#[ response ]
hoaxghost · 2 days
The vibes for Homestuck are the same as the vibes for undertale except you have less of an idea of what you're doing.
Also you draw Itzumaki exactly like some people draw Nepeta.
I'll admit to being into undertale fan but the rest befuddle me
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Dear Mostly Mundane (is that how I should refer to you?),
you seem to have incredible knowledge about many things avatar related so you maybe can help me out with this one. In the first opening, you can see Sokka holding a lamp, that probably(?) is made out of skin and oil, but I could not manage to find anything on the internet about its origin. Did or do Inuit and/or Inupiaq and/or Yupik use such laps to your knowledge? Your opinion here would be much appreciated. :D Kind regards
You can call me Mostly Mundane if you want ^-^
I can tell you right now that lantern is entirely to fit an aesthetic. They were going for umiaq and skin tent vibes. Circumpolar oil lamps are more bowl-shaped and carved of stone and, while not immobile, are intended to stay in the home because they also serve as hearth fires, for cooking and heating.
I suppose you could argue that there is a miniature stone carved oil lamp nestled in the support frame, but it has no basis in reality. Irl you'd be more likely to see just people watching in the dark. This skin shaded lamp thing is the result of someone wanting a Chinese paper lantern but Make It Eskimo(tm)
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ask-the-drones · 2 months
Can someone hug N and Uzi for me please?
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rookclan · 4 months
not to be dramatic but i would die for algaepool
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shes shimply everything
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dunkledog · 5 months
Heavy and medic kiss? ❤️
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so this may or may not surprise you but i dont draw people kissing often... so here is my. best attempt? yes. here you go 👍
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murkshade · 3 months
These guys 🕊💖🦋
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wendynerdwrites · 3 months
A Measured Response: A Measured Response
Above please find the video I'm responding to, "A Measured Response" by James Somerton. If he deletes later (and I suspect he may), I will reblog with an embed of a copy of the video.
Also note: Much of this is taken from comments I made on his video. But I believe he may be deleting them. Or I got caught up in the spam filter because I commented more than once out of sheer frustration with what I was hearing.
Okay, I am going to start off with a couple things I will give you credit for:
1) Acknowledging the shitty effect nuking your channel had on Nick's career and prospects. That's actually something that hasn't been discussed much and it is genuinely good of you to volunteer that to your audience. As someone who once had her own portfolio nuked by former partners, that's a good thing to bring up. No notes there. That was a good move.
2) You actually used the word 'plagiarism' this time.
I would also like to say that I am glad that you are safe and I am glad you are still alive.
I'm hearing lots about insurance, and your mental health struggles, and the move YOU chose to make "disrupting everything" and your mom's death, "not citing things correctly", how ADHD apparently made you plagiarize, and how hard things are for you. And how people harassed and doxxed you. How you totally want to prove yourself!
Here's what I'm not hearing about:
1) The harassment campaign you launched against your accusers that literally caused them to go into hiding. Sorry, but you don't get sympathy points about death threats and doxing without at least expressing remorse when you did that to others. You haven't mentioned it once. you also falsely accused OTHERS of sending harassment your way and have not acknowledged it.
2) The multiple transphobic and misogynistic lies you told.
3) The tangible impact of queer erasure YOU ENGAGED IN. You barely mention any of the people you stole from. Believe it or not, James, but those people? They also had lives, and jobs, and obligations. Some of them also had dead parents. Then there are the queer people you erased the identities of, slandered, and insulted. Becky Abertelli had to deal with YEARS of the same sort of harassment you're complaining about because of people calling her straight. And even after she was FORCED OUT OF THE CLOSET, you perpetuated that lie again. And yes, YOU DID, JAMES. PUTTING HER IN THE 'STRAIGHT AUTHORS' CATEGORY IS CALLING HER STRAIGHT, JAMES. THAT'S HOW CATEGORIES WORK. Then when she briefly corrected you, you lied about her repeatedly and inserted nasty little vague comments about her so that you could bait your audience into asking about it and claim she harassed you on twitter for not liking her show (which never happened once. She didnt even bring up you straight-washing her on twitter. It was in your comments section.). So not only did you lie, you went out of your way to create opportunities to lie about her more.
