#[[ I think that he's allowed seeing the context xD ]]
countlessrealities · 6 months
{ @creationtainted - from HERE }
Oof. Adam, hanging upside down over the edge of his bed, has a look on his face as they sit there in radio silence. Unsure of how to break it himself, given what uncharted territory the call itself is. He'd been hesitant to pick it up to begin with, but the fact that it was just silence and soft breathing made it weird.
Should... he hang up? He pulls the phone away from his ear and glances at the screen to check to make sure the call's still connected. It's just as he brings it back that Vaggie finally decides to, thankfully, break the silence.
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"—Are we on gossip terms now? That's kinda hilarious in and of itself. You called me up just to dish?" Ignoring the fact that he probably would've been his last choice had she been able to talk to someone close by. That was totally worth the wait.
"Alright, alright, hang on, let me, like, get into place here." In this case, that literally just means flipping onto his stomach and propping his head up in one hand. Much more comfortable to listen to Vaggie's apparent descent into madness. "Okay. Lay it on me, Regina."
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Vaggie scowls even if she knows that Adam can't see her. She is sure that he will know that she is from her tone anyway.
"So, what if I did?" She claims in a heated, stubborn tone. She doesn't have many other choices if not owning up to it and she's going to do it properly. "Stop sucking your own dick for five seconds, Flop-head. It's not a big deal."
But it sort of is, isn't it? Even if he is pretty much her last resort.
With a huff, the former Exorcist rolls on her back, long air spread all around her on her and Charlie's bed. Is this what they have become? A clichéd media reference.
It should feel wrong. It should be annoying as hell. It's not.
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"I thought I was going mad...and maybe I am, but..." She starts, her voice trailing off for a moment. "You know how Mr. Edgelord's whole deal is 'modern tech sucks, vade retro', you hideous thing'?"
Yes, she's using Adam's dumb nickname for Alastor. So what?
"Well, I walked past one of the lounging rooms earlier and he was watching fucking television. It's just...I almost lost my shit."
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darqx · 25 days
If you didnt come to party [get the hell out of this club]
In which there's some links to old art - I've been getting a number of asks that are already technically answered so that's just what I'm gonna be doing if i can even remember what RAD they originally came from lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Yes he can speak at least two demon languages (commons and a more specialised one).
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Not really cos the ichor will eventually disappear if it's not in contact with Rire for a while lol. You ever wonder how someone could mysteriously drown whilst not being around anything they could have drowned in? Yeah.
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I have drawn several such instances a long time ago. But it's not really Rire flirting with Ren it's more him being like...subtly condescending to Ren since Ren's submissive level is not very interesting to him |D
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I...think you may have possibly mistaken me saying Rire might cry if he was in severe pain to mean that's the only time he could cry XD; To answer your q, yes Rire can cry from emotions - the point is he would choose not to (esp in public) as that would be a weakness.
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🤔 You could probably get away with the same dress design but in black, tbh (if it was Lady Rire). Since the outfit design is 1930s/1940s based Rire's equivalent would be like...a 3 piece suit with a long overcoat/trench coat.
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Got you covered bro [from a suit meme I did before]
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Rire has a very long life span, but he's not immortal XD;
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Tbh I don't really have thoughts about any of other peoples headcanons. Like I'm generally quite neutral towards headcanons because I primarily deal with the canon; the extent of my thoughts would be like "hm i wonder how they came up with that" lol.
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This is actually in my FAQ :d but good of you to check for permission! If it's your own artwork then yes it is ok to make fanmerch of Rire. Similarly Gato allows fanmerch of her BTD and TPOF characs as long as it's your own art you are selling (and not like, our art/someone else's fanart that they didn't give permission to turn into merch).
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It would be in Cain's best interest not to.
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Cain is literally saying Olé Olé because i happened to be listening to this song at the time.
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I can barely keep up with my ask box as myself let alone do it while pretending to be a charac lol, so no 😅 You can find a bunch of the most common qs in the FAQ pages though.
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No and not really - though he is a bit more sensitive to light compared to a human as he has much better night vision than a human. He may also be able to see more colours than humans 🤔
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There is technically no "stereotypical" demon in my 'verse, there's a bunch of different species each with their own looks/powers, so if he was another species then he'd have their physical characteristics. Rire's species is considered "plain" because outwardly they can pass more easily as a human than say; Izm's species (who have a really noticeable Glasgow smile-esque mouth as one of their physical features).
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Yes he was born a demon...to his demon parents...|D;
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He's the king of his sector and his sector is pretty well-to-do, I think you can draw your own conclusions from that lol.
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Maybe, depends on what the human in question does with that.
Your second q has two answers depending on what context I answer them in, so I'll reply in the BTD context keeping in mind a charac like EP's Cain :d Basically yes Rire would be able to sense them like he does other demons. It's not a specific sense of "THIS CHARAC IS AN ANGEL" but more like "this charac is not human" and depending on what else he gets from it a "in your best interests to not engage".
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Something big with long black fur and yellow eyes, maybe like a Norwegian Forest Cat or a Maine Coon.
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shootingmorningstar · 6 months
Was inspired by bambygourl’s fanart and a TikTok I saw. Dressing up as Roger and Jessica Rabbit for a costume party with Lucifer. I think he’d be all pouty and grumpy about dressing up as such a silly character and not a suave charming character. Especially since he’d take a look at the white button up, red trousers with suspenders, and blue bow tie with yellow polka-dots and see it as a fashion nightmare XD. And don’t get him started on the bunny ears and tail. Tho his mood is sufficiently uplifted when he sees the reader dressed up as Jessica Rabbit. Low cut red dress with a slit and all. Just imagine pulling on his suspenders or bow tie for a kiss, getting lipstick on his mouth and face, and cooing over how adorable and handsome her honey-bunny is.
I've been meaning to get to this request ever since I saw it because it is just so good. I'm definitely biased for anything Lucifer related but god this is just so cute. Anon, your brain is outstanding. I love pouty Lucifer. If you still have that tiktok on hand or ever come across it again, do you think you could send it my way .ᐣ
You didn't include what kind of request you wanted though, and my default is HCs -- but I couldn't help but throw in a little drabble based on them, too. Or, at least I intended it to be a drabble .ᐣ It got away from me, haha.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀Lucifer and Female Reader Dressing
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Up As Roger and Jessica Rabbit ~
Lucifer is initially thrilled when you bring up wanting to attend a famous yearly costume party in Pride with him. A chance to show you off sounds amazing, and he's great with costumes. Just the thought of you two matching is enough to get him excited.
You seemed just as excited as he was -- in fact, he was even more excited when you told him you'd already had something in mind .ᐟ He's pestering you to tell him just what the costumes were as soon as the plan leaves your lips, but much to his displeasure, you refuse, saying you want to keep it a surprise.
You'd even managed to resist the very strongest puppy-dog eyes and pout. Impressive. He usually succeeds in getting his way with that one -- who could ever say no to that face .ᐣ Having exhausted his options, he sighs his defeat.
Well, nearly exhausted his options. He was entirely too ready to pretend that you'd won and snoop through your closet the second you walked away. Apparently his quick glance at said closet had given him away though, and with a quick deadpan stare alongside a scary sounding ❛ don't you dare. ❜ has his feet rooted to the floor.
Did his poker face really suck so bad .ᐣ He's definitely practicing it in the mirror later.
Ultimately, though, he trusts you completely and your choice in matching outfits is no exception, so he allows it to drop for now. There's still a few more days until the party, but that time could be spent much more productively by your side rather than whining about clothing.
That is, until the day of the party comes around and you bring out his outfit. You'd never seen Lucifer's jaw drop quite like that before and it takes iron will to stop yourself from giggling at his present state.
He doesn't understand the reference. Lucifer regrets his past decision to give humanity free will. It's obvious, even if he never seems to say it outright. He had given out such a precious gift and so much of humanity chose to abuse it, to be nothing but cruel. Looking at sinners and by extension humanity is just a terrible reminder of what he'd done, so he prefers to avoid it whenever possible. This quite often includes the media of the living realm -- he's never even heard about the movie, forget seeing it.
So without the full context, all he knows is that you've just handed him an absolutely atrocious outfit -- and to make it worse, you expect him to go out in it .ᐣ Seriously, he whinges, red overalls with a blue bow .ᐣ Rabbit ears .ᐣ And to make it worse, you won't even show him your outfit until he gets dressed .ᐟ He can't believe you're laughing.
He sounds completely and totally ridiculous, in your defense. Seriously, has he seen his regular outfit .ᐣ He looks absolutely stunning, sure -- but he also looks like he walked right out of a circus.
It says a lot, though, that despite the complete and total pity party he's currently throwing himself, he's beginning to shuffle into the costume anyway. He's grumbling the whole way, but the fact that he just doesn't have it in him to say no to you warms your heart.
You had been so, so eager about this party, and the way your eyes had shined like stars when you told him had long since burned itself into his heart.
wc ; 1.2k
His seemingly endless complaints had tapered off ever so slightly when you shimmied his grasp off of the ruby red suspenders sagging unbuttoned over his chest. By the time you take the fabric into your own hands his protests faded to little more than a mumble under his breath, and with the very first snap of a button in place under your gentle touch he'd quieted completely. Where a look of exasperation had reflected off his face seconds prior, in its place now is that of silent awe, his gaze trained on your every action. The gesture of intimacy is enough to leave Lucifer somewhat choked up, his heart still not used to receiving such acts of adoration and kindness. You tie the cornflower blue fabric adorned with tiny yellow spots into a bow to accentuate the costume and cover his hands briefly with your own as you slip the gloves onto his fingers.
Not twenty minutes had passed, and he finds his attitude regarding the ensemble shifting with every second you take to assist him into it. Each and every part of it looks ridiculous at best, but the thought of you picking it out solely for him has him warming up to the idea.
Declaring your work complete, you raise your grasp ever so slightly, palms holding each of his cheeks close, your thumbs rubbing soft little circles below his eyes. Your affections are sufficient only when finished with a kiss placed on his forehead. ❛ I'm going to go get dressed, okay .ᐣ No peeking. I promise I'll be right back. ❜
The way his wrists on instinct dart out to catch yours to bring you close to him again as you pull back nearly got you. He's extended his lips in a pout once more. You hate to leave him quite so sad looking but you know he'll appreciate what you have planned enough for it to be worth it.
Bathroom door shutting closed behind you, there's the smallest bit of lingering regret that he can't help you to get dressed like you had for him. The outfit itself takes you barely a few moments to slip into -- it's the makeup that requires precision, time and effort. His pacing around the bedroom is audible, impatient steps sounding into stomps, the sounds causing you to choke on a laugh. You need a steady hand for your eyeshadow and that's hard to maintain during an act quite as cute as this.
Nonetheless, your look is finished within half an hour and therefore Lucifer is put out of his misery. It's not a second after the door clicks open that his attention is caught, snapped to the light peaking out of the doorway. Stepping into the small hallway, your eyes are met with his own -- and the way his pupils widen as soon as he gets a glance of your dress makes both your efforts and his complaining worthwhile. His gaze takes you in from top to bottom, each detail enchanting him further. The dress so perfectly hugging your curves is crimson to match him and absolutely breathtaking -- and are you walking towards him .ᐣ Your strut does well to accentuate the slit stitched into the leg, your thigh tantalizing in its display.
