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ganondoodle · 24 days
actually, that new totk masterworks thing has the potential to direct my hatred somewhat away from the game and to itself instead
i have seen some early translations and while im not putting my faith into those so far like ... how can you make totk even worse, just stop!! stop! say its an AU and leave it!! its better for everyone!!
and it seems like its trying to tape botw and totk together with retcons and conflicting info, man just leave it beeeeeeeee
(like .. aside from the very concerning timeline mess they are messing with AGAIN, the thing about totk ganondorf actually being calamity gan all of the sudden??? what?? nothign in the game suggest that they are coneccted bc the damn game acts like botw didnt happen, it does everything it can to NOT connect ganondorf to clam gan and didnt they also say in an interview that they arent related?? and now its just the other way around again?? like that is making it all WORSE!!)
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noodleblade · 2 years
A sad day has come with Knock Out and Breakdown going against each other in the robot husband polls. Who do you vote for?
Knock Out, who became a senator so his husband could live an easy life after being discriminated for his size and speed, who undeniably loves his partner so much he couldn't imagine living in a world without him?
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or Breakdown, who fought to come back from a different dimension just to be with his partner again after his death and has demonstrated time and time again a willingness to dote and care for his partner?
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Whichever you chose, we all know they are 100% voting for each other and isn't that beautiful?
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Petition to make them a unit, get them that 50/50 split!!! Do Not Separate!!
Don’t forget to vote below!!:)
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sthbigbang · 3 months
That first masterpost was posted by accident! Over the next few days the links will be added properly and be useable as an index
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kijosakka · 5 months
Total Drama World Tour AU, where before everyone votes, Alejandro asks Noah: "Since you knew my true colors, why didn't you team up with Heather? Why didn't you warn the others earlier? Why did you only warn Owen and Tyler now?"... Noah then answers: "Because I don't care what you do with the others... If they're dumb enough to fall for your tricks and charms, then they deserve to lose... But Owen is my best friend, and I don't like how you treat him, so he's the only one I'm warning..." 😏 What if Noah's answer makes Alejandro decide to vote off Duncan instead?... How would Noah react to not being voted off?... What if Alejandro likes Noah's logical apathy?
there’s something in how (according to the wiki, at least), noah takes notice of alejandro’s sketchy behavior in germany and only ever brings up the trust thing challenges later in london — not to say noah hasn’t spoken with owen about alejandro before then (seen through when owen says noah told him heather and alejandro were into each other ‘big time’, he’s obviously talked about him before) but as owen’s asking ‘why don’t you like him’ and noah explains why he distrusts him that would indicate it’s something that specifically hasn’t been brought up before.
all this to say that he’s spoken to owen about them before and it shows if nothing else he wants owen to be wary of alejandro, which would be why he jumps at the opportunity to further warn and explain to him his distrust.
anyway i’d imagine post-challenge, while dissatisfied with it, noah would expect his elimination (thus giving him reason to lay all this cards on the table via telling alejandro why he did so, if not being just straight-up spiteful and wanting to gloat), adding to the surprise when he isn’t.
duncan would be saved by chris here (because of,, drama or whatever. the dreaded love triangle), and on noah’s part probably dread or annoyance with a smidge of being happy he’s not voted off — because, yeah, he’s still here, but now he has to deal with that he revealed himself to alejandro and through implicitly voting for him duncan may be wary of any alliance between them, leaving him as the option.
because i do think alejandro would leverage him warning owen to his own advantage — and even if there’s no goodwill or trust, duncan would play swing vote if it means the heat is off himself. thus, if alejandro says, owen is gone — to keep noah close; but further than that i do think alejandro would at least find his apathy interesting, if initially in a purely strategic way.
a kind of, ‘noah is proactive enough to recognize me but spiteful enough to think the people around him don’t “deserve” to be warned because they can’t see it themselves’.
there would be appreciation there for his being able to even see through his façade in the first place, and im sure grudging respect for being willing to say it knowing everyone else is fooled and it would cause dislike to be thrown noahs way (…..not that i think noah thought of this. i just think alejandro would assume noah did)
i do think noah would, while being pretty incensed at leveraged into such a forced alliance situation, go along with it, riding alejandros coattails to keep owen safe.
story-wise it would make sense for owen to still be eliminated in sweden (through a tiebreaker, probably) so noah can properly break away from alejandro come merger and team with someone else
……or conversely noah stays with alejandro and flat-out trashes it to get himself voted out. arguably the most in-character thing for him to do.
