#[ me: i'm not gonna put the dots in :|
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#registeel#and now this guy is maybe a bit less interesting. from this standpoint‚ i mean. the eyes being just dots make it a little hard to like#feel *connected* to them when they're ffp'd‚ y'know? i feel like it's kind of a reductive angle. which is why i zoomed this one and the last#one out a bit. so you can see a bit of the rest of their body. it's maybe less funny but would it really have been funny to just see 7 red#dots on a gray background and have to read the tag to know it's registeel? i dunno. maybe. maybe it would've been. but i like this more#maybe the explanation is that i'm taking these pictures myself. i personally know all these pokémon and have to ask them if i have permissio#n to take these pictures of them. but registeel said i couldn't get too close. so we settled with this. hehe yeah that's why :) hehe :)#anyway. you now have the aegis cave theme stuck in your head#hi it's me from the present. saturday morning. in yesterday's queued post i came up with the idea of maybe doing a monotype run of a pokémon#game. i don't know which one yet but i wanted to do water-type. but i was like. maybe i'll liveblog it on my main blog. yesterday#and today i came back and saw those tags as i was queuing up today's 'mons and i was like… hell maybe i could stream it if enough folks are#interested. but if anyone is then i didn't want to wait that long for the queue to get to that post bc that's gonna post on like. august 18#and class for my last semester of college Ever starts back up on august 21st and i don't. know if i want to start another pokémon playthroug#h that close to classes starting. especially not one where at least one (1) individual out there might be waiting for it So i put 'em here#they'll still be on that post but. they're here. just in case someone out there is chronically bored enough that that's something they'd be#interested in. y'never know there's a lot of folks here#anyway i will now queue up kricketot. see you then… or i guess see you whenever if you like send in an ask or a message or smth…
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;-; </3
Cyrano de Bergerac, Act III, scene 9 — Clara Huet & Benoit Solès
Renauld translation under the cut
CYRANO (as Christian): A kiss is oft a thing so grand That once a queen of France permitted one Unto a happy lord. I said: a queen!
ROXANE: And then?
CYRANO (excited): Like Buckingham, I've suffered long; Like him I love a queen, the one that's you! Like him, I'm sad and faithful...
ROXANE: And like him You've beauty!
CYRANO (aside, abashed): Yes... I've beauty... I forgot!
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moe-broey · 21 days
Oh god. Oh fuck. The Gunk
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yuffie has many interesting elements to her but people refuse to move past "i find energetic kids annoying" and it makes me sad
#first of all...... treat kids with the grace + patience you wish you had been given when you were one. just. in general#second.....#god forbid a 16 year old have flaws...! especially when part of the boisterous energy is because she is masking#she has a very strong love for her home to the point she's gone into unknown territory#entirely in over her head! but she refuses to give up#it's an interesting way to look at how patriotism can affect a person when you look at the differing views of protecting wutai that her and#godo have. i'm so interested to see how 'a miserable daughter's homecoming' is gonna go in remake pt 3#given that we know they want to expand on wutai more than they could in the OG#remake intermission as well has been rolling around in my head bc i think its interesting that sonon still wants godo to be respected but#yuffie very much is like. nah fuck that old drunkard idgaf. at least thats how it comes across#i've always felt like the kleptomania was allowed to bloom because she didn't receive enough care or support on top of the patriotism from#young age... so the intermission dialogue makes me wonder if we'll delve into that potentially being the truth in part 3#anyway... rebirth gave such good yuffie + party sibling moments im excited to get more in part 3#especially with vincent because they're one of the funniest not-quite uncle and niece combos#yuffie ringing vincent post-AC and then he goes to cloud like 'tell her that's illegal' instead of just replying to her normally 💀funny af#pettiness off the charts. i adore their 'i do care about you greatly but i'd also sell you to satan for one (1) corn chip' dynamic#ultimately you like and dislike whatever characters#but its always worth looking past the surface level. you may discover that the layers have a unique charm to them#and if the charms don't appeal after that? well at least you now have a better understanding of the character. win/win#god knows i've tried to like characters and came out of diving into their facets -still- not liking them. but more often than not it#gives me some new appreciation of the character. because the depth is there you just have to put the effort in to connect the dots#(this was spurred on by brainless takes i saw in general chat of a public discord. yes i know. my own fault for looking in a godless place)#these tags are 2 short to add proper nuance to my thoughts but you get the idea. this has been my once in a blue moon ramble post o7#might delete later i just wanted the thoughts expelled teehee <3
