#[ the cw are obviously not for the top surgery scars but the other one ]
humanitysong · 5 months
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hc that va.sh doesn't care much for gender ! he has a bit of a lean towards masc & neutral gender expression . for example, I personally hc that va.sh getting top surgery was partly bcs soso many scars on his body are from traumatic events & he wanted one that actually came from a place of self-love & bodily autonomy ! ...but also because literally one chest of his had to be removed after a particularly nasty wound ( hence why he has that metal grid over his chest ) . he got annoyed by how clothes would fit him, otherwise i don't think he would have actually gotten surgery. being able however to mirror one scar that was one of the most painful & near-death experiences for him with one of his own choice, reclaiming his body does fit va.sh & is just a big part of who he is.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 6 months
Hi! I am fond of your fics, ty for blessing the fandom with such content :D /pos
As for the request... How about a short&sweet movie!goldenheart thingy with precanon transgender Ballister being a bit self-conscious abt his body and Ambrosius reassuring him (goes perfect with your body worship hc tbh)
Might be T, might be E, it's all up to you XD
(Should have I really turned the anonymous option on? I feel like it's really obvious who I am atp)
Anyway I hope you're having a great day and you get paid a lot of money B)
Hi hi yes finally finished this one, stranger!!! I am so glad you enjoy my work and I hope you enjoy this one!!! Ambrosius loves his man so much stg
Cw: referenced sex, some gender dysphoria (obviously) and minor internalized transphobia
Ballister admired his facial hair in the mirror. He'd been terribly proud ever since it had started growing in, and he'd cut his hair. He was grateful for the resources available to him that he never before would have been able to access as a kid on the street. Yes, his face was finally molding into a shape he liked to see.
His body was a bit of a different story. He was elated, of course, when he got approved for top surgery, but the scars were still very visible against his skin, they hadn't faded yet. He hoped that his chest hair would make them harder to see. And all that's not even mentioning that he'd not been able to get bottom surgery yet. The damn Institution said it would interrupt his training too long because of the recovery time.
It's not like it would matter. Ballister could avoid mirrors for the rest of his life if he needed. He'd never had to deal with his own body much. He was very good at distancing himself from it. That is, until, his best friend turned into his boyfriend and that relationship turned from innocent to sexual very fast.
It was hot, and fun, but honestly a bit awkward and miserable at first. Ballister thought Ambrosius was straight at one point. If a straight man liked him, what did that mean? Did the person he trusted most in the world see him as something other than who he really was? Then he found out that Ambrosius was gay and that was somehow just as stressful because what if he wasn't enough? What if his partner was biding his time until Ballister got surgery? What if he didn't like him as he was? What if he never did?
Ballister startled when Ambrosius entered the room, his lover's eyes immediately widened and he bit his lip. “Hey, sexy.” He slinked his way over and nibbled Ballister's neck, slinking his arms around his waist. “How lucky do I have to be to come home to the hottest man in the world topless in my dorm?”
Ballister snorted, as if it wasn't practically their dorm. He slept here and half his stuff was here, because this dorm was much nicer than his. They used his dorm as storage and a hangout to play video games in. They actually lived here.
“I'm happy I can be topless in your dorm, finally.” Ballister chuckled with awkward intonation, and Ambrosius kissed his shoulder. “I'm happy too, that you feel comfortable doing so. But you always could if you'd wanted, your body was never and could never be a problem for me. I just want you to be happy!”
Ballister smiled. “Really? Even if– Even without– I don't know. I'm masculine enough for you? I mean, you're gay, and you've known me since we were kids.”
Ambrosius gave him a look and caressed the stubble on his cheek. “I’ve always liked you. Gave me a whole crisis about my sexuality before you came out, because I exclusively liked men except for, I thought, you. Turns out my gay ass knew something about you before you told me.” He chuckled. “You've only gotten hotter, but you've always been perfect, and you'll always be more than man enough for me. Plus, no offense, Bal, I don't think you've got quite enough in the way of feminine wiles to drive my man-loving ass away.”
Ballister glanced at the mirror and burst out laughing at the sight of his muscular, bulky, hairy body contrasted with the phrase "feminine wiles". It wasn't that those things couldn't be feminine, but they certainly weren't in his case, and the idea of anyone seeing, let alone being attracted to him as a straight woman seemed a bit ridiculous upon reflection. “Alright, alright. Thanks.”
Ambrosius grinned and kissed him, fingers fiddling with the waistband of his shorts. “Now that that's settled, would you be interested in me sucking your dick and fingering you? I've got a couple hours before my next class.”
Ballister smirked, “Only if I can suck your dick and finger you.”
Ambrosius pretended to be contemplative for a moment despite the excitement that flashed behind his eyes. “Hm, yeah, I suppose I'd be amenable to that.” He grinned and in another instant, their bodies were melded together, just two young men in love.
