#[ sorry its a bit short :( ]
floydsteeth · 22 days
new oc!!!! Meet Odilia Elodie Lucinenne Abreo
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Info on her down here (still a w.i.p will be updated as i go(im lazy ok and over excited to show her off even if shes underdeveloped))
Pairing: Leon (might change)
Age: 30
Backstory(kinda): Odilia is the youngest of 4, daughter of to earl Guillaume Abreo, having grown up in a loving household she was lucky enough to have an identical education as her brothers quickly excelling in math, science and gaining a huge fascination for astronomy, a field which was rather under developed in rhodolite. While yes her education was identical to her brothers, being a lady meant along with her tutor she had a governess teaching her of the more lady like things, the extra hours of learning were exhausting but she gained a love for the arts, and learned how to paint as well. At a young age she had managed to succour a position in an academy in the capital, her family residing closer to the border with bentonite, moving to the capital expecting only to stay for a few years, before moving back home to be married so she throw herself into her studies, she viewed these as her only years of freedome not being pressured to marry or debut in society, at the academy she started learning more literature and philosophy but her passions still lied in math and astronomy, she was surprised when she was given the opportunity to continue her studies in astronomy in rhodolites palace, she quickly accepted this opportunity thinking it would never happen again and seeing this as a way out of any possible arranged marriages. Living in the palace meant access to the library a place where she'd like to spend most of her time, but having only ever heard rumors of prince Chevalier she wasnt particularly enthusiastic to bump into him, but living in the palace makes it impossible to fully avoid the princes's. Even though she came to the palace for an education and an opportunity to start her research she quite enjoys the balls and social evwnts happening st the palace, realising that being a lady of science doesnt mean giving up being a lady of status as well, she will put her status of being a lady above her status of being a scholar, that doesnt mean she takes being a scholar any less seriously infact she takes it much more seriously for that reason, she needs to work less to be seen as a lady as she does a scholar.
Her relationship with leon: i honestly have no idea how they'd get together or why, i need to finish Leon's route :P
personality: shes a very headstrong, determind and confident woman, shes focused and goal oriented, curious and quite hardworking. she's social but not overly talkative, polite, perceptive and opinionated.
-More will be added soon-
@olivermorningstar @solacedeer @m-mmiy @keithsandwich @lorei-writes
Because i feel like you guys would wanna be tagged
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wordsbymae · 2 years
The Killer Alphabet 18+
Hi everyone! Hope everyone is feeling good! I wasn't going to do one of these for this (disgusting) guy but you guys seem to enjoy my previous alphabets for The Mad King and Eli, and I have some time to kill so I thought why not. I really wanted to try something different with this guy compared to the traditional slashers you see in movies, please feel free to tell me if it worked or not!
Also If you haven't noticed I haven't given too much description to any of my OCs, I do have images of what they look like in my head but I'll leave it up to you guys what they look like to you (mainly cause I can't draw for shit). I do see him as Mario Casas in 'The skin of the wolf' but like I said I really don't mind what they look like to you. Also, I don't have a name for this man cause it didn't really make sense in my mind for him to have one so he'll be known as Killer. Once again this is based on @/dear-yandere original template.
Also, I hope I don't need to say this but I will just in case, I do not condone these sorts of actions!!! Or any actions in any of my work. This is pure fiction.
TW: Murder, violence, blood, Killer being aroused by a scene in a movie of a man kissing a woman but this is because it's from the golden era of film (1915-1963). Also please don't judge, I tried doing smut again but I am kinda insecure with how it turned out :/ Male Masturbation. Old-timey Pornography, not in much detail. reader described as pretty. Implied Non-con. Physical harm to reader - breaking bones, branding. Reader has sex with another person, who is then promptly killed. Please use discretion!!!
Minors turn away now, please!
Let's get into it!
This man scares me, not even kidding. Like he gives me the absolute creeps. The drabble this is based on is here.
Before we go into the meat of it, I want to flesh out an important character point. His whole character and personality kinda revolve around one thing. He is obsessed with movies from the golden era of film, especially the ones where the guy gets the girl. I like to think that his cabin wasn't always his, that he stumbled upon it wandering the woods, maybe after a run-in from the law, or even just travelling from his previous shelter to find a new one. And when Killer moves in (murders the old man living there) he is confused to find an old film and a projector set up. After accidentally getting it to work he is amazed by the pretty images floating on the wall. And the moment the man kisses the leading lady? He is baffled, flabbergasted. Where was the blood? The violence, the murder, the guts and gore being spread on screen?
This was the first time he saw physical interaction between people that didn't end with someone screaming, crying or bleeding. And man was he obsessed. He would rewatch that old film, over and over and over just so he could watch the few seconds where the two actors kissed. And I mean over and over again. He practically melted the film with how many times he played it. But he just couldn't help it, he was desperate to recreate this funny feeling in his gut he got every time the actor gripped the actress's waist or connected their lips. This feeling increased with each new rewatch, it went from just a feeling in his gut to taking a physical form in the shape of his pulsing member straining against the worn fabric of his pants (I see him in dark blue jeans but that is just my whorish side talking).
And when the pain got too much and he reached into his pants to check for injuries??? The moment he touched his dick for the first time when aroused?? He practically came right then and there. So after a few trial runs, he finally figures out how masturbation works (yes he is a 30/40ish-year-old virgin, fight me in the maccas carpark)
And that changes everything!! After melting the original film (he is still upset he destroyed it, there's a fist-shaped hole in the wall), he was able to figure out how to add another film from the massive collection the old man has hidden in a backroom (he's more careful with them now), and when the next kissing scene comes up? You bet he's got his hand in his pants and he's rutting into his palm desperately. And then comes his favourite actor!!! He just loves the way they move, the way their skin looks so soft and touchable, so grabbable. And especially the way their hands would look just delightful covered in blood. And they are so lucky! This actor seemed to be a big hit in the old days and a personal favourite of the old man, so there are countless films with them as the leading actor or as the romantic interest. Now he just can't help himself. Instead of just taking care of himself during the kissing scenes, he now has to pleasure himself whenever the actor comes on screen (it's a lot).