^ also because through the entirety of it, noah may recognize it for what it is; showing off. alejandro has been shown in-canon to be the kind of person who puts showing off above strict pragmatism, so he’s ‘punishing’ noahs speaking out by ‘showing off’ that he can leverage the situation to his own benefit anyway. and noah, spiteful and upset that his friend is gone, would seize the opportunity to piss alejandro off via ruining his whole plan.
this is all to say i want this particular set-up to turn into noah vaguely annoyed but mostly apathetic at his situation and for alejandro to be the stupid loser he really is genuinely growing to really like noah and his brand of scheming (romantic or otherwise honestly). more stupid loser alejandro please. completely dumbfounded when noah gets himself out.
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weedgay · 5 months
[infomercial voice] do you like OMORI? do you like trauma narratives and horror elements? do you like FREE SHIT?
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play END ROLL today !!!!
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analogboii · 4 months
so my little sisters current hyperfixation is Pokemon. ESPECIALLY mewtwo (it was strictly just mewtwo at first then it just turned into all pokemon which made shopping for her a lil easier nut mewtwo is her favorite). i got her a little mewtwo plush that doesnt leave her side and she always says "mewtwo says hi" or "mewtwo says he loves you too" n stuff like that. super cute. love it. and i especially love it when i get snaps like this
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oh to be a mewtwo plush laying down on a comfy bed watching darkwing duck...
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
Ash via Emma Rosen and John Feldmann on IG Story
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cruelisummer · 5 months
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I had some random Taylor Swift icons sitting in my phone that I figured I’d post/share since I haven’t used them. They aren’t the best. Still, please like, reblog, or follow me @cruelisummer here or on Twitter/X at jessicabeckett if you take any.
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songofsaraneth · 1 month
germany was great but i was so so so betrayed by a kebab my last night and got food poisoned before my 17 hours of Airports And Planes and i lived an entire lifetime of misery but finally im to CO and and can escape death for a little bit hhhhh
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whatudottu · 2 months
Ever since I talked about a universal language, or at least about common languages used in the interplanetary (though given we have examples from the Andromeda system, it could also be intergalactic) community, I have been contemplating number systems. Not exactly a universal one no, but certainly what the counting systems of some of the smarter species of Ben 10.
And who else none other than the cerebrocrustaceans that I have been headcanoning so much about for the privilege!
I remember watching a video about creating a number system (part of a series about making a conlang because :P) and at the time I had misremembered what the 'best' number system was and thought 'well what if the one thing cerebrocrustaceans and galvans agree on (rivalry or not) is their numbers'. Turns out, it's a hot fucking debate in the numbers community between base 6 (senary/seximal) and base 12 (duodecimal/dozenal), and the video made a compromise for base 16 (hexadecimal).
So instead of like... going based on that, I went with the next step; fingers!
Except... cerebrocrustaceans have uh... less fingers than humans (or even galvans). Sure, maybe if their number system is so low it can actually contribute into a literal billion digit IQ using the power of a base 2 (binary, of course) number system, using the 'on/off' of an open and closed claw to count but- 2 claws, 2 hands, that only counts up to 4. So I thought 'okay, what else would they use to count?' and looked at their teeth, counting from there; it didn't end up working, the tooth count was inconsistent between screenshots even though Brainstorm specifically held the same expression.
Then one day, in the middle of the night, as I was trying to figure out how to count with the babylonian number system (count to 12 on one hand counting the joints of your 4 fingers with your thumb, hold up a finger on the other to signify how many twelves you've counted up to 60);
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What if I just give cerebrocrustaceans and extra joint on their claws (which technically they do have based on animation but it isn't shown because animation-friendly) and have they count the fronts and backs of their claw per claw (though I didn't understand the babylonian counting system previous since I kinda combined it with binary which I did know how to count).