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ravenkinnie · 2 days
📚 (👀)
this is acc a special case because it's almost fully planned out jsjsjsj the tea of it all is that the escort au has two more parts somewhere in my wips that could have happened at some point - one is a bit of a transition one shot so it's not that interesting on its own here but the second would have been a multichapter post-time skip
because this is fully planned out, I can show you what level of insanity we got up to in cws:
cws: psychosis, mental health issues, medical trauma, sex work and whorephobia, silco, prison trauma, discussions of self-harm and suicide, general questionable parenting and dysfunction, internalised ableism and themes of transhumanism, death and illness
the tldr is that if you go back and reread the two parts that do exist you will note that jinx has a scar on her chest, this scar is maybe not obviously but implied a result of a past heart surgery - so yeah a huge catalyst and theme here is medical topics, health care access etc this is somewhat of a jumping point to ofc the family and romance drama that ensues across like 12 chapters with a class difference at the heart of both the romantic and personal character conflicts. my vision is something of a character study/romance/drama with soft sci-fi elements, think something like literary sci-fi like how high we go in the dark or sth
some notable notes:
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on top of that I have also stuff outlined like vanco divorce drama, vi causing drama post-prison and fucking across runeterra (you might guess one person, you would not have guessed the other, im on my rarepair shit always), caitlyns relationship with her family and jayce, their brothers are actually characters here which is fun cause they are dead as fuck in every other fic of mine, viktor would have an actual character arc and a strong dynamic with jinx and fun little details I want to play with at some point
also corina was gonna make a comeback because slay queen, I love when exes come back to be messy
Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
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holotapess · 1 year
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viktor hargreeves x male reader ; fluff
summary — r takes it upon himself to remind viktor that him and his scars are beautiful
content / cws — scar insecurity
a/n — this was written with male reader in mind, but really can be read as gender neutral since no actual he/him pronouns are used for r other than in the summary !!
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humming to yourself as you spread butter over a piece of toast, you abruptly stopped, the silence of your apartment piercing straight through your ears. taking a bite out of your toast, you searched around for your boyfriend, who was rambling to you about what sweater of yours he should wear not even few minutes ago.
"vik?" you called out, walking over to your bedroom once you'd notice the door was open more than before. the sight you were met with broke your heart, it was viktor, standing infront of your mirror shirtless, very obviously looking at his scars. oh and his eyes, his beautiful eyes, he was on the verge of tears,, and the most displeased expression littered his face.
wrapping your arms around viktor's waist as you came up behind him, you pressed a gentle kiss to his exposed shoulder before resting your chin on it.
"i know, i know."
he shook his head, wiping a stray tear away the moment it landed on his cheek. you hummed, tilting your head slightly as your finger softly traced viktor's top surgery scars.
"you know, i think your scars are quite beautiful. they show that you can finally be comfortable in your own skin — oooh, that was quite a gushy lovesick statement, wasn't it?" your nose crinkled into a fake disgusted look, but softened at the sound of viktor's laugh, "it was." you let out a low hum, smiling as viktor looked back at you.
"well, i'm just going to hope i cheered you up because we really have to go." you grabbed one of your sweaters off your bed placed it against his chest, before placing a kiss to his cheeks and leaving the room.
he watched as you left, trying to hide the smile that threatened his lips,, but of course, you saw it, you always did.
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Hey idk if youve done this alreadh but im curious about your body headcanons for the sdr2 cast!! An anon sent some in for characters previously (the one where they said things like angie has vitiligo and stuff-i love them and they really stuck with me haha) and i wanna know your headcanons!! :D
Hmhmm this one I might be listing off the spot lmao. I feel like my hcs are mostly just. Common hcs but hey I never said I wasn’t basic skdjksjdks
cw for. Everyone. Yeah kdjfksjdks
Hajime…..I like to think he’s slightly buff? Maybe that’s not the right word. Toned? Idk, I hc that he jumps around hobbies a lot because he wants to find something he’s good at, so that includes sports. I like the idea that a few stick with him, like swimming and basketball. I imagine he also has light scrapes and scars on his legs from falling, both with skateboarding and general Clumsy Shit.
Also this one switches a lot but with Trans Hajime, I can see him with top surgery scars.
Oh ah, I like freckled Hajime!! It’s cute. This one goes with the sports hc, but I like the idea that he’s kinda tanned. Entirely unrelated but I also like the idea that he has calluses from playing guitar.
Chiakiii!! She’s soft bc I said so. Specifically her thighs, arms and stomach + some stretch marks. And moles all over. Projecting big time onto a cute fictional girl, call that self care <333 /j
uhh other than that, I imagine she has bags under her eyes from staying up late gaming. Also tan Chiaki my love. Shh I know she probably doesn’t go outside for days on end. In my defense I tan easily and I imagine she does too. Again with the projection. Shhhh
Oh oh!!!! I forgot to mention but!!!! Chiaki gets a ton of moles. I saw the boob mole and went !!!!!! fellow mole haver!!!!!! and went nuts. This is the one weird niche entirely irrelevant thing that can get me to like a character, just. Being able to point at them and jump up and down with joy over them also having moles. Idk why it’s just therapeutic <33
Nagito’s bony. Skinny mf. Could probably cut cheese with his elbows. Maybe grate it on his collarbones. Cuddling with him would be a fight to see if you can find a position that doesn’t end with something poking you in the gut. I mean this affectionately, he’s bony as shit but he’s my bony fucker <3
Pale asf, sunburns if he’s in the sun for more than two minutes. His eye bags could hold the entirety of his life’s trauma. Sharpest features ever. Sometimes I hc that he looks greasy, and other times I hc that he looks ethereally pretty in a ghostly way. Either way he always looks like he’s had the soul sucked out of him by a Dementor.
You can probably definitely see the veins in his hands. They’re. Very There. Also I’ve brought this up before but he definitely has big ass hands. L a r g e hands, all the better to head pat you with. This was originally so much more pining but I decided no I’ve exposed myself enough on this blog skfjksjdkd
Oh last minute thing, I think he’d be tall as fuck. Specifically 6’0 or taller. Also he probably (definitely) has at least a few scars from his childhood, particularly that plane crash. And I like to think he has glasses when he’s older. I’m so sorry that his section is so long I have so many thoughts about him ;;;;;
Okay uhh Imposter? Mmm. Idk actually. I do think they’d have callused fingers but soft hands. Probably from having to adapt to using a ton of different talents for their Imposter Agenda. Also stretch marks probably, all over their body.