Now here is where it gets interesting. Firstly, you come onto the scene. It was your first trip to the camping site with your friends and you were a little nervous, but it was going to be such fun!. Your best friend hadn't been in a while, not since childhood, but how different could it be? It was safe back then so why not now? Surely the dozens of missing hikers were just people getting lost, dehydrated or injured? It had nothing to do with the slasher who had moved into the area, who hated people interrupting his personal time.
Ok so on the last night of the trip, spotlight started. You've run deep into the woods (far too deep) and have found a nice little hiding spot. The woods were filled with screams and laughter and yelling. It was so loud in fact it disrupted Killer from watching his nightly film. It was so loud he decided that the only reasonable way to regain peace and quiet would be to rip the tongue out of every one of these stupid little mutts. Unfortunately for you, he came across you first. You were crouching with your back towards him and your face hidden in the darkness. Now despite his size Killer can be quite the sneak, so you had no idea there was a murderer planning on planting an axe in your head. Just as he planned to jump out, you happened to turn your head at the right moment as the moonlight passed the clouds, and he was able to get a look at your face from his hiding space. Fortunately for you (but unfortunately in 4 years' time), you looked almost exactly like his favourite actor. He was so mesmerised and in awe of your resemblance that he was more than happy to let you slip away into the darkness. From then on he followed you throughout the night.
In doing so he found out so much about you! Like how you jumped and whimpered whenever you heard a sound from the darkness (so much like the bunnies he skinned with his trusty knife!), how you looked so good in that dark red jumper you wore, how pretty and soft he imagined your skin to be, and how you might even be better than the actor on his screen because you were there right in front of him, in the flesh.
So began his obsession with you!! How lucky he was that you returned every single year! It made him so happy to follow you around like a little puppy that he would even forget to torment the hikers near his cabin. He was just so painfully shy when it came to you though. Putting an axe through someone's chest cavity was easy when you didn't have to talk to them. But he wanted to talk to you and maybe even kiss you!! So he was happy for the next two years to just follow you around for a week before you drove away (not before he pinched some of your things- he needed to remember your scent till next year).
But!!! The few weeks leading up to your fourth (and final visit) were a bit different. He didn't pleasure himself often anymore with the sight of his favourite actor, instead, he would now think of you or smell some of your clothes he pinched, or when the actor was on screen he pretended they were you and he was the leading man gripping your waist. But, when looking for a new film to watch ( I wasn't lying when I said the collection was massive) he came across a box he hadn't seen before. Putting one of the films on he was shocked to see what came on screen. The people were doing a lot more than just kissing. It almost looked like the struggles he was used to when he strangled his victims, there were a lot more limbs going places and a lot more grunts and groans ( i don't know how the sound systems work for old projectors but it gonna work for us). But this was different, there was no blood, just two people rutting against each other. And no one died at the end? huh
Instead, he watched as hands travelled over their skin and up shirts, as the man flipped his partner over and ground his hips against their ass and how good it looked to finally have something soft to rut against instead of his callous hands.
If he thought the subtle grabs and light kissing were arousing this sent him over the edge. All these new things he could now imagine doing with you! But why leave it to the imagination? He had spent the last 3 years fixing the cabin where it might be somewhere you could live (and couldn't leave, don't want his little bunny to run). He fixed the walls, the windows, the roofs, and he even added some chains! This year was going to be the year he brought you home, his pretty bunny!
He had it all planned out, he would corner you during the spotlight game and give you pretty flowers and maybe even do the thing the people in the new film do with your hand around his cock! How exciting! No one had to get hurt, he saw how much those mutts meant to you, so he would let them live, even if it would be painful to not crack their skulls.
He had it all planned out! until he watched your boyfriend shove his cock into your mouth. Then he got a bit mad.
And we all know how that ended, don't we?
A = Affection (How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?)
He shows his love in bloody, violent ways. He doesn't talk much, like at all, so his actions are everything. Skinned, still warm, rabbits laying on your pillow, leaving a bit of a mess. They make a perfect stew and the fur can make lovely gloves! The heart of a fox is gifted to you inside a worn wooden trinket box. So you know you have his heart! His victim's still bloody and torn clothes as a gift for all your good behaviour. He doesn't understand why the blood is a bad thing.
On the other hand, he worships old movies, most of which show courting and wooing. He'll pick you flowers and push in your chair, he'll give you rings he finds on his victims and try to slow dance with you in his make-shift living room (his feet are just too big, but he does get better though).
However, don't think just because you are his pretty thing he won't show his love in harsher ways. Gripping your wrist tight until you can almost feel the bones break when he gets a little too excited slow dancing. Tugging on your hair (if you have hair) and forcing you to sit still as he brushes it (even though you tell him you can't brush your hair type dry - I've got curly hair, I would hate this!!), leaving you to wince as he hits knots with the brush. He forces pretty clothes he found on you, gets annoyed when you say no (the actors in his films never said no to their partners) and holds you down on the thin mattress as he rips your old clothes on to manhandle you into your new ones. He forces you into a lot of things but I'll get into that later. Even though you might be crying and begging for him to stop, he still sees his actions as a form of love and just can't comprehend he's doing something wrong.