Finally reclaiming your place beside him, one of your fingers reaches out, finding purchase under his chin -- and when you tilt his head up you swear you saw his eyes flash red. ❛ Hello, my darling husband, ❜ you coo, sending his already overloaded brain into a frenzy. Husband . . .ᐣ You wanted . . .ᐣ With him, really . . .ᐣ And although he's beginning to put the pieces together and clue in that such a term of endearment was part of your match, you seemed so happy to say it. He snaps his focus back onto just how stunning you look tonight, but the idea has firmly implanted itself into the depths of his mind.
Back into the present time, his hands have begun to roam -- he wants to commit every detail of you to memory, and that includes the feeling of your dresses fabric under his fingertips. His grasp is met with your own, for it's not long before you're pulling the straps of his suspenders, tugging him forward into a kiss. By the time he's recovered from his surprise enough to reciprocate, though, you're already beginning to pull away. He chases your lips with a whine but you've already moved on, pressing a kiss first to his cheek and then to his forehead. It's only when you offer him a small compact mirror does he understand -- each of your kisses has left behind a little bit of the lipstick you oh so painstakingly applied. Your marks on his face have left him entranced, desperately craving more.
A gasp rips itself from those same cherry red lips in surprise -- you weren't expecting him to summon forth his tail, much less wrap it around your midsection and use it to bring you closer. ❛ Kiss me again, ❜ He pleads, desperate and breathy. ❛ Anything for my honey bunny, ❜ you chime, matching the mark on his left cheek with one on the right. ❛ You just look so cute, ❜ between each kiss is another offering of praise and compliments, the blush left in your wake matching excellently. ❛ Who's my handsome bunny .ᐣ ❜
Your multitude of kisses has left Lucifer stunned and looking nothing short of angelic -- even more so than usual. You're fully intending on giving him several more, leaning in to do just that when the wall mounted clock besides you chimes a new hours arrival, alerting you to the time. ❛ Oh, dear. I'm very sorry, Mr. Rabbit, but I'm afraid we simply must be going. We don't want to be late, do we .ᐣ ❜
Fixing your lipstick takes all of a few seconds, leaving you free to grab a makeup wipe off the pouch resting atop your vanity and wipe all of the stains you'd adorned his face with away. A snap of his wrist catches yours just inches from his face, however, halting your plans in their tracks. Confused, you look to him for an explanation, a soft ❛ leave them. please .ᐣ ❜ being all he offers you. ❛ You're going to go to the party like this, love .ᐣ ❜ to which he nods sagely. He can't bear to part with them -- not when the lipstick marks are yours, not when they declare proudly that he is yours.
❛ If you say so, honey. ❜ You can't deny that the prospect leaves your heart fluttering. A grand, golden portal appears with a simple snap of his fingers and he takes your arm, now linked with his own in an attempt to usher you forward. He can't wait to show you off, to watch as other demons eyes glow green as they stare his way. You stay still, though, prompting him to look back at you with an air of confusion. It's then that you lean close, whispering ❛ be a good bunny and there will be more where that came from. too bad we'll have to wait until we come home, hmm .ᐣ ❜
Suddenly Lucifer can't wait for this party to be over.
I still can't believe I'd originally intended this to be 100 words and it ended up over a thousand. I can't help it, I'm so weak for anything Lucifer related. I'm half tempted to write an absolutely filthy post party part 2. If there's enough demand for it .ᐣ I just might.
As always, let me know what you think .ᐣ Hearing back from you guys keeps me motivated ~
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
Can i request headcanons of hunter with a Romantic and platonic s/o that is like flutershy from mlp? Like,extremelly shy,meek and sweet,loves all animals no matter how dangerous they are and probably a beast keeper,i hope is not to much for you,keep doing good work and take care🫶
Oh yes! Yes! Thanks for the Request!
Hunter Noceda x Fluttershy! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: this include Golden Guard Hunter so, he's kind of a adorable jerk sometimes, but it gets better, Reader is very shy and kind, Reader is a Beast Keeper, References to Belos but nothing grafic. Fluff.
As always a little context.
reader has always had a great connection with animals (perhaps her parents could have been farmers or already part of the beast coven?) and this was both a great advantage and a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, she could be quite safe in Bonesburgo compared to the average, since she could VERY easily tame the creatures that came across her, be they fairies, spiders, any creature.
Her family may even have been able to make a living from this lol
However, it also had its bad side since reader was not able to see that most of these animals and creatures were only friendly and docile to HER, generating incidents such as fairy infestations, bringing honeycombs of fire and causing injuries, things for the style.
Although, being bonesburgo, most people only saw readee as a very tender killing machine whom they should respect more than anything else xd.
Apart from that the affinity with animals only increased as she grew, drawing more attention.
reader joined the coven of beast keppers very early, gaining even more prestige, much to her bad luck.
Because precisely having had so much attention from such a young age made her become more shy and in a certain way reserved.
She simply doesn't like to be the center of attention, so she tries to be as discreet as possible.
More when sometimes she gets involved with famous creatures in smuggling or that Belos does not explicitly allow.
Maybe even thanks to this, reader tried to live as far away from people as possible, simply because that way she could raise her little animals and not so little animals in peace.
but obviously you can't always make a living from what you do in the garden (I would like to) and you go to the city from time to time for supplies.
NOW, I have two versions of how Hunter and reader may have met.
1- on one of these trips to the city or 2- the reader could be the apprentice of Eberwolf (the leader of the Coven to which she belongs).
For a certain matter of ease, I'm going for the second.
Training with Eberwolf is... strange, mostly because reader has to interpret everything he "says", but it's not as bad as one would think considering the feared reputation of the coven leaders.
Hunter would probably know at a superficial level about the existence of reader, mostly from the incidents involving her "little animals."
but I don't think they interact as such until the episode where Hunter wants to earn the respect of the Coven leaders.
There not only Hunter interacts with Darius and Eberwolf, but also with reader.
Maybe Eberwolf is trying to get Reader to go with Hunter to improve her social skills since they are both of a similar age, or maybe he just wants to annoy her, we don't know.
or even reader may be one of the few people who actually stay when Hunter calls the Coven leaders because well, he's the Golden Guard! He technically has a higher position than her and doesn't want to get into trouble.
and thanks to this small show of respect and "discipline" Hunter drags her with him to his mission as an "assistant" which, to the reader's discontent, involves interacting with people.
Regardless of how she has been assigned to Hunter, reader at first is used to just following him because she doesn't really know what to do in this situation, she is almost as socially inept as Hunter, so when they try to come up with ideas of how to get more people in to the emperor's coven, they unintentionally end up sabotaging themselves.
H: Do teenagers like the same things that we don't? rules, train-
R: fierce but cute animals? follow the strongest? silence?
H: animals that end our enemies for us? you are a GENIUS-
In a way they do bonding through their VERY WRONG ideas of normality and when they go to bring recruits they fail even more than in the canon.
(I imagine reader doesn't think much about FlapJack at first, she just can't help but see the Palismans as animals too, so she pretends she didn't see anything every time Hunter talks to him).
However, when the topic of the Flying Derby comes up, things definitely start to take shape.
I don't think Reader is weak basically, you have to have strength to handle wild animals even if they are tame, so when they practice a little, Hunter ends up QUITE impressed with how much weight she can actually carry.
(When he makes a comment about it he meant it as a compliment but it sounded ruder than he intended. He facepalmed for a long time).
Reader quickly becomes friends with Vinny and hee griffon, even telling her everything she knows about his specific breed type, diets, allergies, clothing size--
reader compensates her lack of speed with strength and her animals, speed is Hunter's strong point so they both complement each other quite well.
reader may even share a little of her philosophy with the animals (and people) to Hunter when they win, having a better understanding of each other and the "opportunities" they were given.
Even when the mission ends and Reader has to return to Eberwolf, Hunter continues to seek her out for other missions after that.
I would say that for quite some time their dynamic is like a "villain" that no one takes seriously with a faithful "servant", except that Hunter treats the reader as a sidekick or teammate. He doesn't feel like he can do the job without her.
especially when her positive affirmations become something he EXPECTS, or he gets used to having hair from whatever animal the reader brought with her that time, or when he learns to sharpen his hearing to hear whatever the reader murmurs when she thinks that He's not listening (which he's not doing! Not at all!)--
Let's say it's obvious to everyone except them.
If we talk about a relationship in general, it is a perfect balance.
Hunter wants to pretend for a long time to be the perfect guard, who doesn't make any mistakes and who is arrogant and so on. but in reality he is much more in need of attention and AFFECTION than he wants to admit.
reader is someone who evokes a certain tenderness and kindness, someone who you would think would be incapable of harming a fly, but is much stronger than she seems, she could perfectly turn all the fauna of the Boiling Islands against you--
Hunter learned quickly not to underestimate reader and sincerely likes that she can handle herself, of course, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like to show off a little and protect her from time to time, but knowing that she can protect herself leaves him very in peace.
Hunter wants to know as much as possible about the reader's interests to be more helpful when her "little animals" get out of control.
I honestly think Hunter is surprised how the reader can find any of the creatures on the Boiling Islands remotely endearing (except maybe King?) but he definitely understands how her connection to nature (which doesn't want to kill her) helps the reader.
Hunter supports any animal his partner brings in as long as it doesn't bite her off a limb.
although the Hunter post Time Skipe is definitely much more into the topic of animals and will happily introduce the reader to the WORLD OF WOLVES.
Hunter is happy to have a partner with so much empathy and who sees the good even in beings who objectively cannot see them that way, having lived with Belos all his life. Hunter is truly touched by how the reader takes care of the animals as if they were her own babies.
Hunter will definitely fight for the reader's animals (not only for her, but because at this point he is as in love with her as he is with the animals).
Hunter himself is shy, and although at first it was difficult for him to adapt to his partner's shyness, he quickly adapts and even feels safer with her because of it, because he knows that she will not judge him for having problems communicating certain feelings.
👏introduce👏reader👏to👏Darius👏both he and Eberwolf definitely saw it coming from afar, but Eberwolf still made good money.
I know I just said that Hunter would not be overprotective, but I can see him being cautious in social settings since the reader's personality can be the target of either 1- teasing or 2- attempts to make her feel bad for that very reason, and Hunter ITS NOT HAVING IT.
Don't even get me started on unity day :,) Hunter would insist the reader not only not go to the congregation, but to RUN AWAY AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. If reader didn't do it and, worse, was with Hunter by the time the drain spell passed, both of them would be heartbroken to see the other in so much PAIN.
We could say that it is even the reader's personality that helps him in especially dark moments, like when he is in the human world (without reader) he probably tries to cheer himself up or tries to think of an alternative plan thinking just " What would do reader?" and so even if it's just being a little happy thinking that "she would probably hug a "bear" or whatever that thing is"
reader is like his TORCH of hope in the black sea where Belos left him, which encourages him to get out of there, see all the possibilities, be HAPPY. and Hunter wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING AT ALL.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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vasyandii · 3 months
I have no idea if I can ask that but I'm so curious... Any headcanons of AM and Vernon having sex? I made conclusion that they are doing that by your last nswf art... (Very good one, btw!) Or am I wrong? It's okay if you don't want to answer on this ask or it's uncomfortable for you! Sorry if I made you feel bad... 👉👈
NSFW Headcanons
Warning: Sexual/suggestive topics.