4) The outright dangerous rhetoric you engaged in. Such as:
a) You lied about the AIDS epidemic and generations of actual queer activists who you claimed didn't care about employment discrimination and just wanted to have "big gay weddings" because they were "boring. This is a false and dangerous retelling of queer history, not only isolating new generations of queer people, but also erasing the tangible benefits of the legal benefits you enjoy now, James. THEY WANTED MARRIAGE SO THEY COULD HOLD THEIR DYING LOVERS' HANDS AS THEY PASSED AND ATTEND THEIR FUNERALS, JAMES. THEY WANTED MARRIAGE SO THEY WEREN'T KICKED OUT OF THEIR HOMES AND STRIPPED OF BENEFITS DURING A HEALTH PANDEMIC, JAMES. THEY DID FIGHT FOR EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS, JAMES. THAT'S HOW SEXUALITY BECAME A PROTECTED CLASS. Lying about and downplaying the legal rights these valiant "boring" people fought for misleads current generations of queer people into caring less about their history, the people who have done the most for them, and protecting the legal rights so desperately won.
b) All the gay Nazi shit. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain why inventing facts about all the Nazi secret police and youth counselors being gay and extorting people for sex under the Reich is so insanely dangerous and disgusting, but here's a hint: it casts your own community as being the vile, perverted criminals that THE ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WANT YOU DEAD (you know, homophobes? Not people on the internet who noticed you plagiarized the Celluloid Closet) perpetuate in order to sell their draconian policies to the masses.
c) all the misogyny. I get it, you want to erase the discrimination against women (and people you claim are women) have faced, especially as queer women. You wanted to pretend Radcliffe Hall was allowed to "carry on with her happy little life." You wanted your audience to believe that. You wanted your audience to shit on women for moral panics you made up. You wanted to erase the queer identity of a woman who had already been through Hell and then pass it off as justified. With the rising tied of renewed misogyny,, incel attacks, and reproductive rights being stripped from us, you really, really wanted to sell the message of women being whiny, jealous bitches who get handed everything, never deal with consequences, and hate people for not liking their work. (TBH, it feels a bit like projection on your part) thank you for spreading so much incel rhetoric and transphobia and making your audience ignorant of the great contributions women have made to LGBTQIA history.
I'd respect you more if you would just own up to the obvious biases you clearly have.
That's not all, but my hands are getting tired.
5) That you were caught lying about the contents of Hbomb's video in your initial patreon response.
6) The worth of the people you stole from.
7) Using Nick's asexuality as an excuse for your acephobic AF bullshit about how ace people apparently never dealt with institutional oppression when they're the most likely to be sent to conversion camp and have had corrective rape used as a "treatment" throughout history. Like, holy shit, James.
8) How you tried to lay blame for your shitty, stolen work on your own audience because "you didn't wanrt to make them and they were patreon requests." You didn't have to keep video requests as a perk. Those people paid over $300 to you for those wids only for you to throw them under the bus.
9) Your complete refusal to update your Telos backers on anything besides announcing new projects that you were using to replace the projects you promised them. You could have gone on Patreon, Indiegogo, Twitter, or your channel, and explained things. Things like this happen. But instead you ghosted and gaslighted.
10) The shit you pulled about Nebula.
11) The shitsquillion dollars you spent on cameras you didn't need when you were also claiming to your patrons about being on the verge of homelessness.
"It's a documentary, no opinion just cited facts." James, you've cited "facts" like "15% of the Hitler Youth counselors were gay", "Radcliffe Hall didn't get punished for writing a book about lesbians", and "there was no fight against employment discrimination" as "facts."
