#[Headcanons Ahoy]
nikibogwater · 1 year
What if yona and mipha met?
Okay, buckle up y'all, 'cause I went borderline fanfic mode on this one:
According to her profile in the Purah Pad, Yona is a childhood friend of Sidon's, which means it's possible she and Mipha did meet each other at least once when Yona was still young. Ever since reading this, I've headcanoned that Smol Yona lowkey idolized Mipha. Mipha would have represented everything Yona needed to be as a Zora princess--kind, compassionate, beautiful, and a capable leader. I'd like to think that one of the reasons Yona grew to resemble Mipha so much is because she saw Mipha as a role model when she was little. They were probably already similar in personality and values, which would have made it easier for Yona to look up to her. I imagine Mipha was very much the Cool Older Sister--the one who, whenever she makes time to hang out with you, makes you feel really special. She would have gotten involved in Yona and Sidon's games, and taught the both of them really valuable lessons and skills. Perhaps Yona even felt jealous of Sidon from time to time. He got to have Mipha all the time, while Yona could only see her during diplomatic trips. Perhaps Mipha sensed this, and made a point of spending some one-on-one time with Yona whenever possible, teaching her how a princess must be able to rise above unfortunate events or unfair circumstances and be a pillar of strength for her people.
With all of that being said, it must have been devastating for Yona to hear of Mipha's death. Especially since Mipha's role as the Domain's princess (and now, queen) was passed on to her through her betrothal to Sidon. Since she is a relatively minor character, Tears of the Kingdom doesn't give us much insight into her own personal struggles, but I'm sure she must feel as though she is under a lot of pressure to live up to Mipha's legacy. Nonetheless, she's clearly doing an excellent job, since everyone in the Domain adores her.
Meanwhile, over in the Age of Calamity timeline, I am fairly confident that Yona and Mipha are thick as thieves. They have tea together almost every day, and regularly gang up on Sidon for some friendly teasing. He makes a show of being affronted, but he really enjoys their three-way banter.
Thanks so much for the fun ask, Non! I love these kinds of creative exercises, hehe! ✨
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batmurdock · 1 year
unsolicited opinions time dot com:
“I Am the Man, Thomas” by The Devil Makes Three is an Ash Williams song
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batty4steddie · 4 months
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Steve Harrington friend of (children) Dustin Henderson & Robin Buckley. Stranger Things 3
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mixsethaddams · 2 years
You expect me to believe that Eddie Munson, freak of Hawkins High, heard that King Steve himself was selling ice cream in a dumb little sailor costume, and didn’t go to see for himself? Steve’s fall from grace would have been the only news worth knowing for the other students, especially the ones that were without doubt in the firing line of the rich kids and jocks.
But if Eddie turned up at Scoops Ahoy one day with the full intention of making fun of him, only to turn around at the door as soon as he caught sight of the shorts because god damn, then thats his own business.
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aealzx · 8 months
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“Hey lil guy! Glad to see you’re up!”
The disconnect between them being in a lair, and having the new figure distinctly not match who they were used to being in such a setting caused April to question if someone was actually there when she thought she felt a presence behind them. And Donnie had been so focused on Raph that the form had been ignored. Everyone knew not to suddenly grab him when he was like this. Other than Lil Mikey, but he had special privileges. And Leon as well, to a point, in very specific circumstances.
But this loud, rough, obnoxious, horrible brute certainly did not have such privileges. Therefore the contact and noise earned a startled hiss that quickly turned furious as Donnie recoiled from the touch, shoving the arm off his shoulders as though it were poison and retaliating violently with his fist. The man’s apology was interrupted by Donnie’s knuckles colliding with his nose and mouth, effectively knocking him away as Donnie hunched protectively over April and ushered them a few steps in the opposite direction.
Raph’s voice was a painful stab to Donnie’s mind, but he accepted it since it was Raph. But Mikey’s startled yelp as he woke from the commotion was a stab to the mental barrier Donnie was scrambling to create, cracking the form before it could even begin to complete. With the obviously distressed noise from his little brother Raph had formed his ninpo avatar around himself to allow him to move on his own, scrambling up from the couch and practically falling over the top of Donnie and April as his arms and ninpo protectively enveloped them. With the physical barrier now guarding him, Donnie released April in favor of wrapping his arms around Raph’s forearm, feeling a minor sense of peace as Raph’s other hand smothered half of his back in comfort even as he sagged to his knees.
“Dang it Casey! What did I tell you about him? Do you want to lose a finger?!” Raphael’s voice joined the noise this time, drawn from his previous location from the uncommon sound of Donnie hissing, and the impact of flesh and fist.
“I was just being friendly,” Casey protested, voice muffled by his hand covering his bleeding nose.
“Yeah, well not everyone likes to be manhandle- SHELL!” Raphael’s response broke off with a startled half curse as a blue static of energy brought Leon into the commotion, a drawn sword for the long distance portal fading to flecks when he noticed there wasn’t an actual brawl. Yet.
“What did you do to him?!” Leon demanded after a short glance over to locate Donnie and make sure he didn’t have any additional injuries.
Where Mikey would normally feel comfortable interjecting to try and diffuse the situation, he hadn’t actually seen what happened and therefore remained where he was peeking over the back of the couch. Maybe Leon’s anger was justified? If it was, Mikey didn’t want to scold Leon for being protective of his brother. He seemed a little distressed along with the anger though, which was definitely concerning. Did he think they would actually intentionally hurt them?
“Relax, kid. It was just a-” Raphael started to consol, cutting off with a slight flinch back when Leon lashed out at him almost immediately.
“Don’t tell me to relax!” Leon snapped, rounding on Raphael even as April wiggled out from the barrier of Raph’s ninpo encased arms to stand between the two groups just in case. “I asked you not to bother him-”
This time Raphael’s eye twitched. “Hey, I heard nothing of the sort,” he snapped, shifting his weight towards Leon.
“He and the girl were already here when I got here,” Casey added in a half complained attempted rebuttal as Don and Mikey reached the group from the kitchen, as well as Leo from the meditation room.