B = Blood (How messy are they willing to get when it comes to you?)
Extremely bloody!!!! Blood everywhere man. He doesn't need an excuse for him to go straight for his axe. I do think he would go for a slower death for someone who he thinks wrongs you. His greatest regret (besides not bringing you home kidnapping you sooner) is letting your boyfriend off with a somewhat quick death
C = Cruelty (How would they treat you once abducted? Would they mock you?)
Oh yeah, baby, he is cruel!!!! Not in verbal ways but physically. I mentioned before he grips your wrist too tight and that's when he's happy! When he is actually trying to cause you damage I see him do it as a way of punishment, he's not going to beat you for the fun of it, remember he loves those movies and he tries desperately to live the life he sees in it, so when you do something he doesn't like (like saying no or really any small thing) I see him using his leather belt (actually it was the old man's). But are you trying to run away or actively hurt him? Oh boy. I definitely see him as the sort to break a few fingers or even brand/carve his name into your back. But that's for real bad bunnies who try to runaway.
D = Darling (Aside from abduction, would they do anything against your will?)
Yep yep yep. The man is trying to recreate life from an era when consent was practically non-existent, especially between married couples (which he sees you as). And also he just doesn't care. He'll force you to dance awkwardly with him, he'll force you to bathe in front of him, change in front of him, masturbate in front of him, touch him (in more than one place), and force you to kiss him. Also, he doesn't speak often, if at all, only really to say things like:
bad bunny
good bunny
silly bunny
naughty bunny
pretty thing
touch me
so it takes you a long time to figure out his non-verbal clues to save yourself from his wrath.
E = Exposed (How much of their heart do they bare to you? How vulnerable are they when it comes to you?)
What heart? This man feels like 6 emotions: Blood lust, normal lust, hunger (Not even an emotion), thirst (still not an emotion), contentment and obsessive love towards you. So no, no vulnerability from this guy.
F = Fight (How would they feel if you fought back?)
Angry, to the point where he might break a few fingers to remind you bunnies don't have claws. (they literally do but he doesn't know that - neither do I apparently)
G = Game (Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching you try to escape?)
Not a game, but a massive delusional mess. He actually thought that the picnic blanket set up was for him. He thought that your boyfriend was forcing you to do all those things (he wasn't) and all your cries of pleasure were just cries. He had to wait till the spotlight game though, even if he wanted to butcher your boyfriend then and there. That game was how you first met and he wanted everything to be special. So yeah when he saw you put out all those rose petals he was adamant they were for him, it's why he brought you back there for your first time together. He even washed his hands for you! He didn't want you to get mad at all the blood, how sweet :( He really thought as well that what you did was sex, unfortunately for you, he learns really soon what sex is.
The only time I see him wanting to play games is when he lets you go so he can chase after you through the woods or even play a version of spotlight! (it is just him playing hide and go seek, and you running for your life). That really gets his blood pumping. It's sad, cause you think that this might be the time you get away and that you won't be shoved to the ground on your hands and knees getting railed from behind.
run bunny
H = Hell (What would be your worst experience with them?)
Besides watching your boyfriend get killed? There are so many. Losing your virginity to him on the thin mattress, him breaking your finger when you try to slash him with his knife he left lying around (he actually thought he could trust you-naughty bunny), you watching from the window as he drags a hiker that tried to escape back to the front yard to kill them slowly (you couldn't look at him for days and you would sob every time you caught a glimpse of some blood still under his fingernails) or what about the time he kidnapped an unsuspecting camper and forced the two of you to have sex just so he can see if he's been doing it wrong. After the camper finishes, they are promptly killed while you sit on the bed sobbing watching it all unfold in the living room. I have so many more.
I = Ideals (What kind of future do they have in mind for/with you?)
I don't really know, I don't think he does either. I personally would like to say, like I have for my last two OCS, something to do with breeding and a slight housewife kink but that's just cause I'm a virgin whore. But I did say I would try to keep the reader gn for this one, so I really don't know. I think he would just want you to stay his, in his cabin till the police drag him out or until you both die. (feel free to add your five cents! I would love to hear your thoughts)
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?)
It's strange because I did say he let someone fuck you but then killed them. I don't think he gets jealous the way normal people do, as in afraid their partner would leave them or sees the other person as a threat. He doesn't see them as a threat he just sees them as a loose end and a distraction for you from him. Even your boyfriend was killed out of annoyance and delusion that you needed saving of sorts.
K = Kisses (How do they act around you?)
Like a massive murder puppy, heart eyes and everything (as long as you say yes to everything and never say no)
L = Love letters (How would they go about courting or approaching you?)
Very much the same as affection, lots of bloody gifts and lots of flowers and trinkets he stole from dead bodies.
M = Mask (Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?)
Not really, he just doesn't want to kill you or cause irreversible damage. He is still silent and broody and still scares the shit out of you, except of course he also acts like a love-sick puppy.
N = Naughty (How would they punish you?)
I mentioned this one a few times now, but breaking bones, branding, using his belt, chaining you up to the headboard of the bed, or keeping an ankle chain on you,
O = Oppression (How many rights would they take away from you?)
your right to freedom and privacy, you can't change your undies without this man standing like 2 cm behind you
P = Patience (How patient are they with you?)
no patience at all, if he makes the sign for you to sit on his lap during movie night, and you hesitate or worse straight out say no? Your getting punished for sure
Q = Quit (If you die, leave, or successfully escape, would they ever be able to move on?)
