#[ this got super long so don't feel the need to match length!! ]
macveigh · 2 years
@bloodthirsty-hero​  [ cont. ] 
Morgan’s pulse was beating in her ears, she almost didn’t hear Roman the first time, too focused on trying to block out the echo of his thoughts threatening the barriers of her mind. He was famished, but not for food or for sex (which were often the usual emotions she sometimes picked up on from him), it was the Upir from within that was craving blood. She didn’t know much about the different species of vampire, only the major common denominators that connected the race as a whole; blood drinking, inhuman strength, advanced resistance to diseases and bodily harm, most of what Hollywood told the public about vampires was comically false. Only a few of the more accurate details ever made it to light. When Morgan found out about Roman and what he was, she had never heard of the word Upir before. Everything she knows about this specific sub category of vampires now, she has Peter and Destiny’s particular expertise to thank for it. 
Peter. He would be so pissed if he found out that Morgan was allowing Roman to drink from her. Michael would probably just straight up kill Roman on the spot, no questions asked, which is exactly why the witch and the upir had to keep their little secret exactly that, a secret between just the two of them. Nobody else. 
“Okay...” Morgan whispered back, slightly nodding her head up and down. The safe word that she had chosen was Kombucha, because it was a ridiculous concept as it was a name for a beverage. That, and because safe words for sex always seemed to be some kind of fruit or random food item. 
When Roman gently moved her hair back, Morgan allowed her wide, brown eyes to slowly close. Her breath had been uneven before it eventually stilled in anxious anticipation. Roman’s skin was cool, but soft, his fingers grazing across her collarbone caused gooseflesh to rise along her arms and neck. She reminded herself to not tense up, it would only hurt more if she did when Roman bit her. So she forced herself to relax despite the death grip that he had on her shoulders. Flattening her back against the wall, Morgan counted her breaths (four times in, seven times out) until she felt the sharp piece of Roman’s teeth against her throat. 
And involuntary groan echoed throughout the empty corridor, caught halfway between a scream and what sounded like an animal that had just gotten run over by a car. Morgan felt her knees give away as she clung to Roman and allowed him to support her weight while he drank. Her limbs squirmed and writhed in his clutches, unable to keep still, she gripped the fabric of his coat as tears began to stream over her cheeks and blood began to pour down the front of her shirt between them. It was too soon for him to stop, she could feel it, Roman’s hunger, his powers revitalizing as the magic in Morgan’s blood filled him, his senses. Meanwhile, her head grew heavy as her life force was gradually depleting. “Roman      ” she gasped. 
Just a little longer, she told herself, trying to picture being in a better place, somewhere, anywhere but where she was in that moment. 
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wallflowerswit · 18 days
@asoulunbound season 3a based starter for eloise 💌
❝   cressida  ...  is  she  —  ❞  the  hesitation  and  general  wariness  that  penelope  feels  around  eloise  perhaps  is  the  MOST  challenging  aspect  of  their  new  found  relationship  (  or  lack  there  of.  )  she  simply  could  not  easily  wrap  her  head  around  feeling  so  utterly  uncomfortable  around  her  ;  eloise  who  had  always  been  her  most  cherished  friend.  eloise  who  had  been  so  loyal,  so  comforting,  now  practically  a  stranger.
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yet,  penelope  knew  that  there  was  no  one  but  herself  to  blame.  losing  eloise  was  the  unfortunate  end  result  of  her  own  actions.  yet,  here  she  was  —  absolutely  tongue  tied.   ❝   does  she  care  for  lord  debling  ?  ❞  her  question  is  rushed,  finally  getting  out  what  she  had  wanted  to  ask  from  the  very  beginning.  ❝  i  do  not  want  you  to  think  i've  intentionally  set  my  sights  upon  him  to  get  in  the  way  of  cressida's  suit.  she  is  your  friend,  and  i  hope  you  do  not  think  i  have  ill  intentions.  he  is  just  simply  the  only  suitor  who  has  shown  even  the  slightest  interest,  and  well  .  .  .  after  what  happened  with  colin,  my  prospects  have  plummeted  to  depths  even  i  did  not  imagine  myself  capable  of  .  .  .  ❞  but  penelope  pauses,  almost  immediately  recognizing  what  she  was  doing  and  frowns  deeply.  ❝  i  apologize,  i  should  not  make  excuses,  i  know  —  i  just  do  not  wish  to  put  you  in  the  middle  of  it,  that  is  all.  i  know  cressida  is  a  good  friend  to  you.  if  it  makes  you  uncomfortable  even  the  slightest  bit,  i  will  .  .  .  well,  i  hope  you  can  understand  my  motivations,  at  least.  ❞
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balkanradfem · 5 months
Fixing pants with overly-tight waistband
So, I accidentally found some warm winter pants in a box under my bed! I was extremely happy to find them because I've been out in freezing temperatures in jeans, my legs getting red and irritated from the cold. However, these pants I found, there's something interesting about them; they've got their waistband completely cut off.
I have no memory of cutting that off, but I'm 100% sure it was me, because I know what my line of thinking was. The waistband was too tight, and the pants were high-waisted, so I thought, hey, I just need to cut off this tight part and then the pants will be wearable. And then, after I cut if off, I found out, that no, you can't just cut off the piece of pants that keeps them on your body. They slide off. So after that bold move I just abandoned them in a box. I had no confidence that I could fix them, but this has changed! I am not any better at sewing than I was back then, but my confidence is through the roof, I believe I can not only fix this but make them the most comfortable pair of pants I own.
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I rummaged around to find some materials I could use for a new waistband, and I was purposefully picking materials that are very stretchy, soft and warm. I want a soft stretchy waistband! I ended up being specifically drawn to these 2 black sleeves; they're from a sweater, super warm and stretchy, and also durable. I also found an elastic that I ripped out of some sweatpants in the past because it was too tight.
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I decided to make the elastic longer by adding a piece of cotton fabric in the middle, and I sewed that together, I feel like it doesn't matter if there's some normal cloth in there. It won't be visible anyway.Now, to make those sleeves into a waistband. I figured out I could do it without cutting them into pieces of fabric; they're already sewn into tubes. So instead I cut them to be the same length as my elastic, and sewed them together into one long tube (I made a mistake at first and flipped one sleeve on the wrong side. But I redid it and now they're good).
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Now my long tube can hold the elastic in it! But then I decided, wait, I would prefer if I just folded those tubes into a new, doubly thicker tube, because I really want as many warm layers as possible on my hips (don't wanna get cold). So the tube is folded, and elastic is placed in.
So now I needed to sew these sleeves into a new tube, with the elastic inside, and I figured, hey, I could just sew them onto the pants at the same time, so I don't have to sew that part multiple times.
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I lined up the tube with the pants, and you can see I very haphazardly just sewed them on with a normal running stitch; I was mostly doing that to try it out, and see how it would look like all put together. I then sewed the elastic together in a circle, and closed the tubes together as well. The waistband at this point was shorter in length than the cut off hem of the pants, so I was lightly scrunching the pants while sewing, to match the length, knowing once I put them on this will not be visible and even out. Then I tried them on, and while it looked okay, my running stitch came apart, and the waistband separated!
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You can see here how half of the waistband is off. I was so focused on scrunching the pants I forgot to make the stitch adjusted to the stretchy fabric.