“We didn’t get the chance to tell the others yet,” Don explained, currently the quietest voice of the group. A strange blessing considering everyone else was yelling.
Leon made a slight hiss of his own in response, but didn’t seem to have an immediate verbal response this time as he was forcing himself to pause to take a moment to question his previous reactions. It made sense, Don hadn’t even left the kitchen after Leon told him Donnie wanted to be left alone. The quieter tone was also nice, and didn’t grate on his nerves. And for half a heartbeat he wasn’t sure why he was so upset? Or if it was even his nerves that were getting scraped.
“...April, I think Leo’s-” Lil Mikey whisper, shuffling closer to April after rapidly analyzing the people in the area.
“Is everything- WhAT HAPPENED?!” Mom April was the newest addition to the commotion now, taking one look at Casey’s dripping nose and having her anxiety spike. The shrill outburst earned a distressed noise from Donnie as he clamped his hands over his ears, trying to keep ahold of Raph at the same time. Mom April didn’t notice though, reaching towards Casery to check how bad it was. “Why are you bleed-”
“Would you shut up?!” Leon abruptly snapped, a snarl pulling his lip up as he whirled on Mom April, her voice feeling like nails driven into his brain. His brain?
“HEY! Don’t yell at my wife!” Casey thundered in retaliation, shifting his broad form to get between Mom April and Leon.
“Casey, hold on,” Leo interrupted, rushing forward to place a hand on their old friend’s shoulder to push him back. Even considering the fight they’d got into before, Leon was strangely antagonistic now. Was this a flashback like Don had mentioned might happen? It was so different from before when Leon had been lashing out from fear. Now he just seemed angry and horribly disoriented, raising his hands to his own head as though he wasn’t sure it hurt or not.
“You shut the hell up too! You’re all so damn loud!” Leon snapped at Casey, relayed venom lacing his words as he returned Casey’s step, refusing to back down.
“ALL OF YOU SHUT IT!” April’s voice unexpectedly snapped through the group, causing various levels of startlement, especially when she almost stomped forward to slap both hands on Leon’s cheeks and yank his head to bring his gaze to her. Raphael’s retort caught in his mouth as it snapped closed, and both brows rose as he looked to April. And when Leon tried to protest April just shook his head slightly and squished her hands harder. “That includes you. You’re spiraling off Donnie,” she chided, lowering her voice for a moment before opting for complete silence and pressing her own mouth shut. While she took control of Leon, Lil Mikey was taking care of addressing the others, giving a slightly pained and pleading smile as he pressed his palms together in a silent request for them to listen to April’s demand.
The blunt revelation and command from April caused Leon to suck in a short hissed breath, effectively silenced and decidedly shifting his attention to her. Her bellow had hurt, but her comment afterwards made it painfully aware why. It wasn’t his pain. It was Donnie’s. He’d just been lashing out as a projection of Donnie’s responses combined with his own desire to help.
Pursing his lips together, Leon gave April a single nod to show he understood, drawing a shaky breath and raising his hands when she let him go. And then, to the elder inhabitants’ surprise, Leon started making deliberate motions in front of him. A quick point at Donnie, still smothered in Raph’s tense form. Upturned palms with fingers snapping to grip at the air. One hand raising almost like he was catching something next to his head. Then pointer fingers curled with the thumbs and second fingers spread as he dropped them slightly.
April’s expression became saturated with worry even as she pursed her own lips. After a moment of hesitation she raised two fingers and shifted her hand side to side twice.
At that point Don drew in a slow gasp of realization. “Wha-?” Raphael started to ask before Don clamped a hand over his brother’s mouth, holding a finger in front of his own lips. Gesturing at Raphael to hold on, Don took a moment to turn to Mom April and gesture for her to take Casey to the infirmary to address his bleeding nose. She didn’t seem happy, but considering Don looked like he knew what was going on she didn’t protest. After she ushered Casey away quietly, Don motioned for his brothers to come closer to him as he pulled out his phone and opened the notes app.
| It’s sign language. | Don typed where his brothers could see, even as Lil Mikey moved closer to Leon and April and was trying to make one handed signs back. | They all know sign language. |
His excitement was obvious to see, something between the two groups that was so drastically different. But Raphael didn’t find the merit in knowing that particular detail, giving Don a confused and blatantly questioning expression.
| Considering April told us to be quiet, noise must be a problem somehow. | Don typed back.
That was enough motivation for Leo to start working on fixing the problem rather than debating about it. Especially when he glanced at their guests again and noticed silent tears slipping from both Donnie’s and Leon’s eyes. Pulling his own phone out and typing in a note, Leo approached the group of three and held it out to them. | What’s wrong? How do we help? |
Leon ended up flinching back in confused surprise, but April’s expression brightened slightly while Lil Mikey looked ecstatic. When Leon started to repeat some of the motions he had done before, Lil Mikey being unable to explain, Leo shook his head and pushed the phone towards him.
Giving a slightly annoyed huff, Leon took the phone and rapidly typed out a response after rubbing the tears in one eye again.
| D is overwhelmed. He needs somewhere quiet, but there isn’t one. |
Watching carefully as Leon typed, Leo accepted the phone when Leon shoved it back and added his own response. | Anywhere quiet? |
That earned a confused look from the three, but after a moment Leon gave a hesitant nod. The ideal situation would be somewhere that was familiar. But that wasn’t going to happen, so the basic requirement was just to have somewhere with as little sound as possible.
It was enough for Leo to work with, and he started to head towards Raph and Donnie. His course was halted though when Leon immediately latched onto his wrist, grip almost strangling the limb. But Leo just turned back to meet his gaze, raising his other hand to rest softly on Leon’s grip and giving him a reassuring smile. He remembered what it had been like when everything was just too much. Every comment his family made only made him angry despite how much they wanted to help. How even the drop of water in a leaky faucet would grate on his nerves. How his siblings whispering made him want to lash out at them. After a stretch of time just watching Leon’s expression shift subtly, Leo silently mouthed ‘Trust me?’ to him.
And after a few flexes in Leon’s grip strength he eventually, almost reluctantly let Leo go.
