#[[ thought of this after making the nature egg headcanon ]]
pastel-peach-writes · 6 months
Jealous or Attracted? | KorrAsami x Reader Headcanons
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Headcanons of you figuring out your feelings for KorrAsami.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: No Use of Y/n, Cursing, Not Proofread, Second POV, Lowercase Intended
Part Two | Part Three
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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– when you first met KorrAsami, they were dating each other.
– you already knew of Korra with her being the Avatar and everything and for Asami, you knew of her but only because of the drama that went down with her dad and Future Industries.
– you can't exactly remember how you met them, but you vaguely remember a party and Bolin, your closest friend, dragging you to it and insisting that you meet the rest of the Krew.
– Also, the fact that they call each other the "Krew" was so cute to you, you wanted in.
– and so there you saw Korra and Asami dressed in their best party wear, holding glasses of colored clear liquid and giggling with each other.
– At first, your stomach fizzed with butterflies but you assumed that was your jitters
– you didn't think the butterflies was because the two of them looked good enough to make your knees shake or your face burn. no, not at all!
– why would it anyways? You couldn't be attracted to a couple. that's weird. Like licking a flagpole and drinking a smoothie made of grass and boiled egg yolks. That's weird.
– and you weren't weird. (or at least not that weird).
– anyways, as the party went on, you got to know the two more.
– you got to know that Korra's a bit goofy and playful, that she isn't always the stubborn and hotheaded Avatar everyone knows her to be and you also figured out that Asami made her very shy, very easily.
– with how she acted towards the general public and threats, you thought Korra would be the one to make her significant other shy with flirts and cocky sentences, but it turns out that Asami was the one to. and she wasn't even flirting.
– Asami would give one smile and quip to Korra and the Avatar would melt like ice cream on a hot summer's day. It was cute, honestly but also made you ick on the inside.
– you didn't know why. you had nothing against the two and PDA, but seeing them flirt with each other gave you a certain pang in your chest.
– after the party's events, you found yourself getting closer and closer to the "Krew".
– you weren't close enough to consider yourself a part of Team Avatar but enough to be considered Team Avatar's friend.
– when you hung out with the Krew, you would linger around KorrAsami. Wherever they went, you went.
– Bolin teased you about this, naturally, being your best friend and all, but you denied the allegations he tried to make. --
"You have a crush on them!" "Please, I do not. I'm hanging out with them because i want to get to know them more. That's all."
"But you even laugh at their jokes. You never laugh at Mako's and I's."
"That's because you and Mako aren't funny."
"And Korra and Asami are?"
"Precisely." --
– And it was true. You didn't have a crush on them and they were funny.
– Korra and Asami have this type of humor that's unique to them. They feed off of each other and often make snarky remarks about inside jokes or shared experiences. Being a part of that was an accomplishment in its own.
– something would happen when you guys were out and about and you would share the same look.
– the only times the jokes got "bad" was when someone made the other laugh a bit louder than usual.
– like one time Korra made Asami laugh so loud and hard that she cried with a red face.
– the feeling that stirred in your stomach wasn't pretty. it was like whatever you had for lunch curdled and violently punched you in the gut over and over and over again.
– you would seethe every once and a while. Why was Korra making her girlfriend laugh upsetting you? It shouldn't matter what she does. She's her girlfriend and has the right to make her laugh. It would probably be more concerning if Asami laughed harder at your jokes.
– Right?
– It would be great to make Asami laugh like that though. Her sparkling green eyes come to a close as her eyes squint. Her hand would politely cover her lips with a hooked finger, further pushing the elegant and proper look she's made of herself. And even though her blush does this for her already, her cheeks would be redder from how hard you made her laugh.
– Isn't that normal for a homie to want? It was normal to want to share that experience with Korra; making Asami laugh. These were all normal things. Right?
– It had to be. It's what you thought about at night. Making Asami laugh, making Korra shy, holding their hands and nuzzling your nose against their cheeks. That's all very normal things to think about when it comes to your friends.
– you never thought that way about Mako or Bolin of course. They were like siblings to you so, they were sibling pretty. Not the weak-in-the-knees-heart-racing-platonic-pretty Korra and Asami were.
– Well, Bolin didn't think so. Deny all you want, say what you want, but he saw the way you looked at them.
– He saw how your eyes light up when they come over to talk to you or how cutely small and shy you'd get when they hug you at the same time. He saw how you would point them out in everything you see, even if you're not with them.
– Bolin knows you and apparently, he knows you better than you know yourself.
– He knew you so well that he could tell when you were jealous and he could tell when you were attracted.
– when you were jealous: when their PDA gets too much, when they walk away together, when they make inside jokes, when they call each other "babe", and when they prefer each other over anyone else in the Krew.
– when you were attracted: when their attention is on you, when they talk to you one-on-one (mano-y-mano as Bolin referred), when they would hug you or take you out as a trio, when they compliment you, when they spring into action or act serious, and so much more that Bolin could write a whole book about your attraction towards the pair.
– Honestly, Bolin understood the attraction. He had a crush on Korra once. Mako too! In fact, everyone in the Krew had a crush on her so the fact that you had a crush on her (and her girlfriend) just met you're officially a part of their friend group now. Yay!
– now, Bolin never told you that he's aware of the crush you had on the pair but he would hint at it with suspicious winks, wiggles of his brows, and jokes that confused everyone else but you.
– "Yeah, red and blue sure are attractive colors, huh?" then he'd nudge you and you would freeze with a nervous smile.
– Mako, Asami, and Korra would have no clue what Bolin meant. Especially since they were talking about imprisoning war criminals when Bolin blurted. But hey, randomness is what Bolin is known for.
– A couple of weeks after that incident, you finally came to terms with yourself. You had to, the jealousy was getting too much that the girls were picking up on it.
"Whoa, you good?" Korra chuckled, noticing your glare after she kissed Asami's cheek. "You're uh, looking angrier than Mako on a good day." On a good day, you would tease her back but the feelings were too much.
The thoughts of holding them, kissing them (and not just on the cheek), and spending time with them was overwhelming and taking over every fiber of your being.
You couldn't watch them interact with each other without a firey burning in your chest and the clench of your fists. Also, you're pretty sure you've shaved a couple of centimeters off your teeth from all the teeth grinding you've been doing.
The girls have been giving you curious looks when you would glare in their direction. They'd awkwardly look at each other and then get away from your gaze to avoid confrontation.
Korra and Asami never assumed you were the type to judge their love, they didn't get that vibe from you, so it was a nerving surprise you got angry whenever they showcased public displays of affection.
"Yeah." You eased your shoulders from your ears. "I'm fine. Sorry. Just stressed."
"You must be chronically stressed then," Asami spoke as she slung an arm around Korra's shoulders. Your lips tensed at the sight. "Because you're always making faces or scowling nowadays."
"Yeah, you're doing it now actually," pointed Korra. You eased your lips again. Damn, it's like second nature to tense up or scowl whenever you see them interact. That wasn't healthy. At all.
These are your friends. By the expressions on their faces, you can see they're getting uncomfortable holding each other around you. Asami slowly moved her arm away from Korra with a frown and they tried not to show it, but they held each other's hands behind their backs.
Your friends had to hide their true selves from you because you're too afraid to admit your feelings.
Is this what you want? For them to be afraid and think you're someone or something you're not? Of course not. It was time to face the music. You have a crush on Korra and Asami.
Now, what are you going to do about it?
To be continued. | WC: 1,570
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
If reader survived such an accident, he would make sure that whenever she would travel alone, his eagle would accompany her (wether she knew it or not).
I'm almost.... oh my god okay okay okay okay okay listen you tempted me with this i need to do it for the greater good
Noa, Eagle Sun / Reader Headcanons - Interactions.
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Your relationship with Eagle Sun started out the same way that the Eagle's relationship was with Noa at the start of the movie. Very rough around the edges, the bird was very unsure of you, not sure how to view your relationship with his Master. He clawed at you a few times out of defense when you got too close to Noa when he was perched on his shoulder; sensing it to be a threat rather than you just wanting to embrace the Ape. You swore that bird was never going to hear the end of it from Noa as he scolded him like a child. ~*You felt so bad for him and tried to pet his beak after Noa told him to back off ( in simple terms ) but he just squawked loudly and you were fast to hide behind Anaya and Soona who were watching the entire thing happen with the utmost amusement. He flapped his wings in your general direction again causing you to cower even further. ~*Followed by more scolding from Noa as he tried his hardest to explain to the bird that you were not a threat, you were more than allowed to be in Noa's space. He just blinked innocently - those little beady eyes staring holes into you.
It didn't take long for him to warm up to you though; you offered him a bit of fish once and he took it graciously. Noa told you not to do that, but you did it anyway.