Behold! A diagram!
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We will address the 69 shaped elephant in the room later.
Let's bring in the close-ups for the discussion!
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Including 0 (which would be an open claw in the same way a closed fist for a human is 0) the cerebrocrustacean number system using this diagram ends up being a base 9 (nonary) system, an odd-numbered system that I am not going to get into because I am only using hands as our counting origin. While functionally in decimal (because I practiced counting this way to stress test the system) you can count from 1-80 (each section on the tens claw corresponding to a multiple of 9 ending at 72), but with the fact that you can count up to 8 in each claw in a nonary system, it's actually counting up to the equivalent of 99 with only hands alone. Considering that the limitations of claws is that there isn't a vast landscape to count with, cerebrocrustaceans make do by counting each section of a claw twice, once from it's inner side and another on it's outer side going from, using the tip to count by touching the corresponding number.
The order from 1-8 is counted first in the (typically) right claw by the pollex (the inner claw) on the inner edge of the pincer (the outer claw) from bottom to top. Then the pincer bends to allow for the pollex to reach the outer edge, tapping the top claw then the bottom claw. Then the pincer follows the same steps to the pollex, counting from inside bottom to top, then outside top to bottom. The pincer has a little more reach being the larger of the two claws, but the pollex folds more because it has more mobility.
As a nonary system, there is no 9 and instead the 'nine' in this instance is 10, which is counted in the same order as 1-8 but done in the (typically) left claw, mimicking binary in how it accents the units of the right claw by adding an additional ten relevant to the corresponding claw.
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Admittedly I had no rhyme or reason to display these claws in the order that they're in, but if cerebrocrustacean number systems are written in the same way it's counted then technically inside out, right to left, would probably be a pretty cool and also pretty hostile way to convey numbers (hah, reference to heavy out-grouping biases).
The main goal of the claw positions is to make at least an easily distinguishable set of numbers that don't blur (too much) between each other if you kinda look at it from silhouette alone. Not sure how successful I was but it isn't the actual numbers in written form themselves, so it's a different ball-park and more of a visualisation of the dexterity used to count.
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And now- gotteem!
A funny thing about making a counting system and like, actually practicing how it feels and how to actually count, is that you sometimes stumble into comedy gold and get a 69 on the decimal 69 (if you twist your hands around to mimic it at least) plus just hitting you with an almost perfect 👌👌just made me want to actually visualise this. Well... I was gonna visualise it anyway since it helps to provide an example on how cerebrocrustacean's count with claws but like- yeagh I don't care that odd-numbered bases are not optimal I'm keeping the nonary system for this joke alone (not actually but it's a bonus)!
Anyway- don't ask me how they do math and have a good time counting to 76!
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leviathanswingman · 1 year
The Lament of Asmodeus/ a character study
gift for @ruewrites
category: gen
warnings: violence, blood
word count: 1965
Asmodeus was standing in the middle of his bathroom, staring down at the tub as it was rapidly filling up with crystal clear water. There was a sweet scent, almost sickeningly so, wafting through the humid air. Several flacons and phials were lined up on the edge of the tub, most of them already halfway empty with how often Asmo tended to use them. Mixing them together and watching them form bubbles in the bath had become somewhat of a calming ritual to him. Today however, this little trick of his didn’t seem to work.
Asmodeus was simply standing there, his eyes unfocused and his mind far away as the rushing of water filled his ears and numbed his mind. He watched the way it came gushing out of the faucet, gallon after gallon, the steam rising up and turning the air clammy.
Slowly, he crouched down, reached over the edge and dipped one finger in, the water forming little ripples around it, almost as if trying to flee from his unholy hands. The water turned the lightest shade of carmine as soon as his finger dove in. Asmo flinched, pulling back quickly as if he’d been burnt. His chest was heaving with every new breath. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.