The action earned a thankful smile from Leo, and he gave Leon a soft nod before turning back to his original task. It seemed he’d have to gain the trust of more than one brother though, for when he knelt down in front of Raph he could hear a soft growl of wary warning from the huge form. It admittedly sent a slight chill down Leo’s back, but he knew Raph was just being protective. And so Leo was careful to raise his hands in an inoffensive motion as he sat on his feet, remaining still until the rumbles from Raph stopped. Then he carefully tapped on his phone before showing it to Raph. | I just want to see if he wants to go to the meditation room. It’s sound proofed. |
The message caused Raph to blink in mild surprise, but Leo could see his form significantly relax. His hand moving away from Donnie slightly while Leo set his phone down was enough to prompt Donnie to open his eyes to check the surroundings for what was changing. And when he saw Leo so close he also let out a quiet hiss of warning.
Leo almost chuckled at the reaction, for it had lost so much of the venom Donnie had had before. It felt more like a sleep irritable kid weakly shoving away the hand trying to wake them up. Something about missing his battle shell and wearing such large glasses made him less intimidating in appearance. But Leo wasn’t sure if even the soft noise of a chuckle would bother him, so just gave a small smile as he raised a finger in front of it. No need to be loud. He understood the need for quiet now. And he held his other hand out in offer for Donnie to take, nodding his head in the direction of their meditation room when Donnie squinted at him suspiciously.
Neither of them moved for long enough for Lil Mikey to start shifting in anxiousness, raising a foot to rub against the back of his leg and glancing at Leon. Who then in turn gave Lil Mikey a slight glare before averting his gaze completely and folding his arms with a slight huff. Donnie’s gaze flicked to Leon for a moment, then slid back to Leo’s offered hand as he frowned slightly. Leo thought for a moment that Donnie would decline his offer then, but to his pleasant surprise Donnie’s hand released it’s grip on Raph’s arm to move halfway to Leo’s fingers. Then after a slight pause Donnie gingerly rested his fingertips on Leo’s palm, glaring up at him in a slight pout as if daring him to prank him.
Leo couldn’t help being guiltily amused at the response, and just shook his head with a worried smile as he looped his hand underneath Donnie’s, just like he’d done once before. It was a motion that caused Donnie to blink and inhale slightly in surprise, but Leo could see some of the wariness practically melt from him because of it. He could take it slow, and wait for Donnie to follow when he was ready. He’d already shown that once before, and apparently it was enough for Donnie to trust him once again. So when Leo shifted to stand up it didn’t take much for Donnie to follow. Just a slight pause in anxiousness and having to detangle his feet from the blanket and Raph’s limbs. The blanket stayed with him though. Haphazardly gripped around him and over only one shoulder with his other hand as the one was being used by Leo to guide him to another room.
The meditation room was blessedly dimmer than the rest of the lair. Soft candle lights that barely shifted in their steady flame instead of the blaring LEDs. There wasn’t much of anything else in the room either. Just mat floors with several soft, well worn cushions. The most important part though was the foam sheets glued to the walls and ceiling, effectively muffling the outside world, especially when Leo mostly closed the door behind them. Seeing Donnie’s shoulders droop, and his expression relax halfway, Leo felt he could risk letting him go now. Letting his hand slip from his loose grasp, Leo moved back to the cushion he’d been sitting on just moments before and folded his legs under him. Then he offered Donnie another smile, and patted the other cushion next to him a few times before closing his eyes. He wanted to make sure Donnie knew he hadn’t dragged him in there to talk at him. Just give him somewhere peaceful to relax and collect his thoughts if he needed.
It took a minute before Leo heard any movement, but it was only seconds before he could feel a warmth nearby. And after a few moments of shuffling sounds the room stilled to a quiet calmness broken only by two sets of lungs. One calm, and one just a little shaky from sniffles. Cracking an eye open just a peek to check on Donnie, Leo almost let out a soft laugh when he saw the teen had chosen to flop on the floor and smash half his face into the cushion while hiding the rest of himself by being curled up in a tight ball under the blanket. Leo half raised a hand to reach out and gently pat his form, but then decided against it and let it lower back to his knee. Apparently having someone sling their arm around him had been the cause of the issue in the first place. So it would probably be better to just leave him alone now, and let him recover in peace.
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I already had this part written when I posted the previous one |D that's why the fast update. I just don't like to spam more than around 1 - 2k words per post. Also I really like drawing pushed expressions so there was easy motivation to draw this next X'D
kudos to sokda-lal-ashes on tumblr, and lighthawke and Fangirling101B on AO3 for guessing right that it was good ole dumbass Casey being a brute X'D
And then mild concern for the rest of you jumping to biting. ô_ó My gosh the kid just woke up and hasn't eaten in half a day and you're all thinking he's gonna want to put filthy human in him mouth again.
And then a few of you went straight to murder and that's a bit higher in concern. 8 |
I did enjoy every comment though X'DDD it was a riot.
Fun fact I had 鹳之心弦 by Vanguard Sound playing on repeat while writing this whole thing. X'D
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devondespresso · 1 year
headcanon that scoops free ice cream for employees rule inadvertently trained stobin to be totally cool just taking shit from work. banana for the banana splits? lunch. tiny little sample spoons? they're cute and they give them out to customers so why not them too. ice cream at the bottom of the tub? its getting thrown out anyway so it won't hurt if it misses the trash by a few feet. and whoever was running starcourt was too preoccupied with secrets and shit to care if the minimum wage food court workers took a few sample spoons home.
like I'd love to see stobin get fired from job after job with the the one consistent footnote being that they were suspected of stealing shit (but could never prove it, no decent cameras to use against them and these weird teens refuse to rat each other out. they were interrogated by Russians, hr has nothing on that)
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munsonshire · 5 months
Dating Steve (Scoop's version)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x gender neutral reder
Steve Masterlist
Dating him while he's working at Scoops means you get all the gossip from work
Plus you get to see that ass in those scoops ahoy uniform shorts....
He will tell you bout dates that he has seen and some really funny stories about customers that threw the ice cream on themselves.
He will also complain a lot about how Robin makes fun of him because she thinks that you aren't real. You two havent met so she believes that this fantastic person that Steve is dating doesn't even exist.