Began bringing you berries to eat as an acceptance of you, an acknowledgment of the treat you had given him. Noa thought it was nice until he was absolutely nailed between the eyes by a rather quickly flying blueberry.
He began following you happily at that point, surely from Noa's commands, but he was a happy bird regardless. All around the village, in the woods, by the creek. Eagle Sun very often was either over head soaring or perched against a tree branch, you in his sight. ~* It just meant that you were trusted, good natured and more than decent to follow around - Noa had told you how intuitive the birds were and you accepted his following as a small compliment in Eagle form.
If you were with Noa, Eagle Sun was often sitting on his Master's shoulder, peering at you, waiting diligently for a command from Noa. If there were no immediate commands, Eagle Sun would jump over to you, never on you, but right in front of you and beckon you to pet. ~* You comply, placing a pointer and middle finger against the birds head and giving him a small pet. He's responsive, will peck at your fingers for more if you pull away too soon. ~* Noa could have sworn that one time while you were giving some affection to his bird that Eagle Sun looked right at him and almost mocked him. Noa told you of this but you told him it simply wasn't true. That he must have been imagining things.
The first time that Eagle Sun ever landed on you was in part to Noa who urged you to try it out - Hopeful to see if you were comfortable with it. He just got out of a council meeting where the prospect of you getting your own Eagle, to be bonded with an egg, was a hot topic of conversation. First though, before the final decision was made, Noa needed to see if you had any fear ( much like the fear Noa had at the beginning. ) ~* Eagle Sun did not land on your arm like you had hoped - He landed on your shoulder, placing himself rather precariously on you to the point where he shuttered for balance. His tiny claws grasped onto you a bit harder than you would have liked- but not enough to draw blood yet. His tiny beak went down, then back up with a few strands of your hair. You didn't move, you couldn't as your eyes shifted to Noa, Anaya and Soona. You questioned with your eyes what you were supposed to do- You had no idea why he landed there when you had so diligently offered your arm. Well, Noa thinks to himself, at least you're not afraid of him anymore.
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universesweetheart · 19 days
I would love more chubby Dazai stories or headcanons if you have them! I also love the idea of cooking for him and feeding him and him having a cute chubby little belly! 💕
More to Love (Dazai x Reader)
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In which dazai notices a few changes with himself
a/n: also never thought I'd be one of those people to write crazy unhinged author's note but here I am. I am soooo sorry it took literal months to reply to your ask but (buckle up) my mom died and I got laid off from my job so here I am, with the world of free time and a bucket of grief. Enjoy this short drabble!
My other dazai fics: here, here, here, here :]
Bye now - Mars ♡
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After years of being together, Dazai notices he’s been gaining some weight, and his thinness is no longer visible.
Dazai has never felt at home with his body, but he also never cared about his size, or weight. He had much darker things to fill his time and days with than obsessing over his meatsac. His mind, his dark thoughts, his past, the blood on his hands, Odasaku.
When he started his relationship with you, it was all intense and consuming at first. Over the months, that passion has simmered into a softer slow loving. More deeply intimate.
Slowly his days merged with yours and your routines incorporated his. From making space in your closet for his clothes to always keeping extra rolls of bandages in your bathroom cupboard, and even tossing in canned crab into the cart when you grocery shopped. It all fell into place naturally. He was meant to be here, with you.
He noticed all the little adjustments you made with your space for him and he was grateful, truly. 
He also noticed how you’d slyly get him to take care of himself more. A sweet little ‘for me?’ easily did the trick. He was no match for your sweet tone and beautiful hope-filled eyes.
Dazai found himself changing slowly. He’d no longer drink sake first thing in the morning, instead he’d sit in the kitchen and entertain you with his dramatics and sweet words as you made a simple loving warm breakfast for you two. He especially loved when you’d make Korean sandwiches and shape the eggs into heart shapes. You were as much of a sap as he was. 
Osamu also started eating lunch. Not necessarily because he wanted to or he was hungry. But because he hated that sad disappointed look on your face when he didn’t eat the lunch you packed him. He saved all your notes and drawings, and he would share his meal with the young detective if he was having a particularly bad day and just couldn’t bring himself to eat.
When he got back home, all he wanted to do was sink into the couch and hug you and never let go. You’d whine about having dinner together and like a hopeless man in love he’d indulge you, even if it was a little treat. His favourite treat to indulge in was you. Ever the corny horny man he is. 
Over the years of being together he had noticed a drastic change in his eating habits. The biggest one being he actually eats now. 
And with eating, and a good loving, he inevitably noticed the weight he gained.
He’s not bothered by it. He’s even fascinated by the new softness of his body. And he’s flourishing in the added attention you give him. You seem to like this new weight. More of him to love, you tell him with a sweet kiss to his lips. 
He even went with you to buy new clothes for him. He obviously grabbed the opportunity to pull you into the changing room and absolutely wrecked you. Safe to say by the end of that shopping spree, you were full of cum, and his closet was full of new clothes.
Demands kisses and hickeys on the softer parts of his body and will not hesitate to moan wantonly when you cave and do it. Be sure to bite him too, gets him going. 
Press soft kisses and praise his newfound stretch marks and he’s folding you in two and hammering his cock into you, only to softly cuddle you after with whispers of love and affection.
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Everything has been appropriately labeled, please do not read the ones marked 18+ if you are a minor
Multi-Chapter Series:
HEART OF THE FAE: The forest is full of mythical creatures, and you unwisely trespass on their territory. What happens when you become the ward of a handsome, blond, high Fae? Teaser Chapter 1 - The Forest
SECOND CHANCE SORCERER: After surviving Mahito's Idle Transfiguration in the Shibuya Incident, Nanami finds himself in an unknown realm between life and death. Will he escape?
Snapped (13+) Villain!Salaryman!Nanami. In the midst of a layoff, your boyfriend Nanami snaps at his own office, leaving a bloody trail in his wake. My Batter Half (E) Written for the Foodies and Goodies Challenge by @/ tsukimefuku . Reader goes about a long process to make a batter to cook Nanami some good food. Hell Hath No Fury (18+ #bhmf event) A night of lost tempers leads to Nanami contemplating certain (sexy) choices. Braiding Nanami's Chest Hair (13+) Basically the title. Fluff. Lipstick Test(18+) Reader gets creative when showing Nanami her different lip products. Vacation (18+) Nanami and a balcony in Paris. When The Cat's Away(18+) The mice do not come out to play as the reader patiently waits for Nanami to come home and relieve her from his previous edging. Can't stay away from you (13+) Ask box prompt. You can't stay away from him, no matter what. Lazy Saturday Mornings (18+) Morning sex with Nanami. Nanami's Baby Photos (E) Reader and Nanami are moving in and she finds a cute surprise when she opens one of the boxes. Promise Me (13+) Teen! Nanami. Reader is Nanami's high school sweetheart. When faced with a solo mission, she contemplates her life and choices as a Jujutsu sorceress. Angsty, fluffy. Nanami x Clueless Virgin Reader(18+) Ask box request. Shy!Virgin!Fem!Reader. Nanami introduces her to first orgasm. Secure In Your Lap (13+) Implied Desi!Asian!Reader, but good for anyone with difficult family dynamics. When reader gets an unwanted phone call from her mother, she's reminded of all the ways Nanami has made her feel loved and secure. Bridal Shop (18+) A final dress fitting leads to something else when the bridal shop owner, Nanami Kento, takes over your appointment. I’m Never Too Tired For That…( 18+) Fem!Reader. Reader is frustrated when her husband keeps coming home too tired for intimate activity. His Perfect Girl (18+) Fem!Reader. You'll do anything to be his perfect girl. Slight praise kink. A Little Jealousy (18+) Fem!Reader. You find out what happens when Nanami gets jealous.
Nanami is Multilingual (18+) Nanami-chan! Giving Nanami Head (18+) Nanami Secretly Dances Teen Nanami's Favorite Songs Fae! Nanami Nanami Needs Advance Notice Me Flirting With Nanami as a Barbie Doll Nanami as a minion Nanami Loves it When You Annoy Him Laughing During Sex Nanami is Bad at Showing Interest Nanami Hates Libraries Me Flirting With Nanami as a Biotechnologist Nanami as a kid Nanami is a polite lover Nanami's housewife or an independent sorceress Nanami Soft Lover Original Post Nanami and boobs ask box Nanami X Desi Reader Nanami Kento Headcanons(partially MDNI) Random Nanami NSFW Thoughts Pt 1 If I was dating Nanami 1 If I was dating Nanami 2
Easter Egg Prompt (E) Berry Red Prompt (E) Nature Prompt (E) Art Supplies Prompt (E) Dessert Prompt (13+) Dates Prompt (E) Mushroom Prompt (E)
Ask Box/Conversations/Misc:
Bring Nanami Back Calling Nanami a Dumb Blond Nanami MBTI Ask Nanami is Nurturing Nanami's Lap Nanami Soft Lover Ask Box
Fae! Nanami collab with @actuallysaiyan (multi-chapter)
Entry for @/ bleach-your-panties Blondes Have More Fun writing event
Second Chance Sorcerer Chapter 2
Nanami somno (ask box request)
Husband Nanami fluff/smut
Reader getting attacked by a Taylor Swift curse now can't stop singing her lyrics (include Shake It off)
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 8 months
Part 1 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10
Trolls - in general Trolls are pretty rare outside their usual kingdoms and it's considered good luck to meet one.
