#[ i'm gonna do a break down of each sibling in the future. but i wanted to get the task out ]
weebsinstash · 5 months
Since you guys have been digging poly yandere LuciLili do yall wanna hear one of my more fucked up ideas
I keep thinking about scenarios where Lilith is emotionally intelligent enough to kinda, get a read on who you are pretty quickly and, maybe you even help out by being a bit too honest about yourself, and she falls in love with you first and decides almost on his behalf that you would be perfect for Lucifer as well. Like I'm talking this man may know barely more about you than your name but Lilith sees certain similarities or contrasts between you that she's like, INSANELY POSITIVE you two would be perfect together, and she may be totally right, but the ethically dubious part is when Lucifer isssssss not quite as fast to warm up to you and Lilith tries to... expedite that process
I've thought of, the idea i mentioned before with you being pulled into a kind of dream dimension where you're bonding with them in a pseudo-Eden, that maybe Lilith "invites you" into their dream without telling or asking Lucifer first, and then it's in Eden where he falls in love with you, since, you're acting more like your actual true self since you think it's a dream with no consequences. In the waking world, you're nervous, barely making eye contact, maybe even a little scared of him, but in Eden, it's "do you two have nicknames for each other? Like do you ever call each other things like, maybe Lucifer is Lulu or Luci or Ducky and Lilith would be Lili or-- also when you two first met, Lucifer, were you ALSO completely naked or did you accidentally teach her what clothes were and made her self conscious? Since Lilith was naked when you met her, was it hard not to stare at her p--" like, you have so many interests and all this curiosity and they both think it's so cute and once you start talking, you speak in paragraphs not sentences and they just pofe watching you get excited and interested about things
but picture it gets to the point where here's Lucifer, "ok Lili OK I like her alright?! But it's- she's not really ready for a relationship let alone a BABY right now" and Lilith is just pouting and crossing her arms and BANISHES HIM TO THE COUCH. IM SERIOUS. Kicks him out of his own fucking bed and tells him he should be in yours instead. "Well just MAYBE she would be ready for a relationship if she had someone to show her she was safe and cared for LUCIFER >:( don't pretend you haven't been wanting another child LUCIFER >:( don't make me get her pregnant myself LUCIFER >:(" and also she very very well COULD do that so it IS a credible threat
Like Charlie is getting so fucking worried her parents are bickering all the time and she's worried they're gonna get divorced and it's just like, THEM ARGUING OVER GETTING YOU PREGNANT OR NOT. Lilith is over here privately having conversations with you where you're breaking down about dying before you could get a partner and get married and have a wedding and have a baby and she's running back to Lucifer, "cmon Lulu... don't you want to know what your baby would look like? She's just so SAD, Lulu, she wants her baby and her family SoooOoooo badly. You mean you don't want Charlie to have another sibling? You dont want a little baby to put in a little duckie onesie?"
I just. Picture. Lilith inviting you and Lucifer to drink with her and she just. Drugs you both, completely unapologetically slips you both aphrodisiacs. Gets you Hella Hella Drunk and, at some point later in the night, Lucifer thinks he's having sex with his wife, but uh, not wife number 1, that's for sure. He doesn't snap out of it until either the next morning or when he's already, you know, finishing, and you're just slurring and clinging to him like a teddy bear and honestly probably already pregnant
LATER ON DOWN THE LINE AFTER YOU'VE HAD YOUR BABY, you break down crying to Lucifer, "I want to tell you something but I'm worried you'll be mad but I- I don't want my baby to grow up with a lie and get hurt in the future, and, and you're a really good person and a good husband and a good dad and I hate lying to you" AND YOU REVEAL YOU WERE IN ON THE DRUGGING THING THE WHOLE TIME. LILITH APPROACHED YOU AND TALKED YOU INTO IT. But Lucifer still doesn't blame you because you're absolutely perfect in his eyes and, now you two have a beautiful little baby and you're both so so happy together, and here's Lucifer, "hey honey? I'm gonna go talk to Lili for a lil while, ok? Be back later ^^"
Skip to like a month later, here's Lucifer looking quite smug, "big news everyone! Lilith is pregnant! We've got another Morningstar on the way!" and here's Lilith ALSO looking quite smug cause, awwww that's so cute, he thinks he got back at her, but really, she got everything she wanted in the end. Lucifer just puffing out his chest because he's got a new baby and another on the way and Lilith just smirking coyly as she continues to knit little baby socks. If they'll go to your baby or hers or, maybe another future baby of yours, now, who can really say? Honestly the happiest Morningstar is Charlie because now she has her dad, her mom, and her other new mom, and now her new siblings too! And if anything bad ever happened to you or your baby the entirety of the Hotel will go to war for you with unspeakable unspeakable violence :)
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c0smiccom3t · 10 months
A Lemur's Current Duty
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"Yes, yes! The kind we keep shut! We have to go through, find my siblings, and fix this before some putz with a big evil plan and a bigger ego does something monumentally stupid!"
[Meanwhile... In the villains' base, Cortex is scratching his butt, yawning. After that, the mad scientist walks away, still tired, or bored. N. Tropy, meanwhile, is standing before his rift generator, monologuing. in the meantime, Ryonna, sat down with her legs crossed and her arms behind their head, is leaning on a device which Cortex starts to tinker.]
N. Tropy: Uka Uka unknowingly paved the way for our bright future. Once my Rift Generator is complete, dominion over all of time and space will be within our grasp!
[While he's saying that, Cortex silently mocks him by doing a "blah blah blah" hand gesture. Typical of him, of course. Except, Ryonna starts to silently snirk at it, since she thought it was pretty funny. Once they feel like N. Tropy is turning his head at them, they stop doing that and get back to what they're previously doing while N. Gin and N. Brio are walking towards Cortex]
Dr. Neo Cortex: N. Gin, N. Brio... You had some little projects you wanted to tell me about?
N. Gin: Master, my mechanical marvel will hypnotize you an army!
N. Brio: And my potion will make me-- (ahem!)--Them unstoppable.
[Cortex, uninterested, keeps tinkering with the device. Ryonna in the meantime is just waving "Bye-bye" at them while having a smug smile on her face.]
Dr. Neo Cortex: Right, yeah, fine, sure, have fun with your... Rayguns or whatever.
[As N. Gin and N. Brio turn to head to their respective rifts, they bump into each other. N. Brio angrily tries to kick N. Gin, only for N. Gin to dodge and bite down on his shin.]
N. Tropy: Hasten your steps!
[After that, N. Gin and N. Brio stay away from each other and go to their respective rifts. N. Gin runs while N. Brio is just waving the pompous peacock off, annoyed.]
N. Tropy: By my calculations, our enemies are already moving against us. And We. Will. Prevail...
[N. Tropy smiles menacingly, but then he of course, in the middle of his moment, gets interrupted by the sound of a stereo, playing a song. His eye twitches as he turns around to see Ryonna rocking out while Cortex is still tinkering with the device, meanwhile, the lemur lady is humming a little, as well as banging her tail on the ground to the beat while the music plays. N. Tropy gets annoyed. As he turns around he notices what's Ryonna doing, along with noticing a boombox stereo next to her, playing the music, suddenly he shoots the boombox, reducing it into ash, Ryonna of course gets startled when he did that, and so does Cortex, Ryonna then turns at him annoyed]
Ryonna: Hey, that was my boombox!
N. Tropy: So? I thought we agreed that you wouldn't fool around.
Ryonna: This isn't called fooling around, it's called minding your own business. Besides, what are we supposed to do anyway, tinker with stuff and do nothing?? I came here to break a leg and some bones! So, where's the action, where's the thrill, WHERE ARE THE EXPLOSIONS?!
N. Tropy: If you want to do something then how about you do something productive and not slack off at once?!
Ryonna: I'm not slacking, i'm relaxing. And heck, I don't even know what to do before our enemies get here! So, what's the point if i got nothing to do?
[N. Tropy snarls at her. Annoyed on how she's talking to him like an impulsive thrill-seeking moron. But then he gets an idea on what she would do.]
N. Tropy: Now that you question that last part, I do have a task for you.
Ryonna: FINALLY, That's all I was asking for! Now, what's it gonna be? Break intruders' bones, get some rare but powerful treasure, test out the rift generator, capture some people, guard the entire base top to bottom, build deadly traps, or maybe--?!
N. Tropy: It's none of them.
Ryonna: Uuuugh!
N. Tropy: Though i've got one question for you... Have you ever experienced with technology before?
Ryonna: Tech-no-lo... Wait a second, of course i have experience! Though it's been a long time since i've worked with technologic stuff, but i gotta say im a FAN! All the tinkering, all the coding, all the calculating, it's just so futuristic and that's definitely my aesthetic as a whole along with my tough-as-steel version o' it, y'know, one time i hacked into a supercomputer and despite a few errors here and there I successfully ran out of the scene with a USB Disk full of important information inside my back belt pouch! More importantly, I do recall that time I--
[While the ringtailed huntress continues on with her infodumping about her experience for technology, Cortex is quite suprised on what she's telling... Which causes him to have an inner monologue and talk to himself inside his mind]
Dr. Neo Cortex: Wait, how does this oversized furball have involvement in technology..?! She can steal treasure... And she's a genius, too?! As if the bounty hunting part wasn't enough... I don't know if i'm starting to like her... Or HATE her!
[Cortex of course, enrages a little during that last part. But in the meantime, Ryonna is still rambling on and on]
Ryonna: And more importantly I knew about the codes about deactivating a radioactive machine that was gonna--
[N. Tropy groans while facepalming in annoyance, Ryonna then stops talking after noticing that]
Ryonna: Oh, I-i'm sorry, was I talking too much?
N. Tropy: A lot. [Ryonna of course, after he says that, starts to pout while having puppy dog eyes, indicating that she feels bad for talking too much]
N. Tropy: No matter though, because this task will certainly be of your interest.
[N. Tropy then puts a technologic device which is used like a monitor to watch the bandicoots' every move. Ryonna, looks at it, extremely confused]
N. Tropy: Now, I want you to keep an eye on the marsupials through this device, in which you'll have to watch the progress our enemies are making, and if something happens to our two comrades, you'll have to notify me. Do you understand?
Ryonna: .... I really don't. THATS IT?! JUST MONITORIZING THEM LIKE THEY'RE BABIES?! I Thought it was something else that had to do with tech! Though... I do think it would be good to me now that i think about it... Hold on, why don't you also do it? I could help making the rift generator, after all i did say-
N. Tropy: Look. Ryonna, I do know you want to help me but the rift generator HAS to be worked on by somebody who knows how it's features work, more especially how time travel and interdimensional travel work. And you working on it? Honestly, I dont see it in you, you may be experienced with bounty hunting, technology and anything else you may mention, but time and space?! I don't think so. I am the master of time itself, and I shall get to work on it. In the meantime, you stay alert on our enemies, Cortex will keep doing... Whatever in the world he's doing, and I'll make sure the rift generator is complete. Have we come clear on this one, Ringtail?
[Ryonna looks disappointed, but yet she doesnt have no fear, she tries to stand up to him, but she fails to. she just sighs and looks away]
Ryonna: I... Yes, doctor.
N. Tropy: Good. Now, get to work.
[Her ears floop down in disappointment, she then gets close to the device and starts to look at it, beggining to watch the bandicoots' every move, all while still looking bored.]
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 - you're here! Chapter 3
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retrospectislame · 1 year
(long post)
FNAF Security Breach Ruin theories that I'm sure people have thought of already but I'm still gonna post here because I havn't been able to stop thinking about this game:
(theories are seperated with a 🎈)
(also keep in mind that this is just my personal little theory ramble, I could absolutely be wrong)
🎈 I dont think we ever hear the real Gregory's voice in ruin.
Even when the mimic (That's what its called right? Or at least thats what we're calling it? Idk I'll just go with it) is chasing Cassie, when he's saying, "You were never supposed to go to the pizzaplex" and "Do you really have any other option?" (or smth like that-), I think that is still the mimic pretending to be Gregory.
Why? (more after break)
Well first of all, the instructions during the chase are coming from the walky talky that the mimic has been using to communicate with Cassie throughout the DLC. And like, don't get me wrong, but im pretty sure Gregory wouldn't be able to hack his way into the radio frequencies that the walky talkys are using. The same can be said for the speakers in the elevator before Cassie falls. To maybe even have a chance at communicating with Cassie through either of these, he would probably have to be in the building, which he explicitly says (even if it is the mimic talking) he isn't.
Also, Gregory talks about the M.X.E.S security system that was put in place to keep the mimic down there, but how would he know about that? And how would he know about the mimic being trapped down there to begin with? I mean sure, there is speculations that he had been living in the pizzaplex for a little bit, but i dont think that a evil, sentiant animitronic living down in the basement of a children's pizza place would exactly be considered public information, even if it is just among the employees. Not to mention that he probably wouldnt even be looking for that kind of information in the first place if he was living in the pizzaplex.
Finally, (even though I'm sure there's more things to back this up, I just don't want this to get too long lmao) how would Gregory even drop the elevator? Like I don't this theres a button labeled "button to drop the elevator thats in that old ruin under the pizzaplex," and to actually cut the cords he would have to be there which he isn't. The mimic is the one who most likely dropped the elevator, and if it wasn't them specfically, it was probably someone/thing that was working with them. (or also possibly the fact that that elevator is probably decades old and has probably had no maintainance whatsoever during that time and has also retained at least some fire damage and-) (<also, if the elevator did fall out of just extreme damage, the mimic probably knew that and thats why they led Cassie there)
🎈 But this also sprouts another question:
Why did the mimic drop the elevator?
Well, my theory is that it wanted to disguse itself.
I'm gonna say now that I don't fully know how most of the animitronics work (especially when it comes to the mimic) but I think that it's going to use Cassie's body as a way of hiding itself when it eventually (maybe) makes it up into the real world.
I also think that we may see Cassie again. How far into the future, I'm not sure, but I think we'll see her again eventually. Of course, if my theory happens to be correct, it's not going to be Cassie, but instead the mimic in disguise.
🎈The last thing I wanna talk about is just a few questions that I have now that ruin has been released:
How do Cassie and Gregory know each other? What is their relationship with each other? Are they friends? Siblings? Two runaways that met on the streets? How did they meet? Where the hell are these kids' parents?