He also complains about rude customers
But there are times that he comes home so excited to tell you something that he forgets that he's still dressed in the scoop's uniform, hat and all. And you can't help but laugh a little at how adorable he looks dressed up and excited
It goes like:
"And then Erica and her friends- wait, why are you laughing- oh, wait" he will start laughing too
And no, I didn't write this during class, of course not, and the teacher sure as hell ain't glaring at me rn
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tennant-the-tigger · 2 years
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Stranger Things Inktober Dump
Our favourite platonic duo! Where they started, where they are now.
My Stranger Things Art | My Instagram
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little-annie · 1 year
Licorice Ice Cream Pt.2
"Licorice Ice Cream right?"
Of course, of fucking course Harrington's working today. Of fucking course he's working today when Eddie comes in looking like an absolute rat. Well in his own eyes anyways. Steve probably thinks otherwise but that's neither here nor there because the man's straight and the thought of him being anything but just doesn't even register on Eddie's radar.
Oh and of fucking course he looks like an absolute dream. Is…is that fucking lip gloss, did Steve Harrington's lips always look so wet. Fuck. And kissable. And…and fuckab- get your shit together Munson.
Is he trying to give Eddie a heart attack?
Holy ice cream slinging gods.
"Ow! Fuck."
There's a swift pinch in Eddie's side and he whips around to find Wayne with a far too sly expression. Like, does he not see Steve in his booty shorts and fucking lip gloss standing no more than a foot away smelling like citrus and cinnamon and looking like a sexy little underwear model with his silky hair and rosy cheeks.
"The boy asked you a question, Ed."
Eddie straightens his back, taking a step away from Wayne and his pinching fingers.
He can be smoothe.
Eddie Munson can be suave.
He's got this.
With feigned confidence Eddie rakes his eyes ever so slowly over Steve's form, indulging in the delicacy before him. The narrow waist, the broad shoulders, those fucking lips. 
He leans forward, going for casual, dropping his eyes before looking up at Steve through his lashes. Be it a coincidence or the fucking gods above, but he swears he's captured Pretty Boys attention.
With a ring clad hand easing it's way onto the countertop between them, Eddie bats his lashes, leaning in as he speaks, "You bet-"
And suddenly there's a wet squeak and a slip and Eddie's nose fucking hurts.
The fuck just happened?
With a grumbled 'Jesus Christ, Ed' to his rear and a snort from behind the counter, Eddie lifts his face from its surface to see beautiful Carmel eyes so dangerously close to his.
"You okay there Munson?"
Oh sweet baby Harrington Jesus 
Eddie tries to regain his hardly existent confidence, leaning into the counter further, dropping his voice, batting his lashes.
And not possibly concussed from nose diving into the fucking marble countertop.
He props his probably bruised chin on his palm as he chokes out a quiet, "Never better Sailor."
"Oh shit," Steve huffs, his worried face so close to Eddie's he can see the flecks of gold and green in his eyes, god he's so fucking pretty, "You're bleeding man."
Oh shit.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
Eddie's not good with blood.
Like really not good with blood.
You see, the whole town thinks he's this satanic cult leader who sacrifices virgins in his spare time but. Ha. Jokes on them, Eddie would sooner pass the fuck out at the sight of blood and well, the only virgin he knows is himself. 
Though, ha, um Eddie's about .2 seconds from being on his ass when a drop of blood falls to the white countertop next to his elbow.
Then there's a *thud* and dull pain in his knees and fucking everywhere else in his body.
The next thing he sees is a blur of blue and Carmel, and there's a tightness around his body. Chilly, but solid. He hums, leaning dazed into whatever it is, taking a deep breath of cinnamon and citrus.
"'S nice," he hums again.
Then everything black.
Ten minutes later Eddie wakes up to a chill and the sight of Steve Harrington on his knees.
Oh Goddamn
Oh Oh ohhh goodman 
Well hello Sailor Steve 
Maybe he's died and gone to heaven.
A chilly, white walled, ice cream filled Heaven where Steve Harrington's dressed as a sexy sailor and waits with pouty pink lips and rosy cheeks on his knees.
Steve snickers, adjusting the ice pack he's holding to Eddie's knee, "Hello to you too Eddie."
Shit did he say that out loud
Steve's a pretty shade of pink when he speaks again, "Yeah ya did,-" There's a pause, the beautiful man pushing his hair out of his face as he continues, "You doing alright man?"
Eddie thinks about that, not entirely sure if he's truly alive or if he's lying with his skull cracked open in the middle of Scoops Ahoy. But, either way, he has Steve Harrington on his knees which is a site he never thought he'd see again after that fateful day at Jeff's locker and well, he thinks he's still kicking. Because who's he kidding, he's not making it into heaven.
"Y-yeah," Eddie chokes out, body absolutely being engulfed in a roar of heat when he clues into the fact that Steve's not only on his knees but has a large, strong hand wrapped around the back of Eddie bare calf, holding his leg out while keeping the ice pack in place with the other. 
"Can you move your leg?"
"Mhm" Eddie hums, noncommittally moving his leg, choking down a wince when there's a pinch in his knee
"Ya went down pretty hard dude, anything else sore?"
His pride maybe 
Eddie shakes his head and watches as Steve brings himself to standing, crowding into Eddie's space without thought. Fuck. He's nearly standing between Eddie's thighs. Sweet Jesus. 
He's…. He's not gonna kiss him is he? Fuck it feels like he's going to. 
Eddie feels like he's vibrating out of his skin and damn near feels like he could pass out again when Steve takes his chin in hand. 
If Eddie's sporting a chub at this little amount of contact that is his information and his information ONLY! no one else needs to know that. We've already established he's a virgin and we've already established the whole Steve Harrington of it all. So sue him. He's a horny teenage boy and an absolute God of a man has his hands on him.
And no he doesn't moan at the sweet sting of pain when a cool, wet washcloth brushes under his nose.
He doesn't.
He chokes that down because that'd be embarrassing.