Teruteru uhhhhh. God. Can you tell I don’t think about some characters ;;;;; Idk I don’t have much that differs from canon. I like him. Oh but he probably has cook hands? Chef hands, whatever you wanna call them. Probably faint scars from cuts and burns from when he was still learning how to cook from his mama.
Mahiru……hmm well freckles obviously dkjfksjd. I think she’s tanned as well since I feel like she likes sunlit shots. Idk I don’t have much. I like to think she’s got a stockier body type though.
Also not necessarily her body but I like her with an undercut!
Peko’s buff <3 it’s canon <333 /j
N ee way yeah. Buff Peko my love. Also she probably has a few scars from handling her sword when she was younger and less experienced. I also feel like she would have contacts she wears when she trains bc fuck exercising with glasses
I don’t really have anything for Hiyoko until she gets her growth spurt. Afterwards, I imagine she’s tall and kinda thin? Mainly bc of fast metabolism probably, though when she’s older maybe she’d be a little less spindly.
I don’t know if her hair would be bleached or not, but if it were, I like the idea of her letting her actual hair color grow in. If not, I think Ibuki might help her try a few sections of dyed hair? Idk I just like the thought
Ibuki is a fellow bony bitch. I mean this lovingly. She’s skin and bone. Skeleton rocker lady
Probably tan, I imagine she spends a lot of time in the sun. She strikes me as a summer person. Oh, I also saw some art of Black Ibuki with vitiligo and loved that!! Also calluses from shredding guitar, obviously
Hmmm I like the idea that she rollerskates? So possibly some bruises or scars on her arms or legs from falling on concrete when she was still learning. Oh oh I imagine she has a ton of piercings!!! On her ears, nose, lips, brows, tongue, belly button…….maybe she has a split tongue too idk. Also she totally gets a ton of tattoos when she’s outta Hope’s Peak, prove me wrong.
Mikan uhhh. I like tall Mikan. She deserves the height. 5’8 to 6’0 Mikan good 👍
Hmm she probably has scars all over, particularly on her arms and legs. Uh. Idk I imagine she’s curvy probably. What do I say for her I don’t have anything skjdksjdks
I’m not even gonna lie I don’t have a damn thing for Nekomaru. Or. Wait nevermind here’s a concept: buff Nekomaru but like. If you’ve seen those wrestlers who have fat on them that hides some fucking crazy strength? Yeah that’s him. Also hairy asf.
Gundham……tall vampire vibes. I’d say he’s a stick but also I feel like he’s the slim type of muscular. Idk how to describe it. Shigaraki type muscle? Male gymnast. No nevermind those guys have visible muscle. Shigaraki type it is
Hmmm I think this is canon but probably a few scratches from his pets. His arms and legs mainly but I’m sure the Devas have scratched up his neck at some point or another. Just a little though. Also piercing fiend Gundham my beloved. I also like him having a couple tattoos when he’s older. Ibuki probably helped him heheh
I’m torn between Fuyuhiko being skinny as shit and Fuyuhiko being tiny and buff. I like both………hhh
His hair is probably bleached. Peko probably helps him re-dye it when his roots start growing in. I also like him having glasses
Uhhh tooth gap Fuyu’s cute. I used to have a super small one before I got my braces, I imagine it’s the same for him. Him, Ibuki, and Gundham are probably Tattoo Buds.
Kazuichi…..I want so bad to say he’s a weakling just to make fun of him but he’s a mechanic that probably works with heavy machine parts a lot and he probably has some sick biceps. But he probably also smells like hair dye, oil, metal, and Monster Energy. Win lose situation I guess.
I like to think he has a couple piercings? Not as many as Ibuki, but maybe he’s got like. Second or third place in the class. Also he totally filed his teeth to be sharp like that
Akane!! Buff lady, could probably deadlift me or something. She’s definitely got some scars from running around, especially when she was first learning parkour. Ummm oh, I like to think she has a chipped tooth or smth like that from falling roughly as a kid.
Soniaa <33 in my heart she will always be tall and have at least some muscle. Novoselic is a war country if I remember correctly, she’s definitely got some military training in her.
Idk why but her with heterochromia just popped into my head. That pretty greenish blue gray that she has + maybe brown or hazel? I think that’d be cool. And hip dips.
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pleasancies · 3 years
Escape Attempt #1
wordcount : 1.8k+
cw : self harm, mention of past torture, suicidal behavior
tropes : lab whump, lady whump, failed escape attempt, manhandling, whumper as caretaker, sensory overload, wound agitation, blood (everywhere)
Previous Chapter
John laid her on the infirmary bed, the white sheets instantly turning red. He left, and Professor Clayton replaced his absence with Lisette trailing behind. He had accompanied Avis to the institute, wrestled against five foot long greenery and walked over the pile of carcasses, yet his coat and pants doesn't look affected at all.
"Fenrir, I wager I never properly introduced myself."
"I've heard about you. Get lost."
Clayton glanced at Lisette. She hurried to the storage room. His side leaned against the bedframe. He reached for Avis's ankle. He held it in a vice grip. Plastic casing rubbed against gaping wound.
Avis grit her teeth, ended up voicing a guttural groan instead. Her voice was strained as she managed a 'stop'.
"I'll stop if you let me work on you. Cooperate."
"Just kill me and get it over with."
Clayton twisted his grip. The burning sensation multiplied. "It would be a mercy. Don't you understand? You lost the choice to kill yourself the moment you're trapped with us."
"Watch me," Avis said between grunts of pain. The edge of the wound on her ankle skinned raw. She tried catching Clayton's hand, but he had withdrawn his hold. He went into his pocket. The shock stunned Avis's like a slap to her face.