He would probably just do what he has always done and murder people in the woods, but he would be way more aggressive about it if that's even possible. Leaving is a big no-no, he has moved places before and you can bet your top dollar that this woodland slasher will become your not-so-friendly neighbourhood slasher real quick
R = Regret (Would they ever feel guilty about abducting you? Would they ever let you go?)
Nope!!! He's having the time of his life
S = Stigma (What brought about this side of them [childhood, curiosity, etc]?)
He's a murderous manic what more do you want from me
T = Tears (How do they feel about seeing you scream, cry, and/or isolate yourself?)
he would confuse crying during sex to mean good things and screaming to just be annoying (if during sex, he thinks it means he's doing it right), if you scream outside of sex he wouldn't have the patience and would just punish you then and there. His pet peeve is victims who scream. Isolating? He wouldn't really mind, as long as he can still manhandle you to do things he wants you to do, I really don't think he would care if you never spoke again.
U = Unique (Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?)
nothing i can think of
V = Vice (What weakness can you exploit in order to escape?)
His naivety. yes, I said what I said. This guy doesn't know anything about relationships or sex, or the modern world in general, so if you tell (beg) him to close his eyes cause you have a surprise for him that might involve you on your knees, he will gladly close his eyes and not even notice it has been ten minutes since you've made a sound till he gets bored and opens his eyes to the window jimmied open and you gone.
W = Wit’s end (Would they ever physically hurt you?)
hahaha yes. read above
X = Xoanon (How much would they revere or worship you? To what length would they go to win you over?)
Yeah, I do think he sees you as this soft, pretty creature that sometimes reminds him of a life before the blood. But not to the point of getting on his knees. Oh no no. Only bunnies get on their knees.
Y = Yearn (How long do they pine after you before they snap?)
This boy has been pining for you for years!! he had a dedicated box where he would put scraps of clothes of yours, flowers you touched, jewellery of yours, pieces of your hair, anything he could get his hands on! Even a polaroid picture your friend took of you on your 2nd trip, just don't ask why it's sticky. He "snapped" when he saw your boyfriend fucking your mouth but he had been planning on taking you anyway so I guess as soon as he saw you.
Z = Zenith (Would they ever break you?)
sure thing! Physically, mentally, and emotionally, this guy just does not care.
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palaceofmuses · 2 years
what are viserys' true feelings towards daemon?
Viserys loves his little brother.
Since they were boys, he was Daemon's strongest defender, often playing mediator to get or keep him out of (worse) trouble. He regrets letting Otto drive a wedge between them.
The blood of the dragon runs thick.
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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buwheal · 1 month
OH!!!!! HAVE YOU CHECKED THE CYBER CAFÉ DUMPSTER by any chance? there HAS to be some leftover cake there!!!! i heard there was an event recently!!
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gremlingirlsmell · 9 months
played the susan taxpayer demo by @punkitt-is-here
it's pretty fun! I like how it controls a lot like Wario 3 and Wario 4, with some added things to the moveset. the ground pounding into slopes to go extra fast is fun :3
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i'm always looking like this
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and i did it i got to the secret place, iunno if i missed something after but that being an enemy there scared the heck out of me i could barely grab the screenshot
excited for when the full game releases :3
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ohdeerfully · 4 months
AaaghhHfbfbfn I looooved 'your half of the deal' and I'm hanging on the edge of my seat waiting for part two 😩 absolutely adore your writing
hello anon u are in luck..............
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Your Half of the Deal (ii)
Alastor x Reader
part i part ii part iii
TW: kidnapping, typical hazbin hotel cursing
join my discord!
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Your eyes cracked open, and your body ached all over. It took a moment for your thoughts to pick up and consider your situation.
Right, you groaned as you sat yourself up taller, sharp pains coursing from your neck and throughout every limb. Yeah. I got electrocuted. 
You were positioned on a bed; not a very comfortable one, but you preferred it over being shackled in a dungeon or something. You smirked humorously at the thought. In your tacky spy getup, it would’ve made sense to be in a similarly stereotypical situation.
“Myy,” A voice purred from the corner of the room. “Glad to see those beautiful eyes open, finally!” Your nose scrunched at the smell of smoke, and you made eye contact with the Overlord that stood, leisurely leaned against a wall. Tendrils of his cigarette smoke curled throughout the air as he brandished a hand at you. One of his hands began tapping away at his phone.
“Vox will be so happy,” Valentino stepped towards you, and you tried to leap at him. You were shackled, you discovered, the chains clamoring against each other with the jerk of your body. “Feisty. I like that. A shame I can’t have you work for me.” A sigh so dramatic escaped his lips as he put his face right in front of your scowling expression. The smell of cigarettes made you scrunch up your nose. He slowly looked your body up and down, considering every edge and curve of your body.
You spat at his hand as he raised it to stroke at your arm. He recoiled his arm in disgust, raising it once more and bringing it down in a harsh slap that made your ears ring.
“Don’t forget whose home you broke into.”
You couldn’t help the tears that welled in your vision due to the stinging pain, but you continued to glare at him, showing your fangs and lashing your tail in a weak display of intimidation. You knew he was stronger than you, and you couldn’t even fight back with your arms chained up.
“My boss is going to tear all of those arms off your body,” You growled, “if I don’t get at you first.”
“I’m not too worried,” Vox’s voice fills the room as he slowly enters the doorway. You briefly think about calling him out on his dramatic entrance, but think better of it. You were in a vulnerable enough state already. “I mean, if he’s sending his little pet to do his chores, why would I be scared of him?” He erupted in some sort of over the top villain laugh. 
The air was filled with the feeling of strange static when Vox entered the room, running up and down your arms in a sharp, buzzing sensation. It was sinister, threatening, and it made your throat feel dry. Your entire nervous system seemed to prickle, and you were suddenly hyper aware of the pain running through your neck from your previous electrocution. 