If that did happen he'd probably die of embarrassment and not his heart that's about to beat out of his chest as he so blatantly stares at Steve's lips. The man's just so close it's hard not to and Eddie swears he can smell a tinge of Strawberry in the air and can't help but imagine how it'd taste on his tongue.
Subconsciously he licks his lips and continues to stare.
Eddie's head whips to the right to find Wayne.
The fucker looks smug as all hell.
If he didn't make the executive decision to come to the mall to 'beat the heat,' then Eddie wouldn't be in this goddamn situation. 
Which granted he's not totally mad that he's sitting on a chair with a lap nearly full of Steve Harrington but still. He did bounce his fucking face off of a marble countertop and still tried to put the moves on a straight man with most likely blood in his teeth or dripping from his nose.
Eddie shoots Wayne absolute daggers, hoping to incinerate the man with his stare before turning back to find Steve staring at him but not at him but…his lips. No. No Steve Harrington wouldn't stare at his lips. Would he? No…
Unless ….
No Eddie, don't get your hopes up.
Eddie licks what he can only assume is blood or honesty, probably drool from his lip only to witness Steve bite his own and shiver before forcing his eyes away. 
It's quiet for a moment and Eddie's sure he can fucking hear Wayne smiling to himself on the other side of the room. 
Then there's pressure on his thigh, just above his knee and a quick squeeze and Holy fuck Steve Harrington's hand is on Eddie's leg.
He sucks in a breath, trying to contain himself, looking at the hand in question then back at Wayne like he could or would possibly help him in this situation. 
The old fucker just smiles, raising a mocking brow.
Then Steve pulls him out of his trance, that silky voice, smooth like honey, humming into the air between them, "You're all cleaned up, I think you're good to go."
Eddie just stares, his eyes locked onto Steve's and his entire mind focused on the hand still on his leg.
He looks down at the hand once again, Steve seemingly realising his actions as he pulls back like he's been burned, his cheeks flaming red, whispering apologies.
While Eddie's still entranced by all that is now a blushing Steve Harrington, Wayne finally intervenes, grabbing him by the elbow, pulling him from his seat and back to the store front. Steve, red in the cheeks follows behind as Wayne offers his thanks.
Eddie's not catatonic but like maybe on the verge and rapidly hurtling towards an absolute melt down as the places Steve once laid his hands still burns with something hot and fiery on his skin.
"Get your shit together Ed, the boy's bringing you a fuckin' ice cream." Wayne grumbles into Eddie's ear as they approach the shop's exit.
And yep. There's Steve, cheeks absolutely crimson as he looks back and glares at the young woman working the till, hissing something at her until he approaches Eddie with a bashful smile and a set of puppy dog eyes, "Licorice Ice Cream, it- it's on the house." 
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stonathandreamer · 5 months
Stonathan headcanons to brighten your day pt. 2 ✨
🔸 Masterlist
🔹 You can read part 1 here | part 3 here | part 4 here
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✨ It took some time for them to refer to each other as boyfriends - especially Steve. He never knew he would one day call a boy his boyfriend;
✨ But after some time, Steve would always refer to Jonathan as his boyfriend (to his close friends, of course);
— "I don't know, Henderson... I need to ask my boyfriend first."
— "You mean Jonathan?"
— "That's what I said. My boyfriend."
— 🙄.
✨ You can't blame the guy for being happy. His last relationship was a disaster, and Steve thought he would never date again. But his current relationship with Jonathan is just perfect! He's never been happier!
✨ Compared to Steve, Jonathan uses the word "boyfriend" sparingly, but every time he does refer to Steve as his boyfriend, the other boy feels like he's going to explode (of happiness, of course!);
✨ Golden Retriever and Black Cat boyfriends. Steve is always full of energy, always wanting to do something, like going to the mall, the movies, the park, or anything, whereas Jonathan only wants to stay indoors and listen to music or watch a movie in the comfort of his room;
✨ No pet names, it's just 'Steve' and 'Jonathan/Jon';
✨ But one time Jonathan accidentally called Steve 'sweetheart'. He was taking a nap and Steve was trying to wake him up;
— "C'mon, Jon, wake up! It's the middle of the day. Let's go do something!"
— "Hmph... No."
— "Pleaseee!"
— "Five more minutes, sweetheart..."
— "... What?"
✨ Poor Jonathan was embarrassed as hell, while Steve was smiling like a kid on Christmas day;
✨ Jonathan definitely has a picture of Steve wearing his stupid Scoops Ahoy uniform (or a bunch of them...);
✨ Steve never says 'no' to Jonathan, and the kids take advantage of it - whenever they, primarily Dustin, want something from Steve, they would ask Jonathan to ask Steve;
✨ It's not a rare occurrence to see Steve walking around the Byers' house - he practically lives there!
— "Why are you here, Steve? Don't you have a house to live in?"
— "Don't you have a basement to crawl back into, Wheeler?"
— "I'm here because Will invited me!"
— "And I'm here because my boyfriend invited me!"
✨ Meanwhile, Will & Jonathan are just: 😑😑.
✨ Steve likes to stay at the Byers' when his parents are away on some business trip - either Jonathan invites him to stay or Joyce refuses to let him stay all alone in that big house. But the bedroom door has to be left open;
— "You boys better keep the door open!"
— "MOM!"
✨ Jonathan has insecurity issues. Look at him! Why would Steve ever want to date him of all people?!
✨ Didn't like it when Steve flirted with the girls at Scoops Ahoy, even though he understood he had to do that to 'keep appearances';
✨ But when Steve found out Jonathan didn't like his purposely bad flirts towards the girls at Scoops, he immediately stopped;
✨ Steve himself was jealous of Jonathan working with Nancy Wheeler. His ex-girlfriend working together with his current boyfriend?! Geez...
✨ On their first Valentine's Day, Jonathan gave Steve a photo of them together in a beautiful dark blue frame. It was just a simple photo, taken by Joyce, of them sitting on the couch and laughing. The average Hawkins resident would look at that picture and think 'just two good friends spending some time together'. And Steve gave him... A teddy bear and a bouquet of flowers;
— "I panicked! I don't know how to give gifts to boyfriends. I know how to give gifts to girlfriends! And your gift was so sweet... And mine is so shitty..."
