#[ this was so sweeeeeeeeeeeet ]
cheruib · 10 months
not to romanticize adulting but we're all just trying our best right?? especially fellow 20somethings
we're in this together can we all like virtually hold hands or some shit
20yos i am holding ur hand and telling u it's gonna be ok in hopes to eventually believe it myself
let's go slow and steady. together
you are absolutely right. we are all collectively holding hands and leading our way through this life together. confused and sometimes filled with grief but never running out of love. i love u thank u for existing
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corderis · 3 months
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( happy birthday to kairi: a little taste of home! | @otlaw )
he approaches the youth with a faint smile playing upon his lips, and gives a small nod when she looks to him. "kairi." he greets with a small bow, hand over his heart. "i overheard the other cursebreakers talking--- its your birthday today, is it?" with the mantle of cid weighing heavy over him, clive did his best to keep the hideaway feeling both valued and closely-knit. and what better way to do that than acknowledging birthdays and anniversaries? reaching into his pocket, he procures a strange fruit he'd never heard of prior; a paopu fruit. a peculiar star-shaped fruit that was meant to hold some sort of power when shared. offering it to her, he smiles. "here. if i heard right, they're something from back home on the island, no?"
she hadn't intended to tell anyone of her upcoming birthday, but it had come up during one of her talks with sora & riku. she had intended it as a throwaway piece of information, a highlight to the way the ache of homesickness had suddenly increased. she hadn't thought that either of them had taken note, but she had been terribly wrong. the entire hideaway had seemed prepared for the day, & she'd gotten more sincere & kind well wishes than she had ever received back in sanbreque. so many of them had been spoken with a secretive tone alongside gazes measuring her up as if for some plan that she wasn't in on. it had left her with chills, even when she was small. here, she had been pulled into hugs, taught of birthday traditions she had never even heard of, & had even received a few gifts! it had made training with the other cursebreakers a bit chaotic, but they had all been dismissed from training early, laughing so hard that kairi's stomach had hurt & her breath had been coming out in sharp wheezes for several minutes afterwards. it was shortly after that clive approached, & she took notice of him at the call of her name. ❛ cid! ❜ she responded with a bow of her own ( hands at her side, bent at the waist, some habits died far too hard for her to fight against ).
his acknowledgment of the day was a bit of a surprise. he was a personable leader, seemingly in tune with every member of the hideaway, but she still felt surprised at being acknowledged. as well as a childlike excitement that reminded her of the way her grandmother smiled at her as she told her happy birthday or an older memory, nearly forgotten, of her being lifted onto the shoulders of a man who's face she could no longer remember but who's laughter rang bright in her ears & left behind a mix of hope & melancholy in her heart.
❛ it is! ❜ she finally responded, shaking off the feelings that had crept up on her in the moment. kairi was trying to find the words to explain, politely, that she hadn't intended to cause such a fuss about the day ( as though a part of her was worried she would get scolded for causing celebration ) but she never got the chance. instead, she was presented with a gift that made stillness wash over her, her gaze lingering on it as if she wasn't sure that it was real
❛ a paopu fruit! ❜ immediately she was swarmed by memories of trips taken to the island with the secret intention of honing her magic under the tutelage of her grandmother. spending time in the villages with the other children who played with her & taught her their stories & welcomed her back for each visit. year after year after year they returned throughout her childhood. ❛ i haven't seen one of these since... ❜ since the last visit she'd taken there, when her grandmother declared her trained well enough to hide her secret in plain sight. she offered no conclusion to her explanation, simply took the fruit with delicate fingers.
already, she had in mind friends she wanted to share it with. though the thought of asking brought a bit of pink to her cheeks, she knew she may not get another opportunity. rare fruits were already scarce from the blight. even if she could make it to the island, there was no guarantee she'd find one. the realization erased any thought of hesitation from her mind. though it was a legend, a superstition, she hoped they would take to it just as she had. kairi bowed to clive again ( a little sharper, a bit more respectful than her first one ).
