#[;somewhere in south end when you were fun/you took my hand and you made me run | leo]
a-fluffy-dog24 · 1 month
The legend of the sea bros
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The boys are off on an adventure at sea And talk about they issues and they need each other emotionally and physically to survive. Ford is trying to reject the help from his brother that he desperately needs.Stan is so worried about his brother that he forgets that sometimes he needs to rely on his brother for support.
It was a beautiful morning off the coast of South America Stan was standing on the deck of their boat. "Good morning you up early" Ford said sarcastically Stan sticks his tongue out at him Ford rolls his eyes. "At least I don't go to bed at 8:00 "Stan teased "well at least I'm not hungover" Ford teased "Shut up and give me my coffee".
Ford handed him his coffee "what have you been up to this morning" "well I shower made breakfast and, I packed us supplies for today". Stan ate breakfast then they headed out to go exploring.Stan is wearing a red beanie and a white shirt and brown coat,blue pants Ford is weairing red sweater and blue coat,black pants boots They went through the forest, and caves and found a small black egg with red spots alone on the ground. Ford wants to take it to learn more about what creature it is he never seen an egg that color before. Stan thinks he shouldn’t.Because he remembered that time during the summer when he hatch a dinosaur egg and it end badly for his wallet. But Ford is interested on trying to hatch they had lunch on the top of the hill.
."Well Stanley we did it, do you remember when we were 12 years old and we found a boat and named it the StanOwar". "Yea seems like only yesterday I remember mom came to check on us to make sure we weren't missing she thought it was so cute"Stan said "yeah she took this picture of her two little adventurous" Ford put out the picture and showed him and Stan remember “we try to paint the whole thing" ,"I remember you through paint at me" Ford teased. "Yea by the time we were done we were covered in paint" "do remember how upset mother was"Ford said "She was pissed we didn't have shirts we were sunburned that was not a fun night "Stan remember
"Anyway this sandwich is beautiful” he says well eating “oww god I have a bad headache” he complains . “Do you take your meds this morning” Ford asked “no” he replied “well that’s probably why you need to take them when we get back”. They packed up and hiked back to the beach to their boat. They can see the sunset fading from blue to red."Did you see that" Stan asked "what did you do you see" "sixer I think a sea monster maybe". They ran onto their boat and put the egg down somewhere safe "I don't see anything" "never mind let go"Stan pulled up the aker. They sailed out to sea for a while then they saw it bobbing in the water.
Stan look at the water it rose from the water "LOOK THERE IT IS GET SOMETHING TO KILL IT WITH holy SHIT it's huge".The giant monster starts attacking the boat "ok I got a spear" Ford grabs a spear and throws it at the huge green sea monster. It has one eye but he misses and the monster gabs Ford's arm and starts putting him overboard.He accidentally hit his head into the wall of the boat it makes him feel like the floor is moving up and down.He starts pulling away and hitting it hard with his hand but it no use "Fuck " Ford yelled Stan run over and punks the monster in the eye, "GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER YOU SON OF A BICH "he yells.It goes away back into the water, Ford laughs "you did it how hard did you punk it ""I don't know hard enough I guess".
Ford has difficulty sitting down because the his body is shaking and his head really hurts. He tried to get up on the wooden box,but he is feeling frustrated that he keeps falling down do his dizziness."Are you ok" Stan looked worried as he can’t even sit down "I'm fine" "but you’re bleeding and you’re still dizzy let me help you". "No, I can take care of myself I manage to for 30 years” Ford tried to stop the large cuts from bleeding. On his hand and arm it bleeding all down his arm. But he can’t hold still long enough for the blood to clog.Stan dock the boat on the sandy shore but after he come up with a first a kit and a bowl  of soapy water. Ford takes the wet washcloth and wipes his arm ."Thank you" "I'm not going to let my brother get hurt by some dumb monster" he said hopeing that his brother will let him help. “I’m perfectly capable of tending to my own wounds ” it takes him a long while to rap a bandage around his arm.
Then the guys try to call Dipper and Mabel "mazel tov how do you turn this thing stupid on "Stan frustrated hit the phone "I don't know, did you read the intrusion they gave us"Ford said sarcastically."shut up it's working " ....... "Hi Grunkle Stan Hi Grunkle Ford"she yelled excitedly "Hi you guys"said Dipper "we have missed you kids"Stan told them . "What are you doing?"she asks "I just defeated a sea monster" Stan said proudly "how big was it" she wondered "It was huge bigger than the mystery shack" "wow cool"she added "are you sure you're not lying"Dipper questions.
"No he's not and I found this meritorious egg" Ford held it in his hand. It's almost as big as his hand "that's amazing, what do you think it is"Dipper wondered. "I don't know, we have to wait and see" "I think it's like a big butterfly"she hoped ." Mom and dad said we have to go to bed by" Dipper interrupted "by love you guys"she smiled and waved goodbye "bye bye ""by see you soon"Stan hung up  the phone.
Then later Stan makes dinner because if Ford made it they would be eating cereal for dinner.They eat dinner they have fish with carrots and drink their beer on the deck and watch the stars. Ford turns on a radio to listen to some 60s and 70s music.Stan looks angerly at Fords bandages. “Why do you drive me crazy” Stan asks frustrated “what do you mean what are you talking about” he has an idea about what this might be about. “Ford why won’t you let ME HElP YOU ” Stan yelled “because I’m a grown man WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH” he argued “CAUSE I LOVE YOU StanFord I’m trying to make sure you don’t fucking die…. I don’t want you to be hurt” Stan argued. “You need to let people help you sometimes” he finish saying
“I’m sorry Stanley I’m just so used to being independent I don’t realize when I need you” Ford apologize. “It’s okay…….remember when we were kids and we tried to be explores we made a car out of a box. Whore dumb little outfits with the stuff from dad’s shop” Stan reminisce and lit his pipe. Ford takes a sip of his beer “Yes we were really young I think 6 or 7 without are understanding how gravity works.We tried to see what would happen if we pushed it down the stairs with us in it.” “Oh boy that hurt but that didn’t stop us we got up and did it again”Stan laughed. “I think thats how I lost my first baby tooth” Ford told him. “Speaking of which remember in the Photo Booth when we were fooling around and I fall down on my head. I lost my front tooth I was such a stupid kid .” Stan sheepishly .
“Yup I didn’t enjoy explaining that to are parents,they we should have known better at 13 not to be roughhousing. They never got it properly fixed did they?”Ford add “yeah as a teen I got a fake tooth and that help. I mean now I have dentures so that Solve that problem.”He eat some of his food. Then he asks Ford “I've been going out with this girl” “are you sure it’s not a siren we don’t want to end up like the men in tales” Ford jokes. “NO she not or I hope really hope not ……Sixer hey do you want girlfriend", Ford looks up from his journaling "umm Stanley I don't know how to say this but" "oh do you boyfriend"he ask seriously ."I'm ok by myself..I have hobbies, I have the kids, I have you and that is all the love I need. Romance is a confusing feeling to me.I don't want a relationship at the moment I would probably prefer a male partner. It's has taken me a long time to accept that part of myself rather than me trying to run from it. But thank you for the offer".Stan took a smoke from his pipe and blew it off then he asked him.
"Ok just thought I ask....I still love you" Ford hug him and lifts Stan up a little "Hey put me down"Stan smiles at Ford “ since when can you pick me up off the ground you and your week nerd arms” Stan quested. “I’m stronger than you give me credit for little brother” Ford tease him. “Only 15 minutes there show off” Then Stan tried to licks him on the cheek, "what are you doing? No stop it". He moved closer "AHH STANLEY are you high'' Ford laughs "little bit "Stan laughs. "Do you want some" he asks "no I tried it in college I didn't like it and I'm still to mentally recover" he jokes "do you still smoke cigarettes" he asks. "No I quit been clean for 13 years or so" Stan tells him "well that's really great I know you were smoking for a long while good job " "Thanks I did it for the kids Soos brought me to the doctor and helped quit. But I still smoke cigars and stuff like to mix it up every once in a while. I guess that’s not as bad ."
"..Did you bathe today" Ford asked "well no" "that weed makes you stink like stunk go shower" Stan sticks his tongue out at him Ford rolls his eyes and smiles. "Oh bye the way I cooked you clean" Stan asked him "ok but please tell me you didn't use every pot and pan we own." Ford said and goes to start cleaning the mountain of dishes.But before he quickly realizes he needs to keep the egg warm. He picks it up from the blankets it had raps around it He put the egg under the a heat lamp and turned it on. Maybe they’ll have a new pet.
After Stan showers, they go to bed.12:00 am Ford got up to use the bathroom and he found Stan outside out the deck watching the waves. A 6 fingers hand was put on his back "Stanley what are you doing out here" "I couldn't sleep" "Did you have a nightmare". "Yes... I was in a room by myself in the dark and someone was telling me that I was worthless and I believe it.
The voice said it again and again but louder  and then dad came out of nowhere he told me to my face again that he thought I never was good for anything anyway. I...I COULDN'T"T DO A GOD DAM thing about it and I couldn't make it stop it's all my fault "he sobbed. Ford hugs him tightly "shhh okay you are not worthless without you I still be stuck in a another  dimension or the kids would gone.He really was a bad person it's feels a little worse to say that about our own father. But he hurt you and thats Something I can't let you be dragged down by for the rest of our lives. You're much more smarter than I am when it comes to noticing  things and braver too you really mean the world to me Stanley.
“Did you take your medicine this morning” “I don’t remember.. just to let you know you’re the one diagnosed with depression the medication is under your name” Stan told him he’ll have to call the pharmacy in the morning to get the prescription under Stanley name. “Come on let’s go bed” he whispers. He carried Stan like a small child and walked back inside. Ford decided that he too tried and exhaust from his withdrawal to drag himself to bed.
And he thinks that maybe this is a way to make up for his mistreat of his younger brother. Ford thinks that he is unhappy with himself for not being a good brother to him for being so selfish and stubborn even when Stan just trying to help him. He finds it difficult to let himself be cared for. Because he struggles with his shame of feeling like he doesn’t deserve to be loved. Stan would has no problem doing the same for him. Inside Ford gets his him his medicine and helps him in to bed. Stan looked at him and smiled a little bit and Ford thought maybe he still has a chance to change. He feels a lot better now that he’s brother looks to be doing alright. Ford wrapped a red plaid blanket around both of them they slept and cuddled side by side.
A day or two later they did some exploring on the beach of the new island it seems to be very populated by people. The locals are friendly to the twins they stop at a restaurant for breakfast "hey Ford do you want to hear the dream I had last night". "Maybe? Sure ""I had a dream that mom told me that she is proud of me for helping you..Isn't that weird". "Yea that odd I had a similar dream that she wanted me to be less stubborn and she was very happy that we're looking after each other".
"I wish mother was here"Ford told him taking a sip of his tea "I wish too but if it makes you feel better she knew" Stan comforted him "she knew about the portal and my disappearance" he asked. "Yes she is the only one I trusted and she knew I could bring you back. She gave me money when she could to help run it.And told me when she died I think that was a little while after the kids were born. She said to keep going to Bring you back." Stan took off his gold chain and opened it to show him.And in Lock it was a picture of the two of them and their mother.Ford touched with 6 fingers hand gently rubbing it and smiled Stan smiled too.After they finished their food they did some shopping at the market for supplies and food that should last them a few weeks. And get some cool stuff to show the kids.
"Is Shamans still alive" Ford asked him "umm no unfortunately he passed away a year ago from kidney cancer sorry" Stan told him. "That's a shame I thought we could go and see him is his wife Faith is she still alive" he said " Faith is she in a nursing home in Piedmont we could go with Michael if you wanted to" Stan offered Ford shook his head and agreed that they should when they get back home. Stan showed him a Hawaiian shirt he wants to buy even though he already has about 10. They headed to the ship and start dinner when the egg starts to hatch “look Stanley it’s hatching get my journal” Ford waits and watches what ever creature might come out.
“Lets hope it’s not a siren I don’t want to go through that again ” Stan hands him his phone a little brown head slowly pops out it has the ears of a cat and the eyes and mouth of a dog. A small round brown body covered in curly dark brown hair and a cat nose.Paws too big for it body thick tail with a white patch on the end. “Well that’s looks like something Mabel would draw she kind of cute” Stan try to pat her she moves away. “It’s incredible I’ve never seen anything like it before”Ford wrote down his observations.She jumped into his lap and licks his face “gross stop it be a good test subject ” Ford takes her and measures her height and takes pictures.Get a blood sample then he uses a microscope to look at her DNA.
A few hours later after Ford runs more tests Stan asks “You weren’t thinking of just using her to run your experiments and then getting rid of her were you”. “Well yes we can’t take care of a pet” Ford says “why not she can’t survive on her own just look at her” Stan points to her playing with a ball on the floor. “Ok you make a good point” he reaches out and gives her a scratch Stan pick her up and gives her her bottle. “How about Joy” he suggests “perfect” Ford agrees.They sailed around the world together from Colombia to Ireland to Australia to the Netherlands to Antarctica, to Africa and many other places looking for babes and treasure and creatures, myths .
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mrsstan21 · 2 months
Attention to Detail
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GIF credit: @angel060563
Summary: Men rarely pay attention to the things women say, but that's not the case with Officer Tom Hanson.
Tom Hanson x Reader 
A/N: Just a quick Drabble!
Warnings: None! fluff!
Word Count: 958 :)
For the past three weeks me and Penhall were at a local high school making a bust on drug dealing. 
It was always fun when me and Doug were put on a case together, he always knew how to make these cases interesting.
After I got a gun pointed to my head by one of the suspects we made an arrest. 
I asked Jenko if I could have the day off and work at my desk. 
“Hey how you doing” Penhall asked pulling a chair next to me. 
“I’m fine…isn’t the first time I got a gun placed to my head”.  
“Hanson, Penhall, Y/L/N in my office” Jenko spoke. 
I took a seat next to Penhall on the couch while Hanson stood up.
“We got a new case apparently somebody is trying to relocate SouthCentral High School one room at a time. Last night was the fourth BE in the same amount of months. No forced entry, no busted windows”. Jenko informed.
“Doesn’t sound like much of a break in” I added. 
“Burglary says to smacks of an inside gig. Like one kid gets a set of master keys, the next thing, half the school’s drinking free sodas, and on top of that, some teachers getting free roses from so secret admirer” Jenko continued.
“Got any suspects?” Hanson asked. 
“Got a couple. My best bet is a guy named Jeffery Stone. Sells everything from hot records to tickets to the Boss’s concerts, third row”. 
“Sounds like a real sales man” I spoke. 
“well Hanson your on this case. Penhall will be your backup in case things go south. Y/N I want you here going over this Stone guys profile see if you can get anything off him” Jenko informed us.
“Not a problem I gotta help Ayoki study for his test anyway”.
The three of us group outside by Hansons desk. 
“So aside from the kid selling merchandise we also got a stalker creeping on a teacher and leaving her flowers” Penhall spoke grabbing a cup of coffee.
“At least she’s getting flowers” I mumbled sitting on Hanson’s desk. 
“Aw come on Y/N I bet you get flowers all the time” Penhall teased. 
I rolled my eyes. 
“What no one’s given you a bouquet of roses?” Hanson asked. 
I look at him. 
“I don’t even remember the last time I got a single flower let alone a whole bouquet. Besides roses are so clique every girl loves red roses. I on the other hand am very different...Would make my day if a guy got me a single white lily my favorite flower”.   
It was getting late, Ayoki and I had been doing practice questions for I don’t know how many hours. 
We decided to break for a while and I took it as an opportunity to rest my head on my desk. 
But ended up knocking out instead. 
The sound of a loud book hitting my desk made me shot up. 
“A felon cannot be issued a drivers license” I spoke still half asleep. 
I rubbed my eyes to see a smiling Hanson sitting on top of my desk. 
“Oh it’s just you Hanson” I yawed stretching. 
“What are you still doing here this late” he broke into a smirk.
“it’s not that late it’s only…midnight” I looked over at my watch.
“She was helping me study that is until she fell asleep two hours ago” Ayoki smiled passing by.
“God I am tiered” I rubbed my eyes again. 
“Why don’t you let me give you a ride I’m about to head out anyways” Hanson said. 
I took him up on his offer, and he drove me home. 
“Can I ask you something” he asked staring at the road in front of him.
“You know so much about cars yet you don’t own one?” He smirked.
I let out a small chuckle. 
“Yeah well I live about a twenty min walk from the chapel. 
And if I ever wanted a ride somewhere I don’t live that far away from Penhall so I could always ask him for a lift”. 
“From the time I’ve been here not once have I seen you and Penhall come in together”.
“Ok if I’m honest I prefer walking it helps clear my mind”.
“Sounds like a fair game” he glances over at me. 
When we arrived to the front of my apartment complex I thanked him for the ride. 
