hailing the nearest cab, you enter with a huff. It was like Jinyoung said, you were probably just spiraling.
“I’m home,” Yugyeom calls softly as he enters the house. You freeze in your seat at the kitchen table, despite having sat there for three hours for this very moment.
“Hey,” Yugyeom peeks his head into the kitchen, looking at you with furrowed eyes. “What are you doing just sitting here by yourself?”
You chuckle dryly, trying to shake off your nerves. “Oh, I guess I was just spacing out.”
He smiles at you before sitting down in the chair across from you. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s okay,” you lie. “How was work?”
“It was fine. Busy as usual,” Yugyeom shrugs. “What did you have for dinner?”
“I made pasta. There’s leftovers in the fridge for you.”
“It’s okay, I’m stuffed already.”
“Oh? You ate?”
Yugyeom’s eyes grow wide before he is blinking away, running his fingers through his hair. “Uh, yeah, um…Bambam, he bought me dinner.”
“That was nice of him,” you mumble. You breathe loudly, trying to keep yourself collected despite feeling like you were going to vomit with each second that passes.
He chuckles before raising his voice abruptly. “Anyways! Let’s talk about tomorrow!”
“Tomorrow? Did you have something in mind?” your chest jolts with hope.
“Actually, I was thinking you could have a girl’s day with Jenny! And then we could do something in the evening.”
“Jenny’s in town?” you watch him closely, noticing the way he licks at his lips and swallows.
“Oh! Yeah! I uh, I heard it from Bam. He must’ve seen a story update from her or something.”
You dig your nail into the cuticle bed of your thumbs as you listen to him lie straight to your face.
“Jenny didn’t text me though. She probably has something else going on this weekend.”
“Nope!” Yugyeom whips, smiling far too big for this conversation. “I messaged her about tomorrow already.”
“So, you want me to hang out with Jenny…on our anniversary?” You question slowly.
Yugyeom looks away, his ears flushed. He brushes at your hand. “Yeah, you two should catch up, get your nails done or something. You should really stop doing this to your nails.”
You look to your hands, your nail beds raw.
“I’m tired,” you mutter, getting up from your seat first. “I’m gonna go to bed first.”
“Oh, okay…well, just remember, you and Jenny at noon!”
You don’t answer.
“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Jenny turns to you with concern as the nail technician keeps her right hand hostage. “Is something bothering you?”
“Why are you in town again?” you ask, eyes concentrated on the deep red shade that your nail tech paints onto your fingernails.
“Oh!” In your peripheral, you can see her noticeably jolt. “I came for a conference on Friday and when Yugyeom reached out to me I decided to stay for the weekend.”
“A conference, huh?”
“Yeah,” she mumbles, turning back to her technician. “You know how much the beauty industry loves their conventions.”
“Must’ve been draining.”
“Yeah, totally. That’s why I didn’t text you I was in town. I was completely exhausted by the end of it that I completely forgot.”
“That’s understandable.”
“Mhm,” she turns back to you. “You should add a gold accent. Gold accent, please!”
Your nail tech nods, bringing out another tray of gold embellishment from underneath her desk. You turn your head, hearing the click of Jenny’s nails on the screen of her phone. There’s a bright smile on her face and it makes you want to burst into tears on the spot.
At first you thought maybe the two of them planned for Jenny to reveal the truth to you. You didn’t think Yugyeom was a coward but lately, none of the things you thought before make sense anymore. However, after hours spent with Jenny, all you’ve managed was getting prettier nails and lots of lies from who you thought was your best friend.
“Gorgeous,” Jenny coos, leaning in to admire your fingers. 
“Yeah,” you murmur half-heartedly, feeling your spirit fully deplete.
No confession comes. No explanation. When evening comes, Jenny sends you right back home. Your walk up to the apartment is slow. This is it, isn’t it? Gyeom needed time to prepare himself to break up with you. It’s why he didn’t want to be with you for your anniversary. 
Your stomach sinks when you get to your door. Was this your last time ever entering? Where were you going to move to? 
As the familiar tone of the keypad rings in your ear, hot tears prick at your eyes. Stepping into the house, your vision blurs as you step through the hallway and into the kitchen. Yugyeom is standing at the stove when he turns to you with a smile.
“You’re back!” he greets you. When you hear his laughter, tears spill down your cheeks. “Crying already, babe? You haven’t even tasted it.”
Hiccupping, you try to calm yourself but the more you try to contain the tears, the more your chest fills with fear and floods you. You cry even harder, a terrible wail leaving your throat.
The sound of tin crashes onto the floor and quickly, you are enveloped in Yugyeom’s warmth. The feeling only makes you more sick and you bury your face into his chest, crying harder. Your last embrace. Your last time being comforted by him. The thoughts send sharp pains straight to your chest.
Yugyeom holds you tight against him, taking the impact of your shaking body to his chest. “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?”
It’s a long time before you feel calm enough to stand on your own. When you finally do, stepping back from his arms, you feel yourself tearing up again from seeing the concern on his face.
“What happened?” he whispers, fingers reaching out for yours. 
You pull away though, taking another step back.
“Yugyeom,” your voice comes out shaky but determined. “Are we breaking up?”
Tears spill again.
Yugyeom looks at you with a shocked expression. “What? Where is this coming from?”
“You don’t love me anymore,” you cry.
“Of course I do! What are you talking about?” 
“Then why did you lie to me?” You look at him sharply, gaze severe despite the shine of tears. He doesn’t say anything, and the silence breaks your heart.
Lips quivering, you sit down at the kitchen table. “You lied to me. Jenny lied to me…H-how long? How long have you been doing this?”
“Baby,” Yugyeom whispers, bending to the floor. He rests his hands on your thighs, looking up at you and there are tears in his eyes two. “Baby…baby, you’ve got this all wrong.”
“Even if it’s not Jenny, it’s still not me, is it?” you whimper, tears spilling down your chin. They splatter on the back of his hands. “You don’t talk to me anymore. You don’t want to share anything with me. Not even stories about your day.”
Tears run down Yugyeom’s cheeks as he presses a kiss to your knee.
“No, no, baby, you’re wrong.”
You sniff, cupping your palm to his wet cheek. “I want to be wrong. Please prove me wrong, Gyeom.”
“I was trying to keep it a secret,” he scoffs to himself, shaking his head. “I was planning this for months.”
“I was so afraid I’d accidentally let it slip, or that you’d find it.”
You frown, brows furrowing in confusion now. “Find what, Gyeom?”
Yugyeom takes in a deep breath, breaking into a gentle smile as he glances down at the kitchen floor. Following his gaze, you realize he had dropped a tray of chocolates earlier.
“Champagne Truffles,” he tells you, reaching down to grab one.
“You…you made a new recipe?”
Yugyeom lets out a loud sigh. “Good thing I marked it.”
You look at him, bewildered. He chuckles softly, turning to you again.
“I’m not going to break up with you, baby,” he laughs, digging his thumb into the spine of the chocolate until it bursts with a pop. “I’m trying to spend my whole life with you.”
Your hands to fly to your mouth in surprise as a fresh wave of tears spring to your eyes. He drops the chocolate shell to the floor, holding onto the shining gold band with shaking hands.
“Every day since meeting you,” his voice breaks and you cry, hands coming to cup his face as tears run down his cheeks too. “I thought I had a good life, and then I met you…And then I realized, I was missing everything before you came into my life.”
He sniffs, breaking into a smile as more tears fall from his eyes. “Baby, you’re my everything. You’re the first person I want to tell anything to. You don’t know how hard it’s been trying to keep this from you.”
You laugh with him, “And Jenny.”
He nods. “She was helping me pick out the ring, plan the event, pick the flowers.”
You grin, pressing your forehead to his. “You bought me flowers!”
He laughs, nose brushing softly against yours. “Yeah, and a ring too…if you want it.”
“I do, I do, I do,” you giggle against him as your tears wet his cheek. 
He chuckles, breath ghosting your lips.
“Not yet, baby, that one’s for the wedding,” he chuckles and you laugh with him.
“Either way, it’s I do.”
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Anxious Munday! Meme | Open
@cloudvii​ asked: What’s a tip you would give to people trying to get to know you?
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Really, it’s a simple answer, just feel free to DM me and/or send mun asks as you like! I’m not a scary person at all, promise, and if I give off an indimitating vibe, I just wanna let you guys know? I’m a big fucking dork, okay. I almost started bawling over the HOME SCREEN of FF7 Remake. The Home Screen, guys. Just because the music and the fact it’s this Hi-Def version of the classic one and I just asdfghk. I still like rewatching old disney channel classic shows, I’m a blubbering softy when it comes to feels, I’m idiotic trash with shipping, and I can be both a doting parent and an evil god when it comes to my muses.
Like, I’m a dork. And I love gushing and making stories with fellow fans! I strive to make entertaining stories, with decently accurate but personalized depictions of my chosen muses, and I enjoy being able to create fun stories to nerd over with partners and friends!
So please don’t be shy with me, I’m more than happy to just nerd and talk, and to talk up hours and hours of plotting with our muses and potential drama and fluff and stuff despite taking forever to even get around to writing it XD
So yeah, that’s really my tip. Don’t be too shy, though I know it can be nerve wracking to approach people. Try not to worry that you’d bug me or that I wouldn’t be interested (with roleplaying, I may have a policy of being firm on kindly backing out of roleplays if I don’t feel the inspiration or chemistry). And if nothing else, we can talk about mutual topics and fandom and what we like and don’t like and headcanons, until we get more comfortable! I’m open to talking about personal stuff outside of FF stuff, too, within reason, ya know~
All are welcome <3
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ironblccded · 4 years
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     Alright so, I am going to be starting a new TREND on this blog every week now. And what is that trend going to be? WEEKLY APPRECIATION OF FOLLOWERS. But not even JUST followers, it’s going to be about BLOGS I feel should get more love. So what are we gonna basically call it? Well, it’s POSITIVITY CALL OUTS. If you end up getting called out, and don’t want your call out, you can come to me privately and I will take your part down and put someone new in your place, but really, I am doing this because well. This site has too many hateful and SPITEFUL people. People have to TEAR DOWN others, instead of just LET THEM BE and ENJOY themselves. And it’s disgusting. 
     So my goal here is to do the opposite. I want to make people FEEL GOOD about themselves, their blogs, their portrayals, etc. Now, if you dont need someone to hype you up to feel that way? Props to you! But some people do need a good ENCOURAGEMENT post or APPRECIATION now and then to keep them going, and there is nothing wrong with that.
     We ready to start? Awesome, let’s begin with our first wonderful person to CALL OUT! Lift your muzzles to the air, let in a big breath, and lets get a PACK HOWL for the amazing Kirby! Kirby runs two wonderful blogs that I know of thus far, and I must say I adore reading from them whenever I see replies on my dash. Kirby is someone I think I followed on her original Ahri blog, it escapes me, but her new ones can be found at @icarnate​ / @ioniasjewel​. And I must say, if you want a wonderfully written thread, if you want to read great interactions from a BEAUTIFULLY written Ahri, or Ashe, Akali, MF, or a handful of a small list of characters? Follow her blogs. You will not be disappointed. 