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❛ thank you, cid. ❜ she held the fruit close, taking in the sweet, nostalgic scent. ❛ this is so much more than just a gift. i'll use it well. ❜ to intertwine the destinies of her & the closest friends she'd made in the hideaway. ❛ i promise. ❜
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superfluouskeys · 4 months
love/hate it when you're like "omg this song is sooooo stupid 🙄" and then a few days later you catch yourself singing it, somehow having retained a very large percentage of the words
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guaxinimraccoon · 1 year
I love your art and story so so much! The relationship between Toby and Brad is just *chefs kiss* I hope you have an amazing day :D
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OMG YOU'RE TOO KIND thank you so much! I'm glad you like them although they're just two dorks, my trash is feeling appreciated
Have an amazing day too!
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mg549 · 1 year
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kinda late but hi jay :3
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I was tagged by @farenmaddox~ So now I shall meme.
Favourite colour: ...Pink? Or red. Somewhere in that part of the spectrum plus or minus white.
Last song: "The Sweetness" by Jimmy Eat World. It's perpetually early 2000s in my house.
Currently reading: The Burning Page, which is the 3rd book of the Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman, The Whispering Door by TJ Klune, and Mo Dao Zu Shi by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu...I have issues reading one book at a time.
Last movie: HAH. My kids just forced me to watch Ron's Gone Wrong, which was somehow a compromise between Fullmetal Alchemist and Gabby's Dollhouse....? IDEK I give up.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. Because I am naturally kind of salty and need to balance that shit out.
Currently working on: Um. Well, clearly the answer here is the poster I am presenting at an upcoming professional conference and not at all Tsubasa fic that I feel suddenly and violently compelled to write again lately. Ha. Ha.
Tag yourselves, you know you want to.
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judeswhore · 1 year
stop he’s so bf i need him rn why is he so adorable
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scmoobly · 8 months
hellow fellow redacted artist
keep doing you pookie <3
This fand9m lucky as hell to have them
I adore your art to the moon and back it's literally one of the most unique styles I've seen. I'm so glad I found you on other socials it was so amazing to your art that wasn't redacted based.
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mediioxumate · 4 years
To say that Shuichi is nervous is an understatement. Pale hands hold the small box containing the gift ( a beautiful silver bracelet with music notes hanging from it ) tightly as he waits for Kaeda to finish her practice. "Happy birthday, Akamatsu-san. May all your wishes come true." spoken with a small smile, golden eyes twinkling with the hope that she enjoys the present.
kaede bday extravaganza! || @vaciiviity || accepting!
At first, having someone present while she practiced was nerve wracking - music took work, it was trial and error until a moment of clarity when the piece just came together. She’d worried that Shuichi would think less of her, hearing her process, but of course he’d been nothing but kind and grateful. It was nice to feel... seen. Human. More than her ultimate or just the piano freak.
She’s surprised to see him in her studio on her birthday, assuming she wouldn’t see him until the gathering they were all having later. 
“Saihara-kun!” Kaede is delighted enough just by seeing her friend, let alone that he brought some kind of present? She takes the box, eyes sparkling as she unwraps and opens the present carefully. The bracelet is gorgeous. Wasting no time, she take the jewelry out, and presents it with her wrist to Shuichi, “Help me put it on? It’s beautiful Saihara- kun!” 
As soon as it’s on, she’s jumping on him for a hug with a squeal of delight.