"Alright, try. Right in front of me. I'll help you even. Say the word, and I'll turn on your shock bracelet to full blast. You'll scream and writhe under this bed until you shit yourself. After I'm sure you're dead, I'll took your brain and put it inside a warbeast. I'll save the handful of memories that makes you you. The next thing you know, you're tearing your comrades limb from limb and there's nothing you can do about it."
Avis didn't bother to hide the fear in her face. It was abhorrent. Even the most pro-monarchy man she met would squirm with the idea. She think back to the warbeast she'd slain. Their eyes, does it ever glowed the way a human would? The bout of nausea was back. Avis covered her mouth, swallowing a gulp of saliva.
Lisette was back. She was carrying a table filled with medical kit. There's a thin smile on her face. A cross between smug and content. Did she heard?
Professor Clayton doesn't wait for permission. He took a small screwdriver, methodically disassemble the ankle bracelet. The man is practically oozing with competence. His steps were hurried but certain. Years of experience in researching alien technology shows clearly in the lines of his face and the coat he wears.
Meanwhile, Lisette worked on her smaller scrapes and bruises. She cleaned her up, dabbing a soaked rag across her bloodied face. She started from the top, wiping up Avis's blood matted hair first. Cool water dripped from her neck. Avis supressed a shiver. The intern nurse's fascination to her scars and peculiarities had died down. Lisette didn't even seem to care if she is alive. She grab a clump of hair, pulling it from the base of the scalp. All that for Avis to lift her chin.
"Cut it out, Lise."
"Stop what? I'm taking care of you."
Avis let it slide. Frustration welled deep inside of her. She let Lisette tug at her shoulder, poke and prod the bruises on her back like it was nothing. Her fingers somehow managed to find every point her body hurt most and make it worse. She hated it, the way people would play others like a toy if they could get away with it. She looked down on the bed, watching her shaking fingers. Avis wasn't feeling particularly cold, but her hands just wouldn't let up. She wondered how they distributed their tasks or what Lisette and John will do after their internship.
"What's wrong?" Lisette asked.
"My hands."
Lisette frowned. Concern crossed her face. Even Clayton stopped.
It was Avis turn to ask now. "What's wrong with me?" As if anyone would give a straight answer.
"Nothing. The trigger serum wasn't exactly a full success is all." Clayton draw a small incision on her ankle. The pain was dulled. It flared slightly as he fully opened the second layer of bracelet clinging on to her skin. "The Fenrir formula adjusts it's effects depending on the host. You'll always get the same enhancements of course, but each of it's potency differs in each person. You and the first Fenrir weren't the same, obviously. Not even similar. We need to run some basic test first before your reeducation. During your reeducation, we'll recalibrate the trigger serum. And then, you'll go through this test again. Ready as ever."
The professor dips a wad of cotton to a small jar. He gently dabbed it against the skin. The oily fluid runs againt the burning wound, causing Avis to wince.
"Now, now, don't flinch. I assure you, your next test will be so much more this would feel like a gentle stroke in comparison."
Avis scowled at her doctor. Fucking fantastic. Another round of tests, surgeries, physically molding her into the perfect hound. And a long session of brainwashing, mentally shaping her until she could strangle her comrades and derive joy out of the act. Avis needs to escape. And she doesn't even know which research facility they held her in. Empire's Defense Department my foot, practically every Institute is made for them. It's simply the easiest way to gain funding.
Clayton and Lisette left shortly after. The entire session with John passed like a dream. He was strangely sheepish. Unlike yesterday, he doesn't bother to strap her arms and legs. Avis was too tired to notice. Or even think. She slept.
A couple of days have passed when her hands and legs stop feeling like stone. It was midday. There's no other patients but her. One nurse stationed near the door. The same one she'd seen when Lisette brought her here to recover from her bruised ribs. It doesn't took long for her to notice Avis was staring.
"Yes, Avis? Anything you need?"
"Uh, some water please." Avis looked away, heat growing in her cheeks. Is she really that obvious? Embarrasing. Valerie was nice. She was the only one who called her with her real name. Shame knotted in her gut. Just a minute ago she was thinking how to incapacitate her. If only Valerie knew the reason why Avis was staring at her.
Valerie set the glass to her bedside. "Next time, talk."
Avis mouthed a thank you. She stared at her drink, unwilling to touch it. The beige walls of the infirmary looks a lot like the first hospital she got into as a patient. It was a strike that had gone awry. She was separated from her friends. The Empire's officers doesn't care if she was young or a woman. She could still remember the faint taste of rubber boots in her tongue. Her broken leg had healed a long time ago, but the dull ache in her foot stays every winter. Back then, Emmett and Sherman hadn't joined their organization. James got arrested. Their old friends like Thomas and Mike were either too injured or busy dealing with the fallout. Nancy alone had to hold her in a bridal carry.
"Well? Aren't you going to drink that?"
"Sorry, Valerie. Just zoned out a bit."
The infirmary nurse sat beside her. "Had something on your mind?"
"Yeah, actually. Do you think I should be reeducated?"
"I'm not an expert opinion on that. You should consult your handler."
"No, I'm not asking for you to revoke my probationary status. I just want to know your personal opinion."
Valerie pursed her lips, her face drawn in concern. She glanced at the camera in the ceiling. It's too unreliable to pick up sounds or even the movement of her lips.
"I'm conflicted to be be honest. You... you did a lot of bad things to other people, but when I got to know you better, it's obvious that you're just lost. Those Heretical men used and abused you. You're one of the good ones, Avis."
"Thanks," Avis said. Her heart sanked. "I'm really sorry, though."
Before Valerie could react, she swung the glass to her face.
There are two major types of pain. Acute or chronic. There are other classifications based on what caused it for or how debilitating it is, but it was irrelevant. In the context of Avis triggers, there's three. All of them present in her current situation.