I know sewing machines have a special stitch that is used on stretchy fabric so the stitch itself is stretchy, but I never found out how to do something like that by hand, and I was at that point, in a room with no internet so I wasn't gonna find out. Instead, I invented my own little stitch that would do a good-enough job. In the second picture you can see how every few stitches, there's thread just going around the edge, that was my trick. This way, when I'm stretching the waistband, instead of the thread breaking, it will pull from these areas where I've wrapped it around, because it's a bit more loose in there and can be tightened without breaking. I've also sewn it in 4 sections, so its not one continuous thread going through the same waistband.
Once I did that, I was mostly done! Here's the pants mended and how they look on me.
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I've converted them into sweatpant-like garment, which, yes, good. But! I was wrong about one thing. That elastic, even though I added some length on it, was still too tight, making me feel uncomfortable and tight. So. I opened up the waistband again. Pulled the elastic out. Stitched it back, and tried it on. And decided to keep it like that. This fix didn't need an elastic, I was just paranoid that my new waistband wouldn't hold without one – but it was stretchy and firm enough to hold without any issues! They look just the same as with the elastic in them. I've since worn them outside and they're great!
This entire fix maybe took an hour and now I have comfortable pants to wear all winter. 10/10 recommend trying it out.
Also this is not an official way how to fix a waistband, I've done it before by just adding extra fabric to the waistband that was already there, and it's a lot less work, however... this works too. If you've.. chaotically cut the whole waistband off. Completely salvageable.
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bloodsalted · 1 month
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NAME : dixon. been going by it for too long to change it. thought about it a couple times but it's stuck with me for a handful of years now. oop! also not my real name.
PRONOUNS : she/her/numbnuts/idc!
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : i lose track of tumblr ims very easily. discord is preferred and i will give it to any mutual that might want it!
NAME OF MUSE(S) : dean winchester is my main. i have jack kline @lasthymn and a human oc that gets demon possessed kinda dual muse at @unscriptured . my multi is low activity atm and i'm just replying to what i got at the moment. my spn brainrot is very real.
BEST EXPERIENCE : meeting all the people i have here and enjoying our time together. hanging out with @hostiae / @devourcr at eccc. generally, just the experience of meeting such lovely, awesome partners that become friends and people i cherish. even if we don't speak often. i really do adore the people who i get to share this lil orbit with.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : not reading my rules. becomes obvious when you don't. especially with a couple character or plot types i list that i don't feel comfortable writing and they get pushed on me. always read rules so you start out on a good page. it's so important! using roleplay to make yourself seem better than others. whether that be that you're more virtuous than them (as my buddy ava said) because they write things you don't like (rant to a bud, get your feelers out, block and move on??) or way more hip, progressive or whatever for plots you do or won't do or fcs or graphics you use. we're all just here writing. it's not that serious. have fun with it. curate your experience. screw anon button on. you'll be way less stressed. and a tiny one. refollowing on repeat. but that just gets a block eventually. and super easy to handle.
MUSE PREFERENCES : flawed heroes, burdened souls that are good people deep down, the distant person that has walls because of self-preservation, kind souls that've been burned too many times that they are cautious to warm up to others. misunderstood, thoughtful types. characters that still need to learn themselves and grow. on the complete opposite side? completely unhinged psychopaths, sociopaths, whatever else that falls under that line.
PLOTS OR MEMES : ava said this really well. memes are the easiest way to get my attention. i don't mind sending them in. or having them sent (though rn my inbox is a little big but i'm working on it, might just take me some time!). and then from there as we build up, if we match well, plotting is something i LOVE to do. i get that some don't though and i'm always more than fine winging it to see what happens. pretty flexible. but i really do love things that stick between muses.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i write a lot most of the time. usually on accident. sometimes i get carried away and am enjoying myself. i, in no way, expect replies to match length and i mean it. i just need smth to work with. i've been keeping some posts purposefully shorter. especially meme replies as i work through my inbox. we can expand or shrink as needed!
BEST TIME TO WRITE : usually really late at night. i'm a night owl with insomnia and, as much as sarah threatens to beat me with a chair? i find sleep difficult. writing helps that!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i don't know? i'm probably more like dean than i am any of them. but i try to make better choices that won't end up with me getting hurt. though there are people i'd let the apocalypse happen to save. some people are just that important. sorry world. if we're going down. we're going down together at least? dean and i have very very similar music tastes. though some of my stuff would be thrown out the window. we both have stupid humor. we're loyal. i do like my jeans, t-shirts and flannels. but we are VERY different in many ways. or it'd be boring to write someone just like me.
TAGGED BY: @murderdeals TAGGING: anyone who follows me! i'd love to know more about you! tag me so i can read! and this means...YOU'RE IT!
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Presenting the project that made me heterophobic:
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Yep! I am the dork that painted the masks of our current five boys over the course of three-four days (easier to space than six would be and lets face it, I do not care for kurlzz). I chose the Notes from the Underground masks because I've realized that it's the album that most of my favorite songs thus far come from. I quickly began regretting my decision at the point where I realized exactly how limited my paint options were and how many cool colors I would need. More details for each mask below (going bottom to top).
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Danny's mask looks almost nothing like the actual one mostly because I painted the circles first and did not realize the mask was more angular than I initially thought. I also had no gold, so we've got a lovely yellow mixed with tan for the base color. The bullets are rough but also smaller than you'd think and a basic brush set from Michaels does not, as I have learned, have super tiny brushes, so I did the best I could on the casings. I am proud of the fact that I tried to make the rust work as best as I could, and if you look really closely, you can even see the mesh in the eyes (looks a little clearer on the left eye). The smirk is present on the right side and I do think it's decently recognizable.
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This one made me cry. Any criticism of the fire around the eyes will be met with the response to suck dick because, to be quite frank, I challenge anyone to do better at 1 am and remain disturbingly proud of them. I'm kinda sad that my green (mixed from blue and yellow, because my budget is two pennies and all previous supplies) dried up early cause I was hoping to get more of the Louis Vuitton-style details, but still pretty damn good. I think the pyramid and the canisters turned out nice. Also, a little bit of a cat-eye shape for the eyeholes and the fire, but that was deliberate and I will not be ashamed of it in my moment of pride (I will undoubtedly feel the shame within five minutes of posting, but that is a problem for future me).
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A fun an interesting fact is that this is the second time I've done this particular mask of J3T, and both times I have realized I love doing the butterfly. It's super fun because as long as we get the basic swirls in, it's alright if they don't match length perfectly. The cracks are slightly off because the very first ones were free-handed, but I did my best to get the rest of them proper, and they even work to form the nose. Apparently the orange looks more yellow than I thought.
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This one was a welcome relief after crying over the detailing of J-Dog's mask. Again, no metallic colors, so our silver is grey. The little black lines are there to add texture to the edges (as it turns out, none of my brushes added it in a sufficiently noticeable way), and this one looks the cleanest imo.
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Last but not least, Charlie's bandanna (sunglasses painted over because, as it turns out, I continue to suck at painting and drawing glasses). The buildings are likely not accurate to the actual picture, but my reference photo did not show the actual city on the bandana so I just did some buildings, a fancy lil' LA and we're calling it an artistic interpretation. Also, check out that S. Coolest S I will ever draw in my life, got it right on the first try.
Anyways sorry that I didn't post this sooner cause I technically finished all of this yesterday evening, I have a flight soon so I am typing this up at 4:30 am at the airport.
(Tagging @vampswillhurtyou and @cutelittlenightmarethings cause both of you said you were interested and I have no idea whether or not this will show up in the main tags.)
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Final pic to show what it looks like at a slight distance and with other object to provide scale. Note the paint palette thingy having 3 shades of grey in it because, again, shoestring budget and persistence substitute everything for us.