Brozone - drastically changed their looks coz they hate that they used to dress the same.
Bruce - one of those dads who would get a new barbeque and show off all the cool features to the other local dads.
Bruce - "No kids, we're not keeping that stray animal, end of story, no way..." - 1 week later and he's giving it kisses and building it an over the top kennel with a heated blanket and a water fountain.
Bruce - (canon?) carried all their eggs, indirect reason why his hair is so big. (Side note - I read somewhere someone called all their kids 'The Bakers Dozen' and I frigging love that)
Floyd - solo career after he left Brozone - all his songs were PINK FLOYD SONGS! (Maybe that could've been his stage name?)
Floyd - his hair is naturally pink but JD made him make it redder because 'we're a boyband and pink is a girls colour'
John Dory - has embarrassing baby pictures of his brothers as leverage
John Dory - over-exaggerates his retellings of stories "I fought off 30 no no no 40 snakes with one hand behind my back."
John Dory - always casually asking Poppy, Brandy and Viva to marry him, over small things too "Brandy, these pancakes are delicious, marry me."
Clay - writes long and very detailed critical reviews of restaurants
Clay - has reading glasses. Probably the ones that attach magnetically at the nose ridge.
Clay - labels everything (labelmaker is to Clay as Gary is to Branch)
Clay - very into color coded itineraries and always know everyone's business "Poppy is currently at Smidge's pod doing her hair" "How could you possibly know that?" "I have my sources."
Clay - also a notary and registered marriage celebrant
Clay - hair was always naturally green but JDs hair was already green. JD said he had to be yellow for the band, they needed that color coordinated group vibe.
Clay - has drafts for his own book series
Clay - actually plays golf
Clay - gets clumsy when trying to impress someone he admires (imagine him meeting King Peppy and he just knocks things over)
Clay - competitive af - brothers know better than to verse him at anything - has an over the top victory dance
Viva - that concept art of tiny Viva is the age she was when they escaped the Troll Tree. So like 15 maybe?
Viva - wants to make up for all the missed holidays/birthdays/parties with Poppy so she is constantly popping out from places with gifts yelling SURPRISE!
Branch - for Pop Trolls - being in a famous singing group is the equivalent of being a recognized expert in your field. So the fact that Branch is in TWO famous boy bands is like he has several PhDs.
Branch - Kismet formed inside a group home for Trollings
Poppy and Vivas mother - my theory is that they managed to keep princess Viva a secret from the Bergens. They chose the Queen for Trollstice when they discovered what they thought was her first egg. The Troll Tree escape plan came about when Chef promised the new royal trolling for the young Bergen prince.
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BG3 Companion Sexuality Headcanons
Astarion: Pansexual. Has a slight preference for men. Has a complicated relationship with feelings of attraction and connection, so doesn't usually like thinking about his own sexual identity. Thinks Wyll is the hottest other party member.
Lae'zel: Pansexual, kind of. Doesn't really relate to sex and gender in the same way as the Faerunian companions. Githyanki socially de-emphasize romance, and all sex is generally for pleasure since Vlaakith decides who bears eggs. Lae'zel is alloromantic, but romance isn't generally at the front of her mind in a relationship. Neither is gender; ultimately Lae'zel is attracted to conviction and fighting prowess, moreso even than anything physical.
Shadowheart: Bisexual. Very slight preference for men. (EDIT: I've rotated this in my mind after people pointed it out and I think actually Shadowheart has a slight preference for women.) Remained closeted into adulthood, not because the other Sharrans would discriminate against her (they generally don't care about sexuality) but because she wanted to impress everyone with how well she could keep the secret. Also, excessively kinky.
Gale: Bisexual. Has more experience with women than with men, but that has more to do with circumstances than preference. Though physical appearance isn't not a factor, he would probably describe himself as a sapiosexual; he's attracted to knowledge, intellectual curiosity, and strong opinions. Had crushes on several teachers in wizard school.
Wyll: Bisexual. Realized he wasn't just attracted to women at a young age, and his father was very supportive. No preference between genders, but one of his favorite things to do is court gentlemen exactly the same way he courts ladies; he likes being the devoted chivalric prince to men since he knows it's less common for them to be flattered and told they're beautiful.
Karlach: Pansexual. Years of being unable to make genuine connections with anyone have made her horny for affection, kindness, and commitment. Maybe had some gender preference before going to Hell, but her time there has given her lots of time to consider basically any options. Has at least a slight crush on basically every other party member.
Halsin: Pansexual. No gender preference. Halsin has had centuries to explore his sexuality, and his robust understanding of nature gives him a non-binary perspective on gender and sex. Nothing is a casual fling for this dude, though -- if you show the slightest bit of interest in him he will dedicate his whole heart to you. And also anyone else who shows interest in him at the same time.
Minthara: I didn't actually have Minthara in my party, but from what I've seen she seems like a pretty traditional drow, and when I think of drow and sexuality I sort of imagine a reverse of ancient Greek customs; bisexuality is the norm, men are prized for their beauty and for marriagibility, but it's expected that women will also have flings with other women, and those relationships are often considered more meaningful. I imagine Minthara follows those lines, being bisexual and assuming she may one day marry a beautiful man but being more inclined to meaningful, affectionate relationships with women, due to her own prejudices moreso than preference between genders.
Jaheira: Thought she was straight for the first century of her life, but has more recently opened up to other possibilities. Isn't particularly interested in marriage or a deep interpersonal romance at this point in her life, but she has entered a state of questioning her sexuality -- she's just not super interested in experimenting with actual relationships. She's got more important stuff to do. Did have a fling with Ninefingers that neither of them tell anyone about.
Minsc: Doesn't like labels. Minsc isn't interested in finding a partner, doesn't really care about sex, and is enthusiastic about romance mainly when other people do it. He hasn't given a lot of thought to where he might fall on any sexual/romantic spectrum, but he definitely sees beauty in all of his friends. He will give you the most heartfelt and often embarassing compliments on your personality, style, and appearance. Does that mean he's attracted to you? Maybe, maybe not, but there's definitely something queerplatonic going on.
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maluuustrawberry · 2 months
I wanted to make a request about what it would be like Bunnymund (ROTG) to fall in love with Reader who is the Guardian of Spring ❤️
Bunnymund X Guardian of Spring Reader. (Headcanons)
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A/N: I thought this request was really cute, WHY IS HE SO HOT??!!! He was my childhood crush. I hope you like this Headcanon, I made it with great care.
-•❥❥• Spring and Easter had always worked together, so it was obvious that he knew you and admired your work. You never actually spoke to each other, but there were times when he watched you from afar, always surrounded by the animals you had awakened at the beginning of spring. The first impression you made was that you were very gentle, delicate and shy.
-•❥❥• He was surprised when you were chosen as guardian by the man in the moon. Being skeptical, at first he doubted whether you would really be able to protect The children from Pitch Black, because you had such a delicate and shy manner.
-•❥❥• The two of you became closer when you became guardian. Bunnymund didn't want to admit it, but he loved being around you because of your presence, always bringing calm.
-•❥❥• It was after a few years that he realized he was in love with you, when he was staring at you for too long, and admired how cute it was when butterflies landed on the flowers in your hair.
-•❥❥• One day, North caught him looking at you absent-mindedly and made fun of him for several months.
-•❥❥• He's very protective and loves to defend you by always standing next to you or behind, even though he knows you're powerful and can defend yourself.
-•❥❥• Often, when Bunnymund least expected it, he found himself very vulnerable in your hands when you paid too much attention to him. Because of your touch, he could become so vulnerable that he was almost submissive to you, almost desperate to be the only thing you saw at that moment.
-•❥❥• He likes to take you to flowery places that make Easter much more magical and colorful, especially because of your presence. And of course your meetings were in his den and painting Easter eggs.