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It's kind of crazy how Dot blatantly has an eating disorder, and despises she is in the narrative because she is a fat girl and then it's just ignored. so silly so silly so silly:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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echthr0s · 6 months
me considering watching Dune Part Two and realising I'd legitimately rather reread Dune
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acetechne · 2 years
gearing up to start drawing again and i’ve been reflecting on why i draw and why it frustrates me when people say they cant draw or could never draw or whatever and, okay, yes i have spent years doing this for reasons which would involve a whole nother post than what i’m actually thinking about at the moment but i digress
i think people get self conscious of their art because they think if they don’t want to put the time in or get to a certain level that art isn’t worth pursuing at all and today i am breaking down your door and i am sitting down on the floor with you and i am telling you listen: the reason to do art is not to post it and it isn’t to be good at it and it isn’t to draw every leaf on every tree. the reason to do art is because you are a magician and you are putting a little guy there that wasn’t there before. and then later you can open your book of little guys and be like :)
“oh but I couldn’t” shh! SHUT! i am TELLING you RIGHT NOW that if you draw the worst little guy possible and you look at that little guy and you laugh and smile, then that literal 60 seconds it took you to draw that is more worth all of the years that i spent learning to draw because i desperately wanted people to notice and appreciate and be friends with me in school (and yes, occasionally it does happen but mostly in my experience that motivation backfires because half the people just want shit for free but wouldn’t give you the time of day and half the people are too intimidated to even talk to you). maybe it’s because i’m old now but who cares about that shit, you draw because it’s good to create something and look at it and smile because it’s yours and it belongs to you and you did that.
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majicmarker · 1 year
finally accepted the fact that no book intro i ever write can possibly beat the opening of what's your vibe?, then i remembered a little character point that serves as yet another easter egg to connect all the books i've got planned (thus giving me what i needed to get going on book 2, after floundering between several false starts), and also i'm probably going to make a separate author tumblr, so. today's been as productive as possible, i suppose.
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 year
the internet was made for my grandmother calling us and asking me to google another 1930s song she's remembered and wants to know the rest of the lyrics for
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harrowharkwife · 1 year
swear to god if i open a fanfic ONE MORE TIME only to be greeted with an author's note saying "i asked chatgpt to tell me a story about-" i am going to go fucking NUCLEAR
#it's NEVER tagged!!!#i am so sick and FUCKING tired of hearing about chat bot shit. it's irresponsible tech that is only gonna help spread misinformation#/be used as a tool by corporate America to crank out shitty computer generated content#bc anything is better than having to hire people and pay them what they're worth am i right guys!#my job won't shut up about chatgpt i don't wanna have to see this shit on AO3 dot gov! please! is anything sacred!#I've already started running into endless variations of the same regurgitated paraphrased clearly AI-written garbage misinformation article#half of the time whenever i try to google something! i just keep getting AI generated garbage instead of any actual helpful information#side note: is Google like... super fucking broken for anyone else in terms of 'i can't find any useful information about anything anymore'?#or is it just me?#but AUGH. tech bros will be our downfall i swear to god#keep the AI shit out of art and creative endeavors it's a slippery slope and it's not leading anywhere good#this is fucking nfts all over again#or at LEAST if you're gonna be posting chat gpt prompts to ao3 fucking TAG THEM AS SUCH#I'm at the point where i hear someone say AI or chatgpt in an excited tone of voice#and i just consider it an immediate red flag#I'll delete this later it's unnecessarily cunty and i realize that but my GOD im sick of it#is it not enough that all of these writing bots are training on ao3 fics without the authors consent or permission?#now we have to encourage it by putting AI shit on there to begin with?
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ageofzero · 1 year
I’m doing better about it than I was at the start of this week more or less, but
good goddamn, the things going through my mind because of my fcking mom right now. I don’t even know if it’s anger or exhaustion or unsurprise or what anymore. At least it’s not as loud as it was yesterday.
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vidovy · 2 years
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Yes, I'm going back to that restaurant. The... burgers are great..