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atztranspm · 11 months
Wooyoung PM 4 : 07/27/23
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(Wooyoung did a live with no messages)
He started the live and waited a little for some more people to join and started looking at the comments. He read a few hear and there. He said he wanted to a live since the last one he did was in Saudia Arabia. He said he was on break from doing fan calls so he did a live.
He said that he saw atiny really liked when he danced S-Class by stray kids back when they preformed in madrid. He said that he was was supposed to film a dance challenge with Changbin but since their schedules didn't match up, they couldn't (he dropped this on me and now I'm tearing up. Wym we could have gotten changbin and wooyoung dancing to s-class and maybe bouncy together 😭😭😭😭)
Lots of atiny were telling him to be careful cuz it was really hot and he said, that he doesn't really leave to go out much so he hadn't even realized. (He just like me, we are the same 🤩🤞)
Many atiny were asking if his waterbomb outfit would be revealing and to reveal something but he said he would not be doing that. (Yall can barely handle a sliver of fore arm, and you want him half naked on stage 🤨📸🤏)
Someone asked what he was wearing today and he got up to show us his outfit "it's cute right?" Did a little 360 of the fit and then showed us his shoes. He said these are the ones everyone makes fun of him for wearing cuz they're really big and Chunky (he can stomp on me we those tanks on his feet and I'd be grateful)
Someone ask he was doing and he said that he's in good condition. He is eating right and taking care of himself. He said he gained a little weight recently and was trying to lose it. He said he looks in the mirror sometimes and wonders what an idol should look like and if he fits the description (I'm in tears omg) he said he had to lose weight in order for him to feel like he fits the idol category and to his best (wooyoung got me all emotional. I saw people not taking him seriously on twitter an yall- I'm upset. Please give them lots of love and praise) he said his eyes look bigger cuz his face sinks in when he loses weight. He laughed it off when fans were worried for him. He said that if we're worried now when he hasn't lost much weight, what should he do.
There was a lot of comments asking for waterbomb spoilers and he said it would be no fun if he were to spoil it. He said to look foward to it.
He said that the staff feeds them well and he had abura soba (see now I want to try it)
He was wearing glasses on his head and some atiny asked about it. He said that there's a glare from the light and it bothered him so he put them on his head instead. He said their normal glasses not sunglasses.
He spoke a little about his family, I think someone asked about kyungmin, but he said he hadn't seen his brothers or mom (in person) in a while.
Someone asked about ayun and arin (the two babies they played with on that show...I forgot the name...hold on.....baby cloud? You can watch it on YouTube, it's super cute) and he said that seonghwa, san and him were thinking of going to visit them because he missed them a lot (me when I start sobbing cuz that's literally so cute u don't understand, I'm clutching my chest)
He said he was going to upload pics on insta later (he posted them already btw)
He spoke a little about his hair, he said he had grown it out quite a bit. He played with it a little. He said he hadn't cute it since he dyed it black back in halazia era. He hasn't even thought of cutting it and probably won't. He said he wants it to reach his chin and then he'll keep it at that length.
He said when he cuts his hair, he's going to dye it blonde first. He has set plans for his hair. He said he spent so long trying to grow his hair out that it would be a shame to just cut it off now. But in the future sometime. (Blonde wooyoung making a comeback is all I need)
After that he said he had to go back to doing fancalls so he ended the live with a little babaiii <3
(I aspire to be like wooyoung, he's literally my soulmate idc)
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random-penguins-rp · 2 years
Hi! Thought I would make a different channel to RP on since I've recently gotten back into that 😂
If anyone would be interested you can DM me whenever you want, I do get busy a lot but I'll always answer.
If at any point you get bored just let me know and we can do a different plot line, or if you get uninterested in the fandom or anything like that let me know, I totally understand not being into something anymore.
For me personally I don't have any triggers but of course I'll respect any that you have.
I like 1x1 rps the best but we can always double up on the characters/ships if we need to. I've had rps in the past where I was the one doing all characters so if we could split them up evenly it would definitely make it easier! 😊
Please no one word sentences, if possible maybe at lease two or more paragraphs? I definitely understand not being able to think of a lot but as long as we both put in a good amount of detail to work with it'll all be fine!
I write a lot of fanfics and RPing is a great way to strengthen my writing abilities so I'm sorry if any of my replies are super long, I probably got carried away 😂 you don't have to match my reply length though, let's just have fun with it!
If you have plot ideas amazing! If not we can always come up with something!
🔶Characters I play as are:🔶
Jackie (That 70s Show)
Will (Stranger Things)
Charlie (Hazbin Hotel)
Even (Dear Evan Hansen)
Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
Anna (Frozen)
Bruce (Fox's Gotham)
Merlin (BBC Merlin)
Wednesday (Wednesday)
Enid (Wednesday)
And of course any side characters we need to add
🔷Ships I like:🔷
Hyde x Jackie (That 70s Show)
Mike x Will (Stranger Things)
Alastor x Charlie (Hazbin Hotel)
Connor x Evan (Dear Evan Hansen)
Luka x Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
Felix x Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
Damien x Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug/DC)
Hans x Anna (Frozen)
Hiccup x Anna (Frozen/HTTYD)
Jack x Anna (Frozen/Guardians)
Jerome x Bruce (Gotham)
Jeremiah x Bruce (Gotham)
Arthur x Merlin (BBC Merlin)
Tyler x Wednesday (Wednesday)
Ajax x Enid (Wednesday)
Some AUs!
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If you have any questions please feel free to ask! I might not have covered everything 😂
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captaintrio · 2 years
Honestly can you just answer all of them because they’re so obscure I’m obsessed with knowing your answers https://at.tumblr.com/z-oros/695414491415003137/1eo6sk6hvtff
Alright you wonderful, beautiful mad lad, let's do this. Just gonna exclude the ones I've already answered so if it jumps around, that's why <3 also after the first few I'm gonna stick this under a readmore so I don't put the longest yeah boy on everyone's dash lmfao
2. lighter or matches?
kinda depends on the application. matches for lighting candles and like, campfires or hearth fires, lighter for things I'm gonna smoke.
5. what color are your eyes?
Hazel! Much more green than brown, with grey flecks and a kinda grey ring around the iris.
6. why did you do that?
m8 I was bored. or out of some kind of pettiness probably.
7. hair-ties or scrunchies?
when my hair was long enough, hair-ties. needed the extra grip bc my hair is super thick.
8. how many water bottles are in your room right now?
two + my hydroflask, all of which are empty atm. need to go downstairs and refill the flask after this aslkdfa
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
cold coffee almost always. i used to regularly order iced cappuccino from tim hortons at like 3 AM in freezing weather.
12. what kind of day is it?
It's kinda crappy today, I'm still having some flu shot side effects and there are strange men clomping about in here moving and banging on things. it's friday though, so that's something!
13. when was the last time you ate?
about an hour ago, I had some beef stew and a cup of tea with honey for my throat. :)
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
there are few things I love more. I think rain just makes everything better tbh, saturates the world with beautiful scents and colors.
15. are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
not of any human children, but to my cat Nicki for sure.
16. can you drive?
I sure can, I've been driving since I was 15. c:
17. are you farsighted or nearsighted?
I don't ever remember which it is, nearsighted I think? If anything gets further away than like arm's length it becomes blurry and incomprehensible.
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
aw bby I'd sure try!! I can't promise they'd be like, salon perfect, but I'd love to paint your nails!