-•❥❥• You know about the little feud between Bunnymund and Jack Frost, he gets jealous when Jack gets too close to you, and the winter spirit knows this and does it on purpose to provoke him.
-•❥❥• To calm him down from his constant jealousy, you would stroke behind his big ears or just give his muzzle a little touch. This quickly calmed him down, as it's the rabbit's most sensitive spot, almost like a drug... maybe even causing him more than that.
-•❥❥• When he confessed his love for you, he was completely nervous. He invited you to a flowery glade, almost enchanted by the beauty of the place and all the nature around. He knelt down humbly and took one of your hands, looking at you as if you were his goddess. That moment was overly dramatic because of his lack of knowledge about love or being in love, so he did it out of "common sense", but he really had no idea what he was doing at the time, almost like a desperate improvisation. He has trouble with very complex words all of a sudden, but, with his courage, he says everything he feels while looking at you with his piercing green eyes.
-•❥❥• He likes to call you by nicknames (my flower, my sweetheart, lovebug, cutie, darling... and of course, in hot times, he likes to call you "My bunny" or "Baby bunny").
-•❥❥• You can bet that in this relationship you would eat a lot of chocolate.
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(I love those scenes when he turns into a little bunny OMG!!!😭💕✨🐰)
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jynxeddraca · 4 months
Small, Soft BG3 Things
Just an ongoing list of small headcanons for Team Tadpole.
Astarion learned how to sew and embroider from his mother. She loved to embroider poems that she sold at market. Most of his word based embroidery looks like her handwriting, even though he doesn't remember that.
He's the go-to member of Team Tadpole for mending because he's the best out of all of them at it. More importantly: as he comes to view them as friends, the basic mending is supplemented with subtle embroidery.
Every child that he ends up spending time around learns some slight of hand trick and/or how to use a knife.
When everyone is asleep and he's particularly at ease, he'll quietly sing to himself while doing other things.
As the self-appointed cook - come time to set up camp, Gale might fuss about the bizarre assortment of food stuff they find on their travels, but he secretly revels in the challenge of making filling, delicious foods out of what they're able to scavenge.
Cooking was how his mother and him bonded as he grew up so now it's his favorite way of showing affection/appreciation to others.
Spoils Tara with all her favorite foods when they're reunited (also I headcanon Tara joins the camp most nights in Act 3).
When he was younger, he specifically created an enchantment to enchant his mother's favorite rocking chair so that when it was activated, mage hands would appear and give her shoulders and feet a massage.
He learned to whittle from an uncle and the knife he uses today for his carvings was given to him by his mother - whose favorite animal was ducks.
Halsin likes to go sit in Bloomridge park when the city gets to him, taking Yenna with him if she's agreeable. He has taught her and several other random children how to braid flower crowns.
When he returns to Reithwin Town, he teaches Art how to whittle and Art teaches Halsin how to play the lute.
On nights where Halsin is keeping watch will offer to turn pages for Tara so she can read a book or two.
Will turn into a cat/dog to give comfort to children if they are inconsolable.
Takes an afternoon with Halsin - both in wildshape - to show him how nature and the city can be more harmonious than he originally thought.
The lullaby she knows how to play on the tin whistle was one taught to her by her late husband - she has put all her children to sleep to it's tune.
Teases Tara about her treating Gale like her kitten.
The rats that show up in camp do give her updates on other Harpers - but most of the time they are updates about her children.
Clive - her teddy bear - was knitted by her mother and she considers him her 'good luck charm'. Before the infernal engine was forced onto her, he could often be found tucked into Karlach's belt at any given point of the day or in her purse/pouch.
Karlach almost left Avernus without Clive, and risked missing the Nautiloid to go back to grab him.
Because she calls Halsin "Bear Man" Arabella starts calling him that too. At the same time, Karlach starts calling Withers "Bone Man" because of Arabella.
Her parents used to dance around the living room with her - in camp she'll get Arabella and later, Yenna, to do the same. When she's especially energetic, she makes Wyll join her.
While she originally hates everything about Faerûn, she becomes especially fond of the sunrises and finds she enjoys sunflowers.
After the egg is acquired, she does softly sing an old githyanki lullaby to when she tends to it.
Because she feels it is an important skill to have for when the egg hatches, she learns to sew by watching Astarion. Eventually, she asks him for tips.
Lae'zel seems well-read (on githyanki literature anyways) in my opinion so I feel like even though she's a very skilled fighter, she also spent much of her time in the creche library growing up. In camp, she raids Gale's library bag often.
When Karlach started calling her 'Lae', she began referring to Karlach as 'Kar'.
Minsc and Boo:
When Boo isn't around Minsc, he spends time around Shadowheart curled up on her shoulder or sitting beside her as she meditates.
Amused that it baffles people who can speak with animals, Boo purposefully does not allow them to understand him and sticks with his telepathic communications with Minsc.
Minsc enjoys finding excuses to tell stories and is a good storyteller.
Teaches Tav a few Rashemen songs and stories.
Minsc and Boo both have a faint smell of warm stone about them due to being statues for a while.
When meditating, sometimes unknowingly hums an old lullaby her parents used to sing her.
Still sometimes mutters "Lady of Sorrows" when exasperated, and at one point while very tired said "Lady of Sil-rrows" instead.
Has started keeping seeds and nuts on hand for Boo.
Talking to Astarion and Halsin in Elvish is soothing to her, and sometimes it triggers memories of her father.
Was gifted a stuffed bunny by her dad when she was a baby. His name is Biscuit.
Biscuit was handed down to Temerity (Tav's little sister) while they were in the orphanage and he currently lives on Temerity's pillow.
Tav and Karlach have introduced Clive (Karlach's teddy bear) to Biscuit.
The smell of leather oil reminds her of her father.
Has a soft spot in his heart for trashy romance novels and anything related to mermaids. An aside: even though he hasn't been home in years, the merfolk around Baldur's Gate remember him fondly as a child trying to swim deep enough to see them.
Actually enjoys debating Astarion about laws and their effects - even though they have wildly different views on the laws.
Has a secret tattoo, and yes, it's mermaid themed.
Offered to teach Lae'zel to use a rapier if she showed him how to wield a longsword.
Also enjoys cooking and likes to show Gale different ways to season/cook in the wilds.
The rapier he has at the start of the game was gifted to him by his father.
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nychthemeron-rants · 5 months
Inspired by @marlindotzip 's comics, I've made a Butch Chilchuck AU: Pretty much everything is the same except Chilchuck is a butch woman instead of a man.
Here are my basic headcanons for Butch Chilchuck:
Chilchuck is a he/him butch queer woman and prefers masculine language being used towards him (though he does like being called his children's mother and dislikes being called a man directly).
He is perfectly fine with people assuming he's a man professionally because it doesn't really matter to him (besides, people take him more seriously when they think he's a man, including other half-foots at the union and its easier to only fight one battle for respect than two)
That being said, he is SUPER proud of Meijack for fighting for respect as both as a half-foot and as a “fem” (by Chil's standard) woman in the same field.
Chilchuck has PCOS which is why he has facial hair as both a tall man and as a dwarf. (Though he developed it AFTER the births of his daughters) He has some facial hair and chest hair as a half-foot too, but shaves fairly regularly when possible.
His wife is trans. They were childhood friends because Chil was too masculine to get along well with the other little girls and his wife was bullied by the “other” little boys for being to feminine. Both not fitting the mold of their assigned genders, they became close friends and eventually fell in love.
Chil was a “teen” mom because he and his wife thought her hormone treatment acted as birth control. That little goof resulted in the twins and their marriage arriving before either hit adulthood.
He eventually got top surgery (or the fantasy equivalent) sometime after they had served their purpose because he thought they got in the way at work and added unnecessary weight. He finds his armor is a lot more comfortable now and he has to pack slightly less clothes as an added bonus.
Chilchuck is naturally a very masculine looking woman with a fairly deep voice. He sometimes jokes with his wife that being as butch as he is is the best possible outcome, as his body would probably make a more feminine woman very insecure.
That being said, Mei has a lot of the same traits and is confident and comfortable in her skin, and is proud to look like her mother.
He understands 100% when people assume he's a trans man, but he has done a lot of introspection on that topic (at his wife's behest as she thought he was an egg for the longest time) and he is confident in his womanhood, even if it looks different than most other women's.
He isn't uncomfortable with feminine clothing but is VERY uncomfortable with the questions and comments he gets when he wears it and generally prefers masculine clothes.
(Part 2: How this AU affects party dynamics!)
