#[I'm around but I need to prep for the Open House tomorrow at Work.]
obscurushydrae · 1 month
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Sparkle on, it's Friday!
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Day 249: Your Body is a Wonderland
written for the loveliest @battleravyn thanks for the prompt! <3 (rated m for implied sexual content)
Harry and Draco both led ridiculous, busy lives. Draco was always traveling, a curse breaker's skill set in high demand in this new world, Post-Voldemort. And Harry had been promoted, Deputy Head Auror; his work consumed his time and energy.
They weren't anything official, just an occasional, outrageously hot fuck when their schedules happened to align.
If Harry was honest, he wanted more. Godric he wanted more. He wanted Draco all the time, any way that he would have him. And if Harry was honest, he hated his job more than just a little bit; he was good at it (there was no doubt about that) but it was miserable work. Seeing the absolute worst of humanity, seeing the ways that criminals still got out of receiving justice even when the DMLE did everything right. It was miserable.
A note came whipping into his office and he reached up to snatch it out of the sky, still staring at the case that they'd made little progress on over the course of the past two months.
He opened it to see Draco's tidy, slanted handwriting:
Harry, I'm home for the next 36 hours. Come over, if you'd like. Yours.
And honestly. The way Draco signed it 'yours' and no name, like being Harry's was identity enough, like he actually believed he was Harry's, was just too much.
He showed up in front of Robards office faster than he could say 'welcome home', knocking and opening the door when Robards called, "Enter."
"Sir, I'm taking the afternoon off," he said. "I've started to feel ill all of the sudden."
(Read more below the cut)
Robards looked up at him, brow furrowed, "Are you alright?" he asked, seeming quite concerned.
Which was fair, Harry supposed; he'd never voluntarily taken time off in the eight years he'd been an auror. "Yes, sir. Just feeling completely fatigued," he replied, which was the truth because Harry was fucking exhausted. "I figured it would be better to rest up and come in sharp tomorrow."
"Alright, Potter," he said. "Be sure to monitor yourself. If you need to seek medical attention, make sure you do."
He nodded, "Yes, sir. Thank you."
Leaving the office at that hour of the day, when the sun was still shining and the world around him was humming with life, felt absolutely decadent. He enjoyed the outdoors as he meandered toward the apparation point, then appeared outside Draco's front door.
Harry knocked and tried to be patient. When there was no response after approximately 30 seconds, he knocked again.
"Yes, I'm coming," he heard Draco snap through the door and couldn't stop the smile that bloomed on his face if he'd tried. "You impatient-" and then he opened the door. He'd clearly just gotten out of the shower, his hair still dripping on his bathrobe. The collar of the bathrobe was open, exposing his collarbones and pink skin, warm from the ridiculously hot showers he took. He was gorgeous. "Harry-" he started in surprise.
But Harry couldn't have possibly kept his hands to himself, he caught Draco around the waist and pressed him into the house, slamming the door behind him and pushing him against the wall. Harry captured his mouth in a searing kiss and Draco sank into it, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and pulling him in closer.
His hands set to work on Draco's bathrobe, opening it and stripping him bare. And then his hands and mouth were everywhere and Harry couldn't even decide what to do first.
Draco didn't seem to have any such questions. He undid Harry's trousers and shoved them and his boxers down just far enough to give him what he wanted before he jumped up and wrapped his legs around Harry's waist. "I prepped myself," he gasped as Harry's hands cupped his arse. "I'm ready."
And Harry sunk into him, losing himself in the wonder that was Draco Malfoy.
When they were both panting and sated, Draco's body loose and heavy in Harry's arms, Draco kissed him again; sloppily this time, warm and easy like loving Harry wasn't a burden. "Couldn't even get us more than a foot down the hallway," Draco teased softly, nipping at Harry's lower lip. "Brute."
"You like it," Harry replied, laughing and letting his hands continue to roam Draco's body.
He hummed and didn't disagree. "Take me to bed," he murmured.
"It's one in the afternoon," Harry chuckled, nudging his nose against Draco's jaw to get him to tip his head back and grant Harry access to that gorgeous skin.
Draco smiled, "Were you only here on lunch?"
Harry shook his head, "I took the afternoon off."
"We've got the whole afternoon, then," he murmured, sinking his fingers into Harry's hair, "Can you think of a better place than bed to spend it?"
With a little grunt, he lifted Draco keeping his legs wrapped around his waist as he carried him back toward his room. He dropped Draco on the bed, watching him sink into the clean white bedding and admiring the way the sun streaked across his skin. "Godric, you're beautiful," Harry murmured, stripping out of his clothes and leaving them in a heap on the floor before crawling over Draco.
Draco arched into him, pulling Harry's body down on his and sliding his hands over his newly revealed skin. He pressed up, needy and ready to go again.
"Already?" Harry asked with half a laugh as he reached between them to hold Draco in his hand.
The other man nodded, "Please."
So Harry set about taking him apart all over again, first with his hands, then with his mouth, until Draco was shuddering and arching, murmuring Harry's name over and over like it was the sweetest word he knew.
He caressed Draco's soft skin, cataloging the new scars and pressing tenderness into them.
"Harry," he sighed, carding his fingers through Harry's hair as Harry pressed his lips to his hipbone.
Looking up at Draco he whispered, "You're so lovely." Because he couldn't help it, Draco was so beautiful. The sun slanting through the windows and making his porcelain skin glow, his hair fanned out on the pillow behind him like a halo, and every last inch of his body both strong and delicate in a way that made Harry's breath catch. He never wanted to leave this bed, never wanted to stop staring at the other man.
"Come up here."
He just shook his head and moved so he was straddling Draco's thighs, his hands slowly made their way up his body, tracing his hips, scratching lightly through the sandy blonde curls between his thighs, palms sliding up his concave belly, curving around his ribs, before moving to thumb over his nipples. "You're so pretty," he murmured again.
"Come here," Draco repeated, voice soft and achingly tender this time.
So Harry went, leaning over him so he could kiss him soft and slow, their tongues tangling lazily as their mouths moved in tandem.
"I missed you," Draco breathed when Harry had broken away to press kisses to his jaw.
They didn't say things like that. Didn't say things that made it seem like this was more than what it was, more than it could be because of who they both were. Something inside him cracked at that, he wanted to be missed, wanted someone to come home to (wanted to be someone who was come home to). He wanted endless days, and nights, and mornings, and weekends to press love into the other man's body. He didn't want to feel like they were always running out of time.
It wasn't until Draco's thumb brushed away his tears that he realized he was crying.
"I hate my job," he whispered. "I hate that we're always so far apart. I hate that when I start to miss you, the minute one of us leaves, we never know how long it will be until we see each other again."
Draco hummed softly like he didn't quite know what to say. "Tell me more," he encouraged, fingers carding through Harry's hair.
"Do you ever feel like life is just," he shook his head, looking for the right words, "it's not fair."
The other man nodded, fingers skating up Harry's back, stroking and soothing.
"And it never has been," he continued, "but wasn't that the point? Wasn't that why I fought in the first place? Wasn't that why I died?" he shook his head. "Wasn't that why I came back? So that I could live where I got to love and be loved? I sure as hell didn't come back so I could just keep fighting the same criminals over and over, and never win."
He nodded slowly, "that seems fair."
Harry collapsed onto his back on the bed laying beside Draco, "What is wrong with me?" He closed his eyes, let the sun soak into his skin.
After just a moment, he felt Draco roll over so that his fingers could trail along his chest, "There's nothing wrong with you."
He huffed a incredulous laugh, "No one's life is perfect."
"No," he agreed, "But that doesn't mean you have to be miserable. Quit your job," he said with a shrug as he rubbed his foot over Harry's shin.
"And do what?"
"Keep my bed warm," Draco murmured and Harry could hear the smile in his voice as he dropped a kiss to the center of Harry's chest and traced a line of them up his throat.
"Just wait for you to come home?" he laughed, thinking that seemed rather lonely.
Draco's lips skimmed his chin as he shook his head, "Travel with me," he said. "You can spend your days exploring while I work, then we'll have dinner and go sight seeing in the evenings. And then we'll find plenty of things to keep us occupied after that," he added salaciously.
He laughed, it wasn't that simple. It couldn't be that simple. He said as much to Draco, "You want me to be your kept man?"
Draco's mouth curved up in a devious smile, "certainly," he replied easily, like there was nothing he'd like better. "Although, to be fair, you've enough money in your vaults to more than take care of yourself."
"So I just quit?" he said, "and start traveling around the world?"
"If you like," Draco said. "I know I would certainly enjoy that."
He stared at Draco for a long moment, debating. "Are you sure?"
"I've never been more certain of anything," he replied steadily.
Silence hung heavy over the two of them, Harry debating internally. Then he stood up, upending Draco a bit.
"Where are you going?" Draco laughed, voice soft and warm and terribly fond.
He dug around on Draco's desk for a moment and pulled up a square of parchment and a quill and started writing:
Dear Head Auror Robards, Please accept this as notice of my permanent and immediate resignation. Sincerely, Harry J. Potter
He turned to see Draco watching him, head propped up on his hand and he couldn't resist the lure of kissing him. Harry leaned over him on the bed, pressing him back against the pillows as he kissed him. "I'll be right back," he said, snapping his fingers so that his clothes reappeared on his body. "Don't move," he added, kissing him again.
"Where are you going?" he asked again, but Harry was already apparating away to the Ministry. He made a beeline for Robards office, knocking once before entering without waiting for a response.
The Minister was sitting across the desk and they both looked up at him when he came in.
"Potter?" Robards said, "I thought you were taking the afternoon off? Just couldn't stay away, eh?" he chuckled
"I quit," he said, handing him his letter.
"What?" Both Robards and Kingsley said simultaneously.
He shook his head, "I hate this fucking job. I hate all of the idiot criminals I have to deal with, and the bullshit criminal justice system. I'm done."
They both started talking at once, tripping over themselves in an effort to offer him whatever he wanted to get him to stay.
"I'm done," he repeated. "I don't want anything you can offer me."
"Surely there's something-" Kingsely began.
He shook his head, "I want a normal life. I want to be in love, I want a home, and a family. I'm done," he repeated. "Thank you for understanding," he added and then he walked out of the office.
He barely had the patience to get out past the Ministry wards before he apparated, straight into Draco's bedroom this time, only to find that Draco was no longer there.
"Hey!" he called out, "I thought I told you not to move," he complained.
Turning, he saw Draco enter the room in a soft blue dressing gown, his silky blond hair pulled up into a messy bun on top of his head. He held out a glass of champagne, "Something told me we were going to be celebrating, so," he shrugged and wrapped an arm around Harry's waist. "Congratulations," he murmured.
Harry hummed and clinked his glass against Draco's. He took a sip and hummed in delight as the bubbles fizzled over his tongue.
"To your new life," Draco said, holding out his glass once more.
He grinned and pulled Draco in closer, kissing him and tasting the champagne off his lips, "To our new life."
Draco grinned at him and launched into kissing him once more.
And once they'd finished their toasts and their champagne, Harry vanished their clothes and took Draco straight back to bed, putting the rest of their afternoon to very good use.
read more of my drabbles
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koostarcandy · 2 years
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mattresses and midnight snacks - jungkook x reader
jungkook prefers convenience over fashion. he likes the comfy and warm and doesn't care much for the interiors of his house, as long as it has the essentials. he also likes giving this as an answer to mattresses all over his penthouse, placed in the oddest of locations.
said mattresses in his living room, positioned in such a way he could fall asleep watching TV and having a snack (ramyeon!) is spurring him on, grateful for every green light he sees. it's been a busy week, prepping and practicing for his upcoming plans. he thanks his driver for bringing him home, wishing him a safe night and sound sleep. taking his black bag, he all but runs to the lift, eager to feel like his cloud-like bed and re-watch episodes of psycho but it's okay.
humming his way out of the lift, he swiftly presses in the code and puts his things aside, failing to notice the pair of heels next to his chunky boots, another coat already on the hanger. he dumps his bag on the ground and rushes to the kitchen, opening his cabinet for some much needed spicy tteok and ramyeon. he realises someone beat him to his night routine when he hears the familiar voice of lee suhyun singing in your time. glancing up from the slowly boiling water, he sees a recap of an episode playing on the tv and a lone figure fast asleep on the mattress.
lowering the volume on the tv, he keeps his snack aside for the timebeing. looking down at you, he decides there's more than enough of space for the both of you. promptly taking the fluffy pillow held tightly in your sleep-ridden grip, he slips his arms under your neck and knees, adjusting you in such a way you aren't taking up most of the bed. (as usual, he may add.) you're still deep in slumber and he finally notices your tired state, work shirt and pants same as it was in the morning, before he kissed you goodbye for the day.
he settles in next to you, pressing play so he could watch what ko munyeong would do next to keep her safety pin. chewing on his spicy saucy tteok, jungkook thinks you both are each other's safety pin. he knows you'd keep his rage under control, never letting it cross the line. you know he'd hold you back from doing reckless things, so reckless it was beyond the point of saving. he glances down at your sleeping form, unconsciously and slowly curling around his thigh. he keeps his snack to the side yet again and undoes the bun on your head, knowing you'd wake up from a headache from tying your hair so tightly. he expertly ties it into a loose plait, knowing you wouldn't have to worry about knotted hair tomorrow. his hands itch to reach for his 5x spicy ramyeon but your hands suddenly curl around his, somnolent eyes now on him.
"when did you reach home, koo? i didn't even hear you," you say, slight pout at the end.
he smiles, endeared at your dozy quirks. "you're just tired, that's all, you barely acknowledged me moving you around," he says matter-of-factly. booping your nose, he goes close to you and leaves a sweet kiss on your forehead, bringing you up with him. you scrunch your nose at the spicy smell, mouth watering.
"you know, keeping the mattresses here wasn't really a bad idea after all," you admit quietly, mouth slurping up the now cold ramyeon, eyes focused on gangtae's movements. jungkook chuckles, stealing the chopsticks and a bite, vividly remembering the day you had first come to his place, face contoured in mild judgement. you were quick to change, so as to not disappoint him. you always ended up sleeping in the bedroom, your excuse being, "i'm not really feeling the sleepy vibes at the home studio, know what I mean?"
with you curled up next to him, watching TV (he'll confront you watching the drama without him later, no worries) and eating your favourite food, he knows he's made one of the best decisions of his life. putting mattresses in strategic locations. oh, and you, of course. goes without saying.
pt time: @lvoekook ; @joondiary ; @soobhyun
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swissboyhisch · 11 months
WAG Meetings
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Pairing: Steven Stamkos x Reader
Summary: After it's confirmed that the boys will go to playoffs for another season, the WAGs have a meeting to discuss the most exciting part. WAG Jackets.