     I do not follow BLOGS just to rp. Nope, Unlike a lot of people who have that rule of ‘If I follow you, I wanna rp or nothing at all’, if I follow someone, it means I just like your musings or writing. I might not know your character, I MIGHT know them, or I might just like the WRITER themselves. And Kirby is no exception. Truly, I adore her writing, and she seems, from what I’ve noticed from afar, like an absolute SWEETHEART and truly deserves so much more love than she gets. Like for real guys, go hard follow her amazing blogs, you won’t regret it.
     Next up on the HOWLING, can we all take a nice old BITE out of the WONDERFUL KOOKIE! Ahahaha, pun aside, really, Kookie is phenomenal. The day I found her Xayah, I was captured by her writing, by her headcanons, and then getting to rp with her? Such a fucking joy. You guys have no idea. Kookie puts so much depth into her muses, Xayah and Lillia, and that’s really going to be a huge run on theme here, is that anyone spoken of in this post does the same. But moving along! 
     Kookie can be found over at @miellamor​ / @nebriide​, and really, you cannot ever, ever, EVER regret following her two muses. They are absolute POLAR OPPOSITES of one another, and yet she writes them so? Flawlessly? She doesn’t ever accidentally mix their personalities, as that is a hard thing that CAN happen at times. Writing two polar opposite characters can end up having the attitude in replies of one influence your response for another. Nothing is wrong with that, but it CAN be annoying in some cases. But I have NEVER seen Kookie do this, she has Lillia set, and she has Xayah set, and truly, I love every single rp I get to interact in, AND read! And you guys all should too!
     Leeeeeeet’s see. Who is next? Kylie! You ain’t escaping us, and it’s time for us to HOWL for you, because we get to talk about your lovely two blogs, @streetxcat, a wonderfully put together and written OC, and @starsweepers​, your fantastic multi-muse, to which you have been letting others get a taste of YOUR Xayah, and truly? Fuck all the people who say that no one wants Xayah, because they shouldn’t be on your blog then. You have the right to enjoy WHO you want to write, WHEN you want to write them, and if they don’t like that, they can go suck a dick. Now, personally, I do not know MUCH of Cat, but, I gotta say I do enjoy the couple back and forth threads I’ve had the chance to read over. But really, you, yourself, are just SUCH a sweetheart! You’re definitely someone I’d call a friend, a good one at that, and I can’t help but cherish you and wish the best for you. 
     Not that I don’t do the SAME for everyone else on this list, and even just on my mutuals, mind you all!
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     Time to swap AWAY from the League of Legends muses, and we get to now move to my most FAVORITE bitch of FFXIV, and one of my recently favorite blogs to read because of how unique the writing is. That’s right, you bet your sweet ass we talk about none other than Lara! Lara can be found over at the amazing @witchofdoma​. Lara is a downright sweetheart, and now unlike a lot of people who may despise this, as I have seen many many MANY blogs over the years against it, I find her First Person writing for Yotsuyu being very wonderful to read. 
     When you read her replies, her threads, her interactions all seem like Yotsuyu is telling the story TO you, and really, it’s quite a breath of fresh air, and a joy to read. She even keeps Yotsuyu as much of a BITCH and CUR that she was canonically, pulling no punches, and I APPRECIATE THAT heavily! Now, we haven’t had the chance to interact much, but the plotting we’ve done as is? My my. I fucking ADORE our future plans, and I am more than hyped. 
     AND LASTLY but CERTAINLY NOT LEAST! Let your howls SCREAM to the skies, for we talk about Nesis! Now, you all might know her beautiful writing over on @blessedragoon​, and honestly, she is probably one of my FAVORITE OC’s to ever read, plot with, and write with! I’ve followed Laurel for a long while, and Nesis and I have on and off chatted so many times, and just all the things we always come up with are just straight gold. And I fucking adore every second I get to talk to her. 
     Laurel is such a wonderful muse, she has such depth, and even doesn’t SEEM as overpowered as the Warrior of Light should be, which makes Laurel even more enjoyable to me because she actually...feels mortal? Like she’s not just instantly BOOM I kicked your ass. She has weaknesses, flaws, and it shows she is well. MORTAL. And I love that. Now, she isn’t just a gentle butterfly you can tear the wings off of with ease, certainly not! But she’s so well done, that it’s always such a joy? To talk about her?
     Like I love hearing about her, so so SO much so! Tbh, talking about Laurel is just as enjoyable to me as talking about my OWN muses, and talking to Nesis is just the same! You all should go flop onto her, and give her the same love cause she, like everyone else here, DESERVES it! 
          Alright folks, that CONCLUDES the first installment of the POSITIVITY CALL OUTS! These folks get now put into the bucket of COMPLETED call outs, and I will scrape another 5 together next week to gush about! And once wr run out of people, be it followers or people I enjoy following? We will find more to gush about previous folks! (Trust me, that will be A WHILE. I could talk about SO MANY of you all!) Hope you all enjoy your evening, and have a fantastic time! And please, give these folks a check, if you haven’t already!
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lower7896 · 4 years
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Scarface (1983)
Notable Music: The “dope” soundtrack and original score by Giorgio Moroder
An American / Drug Culture / Hip Hop Culture / Pop Culture Icon
I recently bought the newly released 4K UHD Limited Edition of Scarface that comes with the 4K disc, a remastered Blu-Ray disc, the original 1932 version of Scarface, and a little replica “The World is Yours” statue as seen in the movie.
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It’s a nice looking set and I got a good deal on it during Amazon Prime Day. I was really glad to see that the video quality had substantially improved since I last saw the movie on DVD many years ago.
** Spoilers Below** (My reviews are meant to be read by those who’ve already seen the movie. I don’t rehash the plot, I just muse, ask questions, and share my perspective on things.)
Scarface has been deeply ingrained in pop culture and hip hop culture since I can remember. One of my friends used to have a Scarface poster in his room and I remember watching MTV Cribs back in the 2000′s and seeing that every rapper on the show had Scarface posters in their homes. There were countless references in 90′s hip hop. I remember listening to Nas on “If I ruled the World” say
Just some thoughts for the mind. I take a glimpse into time, watch the blimp read “The World is Mine.”
I’ve only seen the movie a handful of times throughout my life, which is nothing compared to the hundreds of times that I’m sure the many enthusiasts of my generation have. I’ve never actually been a hardcore fan of it and have always just observed how so many people truly love this movie inside and out, revere the character of Tony Montana, and have idolized him. Tony has been such an inspiration for people and symbol of a person who made himself into something out of nothing. This is essentially the definitive “rags to riches” story of Generation X and early Millennials.
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Say goodnight to the bad guy - T. Montana
I don’t know how to feel about Tony. I feel like my biggest question throughout this movie is “Is he a good guy or a bad guy?” He’ll tell you that he’s the bad guy, as he did in the restaurant scene (although this was said in irony, pointing out the hypocrisy of the other diners judging him when most of them probably used cocaine themselves.)  His staunch supporters will fiercely defend him and point out the fact that he refused to kill the ambassador because his wife and children were in the car with him, therefore pointing to the fact that Tony had a moral code, and was unwilling to cross that line, even though it meant betraying Sosa and leading to his demise. 
I got my balls, and I got my word, and I don’t break ‘em for anybody - T. Montana
People also love his ferocious nature and ambition to succeed, making the argument that he is loyal to those who are the same to him. I would like to point out that although he may have been loyal, he never trusted anybody and for someone who has nothing, that’s bad enough, but for someone who has everything, that manifests itself into extreme paranoia and becoming psychologically reclusive while shutting out all others, no matter how close they might be. 
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Mix in the heavy cocaine abuse, violating Rule #2 “Never get high on your own supply.” (Another line referenced in hip hop, the Notorious B.I.G.’s The Ten Crack Commandments) and suddenly Tony just self-destructs. He cruelly mocks his wife, Elvira, in public, chastising her and hypocritically calling her a “junkie” and talking about how “her womb is so polluted” that she is unable to bear him any children, resulting in her leaving him. 
Then there is Manolo. Everybody loves Manolo. Steven Bauer (who is actually Cuban, unlike the rest of this mainly whitewashed cast) did such a good job playing Manolo that he was able to share every scene with Al Pacino and not let him take all the attention. (Who else other than DeNiro have we seen that has successfully pulled that off? I can’t think of anyone.) Despite Manolo being such a good dude and a loyal friend to Tony, Tony still didn’t trust him when it came to Manolo’s romantic interests in Gina. Granted, Manolo was definitely a ladies’ man, so Tony had good cause for concern, but towards the end of the movie when it becomes known to Tony that Manolo had slept with Gina before Manolo had a chance to tel him that they had secretly gotten married, his shock turns into pure blind rage and he kills his best friend, ironically crossing a different line than the earlier one involving the wife and kids. 
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I think people wrestle with this tragedy, but I feel that they look past it for the sake of seeing Tony in a positive light. Gina’s hatred for Tony consumes her and she eventually loses her life, and their mother’s words become reality. 
Why do you have to hurt everything you touch? Why do you have to destroy everything that comes your way? ¡Malagradecido! ¡Mal hijo! - Mama Montana
She is absolutely right. Tony’s ambition and disregard for whoever got hurt exacted a heavy toll on those closest to him. They were the ones who paid the price for his actions, his greed, and his recklessness. And I feel that this is the central message of the film. Sadly, no one acknowledges this. Everyone pretty much turns a blind eye and continues to romanticize Tony Montana, and I feel that says a lot about the fans. 
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Perhaps we live in a culture of entitlement, of people who would rather try to get rich quick and profit on the misfortune of others than to grind out the years of hard, honest work, or at least applaud those who can (**cough**Trump**cough). Tony Montana couldn’t last a day washing dishes at the sandwich shop. For Tony, that kind of work is for suckers. The life of a “working stiff” is looked down upon in every gangster movie. They would rather bulldoze their way past others in their efforts to secure power and riches. 
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? - Mark 8:36 (NKJV)
In the end, people will see what they want to see. Maybe they see the allure of infinite possibilities. Maybe they see themselves in Tony Montana, and they think to themselves “If I became rich, I would do noble things, give money to the poor, etc” without anticipating how complicated life can become to those who achieve those feats. We don’t anticipate the new problems that would come our way, along with all the new people looking to capitalize on your achievements. 
Maybe, in his infinite wisdom, God keeps some of us poor to keep us humble. It’s not that money and power changed Tony, its that his character deficiencies didn’t allow him to make good choices when it came to relating to others. Sure he made good business decisions. He was smart in that way, but he lost those who loved him. He was not smart in that way. The money and power just enhanced those shortcomings.
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Say hello to my little friend! - T. Montana
I didn’t expect his movie review to be a criticism of Tony’s character when I started writing it. It just naturally became that way. And I think that I wrote it this way in order to balance out all of the gushing praise and love for the character without any reflection on the negatives. But to answer my earlier question of whether Tony was a good or bad guy, I will conclude by saying that it isn’t my place to judge, even if he is a fictional character. I will say that he was fantastically written by Oliver Stone and brilliantly performed by Al Pacino. I’ve enjoyed musing on the depth of his character and will continue to enjoy repeated viewings of Scarface in the future.