You only frown at him, fingers fiddling with the shackles behind your back. They weren’t giving, and your nails were starting to crack as you clawed at your sore wrists.
“I’m not his pet,” you look towards the floor as you mutter back, partially as a lie to yourself. “He’s probably going to realize I’m gone any second now. He’s going to beat your ass, it was part of our deal.”
The two didn’t seem to mind your words, watching your desperate attempt at intimidating them with a pitiful look in their eyes. Why weren’t they worried? The nonchalance radiating off of them was making you feel less and less sure about your rescue.
“I have a question,” Valentino suddenly piped up. He sauntered over to you, and sat way too close, leaning towards you. You rocked your whole body to the side when the plume of his coat brushed your shoulder. Oh, how you wished you could move your hands to rip that fluff off of him. “How is my baby Angel doing up in that shithole?”
“Val,” Vox snapped, pinching his fingers on his non-existent nose. The sentiment was there, though, obviously tired of the moth’s shit. “Nobody fucking cares.”
“I do!” Valentino snapped back, a snarl on his mouth. He smiled and turned towards you again, waiting for an answer.
“Uh…” You looked between the two Overlords. Why was this guy trying to have small talk right now? And why were you even responding? “He’s… okay. I guess. Happy.”
That last word, happy, seemed to wipe the smile off of Valentino’s face again. He gave you a quick “hm” and stood up, all four hands crossed on his torso. He took a drag of his cigarette. Vox silently glared at him.
How is it possible to feel so awkward in such a dire situation?
And where is Alastor?
You began to think about the deal you made with him. Was it too naïve to think that he would actually come rescue you? Yeah, you literally sold your soul to him for his protection, but did you make a mistake in thinking he was being honest? You still didn’t have the most knowledge when it came to deals, and it wouldn’t surprise you if the Radio Demon managed to fudge his way out of his part of the deal.
You were dragged from your thoughts when you noticed the two Overlords began to bicker about something. Valentino had dramatically turned away from Vox, walking towards the wall to stare at nothing in anger.
“That old-timey, relevant wanna-be isn’t going to find us,” Vox stated, following Valentino. “So stop being such a bitch!”
“And if he does?” Valentino snaps back, whipping his head around to narrow his red eyes at the television head. “I’m too popular to get into your power-trip induced battles! I have a reputation to uphold.”
“What, a reputation built on the backs of sluts?” 
“Yes! Obviously,” Valentino missed the insult Vox tried to stab him with. He turned his head to look at you, gaze hidden behind the glare hitting his heart-shaped glasses. He felt menacing, though. “...though, if we kill him…”
You wordlessly mouth a ‘fuck you’ to him, and look at your feet. What do they mean by find us? Your eyes scan the room you're in, trying desperately to find any semblance of recognition to where you were.
It was pointless, though, and you cast your gaze to the door. Bright, flickering lights colored the crack at the bottom, and you frowned curiously. You suddenly realize that the deep thumping you had been hearing for the past couple minutes was music.
Did these egotistical assholes really kidnap you in a club?
Alastor had quickly made it to the Vee’s headquarters, and stood at the entrance with a wide smile and furrowed eyebrows. He peered up at the tall doors for a moment before leaning forward and neatly rapping his knuckles against them. His shadow melted away from his feet and inked through the crack at the bottom of the door.
“Who the fuck is- What the fuck,” Velvette had opened the door, her eyes glued on her phone before she realized who was standing in front of her. She frowned at the sight. Alastor easily towered over her, looking down with a sinister grin.
“Vox isn’t here right now. So,” She began to shut the door, an aggravated look in her eyes. Alastor gripped the door, and easily held it open. “Dude, come on, I have the whole place to myself right now. Leave me alone. He’s not home!”
“What makes you think I’m here for that pompous nobody?” He replied, yanking the door from her grasp. He held a sickly sweet smile on his face. “I’m here to pick up what he stole from me.”
Velvette obviously knew all about the antics of the other two V’s. She also knew how serious Alastor was, and how fast things could get bad for her. She wasn’t easily intimidated, though.
“Kay, well, again,” She rolled her eyes, making a point to show her annoyance in the way she aggressively grabbed the door handle again. “They aren’t here. Get the fuck out.”
Alastor’s shadow returned without her noticing, stitching itself neatly back to the demon. Velvette was telling the truth—they weren’t here. You weren’t here. Alastor retained his grin, but it was tighter than before.
“Ah, my apologies then!” He said, his voice brightening in a fake chipper attitude. He squared his shoulders and stood up straight, folding his hands behind his back. “How rude of me to interrupt.”
With that, he turned sharply on his heel and left.
He hated the way his heart drummed faster when he thought about being able to find you, and he hated the way he could feel it send sick adrenaline through his body. His chest was annoyingly tight. He sent his shadow off again, and made his own way towards town. Surely people would have noticed Vox walking around earlier, and he could use them to pinpoint your location.
Alastor was a master at lying to others and even himself about his emotions, finding it advantageous to growing his power and manipulating those around him. This was harder, though, and he knows he's never felt something like it. The feeling of regret, of frustration, of worry. It made him mad at himself, and even at you. Why were you, some random sinner, making him, the Radio Demon, feel this way?
He had missed the way his shadow held a sharp frown on its features as it dashed away from him.
part i ... part iii
taglist(sorry if i missed anybody!):
if you want tagged in the next part, lmk! i will be using a continuous tag list, so if you already requested to be tagged you dont have to again. and, if you want to be removed, let me know!
