#[ some heavy stuff man ]
f0x-meets-w0lf · 19 days
what if i… drew sterek art in the year of our lord 2024
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softpine · 7 months
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she's looking especially sacrificial lamb today 🥩
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skeletalheartattack · 5 months
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#for context. a few weeks back i was playing on a fast respawn 2fort server#mostly because i just wanted to just. hang out somewhere without any real serious gameplay happening#that said. for the first few hours i was playing on there. was mostly playing gunslinger engineer and detonator pyro#and we had a good push up into their base but were stuck just at the entrance. with a heavy hold from the enemy team#but after a while. i just kinda got bored and wanted to just fuck about with the taunts and loadouts i had#first thing i did was play pyro and do the cheers taunt before getting on my bike and swerving a bunch as i drove#but i dont think anyone could tell thats what i was doing#so after a bit i just changed to scout. and started just riding my skateboard#(i also did the drinking and riding bit a few times but i eventually just ended up skateboarding around)#(one bit being me on the top of the bridge. doing the cheers taunt. getting on my board. and then skating off the bridge and killbinding)#so at some point. i kept getting stuck in place for some reason. like speficially on bumpy ground or... in the air#and the moment i got stuck in the air (for 30+ seconds mind you) i was just like ''my quantum board technique''#and from there. i just acted as if i was playing the newest Pro Skater game#saying stuff like ''i have to do manual ollie combo for 150000000 points''#or like ''i have to find grindrails on this level''#eventually found my way into the sewers and said something like ''IVE FOUND THE HALF PIPES''#before saying like ''man they really screwed up the physics since the last game''#a soldier on the other team was trying to find me the whole time saying ''wheres tony hawk''#specifically because he had a tony hawk avatar. and i only realized after he said something about it#anyway. after all that i skateboarded into a minisentry and died#and my last message was supposed to be ''my combo has ended'' but i ended up typing 'bombo'#and it made me laugh SO hard i couldnt backspace. and added on with ''my sweet bombo''#and then i left because i had nothing more to do there. my bombo had ended and i had to move on.
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robo-dino-puppy · 5 months
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horizon forbidden west | erend 32/?
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octopus-doctor · 6 months
I stupidly stayed up waaaay too late so I could finally get this done lol BUT my new Mysterio bag 😌
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quotidianish · 1 year
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The most t4t pair ever
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corvidaeconundrum · 19 days
Why does it have to be so difficult to find an enjoyable, active, and safe place for systems to meet and chat. I am so desperate, anything to just be able to chat as ourselves with other like-minded people, please god, why must it all be toxic, dead, or consist of 5 people who only talk with eachothe because they’re all friends with eachother already😔🙏
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hexlorde · 1 year
“Oh, I have the day at home and this movie I need to return to the library soon. I’ll grab some breakfast and watch it now-“
Two hours later:
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Yeah, I was not prepared. It was a wonderful movie, with characters that I instantly got invested in and some visual choices I love, but whew was it a heartwrencher. Just… the combination of Otto’s attempts with how everyone was rallying behind him, and then seeing him slowly start to live again… I started crying about 30 minutes in and never really stopped.
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gottagobackintime · 3 months
The “hear me out” trend needs to stop because no one knows what the fuck “hear me out” means. No, but seriously. I just saw a video where the “hear me out” was… Colin Firth… COLIN FUCKING FIRTH. Mr Darcy x2, yeah, that guy.
Colin Firth is not and will never be a “hear me out” man.
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frodo-baggins · 10 months
you guys wouldn’t believe me if i told you how badly my move yesterday went 😭
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piedoesnotequalpi · 19 days
I think I should be allowed to kill sexist customers. actually.
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paigemathews · 10 months
Who did you think would win in a battle?
Wyatt Halliwell or Hope Mikaelson?
Definitely Wyatt Halliwell! Mostly because I haven't actually watched a single episode of any of the Vampire Diaries shows yet, so I have no idea who Hope is. (The main character in Legacies, I think?) (Don't worry, it's on my to watch list, my watch list is just really long atm.) I will say though that Wyatt is gonna be my answer for most situations. (Also thanks for the chance to do a little meta about Wyatt and his powers.)