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marsdemo · 5 years
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purestarlxght · 5 years
💍 ( @loyalservants *runs off to Valinor* )
💍 I want to be exclusives with you
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vanillatalc · 6 years
i’ve been watching LOTR for only the second time in my life
boromir can fuck off
his dad can fuck off
gollum is more sympathetic than i remember, and his fish song is a banger, but can still fuck off overall
aragorn is amazingly beautiful
legolas is the prancing pony
The CGI (esp wrt gollum) has aged inevitably but still looks great!
wept like a child at the part where tiny, weary frodo at the meeting says he will take the ring to mordor and gandalf just closes his eyes for a moment
the army of the dead continues to be bullshit (and can fuck off)
shelob can fuck off!
when a meme frame pops up and you’re like ¬u¬, alone in your room
‘my friends, you bow to no one’ SOB
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gentil-minou · 2 years
is tikki evil
omg noooooooo 😠😠😠😠 how could you???? 😥😥😥😥💔💔💔 she's the besttttttt and so sweeeeeeeeeeeet 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 tikki would never be evil omg noaoaoaoaoaoaooa 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺you are evil 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
Ask me a question and I will only give super true totally right and not wrong at all answers
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realperson022 · 3 years
I don't even have much to say about you except thank your parents for making you because damn, you're a blessing to this world. Like a literal angel without wings (though maybe you have wings and I haven't seen them yet). I really enjoy reading your stuff and I'm always happy to see a notification from your account showing up in my e-mail. Besides, I always try to watch you from afar whenever I can to check on how you're doing, and see if people are treating you well as they should. Or else they'll catch these big hands, obviously. Not only you're talented, kind and brave, but you're also someone who's constantly seeking knowledge. You never back down from a challenge whenever life throws something at you and I admire that a lot. I guess I truly didn't have much to say, huh?
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Th-that's not fair...I'M SHY?!?! You don't have any right to be this sweeeeeeeeeeeet! With you, one doesn't know if to fall in love with you or hate you affectionately for being so full of compliments to give left and right! I do have wings, but I wouldn't have them without people like you in my life 🥰 I try to fly as high as I can to reach you when it comes to writing, but even though I know I would never have the same talent and skill as you, I am just happy enough to follow in your footsteps. The footsteps of a true master, a wonderful and well-known virtuoso, with the ability to predict the future of our favorite Sonic characters. This is exactly why I love your works, and it's always fun to share my thoughts with you! Secretly, I believe you work for SEGA, but I figured if you didn't, I would be more than glad to write up a whole 10 page report about your magnificent skills to create the best canon content out there...and that at this point, if anyone is watching you from afar, it's SEGA (I can't believe they have the audacity to not give you credit for the things they give/post these days). Thank you again! 💞💞 It's a scary world, sometimes I cannot deal with it, but with knowing people like you believe in me and look out for me, I don't give up and continue my path. I keep running forward and believing in myself, a particular pair of hedgehogs had taught me that these years. But, katy...I am speechless with this. I am always thinking highly of you, telling others how great you are, hoping that life is treating you well because you are more than deserving of it 🥺 Besides writing some remarkable stories that I think everyone adores, I have to say you're pretty, confident, and would probably rival Shadow with what the definition of drip is. In my eyes, you're the one ❤️‍🔥
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sleepyspacebb · 3 years
@princess-aries tagged me and i love them
favorite color: love me a good shade of pink
currently reading: "imaginary friend" by stephen chbosky
last song: "that bih" - qveen herbie
last movie: i rly want to say it was rava and the last dragon but i honestly have no memory
last series: private practice
sweet, spicy, or savory: sweeeeeeeeeeeet
craving: iced coffee but it's like nighttime so
coffee or tea: coffee
currently working on: my stardew valley farm, confrontation, and getting my space organized
i'm tagging: @growingwithgrace @maddiganx @damienviper
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mydays · 4 years
I’m jae biased but I’m so impressed by wonpil and brian every time they do a live. Brian is such a good clear speaker he’s really good with his words and has something witty or charming to say to every comment. Wonpil is just a soft puddle you can tell how sensitive he is to music. His recent live felt so intimate, like talking to a friend in the library 😭😭 they’re so sweeeeeeeeeeeet.
honestly in day6 u cant help but love and respect all of them 😌 youngk's lives literally get me through everyday ngl. i come home and watch one as a treat since i'm behind anyway. and wonpil's... i don't think i can watch bc that man is too powerful for his own good.
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