Word Count: 1025
Warnings: I predict a lot of inaccuracies about playoff planning and that. Kids. Bad flow.
A/N: I personally love this but I'm not sure how good it is.
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On the 1st of April, you and the other partners of Tampa Bay Lightning gathered at your home in Tampa to watch as your boys clinched a playoff spot for the 2022-2023 season. That signalled the start of the playoff prep for you. It was to be your tenth postseason. Your tenth playoff run experience. However, this was your ninth as the Captain’s partner. That also meant creating your ninth playoff jacket. 
The day after the clinch, the girls came over again. The boys were on a road trip giving you all the space you could need to start the prep. You organised a brunch while you organised this year’s WAG jacket. You weren't the captain's partner the first year you were involved in a WAG jacket creation. But now you lead the charge. Luckily you have experience by now.
You finished setting up the large charcuterie board on the coffee table in the lounge room. All the extra chairs and bean bags were set up for everyone. Everything was set up for adults and kids, including food and drinks. 
Speaking of kids, your son came running up to you. Ever the twin of his father, his blonde hair was a mess. “What’s wrong, kiddo?”
“Dadda is at work.” The pout that graced his face was heartwrenching. One that you knew all too well. “He’ll be home tomorrow.”
The doorbell echoed through the house. Kiddo squirmed in your arms, making you put him down. He sprinted to the door and jumped, trying to reach the door handle. You couldn’t hold back the chuckle at the sight. You came up behind him, opening the door to reveal Sanna holding Rio—Kiddo’s best friend.
Sanna Hedman has been your best friend since she and Victor arrived in Tampa in 2009. You two quickly gravitated towards each other as you were close in age and relatively new to Tampa. You had arrived only the season before. Sanna was your alternate captain, helping you organise many events for the girls. And it also meant both your kids, born only months apart, are best friends like their parents.
“Rio!” Kiddo squeals.
You two laughed at your boys hugging before speeding into the house, straight to the playroom downstairs set up for the kids. Sanna, with a bag of bottles of champagne in her arms, followed you through to the kitchen. The pair of you flitted around the kitchen, ensuring everything was ready. A tray of mimosas was poured, ready for the girls to arrive. 
“Here,” Sanna grins as she hands you a mimosa and sits beside you at the kitchen counter.
“To another playoff run,” You grin.
Sanna laughs happily, “Cheers. Another year of playoff fun.”
Over the next ten minutes, you welcomed other women and kids into your home like many times before. Soon you were all settled into the lounge room—everyone with a drink. You had a seat near the tv where the PowerPoint you created last night after everyone left the watch party. It had all sorts of slides discussing styles, colours, and fabrics. Everything that is needed for the jackets and more.
Cece came and sat on the other side of you. She was one of the newer WAGs in the group. The young woman was the long-term partner for Ross Colton, the young centre on the team. She couldn’t contain her excitement. “I can’t believe it.”
“Your first WAG jacket,” Senna smiled, who was next to you as she would be helping you with the presentation. 
The pair of you had taken the young woman into your close-knit group. You two, Tiff (Kilhorn’s partner) and Ana Kucherov, were all very close. The leaders of the group, if you will. But as a whole, all the women were close.
“Welcome all to the 2023 WAG Playoffs meeting.”
The girls all cheered and clapped. It was a big thing for your boys, and all of you were excited about another playoff run. For a couple of new girls within the group, it was their first playoff experience. But like every year you’ve had this meeting, everyone’s emotions were at an all-time high.
“We will be starting off with our jackets, as I want to be able to send them off to the designer tomorrow.”
“When will they be ready?” Cece questioned. 
Sanna grins, “Most likely around two weeks.”
“Since I became captain’s partner, we’ve been working with the designer Jenna Jetta, a Jacksonville-based designer. This is the ninth postseason we’ll be working with her. Jenna only works with Lightning. Senna and I will go to Jacksonville this weekend to see the test jacket.”
It took a lot of talking, going back and forth between everyone, but you all finally agreed on a design—a black leather jacket with neon blue lightning around the bottom. Then on the back, there was the player’s number and their signature. On the front had the team logo and the partner’s name. And on the collar, they had little flags, one on each end, representing the two players. 
Each girl had little personal things on the jacket as well. They could choose little embroidery details to add. You had chosen to add your son’s name and your and Steven’s hometown on the sleeve cuffs.
“Now we’ve finished the design of the WAG jackets; it’s time to discuss round one. It’s already confirmed the boys will be against the Leafs for the first round.”
Senna hummed in agreement. “It’s been announced games one and two are in Toronto. For those wanting to travel, you are more than welcome. But if you don’t, Mrs Captain, Ana, and I plan someone to host a watch party for those two games at one of our houses.”
“Games three and four are home, meaning each player has a suite. We will be deciding at a later date who will have which suite,” You add on. After you had given everyone the rundown on the first round, it was time to conclude the official pre-playoff meeting. “Thank you for your involvement in this year’s playoff jacket design. I can’t wait to give them out at the pre-playoff dinner.”
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@penny4yourthoughts @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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buttercup-fluffalove · 7 months
note from the buttermom: thank you thank you thank you to everyone who posted comments sending good wishes to buttercup. here's an update on everyone's favorite floofy baby:
on wednesday buttercup seemed a little aloof, hanging out on her favorite chair instead of stalking me like she always does. i was concerned but chalked it up to the fact that i was running around like a crazy person prepping for thanksgiving and wasn't giving her the attention she needed.
then on thursday she was way off. way way off. very lethargic, slinking away when i tried to pet her, drool staining her mouth and discharge around her nose, and her breath was even worse than kitty breath should be. my panic was mounting all day long as i fought not to google her symptoms (because i default to impending-doom-mode). by evening i was beside myself with worry but also worried i was overreacting; finally my husband practically shoved me out the door to take her to the emergency vet, if only so i wouldn't keep him up all night worrying.
initially the vet thought she just had an upper respiratory infection, based on her nasal discharge, drool, and lethargy. however upon her exam they noted the bad breath and that her belly was extremely sensitive - she did her big girl 'leave me alone' growl the moment they touched her. those are both tell-tale signs of an intestinal blockage so they took her back for imaging.
which i could hear her not enjoying from the waiting room. they ultimately had to sedate her to get a proper image and exam done. i got to snuggle her while the drugs kicked in though so that was nice.
when she was calm enough they were able to get some imaging and discovered what they call a "linear foreign body" - eg she had swallowed some string or yarn. (there was also some still stuck in her mouth, wrapped around and under her tongue.) this is exceptionally dangerous because one end can get snagged in the digestive track while the rest of it continues to get pushed through, resulting in the small intestine essentially bunching itself up like a tube sock, and then it can start to shred. when that happens, the only way to repair it is to remove the damaged sections of intestine.
if i hadn't brought her in, she would have died.
she needed surgery immediately.
they gave me a few moments alone with her, during which i sobbed uncontrollably and told how much i love her and that she needed to be brave and strong and come home to me.
then they took her back and sent me home, where i continued to cry and clean up every last inch of the lower level of the house of anything that could possibly be string or string-adjacent. (today i tackle the upper level.)
finally around 4 am they called me with the best possible version of this horrible situation: the string had only gotten as far as her stomach. they were able to remove it from her stomach, esophagus, and mouth, and there was no sign that it had moved into her small intestine so they didn't have to do any further cutting. there may be small remnants passing through, and her pancreas is inflamed which is rather concerning, so she needs to be monitored for a while still.
they'll be keeping her for at least the rest of today (friday), maybe tomorrow too. they need to make sure she's eating again (i'm pretty sure she hadn't eaten in almost 2 days), properly hydrated, and using the litterbox - all of which are signs that her intestines haven't been damaged and are working properly.
i may get a chance to visit her this afternoon, and will post further updates as i know more.
i am so grateful to the staff at the emergency vet hospital - and even more grateful that they were open last night on the holiday, given that every other vet clinic in 100 miles was closed. they were so kind to me as i broke down crying in the office, and were completely in love with buttercup at first sight (who isn't?) and ready to do anything and everything to save her life.
the house is painfully quiet and empty without the magnificent butterbeast prowling the halls. cross your fingers and toe-beans that she'll be able to come home soon and have a speedy recovery, with lots of good drugs to keep her calm and pain-free as she heals. she'll have to wear the angry lamp for a while, but she's going to be okay.
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solar-argo · 8 months
I'm going on a road trip with my mom tomorrow tho, which means! A lot of time to draw! So i will try my bestest to do a few days LMAO
Anyway to tide yall over, have my lego monkie kid oc!! I love her with all of my heart.
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I have edited her design a little, and given her a backstory!! I also finished the show. Giggles autistically. CW for below, season 3 spoilers for Lego Monkie Kid! As well as minor character death, but that's not a show spoiler
So, she has a little sister, Fēn, and she loves her little sister. Her parents are. Distant at best, so Qiu was kinda eldest daughter syndrome-ed by their parents. During the Lady Bone Demon attack, her house collapsed while her sister was at school (Qiu is in university, taking classes at night, and working part time to afford a babysitter for Fēn when their parents arent around, which is often).
Qiu wakes up in a pocket of rubble and is able to wiggle her way out, and stays at a hospital thats taking in displaced people while tracking down her sister. When she finally finds her, about a week later, she tells Fēn that she couldn't find their parents, but when people offer to try to help finding them, Qiu politely declines, and never does bother to put in effort to find them.
Considering Qiu is now the SOLE provider for her little sister, she drops out of her evening classes and searches for a full-time job that will take her despite her lack of degree. Her search takes her to Pigsy's noodles, where she's once again told that there aren't any openings. However, she is desperate for a job, and begs Pigsy to consider her. So, he hesitantly offers her a job in the kitchen; doing prep work for him, grocery runs when they run out of an ingredient, etc. She thanks him, and the next day she sends Fēn off to school, and goes to Pigsy's noodles.
Every weekday she leaves early to pick up her sister, and then comes right back, plonking her sister in a chair at the counter to do her homework. Eventually, Tang and Mei offer to do it, and trade off picking Fēn up from school. While she's at the shop, Tang and Mei usually keep her company, and, when it's not busy, so will MK.
Eventually, they find out that Qiu dropped out of school, and when they ask why, she shrugs and responds 'I couldn't afford a house, food, AND a babysitter while in school, so I had to sacrifice something.' They all feel bad, despite the fact that Qiu shrugs it off, saying that it was a part of life. So, MK, Mei, and Tang all band together and tell Qiu that they'll watch Fēn for free while she is in classes. Qiu cries, thanks them, and applies to uni again for the new school year.
Problems arise, however, during the first set of exams. Qiu needs to be at school in the morning, and everyone is busy in the morning; MK doing training, Mei training as well (I headcanon that after the arc was finished, Mei kept training to use the samadhi fire with Red Son), and Tang usually shopping with Pigsy.
So, on MK's day with Fēn, she's brought the flower fruit mountain, and gets to meet Sun Wukong. They get along... alright; Sun Wukong is a little awkward around her, considering she's a lot younger than MK, and he's not quite sure how to talk to her. They spend the day painting rocks while MK does chores around the mountain; Qiu didn't want them to work on fighting with a 6 year old right there.
On Mei's day, she takes Fēn to see Red Son, who has Mei work on her focus and control over the fire. Red Son, who has a MUCH easier time talking to her than Wukong, ends up sitting next to Fēn and playing various games with her while Mei trains.
On Tang's day, she gets dropped off with Sandy, who ends up having a several hour long tea party with her and Mo, complete with a comically small tiara for Sandy, and a pink ballgown for Mo. And of course, Fēn dresses up in her own blue gown, and doesn't ask Sandy why or how he had her favorite color ballgown. (He asked Qiu what Fēn's size was, and made a gown for her, just in case she ever came over)
And on the last day of exams, MK had training again; this time, with Macaque. Macaque was, to most people's surprise, very soft with Fēn. When MK arrived to his dojo, visibly frazzled with an excited 6 year old, he'd blinked, stared for a moment. He'd sighed, canceling training, and left the dojo, locking it behind him, before bending down to talk to Fēn, introducing himself, and asking what she wanted to do. And so, the 3 of them went to an arcade, MK and Fēn playing while Macaque kept an eye out. By the end of the day, Fēn was referring to Macaque as "uncle M"
That's all I got for now, and I did not mean for it to be so damn LONG?? Jesus christ- TLDR lbd attacks, oc becomes mom to her little sister, works at Pigsy's, goes to college, and The Gang babysits her little sister for her.
Mayhaps I should make a fic out of this. (I will never make a fic out of this, I do NOT have the motivation to write. Like, ever)
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
This Mac is going to get hit he thought and he still thinks he's dying with dignity and almost none of you do you're ridiculous now he's trying to get out and Tommy f wants to answer then and it senses you can't do that and you can tell it won't matter so like you know the Southwest or something so he says this because he's smart and I went to dress and he started thinking about it and you didn't bother and he said I won't tell you no matter what and he says it's also a technique I kind of wanted to have anything so he goes he might not get anything if you take him to the gold because I can get people going with Jason and he might get thrashed instead it's going to take you guys to the life cycle facilities so he got encouraged cuz he's seen his face in one of the movies and we did too and the rest of him. Our son is changing time, and we have to balance it but these maps are going to get their asses kicked and We know It and we need to help a little bit or at least get it going and see which direction it takes and we need to know and he looks out and said good and I said great it's like I'm buying a Cadillac. I know it's a good vehicle and it's new people are buying it from are kind of questionable so get out of here all right. He started laughing you'll see anybody know that guy he's trying to have him go to the gold a little to leave all these clothes out there to get information so they're getting ready
Norfol to work you have to be someone integrated and you're going to need to develop a rapport with the idiots so they lasted yeah.