He stayed and made sure I got inside before taking off. 
Hanson was starting to rub off on me. 
The following day Hanson closed the case, and made an arrest turns out the janitor was the one setting up Stone. 
I was at my desk cleaning out my file drawer when I notice someone sit on my desk. 
Looking up I saw a smiling Hanson again.
“Hey Hanson congrats not screwing up your case” I smiled. 
“Thanks…hey I got something for you” he spoke nervously. 
I gave him a confused look before he pulled his hand from behind his back. 
There in my sight was a single white lily. 
“What’s this” I smiled. 
“Well you said  you didn’t remember the last time you got a flower so I took it upon myself to get you one” he smiled. 
“And you got me a white lily” I took the flower from him smelling it.
“What you didn’t think I was paying attention?”.
“Well Hanson no offense but most guys don’t usually pay attention to what comes out of my mouth. But in fact are paying more attention to…well you get the idea” I laughed. 
“Well I just thought you could use something nice to start your day” he smiled.
I got up and kissed him on his cheek. 
“Thank you Hanson” I whispered to him. 
He blushes.
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 4 months
Maybe I'm AU-projecting, but Pork Soda by Glass Animals is very Mike coded (post-scoop mainly because of the brain dead thing)
Somewhere in South End when you were fun You took my hand and you made me run Up past the prison to the seafront You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
Why can't we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead? How come you only look pleased in bed? Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again
Pineapples are in my head (Pineapples are in my head) Got nobody 'cause I'm brain dead (Got nobody 'cause I'm brain dead)
Somebody said that I'm a fuckin' slum Don't know that I belong Maybe you're fucking dumb Maybe I'm just a bum Maybe you're fucking scum Don't you go psycho chum I want you for the world I want you all the time
I'd make an animation meme if I could fucking figure out my software
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yoinkschief · 9 months
I have to talk about this because the Glass Animals How To Be A Human Being album is one of my special interests that album is so cool you guys don't understand please
The album features 11 songs, each one corresponding to one of the people on the album's cover(s), each one telling a story about that person
I bring this up as context as to why, even though everyone in this community makes memes about it, Pork Soda is THE TomTord song, and here's why:
Pork Soda corresponds to the old man with a paddy cap and glasses in the back of the album to the left of the basket ball player, and as such it's sung from his perspective
The song is about two lovers who fell in love with each other because of their spontaneous nature,
Somewhere in South End when you were fun You took my hand and you made me run Up past the prison to the seafront You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
However, this song is sung from the future(ish?), it's the old man yearning for the days when he and his lover were younger and full of sporadic energy, for when they would just pick up stuff suddenly and leave off on some crazy adventure,
Why can't we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead? How come you only look pleased in bed? Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again
This is further pushed by the song's official music video where it shows a literal divide between the two lovers, living different lives as they live on completely separate floors of the house
The old man is portrayed as bitter and its suggested this song is him complaining about how his life isn't what it used to be to the listener, as he sits in his living room watching TV and doing pretty much nothing with himself, stuck in a constant loop of disappointment and resentment
Versus the wife who's seen with a dog that she's trying to get joy out of having, she tries to keep having a spontaneous life and do fun things to keep that spark in her going, seen with her dancing with the dog in the floor above the old man
I think this is great symbolism honestly, and it suggests the old man is to blame for this lack of spontaneousness in their love life anymore
Furthermore this is perfect for TomTord, more specifically, imo, enemies/friend to lovers to enemies WTFuture TomTord, although The End was also pretty good I think it would've worked better if it was pre Tord leaving and then Tord coming back, as that gives similar vibes yk?
It's perfect for them and I know this song is everyone's personal hell in this fandom and I understand why but you NEED to realize this is THEIR song
Along with songs like I Love You Like An Alcoholic and The Masochism Tango, the list goes on
I can make a list
I have two separate playlists for TomTord you don't understand how much I love songs
Extra information I know about this song that's cool to me:
Glass Animals got inspired to write this song after they met a girl (at a concert I believe?) with a tattoo on her arm that simply said "Pork Soda", and when they asked her why she got such a random string of words tattoo like that she said "cause I wanted to", thus inspiring them to make a song about spontaneousness
I know the reason she got that tattoo and why she said that she is so funny to me
She got that tattoo because there's actually a second Pork Soda, a band album: Primus' Pork Soda album, which is, I'm sure, why she got the tattoo because that album probably meant a lot to her
Thus making her answer "because I wanted to" seem like the generic answer every person who has a tattoo answers with because everyone always asks "why did you get that tattoo" or belittle them for the tattoo "not having meaning", etc.
Just a silly addition I thought I'd add to this because I love this album so much please ask me about the other songs I know about all of them
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that-darn-clown · 3 months
hello bestie, losing my mind over Sammy + Mike as a duo in the Rewrite. so you officially get some Lyric Analysis of "Pork Soda" and how it applies to them because if i don't ramble about it i worry that my brain'll explode:
"Somewhere in South End, when you were fun,
you took my hand and you made me run,
up past the prison to the seafront.
You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge."
so like. the entire first verse is literally just them talking about how good life had been pre-Charlie Murder. like no real explanation there this part's pretty self-explanatory.
"Why can't we laugh now like we did then?
How come I see you and ache instead?
How come you only look pleased in bed?
Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again."
also pretty self-explanatory: this part's the two of them in the year following Charlie's murder. they wonder why things had to change so much, why things can't go back to normal.
"Somebody said I'm a fucking slum,
don't know where I belong.
Maybe you're fucking dumb,
maybe I'm just a bum."
Sammy. maybe this is someone telling him to stop obsessing over Charlie's case; it happened years ago, there's no more evidence to discover, there's nothing they can do, so he needs to just drop it. but he snaps back no. he's not going to give up on this case. giving up on the case is like giving up on Charlie. in Sammy's eyes, that's like failing Charlie a second time. but even then...he'll concede on the fact that staying up several nights in a row, analyzing every piece of evidence no matter how small, perhaps is effecting his health negatively...not that it'll stop him, obviously.
"Maybe you're fucking scum.
Don't you go psycho, chum.
I want you for the world,
I want you all the time."
Michael. first half is about his father and how he probably started suspecting him a bit. second half's about him missing his dead younger siblings (Liz and Cass) and Charlie.
"Five thousand footsteps in your wet dress,
back to the house with your arms 'round my neck.
We drank Pork Soda with tangled legs.
I won't forget how you looked at me then."
gives vibes of Mike and Jeremy post-Bite of '87. Mike helped get Jere home from the hospital, and they hung out, drinking some sodas...maybe they share some tender moments :] but when Mike looks at him, and he looks back...all Mike can see is the same injury that took his brother's life all those years ago (at least, to Mike's knowledge at that point).
"I know I'm no sweet prince of love.
Those times that we got drunk,
maybe Jamaica Rum, maybe some Jonny Dub.
Maybe you still think of us.
Phone buzz and still I jump.
Why don't I say it then?
I want you all the time."
from Sammy's pov. he knows that he's not great with Emotions™. at some point post-Sister Location pre-Fnaf 3, he decided to go over to Michael's house (well, more like Mike, Jeremy, and Andy's house, but that's unimportant rn) to just reminisce. maybe get drunk too because Why The Fuck Not at this point in their lives. and so they reminisce more...until the subject somehow gets to their knowledge on William's Crimes.
"Why can't we laugh now like we did then?
How come I see you and ache instead?
How come you only look pleased in bed?
Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again."
think of this section as a reprise of sorts. it's angrier this time around. the last line is like a promise of let's put an end to this. we'll do it together. just like old times. (< of course, it's Fnaf 3, so...wasn't exactly successful. but they at least tried)
anyway, that's all. just needed to get this out somehow. Rewrite!Sammy and Michael my beloveds!!
I'm normal about mildly romantic songs being applied to non romantic relationships....
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atariaction · 9 months
Kay’s 2023 Wrapped
Well, that about wraps it up for 2023, which means it’s time for my letter summarizing the computer history work that I did in the past year. I’ve been writing these letters since 2016, making this my eighth annual letter. I wish I had started this tradition in 1996, the year that my computer history efforts began when I launched the Digital Antic Project, which grew into Classic Computer Magazine Archive.
My goal this year was to publish six interviews on Antic: The Atari 8-Bit Podcast. I published just one. (It was a good one, with Rodrigo Castro about Atari in Chile. Why not six? My Internet Archive work and, simply, a lack of momentum on interviews. Once the process is going, it’s going! But getting that engine re-started is hard.) My goal for 2024 is to publish 15 interviews, which I fully expect to actually do. Between us over the years, Randy Kindig and I have published 436 interview episodes on Antic. Our collective goal is to reach 500 by the end of 2025. So to keep my end of the bargain, that means I’ll publish 15 interviews in 2024.
Scanning, though! I turned all sorts of rare paper material into easily-searchable digital material at Internet Archive. I scanned a lot of Atari newsletters, including many from Hughes El Segundo Employees Association Atari Computer Enthusiasts, South Bay Atari Computer Enthusiasts, and West LA Atari Users Group.
In other scanning news — let’s talk about MicroTimes. MicroTimes was a California-focused computer magazine that was published from 1984 through 1999. It was there in the thick of it, published in the state that brought us Silicon Valley. I wrote for MicroTimes for a few years starting in 1992. So I am especially proud of this: 41 issues of MicroTimes magazinewere added to Internet Archive in 2023, bringing the collection to 62 issues. Here’s the long-story-short summary of 10 years of effort: I made this happen. I willed it to happen. More issues will be added in 2024.
I also added two more books to the collection of Russ Walter’s Secret Guide To Computers at Internet Archive. The newest additions are hard-to-find editions from 1976, about BASIC programming and computer applications.
My Scantastix project (if you don’t know what that is, here’s a short article describing it) did some great work: we scanned 321 items totaling 22,577 pages. The scans include some rare Microsoft material, even rarer pamphlets and manuals for Compucorp computers (have you ever heard of them? The computer that came with them is on its way to Vintage Computer Federation) and so many Apple II manuals. Check out all the latest additions here.
Also, a weird scanning side-quest happened this year: My friend Cabel Sasser handed me a pile of more than 50 DAK catalogs, which I scanned for him, then he wrote a blog post about them that blew up the Internet for a few days. It’s a fun read.
Once again, I processed and edited videos of the presentations at Vintage Computer Festival West 2023and VCF East 2023. And I helmed a project to rescue audio from VCF West 2003. These were recordings that were made of talks twenty years ago, then the tapes were lost, then found, then given to me, then it turned out that the tapes were recorded terribly. It took a small team of people to get any sound at all from those tapes then turned into something listenable. They include the voices of C. H. Ting, Jef Raskin, John Ellenby, and Gary Starkweather, who have all passed since these were recorded.
When I interview a programmer, I ask the person if they have any source code. I interviewed Jay Jaeger, creator of the Atari Program Exchange version of Space War, in 2016. At the time he said he had the source code… somewhere. I contacted him from time to time to ask about that source code. (I have a “nag list” of people that I contact from time to time to ask them about some material or other.) Patience and persistence paid off. Just a few days ago, in December 2023, he found the assembly language source code and sent it to me to share.
A bit of personal archiving: I write for Juiced.GS magazine, which focuses on the Apple II. I uploaded all of the articles I've written for Juiced to Internet Archive, spanning 2015–2022. There are some interviews, some product reviews, and some nice little reminisces about the old days of microcomputers. (I released them under a Creative Commons license, so if you want to republish an article in a non-commercial computer club newsletter or something like that, go for it. My agreement with the magazine says that they get exclusive rights to articles for a year. So my 2023 articles will be shared online a year from now. In the mean time, it’s a good magazine: if you like Apple II, subscribe!)
My work at Internet Archive as the curator of the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications is certainly one of the reasons I’ve had less time and energy for computer archiving. 2023 was my first full calendar year in this role. I hit my one-year anniversary in August! But there’s sometimes a nice overlap between the two efforts. For instance, in 2023 I archived several ham radio related programs for Atari computers and a few for DOS machines and even a handful for CP/M that were rescued from 8-inch floppy disks.
There’s something else, something that I’ve been teasing for years. In my 2018 letter I wrote “There’s a particular archiving project happening in 2019 that is really big and really important for microcomputer history. I’m not ready to talk about it, but hold your breath and cross your fingers.” Then at the end of 2019 I wrote: “That project depends on the help of one person who has been battling ongoing health issues. It is still very much at the front of my mind, and *crosses fingers* will move ahead this year.” It didn’t, and it couldn’t, but with patience and persistence, it’s finally happening. It’s already started, and I can’t wait to have something amazing to show you in 2024. Keep holding your breath and crossing your fingers just a little while longer.
If you support my archiving work on Patreon, thank you! Also please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Internet Archive, the non-profit online library that hosts all of my scans and interviews.
I hope we all have a pleasant and productive 2024. May your patience and persistence pay dividends.
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hibihiiyo · 2 years
below the cut i will elaborate on both in case you are not sure
for touch tone telephone, the lines in particularly fixated on were:
“Oh, I'm crying now, authentic tears They flow out of me when I think about you 'Cause you're the only person in the world who'd understand 'Cause you're the only person in the world who'd understand the meaning of this Oh my god I try, and I try, and I try to make you listen to me
I try to call you every day I'm rehearsing what to say when the truth comes out (of my very own mouth) I've been working on a unified theory If I make it through tonight, everybody's gonna hear me out”
in my head, touch tone telephone MV will be about kano trying to save his family from their inevitable death by their fathers and the weight of being the only alive person who knows what will happen and not being able to tell anyone. also it’s very out of left field and i think it’s funny to surprise people with it.
for pork soda, it’s meant to be equally focused on all 4 quartet members but split into halves: shintaro and ene in real life and ayano and haruka in the daze. it’s about nostalgia and longing for the other person and being unable to see them again, being isolated on your own accord (since they all do this) and regretting their past mistakes because they all blame themselves for soemthing!!!
the lines i’m particularly obsessed with are actually the opening lines:
“Somewhere in South End when you were fun You took my hand and you made me run Up past the prison to the seafront You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
Why can't we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead? How come you only look pleased in bed? Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again”
but also “why don’t i say it then? // i want you all the time”!!!!!!!!
both of these options are ENTIRELY in my head and ENTIRELY me using literal lyrics as metaphors for other shit so i apologize if neither of these helped you choose.
thank you kagepro fandom
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Somewhere in South End when you were fun
You took my hand and you made me run
Up past the prison to the seafront
You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
Why can't we laugh now like we did then?
How come I see you and ache instead?
How come you only look pleased in bed?
Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again
Car Crash @ Doll methinks
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olivieraa · 8 months
I have such a weird relationship with anime.
There's a lot I wont tolerate with anime, especially its treatment of female characters (young girls and women), and so I've been extremely picky about what I watch for just about 10 years now.
2014 was the first time I properly buckled down and watched a good chunk of big animes (HxH, FMAB, Haikyuu, Soul Eater). And then 2015 was when I mixed up old animes with animes that were airing at the time. So I had between 1-3 anime eps a day.
Most of it was... soul-crushing. And I was absolutely exhausted. And I didn't know when I'd stop. When it would end.
It was painful.
Anime treated female characters so badly. The fans were disgusting. I was in arguments non-stop. I was screenshotting and posting scenes that were heinous and I could just feel myself losing this battle of trying to see if there was anything good, anything salvageable about this medium.
When I think back to how I started with anime, which was Inuyasha, straight after Inuyasha I was introduced to... harem. I don't know how, but harem was the first anime theme I stumbled into. I watched DNA2, Rosario + Vampire, Hand Maid May, etc. Eventually my first reverse-harem, Fruits Basket. This went on for a little bit before I found Death Note.
But by then, I was so used to half-naked female characters bending over or falling over and landing in provocative positions, I thought it was normal. Death Note never did that, but just bc it didn't sexualise its female characters, doesn't mean it treated them great either.
It took years before I realised that this wasn't normal. And then if women weren't sexualised, they were beaten. Or both. At the same time. And it was laughed at. Or memed. And I was the only one calling it out. Nobody gave a shit.
This is why I felt so drained. And alone.
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I found animes that made me happy. When I look at them in a list all together, there's more than I thought. But to find them originally, was like "suffer through about 40 of the bad ones, find a good one, suffer through another 25, find a good one" over and over again.
I kept getting asks like "why are you putting yourself through this?" and honestly, I didn't know. I still dont know. In fact, I'm still doing something similar somewhere else. Like, I'm building up evidence. And its hard to stop.
And the thing is... I didn't go into these animes with the intention of getting into fights. I was always hopeful, everytime a new lineup of anime was announced, that they'd subvert my expectations. Osomatsu was actually the biggest shock for me. I thought it was going to be teen-boy humour to the max, be the Japanaese South Park. Couldn't have been more wrong about that, and its one of my top faves now.
Finding animes like that, that put me in a happy place, was my main intention. Always hoping animes that were the opposite would start to die out.