From an objective standpoint in regards to powers, Wyatt wins against pretty much anything. I've said before and I'll say it again, I believe that Wyatt managed to break the Grand Design in the unchanged future with the exposure of magic, and I think that means he was able to kill some beings that he should not have traditionally been able to, aka the Cleaners and maybe even the Angel(s) of Destiny. (Which also loops into one of my now favorite headcanons that prophecies are made as a warning that a witch capable of breaking the Grand Design is coming.)
The catch, and how I'm able to write Wyatt in literally any conflict in my next gen fics, is that he has a critical weakness: he is terrified at the possibility of what he's capable of. (I have also mentioned that interpretation before, in connection with how Billie unintentionally makes it worse.) That kind of power is a lot for one person to handle, and Wyatt outclasses quite literally everyone around him by a large margin. I think that in a sense, his own fear serves as a kind of limiter on his power because he won't use them to the fullest extent. This is partially because he doesn't fully know what he's capable of because he doesn't experiment with his powers or push boundaries the same way that Chris does. While Wyatt has that kind of power, he lacks a greater amount of control and precision because he doesn't practice.
In a situation where Wyatt does go full-out, however, I think that he wins, no question. It's incredibly rare for him to do so, but one of his primary powers (projection) is a version of reality warping, y'know? That's not even getting into the fact that he has energy waves that can flat-out incinerate enemies without even trying. The challenge is getting him to a place where he doesn't hold back.
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lucyvaleheart · 8 months
#man. nights are. Hard huh#Uhhh this is. Another vent post HEAVY trigger warnings for this one#honestly I wouldn't bother reading this nothing'll come of it good or bad so#don't worry about me ill be fine in the morning just need to. Scream into the void again#....again serious serious trigger warnings on this I'm too tired to say specifics but I know it'll be fucked so#Anyway#maybe Jade's right maybe I do need to see a therapist#she talked about some medication for anxiety and it's effects and what is like on and off the stuff#And......#........'waking up and going to bed on the verge of tears' vs 'not doing that'#sounds................#............christ. I...#I'm not suicidal I think I'd never actually follow through nor would I bother to self harm#None of that would solve anything for me and I'm too chicken to do it regardless#But.....#......i sure do think the words 'I wanna throw myself off a cliff' kind of a lot#killing myself is sounding less like a vague weird concept and more grounded in reality#hhhh#do I need to talk to someone about this? maybe#am I going to? probably not#is putting this on my public blog where I know there's a very good chance a bunch of people really close to me will see it a cry for help?#............................................................#i dunno#just know my chest hurts all the time and Im always a few seconds away from breaking down in tears at any given moment#and I just kind of want everything to stop#just stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop#wanna turn my brain off and just leave it like that#everything sucks and is hard and getting harder and despite being absolutely surrounded by love and support#I keep having these horrible low points and the high points feel further and further away#....anyway.....this is the last tag it'll let me do so. um. I'm sorry for whoever does read this... hope you're having a decent night
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daughterofsarenrae · 6 months
Man we hit a good dosage for angus's meds and hes like. Acting like his old self right now. Def with the energy down like 90% but hes exploring my room and playing with toys and his back legs are holding his weight and it's so nice to see again
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lukasdoodles · 1 year
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Had an Idea to make my Punch Out Ocs into dnd characters so!!! I Did!!!! The above art is concept designs for them, there was a lot of back and forth but im pretty happy with the ideas now!! Below are the Characters from left to right, as well as their race/class!
Kaori - Tiefling Fighter/Wizard
Julia - Halfling Gunslinger
Ever - Elf Warlock
Jason - Satyr Bard
Thats it for now!! I have a few Ideas for actual PO characters that I MIGHT doodle up but idk yet!!! Had fun with these tho <3
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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[flintlock fortress is a collaboration with @dxppercxdxver]
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