Now see you at work and it's working blind but will help and also say this we moved in here today they're all jerks and really Tommy f is always pushing it he's ridiculous he needs to shut up no matter what the deal is tons of them say it too you're way out of mind you're an idiot and you're ruining everything. So it's going down and this is going down real soon we think it's tonight. But we came in and we we had tons and tons of people telling us stuff yelling at screaming it all sorts of Intel about stuff they know about so grabbing them and doing tons of work and they keep saying it so grabbing him and we had a whole bunch of people coming in and out it works great they all look the same like construction guys and we have a bunch of projects started and today is Friday tomorrow Saturday and still open for business as a matter of fact you can get all sorts of stuff ready because you can do the first permit review and it's all the site work and you prep it all it's all infrastructure and our son knows exactly what the sequence is and there's only minor differences from state to state here you have to have an open trench because you need to see that you didn't show it Indian leave showing in unless it's something you can leave in. It's very huge because the amount of work you can do is reduce because you can't open a cover and show them and you can't do a camera inspection and all sorts of stuff in Florida it sucks if they do it for a reason is a good one cuz there's settling.
So we broke ground on 20,000 major apartment complexes well they're all major but about 5,000 major and 15,000 others and tomorrow we break ground on the rest. It's gigantic and we broke ground on 500 housing tracks each of them has like 5,000 homes in a golf course in a clubhouse so someone wants to go see at least one. We're getting ready to move on all sorts of things too like DC and the chasms are opening they're about 500 miles long and the open really far today because of what's going on down here and we're forcing them open. His brother and sister-in-law are out in the Midwest and they're going to be revived no someone tries it and fails to understand what it takes and kill some and Hera and Zeus infect them and take them over and walk them around out there and do the job and people know who they are and they take them up to the hurricane ice and they shrink them down and rejuvenate them a little and they're Jason and Michael Myers and that's who they were in the past
Thor Freya
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Strip Club - Cillian Murphy X Female OC
A/N - Set in 2010, and I've used fictional names for his wife/children
A night out with his brother and closest friends doesn't end the way Cillian expects it to.
Warning - Smut
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone
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"I'm really not up for this Pad, can't we just go for a beer at the Anchor instead?" Cillian complained to his younger brother.
"You haven't been out with us in months, Dermot has had this all planned out for ages Cill, come on!" He rolled his eyes, knowing he couldn't get out of it, no matter what he said. Pulling his boots on, the two of them left the house, getting into the waiting taxi outside.
Walking into the strip club via the VIP entrance at the back, Cillian kept his head low and his brother and friends close around him so as not to be seen. Last thing he needed was photos in the press of him coming here!
"We're here for The Secret Show? Booked under Padraig Murphy?" Paddy told the bouncer, who checked everyone's ID and led them through a curtained off section at the back of the club. No cameras, no members of the public, completely private.
The boys sat around the stage area, a waitress coming over to take their drinks order. Once she returned with them, the lights dimmed and the music from the movie Burlesque began to play through the speakers. A single spotlight on a stool on the stage.
Cillian could feel his cheeks burning, he genuinely had never felt so uncomfortable in his life. He'd never been to a place like this, had always avoided them like the plague. The idea of a stripper had never appealed to him. Someone he'd never met, stripping to her underwear to please him and his drunk friends and even more cringe-worthy, his little brother, was not something he was remotely interested in.
The dancer came out, swaying her hips as she walked to the stool. Perching herself on it, legs crossed. Dressed in a black corset, short black skirt, fishnet stockings, black stiletto heels, and a black masquerade mask covering the top half of her face. Her long, silky brown hair flowing loosely down her back.
She was beautiful, there was no mistaking it. Cillian spotted Paddy nudging Dermot and whispering something in his ear and rolled his eyes. Probably something incredibly inappropriate about the young girl in front of them. He couldn't help feel sorry for her - lecherous old men creeping all over her as she danced for them, throwing money at her like she was a cheap prostitute...
The routine began. Cillian remained stoic, arms folded across his chest while the other lads cheered, louder each time an item of clothing was sexily removed from her lithe body. Her heels had been kicked off, her stockings slowly moving down her thighs, he couldn't watch any more. Standing, he made his way over to the bar to order another Guinness.
"I'd have thought you'd be over there enjoying the show with your friends?" A familiar voice from behind the bar startled him.
"Long time no see," she smiled.
"Wow! Last person I expected to bump into tonight, how are you?"
"I'm okay, I see you're doing pretty well too." He nodded, his latest film, Inception, had been a box office smash. Professionally, at least, he could say he was doing well.
"Yeah, I guess so." His head lowered slightly, as Kate placed his pint in front of him.
"You guess? You okay?"
"What? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine. Although, no disrespect? Kinda wish I was anywhere but here right now!" He chuckled. Kate smirked.
"I get off in 20minutes, fancy a walk?"
"You know what, I'll take you up on that Kate. I'll meet you outside?"
Thirty minutes later, after Cillian had made his excuses to his brother, he was smoking a cigarette walking along the canal with Kate at his side.
"Did you travel the world like you planned after school?" He asked, stubbing the cigarette out on the floor.
"I did, a full year of travelling before I went to university."
"Where did you go?" She told him about Australia, backpacking across Vietnam and Thailand, before heading to California for three months on a work visa.
"It was amazing. Truly wonderful. I met some great people over there. But all good things must come to an end, right?" She looked at him, and quickly looked away.
"I couldn't stand in the way of you living your dream Kate, you know that. We ended on grand terms though, right?" She linked her arm through his and squeezed it.
"We did. Promised we'd stay in touch though didn't we..."
"Yeah, I admit that was my fault. Tanya wasn't overly keen on you was she?" His ex wife. Or soon to be ex, anyway.
"I'm sorry about what happened Cill. Are you okay?"
"I'm getting there, you know? If she'd rather fuck her friend's husband instead of her own, then so be it," he smiled as much as he could.
"Well if it's any consolation, she's clearly lost her mind." She squeezed his arm again, and he found himself moving it so it was wrapped over her shoulders. He could feel her shivering and pulled her a little tighter against him.
They approached a small apartment block around 100yards further down the canal, and Kate dug her keys out of her handbag.
"Thanks for walking me home. It was good to see you again," she smiled, unhooking herself from him.
"Maybe I could - " he was interrupted by the door opening, and a younger girl stood in the doorway with a toddler in her arms.
"I'm so sorry Kate, I gave her Calpol an hour ago but I couldn't get her to settle..."
"Hey it's okay, I'll take her now. Get yourself home sis, I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" The young girl nodded, before nodding at Cillian and heading off down the street.
"Liane grew up!" Cillian laughed. The last time he'd seen her she'd still been in primary school. "And who's this little one?" He reached for the toddlers hand, grinning when she took his little finger and squeezed it.
"This is my daughter, Lily."
"Well Lily, you've certainly got your mama's eyes, haven't you?" Cillian glanced quickly at Kate's left hand.
"Her Dad isn't around Cill, I'm not married." He bent his head down. Busted.
"Then am I allowed in for a coffee at least?"
"If you don't mind sharing me with a teething baby, then yes, you can come in!" Kate led him through and fetched the teething granules from the cupboard and a teething ring from the freezer. Cillian offered to take Lily while she prepped a cup of warm milk for her.
Seeing him bounce her on his arm made her smile.
"Reminds me of Jack and Niamh when they were teething. Had to be moving around, constantly needed distraction. You okay if I take her a walk around after? See if I still have the magic touch?"
Kate nodded, and took her back to give her the nurofen, teething granules, followed by her sippy cup of warm milk. Once she'd finished, Cillian offered his arms out for her. She reached up for him, surprising Kate as she normally shied away from strangers, and off they went around the apartment. She watched from a distance as he took her around, showing her the ornaments on the window ledge, her reflection in the mirror, bouncing her up and down as she giggled lightly.
After around fifteen minutes, he made his way over to the radio in the kitchen, fiddling with the buttons before he found the station he was looking for. Soft, gentle classical music played through the speakers. He turned the volume down so it was barely audible, and leaned Lily into his shoulder, rocking her side to side gently. She nuzzled into his neck, Kate watching, smiling, as her baby's eyes grew heavier. She could feel past feelings coming back as she watched them. As much as she'd pretended losing him when he left University to pursue his acting career was fine and she had gotten over it, she never had. And now, bumping into him again all these years later, those feelings were coming back with some force.
Lily was snoring gently in his arms now, and Kate gently took her from him. Taking her into a small room at the back of the apartment. Coming out ten minutes later and closing the door as quietly as possible.
"I'd say you still have it Cill," she laughed, switching the baby monitor on in the corner of the living room where he sat on the sofa, two glasses of red wine in front of him. "You read my mind."
She sat next to him, clinking her glass with his.
"Did you meet her Dad while you were travelling?" He asked, after taking a sip.
"Yeah.. he erm.. he died not long ago. Cancer."
"Shit I'm sorry... Oh Kate that's awful..."
"No it's okay.. it was just a brief fling you know, we weren't together or anything. But it's sad for her. She'll never have that father figure. Just me and her against the world now." She felt his fingers brush her hair out of her face and gently down her cheek. Turning to him, she put her glass down on the table and turned to face him. He placed his down too, and moved closer.
Their faces centimetres apart, she could feel his warm breath against her own.
"I should probably go..."
"Again?" She whispered. She didn't want him to leave her again, as much as he had no intention of actually leaving. Their lips met, a kiss that was fifteen years overdue.
"I haven't spent a day not thinking about you, Kate..." He smiled, pulling away.
"You mean that, or are you just looking to get your end away?"
"Which is why I'm going to kiss you now, and go home. But I want to see you again. If I can?"
"And what if I don't want you to go home..." She kissed him again, this time straddling her legs over his thighs on the sofa. Even if this was a one night stand for him, she needed him, and he wasn't getting away this time.
"Then I'm not going home." His hips rose to meet hers, gyrating over his erection under his jeans, both of them removing each others clothes in record time until they were left in just their underwear.
"My god, you're incredible... Let me taste you..." He flipped her onto her back on the sofa, spreading her legs and placing gentle kisses along the inside of her thighs. His fingers teasing against her underwear, softly caressing her mound, before sliding a finger inside and groaning at how wet she was already.
"Cillian please...." She almost whimpered underneath him, her hips squirming against his lips and fingers. He pulled her underwear down her legs, and unceremoniously threw them across the room before moving his lips to her open slit, drawing his tongue slowly up and down her folds. Her hand flew to her mouth, stifling the cry of ecstacy within it so as not to wake Lily.
"You need to be quiet, you're not going to want me to stop once I've started Kate..." He smirked, before attacking her clit with his mouth, drawing it between his lips, rolling his tongue over it, increasing the pressure. His fingers pressing into her thighs, surely leaving bruises, as his mouth worked magic on her, her hips rocking against him.
"Oh god... That's so good, please don't stop..." Her words coming out in breathy little moans as her orgasm built quickly. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him where she needed him. Two fingers suddenly entered her, making her gasp as they found the small bundle of nerves deep inside her, pushing and rubbing against it hard, matching his motions against her clit. Suddenly his mouth was off her, his fingers pumping into her, the palm of his hand pressed against her clit now as he moved his body up, his lips now pressed to hers. The taste of herself on him turned her on further, and she could feel herself letting go.
"Cum for me..." He whispered in her ear, sending her over the edge with a small cry into his shoulder, her body writhing against him. His fingers removed, replaced with his now solid cock as it pushed inside her quickly, picking up the same pace his hands were, hard and fast thrusts as he hooked her leg up under his elbow, forcing himself deeper.
Her nails scraped over his shoulders as she buried her face into his neck, frantic thrusts against each other, fifteen years of buried feelings coming out of them with a force that took her breath away.
"Yes... God yes..." Her moans into his neck drove him wild, her walls contracting around him pushing him closer. He could feel another orgasm building inside her, and angled his thrusts to hit that magical spot inside her perfectly.
"I'm so close Kate... So fucking close, you feel so good around me..."
"Cum inside me Cillian, please..." He grunted against her ear, nibbling on it gently as his hips pounded into her relentlessly now. Reaching his high, he flooded her, spilling inside her with a deep groan into her neck, sending her into her second orgasm, her legs wrapping tightly around his back pulling him even deeper inside her as she felt his cock pulsate, emptying into her.
He rested his forehead against hers, both of them panting, smiles forming as they looked into each others eyes.
"You're on the pill, right?" He chuckled, coming back to his senses.
"No." He lifted his head quickly.
"What?" She started to giggle, grinning at him.
"I'm on the coil, you're fine, don't worry!" He rested his head back into her neck, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Good to hear. I think three kids between us is enough for now, don't you?"
"What do you mean, for now?"
"I made the biggest mistake of my life leaving you Kate, I'm not planning on doing it again," his lips gently kissed the side of her neck, running the tip of his nose along her jawline softly.
He pulled out of her with a groan, taking her hand and leading her into her bedroom - he'd clocked which one it was earlier that evening.
Kate smiled watching him grow hard again, knowing not much sleeping was going to be done once they got in there...
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kuronanox · 3 years
Bad Dream - Kira Izuru
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Kira looks down at the paperwork in defeat as he groans and tried to reorganize them. The wind from the window was gusting everywhere causing them to fall on the floor.
Shuffling noises were in the background as he cursed under his breath.
A small feminine hand had reached over his as Kira eyes looked up to meet (Your Name).
"Need some help Kira Fukutaicho." She asks him as he looks down at the papers again.
"Did you need something?"
"I came to turn in some papers! I've been feeling under the weather."
He props the papers on the desk to even them out and turns to her. "If you don't feel good, get some more rest (Your Name)."
She shakes her head and hands him her work. "I can't let you run the Squad all alone."
Kira slightly smiles at her as he gave his attention back to his work.
She took in his features and noticed how much he didn't smile anymore, during the academy days he was so innocent and cheerful. Growing up they were close but now it seems as she didn't know him anymore.
"Did you want to come over for dinner tonight?" She asks him as he looked up from the papers.
"Who's going?" He asked with curiosity, Kira didn't wanna intrude on her personal life especially when one of the reasons why he was feeling down was because of her relationship with Hisagi.
"Just me and Shuhei! But don't worry he won't mind! I think he kinda misses you." She winks as he wanted to frown.
"Don't you think it's weird?" He says a bit rudely not noticing his tone of language as her eyes widen from disbelief. Noticing her face sadden a bit he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in that way. I'm actually behind on the Captains papers so I probably won't have time." He added.
"Well you don't have to do it alone! Shuhei is in the same position so maybe you guys could do it together and we can all drink a bit! I'll even invite Matsumoto Fukutaicho if it lightens the mood!"
Kira didn't want to be in the same room as (Your Name) and Shuhei. He tried to think anyway possible to escape tonight but she seemed on insisting he come out.