Red, that was all he was able to see. Both of his hands were drenched in it, and there were the remains of something stuck under his perfectly manicured nails. The moment he took note of it, he could also feel it. Screwing his eyes shut, he plunged his hands straight back into the water, trying to rid himself of the dirt and grime. Tears were threatening to spill, only stopped by a certain kind of numbness that had been spreading out from his heart to his fingertips ever since he’d returned home.
After a moment had passed, he slowly lifted his head back up again. Crouching opposite from him was his own reflection, staring back at him unnervingly.
Dried blood was dragging down his hair, making his pretty curls look flat and droopy. His eyes, big with terror, were makeup free and deep set, the bags under his eyes more than prominent.
For once, Asmodeus regretted having filled the room with mirrors on each wall. There was no way to escape from what had become so glaringly obvious. There was no way to run away from that demon he did not recognise. It felt like his reflection was taunting him, beckoning to come closer and dig deeper.
It seemed like the little dove had been right after all. Asmodeus, they called him. Back in the Celestial Realm, he was known as the jewel of the heavens. Every angel, no matter how old or young, used to marvel at the mere sight of him, so pure, so divine. The taste of his name had been like honey on everybody’s tongues, sweet and sure to stick. If they were to see him now, what would they think? Would their eyes widen in shock? Would they perhaps avert their gazes, too embarrassed to even look him in the eye? What would they say in the comforts of their homes, when they thought no one was listening, stripped of all social kindness? The possibilities were maddening to think about and Asmo couldn’t help but keep mulling it over in his mind until the thought was familiar enough to lack its original bite. It was a vicious circle.
He raised his head and opened his eyes again. Staring back at him was someone he barely recognized. Perhaps the demon in front of him was a more accurate representation of Asmodeus than his angel self could have ever been. Only now, it seemed like the outside finally matched the inside.
Asmodeus was trapped in his demon form. Frustratingly enough, he hadn’t been able to transform back in spite of his best efforts. It hadn’t taken long for his initial annoyance to turn into hot flashes of panic. He didn’t know what to do. No one had ever been there to teach him what he should do in a moment like this. No one had told him.
For a second, he considered calling for Lucifer, but quickly decided against it. There was no need to reveal the disappointment that he had become to the brother he idolised the most.
“Go back,” he whispered to himself, lifting one hand to touch his horns with shaky fingers. “Come on, retreat,” he urged, but his body refused to listen.
Frustrated, Asmo pushed his hands against his face just to drop them back into the water immediately. Then, an agitated tear escaped the corner of his eye. It seemed like the water hitting his face had been his last straw.
Asmodeus began to weep bitterly. He turned around, his back leaning against the edge of the tub, and let his head fall back into his hands.
He took in a shaky breath. Ever since their fall, his brothers had made sure to bring up time and time again how Asmo was the only one who hadn’t changed, how he’d adapted to their new environment far too quickly while staying exactly the same as he’d always been.
However, Asmo knew better. He was nothing but a fraud sitting in a glass house. His brothers had no clue how terribly wrong they were. After all, it was all a farce, a face he put up deliberately to keep his brothers hopeful and smiling. That little feeling that had already been there back in the celestial realm, growing and growing, that unhinged sort of agitation he tried to keep hidden in the depths of his soul, held tight like a closed fist, had come undone the moment he’d fallen. There was no way to gather the pieces of his sanity when they’d already spread to the winds.
Even now, he couldn’t understand what his brothers were seeing in him. Of course, he made sure to always be there for them, to cheer them up and make their days a little brighter. But that didn’t change the fact that even back in the Celestial Realm, he’d already shown the first signs of rot. Sure, he’d been delightful and sweet, yet the amount of times he’d been chased through the celestial realm by Raphael for not listening and acting up certainly spoke against his commitment to his piety. The hours upon hours he’d spent on their holy grounds, bent by the waist, head towards the floor, praying for forgiveness, begging for endurance, clinging to the slowly unraveling pieces of his holiness. He’d jumped on every piece of adoration he was offered, believed in everyone calling him pretty and perfect and free of flaws and thought it enough. Recently, Asmodeus found himself missing living with his eyes closed and his heart blind.