Coming back to anime, well, I'm just rewatching rn. Only one's I liked. I dont know where I'm going from there, but for now, I'm just staying in this happy place. Going from Osomatsu to Maou-sama, with a few other good one's in between like 91 Days and Acca - Its been peaceful. I found those animes during times of watching mostly bad ones and these being the little gems in between. So when you watch nothing but the gems, its... blissful. I'm having fun. I'm not ready to torture myself yet.
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🏝 Fun in the Sun🏝
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TASM! Peter x wife!reader
Y’all, I’m at the beach this week, and all I could think of is a cute couple's beach getaway with Peter! I literally wrote this in a beach chair with a drink in my hand ! Lol It’s a little spicy … it's probably the spiciest I will write. ( and it's not that spicy 😂)I hope you enjoy it!-K
Warning: somewhat spicy, pet names, mentions of food, implied sex, typos, bad writing, and probably many more thing that needs warnings I forgot about.
“ Peter, come on …. One week … just you and me… on the beach… nothing to do ….. The city will be fine! You need to take a damn break. “
“ Love, I can’t. What if something happens? What if there is a...”
“ What if? What if? What if!! Life is full of what-ifs! Peter, it will be ok! One week away, that’s all. The city will be fine. You have to live your life. Remember, It is ok to take the time for Peter Parker stuff! You have to live your life too.” you were fed up. The only time Peter had taken a break ( from Spider-Man)was when you got married. He didn't want to, but you made him! Even then, you didn't go on a honeymoon. He took the day off of your wedding and rehearsal dinner; that was it.
“Yes, we can go on vacation.” You ran over and peppered him with kisses.
After months of persuasion, you finally had convinced him to take a break. You made reservations as soon as he said yes. The day came, and you packed up your car and headed south to Florida. The drive was going to be long but worth it.
“ Love, why are we driving? We could have flown and saved time. Or we could have gone somewhere closer. Just in case I need to come back and help.“ Peter questioned as you pulled off of your street.
“ Ah, you see, bug boy, I know you... That is why I chose Florida. Too far away for you to swing back... And driving is part of the fun, Peter. We get to be stuck in the car for hours together. Listening to good music and podcasts. Playing games and just talking. It’s gonna be great! I call the radio first! Disney sing along it is!”
Peter didn’t know you had the Spotify station pulled up before leaving your apartment.
“ ok … but I get to choose lunch.”
“ Deal”
“ Hey now
Hey now
This is what dreams are made of
Hey now
Hey now
This is what dreams are made of
I've got somewhere I belong
I've got somebody to love
This is what dreams are made of
(Hey now...)”
You were belting your heart out. Peter was just smiling at you.
“What???? Why are you judging me!??” You pause the music.
He laughed “ I’m not. I’m thinking how much I love you.”
“ I know you love me. That is why you married me!! “ you laughed. “ BUT!!! If you really really love me, you would sing the duet part… PLEASE!PLEASE !!!PLEASE!!!”
“I love you … but I’m not going to sing .”
“Pete! please!!” You pressed play and turned up the volume.
With a huff, he begins to sing along.
Open your eyes
(This is what dreams are made of)
Shout to the skies
(This is what dreams are made of)
When I see you smiling, I go, "Oh, oh, oh"
Yesterday my life was duller
Now everything's technicolor
By the end of the song, you both were screaming the lyrics. You both burst out into laughter during the last bit of the music.
“ You a great; you know that?” Peter said as he leaned over to kiss your cheek.
“ So, I have been told.” You smiled at your husband.
“ Are we there yet? I’m bored .” Peter yawned from the passengers.
You laughed. “About five more hours, Pete. Take a nap. I will be ok.”
“ Love, you have been driving for about 10 hours … Why don’t you let me take over? “
“ Do you need a reminder of the last time you drove “ you questioned.
“ It was my first time driving in years!! Give me a break! …. “
“Petey, your driving was fine… Don’t you remember, your spidey sense was going crazy? Dude, I about had a panic attack watching you. You were so tense! This is supposed to be a relaxing vacation.”
He huffed “ Yeah, your right. Ok, then let’s play a game….I spy with my little eye….” He began.
“ Petey, wake up, baby; we are here. I have checked us in. All we have to do is unload and let the relaxation begin!”
Peter fell asleep 20 minutes into the game of I spy. You simply put on your true-crime podcast, and you were set. He tried to keep you company, but he was exhausted. You couldn’t blame him. Peter was always go go go between Spider-Man, work, and being the best husband you could ask for. He always was exhausted.
“ huh… when did I fall asleep? I’m sorry, bug. “
“ it’s ok, Pete. You need the rest. Now, come on!”
You two quickly unpacked the car. Peter’s strength came in handy. You made it in one trip. You quickly changed into your swimsuit and headed out to the balcony to watch the ocean.
“ If I knew you would dress like this the whole week, I would have said yes sooner.” Peter came out behind you and wrapped his arms around you.
“ Peter, stop it ! “ you laughed. You turn to face him and wrap your arms around his neck. Peter kissed you. You deepen the kiss moving your hands up into his hair, and his hands move down to your body. His lips left yours. You gasped as he nipped at your neck.
You exhaled .“Peter, let’s go inside. “
“ I hope you weren’t expecting to go to the beach right away because I have plans for you, bug.” He smirked. You squealed as he picked you up and took you inside.
You didn’t make it to the beach the first day. You spent most of the day tangled up in the sheets. You didn’t mind at all. You woke up early the following day to the smell of coffee.
“ Good morning, my love, “ Peter said as he handed you a cup.
“ Morning, baby. You going to let me walk on the beach today?” You smiled.
“ You can walk after yesterday? “ he laughed.
You just shook your head.
“ What?! It’s a genuine question?” he laughed.
You laughed. “ Anyway, I figured we could pack a lunch and spend the day on the beach. Maybe come up and go out for dinner. “
“ Sounds lovely, bug!”
You both got ready and headed to the beach. You spent most of the morning laying out in the sun, relaxing.
“ Hey, love .” Peter looked up from the magazine the resort handed you at check-in.
“ huh?” The waves had almost lulled you to sleep
“I was reading there is a place where we can take surfing lessons. What do you think?”
“ Sure, baby, if you want to go for it! I would love to watch…. I don’t think I’m a strong enough swimmer. “
“ Are you sure? I want to go, but if you ..”
You smiled “ Petey, it’s your vacation too! Not just mine.”
“ but it was your idea. I don’t want….”
“ Peter, go make an appointment with surfing people.”
“ I love you! “ he said as he stood up to head up to the lobby to make the appointment. He kissed you quickly.
“ I know. I love you too !“
“ Did you see me?! I caught that wave, and wow! “ Peter was ecstatic when he came in from his lesson.
“ I did; you were great… but I think your ability to stick to things is an unfair advantage. The others in your class didn’t fare as good as you.”
You both laughed a little. So many people in Peter’s surf class had wipeouts. Peter never fell off his board, not once.
“ Man, I want to go out again.”
“ Peter, we are here for the whole week. You can do whatever! I’m great. I have my book and my drink. I am as happy as a lark!”
“ Yeah?”
“ Go! Have fun! You need it !”
Peter kissed you before bouncing away towards the ocean. You smiled. He had been so stressed lately between work and Spider-Man. It was good to see him truly happy.
About an hour and a half later, Peter came back to find you asleep under the umbrella. He laughed.
“ Hey bug, let’s wake up and put more sunscreen on. You don’t want to get burned on the first day.”
“Mmm.. ok .” You sat up half asleep. Peter lovingly rubbed sunscreen on your back.
“ Hey, love bug, you are already getting a lot of sun… you want to head in for a while. Finish your nap?”
“I’m ok. I want to go out in the water for a while… you want to come with me?” You were holding out your hand where Peter could help you up.
“ Of course. I’ll race you! “ Peter took off running
“ HEY! That’s not fair! You cheated ” You came running after him into the water.
Peter and you stayed in the water for a long time. You floated and swam. You two play catch with some kiddos that asked you to join them. You were having a great time. Peter finally made you leave when he saw how red you had gotten.
“ I’m fine, Peter! I have been burnt before. I ..” you protested
Peter picked you up. “ I’m taking you in.”
“PETE! Put me down! Put me down! “ you were laughing.
When Peter finally put you down at your spot on the beach, you huffed. You were mad. You help gather the stuff and head up to the room.
When you got to the room, you went straight to the shower. As soon as the hot water hit your skin, you were hissing in pain. You washed off quickly and then entered the bedroom when you were finished. You were very burnt, making you even madder at Peter because he was right. Peter was sitting on the bed with aloe in one hand and after sun lotion in the other.
“ I know you are mad, but...”
“ Shut up. You were right. That's why I'm mad. Help me, please.”
Peter laughed
“ come here, bug.”
The next day Peter woke up before you and made breakfast. He set everything on the balcony for a cute breakfast date.
Peter crawled back into bed and kissed your forehead.
“ Good Morning, Bug; I made breakfast. We could watch the sunrise over the water.”
“ You are the best; you know that .” You smiled as you got out of bed.
After breakfast, you both got ready for the day. You had planned a day down at the pier, followed by a trip to a marine animal rehabilitation center.
“Hey, come here! Look,” Peter was still on the balcony.
You walked out to see dolphins swimming.
“ Oh wow!! They are beautiful!”
“ Not as beautiful as my wife, “ Peter said as he kissed you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck “ You know, we don’t have to be at the aquatic center until 3 … we can always go to the pier later… PETER!” you laughed
He didn’t even let you finish your sentence. He picked you up and took you inside
The rest of the week was filled with fun and laughs. You spent one day just watching people from the balcony. You laughed as you saw someone chasing an umbrella down the beach. Every evening you took a long walk down the beach. It was perfect.
The day came that you had to leave. You had packed the car the night before. You were lying in bed soaking up the last few minutes of your vacation when Peter rolled over.
“ Y/n, thank you... I needed this. I need a break. It’s hard sometimes balancing Peter Parker stuff and Spider-Man stuff. Thank you for making me take time for myself and time for us. I love you.” He leaned over and kissed you gently.
“ I love you too. “ you smiled.
He sat up “ I thought next year we could go to Disney or California. Or maybe even Seattle! Or Vegas. Or maybe we could go on a cruise. Oh!! Europe!! I would love to go there! Peter 1 was telling me all about his school trip there. I sounded great! Or we could….”
“ Slow down, travel bug! You are going to take another break?!”
“ Yep, as long as I can take them with you!”
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. xxi - sleepless
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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With Hongjoong's last sent text, you threw your blanket off and tippy-toe your way to his bedroom that he shared with Seonghwa.
You slowly open his door and peek inside to scan the room first before going in. There were two beds at each corner of the room with two study desks in between the beds. Seonghwa seemingly dead asleep in his bed in the left corner as Hongjoong was at his study desk, back towards you as he is immersed in his work. The room was dark as one of them is asleep but the study lamp on Hongjoong's desk is on, illuminating the room with a pretty golden glow.
Hearing the door open, Hongjoong looked back and grinned widely at the sight of you, "hey, come on in," he said, nodding his head to the side to tell you to come in.
You walk into their room, closing the door quietly before walking towards Hongjoong's side to peek at what he's working on. The laptop screen showed that he was working on his paper, being a double major must've been hard.
"Have you been working on this since we finished dinner, Joongie?" you asked while leaning down so your head's next to his to skim at the paper he's writing.
Nodding his head, you see that he was pursing his lips, "yeah, I just want to finish this as soon as possible so I can finally get a fucking rest," he muttered. He then paused to look at you, smiling before reaching his hand to hold your arm, "you can lie down in my bed, get yourself comfortable as I work,"
HAutomatically, your eyes peer down onto his bed. His comfy looking bed with fluffy pillows and a thick blanket. You can only imagine how good his bed smells.
So without wasting any more time, you plop down belly-first onto Hongjoong's bed, squealing happily, making Hongjoong chuckle at how you're acting. You took your time settling in, tucking yourself under his blanket and propping your head on his pillow before taking your phone out and began scrolling.
As Hongjoong work, you scroll through Instagram while talking with him. He would ask for your opinion on his paper, whether or not what he was implying is expressed correctly and asking for fancy vocabulary to, as he said "put pizzazz in that miserable professor's life,"
An hour passed and you started to feel bored. So you put your phone on Hongjoong's table next to his laptop and sat up to watch his pretty fingers dance on the keyboard of his laptop. God, how can a person's fingers look so aesthetically pleasing?
"Joong, Joongieeeeee," you whined as you began tugging on the sleeve of his sweater. He slowly peels his eyes off the laptop to look at you which was a huge mistake because you're looking at him with eyes so sad and pout so deep that it almost literally melt his heart away.
As hard as he tried, he couldn't help but reach a hand forward and gently move your hair away from your face, "yeah? What is it?" he answered, eyes focusing on trying to fix your slightly messy hair.
With your pout still on, you whined at him, "am cold," you said. Hongjoong raised an eyebrow at you, "you're literally wearing a blanket around you, (Y/N)," he said, the side of his lips quirking upwards in amusement.
To be honest, you didn't really wanna tell him what you actually want in case he'd feel that you're too annoying or whiny. If only you knew he has a soft spot for whiny, clingy brats. That's the only reason why Wooyoung still hasn't been kicked out yet.
Lips jutting forward, you suck your pride in to tell him what you actually want by not literally saying what you actually want. "I was promised a hoodie if I come here," you muttered.
It took Hongjoong ten whole seconds to realize what you meant. Laughing lightly at your adorableness, he pats your head before standing up from his desk to walk towards his wardrobe on the side of his room to retrieve one of his favourite hoodies.
"You know, you can just say you want it or even get it on your own," he said as he returns to you and drops the hoodie on your lap, making you squeal in delight. "I could tell you, but where's the fun in that? and besides, I'm not the type to just randomly go through my friend's wardrobe," you answered him.
For some reason, you weren't thinking straight as you suddenly hold the ends of your shirt and lift it off of you, leaving your bra-clad chest visible to a frozen Hongjoong.
Usually, Hongjoong's a gentleman. He'd avert his eyes when he thinks he's seeing something inappropriate. But for some reason, he couldn't avert his gaze away from your chest.
Realizing that Hongjoong had gone silent, you look up only to find him staring directly at your boobs. You blushed slightly when you realized what you had done, so you immediately cover yourself up with the hoodie that he had lent you.
"Sorry, I tend to change my clothes in front of Mingi and Jongho without thinking," you said, voice breaking Hongjoong's trance as he shook his head slightly to regain his senses back.
When he saw that you're so preciously swallowed by his hoodie, he couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness from deep within him.
"Lucky them for being able to see and feel you whenever they want," he said. You immediately sense the change of tone in his voice, realizing that he might want in on what Mingi and Jongho has.
You raised an eyebrow at him, daringly lifting one side of the hoodie to show one of your bra-clad boobs, "wanna touch 'em?"
There was a long pause between you two. Half of your chest still exposed to the cold air. But the silence was too much, neither of you was moving at all for a while and it made you worried.
Had you read the signs wrong?
Is Hongjoong not into this?
Luckily, Hongjoong snapped out of what seemed to be his trance and practically pouncing on you. He had managed to straddle your hips and pin your arms on the sides, the blanket that was covering you thrown to the side to expose you fully to him.
Your eyes lock on his and you can feel how affected he was by you. Hongjoong leaned his face down to the side of your neck and began leaving soft pecks around, making you exhale shakily.
"Tell me what's on the table," he mumbled against your skin, the vibration of his voice that had dropped low sending tingling feelings down to your core.
"Anything you want," you answered. Your eyes fluttered close as his kisses move lower until it stops at your cleavage. His lips stayed there momentarily before his tongue poked out and began licking at the hem of your bra, going along the line across your breasts on both sides before suddenly biting at your nipple through the fabric of your bra, making you gasp and arch your back at the sudden impact.
Hongjoong smirked at the reaction you gave him. He used the opportunity of your back arching to reach behind and unclasp your bra, flipping it upwards so he's face to face with your bare chest.
A low groan rose from his throat before latching his lips at your left nipple, tongue licking at the bud and teeth taking turn grazing and tugging on it. While his mouth was busy on your chest, his left hand slides south to rub at your clit through your sleeping shorts using his thumb.
"A-ah, Joongie," you moaned, feeling your arousal increasing each passing second. Your legs began to spread wider to accommodate his body and to invite more of his ministrations.
Feeling a bit braver, you guide his hand that was rubbing on your clit to slip inside your sleeping shorts and panties to make direct contact. When you feel his bare fingers rubbing your pussy gently, you let out a shaky breath as you slightly shudder.
The feeling of his mouth coating your boobs with his saliva and his fingers teasing your hole was amazing. Your eyes flutter close to enjoy the pleasure he was giving you.