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deadduvznap · 11 months
crybaby miguel waking up to getting his pussy ate, he’s already cum so many times in his sleep and now he’s just a teary mess 🙏
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hed be so sensitive by the time he wakes up omg hed literally be shaking in his sleep bcs its so much for him hed be crying and whining and so disoriented and hed be so much more vocal that if he was awake and his cut is leaking EVERYWHERE bcs he feels so good ugh hed be a little whore
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My piece for @daily-teki's DTIYS !
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ot9snumber1 · 8 months
mommy!hyo putting r in their place in a public bathroom bc they kept teasing her 😵‍💫
she’s 3 fingers deep in r’s pussy, who’s moaning like crazy.
“shut the fuck up you slut! you want everyone to hear you?” 🫠
cw: semi-public sex, degradation
"m-mommy!" you yelp as jihyo pushes your face against the wall, her fingers going in and out at an insane pace. you feel her ring brush against your entrance every now and then and it drives you crazy.
"what did i just say?" she says, sounding more disappointed than angry. "do you want everyone outside to hear me fucking you, huh? are you that much of a whore?"
you shut up, resorting to strained whines as jihyo kept her pace up. "now the bitch won't talk. you learning your lesson?" she asks, her other hand pulling your hair to make your back arch for her. you nod weakly, your eyes screwing shut.
"good. you should know better than to act like a slut in public. be glad i love you, because i would've made you strip in the middle of the mall for doing that."
you deserve it, you think. it's a good thing jihyo always made her punishments feel good, she knows you wouldn't dream of teasing her in public ever again.
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sculkshrieking · 1 year
Perhaps some MotherSpore and Mayor Scar? I absolutely ate up their dynamic during S7
you and me both anon, s7 desert duo is everything to me <3
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short people problems require short people solutions
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ioniansunsets · 4 months
i’ve recently been on dating apps and ITS A BATTLEFIELD OUT HERE. Could i get some heartsteel aphelios to comfort me please? 😭preferably one where the reader and aphelios are already an established relationship 🫶
✖ Comfort Heartsteel!Aphelios x Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 566 Words
✖ Tags: Established R/S, Surgery Mention
✖ A/N: This is reader and Aphelios who are High School Sweethearts and he wants to tell you things will be ok but can't do it properly </3
✖ Wrote This Listening To: Monsters - Falling Feathers It really fit too well I am hurt….
It was not a good time. Aphelios knew good times, of course. He knew what it was like to serenade you under the stars, he knew what it was like to belt out songs in a private karaoke room with you cheering him on, he knew he loved having you by his side as he wrote his own songs and sung them back to you. He knew all these things that were constants in his life that he never thought he would lose.
Honestly. When he heard he would have to get surgery for his vocal chords he was devastated, but you were always there, gently consoling him. You were always by his side, always telling him how no changes of this sort would make you love him less, your love would never waver. You were a constant in his life that kept him grounded enough to see past the horrors of losing his hobbies and subsequently help him find solace in the possibilities of any sort of hopeful future. So obviously when you were the one sad, when you were the one lying in his arms crying what was he supposed to do other than try to comfort you the same way you comforted him? You were there for him and he would be there for you, that was just how it was.
A gentle hand rising to caress your cheek, the soft brushing of his thumb to wipe away your tears. His lips pressed against your cheek as he tries to will away your sadness with his affection. Not ever being able to sing again was horrible, but now, seeing you in his arms, and his voice not being loud enough to talk you through your pain, ah…he hates it. But in the end, he knows his actions are as much a comfort for you as his voice, so gently he pushes your hair aside, peppering soft kisses against your forehead. Warm breath fanning over your face as he rests his forehead against yours. His free arm firmly wrapped around your waist, holding you so close to him that you could feel the firm thumping of his heart against your chest. Carefully he leans back a little to properly look at you.
“ I’m here for you.”
It was soft, raspy and barely audible of a whisper that leaves Aphelios’ lips, a haunting semblance of what his angelic voice used to be. But it was still Aphelios, it was still your lover. Hearing him try so hard to be there for you through his own pain… His slender fingers reach out to tilt your chin up towards him, a look of concern on his face. Even when he looked at you like this, he was beautiful, the way his lips curved in a frustrated pout, how his sparkling ruby eyes looked so serious as he stares straight into yours, the way his brows furrowed as he thinks hard on how to show his care and concern. And when you crack an exhausted smile at him, the way his eyes light up, the way he pulls you back into a hug with his hands gently rubbing your back, the way he rests his head on your shoulder so you can feel his warm skin against your neck. You were loved, oh so loved by him that it was hard to stay sad for long.
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thrilling-oneway · 6 months
Fate in Project SEKAI - 1/?
1. An and Kohane
Right from the main story we're introduced to the idea that An and Kohane's first meeting was simply fate. Kohane was just a bypasser overhearing An's singing, hearing An talk about her dreams. It's this that makes Kohane reflect on herself, how she's never been passionate and never had anything she wanted to throw herself into. This girl is everything she isn't and everything she would like to be.
They don't even meet formally, but An's profession of her dream and Kohane's longing for one is what causes their SEKAI to manifest. We know from MEIKO that it's been around for a long time, but it wasn't until Kohane saw An that it revealed itself to its owners. But that could've been anyone. Anyone could've been inspired by An, or Akito and Toya, since they were involved in its creation too. Heck we could've had Kotaro who outright stated was inspired by Akito. But no, it had to be Kohane. Kohane had something she wanted to change about herself, and meeting An is the only way this could happen.