She was backed to a corner. The soldiers were split in two. A small squad were standing at the bottom of the stairs, while a couple of them guard the door she sneaked out from. Drops of blood trailed her departure. It formed a line, then a puddle below her wrist. Avis cradled her bleeding hand. A piece of tape still stuck on the edge of her wound. Her hand is throbbing, a continous pulse that quickens alongside her heart rate.
A man started to climb towards her and Avis brings her hand on the edge of the wound. Clawing at the edges.
"Stop," she said. "Took one step closer and I'll fucking eat you." She hissed, partly due to pain and a spontaneous urge to do so. The hiss turned to a groan as she dip her fingers in. The floor sways slightly under her feet. Red stained her hospital gown.
This is manageable, she insist. What was she thinking? She doesn't even know where she is. It's fine! People had run away without figuring out where are they are. But she's escaping an military complex. Stupid, reckless! But she doesn't have a choice right? Barnes had warned her. Clayton had fucking taunted her.
Avis shield her eyes from the light, blood running through her face. The buzz of fluorescent lamp almost drowned the murmur of conversation between soldiers. Her senses grew sharper with every hurt she inflicted. A dull ache growing on the base of her nails, gums, and joints. This time the transformation was slower. Passive, even. Slow enough, she could understand the change in her mindset. Her stomach was already empty before she did her escape, but now the hunger pangs were almost unbearable.
Avis taunted between gasps of breath, "Go on, shoot me like an animal."
The door at the bottom of stairs swings open. Someone spoke, and the voice sends a chill to her spine.
"Don't listen to her. She can't hurt you. She's not under the trigger serum."
Professor Clayton strides up the stairs. Avis's legs scrambles backward but there's only solid concrete behind her. His eye settled on her arms.
"You pulled off your IV. Are you afraid of needles?"
"No, just don't want to be drugged again. It's what you do. You'll wait until I let my guard down before testing."
Avis glowered. The armed guards advanced to protect Professor Clayton. Nothing they give is safe. Anything could be drugged. Food, medicine, even the air she breathed.
"The test wasn't due for a week. But I could speed things up for you. How about the day after tomorrow? How does that sound?"
She tackled him, but there was no power in her arms. Avis collapse on his chest, her vision darkened. Gravity rapidly dragging her feet. The last thing she remembered was her nails, puncturing Clayton's shirt and flesh.
Next Chapter
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femmefoxman · 4 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about body positivity and self-image and how to deal with that as a trans man.
This is a long post. The rest is under a read more because of this. It’s a bit rambling too. I’m just working through my thoughts.
CW: surgery mention, abuse mention, unhealthy eating/thoughts about eating mention, lots of discussion of social beauty ideals and how people are treated poorly for not meeting them. Nothing graphic though.
The pressure to transition into an ‘ideal man’
So - in September I had top surgery. It was definitely the right decision and (combined with starting testosterone in July 2019) it’s had a huge positive impact on my mental health. I look at myself in the mirror and finally see myself looking back. I feel like life is full of possibility at the moment. It’s pretty great honestly.
Here’s the thing - I’m chubby - I was in an abusive family situation for a while and ended up with some food issues which resulted in me losing a fair bit of weight and then putting a bunch back on.
Because I’m a bigger guy I’ve got dog-ears (excess skin and fat) at the ends of my top surgery scars. I feel mostly okay about them and am not planning to get a surgical revision. But I feel weirdly guilty about being okay with them.
I feel like there’s this pressure and expectation that if I want to look like a man (and I do because that’s what I am) then I should look like society’s ideal of a man. People seem to think I should want to be thin and muscular and to have a sharp jawline and just the right amount of body hair.
But to be honest I don’t want that. And I feel guilty about not wanting that.
I have a lot of conflicting feelings about this - on one hand, I have this feeling that I’m doing something wrong or wasting my transition somehow? Logically I know those thoughts aren’t mine - I know that this external pressure I’ve experienced has put these thoughts into my head. But the idea has bedded itself surprisingly deep into my brain so I haven’t been able to get rid of the nagging voice going ‘you’re doing it wrong’.
On the other hand, I’m pretty repulsed by this expectation that I should conform even more strictly to societal beauty standards because I’m trans. I shouldn’t have to thin, I shouldn’t have to work out unless I feel like it, I shouldn’t have to try and look cis. I want to look like a man yes. But I want to look like a queer trans man because that’s what I am and if I look like a cis dude then I’ll start seeing a stranger when I look in the mirror again.
It doesn’t help that the pressure to conform isn’t just interpersonal but structural - for example, trans people often have to be below a certain BMI to access surgery on the NHS and even in some private hospitals. Because of this, every time I’ve had to interact with the clinic that prescribes my hormones they’ve made some pretty yikes remarks about my weight.
I still remember, in our first meeting, how the person assessing me commented that if I could lose some weight then I’d be very handsome due to being fairly tall and broad-shouldered for a trans guy. It made me feel like they saw me as an object that could be shaped and moulded into whatever they wanted - into a symbol of their mastery over medicine.
It was dehumanising as hell.
Femininity, fatness and autism
Being overweight and a man who is slowly starting to present in a more authentically femme manner is interesting.
It makes me feel like some kind of horrible pervert a lot of the time.
I think we’ve got this image of a fat, effeminate, creepy dude so embedded in our collective consciousness that it’s poisoning my self-image a little. It doesn’t help that this collective caricature has a lot of autistic traits and well - I’m autistic.
It sucks because I try very hard to be respectful and non-creepy. I don’t think other people perceive me that way, from what I can tell.
But my brain keeps insisting that if I wore a dress or lipstick or high heels then I’ll transform into some Silence of the Lambs-type figure.
So I’ve been restricting myself to just painting my nails and wearing necklaces sometimes.