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justgayskissinggays · 5 years
Heeeeeeello! And welcome to RP ADS: oc editions!
This is Haris!
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Do youuuuu have an oc that probably cat like? Do they need a partner? Are they possibly criminals? Then Haris is the right one for you!
Haris is many things, so here's a few characterizations we can run with!
Haris is murderous! If an abuser needs to die, he's your guy! Haris is creepy! Need someone who can memorize everything about you?? Haris can do! Haris is a stalker! Craving that kind of storyline? Badaboom! Haris is a sadist of the highest kind? Does your oc enjoy being hurt? Then boy oh boy is Haris right for you!
Don't want something quite that dark? A-okay! Haris is also incredibly sweet! He'll memorize your birthday, what you do when your sad or happy, and compliment a thousand times a day! Haris is kind! If you need help getting rid of a bad situation? He's there! If you want comfort? Boy oh boy is Haris right for you. Haris is cute! He's a little scatterbrained, but he's the right one for you! Haris is a kind, gentle top who will help you with your troubles!
***I rp third person and WILL do nsfw, especially kinky things, but it is not a must or necessary
Name: Haris Argon Varc (the Lyspawn System)
Age: varies
Species: depends on the au
Sexuality: attracted to men or nb characters
Gender: male, he/him
Personality: Haris is a very sweet and caring person, and can be described as cute. However he has the tendency to occasionally get obsessive, and is incredibly skilled at reading people. He's kinda creepy and very open about everything, and it is not very likely that he'll straight up lie to you.
Is a system. (DID however his was a variant of DID that was au specific so it's not like,,, a perfect example or anything)
Likes teal, opals, holographic things, and anything soft pretty or lacy
Usually his ""type"" romantically is just. People who have "cat" like tendencies
Backstory: Changes with aus, of course, but the gist is that he had an abusive father, and when he ran away ended up in the care of someone who became an abusive boyfriend, and has since ran away from them. Depending on the au either lives alone or with Ramsey Varc, who is a better father figure that has usually helped him, mentally, from the gutter that being removed from his abusers was.
Possible Storylines:
Haris is your muse's stalker. It's pretty cut and dry, we can decided how they meet, etc, together
Haris and your muse are "partners in crime" in the murder business
Haris helps your muse out of a bad place - whether it be something crime related, abusive situations, mental spots, etc
Haris owns a bakery or flower shop, your muse is their neighbor - we can make it darker or lighter depending on what you want!
Haris takes in your muse and gives them a place to stay.
We go off Haris' full canon story, which involves your muse making a deal with a demon (him)
We can always make our own plots and take these plots however you'd like! Please dm if you're interested! I do primarily discord rps, and am definitely willing to tell you more about myself in dms or you can send asks!
I love ooc talking & I gush about my ocs a LOT so if you like that sort of thing, hmu!
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midnightscxre · 4 months
Ok I'll be honest. . . I want to SHIP!
I want complex, angsty, heartbreaking, deep and unique relationships built between our muses that we can totally go nuts over. To build the connection from scratch, make that roots strong and always have more delights to put into the story that always will be full of surprises. I want us to adore the girls and guys we write for,and just be fair to each other over it and not to use the other for just one.
Honestly, just want a long term rp partner that will enjoy investing equally in everything, plot, ship, characters. . . Would love a mumu thread [ doubling too ], and love both of your characters and just ask to receive the same appreciation for mine,not just the guy, since I would adore to ship both of them romantically. Currently into supernatural, drama ,slasher and apocalypse plots but others aren't out of the question. Preferred platform: Discord.Below, under the cut,you will find a few plots I'm into the most lately.
What can you expect:
• Visuals,playlist, videos... I l o v e to send those out/make them to bring our story to life
• TOTAL gushing about our pairings. I can't help myself when I'm into the story
• Long term,realistic development with bunch of side threads to put our lovelies into different situations where we can overdose on fangirling
Where are you lovely writers with same desires ? (21+ only)
• Witch hunter falls for a witch during the Salem witch trials [ him being a little older than her ]. Him not being aware of her nature at first. Both living a lonesome, private life after their tragic histories, their love didn't bloom immediately, but lust was present. Stealing glances, tension, secret meetings... ugh, just a turbulent ride.
• Young, arrogant, egoistic, clasic ' bad boy ' fighter whose success is skyrocketing meets a slightly older reporter [ maybe he is 23 and she 30 ] paid by his manager to report about his wins. She is a smart, independent woman with a taste for adventure, already in relationship, and he is a flirt with ' no strings ' attached policy. They bicker, but tension is high, and one time after the fight where he wins, they hook up in the locker room. They both stay quiet about it, yet he wears a cheeky grin every time he sees her, HOWEVER after he notices she is not bothered by it even a bit, his interest begins to grow. They end up sneaking to luxury houses rented for a night, hotel rooms, hook up in his gym after the interview...and oh how the tables have turned -- she runs the shots, sticking firmly to the ' keep it on the low, no feelings attached ' ( but ofc she secretly wants him ) and he becomes more and more jealous, getting pissed seeing her boyfriend calling her,trying to replace her with other women. Things get messy, he starts drunk calling, they argue. . . It all turns in this delicious drama,angst, sexy fiery story
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mujunshita · 6 years
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                                                              It’s about damn time I got this out. 
     ♥ LIKE ♥ this post for UNLIMITED JACK-SESS !! This means:          - minis! whenever!          - meph, in your ask, whenever he wants!          - memes !!          - me crying to you about our muses and their shenanigans!         - without me feeling bad!          - much, MUCH ( ?? ) more !! 
With this special offer, you get to choose what route you get with  your favorite candy - colored demon king! 
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TRUE CROSS ORDER ( “Friendship” ) 
     Just as his relationship with the real True Cross Order, your friendship with Mephisto in this route will only be superficial. He will be polite and friendly enough, sure, but you’re also missing out on most of the cool parts of who he is -- this is the route for muses who either just want to live or are just Good Guys, protags, kids, or in general nice people. You do no wrong to him, he does none to you. That you’ll be aware of. 
☆ヾ(*´・∀・)ノ DID SOMEBODY SAY ANIME?? ( nerd friends ) 
     Video games! Soda! Anime! Candy! Movies! Food! If any of these things made you excited, take this route !! Mephisto is a HUGE self - proclaimed otaku, obsessed with everything Japan, so if your muse wants anyone to gush about pop culture with, he’d love to have you, really !! Sleepovers, competitions, going out around the Cotes district, and being general nerds together is what you’ll get out of this one.  
BA’AL ( Allies / classy friends ) 
     If you wanna be friends with him but aren’t a geek, try tapping into his intellectual side! He enjoys philosophy, chess, reading, history, you name it. He has been around since The Beginning. He loves to discuss everything, morality, divinity, humanity, life, et cetera. You will be on his good side, in high regard. 
ILLUMINATI ( Enemies ) 
     If you’ve got a firm stance on good and evil and unequivocally side with either without question, this is the route for you. You will automatically end up on this route if you hurt / kill Mephisto while he’s powered down, and questionable fates befall all those who end up here. If you wanna make enemies with a timespace being and write out some WICKED fights someday, this is for you. 
     Yes, this is exactly what you think it is.
INNER COURT ( the next big thing ) 
     Samael has a plan. The so - called “GODS” of this island have committed a grave insult to him, and for that they must pay. He’s forming a coalition of those who are discontent with the state they’ve been left in and who wish to exact revenge. If ya muse is upsetti about being here, join him in the salt pits and they can get plotting! 
ON PAR WITH LILITH HERSELF ( the closest thing you’ll get to romance ) 
     Pleasure is always on Samael’s mind, whether it be sexual or otherwise. If your muse is attracted to Meph and he to them, they’re consenting adults, aren’t they? If he’s interested in them beyond that, he may even seemingly court your muse. You’ll never really have his heart, but his attention is the next best thing, yes? 
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hqnessa · 6 years
year in review - 2018
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001. What is your proudest accomplishment of this year?
Definitely everything that’s happened with Riverdale. It’s the best job I’ve ever had, and it’s the biggest one as well. And being ask to come back as a series regular was the best thing that’s happened to me professionally ever.
002. What is the biggest life lesson you learned this year?
To not run from the things, or people that scare you. It does more harm than good. It’s always worth taking the leap of faith despite the fear.
003. What is one relationship (can be friendship) that has helped you survive this year?
There’s two that have changed me as a person this year, and the two people that I wouldn’t be me without. 
Skeet ( @ulrichisms ), you’ve given me the type of love and understanding that I didn’t think was possible. And even though I tried resisting it for a long time, you never truly gave up on me or us. I love you, and I’m so proud and lucky to be yours. 
My Natty Ice ( @itsnataliadyr ), you’re my rock, my sounding board, and my soulmate. I don’t think I could have made it through the year without you, and it’s crazy to think that we didn’t even know each other when 2018 started. We met and you instantly became my person. I love you so much. 
004. Who or what do you need to let go of in order to make next year even better than this year?
I need to let go of the fact that I have no control over what happens with Toni on the show or how much screen time she gets. I’ve really let that bother me for the first half of this season, and I’ve made some comments or liked tweets that I probably shouldn’t have.
005. What did you do this year that you’ve never done before?
Does sleeping with a woman count? Technically, I slept with two women this year but prior to 2018 I hadn’t ever gone that far before. I always knew I was bisexual since I was a teenager, but I hadn’t actually been with a woman until this summer.
006. What are three resolutions or goals you want to make happen next year?
I want to go on more auditions for projects during hiatus and continue to expand my career.
I want to get myself really settled into my life and my future, especially with my relationship. Getting over that fear and showing both myself, and Skeet, that I’m ready for everything with us and build this together. @ulrichisms
And traveling more. Whether it be for more conventions to meet fans or for vacations, I just really want to see more of the world this year.
007. Where did most of your money go this year?
Flying back and forth between LA and Vancouver, and paying for both apartments.
008. What song will always remind you of this year?
In Case You Didn’t Know - Brett Young
009. How will you be spending the last day of this year?
Hopefully in Costa Rica with my baby. @ulrichisms
010. Who is the best new person you’ve met this year?
Definitely Natalia. My life changed because of that girl, she’s the best friend anyone could ask for. @itsnataliadyr
001. What relationship (can be friendship) has been the most fun to write for your muse/s this year?
I’ll do the IC questions for each character, but I’ll answer these for all three so I’m not having to do it twice. 