22. what type of person are you?
honestly I have no idea, you might be better equipped to answer that one. i sort of exist and I'm trying my best, that's about the closest to an answer I have for ya.
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
it's my FAVORITE!!! i'm so excited for the onset of spooky season, fall/early winter is my favorite time of year <3 I just wanna wear my boots and jeans and sweaters without actually sweating.
25. perfume/body spray or lotion?
definitely prefer body spray/perfume, though I've started coming around to lotion in recent years.
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
unfortunately a lot of these are like. arguments i've had or incidents with people that have hurt me. i always think of the best responses or ways that i could have changed the outcome like 6 years after the fact lmao. there's also like...dumb self-indulgent stuff i'm writing where I'll turn a scene or idea over and over in my mind like a rotisserie chicken before (or if) I ever write it.
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
last night? like 5ish? my throat is kinda itchy so that always makes it difficult OTL
28. do you wear a mask?
everywhere now, and i may well do it forever. i'm a big fan of public health and also having as much of my face obscured as possible.
29. how do you like your shower water?
either freezing or scalding, no in between. reasonably sure that's some kinda flavor of ND but who knows.
39. do you use lip balm?
yes!! i've got multiple ones but my fave rn is lippe balm by drunk elephant.
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
I love spicy foods...conceptually. I look at things like tteokbokki and drool everywhere, and I love the idea of a hot and spicy broth that opens you up, but unfortunately I am like. the pastiest person alive and my tongue is really...weird. so i cannot eat most of spicy things OTL
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
i'm always really torn on this bc like. vladimir putin, mitch mcconnell, and jordan peterson have all, in their own ways, done vast and irreparable damage to the world at large, and everyone would be better off without them, but idk how to like. go about parsing which of them is "the worst" if the pass is only for one asldkfjas (i realize i've just created the worst fmk round of all time without really answering you but oh well)
45. can you remember what happened yesterday?
I spent most of yesterday propped up in bed at a weird angle with my cat, I'm not feeling very well this week OTL
46. favorite holiday film?
i'm not really sure honestly. Krampus maybe, or Nightmare Before Christmas? Hocus Pocus maybe. Something spooky regardless of the holiday is the answer basically.
47. what was the last message you sent?
something about one piece to another friend of mine lmfao
48. when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
my biological dad used to give me like, beer and little sips of liquor so that I'd make a face for his friends, so I was like. reeeeeally little, maybe 4? I distinctly remember that being orange liquor and it making me feel like I couldn't breathe, which was apparently very funny for the audience of his buddies.
50. can i tag you in random stuff?
baby of course you can!!! if i don't respond/do the thing just DM me, chances are I saw it and then got distracted and forgot. <33
anyway this was SO SO SWEET of you, I promise I'm not obscure really I'm just a weird boring little gremlin but ILY HONEY <3333 I hope this was at least some kinda interesting for you XDDD
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chiragvadhavana · 8 months
In love with life. (Ft. Chess, Cricket, Navratri)
Last couple of days have been great. This is what real satisfaction feels like i guess. (Ft. Chess, Cricket, Navratri)
Today was the chess tournament. I played 7 rounds and won 6 out of 7 points. But you know what, fuck the points/result for a moment. Let's talk about how beautiful experience it was. Room full of people who are excited to play, (exception that half of them are beginner), but i loved the vibes. Round after round, players getting eliminated and each round i faced stronger opponents. It was harder than i expected, to be honest.
I had more than couple of pretty intense match. Chess is about playing with ego of the person, and people got a lot of ego. I can imagine how bittersweet losing feeling can be because you got played by someone else's mind. And it's hard to accept that loss.
Yeah online chess is good but playing on the board is such an emotional game. Noticing opponent's reaction and expression. Intense position of game where both players are quite, thinking deeply, and move after move game gets more complex. One minor mistake or inaccuracy and your opponent will pile up on that.
It's hard to keep same intensity when you're on slightly worse side than your opponent. It's hard to fight especially when the player knows that he's on disadvantage and game can end soon. But that's the time to fight, that's the time when fighting spirit is most necessary. Keeping up at the time where you're not completely lost but you have to fight for survival. You've got to find a way to move ahead in given situation. And who knows, one of the player will eventually lose the intensity and boom, game's over.
It's about keeping up. Not only when you're losing but also when you're winning. Because when you're in a winning position, slight over-confidence and all the pressure on opponent will be lost, and he'll be back in the game. It's about sustaining when you're winning, and keeping up the fight when you're losing.
There's more to write about anger frustration of some unfairness but let's not talk about it. I enjoyed the process. And that's it.
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Well, Cricket. The second thing.
While chess is mostly about mind games, cricket is combination of both. Going into the tournament, i was super under-confident but thanks to my teammates who trusted me more than myself.
I got little confident after practice session. And that's what i needed the most because it's been long since i regularly played cricket lately. Only played randomly every now and then. But practice session gave lot of confidence.
Let's talk about the feeling when ball connects with bat. I'd say, it's the feeling that player craves for. Fast bowler bowling at full speed, batsman's eyes are on the ball from release point of the ball. Ball leaves the hand of bowler and bat swing is initialised from stance at very moment. Eyes closely following the fast paced ball, it's only split of a second to determine the line and length of the ball, and to select a shot. Shot selection is also hard part because it depends on the situation of the game. And then finally bat swings and connects with the ball at desired spot and it races through/above the field. That's the sweet feeling.
It's not only about mental feeling, it's also about physical satisfaction. It kinda drains you. Batting, and fielding. You're perspiring with sweat. If you're playing after a long interval, then body ache is real sucker. But overall, physical sport is always a pleasure play.
Well, let's not talk about cricket much. Gonna play the next game tomorrow.
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Garba, Mahol, and friends. What else do you need?
And shenanigans with some those type of friends. It's not only plainly about playing simple garba, ifk.
It is pleasing. Don't wana talk much on it.
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Final verdict is that, artificial world is so pleasureful for our dopamine simulated mind. And when we get dopamine by that, we couldn't enjoy other things as much we should. Because artificially-controlled-psychology has already given our brain what it needed.
But now my social-media-isolated mind gets bored when it has nothing to do. After enduring it for some time now, finally i can enjoy real life pleasures as i really should. And I'm in love with the life.
Life's not perfect, and it's not life if it's perfect.
That's why i said, I'm in love with life. No matter good or bad, however better or worse, however, life comes at me. I'm confronting it. I'm looking at it like a chess. Because they both closely resemble.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #140
Would you rather visit The Eiffel Tower or the Egyptian Pyramids? The Pyramids, easy. I would LOVE to visit Egypt.
Would you be surprised if your most recent ex called you tonight? Yes, considering her number is blocked and I also know she has zero desire to talk to me, and it's mutual.
Do you need to lose or gain weight? Lose. Trying so fucking hard and have been for years. It just teeters back and forth.
Do you think you have a disorder but haven't been properly diagnosed yet? Yes, and as of a few days ago I'm on the road towards an autism evaluation and potential diagnosis after suspecting myself of being a high-functioning individual for a VERY long time for a novel's length of reasons. I went to therapy and talked about it, and she will be trying to get me to see someone who can perform an evaluation.
What is the population of the city you live in? I'm not comfortable giving like, a super specific number, but according to Google it's a few thousand over 50k. Apparently it's bigger than I thought it was...
How many pairs of jeans do you own? Literally zero.
When did you last vacuum your room? Nothing less than astonishingly, only a few days ago. The next day I cleaned my ENTIRE room, and I've kinda stayed in this restless state where I'm just tidying things up a lot. Like don't get me wrong, it's fucking fantastic, but this behavior is VERY unlike me; like the immense majority of mentally ill people, I tend to have a shitload of trouble with cleaning, especially without my mother prompting me to.