But I don’t want to do that any more. I want to be myself as hard and joyfully and authentically as I can all of the time. I feel like I’ve spent so long repressing myself - first because I was in the closet about being queer and trans and then because I was trying my hardest to pass due to not being about to handle social and physical dysphoria at the same time.
I guess it’s something I need to work through... but I’m not going to give up and hide away again. I won’t do that.
The other thing I’ve been thinking a lot about is how the sex characteristics primarily associated with men - for example, facial and body hair - are seen in a negative light. Largely in social justice spaces and communities but in the wider world to some extent also.
In social justice spaces, there is a lot of fear and dislike of maleness and masculinity. I can understand why but it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with as a man who is marginalised due to his gender. I don’t feel very safe or comfortable outside of these spaces but it’s often a pretty tough experience to exist in them too.
This dislike of male things extends to physical traits that are seen as male also. Even in supposedly trans-inclusive spaces, I’ve seen this vocal repulsion to things like body hair and facial hair. Disgust towards traits like this is harmful to pretty much everyone who doesn’t fit cis, perisex, white beauty standards.
People who express this disgust in trans inclusive spaces often seem to think that their words will only hurt white, straight, able-bodied, perisex cis men and that it’s therefore fine.
However, I don’t think it’s okay to talk about cis guy’s bodies like that - for one because it’s just a mean thing to do and for two because even if you want to go out of your way to hurt cis men’s feelings then there’s still no way for you to prevent unintended collateral damage if you say horrible things about someone else’s body in a public place.
So if it’s wrong to make comments like that towards relatively privileged people then it’s very, very wrong to say such things about the bodies of trans people, intersex people and people of colour.
Another factor that harms trans men and other transmasculine people specifically is how people tend to react towards our bodies at varying times during medical transitioning. People (especially cis women) tend to react very positively towards us having feminine physical features - being soft and hairless and pretty-looking. Then we receive backlash if we choose to transition - we run into this idea that we’re “ruining” our “precious, sacred, feminine bodies”.
This nasty, entitled rhetoric tends to crop up strongest among TERFs but I’ve come across less explicit, less obviously transphobic variations in trans inclusive communities also.
This demonisation of “male” traits messed with my head when my hormones started to take effect. I was really happy to feel my dysphoria decreasing but at the same time, I had to come to terms with looking well, ugly. At least - ugly according to the spaces and communities I am a part of.
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raitrolling · 3 years
randomly thinking abt character’s scars so list/headcanons i guess
(cw: mentions of self-harm and abuse)
skathi is my poster girl for Characters With Scars. her regeneration psiionics dont heal her perfectly, meaning that she’s absolutely littered with scars from each time she’s gotten injured in battles. the most obvious scar being the burns on her face and neck from when her hive was burned down, which also resulted in her becoming blind in one eye. she’s also cut off her own limbs at times because sometimes it’s just easier to grow back some fingers or even an entire arm or leg than deal with some of the peskier traps or situations one might come across in a game of flarp, so yknow. thats a Thing
katrin is also heavily scarred on her upper body, which she covers up at all times. her arms and torso are covered in burns from her ex-kismesis and a couple stray bullet wounds that nearly cost her both arms from her old stalker. she also got stabbed on the hip in one thread which ended up scarring, and her other hip has old self-inflicted scars
dismas has scarring on his arm when it was uh, literally torn off by belamy. the cybernetics start below his shoulder, though i acknowledge itd make more sense if his arm was popped right out of the shoulder socket lmao
eichio’s previous boss made sure that he didn’t leave any permanent scarring, and that’s all we’ll say about that
aegiel carved the symbol of the Empire into her own chest, so that she always has HIC close to her heart
soroll’s broken horn and facial scars are all from his time in the fighting ring at the Red Scarves. any other injuries have healed without scarring, as apart from some gang members targeting him for his connection to mikiel he’s able to avoid conflicts by keeping his head down and listening to whatever others tell him to do
charon’s scars on his arms, back, shoulder, and thigh were all inflicted on him by his lusus, and the scar on his face is from skathi’s axe during his last game of Flarp. he’s constantly reopening the old scars on his arms and face as he scratches at them when he’s upset or annoyed, and it’s honestly a miracle they haven’t gotten infected
rosato has multiple stab wounds on his chest, as well as missing his eye thanks to being skewered through the skull with a javelin by perria (which was the killing blow). since he still isn’t aware that he is undead, he legitimately Does Not know what’s under the bandages on his face other than knowing they need to be covered up no matter what. all the mirrors in his hive has also been mysteriously broken too...