I’ve gushed about her relationship with Skeet and friendship with Natalia up in the IC questions, and while I would love to gush about them some more, I think I’m going to give this one to Laura’s Tom. Writing their friendship has been fun and hilarious since the beginning when they were planning on doing a partners in crime movie and it’s even funnier now with Vanessa pretending to not like him because she’s protective over Natalia. I really enjoy their friendship a lot. @hollandjpg
For Eliza, since I’m going to talk about her relationship a lot when I do the IC questions for her, I’m going to have to give this one to her friendship with Julianne. It was an unexpected friendship, and it’s easily become one of my favorites that I’ve ever had on her. They mesh so well and just bring me so much happiness. @julcshough
And the same goes for KJ, I’ll talk about his relationship in a separate post, so I’ll give this one right to his friendship with Lili. They’re basically connected at the hip half the time, and I love how much their friendship resembles mine and Becca’s a lot of the time. They’re just this pure friendship that’s really rooted in how much they love each other and want each other to be happy more than anything. And I love getting to write with Becca when it comes to them. @liliisms
002. In what ways do you connect to your muse/s?
Weirdly enough, I don’t really feel connected to Vanessa in many ways other than our love for dogs and Choni. She’s probably the muse that has the least amount of qualities I identify with that I’ve ever played. And it’s been fun, because it’s challenging and definitely out of my comfort zone.
Eliza is the muse I probably connect with the most, especially Eliza before Alycia with her fears of commitment and feelings. And her love of Food Network and being lazy, definitely from me. It’s been fun to write the change in her thanks to her relationship and really flesh her out, and watch her mature in ways that I myself can learn from.
KJ is similar to me in the way that I also have that childlike humor and spend most of the time just trying to make people laugh.
003. What’s your favorite category to write for your muse/s? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.)
Definitely fluff, it’s where I thrive but I do enjoy the angst as long as it doesn’t become excessive or unnecessary drama just to create the angst. And I’m not the biggest fan of writing smut, so I don’t do it as much as I do fluff or angst.
004. If you could give your muse/s one gift, what would you give them?
Vanessa: I’d write the scripts of Riverdale and give Toni more importance.
Eliza: Babies. All Eliza wants is babies and I’d give her all the babies.
KJ: I’d give him and Gigi more alone time together.
005. What was your favorite event/moment/memory in HollywoodlandHQ this year?  
Definitely the trip to Greece and the earthquake! I think that was so much fun, and a fun, creative way to pair people up. 
006. What muse/s have you enjoyed most seeing on this dash this year?
Anyone who knows me should know that I’m the number one Granielle fan in the world, so I’m constantly stalking the two of them and just pretending like Colton is there twice a week for a three way cuddle session. @theflashgrant @hyfdanielle
007. What is your favorite thing your muse/s have done this year in the group? (can be in the real world or what you made up)
Vanessa: Can I just say bringing her into the group in general? She’s such a different type of character for me to play, and I’ve loved being pushed to different levels while creating for her. 
Eliza: Getting married, for sure. I’ve been playing her for years now, and to see her finally get her happy ending meant the world to me. She’s the muse I’m the most attached to so it was a very emotional event for me.
KJ: The unexpected pregnancy, without a doubt. It’s changed both him, and his relationship with Gigi, in the best of ways and it’s allowed me to mature him and have him grow in ways that most 21 year olds aren’t having to do. Sadie is the best ship partner in the world, and I’ve loved the way we’ve worked together to make their relationship together and as co-parents into something beautiful but still fun. And they’ve kept that same charm and chemistry that they’ve had together since the first day we started writing together. @gigihqs
008. What would you like to see in HollywoodlandHQ in 2019?
More events to pair people up randomly, it seems to be a popular idea and it’s one of my favorite things as an admin to do because I love seeing all the new friendships that form out of those events. 
009. What is a plot you would love to do with your muse/s?
Vanessa: I would love to just explore her relationship with Skeet more, and continue to build them up and have them grow together throughout 2019. @ulrichisms
Eliza: Babies, I just want mom!Eliza more than anything, okay. And to continue to build up the relationship with Eliza/Alycia/Addy. I’m already really attached to the three of them, and they’re just getting started. So I can’t wait to keep plotting and writing for them. @avyciataylor @addvkins
KJ: Again, I just really want to keep writing with Sadie and see where else we can take Gineti this year. 2018 gave us so much as ship partners, and I can’t wait to see what we do in 2019. @gigihqs
010. Tag somebody in the RP and say something nice about them. It’s the season of giving.
This is the one OOC question that I’ll probably answer on all three just so I can talk about several different people but for this one I’m going to focus on all of the admins. Both past and present.
Sadie, Katie, Bonnie, Becca, Sam, and Alyssa: The seven of us created this place, and it couldn’t have been done without each of you. I know that some of you aren’t admins anymore for your own reasons, but I just want you to know that not a day goes by that I’m not still thankful for all of the hard work and dedication you put into creating and maintaining this group. We’re the OG’s, and I love you all immensely. @ohlizzo @diannahq @hyfdanielle @liliisms @theflashgrant @xmaikamonroe
Laura, Ina, and Nikki: You guys may not have been admins since day one, but you’ve joined the admin team since then and we wouldn’t be where we are today without the three of you. You constantly put in so much work and effort to keep building this place into what it is. And all of is noticed and appreciated. I thank all three of you for everything. @sebffs @itsgenevievegnt @hcurly
Every person listed above are the reasons this group opened and is still open and thriving to this day. Being admins of a group this large is no easy task, there’s always so much work to do especially for events and all the fun stuff we like to do. And all of you are so important to me, and to this group. So thank you all, and I love you.
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woebound · 7 years
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so since i’ve been busy out of character lately, with the most horrific of situations, i haven’t really been paying the utmost amount of attention to anything on here, let alone my followers, and to check it today and see that i’m not far off 650 followers ? i almost screamed, and then proceeded to cry for about fifteen minutes. i honestly can’t thank you all enough, especially for sticking around when i disappear for weeks on end when life just becomes too hard for me to deal with --- i know this blog is anything BUT consistent and half the time i wonder why people continue to follow me because of my lack of activity on times, or maybe my own insecurities about my writing are a huge part of the blame for my questioning of it, but i am beyond grateful that people have followed me. this blog is like my baby, it’s an escape for me to just get away from life for just that short amount of time while my head feels like it’s going to explode. it’s that place where i can bring my ideas to life ? the plots that probably wouldn’t have ever been canon or the ones we were all going to explode. it’s everything to me, and i’m glad people have liked me and my writing enough to stick with me. THANK YOU SO MUCH, from the bottom of my heart <3333 so without further ado, this is just a post where i gush about the ones who have captured my heart by being close friends with me and also about the ones i’ve watched from afar and admired for their talent ??? and also fan girled over !!! thank you guys again, i love you all so much. 
FIRST OFF --- here are the babes who i’m close to, who i spend time talking to in real life, who i’m extremely good friends with or who mean a lot to me ( in no particular order unless stated ) --- 
@myricd/ @stilesism / @crownbeanie --- BECKS my loveeeeeee, my bestfriend, mY OTHER HALF AND ACTUAL EVERYTHING, is it even a surprise that you’re right at the top of the list ??? did you expect anything less because if you did umm ???? nope. most of the shit i’m about to say to you you’ve probably heard me say a million times because i’m nothing if not repetitive??? but screw it. you are honestly ONE in a million, it kills me when you don’t realize just how much of a star you are, or just how talented you are ??? because you deserve to know it. REAL talk okay, without you i wouldn’t still be here. you have talked me down from so many horrific ordeals in real life, you have been there to speak words of wisdom when you yourself are having a horrible time, you’ve put aside everything for me, and i’m just beyond grateful. in fact, just last night you helped me out of a horrible moment where i was falling apart. you’re my best friend, and i’ve never been as lucky as i am now to meet a friend who truly has my best interests at heart, a friend who ( i hope ) won’t desert me, or turn on me like past friends have. i have the utmost respect for you. it’s truly lucky too because what are the odds that we met in real life and then found out that we both have the same hobbies of roleplaying ? it’s like fate. as much as we don’t get to write often, when we do it’s fucking brilliant, and i don’t think there’s anyone i enjoy writing with more??? look at all our ships !!!, all of our babies and their incredibly complicated but intense relationships, and how we cry over them all the time. LET’S JUST TALK ABOUT HOW WE HAVE A MASSIVE LIST OF LOVES !!! ceffy being one, or stidney !! each of them having a massive range of ideas or head canons, i love how you capture each character with such ??? clarity, such talent. you are beyond brilliant, i have told you countless times i love your writing. i miss seeing you almost every day like we did in coll, and shouting over the endless possibilities of plots, it’s actually quite sad how much i value our friendship. until you i kinda lost hope in having best friends, because lets just be fair here, i’ve had a list of shitty friends who have completely fucked me over and made me feel like i was the reason, and then you came into my life and became the best god damn friend i’ve ever had and i honestly can’t ever begin to thank you enough. you actually made me feel valued, and like i was doing something right and i don’t have to worry that i’m going to lose you because i’m the worst ( i mean it doesn’t mean that i don’t worry because i do , that’s just me though . ) i’m blessed to have you by my side, you’re my other half practically, and i honestly can’t thank you enough for embracing me as a best friend, and a writing partner, it’s the best of both worlds. you have been there with me through so much in our friendship already, i don’t ever wanna imagine a day without you by my side which is why i treasure you so so much. we’ve been friends almost three years, and you are one of the best human beings i’ve met in my entire life. we’ve pulled each other through so much with both hands, and it’s great having a friend who understands me, who can communicate with me, by JUST a look, or who can listen when things are terrible. --- i love you becks, you keep being you because you’re fucking amazing !!!! thank you for being a god damn inspiration to me <3333 
@caelestiigne --- BRIANNA MY SWEET BABE !!! THE LOML ??? i honestly have no words to ever express my love for you ?? it honestly wouldn’t even come close. you’re just pure as fuck and the sweetest person i’ve ever met. i can’t begin to thank you for purely embracing me, my overbearing attitude on times, and my portrayal of characters, you are honestly one of my best friends in the roleplay community. you are so encouraging about ships, and you’re also one of my mains for skins, and also my exclusive for jace / izzy. i love how when we first spoke about jace and izzy we said we weren’t shippers of them that much ? and NOW look @ us, loving life and crying over their relationship ? i don’t regret a fucking thing i swear because they are adorable. i honestly love writing with you so much, it’s threads with you that i look forward to , i end up losing my mind when i see you’ve replied or that you’ve tagged me in a starter because i just know the thread is gonna end with me crying like a baby. what i love most about us is that you pretty much get me out of character too, you’re so understanding if i’m flaking a little when real life gets too much. or even if i’m just not feeling it ? even going as far as to be there for me and to speak to me, when i feel like tearing my hair out because i’m struggling to cope. i can’t thank you enough for your kind nature, your endless amount of ideas, the overflowing amount of feels and just for being you. i am blessed to have found such an amazing friend within the community like you, and i am astounded by how talented you are every time. you’re the freddie to my effy, the effy to my cook, the jace to my izzy and so many more muses ! i honestly almost cried because i found out you’d seen skins because of the endless possibilities, and i think it’s honestly damn hard for us to do a thread and not ship our muses ? because we just have chemistry as writers and i think it’s because i just fully respect you as an individual, but also because you mean a hell of a lot to me. i find it hard to trust people anyway, but you became a friend when i needed it the most, and i’m so thankful to you, you’re just ??? there aren’t words. you’re amazing ! i think because we have such a good friendship, writing with you isn’t a chore? it’s so enjoyable --- so much so that i’ve made a zillion ideas up in my head, or i’ve made us a pinterest board, or i’ve thrown my characters at you. you capture all your characters so perfectly, building on each of their weaknesses and all the aspects of their personalities. there are no words for me to even come close to expressing how talented you are, i wish you’d see how brilliant a writer you are ! you are beyond eloquent with your words, it’s another reason i can add to the zillion i have for why i love to write with you. we also never lose contact with each other which i’m grateful for, because we are constantly talking on discord, or writing there even if we haven’t replied over tumblr.  