"I guess, what time tonight?"
"Around 8! I'll cook dinner!" She says with a smile on her face as she ran out happily.
Knowing it made her happy that he was coming out was okay with Kira even though he wasn't in the mood to socialize.
"Kira?" Shuhei asks with a smile as he got back from work while leaning his zanpakuto on the wall.
"Yes! He's seems down a lot recently so I thought inviting him to dinner would be a good way to have fun, oh Matsumoto is coming too!" (Your Name) said as she pulled out some veggies and protein out from the fridge.
Shuhei wrapped his arms around her body as he kissed her temple as she smiled while cutting the broccoli.
"That was nice of you, I've been worried about him." He tells her letting go and washing his hands to help prep with dinner.
"And I've been worry about you." (Your Name) states to Shuhei as he raises a brow and started to wash the rice.
There was a knock on the door before he could say anything.
"Hey we're here! Open up!" Rangiku cheerful voice rang around from outside as Kira was standing behind her with a tired expression.
"Hey! We just got started on dinner! Come on in!" (Your Name) welcomes them into her and Shuhei shared home.
It was Kira first time here, he took in the view. There was nothing really special that stood out to him except a few decor and a guitar in the living room. There was a few picture frame of the couple as they smiled to each other.
There was jealousy in the blonde lieutenant as he looked away from them and set a bottle of sake down he brought.
"Kira! Finally see you've been out of your own quarantine!" Shuhei greets him and pats him on the back.
"Slightly busy that's all." He tells the older man and smiles.
Rangiku sat down and cracked a sake open while they waited for dinner. She was in a cheerful mood today. "Oi we haven't been able to drink together in a while!" She tells Kira as he chuckles and gets himself a small cup.
As him and Rangiku took small talk he could see in his peripheral version Shuhei and (Your Name) happily cooking together. There was small kisses stolen from each other as they were in sync.
"Dinner is served!" Shuhei yells placing down the rice, salmon and veggies along with miso soup to wash it down.
"Wow a chef in the house." Rangiku says as they all dug in.
"You guys started without us!" (Your Name) pouts noticing that two bottles of sake were already empty from Kira and the busty women sitting next to him.
"Ooo sorry that means y'all have to catch up!" She says as they poured themselves a cup.
Kira slightly smiles at (Your Name) cuteness as he took a bite of the fresh cooked fish. A part of him was thankful that it wasn't them three alone. He already didn't wanna talk much but the alcohol was kicking in and he was also thankful rangiku was there.
He didn't notice how hungry he was till a pair of chopsticks had put down a new piece of salmon in his bowl nonchalantly. It was (Your Name) as she was conversing with Rangiku about their new beauty routine with Shuhei listening and putting his input.
It felt like he was in the academy again, when he forgot to eat or wasn't eating enough (Your Name) was always feeding him and taking care of his health. The lieutenant knew she brought him out tonight so he could enjoy himself more.
"Thank you." He says as her flushed face smiles at him and went back to her conversation.
He blushed but it wasn't noticeable because of all the alcohol he already consumed.
"Kira you are particularly quiet for being drunk already!" Rangiku chimes in as he was lost for words.
"I- I am not drunk!"
"Sure you are! You finished 3 bottles alone already!" Shuhei laughs as he just groaned.
It was later in the night when it started to get rowdy, they all had a few to many as they were shouting to each other.
They were playing card games and gotten into it. They decided ride the bus because apparently kisuke had showed Rangiku a while back when she was in the human world. He told her it was a drinking game a lot of college students were doing so she wanted to hop on the trend.
"Kira you're on the bus so you have to keep drinking till you get these cards right!" She said as he took sips of the beer they had brought out for back up.
As he was drinking (Your Name) and Shuhei were cleaning a bit since it was getting messy.
Him and Rangiku were having to much fun that Shuhei retired for the because he had an early morning but he insisted on them staying and enjoying themselves.
By the time Kira won the card game he was sauced and couldn't walk in a straight line. He knew drinking with Rangiku was going to be a disaster.
"Did you want me to take him back?" He heard Rangiku ask (Your Name) as he was slumped on the table.
"It's okay, he can stay for the night. We work together anyways so I'll wake him up tomorrow." (Your Name) tells the older lady as she left for the night.
"Okay big boy, help me will ya." She tells Kira as she laid out a futon for him to sleep in comfortably.
He wrapped an arm around her waist as he walked towards the bed made on the floor. Tripping on his foot they fell over as she gasped.
"Kira you are crushing me!" She silently whispers so Shuhei wouldn't wake up from their shenanigans.
"Just let me hug you (Your Name)." He says breathlessly with his eyes closed. Kira wanted to enjoy this moment because he knew she could never be his.
He looks down to her lips as she looked up to him innocently. A part of him didn't want to be the bad guy but what was so wrong with being bad once in a while.
He knew it was the alcohol bringing out everything he was holding in, he was going to regret his actions the next morning. Cupping her face he kissed her parted lips. It didn't help that she wrapped her legs around his waist as he groaned. Letting his tongue slip into her mouth.
She flipped him over so she sat on top, just when things were beginning to get spicy he opened his eyes and.
"KIRA IZURU! You wake up this instant now!" He heard a voice called out as he jumped out of bed and looked to his side to see a concern (Your Name) next to him. She sighed in relief and pushed his hair out of the way from his face.
"Are you dating Hisagi San?!" He asks quickly out of breath as she tilted her head and slightly smacks his forehead.
"Hello! What were you dreaming about? I'm dating you stupid." She says as he calmed down a bit and laughs rubbing the back of his neck.
"It was just a dream, thank goodness."
(Your Name) looked confused as she jumped on top of Kira and laid her head on his chest.
"Whatever it was Izuru I'm always going to be yours." She says as he laid back down and rubbed her back. He was cheesing to himself to know (Your Name) wasn't going anywhere.
"I know, it was just a dream." He says as she kissed his lower lip and grinned.
"I love you, you know that."
"Of course, I love you too, always."
(Authors note: just a cute fluff I made! Have y'all seen Kira now! He's making me simp! noooo I already have my bleach bias and he's breaking it!)
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hot-wiings · 3 years
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The One Where Prohero!Deku Says He Won't Be Home The Night Before Christmas, But Suddenly Santa Claus Shows Up At The Door, Flirting With His Wife And Frightening His Daughter.
Edited: 12-16-2020
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You folded one leg over the other as you sat on your couch in front of the TV. With a glass of pinot wine in one hand and the remote in your other, you flipped through the channels, looking for a better news outlet that was able to get closer to the current ongoing fight. The fight of a villain versus Pro-Hero Deku. Tragically, this was a nightly ritual for you. Every night after dinner, after dessert, after you'd gotten your daughter settled in the bath or bed, you would pour a glass of wine and watch your husband on national television. With a pinched heart and high nerves, you would watch him duel it out with some new villains, all the while hoping like crazy he was okay. All the whole praying to God he made it out alive. 
This was the life of being the wife to the number one hero. You knew what you were getting into when you began dating. You knew it would be hard being quirkless and helplessly watching from the sidelines as he rose to fame, close to being more needed and out in more danger. You the costs, you knew the risk, and while you wouldn't change any of it, it didn't make it any less hard to see him go, it didn't make it any less hard seeing him on the television, fighting for citizens. Fighting to make the world a safer place, for you and your daughter.
"Mommy, is daddy gonna be okay?"
Your daughter clutched onto your arm, pulling on your shirt to try and get your attention desperately as she watched her father battle live. She had a scared expression on her face, the expression you hid every time your husband walked out the door each morning. You sat your wine down on the lounge table in front of you before turning to her with a smile.
"Oh, sweetheart... Your father is always gonna be okay, he's the number one hero! He's good at what he does, and you know why he does it?"
"He does it for you, and he does it for me. He does it so we have a safe world to live in. He goes out there because he loves us, he's gonna come home every night because he loves us. Don't worry your pretty little head, alright?"
Your daughter turns her attention back to the TV, a smile on her face making the scared look disappear. You hated letting her watch Izuku's fights with you. While you did it to see him, to make sure he's okay, you didn't want her seeing that violent aspect in his life. You didn't want her seeing her father beat the living shit out of a villain, but how could you tell her no? You could remember watching All Might on TV as a child along side your brother Katuki. Watching the symbol of peace keeping the world safe installed you with a sense of hope as a quirkless child. He inspired you to be a hero despite being quirkless, he inspired you to be a hero support device inventor. It was your support items that your husband wore, and that kind of inspiration and hope was not something you could prevent your daughter from. Especially not when her father was the current symbol of peace.
You watched fondly as your daughter smiled up at the TV, as she smiled at her father fighting the villain. She was so immersed in the fight, such a fan like her father. Punch after punch, and swing after swing, using his shoot style, Izuku took the villain down. The heavyweight in your chest was lifted as he got to work on helping any civilians that got injured. Your daughter turned to you with a huge smile present as she started yawning through her words.
"Mommy, I wanna be just like daddy when I grow up. He's so awesome, he could defeat anybody."
"If that's what you want, then you can be a great hero when you grow up, just like daddy is."
You turned the TV off before lifting your daughter into your arms with a hefty sigh. She was getting older every year, older and heavier. While she wasn't extremely heavy, she wasn't a baby anymore. Soon the years of youth would fly by and you wouldn't be able to lift her. Your husband would have no problem, but you weren't built like that. It wasn't good to put so much stress on yourself. Desperately fighting off sleep, she rested her head on your shoulder as she tried to keep her eyes open. 
"Mommy, will daddy be home to tuck me in bed?"
"Not tonight honey. He's still got some stuff to do, probably won't be back for another hour or so, and you're already falling asleep as it is."
"Awe. I wanted to tell him that I wanna be him when I grow up. I miss him."
You placed your daughter on her bed and wrapped the blankets around her, tucking the covers under her body and feet, cocooning her in and prepping her for a chilly night. You turned around and grabbed her favorite stuffed animals off the shelf as you bit your lip. You missed him just as much as she did. Sometimes it was hard when he was gone for days on end fighting a villain and tracking them down. Though he always made up for it to you both, it always hurt when he was gone. You felt so emotional tonight. You wiped away a few stray tears and turned around with a smile so you could tuck her stuffed bunny under the blanket next to her. 
"I know baby, I miss him too, and he misses us just as much. But you know what? Tomorrow it'll be Christmas, so you, and Mister Bun-Bun need to go to sleep so Santa can come."
You booped her nose then proceeded to boop the stuffed bunnies nose so she wouldn't think he was disincluded before tucking them both in under the blankets again to make sure she was extra warm. The heater in the house broke so you were currently living off of heat from the fireplace until Izuku or the repair people could come, but that wasn't until after Christmas, and you weren't sure Izuku knew how. You knew sometime in the night your daughter would climb out of bed and come to your room to try and snuggle with you and Izuku, not that either of you minded. 
"And when you wake up daddy will be here, and he'll give you all the attention you want."
"Okay... Can he still come in and give me a goodnight even if I'm asleep?"
"Absolutely, Mister Bun-Bun too."
You pecked a kiss against your daughter's forehead, then you turned her night light on and shut her closet door, knowing that she would get scared. You made way to her bedroom door and looked over your shoulder to check on her. She was still fighting off inevitable sleep, nodding off and jerking her head up, trying to be awake, undoubtedly trying to stay awake until her father came home. 
"Mommy, can Mister Bun-Bun have a kiss too? He also wants the bedroom door left open... He gets scared."  
"If it makes Mister Bun-Bun feel safer I'll leave it open, but Mister Bun-Bun needs to know that I and daddy will always keep him safe just like we keep you safe."
You walked back over to her bed and placed a chaste kiss on the stuffed bunnies head before moving over to her head and giving her another one. You pulled back and smiled at her. 
"I love you, [D/N], never forget that."
"I love you too momma, good night."
You chuckled at her slurred words, sleep overtaking her body as you walked to her door and left it open just enough for the right amount of light to flood in and make 'Mister Bun-Bun' feel safe, but not enough to prevent her from sleeping.
You made your way to the kitchen and placed your phone onto the wireless charger that you kept on the window sill. You opened the notification bar searching for a message or missed call from Izuku to see none, he must still be out at the fight scene. With a pinched heart, you turned your ringtone to high just in case your husband did call. 
The hour slowly started to slip by as you made yourself busy with cleaning up the house. What started as dinner dishes turned into cleaning the oven, which then progressed into dusting all the fans and wall decor. Your mother-in-law and family would be coming over tomorrow anyway, so if you didn't do it now, you would be stressed about it tomorrow. From your spot in the living room, bent over and stripping down the couch cushion seat covers so you could wash them before tomorrow, you hadn't even heard the knob on the front door turn. You hadn't heard a male presence enter the house, much less directly behind you. In your utmost defense, he was trying especially hard to be quiet, and you had soft Christmas music coming from the stereo. 
With one arm swooping down and wrapping around your waist, the other went over your stomach while his head rested in the crook of your neck. You knew the hands, having felt the callused working fingers every day of your life for nearly the past decade, these hands were very familiar. However, despite the familiarity, when you were home alone, had been home alone with no one but your daughter for company, the touch of a male was very startling and scared you. You let out a little shriek as you let your body weight drop, bringing you to the floor with protective hands over your tummy. Your husband came tumbling on top of you due to his arms being wrapped around you. His chuckles resounded in your ear, warming up a pool in your stomach. The sound of his voice would never cease to bring butterflies, no matter how many years of marriage you had under your belt. It almost momentarily made you forget and set aside the anger of him scaring you. Almost.
"You jerk."
"Merry Christmas to you too."
Izuku adjusted your bodies so that he was no longer crushing you, but rather so you were both on your sides holding each other. After a week apart he wanted nothing more than to hold you, he wanted nothing more than to make up for the lost time. 
"You know I hate when you do that."
"Well, you know I hate when you stay up for me so I guess we're even."
"We both know you love it. You love coming home to me, love getting to kiss me, hug me, and cuddle me."
You let your head roll against Izuku's chest as he pulled his arms around you tighter. The feel of being together again in your cold home, warming you both and riding those sad feelings that haunted you both every night apart. 
"I'd still love coming home to find you asleep and well-rested, kisses can wait."
"Mm, I lucked out in the husband department didn't I? [D/N] wants a good night kiss even if she's already asleep."