Then there's the part where you're still insisting that the people who told you that you can't make a short film on 3K were wrong. You insist it's possible because you intended to use non-union labor. then two minutes later you admit a movie you put together ended up going way over-budget because you didn't realize how much things would cost.
So the Telos nay-sayers had a point, James. Why are you still acting like they were wrong. Do you just not want anyone to find Dan Olsen's tweets about your finances?
The fact that you think you have any business coming back when all you've ever managed are lies and theft is so hilariously conceited. I get it. You want to be able to "carry on with your happy little life" (the way Radcliffe Hall DIDN'T). You want to go back to being a big youtuber and for everyone to admire you once you manage to go a whole video without stealing from anyone. That's not how this works. You have no credibility. You have caused a huge amount of damage not just to your immediate audience, but also the queer community overall.
You hurt a lot more people than Jessie Gender, James.
You also lie in your video saying "in the beginning, I thought it was enough to put people's names in the opening credits." No you didn't. You started using those opening credits well after the accusations came rolling in. You even admitted on twitter that in the beginning you weren't "citing my sources yet."
Do I believe much of your bullshit was pure laziness? Certainly. But there can be more than one reason for it. There's no way you knew who Radcliffe Hall was and actually thought she face no repercussions. No one who has ever heard of The Well of Loneliness DOESN'T know all the prints were destroyed. It being a lesbian book that was destroyed by the courts is THE STORY.
You lied when you said you didn't call Becky Albertalli straight. EVEN THOUGH YOU ADMIT TO PUTTING HER IN THE STRAIGHT CATEGORY.
You lied about your "adaptation" of Evil Queens and tinker Bells and the citation and schedule of when you got approval. You got approval after the fact and claiming you got it from the beginning. your own email screenshot proves it.
You lied saying the Evil Queens video was "a direct adaptation of the books" despite half the video being plagiarized from completely different works. You lied about your plagiarism accusations and HBomb's video rehashing old "debunked" accusations on Patreon. You lied about Alexander Avila. You lied about reading/watching a bunch of the media you were "critiquing." you lied about when you started with your opening credits.
You don't "research", "write", shoot, edit, and post a video with shit like that in it and say it wasn't malicious or intentional. You put these videos out there with scores of lies, many of which were directed at various marginalized groups, and CHOSE to never check if anything you said was true. You don't invent entire fake moral panics "by accident." You don't plagiarize by accident.
Please don't spend forty minutes reciting excuses and then claim "these are not excuses." You're not fooling us.
Also - Leave your poor mother out of this. She already had to die of cancer. Let the poor woman rest.
But thank you for linking your new patreon and telling us all about your upcoming videos! I am glad you have your priorities straight. (that was sarcasm)
Just leave the internet, James. Not LIFE, OBVIOUSLY. Stay alive. But your time as a content creator is done. You have no viability in that area. The fact that you think you can just do this is equal parts entitled and delusional. That you think you can come back so soon makes it even worse. Tell you what: you can try again after it's verified that the people you stole from have been compensated and you properly apologize for everything else.
I will not believe you're truly sorry until you can actually apologize without caveats, excuses, and, yes, lies. Saying you're sorry for "not citing things correctly" is not apologizing for what you did. It's cushioning the actual facts and downplaying your transgression. You have not apologized for the misogyny, acephobia, or transphobia, which, yes, YOU DID. I don't care if you want to claim it wasn't intentional YOU STILL DID IT. You haven't apologized for harassing and slandering your critics.
So no, James, I don't really believe you're sorry. I think you're sorry this blew up and that you have to make a new patreon. I don't trust that you won't continue being misogynistic. I don't trust that if you ever see this comment, that you will actually read it instead of crying homophobia and cancel culture and "wanting you dead."
Admit that you harassed people and that it was awful. Admit the extent. Admit you lied about Becky Albertalli and apologize to her. Admit that, yes, YOU HAVE SOME REAL ISSUES WITH WOMEN and that you are ready to confront them.