but above all, you’re one of the best friends i’ve had in this community, you’re a sweet angel who deserves the world and i love you to absolute pieces. thank you for being there when i’m falling apart and for understanding if i take forever. you are so appreciated by me, and i’m so glad we found each other and have this amazing friendship. THANK YOU BBY !!! <3  @voidworn --- CHELS MY BABE !!! is there even a way of me expressing how i feel about you and our friendship ? i honestly love you to pieces. first off, i spent like so long being frightened to even approach you as i died over you on my dash and your talent. i love how you capture stiles, i always have done and besides that you’re the sweetest person i think i’ve met. you make it so easy to just approach you and be over excited about ships, or yell at you about ideas of crossovers or the multiple possibilities of canon ships ? like lets just cry over stizzy, that ship is a damn masterpiece --- i just love how you capture each and every aspect of stiles’ personality, the vulnerabilities, the things that hurt him the most from his past. i just think you should know how brilliantly you capture him, you have been one of those blogs i’ve fan girled over --- you capture him that well that i constantly hear his voice in your writing and that’s something i don’t have with an overly large amount of people. i value you as a person because of your kindness, and how willing you are to help people, you send me psds because i couldn’t afford to buy them and that in itself is something i appreciate so much, you have such a kind heart --- thank you for continuously being there for me, it’s honestly so sweet of you. our ships kill me of all the time, stizzy as i’ve already mentioned and now stook ? if that works, brooke/stiles are beyond perfect and already have me crying every time i reply to you or look at my pinboard ? they even have their own playlist i’ve made. i wanna thank you for being so happy to embrace me, and my own interpretations of characters, for being so accepting of me and how i bug you ! also ??? for wanting to writing with me, it always makes me feel overwhelmed in a good way when i find someone whom i admire a heck of a lot wanting to write with me, so thank you because it means a lot. i wanna thank you for blessing me with your talent ! for allowing me to create two amazing ships with you, because not only do i love them beyond words, but i love writing with you, and the amount of chemistry we have as writers is great. i’ve also made a friend for life in you and i’m beyond blessed to say that ? i constantly look forward to your replies, and when you do reply i literally scream !!! everyone should follow you because you’re brilliant, a true sweetheart and an astoundingly amazing friend. thank you for sticking by me, throwing feels my way and being a darling ! you’re amazing. i love you lots <3  @coyoteache / @guiltache --- TAYLOR MY LOOOOVE !!! ONE OF THE BEST FRIENDS I’VE EVER FUCKING HAD !! you know what ? i’m beyond shocked at how it’s been almost three years since we met, since i wept over you on my dash and had the guts to message you and cry over your perfection ! i want to first off thank you for actually NOT getting sick of me and sticking by me this long, especially when i’m annoying as fuck. you’ve been there when i’ve had some of the hardest moments of my life ? i can’t begin to thank you enough for being there because i’ve messaged you when i’m sobbing over things i can’t change and you’ve been there, like the angel you are, presented me with advice when you, yourself are having a hard time and there is nothing more selfless than that. if there was one word i could describe you, it is definitely selfless because you constantly do things for other people even when you are struggling and that in itself makes you an amazing friend. i’ve constantly gushed over how blessed i am to call you a friend, especially after all this time, if i ever had to go into detail about our threads, i’d be here FOREVER because we’ve had so many threads ??? that i could never talk about all of them. there are a few that kill me off though, such as STANNA ! stanna are my babies. the multiple layers you bring to stiles, even things that aren’t mentioned in teen wolf, you have such an astoundingly intelligent mind that you think of things i’ve never even thought of that i am always shocked ! i am always happy to write with you, you know that, and i cherish every thread we do, no matter what the context, or the ship because you are truly talented. you bring such depth to every character you play, whether it be a teen wolf babe of yours or someone else from your multi ! i love our chats out of character too, you always make time to check in with me, and you also tell me about your ooc life and i’m so happy that you’re happy too because you deserve no less !!! i am so happy that we’re still friends after all this time, i can’t believe it’s been three years  !!! but i’m so beyond grateful for those years. i love each muse post you’ve sent over that time, how you’ve showered me with feels, how you’ve helped build my trust in people when it comes to friendships especially since i’ve had it hard making friends in the past, you’ve been a damn fucking good friend and i can’t thank you enough. i love you endlessly ! you’re a true star, and i wish you of all people could see how truly talented you are !!! you are so eloquent in your writing, the way you capture a character with your words will always astound me. KEEP being you because you’re fucking magnificent. and i love you to pieces <3  @donutshirt --- SEB MA BOI MY NERD --- okay so this isn’t your permanent blog home because you’re currently taking a little break from fully writing indie but there was NO way in hell i was writing a follow forever and not including you because i honestly love you to pieces and you mean too much to me. in all honesty, you’re damn important to me ??? let me first express my love for you by screaming about how fucking brilliant a friend you truly are !!! if it wasn’t for you, i’d never have applied for uni this year, you kept me calm, you helped me write my personal statement, i honestly owe so much to you and i don’t take this shit lightly. you are so good to me ? i can’t thank you enough. you have helped me through so much shit, you don’t even realize, you’ve been one of the best friends i’ve ever had in a matter of almost a year ? you’ve trusted me with some pretty personal shit and that means the world to me that you’d be so open with me, and i can’t thank you enough. our friendship is so special to me, because i hardly spend a day without talking to you unless things are hectic or very bad. i’ve cried to you over skype before now because things are so rubbish, and you’ve kept your composure and just been a class A friend and for that i will never be able to find enough words to thank you. through the shit going on right now, my grampa being ill, you’ve been there, no matter what even if you have other stuff to deal with. THANK YOU !!! from the bottom of my heart. LET ME CRY OVER OUR SHIPS NOW, and your talent !!! first off, you’re the scott to my allison, my other half of scallison !!! and also the spencer to my aria !!! sparia and scallison are our babies, we love them so much , and i love being able to develop them with you, because you are never short on ideas, you constantly astound me with your love for them too. you bring such depth to both of your characters, but also depth to their relationship with head canons, and little quirks each relationship has, like the nitty gritty ideas we’ve had, where spencer and aria clash over how spencer uses her for the anti anxiety meds. i can’t even describe the chemistry we have as writers or how talented and eloquent you write, and i can’t ever thank you for how amazing you truly are to me ! for how you check in on me when things are falling apart, how you’ve talked to me when you have stuff going on yourself !!! i love you to absolute pieces ! i am so glad i met you because not only am i inspired by your strength, but i just couldn’t even imagine my life without you ! i don’t EVER want to !!!! thank you for being an absolute babe, a cheerful light, and a true friend, because they are hard to find, but once again i have been blessed to meet one through writing !!! I LOVE YOU MA BOI !!! never change, because you’re a fucking masterpiece and inspiration to me, and i will never be able to thank you for how much you’ve helped me !!! <33333 @snakeworn​ ---- MIA MY LOVE !!!!! THANK GOD THIS ISN’T IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER !!! because let me be frank here, you would be much higher, but i started writing this before i found out you were still around on tumblr because i didn’t know if you were still writing ! LET me just cry over how much of a phenomenal friend you seriously are, you deserve all the awards because not only are you consistently there when i need you which i am eternally grateful for, but you manage to be this ??? radiant light who is able to put aside her own issues, or troubles to give this outstanding advice, and i love you for that firstly, because it’s so selfless of you !!! I WISH i could scream on about how amazing you truly are, you deserve all the love, because you don’t realize how great you are and it breaks my heart !!! as we speak, you are typing up calming words to ease my mind of the recent heartbreak that is about to rock my family, and i can’t thank you enough. i am blessed to have found a friend like you !!! in fact, you’re not only a best friend of mine, you’re like a sister i’ve never had !!! a sister i’ll always want !!! i can’t wait until you come to the UK so we can meet and scream over all the shows we adore, and so i can personally thank you for being a diamond and give you a god damn massive hug. LET ME SHOWER YOU WITH SOME COMPLIMENTS. not only are you a fucking amazing human being but you have the most astounding way with words, especially when it comes to writing and being a friend. you’re able to bring so many characters to life, in such a unique way, but you give your characters so much love and i admire it so much because i’d kill for that talent. i hear the voices of cheryl when you play her, and toni especially !!! what i love is your characters become your kids, and you are able to delve into them with such depth and that in itself makes a writer truly brilliant !!! we’ve had so many brotp’s and ships, let me just cry over our layden because aw, they were so so so sweet !!! i can’t even begin to express how much i loved them, i loved how you were patient with me when i was finding my feet as liam, even when i felt like he was rubbish ! you gave me constant reassurance, ( another amazing thing about you !!! reason 1085837397839 why you’re the best friend ever !!! ) you threw headcanons my way, or we talked in detail about them and that’s something i love !! i love how we can just talk about characters, or shows so freely --- THE BEST kind of conversations because there’s no stress whatsoever, or me talking about my turbulent life. i also can’t express how much i loved sydette !!! our babies, the best sisters ever. they were so adorable !!! we had such freedom with them, but they brought tears to my eyes on so many occasions ! the good old days of OUROBOROS !!! i can’t thank you enough for convincing me to make this account, or for being an absolute sweetheart of a friend !! i wouldn’t be enjoying my writing so much if you didn’t play a hand in shaping me as a person, shaping how i write, or just being there to catch me when life knocks me down. i will continue to be a friend whom you can lean on, while you continue to keep me up from where you’re standing. i love you bb !!! thank you for being you. <3333  @lionkinged​ / @notapackanimal​ --- JELLIIIII MY SWEET ANGEL !!! okay, so first off, is there a sweeter person than you ???? nope. definitely NOT. you’re such an angel when it comes to understanding why i disappear for weeks on end, i’ve been a shitty friend to you honestly, but i love that you’re so nice about it, because you know how much i’m going through and i will never be able to even come close to thanking you for that, but THANK YOU. it’s not even close to how much i wanna shower you with love, but let me express my love through this mention. i am first off, so happy i met you because i was blessed to become friends with a girl with such a kind heart, but also with such a selfless nature. you take your time to message me every so often, to see how i’m doing and that in itself means so much especially when i disappear, life itself gets hard, but having friends who are fucking treasures like you are makes it a little more bearable. i wish you knew how loved you actually are because honestly you are !!! BEYOND TREASURED !!! it’s heartbreaking seeing you upset, because you mean a lot to me, honestly the absolute world, or when you think bad of yourself !!! I WANNA slap you silly because you should see yourself through my mind, you’re such a babe !!! BEYOND TALENTED and honestly ??? just amazing. your writing astounds me, i know we haven’t written in a long time because i’m the W O R S T ?? but i love how you capture theo and marek. while i have had more experience with your theo, i have to commend you for creating your own character and bringing him to life, with his own little quirks and your own interesting ideas, it takes some doing but you’re brave enough to put your amazing characters out there !!! i think marek is amazing and i can’t wait to write with him when i get back on my feet properly with the community !!! LET ME JUST CRY OVER YOUR THEO ??? honestly i can’t even come close to expressing my love for him. I LOVE how you capture both the vulnerability of him, and then the darker sides of him, his ticks, or his anger toward the pack on times ??? i think that is amazing. i love our threads, maleo have killed me off more times than i can count because they are heartbreaking and great at the same time --- the fEELS tho ?? they have messed me up i swear, i don’t write maleo with anyone really but