Neither of you realized that the other person in the room had been watching the whole thing unfold, starting from when Hongjoong pounced on you. He decided that he wants in on the fun.
Hongjoong was the first to notice Seonghwa walking towards both of you. He let his mouth detach from your nipple for a second to peer at Seonghwa with a smirk on his face, "glad to see you up, we were just about to have fun," he teased.
You open your eyes when you hear Hongjoong spoke. That was when your eyes met Seonghwa's lust-filled ones, gasping in shock when you finally registered that he's watching his roommate frolicking. His usually twinkling eyes dimmed down to showcase a desire from within him.
Hongjoong slipped his hand that was in your panties out, making you whine in protest at the loss of contact. It wasn't until he held his fingers up for Seonghwa to lick that your mouth hung open. The way Seonghwa's tongue circles around Hongjoong's fingers only drove you to imagine what he can do to your pussy.
You want it.
And you want it now.
You push yourself slightly upwards and joined Seonghwa in licking Hongjoong's fingers clean of your arousal. Both of your tongues occasionally bump into each other and your eyes were locked with one another.
"Fuck, you're turned on by this, aren't you?" Hongjoong growled at the sight. He pulled his fingers away from you both and once the barrier between you two disappeared, Seonghwa reached for your face and began to fully make out with you.
As Seonghwa's mouth kept you busy, Hongjoong made himself useful by moving to the side so you can access Seonghwa better. He slowly moved behind you and let his legs trap you in the middle. His hands slipped into the hoodie you're wearing and trailed up to squeeze at your boobs harshly, making you gasp which gave Seonghwa the opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
Hongjoong fondled your boobs for a bit before unlatching your straps off so he can slip your bra off and fling it to Seonghwa's bed, all the while keeping his hoodie on you. He then proceeded to slip your sleeping shorts and panties off in one swift motion.
The cold air hitting your core sent shivers down your spine. When he felt you shiver, Seonghwa unlatched his lips from yours momentarily to look down. The sight of your glistening pussy, illuminated by the warm glow from Hongjoong's study light greeted him.
Seeing his friend eyeing your core, Hongjoong pulls your legs apart widely. He bent his knees to make sure that your legs will stay open before hooking both of your legs around his.
"God, Joong, you must see how fucking pretty her pussy is," Seonghwa said before kneeling by the bed so his face is directly in front of your pussy.
Hongjoong wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest before trailing his right hand to your pussy and began circling your clit with his fingers.
"I will, all things in due time," he said smugly while pinching your bud, making your hips jolt upwards in surprise.
As Seonghwa began peppering kisses in your inner thighs, Hongjoong nibbled on your earlobe while his fingers never stopped playing with your entrance. "Fun fact for you, little lady," he said as his other hand dropped down to spread your pussy lips, "Seonghwa here is the resident pussy addict, and I'm pretty sure that after tasting yours, he's not gonna want any other pussies,"
That was the last thing you hear before suddenly Seonghwa surges forward and began eating you up like a starved animal. You let out a high pitch moan at the feeling of his tongue probing at your hole, he was tongue fucking you relentlessly all the while his sharp nose was nudging your clit.
Seonghwa's hands were placed on your inner thighs, fingers teasingly pinching at the skin to send jolts of shock. Meanwhile, Hongjoong had returned to rubbing at your clit and pinching them slightly.
True to what Hongjoong said, Seonghwa is a pussy maniac. He was practically making out with your pussy at this point. When you take a peek at him, you see that he has his eyes closed, seemingly enjoying eating you out more than you're enjoying being eaten out.
It didn't take long for you to feel your climax approaching. Your back arches against Hongjoong and your whines turn to pleas. Seonghwa noticed that you're so close so he let his tongue fuck you deeper and even flick at your clit.
"Come on baby, come on, cum for us," Hongjoong growled right next to your ear. One of his hands moves to pinch and roll your nipple while the other rubs at your clit quicker, even delivering a couple slaps at your clit to add to the pleasure.
Seonghwa switched his attention to your clit, he practically pushes Hongjoong's hand away and began sucking on it messily, he even used his teeth to tug at your bud while slipping two fingers inside you to urge your cum.
With a final tug, suck, and stroke, you came hard on Seonghwa's mouth. Squealing his name loudly as your hips lift high and thighs shake at the feeling.
You drop back down, panting slightly with a grin on your face. Seonghwa pushed himself up to your eye level, a smug smirk on his face as he darts his tongue out to clean off the last bit of your slick from the corner of his lips.
"You, my handsome friend," you said, pausing to look at Seonghwa in the eyes and grab at his chin to pull him into you, "deserve the title of resident pussy addict," you finished before crashing your lips together again.
Feeling slightly neglected, Hongjoong rolled his eyes and deliver a harsh smack to your pussy to get your attention. You yelped and detach yourself from Seonghwa at the sudden feeling, "hello? I was the one who initiated things with you?" Hongjoong pouted.
You cooed at Hongjoong's whining, thinking that for someone who has such a big influence, he sure can be a baby. You turn your body around and loop your arms around Hongjoong's neck, "I'm sorry Joongie," you said as you began pressing soft kisses around Hongjoong's face, "but I gotta say, jealousy and possessiveness look really good on you," you muttered against his lips, nibbling on his bottom lip slightly.
Whilst you give Hongjoong's lips the attention they deserve, your hands began tugging his sweatpants and boxers down. You detach yourself from Hongjoong's lips to look at Hongjoong's cock. Feeling your gaze on his exposed dick was arousing enough, so when your finger drag on the underside of his cock to his leaking tip, he couldn't help but shudder.
Seeing Hongjoong smirk really boosted your ego, you feel like you have control over him. Looking back, you see that Seonghwa had rid himself of his shirt and pyjama pants, allowing you to toggle at his sculpted body and hardened cock that stood proud.
"Damn you two really know how to spoil a girl," you said, licking your lips. You turn your head to Hongjoong for a bit and tug on his sweater while batting your eyelashes, "can you please take this off for me?"
The way you asked him so sweetly made his dick twitch. Not wanting to disappoint you, he began ridding himself from his sweater and sweatpants, maintaining eye contact with you as one of your hands began stroking Seonghwa from his abs down to graze lightly at his cock, making the man moan.
Once both of them were completely naked, you ushered them to sit at the edge of the bed while you kneel in front of them after taking Hongjoong's hoodie off of you. You leaned back for a second, relishing the visual in front of you. Hongjoong was raising an eyebrow at you in a challenging manner, whereas Seonghwa had begun to stroke himself slowly.
"You both really do have pretty cocks," you confessed, finally propping yourself properly before reaching for their dicks in each of your hands. You began slowly stroking them all the while watching what kind of reaction you'd get from them.
Seonghwa had his head thrown back, moaning from the pleasure that you're giving them whereas Hongjoong's directly staring at you, a smirk plastered on his lips to show his amusement.
You leaned forward and began taking Seonghwa in your mouth, you let your mouth envelop his tip. "Oh fuck, baby- I-," Seonghwa moaned, breath hitching as you began to suck his tip. You occasionally let your tongue ran along his slit, collecting his leaking precum.
As your mouth gave its attention to Seonghwa, your hand never stopped pleasuring Hongjoong. You felt proud that you're able to multitask on two dicks at the same time, how when your mouth suck and let Seonghwa push himself into your mouth deeper, your hand that's pumping Hongjoong's dick would squeeze him with the perfect amount of pressure that made Hongjoong groan.
When you think that Seonghwa's cock had had enough attention from your mouth, you move to suck on Hongjoong's cock while pumping Seonghwa.
"Shit, (Y/N), you really know your- Ah! way with t-two dicks," Seonghwa sputtered, one of his hands reaching to move your hair away from your face so he could see you sucking on Hongjoong better. Your eyes flit to Seonghwa for a second and you decided you wanna tease him. With eyes locked with each other, you let your tongue out and drag it from Hongjoong's base, dragging on his veins, to his tip. Seonghwa's eyes darken at the sight.
He was about to help you drive him even closer to his climax but you saw his hand reaching to fondle with his balls so you slap his hand away. Detaching your mouth briefly from Hongjoong's cock, you leaned over to Seonghwa and bit his inner thigh and squeeze his dick harder.
"Oh fuck!" Seonghwa exclaimed, almost jolting up at the sudden feeling of pain that turned into pleasure. Your eyebrows shot upwards to warn him to not try you, to which Seonghwa just smirked amusedly.
You went on to switch between sucking Hongjoong and Seonghwa all the while never stopping pumping them. You'd occasionally play with their balls and even let your mouth play around down there.
"(Y/N), f-fuck! I'm close! I'm sooooo fucking close," Seonghwa moaned, hips starting to buck to the rhythm of your hand that's pumping his dick. You licked your lips hearing that, you went over to nibble at Hongjoong's tip, "are you close too, Joongie?" you mumbled against his cock.
The vibration of your voice shot right to his dick and he nodded frantically, hips starting to move against your hand as well.
Seeing them so close, you began pumping them harder, urging them to cum.
"Come on, cum for me, please," you moaned for them, "please give me your cum, I want your cum," you continued, pushing them even further to the edge.
Finally, Hongjoong came first out of the both of them. His hip stuttered before halting to a complete stop as his cock spurt out cum, painting his abs and thighs so beautifully.
Hongjoong drops himself back to lie on his bed, catching his breath after getting his release. Which is perfect since you got the chance to give Seonghwa full attention. You begin sucking him while using one hand to pump him and the other to tease his balls.
After one final squeeze, Seonghwa came in your mouth while letting out a choked moan. You swallowed all and let your tongue out to show Seonghwa that you took all of him in without letting a single drop go to waste.
"That's got to be one of the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life," he said as he watched you with pure amazement and adoration. You giggled at his compliment before going over to Hongjoong and lick his cum clean. As your tongue glided over his skin, Hongjoong moaned and tug on your hair with one hand.
Once you feel like your job is done, you stood up and squeeze yourself in between them. As if on command, they both suddenly reached to each wrap an arm around your waist, making you giggle.
"Usually I'd be pissed at whoever disturbed my sleep," Seonghwa paused to kiss the corner of your lips, "but I honestly didn't mind this at all," he said, lips still pressing against your skin as you can feel him smiling.
Hongjoong sat up slightly to look between you and Seonghwa with a satisfied grin, "well, as much as I'd love to stay here and chat, I think we better go to sleep so some of us wouldn't be late for class tomorrow," he said before sitting up and grabbing his hoodie that you wore previously and tossing it for you to wear.
Seonghwa followed suit, sitting up only to help you put the hoodie back on as if you were a child. When you're covered, he suddenly hoisted you up and carried you over to his bed, dropping you first before jumping to the empty spot next to you.
"Wait, I don't have my panties or bra on," you said when Seonghwa began to cover you with his blanket while simultaneously pulling you closer to him. He only raised an eyebrow at you, "what for? Better without them, if you ask me," he shrugged nonchalantly. He then proceeds to nuzzle his face into your hair to mumble something to your ear, "better access for morning activities,"
Your eyes widened and you can't help but smack the arm that was wrapped around your waist, causing the man to laugh and Hongjoong to mutter something along the lines of 'cheeky, thieving bastard'.
Before Hongjoong could turn the light on his study desk off, you called out to him, "good night, Joongie," you smiled.
He smiled back at you, chuckling at how adorable you looked bundled up even if it's in the arms of his best friend.
"Good night, (Y/N), sleep well,"
Then the lights were off.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @rae-baby @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic
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How about a smut prompt no. 7 with Tony Stark ? ❤❤❤❤
Love to lose
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A/N: Thanks for requesting this lovely! Hope you like it :))
Gif’s not mine! Credits to the owner
Prompts used: Oral sex & “First one to make a noise loses.”
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, it’s dirty okay...
Word count: 2k
Requests & Challenges
Tony Stark Taglist: @raspberrymama @boop-le-snoot @ladyeliot @make-a-memory-drink-it-up @loveisallyouneed1125 @ownsmyheart @anthonyjanthony666 @downeyreads @the-secret-thief @getlostsquidward @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @elemephstudies @mycosmicparadise @feetoffthetablee
Everything Taglist: @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @suchababie @another-stark-sub @littlegasps @kahlanmars @supraveng @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Taglists open! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be in any of these ;))
“First one to make a noise loses? Seriously?”
“I honestly thought you’d be more adventurous Tony.”
“Honey you’ll get all the adventure you want once I’m done with this project. You remember the night of four times, don’t you?”
Tony raised an eyebrow and smirked as your eyes lit up with thoughts of the night he mentioned, cheeks growing warm as your mind flooded with memories of the aforementioned night.
That night you’d lost all sense of cognition and your legs were pure jelly from being utterly fucked out.
It was never a dull moment when it came to you and Stark in the bedroom. He knew all the right ways to drive you crazy and you had come to learn to push all the right buttons to drive him insane.
“Tony come on! I know you’re up for it.”
You pointed to the half-mast erection currently staring back at you.
He glanced down at it before shaking his head and returning to the screen, soon getting engrossed in the information displayed in front of him. Eyebrows knitting together in concentration while his fingers flew over the surface, probably in search of something you didn’t care about.
You scowled for a little while, arms crossed over your chest before walking towards him with a look of determination that hid unattended lust.
Tony didn’t mind you stepping in between his legs as he leaned against the table behind, until you ghosted your fingers over the button of his denims.
Once you popped it open and undid his fly, he shot you a warning look before his phone rang, giving you time to push the jeans and his boxers down just enough to let his erection bounce free.
“You’re free to do whatever you want only if you’re prepared for the consequences sweetheart.” He warned before answering Phil Coulson’s call.
Desire bloomed deep in your belly as his words sent tingles down your spine, knowing the punishment would either be really good or really bad, depending on Tony’s mood. But you were willing to take the risk, it was always worth it in the end.
Shrugging, you dropped down to your knees, his semi-erect cock waiting for your ministrations as you eyed it before gazing up at Tony through your eyelashes innocently.
He was deep in conversation on the phone but the tight grip of his free hand on the edge of the counter and tapping of fingers against the surface indicated he was waiting for you to make your move.
Tony exhaled a breath he was unconsciously holding as your hand wrapped around his length. Taking your time with it, your hand lazily stroked his cock, thumb brushing over the tip every now and then.
“Please I understand Agent, don’t bore me with those unnecessary details..oh!”
Glancing down, he suppressed the rest of his reaction as your tongue joined the party. Small kitten licks over the tip before you drew a strip all the way to the base, all the while watching his demeanour change from composed to flustered.
You took him in your mouth and began swirling your tongue around his length, smirking when he faltered and brought his hand down to move your hair out of your face.
“I’m going over the details n-now. Oh yes—yes I’ll call Fury once I’m—I’m almost done here.”
Tony didn’t wait for Coulson to answer before he cut the call and practically threw the phone away. Letting out a groan, he jerked his hips forward, pushing himself deeper in your mouth as he grabbed you by your hair roughly, guiding your mouth over his cock.
“You’re in so much trouble baby...”
You simply hummed in response, continuing to finish him off as you increased your speed, feeling him twitch against your lips already. The little grunts Tony uttered spurred you on to bring him closer and closer to climax. Your own arousal had turned your panties moist as you watched his lust-blown eyes shut and bite his lip.
“Ah shit! You want me to cum in your mouth?”
You nodded eagerly as Tony’s hips jolted forward and he cursed out loud before shooting spurts of cum down your throat, face contorted in pleasure as he emptied himself, the warm salty liquid travelling down your throat.
He grabbed you by the back of your neck, making you stand before crashing his lips to yours, tasting himself as you deepened the kiss. You moved your clothed core over his softened cock to get some friction, gaining another groan from Tony who felt how moist you were.
“So wet my dirty girl. Will you give me an hour? I promise I’ll make it worth it.” Tony whispered softly, grabbed your hips to stop your grinding. Reluctant to let you go but the urgency with which Phil had called left him with no other choice than to make you wait.
“Fine. But if you’re late…”
“Trust me babe. I’ll be there sooner than you think.”
“Whatever.” He pecked your pouted lips one last time as you pulled his pants back up, turning to walk upstairs to your shared bedroom.
“Don’t touch yourself.”
“You’re in no position to make demands Stark.”
“Am I not?” Even with your back to him, you could sense he was giving you ‘the look’. The one that screamed ‘no matter what, I’m always in charge’. The man was really going to be the death of you some day.
“Ugh. Fine. Hurry up.”
“Okay so we need to establish some ground rules first.”
Your eyes snapped up from the book you were pretending to read as Tony swung the bedroom door and got in, locking it before sliding in next to you, resting his back against the headboard.
You were celebrating your victory on the inside because just minutes ago he’d made fun of you for coming up with this game, only to now come up with modifications for the same.
Like a good girl you had behaved, controlled the urge to bring yourself to an orgasm after that little session downstairs. You were still wet, which meant he already had more chances of winning at your game.
This was a bad idea. Why hadn’t you thought this through?