He’d always know there was something off with him. That certain unrest in his heart had grown and grown until it finally flew off the rails. How could he pretend to be good after what he’d done? Of course, Asmo was aware that good wasn’t a term used to describe demons. Still, he couldn’t say goodbye to it just yet, couldn’t help but yearn for an ideal that didn’t apply to him anymore.
Asmodeus still remembered the euphoria he felt when his claws dug through the other demon’s chest, their heart still pulsating, heavy and oh so warm in his hand. An excited giggle, a little trill, had escaped his lips when he realized that the demon was about to take his last struggling breath, Asmodeus being the sole cause of it. It was power, it was an immense strength he'd never had before. It was almost orgasmic in nature.
He’d pulled the heart close to his own, cradled it in his arms before sinking his teeth into the flesh, eyes still on that dying demon whose eyes showed nothing but defiance and fear. Blood spurted out, sullying Asmo’s clothes and running down his open maw. The taste was incredibly sweet, delicious like sin.
Once he’d come off his high, realization hit him. Of what he’d done, of what he’d become. Perhaps this was his punishment for abandoning his father, their home. Bitter tears rolled down his cheeks, mixing with blood and grime. He was afraid of what he’d become, how much more he could change and how monstrous he could truly become.
Asmodeus opened his eyes, and met his own reflection in the water, his bloodied, feral self smirking back at him, his expression wild, eyes still gleaming with a condescending sort of ferocity. Before he even realized he was doing it, he was digging his fingers into the corner of his mouth, trying to get rid of that cursed smile. Asmodeus started to hyperventilate.
Then, suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Asmo’s head whipped around, panic fresh in his chest. All words were lost on his tongue as he waited with stuttering breaths. No one could see him like this.
Someone cleared their throat outside of the door. “Asmodeus.” Lucifer’s voice cut through the unruliness of Asmo’s mind, clear as day. “May I come in?” his brother asked after a moment of silence.
Asmodeus swallowed once. He couldn’t let him in. There was no way Lucifer could see him like this. His brothers didn’t know. They simply couldn’t know and he didn't want them to find out.
He saw the door handle being pushed down and panicked. “Don’t- don’t come in!” He realized how panicked it had come out. “I’m in the bath right now, I’m naked!” he exclaimed, certain that it would turn his brother away, the lie bloody on his tongue.
“I'm coming in.” Lucifer's voice cut in mercilessly. There was no stopping him.
Asmodeus buried his head further in his hands and refused to look up. He didn't want to see the look he'd find on his oldest brother's face. He wouldn't be able to take the disappointment and disgust.
“Asmodeus?” His brother's steps quickened. He heard the sound of the tap being closed. Asmodeus sniffed and remained quiet.
Then, he heard shuffling. It seemed like Lucifer had knelt down next to him. Slowly, Asmodeus lifted his head.
“Are you hurt?” Lucifer asked after a moment of silence.
Asmo shook his head and bit his lip. “This isn't-” he started, but stopped himself. This isn't what? Wasn't this exactly what it looked like? His shoulders shook with this new weight he had to carry. “This isn't mine,” he finally brought out, his voice small and defeated. Then, he allowed himself to glance at his brother after he wiped his eyes. There was a strange expression on Lucifer's face, a mixture of exasperation and sorrow.
“Tell me what happened,” he said after a beat of silence. It came out sounding a bit stunted, a bit strange.
Asmo shook his head and breathed in deeply. A sob threatened to bubble up again and he pressed his fists against his eyes in order to stop it. “I happened. I don't know what went wrong I just-”
“You let go,” Lucifer suggested. Slowly, he sat down next to his brother.
“I killed them. I ripped their heart out and made it mine. And you know what's even worse? It felt so good.”
Carefully, Lucifer put one hand on Asmo’s back, rubbing it up and down in a soothing pattern. Asmodeus curled further in on himself.
“It will get easier. It may not seem like it, but you will get better. You're a demon now, Asmodeus. The Celestial Realm's rules don't apply to us anymore. You have to learn to let go.”