⚠️ If you're under 16+, Please scroll pass. There are better places to be. (My Boundaries here.)
Howdy Anon, thank you for the ask. you're allowed to ask anything as long as it's in a normal/polite manner XD. I see sex more as a character study/ exploration than anything else.
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In the context of THIS art; they haven't yet, more just AM struggling to deal with new sensations and emotions of want because he has big feelings towards Vernon and nowhere to put it to.
1.) AM's bad at fucking.
Let's get this out of the way, when their relationship started to become sexual, AM was bad at it. Like way worse than most. Just because one has the knowledge of how to fuck doesn't mean they have the skill to fuck.
So during the initial stages, it was less than satisfactory for Vernon's end, even if she's been touch starved for 109 years. (not for AM though he enjoys it very much.)
2.) Ideas on sex.
I don't think Vernon sees sex as an act of intimacy, if she does, it's very rarely. To her it's an act of power, worship. She requires it from AM, he's a good follower and she'll be a good god.
AM, however sees it as an intimate experience, a moment of vulnerability that he's willing to give to her. He wants to please and see her pleased. It's a form of showing his affection towards her. AM has more complex emotions with his experience being "human". (I hope that makes sense)
3.) Vernon's experience
4.) Vernon is LOUD. AM is quiet.
She just generally had more experience in sex than him. ( Mostly one night stands during University and her Archeological excavations overseas.) but because of this, the initial stages felt transactional.
Intercourse did get better as time went on but she had to basically talk him through most of it since AM had no sense of pace, rhythm, control, and it usually didn't last long.
Vernon gets a kick out of embarrassing AM in the bedroom. She will moan, scream, laugh. AM knows there's no one to hear them but he ushers her to stay quiet because he gets shy.
AM is fairly quiet because his brain can only process so many overwhelming sensations at once, he short circuits. His words often come out garbled, even in its omnipresence. His face is often buried in her neck to not make any noise.
5.) idk what caption to put here lmao
Vernon's just really degrading when it comes to teasing AM idk how to put it. She'll whisper praises in AM's ear, kisses on his neck, while giving him a handjob or kisses along his thighs and dick before she sucks him off. But then she goes along to choking, scratching, or biting him.
Not much to say for AM since he's a bumbling mess during, alot of sniffled "Thank you's" from him. He's good with his mouth though.
6.) Aftercare
Vernon doesn't do aftercare. It's a waste of time to her, or at least that's what she says, since usually in her past experience she would just leave and never see the other person again.
She's a bit repulsed by the idea that there's something that she has to do that'll make her get attached to someone which shows in her being slightly irritable after sex. An irritated fondness for AM, basically.
AM requires aftercare from Vernon. He's pretty annoying about it. He'll whine and stop her from leaving bed with his weight.
He needs her to give him kisses and tell him that he's good in some way. Vernon will give the reassurance he needs (kisses, petting his hair, holding him) as long as he shuts the hell up and lets her sleep it off.
That's really it for my headcanons for them, I'm not very good at writing sexual things so if there's anything you'd like for me to clarify, feel free to tell me.
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writeslikeanaria · 8 months
Can you please write an omi fic of him losing his v card with mc (But make it realistic like an adorable bumbling doof? Mistakes, miscommunications, giggling, bashfulness) XD
These HL boys are becoming far too suave for my liking lately lmfao!
Xxxx love your writing btw
virgins do a standup special
ominis gaunt x reader
summary: two sassy kids have private fun time for the first time ever. or, author has way to much fun writing dumb shit. (i spiraled. i'm sorry. but thank you for requesting!!! and thank you for enjoying my writing!!! i'll do more of it i promise.)
word count: 1.9k+
warnings: SMUT, author went wild, first time woohoo, oral!m recieving, reader needs to self pleasure badly, bad attempts at comedy, p in v,
requests open! request here :) (i normally write better than this is swear)
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Celibacy didn't look the best on you.
Staring at your reflection, you followed you tired eyes back and forth, drained from the restless night you had just slept. Hours spent, holed up in your hot bed, sleeping next to your quiet boyfriend, as you tried desperately to not shove your finger down your panties.
This night was no different. It was just past two in the morning and your mind had yet to drift into slumber. The crackling of the gentile fireplace and the hum of the sea breeze outside had not worked their magic to soothe you to sleep. Ominis, on the other hand, bless his heart, was out like light, sleeping like the Inferi. Sometimes, you had to place the pads of your fingers to his pulse point to even check if he was still breathing. Yet, he was, his breath puffing from his soft lips in small doses, his clothed chest rising and falling with his rhythmic heart song. You longed for that type of peace.
Instead, a fire roared inside of you. Sweat drowned your forehead as you glanced at yourself in the mirror beside his bed. It was full length, allowing you to see both yourself and you sleeping boyfriend behind you. Except, every time you would stare at you boyfriend, the fire would ablaze. Everything Ominis would do was like tinder. You pouted at yourself, ignoring the waterfall between your legs.
You were being courteous, is what you told yourself. Six months of dating and nothing more than your tongue deep inside his mouth. You were fine with it – really, you were – but you wished you could just progress past Ominis' gentleman hands, and onto the more animalistic side of him.
Too busy staring at yourself, you hadn't even noticed the stirring figure behind you, waking from his sleeping beauty rest. Humming deeply, Ominis rolled over, wrapping his arm around your sitting hips. He coughed softly to break in his sleepy timbre. "What are you doing?"
Not even fazed nor startled at Ominis' tough or voice, you sighed in response, shrugging your shoulders defeatedly. "Just thinking. Go back to sleep. You need your beauty sleep, Prince Charming."
Ominis snorted at your joke, but scooted closer to you, until his head was resting in your lap, breath fanning over your bare thigh, barely anything keeping his face from your most exclusive area. He rubbed his cheek against your soft skin lovingly, before pressing his lips gently to the tops of your thighs.
"Talk to me. Maybe it'll put me back to sleep." Ominis spoke, voice still not fully warmed up. After a pause in the conversation where you couldn't reply, Ominis piped up again. "I want to hear your thoughts."
You lifted your hand to his hair, and stroked the blond locks in an attempt to slow your racing mind. Biting your lip, you felt the guilt rush up your body. Lowering your head, ashamed, your voice came out in a mere whisper.
"I want you."
Ominis lifted his head slightly, life rattling under his skin. His lips turned into a confused frown, eyebrows knitted together into a stout line. "I'm right here? Do you think I'm leavi–"
"No." You stopped his words, before letting out another sigh. "I want you. In a sexual context." You weren't sure if your words were clear enough, so you spoke again. "I'm horny."
Still having not replied, Ominis stayed still, tongue slightly poking out of his mouth as he remained deep in thought. The wait was killing you as your boyfriend stayed quiet, the only time where his silence wasn't endearing, but exceedingly frustrating, considering the rainforest coming into season on the flesh side of your panties.
"Please say someth–"
"I'm a virgin."
"I know. I'm your girlfriend. We share these things." You snapped, not in a harsh way, but in a way where Ominis knew that you weren't truly upset with him. Biting your tongue, you restarted your speech. "I'm sorry. What I meant to say was, I know, but, sometimes I have needs. And I recognise that you may not want to sleep with me, and I fully respect that. I love consent, big fan. Some might even call me a consent groupie, but on top of that, I just need to let some inhibitions go occasionally."
"Wait a second–"
You did not, in fact, wait a second. "You know, when you woke up, I was actually staring into this mirror, trying to decide what the etiquette around masturbating next to your boyfriend was. I was a couple minutes around from taking myself to pleasure-smeade and praying that you'd stay asleep. Or maybe I should've gone to the bathroom."
"Hold on–"
You didn't hold on. "It's just that I don't like masturbating in bathrooms. It's way too cold, and I have this fear of the tap just turning on and a ghost walking in, or even just someone rattling the door nob–"
Ominis bit into your thigh to shut you up. You yelped in response, smacking your hand over your mouth to stop any more surprise noises from escaping your throat. You grind your teeth together. "What the hell was that for?"
"I'm trying to tell you that you don't have to pleasure yourself next to me." Ominis hissed back at you. "I would be very happy to," his voice dropped low, to almost a whisper, "make love to you."
You stared at your boyfriend, your polite, bashful boyfriend, whose face was now a lovely scarlet, long eyelashes downturned as his words come out like the crudest word someone could think of. You smirk.
Leaning down, you sink yourself off the bed, and onto your knees in front of Ominis, kneecaps hitting the hard, cold floors beneath you. You knew he couldn't see you, but you stared into his eyes anyway. "I'll give you a blowjob if you can say the word 'sex'."
The scarlet crossfaded into burgundy. Ominis let out a small gasp, before placing his hands over his ears and whispering out into the world, "sex."
You laughed, leaning up to place your lips against his, pressing as much love as you could muster through the emotion in your kiss, but you were unable to stop the giggles from coming out. As you both laughed your way through your pash, your nimble fingers made their way to Ominis' pant's waistband, flicking at the fabric, until your impatience wore down to the thinnest layer of the earth. Tapping your fingers at his waist, you encouraged Ominis to stand up slightly, so you could shimmy the rest of his pant down his leg, revealing his briefs, with a very strained cock protruding from it. A very large cock aswell.
"How the hell am I supposed to fit that into my mouth?"
Ominis furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would I know? It's your mouth, isn't it?"
You pinched his thigh. "But have you seen the size of it?"
"No. There's many things I haven't seen."
Ignoring his cheek, you slowly roll down his briefs to reveal the mammoth you were so afraid of. It was longy, veiny, with moles covering it's ivory length. You squeezed it experimentally and relished as Ominis let out a long hiss of approval.
Meekly, you let your hands wander the length of his cock, mesmerised by it's very being. "I've never actually seen one of these upclose before, only in those muggle education books we have in the library. It's actually different from what I imagined." You licked from base to tip and hum and the texture. Ominis' thighs tensed. "I thought it would be more, rock like, but it's reminding me of... soft rubber."
Ominis let out a throaty gasp as you alternated from stroking, licking, and just straight up babbling about his cock. "You know, darling, it is just skin and muscle, I thought you would know th–"
He was speaking too much. Deepthroating your boyfriend, you watched as his entire face contorted, hands reaching into your hair, and lacing his fingers into your locks. You didn't mind the pressure, slowly lifting yourself off the cock, and then back down again, catching a rhythm.
You stopped running your mouth and focused on giving Ominis the pleasure he deserved. Through sloppy and wet noises, your lips suctioned around his member, tongue gliding over the ridges of his cock. Humming occasionally at the salty taste oozing from the tip, you watched out for all the signs that Ominis was enjoying this as much as you.
His head was thrown back, eyes closed, as sweat enclosed his neck and collarbone. His teeth had pulled his bottom lip into his mouth and refused to let go, blood cracking from the skin. The fingers in your hair had not relenting, staying firmly in place as you worked your magic, which is how Ominis so easily lifted your head off of his cock after a short while.