“The rules?”
Mentally shaking yourself for zoning out, you sat up straight and faced him.
“Alright. Whines are allowed. Moans aren’t.”
“Fair enough.”
“No oral sex.”
“Not acceptable. You know I owe you for that amazing blow-job. Come on now..”
“Fine. But no fingering.”
Tony made a non-committal huff but agreed, knowing how much his fingers spurred you on.
You went back and forth discussing, rejecting and accepting the terms and conditions as if it were a legit deal.
Soon after you shook on it, there was a switch in the air and neither of you felt the need to say much else except get on with the game.
Climbing in Tony’s lap, you cupped the sides of his face and pressed your lips to his. Softly grazing against each other at first while you fingers teased the base of his neck.
He carded his hands through your hair before pulling you against his chest, hands now splayed across your back as he slanted his mouth over yours and deepened the kiss.
Maneuvering a little so his legs straightened out on the bed, Tony heard a tiny sigh escape your lips as your aroused core met with his growing bulge. Keeping those noises that threatened to leave your mouth turned out to be harder than you had both imagined. You two were quite vocal when it came to sex.
It was difficult, but all the more exciting.
After a while, the make-out session turned out to be insufficient and Tony had you on your back, your clothes removed and thrown carelessly somewhere behind as he settled between your legs.
You had to bite back a moan as Tony’s lips travelled down your neck, littering tiny kisses all over the skin before he found that junction where your neck met your shoulder, the pulse point which he so generously marked a spot on, sure to leave a purple bruise in its place. On cue, your head moved aside to grant him more access as your breaths turned to pants, finding it hard not to think about his bulge that was rubbing so deliciously against your heated core in slow but deliberate thrusts.
You had to push him away to make sure you didn’t lose so soon, that sure earned a chuckle from the genius. Moving further south, he latched onto one of your nipples and flicked his tongue along the bud all the while massaging and kneading the other in his hand. A sigh had involuntarily slipped out, it wasn’t breaking any rules but it sure made Tony gaze up with lust-blown eyes as a smirk appeared on that handsome face.
Trailing kisses along your navel, he reached between your legs and stopped. You shot him a warning look as you sat up on your elbows when his fingers teased along your wet folds, causing him to throw his hands up in surrender before diving in face first into your pussy.
Closing a hand over your mouth, you let your head fall back onto the pillows as Tony licked a fat strip along your wetness, his nose brushing against your bundle of nerves. It didn’t take long for you to feel your heartbeat on your throbbing clit, Tony leaving no stone unturned to make sure you were a needy mess below him.
“What was that baby girl?” He purred, facial hair glazed with your juices when he emerged, giving you a shit-eating grin after you shook your head.
You were so close.
Flipping you on your stomach, you heard him unbutton his jeans and drop them in a low thud on the ground. His hands pulled your ass up in the air, urging the cheeks apart before his cock met your entrance, gathering your wetness, your pussy aching for release at this point.
“Giving up already?”
Instead of answering, you reached behind, grabbed his cock in your hand and lined him up at your entrance before pushing your hips back. Both of you swallowed your groans as he bottomed out, stretching your walls to the fullest before pulling all the way out and thrusting in.
Your knuckles turned white from gripping the sheets as you were almost ready to give up and accept defeat, until you felt his cock twitch inside you, a sign Tony wasn’t too far along from doing the same either.
Your walls clenched around his cock deliberately, hugging it in their wet warmth and eliciting an involuntary groan from the man.
“What was that honey?”
You teased, repeating the action only to have Tony pull out suddenly, turn you around once more and pull your legs over his shoulder before entering you again.
“You fucking tease..”
“You’re the one to talk. Now shut up and fuck me.”
Snapping his hips to yours at a furious pace, Tony gripped your legs roughly and bit your ankle. The silly little game long forgotten, you let out a pornographic moan as you felt the muscles in your belly contract, thighs tremble and mind turn into a fuzzy blur.
“Cum with me Tony..” you begged as he let go of your legs and buried his face in your neck, a hand snaking downward to rub your oversensitive clit.
“Do that thing again.”
His urgent whisper came out muffled by your hair but you knew what he was talking about. You granted his wish by pulling on his cock with your walls and felt his hips lose their rhythm. He came loud and hard, spilling inside you in spurts triggering your own orgasm as you cried out, digging your nails in his back as you shuddered.
Once you felt yourself float back down to reality, you brought your hands to caress Tony’s hair while he chuckled against the skin on your neck, repeatedly kissing you over there.
“It’s a draw then?” He mumbled.
“You want a rematch?”
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geekinator · 2 years
if you're taking prompts, can i ask for bumizumi (bumi ii x izumi) babysitting young tenzin and lin?
I want to thank you for asking me this prompt because I had so much fun! Hope you like this little bit of fluff 😄
“Behave yourselves,” said Katara, pointing at Tenzin and Lin.
“We will,” said Tenzin.
Aang was looking at his eldest, however. “All of you.”
Bumi leaned over to Izumi, who was standing next to him, and said, “I feel like I should be offended by that, but oddly, I’m not.”
“Of course not,” she replied, smirking at him.
The adults all turned and walked down the steps of the temple, dressed in their finery. There was a gala that they were all attending, and Bumi and Izumi were left to babysit the two younger ones. Kya was away at the South Pole with Sokka, so Bumi was spared having to watch all three of them. These two were enough trouble.
As soon as the adults were out of earshot, Bumi turned to them and jabbed a finger in their direction. “Listen, you two. No shenanigans this time. I mean it. Just go somewhere quietly, and read a book or something. No bending, and no noise! Got it?”
“Paranoid much, Bumi?” said Lin. “You really should talk to someone about that. It’s not healthy.”
“Just get lost, twerps.”
They both turned and walked toward Tenzin’s room. “Yeah, well, you don’t have to live with him,” Tenzin said in response to something Lin said.
“I heard that!” he shouted back.
Izumi grabbed Bumi’s hand and pulled him away. “Just come on.”
Bumi allowed himself to be led into the gardens, into a secluded spot where a bench sat under a tree. It had been ages since he and Izumi had had time to themselves, and he was looking forward to it. Apparently she was, too, because as soon as they sat down, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him in, wasting no time in reacquainting their lips. He reached his hand up around her neck, enjoying the softness of her skin.
He was enjoying their makeout session immensely until he remembered Lin and Tenzin. He had expected to be interrupted by now, and he was suddenly suspicious. He pulled away from her and frowned.
“Those little shits are up to something, I just know it!”
Izumi sent a controlled breath of fire in his face and he jumped up off the bench.
“What was that for?”
“For being an idiot. They aren’t planning anything. They’re probably just off somewhere being nerdy together.”
“You don’t understand, ‘Zumi! The last three times I’ve babysat those two, I’ve either ended up under a pile of rocks or wedged in a hole because they rigged up some kind of trap that I didn’t even set off until days later! And then when I try to tell Mom and Dad it’s them, they don’t believe me. But I’m telling you, when those two get together, their combined powers of monkey business are out of control!”
Izumi watched him give this very passionate speech, complete with emphatic hand motions, without moving an inch. “Will it make you feel better if we go and check on them?”
“And then can we get back to this?”
“All right, come on.” She stood and they set off together. “I will prove to you that they are the most boring children ever and are not up to anything.”
“You’re my favorite person, have I told you that?”
“You’re my favorite idiot, have I told you that?”
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
Izumi just smiled, giving him the side eye. Bumi was suddenly regretting his paranoia and wanted to get this over with so they could get back to the garden.
When they reached Tenzin’s room, they found them sitting back to back, each reading their own book silently.
“See?” Izumi held out her hand, emphasizing the fact that they were quietly sitting on the floor. “They’re just reading.”
Bumi walked in and narrowed his eyes at them. They looked up at him innocently, which only made his suspicions grow. “We’ll see about that.”
He took their books and inspected them, then handed them back. He inspected Tenzin’s room, then told Izumi to stay and not let them out of her sight while he inspected his own room, his parent’s room, the garden, and every spot that he knew of that they liked to play at. He even checked the bathrooms. He returned, fuming.
“Tell me what you did right now, or I’m throwing you off the cliff!” he shouted.
“Bumi!” shouted Aang in reply.
The adults had returned, and there couldn’t be a more intimidating line of gazes than Katara, Aang, Toph, and Zuko. Bumi, however, was unphased.
“They’re up to something! I’m telling you! You have to believe me!”
Aang looked over at his youngest. “Tenzin, did you do something to Bumi?”
“Nope.” Tenzin gazed back, unflinching.
“Lin?” asked Toph.
“Of course not, Mom.” Lin folded her arms in protest.
They all turned their attention back to Bumi, who was turning red. Izumi had come to stand next to him, looking concerned. She put a hand on his shoulder, and he jumped.
“Bumi, you really need to calm down,” she said.
“Just take him and make out with him,” said Toph.
Izumi blushed. “How do you know I want to make out with him?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“No.” She grabbed Bumi’s hand and pulled him away, shushing him as he tried to protest.
“So what did you guys do tonight?” asked Katara, mildly suspicious.
“We just read our books,” said Tenzin.
The adults all looked at each other, clearly not convinced. There was definitely something up, but they couldn’t figure out what exactly.
“Did you deliberately do nothing to drive Bumi crazy?” Toph asked finally.
Tenzin’s face finally broke its stoic expression as he tried not to grin. “Yeah.”
“You’ve been spending too much time with your Uncle Sokka,” Katara said.
“Come on, Chief,” said Toph, sighing. “Let’s go. Say goodbye to your partner in crime.”
Aang was flying them back on Appa, so he followed them as they left. Tenzin closed the door to his room, and Katara walked to stand with Zuko.
“This is what I get for being so fruitful. I’m going to bed.”
Zuko nodded. “How did Toph know that Izumi wanted to make out with Bumi?” he asked.
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
He considered. “No.”
Katara smiled sleepily. “I didn’t think so. Good night.” She set off down the corridor toward her own room.
Zuko turned to find Tenzin poking his head out from his door.
“Don’t worry, Uncle Zuko. I have a few tricks up my sleeve if you need them.”
“I’ll get back to you on that.” Zuko turned and walked down the corridor toward the guest quarters.
Tenzin closed his door and smiled to himself. Another successful night.
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sunmoonandeddie · 4 years
who you are and who you’ve been
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 8,490
summary: Sometimes love takes a little longer to find you.
warnings: SMUT.  Mention of past abusive relationship, drinking, swearing.
a/n:  Thank you so much to @zeilenkrieg for commissioning this and being so patient while I wrote it!!
“Mama!  Mama!  You here?”
You sighed as you looked up from your coffee, seeing your daughter coming through the living room.  She had on that pair of daisy dukes that she stole from your wardrobe—the ones you used to wear in the heat of summer, a white shirt tied to let the sun on your tummy.  You used to scandalize your own mama with that outfit… 
You had argued with her that she had worn the same kind of outfit back in the seventies, and that vintage was in.  But she liked to wear hers with cowboy boots and you preferred it with a good pair of sneakers.
God, you missed being young…  Your twenties had been absolutely wild, even if they had started out with that horrible pandemic in 2020.
You still washed your hands after touching almost anything.  An instinct that never went away.
That year and the couple years before had been… insane.  But at least it incited real change in the world.  The people had learned from their mistakes, at least for now.
History did have a habit of repeating itself.  Humans were fickle, forgetful creatures like that.
“Yes, honey bun?” You said as you stood up, moving to hug her.
At thirty-seven years old, she was the only good thing that ever came out of your marriage.  That, and knowing how to wash blood out of clothing.
The only problem was that by the time you’d finally left him, you had no friends left.  You were in your forties by then, with no family besides your daughter, and no friends left to speak of.  You hadn’t even had Facebook at the time to keep in touch with old schoolmates from university.  And by then, what was the point?  They were all leading completely different lives and probably hadn’t spared you a thought in at least a decade.
“When’s the last time you left the house?” She asked, her hands on her hips in a stance that reminded you so much of yourself that it scared you.
Now that… that was hard to answer…  You honestly didn’t think you’d be able to remember.  You got practically everything delivered, you worked from home… 
Shaking your thoughts away, you shot her a look.  “I’m fine right where I am.”
“Your doctor called and said you haven’t been taking your medication.”
“Fuckin’ snitch,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you turned back to the window, staring down at the now cold coffee.
Josephine rolled her eyes.  “He said you haven’t picked up your refill in over two months.”  She came over to stand next to you, staring out the window with you for a long time.  “Mama, you’ve gotta take your medicine…  You remember what happened last time…”
Ah, yes, the infamous incident.
Which was an incident in a long line of incidents.
There had been a… few times when you’d stopped taking your medication—either intentionally or simply because you had forgotten—and it had resulted in a stay in the psych ward at the local hospital.  It had happened far too many times for your daughter to not be in contact with your doctor so she would be informed if you had stopped getting your refills.
You didn’t blame her, of course.  But it did make you feel like a horrible mother.  One who couldn’t even take care of herself to the point where your daughter had to.
“Yes, I remember last time,” you sighed, staring at a cardinal.  “You know, my mama used to tell me that if you see a cardinal, a loved one who’s passed is visiting you…”
“Mama, I signed you up for a seniors’ social club.”
You blinked.
And then, you blinked again.
You turned to look at your daughter, disbelief written all over your face.  “No the fuck you did not.  I swear to all that is holy, Josephine Ann, if you signed me up for one of those… those… pre-death support groups, I’ll tan your hide!”  You gasped as some of your coffee splashed onto your sweatshirt.  “I brought you into this world, and I sure as hell can take you out of it!”
“You’ve been saying that since I was two,” She said, taking your arm and guiding you to sit down at the kitchen table.  “And it’s not a pre-death support group.  I feel like that’s offensive somewhere so make sure you don’t go running around the group saying that.”  Josephine used a paper napkin to dab at the coffee on your sweatshirt, muttering about throwing it into the wash and getting you a new one.
This was what you meant by your daughter taking care of you.
“Josie, really, I can get my own sweatshirt.”
“Doesn’t mean you gotta,” she said as she came back with a new one, helping you change.
Sometimes you felt like she thought you were a hundred years old.
“Honestly, mama…  I just want you to be happy…  You should have friends.  You shouldn’t be cooped up in this house all day, all the time.”
“What do I need friends for when I’ve got you?  And Danny?” You asked.
But you had been hit with the sudden reality that except for Josephine and her girlfriend, you were alone.  Completely, and utterly, alone.  Hell, they were the only people you had ever invited over to the tiny one bedroom you owned.
Repairmen didn’t count because they were there to do a job, not keep you company.
God, you had wanted more than this, once upon a time.  You had once had dreams, of maybe being a writer and making the New York Times’ Bestsellers List, of a husband who adored you and brought you flowers every Friday, of lazy Sundays eating waffles on the couch with the love of your life.
But life didn’t end up the way you had dreamed it.  There were no book signings or meetings with editors… there were no gardenias… and there was no smell of waffles and syrup.
And you’d made your peace with that.
Sort of.
Josephine’s arms wrapped around you as she rested her head against yours.  Like a mirror of yourself, she was, from her face down to her toes.
Thank god.  She didn’t deserve to have to look in the mirror and see reflections of her father.
“Will you at least try it?” She asked gently, her hand running up and down your arm, her freshly manicured nails tickling your skin.  “It’s not like a pre-death support group, as you call it…  It’s for seniors or people who are approaching seniority and are still active and want to go out and have fun, but maybe need some friends to do it with.  Please?”
And how could you say no when she wanted something so badly?
“Alright,” you said after a moment.  “I’ll go once.  And if it’s horrible, I’m not going back.  And I’m gonna tell Danny how you forced me to meet a bunch of strangers.”
She squealed excitedly, running off to your bedroom and going through your closet.  “Okay, the first thing the group is doing is having a first meeting at a bar, and we’re gonna get you all done up.”
Oh, good.  She was going all in.
“When’s the first meeting?” You asked as you sat on the bed, leaning back on your hands as you watched her.
Uh.  What?
“TONIGHT?!” You shouted in shock as you jumped up.  “What?!  You didn’t think to ask me about this a few days ago?!”
She snorted, picking out a few tops that you hadn’t worn in what felt like decades.  “I signed you up this morning, I didn’t know about it a few days ago.”
You watched in exasperation as she threw article after article of clothing onto the bed for you to try on.  “I don’t think I need to wear four pairs of jeans to a bar,” you said, beginning to pick up a few of the pieces.
Josephine gave you a look as she continued.  “Considering how long it’s been since you’ve been out, I think it’s fair that some of these might not fit anymore.”
Well, you had lost some weight…  Not necessarily in a healthy way, but she was right.
In the end, she ended up shoving you into the bathroom and forced you to do a full shower—which meant body and hair.
You hadn’t even gone to such lengths when you were going on your first date with her father.