Did Cass and Greg meet before SB or after? (before ruin of course) If they met before, then that raises a lot of questions. (How did they get separated before SB, why didn't he mention her at all during SB, etc. etc.)
How did the mimic contact Cassie at all? It probably chose her because 1. It already had a sample of Greg's voice, probably from when he went down there in SB, 2. She's a child, she's guillible enough to go wherever her friends ask her to go. But how???? The only possible way I can think of is call, text, maybe leave her a note, but I don't think she has a phone considering she's like 8, and leaving a note would require literally going to her house, which the mimic obviously can't do.
Who installed the M.X.E.S system in the first place? Was it one person trying to keep the mimic a secret? Was it Vanny? Vanessa? (considering the rabbit, it may be, but im not sure tbh) Was it the company that runs the pizzaplex just trying to hide the past wrong-doings of the previous owner and make more money?
Is the Glitchy Rabbit Thingy(TM) really evil? If you think about it, it may have only been trying to stop Cassie because she was disabling it, which would unleash the mimic and allow it to escape. Maybe the rabbit isn't as bad as we think.
Where is Music Man? Y'know the big one. Did he just retain so much damage that he doesn't work anymore? For a little bit I had thought that the giant endoskeleton in the daycare theater may be him, but after comparing the two, it's clear that they are just not the same model. (Music Man's arms are skinnier, it wouldn't make sense for him to have a jaw considering his mouth is a screen, head shape, etc. etc.) Speaking of which:
What the hell is that giant endoskeleton for? That's what I really wanna know. And why is it only there in the AR mode?
What does M.X.E.S stand for? I feel like that could be really important.
Uhhh, that's all I got for now I think. Thank you for coming to my ted talk lmao I don't really know how to end this-
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I’m lowkey hoping that Rafe is the next big bad guy in season 4 like Ward was the bag guy in most of the seasons. Like the only two options for Rafe to redeem himself is for him to die or to go to jail. There is no other redemption lol I would love for Rafe to go full blown angry because Ward is dead (is he? 👀) and get revenge on the pogues for that but idk. We will see. Also hoping that it’s not JJ/kiara heavy because I hate that pairing so much. What are your theories on season 4?
I honestly have no idea!!! I feel like it might be JJ focused, especially with the return of Luke. I don't feel like they'd bring him back just to cause the same deadbeat dad drama for JJ that we had in 1 & 2, so there's got to be a storyline there.
I think Ward's done. I think he's really dead this time, but I do think there's a huge potential for Rafe to want to avenge him. However, with where they ended his story in three, he is on that redemption train, so I'm not sure at all what they're going to do with him. I think it'll all come down to how he and Sarah leave things and what he does after find out about Ward. I honestly kinda thought Rafe's story was over until I saw the BTS photos of them filming and he was there. I think Rose would be a really good villain. She (in theory?) gets all of Ward's money, she's a partner in the business, and I think her siting behind the scenes, pulling the strings to off all the Cameron siblings and take everything for herself would be a really nice storyline.
Something tells me we'll get like an episode with everything going well and nice and then the second episode is just everything crumbling, no one talking to each other, fights, etc. Because the gold got to the better of all of them, and then the whole season is them coming back and figuring out what it means to be a Pogue. But I don't knowwwww. I'm so conflicted.
And then what's gonna happen with Topper? Like are we really going to rehash him and Sarah for the fourth time? Are Pope and Cleo really romantic with one another? Because the friend group paired off is a little...blah.
If it were up to me, I'd have John B and Sarah pretty strong, learning how to be an actual healthy couple. JJ and Kiara break up, growing separately and figuring out who they are (and then if they really want to be together fine) and then I'd have Cleo and Pope break up as well. Pope needs to figure out his future and how to honor his family, and Cleo needs to figure out what life looks like for her in this new country. She's not from the OBX, she's gotta have baggage and memories and stuff to work through. She had an entire life before season two. She can't just be into knives and kiss Pope every few episodes. That's lame.
Overall, I just want more character development outside of their relationships. Hahaha.
So many questions! But I'm excited! RANT OVER! Hahahaha.
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missmeganlee · 2 years
@spaghett-shitposts this is a response to your post: Do people think Wille should or should not abdicate. I was just gonna reblog with my answer, but she kinda got away from me to the point where I thought an actual post would be better.
I'm team Wille should NOT abdicate.
I've touched on this in posts/reblogs before, but I think he can do more good if he was still Crown Prince. There's a lot of generational trauma that comes with being a figure of the monarchy. That's a fact. And, yes, that trauma has very much hurt Wille. BUT, I think him abdicating would just pass down that generational trauma to the next heir apparent instead of actually changing the system of the monarchy. Because Wille abdicating would not kill the monarchy. The people in power would just look to other branches of the royal bloodline for their next ruler, whether that be a first cousin, younger sibling of Kristina's, or even a relative of Kristina's parents. It takes A LOT more than just someone abdicating to crush a monarchy. In his position as the Crown Prince and future heir to the throne, he can change how the monarchy works and operates from the inside, which is way more effective than being on the outside trying to break in. It's about stopping the cycle of trauma from continuing rather than passing that duty on to someone else. Whenever I think about this topic my mind always goes back to The Princess Diaries and something that Lily said to Mia when they're making up after their fight, "wanting to rock the world, but having zip power, like me, now that's a nightmare. But, you, wow... Wow is having the power to affect change. Make people listen."
Wille has the ability to be a powerful ruler (as we saw when he basically took over The Society from August) and a ruler for the people (which we saw when he agree with Simon after the debate in class). And I think he can be the ruler who "modernizes" the monarchy and brings it into the 21st century. He's more in-tune with what currently are his people's values and ideals are. (Personally, I think one of his signature causes will be mental health, which is a huge topic of conversation right now) And to give credit to Kristina, Wille doesn't take for granted the privilege he has as Crown Prince (being a prince is a privilege not a punishment), which makes him more likable in the eyes of the public, but he's also not going around playing "peasant" (like the aristocracy did around the time of Marie Antoinette, which made the working class hate them). Wille's just like "Hey, we're not so different from each other, even thought I have the title of Crown Prince." By working with the people, instead of against them ("I'm better than you and I know it" a la August Horn), Wilhelm can be a good, powerful, and effective ruler for his people.
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crimsonxhands-blog · 7 years
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Task 003 Bloodlines: The Crimson Legacy
“But the hearts of small children are delicate organs. A cruel beginning in this world can twist them into curious shapes. The heart of a hurt child can shrink so that forever afterwards it is hard and pitted as the seed of a peach. Or again, the heart of such a child may fester and swell until it is a misery to carry within the body, easily chafed and hurt by the most ordinary things.”
tw: drugs & drug use (pictured & mentioned), alcohol (pictured & mentioned), guns (pictured & mentioned), violence (pictured & mentioned), neglect (mentioned)
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Maverick Crimson & Olive Brady || Fifty-Three & Fifty-Two || Beaufort, South Carolina || Current Location Unknown 
If you read their love story on paper you’d very quickly become a fan of the passion and dedication Maverick and Olive have to each other and their chosen lifestyle. If you were told the fairytale of a couple of primary school sweethearts in a small town in South Carolina, who fell in love and ran away to pursue adventure, how could you not dream of such a love? They were the best of friends growing up, and through high school that translated to truer feelings. They were each others passion, escape, colour in a black and white world. They only wanted each other, their beat up van and the open road.
Now if I told you the story of two parents who neglected their children to the point that they entirely forgot their names. If these two parents in turn even forgot how many children they had. Young but entirely unloving towards the small lives they brought into the world. Feeding their children stolen food and abandoning them for entire nights in the back of a car. What if I told you a story about a couple that had 7 kids over the span of 20 years, and abandoned each at a small house in Muddy Waters to fend for themselves and each other.
Both are true stories about Maverick Crimson and Olive Brady. Having their first child as teenagers they had a dream to travel around America in a van. To make no real home or roots, just them and new experiences everyday. They were addicted to adventure, but that wasn’t the only thing they were addicted too. Alcohol and drugs were as much a lifestyle to them as their van travels. If they weren’t high, or drunk, or some combination of both, they were stealing and lying and betraying. They love each other and their chosen vices, and outside of that they had quickly decided there was not enough room for anyone else. They bought a house in Muddy Waters with some money they’d won in Vegas, and since that day the only time they thought of this home was when they had another kid to drop off.
Lark was left at 5 years old, and then began a habit of leaving their offspring at this place to be forgotten. To unburden themselves and their amazing lifestyle from children and responsibility. This house was where they went to reset, to forget and start fresh on a new chapter. They didn’t hate their children, they simply didn’t love them. And that made leaving them so very easy to do. They don’t know how many kids they’ve left in Muddy Waters, their names or anything about them. Honestly, they’re content on the road. Children were never the future for them.
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Lark Crimson || Thirty-Six || Las Vegas, Nevada || Lasted 5 years
The leader of their clan and the first one to be abandoned by Maverick and Olive. He was barely five when his parents left without a word. One night he went to sleep in his bed under the stairs, they were smoking on the back porch talking about all the things they wanted to see one day. Then he woke up the next morning to silence, turns out they’d gone to see those sights without him. Lark got by on the generosity of others, his neighbours coming over every evening to bring him some food, local shop owners giving him some loose change from the tip jar so he could get by. Until he was old enough to start fairing for himself, Lark was taken care of by the community of Muddy Waters and more importantly to him, The Northside Rascals. He grew up dedicated to the gang before he was even a member. He idolised the people that took care of him the way his parents never had. And he vowed to take care of his family and to repay the Rascals with his undying loyalty. Present day, he does just that.
The original child, and the parent to the clan of misfits Muddy Waters now know as the Crimson Seven. Lark has become the loving role model each child that came after him needed. He was the type of brother that would beat the shit out of any kid that teased his sibling even once. And then when the sun went down and everyone went to sleep, he’d go through each room and pull the blanket up to make sure nobody got cold. He’d deny it with his last breath, but he has become their parental figure. Each and every Crimson looks up to their brother, his courage and bravery, his care and loyalty, his sacrifice for all of them.
The softest side you’ll ever seen of Lark Crimson is when he speaks about his little brother Bodhi. It’d been just him and the girls, when that little five month old kid appeared in his life. From the first day he’d spent with Bodhi, Lark knew he was different. He didn’t throw explosive tantrums like Clove, or constantly talk like Finley. No he was…..quiet. Always watching his siblings move around him. Lark took care of Bodhi in a much different fashion than he did the girls, because he knew Bodhi wasn’t going to tell him if something happened. Lark knew the world was cruel and could see from the smile of a young Bodhi, that the boy was going to give his heart to people that were going to hurt him. So he was always checking on Bodhi, always asking if he was okay. Lark sat out the front of Bodhi door for eighteen years, every night, just to hear him play his guitar. To feel some part of his soul. It hurts every fibre of his being when he has to see his brother suffer under the unreciprocated love of their parents. 
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Finley Crimson || Thirty || Salmon National Park, Idaho || Lasted 1.5 years
The second child and most wide eyed of them all, Finley arrived at the Crimson household halfway to two, and she found her eight year old brother. The most nurturing of the Crimson Seven, she always has a soft hand and gentle word for each of her siblings. She is a far cry from the violence and fire that Clove spits. In fact if Finley didn’t love her siblings so dearly, she would have taken off to the woods long ago to live her life in a tent by a river. She is known as Lark’s co-parent and the good cop of the two. She is the first with a tissue in hand when someone cries or has a troubling situation. Full of photos to share from their lives together as their own little family, and book quotes that could fill a library in her mind. When her siblings use their fists to fight their battles, Finley is readily there with a first aid kit to back them up. She’s reckless in her own right, but will always look out for her family first.
Finley set the tone for a softer side of the Crimson’s, she encouraged them to not bottle everything up but within the comfort of their home to open up with one another. But god help them all had they let everything turn to fire and anger from when they were young. To be fair not everyone had fully embraced Finley’s attempts to keep them all sane, but most respect her attempts to heal her siblings pain. She sees the pain her parents have left in their absence, she feels it herself. She has told Lark from well ago when they were children, that if she had the choice she’d bring the moon down to crush their parents and give a star to each of the Seven to chase out the dark holes in their hearts. It was up to Finley she’d take all the heavy hearts she sees in the darkened crying corners of their home, and she’d burden them upon herself to see her siblings live a life of love and fullness.
In her loving heart, Finley has always had the softest spot for Bodhi. Not because he’s different from the rest of them, including herself, but because he’s the hardest to read. In all her long speeches over the breakfast table about being open and honest and vulnerable with one another, Bodhi has always been the hardest to crack. She can read every one of her siblings, they’re pain is clear as day to her, even the fakest of Gryff’s smiles. But Bodhi is much quieter than everyone else, he’s a lot more reserved with his pain. He doesn’t fly through the door of the house and yell about how angry or upset he is. He walks in like any other day, and pretends like the world hadn’t crashed around him. Finley, aside from Lark, feels most connected to Bodhi. She sees a lot of her wide eyed hope in her younger brother, and she also sees a lot of stubborn loyalty to people that will continue to hurt him.
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Clove Crimson || Twenty-Eight || St. Louis, Missouri || Lasted 3 weeks
If there was a Crimson that everyone knew about, it would third oldest Clove. The sharpest of tongues and knives to match, she is the last sibling you’d want to get on the bad side of. More dangerous than the other six combined, Clove’s first solution is always undoubtedly violence. If it weren’t for her great ability to avoid capture, Clove would most definitely be imprisoned by this point. She has taught ever sibling to both take a punch and throw a harder one. Because Clove believes while she is always willing to murder someone that wrongs her family, they should always be able to fight back in the moment. So while her older siblings may have a more nurturing hand, Clove dishes it out as it is and doesn’t hold back. Whether that be getting into a fight with Van about his blatant disregard for his health and siblings worry for him, or running Sunny’s good for nothing boyfriend over with her car, Clove has no boundaries. And while she is reckless when it comes to the safety and well being of her family, she can be sensible in her individual life.