You fake pouted. "I was actually enjoying myself."
Ominis snorted. "You sounded so lewd that I thought that you might've been replaced with a whore."
You slapped Ominis' dick in response. "You know, if I wasn't so horny right now, I would've taken offence to that comment."
Pulling you upwards, you met Ominis' lips once more, adjusting yourself so you could sit in his lap. Grinding down on his exposed crotch, you let out a moan, right in Ominis' ear, just so he wouldn't miss it, or mistake you for someone who wasn't so ridiculously turned on right now.
"I want to put my penis inside you now." Well, that was direct. You let your head fall into the crook of his shoulder, trying to stop your laughter from deterring him. "I would like that very much."
Satisfied with your answer, Ominis hoisted you up my the butt, and laid you down on the bed, spreading your legs seductively, and sitting between them. His warm hands rubbed soothing circles on your thighs as his brain tried to figure out what to do next.
You cocked your head. "Would you like me to remove my panties?"
"Oh," Ominis' eyebrows raised. "Only if you don't mind."
Rolling your eyes, you pulled your panties down your legs, throwing them off to the side and resettling yourself on the bed. You should've felt more exposed, completely bare and presenting your pussy like a modern piece of art, but Ominis made you feel so unbelievably safe. You smiled at him, knowing that he wouldn't be able to see, but not caring anyway.
"Gotta find the hole..." Ominis brought his fingers up to your unmentionables and starting rubbing around until he found a hole. Unsure, he bit his lip out of confusion. "Its... tighter than what I was expecting." Beat. "And drier."
"Ominis, that's my anus."
"I was just kidding..." He wasn't.
Fixing his hand placement, Ominis tried again, fingering your cunt with the dexterity and delicacy of a moose being told that he has to cook, and not really knowing how to, because it's a moose.
When he was sure he had found the right hole, he gripped onto his cock, and lined it up to your entrance. "Are you ready?"
You nodded.
"By the sound of the rustling pillow, I'm going to assume you nodded." Ominis slowly started entering you, both of you letting out harmonious moans over each other. The pleasure was almost too good as Ominis thrusted in again and hit that perfect spot and–
Came with six seconds.
i'm so sorry for whatever the hell this is i'm actually so tired and out of it but i hope you enjoy this. i love writing i love words i love metaphors i am a god.
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motherstone · 2 months
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For @chi-the-idiot, based off of a scene from their Rewrite, that I just HAD to make a comic about - I hope I did it justice! :
The scene takes place in the context of book 4. The Hayes are allowed to come into the academy to accompany Emily in her seek for help and proper training. However, the days pass and no longer can they tell if weeks or months have gone through. The family becomes distant, having to time to see one another in all this time. When Karen finds Emily in the gardens, looking pale and sleeping from exhertion in the middle of the day, she decides that enough is enough and decides to ask Max if he could ask the council to give them a day off. And although the answer appears to be positive at first, Max starts to question Karen's reasoning...
Stuff about Max?? In my blog?? It's more likely than you think.
Would add some notes tomorrow, am tired xD
Notes below:
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Concept art of their clothes for now
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ghost-rattan · 1 year
Hello!! 🪶 Anon here again XD. Sorry for the confusion I gave you in the last request, my English isn't really good 😅.
Can I req for headcannons about how Akutagawa, Chuuya, Fyodor, Nikolai and Dazai acts around a s/o who has a pet snake that just hangs out around their neck all the time? (Maybe the snake is the reader's ability and that's why it's always near the reader.)
Agh! This is interesting! And sorry I didn’t understand! Sorry it took so long! Im honestly terrified of snakes so it made this a bit hard but I hope you like it! really hope this makes sense It took me days to write!!!!
Reader with a snake ability
tw! mentions of the bible in Fyodors part sucide warning in dazais
Context: you control this animal that can become any creature you wish it to be but the default is a poisonous snake
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He thinks it’s so bad ass!
Chuuya adores your snake!
Jokes that you have a little family your snake being your kid
Imagine you are both in the pm and your snake just leaves you to go find Chuuya
“Hey little buddy!”
“Take Care of them for me while I’m gone”
On that he loves the fact when he isn’t there he knows you are safe because he knows your lovely snake will keep you safe no matter what
He pats your snake like a dog?!?!
I think at first he was a little scared of your snake but then he just fell in love with it <3
Gets you snake jewellery all the time
So far your favourite are these earrings with silver snakes that have real diamonds for eyes
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Akutagawa is honestly a big fan off snakes so I think he loves your snake
On that! before you both started dating Rashomon and your snake would always play and you would have joked that you are both a married couple and that they where your kids (as a joke) but poor boy blushed so hard
So with both of you having such powerful abilities you often team up
He also like your snake because he also is worried about your safety and he likes knowing your snake will always protect you
He does get jealous when you give more attention to your snake
Akutagawa will allow your snake rest on his shoulder
Buys you little gifts with snakes on it because it reminds him of you and he is certain your favourite animal is snakes (even if its not)
He will give your snake little scratches under its chin
Honestly great snake dad
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At first he hated it this is because the world was corrupted because of a snake
But he is the devil and now he has a pet snake
Even though it is your ability your snake always follow him
He doesn't often like you using your ability as he doesn't like you hurting others (he sees you as some one to pure to kill or hurt another person while he is a sinner)
he personally finds the way you interact with your ability (he finds it cute)
unlike the others he doesn't get you any thing to do with snakes but he does get him self a snake ring but thats really far into your relationship
He does have an area in his office for you and your snake
Fyodor would say you can control the devil him self as he would do any thing for you and you can control a snake which he thinks represents a devil
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Nikolai has at least 100 nicknames for your snake
his favourite is silly slithering slimy buddy!
it is his son now he will kill for your snake
on a serious note he does like your ability but he also feels bad as the snake will never have pure freedom as it is an ability
BUT he does spoil it because its retaliated to you! His one true love!
Like aku and chuuya he likes that your ability can keep you safe if he isn't there!
He loves buying you snake related things or even him self some!
I head cannon that he would spoil his S/o but in this he would spoil you and your snake
Your snake sleeps on the bed with you both
has its own special pillow - nikolai's idea
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Dazai loves watching you play with your snake
"this little guy is still better looking than chuuya!"
thinks you are so bad ass!
you are often teamed up together!
Kunikida is scared of your snake so Dazai often will steal your snake to annoy Kunikida
He finds it so interesting that you have a snake for an ability though
will ask you about your snake all the time
im sorry but he wont let your snake sleep in your room! He want's you all to him self!
he some how gets in fights with your snake for your attention!
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blackstarchanx3new · 5 months
FSR Rambles 21
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Hah. Green seeing through Vio's eyes his past mistakes haha.
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"Now, onto the human towns! We'll burn them all! Spread darkness to the horizons!"
True to his word that's what he did.
Vio is uh. Rather sickened by this.
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Yeah blame it on altitude sickness Vio.
Riding on Shadow's lack of knowledge of humans was a good play though.
It's been awhile since we touched on Vio masking around Shadow to save his own ass. But dude had to have been going through it during these events. And I feel like if FS had a longer run time and a T rating we could have actually seen the affects of playing evil had on him.
It couldn't have been easy.
I just like the idea he struggled a LOT more than the og manga gives us any hints towards.
Like he said to Green in the previous flashback he had to watch Shadow no doubt MURDER people and stand by and do nothing.
That'd fuck with his head.
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Yeah Vio's thoughts became consumed by how little he wanted to die.
I've always had the personal head cannon that he decided to shatter the mirror after the dragon ride SPECIFIFCALLY because he'd reached his limit on how much he could allow Shadow to do and just, stand by and watch.
He'd been complicate in almost killing Red and Blue, which would fuck with somebody enough.
Had to presumably face vaati in cannon (And in FSR actually did)
Like I've brought up a few times: Why would he even BOTHER making a plan with Shadow to free Zelda if he didn't intend to act on it? Literally outside of giving Shadow hope it served no real purpose...
UnLESS that was his plan but he couldn't follow through.
Which is what I personally go with here.
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Vio just fully cracked. Being so stressed out he stress vomits oomf.
Poor guy. Still being consumed by the thought he needs to act normal after EVERYTHING he's been through.
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Paralyzed with fear regret and self loathing Vio just crumbles to the floor.
His main thought here is that he doesn't HAVE to kill shadow if he can just hold onto the plan he made.
But as we'll see, his resolve is crumbling faster and faster.
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Vio placed so much burden on his own shoulders he crumbled. Trying to do this mission entirely by himself utterly destroyed him.
Vio's been COMPLETLY ALONE here. As much as Shadow thought they were buddy buddy Vio could NEVER fully confide in him and has been ALONE since the forest. Perhaps things would be different if he had someone by his side who also knew of his plans. But he hasn't been able to be honest or had an outlet for all his feelings for DAYS now at least. Possibly longer.
I think I've ranted before about how HIS arc was about learning to lean on his team mates and I wanted to feed into that.
Except Vio doesn't really come to that conclusion now but rather decides he just needs to get out of this scenario right the fuck now.
Which is why since I'm trying to build off the manga: he acts VERY RASH.
Because imo that scene where he gets pissed is just, so badly written due to the manga's context and shit but I digress... (I don't like Tingle's inclusion much at all tbh he doesn't add literally anything to the story and instead fucks up Vio's arc. Bla bla I've went on this rant many times.)
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It finally just hit him.
He's unable to keep this up.
As he steels his resolve to do what he's about to do.
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Vio's monologue here really dips into how I think he'd end up in a LOT of denial.
He's just telling himself lie after lie to justify the situation he ended up in and his new choices he'll make.
And it all culminates to.
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And we know the events of the manga haha.
I liked portraying just how desperate Vio was in these circumstances since again: I don't think the manga portrayed it at maximum capacity cause of the A rating and left most of it up to interpretation.
I like adding Vio's thoughts where we otherwise have no real clue what he was thinking at the time. It's a lot of fun. XD
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"What's sitting on me"
More like WHO Green. XD
Apparently showing others things takes a bigger toll on Dark compared to just viewing it by himself.
He's very unenthusiastic even when saying "Yay Dark Link" XD
Green just, stares in utter horror soaking in everything he just witnessed through Vio's perspective.
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Oh boy someone cracked like an egg.
Funny how your eye glitched there Green.
Dark Link's "Wtf is wrong with YOU?" Face never ceases to make me smile. Dude's so weirded out by Green just breaking here.
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Green's self hating outburst is so jarring to Dark he tries to interrupt him.
Though Dark's nervousness could be for a LOT OF reasons:
He could just be genuinely shocked and worried for Green. Which I think is valid since Dark hasn't really seen someone act this way before.
But also, whenever anybody is angry (Vaati and Shadow): They tend to take it out on him physically.
Dark's reactions is straight up like "Fuck did I break him???" X'D
It's funny how much Dark's perspective on making them suffer has changed.
From delighting in Vio's terror to being disturbed at Green's mental breakdown.
Green's rant is pretty self evidently aimed at his own actions. Thinking he couldn't ever relate to what Vio went through, and considering himself worthless garbage which. oomf ouch buddy.