ashell obviously has the scar on his neck from when he was murdered, and also has top surgery scars from pre-death. any other injuries he might get now will heal perfectly thanks to his regeneration
davitt’s right horn is actually broken after he got attacked while doing field work for the legislacerator’s office, but it just happened to split in a way that looks somewhat normal. which he’s perfectly fine with, since it means he didn’t have to put any work into filing it or getting someone to break off the rest of his horn
celise also has top surgery scars, but otherwise does not have any scars from fights or random injuries
velour’s shoulder got completely fucked up by mikiel’s psiionics during their big fight when they were younger, and i suppose the white streak in his hair also counts as a scar since it was also caused by mikiel. he tore out that chunk so hard while his psiionics were active that it actually killed all the pigmentation similar to freeze branding
mikiel miraculously survived getting any permanent scars from his time in the fighting ring, only to get fucked up by a vampire while working at Gaia. rip. He’s got some scars on his chest from when he got skewered by the vampire’s talons, Big Resident Evil Lady-style. his horns were also broken in the ring, but unlike soroll who kept his all cracked mikiel filed his own so they wouldn’t be something his opponents could easily grab onto
lusien has bite marks on his left arm after he was attacked by anirus’ lusus while under the influence of Vernrot’s eldritch entities, and a scar on his back from when he was attacked by celise with an axe
daimon probably should have some scarring on his face and ears when he got his piercings ripped out, as guess who found out a bridge piercing is a full bar through your nose and not two dermals like i had assumed because i’ve seen some real wonky ones RIP. ill probs figure out those scars later lmao
shirei also has a bunch of facial scars from various fights she’s been in, including some scars across her right eye that left her half-blind. i can’t remember if i actually figured out What caused those scars, probs some sort of bladed weapon. i also never figured out if she has any scars on her body, but they probably exist
viltau has some faint scars on his hands that are basically unnoticeable, since he covers them up with a whole lot of make-up. he bites his fingers and hands when he’s frustrated or nervous, and troll teeth tend to be pretty sharp... he also has a scar on the right side of his waist and on his right hand after getting stabbed by belamy
glasya has some pretty gnarly scars behind their ears from when they were possessed, and tried to claw their ears off in an attempt to silence their auditory hallucinations. they usually cover them up with their hair, so you wouldn’t notice them unless you were looking really closely
belamy’s hands are fucked up from when he crushed them by repeatedly slamming the lid of a piano that typically covers the keys during a fit of rage-slash-mental breakdown onto them. given that you have to physically shut the lid yourself, he’d have to have done that one hand at a time (he’s a perfectionist, he couldn’t possibly half-ass it by only fucking up one hand!), and so the fingers on his dominant right hand look a lot worse than his left. there’s also some scarring between his finger and thumb from going way too hard with drum practice, if he had kept going with his drumming and didn’t sabotage his own career he would’ve definitely developed some severe tendonitis
fleure has a large wound on his chest and back from being impaled by a magic-infused spear that was supposed to kill him, had he not made himself immortal using his own magic. unlike any other injuries which can heal if exposed to his own blood, these scars will never heal
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6.5ish years T, 5.5ish years post top
Updating because of a surprise revelation regarding my dose & how it relates to my mental health. Also because I haven't posted on this for two years!
First off, general changes. Dose stuff at the end. (TL;DR dose stuff--by accident I lowered my dose by .1 mL and despite never having felt much of a difference mood-wise from changing my dose before, I feel fucking great and actually happy for the first time in a while! Surprise, your levels should also take into account your age and you shouldn't use the same reference range for the whole time you're on T!)
Under cut--this is mad long. [And cw for mental health talk including v mild suicide ideation, also alcohol/drugs]
T stuff:
I posted pretty much the same thing last time, but I'll reiterate that the vast majority of these changes are basically subtle things that no one else notices and that probably have more to do with just getting older/diet/exercise than being on T. My facial hair range is exactly the same as it was two years ago (literally just ‘stache and chin directly below the mouth) which checks out based on my dad/my entire family. I shave about once a week. Happy trail a little bit happier, lil more arm hair, lil more leg hair. Haven't been checking super closely but I think I have more hair around my butthole. Dick size is the same. Appetite has dropped a bunch--I can't scarf down food the way I used to. I’m read as male all the time, haven’t been misgendered based on my appearance since like 2013. 120-125ish pounds.
Chest stuff: (I had keyhole btw)
Nipple sensation is back, I repeat, nipple sensation is BACK! They're healthy and super perky, which I used to be kinda insecure about since they stick out a bit, but also like, who gives a shit? I would say they feel about 90% as sensitive as they were before surgery, and after a bit of touching they do start feeling a little less sensitive, but they never go completely numb. I'd say they've been at this level of sensation since early 2017. Left nipple is more sensitive than my right. My right nipple used to kinda bulge outward on the bottom but I guess the scar tissue has broken down somewhat since it's lying a lot flatter these days. The numb chest patches are smaller and way less numb and it takes less pressure for them to register touch. Drain scars look kinda like bug bite scars. Under-areola scars are very hidden, basically invisible. 
Lower surgery??
It’s on my mind but it’s always been a little on my mind. It’s not a priority. A hysto/oopho may be in order someday. But I’ve been thinking about what I want my junk to look like and be like as I get older, and whether my current setup and how I relate to it is going to be sustainable. I genuinely don’t know whether I would rather get metoidioplasty or phalloplasty. There’s a lot more thinking to be done. 
Dose stuff: 
I started T in 2012 with .5 injections every other week. With 200 mg/mL that averages out to 50 mg of T per week, although I'm sure my levels were different from someone on a weekly schedule. Around the 2.5 year mark my bloodwork came back saying I had super low T. I upped my dose to .5 every week, so 100 mg/week (which is famously a pretty common dose, there's even some trans merch company called .5cc.) Over the next year or two (I really don't remember exactly when) my bloodwork showed me now at very high T levels, nearly and in some cases exceeding the upper threshold of my doctors' reference ranges, so I lowered my dose to .4 and then to .3 mL/week, or 80 and then 60 mg/week. Of course I worried about T aromatizing into E, but my doctor at the time didn't test my blood for estradiol until I had already reduced my dose down to .4, and said my E levels were fine (I don't remember the exact number.) 
Even at 60 mg/week my T levels were still high. I and my doctors chalked it up to the fact that I work out a lot and/or maybe my body was just like that The general consensus was that "if your period isn't coming back, your E levels are fine," usually followed with some question like “how are you feeling on this dose?” or “are you feeling good?”
And what I kinda knew then then, but what’s even clearer to me now, is that I HAD NO FUCKING IDEA. My I-guess-it’s-anxiety, my on-and-off idk-if-it's-depression, my garbage sleep cycle, my self-doubt and second-guessing and skewed perspectives, have all been around in some form or another, so it's very hard for me to parse out what I'm even Really Feeling sometimes, never mind what might be causing that feeling. For the last several years if I felt bad I would usually conclude one of the following:
I feel bad because I’m actually a shitty person and feeling bad is natural for how bad and awful a person I am.