I don't trust you to do the right thing here. But maybe this comment will be read by someone who might have otherwise fallen for this and it'll be easier for them to see through manipulation like this in the future.
Just log off, Bro.
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ohsalome · 5 months
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A meme i though you’d get a good use out of
They're sisters
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fujoshawty · 21 days
i finally was able to upload my video response to lily orchards dunmeshi video! this is only about dungeon meshi because i had no idea who she was until i started writing this. if you watch tysm :3 i was nervous but put a lot of effort into this since its my first video essay!!
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hardlyinteresting · 4 months
Hotch and the "sidewalk rule" 😍
🥹🥹🥹 I'm so glad you said this.
In my opinion Hotch is incredibly protective. Not that it's a secret.
But it's not necessarily grand gestures or full blown paranoia when it comes to keeping his partner safe, it's the little things. Little things, like making sure he's always the one walking on the side of traffic when you go on walks. The way he stands just slightly ahead of you when you reach a cross walk.
It's subtle and you probably don't even notice him doing it until some says something that makes you consider "the sidewalk rule".
It's second nature to him, the same way he silently clocks all of the exit points when you guys sit down at a restaurant. He surveys every situation you walk into and he manages to do it without making you anxious. He doesn't want you to think you have something to worry about. There's a slim chance there will be, but he'd rather be safe than sorry.
Send more requests
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hoaxghost · 2 days
i want to gently hold your version of nepeta and then tear it like a dog toy oh my god
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"Yowie Zowie!" - Nepeta probably
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 5 months
Correcting a rude anon: Your fat miku art is cute.
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no correction necessary when Miku KNOWS they are the epitome of cute
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ask-the-drones · 12 days
Question for Uzi how's it going in space? 💀...
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magz · 3 months
What do you mean by "trend" posts, I don't understand?
Theres a trend where
Whenever an "event" happens that brings up the subject of transmisogyny (in this case avewy being permabanned by the tumblr ceo, and the transmisogyny of the situation)
In spaces where the event is talked about a lot -
There will be an uptick of popular posts by fellow TMEs of color about black/brown transfems being ignored, as a way to "react" to the topic
But worded in ways that imply not understand the underlying issue nor why/how transmisogynoir happens, n how they too are responsible for that (magz too, but am try actively minimize it)
N sounds like ppl are talking about specimens n not like. Actual people. Or putting them on pedestals ala the surface-level cliché phrase of "but like, Marsha P. Johnson threw the first brick at stonewall"* but reinvented
And then black/brown transfems get ignored or erased or chased out again until the next event where they can be brought up as a topic. Tools of subject.
Or as specific people that they have to gain the approval of to not be seen as a bigot, but silence the ones that don't.
A thing you will often hear black n brown transfems that have been around that for too long - bemoan n groan about as a pattern. Whether in private or publicly.
A trend, a pattern. Its a form of transmisogynynoir. and a TME (magz) criticizing oneself and other TMEs abt it will have less backlash and obsession garnered towards him.
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rookclan · 5 months
I just love how the other two kits are fighting and bell kit is watching with the biggest and cutest eyes I’ve ever seen. But could you show how you draw the kits? Like how do you make them so cuteeeee
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you just gotta make them a little tiny guy
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euphemiaamillais · 4 months
roommate au where you’ve been feeling neglected and sej & coryo come home to see you down and upset and sej & coryo have to show you that they’re sorry by practically worshipping your body
mdni | sej and coryo show you how sorry they are
you had been frustrated for a whole week—that’s how long it had been since the boys had touched you. a whole week, the longest amount of time it had ever been. typically you couldn’t go a day without one of them coaxing you into bed, but it had been a constant dry spell for the last week.
what had happened was that you had all had conflicting schedules, but also that both sej and coryo were spending time together. you’d caught coryo with sej’s cock in his mouth too many times to count, but you didn’t want to complain. you were glad they were exploring their relationship with each other, but you’d been aching all week, and had to resort to using your vibrator which barely did anything; you found you could only come from their touch now.
when they come home from classes, they find you curled up in your bed, a despondent look on your face. to add to the dramatics (because you heard them coming through the door) you’re playing some sort of sad music as they enter your room. they’ve both got befuddled looks on their faces because they had no idea why you could possibly be so sad.