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isa-ghost · 6 months
isa my bestie. do u have any tallulah and phil headcanons
Always famsquad
Other qPhil headcanons
Take one look at this man and tell me with your whole chest he's confident. NO HE IS NOT. He gets so insecure about being a good adoptive dad for her. He internalizes the full extent of it but oh my god is he terrified she thinks he loves her less than Chayanne or only took her in out of obligation or isn't good enough for her in general
She makes him laugh SO MUCH. Her dramatics, her comedic timing, the Mexican culture things/memes she shares with him once in a while. Even when she doesn't intend to, she makes him laugh so often. Genuinely she makes The Horrors more bearable for him.
He hates not being great at words bc he feels like he isn't the best advocate for her that he could be. Example: when she was wary of the new eggs. He didn't know how to vouch for her beyond reassurances she'd come around. He wishes he could've articulated himself better bc he Understands her but can't put it into words to other people to the degree he'd like to.
He will literally never look at flowers the same way again. Lullah literally overwrote his association of them with Rose. Now his first thought is "peepoHappy Lullah!!" Instead of Rose. Rose is now second.
Lullah genuinely brings out a gentler side to him. This man is hardened by survival and bloodshed and at least one death in his past. He's a bit closed off and suspicious out of second nature. She brings him out of that shell so easily, he doesn't even realize it's happening.
She can see right through his bullshit and it's so fucking funny. "I'm doing fine m8" and she's just like "[cocks gun] Doubt. Bitch. Try again." She WILL cure this man of his emotional constipation.
I firmly believe she'll be the one to motivate Phil to finally build smth on a Hardcore Project scale one day. Somehow. He'd do it for her.
If he ever says he doesn't like when she acts like a little shit, don't listen to him. He's lying through his teeth. Lullah being a little shit amuses him endlessly.
Lullah doesn't swear a Ton, at least not as often as he does. He wishes she did, bc whenever she does it's super funny and usually perfectly timed.
Her wing hugs mean the fucking world to him they make him so ;-; every time
Lullah has somewhat adopted Phil's over-caution. She's a bit more traumatized by The Nightmare than Chayanne is. The "abuel" sign haunts her
Phil will sing stupid songs along to her flute until she hits him for his goofy nonsense lyrics
Speaking of her flute, her playing Sweden unironically gives him nostalgia and kinda soothes his nerves. It's like his cue of "the kids are okay, they're safe and happy." The first time he heard it again after Purgatory & the eggs' recovery, he cried a little (I'm projecting)
One of the reasons he was most salty about The Reset was because it meant they can't go to Lullah's botanical garden, her farm in the wall, or any of her other cool builds
Phil found her the purple striped hat she has in Phil's chat emote. She has it fr so she can be Just Like Papa :D
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worldsewage · 5 months
WHAT ARE YOUR HEADCANONS ABT OCTOLING REPRODUCTION? (tentacle cutting, eggs, live birth, i Need to know)
Wound up rambling more than I thought. Tw: Pregnancy if needed?
Inkfish all lay eggs.
Octarians, namely, Octolings (as Tentacle Octarians can not reproduce through a sexual manner) unfortunately undergo senescence, and lay large clutches of eggs, it’s common for most of the eggs to not make it, but still Octarian litters are plenty larger compared to Inklings… Octarian Parents die typically a month to a week before the eggs hatch, the need for senescence has become half obsolete— as the body no longer need to sacrifice resources to mate, eggs no longer need to be guarded with suicidal intensity.
Most Octarians don’t have children because they don’t want to die, and because clutches tend to be large, adoptions an easier death free option. Even then, Octarian culture (especially in the domes) is centered around Excellence in life, so most Octarians don’t WANT to settle down; and instead strive towards being memorable.
But, as for the development of these clutches: the eggs start small; and grow rapidly, and they stay in the eggs for more than a year before hatching, and when they hatch they’re quite large— and can already move. Baby Octolings go through the newborn phase fairly quickly, and go to the infant stage...
Tentacle cuttings are a way to develop children without the parent figures dying— Tentacles that are cut need a very ink rich environment to constantly absorb and grow into the tentacle folk we see in game… Octolings can be born from tentacles, but not naturally, they constantly need attention and are typically developed in a lab setting… it’s difficult to get them to turn into Octolings.
Usually Octolings born from tentacles have a white (under tentacle colored) underbelly, have trouble developing a skin tone— those both are unusual traits, and can show in non tentacle-Octarians, but it’s plenty more common. A trait exclusive to Tentacle Octolings is to have random suction cup scars along their back (they’re usually scrapped off to encourage the body to develop as an Octoling, but not all remove them.)
Octolings born from tentacles sometimes have a much larger and sturdier appearance, as they’re mostly fatty muscle from the Tentacle, and in turn, they usually grow much larger.
Octolings born from tentacles don’t get nurtured by touch during their very early life, as most their life as newborns is in a bag full of tubes, once they’re officially grown arms and legs they’re taken out and forced awake, and are usually sent to a separate school dedicated to accelerated learning to make up for lost time.
Octavio looks the way he does as a result of water damage and war scarring trapping him in a Half-Transformative state, in an attempt to protect his skin from further damage. It’s possible he could have healed and recovered back his ‘Humanoid Form’ — but because he has severed many tentacles and skin grafts and tail parts to be turned into Octolings for the army, the chances of that are near to none.
((I know this question just regarded Octarians: BUT inklings in the past seemed to have very large clutches of eggs, but some time during the great turf war, the litters became smaller and the eggs they have are incubated INSIDE of the Inklings… giving the illusion of live birth (despite not being exactly correct) most Inklings are born without many siblings. This phenomenon of smaller clutches + eggs developing inside Inklings has vastly reduced the chances of senescence, and has nearly completely eradicated the incredibly large percentage of Maternal Deaths... Inklings born premature are still inside the egg after they’re birthed, and Inklings have an incredibly short pregnancy— and are very very small when born…… Having twins or triplets is common… being an only child is more rare than having same twins. And because they’re so so TINY you can hardly tell when an Inkling is pregnant with babies
Inklings tend to grow fairly quick, but they’re still plenty small compared to Octolings…around when they develop a Kid form is when they start growing more height. There isn’t much of a mental difference in the two species, despite Octarians being larger— they just seem to have better motor skills, and run around quicker, but they learn at the same pace.)
In shorter terms: Inklings have very tiny clutches with very tiny eggs that incubate INSIDE inklings— a not-exactly live birth, while Octarians have very large clutches, and the Octarians develop inside the eggs for a long long time, and they hatch nearly in the infant stage.
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fandomfrenzy625 · 8 months
Baxter thoughts
Spoilers ahead
First of all
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I win!!!!!?
And based on the background he's working with the 3 V’s - mainly vox
My oldest headcanon was that Baxter was coming into the show by working with Vox and thus the 3 V's, heck I've written stories with this idea (on archive on our own if you do want to check it out :)
anyways, with most of the episodes of season 1 released we may have been given an idea of what his role is currently behind the scenes
In previous shots we see lots of product placement within the V industry such as
Velvettes love potion
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Vox Tech
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and possibly even Valantinos hypnotic smoke
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Now it could be that the three make them on their own naturally, having their own demonic ability
Such as Valantino seeming to produce the poison in liquid/drool form
But needed something or SOMEONE to amplify this power and making it into products for more purposes, such as selling to the masses and building their company higher
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We also only really see them being the head of the company and not actually making them themselves, or at least giving ideas in for workers to achieve, which is usual with being the boss of a large corporations
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But Where Baxter comes into this is that I belive he's the main guy in charge of the all production
The one making the potions and tech
Possibly being Vox's Angel dust (if you get what I mean)
how he will start to interact with hotel I'm not too sure however
I'm not sure if they will go with the liar reveal/spy becoming part of the found family as it was already touched upon with Sir pentious and he didn't want to send someone who wasn't "expendable"
But again Vox could be that desperate in destroying Alastor he wouldn't think twice
After all we don't know what the relationship is between the two
Who knows, this is going of 3 seconds of screen time
But based on past streams that may or may not be cannon anymore, there is a good chance he will eventually come into the hotel
It is safe to assume that vox wouldbecome more furious, with how 2 people from the V's would join the hotel and the radio demon, making him more of a threat
But the main things I want to see:
if Sir pentious and Baxter previously knew one another, with Baxter potentially creating the eggs and hopefully the Mad Mechanic Vs Mad scientist fight
also if the headcannon of him being afraid of water is true or if he's embraced it like Angel dust
So if it comes to light that Baxters soul is owned by Vox
What do you think his chains will look like?
We have angel (Valentino): pink smoke chains
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Husk (Alastor) : green glow in the dark but physical chains
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And vox?