An also needed a partner, and Kohane was the perfect partner. An grew up talented surrounded by talented people. She never had any problems, she'd always been a step above everyone else. Kohane is a total beginner, far, far out of her comfort zone. They compliment each other. Kohane learns from An how to sing, how to be confident, all about her dreams and aspirations. She learns what it's like to be passionate. An learns what it means to rely on someone, what it means to wholly trust someone. A beginner is not to be protected, a beginner is to be taught. She teaches Kohane all these things, and learns what it's like to struggle too. She experiences a sense of weakness for the first time, the fear that someone will surpass her. She's not jealous, she's happy for Kohane, but she's insecure that Kohane will become too good for her, that she'll fall behind and lose the person she loves and trusts more than anyone else. It's these insecurities that push her to become even better, to improve further. She may be naturally talented but that doesn't mean you can't improve.
Kohane's fes card further touches on the idea of An being everything she wanted to be, by literally making her become An. All this time she thought she had to become An, not realising that what she truly needed was to stay being herself. Kohane wanted to change, but to change yourself doesn't mean to become someone else entirely. Kohane is still Kohane. She's still the shy girl who was too scared to do anything, but she left that girl in the past the second she chose to return to An in the main story. It's this idea of a rebirth that is touched on a lot more later on in Nagi and Akito's arcs, and VBS' arc as a whole.
2. Akito and Toya
Was Akito and Toya's meeting just a coincidence, or was it fate? I'll discuss the overlaps between coincidences and fate in this game later, but for now we'll say that yes, Akito and Toya's meeting was also fate. In fact, it's rather similar to An and Kohane's - a parallel, if you will. Not quite the same but not wholly different.
Akito had been fully devoted to soccer for his entire childhood. He was talented, the best player on the team. He put so much time and energy into it. And then he lost, and gave up. Bringing back that idea of rebirth. Akito's passion for soccer burnt out, he was done with it, and not going back. Sure he was good, but he had nothing left in him to care about it anymore. Seeing that concert relit that passion. Made him rediscover himself. Maybe he wasn't made for soccer, but made for music. Music was an opportunity to reinvent himself, much like it was for Kohane.
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Toya came from a musical family. Surrounded by professional musicians, tied to the fate of music from birth. His family expected nothing less of him than to follow in their footprints, a fate pushed onto him regardless of whether he wanted it or not. It wasn't right for him and it hurt, his parents hurt him trying to make him into something he wasn't. He may be talented and experienced, but he was willing to run away from it all. The lyrics to RAD DOGS say as much. Classical music was never his real fate, his real fate lied with street music. Even then, street music was just something he chose because it was so different from the path chosen for him. It was an unknown route that he didn't know how to navigate, but nonetheless, he grew to love it. Fate cannot be chosen, so maybe Toya's spontaneous choice was leading him in the right direction.
Akito happened to meet Toya on the street one day, just like how Kohane first encountered An. Akito, who had refused to work with so many people before, immediately chose Toya on his own accord. He recognised Toya's talent, that Toya was new and inexperienced despite all that, and that Toya was someone who needed a guide in this unknown world. Akito and Toya are two sides of the same coin. Akito is bold and brash and two-faced, Toya is calm and reserved and honest. Akito has no background or talent in music, Toya has all of that. Even their colours are complete opposites. But at the end of it all, both of them chose this path as a way to reinvent themselves. Relight a fire that had burnt out within themselves, allow it to burn brighter than before. Relight, restart, reborn. It's all the same. They're one in the same despite all their differences. They compliment each other and it's what allows them to work so well together, to trust and love each other more than anyone else. Aun no Beats' title is derived from the term Aun no Kokyuu/Aun Breathing, when two people act in perfect harmony to the point of breathing the same, being able to understand each other without words. There's a reason they and no one else was chosen to cover that song.
3. Bird lore + Arata and Souma
The Walk on and on event essentially confirms that the meetings of the two pairs were indeed fate, and that they're soulmates. A word that so fully describes exactly what they are. They complete each other, understand each other and trust each other so, so deeply. Kohane would not be who she is now without An, An would not be who she is now without Kohane. The same applies to Akito and Toya, their meeting is essential to who they are now, they wouldn't have navigated this far without standing shoulder to shoulder, back to back. The best way to describe these feelings, these actions, the way they act and the way they complete each other, two halves of a whole, two sides of the same coin, two parts of the same story, would be love. Platonic or romantic, the text supports both. Kohane and An will keep working hard to become the best possible partner for each other. Akito and Toya are still learning too, how to become even better than the best partner anyone could ask for.
The cards for that event contain a few references to the idea of soulmates two. First, the costumes. Toya and Kohane's costumes for the event have a single wing on the back. Their first recolours change the accent colour to their partner's image colour and flip the side of the wing. This alludes to the mythical Hiyoku bird. A bird with only one wing that will not be able to fly until it meets its other half. Akito and Toya would never have been able to fly, to get as far as they have, if it weren't for that chance meeting on the street. The same applies to An and Kohane, if Kohane hadn't run into An she never would've changed, and An never would've had a partner quite like Kohane. The cards also feature crows, a bird that, notably, mates for life. Toya explicitly states in the event that he wants to stay right beside Akito forever. It's a promise, it's not quite fate but it's the closest a person can get to it with their own actions. Toya is never going to leave Akito's side, and in return, Akito will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him. We see this demonstrated in Toya's card, with Akito literally having broken Toya's cage to reach him, and continue to sit beside him.