After twenty-eight years, Clove has still taken the abandonment of her parents perhaps the hardest. While her other siblings, aside from Bodhi, have taken to no longer caring and ridding themselves of worry, Clove harbours a lot of anger. She was abandoned the earliest and nobody mentions that, but she is awfully aware of this fact. She’s hates her parents like she’s never hated anyone before, not only for her own abandonment but for that of her siblings. Especially the likes of Finley and Bodhi, who have the purest hearts the world has ever seen. It’s this kind of anger that has found her knelt over her unconscious mother several times, a knife in hand ready to take her pain away. Or with a fistful of her fathers shirt, slamming him against the wall ready to unload her anger through her fists hitting his face. Lark is always there to pull her away, and Gryff to take her to the bar to keep her away. But that has never stopped the urge or desire of getting on her bike and hunting them down to a far off place where nobody would be there to stop her.
Nobody is immune to Clove’s aggressive outbursts, not even Bodhi. There has been a few times where she has stormed into his room and given him hell. But it has only ever been an uncontrollable outburst of frustration towards his constant attempts to make their parents love him. She knows he deserves more than a life of chasing their love and care, that if he let it go he could have so much more. But Clove doesn’t have the words to say that, the only way she knows how is to yell. But despite their few quarrels, Clove has always looked out for Bodhi. She was the first one to beat up a bunch of high school boys who were giving him a hard time, and she was always the one to drop him off at class in primary school. She had been Bodhi’s protector since he was a kid, and still is. On the day his leg was run over and his life had changed forever, Clove brought him the cane that he still uses to this day. She’s anger and he’s kindness, but they’re strangely good at understanding each other.
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Gryff Crimson || Twenty-One || San Francisco, California || Lasted 2 months
Perhaps the craziest of them all Gryff is never seen without a spray paint can in hand and a mischievous grin to match. His laugh is intoxicating and his art is mesmerising. He has the creativity of Finley and the careless attitude of Clove. Gryff contributes to family discussions with misplaced jokes and a humorous approach to sometimes very serious situations. This can annoy the more sensible of the clan, though somehow Gryff has always become a very vital part of any hard time in the Crimson household. He doesn’t nurture like Finley, he distracts. Gryff encourages his siblings to ignore their problems and instead focus on other things, this isn’t the best received advice but it works for some. Gryff is proud to hold the title of longest arrest record among his siblings, getting arrested countless times for vandalism, car theft and break and enter. He’s as fun as the Crimson’s come and he knows it.
Since he was a boy Gryff hasn’t even batted an eyelash at his parents disregard and lack of care for any of the Crimson Seven. He has shown very little care for them when they drop in, and some would even question if he notices their presence at all. Of all the siblings Gryff is the only one that completely ignores the two and is seemingly unaffected by their actions. He’s vocal with his emotions aside from when it comes to his parents. When Maverick and Olive are in question, Gryff paints. A myriad of paintings have been created from their visits, littered around the house. Every drop off that he saw, Gyrff painted and as for those that came before him he created pieces from the stories he’d been told. He doesn’t care about what his parents did or where they are in the world. All he wants to do is create works of art so the Crimson Seven will never forgot how they came together as a family from the harshest of places to the tightest of units.
From the day younger sister Sunny was dropped off, Gryff was moved into Bodhi’s room, and they’ve shared ever since. The two have an unlikely bond, almost polar opposites but the closest of friends. They’ve literally grown up in each others pockets, the space equally their own. They’ve always supported one another in their creative outlets, and their room has quickly become an expression of the two of them combined. Gryff teaches Bodhi how to live life more in the moment and Bodhi is teaching Gryff to slow down before he burns out. They’re strangely good influences on each other. 
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Sunny Crimson || Eighteen || Marfa, Texas || Lasted 1 year
There isn’t much to be said about Sunny Crimson, aside from the fact that she is equal part Old Hollywood Glamour and small town grunge. She dances worthy of a spot among ballet royalty, then she’ll get on her skateboard with a cigarette between her lips and take off until the middle of the night. She was either going to be a smaller version of Clove, or move on to become a big star someday. It was clear what her other six siblings would have wanted for her, but somehow Sunny was happy living in a perfect combination of both. Because she wasn’t one or the other, she was a bit of each. If you paid a few minutes attention you’d see that Sunny is a little bit of every sibling that has come before her. She has Lark’s courage, Finley’s drive, Clove’s aggression, Bodhi’s contentedness and Gryff’s way of looking at the world. Maybe that was what maybe Sunny so hard to pin down, she was a mesh of a million different things.
When Sunny arrived at the house, everyone was surprised. It had been four years since Gryff came, they honestly weren’t expecting another one after such a long time. And everyone was only further surprised to learn that Sunny had been with their parents a year already, nobody since Finley had last even more than 5 months. But that didn’t change anything, they still welcomed her with open arms and a loving attitude. They’re having a tougher time with her lately, Sunny taking a more selfish stance than most that had come before her. She’d still do anything for her siblings, she’d walk through hell and fight the devil for each and every one of them. Though she does have a slight tenancy to put her own wants first.
Sunny isn’t as close with Bodhi as most, she finds that she doesn’t understand him. They’re similar in many aspects, they’re both quieter than the rest, both content with a small town life, of never getting out. They’re both at peace with their inevitable future in Muddy Waters and their mediocre lives despite their talents. But what Sunny doesn’t understand is how Bodhi can hold onto such hope and faith in the world after everything that’s happened. She gets it with Finley, because Finley is only doing it for her siblings wanting the greatest opportunities for them. As is Bodhi, but Sunny can’t quiet wrap her head around his dead set attitude on saving people that are beyond help. Sunny feels disconnected from Bodhi, more so than the others. But that has never stopped her from being there, or from him being there for her. From each dance performance she had, or each musical performance he had. It didn’t stop her from sleeping in the hospital when he was in with his knee, or him helping her with her homework when it didn’t quite make sense. They don’t get each other, they’re not close, but their still Crimsons, they still love each other.
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Van Crimson || Sixteen || New York City, New York || Lasted 8 months
The youngest and the biggest cause of the arguments inside of the Crimson household, Van has very little care for the world around him. He’s young, already addicted to drugs and a lover of everything frowned upon by the community and more important his siblings. Van is not a bad guy, not in any sense, but it’s a known fact that he follows most in their parents footsteps. He’s chasing the illusive dream, he wants to party, get drunk and high then smash anything and everything he sees. Some of the older siblings will argue that Van is just a teenager and that his actions are due to his young age and careless attitude. Though other siblings, mainly Lark and Clove, will argue that he’s self serving and destructive due to following his own desires and not considering the consequences. Everyone has a different opinion on Van’s lifestyle, and honestly the youngest Crimson couldn’t care less about what any of them said about what he was doing. He has disregarded what they have said to him for so long now that he feels like he has his own separate rule book.
Van doesn’t hate his family, not at all. He simply loves his lifestyle as much as he does them. And it is those similarities to their parents that scare and worry his oldest siblings. Now he doesn’t idolise his parents, he hates them as much as anyone else. But he can’t see the uncanny likeness between himself and them. Van just wants to be a typical guy, he talks about getting out of Muddy Waters and leaving some place far away. Of living the dream as people call it, he talks of forging his own path. Someday he might grow out of it, his siblings would never ask him too, but they like the family together. All they have is each other, and it would appear that Van isn’t as interested in that as everyone else.
Bodhi feels heavily responsible for Van, nobody ever made it a point to say that Bodhi himself needed to look out for Van, he’d simply taken it upon himself. Nowadays the middle child well and truly has his work cut out for him. Van uses his kindness and protective instinct to his advantage. Bodhi will follow his younger brother around to his most criminal acts in hopes that somehow he could stop or help his brother from getting into further trouble. The biggest problem being that when Van knows he has a helping hand nearby, it only drives him to choose more reckless acts. Decisions Bodhi usually has to answer for as much, if not more than Van. Little does the youngest brother know he is the reason Bodhi’s leg got run over in the first place. Van had run out to their parents, under the impression that if he asked nicely they’d stay. But Bodhi had chased him to stop the younger boy and put himself between Van and their parents speeding off in a fury. Bodhi had given up his leg under the wheel the their parents car, for a little boy that didn’t know better.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Like I know we discussed country boy Echo, so if you wanted to do the rest of TBB as country boys I wouldn't be mad about it. You know I'd be all over that and I'd probably read it until I pass out from delight.
Howdy howdy, indeed we did! I am sharing the ask now so I can have my inbox cleared to put my mind at rest,, but here is the Hunter x Reader yeehaw headcanons for us and others, my friend 😌
This may be a bit short and bad? I'm super exhausted but wanted to write something 👊😔
Echos || Wreckers
Modern!Cowboy/Redneck!Hunter Headcanons
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Hunter would definitely be that one guy that did everything for everyone
If he saw an old lady locked out of their car?
He'd find a way to break in without damaging the car.
Saw someone broke down?
He'd help them with their troubles.
Saw you struggling to lift something heavy?
He'd be on top of things and most definitely helping you any chance he could.
Hunter would also have his days where he struggled to talk to people, as he does in the series and TCW.
He'd spend those days with you at home.
He'd probably still have a sensory issue, just it wouldn't be as bad as in the star wars verse, since this is based in a modern-day type au.
He would have a dog. Probably a German Shepard or a Black lab.
They would go everywhere with him
When you're somewhere out of town, whether it be for work or to visit family. The dog is always under his arm for comfort.
When you're home, he's hugging on you and the dog is normally at the foot of the bed.
Hunter loves taking you joy riding.
The two of you'll be gone for hours just to take a ride in his pickup.
He'd bring blankets so the two of you could cuddle in the bed of the truck and star gaze.
He'd sometimes fall asleep on your shoulder if he's had a rough day.
If you can drive Stick he's gonna lose his shit
That's the hottest shit in his eyes, doesn't really even know why.
And if you can and will do a lot of yard work and manual labor?
Lawd have mercy he's gunna bust.
Omega is his adopted daughter who you end up adopting as your own once you and Hunter get serious.
After a couple years she's a nosy girl all
"When will I get a sister?"
"Or a brother! Or either! I just want a sibling."
You'd get flustered, you and hunter rarely talk about kids
But after that the conversation strikes up that night and you admit you've wanted a couple kids of your own.
Hunter goes absolutely feral on you that night.
Mans always wanted his own kids
He'd crack jokes about having more helping hands on the farm
Oh, Hunter absolutely loves swimming too
He just seems like he would be that one guy that would be in the middle of the lake just having the time of his life, not even worrying about getting back to shore or the fact he could get ran over by some dumbass on a boat.
Who thinks about that when there's all this water to swim?
He would most definitely start building things for your future kids.
Even if you weren't pregnant, yet.
He'd make a whole ass tree house and Omega would use it for the next few years because,
"Hunter, a baby or even a toddler cannot climb in trees!"
"Oh right-"
You'd make him happy each time you even spoke kind words to his brothers.
Let alone when you would help them.
Some days he'd just stand sad watch you help Tech gather supplies for his creations
Or when you'd help Wrecker with the garden
Or when you'd just sit and converse with Crosshair, even if the conversation was more one sided.
Or even when you'd help Echo around when his prosthetics bothered him.
His favorite things to see is sunrise and the sun beaming through the window to gentle kiss your skin.
He'd also definitely take you to races or demolition derbies.
Which you'd go to as long as the two of you could walk around after and just hold hands.
His favorite thing to do with you is hiking!
He loves it because it's just you, him, Omega and nature. Since Omega often tags along.
He love watching you play around with Omega
Or when the two of you catch frogs or lizards.
The one time he was smiling like an idiot just because Omega was chasing you with something you hated and he thought it was the funniest shit ever.
Oh, Hunter also gets you your own bandana to wear
Because once when you were doing yard work you used one of his to keep your bangs from your eyes and to collect sweat
He swears it was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.
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oswald-privileges · 3 years
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Power of Three as a series is just. full of weaknesses, most of which come down to poor continuity and structure. I'm not gonna try and fix ALL of those, bc that'd be laborious as hell, but I will pick out things that I feel are the most egregious as case studies.
What Po3 does have, tho, is an absolutely shining strength in the concept of its three main characters. After twelve books of Blandly Heroic Protagonist Syndrome, Jayfeather is an absolute godsend. He's angry! He's rude! He's unhappy! He's not nice. I Love Him And He's My Son. Lionblaze has his invincible pride (hah) and emergent bloodlust, and Hollyleaf has her moral absolutism and certainty. These are good starting points for characters. Sadly, the lack of continuity undermines what could have been three really good character arcs.
So! I present to you:
- Have there be a persistant, overarching series threat. Sol is a character with amazing villain potential who does literally nothing except hang around, and do exactly 2 Bad Things completely off-screen. This Is Not Good.
- Instead, have him be present from the second book onwards- initially introduced as a friendly but enigmatic outsider who is slowly revealed across the series to be a complete black hole of a personality, a social parasite quietly rearranging whatever community he's a part of to just-so-happen to benefit him as much as humanly possible. His "preach individualism not starclan" methods are not so much values as one strategy out of many. (to those who know me- yes i have a type. no i will not apologise.)
- Maybe his ultimate goal is to dissolve and centralise the clans or something so that he can live out his life as a political puppetmaster in all the cat-luxury he likes. idk it's hard to imagine overall stakes for this rewrite BECAUSE THE ORIGINAL DOESN'T HAVE ANY
- For gods sake you don't have a series based on the premise of "the main characters develop super powers" and then only have the second power confirmed by the end of the fourth book. I understand the first book mostly focusing on Jayfeather- his powers are obvious from the start, he's got the strongest personality of the three, he gets access to most of the prophecy plot stuff because of them. But you NEED to have the other two show an interest in something concrete happening to them beyond that, and you need to at least hint towards the other two having something unique to them even if nobody clocks it yet.
- Have Jayfeather tell his siblings about the prophecy by the end of book two at the latest. The amount of time he spends noodling around not sharing it with them is inexcusable. It's not that it's out of character for him to hang onto a secret for a bit, it's just that there's no point and it slows everything down. It would be equally in character for him to go to his siblings and be like "look, i'm SPECIAL. well you as well but ALSO ME". Boy starts off as desperate for recognition, what can I say
- Have Jayfeather discover that StarClan don't withhold signs or information on purpose for the sake of "building courage and faith" or whatever nonsense. Seeing and communicating the future is metaphysically very difficult, so interpreting signs and messages is a genuine skill, or even an art. The cats of StarClan, however, really are just ghosts, much more similar to living cats than the currently living believe. This is the impotus for Jayfeather's discarding of his reverence for StarClan, which remains consistent throughout the series.