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autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
Seeing that my roommate is moving some of their stuff around and has made a small pile, today I only just realized that the pile is all things I had given them as gifts 😶
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awritersbro · 7 months
If I had a nickel for every time I had a wolfboy OC named Peter Andy Wolf I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, and it's a pity that I've only been able to use that name twice.
#Special thanks to my sister who came up with the middle name#They're not the same character one of them craves hugs like nobody's business the other one will only allow his friend to touch him#One of them wants nothing more than to be human again even though he can't while the other one didn't even know he used to be human#And is rather confused when his curse is broken#One of them is hopefully gonna be an allegory for breaking the cycle of abuse the other one is just a boy I'm putting through the wringer#Oh I just heard Henry's Peter snarl at me going all 'you mean you put me through all this for NOTHING?!'#So that's another of my characters who justifiably hates my guts so much that they tried to break the fourth wall to tear my throat out#Jokes on them i live in a more real plane of reality#Oh and Red's Peter is hunched in on himself#and saying in the tiniest voice that was ever not a whisper 'but i don't want to be an allegory for breaking the cycle of abuse'#So that's... something#Can't believe I made a fictional boy cry before giving him a single line of dialogue#Ah and now my girl Dot has decided to jump in to say 'you would have done it to me. But I don't think I remember how.'#And my boy Fire the sentient Fire has helpfully added 'you didn't give me tear ducts!' in the most fake-cheerful voice Ive ever not-heard#Sally is looking at me with the dissaproving eyes of a little girl who's killed a god before and isn't afraid to kill one again#I don't even know WHEN she killed a god much less how#And when I asked her she said 'you'll find out'#So. I guess that's another thing to look forward to then.#Only one that's left to round out the gang is Grin#but when I sought after his thoughts he was like 'don't look at me my only character trait is that I like falcons and other raptors'#It should be noted that he said that while stroking the crest of one of his falcons#So that's one fake child I haven't traumatized at least
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
honestly really funny of me to post a fic on here with a lazy summary at eleven am when no one's online/awake and not share the link with anyone who might be interested in reading it because i wanna wait until it's on ao3 first (?? why did we put it here at all then? well because i started writing it here first. next question) only for my brain to be like ":(( why has no one given it attention yet :((( where are the notes :(((("
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faksyan · 1 year
Well, I didn't think my first post was going to be about writing, but what is this website for if not for the very specific rants on the topic you're passionate about, am I right.
So, today learned the term purple prose and I thought the way people view it is interesting. Basically, it's the overly ornate writing that might make the text difficult to read/understand, taking away from the actual narrative. And yeah, this can definitely happen, sure. But when I searched for examples, most of them seemed fine. I didn't struggle to understand them at all, just some fun information and metaphors. Long, yes, taking away from the narrative? Not really, I don't think? And English is not even my first language, so seems kiiinda like a skill issue to me tbh. Not in a mean way, but it really didn't feel that bad.
(Now that I think of it, the reason I have a soft spot for long elaborate sentences might be exactly the difference between my first language and English, a lot of our literature is very much like that. It's not everyone's cup of tea, yes, but it doesn't make it inherently bad.)
It's like the whole "avoid using adverbs" thing, which I've seen being used as an advice plenty of times for some reason (though, again, in English-speaking spaces, so perhaps it's a culture thing?). And um. Why would I. Do you use adverbs in regular speech much, some unusual ones? And you say using them in writing is also somehow bad? If the word exists, it was intended that someone would use it. Some outlive their meaning, but why purposefully avoid them? Like, yeah, the definition of purple prose says that it refers only to writing that doesn’t contribute meaningfully to the piece, but the way I see it, if the author thought the thing was worth mentioning and didn't cut it out afterwards, then it is, period. Maybe it's convoluted, maybe it's confusing, but it's the way they (maybe, not always, of course) wanted it to be. Fucking love going nuts with details, because this literally is how I view the world irl. Hard on the eyes? Well it's hard on my brain too bucko, and you're stuck with me now. If I notice all these things then so do you.
The moral of the story is that you should do whatever makes you happy, regardless of how people perceive it, I guess. You know classic literature? These guys did whatever the hell they wanted and it turned out great. Everyone's different, someone's going to like it, someone won't. But at least this way if no one likes it, you still do. Same goes for anything creative, really. People like to make up too many rules about what you can and can't do while the whole point is to just express yourself, however you see fit. It's art, if it's not harming anyone, go nuts.
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