‘what’s wrong?’ sejanus asks, coming to sit beside you on the bed.
coryo looks down at his feet with a guilty expression on his face—he’s never been good with comforting people, and now that he doesn’t know what he’s done, he isn’t sure he can even think to ask.
‘you know very well what’s wrong, sej. both of you do,’ you sigh, dour expression dimming your features.
sejanus sighs, a frown twitching upon his lips. he strokes your cheek, and it takes everything in you not to flinch and pull away, because you want to make them pay for it, but you also can’t resist sejanus’ sweetness.
‘i’m sorry, baby,’ he presses a kiss to your cheek, but you’re still disgruntled as he pulls away.
‘you can’t be that sorry if you two have been sucking each other off all week—you haven’t so much as touched me,’ your voice is wrung with hurt, and coryo comes to stand across from you, his own face borne with sorry.
‘i think we should show her how sorry we are, sej,’ coryo offers, not so good with words as he is with actions—those of the sensual kind; he can hardly comfort you in times of trouble.
‘would you like that, baby?’ sej coos, and you sit up, still playing up the sad facade.
truth be told, you were upset, but you also felt like milking them and making them feel extra bad—they’d not risk doing this ever again.
‘well…’ you pucker your lips. ‘it depends on how sorry you really are…’
sej and coryo raise their brows at one another, and ever-needy, coryo tugs the duvet off from around you. you’re wearing one of his oversized shirts, and he can see that you’re not wearing any panties underneath.
‘we’re very sorry, aren’t we, sej?’ coryo inquires, rubbing a hand up your thigh.
sejanus nods lazily, leaning down to press a kiss against your forehead. you gasp as coryo’s hand travels up to your cunt, thumb carefully teasing your clit. you bite back a moan, not wanting to give either of them the satisfaction yet.
‘you should know better than to neglect me… you haven’t so much as kissed me all week,’ you whine, pulling sejanus’ mouth against yours before he can speak.
you kiss him with desperation, and side your tongue into his mouth. you’re starved for affection, and let out a few gasps as coryo’s fingers slip inside your cunt. your core begins to grow wet with slick, finally getting that long-awaited touching. you didn’t think you could ever wait so long again.
you could’ve punished the boys by not letting them touch you, but you were so wanting that you couldn’t do that to yourself. that would be true torture. instead, they could show you just how sorry they were, and just how much you deserved to be worshipped, like some goddess on a marble altar.
‘sej, move off of her,’ coryo directs, pushing him away with his free hand.
coryo removes his fingers from your cunt, and you whine, but he moves his face down to nestle between your thighs. his tongue lightly traces the inside of your thighs, lips moving against your skin as he edges closer towards your cunt.
‘mhm, so perfect,’ he muses, nipping at the sensitive skin of your loins.
you tangle a hand in his blonde curls, whining prettily as he worships your body. sejanus’ hands move hungrily to your breasts, rolling your nipples until they harden beneath his touch. once satisfied, he takes one breast in his mouth and laves around the sensitive skin, brown eyes widening as he sees you arch your back.
when coryo licks a long, wet stripe up your cunt you let out a cry of desperation, thighs quivering with desire. sejanus’ lips travel across your chest as he grazes his teeth lightly against the smooth skin, marking you up so you know who you belong to.
coryo’s tongue darts out to lave at your glistening folds, one hand pressing down against your mound as you squirm from the sensation. the pressure is pleasant, and you find that all your pent-up heat has caused you wetness to pool stickily in your cunt.
‘coryo,’ you murmur, head rolling back against the pillow.
sejanus moves his lips to kiss at the skin on your belly, the ticklish sensation of his wet mouth sending shivers down your spine while coryo continues to lick your wet cunt. he looks angelic almost, with his golden curls buried between your thighs, every so often glancing up at you through his baby blues; though the smirk on his lips is not visible, you can feel it as he watches you writhe with pleasure.