- Have Hollyleaf and Jayfeather both still change their cat careers in the first book, but put place more attention on the fact that they basically switched jobs. Have a scene where they end up yelling at each other, because can't the other see how lucky they have it? The tension breaks when they realise they've both lost something important to them- Jayfeather his chance to prove he's as capable as a sighted cat, and Hollyleaf her path to helping her clan in the way she thinks is best. They commiserate together, and reluctantly promise to do the best they can with their lots, so they don't waste the path the other wishes they'd taken. This closeness is eroded over the series as they disagree more and more on the subject of StarClan and its role in their moral choices and obligations.
- Speaking of Hollyleaf! I nearly threw my phone across the room when the first Omen of the Stars book claimed that Hollyleaf "worked so hard to discover her power to help her clan". Where, Ms Erins??? I would have LOVED to have seen that!! Hollyleaf expresses absolutely no concern over the details of what power she has/will develop, and only has a couple of scenes even touching on her ambitions to help her clan. She has some vague ideas about becoming leader and like one scene where she gets to do some leadery things, but that never gets followed up on. What does happen is that the whole "warrior code" thing becomes more and more a part of her personality (for no clear reason) until she snaps.
- Hollyleaf going off the deep end is something I wanted so badly to get into and be moved by, because I could see where it comes from! Her moral certainty is fascinating, especially since it's based in something as abstract as the warrior code- which, when you think about it, isn't really... anything. There's no concrete set of rules that make it up, no traditional wording or cat philosophers, not even any fables. It's a handful of agreed-upon, common sense rules- don't cross boundaries, don't take prey that isn't yours, respect your ancestors, and don't murder. That's it!
- So, combining the above points, I think Hollyleaf not being one of the Three should stay, but both the audience and the characters are given good reason to believe she is. By around the third volume, make it so that Hollyleaf has found that her power is to get cats to "Do The Right Thing"- i.e. what she wants them to do. She sneaks off often to see Sol, who teachs her how to use this power. Her siblings are concerned about this new power, having already gotten a glimpse at what Sol can do, but she's confident that she can only use this power for good. Volume-specific plot happens, Sol manipulates her into causing him to win, she is shocked and horrified, and vows to stick ridgedly to what she knows is right i.e. The Warrior Code
- However, the more fervently she tries to stick to this abstract idea, the less it gives her results, the more her power seems to be failing. Believing that StarClan is taking her power away from her, she becomes caught up in a faith-guilt spiral that puts her in the position to snap at the end of the series. By that point it's clear to her siblings that Hollyleaf has no power- she was just very, very good at persuading people to do what she wanted.
- Lionblaze is a girl now because I Said So. This Cat Is Trans And There's Nothing You Can Do About It.
- Her relationship with Heathertail stays the same- childhood sweethearts who are torn apart as they begin to understand the nature of the societal divides that exist between them.
- This can be used to contextualise the whole "half clan/outsider blood" thing as a cultural contradiction. In reality, inter- and outer- clan relationships aren't at all rare. They can't be, otherwise the whole society would be inbred out of existence in like five generations. But if at least one society of humans can spend a good 200 years pretending Sex Is Bad And Sinful Actually then cats can have persistant cat-racism in the face of all logic. Heathertail clocks this contradiction, Lionblaze doesn't.
- Her relationship-to-power arc doesn't need changing all that much either, other than starting much sooner and being more consistent. At first, she's completely overjoyed by her power, since unlike her siblings, it lines up so well with her ambition- become the finest warrior any of the clans have to offer. As the berserker rage aspect becomes more prevelent, she becomes more and more disturbed by the fact that she isn't disturbed by what she can do, and that she doesn't want the escalation of her power to stop.
- Tigerstar still does his thing, but Brambleclaw knows about it. He recognises the signs from when his father used to visit him, and tries to train Lionblaze in his own way. She ends up caught between wanting to be a good warrior, and testing the limits of her power.
- Jayfeather can stay basically the same because he's my perfect little angy boy and nothing needs to change. His arcs can be strengthened by having a more robust relationship with Yellowfang where they try to out-bitch each other, and coming to terms with his internalised ablism. Maybe he has a chat with Mothwing about faith a couple of times. Him furiously lashing out at being offered help transitions into an acceptence and understanding of his abilities more naturally. He never stops being A Grumpy Old Man.
- All fucking past-lives unexplained time travel goes in the BIN. Doesn't fucking happen. You can have that lore dump sprinkled across the books, or come from going deep into the tunnels and having a surreal meeting. Make it properly eldritch-level scary, shake Jayfeather's confidence in the idea of them being just a bunch of ghosts.
- Have the way Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight present very clearly as parents to the Three be explicitly, textually unusual. One of the things I liked so much about the first series was an almost total lack of emphasis on who was mated with who, and who was related or not. It felt very real to how feral cat colonies form, where raising kittens is a communal job. This gets completely dropped the moment series 2 starts and now the cats have monogamy.
- This emphasis on the family unit and fostering close relationships between parents and kittens is deliberate on the part of both Leafpool and Squirrelflight. Their aim is to cover for Leafpool so she doesn't lose her role as medicine cat- something she already gave up Crowfeather for before she was pregnant.
- In that little bit of backstory, have a robust reason for both Leafpool and Squirrelflight to leave the camp while Leafpool is pregnant and giving birth, possibly one that ties into the present day story in some minor way. I don't know how, it would just make that element of the story a lot more ground than "we left, the kits were born, then we came back and everyone was cool with it"
- When it comes to the "I am Not your mother" reveal, Jayfeather and Lionblaze are confused and hurt that they were lied to, but come to the reasonable conclusion that well, since they were raised mostly by Squirrelflight, saw Leafpool often, and are loved by both, they don't hate her. Lionblaze has something of a crisis over being half-clan, possibly initiating an attempted reunion with Heathertail. Jayfeather is more concerned with how other cats will think it makes him lesser, something he's still sensitive too.
- Hollyleaf, meanwhile, completely fucking snaps at the way her mother Violated Part Of The Code. It's a completely irrational reaction, but expected because she's been growing more and more reliant on The Code for the whole series, and less and less stable in her attempts to aid her clan and train to be its new leader.
- Squirrelflight is the one to murder Ashfur. This is easy to work out while reading- she's literally the only one of the four with a motive who isn't a perspective character. The mystery is less around finding out who did it, and more about why she did it (it's very ambiguous as to whether it was an accident or not). The main tension comes from who finds out when.
- Lionblaze is shocked, awed by how far she'd go to protect the three of them, and reassures her she did the right thing (as a way to salve her own uncertainty over her own longing for violence). Jayfeather makes it all about himself because he's Jayfeather- upset that he didn't know immediately, instead of, you know, figuring it out in a few hours because he can basically read minds. They try their best to hide it from Hollyleaf, who is already rattling around the final volume as a full-on antagonist, but are unsuccessful. This almost costs them something incredibly important- possibly Squirrelflight's life.
- the whole plot with the Tribe Of Rushing Water is a MASSIVE can of worms that could be removed from the series without issue. As it is:
- Characterize the Tribe as uncertain of how to fight other cats, because yes, they haven't had to do this before. DON'T characterise them as pathetic, doing whatever their leader says without thinking, and with ancestors who have Given Up
- Have some of the Tribe be really good at the violence. Worryingly good. Have others be sickened by what they're being asked to do.
- Have some of the clan cats reflect on what they've done. Hollyleaf would be all for introducing this society to jesus The Code, but even she might be horrified at being thanked by a tribe cat who can't wait to get out there and win themselves glory, only to be killed a few hours later
- The Tribe begin a new tradition of marking the walls in the mud they use as camoflage in order to commemorate their battles, and memorialise the fallen. One of the characters reflects on the fact that in a generation or two, the Tribe will feel like it's always been this way. How many of their own traditions- those that feel almost like natural law- started out the same way?
- Have Sol as the leader of the invaders, or maybe having insinuated himself into the tribe as a "mediator" and doing his charismatic cult leader thing.
- Cinderheart isn't a reincarnation of Cinderpelt. She's just named after her bc Cinderpelt saved her mother from a badger. this is because I think the reincanation thing is stupid and I can't think of a way to make it good.
- No more using tails as hand gestures like covering people's mouths. Never. None of it. It's expunged from existence.
Disclaimer: I haven't read Omen of the Stars yet, so I can't account for anything that might happen in that series that's grounded in Po3. I'm like... two thirds of the way through the first volume. I'm Not Impressed.
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Chapter 132 :)
(This post is queued so goodluck to yall when this is posted lol)
I'm going to talk about how likely the fiances are going to end up together.
Gwen and Frederick
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Come on guys let's not kid ourselves, they're the main couple. They are gonna end up together lmao.
That aside, these two have grown their relationship. Gwen settling on them becoming friends at first gave way for them to progress their relationship at their own pace. They got to know each other's interests. Frederick's knowledge with administrative support was helpful to Gwen and she genuinely appreciates it, she saw it as one of his strengths.
Of course Frederick was open to his dislikes at first, although there's that. He had grown to like Gwen in and out.
They communicated their feelings to each other and they know that they have feelings for each other.
Of course, the biggest issue with their relationship is Gwen not telling Frederick about the damage that he had caused her. Frederick had grown and starting to stop fearing his demons, and we all saw that even when he was the first one to snap out of it and try to fix things with Gwen in 132.
I honestly don't know how they will fix their relationship, but I hope it'll make Gwen realize that she shouldn't think of marriage with Frederick as a "Happy ever after" and try to speedrun to it. There is still ups and downs in a relationship no matter how much you love each other, Leelathae and Jack's relationship is proof of that.
Lorena and Lance
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Honestly, I'm not sure about them.
No thoughts head empty couple
Lance can be a malewife /j
Both are too grounded to their loyalty to their kingdom
They both follow the pace their siblings have
They are still very stubborn about their future
We all know Suzie ok, the girlie in love with Lance and Lorena's self-proclaimed bestie.
Although I was annoyed at her trying to break Lance and Lorena's relationship at the gala. She easily brings out the strengths and weaknesses of their relationship as well.
Suzie said that their are compatible, a bit too compatible and she's right. Lance is basically a male version of Lorena. They both love eating, fighting, have dreams of leading the military of their own kingdoms, they want to support their siblings, and they aren't willing to side with others for it. They are so alike that it's a problem.
Lance and Lorena clicked together at first. When all is lighthearted and happy. But when their futures comes into play, thats a major conflict.
They both said that "they'll work it out" but when? They keep giggling about how they can't decide yet, but when it comes to it, who are they siding with? Well, 132 answers that. Lance, whether out of fear or not, sided with the Plaid Princes, even when he saw how much is Gwen is hurting. Everyone in that room knows that Frederick was in the wrong, yet he chose to defend him.
Suzie doesn't sugarcoat her words with Lorena. She acknowledges Lorena's weakness and tells her how to improve. Although from time to time, we see that Suzie is slowly warming up to her, though in-denial lmao. Lorena really likes Suzie, almost all their meetings are Lorena attempting to hug her. Now, that LoreLance broke up, who will Suzie chose I wonder? Her long time crush or her bestfriend?
Maria and Blaine
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I do not Think. They even have a chance to be together anymore.
Blaine is just a huge red flag (pun intended) for me.
Blaine already has a dream, that is to lead his kingdom and become the greatest ruler of Plaid Kingdom. Blaine is the most favoured child by Leland, not out of love but because he fulfilled all of his expectations and wishes perfectly. Blaine had learned how to hide his imperfections and he knows to hide his ugly sides in order to show the world his perfect self. And when his imperfections are revealed to the ones he wants to hide it from the most, he begins to breakdown.
His downfall began when Leland acknowledged Frederick and not him during the dinner party.
His engagement to Maria is also a wildcard. Maria liked him for his looks at first, and that worked out for both of them. Blaine had played as the charming and perfect fiance and Maria gobbled it up.
Maria is also a culprit to this. As the eldest sister, she played as the elegant fiance which also worked for Blaine. But also, while Maria liked the perfect him, she was good with getting to know each other at a slower pace. But Blaine stuck to being perfect that she was taken a back when he got mad the first time and rejected her advances.
After Dandridge(?) called out Maria's behavior, she had reflected on it and comforted Blaine during the piano competition that she'd still support him.
However, all of this progress broke in 132. It revealed a side to Blaine that Maria never even considered.
When her own sister was hurting because of Frederick, where was the fiance that she liked? There, siding with his brother and defending him despite knowing that he is in the wrong. We've seen from time to time that Blaine tends to get out of control when he's mad. And that ultimately led to him spilling his true opinion on Gwen.
Of course, that already was enough to show Maria how far Blaine is willing to hide his ugly side. That in secret, this whole time, he too, had the same view as Frederick which unfortunately hasn't changed.
Insulting her would be another thing, but Blaine had insulted her sister, her sister who looked similar similar to her deceased mother.
How would that be fixed now? Especially if Blaine apologized, it doesn't change that he meant what he said, and said it in the girls' presence, and with the knowledge that he might be apologizing just to keep appearances?
(Maria play "Surface Pressure")
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The many conversations of Elinor and Silver (Pt. 24)
Jim: Lukas? I haven't seen you in awhile! Hows it been?
Lukas: Oh hey Jim, I've been pretty good. Strange to see you here on this planet tho.. did you get an invite too?
Jim: you mean me and Sophie aren't the only ones that received these invitation letters..?
Tori: Oh my gosh, hi guys!! It's so nice to see you again :)))
Jim: oh hey Tori, huh I wonder if more people will show up..
Lukas: maybe they're already here..?
Sophie, hears nearby chatting: does anybody else here that?
Tori: yeah me too..
Jim: let's check it out
*all four of them walk closer to where the chatting is coming from. Behind a couple of bushes, Elinor and Silver are having a conversation with each other.*
Elinor, groaning: oof... I feel like I doubled in my weight and my feet are starting to ache from having this little one inside me..
Silver: maybe you should sit down, love. Don't want ye stressin' yourself out now
Elinor, taking a seat: you're right... maybe I should... take a break... for a while.. *slowly begins to fall asleep*
Elinor, now wide awake: JESUS CHRIST! Give me a heart attack why don't cha??