you ? because i enjoy it with you. i love how you think of things to do with them, or how they act around each other, it’s brilliant. I WISH EVERYONE could see how amazing you are, how talented you are because i honestly hear theo’s voice in your threads it’s crazy !!! our maleo is special and i love them, the au’s have brilliant potential and dynamics that i love it --- especially when we did the h2O verse ?? how amazing !!! you thought that up and it was crazy good. i don’t remember how we even started talking, but i’m beyond glad that we did !!! you’ve made my life a million times better just by being there, i am grateful for you and being your friend and how you still wanna be mine makes my heart melt. i PROMISE to be a better friend. i will probably ALWAYS be awol, but having someone who understands, who is patient, and still amazing to me means everything. THANK you for BEING you !!!! we will write more, promise. i love you jelli, so so so much. <3  @hopelesswxnderers​ --- VICKSIIII BABEEEEE !!! MY GAL !!!! how has it been seven fucking years since we became friends ???? since we met through a skins roleplay we have remained a constant in each other’s life, don’t get me wrong i am terrible at continuing threads ? but life !!!!! life fucks me up a lot, but what i love is that you still want to write with me, and that means everything to me because i truly treasure writing with you. first off, we have had so many amazing threads over these years, we’ve actually had too many to count. but let me just name a few that i’ve personally loved so much !!! the first being liv / nick from skins and their dynamic and how our lil group with ashley and jennie was amazing !!! it was beyond dramatic, but i loved how we had this close knit group, i actually remember getting excited to get on and do some writing with you guys. then i joined your mmfd rp after watching it because you screamed about how it was brilliant and let me just commend you on how fucking astoundingly amazing you are at writing finn, you’ve not only captured his essence from the show, but you have built him as if ??? you created him. i can’t even remember a time where you haven’t played him. i love him best out of all of the characters you play especially when we have ships, alexinn was brilliant and even though i BUG the hell out of you about them !!! i have to say though !!! RECENTLY i loved fini and chlook ??? because they are beyond brilliant, the dynamics and how they care for each other always warms my heart. i know i don’t stick around to ever finish a thread with you but just know that writing with you means everything to me, because you are damn talented. i love you to pieces honestly. we’ve grown up together over the years, and i can’t wait for many many more threads, or when we finally get to meet because it will be amazing to finally cry over every single thread we’ve done, or the shows we love. i wanna thank you for putting up with me, because that in itself deserves a fucking award, i love our friendship. you’re like an older sister to me, you’ve been there for so long, i don’t ever want to be without you, E V E R. i don’t remember NOT writing with you, so therefore, i don’t want to ever NOT write with you. we’ll still be writing in years to come, i’m so very sure of it. you’re such a sweet person, with a heart of gold, and there are NO words to express my love for you babe. i am always here for you if you wanna write, because we are able to just throw ideas at each other and be like DO THIS W/ ME ??? and i love that we’re that comfortable in our friendship to do that. our friendship is the longest of mine on this list, and that is truly a testament --- because you’re a damn diamond. i can’t ever thank you for being the best friend ever, but i love you beyond words, thank you for being there, for remaining a friend, and a brilliant writing partner. <3333  @heartsofvalor​​ ---- BRODIE BABE !!! okay lets just start off by saying, i don’t remember how we even became friends, but i’m so grateful to have met you ?? i just remember following you and fangirling not only over your portrayal, but how incredibly sweet you are in real life. let me start this by thanking you for listening to me rant and rave over things that have hurt me, over life being a twat, or anything else i have cried over ? you’ve surpassed being a great friend because you listen, you take time to speak to me, to embrace me as a writer, and i’m so glad i met you. you also take time to make sure to cheer me up with ideas, words, pinterest boards, or just headcanons??? you’re such a sweetheart honestly and more people should recognize that because you’re one of the greatest friends i’ve ever had. can we just cry together over the perfection that is fiona / sam ??? like i can’t even begin to scream ENOUGH about how much i love their dynamic, about how incredibly compatible they are, about how much i enjoy exploring the relationship. i never even thought of them as a pairing before but honestly they are such an incredible match ??? i think they’re my favorite AU i’ve written ever by far because it just makes me damn excited to reply to ?? i mean i know i forget to reply because life constantly fucks me over, but i just love how sam protects fiona so fiercely, and how it’s like a forbidden fruit relationship because he’s having something he shouldn’t since he’s lips friend. i can’t wait to delve further into their relationship ? thank you for gracing me with your talent, i love how you bring EACH character to life in an incredible and unique way, especially sam. SAM is my son. i love when we cry over head canons, or send each other ideas, or anything to do with our ship !!! i am beyond blessed to have met you and be able to create such a monumentally amazing ship with you. i am grateful for our friendship, for you being there to offer advice when needed, or for you being there and making me feel appreciated, because that truly makes my day ?? and it’s so needed sometimes, i have had a hard time lately, and just by having conversations with you, it does take my mind off things so thank you. you’re truly a diamond, and i appreciate you so much. MORE people need to see just how incredibly talented you are because you honestly bring such a light to your characters. I LOVE how you have thought up to much background to sam, and how he’s involved with fiona, or the southside in our au because it shows how much you love your characters, but it also shows how brilliant of a writer you seriously are. here’s to many many many more threads together, and much more years of friendship, thank you for being there. i love you so so so much !!! and i appreciate you morre than words could ever express. you’re a fucking diamond, NEVER change, because you’re too precious. <3333 @perfectevil​ ---- KAZ ??? ONE OF THE MOST TALENTED HUMAN BEINGS I’VE EVER MET !!!! okay, first off, yeah we’ve not written in so long !!! but that’s because i’m the worst, i disappear and forget to reply but let me just express my love for you and for our threads that we have done whether it be indie, or ouroboros !!! so this year, it’s almost three years since we were in ouroboros together, and i was blessed to meet you !! you were so welcoming to me, when i played allison and then later, my daughter sydney !!! what i love the most about you is that you don’t realize just how incredible you are at writing theo. it’s like you’re ACTUALLY him !!! you bring such a depth to him, such life and you capture him in a way that is really commemorating to how he was written in teen wolf but you also develop the little that the show gave us, and make him your own --- the darkness in him that you touch upon a lot is something i love so much, or his motives for things, i just love how much you understand him or how you thoroughly look into him. IN FACT it’s like he’s YOUR character, and not created by jeff davis, that’s how truly amazing you are at him, and i’m proud to have said i have written with you ? i am in awe at your depth, your talent, and of you as a person. you are so sweet too ?? i love talking to you, i love knowing i can message you out of the blue and be like ??? OMG THIS IS SYDNEO. talking of sydneo, OUR BABIES, i miss them but i am still grateful for the heart we threw into their friendship, to the endless list of headcanons --- such as how theo protected syd from bullies when they were young, or especially when he came back to check on her in coyote form when he became a chimera !!! those things both warm but break my heart ?? we’ve explored so many dynamics of them ? them as kids, friends, teens, lovers, and even enemies !!!  i can’t thank you enough for your kindness,acceptance of my writing, because it means everything to me. we’ve had other gems when it comes to threads, such as mona/theo, or kat/theo, they were so much fun to do, to see our characters in different settings, and their reactions to other characters ? it’s honestly a pleasure to write with you. you’re a sweetheart, and one of the most talented writers in the community !!! i can’t wait to write with you again because i constantly miss writing with you but also miss the feels, the chemistry the characters have, or just the excitement i have to get stuck into nitty gritty threads with someone as talented as you are. i LOOK forward to writing with you again soon !!! hopefully, hmu after you read this and we can cry over possible ideas? but lets just say you’re a fucking credit, like i said theo is so eloquently written by you, so loved, and he’s truly like he’s your character, when i think of him, i think of you. you are so close to canon, but you also have delved from it, and made it your own, but also made sure to keep him in character !!! even when he’s breaking !!! you’re so special to me, thank you for embracing me as a person, embracing my characters and my portrayal, and for allowing me to send you ideas, shipping things or even to check in. you surpassed being a great writer ages ago. i LOVE love love you loads !!! thank you for blessing me with your talent. <333  @battleincarnate​ / @63l3​ --- MADELEINE ??? MY BABE. i remember how much i’ve fangirled over your blog since i started this tumblr, i don’t remember a time where i didn’t follow you ??? we’ve had a few threads over the time i’ve known you and they all meant a lot but the one that truly meant the world was bensler ?? BENSLER were my babies, and while we didn’t complete a thread, it did mean a lot to write them with you for that short time, because no one else in the community writes them !!! while i was devastated not to write them with you, i’m glad i got to at least once because the thread idea was so great !!! but i love how you bring elliot to life in such an incredible way, you are able to capture his anger over things, or his attitude toward olivia, or to his job, or even his kids. you put so much thought into it that it’s fucking admirable ??? you deserve so much recognition for how incredible you are ? i love how you delve into elliot’s dynamic with olivia, and how we’ve cried and screamed over discord countless times over the svu eps we love, or the moments between them we love, or how we’ve talked in depth about how much we love them and their backgrounds !!! i love that you take the time to think everything out, or give elliot the love that he truly deserves ! i’m glad i get to see you portray him and bring him to life in a way with such love that he didn’t get enough of when he was on svu, you love him so much and i love that !! i also love your creativity with ideas, you’re just beyond fucking talented and you are the best portrayal of elliot !!! i admire you as an individual, and a writer so much. you’re so talented, and i’m so glad you’re bringing such an underrated character to life because it’s honestly needed !!! i love bensler so much so it’s nice to see them on the dash, or to have played them because i personally love them heaps. thank you for blessing me briefly with your portrayal of elliot, and allowing me to pick up olivia in hopes of exploring them with you, it meant the world. i also love how brilliantly you bring alison dilaurentis to life, you capture both the soft side of her, but also the badass af side of her and it’s almost like every character you write ???? is ACTUALLY them. i can’t wait to hopefully delve into more ideas with you for future threads, for ideas of ships or aus !! i love writing with you because you’re so down to earth and incredibly sweet and i’m glad to have a friend like that. MORE people should follow you to see how amazing you truly are because it’s needed ??? you deserve all the love. thank you for being there, for allowing me to write w/ you and for being a sweet babe. i’m grateful for our friendship and that you’ve graced me with your incredible writing !!! i love you a lot ! never change because you’re amazing <3333 
THOSE I ADMIRE FROM AFAR, WHOM I HAVE POSSIBLY HAD FEW THREADS WITH OR WHOM I CRY OVER BECAUSE OF THEIR TALENT. I MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE BC I’M THE WORST BUT ILY ALL !! i just have a scattered brain ! if you’re mentioned, come @ me bc i’m happy to write w/ all of you ok !!! <3 ---- @gibins​ ; @runegiven​ ; @starhaze​ ; @brutaely ; @mkvch ; @disregardsorders​ ; @helmot​ ; @millicnreasons​ ; @awesomegaydar ; @learnedskill ; @frdie​ ; @joneshead ; @petrovanity ; @petroeva ; @lodgeds ; @blsms ; @bittenrage ; @valicnt ; @mieczlw ; @deathrepeated ; @deathwritten ; @griefdefined ; @griefbuilt​ ; @umbraevenatores​ ; @russethued​ ; @stuartwcmbly​ ; @ldges​ ; @gngrdrews​ ; @bittenrage​ ; @drowngrief​ ; @drownrot​ ; @snitchsought​ ; @olympiclion​ ; @olympiclamb​ ; @gllaghrs​ ; @softlykept​ ; @aspiredlights​ ; @asphalted​ ; @chosenforthis​ ; @knifefate�� ; @softlykept​ ; @thorndroses​ ; @alwaysbleed​ ; @steeledwill​ ; @cruelety​ ; @wearsheadbands​ ; @bcckmarked​ ; @warsraging​ ; @govtdna​ ; @mysrybled​ ; @serpentfamily​ ; @serpenthand​ ; @vixenwidowed​ ; @corruptedgood​ ; @corruptbadge​ ; @corruptlines​ ; @kolhearted​ ; @ponytaled​ ; @wantsbest​ ; @callmefp​ ; @cryoconquer​ ; @lockwoodspecial​ ; @lovesjello​ ; @anchorled​ ; @mcplastics​ ; @soulhcart​ ; @souldragger​ ; @hellbitched​ ; @tobeblamed​ ; @andrewsnco​ ; @seesgood​ ; @benevolf​ ; @roseguided​ ; @breedsmisery​ ; @objectivelyhot​ ; @tragedyveined​ ; @kingkeeper​ ; @brightspells​ ; @traitorize​ ; @magicrot​ ; @ptrvas​ ; @troubledharts​ ; @southsideleader​ ; @southraised​ ; @fatalles​ ; @roseguided​ @roseswrit​ ; @orgnlptrva​ ; @assassinsgirl​ ; @knowntragedy​ ; @stormedchaos​ ‘ @divinedeaths​ ; @divineardour​ !! 