I headcanon blue with electricity flowing through it
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And a little angst to it:
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Baxter covers his neck to hide possible electric scars each time Vox looses his temper ans may direct it at Baxter
But that's all the thoughts I've got so far so we’ll just have to see :)
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
[You did send a less detailed version of this ask a few days ago, I just hadn't gone through my inbox enough XD] + [I love the detailed responses though! It's nice to see so much interest in my silly aus!]
okay! I thought I sent one but I couldn't quite remember if I did XD Sometimes I feel like I ramble too much so I'm glad you like these! if it's not to much trouble do you mind answer the og post, you don't have to actually make any comments on it contents but I'm keeping notes on Slow boiled au for the fanfic I'm writing and their might be some details in there I forgot about, thank you.
[Peaches. Some days his brain/body just decides "Eww no. bleh. Spit it out right now" and the nausea hits him hard. Wukong is dismayed whenever it happens.]
at some point in s3 MK walks in on Monkey King crying over a peach with a single bite taken out of it, Wukong having gotten emotional when he his body couldn't handle the peach + stress (I headcanon that part of his obsession with peaches are because peaches are a comfort food for him, so not being able to eat one when stressed hit him pretty hard).
[Think of it like the formation of a geode - it can do it either over a natural couple of centuries, or in a few months with intervention.]
the geode comparison is really cool! especially considering it's a stone egg.
[it's possible MK *remembers* being held by someone soft with a round belly + gold eyes. He assumes throughout his life that this person was his birth mother before he was given up/orphaned.]
imagine monkey king asking MK about his family, wantingto know how his brother's reincarnations are doing, and MK talks about them then mentions he was actually adopted and MK offhandedly mentioning the one memory he has of his "birth mother" to Monkey king and monkey king just being like "oh. oh no."
[So that Stone Egg been slow boiling from anywhere between 1394 to 1116 years. 0_o] + [Either way SWK has beaten Lao Tzu/Zi's mom (pregnant for 62-80 years), and def brags about that fact to whatever immortal will hear.]
honestly, after that long, he's earned bragging rights.
[DBK overhears LBD making threatening references to Wukong's conditon and immediately interrupts her villainy bs to yell at his sworn brother.]
LBD just giving up and leaving as the two bicker is hilarious. it also has the affect of eleveating some of Wukong's stress about LBD returning, and making him feel better about the rift between him and his brother once DBK accepts his proposal to be the egg's godparent. evn if offering such a title to someone other then Ao Lie leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth. he knows Ao Lie would't mind him giving the title to someone he trusted, but he'd always been so sure that someone would be Ao Lie.
[After the initial shock wears off, PIF immediately summons a catalog to look for baby shower supplies. This is a monumentous occassion!]
all negitive feelings are forgotten when the excitement of a new baby within the sworn family is brought into everything + learning that Wukong very possibly could have lost his own child by helping with the Samadhi fire ritual, something he did becuase he was one of the few who could help them from losing their own child. from mother to mother(?), she understands how hard of a call that must have been to make.
[She ofc assumes it's Macaque's fault (she's not wrong XD) and that this might be her future sworn niece/nephew! She simply must organise everything for her idiot sworn brother and his mate!]
when Yuebei is born and has dark fur and glowing ears she feels it is confirmed that her assumption Macaque was the other parent was correct, no one corrects her about the bio parent situation.
[Red blinks in confusion before confronting the Monkie Kid gang about it later. Mei demands PIF's contact details right that second so that they can swap party ideas.]
red son is just going "WTH WTH WTH" the whole time as they explain, Mei would absolutely insert herself into baby shower planing the moment the idea is brought up.
[Macaque spends most of S3 trying to bat away any thoughts/predictive sounds of a happy domestic life him and Wukong cna have together.]
its dangerous to be thinking of such things with the lady bone demon breathing down his neck, but he can't help it. it gets overwhelming sometimes, the sounds of domestic moments from the past mixing with possible futures leave him questioning what it is exactly he wants anymore. but those are thoughts to process when LBD is defeated and the world isn't on the cusp of being destroyed. now of Wukong didn't put himself and the egg in one of the most compramising positions ever by being possessed in the meantime, that would be great. he makes up his mind the moment a just freed monkey king collapses into his arms crying like this is the only hug he's ever had in his life.
[Yuebei's first immortal kill is in fact LBD, preformed before she was even born. Once the switch "flipped" on the possesed SWK, the Egg recognised LBD as both a threat to her parent and a tasty source of Dao, hence; nom-nom-nom.] + [All thats left behind of the ancient bone demon is a picked-clean skull.]
not even out of the womb and already earning her "god killer" title. Wukong always guessed any kid that was solely his would be a menace, but now he's starting to get a little concerned.
I was doing some doodles for this au and I had the idea of Yuebei getting a staff of her own from her parents and I wanted it to have something to do with LBD's skull, but I couldn't make the design work. so I actually had the idea of her having her staff and wearing the front of LBD's skull like a mask. she legit wearing the skeletal face of her first kill, creepy, stylish, and effective at scaring off her enemies.
[Ah, a fellow party crasher, just like her baba.]
Wukong appreciates the hustle, but could she be a menace to everyone except him and is poor body please? he just got put through hell and now he's gotta get this egg outta him and that's probably gonna be less fun then getting possessed.
[Wukong and Macaque can barely enjoy the bowl of noodles they've stolen (in good humor) from MK when Wukong's face just drops from a shift in his body.]
Macaque feels Wukong's body suddenly go rigid and is confused, then he sees the look on Wukong's face and just knows. as soon as Wukong starts ordering Ne Zha to go get Guanyin he's instantly fussing and getting things ready for the undoubtedly long few hours ahead. surprisingly, the two monkeys are basically the only ones not panicking at this point, them and Guanyin once they're on the scene.
[Tang: "Oh gracious Buddha! The bodhisattva Guanyi herse-- oh gosh this is a lot grosser than I was expecting..." *gets woozy and hides face in Pigsy's chest*]
no matter the incarnation, every reincarnation of the golden cicada is squeamish.
[Imagine how much crying would be involved if little Yuebei just so happened to be born six-eared as well?] + [Hard to refute their claims when the little Monkey Princess has such lovely midnight-dark fur and glowing ears.]
I like to think that she wouldn't have his six sensitive ears because she didn't actually have the genetics for it, but her appearance could still be pushed so her ears do still glow a little.
even if their aren't six ears, the instant Macaque sees her ears glowing he would not be able to stop himself from squealing with joy and practically side tackling Wukong as he is incoherently babbling about how much he loves her.
[He def recorded a tape + wrote letters to Yuebei before she was born ala "For Steven" in Steven Universe... just in case his immortality didn't work in the end.]
he def let Guanyin know before hand so that if things did go wrong they'd know the tapes/letters were there to give to his infant.
[Little Yuebei spent so much time in the "final run" hearing show tunes, action movies, and the voices of Wukong's new found family/troop that she thinks theses are all "good noises"!]
this is super cute!
but to make a good thing angsty, what if she also has "bad noises" that she associates with certain things. what if when they first met Azure she was super aggressive towards him at first because she "remembers" hearing him being really mean and/or straight up hurting Wukong at some point in the journey. and what if she also isn't that trusting of macaque at first because she also only ever "heard" him when he was in the process of trying to hurt her baba and his friends, both in his first life and now in his second. this def upsets Macaque but also he did do that so he's the one who's gotta make up for it, luckily yuebei seems to warm up to him quickly when she sees him and Wukong being cuddly and reconciling.
[Yuebei decided that "Kitty" wasn't playing with her, wasn't holding her right, and wasn't even singing to her! And she wanted to make her frustrations known.]
c'mon Azure, if you're gonna hold a super strong baby that already doesn't like you the least you can do is try and keep her happy and preoccupied. he's got no one but himself to blame
sequel to this post!
Im uber excited to read more your fic btw!
[I headcanon that part of his obsession with peaches are because peaches are a comfort food for him, so not being able to eat one when stressed hit him pretty hard]
Wukong associates peaches with 1: Food security, 2: His Immortality, and most importantly, 3: His friendship/romance with Macaque. So his body deciding to reject peaches is a huge stresser for him, which leads to more stress and more nausea and less peaches, in an endless cycle. Peach chips at least dont seem to trigger the worst of his food adversion though, the crunchy chip texture seems to cancel it out.
[...MK talks about them then mentions he was actually adopted and MK offhandedly mentioning the one memory he has of his "birth mother" to Monkey king and monkey king just being like "oh. oh no."]
Oh MK sweetie no... :(
And the Monkey King is just silent cus he knows who MK is talking about [him], and even if SWK didn't create MK in the au, he was still the one to decide to send him to live among mortals for his own good. So the idea that MK potientially remembers Wukong from this time is a huge shock to him.
Wukong: "...your mother, what did they look like?"