Asmodeus put his head on Lucifer's shoulder and pressed his eyes shut.
“I don't think I know how,” he whispered quietly.
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crestfallercanyon · 1 year
Fic: What Moves the Body
Fandom: Shameless (US) 
Length: 3,629
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Status: Completed  
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sleep Paralysis, Late Night Conversations, Sleeping Together, Implied or Referenced Child Abuse, EMT Ian Gallagher
Mickey says in a quiet voice, “sometimes I wake up and I can’t move.”
Ian closes his eyes. Presses his face into Mickey’s skin and listens.
“Try to get my arm to move and it just doesn’t go. Or my legs, they don’t even twitch. I just lay there. Only thing I can do is breathe, and even then —”
Mickey swallows, hard. Ian can feel the muscles in his neck tensing, can hear the hard gulp of it cresting like a wave in his ear. Ian can imagine the expression on Mickey’s face without looking in the window’s reflection: the closed eyes, the pinched eyebrows, mouth clamped shut, jaw working around words his brain can’t bring himself to let go of yet.
He’s scared. Ian knows this, but he also needs Mickey to admit it before they can do anything about it.
Ian wakes up in the middle of the night alone in his own bed. That's not so usual anymore.
So Ian sets off to see where Mickey might have gone.
Read here on ao3. To go to my profile for other works, click here.
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vesselreborn · 2 months
Hey, guess y'all can tell, but this blog is gonna be running very very slowly. Life has been hectic lately, and it's getting harder to find spare time to be online.
I'm still picking away at drafts and ask. That said, as always, if you'd like to drop/change/ect. then just let me know.
I'll also still send in ask memes and such, but they absolutely don't have to be turned into threads. They can just be thought of as lil IC interactions. Just something that'll still show im alive and still interested.
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ladyseidr · 11 days
okay! finally making this an official post: if you want my "new" discord, please either A. like this post, or B. DM me. either way, i'll DM you the name. it's not some secret or anything ( it's identical to my personal blog's url lmao ) but y'know. just not posting publicly this time
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thinking now. I am not particularly combat-oriented myself (the fighting is always my least favorite part of any video game. and I do mean ANY video game. I play Pokemon to make friends with Eevees. my battle strategy is consistent across all genres and can be summarized as "get stupidly overlevelled so I can't die". ANYWAY) so it is not usually... something I gravitate towards when thinking about Things And Stuff. so we've got -
Hallie: ironically the most combat-prepared due to her exploration aspirations. had training with Neht (and he's still there to take over if things get dicey. It's A Surprise Tool That Will Help Us Later) but hasn't been in a real fight until she gets to Vvardenfell and so as demonstrated with the mudcrabs has to find her footing against actual opponents instead of "ghost who doesn't want to hurt a child" or "the tree out back". combat style: EXPLOSIVE ZAP + summon big knife x2
Molly: gestures. barber. rake. barber. rake. she has never held a sword before. learns how to use the sword from Baurus mostly and is very good at picking up all his worst habits, which he finds incredibly embarrassing. terrible form most of the time and doesn't care because if she learns it properly then it's real, right. constantly evoking the image of a wet cat trying to fluff itself up and hissing. combat style: hit it but with a sword now
Kharish: a lover not a fighter... startle response is tempered by not wanting to accidentally hurt anyone so nobody actually gets blasted. I have to imagine realistically not every old corpse is a draugr and also those that are behave less aggressively if you aren't charging in with a sword and Shouting at everything. combat style: oh, no thank you (local librarian horribly disconcerted by how easily things smash when you've been cross-country hiking and carrying books at high altitudes for a couple years)
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ask-tay-relic · 1 year
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Have some traditional Mourn doodles. I have hurt my shoulder/neck! But I am missing working!!!!! So doodles shall do. Until the pain made me stop so this is as clean as they get. Aka not very. May clean them digitally.
Sorry for the mess! I will talk about style things in the coming days (once I'm not in pain) as I have things to talk about! (Aka my actual drawing style is horror adjacent and the way I draw on the blog rn takes so much mental effort)
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