— "It's alright, Steve! Really. I loved it. Thank you."
✨ He really did love the gift, but decided to only keep the teddy bear and gave the flowers to his mom;
✨ Steve wanted to make it up for his shitty Valentine's Day gift, so he asked Will;
— "What does your brother like?"
— *shrugs* "I don't know."
— "You don't know? How can you not know? He's your brother!"
— "How can you not know? He's your boyfriend."
✨ He ended up giving Jonathan a box of chocolates;
— "I really suck at giving you gifts..."
— "It's alright, Steve. It's the thought that matters."
✨ Will ate most of the chocolates, by the way...
✨ Steve has the habit of forgetting some of his sweaters and jackets at Jonathan's house. Jonathan has the habit of not returning them and pretending to not know where they are;
✨ Physical touch is Steve's love language - he's always hugging Jonathan, resting his head on his shoulders, and kissing his cheeks;
✨ Jonathan is not as clingy, but he's always close to Steve, their arms always touching. Sometimes he likes to hold hands with him - this is his first relationship, okay? He needs some time to get used to things like this;
✨ When Robin found out Steve was dating Jonathan, she made a mark on the 'You Rule | You Suck' board: 1x6;
— "Can't you write a '10x6' instead? I mean, have you seen Jonathan? He's a 10, Robs!"
— "That's not how it works, Popeye..."
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
I have a theory.
We all know Steve looks a 1000x more babygirl in season 3 than any of the other seasons. I think he's done it on purpose.
Think about it.
Robin has the ongoing tally board of You Suck You Rule. There's no lines on the You Rule side. Steve is desperate. Has he lost his charm??? He needs to prove his still Steve Harrington out of high school. What does he do? Turn up the looks to 11.
He but lip gloss. He rubs his cheeks to make them a soft rose. He put on light mascara. His hair routine is now three hours long. He sheinks his shorts in the dryer on purpose. He pulls those socks up high. HE THROWS AWAY THE DAMN HAT!
After we see him strike out again when all this is done he's seriously considering the eyeliner he saw in his mom's room. Sadly, the Russians happened before then or Steve was about to turn his shirt into a crop top.
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
Listen, I've devoured all of the Dom Eddie/Sub Steve fics I've been able to find, and I do it happily. However, I'd personally love to see more Dom Steve and Sub Eddie.
Because Eddie might be a showman, he might like having everyone's eyes on him, he might like being in control of the games he DMs, but deep, deep down he's still the scared little boy that first ended up at Wayne's trailer. The little boy who heard everyone around him call him a "freak" and a whole host of other terrible things. And don't get him wrong, he loves all of his quirks that make him stand out from the crowd, but there's still a deep hurt within. A hurt that says he's too much, that he's always going to be too much, that everyone will only ever see the show he puts on and not the Eddie that he is, deep down.
Enter Steve Harrington, the once-jock-Prom-King-turned-blue-collar-working-single-mother. Steve Harrington, who has a whole lot of love to give to everyone around him. Steve Harrington, who looks at Eddie, sees the Dungeon Master/leading man that everyone else does, and is able to look right past it. A Steve Harrington who brings extra water to game nights, because Eddie's throat always gets sore and he always forgets to pack enough water. A Steve Harrington who always makes sure to order Eddie's favorite pizza, even when the rest of the kids whine and complain about having to pick pineapple off of their slices. A Steve Harrington who wraps Eddie up like a burrito in his coziest blanket when they watch scary movies, and who runs his fingers through Eddie's hair when Eddie starts to get too stressed.
When they finally get together - once Steve is sure that Eddie is, in fact, like him in his preferences - Steve pulls out all the stops. Dates out and dates in. Flowers every time he picks him up. Chocolate and other candies when Eddie's having a bad day. Stopping by the mechanic's shop with a homemade lunch just because he had the time and he missed Eddie's face.
And when they make it to the bedroom, Eddie's pretty certain that he knows what he wants; to be the one in charge, to put on a show.
But then Steve takes Eddie's shirt off of him and kisses his shoulders and calls him pretty and Eddie? Eddie just melts.
Because he's not the Freak here. He's never been The Freak, not to Steve. To Steve, he's the smartest, funniest, sexiest, prettiest, just all around best boy in the entire world. And it just feels right to sink into Steve's love; to let Steve press kisses all over his scarred body, to relish in the way his hands run all over Eddie's skin, to whimper in response to the constant stream of praise rushing forth from Steve's lips - so sweet, so beautiful, so perfect Eddie, my Eddie, my baby, my sweet boy, my darling precious boy -
His orgasm hits him like a freight train, and the feeling of Steve's release on his thighs shortly after feels like benediction.
And Steve? Steve is giddy. Steve is drunk with happiness because Eddie isn't like Nancy Wheeler. Eddie never says enough. Eddie basks in all of Steve's love and asks for more, every single time. And Steve would be Vecna's second-in-command before he'd ever stop giving it to him.
So, yeah. Eddie's maybe a submissive. But it never feels scary, because all he has to do is look at Steve and he sees the way Steve looks back, so open and warm and happy and loving and Eddie knows he can trust him to be the soft, squishy version of himself that's buried underneath all the layers. He can trust Steve with everything - with his submission, with his heart, with himself. And he can't wait to spend the rest of his days taking care of Steve too.
(And while he may be Steve's good boy most of the time, he likes to be a bit of a brat once in a while because hey, he's also a bit of a showman at heart.
Good boy or brat, Steve wouldn't have him any other way.)
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indigoire · 1 year
Oh I didn't even TALK about Ed encouraging Stede to use his "angry Captain voice", like he's literally trying to get Stede to order him around. He wants to be dominated by Stede so bad, I can't even deal with it.
Frenchie telling Stede to shut up was the cherry on top, just in case you forgot the walls were thin as shit on The Revenge. Good luck getting your bf to boss you around while getting heckled by the crew/peanut galle--sorry Frenchie.