Tori: sorry Elli..
Elinor: Tori, honey, it's nice to see you and I love you but my goodness, try not to yell so loud
Tori: oh Okie :3
Elinor, sighs softly: anyway, I'm supposing you youngsters got our invitation now did ye?
Sophie: you two were the ones sending these invitations..?
Silver: of course we were! Even tho Elli did most of the writing.. we wanted to invite you all for a celebration!
Jim: what type of celebration?
Tori: like a birthday party??
Lukas: aw, are you two finally getting married? :))
Sophie: ooo! Sign me up for a bachelorette party!
Silver, chuckling softly: not those types of celebrations.. Elli would you mind telling em'?
Elinor: ...
Elinor: I'm pregnant.
Literally everyone:
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Everyone: ...
Jim: I mean.. uh... Congratulations!
Elinor, giggling softly: it's okay sweetheart, you could say that they'll be a sibling to all of you since we're a family.. no?
Silver: yes darlin', we most definitely are.. *gives her a kiss on the cheek*
Sophie: awww 🥺
Lukas: awww 🥺
Jim: awww 🥺
Tori, sniffling: I love this family so much.. *proceeds to cry loudly*
Silver: Tori don't cry! This is a celebration, you should be happy...
Tori: I'm sorry.. *sniffles* I just get so emotional about these types of things 🥺😢
Elinor: alright, enough with the chit chatting. How about we go play some baby shower games before I fall asleep in my chair?
Sophie: O me!
Lukas: me too!
Jim: count me in!
Tori: heck yeah let's play!!
Cetus: So do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?
Andrew, sipping some punch: I dunno..
Cetus: wanna make a bet 😏?
Andrew: what are you offering..?
Cetus: Well, who ever gets the gender of the baby right, owes the other fifty bucks.. you in?
Andrew: hmm... Sure why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm betting it's a girl.
Cetus: then I'm betting it's a boy. Hope you have fun losing 😏
Andrew: Well, I hope you won't miss losing fifty bucks 😏
Silver, behind them menacingly: Can you two stop gambling on my future child for a moment and pass out these party favors like I asked you two...
Cetus & Andrew: 😥😥 Right away Silver!
(Elinor belongs to me
Sophie belongs to @sleeplessdreamer14
Lukas belongs to @wallymcflubberfins
Tori belongs to @authorchanlove
Cetus and Andrew belong to @aalbliii )
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angelfireeast · 3 years
Supergirl series final
Everyone got a happy ending and Densen got a big beautiful wedding that was just about them. A wedding that Thundergrace and Westallen were denied. It was so nice to see someone finally get that.
My thoughts as episodes aired:
Kelly looks so heartbroken while Alex is all rage😭😭😭
Alex and Kelly on same page of do anything for their daughter
Two ships are going go down in flames tonight and they are both as toxic as each other and I'm gonna laugh laugh laugh
They are breaking Esme's heart by making her think that her parents again and she losing being the love totem
Yes Andrea you are monster for doing whatever YOU THINK you have to do get what you want. You crossed the massive line and William was murdered for it. He died protecting you. You have no ethics.
William is someone Kara loves. That will make wackos angry even though she loved him as a friend not a love interest.
I'm so glad there is no "no killing Lex" talk. None of that bullshit.
Lillian laughing in Lex's face was good.
Esme is KILLING me "I'm drawing my mom's I want to remember them"😭😭😭
Alex is right 😭😭😭 Esme thinks those things
Everytime someone says "that's my kryptonite" all I think of Moldy Bread telling Kara that horrible kryptonite line for the dumb ship. So glad the ship is dust
Every scene with Nia and Brainy is making me more sad about their ending.
I don't care about Lillian Nyx or Lex drama. Drop this garbage.
Superheroes putting family before the world😱 Barry is told over and over just let Iris die. Would Barry be aloud to save his children like this?
Alex would do EVERYTHING to save esme that's a mother right there. I wish we had more time with mom Alex
Ha! Lex lost his girlfriend fast
Can Alex kill Lex painfully VERY soon pls. How dare he treat her daughter like that.
Omg Emse "They came" no one has ever showed up for before😭 and now she KNOWS her family will always come
So Kara is going have to quit being supergirl cause she fucked up with the sun thing?😒
Alex should have just shot that bastard in the back like he deserved before the fight started.
Esme being the smartest one there smashing the totem. Esme fighting for her family😭 she's so tiny and so brave. She found a family who will come for her. And she will fight for them😭 I love her so much.
What was the purpose for making Lex and Nyx's face turn into lizards?
Lillian jumping in front of blast for Lex😴
Love seeing the man Kelly helped being such a positive force for people inspiring Kara to think differently.
Kara inspired everyone to be believe themselves reminds me of s1 better angels.
Mon-Hell saving Kara😴
I hate Overgirl. Hate that they choose her to come back.
Love James and Kelly working together. Love the move of her jumping off his back.
I forgot the voice James used as Guardian😭
Did Winn do anything? I guess he shot the creature with the ship.
Did Eliza jump out with a shotgun😭
That was a meh ending to Lex and Nyx. Lex should be bones and dust.
Andrea you have no right to be at William's funeral. This is as bad at Caitlin/Frost hanging HR's funeral. She makes me sick.
Mon-El never coming back? 😆 One ship down and one more to go
Andrea selling CatCo was best thing she can do
Kara feel has nothing while everyone else is empowered cause it's the end of the series and the writers gave her NOTHING. They are setting it up that Kara can't have it all. She can't have the career, be the hero, have a love interest no she has to have one or nothing. BOO
aww the gift between James and Kelly🥰 I love my Olsen siblings
Brainy said fuck the future I have love
James is sitting beside Lena the SC must have their shotguns out pointed at him.
It's so nice to have a wedding where no is making eyes at someone else. Densen getting the attention they deserve for their happy ending.
Kelly is Alex's missing puzzle piece🧩
Lena touched James hand during Densen's vows I dread to think of the hate storm heading James's way from the batshit fandom🙄
Densen wedding was prefect. It was their moment and it wasn't made about anyone else. No was even making eyes at anyone else. It was full on celebrate THEM and their love and future. It's all I ever wanted🥰
Happy ending for J'onn and Megan too!
Why isn't James dancing with the group? With his sister and niece!
The writers just called Kara boring as if they didn't write her this way.
Ship number two shot down. "Friend" “of all the friends i’ve ever had” It's not queerbaiting it's been stated over and over.
If Brainy doesn't go back to join with the big brain does that mean Mon-El has a chance to come back? Blah I refuse his ass has is future and that's where his story is from now on. He's never coming back. We are free!
Kara didn't give up being supergirl like I feared thank god!
Why couldn't WA and Thundergrace have a Densen like wedding😫 Especially Thundergrace who also had a wedding at the end of the series?
Future weddings better that a note out of Densen's book & looking at Wildmoore
What was Barry, Iris, Lois and Clark & his kids doing as the world was being sucked of hope, truth etc? I always feel weird about that
Deleted Scenes:
They deleted the only James/Esme scene? And it had such important scene with the gift and the 'I love you' and 'Uncle Jimmy'
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
Can’t Stop DNA - Part Three
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A/N - it’s finally here! Part Three/Finale. Hope you guys like it 🥺. (P.S I know the gif isn’t off Peaky Blinders aha). Let me know in the comments!!
Part One | Part Two
It was only a few hours after your conversation with Isaiah that you had rang Ada, practically wailing down the phone about how you had fucked everything up, and how you need your big sister so much right now. Even though she didn't really know the full extent of what had happened, she had heard about the pregnancy from Polly a few hours before, and knew full well what the atmosphere in the Shelby home would be right now. She was right - it felt like you were in hell, like someone had flipped a switch, turned everything upside down, like you had fallen asleep and awoken in a nightmare world, like you had read about in your dystopian books. She heard the break in your voice, the gasps for breath, and it half broke her heart that you were going through what she had. She couldn't leave you up there, not when she was sure the outcome of it would be frosty silences, or vicious arguments with your brothers, over and over again. And when you had sobbed down the phone how much you wanted this baby - like she had wanted Karl, she invited you (or rather, instructed you) to come down to London, to live with her.
In that moment it felt like Ada had thrown you a lifeline. You barely thought about it, agreeing hurriedly, and throwing things into a suitcase, and making it to the train station within half an hour of the phone call. You only spoke to Polly before you left, and though she didn't say it, you knew from the soft look in her eyes that she knew this was the best thing for you. And that filled your heart with some hope, always having believed in Polly's ability to not see into the future exactly, but to have a sense about these kinds of things. Before you got out the door, she put a wad of money into your hands, and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You tried to turn away before she could see the tears dripping down your cheeks.
Polly watched you walk down the street, head held high, a heavy feeling in her heart, and anger too, her nephews having pushed away yet another of their siblings. She never told you about how they reacted when they got home, nor did she tell about how Isaiah Jesus appeared on her doorstep, knocking frantically, or how his expression faltered when Tommy told him you'd gone away, and when something in the young mans eyes died when he told him he wouldn't tell him where. Tommy thought he was protecting you, and Polly did too.
For a while.
*************************************************The summers heat was almost unbearable, you decided, fanning your face with a half folded over newspaper, staring out the window, at the street below. The Peaky Blinders boys - two of them, stood at the end of the street, looking completely casual, almost blending in, though you knew them well by now - they were two of the lads Tommy had hired to protect Ada and you, and little Karl. You winced again, rubbing at your back, eyes looking at the large baby bump protruding from your stomach. You were eight and a half months pregnant, and it was pure, unadulterated hell, especially in this fucking heat. The 'practice' contractions the doctor told you you would have were a pain in the arse, getting worse and worse, and had been since yesterday evening, some twelve hours ago, though you were far too stubborn to tell your sister about the pain you were in.
"You better not hurt this much when you decide to come, little one." You murmured with a half smile, fingers caressing the space you imagined your baby's head would be. You were sat in Karl's old nursery - soon to be your baby's, looking at the constellations and moons that Ada had painstakingly painted when she moved in.
Losing Isaiah had taken a toll on you - a visible one at that - and it had taken you months to put yourself slowly back together, but it hadn't marred the love you had for this baby inside of you. A girl, Polly had reckoned, when she came to visit a few months ago, though Ada argued with a knowing smile that she thought it was a boy. Either way, you had said with a laugh, you just wanted them here. You couldn't deny that you were lonely. The only people you spoke to nowadays was Ada, and Polly, and Karl, if he counted, though it was doubtful, as the most he could do was gurgle adorable, if incoherent, noises.
“Y/N!” Ada yelled up the stairs, “Polly’s on the phone for you!”
“Coming!” You called back, pushing yourself into a standing position, half waddling towards the staircase, yet another one of those bloody practice contractions hitting you. Except this time, you felt something different. You felt what you were almost sure was your water breaking.
“Ada!” You shrieked ,half hysterical already.
"Okay, okay. Polly's gonna be on her way soon, okay?" Ada soothed you, you being now sat on the couch, as you had a mild meltdown, having told her at least ten times already that you didn't think you could do it, and oh fuck I'm going to be a mother. A mother, Ades! I can't do that!
"She's four hours away!" You sobbed. "I can't do it Ades, I can't do it."
"You can." She told you firmly, her eyes locking with yours. "You can okay? I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you."
"No, I can't." Your voice quietened a little. "I can't do it without him, Ades. I know I can't. Not without Is."
Her face looked pained for a few moments.
“It’s going to be okay.”
“It’s not! I was fucking stupid, Ades. All my life, he’s always been there, he’s always helped me through everything. He held my hand when I had to get stitches when John didn’t catch me when I fell outta the tree, and when I got gravel stuck in my knees, and when ... when everything bad happened, he was there. What am I gonna do?” You exclaimed, blinking back more tears.
She gripped your shoulders, looking into your eyes.
“You know what, Y/N? You’re going to be a great mum. You’re gonna be what mum was to us, okay? She fucking looked after us even after dad left, and tried her fucking best until she died. And you need to take all of the strength she had, and use it. Because you can do this. I know you can, okay. And when have I ever been wrong about anything?”
At the mention of your mum, your heart swelled a little, the pain felt a little bit less. Ada was right.
“When you told John I wasn’t going to fall out of the tree so he didn’t need to catch me?” You laughed tearily, and she snorted.
“Yeah, asides from that. You’re going to be fine, Squirrel, okay? I’m right here.”
“When the fuck is Pol going to get here.” You groaned, walking around the room slowly, trying to dim the pain a little, after the glass of whiskey that Ada had given you, saying that her birth wasn’t that bad with Karl (having been piss drunk at the time), hadn’t seemed to work. All it had done was make you feel a little lightheaded, and so, when the living room door burst open, showing two figures, you were half sure you had become a lightweight all those months without drink, and were almost convinced you were hallucinating.
Polly stood, looking half determined and half worried, not looking at all like she had just stepped off a train, and walked straight towards you, and as much as you would have usually have embraced her, your eyes stayed focused on the person with her. The pain of labour was very quickly replaced by another pain, one that felt like a dagger to the heart. Because that couldn’t be Isaiah. It couldn’t.
When Polly had come to visit, those months ago, she didn’t mention Isaiah, only slipped you a letter as she was about to leave. She didn’t say who it was from, but you recognised the lettering on the envelope, the scrawl that’s only belonged to one person you knew. It had gone unopened for months, and still was, next to your bed upstairs, you being too scared for the rejection you were sure lay inside. Now? With him here? You wished you had opened it.
“Hey.” He said softly, cap between his hands, eyes flickering between your face, and your largely swollen belly.
Your throat felt like it had closed up, and if you opened your mouth, you expected you would just make silent movements with it, gaping like the goldfish you had won at the fair when you were younger.
“How long has it been?” Polly’s voice broke you away from his gaze, back to what was happening.
“Five hours, since her waters broke.” Ada supplied from beside you, her hands carefully rubbing your back, shooting Isaiah a look that was a mixture of thank fuck you’re here and fuck off you wanker.
It was the exactly how you felt, to be honest, as he stood at the door, not moving, not sure what to do.