Have you ever put on or lost a significant amount of weight? Both.
On a scale of 1-5, how often do you curse? Oh, "5" just feels like too small a number to rank how much I fucking curse lmfao
What is the worst thing you’ve ever smelled? My late dog Teddy's diaper if he'd pee in it while he also had this very large tumor that would also be closed within it, plus he regularly got insanely potent UTIs. This was towards the end of his life and he just in general had so much going on. It eventually got to where I physically couldn't be the one to change it if it hadn't been for a little while (ex., overnight), like the smell was one that would basically bring you to your fucking knees, I'm talking dizzyingly disgusting and would make me violently gag and heave. Not even decaying animals I've smelled matched this, and I'm sure being in such close quarters to change his diaper played a big role in just how terrible the experience was.
What’s your favorite social media platform? I think Tumblr's the most fun, but I like Facebook for keeping up with the lives of people I care about.
Name someone with brown eyes. Both my parents, both my immediate sisters... a whole lot of people.
Do you know what your next injection will be? No. There's talk going on about TRYING to get me approved for a very well-received weight loss injection since my pre-diabetes news, but the odds are low because of the kind of insurance I have but also because I'm pre and not actually diabetic. Giving you reliable health care only matters when you're basically dying in this country, y'know?
Does anyone call you darling? If so who? Uh I suppose it's possible Girt does sometimes, but that's definitely not one he says a lot. I'm pretty positive I've seen him write "darlin" in Discord, but I'm not positive if he's vocally used that term with me.
If you had to have a cartoon character tattooed to you what would it be? Um, I guess if I HAD to, I'd probably go with a Pokemon of some sort. Maybe a cutesy Charmander.
You have to dye your hair two colours, what do you choose? IF I knew the colors would take, right now I'd probably go with a pastel pink and light lavender to layer.
If you could would you look at your future self? I think I'd be too scared to.
Who was your first serious relationship? Jason.
If you had to cut a parent out of your life who would you cut out? I really, really, really fucking hate this question, but my dad.
If you had to get a piercing right now what would you get done? Right nostril redone.
Who is the #1 person/thing in your life? My boyfriend.
What are two things you wish you never did? Said certain things to Jason and my dad. Juuuust to name two.
Would you rather have three personal wishes or world peace? World peace, fucking easy.
What were/is your high school colors? Red and white.
When someone sneezes, do you say “Bless you,” or “God Bless you?” "Bless you," but I wish I said neither because of the religious implications. It's just become this social expectation that is completely meaningless, but I'm way too concerned about not looking rude. I've thought of just switching to "Gesundheit," but around here? That'll raise some eyebrows and I don't feel like explaining in the Bible belt of all places "oh I'm just not religious and it feels weird."
Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move? lol no, even if I was hypothetically single, that is totally not how I work.
What are two things you are excited to do in the near future? Get my tattoo finished, and actually that exact same day I'll be going to Girt's afterwards for the yearly dinner they have to celebrate his late date's birthday; they get together and make his favorite meal. I was there last year and literally cried over panic of being rude lmfao because I physically could not eat it, it was this pasta thing with chicken gizzards and also hearts. I immediately reminded Girt of this and told him I'm going to eat prior, and he said it wouldn't offend anyone but I still worry regardless. Either way I'm still excited to go, I don't see his family enough.
Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement? A house.
Are you one of those people who like to spell out numbers? In English grammar (or at least, what I was taught), any number below 10 is technically meant to be spelled out, and depending on the context, I usually abide by that.
Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? Either my dad or a Facebook friend. I feel like the latter.
Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? I do, and it totally depends. I'd say most days I don't use it at all.
Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? lol no, I'm a grown-ass adult.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no? I think that mix is perfectly capable of being cute. Probably isn't always, but.
Do you think any bands/artists are trashy? So like here's the crazy thing, I know NO celebrities on a personal level!!! and especially with musicians, there is a tendency to develop stage personas that do not reflect who they factually are!!! but even if I knew any personally, they can do whatever they want w/ their own lives if it's not at the expense of others!!!!! hot take right????????
Do you plan your meals in any way? Not really, like I don't do meal prep or decide at the start of the day what foods I'm eating. I just go with what I want in that moment.
Were you in the scouts when you were young? Girl Scouts? Yes, with my older sister and maybe younger. I can't remember how long, though.
How many people could sleep in your home? (Not counting floor space; beds and couches only) Uh, I'm going to go with needing the ability to lie down versus just sit up, because people COULD do that on the couches... My bed and Mom's can comfortably fit two people each, the leather couch someone could just lay out on and be fine, and then our other one actually has a fold-out bed that could fit two people, but I'm doubtful it'd be comfortable. If we're counting all those, seven.
Have you ever made a hole-in-one at mini-golf? Yeah.
What genre was the last song you listened to? Who provided the vocals? Natively Rammstein is considered Neue Deutsche Härte, but if you want a familiar equivalent, some sort of harder rock for this specific song, I'm so bad with the bajillion different metal and rock subgenres. Their vocalist is Till Lindemann.
If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? Only going with the other two "serious" people I dated, and this is just what I think I'd say right this minute; I obviously wouldn't know until I was right in this situation. With Jason, I'm very confident I'd just say that I know and don't blame him. Sara, I would honestly likely point out that a person like her hating me is probably a good thing.
What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? Wouldn't affect me at all.
If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? I mean it really wouldn't matter; they can say it, but it wouldn't change the fact I love and am loyal to Girt.
Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? There are memories with Jason that I miss and I miss how well we once upon a time meshed together; we were best friends that really, really loved each other. At least, for most of the relationship, on his end. He was a super, super silly and boldly him person (he was the complete opposite of me in the sense that he was an open book about who he was, things that made him happy, etc., and that was extremely appealing to me), like it'd be great if we could still be friends in each other's lives, but that's just not how it could ever work, and I know that. I don't want to date him again, there is WAY too much hurt over how he left and how he never communicated his feelings regarding my mental health, but in an ideal world, it'd be nice to still be in touch, but the world is rarely ideal. This way is better for me.
If you could go forward in time and see your life 5 years from now, what would you hope to see? Me being primarily mentally - and physically - well and having learned to love and be kind to myself, supporting myself decently enough with art, Girt and I living together/probably married by that point, lots of healthy and happy pets. Maybe even a hobbyist tarantula breeder for fun, extra income, and the tarantula hobby could use more breeders anyway.
Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women. If you ever meet a SINGLE woman who says she feels safer around men, hit me the fuck up and let me know so my jaw can drop off my face, through the ground, and into the core of the earth.
Who came over last? lol technically Jehovah's Witness. I warned Mom a group of them were wandering around our development (they are so obvious), and so when they rang the bell and then knocked as well, Mom just didn't even answer. They could very likely see me through the window blinds that I have open, but I gave no shits whatsoever. They eventually just left, thank fuck.