MK, clueless: "Umm... their hair was a warm orange-y color. Like the sun. And I think their eyes was this really shiny yellow, or maybe amber colour? Oh! And they had this round stomach - I remember hugging it..." *gets kinda wistful* "I don't know why I'm not with them anymore, but hope they're doing ok if they're still out there."
Wukong, hand ghosting over his stomach: "You and me both bud."
[DBK accepts his proposal to be the egg's godparent. evn if offering such a title to someone other then Ao Lie leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth. he knows Ao Lie would't mind him giving the title to someone he trusted, but he'd always been so sure that someone would be Ao Lie.]
Wukong def was hit hard by Ao Lie's passing. It pains him to give the godparent title to anyone else, but he knows when push comes to shove; his older sworn brother will be there to protect his infant. Ao Lie would just be glad that Wukong meant his offer all those centuries ago.
[all negitive feelings are forgotten when the excitement of a new baby within the sworn family is brought into everything + learning that Wukong very possibly could have lost his own child by helping with the Samadhi fire ritual, something he did becuase he was one of the few who could help them from losing their own child. from mother to mother(?), she understands how hard of a call that must have been to make.]
PIF has to give Wukong mega-respect; putting himself and his baby on the line for the health of her own. Even if she considers it so stupid to agree to such a dangerous ritual when Wukong knew he was carrying, PIF just looks over at Red Son, alive and healthy, and just hugs Wukong the next time she sees him. Although she hasn't been the most welcoming sworn sister-in-law, she vows to make it up to him for saving her child from the Samadhi Fire.
A decent proper baby shower is first on her list of repayments.
[when Yuebei is born and has dark fur and glowing ears she feels it is confirmed that her assumption Macaque was the other parent was correct, no one corrects her about the bio parent situation.]
PIF just side-eyeing Macaque whenever she sees him, convinced from the talk of the two's bad breakup + Macaque not initially knowing about the pregnancy; that her lil sworn bro is the baby-daddy. And when Yuebei is born having "imprinted" on Wukong's yearning/love for Macaque...
PIF: *seeing the baby's dark fur and glowing ears* PIF (whispering so not to wake the baby): "I fcking knew it." Macaque: *is too tired/proud to argue with her* "Yeaaah..." :')
[red son is just going "WTH WTH WTH" the whole time as they explain, Mei would absolutely insert herself into baby shower planing the moment the idea is brought up.]
Red has no idea what to do in response to all this baby talk, so he just; tries to apologise to SWK for setting him on fire a bunch as a toddler??
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Wukong appriciates the effort.
Mei, PIF and Jiuweihuli get talking and soon Wukong is looking at a baby shower akin to a red carpet event.
[...but those are thoughts to process when LBD is defeated and the world isn't on the cusp of being destroyed. now of Wukong didn't put himself and the egg in one of the most compramising positions ever by being possessed in the meantime, that would be great. he makes up his mind the moment a just freed monkey king collapses into his arms crying like this is the only hug he's ever had in his life.]
Macaque spends episodes asking himself he truly wants to rebuild his and Wukong's relationship, and when the king holds him tight like he's about to disappear - Macaque decides to stay for good.
[not even out of the womb and already earning her "god killer" title.]
Imagine you're a random Celestial or demon and you hear the dreaded "God Killer" is gonna be at an event, and it's a tiny baby monkey in a papoose strapped to the Monkey King, or his many terrifying sworn family members.
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You'd honestly be more afraid of that baby.
[I was doing some doodles for this au and I had the idea of Yuebei getting a staff of her own from her parents and I wanted it to have something to do with LBD's skull, but I couldn't make the design work. so I actually had the idea of her having her staff and wearing the front of LBD's skull like a mask. she legit wearing the skeletal face of her first kill, creepy, stylish, and effective at scaring off her enemies.]
Oh that sounds so cool!!! Her divine skull weapon being a mask made from the skull of her first kill that she uses to channel her deadly power - like turning the Medusa's head into a shield. Her staff being a gift from her parents that has no inate magic ability beyond the fact that she puts her trust in it as her first "real" weapon.
I can imagine she uses a glamour/quick magic to put the skull/mask on (like Dr Facillier in "Friends on the Other Side") as a way of saying "You're f*cked" to her opponents.
I'm excited to see how your drawings go!
[-the two monkeys are basically the only ones not panicking at this point, them and Guanyin once they're on the scene.]
Wukong and Macaque are def panicking, though its more an excited kind of panicking. Nezha and MK are def screaming. Guanyin is the only one with a cool head the entire time.
Pigsy is good at pretending he isn't worried, but he ends up tearing apart the campsight's kitchen in a hurry to make enough food for everyone. Especially when DBK and PIF realise what's happening, and are posted incase Wukong's baby causes as much trouble for him as Red did to them.
[I like to think that she wouldn't have his six sensitive ears because she didn't actually have the genetics for it, but her appearance could still be pushed so her ears do still glow a little.
even if their aren't six ears, the instant Macaque sees her ears glowing he would not be able to stop himself from squealing with joy and practically side tackling Wukong as he is incoherently babbling about how much he loves her.]
Oh gosh, Mac and Wukong just see Yuebei for the first time. She's still kinda gross, having *just* busted out of her thin ambiotic shell. Her fur dark... And her little ears glowing?! Both monkey parents are sobbing, especially when they learn that Yuebei was unconciously trying her best to look like Macaque's baby with the limited genetics available. Wukong has multiple centuries of love to dish out, and Macaque is catching up fast.
[he def let Guanyin know before hand so that if things did go wrong they'd know the tapes/letters were there to give to his infant.]
Guanyin has a secret stash in the Southern Ocean of all the letters and tapes (and even some drawings of what she might have looked like) Wukong ever made for Yuebei, in case he wasn't able to give them to her in person. Yuebei ends up finding them when she's a moody teenager, mad at her baba for something stupid.
Pre-series; In absense of any other godparent... I bet Wukong would have trusted Yuebei with Guanyin if possible. The goddess would have gladly taken the infant had Wukong not survived the birth, though it would pain her for many centuries to come.
[but to make a good thing angsty, what if she also has "bad noises" that she associates with certain things...] + [...and what if she also isn't that trusting of macaque at first because she also only ever "heard" him when he was in the process of trying to hurt her baba and his friends] + [...luckily yuebei seems to warm up to him quickly when she sees him and Wukong being cuddly and reconciling.]
ooohhhh :(
Wukong walks in after letting Mac take care of Yuebei while he was out, only to come back to see both of them crying. Yuebei is doing this sort of furious wailing while Mac just looks defeated.
Macaque: "She hates me!!" Wukong, picks up Yuebei: "No she doesn't plum. She cries at eveything." Yuebei: *calms down at sound of Wukong's voice* Macaque: "No! She started crying when I tried talking to her! And when I tried soothing her it just got worse and worse and-!!" (*Wukong places a soft hand on Mac's cheek, quieting him*) Wukong: "She'll warm up to you. Just be patient." Macaque: *leans into Wukong's hand, still crying." Yuebei: *looks confused before slapping a fat little hand on Mac's face in mimicry of her baba. chirping with delight* Macaque: :')
Once the relationship between Wukong and Mac improves, so does the baby's reaction to Mac's voice (symbolism). She finally starts to associate the "bad" voice with her bama, and soon it's not a "bad voice" anymore. Though there probably is a weird bridge-point where Mac has to put on silly accents/voices when he baby-talks to Yuebei or else she'll get mad at him.
[c'mon Azure, if you're gonna hold a super strong baby that already doesn't like you the least you can do is try and keep her happy and preoccupied. he's got no one but himself to blame]
I can just imagine Azure is too preoccupied with his plans for the Celestial Realm (and plans for Wukong), and fails to notice Yuebei getting more and more fussy as he holds her (poorly). Her face contorts like she's constipated and slowly gets redder and redder with anger.
Yellowtusk immediately notices and warns Azure to let the cub down so she can at least crawl and inspect her new surroundings. Peng laughs at the thought of letting "the hatchling" decide the terms of her imprisonment.
Then Peng feels a tiny, but powerful, hand grab their wing feathers...
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Yellowtusk leaves before the carnage reaches him.
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metallicaislife · 10 months
Cliff Burton Headcanons
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A/N: bear with me, I tried to stay true to who he is as person, however I am a delusional 25 year old woman who is hopelessly in love with him 🫡
Requested by: Anon
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
SFW Headcanons
He was quiet the first few times you met 
You thought he hated you because he wouldn’t talk to you other than a few words here and there
He was really just picking up on your vibes, he is a good judge of character and wants to surround himself with good natured people
When he deemed you a genuine good egg he started opening up and you were starting to see his true personality
Which was such a treat, getting to see him just be himself in the purest sense 
The two of you would become really good friends
You would hardly realize the transition from friends to more it was all just really natural
Like you two hung out a lot, then one day he asked you to hang out and it was just different, but not in a bad way
He took you out to eat at an all day breakfast diner
The music shop and let you pick out a couple cassettes and batted your hands away when you tried to pay for them
When you got back into his car, you were stewing on the thought and finally blurted out 
“Is this a date?”