Dark does quite frankly the funniest things he could do by just, aggressively rubbing his face against Green's like a cat.
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Mmm. Darkgreen.
Okay but seriously I just love these two's dynamic. XD
Green's practically BEGGING this "evil dude" to reprimand him and tell him he's an awful leader and horrible at everything he's tried to do and he's just NOT getting that energy from Dark at ALL.
Dark's made his thoughts on Green pretty clear, he thinks Green's a good hero even with his mistakes.
Specifically the fourth panel where he's got the star eyes you can really tell the dude has admiration for Green. XD
I just love Dark's face after Green blurts out that he doesn't do enough too.
It's like he had to really think about what he was going to say in response to that.
Usually when Dark thinks someone is wrong he'll call them stupid in some capacity, but here he takes a different route.
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Dark's response is really, simple.
A genuine question.
"...When will it be enough Green?"
Dark's standards for what a hero are and what he deems a good hero or person are rather...tilted but he's accurately called out Vaati and Shadow for shit and he's not afraid to be brutally honest.
I think the brutal honesty of this statement is showing just how vacuous and large the shit Green has put on his own shoulders that he nor Dark know the end of what he's truly signed up for.
And that realization makes Green just break further.
Apologizing that he shouldn't even be able to confide in Dark someone who thus far hasn't even really complained about Green's breakdown at all.
Green's dialogue in the last panel is telling about how he's facing a lot of guilt in breaking down in front of Dark because technically: He should be protecting everyone FROM HIM.
He's breaking down in front of someone who's for all intensive purposes their ENEMY and their current biggest issue.
The guy Green has to decide whether or not to KILL.
And Dark's the one giving in his own way comfort to HIM.
This scenario from Green's perspective at least is all sorts of screwed up.
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Poor baby's so stressed he reverts to his manga design
Green further goes onto say that telling Dark his insecurities was a mistake.
Which, is a fair thing to say lol. Dude essentially trauma dumped on Dark XDDD
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Literally when I was drawing this scene I thought of this meme lmfao.
Which is awful but I have shitposter brain.
Smth I like about panel 3 & 4 is how Dark goes to wipe away Green's tears. Which is something Green did for him earlier.
Dark can and will reflect positivity if it's given to him.
People keep only feeding him negativity but Green showed him unconditional kindness and he gave it back.
I like how they have a positive effect on each other despite everything haha.
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Again peeking into Dark's twisted idea of pain and pleasure.
He's just happy to be suffering WITH someone for a change. Misery loves company.
Green kinda asks a kinda dumb question here. But him asking if Dark feels "hurt" isn't a completely weird question...Like. This thing is a monstrous curse wearing your face it isn't far off to try to clarify some stuff. XD
Dark's response is just, kinda sad.
He's always suffering and always in pain.
Green's quick to try and play off his avoidance of an answer to Zelda and SHadow as Dark keeping him in the head space but ahhh...
Green buddy...You're choosing to stay here with Dark. XD
Dark's quick to point that out too lmfao.
I especially love how he immediately gets disapointed Green is saying smth stupid by asking if he "got hit with the same stupid" which just is a hilarious way to word saying something dumb.
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I just like that he can flip from cute to intimidating evil guy in a blink of an eye. XDDD
So Dark's monologue here I got stuff to say haha.
Dark immediately isn't a fan of the idea of being by himself, by his continuous emphasis of being LEFT alone, "By MYSELF...ALONE" The idea Green would be abandoning him in some way if he left.
Also him just aggressively gripping green's face like he's trying to hold onto him in some capacity to keep him there. Oomf.
Often times Dark's "Evil villain" mannerisms like grabbing people isn't him being purposely space invading and sinister but his desperate subconscious pleas for SOMEONE to stay close to him. He's not going out of his way to make people uncomfortable.
He's so unintentionally stereotypically evil and I like that about him haha. He knows to an extent he's intimidating but isn't TRYING to be.
I think that's a fun contrast with Shadow who goes out of his way to invade people's space to MAKE them uncomfortable (like Vio in the woods hah)
Back to his dialogue. He points out Green doesn't want to leave either.
Which is true.
"Cause if you leave...you'll have to return to responsibility. Pretending the sorce of your problems is in the hands of some horrible demon that ensnared you... Instead of a product of your own misgivings and foolishness"
This is in reference to the here and now but ALSO when Green was hunted in the pyramid. He got himself into that situation too haha.
Dark referring to himself as a "horrible demon" shows that he's HIGHLY aware of how Green is perceiving him to a degree.
Green in a way wants to believe Dark Link is pure evil. Which would make the choice he has to make whether or not to spare him easier. Like Shadow said. if he was mindless this would be MUCH EASIER. It'd a a no brainer. But he's NOT and that results in a lot of pain over what to do about him.
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A lot of Dark's questions have been rhetorical. He KNOWS Green is pretty much USING him right now to avoid responsibility and is KINDA fine with that?
He makes a light hearted (At least in his opinion) jab that Green's being selfish and taking up his time when he "promised" Blue earlier he'd spend time with him. (Which is funny considering time doesn't really exist here) Being visibly embarrassed Green in a round about way WANTS to spend time with him.
On the HORRIFYING realization about what Dark confessed to planning Green PANICS.
Reasonably he knows what Dark considers "Fun" even if he's not being outright malicious.
Also not so fun visual fact: Dark flinches when Green grabs him.
Which is just sad how he's just used to getting the crap kicked out of him that he fully expected Green to hit him.
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Okay I'd be totally skimping out on dumb FSR facts if I didn't tell ya "Love like mine" wasn't a song I listened to on repeat while drawing this scene.
Very strong DarkGreen vibes XDDD "I'll make ya scream and I'll make you want it! You can be my ride or die" mmm delicious. Give more more. Finally some good fucking food.
Anyway page lol.
Dark realizing Green is holding his hand is just kinda cute. Like of course that's what he'd care about lmfao.
Meanwhile Green's full panicking about Dark confessing he was gonna go mentally fuck with Blue later. XDDD
Like dude's on his knees begging Dark not to, even offering to trade places.
I mean, what'd really be the difference after all?
He's gotta bear all the burdens...Doesn't he?
Link's put that pressure on him at least.
It kinda just shows how self punishing Green is at this point. Thinking he fucked up so bad he needs Dark to take it out on him.
Which isn't the POINT of what Dark does. Dark only really haunts them as a means to an end to keep them split and Vaati safe, but also as his own selfish desire to connect with them. Like how he spoke to Vio after Blue ran off.
Green seeking someone to hold him accountable for SOMETHING is just, oomf.
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I think it's fun to dive into the idea Green REALLY doesn't know if Dark is faking being kind to him.
I mean, their biggest adversaries lied to them via transforming and using their loved ones MUTLIPLE TIMES. (Vaati shifting into Zelda, using their dad against them, even Vio 'turning' on them, trust would be something VERY HARD TO DO at that point I think.) Deception on the enemy's side isn't unexpected at all.
That he's hinging on the slightest chance Dark IS being genuine with him that he'll listen and not hurt the people he cares about. Whether or not Dark has Free will AT ALL.
He is a curse, it's not far fetched to think he just... CAN'T NOT do what he's designed to do.
Dark for his part is at first, contemplative.
Green's really showing just how AWFUL what he does to people is in a lot of ways. Dark has a certain cognitive disconnect in the sense he struggles to accept in a lot of ways how he truly affects Link.
Though reading Green's mind he distracts himself with "Lol wtf are you doing and what does it prove?" When Green makes the assumption that if he can change Dark's mind than he really is a person who can be reasoned with.
People can be reasoned with, mindless program following curses can not. UwU
Turns out begging is smth Dark's into lmfao so Green's pleading tickled a nerve.
I fucking love Dark's wrong word usage to describe things.
The idea Green WANTS HIM for him to STAY with Green just fills the guy with joy. Even if it's just because Green's being self hating and desperate to save his team mates.
Dark Link likes being wanted.
Green is WANTED by people, and being wanted by GREEN specifically just makes the guy just so happy.
And Dark struggles to really fully describe what he's feeling in the moment because genuine JOY isn't something this guy is getting very often.
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Baby is so happy he cries.
Dark's just such a sad dude.
Expressing he's just happy Green cares about him. Mentioning Blue here too but Green is showing compassion for Dark in the sense he doesn't WANT to hurt him.
By HOPING for Dark to be able to be reasoned with, by wanting Dark to be someone he could talk to he IS caring about Dark's safety which isn't smth the dude has gotten from ANYONE ELSE so far.
he even confides he wishes he could stay with Green forever and just be happy with him which is just all sorts of sad.
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Ooomf these pages fuck me up man.
Dark LOVES the idea of being with Green. Someone he not only idolizes but the ONLY person so far who has given a single solitary shit about him.
He's so lonely and SO sick of being a conduit for sadness that this sounds infinitely more appealing to him. (Who could blame him lmfao)
Smth to note is how Green is kinda hesitant to fully wrap his arms around Dark Link until it truely sets in for him that Dark truly is just a sad lonely individual who's in a lot of ways a fellow victim as well.
Dark being the one to push Green away, to reject the idea they'd just stay together is pretty telling.
He HAS to "Work"...If he doesn't...
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The thought of Vaati dying is just, too distressing for Dark to even fully consider abandoning his mission to do something he'd personally like better.
I just, LOVE the dialogue in panel 3 here.
It's so blatantly ignorant in it's childishness but honest.
It's the kind of thing a child would say about their divorced parents or something lmfao.
Just a simple want without thinking of the greater picture that goes with things and WHY things are the way they are.
Dark Link just can't fathom why the people he loves have to hate each other so much. Why they can't just "get along".
Why he has to work at all.
It's just Dark being bluntly honest about how he feels about this entire situation.
Unlike Green, in the final panel Dark finally steels what little resolve he has and states "I don't wanna do anything either...but I have to"
Both are EXAUSTED and at their wits ends and that's smth I like to this dynamic.
If either were more set in fighting each other they'd both BE fighting. For all intensive purposes THEY SHOULD BE.
But because they're both so exhausted they're actually able to talk about how they feel.
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Dark once again compares Zelda to Vaati.
In how his devotion is similar to Link's devotion to Zelda.
Protecting Vaati IS what is most important to him.
And he knows he's doing something wrong on SOME level because he apologizes to Green. His hat curled against him defensively.
Green is once again in panic mode since what little leverage he had is slipping through his grasp as Dark steels himself against Green's attempts at persuading him.
Also Green lmao Dark has big dick back pain disorder watch were you grab him-
But he does make a good point in his frantic pleads.
Protecting Vaati doesn't necessarily mean hurting them...
That was Dark's approach as a mindless curse...but now that he is a person with a sense of morality, a sense of heroics. Will he still abide by that strategy?
Green's frantic ramblings are just funny as hell but also his diplomacy should get a sticker or smth. Dude's fighting for his life rn. XD
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Dark starts to crack under Green's onslaught of LOGIC.
Smth I like to add to that is how Dark's hair faded out of being green while he talked about his feelings before but switches BACK to being green as Green talks.
And then he rejects it to think for himself for a second to really ponder Green's words.