You detangled yourself from Izuku and used the edge of the sofa to pull yourself up and prop yourself onto the edge of it. It was then that you noticed Izuku was wearing a Santa costume, belt, wig, beard, and all. You nibbled on your lip as you watched him stand up and walk closer to you. Your sexual drive was crazy as of late, leaving you with an insatiable horny hunger and no husband to cure it. This was something you could have fun with. 
"Although, I think I'd rather keep Santa all to myself for a moment."
"Yeah? Do you like it? I was trying to escape the fans and ran into a mall Santa, traded him an autograph, and twenty bucks for his suit." 
"Hmm, lose the beard and wig and you just might be on Mrs. clauses nice list."
Izuku chuckled as he pulled his beard down and made his way over to you. He pulled you up from the couch and wrapped his arms around you, one hand lingering further, wandering to your butt and grabbing. Call it the distance he held from you for so long, but he was feeling frisky. 
"What if I like the naughty list better?"
His voice was warm and desperate as he whispered down your ear, maybe you would've played along with him and gotten him to the bedroom had you not seen [D/N] in the living room entrance, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Santa? Mommy, what are you doing?"
That anger from him scaring you, that anger you put aside for a later date came back. You weren't in a state to be scared like that. A devious smile made way to your face as you pulled away from Izuku and feigned shock. He still had his wig on, and you doubted that two a sleepy five-year wouldn't think he wasn't Santa.
"Ho-Ho-Hold on there one minute Santa. I've got a loving husband and a child. You better mosy on home to Mrs. Claus before she puts you on the naughty list."
Izuku turned around, a smile on his face to finally see his daughter after a week. He frowned as he saw the scowl on her face, no doubt a horrendous trait passed down from you. Though, he expected no less from a Bakugo.
"Sweetheart, it's me, daddy."
"What? No, you're not my daddy. My daddy's big and strong, and he'll hurt you for trying to touch my mommy."
"Yeah, don't fib. Are you are fibber, Santa?"
Your daughter tugged on you and took a hold of your arm. She quickly ran to your room, pulling you along with her. Once inside she slammed your door shut and tried to barricade it, leaving a flustered Izuku standing outside. He knew this was your form of payback, playback for consistently startling you whenever he came home. He couldn't help it, he liked seeing your shocked face, he liked getting a rise out of the Bakugo he knew wouldn't bash his face in.
In this instance, it was the only time he ever partially regretted marrying you. You never fought, and when you did he had to deal with your brother instead of you. As a Bakugo, you took more after your father, but the personality traits from your mother came out when you felt payback was necessary. You would go to great lengths for payback over the littlest things, although this one was mediocre for you. One time he went a week with pink dyed hair and another time you kept moving things from around the house out of their usual places and refused to tell him where. Leave him flustered with a hard on wasn't that terrible.
Behind the closed door, you felt slightly bad for playing along with the whole Izuku is Santa thing. Like most times, you thought it would be funny. Make your husband flustered, it'll be cute. That was before your daughter freaked out thinking it was a villain who could steal identities. Of course, your daughter wouldn't believe that Santa was a sleaze, there had to be some explanation. This was starting to backfire, very fast. It was in your lineage not to back down. Your momma didn't raise a quitter, and it would be bad parenting to raise your daughter to be a quitter. What were you supposed to say anyway? Santas not real, I was just trying to fuck your father? No.
"It's okay mommy, daddy will protect us." 
As if on queue your bedroom door busted open from Izuku using full cowling shoot style with his legs. He no longer wore his wig or Santa suit but a t-shirt and pajama pants. With messy mangled hair, he ran towards your daughter and tried to pull her into his arms, missing her after a week apart but she squirmed and tried to pull away. 
"How do I know your my real daddy and not a copying villain!"
"Would a copy villain save Mister Bun-Bun?"
Izuku placed the stuffed rabbit inside his daughter's arms as she broke into a smile. Throwing the rabbit on the floor in favor of her father, she wrapped her small child arms around her father's neck. 
"Daddy! I knew you'd protect us! You're so strong and cool." 
"I'll always protect you from imposter Santas, always."
"Will you protect mommy too?"
Izuku picked up his daughter and carried her back to her bedroom so he could tuck her in for the second time that night. He hummed in response, pretending to think to himself as if saving you was a hard decision. You followed behind him with a slight scowl on your face. He placed his daughter in her bed and wrapped the blanket around her and Mister Bun-Bun before pressing a kiss against her head. 
"I guess even if mommy can be mean sometimes, I'll always protect her too. You, mommy, and Mister Bun-Bun." 
[D/N] was lightly nodding off, content that she got to see her father before she fell asleep, but she fought it off as she grabbed her dad's arm to stop him from going away. 
"I think Mister Bun-Bun wants you to leave the door closed. He's not so scared anymore."
"Okay, darling. If Mister Bun-Bun wants it closed that's okay, but if he gets scared at all, it's okay for him to open it back up. Okay?"
"M'kay. Good night. I love you both."
You and Izuku left her room and he closed the door behind you, both of you had heavy hearts, sad to see your daughter slowly growing up. It felt like just yesterday you gave birth, it felt like just yesterday Izuku was holding your hand, comforting you as you pushed. While it was years away, you felt like time was going by too fast. Plopping down on your bed together, Izuku kept his distance, still bitter you left him out there horny and alone like that.
"She's growing up so fast, I miss her being a baby."
"Yeah, but look at it this way, there are still so many things we get to do and teach her. Right now she wants to be you when she grows up, you can start worrying when she's a teenager and discovers boys." 
"Mmmm, no. She's never getting a boyfriend. Not when she's sixteen, not when she twenty."
"You can't prevent it, babe. She's gonna want a boyfriend, one day when she's fourteen and god, why did you marry me? I never should've procreated, I was a monster at fourteen." 
You scooted closer to Izuku as he pulled the blankets over you both. You smiled at Izuku as he slid one arm under your head letting you use it as a headrest, and let his other arm rest on your side, rubbing little circles in your hip.
"I'm not saying never, I'm just sayin' our daughter isn't going to have male friends, and when [D/N] turns fourteen and decides to bring home a boy, well... Who's to stop someone from giving said boys name to someone like, say, your brother?" 
"Mm, that's evil."
"You call it evil, I call it a genius solution."
"Did you mean it when you said you'd always protect me?"
Izuku presses a long kiss against your lips before pulling back and nodding as if it wasn't even a question. 
"Always. Always and forever."
"Even our baby?"
"Of course I'd protect [D/N]."
He says it like it was unquestionable. Like it was the natural order of how things should be. That wasn't what you meant. You chuckled as you smiled at Izuku and grabbed his hand that rested on your hip. You guided it towards your stomach and pressed his palm against your tummy. Your tummy that would soon be swollen. Your tummy that carried his seed and offspring.
"No, our baby Zu'. Baby number two." 
"[Y/N], you're pregnant again?"
His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as he peppered your face with kisses. Joy and pure happiness spread in his orbs, delighted at the prospect of having another child with you. Realization dawned on him as he rubbed your stomach with his hand.
"Oh gosh, this is why you were so mad I scared you. I could've crushed him, or her. I've gotta be more careful."
"Mm, I'm eight weeks along and you know the best thing about it?"
"What's that?"
Your hands trailed up Izuku's shirt and ran up his skin as you bit your lip.
"Makes my sex drive go like crazy."
"Did you talk to the doctor?"
"Yup! We're good to go until the end of the second trimester."
Izuku pressed his lips to yours and you felt complete. You never thought you'd marry your brother's enemies, much less carry not one but two of his kids. You wouldn't change it for the world, you wouldn't change your little family for the world.
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arumin-arureruto · 3 years
Honeytea PT 1
Kyoya x fem reader and Hikaru x fem reader, Kyoya angst, Hikaru slowburn.
Warnings: manipulation, Kyoya angst
word count: 2k
songs to listen to while reading:
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Everything I wanted - Billie Eilish
Bitches Broken Heart - Billie Eilish
(I'll probably make a Spotify playlist at some point)
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Outfit reader is wearing:
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"ouch" the boiling hot water dripped from the tip of the tea kettle and onto your hand
"Mrs Ootori let me help you with that" said one of the kitchen workers as she rushed to your aid, already grabbing a towel.
"Oh no it's ok, this is for Kyoya and I would like to make him tea myself, I haven't been in a kitchen in so long though it seems I'm a bit rusty." you laughed while running your hand under cold water.
The water helped soothe the burning but you would definitely feel an unpleasant sting later.
This time you payed more attention as you poured the water into the mug.
Looking through the assortments of tea you tried looking for Kyoya's favorite, mint and passionfruit.
You put the tea bag in the water and put back all the other tea boxes, you and Kyoya used to love buying exotic teas from all around the world and trying them. The thought of doing something as simple as drinking tea with your husband made you smile.
You picked up the mug and started walking out of the kitchen, smiling at the staff that were busy at work already prepping for tomorrow's meals.
The manor's halls were dimly lit and empty, Kyoya insisted on buying a big lavish house even though it was just you two most of the time.
Walking slowly as to not spill any of the tea all you could hear was your breathing and your bare feet hitting the cold marble floor.
When you got to Kyoya's office you knocked, and waited for permission to come in.
No answer.
You knocked again and waited.
Still no answer.
You grabbed the doorknob thinking you'd just let yourself in when you remembered what happened last time you walked into his office without permission.
A chill went down your spine and you felt a lump in your throat.
"It's okay, he said it wouldn't happen again" you thought to yourself.
Still you decided to try knocking one more time, after you knocked the third time you heard Kyoya's voice coming from behind the door.
"You may come in"
You slowly opened the door and walked inside, still holding the mug in your hand.
"How can I help you?" he asked not looking up from his laptop.
"I brought you some tea" you hesitantly put it down on his desk, your hands already missing the warmth the mug provided.
"I appreciate it, you may leave" he still wasn't looking at you.
"Actually I was wondering if you wanted to come to bed with me?" you spoke the words quickly and nervously.
"No thank you, I am quite busy at the moment and would like some peace and quiet to continue my work if you don't mind."
"You've been leaving earlier for work and staying up later to finish it, I've just been feeling lonely and wanted to spend some time together that's all"
oh no.
Word vomit.
You did not mean to say that thought out loud.
Kyoya let out a loud and annoyed sigh, he stood up from his desk and started walking towards you.
You felt your heart beating in your ears and a lump starting to form in your throat as his tall lanky figure approached you.
Already preparing yourself for the worst you closed your eyes and looked down.
"Like I said, I am busy at the moment with important work and do not have time to deal with you and your loneliness, will I have to repeat myself a second time?"
His mouth was right next to your ear, you could feel his warm breath on your neck.
"No, I understand" you said, voice barely above a whisper.
"Then you may leave"
you gave a quick nod and turned to leave, already feeling the tears in your eyes threatening to spill while he returned to his desk.
"Y/n, before you leave I ask that you learn your place in this house, you are in no position to waltz into my office and demand that I drop everything to spend time with you, do you hear me?"
You stopped in your tracks. His voice was cold and emotionless, the chill you felt earlier returning.
Your voice shook a little.
"Good, then we understand each other my dear."
You hurried and left Kyoya's office quickly, tears streaming down your face.
You had only been married for a year and 4 months, why was your marriage already dying? Before you got engaged you and Kyoya had already been dating for almost 3 years so you knew he did like you, what happened?
You continued walking to your room, the house's unwelcoming atmosphere making you want to ball up and cry even more.
When you got to the room you and Kyoya shared you frantically looked for your phone, turning over pillows and accidentally messing up the tidy bed one of the maids had made.
"Son of a bitch where is it" you thought while continuing to search the bed. Your vision was blurry because of the tears so that didn't help.
After 5 minutes of turning the room upside down for it you found your phone, sitting neatly on your vanity.
You quickly picked it up and hurriedly scrolled down your contact list.
Majority of the numbers were women from families Kyoya thought it would be beneficial for you to associate with, your actual friends and family took up less than 30% of the numbers in your phone.
After scrolling for a little longer you found the number you had been looking for.
You quickly called the number and waited while it rang.
"Hey this is Hikaru leave a message, or don't, I really don't care."
It was pretty late so he was probably asleep, but you decided to try again.
You paced around the room and waited while the phone rang a second time.
After what it felt like ages you finally heard a voice.
Your spirits started to lift and a little smile crept up to your face.
"Hikaru? I'm sorry did I wake you up"
Hikaru let out a sleepy laugh.
"Yeah you big head it's almost midnight, its fine though, what's up? You sound weird"
You froze, should you tell him?Should you tell him that your marriage was falling apart? That you felt out of place in your own home? that you felt lonelier then ever?
"I've actually been having a pretty shitty night" you laughed, mostly out of nervousness than joy.
Suddenly you couldn't hold it in anymore, tears started running down your face again and you let out a loud, guttural sob.
"Sorry I didn't want you to hear that" you laughed again as you wiped your nose with the sleeves of your robe.
"Y/n what's going on?" Hikaru's voice grew alarmed
"I don't think I can do this over the phone, I have to talk to you, in person."
"Ok I'll come over right now if you want."
It sounded like he was stumbling out of bed and putting on his slippers.
"Oh no no its fine, it can wait till tomorrow" you said quickly, even if Kyoya wasn't home you needed some time alone to think so Hikaru coming over right now was out of the question.
"Are you sure?" he asked, still sounding worried.
"Yes I'm sure, I'll talk to you tomorrow"
"Ok but are you 100% sure?"
You felt a smile creep onto your face
"Go back to sleep Hitachiin"
"Whatever you say Ootori"
You laughed again, this time a genuine laugh.
"Goodnight Hikaru"
"Goodnight y/n"
You hung up, feeling happier than you were before.
You threw your phone on the bed and went into the bathroom that connected to your bedroom to wash your face.
After splashing some cold water on your face you looked into the mirror and almost didn't recognize the woman before you.
What happened?
You had everything anyone could want. Looks, money, power, a rich handsome husband, a high status in society.
Your eyes didn't have the same glint they did back in high school, you felt as if you had aged 2 decades in just 8 years.
You and Kyoya had started dating in your senior year of high school, he was attending his first year at Ouran University and he proposed to you right after he graduated while you were starting your 4th year at the university.
You were happy, everything was going great, it all started going downhill after you got married.
Kyoya became cold, it's as if after he had you wrapped around his finger he didn't bother trying to please you. Sometimes you wondered if the only reason he targeted you was because of how it would make him look, but you couldn't think of a way in which marrying a commoner that was attending Ouran on a scholarship would benefit him in any way.