She spent hours on your hair and makeup, chattering away excitedly about the vacation her and Danny were planning.  A South American cruise.
Josephine had never married, never had kids.  Never wanted to after seeing what her daddy had put you through.  It left a sour taste in her mouth, and even though it was legal now, her and her girlfriend hadn’t breathed a word of a wedding.
Though, you suppose they had a common law marriage at that point, if lesbians were included in it.
“Perfect,” she said as she got you to slip on an old jacket of yours that was a little too big.  “Come on.  I’ll drive you and pick you up.”
“Oh, honestly,” you snorted as you grabbed the purse Josephine had shoved all your things into.  “You’d think I could take an Uber.”
The bar wasn’t what you had expected when she had first told you that’s where the meeting was going to be held.  The last bars you’d been to had practically been nightclubs.
But this was… upscale.  Sophisticated.
Now you understood just why she had put so much work into making you look presentable.
It didn’t look like anyone else was there yet, even though most of the patrons were around your age, so you took a seat at the bar, the group’s site pulled up on your phone.
“What can I get for you, miss?” The bartender asked as he set down a coaster in front of you.
A snort erupts from your throat as you look at him.  “You always call women as old as me miss?”
“Oh, come on, you’re a catch,” he said, shooting you a playful wink.  “My dad’s single, you know.  If you were… looking.”
“Thank you, but I’m not,” you said gently, your cheeks flushed.  “Can I get a Manhattan?”
The bartender nodded, gracefully backing off the subject of you possibly dating his father.  And barely a minute and a half later, there’s a perfectly made Manhattan set on your coaster.
You’d barely taken a sip before someone came up beside you.  “Do you have Macallan’s 18 Year Sherry Oak?” A man asked.  At the bartenders confirmation, he hummed.  “Can I get a double on the rocks?”
The bartender dropped a large ball of ice into a glass before pouring two shots of whiskey over it and handing it to the man.
“Macallan’s, huh?” You said softly, your heart pounding.  Josephine had told you to make friends.  That was the whole point of this, even if the man wasn’t part of the social club you’d been forced into.  “You know your whiskeys.”
The tall man took a seat beside you, his eyes boring into the side of your face.  You hadn’t dared look at him yet.  “I’ve always preferred those who choose a Manhattan over a martini any day.”
“And why is that?” You asked, finally looking up at him.
And oh, you wished you hadn’t.  He was… stunning.  The very definition of male beauty.  His salt and pepper hair reminded you of the photos of the men in the forties…  The 1940s, that is.  Blue eyes so striking that you lost your breath, and broad shoulders that you knew would haunt your dreams.  He was wearing a glove on his left hand for some reason, but you didn’t linger on it too long.
But at least he was at least your age, if not a little older.  You’d die if you’d just sort of flirted with a twenty-something asshole who just bought expensive whiskeys for the sake of buying expensive whiskeys to show that he had money to blow.
“Martini drinkers think they’ll get some kind of award for their choice of drink,” he said, “as though choosing a drink that generally tastes like shit is some kind of accomplishment.  Unless you’re just taking a shot, a drink should taste good.”  He looked you up and down, letting his pretty blues linger on your lips.  There were faint crow feet at the corners of his eyes, but they just seemed to make him even more handsome.  “And a Manhattan doesn’t need a fancy whiskey.  It is steady and sure even with the cheapest five dollar bottle you can get from a gas station.  Someone whose drink of choice is a Manhattan is sure of who they are and what they want.”
You hadn’t felt this hot under a man’s gaze in decades.  “Really?”  Swallowing around the lump in your throat, you took another sip of your drink to buy you a moment.
“Mmm…”  He stole one of the two cherries from your drink, biting it off the stem.  You were transfixed as he slipped the stem into his mouth, sticking his tongue out about thirty seconds later with a perfect cherry stem knot on display.  “Really.  I’m James.  What’s your name?”
Butterflies filled your stomach as you gave him your name.  God, you felt like you were sixteen again and being flirted with for the first time.
His eyes flicked down to your open phone that rested on the bar, the social club’s page still up.  “You’re here for the meeting, too?”
“Um…  Yes,” you said, ducking your head.
“But, doll…”  He leaned towards you, a charming smile on his lips.  “You don’t look a day over thirty-five.  Are you sure you’re a senior?”
Blinking, your mouth hung open in a soft o.  “Are you planning on flirting with every woman in the club like this?”
James looked around dramatically, his gloved hand resting over his heart.  “A club?!  Is that what you call this place?” He asked, mockingly serious.  “Damn, what does that make all those dirty, gross places these young kids go to now?  Brothels?”
For some reason, you felt comfortable enough to shove his shoulder, surprised a little at the feeling of metal under his jacket sleeve.
For the first time, he looked a bit… uncomfortable.  He had flinched a bit, his bright eyes focused surely on his drink.  “Um…”
“You’re the Winter Soldier.  James Barnes,” you said curiously, your head tilting to the side as you looked at him.  “I thought I recognized you from somewhere.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“You sure?”
“Mmhm,” you drawled, taking the cherry left in your drink and biting it off in a way that you hoped was alluring.  “Though, I gotta say, it is a bit awkward to meet the man I wrote two papers about in high school.”
Shit, his laugh was beautiful.  Everything about him was beautiful.  Like Apollo or something...
James’s head was thrown back in laughter.  His cheeks were flushed, his eyes squeezed shut.  “Did you actually write two papers about me?” He asked as he tried to catch his breath.  At your nod, he smirked, leaning in close again.  “What did you write about?  How devilishly handsome I am?”
You couldn’t believe you were saying this.  “I mean, I can show you the papers and actually let you read them, but they’re at my place.”
Before he could pick his jaw up off the ground, there were other seniors in the group coming up to greet you.  Your throat was dry as the Sahara as you turned to face them, plastering on a smile as you tried to ignore the heated gaze on your face and the way he licked his lips.
The meeting was… long.  Boring.
Or at least, that’s how it felt when you had James’s dark, sultry eyes on you the entire goddamn time.
Mind fuzzy, you vaguely remembered agreeing to come to the next meeting, and even signing up for a hiking trip they were taking the next weekend.
As you headed outside, you felt Bucky’s hand slip into yours, his long, calloused fingers intertwining with yours.  “So…  Am I gonna get to come over and… read those papers?” He murmured, his lips brushing against your ear.
God, you could practically feel yourself bursting into flames.  You weren’t gonna survive.
Thank god your daughter had forced you into a full shower.
But what about how dirty your house was sure to be?
“Um…  Y-Yeah,” you said as you turned to look at him.  “But, my daughter is gonna be driving me home…  I don’t want her to know I’ve got someone coming over.  She’s nosey.  Real…  Real nosey.”
“Of course, darlin,’” he chuckled.  “Here, why don’t I give you my phone number, and you shoot me a text with your address when you’re ready for me to come over?”
Your head was swirling as you got into your daughter’s car, your phone burning a hole in your purse.
“How was it?” Josephine asked nervously once you got about halfway home.  She couldn’t tell from the look on your face.  “Did you like it?”
“Hm?  Yeah.”  Swallowing, you shot a text to James with your name, telling him you’d text him when it was all clear.
“Are you gonna go again?”
She seemed both dissatisfied and pleased by your vague answers.  At least you were getting out of the house.
Once you got home and said goodbye, it was a mad dash to ensure that your house was clean as could be.  Josie had put in some work while you’d been gone, it seemed.  She’d done the dishes and the laundry, as well as dusted.
Thank fuck.
You struggled for a solid twenty minutes to put fresh sheets and pillowcases on the bed, lighting two candles and placing them in a manner that you hoped seemed natural.
“Shit,” you cursed as you smelled under your arms.
Okay, quick body shower.  It seemed all that flirting had made you a tiny bit sweaty.
You turned the water to scalding and scrubbed your body down, exfoliating and using your best scented body wash.
And to be quite frank, you’d never shaved your lady bits as quick as that.
As you texted him your address and that it was safe to come over, you pulled on your clothing from the bar (though, you did put on nicer, matching lingerie underneath.)  By the time he’d gotten there, you’d downed two shots of tequila for a bit of liquid courage and had poured yourself a glass of wine.
“Hey, baby doll,” he said, a crooked grin on his face as you welcomed him inside.  His glove had been abandoned, and black metal fingers lined with gold glittered in the light.  “Woah…  You know, I wasn’t sure how your place was gonna look, but this is very… you.”
“Oh, really?” You asked as you offered him a glass of wine, which he gratefully took.  “How so?”
“I don’t know,” he chuckled as he swirled the deep red liquid in its glass.  “It’s cozy.  Sweet.”
Your throat was dry as you watched his adam’s apple bob as he took a drink.  “Um… so those papers…”
Bucky whispered your name, moving closer to you as he set the wine glass down on the counter.  “Baby girl, I’m not really here for the papers, am I?” He asked as your back hit the island.  “If I am…  If I am, then just tell me, and I’ll stop this.”  His slightly chapped lips ghosted against yours like the tease he was.  “Am I here just for the papers?”
“No,” you breathed out, before pressing your lips against his in a firm kiss at last.  His breath was minty and cool, with just a touch of the wine you’d been sharing, like he’d brushed his teeth before coming over just like you had.
Could it be possible he was just as nervous as you were?
But he was perfect?  Why the hell would he be nervous?
Your thoughts were cut short as he reached down, his hands firmly grabbing your ass as he lifted you up and set you on the counter.  “That’s a good girl,” he growled as he kissed down your neck, his hands working at your blouse.  “Couldn’t stop thinking about you during that whole stupid fucking meeting.  Just wanted to kiss you.  Just wanted to… to touch you.”  He pulled back, kissing you fiercely as his hands moved from your blouse to hold your face again.  “You gonna let me touch you, angel?”
A whine escaped your throat as you nodded, desperately yanking at his shirt.  Once it was off, you didn’t hesitate to run your hands over the broad planes of his chest.  He wasn’t quite as toned as you remembered from when you were younger, when you used to (occasionally) stalk (lightly) his social media accounts.  There’d been so many pictures of him on vacation with the other Avengers… all tanned and toned…
But you liked this better.  There was a softness to him now, a gentleness.
You were so distracted by his physique that you didn’t notice he’d gotten your shirt and bra off until the cold air hit your chest.  “Fuck,” you mumbled as his lips found your neck, trailing down to your breasts.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been kissed, let alone the last time you’d had such… attention.
Especially when his hands worked your pants off and he stood between your legs, moaning as his fingers tickled your thighs.  “You’re so beautiful,” he said as his lips wrapped around one nipple, suckling at it and teasing until it was diamond hard, and he moved on to the other.
Gotta be fair, after all.
“Fuck, baby girl…  Never been with a woman as beautiful as you,” he growled, kissing down your tummy.  “You’re not making it out of here without orgasming at least twice,” he warned jokingly.  He was half bent over in front of the island, watching in wonder as he slowly pulled your silk panties down your legs and revealed your aching core to him.
“I-If you’re not comfortable standing like that, w-we can move somewhere else,” you stammered, suddenly growing self conscious.  What if he thought your pussy was weird?  Granted, you’d overcome thinking that when you were in your early twenties, after learning that each one looked different.
But he was born in the forties.
But that meant he’d probably seen an exponential amount of pussies!
Oh, god, there was no way you’d have anywhere near as much experience as him.  The only person you’d ever been with was your ex husband, and he wasn’t exactly the paradigm of lovers.
You refocused with a shake of your head, your eyes meeting James’s.  “Yes?”
“You’re in your head,” he said softly, his forehead resting against yours as he slowly ran his fingers along your sensitive folds.  “There’s no need…  It’s just you and me, okay?  And you’re absolutely perfect.”
Your heart was melting inside your chest as you nodded, stealing a tentative kiss.  “Okay…  Just you and me.”
James nipped at your lower lip as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.  “Come on.  I don’t want our first time to be on a kitchen counter.  Though I make no promises I won’t help christen every inch of this house after,” he said with a playful growl.
You whispered directions to your bedroom as he held you tight to his chest, his lips finding purchase on your neck.  “And here I thought you said the super soldier serum was wearing off,” you joked.
The man snorted as he pushed you up against the hallway wall.  “Trust me, doll, no lack of super soldier serum is gonna stop me from fucking you right,” he said, his voice husky and deep.
Before you could even open your mouth to reply, two thick fingers were slipping inside of you to slowly tease your cunt, his lips ghosting over yours.  “Does that feel good, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t find it in you to be embarrassed at the whimper that fell from your lips.  “Y-Yes.  Yes.  Please, I need more, James…”
James smiled into the kisses he’d been giving you.  “I’ll give you everything you want.”
“That’s a tall order.”  You threaded your fingers through his hair, shivering at the way his metal fingers dug into the plumpness of your ass.  “You sure you can fill it?”
He doesn’t respond with words, growling as he kisses you fiercely, carrying you to the bedroom.  You don’t have time to think before he’s crawling over you and kissing up your tummy to your lips.  “I need to be inside you,” He whispered as he stroked his length.
“Please…  Don’t wanna wait anymore,” you said.  Vaguely, you’re aware of the twinge in your knees from all the physical activity, and you knew you’d be sore as hell in the morning.
Fucking worth it, though.
James didn’t hesitate to line himself up, the head of his cock pressing against your entrance.  When he finally pushed in, unison moans fill the air.
“I…  I haven’t done this in… so long,” you finally admitted as he slowly pushed in more, taking his time.  Eyes locked, your mouth fell open in a soft ‘o’ as he bottomed out, his hips meeting yours.  “Oh, fuck…”
“Then I better do a real good job fucking you right.”
You weren’t quite sure how long you two lasted, but you do know he manages to pull three orgasms out of you in the space of just a few hours.  There’s snack and water breaks in between rounds, his cool metal hand running up and down your spine to cool you down as you two whisper in the dim light of your desk lamp.
You can’t remember a time that you’d felt so at peace.
A spark had been lit inside your chest as you two laid there in bed, legs intertwined.  Both of you were quiet, his fingers moving to caress your cheek.
There were no words that needed to be said.
His sea blue eyes are sparkling in the dim light, and your hand runs over the sharp stubble that lines his jaw.  It had certainly marked up your neck.
“I had intended on asking you on a date,” he said quietly as his hand found yours, bringing it to his mouth.  Chapped lips kissed each of your knuckles like you were something precious, something to behold.  “I didn’t think the five minutes or so before the meeting counted…  But I’d still like to take you on that date, if you’ll let me.”
“That sounds nice,” you said, a grin twinging at the corners of your lips.
“Yeah?” He asked, sitting up a bit as his fingers brushed against your forehead.
“Yeah.”  A giggle escaped your lips as he playfully tackled you, starting yet another round as his hips rolled down against yours.
The next morning, you woke up alone.  The sheets beside you were mussed, though the space James had been occupying was still a bit warm.
Jazz music floated down the hall, through the cracked door, and you could vaguely hear the clinking of pans.
It took you a minute to gather the will to get yourself out of bed and find your robe, but you finally did it.  As your feet hit the ground and you pushed yourself to a stand, you winced.
You had been right about feeling it in your knees.
You forced yourself to walk smoothly down the hall, despite how much it hurt.  Embarrassing yourself in front of James was the last fucking thing you wanted to do.
He was in the kitchen, standing in front of the stove and humming along with the old jazz song playing on the Bluetooth speaker.  He had a pan full of pancake batter in front of him, a whole stack he’d already made on the side.
Standing in the doorway, you couldn’t help but grin as you watched him.  He’s so handsome… and he seemed so at home in your kitchen.  In your home.
Maybe he’d like to move in…
You shook your head, knowing that it’s already too much.
But the thought was nice.
Him in his pajamas, making coffee…  Him in your shower…  Him in your bed every night…  
Yeah.  It’s a really, really nice thought.
James jumped, his eyes wide as he whirled round to face you.  “Hi.  I thought I had another thirty minutes before I had to go and wake you up,” he said.  “I’m making pancakes.  For you.  For us.”  His cheeks flushed, turning a bright red as he turned back to the pan to quickly flip the pancake.  “I hope you don’t mind that I used your flour and shit…”
“Oh, no, I…  I almost never cook,” you admitted as you moved over to stand next to him, watching as he made two more pancakes.
As he carried the huge plate to the kitchen island, he teasingly grabbed your ass and squeezed.  “Maybe I’ll have to stay the night more often, if only so you get a homemade breakfast.”
It was sweet, and domestic, and somewhat terrifying.
You hadn’t had a man do anything for you like this since you were in your twenties, when your husband was still sweet and loving.
But even so, this was somehow better than anytime your husband made his famous burritos.
Maybe because James’s cooking actually tasted good.
Your first date was to a movie, a drive in.  Something that’s designed to be vintage but really just looked cheesy as all hell.
But it’s perfect.  Perfect and cheesy and romantic.
Your only complaint was that he didn’t kiss you at the door when he dropped you off.  He pressed his lips to your cheek and whispered a goodnight, and that was it.