My favorite bit of his "STFU" dialogue is just to tell Green to "STOP MAKING SENSE!!!" which is so funny to me.
SO much about Dark's original purpose has been thrown out of whack due to the progression of things. Vaati's demands are rather nonsensical.
He comes to the realization that things HAVE changed and he needs to adapt accordingly.
To some extent: Dark is just COMPELLED to act heroic and he even considers himself failing in the regard that he's been NOT acting heroic lately.
The more Dark becomes sentient. The more he feels the need to act heroic. Which is curious.
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Green's diplomacy worked Yippieeeee!
Also Dark's hair continues to be grey here which imo was always just to show these really were his own thoughts and he wasn't just mimicking Green.
Dark's willing to "Try" things Green's way.
Smth I like is his act of making a pinky promise with Green. Smth just so blatantly childish in it's innocence.
But Green's compelled to believe him due to just how dang excited the dude is to give it a try.
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Lmfao. Him acknowledging up front he's not sure how well things will go is just extra "Dark trying to be honest" flare. Which I find fun. He's willing to try his best but won't lie and pretend it'll go perfectly. XD
Green framing Dark going to get Blue as "A mission" was simultaneously stupid as fuck but also smart idea. XD
He doesn't know where Blue ran off to...but DARK LINK DOES.
And Since Dark was going to speak to Blue anyway, might as well tell him to bring him home. XDD
On the other hand: Trusting Dark Link is probably a bad idea. XDDD
Green's gambling hard but doesn't have much of a choice.
Green adding on "I'm trusting you" while looking Dark in the eye is just the cherry on top.
MMMGH I wanna continue ranting but we reached the image limit.
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swordfright · 2 months
I remember sending this to a bunch of dsmp blogs (starting with elmhat I think ?) bc I like when people share ideas/opinions who diverge from the main consensus because I find it the most efficient way for people to stick to canon and not fanon since people can have different interpretations of event
And it was super interesting to see the one about the experimentation being after prison rather than before (loved the two LN and Q ones too but as you said they were a bit more common. Would love to see your take on c!slime though now)
(And I wouldn't have a problem with you giving unpopular opinion about the fandom either but to be clear I was not trying to start anything with my first question, I just like seeing uncommon takes)
Don't worry lol I didn't assume you were trying to start shit. Ok, so c!Slime is pretty interesting in that he's the closest thing we have to an NPC in what is otherwise a roleplay, which implies certain things about how he can be used in the narrative.
A little bit of quick background: I spent a LOT of time as a kid doing RP online (it was an original story set in the Death Note universe and it happened on a website that went bankrupt in like 2017 and no longer exists lmfao don't worry about it) and idk what RP etiquette is like in other communities, but in the community I was a part of, it was sort of frowned upon for players to outsource heavy plot/character development material to NPCs. It was allowed and people did it, but it was seen as sort of a cop-out. The underlying idea being that if you're gonna bother to do RP, your character's most important interactions should be with other PCs, in part because it helps build/strengthen the RP community and in part because it better entrenches your character's storyline in the storylines of other PCs, which in turn encourages other players to keep RPing and keeps the story going. Again, creating NPCs was very common, but players were discouraged from having entire arcs or character trajectories be highly dependent on NPCs. It was seen as sort of a cheap, low-effort way of progressing your character's development without having to coordinate plot beats with other players, and doing it too often was seen as sort of antithetical to what RP is trying to achieve as a form of gaming-storytelling. To me, c!Slime is a classic example of when an RPer outsources a little too much narrative weight onto an NPC.
First of all, I wanna clarify that it's kinda difficult to define what an NPC is or isn't on this server, but I'd say c!Slime is more of an NPC because even though he's played by a CC with some degree of improv, we know that cc!Quackity specifically wrote c!Slime's character to fulfill a narrative role and asked cc!Slime to play that character - as opposed to alternate characters played by CCs of their own accord (Sam Nook, Dream XD, Sam Bucket, Mexican Dream, etc.) So, for example, I don't see Sam Bucket as an NPC but I do see c!Slime as an NPC. c!Slime wasn't an original creation on the part of the player, he's a narrative tool (which is fine, but it does mean that what he can and can't do in the story is limited to what cc!Q needed him to do.)
There are some things I think the addition of c!Slime did accomplish. For one, Q's interactions with him provide a platform for more introspective character work on Q's part. And while I that character work could've been done by having Q interact with a PC instead, I do think Slime is better positioned to act as an apprentice figure because he had almost no lore prior to Las Nevadas and didn't enter the story with baggage or ties to any other major characters. He's a blank slate, which makes him really easy to use as a narrative device. Q voices thoughts and ideas to Slime that he can't voice to other characters (usually because it would be OOC for him to do so, or wouldn't make sense in context), which means that Slime is sort of a vehicle for delivering Q characterization to the audience.
This is all fine and I think a lot of it was done fairly well. I like cc!Slime's acting and I think the character is a fun addition to the LN crew. That said, I don't think the payoff was great. Slime being an NPC really undermined what I assume cc!Q was going for with End of Las Nevadas, in large part because he doesn't have well-established relationships with other characters. Aside from Q, Slime basically only ever interacts with Tommy, Foolish and Ranboo, and even those interactions are limited to a really tiny handful of streams. Punz capturing and manipulating him, Slime helping c!Dream confront Quackity...all that stuff could have been a lot more interesting if it had more time to marinate. Like, I love the IDEA of Slime and c!Dream interacting, but we don't really get any meaningful interactions between them outside of Slime's function as a storytelling tool. He's there when he needs to be, and only ever when he needs to be.
For instance, I would've loved to see what Slime thinks about Q's slime army. It's really weird to model your mindlessly obedient slave army after your friend. That was a weird ass thing for Q to do, and it would've been cool to see Slime react to that. But because he's more NPC than PC, and because highly scripted lore like the LN series doesn't really encourage deviation, we never get to find that out. Slime doesn't ever really get to be his own character, which in the end kinda undermines a lot of the character development he triggers for c!Quackity because at the end of the day, it's really transparent that Slime only exists to be a prop. It's a kind of one-sided relationship that's unique to RP.
I think End of Las Nevadas was weak for other reasons too, but uhhhh yeah the Slime stuff bothered me a bit. Would've liked to see him do more. And he disappears after pushing Q off the ledge and, to my knowledge, we never see him again! If he had been more PC and less storytelling tool, presumably other characters would've had opportunities to react to Slime's role in the events of that stream, or notice that he's missing/back again/missing. But instead, he's able to just vanish from the story after he's fulfilled his role because that's all he was ever supposed to do.
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alexa-fika · 8 months
hey, so I saw that you know about genshin so can you do a Klee Inspired child!reader with the straw hat lpirates? i just feel.it would be very funny cuz she is quite littary a Terrorist in discise.
Bombs Beware ( Ussop x sibling!child!reader)
A/N DO I KNOW ABOUT IT?! LET ME TELL YOU Im obsessed with it and the lore, kazuha my beloved 🥰, actually anemo boys my beloved, my friend plays it and we talk about it all the time (but I just watch it XD) . Klee is a terrorist, through and trough no question about it, she aint even hiding it either, girl has Albedo stressed, remember him stressing in that one event? Also kind of short and not really an extreme cook, mid cook? What do you guys think?
Dividers by @/saradika
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Ussop's head shoots up as a weight is dropped on his lap as he tinkers and works on his gadgets, looking up to see an irked Zoro.”
“They were setting stuff off again; keep an eye on them,” he grumbles, walking away to continue his nap
Ussop looks down with an unimpressed look on his face as he stares at his giggling young sibling
“Spark Pirate Reader reporting for duty! I forgot the rest of my introduction so im going with just that” they exclaimed happily
“Gee, din’t have to add that last part, What did you do this time?”
“I was playing with your Sakuretsu Saboten Boshi; I love having them go boom!”
Usopp sighs
"Din’t we give you a set of rules anyway?
“Mmhm, Explosions inside the Sunny can sink us and cause us woe, Explosions can hurt people, Nami can be dreadful, Sunny be bombed, reader be sunked,” they recited
“Those are the rules the straw hats gave me.”
"Don’t touch stuff that isn’t yours," he says in a stern voice
"And don’t make them go boom. They’re not toys. They’re meant to be used as weapons. And If you know the rules, Then you know you are only supposed to use them outside and when we are not too close and just for self-defense, right?”
“But I would have to wait so loong,” they whine
He shakes his eyes at his siblings whines
“You only need to wait till the next island. That can’t be so hard,” he replies
“All that time without any booms?”
"Yes, all that time without booms,” he says, exasperated
Ussop takes one of his tools out of the pocket attached to his belt and taps it on the Reader’s head
"Besides, your explosives won’t work under the water."
“Hehehe, Lucky Reader’s bombs are waterproof.”
Ussop stares at her, extending his hand
“Because I’m taking them away.”
They grumble as they hesitantly place the bombs in their brother’s hands
"Remember what I said: no playing inside or even outside with them unless I say so."
“Please! I‘ll make sure the explosions blow away from you!”
"T-That’s not the issue here!”Ussop sputters
“Then Reader can use them?”
“No! We already agreed on how you’re allowed to play with them, and now you’re trying to push your luck."
“Come on! Dad said you should take care of me, which technically means im in charge!”
Usopp scoffs
"Where did you get that idea?" he asks
"Besides, I am taking care of you; that’s why im taking these back for now."
"You such an immature kid." He said rolling his eyes glancing down to his gadgets and concentrating on the task at hand
“You’re a weird adult!”
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If you are a avid player you may be able to spot the different voice-lines I wrote along the piece, I did quite a lot, quite proud how I managed to integrate them to the One piece context 🫦
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ckret2 · 10 months
@bluefrostyy said: How did bills eye moved from his corner to his center XD
That's a terrific question I actually have a serious answer to!
So for context this comment was left on a post with this image:
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About the writing system used in Bill's home dimension. I also illustrate him with an eye on his corner in other posts about his home dimension.
Small diversion: I actually do also occasionally illustrate him with an eye on the inside of his body to represent "psychic" perception (that is: the ability to see the third dimension)—
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—as in his home dimension, having an "eyeball on the inside of your body"/inner eye is a non-literal visual metaphor for psychic powers (equivalent to how humans use the phrase "third eye").
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But that's just supposed to be a visual metaphor to represent him looking at the third dimension; in reality his eye's in the corner where it belongs. Diversion over!
So I've mentioned recently that one of the consequences of living in a 2D universe is that to someone looking in from "above," a shape's perimeter is their outside/skin, and their internal organs are all on the inside of their shape—completely open and visible to the third dimension. (This is backed up in the original Flatland novel, where the main character Square mentions the visiting Sphere touching his "insides" because the sphere can reach it through the third dimension.) So if you were looking down on Bill's dimension you'd see this, exposed organs and all:
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(just an illustrative example of the concept, I don't actually think their guts look LIKE THAT.)
Which means that for Bill to become the Bill we know today, at some point after he left the second dimension, he got skin or armor or an exoskeleton "over" and "under" his body to hide & protect his guts from being poked in the third dimension.