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honey-flustered · 1 year
Scoops Ahoy Ken! - Steve Edition Imagine/Headcannon
Inspired by my post which is blowing up because everyone loves babygirl Steve 😫❤️
Ken Doll come to Life!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings: oral (f & m recieving)(implied), nsfw below cut, fluff
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So I’m thinking in the scenario where you randomly decide you’d like to buy a doll because you didn’t have a childhood where you got to play with dolls or any toys but as an adult, now on your own, you get to live out your dreams.
So you purchased this limited edition ken doll called “Scoops Ahoy Steve” because you thought he looked so pretty.
One day, you have a dream that he comes to life. Then, some luck of god and the next morning he’s life-sized and alive, sitting in your living room and waiting for you. You’d teach him about life and he’d be such a cute little himbo.
🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦🍦 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦
Fluffy Headcanons
I think he’s the type to be very possessive of you because he still has memories of himself as a doll and remembers how well you’ve taken care of him so he’s madly in love with you
He’d try cooking for you but he’s not very good at it—because how the frick do you work a stove without burning everything down?
He knows how to fix a mean ice cream sundae, though 🍨
Scoops Ahoy Steve’s lore is that he’s a part-time babysitter so he’s great with kids and he’d like to imagine that someday you and him could have kids, however that works 🤭
Scoops Ahoy Steve’s personality is very whimsical because he’s always wanting to know about the world. Think of him like Giselle from Enchanted. He’s always so friendly with everyone he meets and loves putting smiles on everyone’s faces.
Whenever you’d curse too much, he’d lovingly call you a “sailor mouth”
Scoops Ahoy Steve makes such a great boyfriend because he loves to be attentive to you like a true Ken doll. He’s very supportive of everything you do and always wants to make you feel special
He loves wearing his sailor suit from time to time even though he has plenty of options of clothes to choose from since you’ve taken him shopping. He especially loves the way you look at him when he’s in it.
He’s very stylish though with his Ken doll background and sometimes will coordinate outfits for the two of you
He never has a bad photo or bad hair day. Ever even if you’ve tried catching him off guard the guy’s a model. Meanwhile, he has tons of photos of you in his phone ranging from cute to down right embarrassing but he loves looking at them whenever you’re not around
He gets a job as a manager to an ice cream place and he’s so happy because it’s what he knows and that the real world’s not such a scary place after all
He eventually adjusts better to our world and figures out he’s good at other things like playing sports and making children laugh. So he dreams of some day going to college to work towards being a teacher or coach 👨‍🏫
Again this man loves you. Like he LOVES YOU and will go all out to prove his love and devotion to you. I’m talking extravagant parties, anniversaries, just any event where he can make it all about you.
NSFW Headcanons
Scoops Ahoy Steve would find your little ‘toy’ and he’d be so curious but jealous about it like, “Do you play with it as much as you did with me?” And it just be such an innocent question but he wouldn’t exactly understand the implications.
In the world he comes from, sex is nonexistent because everything is meant to be innocent. But he knows there’s more to just being boyfriend and girlfriend because he always gets the sudden urge to hold you down and kiss you, rubbing himself all over you
So when he finally does some research on exactly what that means, he’ll do everything he can to study the ways he can pleasure you
And pleasure you he does! The first time he performs oral for you was such an unsuspecting day because you didn’t see him as the type to be interested in sex. But that day he cooked you a meal he learned from a youtube tutorial, gave you some nice wine to sip on, and, of course, he wears thee suit. Then, once he feels like you’re relaxed enough he’ll start kissing all over your body.
You’d be so hot all over but feel like it’s wrong but he lips just feels so soft, wet against your skin after each kiss. You’d watch him kiss down your body, pulling off down your skirt and underwear and you’d know where this was going.
“You don’t have to do that, Steve. I’d love you even if we never—”
“But I need to,” He’d protest, eyes blown from a feeling of list he’s never experienced before. “I need to taste you.”
When the man eats, he’s a man starved. His studying paid off for sure because you think he’s mastered the art of cunnilingus. Every gasp and whine you make would egg him on and he’d do the most to get you to be as vocal as possible.
He wouldn’t mind when you’d curse all that much knowing how good you must feel. In fact, he’d even test some of those words on his lips as he moans into your core.
“Fuck, you taste so good, love. So creamy and sweet.” He’d groan against your core, thinking of all the various things he plans to do with you now that he’s had a taste. He’ll possibly involve some ice cream play in his next tryst with you.
Loves when you pull his hair and grind against his face because he knows he’s doing a good job
But he doesn’t understand the concept of overstimulation and tears of pleasure so when you weeping and forcing his head away 5 orgasms later, he thinks he did something wrong until you reassure that it’s so good that it becomes painful
He’s still confused asking you to show him so you ask if you could return the favor and you blow the hell out of him and his mind
Aftercare involves him just cuddling you and telling you how lucky he is to have you, hands all over your body to remind you that he loves your body as is even when you don’t always feel like beautiful.
We stan fictional men here! Scoops Ahoy Steve as white boy of the month pls 😘❤️😍
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grissomesque · 1 year
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Star Trek: Voyager 2x21: "Deadlock" vs 1x03: "Time and Again"
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devondespresso · 1 year
sometimes i forget season 4 happens less than a year after Starcourt. meaning the party had yet to experience a little 1 year trauma anniversary of the horrors from that summer and a good few new members would be so out of the loop for it
thinking about Scoops Troop getting hit particularly hard by the anniversary of kidnapping and torture (and especially because the Russian shit is distinctly different scary than the upside down horrors that plague the party year-round) and Max's conflict with Billy's death, all of those feeling from right after starcourt coming back like it happened last week instead of last year
so with the resurgence of the old pain, Scoops Troop all decide to reuse their old coping mechanisms too
meaning for the first week of July they are physically inseparable again, the four having nightly sleepovers and basically living side-by-side. Camping out at Steve's or Robin's or Dustin's or even Erica's house different nights of the week (Steve and Robin asking the week off from work, claiming a family vacation if they can't trust their manager with the truth that its a PTSD Extravaganza)
Max joining in often to avoid being alone with her thoughts (she also hangs out with the rest of the party splitting her time up pretty evenly but ofc Scoops Troop is the ideal choice for those odd hours of the night) and all 5 (or 6, ofc Lucas joins too if they're at the Sinclair's) have fun distracting themselves most of the week with whatever they need. Silly kids movies and board games and card games, playing with Erica's dolls and discussing MLP, looking at all Dustin's science projects and playing with Tews, going through Robin's instrument collection and language books, Steve trying to teach everyone basketball or little games like horse (Lucas joins too ofc, Max watches mostly and is deemed the 'judge' of if something 'counts' aka Dustin and Erica keep barely missing and want credit for almost getting a shot)
but just like last year, distractions only last so long. every day they're doing something harmless and someone at some point breaks. maybe they let themselves space out and think a little too long, sometimes theres a reminder nobody could've avoided, sometimes they just went a little too long without acknowledging it. either way they all work with it no matter who it is or whats bothering them.