Has one of your friends ever tried to "hook you up?" Not exactly "hook up," but Colleen knew I was into Girt (this was obviously the first time, 2017) and she VERY obnoxiously tried to push us together, and I KNOW it made me uncomfortable, and I think Girt as well. There was one time we got together and went to Pizza Hut/Inn (idr) and this completely indecent bitch starts a sentence with (IN A BUSY RESTAURANT) "because I'm trying to get your dick inside her-" and this is THE CLOSEST I have ever gotten to smacking somebody, like I consciously had to stop myself, but the look I gave her should've melted her where her ass sat. She didn't even look at me though, so I know she didn't see it, and I was so pissed off and disgusted by her that I really don't even remember what happened exactly after, but I'm pretty sure Girt just decided to act like she hadn't said that. If you're curious, as a matter of fact no, she is NOT the reason we started dating, he asked me himself without her completely uninvited involvement later. God I am so glad we're not friends anymore, it's hard to even accept I ever was her friend. OH MY GOD WAIT!!!!!!!! She IS the reason Aaron and I got together in middle school, but I'll defend her enough in that back then, I wanted her help kinda getting things across, but we were literal children who didn't even know what "love" really was.
What is your card game of choice? Magic: The Gathering. I'd honestly like to play it again, but I'd need a shitload of refreshers, the amount of rules in this game is MENTAL. Even when I was rather familiar with it because of Jason, there was a lot of shit I still didn't get.
What is your favourite books series? Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland. Finally read a good chunk more of the one I'm on the other day.
If you eat oatmeal, do you add water or milk to it and what’s your favorite flavor? I HAVE to use milk, and I only ever really enjoyed the apple cinnamon flavor.
Was the last video you watched on YouTube a music video and if not, what was it of? I'm watching jacksepticeye's replay of Until Dawn.
Has anyone you know personally ever won the lottery and if so, how much did they win and would you or have you ever played the lottery? No and no.
What was the last thing someone has sincerely thanked you for? I think Girt, for me letting him have "him" time when he wants/needs it. There are times where I'll invite him here and he just wants to be alone (we're both very introverted), and he knows very well he can always just tell me that and it won't bother me at all. The way he reacts to it I feel like he's had bad experiences with this offending former partners or something, meanwhile I'm just like dude if this was problematic to me then I wouldn't deserve him/a partner in general, his life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around me. Obviously it'd be concerning if this was something he did ALL the time since that would just seem like he doesn't want to see me, but that's not the case at all.
What band, celebrity, etc. do you know the most information about and who would you like to learn more about? Oh it's definitely Markiplier, haha. It'd be super cool to know more about the Rammstein boys, specifically the one (the bassist Ollie) that's always been very mysterious and quiet, he's known for how shy he is, however the older I've gotten, the less and less I've felt the "need" to know everything about celebs I love and/or admire, like they're ordinary people that deserve privacy; their lives aren't our business.
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remedyforlove · 1 month
| rules |
hi! here are just some general rules/things I stick to when I rp!
Please only interact/write/rp with my stuff if you're over 18! I'm 22 and I'm not comfortable with writing stuff with underage people, I can get into adult or dark topics when I write
I'm a literate style rper, which I define as novel/book style with third person. Length wise I try to write 1-2 paragraphs on average but I can go longer depending on scene/what we're looking for. I am not super picky about matching my length, I just prefer something that's long enough to build off of! Here's an example of some of my writing:
Letting out a huff, Lucah had decided to end the conversation by announcing, "Fuck you Johnny, I need a cigarette." He then stood, snagged the bottle and took a swig before turning to get away from the bassist before things escalated. "Oh yeah— well fuck you Lucah!" An intoxicated Johnny called, but all he got was a dismissive wave from Lucah as he stomped off in search of somewhere hopefully empty.
My schedule can get kinda messy at times but I usually aim for 1-2 replies a day if I can! Life can get in the way so I never expect steady replies. Also I try to send a heads up if it's been a few days but I can forget, feel free to message me!
Please don't control my character! I understand there is leeway with action or moving scenes, I just mean don't directly write about what my guy is doing (tbh tho I haven't met an experienced writer who's straight up controlled my character. This was more of a concern when I was doing instagram rps at 13 years old)
Please let me know about any triggers or dont's you have for writing/rping! I don't have any super strong triggers but I have some stuff I prefer to personally not write which we can get into in a chat. Otherwise I just prefer warnings for strong topics being used in the plot
I'm okay with nsfw in a plot but I prefer it to not be what the whole plot is centered around! I'm okay with writing dom but it's not my strong suit, I prefer switch stuff (or at least equal work in the scene? It just feels weird if I write most of what's going on in the scene lol)
I prefer to write on discord if that's cool! If it's a deal breaker I can probably write on tumblr but I get notifications wayyy better on discord. I also like to use servers for organization sake but I don't require them
Feel free to message me about an rp with any of my guys! (right now I have one guy I'm writing but one day I might have more lol)
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labwebs · 2 years
He’d meant to call May. He’d really, really meant to call. Sure his phone was who-knows-where five years after he’d stashed his backpack following his ditching of a class field trip to the MoMA to help with an alien invasion, but he had seriously meant to ask Mr. Barton if he could borrow his phone to call his aunt. But shortly after Clint (as he’d been told to call him) had offered to drop him off on his own way home, Peter had promptly and soundly fallen asleep- utterly spent between the battle and the grief of losing his mentor, Mr. Stark.
After the short flight between the Avengers HQ and New York City, Clint had woken the teenager asked him where he’d like to be dropped off. “Uh, anywhere in Queens is good,” was about all he could guess. Who knew what had changed in five years? Had May been turned into dust too, or had she been worried about him all this time? What about Ned? MJ? His other classmates? He supposed he’d find out soon. After a final “Thank you sir,” and reactivating his mask, he’d jumped from the Quinjet and used a combination of the built-in gliders in his suit and his webs to get himself safely to the ground.
But once he was on the ground... he wasn’t sure what to do. He’d placed himself somewhat nearby his and May’s apartment building, but without a change of clothes (other than his usual Spider-Man suit), it was risky to crawl in the window to his room in broad daylight. And that was if May was still there. But before Peter could get too overwhelmed with trying to figure out what to do, he heard and saw something very familiar- a guy running past the alleyway he’d landed in and someone’s voice calling “Hey, that’s my purse!”
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Without even really thinking about it, Peter swung into action. At least this was much simpler than trying to play keep-away with a giant, purple alien. A simple web shot to stop the would-be thief in his tracks, swinging back down to take the purse back with a “Seriously, dude? Half the world just came back and you’re stealing purses?”, and returning it to its rightful owner.
Even after all that had happened, New York still needed a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Which was nice, he supposed.
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coollyinterferes · 4 years
🌙 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Send my muse an emoji and they will react to… 【still accepting some】🌙 : seeing your muse outside alone during nighttime@hopingforjustice
Being the night owl he’s always been, Robert decided to take a walk outside that night. Despite the relative short time he’d been able to spend in Morioh, he was well aware that this place was nothing like the old London and, much less, like the slums he grew up in, where crime was constant thing, especially during night time, and so he decided to go and take a look by himself. It would be nice to get a breath of the night’s fresh air, too.
A number of streets away from the place he was staying at, he ended up spotting what he had been told was a convenience store. The big ‘Owson’ sign on the entrance was off, as it was pretty late and the store was closed. On the side of it, there was an alley. Mistaking it for another street at first, Robert ventured in. Not long after, he realized where he’d just ended up in. Unlike those in London’s slums, this alley wasn’t polluted, cluttered with stacks of rotten wooden boxes and trash. The only trace of dirt he’d seen was what seemed to be dog’s waste near a mailbox, but that was about it. Other than that, there was nothing ‘special’ to the alley…
After what appeared to be a wrong turn, he ended up in front of the same mailbox he had spotted just a minute before, dog’s waste and all on the same spot as well.