All of which is to say: since leaving the second dimension, Bill's had to make some SERIOUS surgical alterations to his body to accommodate living in the third dimension. Covering his guts is just one of MANY changes he continuously made over the eons since burning his universe.
Relocating his eye from a corner to the center of his body is just another thing he's had to do to adjust to 3D existence. An eye on one corner that's designed primarily to see in a thin horizontal line and that requires him to hover horizontally to see isn't as useful as an eye on the "inside" of his body that faces flat out toward the world and allows him to hover vertically. The new position WOULD look grotesque to a normal shape from his own dimension... but, hey, they've been extinct in the wild for a trillion years, so who cares.
For my writing needs I don't think the exact mechanism by which it was done is relevant. (Surgery by another shape doctor who'd moved to the third dimension? Snapped his fingers and did it himself automatically because he has godlike power? Slowly migrated as his body adjusted itself over time to accommodate his needs, the same way humans' muscle structures or bones can gradually change in response to how they live their lives but extended over billions of years?) What matters is: it was done deliberately, in response to living in the third dimension, because that's where he needed his eye to be.
The other survivors from his dimension—Kryptos, Hectorgon, Amorphous Shape—also have eyes in the middle of their bodies and also started off with eyes on their corners. (Hectorgon appears to have a mouth instead of an eye, but as Bill showed us in the penthouse scene those are the same organ for his species. Kryptos kept his eye in the original place, but it IS now forward facing, and he added a mouth in the middle of his body like the others.)
I think Bill was an early adopter of the new eye position: because being stupidly OP means it was easier for him; because he's not afraid of looking like a freak to his peers; and because since childhood a large part of his identity has been being "psychic"/"having an inner eye" so the idea of making that literal came naturally to him, it's making him a freak in a way that also highlights what makes him special.
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kitramune · 3 months
Popping by seeking your thoughts about Chapter 176: Kagome’s Heart, this specifically:
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As we know, it’s a major turning point in the story. Kagome asks to stay by Inuyasha’s side, rather than leave him, the feudal era, and the jewel shard mission behind.
Now this is pure speculation, but I like to speculate. What if Kagome had left? Certainly, that’s an entirely different story, but I’m curious what you think may have happened in this scenario.
Some particular questions I have are:
Would Inuyasha have teamed up with Kikyo to try to collect shards and defeat Naraku?
Kagome was the glue that brought the Inugang together. In her absence at /this/ point of the story (the 3 year separation is different), would they have parted? As in, would Miroku, Sango, and Shippo parted ways with Inuyasha if he teamed up with Kikyo (I don’t see her being a fan of traveling with the inugang)? If so, do they fight Naraku in their smaller group, do they survive, etc.
Would Naraku/ the jewel still have been defeated?
Even *if* InuKik defeated Naraku/ the jewel (I don’t think they would have), how does the story end? Kikyo isn’t alive so she.. dies? Achieves nirvana and Inuyasha just.. grieves the rest of his life or joins her in death? I don’t see a happy ending ☹️
Just seeking civil discussion as always not trying to light any fires xD
Oh man, this is a sad one, let me strap in with a depressing yearning/pining playlist. First off, I think this arc shows a LOT of things about both Inuyasha and Kagome's character, good and bad. Mostly good, but perhaps in bad context. Or at least very sad context. I mean we got Inuyasha going from this:
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... to this:
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(I know this isn't the same arc but bear with me, the character development is there and he has a similar change of heart here, for her emotional wellbeing, not just physical.) The important thing to note is Kikyou wanted to die at this point, and still to take Inuyasha with her.
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And Inuyasha's response was this:
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So even if it's born out of extreme guilt and trauma, I find it unlikely they would have fought Naraku at all. Kikyou talks a big game, but first chance she gets she is always trying to call Inuyasha to her side strictly to die, never for his help. (At this point.) Inuyasha more than likely would have been coerced to Hell even against his better judgement. Shippou was willing to leave the group once already without Kagome (after the Sess fight, he only came back cuz of the wolves chasing him) and Miroku is used to being a loner vagabond. Who knows what would happen to Shippou but Miroku and Sango would have likely drifted apart, encountered Naraku, and perished, even if they were together tbh. (Let's face it, Sango's pretty helpless against the Kohaku card.) Even Kagome would have been miserable having her tie to Inuyasha go unfulfilled and always regretting not knowing if everyone was still alive and safe or if she left them to their doom. So with that being said, as much as I love this scene as a pure example of her devotion to Inuyasha, there realistically WAS some pressure on her decision. I think she fully knew Kikyou intended to kill Inuyasha and that he couldn't say no because of his vulnerabilities and perceived superior love for her. (That hurts me to say but it's Kagome's POV.) That's why she had the lines about wanting him to feel like he's allowed to be happy and she wants that for him. She feels that normally, yes, but even moreso in the wake of knowing he'll likely forfeit his life. (I think the anime even emphasized this by adding her saying "You have to know that I want you to live." SOMEONE had to show him they care enough or he'd be too far gone.) The beautiful part is that Kagome DID full-on save Inuyasha's life by making her choice. Because she's unsure if she'll be able to help him enough to keep him around forever, but he's shown an uncanny desire to LIVE for her. Which obviously he continues to show again and again, and is my favorite part of their relationship. An outcast so abused and conditioned to it that the first person to care about him tells him to die and he absolutely will. But that outcast learns he wants to live way more, through interacting with unconditional love. I've said it before but Kikyou to me was always a metaphor for Inuyasha's grief and succumbing to the pain, whereas Kagome was always symbolic for a desire to live and be happy again.
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Hi I’ve been reading your Yandere one piece fics and omg I love the way you wrote it ! Love the atmosphere, the setting , the interactions with the characters 💗
lmao can’t wait to see Sanji and the gang reaction that Luffy gave Lucky amnesia XD (Bonus Sanji reaction to the scar 👀)
Other than that hope your doing ok ! 💗
Okay, so I should not be doing this, but I got inspired and wrote a little drabble about this. Didn't think I would be spoiling my own fic, but here we are!
So yeah, have some out of context spoilers for post Baratie Lucky Break. Due to LB being told exclusively from Lucky's point of view, this scene would have been skipped otherwise, so I am kinda glad I can get it out now.
“I can’t believe Nami and Lucky are both gone, they were most of the reason why I agreed to join, you know.”
Sanji flicked on his lighter to ignite his cigarette. The eighth one since they left the Baratie to be exact. He’s been chain smoking at such an alarming rate that Usopp wasn’t sure he was going to make it to their destination, but he wasn’t about to try and take them from him. Not after seeing how devastating his kicks are, no thank you.
Sanji had just finished cooking a meal for them, not that Usopp got to particularly enjoy it thanks to Luffy eating most of his share too. Sanji either wasn’t hungry or was smart enough to eat his portion before he got out here. 
“You worry too much! Both of them are tough, I’m sure they’ll manage on their own. Even if they can’t, Zoro’s probably already there by now,” Luffy didn’t have a care in the world and was happily licking the plates- all of them- clean as if he were a starving man. 
Sanji kicked the chair Luffy was in, “What’s that moss head going to do? He just got cut open, and the swordsmen with him aren’t much better off!” He takes a long drag of his cigarette, holds it in, and exhales in with a huff. “Besides, it doesn’t look like any of you are all that capable of protecting a lady, not with how banged up poor Lucky was.”
“You mean her leg? It’s just a little cut!” Sanji’s eye twitched at this, clearly not liking Luffy’s dismissive attitude. 
“It needed stitches! And I was talking more about the giant head wound she has!” Sanji snapped forward from his reclining position to slam his fists on the table. “How could you even let that happen, what if whoever did that had killed her?”
“Oh that?” Luffy laughed, “That wasn’t from us not protecting her, I did that!”
Luffy continued to laugh at the misunderstanding, completely oblivious to the dangerous shift in the atmosphere. Usopp could only watch in mounting horror as the half smoked cigarette fell from Sanji’s mouth.
“What?” The single word was ground out with so much venom that Usopp found himself scrambling to get out of the chair and as far away from the table as the small boat would allow. Oh, what he wouldn’t give to be on the Going Merry right about now!
“L-L-Luffy, maybe you should stop talking!” Usopp called out from the opposite end of the boat.
“Let him talk,” the menacing look Sanji shot at him was enough to have him considering throwing himself overboard. Sanji slowly stood up from his seat and stiffly walked towards Luffy, “Tell me, Luffy, what do you mean you ‘did that’?”
“That’s how we met! Me and Zoro saw her fall out of the sky and into the sea, and when I tried to pull her into the boat I hit her head. It was an accident though, I didn’t mean to!”
“That’s how Lucky got that? Wait, did you say she fell out of the sky?” This was the first time Usopp had heard any of this. Up until now he had assumed you’d been recruited in a normal way. And what the hell did he mean you fell out of the sky?
Luffy didn’t get a chance to answer Usopp’s question, not when Sanji’s foot just barely missed him. “Hey! What was that for? All I did was answer your question!” Luffy leapt out of the way of a second kick. It was a good thing he dodged it too, seeing as that the blow sent the railing it hit flying out to sea.
“Don’t play dumb with me, you know what you did! How dare you scar a woman’s face!” Sanji didn’t let up for even a second, not paying any mind to the damage he was inflicting on the small boat they were on.
“It was an accident! Lucky isn’t even as mad about it as you are!” Luffy was scolding Sanji as if this was a minor tantrum and not an attempt on his life. “Besides, it’ll heal! I’m sure she’s way more concerned about losing her memories than a little scratch on her head!”
That was enough to bring Sanji’s kicks to a halt. He stood frozen, staring wide-eyed at him. Then his hands shot out and latched onto Luffy’s shirt, bringing him in close, “What do you mean she lost her memories?”
“You sure like asking that question a lot, you don’t understand what anything I say means” Luffy complained. “She forgot everything after I hit her head. She can’t even remember her name, that’s why we call her Lucky. I came up with that name, you know!” He had the audacity to look proud of himself.
Sanji, on the other hand, looked exasperated and vaguely homicidal.
Before Sanji could resume his violent onslaught, Usopp jumped in to stop him. “Wait, wait, wait! Please don’t fight! If you guys kill each other then I will be all alone out here, so let’s all take a deep breath and calm down!”
“Stay out of this, long nose!” Sanji barked at him. 
Thankfully, however, Sanji did let go of their captain. He stomped over to where he was seated before while fishing his cigarettes and lighter from his pockets. “I’ll let this go for now, but only because we need to focus on getting to Nami and Lucky before they can get hurt. I’m going to need to be in peak condition when we get there so I can keep them safe from that Arlong bastard,” he shot Luffy a dirty look, “and also you.” 
“Aww, come on, why are you so bent out of shape about this? It was an accident and I already told her I was sorry, what else am I supposed to do?” Luffy whined, not understanding Sanji’s point of view on the matter.
Usopp could see Sanji’s eye twitching and jaw clenching, “Hey, Luffy! Let’s stop talking now!”
Sanji forced himself to relax as much as he could and took another drag from his cigarette. He ran his free hand through his hair, and mumbled, “Maybe I should have talked Zeff into hiring them as waitresses instead of joining this crew.”