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jelanisaeed · 4 years
Round 5: VS Turtwig- Legends Part 5
Hello everyone! Sooo, I had a whole plan for Jasper's chapters and then I scraped them lol Cause I'm chaotic like that lol. So, I made some edits to the ending of Chapter 4 which changed how this chapter begins. Basically, I removed the argument and ended it with a more diplomatic ending. The reason is that in light of everything going on in the world, I didn't want to have my male leads experiencing conflict with male leads right off the bat when I know my female lead won't experience the same. So, I decided to make all three have unique experiences core to their development and character.
There's a lot of pain in the world so I want to alleviate that. However, I feel it necessary to make this known moving forward. This author is a black queer man who supports Black Lives Matter. So a lot of my stories will have emotions and plot-lines geared towards the black experience (modified of course since this doesn't take place in our world). I feel like it's necessary to make that clear moving forward.
And before we move onto lighter things, I also wanna say Rest in Power Chadwick Boseman. You were loved and still are for your amazing contributions to the lives of black peoples and for being an icon that young black actors can strive for.
Nowww, on a lighter note. The song of choice for this chapter was all over the place lol. But I eventually settled on My Sanity by Thrii. They're amazing and that song is so beautiful.
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the story!
Pokémon Adventures: Turquoise, Jasper, & Ammolite
Round 5: VS Turtwig – Legends Part 5
Location: Veilstone City Date: August 4th , 3000 Time: 3:00pm
"Ight," Jasper finally said with a smooth grin. "I'll take your word for it."
Today hadn't gone as Jasper expected. Not surprised there. His days never followed a set plan. Something always came up and disrupted the course. Rocking the boat until he tumbled into the waters and swam for safety. Other times, however, he was surprised with a gift.
Much like today, he chuckled.
Jasper accepted the package from the cute guy. Had to be from Oreburgh with his purple miner hat over his short coils. Dressed the part, though the orange belt was a nice touch. Way better those gaudy belts the miners wore around Veilstone.
The package matched Jasper's aesthetic. Star-themed with his name written almost like constellations. Whoever this was from had great taste. Maybe Jasper could borrow some stationary from them? Regardless, he tore open the package and found three gifts—a timer ball, a letter, and some gadget.
"A pokémon?" Jasper snatched the ball and examined the transparent top. A turtle of some kind slept inside.
Mommy nudged him and flashed another encouraging smile. "Go on," she urged with cacturne mimicking her every move. "Let's see 'em?"
Everyone watched him, awaiting his next move. Even Kito stopped eating for this! Though the little looked fed up with all the waiting. Tapping his feet with arms folded across his tiny chest. Jasper chuckled. If Kito was ready for it then there was no reason why he shouldn't be.
"Ight—c'mon out, buddy!"
In a burst of light and smoke, the pokémon appeared. Much greener than he thought with a twig on its head. Still cute though. Even though it yawned nice and wide without care.
"A turtwig?" Mommy frowned.
Turtwig? Now that was name Jasper remembered. He learned about them in history class. Super rare pokémon that Pokémon Professors researched in Sinnoh. One of the Pokédex Holders had them too if he remembered right. Diamond, was it? Yeah, Diamond of that comedy duo.
But why me? Something soft nudged against his legs. Jasper looked down and smiled. Looks like Turtwig finally noticed him. Little guy smiled at him with those droopy yellow eyes of his.
"Professor Kapok gave you a turtwig, huh?" Baryte mused with furrowed brows. "Weird. What else is in there."
Guess this Professor Kapok didn't give out pokémon often. Much less to strangers. Jasper didn't have any teachers who matched the name. Although, there was this cool guest speaker who always asked him questions. Said something about having the eyes of a pyroar—whatever that meant. Jasper never paid it much mind.
"He gave me this weird-looking gadget," a handheld painted light yellow with purple stars, "and this letter."
A letter addressed to him in perfect script. Jasper snorted. Academics sure loved their cursive writing. Nonetheless, he opened the envelope and took the letter inside. Written in cursive as well, but on more star-themed stationary.
"Greetings, Jasper." Arceus, even the writing sounded intellectual. "I hope you remember me. Spoke at your school while you were just a litleo. Yet your eyes burned with the passion of pyroar. Such ferocity in your moments—I knew you'd be a force in the future."
So, it was them. Jasper assumed they were just another scientist. One of Daddy's colleagues perhaps? He met some of them in the past. Whenever he brought Daddy dinner during overtime hours. His coworkers always gushed about Jasper. Even teased Daddy about having the coolest son ever.
Their words…well, maybe he paraphrased a bit.
But this Professor Kapok came to his school. Taught the best lecture on dark type pokémon he ever sat through. Left without a trace, only to give him a gift years later. Jasper didn't believe much in faith, but this lined up too well not to be!
The letter soaked Jasper's mind with flowery metaphors. A few questionable ones, sure—The hell does "a blazing star in the void" mean? But he pushed through. Poetry was never his strong suit. Though Baryte took to it with ease and explained that stuff for him.
Smart guy, Jasper decided. Though, no surprise there. Baryte gave off the vibes.
He finished the letter shortly after. Only noticed then his trembling hands. The teardrops pelting the paper. And the soft arms hugging him from behind. The sensations struck at once. His heart led the sensation, pounding in beat to his sobs.
Little turtwig even hopped into his arms. Little turtwig—a pokémon he just met—came to comfort him with soft nuzzles to his chest. Jasper accepted each brush and hugged the little guy closer to his chest.
Professor Kapok gave him a gift to treasure. Not just in this new pokémon. But the opportunity of the lifetime inscribed in his words.
"I never enjoyed seeing the lights of stars dimming away," the letter had said. "So, for you, I'll send a private nurse for your mother. So, you may take your journey uninhibited and breathe life into the star burning within you."
Jasper emerged from the bathroom refreshed. A grin slapped across his face as he hung a dry towel around his neck. Perfect for catching the water dripping from his shrunken afro. Had to love washdays. Never failed to leave him as stress-free as the towel slung around his waist. Almost made the cold shower worth it.
Almost. Jasper stilled loathed them with a burning passion.
I guess they good for something, Jasper shrugged and walked back to his room. They eased away the sores from his morning workouts. Plus, he felt less tension in his soul.
Still hate 'em though. The disdain, however, didn't last long. Once he slipped into his room, he found the cutest surprise. His new turtwig stood at the door with a fish-eating grin.
Now this made the shower worth it. "You waited for me, Kobe?" The little guy nodded. Even licked his wet legs. Jasper laughed. Such a sweet little guy—unlike Kito who lazed around on his bed.
I gotta thank Professor Kapok when I see him. Maybe buy them a gift. Though, Jasper didn't know where to start! Science wasn't his forte; maybe Baryte had some suggestions? He seemed the type.
Regardless, Jasper had more important business to attend to. Like getting dressed. And he wasted no time throwing on his clothes. Truth be told, he had this outfit picked out for years! Well, sort of —a few changes as his style evolved.
Ge unzipped his stunky track top, showing off his favorite starry night tank top. Paired well with his royal blue track shorts and silver compression tights. Finished off by slipping into a pair of purple and black sneakers.
"How do I look?" Jasper struck a pose. If he had the mass, he would look like all those famous bodybuilders! Especially the ones down in Orre. Now they were massive!
Kito only nodded, bored with it all. Figures—never gave Jasper any credit! So what if he saw it a million times? Kito needed to learn from Kobe. Now he had the perfect amount of enthusiasm as he jumped around and cheered. Jasper grinned. Finally, someone appreciated his swag.
Half of being a trainer was looking the part, right? The half came from being prepared. Jasper already packed up his murkrow travel duffle with the necessities. Now, where did he put his belt?
Ah ha! There it was, hanging off his desk. He strapped it on and clipped his dusk balls in place. Now, he was ready for anything Sinnoh threw at him!
"Jasper?" Mommy stood in the doorframe with cacturne beside her. Her eyes glossy as tears streaked down her face. "You look so handsome."
Jasper blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Maybe it was too early for handsome. He still had to pick out his hair. Couldn't go out with a shrunken 'fro! Especially if Mommy wanted pictures like always. No way he'd embarrass himself again!
"I want you to know this before you leave," Mommy started. "Something I'm sure you know, but reassurance never hurt."
Mommy walked to him. Slowly as if every step burned away at her energy. In some ways, it did. Jasper knew it did. Not just from the illness, but her pride. Back in her day, Mommy rose to the ranks of the Elite Four and mastered Dark-type pokémon. Even conducted extensive research on them. It was, honestly, how she met Daddy. And the two fell in love instantly. Or so they say. Grownups loved telling love stories.