“…What the ‘ell…?” The man muttered to himself; thick eyebrows knitted together in confusion. The way this place was built made it physically impossible to go in circles. How was that even possible? Perhaps he’d just not been paying enough attention? The place was deserted, so he continued walking for a bit, in the hopes of finding the way out of this place, or coming across someone so he could try to ask for help.
“Blimey…!” The man growled, frustrated, standing before the same red mailbox for the third time. It was at that moment that he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye. More like someone.
“Ah! ‘scuse me!!” He called out, raising his hand to attract the other’s attention and moving towards them, trying not to appear intimidating, like he was sure most 5’11 tall and scarred men with a build like his would probably come off as in an alley in the middle of the night. As he got closer, he could see it was a young female, and Robert could only wonder what could she be doing out there so late at night. He smiled, embarrassment was evident on his features despite the limited lighting from the surrounding areas as he elaborated. He hoped he wouldn’t have to use his choppy Japanese…
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“I think I’m lost… Could you be so kind as t’ tell me ‘ow can I get outta ‘ere?”
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cherrykamado · 2 years
okay okay so hear me out. tanji’s got huge, huge breeder balls—we all know that, right? thing is, they’re so so sensitive and it makes him so squirmy when you worship his cock and suck on them!! there’s nothing more heavenly than looking up to see your beloved tanjiro gasping and whimpering because “‘s so good, feels so nice, darling, you treat me so well.”
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♡ ── warnings: aged up characters. oral. praise. breeding kink implied. female reader. sub & needy tanjiro because he's so pretty when he is.♥
♡ ── networks: @knyplaymatemansion @planetonet @http-404-error-unknown @thevillaincentral @shibuyawardnetwork
♡ ── comments: IT'S TANJI DAY.❣💍 (part 3 lol!) send thirsts/wholesome thoughts/anons/whatever<3
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i don't think he could utter two words straight without having to bite his lip, moan or whimper.
his balls? they're super sensitive. they're big —the good breeder kind of balls.
his cock is so so so pretty, literally twitches so long as you breathe close to it; truth to be told, it is cute. it's cute to see how he stops midtrack in "love, you don't have to do th—ah!" when you kiss his drooling, pinkish head —head that reddens up the more and more you tease it.
but when you go ahead and suck on his balls? he has to grip the sheets so damn hard, get a grip so as to not cum right on the spot. the gasp he lets out hides a choked moan that ends up escaping his lips anyway; it's in the way you trace your tongue over his scrotum, the way in which you gently suck on his sensitive balls that has his legs shaking with pleasure. oh, he is so beautiful: when he's so needy, when he craves your praise and your touch. his precious red eyes are glossy with tears, he's so sensitive, he's ascending with every time your thumb smears the pre all over his head —he fucking loves it when you do that.
"m-more, p-please—" he sighs, his neediness has you smiling to yourself as you keep on sucking, while the hand that was stroking him comes to play with the other.
you like playing with him, teasing him just a little because you like how he slowly comes undone.
the way tanjiro craves to cum is mightier than his self control. he can't help but to want to speed up the process: his hand wraps itself around his aching length and he strokes himself — you let him, however.
"you do it s-so good.... so, so g-good..." his stumbling matches the very same instant that his hand pleasures a particular spot on his dick. you're looking at him, you would never miss the chance to see how the surroundings of his eyes wrinkle as he squeezes his eyes shut as if to feel a little more of pleasure, or how a tear escapes his squeezed shut eye as you suck on his tightening balls.
“does that feel good?” you breathe out as you let go, your hand still massaging them. he nods, a choked yes is his response —response that makes you bite your lip.
at that moment, you can't take it anymore. to say that you weren't beyond wet would be a blatant lie; because you were. because all this teasing teased you, to the point that you want him to fuck you so hard that—
"—you fill me up with all your cum, baby." you ask, he could never say no to you. even less now that you are on his lap, his now angry red head almost poking at your weeping hole.
“oh fuck—”
your words will be enough to make his eyes roll to the back of his head. his muscular chest raises up as he takes a sharp inhale; you make the breath hitch in his throat, you make his brain short-circuit and he hasn't even fucked you yet.
“i... i n-need you. i need you so bad!”
it is impossible not to love him when he's like this. your hand rests on his cheek while, at the same time, you inch your lips closer, stopping at the point where they barely brush against his, at the point where you can feel his little puffs of hot air against your lips. your thumb brushes his cheek, and your gaze rises to meet his briefly, before going back to his lips again.
"...and i need you too." you whisper, taking the chance to kiss him deeply while impaling yourself slowly on his hard, fat cock, eager for him to breed you like you know both want.
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2022 © 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐎. — all rights reserved. do not repost or recommend my works on any platform. plagiarism will not be tolerated. IF YOU ENJOYED MY CONTENT, PLEASE CONSIDER REBLOGGING IT TO SUPPORT IT! thanks.♥
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vuulpecula · 4 years
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@otlaw​​ inquired: 🎁
spotify wrapped has arrived. send me a # from 1-100 for a starter based on that song/a lyric from it OR send a 🎁 for me to shuffle | always accepting ! 
⇄ 16. Great Divide - Ira Wolf
      Soft snores mixed with the rhythmic workings of the train car, signifying the settling in for the night by those unable to afford the luxury of bed. Fox could, or rather those who paid for her ticket could and very much did. She imagined being lulled to sleep by the back and forth of the car along the tracks would be rather pleasant. Restorative, even, yet she was determined to put it off for as long as possible. To sleep, perchance to dream -- and miss the landscape blurring past her window. Her last views of a world she was ACHING for. The breathy gurgle of her unwanted companion serving as a constant reminder that the lush landscape of trees and bushes, of wild grasses and blooming flowers, and of dark wings and dappling morning mist were to be left behind. Replaced by the bustling of a city booming with industry, ash always in her mouth, and the heaviness of a ring around her finger ( how could a prison fit within a single band of gold? ). Fox tried to imagine the transition with as much grace as was afforded to her. She knew, if she set her heart to it, she could come to love the home she had only read about. The rich velvets, wools, and silks would be easy to live with, as would the security of having food for the table no matter the weather. Becoming the ‘ideal’ wife, however, did not sit well with her. She would rather run barefoot through the untouched parts of the world, sleep beneath the stars, eat summers sweet berries until her stomach ached and her fingers came away in various shades of red, blue, and purple than live within the confines of a locked room. Ah, but business was business and the transactions had already been made. As much as she wished for the hands of time to turn back, there was no going back now -- or so she thought.
      Eyelashes brushed over the tops of her cheeks momentarily, offering a brief reprieve for her tired eyes. In the inky darkness of the world rushing by, she could’ve sworn she saw a figure atop a horse silhouetted in the moonlight. However, the figure had vanished by the time she reopened her eyes. It was only a trick of eyes; more than likely a tree taking an odd shape in the shadows. Fox watched for more, her head resting against the cold glass. The skin pulled across the smooth pane unnaturally as the train pulled to a sudden, violent halt. Something wasn’t right. Her companion was awake, alert, and looked ready to lunge across their table to ask HER what SHE’D done. The reason behind the unplanned stop answered before she could. A group of men baring arms entered the car. The lights that had once burned low, like the glowing end of a cigarette, lifted to illuminate the barrels. Casting strange shadows over the faces partially concealed. Valuables. They wanted valuables and no one needed to get hurt. Fear was palpable in the lavish compartment. A woman screamed, another cried, a man begged that they simply leave and wait for the next train. Fox knew she should’ve felt the same. Just as she knew that it was the first time since her journey began that her hands did not shake. The fingers were completely still as they removed misshapen pearl earrings, a matching hairpin, and the brooch at her breast. “Dahn’t be takin’ tha’ off, you wahn’t give dem a damn thin’,“ her escort hissed. The rounded tones of his accent especially soft in the presence of the men. When they came to her, she did not hesitate. Setting the well-loved pieces into the gloved palm of a man she nearly smiled at. Something inside her pulled TAUT. Perhaps it was her tired mind or perhaps it was something far more fickle, like fate, as a voice whispered, go with them, against her ear.