You tried forgetting those awful thoughts, no, Kyoya loved you, you guys were just going through some hard times as do any couples.
As you leaned on the sink staring at your own reflection you heard Kyoya coming into the room.
You took one last look in the mirror to make sure any traces of your crying were gone.
you turned around and there was Kyoya, silently staring at you while leaning on the door frame.
You didn't know what to do so you just leaned with your back on the sink while he slowly approached you.
He ran his hands down the side of your body down to your thighs and put this face in the crook of your neck.
He inhaled and exhaled, hands feeling the back of your thighs.
"God you smell amazing"
Just his deep voice close to your ear was enough to make your legs go weak.
Sex wasn't getting him out of this.
Until he used words to apologize you weren't going to give him anything.
"I thought you were busy" You said harshly.
"I took care of things that couldn't be delayed, everything else can wait until tomorrow." You could feel his breathing speeding up.
no, nope. Until he apologized he would get nothing.
"Hmm" you said, still not giving him a reaction.
He seemed to pick up on your strategy because he lifted you up and put you on the bathroom counter.
The cold marble against your bare thigh scared you but before you could process the feeling Kyoya put his mouth on your neck and sucked the skin.
Since you were caught by surprise you couldn't suppress the moan that came out of your mouth.
"Now now Mrs Ootori, what troubles you? Giving me the cold shoulder isn't very nice." he was whispering in your ear while undoing your silk robe.
Your own breathing was starting to speed up and you could feel heat pooling at the bottom of your underwear.
"How about you try apologizing?" You didn't try to stop him from undoing your robe.
"And why would I do that?" he asked while feeling the exposed skin on your collarbone with his nose.
"For the way you treated me when I went into your office" You said, anger starting to return.
"To be fair you interrupted me while I was doing very important work and it made me upset, so who here should really be apologizing?"
He was right, you knew how much he valued his work time and you still interrupted him.
Ashamed, you put your head down.
"I'm sorry" you mumbled.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you"
"I'm sorry" this time you said it louder.
Kyoya lifted his head up to look you in the eyes.
"Good girl. Now, there are other ways you could apologize to me."
He picked you up by your thighs from the bathroom counter and carried you to the bed.
By then your robe was already discarded on the bathroom floor and you laid on the bed, just in a thin and short sleeping gown.
Kyoya took off his shirt and pants and straddled himself on top of you, arms on either sides of your head.
Although you laid there with your husband on top of you, all you could think about was seeing your best friend the next day.
A/N: Hey babes so this is just the first chapter, I'm definitely making this a slowburn so expect a lot of chapters. As a Kyoya girl this was painful to write </3, anyways love y'all!!!
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Sometimes moving on is good
Chapter 10&11
(11&12 on wattpad)
Chapter 9 here
Somehow both of you had managed to get your vacation at the same time, and you were planning to surprise Diane with a trip during the two weeks off you both had.
She was collecting strawberries in her garden and you were watching her from the window like you usually did when she was out. This time you decided to have fun and go find her to help. It was the morning and your flight wasn't before the afternoon.
You dressed to go out and came out the house and behind her so you could surprise her with soft kisses.
Your hands pulled her hair to the side as you pressed your mouth against the back of her neck, moving further to her jawline nibbling her skin quietly as your hands caressed her sides greeting her by kneading both her breasts.
"Oh hello there...what are you doing ?" She playfully asked as she giggled.
"Well I Wanted to meet my neighbor  have you seen her anywhere ?"
"Haha very funny...are you single by any chance ?"
"Yes I am, just don't tell my girlfriend I said that."
She set her box down before turning around and pointing at her house
"I think she lives here but most of the time she spends at her girlfriends house"
"Oh really ? Her partner must be a very nice person"
"Not really she's quite annoying I've heard"
You pretended to be offended for a second before replying.
"hah babe ! I am not annoying..."
She kissed the pout on your face and rested her arms around your shoulders to hold you while yours circled her waist. You both held each other for a few minutes, or was it hours ? Just enjoying the feeling of your bodies against each other, being close.
Her head resting against your neck as the sun was heating her skin keeping you in a warm embrace.
"Are you done with the strawberries ?"
"Almost why ?"
"I'll give you a hand so we can go home quicker"
"Okay we'll get started then"
"I will"
She bent down to pick up the box filled with the red fruit and you smacked her ass as she yelped, "hey !"
"Oops I thought there was a fly right there, wait here it is again" you said before slapping her again before grabbing her by the hips and pulling her close. She moaned at the feeling of your leg between hers.
"What is it about strawberries that gets you going like this y/n ?"
"I'm pretty sure it's not the strawberries."
"Well.. what Then ?"
"It's the paints"
She got up and began picking the berries up and placing them in her basket. You caressed her butt one last time before adding.
"Yeah...it's definitely the paints"
"Get to work y/n"
You took your own box and mimicked her movements. Filling your box up you picked one and brought it to your lips to have a bite.
"Hey put that down"
"Try me" you ate the fruit, moaning at the taste of it.
"You didn't even rince it, that's nasty"
"No it's not, besides you don't put any chemicals in this, it's good for my immune system"
"Yeah it'll be good when you have a little worm growing inside you, y/n"
"Whatever you say babe... At least
Come on and have a taste"
You picked one up again this time holding it between your teeth and moving your head closer to diane's, pausing in front of her lips, waiting for her to bite down on it.
"It's silly y/n"
"Mmf...comMfe..on" after some esitating she finally tasted the strawberry before you spit out the leaves and kissed her softly.
She giggled the sugary taste making your kiss more special.
"I'm really not going faster with you distracting me"
You got back to gardening, and once there was no more ready fruits you both went back to the house, hand in hand except for the recipient you held.
After some washing and tidying up you floped down on the couch her upper body resting on your lap as you massaged her temples with on hand and played with her hair with the other one.
"Baby ?"
"Mmm?" She groaned eyes still shut.
"Sit up please I gotta fetch something reel fast"
"Okay.." she sat up and waited as you disappeared to your office for a second.
You came back with your keys and put on your shoes at the bottom of the stairs.
"Can you grab your coat and put on your shoes again ?"
"Wh..wh..what's going on ?"
"Just trust me babe ?"
"..the things I do for you"
"Take your phone and keys too and meet me in the car baby"
"Wait...y/n !?? Where are we going ?!"
Chapter 11
WARNING ⚠️ SMUT (very slight mommy kink nothing too crazy)
You were both driving to the airport and you had managed to get her to bandage her eyes for the trip, after waiting at the airport you finally had hopped in the plane your baggages in the hold.
The flight was calm and Diane didn't complain about being blinded, your hand was on her thigh, keeping her grounded through contact.
When you were almost there you decided it would be too stupid not to let her see the landscape from up here especially since you weren't sure it would be this sunny when you left. So you tapped her shoulder before whispering in her here that you were going to take it off. She blinked a few times at the sudden light around her, she confusedly looked at you before you said
"I couldn't let you miss this"
Pointing out the small window as you were passing the few lakes and swamps surrounding the colorful fields.
"Oh good...this is beautiful y/n...where are we ?"
"..well this is...ouh you almost had me... nice try baby"
"I had to try"
"You'll find out soon we're almost here"
The rest of the time was calm between the few kisses you shared and the ones you pressed to her neck while your fingers rode up and down her thigh.
When the flight was over you got back your stuff and found the car you'd rented.
You took of her blindfold and she gasped
"Y/n are we in france ????!"
"Really ? What gave it away ? Let me guess the car's plate"
"Well there's an F and the shops have french names"
"Then Yes we are "
"I don't even know what to say y/n...i.. I'm..thank you I guess"
"No need to thank me..baby i wanted to take you on a trip so here we are. Don't get to comfortable cause we are driving for an hour an a half maybe"
"We ? Oh honey you are driving"
"How come ?!"
"It's your trip and I don't know where we're going"
After driving for around 1h15 you arrived where you were staying, it was a small farm that you had rented, away from the city but not to far so you'd still be able to go visit some stuff. It was a quiet place surrounded by fields and Forests.
"My god baby this place is Wonderful, how did you find this ?!"
"My grandma lives a few minutes away, I used to ride my bike here when I was 5."
She looked saddened all of the sudden for some reason and you couldn't help but hold her in your arms for a second before asking her what was wrong.
"..will you teach me ?..how to ride I mean"
You pulled back slightly raising your brows
"You don't need any help riding me ?...Oh you meant the bike"
"Yes I did you pervert...m..my mother never took the time to teach me"
"Well it'll be my pleasure, surely we can borrow my grandma's we hen we go there tomorrow"
"Wait...what ?"
"It was supposed to be a surprise so you wouldn't be anxious but your meeting my family tomorrow, we're having dinner at their house".
"Why didn't you tell me !? Y/n ! You know how I need to prepare for these...do they know how old I am ? What are they gonna think ?"
"Diane calm down baby..they know all that already they don't care as long as you make me happy and I love you...now let's put these inside I want to show you around before we settle in."
You both put your things inside the house and got ready for a small walk outside.
You went buy the animals that were there, a few goats, donkeys, horses and normand cows all enjoying their grass behind the wooden fence. She looked around eyes shining with amazement, feeding the animals and holding your hand as you went through the small paths protected by the leaves, the sun shining through them leaving dots of light on her face and her bare shoulders. You found a spot near a small fountain where you dipped your feets inside the cold Water, snuggled together while listening to the sounds of birds chirping and animals running though the trees. Your eyes Met each other and you were both driven by the desire to press your lips together, bodies tightly wrapped against each other, you started making on on the soft grass, the green plants tickling her ears as you started prepping up on your elbows on both sides.
Lips trailing downward to her neck, biting collarbones, hands running over her body, curves finding her hair to cup her cheek lovingly. Her breath getting shallower by each pressing of your lips, each touch of your fingers against her skin, eyes flying closed as she enjoyed the feeling of having you have her here.
The sun warming up her skin and water drowning out her sounds, little whimpers fell out of her mouth as you took your breast in one hand, lips starting their way down her body. Taking of her shirt and bra, leaving her chest available for your wet attacks, sucking her nipples as she moaned against you.
Your hands playing with each of her buds while you went down on her, she shivered in anticipation when she felt you take off her panties with your teeth, before she opened her legs welcoming you with her dripping pussy.
"So wet for me my baby"
".. please...I'm close already"
You wasted no time devouring her, between the soft licks on her clit and the sweet sucking of her lips, you had her on the edge quickly, her hips grinding hard against your jaw, fist grabbing anything she could hold, the grass, your hair, her skirt.
"Does that fell good baby ?"
"Uh..uh B..BABE...Y/N I..I'm gonna cum ....AH.!!"
she came when you entered her with two fingers, curling them inside her clenching walls. Bending her back until she snapped shaking in your arms, Your teeth grazing the skin there, drinking up her juices.
You looked up and pulled her panties back on and her skirt back up before coming up and kissed her while whispering.
"I love you"
You walked back to the house after she regained some strength, settling your things in the room before fixing each other something to eat, after you were both finished you washed the dishes while she looked outside again, admiring the landscape.
"I'm done sweetie do you want to go in the jacuzzi ?"
"There's a jacuzzi ?"
"Well it's a hot tub, outside but still"
"Baby i don't have any swimsuit"
"That's a good thing I packed one for you then"
"Well in that case lead the way"
She put on the two piece you'd picked for her, it was a green color that complimented well her red hair, and hugged her curves perfectly. And you had your swim shorts with a bikini top.
"Baby you look so hot in this Diane"
"you know me well babe it's a nice color"
"Hop in then babe, the waters warm just how you like it"
You lented your hand to help her in and she settled herself on your lap, straddling your things.
"There was plenty of room not that I'm complaining but you didn't have to sit here"
"I can get off if you want"
"Well I'm not stopping you if you wanna get off on me like.. go ahead I'll be happy to watch."
"You know what I meant, I can get off of you"
"I don't want you to"
"Good, me neither"
She began kissing your neck while her hands untangled your bikini straps fingers dancing on your nipples as you moaned.
"Let me make you feel as good as you did mommy" she was shocked at the words that came out of her own mouth, never would you had thought it was something that turned her on but you have her a reassuring smile and went on.
"Well go ahead then"
Her hands went down while she kept nibbling your collarbones, underneath your shorts immediately circling your clit, digits dragging through your folds, she build up the pace and grounded her hips down on your thighs, also getting wet from the interaction.
"Go ahead...baby...fuck yourself on mommy's lap"
After a few minutes you both came moaning each others name, her hips grinding with force on your lap, her fingers stroking you in rythme. You rested your head against hers breaths evening out, hands caressing her hair.
"This is going to be a great vacation"
"I love you y/n"
"Me too baby..me too"
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My heart
A surprise in this one, although the header picture gives it away! Its a long one
Warnings: SVU crimes, hostage situation, hurt detectives, medical stuff, nightmares and shock.
Enjoy x
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"Come on now, you need to put the gun down. If you shoot me you'll get life. Let us go, my partner needs help he is bleeding out. Come on -you don't want it to end like this"
The day started just like any other, you and Rafael taking far too long to get out of bed because he wouldn't stop putting his hand up your pj shirt.
"Come to me at lunch" he was kissing you up your neck and had his hand up your shirt running his pointer finger along the base of your breasts,
"I'll see what I can do Rafi, but right now we are going to be late"
Showering and dressing for work. You walked into the bullpen to find everyone already at their desks,
"Morning Sonny"
"Morning Y/N"
"Hey Fin, Hey Amanda"
Liv came rushing out of her office,
"We have a situation. Get your vests I'll fill you in, in the car"
A young women game creator had been kid napped and was being held hostage. She had been sexually and physically assaulted all being live streamed. You all made your way over to an old ware house where TARU traced the live streaming. The building was surrounded. Fin and Amanda found her tided up on a lower level while you and Sonny headed up to the roof with your weapons drawn. A helicopter hovering over spotted the 2 preps on the roof both armed.
Rafael was in his office, he couldn't concentrate on work. He couldn't get you out of his mind. He had always thought in his past relationships he was happy till he wasn't. But he was wrong none of them were happy. But with you he was so happy, he didn't need to kid himself. Everything you guys had was everything he had ever wanted. He wanted nothing more than to get you into his office that lunch time and show you how much he loved you. He picked up his phone and opened it to message you:
10.40 am- Rafael: Have lunch with me Hermosa, I need to see you xx
Just as he put down his phone Carmen came rushing in not even knocking,
"Mr Barba" she ran over to the TV and turned it on.