It took two more dates within the same week for him to kiss you again.
Bright and early on the next Saturday morning, he knocked on your door, holding a bouquet of flowers.
“I figured I should make up for you having to be up so early with this,” he said as he came inside, kissing you quick before moving to put the flowers in a vase.
At this point, he knew your house almost as well as you did.  It felt good, when you two moved around like you were part of a team.
“Have you gotten your coffee this morning?” You asked, already pouring two travel mugs full of the good stuff.
He came up behind you, kissing your shoulder.  “I have, but you know I’ll never say no to more, doll.”
The rest of the group eyed you curiously as you got out of the same car, a few elbow nudges and whispers in the air.
“At least I know no old ass dickheads are gonna come hit on my girlfriend,” James growled in your ear, his calloused flesh hand squeezing your hip.
“Jamie…,” you whined, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.  No one had ever claimed you in such a way that made you feel so desired and… and worthy.
James made you feel worthy.
Which is something you’d only ever really gotten from your daughter.
It sent a bolt of arousal through you, and you were tempted to drag him back to the car so you could bring him right back home and do something about it.
Also…  Girlfriend?  Were you his girlfriend now?  Officially?
That just made you wanna find somewhere to fuck him even more.
But alas, you pushed the thought away as the lot of you boarded one of those white airport vans that took you out of the city to the closest state park.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed out as you stared out the window, forehead pressed to the cool glass.  The morning air was a bit chillier than it had been lately, signaling the coming onslaught of winter.
Maybe Bucky would wanna make hot cocoa together… go sledding…  Would him, Josephine, and Danny would all come over for Christmas and New Years and—
Would he even want to meet Josephine?
Would Josie wanna meet him?
She had no idea that you’d found a—A boyfriend?
“Not as beautiful as you,” Bucky murmured against the shell of your ear as his vibranium fingers intertwined with yours and squeezed.  His stubble tickled your neck as he rested his head on your shoulder, watching the passing scenery with you.  “I’m really glad I met you, doll…”
“Me, too,” you said, grinning as you squeezed his hand back and leaned your head against his.
It was strange, falling so hard for someone so quick after everything you’d been through.
But you had a gut feeling.  One that you had never had with your ex husband.
James was a good one.  A really, really good one.
That reminded you.
When were you meant to tell him about all the shit you’d been through?
Despite the amount of time you had spent together already, you hadn’t found the courage for it.
Soon, you decided.
But first, you had to get through the damn hike.
Bucky was glued to your side the entire time, even though you were a lot worse at hiking than he was.  He would hold your hand, guiding you anytime there was a fallen tree or a creek.  His blue eyes were soft as he murmured encouragement, quietly praising your every move.
It was intoxicating.
So when you two fell behind from the group, watching them go around a curve and down a hill, you dragged James behind a large rock formation.
“Baby doll?  Darling, what the hell are you doing?” He laughed as you pressed a fierce kiss to his lips.
“Can’t a girl be spontaneous?” You teased as you dropped to your knees, ignoring the way a twig was poking into your left knee.  “Need to taste you.”
His eyes locked on you as you worked at his jeans, getting them down and off, his nails scratching at your scalp as he got a good grip on your head.  “Fuck…  Are you really this needy for me, angel?  Fuck, you’re so god damn gorgeous…  Look at you.”
Your heart pounded against your rib cage as you finally freed his length, a grin on your lips as you wrapped your hand around him and slowly stroked him.
Bucky’s eyes rolled back as your mouth wrapped around the head of his cock.  “Fucking shit…  Good girl…  Suck me off real good, baby.”
The group probably would notice your absence, not that you particularly cared.
Not when you had your man so weak for you.  And all you’d had to do was get on your knees.
His metal and flesh hands guided you to take more of him in, going at a slow pace so as not to hurt you.  He was so big there was no way you’d get all of him down your throat but what you couldn’t take in your mouth, you pleasured with your hands.
Pleasuring your partner like this was addicting.  You’d never felt the desire—no, the incessant need—to please your ex husband.  All you could think about was getting Bucky off, making him feel so good that he couldn’t see or walk straight.
You choked around him as you took him as deep as possible, your eyes glassy.  When you popped off, you stroked him as you moved down to carefully suck at his balls, fighting a grin as he gasped, his hips stuttering.  Before he could orgasm, you took him back in your mouth, wanting to swallow him down.
“Fuck, fuck—  Oh, shit…  Baby—  I’m gonna…  I’m gonna—”  Bucky broke off with a shout as he came, spilling down your throat.  His large hands stroked your cheeks as you swallowed all of it, barring the little bit that had gotten on your lower lip.  “You did so good, darling,” he cooed as he helped you stand, pressing you against the rock behind him as he kissed you.  “Are you okay?  I didn’t hurt you, right?”
“No, you didn’t,” you said, a faint smile on your lips as you helped him put himself back away.  “You were perfect, James…”
When you finally caught up to the group, a few of the others shot you knowing looks.
But Bucky just had a satisfied smirk on his lips, his hand tightly intertwined with yours even as you flushed in embarrassment.
“Once we get home, it’s your turn,” he whispered in your ear as you all headed back for the van.
Your relationship with James was… wonderful.
It was easy in a way you’d never had before.
Within just two months, he was living at your house almost full time, to the point where you’d been thinking about asking him to move in.
It was like you two were magnets.  Even when you both had work to do, you did it in the same room, slowly gravitating towards each other until you were sitting close, your foot running up his calf.
And he’d gotten you to start writing.
“It’s your dream, doll.  You’re never too old to chase your dreams,” he said one night as you two laid in bed.  His metal fingers were tracing shapes on your spine, a chill from the cracked window ruffling his sweaty hair.  “If you don’t mind me asking…  Why did you stop in the first place?”
The conversation you’d been avoiding for so long.
Sitting up, you pressed your hands to your face as you tried to find the words to say.  “Um…  I was married before…  I know you know, but, uh…”  Your fingers fiddled together nervously.  You swallowed around the lump in your throat.  “My husband…  He wasn’t…  He wasn’t nice.  At all.”
Bucky immediately sat up behind you, his vibranium hand resting flat on your back to reassure you that he was there, and to give you something to focus on while you spoke.  He didn’t need to speak for you to know.  He was there and he wasn’t running.
“I married him young… and I had Josephine young…  He’d always been so… possessive, but I just considered it protective,” you continued, pulling strength from his touch to keep on going.  You needed to tell him this.  You needed him to understand.  “Then after Josie was born, he started getting violent.  He’d always been mean, but he’d never hit me until after I gave birth…”
James was tense behind you, slowly scooting over so he could wrap his arms around you, his legs resting on either side of yours as he held you.  He needed you close.  Needed to know you were safe in his arms and that man was long gone.
“Put me in the hospital a few times…  He at least didn’t do it in front of Josie.  That’s the one thing I asked of him that he listened to.”  You couldn’t help but snort as you slowly relaxed back against him.  “She always thought all the bruises and shit was just a side effect of how clumsy I am…  But she came home one day during college, to surprise us…  She walked in on him holding a frying pan above his head, about to swing again.  She jumped in between us and told him if he ever touched me again, she’d kill him.”  You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding as his lips pressed to your bare shoulder.  It was soothing, feeling his skin against yours.  “She moved me out of that house and into her apartment, helped me get the divorce, get back on my feet…”
“Remind me to tell Josephine thank you,” he said quietly as he squeezed you close.  “Thank you for telling me, doll…  I…  I can’t imagine how hard that was…  But he’ll never touch you again.  No one will ever touch you again if you don’t want it.”
“I know.”
He nuzzled into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo.  “I love you.  So much…”
A peace settled over you as you rested your head back against his, allowing yourself to truly fall into him, to relax.  “And I love you…”
After that night, Bucky slept over at your place five to six nights a week, only going home to get more clothes and do his laundry really, even though you’d told him a million times he could do it at your place.
“Wake up, sweetheart,” he murmured in your ear one morning, pushing your hair away from your face.  “Time to get up…  I’ve got breakfast ready for you…”
Groaning, you tried to pull him down for more cuddle time, but he wasn’t having it.  He always woke up before you, too many years a soldier coming into play.  He’d go for a run and make breakfast before waking you up.
“Come on, doll,” he chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he got you to sit up, your vision blurry from sleep still.  “Medicine,” he said, pressing your pills into your palm and putting a glass of water in your other. 
Ever since he’d found out about your prescriptions and how you had a hard time remembering to take them, he’d taken it upon himself to make sure you did, every morning and night without fail.
“What’d you make this morning?” You asked sleepily after swallowing your pills, letting him pull you to your feet.  His t-shirt clung to you as you followed him down the hall.  Your hand was tucked into his as you rounded the corner to the kitchen.
What neither of you had heard was the sound of the front door opening.
“Mama?!  What the hell?!” Josephine demanded, standing in the kitchen with Danny right behind her.  “Who the fuck is this?!  What is he doing here?!”
You’d neglected to tell your daughter, afraid of how she might take it.
“Hello.  I’m James.  Or Bucky,” your boyfriend said as he held out his hand to you, clearly unashamed and standing his ground even though he was only wearing a pair of pajama pants.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Your daughter repeated angrily, ignoring his hand.
“Josie,” Danny began, trying to soothe her.
But your daughter was nothing but determined when she was in her protective mode.
Before you could open your mouth, Bucky supplied, “I’m her boyfriend.”
You felt a flush coming over you as she stared at the two of you, slack-jawed.  “He is,” you said, wrapping both of your arms around his metal one.  You were so nervous, you were shaking.
“When did this happen?!” She demanded, beginning to pace back and forth around the kitchen.
“Um…  The first meeting at the bar… for the club,” you said.  Seeing her so upset made your anxiety spike, and you knew James could feel it, could hear the way your heart rate increased exponentially.
Josephine whirled on you, her eyes—so much like yours—wide with disbelief.  No.  Betrayal.  “You’ve been seeing someone for almost three months and you didn’t tell me?”
“I…”  Tears pricked your eyes as you tightened your grip on Bucky’s arm.  This was not the way you wanted them meeting to go.  “I was scared… of how you’d react…”
At that moment, Bucky turned to meet your eyes, his forehead almost pressing against yours.  “Darling, I feel like this is a conversation you two should have alone, yeah?  So I’m gonna take—Danny, right?  Yeah—Danny to the living room with some coffee so we can get to know each other, okay?”
After a nod, and a squeeze of his hand, he got two mugs of coffee and led your daughter’s girlfriend to the living room.  You could see them sitting down from the corner of your eyes, but you were much too focused on Josephine.
“Mama, I—”
“I love him,” you said, before she could say anything more.
Her eyes were shining, locked on you as she waited for you to speak.  In her gut, she knew this was something you needed to get out.
“I love him more than I’ve ever loved a man.  More than I loved your father,” you whispered, your voice cracking.  “And I know…  I know you’re as protective as you are because you saw how he treated me.  You saw how much I hid that he was hurting you, but Jamie isn’t like that.”  Your fingers fiddled as you tried to keep yourself from pacing.  “He’s kind and adoring and gentle and…  and he loves me.  More than I thought anyone could ever love me.  And I know you feel like you need to take care of me and I am so grateful.  And I still need you.  Everyday.  But Bucky…  I love him.  I love him and he loves me and we take care of each other.”
Josephine reached out, slowly taking your hands in hers.  “He…  He makes you happy?  He takes care of you and you’re safe?” She asked, voice trembling as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Yeah.  He takes real good care of me,” you insisted with a weak laugh.  “And I’ve never been so happy before, honey.  I promise.”
“Okay…,” she said, taking a deep breath.  “I’m still giving him the shovel talk.”
Bucky looked up as Josephine entered the living room, looking much calmer.  He wasn’t sure what you’d said, but it had seemed to placate her for the time being.
“Can we talk outside?” She asked him, keeping her chin high.
God, she looked so much like you.
He nodded stiffly, getting to his feet and leaving his mug behind as he followed her to the front door and out onto the porch.  The former super soldier watched as she paced back and forth, biting her thumb.  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said finally, breaking the silence.
Josie stopped in her tracks, listening quietly.
“Your mama loves you something fierce.”  Nervously rubbing his hands on his pajama pants, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so nervous meeting a girl’s family.
Though, he supposed it was a bit different when it was meeting your girlfriend’s daughter.
“And I love her.”
Your daughter, your mini me, stared him directly in the eyes.  “I’m sure she’s told you about my father.  What he did.”
“She did.”
“So you know that if you put one fucking foot out of line, I’ll filet you?”
“I do.”
She eyed him for a long moment.  “What are you in this for?  What’s the long term?” She asked.  “I’ve heard of elders just… settling for someone because they don’t wanna be alone in their twilight years.  Is that what this is?”
Bucky tried really hard not to feel a little bit offended.  He wasn’t that old.  “I’ve been alive since 1917,” he said slowly.  “I have no doubt you know who I am.  But I’ve been alive a hundred and something years, and I’ve never met someone who makes me feel the way your mom does.”  His heart clenched inside his chest as he thought of you, seeing your shy smile in the mornings, how you clung to him when you went out in public, the sound of your voice as you read an excerpt of your writing to him, so nervous about what he would think.  “And I…  I can say that everything I’ve been through…  Everything I’ve ever been through was worth it, because I got to meet her.  And I get to be hers for the years I have left.”
She looked absolutely speechless.  “Good,” she said, coughing to clear her throat.  “Good.  I just…  I can’t see her get hurt again.  Not after everything.”
“Trust me, I don’t plan to,” he said, his mouth dry.  “I…  I actually have something to ask you about…  Been waiting to meet you to talk to you about it…”
Inside, you paced the kitchen and living room, going back and forth and back and forth, sometimes moving to the window to try to hear what they were saying.  But they were keeping it all very hushed.
“It’s gonna be fine, mama,” Danny said, standing up and moving to wrap her arms around you.  “Josie’ll see how much you two love each other, and it’ll be fine.  She’s just gotta have her protective moment.  You know how she is.”
Sniffling, you hugged her tightly.  “I shouldn’t have kept it from her for so long…  I was just so nervous…  They both…  They both mean the world to me.”  You paused, snorting.  “I knew you’d approve of him.  I wasn’t so worried about you.”
“Oh, please, the way that man looked at you?” She said, laughing as she kissed your forehead.  “Mama, there’s no way in hell that man would ever hurt you.  He looks at you like you’re his entire universe.”
Heart warm, you glanced towards the front door, wishing they’d just come inside already.  “I’ve never felt something like this…  But fuck, if the whole shit show that’s my life wasn’t worth it for him…  I wouldn’t change a thing, as long as it means I get to end up with him.”
You broke out of her grasp as the front door opened and they came back inside, looking relaxed and even… happy?  “Well?  You aren’t gonna kill him?” You asked Josie as you moved to James, heart racing.
“Nah…,” she said, giving him what seemed like a secretive smile.  “As far as dads go…  He’d be pretty nice to have.”
“What?” You said, brows furrowing as you looked between the two of them.
Bucky chuckled, winking at Josephine as he led you to the stove where breakfast was still waiting, making you waddle as his arms wrapped around you from behind.  “Don’t worry your pretty head about it, baby doll.  It’s all good.”
You still couldn’t help but feel like the two were planning something as he made your plate for you, cutting up your pancakes and filling up your coffee.  “Why do I feel like you two are gonna end up ganging up on me?”
“Oh, come on, mama,” Josephine said with a smirk on her face.  Her and Danny had made their own plates and joined you and Bucky in the living room.  “How could you ever accuse us of such a thing?”
“Yeah,” James said as he fed you a bite of pancake.  “How could you ever accuse us of such a thing?” He asked, before leaning in and stealing a kiss.  “I love you.”
You’d never felt more relaxed, surrounded by the people you loved the most in the world.  What you’d said to Josephine had been true.
“I love you more,” you said, leaning back in for another kiss.
You’d never been so happy.