“Come on, love, let’s get you sat down.” Polly said gently, guiding you towards the sofa. You weren’t sure why Polly had brought him here, or how you really felt, or how he felt. And it was killing you, the not knowing.
“Why’re you here?” Your voice cracked.
Polly and Ada gave each other a glance, a silent decision.
“Five minutes.” Polly spoke to Isaiah, pulling Ada with her. “If you upset her, you’re out.”
With that, the door slammed behind the both. You almost felt pity for him - having the two scariest women you knew angry at you, was sure to scare even Tommy Shelby shitless.
You both stayed where you were, silent, for a few moments.
“I looked for you. For months.” He spoke, softly, sitting down at the edge of the couch you were on, unsure of what to do, of whether to go back to how you used to, and sit right next to you, or treat you like an almost stranger, and keep his distance.
You just blinked at him. “Why?”
“Because I ... I fucked up. I was a prick.”
“Yeah, you were.” You agreed, leaning back against the sofa cushions, not anger in your tone, but pain. Waiting to see how this would all play out.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me forever. If you never wanted to see me again. If you wouldn’t even tell the ... the baby who I was.”
“Is.” You sighed. “Isaiah.” You corrected yourself, the old nickname feeling sour in your mouth now. “You aren’t ready for a kid. I can’t blame you. I can blame how you reacted. But I can’t blame you for that.”
“You’re wrong.” He spoke again. “Once you left my house, I ... I was so angry. At myself, at you, at whatever bloody God there is for letting this happen. Because I was scared. I was scared because I didn’t factor in a baby to my plan, and I was scared because I knew how those people, the people here, would treat you, and our baby, for me, for their father, the colour of my skin.”
You swallowed. It wasn’t as if the thought hadn’t occurred to you, over and over again, thoughts rushing through your brain, as you begged internally, for things to be different when your baby was born, in London, for people to not care about their ethnicity, for them to not show the same hate you had seen people show Isaiah since you were a kid.
“And I was scared that I couldn’t do it. That I couldn’t be a father. It was only when I realised that the person that mattered most over all of that, was you. And then I realised what I’d done.”
“But you didn’t come for me.” You said tearily. “You didn’t come and tell me any of this.”
“I went to your house the morning afterwards. I was gonna ask you to marry me. I had this whole apology figured out, and I just... I was going to make things right again. I was so sure. And then Tommy told me you were gone. And he wouldn’t say where, or with who, and I just... I couldn’t think of what to do. After a while, I figured it was Ada, and I came to London, but there’s no way I could find this place without any help, and no one wanted to help. They all said that you’d be better off without me. I - I started to believe it.”
He had tears in his eyes now, and your heart broke a little more. Tentatively, you stretched out your hand to his, and as his fingers slotted between yours, you felt a familiar sense of warmth.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. “I got your letter. I didn’t open it, I thought... I just thought it would be you saying you didn’t want anything to do with the baby.”
“I do, Y/N. I want everything to do with this baby. It took losing you to figure that out, but I have. I swear. I’ll never, never leave you, okay. Not again. I promise. Just give me this chance. Please.”
His voice was half begging now, but you were already saying yes, feeling more complete and happy than you had since before you learnt you were pregnant. Feeling, for the first time, that you could do this. That you could do anything, as long as you had Is with you.
“Okay, Is.” You spoke softly. “Okay.”
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, hope your doing well! 
1: Ran feels the same both before and after Ran forgave Ranbob. He cant help but feel guilty and tends to avoid bringing up past memories incase Ranbob doesnt remember them, cause he can't stand to see the confused look in Ranbobs eyes that soon turn to one full of sadness and a sort of emptiness. It makes Ran feel awful. It also causes Ran to think that their childhood and old relationship is gone. Which particularly keeps Ran distant from his brother, because he's scared and doesn't want to redo everything if Ranbob will just forget it.
8: All of the above. Cletus is a chaotic shit that loves creating and hearing about anything chaotic. Also he has burned down a few things in the past so he is a bit of a anarchist. They just had those cards, after all they knew they where gonna travel for a bit so why not bring playing cards to try to provide entertainment?
11: I forget if I said that (if I did then I changed it) but Ranbob actually knows that Ran is most likely dead as he wouldn't survive the night, but he still has some hope that his little brother survived.
3: It was scary for him but because of the sudden turn of events he didn't really have time to register his feelings before he was getting smacked around and blinded. And yes cause Ran deserves a overprotective arc to show him that his group does love and care for him even if he thinks otherwise.
10: The townspeople act rationally to defend themselves. Even if that means they start fights because their not being respectful or kind. 
11: I'm not sure what they are. All I know is their the parent figure of the friend group but will also bite your ankles at a moments notice just because they want too.
14: Or Foolish just punts Jackie into the sand to protect his home from a possibility destructive teen. (I'm thinking yes to both of those, and we get to see one of the siblings embrace their enderside and just go crazy on Raq which leads to murder and trauma!)
15: For the cursing one I just love to imagine something like. 
Ranbob: *accidentally knocks over a stack of books* Shit!
Baby Ran: Shit!
Ranbob: *freezes and turns to look at Ran*
Baby Ran: *innocently smiling* Shit!
Ranbob: rAN NO--
(I've decided the group for this is going to be Technoblade, Phil, Ranboo, Tubbo, Karl, and Sapnap, and I may name the sub au like Brothers + Others cause it rhymes and I find it slightly funny). Oh Foolish is going to be terrified and scared for his safety, he's gonna have two hyper active teens climbing him like he's a jungle gym. Ran didnt want to help at first because he was to suspicious of them, but when proof was provided he changed his mind, and decided to take a risk to help them, but he still doesn't trust them fully. Plus, he felt bad after hearing their story, and couldn't help but sympathize with them because he felt that lost and confused at one time, and its a awful feeling. And while he won't admit it, he's curious about Ranboo and wants to talk to and get to know Technoblade, after all he did choose Techno as his idol. When the group first visited Kelalen, they got the Orphan Slayer as a gift, and because they did express some interests in going back to Mizu to see what they can do about Dream, so they got it to help them. So when Technoblade shows off his Orphan Slayer as possible proof, Watson brings out the groups Orphan Slayer and the two exact duplicate swords (expect for some nics on the GF group's sword) take most by surprise, and serve as some proof. Ranboo brings up his memory book, and since Ranbob read a bit of it, the two are able to perfectly recite a page of the book. And Karls watch, book he has of both Mizu and the Pit, and his knowledge about all groups are also proof. But even after proof the GF group is still somewhat suspicious that their who they say they are, but eventually they come to fully believe them. Ranbob is in awe. Because his ancestor is in front of him! He can ask questions he had about the history of the SMP and finally get answers! But he is also scared, because why is his dead ancestor here? Why are there so many others? What does this mean for him? Theres so much uncertainty that its hard for him to relax. The enderman hybrids get along well enough, but since Ranbob is a anxious mess, Ranboo is also an anxious and nervous mess, and Ran is bad with emotions, they dont get along super well. Tubbo and Jackie get along well and love to share stories about their respective enderman friend. Sapnap, Cletus, and Grievous get along well and even with Sapnaps current predicament, he still joins in with jokes and pranks. Karl, Phil, Isaac, Watson, and Benjamin get along very well with their habit of leading and taking care of their friends, and because their the ones planning what to do with everything going on. Technoblade doesn't really get along super well with anyone from the GF group, but he takes an interest in Ran and Watson. Only Technoblade, Tubbo, and Phil are Ranboos haunting. Ranboo tries to get close to his decedents, and he success in some places but fails in others. The time group doesn't know about Ranbobs possession, purely because Ranbob begs his group to not tell them. But the time group also suspects that something is up, and while Sapnap and Techno want to push to find out what it is but they dont because Phil yells at them. For the fighting, Phil and Ranboo want to help but are told not too for now. Saying them intervening could make things worse. So they don't. But Ranboo breaks the rule cause he cant stand hearing the two fight anymore. 
Hi, and same to you!
1: Oh, ouch. The way you phrased it, he thinks Ranbob could still forget? Does Ran not know Dream caused it?
8: FGHJK-Anon. Anon. Hearing Cletus was a bit of an anarchist, just, made my day. Holy heck. Can you imagine Quackity’s reaction to hearing that? Oh my god, that’d be so funny. 
The cards are the only game they brought? Sounds like it might get boring quick. And a bored group makes for a chaotic one.
11: Ah, so it was a hope thing. Hm. I don’t think I’ve asked before- feel free to correct me if I have-, but, if Ranbob thought Ran was dead, how did he feel upon finding out he was alive-especially considering the circumstances.
3: Poor Ran. But also, yes! Overprotective arc! Let everyone go feral for the dude who’s always ready to do the same for them.
10: Hmm.
11(?): They...sound...interesting??? Honestly, I don’t think that answer settled my nerves at all, but y’know what, none of my business. The gremlin friend is whatever they are, and I will not question it further. 
14: Jackie’s just getting tossed around everywhere, huh. First by Ran, then by Foolish, who’s next up to yeet the child? (Also, yay! Murder and trauma, always fun!)
15: Pfft, oh goodness. That must’ve been fun to explain to his parents. 
Hey, it does rhyme! Nice. 
Poor Foolish. He had a mostly nice life before Tubbo’s return, probably. Oh well. And Techno’s got a traumatized fan now, that’ll be interesting. What does he do with his new-old future sword? Duel wield? Let the GF group keep it? 
Two anxious endermen and one who’s bad with emotions, what emotional pain will they cause each other?
What kind of stories do Jackie and Tubbo share? Funny ones? Blackmail? 
Sapnap, Cletus, and Grievous sound like a terrifying force, and honestly, for the sake of everyone else, I hope a prank war never sparks between them and Tubbo and Jackie. 
Do the leaders of the group all kind of take charge together in light of this situation? In what ways does Ranboo succeed, and in what ways does he fail? How does Sapnap and Karl not being part of his haunting effect their relationship with the GF gang, considering they all are? Do they ever become part of a haunting?
Do they find out about the possession, and if so, reactions? What happens when Ranboo involves himself in the fighting? Does it get better, or worse?
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dabis-devil · 4 years
Nothing Breaks Like a Heart. დ
-; ♡.° [ A/N: ] ୭̥ Okay so this idea just popped into my head and I couldn't not write it. This is my first fic and I really hope it doesn't blow over, let's hope for the best, loves! If Dabi ain't Touya, I'm gonna be a real fool, huh?
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-; ♡.° [ Warnings: ] ୭̥ Gn!reader, Swearing, Suggestive content, sO mUcH aNgsT
-; ♡.° [ Summary: ] ୭̥ Everybody knows the infamous villian Dabi, his name spreads fear across the streets of Japan. Many would hate to admit it, but he wasn't always cold and alienated. It all bubbles down to one girl, who left his heart in shambles.
-; ♡.° [ Tag list: ] ୭̥ birthday girl! @queensynderella (👾 here)
━━━━°⌜ 失恋 ⌟°━━━━
It was a brisk Friday night, cool air hitting Touya's pale skin. Bandages clothed his forearms, which seemed to be more burnt every time the redhead came to see y/n. These burns inflicted by his quirk hadn't yet damaged his skin to the point of no repair, but it most definitely wasn't perfect. His large hands fumbled with the clasp of the gate to his home, Touya found himself sneaking out to see y/n more often than not. Enji claimed he was hitting the rebellious stage of his adolescence, little did he know that this would become his son's day to day life.
Against his better judgement, Touya was nineteen and still living at home. He had no where else to go, and he had siblings to rescue from their nightmare of a father. He desperately wanted to take shouto from the unfair wrath of their old man, but he was unable to do so. Instead, he would sweep his brother up into a tight hug whenever he mustered the chance. That poor kid, getting tossed around and neglected. His heart went out to young Shouto.
Touya’s figure was clothed in a baggy black tank top with black jeans and a dark zip up hoodie paired with a pair of black boots (you can @ me on this, he was edgy before dabi became dabi). He had his signature nose studs and additional ear piercings at his time too. He was working on getting a job of his own, something to get him money and fast. After that he would move out, hopefully taking his siblings with him.
As of now, y/n is the only rabbit hole he has. The only escape from his everyday terrors. That's why he was walking alone on the streets around twelve a.m., counting down the very minutes until he could reach their address. The lit cigarette hanging from his lip left a trail of smoke in its midst, that could barely be seen even with the midnight glow. His steps were shallow and speedy, hellbent on getting over to y/n’s place. Seeing that beautiful face every night is what brought him joy, and made carrying on each morning that much easier.
━━━━°⌜ 失恋 ⌟°━━━━
Y/n was sprawled across their bed, carefree and unalert. Like most teens, they wouldn't go to sleep early. They had training tomorrow with the rest of class 4-A, but couldn't sleep. Not with the thoughts pooled in their head, that they sat to contemplate and overthink. Y/n grew distant to their dear boyfriend, Touya, and the guilt weighed a ton. Though the weight of what news you planned to share with him tonight is a million times heavier.
Y/n’s (e/c) eyes we're glued to their phone screen, set on a picture they had taken with Touya a few short weeks ago. A single tear rolled down their rosy cheeks. ' This is gonna break him. ' they thought. Y/n was pulled away from their thoughts when the glass window beside the desk gently rattled, a certain troubled redhead struggling to crawl through their window sill. Y/n frantically wiped their face before he got the opportunity to see a pinch of sadness in their expression- at least a pinch they didn't want him to notice. “ hey baby. . ” they smiled half heartedly, slipping from their cozy bedframe.
“ hey, princess, ” He smiled geekily. As Touya dusted off his jacket from the greenery and gunk that plagued the material, they pressed their plush lips to his. Truth be told they clung to him for a bit too long that night. In all fairness, this would be the last kiss they got from him.
As much as it pained y/n to do this, Touya Todoroki was bad for them.
━━━━°⌜ 失恋 ⌟°━━━━
A little while later, the night had taken y/n. Touya laid with his arms tightly wrapped around their frame, their head atop his clothed chest. He had been falling in and out of sleep as the television played a series- one of their favorites. Y/n on the other hand, couldn't get a wink of rest. Instead, their eyes burned with the sensation to hold back tears. Finally, one spilled over their eyelid. They scrambled to wipe the droplet of moisture away before it soaked through his shirt, not only failing but drawing extra attention to theirself. Touya’s turquoise eyes fluttered open, immediately drawn to y/n. He sat up, in turn pulling them up with him. The fingers of his right hand ended up under their chin, magnetizing his gaze to their own. “ doll, what's wrong? ” he cooed, eyebrows knitted at y/n’s profound sadness.