‘gonna make you feel so good,’ sejanus mumbles, pushing your thighs further apart so he can join coryo.
a gleeful smile scampers across your face as you realise they are completely submissive to your needs now—they’re really very sorry. sejanus nudges coryo to the side, and you groan at the lack of pleasure for a brief moment, but you’re once again overcome as both their mouths work at you.
while coryo’s works at your wet cunt, tip delving in and out of your hole, sejanus’ lips are wrapped skilfully around your throbbing clit. the sensations of pleasure are multiplied, and it’s enough to send you over the edge. you’re not sure who to hold onto anymore, and instead you fist your hands in your sheets, sputtering and whimpering pathetically as you feel waves of warmth wash over you.
your skin is dancing with fire as they continue to bring you to your peak, sejanus is sucking at your sensitive clit, groaning as he coaxes you the fire in your belly. coryo’s tongue is enjoying the sweetness of your juices, while his fingers grasp at your right thigh, drawing circles around the smooth skin.
they’re so sorry for how neglectful they’ve been, and they eat you out like they’re starving men, faces buried in your wet cunt, relishing in the delicious taste of you. coryo slips a finger inside your hole, and when he arches it ever so slightly to brush against your g-spot you begin to feel yourself unfurl.
‘fuck,’ you gasp, clawing desperately at the sheets.
their tongues are furiously lapping at you, dragging you out towards your pleasure, and every so often one of them will gaze up at you with fucked-out eyes, completely drunk off the taste of your pussy.
you can’t take it anymore, the feeling of both of their mouths against your cunt causes heat to dance across your skin, and the pit in your belly fills with warmth. coryo’s finger arches once again against your g-spot, and you are left gasping as you bush around him, slickness spilling out against his fingers.
sejanus continues to flick your clit with his tongue, enjoying the way you are writhing, but coryo removes his mouth to another part of your body, moving over the marks sejanus has left and making some of his own. he nips at the sensitive skin of your collarbone, one finger tracing one of your hard nipples, marking you up across the thin bones of your clavicle.
‘sej, please,’ you have tears in your eyes, bordering on another orgasm.
the build up of this one is strong, his tongue is fully delving at every part of your cunt, licking and sucking at the remnants of your previous orgasm as his thumb rubs at your clit. your cunt throbs around nothing, walls clenching tightly, begging for something to fill it up, but you have to be satisfied with sejanus’ mouth.
your whole body fills with heat again, and this time you feel your toes curling and your vision dancing with white, sejanus’ tongue so skilfully coaxing you over the edge.
‘fuck, i’m going to come again,’ you gasp, feeling the right knot in your belly come undone, and your body trembles a little.
sejanus pulls back, a little shocked because you’ve gushed out all over the sheets, juices soaking what’s underneath you. your body tingles pleasantly, and you bring coryo up to meet your lips, pressing a hot kiss to his mouth as you ride out your orgasm.
sejanus can’t believe it, that you’ve squirted, and when you pull away from coryo you see it too. it had felt amazing, but you hadn’t quite noticed just how much wetness had come out of you. your cheeks redden at the sight of the soaked sheets, and sejanus who is licking it off his fingers.
‘did we make you squirt, huh?’ coryo laughs, bemused that sejanus of all people had made a girl do that.
you nod lazily. ‘mhm, must’ve. but i think i’ve got sej to thank for that. you stopped eating my cunt, which is a shame because you used to do it so well.’
‘used to?’ he cocks a brow, a look of guffaw crossing his face. sejanus is beaming smugly.
‘uh huh, i think sej will have to take the title now—unless you wanna try and make me squirt, pretty boy,’ you tease, pushing him down towards your cunt.
‘come on, i’m not done here yet. if you are really sorry, you boys will make me come at least three more times tonight.’
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