Homie was so nonchalant about it, but honestly you wouldn’t of wanted it any other way
After that the two of you were going steady
He isn’t overly affectionate in front of others, like they know you’re a couple but he isn’t all over you
He’ll hold your hand or have an arm slung around your shoulder or his hand on the small of your back
If the two of you are sitting down he’ll play with your hands, and he lets you do the same
In private though, he’s like a blanket
His 6’2 frame constantly draped over you
He likes to hold you too, but he is putty in your embrace
Like you’re laying on the couch and he is laying in between your legs with his head on your chest and you’re playing with his hair- he would live in this position if he could
Getting stoned constantly and just listening to music and cuddling
The way he looks at you…. Makes you melt every time, his eyes and facial expressions always hold such sincerity and adoration
“Stop looking at me like that, i’m going to combust”
“Like what?” he’ll ask with a slightly wicked grin on his face… homie knows exactly what he’s doing
As previously mentioned in another post, you don’t really know what you do that flusters him, but every once in a while you get a glimpse of it and it is the most precious thing ever!!!!! 
Usually he is stone faced, but every once in a while that slips and he gets the goofiest grin, and his ears will turn red!!!! He tries to hide them behind his hair but whenever you catch a glimpse it's just the cutest thing ever
He can be romantic, but he’s just like not- for example, the two of you were just sitting on his bed chilling out when he realized he loved you, and rather than making some sweet gesture and telling you, as soon as the thought came to his head he just blurted it out
You were like
“I love you” He shrugs like it’s just an obvious thing “you don’t have to say it back if you don’t feel that way yet. Just tell me when you do.” 🥹🥹
You’d have thought you told him he won the lottery when you said it back to him, that was one of the times you made his heart beat really hard
He puts his rings on you and they are loose but you wear ‘em around anyway until he buys you a skull ring in your size 
I could go on forever he is just so precious 😭😭💚
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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F/O Headcanons: Pokemon Universe Edition!
(More will be added with time)
(Also, many of these are inspired from headcanons I’ve previously read, so you may recognize them. Unfortunately, most of these have been in my phone for a long time so I don’t remember some of the original sources; if you do though, please message me so I can give proper credits)
Aromatisse tend to make potpurri nests
Nessa and Raihan are cousins.
Leon does not know how to break open a safe or pick locks… Hop knows how to do both. In fact Hop has numerous skills that are also a little shady.
It’s hard keeping a Riolu at their beginning stage because they are very loving, loyal and friendly pokemon. Don’t give your kid a Riolu because you will be taking care of a Lucario.
Phantump can possess all kinds of tree stumps (fruit trees, redwoods, birch trees, etc.). This gives them some natural variation in appearance.
Kirlia will often "intern" under Gallade and Gardevoir in order to enhance their psychic abilities. Which one a Kirlia trains under is thought to influence its evolution if male.
Magikarp are popular among breeders because they have a good amount of variation and produce lots of eggs. You can get Magikarp/Gyarados in various colors and patterns because of this. This is also true among Rattata, but they’re less popular due to people considering them weak and boring.
Absol are known for being paranoid. They are extremely protective of their trainers and will try to prevent any negative thing from happening to them, even if that thing is "leaf blows into their face" or something equally mundane.
Sylveon and Umbreon get along surprisingly well because they're both stealth hunters.
One popular textile company uses a stylized Leavanny for their logo.
Modern Pokeballs create simulations for the Pokemon inside that make them feel like they're in a large environment. In addition to making the Pokeball feel extra comfortable, they also help keep the Pokemon enriched.
Eevee and their evolutions arguably have the cutest courtship rituals on the planet. They start off by showing interest with short yips and sniffing, studying each other. After that, play-fighting ensues. When that's done, the pair share tiny kisses on the cheek.
Umbreon can spray poison from their rings. They can poison themselves if they breathe it in accidentally due to not being poison-types, but the toxins are pretty mild.
Leavanny can fly, but only for very short distances and not very far off the ground.
A popular rumor states that the more powerful the Lucario the more black they have on their bodies, but there's nothing scientific to back up this claim.
There are some that believe that Fidough evolve faster when around fire-type Pokemon. This claim has yet to be scientifically backed, however.
Young Vulpix will actively try to get their trainers to "hold their paw for reassurance.
The Leavanny line becomes incredibly agitated if they don't have any materials to "sew" with, so make sure they have access to plenty of greenery.
Absol live in isolation out in the wild, only coming together to breed and take care of their pups.
Jolteon oddly prefer sparkling water. Many theorize that the breed generally prefer foods that cause ‘tingly’ sensations as it’s similar to the hum of electricity.
Legendary and guardian pokemon in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos are so rarely seen they are thought of as myths. Meanwhile the Tapu guardians in Alola have shown up in people's backyards to mess around with their sprinklers and lawn ornaments.
Luxray are used as police or medical Pokemon in Sinnoh due to their ability to see through objects and strong stature. They are good at finding and retrieving victims and people who need assistance. Along with that they can be trained to listen for heartbeats and give electricity in a way similar to an AED.
There is a superstition in Johto that if an Eevee jumps into a child's crib, the child is blessed. Often times for baby showers, the mother is gifted an Eevee egg for this very reason. When the kit hatches, it is left in the room with the baby. If the Eevee stays by the child's side, but outside the crib, the child is destined to be average and live a normal life. However, if the Eevee jumps inside the crib and sleeps next to the child, the child will be blessed with fortune, prosperity, and joy.
It's thought that having someone with a positive aura take care of Riolu eggs helps them to hatch faster.
Eevees tend to mimic the personality and habits of their trainers. If their trainer tends to be energetic, the Eevees will get a share of that energy too. If, on the other hand, the trainer tends to be more on the relaxed and a bit lazy side the Eevees will behave like that too.
Popplio are frequently used for public performances and other forms of entertainment. It works out nicely, as it serves as excellent enrichment for them
Swablu's soft, cotton-y down is a favorite filler for pillows, especially because they shed it often. Nowadays it's more common to find synthetic substitutes.
Eevee’s love to be groomed and accessorized, especially on their tail. They don't like baths though but they groom themselves well.
Hisuian Growlithe/Arcanine are still found in some volcanic regions, but they are incredibly rare and protected under law.
A group of Chingling/Chimecho are known as a gong.
While Vulpix and Ninetales have incredible fur, harming one is considered bad luck and, in some areas, sacrilegious.
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 5 months
Hello again! Thank you very much for answering my questions about troll eggs. I love your headcanons! Now when you mentioned eggnancy lol I would like to hear more about it. Do trolls have mood swings and cravings? What was Branch like when he was eggnant?:D
Hey there! 💕
My first thought for Eggnancy symptoms is that they are all mostly head based. Basic symptoms start with things like migraines, dizziness, fatigue, even neck cramps. They can have morning sickness sometimes but it's mostly from the dizziness and the migraines.
Buuuut the average Troll might have these symptoms and think it's just stress or sickness or something.
The real indicators that it's an egg, lies in the hair. The hair changes first, to make itself into a viable 'nest' before the egg comes.
Itchy hair
Sensitive hair
Oily hair
Flakey hair
Split ends
Hair becomes matted
Strands change colour/length randomly
Unable to stretch their hair
Mood swings and cravings do happen, but usually later on after the egg appears but before it detaches.
Hair will also thicken (after the egg appears) @jorjafrozen 😉
Poor Branch (King Branch by this point btw ☺️) experiences itchy hair and is unable to stretch it, but mostly gets the migraines, fatigue and the morning sickness that goes with that.
Our beloved Branchifer, in his true 'worst case scenario' nature, starts experiencing these symptoms and doesn't think 'EGG', he immediately thinks 'PLAGUE' 😨
And barricades himself in the bunker.
Picture Poppy, Viva and his brothers all knocking on the hatch trying to get him to come out.
No response.
They end up camping outside with Rhonda until he responds.
Branch is like "No, I'm patient zero, I refuse to infect all of you." 😷
Someone asks him what symptoms he has so they can check if anyone else in the village has it.
He lists the symptoms.
Viva and Bruce immediately know what it means.
Viva squeals, Bruce laughs. 😂
They manage to coax him out with guarantees that he isn't contagious and they confirm the existence of the egg.
And they celebrate!
Loving these questions, keep them coming. 💕
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