Y/n did everything in their power to keep their eyes peeled, the only working strategy was simply squeezing them shut. Y/n could no longer hold back the water works, the fluid boiled over and rolled down their pained face. Y/n didn't need eyes to see Touya’s small frown, they could feel it. “ T-Touya. . . ” their breath hitched in the back of their throat. “ we need to talk. ” Y/n’s voice was shakey, and this whole scene was quite frankly uncomfortable considering how out of touch Touya is with his emotions.
Y/n felt Touya stiffen underneath them, and opened their eyes to catch him staring. Turquoise eyes half lidded as usual. He is obviously concerned, one masculine hand rubbing circles into y/n’s back. He kept quiet, giving them the time they need to spit out their burden. “ I. . I can't do this anymore. I can't watch you kill yourself. ”
In more ways than one, Touya had proven destructive. Not only that, but he didn't care. The redheads loving embrace faded, instead it just seemed like a stranger was holding them close. Y/n didn't want to imagine how this made him feel, even worse about how he would pretend to feel. “ I- what? Whad’ya mean? ” Touya scrunched his nose in confusion. “ my quirk? ” the male asked. Sadly he missed the point, and this wouldn't be as simple as they hoped. Maybe he didn't want to accept the truth so soon.
Y/n’s shakey palm met the side of his face, sweeping along his sharp jaw. “ you get high all the time, you don't trust me, you've been so distant these last few weeks. . And when I try to check on you, I get shut down. ” a steady stream of tears now rolled down their cheek. “ I've been thinking about it for a while, Touya. . ” y/n’s choked up sobs filled the room, his silence wavering in their mind. Touya was trying to make sense of the situation, or come up with false feelings. It stung to know that he felt his emotions are invalid. “ I'm so sorry, I just. . I can't baby. ”
Touya was a sitting statue on your bed, his turquoise orbs glued to the sheets. The things you two have done. . The memories. . The plans for the future. . All swirling down the drain. “ I can stop. ” his voice distantly aching with sorrow. his head swiveled towards y/n, giving them all the attention he could. The poor boy was loosing it, just at the possibility of losing the one person that mattered most to him. His anchor
“ I've already tried to get you help. You wouldn't take it. ” y/n frowned softly. “ I can't believe that again. . ” though the last thing they wanted right now was to separate themselves from Touya in his time of need, it was far too much to bare. After all, you can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped.
Y/n slowly wiggled out of the redhead's embrace, instead sitting across from him and holding one bandaged hand within their own. Y/n was begging for him to say something, to say anything. Instead, they would gaze at a shell of what used to be Touya.
“ y/n, please- ” the scarred teen pleaded. His expression was something in a sea of despair, yet he couldn't quite express that. He couldn't cry. All he could do was sit across from y/n and hope they could forgive him, hope that he could fix his issues. His chest was heavy, each rise and fall more tense than the last. “ I'm sorry. . Let me fix this. Please. . ? ” frantic words jumbled, something that made y/n pull him into their arms, and rest his head in the crook of their neck. Droplets of clear water fell down their face, seeing him like this was unbearable. It had to be done.
Fingers combed through the boys spiky red hair, his rapid breathing slowed to a calm. Y/n pressed a soft kiss to his temple. “ I love you, but I can't do this anymore. ” their soft whispers were almost tranquil to Touya, despite the underlining meaning. This voice he cherished each night, he just had to hear it a bit more before he made his exit. “ don't forget that, okay? If you're better in the future, maybe we could try this again. ” they reassured, petting his silky locks.
Touya pulled away, head still hung. “ This is. . This is what you want? ” He looked upwards, turquoise orbs burning into y/n’s, hoping for the answer he expected to be wrong.
“ yeah, ” y/n answered under their breath, breaking the precious concentration on his beautiful eyes.
Touya rose from the bed, reaching for his leather jacket and pulling on his boots. Shortly after, heading for the window. The silence was more than just that, it was the lack of an idea on what to do here. Y/n decided to stand up as well, arms crossed over their chest. “ I- uh- ” he cleared his throat, tugging open the window. “ I'll see you around then. ” he managed to catch a last glimpse of the love of his life, before feeding his slim body out of the window. Tears fell from y/n’s face to the floor beneath them. As much as their fragile heart hurt right now, things would get better. It had to.
━━━━°⌜ 失恋 ⌟°━━━━
The second Touya’s boots hit the leaves beneath him, one foot sprung in front of the other. He found himself running away from y/n’s home, almost as if his life depended on it. He could barely walk, his head was spinning, chest was tight, and his dressed wounds began to ache. Yet his feet carried him away. He didn't want to go home, the thought of going back with no escape made his skin crawl. The moon above lit the teens path as he aimlessly ran.
The time escaped him, as he wound up on the bad side of town. Rumored to be crooks and thieves around every street corner, and worse beyond that. Fresh out of breath, Touya placed his hands on a wall to catch himself, knees buckling underneath the weight. He slid down the brick wall in the dimmed alleyway, scooping his knees up to his chest. He was alone, a bit scared, and heartbroken. His eyes fell shut, and his head rolled onto his knees. Before he knew it, Touya had passed out, with one thing on his mind: y/n.
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saktetsu · 4 years
'LUST' Oikawa Tōru x Reader
Nekomimi, Metamorphoses, Adopted Sibling, !ncest, Mentions of Rape, Yandere Themes, Drugged
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Today was the day that Oikawa Tōru comes back to Japan. He won't be staying for long, but at least [F/N] will be able to see her Older Brother once again.
"You look excited to see Tōru again" Her Mother exclaimed, chuckling softly.
"Well of course I am! I get to see Tōru nii again.." [F/N] had a smiled plastered on her face, as she waited for the Front Door to open.
After a few more minutes of waiting, Oikawa finally emerged from the door. He looked more mature now than he was back then. Without Hesitation, [F/N] jumped off the couch and ran straight into his open arms. It caused the setter to laugh from her sudden outburst of affection.
"Woah there [F/N]-Chan, did you miss me that much?" He teased, pinching her cheek slightly. Though she didn't care at all, all she wanted was to hug her dearest Brother that she missed so much.
"Alright, alright. [F/N] enough, let your Brother rest for a bit. I bet he's tired from the Flight" Their Mother chimed in with her hands on either side of her hips.
She pouted and eventually let go of Tōru with a soft 'hmph..' "Don't worry [F/N]~Chan! We'll be able to catch up after I settle in, mkay?" Tōru suggested with a head tilt, causing the younger girl to brighten up.
It may have been rude of him to stare at how her Booty Shorts would raise a little too high. Or how her shirt would squeeze tightly around her upper body. It's like she's tempting him to ruin her, to claim her. Even the thought of finally making his precious Little Sister his, had his tail straighten up from behind him.
Had she always looked this tempting? Had her ass always looked so plump and juicy? Whatever the case, he still couldn't fight back the urge to somewhat claim her as his own.
A few days passed by with Oikawa continuously bothering and hanging out with [F/N]. His personality didn't change much, but she could tell that he was a lot more serious.
Currently, she was in Class. Sitting along side her Best Friend Rinsuke and Sosuke. It was normal for them to Hang out before School ended. "Yo [F/N], I heard your Brother Finally came back from Argentina. How's that going for you?"
"Honestly, it's been great! I was able to catch up with him during the span of like- 4 days"
"4 days and you've already talked about everything? Sheesh, I'm not even surprised" Sosuke butted in, slurping his Milk quietly.
"Ya can't blame her for that though. They're pretty inseparable at this point." His twin added with a sly smirk spreading across his face. "Yer sure ya ain't got anything yer hiding from us Cupcake?"
"What.. Do you mean?" [F/N] asked with a curious tone.
"Ya know how he's one of those Nekomimi people?" She nodded. "Well for starters, ain't those kitties sniff shit that they own or somethin' like that?"
"And I'm also pretty sure that their kind not only possess the appearance of a cat, but their nature, and DNA too. Meaning they could sometimes act out by instincts alone." Sosuke finished Rinsuke's sentence, causing the other Twin to grumble by the sudden interruption.
"I was gonna say that Rin! Ya don't hafta butt in atta nowhere" Rinsuke continued to pout as his arms crosses over his chest.
"Whatever. But seriously [F/N], you've gotta watch out when you're with that Brother of yours."
"Pshh, what's he gonna do? Think I'm his mate? Sosuke, Rinsuke. He's my Brother, I doubt he'd even try to do anything but sniff me"
"Yer Adopted Brother" Rinsuke corrected, causing Sosuke to nod.
"Oh come on! Tōru nii isn't like that, I promise you" They both looked at each other and sighed.
"If you say so."
And just like that, School came to an end with a single bell. The Three walked out of their class together, waving goodbye to each and everyone of their Friends.
A few loud screams were heard from afar as they got closer to the exit if the School. They exchanged curious looks with each other before following the source of the noise.
"Oh my God! Oikawa-kun's here?! In Japan?!" One of the girls screamed out of excitement as she ran passed Rinsuke, Sosuke, and [F/N].
It startled [F/N], Oikawa had never picked her up from School before. (Due to his crazy schedule that was always packed with Volleyball.)
"[F/N]-Chan! There you are, I was worried that you might have gotten lo-" And there it was, the brief pause of his sentence as soon as he realized that she wasn't standing alone. Slowly, he pushed through his fans with a somewhat apologetic smile. His eyes narrowed, ear twitching from annoyance.
"Who are you?" The Question may seem innocent, but the tone of his voice was filled with venom.
"I- Uh- Rinsuke, sir.. And this is my Bro" Rin patted Sosuke's shoulder, causing him to flinch.
"Well, nice to meet you both but I must get going! And.." Oikawa walked a little closer to his relative, pulling her into his arms. "I'll be taking [F/N]-Chan with me"
Without another word, Tōru turned to walk away with [F/N] in his arms. She peeked behind her Brother, giving Rinsuke and Sosuke a small wave before they completely disappeared from view.
The walk home was quiet, yet Oikawa's arms were still wrapped around her smaller Figure. "Is something wrong Tōru nii..?"
"No, nothing's wrong. Don't worry [F/N]-Chan." She tried her best to struck up the conversation a bit more, but he gave either one word answers or stayed quiet. It felt unsettling, but [F/N] shrugged it off as soon as they reached the Front Door of their House.
"You better take a Shower right now" Was the first thing he mentioned as soon as they walked in, causing her to get startled a bit.
"Oh- uh- alright" [F/N] rushed upstairs and into her room, taking her clothes off slowly before popping herself into the shower.
Oikawa stayed downstairs, watching his previous games against other Teams. No matter how hard he tried to focus on the TV, he just couldn't. With the sound if the shower turned on, and [F/N] humming softly with the music in the background that she usually plays while cleaning herself up; it was hard to focus on anything but that.
Thoughts of her being exposed and freely displayed infront of him rushed through his brain. He knew it was wrong to think of her this way, but who was he kidding? He's fucking addicted.
The sound of the shower turning off caught his attention, meaning she was already done. Did time really fly by fast from all those thoughts? Either way, he couldn't care less.
She emerged from the stairs, descending slowly with her usual Home Outfit. The booty shorts he so feared that might break his last strand of self control, and her tank top that just fits perfectly against her body. It caused his ears to twitch ever so excitedly as soon as she plopped herself beside him without a word.
"Happy?" [F/N] let out as she took off the tow that wrapped around her hair.
Oikawa leaned forward, resting his face in the crook of her neck. He inhaled her scent, and eventually his tail descended from its straightened up posture. "Mm" He hummed.
"Why'd you want me to take a bath anyways? It's not like I was dirty or anything"
"You smelled like them." Tōru simply answered, his nose twitching from her sweet lavender scent.
"Hmmmm" [F/N] shifted slightly, putting a bit space between her and Oikawa. "Where's Mom by the way?"
"Oh right, I forgot to mention that she's over at a Friends house right now. Something about a Girls night out"
"Oh- pfft, typical, I can't blame her though. I would have also missed going out with my friends if I was always busy" He didn't reply, nor did he give some sort of answer. His eyes were still glued onto her face, taking in her beauty that he missed back in Argentina.
After a while of silence, he finally spoke up. "You should head to bed, you have Volleyball Practice tomorrow right?"
"Oh, yeah I do"
"Which Position did you obtain?"
"I got setter!"
Oh? So she did end up becoming the Setter of her Volleyball Team after all. "Why did you wanna become the Setter so badly? I mean, you're a great receiver. You should have chosen to become a Libero instead"
"I know, but.. I really wanna be just like you Tōru nii" [F/N] fidgeted in her spot, her eyes sparkled in the sight of her Older Brother. She looked so.. Vulnerable..
He took a sharp inhale, before breathing out. He wasn't gonna lie, it caught him off guard. But the goofy smile spreading across his face showed how ecstatic he was knowing that his Little Sister wanted to be just like him. "Really? [F/N]-Chan! I feel so honored"
She laughed softly, before turning her gaze back to the Game played out for them. "Well, you're the Best Setter I know so.. Is it alright if you'd teach me some things Tōru nii?"
Oikawa nodded, his ego going through the roof as he tilted his chin up. "Now how about this, if you wake up early tomorrow then we could practice together before you head to Schoo-"
"REALLY?! ALRIGHT- I'll go to Sleep now!" [F/N] shot up from her position of the couch, raising her arms in the air like a child. He was startled at first, but eventually smiled softly.
"Here, drink your Milk first. that way you'll go to sleep faster" Tōru picked up the glass of milk on the coffee table, handing it to her with the genuine smile that never fails to make her grin. She uttered a small 'Thank you' before drinking the Milk.
Meanwhile, Oikawa was sitting there, watching intently. Would it be wrong to tell her someday in the near future that he drugged her Milk before giving it to her?
"Phoowee, wow.. -I do feel sleepy.." [F/N] settled the cup back down, facing her older brother with lazy eyes. "Can you carry me up the stairs please? Pretty pleaseee? I'm too lazy"
Tōru pretend to be annoyed, even letting out a small grunt before picking her off the ground. "Alright"
They both ascended up the stairs, with [F/N] comfortably in his arms. It was as if she was molded to fit perfectly wrapped around his fingers.