Steve and Dustin usually need to sit with whatever emotion broken them, let themselves feel after spending so much time keeping it together for the people around them. Steve needs to sit and cry, if he's around people he needs to feel like theres no rush to be better again, like he has all the time in the world to sit and cry and be useless. Dustin needs a cry with reassurance, that he did his best in a situation he had very little control over and having him there helped everyone so much. This means Steve's crys are pretty quiet, filled with hugs and soft silence that lets time slip away, while Dustin's crys have a soundtrack of gentle words with them
Robin also needs spoken reassurance. She spirals and catastrophizes very easily and needs to work through stuff out-loud without being allowed to work herself into a self-deprecating frenzy. Steve is used to working that balance of letting her let things out without getting out of hand, and Dustin and Erica are great at giving logical solutions whenever she starts catastrophizing
Erica is a middle ground between the two. She needs to sit and feel her emotions because she constantly feels she has a reputation to maintain, and she needs to work things out out-loud like Robin but doesn't catastrophize as easily. The hard part for her is getting support without pity, which has a learning curve but eventually Scoops Troop has it down and it helps her a lot having a guaranteed safety net for her more vulnerable moments
Max doesn't break around them nearly as often, partially because she's not spending all her time with the group but mostly because she grew up having to keep that stuff in for so long she still struggles being seen while vulnerable, and having open emotions is extra difficult when the person you're sad about is also responsible for your struggles being openly vulnerable.
when she does break, she needs the control over those moments. she needs to be able to control whos seeing and hearing her, how long she cries and how hard, how much she tells and who she's talking to. she prefers to be alone or with only one person with her, ideally Lucas because they have the most familiarity and trust built up. She'll either find a room to leave to or everyone will move to a different room for the time, and Lucas sits with her and lets her let everything out at her own pace. When Lucas isn't there and can't be, she'll pick someone else to sit with her, usually Robin because she's pretty easy to read and Max knows shes good at sitting and listening with Steve when he's breaking. Sometimes she'll get Steve if she needs reassurance, someone who'll know what to say to bring her out of it.
and sometimes multiple people break at once. Steve and Robin's trauma have similar triggers so often times its the two of them breaking and clinging to each other like the earth beneath them will crumble if they let go. Robin usually holds onto Steve like a little teddy bear, keeping him close so she can protect him, and Steve loves how she'll hold him and makes him feel safe. Dustin and Erica help talk Robin through her breakdown while she's holding onto Steve.
Dustin and Erica will sometimes break if they loose sight of Steve and Robin for a moment, prompting a more-talk-less-cling-and-sob pile with Robin and Steve going back and forth helping talk them through it and letting them cry it out
And if everyone breaks? chaos, at least from an outside perspective. lots of hugging and crying with the talkers working through their shit together and reassuring the others. from the outside it'd almost be comical if it weren't for the circumstances causing it
It all becomes an unspoken agreement, taking less than a day for Scoops Troop to get on the same page (after all, they're treating it basically like post-Starcourt part 2) and about a day and a half for Max to join them. Even as the emotions come back full swing, its a lot easier to deal with because of the general understanding from everyone. Their parents realize its the anniversary of The Fire and are better equipped to support their kids however they need (even if it means letting them have sleepovers all week, they learned the first time that it helps a lot and the intensity of it will pass). The Party also understands whats going on (they all have their own trauma anniversaries that hit harder like the end of November for Mike and the Byers) and being supportive too, like inviting Scoops Troop and Max to any get-togethers instead of just Dustin (so he doesn't have to awkwardly ask if they can come too) and in general inviting Max a lot so she always has the option to not be alone.
Hellfire though? and the newest party members (Eddie, Vickie, Argyle, maybe Chrissy too because i love her)? they're Lost™ at first.
Vickie is the first to kinda grasp whats going on, being closest to Robin (and Steve by extension dtjsjysj) she was hanging out with her when Robin realized she needed to be around all of Scoops Troop again to be able to calm the panic and she joined their first sleepover
Eddie and Chrissy next (assuming she joined Hellfire, which she so would) who noticed the Upside Down Trauma a mile away and just had to piece together the reason this time ("no its not back, its just the third and fourth marks a year since the Starcourt 'mall fire'- yeah no not really a fire. a lot worse actually')
Hellfire never really gets the full explanation of why Steve, Robin and Erica all also need to attend this weeks session specifically or why Gareth still isn't allowed to do a Russian accent for his Chaotic Neutral Halfling rouge Geörgov the Gruesome. Eddie gives him the most intense stink eye if he so much as attempts an accent close to it and when asked he just insists and throws in a new excuse every time thats so wild its comical and almost distracts from the fact that he's refusing to tell them
and once they actually witness Scoops Troop together (especially Steve and Robin 'what do you mean they're not dating? not even like crushes? nothing?) they just kinda have to accept that they're Just Like That Sometimes with the Party awkwardly deflecting and Eddie being amusingly cryptic
and Argyle is the last one to know, entirely because he just assumed they were close like that entirely unrelated to trauma. And everyone assumed he knew based on how chill he was. Until he asked what a Starcourt was, wondering if it was a new Star Wars thing he missed
Just Scoops Troop bonding like stray cats that should not be seperated. They've seen so many horrors at this point they definitely give No Fucks about how weird they look as long as the rest of their group doesn't have a problem
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