      A foolish thought. A RECKLESS thought. An insane thought. Yet, as the moonlight riders finished with their ends of the car, dread finally overtook her. A great divide stretched out between them. Ever growing and endless. On one side, the outlaw, representing the wildness and sometimes dangerous nature surrounded them. On the other, a life forged of half-truths and false happiness. How she longed to reach for the stranger and the open door beyond him. In a moment that very door would be shut forever and she would continue, a few pieces of jewelry shorter than she began. Another piece of her left behind.
      “Wait,” the word exploded from her throat unexpectedly. Startling the gentleman seated across the aisle from her. He gawked as the rest of the passengers did. Shocked as she stood, hands raised in the universal sign of ‘please don’t shoot me’. “Take -- ” Her heart pounded ferociously against her ribs, though it was not simply fear that had the organ raging, but EXCITEMENT. “Take me with you.” Fox tried not to appear as pleading as she was, like a hungry child begging for a discarded apple core. Oh, but her desperation shone in her gaze. The same gaze that did not pull from the outlaw’s face even as her escort gripped her elbow. Pressing hard into the bruises he had already made ( she was not as well-behaved as promised ). ‘You’re makin’ a mistake’, he assured her. And maybe he was right. She was making the WRONG choice, but up until then she had always made the RIGHT choice and look where it had led her.
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      “Take me with you,” she repeated. More determined and ready to offer payment if that would sway them further in her favor. “Please.”
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eringurumi · 2 years
Cat Latte Art Pattern
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There are quite a few versions of coffee/tea/latte crochet patterns out there, but I decided there wasn't one quite like what I wanted! As always, if you use this pattern, please link back to my page, and tag me here on tumblr or @ erin.gurumi on instagram! I love to see what people make!
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Technical stuff:
Unfortunately, the blue and cream yarns I used both came from the stash I inherited from my grandma, and I don't know exactly what they are! The blue yarn is definitely thicker than Red Heart Super Saver, so much so that I used a 4mm hook for the blue yarn, as opposed to the 3mm yarn I used for the cream (unknown, but very similar to Red Heart Super Saver) and brown (Red Heart Super Saver in Cafe Latte).
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I was not the most happy with the shaping on the cup, but I think it turned out ok in the end! Keep in mind again this was with a thicker yarn than what I usually used (ie thicker than Super Saver yarns), so trying this with a thinner yarn will make it end up smaller!
6 sc in a magic circle
inc 6x to make 12 stitches
(1 sc, inc) 6x to make 18 stitches
(2 sc, inc) 6x IN THE BACK LOOPS to make 24 stitches
(3 sc, inc) 6x to make 30 stitches
(4 sc, inc) 6x to make 36 stitches
6 rows of 36 stitches
Finish off and weave in end - I didn't use the tail because i only needed the brown tail from the coffee!
NOTE! Before stuffing, I put a small circle of cardboard at the bottom of the cut, about the size of the 18 stitch circle. This just helps the bottom to hold its shape better! AND I made a cardboard circle the size of the opening, but you don't need to put that in until you make the coffee surface!
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I think it makes sense to do the surface "coffee" next, so that you can stuff the cup and have something to hold while attaching the handle and cat! Like I mentioned, my yarn sizes did not match, so this was very much just crocheting a flat circle until it filled the walls of the cup - here is how many rows it took me, but it might be different for others!
6 sc in a magic circle
inc 6x to make 12 stitches
(1 sc, inc) 6x to make 18 stitches
(2 sc, inc) 6x to make 24 stitches
(3 sc, inc) 6x to make 30 stitches
(4 sc, inc) 6x to make 36 stitches
(5 sc, inc) 6x to make 42 stitches
(6 sc, inc) 6x to make 48 stitches
Finish off with a long tail. Add cardboard to bottom of cup, stuff fairly lightly. Begin sewing brown circle to the inside of the blue stitches, slightly below the lip. As you start to secure the coffee surface, you may want to add more stuffing, but try not to add enough to puff it out! ALSO don't forget to add in the cardboard circle (I slide it in when I'm about half way around sewing them together), as this will really help keep the surface flatter!
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^Cup handle: Very simple, just a small tube! I really eyeballed it until I got the desired length I wanted, so I would recommend the same! You can see in this pic I didn't attach the handle until I added the surface of coffee and was experimenting with the size of the foam mound, so also don't feel like you need to sew it on at a particular time - it's probably easier to add once the cup is shaped!
chain 6
sc into the first chain to make a loop
~10 rows of 6 sc
leave a tail, sew to the body of the cup!
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^Cat head:
Just a big lump! I kinda think this could have been smaller, but it's totally up to you just how big a pile of "foam" you want! I didn't want it to be perfectly round, so I had several repeat rows where I didn't increase, and at the end I did a more extreme increase to make the last row kinda flatten out.
6 sc in a magic circle
inc 6x to make 12 stitches
(1 sc, inc) 6x to make 18 stitches
one row of 18 stitches
(2 sc, inc) 6x to make 24 stitches
one row of 24 stitches
(3 sc, inc) 6x to make 30
one row of 30 stitches
one row of 30 stitches
(sc, inc) 15x to make 45 stitches
OPTIONAL: I used a pet slicker brush to fluff out this yarn so that it would have more of "foamy" look, and so that the needle felted parts were more likely to stick, but this is not necessary and I'm sure it would look cute with smooth stitches!
leave a long tail to sew into the coffee surface, being sure to leave a bit of room in front for the paws!
Cat ears:
I started from a smaller magic circle so they are a bit pointier, and I used the hook to really press the tips into a point!
4 sc in a magic circle
inc 4x to make 8 stitches
attached to head with tail, use slicker brush if you would like them to also be fluffy!
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^ Needle felting:
I definitely don't think needle felting the features of the cat is necessary - and if you want this to be a toy for a child or animal I would probably recommend against it in favor of using something like embroidery and safety eyes! I used brown felt so it would look like the cocoa powder details that people sometimes add to latte art! I'm not very good at needle felting so I didn't do a lot of detail, but how much you add is up to you!
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^ Paws:
I couldn't decide between a paw facing up (so you can see the cute pawprint!), and the folded over paw (as if the foam is dripping over the side of the cup!) I've seen both in irl latte art, and decided I can do whatever I want! The only difference is the folded over paw is slightly longer, and the upright paw has a bit more needle felting that needs to be done!
Upright paw:
6 sc in magic circle
2sc, inc 2x to make 8 stitches
~1 row of 8 sc
press it flat, use slicker brush, needle felt the pawprint, and use tail to sew into coffee!
Folded over paw:
this one is longer:
6 sc in magic circle
2sc, inc 2x to make 8 stitches
~4 rows of 8 sc
press it flat, use slicker brush, sew bottom of paw to coffee, fold over and use remaining tail to secure it over the lip of the cup!
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This is a nice simple pattern with not too many bits to sew together! I hope you like it, and don't forget to tag me here on tumblr or @ erin.gurumi on instagram if you end up using the pattern! Happy crocheting!
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