By the time that they arrived at the front of her bedroom, she was out cold. Her breathing was more even, yet her hands still gripped onto his shirt. "Silly [F/N]-Chan, you really should pay more attention to things you drink. I wonder if your trust for me would shatter if you found out.." He seemed to be lost in thought as he lowered her sleeping figure
Oikawa was shifting, not being able to contain his excitement as he eagerly took off his own sweater. 'Fuck, she looked so defenceless'
He lowered himself a bit. Settling his right hand on top of her stomach, where it slowly dipped further down until he was able to cup her cunt. "Fuck.. Already soaked Princess?" He cooed softly, before pulling her Shorts off. Oikawa took a moment to admire her current state, his fingers gently sliding her cottoned panties off. 'Wouldn't want her to wake up early now'
Tōru licked two of his fingers a bit, before slowly inserting them inside of her pussy. It caused [F/N] to squirm a bit in her spot, her lips quivering slightly. "H-Hrgm..~"
"Shhh... It's alright Baby Girl, Tōru nii's gonna take good care of you okay.." In all honesty, he was still shocked from the fact that his sweet little sister was still a Virgin. It excited him even more to the point where he pistoned his fingers in and out of her dripping cunt. The tightness of his pants slightly bothered him, causing the setter to quickly push the waist band lower.
It continued on for a bit, until he became restless. The pad of his thumb harshly pressed against her clit, making her jolt. "A-AHHH.. -" The lewd moan startled him, but he kept going at his pace. [F/N] continued to tremble under his touch, growing restless as she began to twist and turn in her spot.
He noticed how tighter it got, and more difficult it was to move his fingers. "Fuck.. You're squeezing my fingers like a Vice [F/N]-Chan.. Are you about to cum Princess? Come on, cum for Onii-Chan.." Oikawa continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear. And eventually, just like he said; she came with a loud moan.
Without hesitation, he pulled her sleeping body up slightly, his back resting against the headboard. Oikawa settled her on his lap, where her cunt rested right on top of his Cock. He shivered a bit, feeling her cum dripping onto his hardened member. He let her lean into him as she continued to sleep peacefully.
As much as he wanted to keep her innocence, the desire to ruin her and completely claim her body as his own grew.
Tōru slowly lifted her up, wrapping his tail around her waist before spreading her cunt with his fingers. "I'm about to take something so valuable from you.." And with that, he dropped her onto his cock, causing it to quickly sink balls deep. [F/N] let out a loud shriek as her eyes flew open. Oikawa stilled his movements and let out a shaky sigh. It felt too good.. Way too good.
"Fuck.. [F/N] you're.. - s-so tight damn" He began to lift her hips up and down repeatedly, setting a steady pace. "I expected you to be tight but.. Wow- fuck it feels good Baby Girl"
It didn't take long for her to register what was going on, her Big Brother's dick sinking inside her pussy, his tail wrapping around her waist, it made her feel light headed to say the least. "T-Tō.. Tōru nii..? W-What are.. What are you doing? Please stop, it hurts.." She spoke in a soft tone, pushing her hands against his broad shoulders in an attempt to move away. But he was much more stronger than she was, and faster too.
"Ah, ah, ah.. Don't fight now [F/N]-Chan! If you struggle, it'll make me even more excited.." He said, licking his lips seductively. A shiver ran down her spine as her hips continued to move with his help.
"This is wrong- please stop- I-I won't tell anyone this ever h-happened.. I swear.. Just please sto- ooo-o.. AHHHHHHHH..!" Oikawa had enough of her babbling about how she didn't want any of this. So instead of taking it easy on her like how he planned. He began to buck his hips, causing a loud whimper to fall from her lips as she tried to continue her sentence. "P-Please Tōru nii stop..!"
"Fuck, I just told you that if you struggle it'll excite me more.. Are you doing this on purpose? You fucking slut.." His pace got even faster, and his thrust was more rough. "You know, seeing you with those Bastards really hurt me [F/N]-Chan! I thought I was the only Male in your Life"
The tone of his voice sounded as if he was genuinely hurt, she would have felt bad, she would have if it wasn't for the fact that he was literally pistoning his dick in and out of her pussy. "T-Tōru..~!" [F/N] moaned out his name. Somehow, it flicked a switch deep inside Oikawa.
Causing him to act by instincts. Instead of his usual thought out actions, he pushed her off, pinning both of her wrists above her head with one hand. His ears began to twitch, and the tail that he affectionately wrapped around her waist was now tightening its grip. "Tō-Tōru..!"
There it was again, it sounded like music to his ears. He needed to hear more of it right away. So without further interruptions, he began to spread her legs. [F/N] let out a small shriek as soon as she felt the tip of his member push against her folds.
Her toes curled, and her back arched. Tōru didn't care whether or not it hurt for her, his pace was rough and frantic. As if his Animalistic tropes were overpowering his usual humane self. He wanted to breed her so badly, spill his sperm deep inside her womb until she was a quivering mess. "T-TŌRU, TŌRU!" His name continuously spilled out of her mouth.
And no doubt, it made him even more rough with her. "Fuck! You're such a fucking slut for hanging out with those Bastards. should've known you'd do this from the start" There it was, his tip hitting that spot that made her see stars. She flinched, her moans getting even more uncontrollably louder. "Yeah? You like that? You like it here?" Tōru moved his free hand below her ass, lifting her up slightly where he could easily thrust up to her G-Spot.
"H-Hrm..! T-Tōru.. 'M Cumming, I'm Cumming Tōru!"
"Then cum, Princess" And just like that, [F/N] came around his cock. Her eyes closing slightly as she rode out her orgasm. But Oikawa didn't stop there, he was chasing his own high after all. With a few more seconds of him thrusting harshly into her abused cunt, he finally came undone. Spilling his cum deep in her womb with a shaky sigh. "F.. Fuck.. Yeah.."
His cock softened, but he didn't pull away nor did he move an inch. Oikawa rested on top of her, his breathing becoming even. "Onii Chan loves you.. You do know that right..?" [F/N] nodded, her lips quivering from the over stimulation being present.
"Use your words pretty girl, I wanna hear you say it" He caressed her hair, stroking some of his finger through.
"Yes, I know.."
"What do you know?"
"I.. T-That... Tōru nii loves me.."
"Good Girl. You do know that no one else loves you right? I love you more than anyone in the whole wide world" She nodded slowly, fidgeting slightly.
"You love me, right?"
"I love you" Despite being mortified earlier, she eventually snuggled closer to her Older Brother. Giving into his twisted fantasies. He felt satisfied with himself, pulling her even closer. She couldn't deny him, she couldn't fight. After all, big brothers know best.
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gloomyhearts · 4 years
Always by your side|| Luke Patterson
Chapter seven~ 25 years?!
people grow together through darkness. does this band will make it without their most important human being.
After years will everything keep the same?
Luke patterson x oc
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The siblings were next to each other, it became a routine that everytime Luke and Reggie fell asleep the girl would sneak behind the tall blonde.
Tonight was different. Sabrina woke up to a loud scream and when her fingers fished for Alex there was no one.
Did he.. she couldn't finish the heart broken thought.
Alex and his friends found themselves in the middle of the old garage they'd rehearsal a thousand times before they passed.
"How did we get back here" Luke was the first to speak.
The girl who faced them screamed from the top of her lungs and the boys joined it, taken aback that they weren't the only ones in there.
The boy group jumped about, mostly Luke did so. Alex and Reggie hold fast onto Luke who calmed a bit. The raven haired girl ran out of the room leaving them questioning.
"What the actual hell was that? Alex broke the silence.
"Well she seemed nice" Reggie insists.
"What?" Luke and Alex said in sync turning to his friend.
"I mean she.." he got interrupted by her walking through him, she was walking right through him. The boys looked closed by this. They watched her carefully as she moved further into the room with a cross in her hand,
Okay well that's silly Alex points over to her and Luke just shrugged his shoulder.
The girl mutters under her breath and the boys decided to make them visible again.
"Well, we're all a little crazy." Luke raises his arms as he states.
She began to scream, again.
"Oh my God! Please stop screaming!" Alex pressed his palms onto his ears.
She stops and in the far a dog began to howl.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in my mom's studio?" She shouted.
"Your mom's studio? This is our studio. Trust me, my.." he approached the girl who almost ram her cross into his body.
"The grand piano is new, and.. and.. and.." by the time he let the sentence out he slid over the named piano.
He starts to giggle when he saw the couch was still there. He sighs when his hand meets the fabric of the pillow.
"But that's definitely not my six-string," he points over to the guitar on the wall. His graze rose to the ceiling where chairs hung down.
Where's her board.
When Sabrina died they hung her board on there so they would feel her near.
"Can you just give us a second?" he asks as he reached his friends again.
"Just.. give me a second. Thank you."
They turned around and he began to whisper, "guys, what is going on? How did she get her stuff in here so fast?"
"Maybe.. maybe she's a witch. There's chairs floating on the ceiling," Reggie suggests.
"Okay, there is no such thing as witches." Alex argues.
"You're sure? I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts," he retorted.
But Alex knew better but he couldn't bring that up.
"That's fair"
"Okay, so we're going with witch?" Luke questions.
"No! We are not going with witch"
"She's not a witch. Okay, look. She's just scared. Okay let someone with a softer touch handle this" Alex has his hand now resting on his chest as he remarks.
He walks back to her. "Why are you in our studio?" He began. After a moment of silence the girl pushes her cross through his body.
"Oh my gosh! How did you do that?" Her voice loud.
"Clearly, you're not understanding. She doesn't get it.." he says into the direction of his friends.
"Okay, look. We're ghosts, all right? We're just three ghosts, and we're really happy to be home. So thank you for the flowers. They really brighten up the room," he explains.
"We're in a band called Sunset Curve," Luke adds.
"Tell your friends," Reggie didn't say those words in a while and he was relieved could.
"Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us."
Sabrina never spoke to Alex about the time that had passed since their death.
"It was gonna change our lives."
"I'm, uh.. I'm pretty sure it did," Alex whispers to his friend.
"This is freaking me out," the girl demands, she inhales sharply as she grabs her phone.
"What is that? What are you doing?" Luke points towards the electronic device.
"It's my phone"
"No stop talking to them. The aren't real," she snapped.
"There's no such thing as cute ghosts." her voice becoming squeaky.
"Oh you think we're cute?" Reggie requests.
"Who you calling?" Alex bend forward
"I'm googling sunset swerve"
"Sunset curve"  they all corrected her.
"Whoa. There's a sunset curve. You did die. But not last night. Twenty-five years ago?"
"What? No. No, no, no. Th-Th-That's impossible," Reggie stutters.
"After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex cried" he continues.
"Well.. I don't think.. I think we were all pretty upset okay." He said in a high pinched voice.
"But that was just for like an hour. We just showed up here" Luke acknowledges.
"Look. I'm just telling you what my phone says," she held her screen toward the group so they could read for themselves.
"See? you died in 1995. When you were 17. It's now 2020"
"So, this is the future?" Reggie connects.
"Wait. So.. so, it has been 25 years. I have been crying for 25 years? How is that possible?" He shouts the last part.
"We'll, you're a very emotional person." Reggie states.
"I am not!" The blonde retorted.
Suddenly there was another voice coming from behind them.
"Thought you were afraid to come out here," a young biy walked through the door.
"You talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?"
"He can see you," Alex shoot in Reggies direction.
"No he can't," told the girl. His graze wanders around looking for the guys.
"Uh.. what do you want," she tried to change the subject.
"A normal sister, for starters," he exclaims.
"Me too" Alex exhales.
"Stop being weird and come eat," he tells and left.
"He couldn't see you" she began.
"Yeah, I mean, that's.. usually how ghosts work." Alex explains. Reggie hummed in agreement.
The girl walked over to the doorframe and came to hold.
"Look, I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave," the girl with the glasses bosses.
"But wait. We.. we didn't get your name," Luke asks carefully.
"It's Julie."
"Cool" he chuckles slightly
"I'm Luke, by.. by the way" as he was near her she rose the cross again.
"And this is.." he stutters
"I'm Reggie," he waved to her
"And.." he pushed the blonde boy further.
"Alex. How's it going?"
"Ba-da," he insecurity exhales.
"Okay?" With that she left.
"Julie seems nice," Reggie smiles.
Alex just groans. "Did you miss the part where she kicked us out, or.. yes okay," he gave in.
The blonde had to find his sister, she has to explain a lot if thing to him, now.
"I need to go.." he points out
"But you can't leave us here" Luke insists.
"But this is really important. I need to think,"
"Okay, let us do one thing and you can go"
Luke decided to go inside her house even if that means to break boundaries. When Julie saw the three she let out a yell and the boys froze in tracks.
"That's me. Ripping off the band-aid."
The shaggy haired boy makes his way over to her. "Hey Julie, I really like what you guys did with the place."
"You shouldn't be here"she earned a gasp from the older woman standing next to her, she explained her appearance.
"I think that's our cue to leave" the two women having a conversation on their own.
"We should've called first" Reggie steps next to the other two boys. They left the house and where now outside.
"I'm going, now."
"Where to?" Luke questions as Alex walks down the driveway
"I'm back in a matter of time," he poofs out and was nowhere to found.
Alex was on the beach, where else could she be.
He saw the shillouette from his sister on a board in the ocean. He never really went surfing with her and when he did Alex just sat on the board floating on the water.
Her eyes laid on him and in the next moment she was besides him.
"You didn't told me" his face turned to her, his graze blurry.
"If I'd told you, you would've freaked and cried in your sleep."
"Oh well, doesn't matter if I'd cried there too, I mean twenty-five years and you didn't told me," his feet began to set off, he was too heated to poof himself out of here.
"A, please I'm sorry.. I.. I just didn't know how to tell you, without you telling the others. I couldn't face Luke again," her hand's grabbing his upper arm to stop him but he got rid of her grip.
"That's none of my problems" Alex raised his voice. He never did at her before. Tears start to stream down her cheeks as she stood opposite of him, his eyes were cold, emotionless. She had never seen him like this before.
"Alex" she exhales but he wasn't there anymore.
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