"We are crossing over live to the scene unfolding right now. We have been informed that two armed men are holding two SVU Detectives at gun point"
It then crossed over to a picture of the roof top, Sonny and You both on your knees with your arms up in the air with two men standing in front you both, pointing their weapons at you and them wearing your bullet proof vests. All colour drained from his face. Without a word he jumped up grabbing his jacket and phone and ran out not saying a word to Carmen who was holding back tears herself.
Sonny was laying on the floor, blood rushing out of his forehead. The main perp had pistol whipped him so hard that it knocked him out when he was trying to talk them both down when they took your vests and guns. EMT rushed in as soon as Fin gave the all clear after he shot one prep in the leg and the other surrender. Amanda rushed over to you and picked you up off the ground pulling you into her arms.
"Aman- I ca-" you tried to get your breath but you just couldn't, you grabbed onto her arm so tight she thought you would leave bruises. You felt like you were drowning.
"I need help over here NOW" Amanda screamed
Sonny was on the stretcher and his head bleed under control but still unconscious. Another EMT unit came rushing in with oxygen, and slung the mask onto your face. They sat you down on the stretcher in case you passed out.
"Is she going to be ok?" Amanda was nervous, she was sitting beside you trying to keep you sitting up while the EMT looked over you.
"Yeah she is in shock, her blood pressure and oxygen are dropping" one of the EMT's answered back.
You were light headed from the lack of oxygen, you lent your head on Amamda's shoulder, grabbed her hand and closed your eyes.
"I'm going to lay her down, she needs fluids" another EMT informed Amanda.
"Liv, why didn't you call me" Rafael ran up to her.
"Rafa, I'm sorry, I just, I didn't think. Everything happened so fast"
Just then Sonny was rushed down into the back of the ambulance. Not even asking for permission, Rafael ran towards the building,
He didn't listen he just kept going making his way up to the roof, he wasn’t sure what he was going to be walking into, but that didn't stop him. As he got to the roof top he didn't even stop to take a breath. He came rushing through the doors to see you grabbing onto Amanda's hand while the EMT's were putting a drip in. Amanda noticed him out if the corner of her eye and turned to face him.
"Barba, what are you doing up here? It's a crime sence you need go"
"I'm not leaving Rollins" and he rushed over
"What happened? Is she ok?"
"She is in shock"
Amanda let go of your hand and Rafael moved into her place grabbing your hand and running his other in your hair.
"Rafi" you smiled up at him
"We have stabilised her but she needs to be monitored, we will be taking her in"
"I'll ride with her" Amanda nodded at him
You opened your eyes and the light hit you,
"You’re awake" Rafael was standing over you, "I'll get a nurse"
"Your blood pressure is back to normal, and your oxygen levels have gone up. I would still like to keep you here for another couple of hours"
"Thanks you Doctor" Rafael answered back as the door walked out of the room.
"Rafi, where is Sonny?"
"He is been moved to a ward, they are keeping him over night. His concussion was bad, he needed a few stitches"
"But he is ok?" your eyes filled with tears.
"Yes mi Hermosa. He is fine" Rafael kissed your cheek as the door to your room opened again.
"Y/N" Liv, Amanda and Fin came walking in.
"You’re awake" Amanda lent down and hugged you, followed by Liv.
"Fin, I want to thank you. You saved my life" you grabbed his hand.
"No drama, just another day at the office" you all laughed.
"No Fin, seriously, thank you" Rafael held out his hand and shook Fin's.
"Take tomorrow off Y/N. It's been a hard day" Liv looked down at you with a half smile.
"No I'll be fine" you gave a small smile back.
"No Hermosa, Liv is right, take tomorrow off and go back next week"
4 hours later you were discharged. Rafael wanted to take you straight home but you wanted to see Sonny before you left.
You walked into his room and his eyes were closed. His forehead was swollen and bandaged up. Rafael stayed at the door and watched. You walked over to Sonny taking his hand into yours and held it. He opened his eyes and let his eyes adjust.
"Hey Y/N" he gave you his big smile.
"You OK Sonny?" a tear fell down your cheek.
"Better now I've seen you’re OK" he pulled you in and you hugged him back.
"Y/N, Y/N, its OK, it's just a dream, its OK sshh I'm here" 
You were sobbing into Rafael's neck. You had a horrible nightmare.
"OH Rafi, it was horrible. Why would I be having nightmares? I didn't after Lewis"
"It was a different thing Hermosa. Just remembering the photo that was on the news makes me feel sick. But it's OK I'm here. I'll keep you safe"
Rafael had gone out to get some lunch, and you had just put some clothes away when your phone started to ring,
"Hey Nick, I miss you"
"Hey Y/N, I miss you too. How are you feeling?"
"I'm OK, the nightmares have started though"
*Knock Knock Knock*
"Hang on a second, I have to get the door" Nick stayed quite on the other end of the phone, you walked to the door and opened it
"OH MY GOD NICK" you squealed and jumped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. He lifted you up off the floor and spun you around. Tears fell from your eyes. He put you down and put his hands on your shoulders.
"What are you doing here?"
"Barba called me and told me you needed your best friend. I got on the first flight"
He pulled you in and kissed you on top of the head.
"How long are you here for?"
"Just the weekend. Barba told me you go back to work on Monday, so I fly out Sunday night"
"I've missed you so much Nick"
"I've missed you too. Zara wasn't happy that I came without her, but Maria took her to her parents this weekend"
"Oh I miss my girl"
"She misses her Tia too. So are you going to keep me in the hall or let me come in?" He laughed, you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside towards the kitchen.
"Barba's not back yet? Hope he gets my order right" Nick scoffed.
You turned on the jug, and spun and raised your eye brows at him.
"You two actually planned this together?"
"Hard to believe right" he laughed hard
"Where are you staying?"
"Here. Barba said you had an air mattress"
"Really? Wow" 
Just then Rafael walked through the door and rounded the corner with two brown paper bags.
"Amaro, how was your flight?" Rafael gave Nick a half smile.
You rushed over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.
"Yuck" Nick spat out with a laugh and you pulled away with reddened cheeks, Rafael had a pleasantly stunned look on his face.
"Thanks you Rafi, for organising this. You knew just what my heart needed" he winked back at you.
The weekend went by fast. Rafael asked for the same days off so he could be there for you. Nick wanted to go and see Sonny. You guys managed to catch him just before he was sent home.
"Jeez Y/N, I get one knock to the head and you bring your old partner back" you giggled at Sonny and wrapped your arm around his middle.
"Never Sonny, I don't want him back, your a better cook"  you stuck you tongue out at Nick, him laughing back at you.
You guys had a video call with Zara and she made Rafael promise to bring you for a visit. One night over dinner you spoke to Rafael and Nick honestly about how you were feeling after having another horrible nightmare the night before. You ended up in tears with Nick squeezing your hand tight and then Rafael pulling you into him and kissing you all over your face kissing away the tears.
Next thing the weekend was over and Nick had left. It was a tearful good bye from both of you,
"You call me if you need me, any time" he kissed your forehead, tears running down his cheeks.
"I always need you Nick. Thank you for being here for me" you hugged him tight leaving tears on his shirt.
You were in the study letting the air mattress down and tidying up. Rafael was standing at the door watching you. You had got frustrated because of how slow the air was coming out, so you laid on it, which made him burst laughing.
"Rafi, how long had you been standing there?" You frown up at him.
"Long enough" he smirked at you.
Once the mattress was down, he pulled you up to standing and placed his hands on your cheeks.
"Do you think you’re ready to go back to work?"
"I think so" you paused "nothing happened to me. I wasn't hurt"
"Physically" he ran his thumb over one side of your cheek
"Talking to you and Nick last night helped a lot Rafi, I didn't have a nightmare last night" he huffed at you.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive Rafi....I want to thank you for everything you have done for me over the last couple of days. Organising Nick to come, I know it must have been hard for you to find out what happened on the news. But you have done nothing but take care of me. I love you, thank you so much"
"Your my whole heart Hermosa, I love you more than anything, I would do anything for you"
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exotheticc · 4 years
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Summary: Chanyeol and Kyungsoo decide to punish their bratty sub after she acts out at a Christmas (Eve) party.
Warnings: threesome, daddy kink, brat taming, spanking, slight degrading (and humiliation), (semi?) car sex, slight overstimulation, multiple orgasms, slight cumplay, slight impregnation kink (not pulling out), rough sex, squirting, toys, borderline masochism, tbh it's a bit messy so don't read if you're a sensitive soul x
wondering if i could request for daddy chanyeol and daddy kyungsoo punishing bratty reader after she makes them jealous at a during a party since they werent minding her au? your writing is amazing!! - anon
I also got a second request saying something very similar, I assume it was the same anon, sorry for leaving you waiting literally like a year or something x Also merry Christmas, everyone, I hope you're all doing well and have a great holiday! x
"Home. Now." Chanyeol growls into your ear, hand gripping your waist so hard it may leave a bruise.
"No but's. Get in the car. I'll be there in a second."
You pout slightly, impressed at how your own flirting skills angered him so quickly. He gets to lurk around those tall, attractive models and you're not allowed to hang around tall, handsome men?
Chanyeol motions you out of the room and you soon find yourself climbing into the nearest car. Of course, it wasn't hard to distinguish it as their car. No one else was rich enough (or pretentious enough) to own a custom made Aston Martin.
When you get inside, you're greeted by Kyungsoo, his eyes fixated on the road in front of him as he's perched at the wheel. His eyes soon meet yours in the rear view mirror, his hand coming to adjust it for the perfect view of the seats behind him.
"We're not very happy with you, princess." Kyungsoo frowns, glancing back at the road ahead. "Chanyeol already told me he's putting on the perfect show for me while I drive."
You roll your eyes, knowing the small gesture will gain you a rougher evening.
Kyungsoo's expression hardens as Chanyeol returns to the car, slamming the door shut behind him and instantly pulling you over his knee. His large hand roams over the back of your thighs, pushing back the Mrs Claus themed dress to reveal your red thong and pert ass.
"Count for me." His words are followed by a sharp slap, a hiss released from your lips.
"One." You sigh,
Another follows.
"You've been such a bad girl tonight, Y/N." Chanyeol growls. Smack.
"I told you to behave, and you didn't." Smack.
"Four." You can now feel a burning sensation, sure your ass is going red with the force of his hits.
"Did you enjoy acting like a little slut?" he pauses momentarily, "Answer me, Y/N."
"Yes." You smirk, "It was really fun."
Angered by your response, he drags you off his lap and onto the floor by your hair, unzipping his trousers and pulling his cock out. You watch in awe as his large hands engulf his length and he strokes himself. Small beads of precum begin to form at his tip. Yearning to touch him, you reach forwards only to have your hands smacked away. "Bad girls don't get to touch."
The heat between your legs rises to match your cheeks, slightly embarrassed by the rejection.
Chanyeol works himself in long strokes; he runs his thumb over his tip and back down along his length, spreading the precum down his shaft as lubricant. Letting out a soft groan, his eyes meet Kyungsoo's in the mirror and he thrusts his hips upwards into his hand.
You, on the other hand, are practically drooling at the sight, longing to take his member into your mouth and let him empty himself down your throat.
"We're here." Kyungsoo says quietly, the car pulling to a halt. Chanyeol pulls his trousers back up, opening the door and getting out. He leans in to grab you by the hair.
"On your knees."
You feel your eyes well at the humiliation, being forced to crawl. He practically drags you into the house, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder when you finally get inside.
When you get to the bedroom, he dumps you on the bed, glancing at Kyungsoo before sitting behind you to pull off your dress.
Kyungsoo smirks at the weakness of your expression, "Why are you crying, baby?"
"I hardly even touched you." Chanyeol chuckles into your ear, removing your dress completely.
You frown more at the comments, definite that your face must be bright red at this point.
"Tell daddy what's wrong, princess." Kyungsoo moves towards you, gripping your jaw so you face him.
"No." You scowl at him. Chanyeol's hand wraps around your throat, pressing lightly,
"I thought we taught you to be a polite girl." Chanyeol growls,
At your lack of response, Kyungsoo let's go of your jaw, reaching down to pull off your thong and spread your legs.
"So wet already." He purrs, thumb lightly grazing your swollen clit, "Chanyeol. Tie her up."
You gulp as Chanyeol pulls your hands behind your back and wraps his tie around your wrists, knotting it so that you can't move properly. He then pulls you down onto the mattress, licking his lips as he looks down at you.
"I was going to give you this tomorrow, but I think we should open it now." Kyungsoo reaches below the bed, pulling out a medium sized black box tied with a dark red ribbon. His fingers quickly undo the bow, tossing it to the side and opening the box itself.
Your core clenches as he pulls out a new toy: a large vibrator, and places it to your entrance.
"I don't think you need any prep." He grins sadistically, pressing the toy inside of you slowly.
A pained whine falls from your lips at the uncomfortable feeling, and Chanyeol seems to sympathise - pressing his lips against yours in an attempted distraction. You cry out as Kyungsoo begins to thrust it harshly inside of you, almost biting down on Chanyeol's tongue. His fingers trace down your body, gently circling your clit to ease the previous pain.
Turning the vibrator on, Kyungsoo sits back to watch your body writhe, hips thrusting up into the air.
Your body pulses with need, now desperate to reach a climax. The warm feeling draws nearer and you know you'll be hanging on edge. Chanyeol works your clit expertly, flicking it back and forth, pulling on it and massaging it as you draw closer to your high. Letting out a high whine, you clench around the toy, your juices dripping onto the white sheets.
To your frustration Kyungsoo doesn't react, simply watching as you become overstimulated. Chanyeol smirks against your lips, watching small tears prick at the corners of your eyes. Almost expertly, he moves his mouth to between your legs, sucking your throbbing clit into his mouth.
Your sanity is almost gone, head clouded with pleasure and frustration, eyes rolling back as you get lost in the blissful feeling. A serious of incoherent sounds leave your lips while Chanyeol's tongue plays with your sore bud.
The familiar feeling of warmth builds up in your core, your hands grasping frantically at the sheets below you. Kyungsoo is also lost in the moment, murmuring, "Go on, baby, cum all over the sheets."
At his words, your back arches and you almost black at at the intense feeling - Chanyeol thrusting the vibrator in and out of you as you throw your head back.