She reached him drenched in sweat. Her breathing labored as cacturne scolded her. Thank Arceus for that guy. Mommy's partner and caretaker. He knew her better than most and never took his eyes off her. It set his heart at ease to know she had him while Jasper left.
"Your father and I are proud of you. Regardless of what path you take. And we'll support and cheer you on through hardships. So, please, don't forget to call home."
Smirking, Jasper hugged her tight. "You don't hafta worry, Mommy." After all these years, his dreams felt closer than ever. "I'll call home and I'll come back. Just you wait."
Time to follow the stars like Professor Kapok said…or whatever that letter meant.
"So, you're ready now?" Baryte asked with a smirk.
Jasper rolled his eyes. Wasn't his fought! Mommy refused to stop taking photos. Only Arceus knew what she planned to do with them. Especially the ones with his shrunken afro! She loved showing those off to company. Parents loved embarrassing their kids, Jasper figured. Must be some form of payback from their parents or whatever. Not that he cared.
Okay, maybe he did. If only to stop her from showing those photos to his coach again.
Mommy played a cruel game, but Jasper rose above it. Besides, he had bigger issues to solve. "Yeah, just gotta swing by Lake Valor." He stated, slinging his duffle over his shoulder. "I left Kula there in the morning."
Baryte accepted that and followed him there.
Truth be told, Kula enjoyed Lake Valor more than his room. Not that he blamed her. Jasper always got up early to relax by the lake. Sometimes he spent the morning bathing in the solar rays as his pokémon played. It was easy for him. Under the soft embrace of the lake, he felt at ease. Energized with peaceful energy as the tension eased from every fiber of his being.
On the way there, Jasper boasted about the lake. Encouraged Baryte to take a swim there sometimes but backed off when the miner admitted he couldn't swim. Fit his aesthetic— swimming rock-lover? Jasper laughed.
They arrived at the lakefront easily enough. Jasper knew the route well and took all the best shortcuts. Encountered a few pokémon along the way, of course. And a few trainers who loved losing to him. What could he say? When it came to battling, Jasper held his own.
And so did Baryte. His cranidos rammed through the competition with an impish grin. Had to love it.
When they arrived, however, Jasper felt a shift in the atmosphere. Spirited pokémon lived in Lake Valor and infected the air with bursts of energy. On a good day, he heard the roars of a gyarados breaching free of the crystal blue water and blew a powerful spray to rain over the land. Much like this morning.
Yet the lake was silent. And icky energy crawled through the air and stung at his bare skin.
"This is Lake Valor?" Baryte frowned beside him with a strange look behind those glasses. "It's…somber—not like you described."
Somber…an aura that didn't blame in this lake. Over the years, Jasper only experiences roaring energy blazing through the souls of pokémon and trainers alike. Not this cold hand that strangled his inner flame.
"This is wrong." Jasper walked inside and scowled. That icky energy bit at him, whispering strange warnings in his ears. Warnings that didn't match the usual voices he heard. "Something happened here?"
A thin fog fluttered around them. Chilling as the voices grew louder and that hand tightened its grip. Beside him, Baryte shivered. Couldn't blame the guy. The lake shouldn't feel like this. Unless someone trespassed and disrupted the natural habitat. Jasper frowned. Anyone who disturbed the lake had to deal with him as a Child—
"Gah!" Baryte stumbled into him and pointed a shaky finger and at a downed body up ahead. A dark, bird-shaped…wait a minute!
"Kula!" Jasper scrambled to his murkrow and scooped her into his arms. Something attacked her! An electric-type no doubt; she had electricity dancing through her feathers.
"Jasper?" Baryte whispered, tense and with a hand at his belt. "Look ahead."
Deep in the fog, a ball of light floated. Dancing almost like a bizarre apparition as it came closer. The air thickened and Jasper swore he smelled ozone. Regardless, that icky energy gnawed at him the closer the light came. The voices now a chorus of screaming children submerged underwater. That light had a strange aura to it…much like the lake.
"The trespasser…" Eyes wide, Jasper screamed for Baryte to move. The two went separate ways as a lance of golden electricity shot through the fog and struck down a towering tree! Their attacker emerged from the fog with a ditzy look to it. But the aura it radiated sent the voices in a frenzy, Finally, Jasper understood why.
"A Shadow Pokémon."
For the first time in years, shadow pokémon returned to the lake.
Anddd that's the Chapter! Jasper is really fun to play with. Especially cause he has an endless pit of energy that really just writes itself. I adore him lol And Baryte kind of acts like a good balance for him. But that'll come up more later. They're good for each other. In a friendship way lol I haven't given thought to who Jasper is paired with now, but we'll see! Who knows, Jasper and Baryte might be the end result lol.
But anyways, feel free to review or pm with what you think of the chapter!
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thingsmissed-blog1 · 6 years
//My url for the url opinions thing? c:
Title: URL thingComments: BelowSent by: @matthewweitz
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: I love Matthew Weitz and I am sure I will love your OC as well!
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: Can I say ours? I love our threads so much! I am just in love with how they are together!
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s): I have never seen the blindspot so I don’t know what his character is meant to be like but I love how he can be rude and JJ is sassy.
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: Well, I love your writing in general so I think your writing style is perfect
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: I would love to see him with someone that matches his rudeness and can be in a little battle between the two of them. 
Someone else I love seeing them interact with: I mean, I would love to see you interact with anyone that makes you happy! 
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: I love our things! I love your character so much already
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: Humor, oh my gosh the jokes are just so funny to me! I think that your dirty humor is my favorite but that is because I am finally in a place in my life that I can enjoy it. 
What I Think Are Their Strengths: Writing, talking to people (at least you are easy to talk with when it comes to me)
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: Our talks are all over the place from our characters, to dirty jokes, to school things.
Why Others Should RP With Them: Oh my gosh, just because the mun is nice and you guys can have funny little conversations between replies and gush over icons as well with them!
How Others Should Approach Them: I think laying down a plot to them would be the first step and then go from there.
Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them: Any roleplayers on my positivity week thing 
Anything else I want to say about them: You are awesome! 
A plot I’d like to write with them:  We already have a greys based thread sort of going on. Plus the thread where they took a pregnancy test and found out that JJ was pregnant. I am not sure if we are going to put those two threads together or not so they may be connected or they aren’t.
A muse I want to introduce to them: Caitlin Jareau hands down. She is so full of life and is loved by her mother and Matthew having slept with someone that has a child would bring a bunch of different emotions to the table and to see how he would handle that would be interesting
A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: Jennifer Jareau / Matthew Weitz * We are already doing it though.
A thread with them I’m excited about: Our threads! I am excited about our threads!
Anything else I want to say: Hmmmm….look forward to see how things are going to go with our muses!
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{ So, first off, thank you all for 100 followers! I truly appreciate all of you, and hope you’re all doing great! I’ve been in and out of this fandom for years honestly, and I’ve been role-playing for eons, but this blog has quickly become one of my best experiences. Before I made this blog, I was in a massive writing slump and was having a difficult time with doing much of anything creative (it was probably one of the lowest point my writing itself has gone through in years). I went in and out of various fandoms, but they never quite worked out for me. And I stumbled back here because I missed writing for my favorite series, and I’m incredibly grateful I did! You’ve all been so wonderful, and I’m so glad to have gotten the chance to meet all of you! So, have a really sappy follower appreciation post because you guys deserve it!} 
The loves of my life:
@latrocinari​: Chibi, I am so grateful to have been able to interact with you on so many occasions, and I’m so blessed that you’re so patient with me. I can’t thank you enough for following my trash son through so many blogs, and dealing with his attitude. It really means a lot to me that you’ve stuck with me for as long as you have, and over so many different interactions/blogs, my dash and the time I’ve spent in this fandom just wouldn’t be the same without you to brighten it up. You’re a joy to have on my dash, and you always make my day with everything you post. You’ve been so kind and hilarious ooc, and I always love reading your tags because they always make me laugh (or have them feels). You’re such a talented writer, and your Zero owns my heart (and Kamui’s too haha). I’m so glad that I get to write with you, and I look forward to all of our future interacts, and, getting to talk to you more!
@gentlexbloom​: Luna, you are such a blessing. You’re one of the sweetest people I’ve spoken to on this website, and you just radiate warmth and kindness no matter what you do. I know my blog or the time I’ve spent on it so far wouldn’t be the same without you welcoming me, and contacting me. I can’t say enough good things about you, honestly, you’re a joy to speak with, a blessing to have on the dash, and overall incredible person. I’m always so nervous talking to people, but you’ve been so easy to talk with, and come up with silly nonsense with! I am so incredibly grateful to you for reaching out to me, you’ve made my time here so positive, and I’m so serious when I say my dash just wouldn’t be the same without you. You’re an amazing writer, and I love getting the chance to create something with you! 
@ardent-lux​: Musouka, you’re such a lovely person, and I know we haven’t spoken too much, but I’ve enjoyed being able to make silly jokes with you in the tags, and bonding over terrible weather on Discord haha. I adore the friendship we’ve been able to build with our muses so much, it’s honestly one of my favorite relationships I have on this blog, and I hope Leon will continue to be the mother Neo most certainly didn’t ask for, but got anyway! You already know I love Neo, but I could gush about her for days because she’s so wonderful, and I’m so grateful to have the chance to interact with such an incredible character. 
@honorbourne​ | @unladylikc​: Livi, I’ve adored out interactions since we met on my YoI OC blog, and wrote one of my favorite threads I’ve ever had. It was such a riot, and just some good, old-fashioned fun to read about Vivi learning how to ice skate with June and Mr. Sturdy Pants’ help. And I’ve loved the threads we’ve had on this blog, as well! You’re a very pleasant person, and I’ve enjoyed talking to you ooc, as well as yelling about everyone’s favorite chair with you! You’re an amazing writer, and I’m still awed by how well you capture Say’ri in your posts, and we both know I love Vivian! 
@mepivacainee​: Espurr! You are such a sweetheart, and I love just yelling about our sons with you until some ungodly hour of the morning, and just, overall, being dorks. You spoil so much, and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve been a lot of fun to talk to ooc, and it was really easy to get over my nerves when speaking with you because I think we were both really nervous to talk to one another at first (and now we just yell, a lot, haha). I know I’m slow as heck, but I love all of out threads, and everything we’ve plotted out/talked about, and I can’t wait for Leon and Abel to get to know one another better! You know I love Abel with all of my heart (pats purse Abel), and everything you do with him! I love reading your replies, and learning more about your son, as well! You’re an amazing writer, artist, and person, and I’m so grateful to be able to both interact with you and speak to you ooc!     
Wonderful individuals who light up my dash:    
 I haven’t had the chance to talk with any of you too much, yet, but adore all of you, and hope to gush about each one of you in the future! 
@nesufuratu, @siderealsmoke, @royal-botanist, @pueravem, @bravingskies, @convxction, @dreamsofvalla, @heiwanoryu, @nohrianlady, @goldenxdagger, @oakhearted, @featherbourne, @kouryou, and @i-nsubordination!    
Each one of you is incredibly talented, and I love seeing you and your muse/s on my dash! 
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