I feel bad because the world is fucked and society is crumbling and feeling bad is natural for how literally everything we love will be swallowed by the sea and/or be salted and burned in worldwide conflict.
Which is obviously not conducive to trying to figure out any other external factors or triggers for my shitty mental health!!
Plus it’s not like I was exactly excited to have less testosterone in my body. I was genuinely nervous that lowering my dose lower than .3 a week would just be an experiment that wouldn’t do anything except make me less buff and maybe even bring back my period. And I’d always been a little skeptical about the extent of hormonal effects on mood. T certainly affected my mood positively when I started, that was an obvious cause/effect, but I figured (and still do think) that had SO much more to do with finally being seen as a guy and having a masculine body than any sort of direct T-on-brain action. I did notice some increased irritability, but it wasn't much, and also I was still 16 lol. I noticed changes over the course of months or years--never within the course of a week. I can’t relate at all to folks who talk about spikes or troughs in their levels or getting a rush or feeling low based on where they were in their shot cycle. So I'd always tell doctors that I felt fine on whatever dose I was on because, well...I guess I felt fine!!
For the last several months--maybe the last year and a half, tbh--my mental health has been pretty bad. Over the course of any given day, the things I felt were generally limited to annoyance, panic, self-pity, drunk, stoned, and horny, and usually in that order. And that's a relative statement, because I'm pretty functional and haven't ever hit clinical levels of whatever, have always been able to find enjoyment in some things and get endorphins from exercise and complete necessary tasks on time, but hey, if you're reading this and feel like it's normal to constantly have "I hate myself, I fucking suck, why don't I just die" churning around in your head even if you're "not going to act on it," or that it's normal to drink and smoke weed until you basically pass out 6 days out of 7, or that it's normal to feel convinced every bit of positive affirmation you're getting is out of pity, Honey You've Got A Big Storm Coming. Like, again, considering how shit awful our current sociopolitical climate (and also the literal Earth's climate) are, it's no surprise I felt these were understandable feelings, and like, I guess they kind of were? But just because a feeling is understandable doesn't mean it's a good thing that I'm having it. Which seems remarkably obvious in hindsight!
Anyway, about a month ago I underestimated how much was left in my vial and had to do a .2 mL shot instead of .3. That's 40 mg for that week: even lower of a dose than when I started T. As the week went on I noticed I actually felt consistently happy: not just "someone's giving me attention," not just "nihilistic fun," not just "I guess the things I'm looking at right now are pretty," but actually satisfied, content, grounded, having emotions that felt like they came FROM ME. 
And since I’m always one to consider alternative explanations, there’s plenty of other factors that might have led to this improved mood. When I lowered my dose, I had just gotten accepted to two new jobs. I’d met up with friends I hadn’t seen in a while. But it’s not as though before I lowered my dose I never felt happy. It just never stuck around. These days I’m able to retain a positive emotion beyond the precipitating event and not just have the same boring self-hating thoughts over and over again. Which is huge!! I feel like I’ve really broken the thought cycle that’s defined much of my thinking for the last few years. So many of my emotions have been about my emotions, and a big part of why I felt so awful was feeling so helpless against these thoughts, and understanding completely deep down that it was irrational, that it really didn’t make any sense for me to feel this awful. That of course tapped horribly into my endless guilt complex and fed it and it just went on and on. 
I haven’t gotten my levels tested again yet--that’ll happen later this month. (My doctor knows and is cool with this reduced dose.) I’m especially interested to see where my estradiol will be at. My T will probably be more reasonable for someone my age--I feel like my crazy 1000+ ng/dL T levels were okay when I was like 19-20 but now that I’m a whole 23 years old (yo!!!) it makes sense they should be a little lower. I’m not a doctor, though--but then again, real ass certified doctors have made hashes of my medical care in the past, so I’m comfortable trusting myself a little on this one. 
General life update and thoughts on being trans in this world:
I’m much more relaxed and much more okay with being trans these days. Comes with being a lot more sure about myself and who I am, which is a continuous process and one that was happening even before I lowered my dose and was suddenly way less depressed. While I still get hives at the thought of anyone outing me without my permission, I’m a lot more comfortable outing myself to people, even large groups of people, even folks who I might not really know. I’ve come to appreciate the parts of me that are definitely and absolutely because I am trans or that reveal I am trans, and the connections I can make with people by sharing those parts of me.
I’m not sure I’d say I have a career at this point, but definitely most of the work I’m doing these days is in social justice, non-profit, LGBTQ-related, activist work. My resume more or less outs me as at the very least a deeply committed trans ally, lol. I think growing up and realizing I was trans I hated the thought that it would define who I was and what I did. I didn’t want to touch activism or trans spaces in general with a trillion-foot pole. 
I’ve since gotten over myself and like...let myself enjoy things, I guess? I really do find nonprofit work super rewarding and I finally admitted to myself I fucking love chilling with other trans people and talking about trans shit and that I do love, if not the fact that I And My Body Am Trans, the existence of community and the thoughts and ideas that we share. And a lot of the time I do like my body. And I’m kinda ready for this newfound happiness to stop feeling so fresh and exciting, because I know it’s a bit weird and inappropriate to be talking about how happy I am that I feel great when, again, The World’s Some Shit Right Now. 
But I think in general--not just about being trans--I’m letting myself feel the happiness that I have, with so much less guilt and shame. I always knew intellectually but am finally putting into practice the fact that simply denying myself happiness or feeling bad that I feel happy doesn’t bring happiness to folks who don’t have it. 
that’s it for now ! 
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