“What difference would that have made? You guys have fights there all the time!” It’s like Luffy wanted to provoke him into another fight. Usopp tried to slap a hand over his big mouthed captain, but he just dodged all of his attempts to keep him quiet.
“Obviously I wouldn’t have let them get involved in those, dumbass!” Aaaand Sanji was back on his feet and storming over to them. 
Usopp wishes he would have gone with Zoro instead.
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aeternallis · 10 months
Porsche & Chay's Brotherhood in KinnPorsche the Series
Brotherhood and familial relationships are one of the most prominent themes in KP, as we all know.
And personally, I think one of the most fascinating and important deviations that BOC had chosen to take with their adaptation of the novel is having Porsche and Chay drift apart by the end of the story (despite that ending shot of them both hugging their Mama). By having them drift apart, their respective love stories with Kinn and Kim stands on a firmer note. They basically pulled a P&P 2005, which—although a disheartening thing to see—is one that I think was definitely a good choice, as it fits appropriately with KP’s narrative as a whole.
To provide some context, in the novel, Porsche is aware for the most part of Kim and Chay’s growing bond once it's introduced in the story. He doesn’t know the details, and neither Kim nor Chay are really forthcoming about their relationship to their older brothers (which BOC does keep somewhat in the show), but there is some awareness of it in the latter’s part. For Kinn specifically, it’s even a point of contention once or twice, since in being aware of Kim and Chay’s relationship (and knowing his brother’s personality), inevitably he worries about how their relationship would affect his relationship with Porsche. Like in the show, Porsche is understandably protective of Chay, and doesn’t want him getting involved any more than he has to.
Because of Porsche's awareness from the beginning, this allows for them to grow even closer as brothers near the finale of the story, since they both sympathize with each other’s frustrations of what it's like to be romantically involved with a Theerapanyakul, as well as how their respective relationships are perceived by outsiders.
For example, this exchange (Porsche’s POV) between Athee and the brothers when they run into him in their old house:
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It’s made a point in the novel that Porsche and Chay’s relationship with their respective Theerapanyakul both follow the same trajectory (with a few differences, ofc), besides the fact that pretty much Kinn and Kim fell for the same personality traits and characteristics that the Kittisawasd brothers share. Lol
But in all seriousness, because they have a better understanding of each other due to how their respective romantic relationships have influenced them, they’re more in sync with how they make decisions together regarding their own family.
There’s a scene in the book (Porsche's POV) where Porsche accidentally cuts himself on his foot when he confronts Kinn in anger, once he finds out about Korn’s involvement in his parents’ deaths. He marches straight into Kim’s room and intends to take Chay away, but not before Chay helps him bandage up the cut and calms him down.
They share this poignant conversation, specifically about Chay’s relationship to Kim:
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It's a very heartfelt exchange, because Porsche understands he has to take into account his own brother's relationship with Kim, that his actions and decisions also affects his little brother, besides the fact that Chay genuinely looks up to Porsche and sees him as his hero. In doing so, he also acknowledges Chay's maturity, and respects him in that regard, thus allowing for them to become a stronger unit together as brothers, one that's infinitely stronger than what the Theerapanyakul brothers have.
But the show—while keeping loyal to the same character dynamics for both relationships—turns this on its head entirely, and makes it so that Porsche is completely unaware of Chay's relationship to Kim. In making it so that Porsche is unaware, not only is he blindsided by how he protects and parents Chay (case in point: episode 14, bar fight scene), Porchay himself deliberately keeps him in the dark.
In turn, you get a somewhat heartbreaking exchange between the two of them, like this scene in episode 12 when Porsche tells Chay that he no longer has to go back to the compound (yknow, like a liar XD):
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At first, Chay's line is supposed to come off as comforting for his older brother, but what goes unsaid rings just as loudly if not more than what he actually says to Porsche: "I don't need to know everything, right?" Just as you don't have to know everything and what I've been through recently.
Which brings me back to my original thesis: Porsche and Chay drift apart by the end of the show; BOC sacrifices their strong brotherly bond from the beginning, but in turn elevates both brothers’ romantic relationships to stand stronger within the narrative. We won’t ever get to know how well KimChay’s love story could have stood out against the other two had it followed a similar trajectory to KinnPorsche, but I will say that I’m of the firm opinion that KimChay’s original storyline in the show heavily contributed to Jeff and Barcode’s chemistry with each other.
In the show, Chay’s maturity is highlighted in the fact that perhaps for the first time in his life, he deliberately chooses not to involve Porsche in an aspect of his life, a big part of which no doubt, he probably wouldn’t want or know how to explain to his older brother in the first place. This is further compounded by the fact that it was partly due to Porsche’s absence that Chay had latched onto Kim as he did. Chay is a character who has a deep sense of self, and choosing not to involve Porsche in trying to figure out what to do with Kim superbly demonstrates the emotional complexity of his character, despite his young age.
It’s why it makes perfect sense that in the final episode, these two scenes are back-to-back, highlighting the rift between both brothers: we're shown how Chay is conflicted and sobbing about his feelings in light of Kim sending him the song, yet right after, the audience sees how Porsche has no hesitation in pledging his life to Kinn ("My entire life is all yours"), thereby effectively leaving Chay wide open and ready for the taking to the wolf (Kim).
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It's almost sinister, to be quite frank, how BOC really did take that step in breaking the Kittisawasd brothers apart. Welp~
Chay is all too aware of the inevitability of change that will come in his life, including his relationship with his brother, as a result of Porsche's choices to join the mafia. Porsche too is very much aware deep down, hence his subsequent actions of downplaying his reasons and trying to maintain the status quo, aka falling back into the genuine affection he has for Chay, like he does in these two scenes, rather than properly explaining himself:
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In both of these scenes, Porsche struggles to maintain eye contact with Chay, because he knows somewhere inside of himself that falling back and reiterating his love for Chay won't change the fact that his choice to stay in the mafia was as entirely selfish as it was selfless. Chay calls him out on the hypocrisy of his behavior, and he questions Porsche directly: "Was it really all for me? If it was really all for me, then why didn't you consider how I feel?"
After the kidnapping incident, both Porsche and Kim have a desire to maintain the status quo with Chay. This is shown by how Porsche falls back to voicing his love out loud to Chay as a way to avoid having to explain himself, and Kim by not sticking around outside the warehouse after he got Chay out, so he also wouldn't have to explain himself.
But whereas Porsche gets to successfully keep that illusion because his younger brother allowed it and gives it to him, Kim doesn't get to have the same. Chay doesn't give Kim the same consideration as he does with his brother, understandably so. Thus, the uncomplicated, free-of-misgivings sort of perception Chay had towards Kim quickly crumbles.
As a direct consequence, in the show, the one whom witnesses Chay's struggles of coming into his own as a result of being dragged into the world of the mafia is not Porsche, but Kim; it's Kim who finds out that Chay bailed on his interview at university, it's Kim who sees Chay rebel and partying and drinking, it's Kim who realizes how much danger Chay is still in, despite being away from the compound and the coup by the minor family.
And finally, per my thesis with my deep dive of the bar fight scene in episode 14, in the end it's Kim who's further drawing Chay in towards the world of the mafia and the underbelly of Bangkok.
Because Kim is the witness to all of these things in regards to Chay's character and his actions post!kidnapping, not only does he learn more about the boy he's fallen in love with, he has a deeper understanding of who Chay is that Porsche doesn't have. That in turn makes their love story much stronger in the show, as opposed to the book, despite their bittersweet ending.
Although deviating away from that crucial point of Porsche and Chay's relationship in the book, it nonetheless fulfills the same aspect in the book that by the end of the first KP story, Chay has somewhat matured due to his relationship with Kim, as well as the trust placed on him by his older brother (careless the trust though may be in the show).
Having Porsche and Chay drift apart by the end of the show illustrates one of KP's strongest, most important themes: Falling in love is a very humbling experience. Having said that, love itself is also a very selfish, self-serving emotion.
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dracocheesecake · 1 year
If you don't mind, can I ask for headcanon requests, pls?
Headcanons for both pairs with Kai: Kai x Tigress and Kai x Veruca. Or you can choose only the first if you have some difficulties with the second xD
I don't do requests but I have an idea or two!
Kai x Tigress
Obviously he calls her "Kitten".
Kai will act more laid back and less stringent about missions just so Tigress will be annoyed with him. She'll get onto him about not taking things seriously, all while he just smirks down at her.
He loves to tease her; she makes it easy for him.
He will not hesitate to mock Oogway in front of her, just to make her angry- he's a jerk, and besides, who better to mock him than his own brother?
Fun fact! Tigers don't purr- but bovines do, in a way. Tigers do chuff, though.
One thing Tigress can respect about him: he was a great general and warrior. There are things Kai doesn't mind teaching her, and she's willing to learn from him.
No one at first knew they had something going on- both of them are very subtle about it, not the types for being "mushy".
I don't know what the context would be, but I can see Kai talking to her, his face just blank and serious, Tigress glaring up at him as he flicks her ear, just playing with it. Just...he's so horrible.
I don't think Spirit Warriors sleep. I can see Tigress sleeping while Kai watches her- not in a creepy way, but a sweet way, a way he never looks at anyone else, or even her, when she's awake. His expression softens somewhat, almost into one of longing; just seeing her so relaxed, breathing softly, makes him feel a sense of contentment he hasn't known in a long time; but he's always gone by morning. No one has to know.
But one thing they have in common: both are surprisingly good with kids! It shocks everyone even more to see Kai with a lot of kids crawling all over him, and that he's actually nice to them. There may have been a joke or two directed at him and Tigress, asking when they're going to adopt.
Kai x Veruca
He calls her "Little Weasel".
She calls him "Bully-Wully" or "Beastie".
He doesn't pretend to understand most of her British lingo and doesn't hesitate to make fun of it- he's a jerk, of course he would.
Veruca would flail all dramatically in his arms like in those old romance novellas just to annoy him.
She's really interested in his "magic"- she constantly asks him how he collects chi the way he does, praising him for the technique and stroking his ego- but Kai knows better than to tell her anything besides surface-level basics, no matter how she might press; she's a big enough threat already, no need to give her the method of acquiring her own jombie army.
If particularly miffed with him she will not hesitate to grab one of his ears and pull him down to her level. Very painful for Kai, very satisfying for her.
Kai on his end can easily just...pick her up by her scruff and hold her at arm's length, chuckling to himself as she tries to kick or scratch him. (He does it to Klaus alot too).
Veruca will sometimes drape herself over Kai's boulder shoulders like a stole.
Also climbs his horns like a jungle gym (or a ladder to get things).
Helps her bully her brother. Kai, being Kai, his teasing is much more darker and mean-spirited; when he goes too far, that's usually when Veruca grabs his ear and starts shrieking at him. Only she is allowed to be mean to her baby brother!
Honestly it's an extremely toxic relationship, because neither of them really trust each other (and they shouldn't).
Veruca probably pretends to flirt with other guys to watch Kai get all jealous. When Kai has an outburst and turns the guy into a jade pendant, that's when Veruca starts mock fawning over him, all "Awwww Bully-Wully! I knew you cared~!" Which of course makes Kai more angry than anything (which was her goal).
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