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twentytarot · 3 years
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hi everyone! i’ve been hard at work with my job this past month but i am finally done and back with a reading. today, we’re doing a reading on marriage in your life in general. pick the tiffiany ring that sets your thoughts off, triggers a memory or invokes a strong emotion and scroll right down for your reading. see you there! 💍
CONTENT WARNING: there are negative piles here. not every pile has a future spouse.
if you were handed an ultimatum and forced to choose between marriage and work, you’d probably get into your car and go to work the next morning. this makes things a little complicated, because you’re ambitious, you’re feisty, you hate it when your time and attention is used up on something that doesn’t matter to you. if you get married, however, your time will be eroded by many things that don’t matter in hindsight. you see, there will always be ridiculous in-laws, there will always be someone that will want your help so long as it is available. someone is going to want kids, even if that decision is completely irrelevant to them, or something dumb like that. no married couple gets out of having to deal with these things, and no couple gets through it without fighting over it a single time. so, my question to you is: will you have the patience to see this through? or will you fold?
unfortunately, the cards don’t predict the best of outcomes when it comes to your marriage. you probably will decide not to get married in the first place. if you do, you might remarry, or get into a questionable third-party situation. yet, i don’t see this being a huge hindrance on your life as a whole. you seem to me like the kind of person who cares less about having an other half compared to your friends, and i think you are going to have so much going for you in other facets in your life that you won’t be clinging onto this relationship when it goes south. this gives me celebrity vibes, almost, like someone who can never be home and the relationship ends because work is so demanding. so this will be a little sad, but i’m confident you will pick yourself back up quickly. 
astrologically, cancer came out very strong, and the interpretation i want to go with is that your most significant relationship will be very cancerian in nature. comforting at first, but ultimately probably not aligned with what you want to do with your life. that’s alright, you’ll be able to afford your own diamond ring anyway.
well, pile two, it looks like someone told you “if no one is going to marry you, i will”, and then they took it seriously. i kid, but i do see an element of your future spouse being someone you didn’t expect at all. perhaps you thought they would just be a best friend that knows all your secrets. and yet, this person knows your darkest secrets and then offers you love in its purest form. i get the feeling you’re not quite used to that, pile two. i’m hearing this underlying feeling of “what if i give too much, wait what if i give too little”, and i think this is partly because you haven’t seen first-hand a marriage that is of the kind you want to be in. it feels like you’re not sure if happy marriages exist in your world. well, they do. it just turns out that you give just the right amount when you’re not trying, which is why a best friend finally becomes your spouse.
this person will be with you through thick and thin, you will feel like they are your soulmate. you will always feel balanced in your relationship with this person because they will always be silently watching the scales, tipping it this way and that whenever something is about to swing out of balance. they will help you feel like you have nothing to worry about, they will bring a childlike kind of happiness into your life. 
now, onto a little bit of warning. no marriage is only ever happy, and i sense that your source of pain will come from outside influences. money is one, health is another. you will be very much together, but it’s a blessing and a curse because when one goes down, the other follows. the advice to you is to try your best to lift each other up through bad times, and know when you have to detach and go do your thing alone for the good of your future with them. you don’t have to always turn around to make sure they’re following, they’re your forever! they’ll be there.
your marriage isn’t going to be a very fast-paced one— when you meet your future person, you’re going to be eons away from being ready to get married, and they will be the same. i almost feel like you will laugh at yourself when you start dating this person. the relationship just isn’t... pretty. this person almost brings out the worst in you: you fight them about the stupidest things and rile them up all the time just because it’s funny. there’s ten separate occasions where you’re pretty sure you should have been dumped or dumped them for some iconic out of left field insults, but for some reason it’s just funny after you’ve both calmed down. so it’s fun, and it’s so 20-something, but you’re preparing yourself for the inevitable breakup. and then... it somehow never comes.
somewhere along the lines, you grew up, and so did they. you didn’t know it then, but this person brings the best out of you as much as they bring out the worst. like a tantrum that just has to be thrown before a little child can settle down, you took your growing pains out on each other, and then somehow managed to fit into each others’ lives forever without even thinking about it. you give each other love naturally, flowing with each other and keeping each other sane. after you get married, there’s a feeling of “i can rest when this person is around” kind of energy because you trust each other to come out with the truth when it needs to be said, but you also trust that the person will be there to pick up the pieces if you break.
so this person isn’t as good-looking as you hoped or imagined. or they’re not the type to show you off, and they’re not really the type that wants to be showed off either. so maybe someone made a joke at their expense and you laughed. the beauty of all of that is, despite all of that, they love you and will for a long time. isn’t that already more than we can ask for, as mere mortals?
okay... there are two groups of people in this pile. let’s talk similarities first. your partner is going to be quite eccentric. visual arts came up in particular, so perhaps your partner will be an artist? the last similarity is that marriage is unlikely, but as for why, it depends on which interpretation resonates more with you.
for the first group, this is probably my lgbt+ in a place that hasn’t legalised marriages not between a man and a woman pile. for reasons that seem bigger than yourself, marriage is unlikely in your life. i feel a lot of unwelcome judgement coming from this group. i think you might not get too much support around you; maybe your parents have something against people who are not in “professional degree” jobs, or your family and environment as a whole is very conservative. regardless, you will be with this person, but it might be beyond both of your abilities to get married for real. :( i’m sorry, i wish the world were kinder.
if the first interpretation doesn’t resonate, then it has something more to do with your stubbornness. everyone wants someone that will take them for exactly who they are. that doesn’t change the fact that no two people are completely perfect for each other, though. every couple starts by taking apart their schedule and fitting the other’s in. tolerating strawberry shortcakes on their partner’s birthday even if they hate strawberries. stopping their work short even if it means that coming back to it will be hard because their partner needs something. advice here is to rethink your mindset. you could be very successful in your career, but if you think you won’t be able to go home to an empty bed, or you know that family is what you want in the future, then see how you can be more considerate to the people around you. we don’t always like to hear this, but being considerate and selfish is a never-ending balancing game, so don’t feel too bad. you’re not a bad person! these things just take time. whichever way you choose, i hope it’s the one that makes you the happiest!
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y0itsbri · 3 years
Hi Bri 🥰
C-16 if you'd like to 👀
Coffee dates and disasters
au with college!lip and barista!mandy where ian is a frequent visitor at the campus café and meets mickey under rather unfortunate circumstances. don't cry over spilled milk, buddy.
which also fits under a.u.gust for @gallavichthings
words: 2.4k
"never would have thought you the type to come to one of these places," ian mused, looking around the small café with only lamps and string lights illuminating the space. "can't believe college changed you, man," ian clutched at his heart dramatically.
"don't worry. 'm still the annoying bastard you love so dearly," lip squeezed ian's shoulder before he sauntered up to the counter.
the barista's bored expressed brightened when she saw them. her perky demeanor was matched by a high pitched voice, "hey lip," she smiled, dark lipstick striking. she appraised ian with a somewhat predatory eye, "hello, lip's friend."
"uh, brother," ian coughed.
lip rolled his eyes, "and he's gay so don't even try it, mandy."
she pouted and flicked her hair behind her shoulder, "not that it's any of your business, anyways."
ian chuckled besides him, drawing another smile out of mandy, this one kinder, sweeter.
"what can i get you boys?"
the pink highlights glistened in her dark hair as she whipped up lip's cold brew and ian's caramel macchiato, then proceeded to insist that this one is on the house. neither of them argued, but thanked her before they settled down in some stools by the window.
"fucking the barista privileges?" ian asked, raising his eyebrow at his slut of a brother.
"i think of it more like fellow south sider charity," he rubbed his bottom lip, "but yours works too," lip smirked around the edges of his coffee cup.
"you're an idiot."
"can a man who got us free drinks really be deemed an idiot?" lip philosophized.
ian paused, taking a moment of thorough consideration. he looked lip straight in the eyes as he answered, "if that man is you, then without a doubt."
lip tried to knock ian's cup out of his hand, but failed at his attempt. ian thanked his well-practiced jrotc skills and a lifetime experience of growing up in a house packed with annoying siblings for his victory.
they chatted about the robotics classes lip was taking, how he got full-time access to one of the labs, and his weird ass roommate who may or may not be gay if ian is at all interested. ian scrunched up his face. after hearing so many horror stories about the guy, ian didn't want anywhere near him. he wasn't that desperate yet.
the second that lip was out of his seat and heading to the bathroom, the beautiful mess that was mandy descended.
"hiiii lip's gay brother," she leaned against the table.
"it's ian," he spun his empty cup in his hands. he couldn't help himself from smiling at her charisma.
"well hi, ian, i just wanted to say sorry if i spooked you earlier. i just had no idea lip's brother would be so cute!"
"his ugly mug's not too hard to beat." ian laughed. "he got the short end of the gallagher stick, literally."
"cute and charming. you're funny, ian gallagher, i like you." she placed her hand on his shoulder for a moment, a movement so soft compared to her rather frantic appearance. "come back here anytime and it's on the house, yeah? i work most evenings after three."
"oh. uh- okay," ian scrambled for words, "thanks."
she squeezed his shoulder once before lip returned with a rather obnoxious entrance.
"ayo mands, stop harassing him!"
ian ducked his head in embarrassment.
"oh, shut up! i'm just clearing your cups," she winked at ian as she left.
mandy was something else. but she was kind and good company. ian could get used to the chill atmosphere over the chaos of the gallagher house anytime. he might just take up her offer.
"you'd think with all the time you spend here, you'd be offered a scholarship or something by now." mandy sipped on her chocolate frappuccino as she laid her feet across ian's lap. he always made sure to come visit during her breaks at least twice a week during the past couple months.
ian shrugged, "guess they only had room for one gallagher."
mandy hit his arm in a way that hurt. lip was fucked if he ever broke her heart.
"does fiona even know that this is where you sneak off to?"
"yeah." mandy's look said she didn't believe him. "well, kinda. she thinks i'm visiting lip, brotherly duties and all."
"yeah? how are those brotherly duties?"
"fuck if i know."
she laughed.
"i still think you should apply here for next fall," she encouraged, "could take some art classes."
"i suck at art."
"failed that."
"yeah, no thanks."
mandy flipped him off, "fine. botany?
"ya know what? sure." he had always wanted to grow tomatoes.
"heart wants what it wants, mandy. we can't all be psychology brainiacs."
"brains and beauty, what can i say?" she teased. ian laughed, eyes glistening towards his friend. mandy made things better.
"hey," she continued, "there's this concert on the main campus lawn this weekend, you should totally come!"
"isn't that just for students?"
"they don't card, dummy."
"right, right, i knew that."
"sureeee. you in?"
ian mentally checked his work schedule.
"i'm in."
lip and ian strolled into the café a few days later. okay, maybe ian had felt a bit guilty for abandoning his brotherly duties lately, but at least this way he could hang out with both his best friends. well he could have if he remembered the fact that mandy had the day off for her behavioral neuroscience midterm. they had literally spent her previous shift reviewing the terms, he should have known.
ian's couldn't help his face from falling as another blonde barista took their orders, mostly eyeing lip the whole time.
"hi lip," she smiled a little too sincerely, "what can i get for you today?"
ian had ordered something new at the recommendation of the blonde and he was not a fan. and to make matters worse, he had to actually pay for the atrocity that he wouldn't even be able to finish.
"so how's your little coffee dates with mandy?" lip asked over his cup.
ian nearly choked on his god-awful americano. "how'd you know?"
"please. she's obsessed with you. every time i see her, it's 'ian this,' 'ian that,' 'ian might apply here in next year.'"
"yeah, oh. when were you gonna tell me?!"
“it’s all mandy’s idea, i’m not even sure i want to,” ian muttered, refusing to make eye contact.
“dude, i’ve literally shared a room with you since the day you popped out of monica’s wretched womb, you think I can’t tell when you’re lying?”
okay maybe ian had been getting increasingly more excited about the idea of attending school and actually learning things that he wants to learn. something that might actually lead him somewhere real since rotc was looking more and more like a poor man's fantasy the more that he thought about it.
“I was gonna tell you, swear on it.” and he was. once he convinced himself that lip wasn't going to straight up laugh in his face. but the look in his eye seemed genuinely supportive.
“mhm, i gotta catch my english lit class," lip stood up, swinging his tattered tan backpack across one shoulder. he patted ian's shoulder in his big brother ways, "don’t be a stranger, yeah?”
“yeah, yeah for sure! have fun learning a language you already know!” lip flipped him off at his smartass remark.
soon after, ian stood up to return his drink to the counter, the anxiety from the conversation making him entirely lose whatever appetite he might have had. plus, it wasn’t the same here without lip or mandy. he just wanted to be wrapped up in a cocoon in his own bed. but that was so far away. maybe he could catch an early ride—
ian crashed into a guy’s sturdy body.
the remnants of his shitty drink spilled in an americano nightmare over both of them, ceramic pieces shattering on the floor in a truly horrific manner.
ian yipped and the other man let out a grunt of irritation.
they were fucking soaked. well, at least the coffee wasn't hot? ian tried justifying the situation, but, nah, this was bad.
"shit! i'm so sorry, lemme," ian reached out and the shorter man flinched away.
they were now far enough apart that ian got a good look at him. a leather jacket.. now covered in ian's drink -- shit. and shockingly piercing blue eyes that lingered too long on ian's before his cheeks turned a shade of pink that made ian's stomach flutter.
he might have seemed cold if he didn’t make ian feel so warm.
"it’s cool, man. i gotta go, uh," and he walked out of the café without looking back.
ian smelled like coffee the entire train ride to the back of the yards. he laid in his bed regretting his entire life.
no mandy. no lip. no dignity.
the day of the concert that mandy had invited him to rolled around. ian wouldn’t admit it, but he was nervous to spend a coffee-less evening with mandy, their entire friendship built inside that one room. his little bubble of safety was bursting.
well, to be honest, the bubble had burst the moment that his disaster of a coffee was spilled onto one of the most ridiculously pretty guys that he's ever seen. every time he closed his eyes, he remembered the guy’s face shift from hostile to something else. he was torn between wanting to know the his name and also on never seeing him again in fear that he would simply pass away of embarrassment.
hopefully mandy hadn't heard about it. they may not have been friends for a long time, but he already knew that she would never let him live it down.
"hey ian!" her familiar voice called. that sounded promising.
his face fell with relief as he finally spotted her at the corner. she embraced him in a warm hug before pulling back and giving him a once over.
"huh, could have sworn you'd still have coffee behind your ear or something after the description karen gave me of your little disaster the other day." she smirked, quite literally double checking behind his ears as they turned hot under her gaze.
"ugh, fuck, how much did she tell you?" he itched his forehead and scrunched up his nose.
"oh, calm your tits, it's funny as fuck." she giggled, punching his arm in a way that still unintentionally hurt.
"whatever. are you excited for the concert tonight?"
their reunion conversation lulled eventually, and ian noticed that they weren't necessarily standing alone.
no. fucking. way.
just his luck, if he was being honest. he probably deserved this.
there he stood. the man that has plagued his dreams the past few days. in a light wash jean jacket that was a little tight on the biceps, leaning casually against the wall, kicking the pebbles on the ground with his boot.
"uh, what's he doing here?" ian gestured towards the victim of The Coffee Incident.
“what, you know him?” mandy asked, walking them towards him.
“vaguely.” if that wasn’t the understatement of the year.
"huh. i didn’t think my idiot brother had any friends."
brother? how did ian not realize she had a brother?
"what, did you think i was going to babysit you all night? i can't let everyone here thinking you're my boyfriend, no offense or whatever, but you're in good hands!" she kissed his cheek, clearly not helping her own not-looking-like-her-boyfriend rule.
ian eyed said brother's good hands only to see the faded letters of FUCK U-UP on them. oh.
mandy pushed ian over to her brother, "ian, mickey. mickey, ian," she introduced before pushing and shuffling her way through the crowd of college students to find herself someone’s cheap ass fruity alcohol to mooch off of.
mickey. ian's brain repeated over and over, a chime against the murmuring sea of voices they found themselves enveloped by.
"nice jacket," ian pointed out, an awkward attempt to converse before shoving his hands back in his pockets.
"it's my second favorite." the corners of his mouth lifted like there was more to the statement. ian took the bait, as if he could resist.
"what's your first?"
"first is still airing out the fuckin’ coffee smell," he smirked as ian groaned. "oh c’mon, man, don't go crying over spilled milk."
how could he not? on the bright side, he didn’t seemed to hate ian for it.
“if it was anyone else,” mickey drawled, “they’d have to get a beat down for it.”
“why do I get a free pass?” ian mused.
“well, you’re mandy’s friend, right?”
“yup,” ian tried to suppress his disappointment. he really did. but fiona always told him he wore his heart on his sleeve.
“yeah, that ain’t why, though,” his eyebrows waggled suggestively and ian nearly felt his heart drop out of his ass.
ian blessed whatever coffee god was out there for sending him both mandy and the beautiful man in front of him.
“you wanna go listen to the band?” ian nodded his head towards the stage with passionate players jumping around like they were playing lollapalooza or some shit.
“lead the way, stud, just try to keep your drinks off of me this time,” mickey knocked into ian’s own flannel covered shoulder.
yeah, ian couldn’t believe his luck. maybe karma was finally on his side.
mandy smirked at her brother and best friend not-so-subtly checking each other out over the course of the night, bopping their heads to the music and downing whatever free booze they could get their hands on.
she hoped that adding mickey to the equation would be enough incentive to convince ian to stick around. things were better when he was near.
the way that ian followed mickey around like a lost puppy with that dopey moon-eyed look, it seemed like her hopes would come true.
and when both ian and mickey strolled into the café to come visit her at work the next week, mickey in his worse-for-wear leather jacket and ian in borrowed denim, she thanks the coffee gods for her luck.
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