KAITO's card is particularly interesting, as it suggests that Akito and Toya, and An and Kohane are not the only fated partners on Vivid Street. KAITO's costume notably already has two wings, a completed whole, only one of them is damaged. Whilst not confirmed, it's highly likely that this is meant to represent Arata and Souma. After all, Souma was an important character in Walk on and on, as was his relationship with Arata. Souma and Arata's relationship has been compared to Akito and Toya's multiple times. Both of them wholly care for and love their partners, as outright stated by KAITO in THE POWER OF UNITY. For Toya, Akito is incredibly important to him. Akito taught him to love music again, Akito introduced him to a whole new world that he only entered out of spite but now is devoted to with his entirety. He has nothing but gratitude for Akito, much like how Souma has nothing but gratitude for Arata. Both of them want to give something back, through the medium both they and their partners love and understand more than anything.
Souma's accident may have made him unable to continue to stand by Arata's side, but Arata will continue to carry the dream that once rested on both their shoulders. It's more complicated for Arata though, who is still clinging to the grief of losing a partner who always stood beside him, a wall placed between them against his will, a wing torn from his shoulder. Dreams can't be carried alone, which is why he can't truly ever carry Souma's dream, nor claim it as his own. He's so caught up in his feelings that he can't realise that he wants this too, that it isn't just for Souma. It's in his honour, the memory of a dream that can't be achieved anymore. Arata's inability to realise this brings him so much pain because he loves Souma, so much, and it crushes him to think that he's betrayed him, in a sense. But once again, they truly are two people who complete each other. Souma wouldn't have reached the heights he did reach if Arata wasn't there beside him, and Arata would not still be on this path if it weren't for Souma leading him along for the first part of the journey.
4. Nagi and RAD WEEKEND
If there's one thing known about fate, it's that fate isn't kind to everyone. Fate was cruel to Nagi, it took her life from her. Her dreams were to be left unfulfilled, half complete. She had no choice in the matter, her story was coming to a close, before she could bring it to a proper conclusion. However, even if her fire burnt out, she still had the time to light a fire in a new generation. Her story will never see a proper end, but she can give her story to a new generation, and inspire them to write their own, one that can be truly completed.
Nagi held RAD WEEKEND as a send-off to herself, one last performance that she could put everything that she could into since she wouldn't have another chance. It was also a chance to create a legacy for herself. Whilst she herself would be gone, her impact would be remembered, be seen by many and inspire them to reach for their dreams, or perhaps give them a new dream. As she looks out to the audience whilst putting her legacy and dreams into the world, she sees An and Akito in the audience. While they wouldn't know it for years, Nagi knows, in that moment, mere days before her death, that these are the children she's inspiring, the ones who will remember, the ones who she's lighting a fire for, a fire that will never burn out. It's fate that Akito was there, it's fate that Nagi saw both him and An, and chose to entrust her life's work to them. Without Nagi, there is no Vivid BAD SQUAD. Without Nagi, An and Akito would not be so passionate, for there is no RAD WEEKEND to be passionate about. Akito wouldn't have chosen Toya as the one to run toward his dreams with, because there would be no dream to run towards. Kohane wouldn't have seen that passionate girl on the street and wished she could be just like her, wish she could be more than herself. And without that, there would never be a Vivid BAD SQUAD, never be a SEKAI, never be an Arata who learnt that he's not alone, or a Kotaro who learnt that he's not as talentless and useless as he believes.
Without Nagi, there's nothing. Her fate was not to die before her story was finished, because she finished her story. Her fate was to pass that story on, allow it to be rewritten and adapted by the ones she inspired with it, allow it to continue on. Nagi had more of an impact than she will ever know, but she knew that it's what she wanted, she knew who she was telling her story to, who she hoped would take what she gave them and run and burn brighter than she ever did. For Vivid BAD SQUAD, for Arata and Souma, for Kotaro, and for Tatsuya, Nagi is what guided them to their fate. Even moreso, she may have created it.
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kaialone · 22 days
Just some interesting details mentioned about Paracelsus in the Slash Beat Encyclopedia and the 10th Memorial Book:
He was originally a stone ax created during the final period of the Crusades (remember, they lasted like a 100 years.)
It's described that it'd display its full power by sucking up blood, even before it was a sentient being. (So, I'm assuming he was some kind of magical weapon from the start? Slash Beat Encyclopedia even indicates it was a bio-mechanical weapon, but that bit is not mentioned in the 10th Memorial Book, and that one's more recent.)
Its transformation into a Magical Foci (though for the reference, this specific term wasn't applied to Paracelsus until Xrd, I believe) and gaining a sense of self is said to have been a gradual result of him absorbing too much blood. (There's some additional details about how Magical Foci in general are born from Xrd's GGW and onward that don't come up here yet)
He began to communicate and even started picking his own wielders and the like, and sought for a purpose in life through his achievements in battle.
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hysterical-cats · 1 month
Some Cassandra would be really nice! :D
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Cassie is a real popular lady to get two requests!!
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muppenthings · 27 days
Do any of your non human based ocs celebrate holidays? Do they know about human culture already or do their human friends teach them?
Oh yeah absolutely, many have their own culture and traditions after all! While I haven't spent too much time brainstorming for everyone, I do have some ideas for the merfolk of Jordh. :)
The Reef and Ocean mer centers their traditions around the moon, as the moon is seen as a guide/deity. For example they celebrate new year during the first full moon in January. That's a week long celebration where they gather to sing, dance and share meals. :)
It depends on the mer how much they know about human culture! Merry for example enjoys hanging out with humans so they know quite a lot about the regional traditions! Other mer like Tide aren't very interested (or downright refuses) to learn about them.
Runt, Keiki and Cetus grew up with humans/landfolk so it's the other way around for them; they know more about human culture than their own kinds'. So they could use someone to teach them about those instead. :,)
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