Only once you open your eyes do you realise you had squirted, the bedding dampened with liquid cum. Chanyeol looks up at you from between your legs, "Holy shit."
"We're not done yet, princess." Kyungsoo appears from opposite you, turning the vibrator off and pulling it out of you. "On your stomach. Now."
You slowly turn yourself over, tired from the intense orgasms that make your pussy ache more with unbelievable need.
"Open your mouth for daddy," Chanyeol hums, positioning himself at the opposite end of the bed from Kyungsoo. You do as he says, letting him sink his cock into your warm mouth.
Kyungsoo presses his tip against your entrance, pushing inside your velvety walls at a torturous pace.
"Good girl." Kyungsoo praises, admiring how you take Chanyeol's thick length. Saliva beads at the edge of your lips, only to drop down and onto the sheets. Chanyeol's cock pulsates in your mouth, slowly going further down into your throat. He begins to thrust, gripping your hair with his hands as you lie there and take it.
Kyungsoo also begins to thrust, content at how soaking wet your cum-filled pussy is. "Fuck, you take me so well."
You moan at his words, Chanyeol grunting as the vibrations travel along his cock.
You loved having Chanyeol in your mouth, he was a little larger than Kyungsoo and his load was large. Kyungsoo on the other hand was so good at hitting your sweet spot, he really had it mastered.
"You like it rough don't you, baby?" Chanyeol pulls at your hair, watching in satisfaction as a mixture of your drool and tears cover his length. He was really hitting the back of your throat, your own nose pressed into his skin as he pushed you down further. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum."
You whine loudly around his thick member as Kyungsoo rams straight into your G-spot. Lost in the bliss, you swallow Chanyeol's load as his hot cum spurts down your throat. Your own release draws closer, your mouth now empty and instead moaning loudly.
"Oh shit, I'm close." Kyungsoo groans, holding your hips to him as he thrusts harder. His length slides in and out of you with such ease yet you can still feel each ridge of his cock, "Want me to fill you up with my cum?"
"No-o, p-pull out." You beg, desperate for him not to cum inside you. Hit with your own high, your walls spasm around his cock, sending him to his release.
"F-fuck, I can't." Kyungsoo let's out a load groan as your pussy milks his cock, thick streams of white pumped inside of you. You let out a feeble whine in defeat.
Chanyeol watches as Kyungsoo pulls out, his hand reaching over to gently thrust Kyungsoo's cum back inside of you.
Whimpering, you're eyes begin to close at the soft, warm sensation, and before you know it you've fallen asleep - leaving the two to clean you up.
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ayannatennial · 3 years
The Maid pt.2
Marinette: Really! I got the job!
Adrien: Of course! Your interview was much better than all the fan girls that came in here for an autograph and photo.
Marinette: Why would they want your autograph and photo?
Adrien: I'm Adrien Agreste.
Marinette: Who?
Adrien: Nobody important that's who.
Marinette: I bet that you're important!
Adrien: I'm only rich and a model so . . . nothing amazing there.
Marinette: I bet you're accomplished somehow!
Adrien: "thinks", Yeah, only as Cat Noir though.
Marinette: By the way, just so you know how to call out for me when you need to, I'm Marinette.
Adrien: Marinette. Well, nice to meet you Marinette! Or hire you I guess!
Marinette: "laughs softly" When do you want me to start?
Adrien: You can start tomorrow morning if that's ok with you?
Marinette: Thanks! That's perfect timing! I will be there!
The next day at the Agreste mansion after prepping and choosing the best possible outfit choice . . .
Marinette: "rings doorbell"
Adrien: That must be her.
Plagg: Can I have cheeeese?!
Adrien: Just go and get it out of your little cheese room, remember Plagg?
Plagg: Oh, yeah about that . . .
Adrien: Did you eat it all again!!!
Plagg: I was starving after that epic battle with Mirrorer!
Adrien: We defeated her in like 2 seconds.
Plagg: Whatever. . .I still need more though.
Adrien: "walking to get the door" Your on a cheese time-out.
Plagg: Come on! Don't you want to turn into Cat Noir when you need to?
Adrien: I'll feed you then! Eat quick!
Plagg: "groans as he go's into Adriens pocket"
Adrien: "takes a deep breath and then opens the door"
Marinette: Hi! I thought maybe you weren't home and I was gonna call you but, . . . here you are.
Adrien: "brushes a hand through his hair and puts the hand awkwardly on his neck" Sorry, I was . . . talking to a client.
Marinette: Oh! So sorry I interrupted!
Adrien: I was just finishing anyway!
Marinette: "smiles sheepishly" Ok, where do you want me to start? This place is like the size of my old school. Actually, I think it is bigger! Is that even possible! Wow!
Adrien: "looks down"
Marinette: Umm . . . what's wrong Mr. Agreste?
Adrien: Don't worry, umm . . .you can call me Adrien. Umm . . . I actually never went to a real school. I was always home-schooled by Natalie, my fathers assistant.
Marinette: I'm so sorry! You know . . .
Adrien: What?
Marinette: If you are interested in going to school, you should let me show you the French Academy for Parisians.
Adrien: College?
Marinette: I was told I was way to smart for that school and was basically told I had a smarter IQ than my professors. I ended up "teaching" the class.
Adrien: You still go there?
Marinette: Umm . . . yeah I do. I take super advanced classes though.
Adrien: I'll think about it. Anyways, if you want to start you can always look around the house until you find the best place for you to start cleaning.
Marinette: Ok thanks!
Adrien: No problem! Here is my number if you need anything! "hands her a slip of paper with his number on it"
Marinette: "takes the slip of paper and their hands touch"
Adrien: "blushes" Bye.
Marinette: "blushing" Bye.
As time went by, Adrien sat in his office trying to work but not being able to focus as he watches Marinette clean the floors through the window. . .
Adrien: I can't focus!
Plagg: Sheesh, no kidding. You've got it bad!
Adrien: Got what bad?
Plagg: This crush of yours.
Adrien: I don't have a crush on anyone!
Plagg: You sure? You've been making goo-goo eyes at Marinette since you sat down!
Adrien: Marinette? No! She's just a friend!
Plagg: Yeah . . ."mutters", your imaginary girlfriend.
Adrien: What?
Plagg: Nothing!
Adrien: "starts staring at Marinette out of the window again"
Back to Marinette. . .
Marinette: . . .anyways I'm so not into him.
Tikki: "muffles in pocket", Well you really make it look like you are.
Marinette: I do!? He probably thinks I'm a freak!
Tikki: Why do you care what he thinks? Don't you have Luka?
Marinette: . . .
Tikki: Marinette . . .
Marinette: Don't worry about it. Some people just . . . aren't right for each other.
Tikki: Don't worry, I think Adrien over there likes you too.
Marinette: "turns head to see Adrien staring at her. She turns" You think?
Tikki: I know so!
Marinette: "blushes"
In Adriens Office . . .
Adrien: "gets up and opens his door"
Marinette: Oh! Hi Adrien!
Adrien: Hi! I was wondering . . .
Marinette: Yes?
Adrien: "blushes" Maybe you could help me?
Marinette: Sure! With what?
Adrien: Since you're a girl . . . how do you know if one likes you?
Marinette: "thinks", So much for I know so!
Adrien: Well?
Marinette: I guess well . . . they will stare at you a lot.
Adrien: "he nods"
Marinette: They will laugh at ALL of your jokes, even the not funny ones. And I guess, they will always mess with their hair and compliment you bunches.
Adrien: So . . .
Marinette: And then everyone kind of has one of their own things from their heart.
Adrien: What's yours?
Marinette: "looks confused"
Adrien: Just for an example of course!
Marinette: "nods slowly a little", I guess mine is really staring into someones eyes.
Adrien: "nods while thinking", I'll watch for that.
Marinette: Anything else you want to know?
Adrien: "gets an idea and says", Yes actually umm . . . there's this umm . . .
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lunasxsol · 5 years
Love Like This
Bill Skarsgård x Reader
Word Count: 2194
Warnings: Abortion
(A/N: If you do not believe a woman should have a choice on her body then you can fuck off thank you vm. On another note I hope you enjoy this angsty fic. I just had this idea lingering in my mind so it’s here now..)
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As I sat in the waiting room dreading my name being called, I looked at the other women that look terrified to go into one of the rooms. Some of them came alone as myself and others came with their significant others or friends. A nurse had brought over a clipboard with some paper I had to sign. I was so nervous I couldn't keep my hands from shaking, I felt like I was going to pass out. Someone took my hand in theirs, I look up to see my best friend Maia. She took me in her arms as I silently cried.
"It's okay, I'm here."
"I thought I was gonna have to go through this alone."
She shook her head taking the clipboard from me, "I would never let you do this alone. Now you sit and calm down and I'll fill this for you okay?" I nodded taking a drink from my water.
Once she finished filling out the forms she handed them back to the nurse and we waited to be called over.
"Y/n L/n"
I got up quickly as did Maia, "You'll be alright, I'll wait here." She gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the head."
"Alright hun lets get you prepped." The nurse said as she took me to one of the operating rooms.
After 15 mins the procedure was finally done, they took me to the recovery room where Maia sat on the couch waiting for me. The nurse, Stella, handed me a cup of water and some pain meds before she went back to her office.
"You okay?" I nodded laying on the bed, Maia took my hand in hers. "He called." I stayed quiet not carrying what he had to say. "He called me too, I didn't pick up."
"Maia, I don't care anymore. I needed him here more than anything and he left me." My eyes started watering once again. "We'd been together for two years and he couldn't respect my one difficult decision. He can go to hell for all I care."
We stayed quiet for a while until the doctor came back and discharged me. Maia took drove us home, I thanked her for being there for me, "I'm going to sleep early today, goodnight Maia." She nodded.
I went into my room shutting the door quickly, taking a seat on my bed and letting myself cry. Maybe if we had gone through this conversation differently then maybe he would've respected my decision.
I looked at the pregnancy test that read PREGNANT in its bold letters. What the hell was I gonna do? I'm only 19, I'm still enrolled in the uni. I have so much ahead of me. I can't put it aside, I've worked too hard for it.
"Hey babe!" Bill spoke as he walked into my room. "So my parents are having a celebratory dinner for Alexander- hey what's wrong?" He turned me around and I handed him the test. "Hey its alright, we'll figure this out."
I shook my head, "I'm not ready."
He pulled me into a hug sighing, "Neither am I but we can do this. You have me.. till the end."
"No you don't understand.. I'm not ready, I can't have a baby right now, Bill."
"So what you're going to give it up?" I nodded. "You're kidding right?"
"Bill, we aren't ready. Do you not get it?" I threw the pregancy test in the trash brushing past him and taking a seat on my bed. "Your body isn't going to go through the entire change. I am not you. You get to walk around and continue to do your shit while I go to class carrying the child and getting called a whore for opening my legs at a young age. So yes I am going to give it up because I'm too fucking young to have a child."
"Fuck them, you shouldn't give a fuck of what other people say about you. God knows I don't so neither should you."
I chuckled, "My parents sacrificed so much so they can send me here to study at the uni of my choice, I'm not messing it up because of our fuck up."
"So what our child is a fuck up now?" He was red with anger.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way but if you loved me you would respect my decision."
"I love you (Y/n but I'm sorry, I don't agree with it. So whatever you're thinking of doing to our 'fuck up' you can do it alone." He left slamming the door loudly leaving me completely alone.
[End of flashback]
I sat up turning the tv on to have some sort of background noise. There was a knock at my door I groaned not wanting to see Maia or anyone at the moment. "Maia I'm okay, I just want to sleep."
The door was opened and a tall figure had walked in.
"Get out."
"I'm sorry."
"Get the fuck out." He didn't listen and instead kept coming closer. "Bill seriously get the fuck out."
"I need to talk to you."
I chuckled, "Well if it's to try and change my mind you can kindly fuck off cause the procedures done and so are we."
"I know it's done and I should've been there." I finally looked up at him his eyes sunken and red. "I'm sorry, I should have respected your decision because it's your body. I was just happy that we were gonna have a baby. I thought you wanted one."
"I did, I do, just not now. Not till I was settled." He nodded both our eyes brimming with tears. "Bill I need a break, a really long break. You fucked up and I-I don't know anymore. Look I'm 19 you're 26, I don't want kids till I'm like 30 or maybe never I don't know. And well with the way you reacted it's evident you want kids now. I knew this relationship wasn't gonna last."
"Hey, hey, I do want kids but I can wait. Just don't-don't leave, please." He took my hand in his but I quickly moved it away.
I sighed now full on crying, "I'm sorry Bill but this isn't gonna work out. You can find someone your age that you can settle down with now. I still have years before I'll even remotely be sure if I want kids. By then you'll be in your mid 30s, which is besides the point but what if I don't want kids what will you do then?" He shrugged his shoulders crying silently. "I love you Bill but we can't be together anymore."
He got up pressing a lingering kiss on my forehead, "I'm sorry."
3 years later
Today was finally moving day. I had finished my studies in New York and I was moving back down to LA. My parents were a bit against it since we had lived there years ago but they hated it there but I loved it. I was moving down by the beach areas. Maia was staying here with her fiancé.
"Well Ms. those are the last of your boxes." I handed the movers a decent tip and they went on their way.
I turned to Maia as she was already getting emotional, "Hey no crying, it's bad for the baby."
She chuckled pulling me in for a tight hug, "Hey me and Rosalie are gonna miss you."
I pulled away immediately in shock, "it's a girl?" She nodded causing me to shriek in excitement. Tyler came into the room and I jumped on him. "Congrats!"
"We were actually wondering if you would like to organize the baby shower for us." Tyler spoke.
"Yes of course!"
"We wanted to do it in 4 months. Closer to her due date."
"Once I get everything situated in LA I'll get things prepped and fly back here to organize everything!"
There was a honk outside of our house.
"Well guys I will see you in 4 months!" I hugged them both goodbye and grabbed my suitcase getting into the taxi.
2 weeks later
I was finally getting the finishing touches to my new house down. I still had a bit of work left but everything was mostly good to go. Now I currently sat in my living room going through a couple of designs for tomorrow's meeting. With the help of one of my close celebrity friends he got me a job with Leah Valderia a famous singer from London. She wanted help with her house and of course I said yes. This could be a great opportunity for my interior design career.
It was getting late and I decided to call it a night. I would show her the designs I had and maybe go shopping with her for some of the things.
The next morning I made sure to wake up early. I took a quick shower to calm my nerves. For my outfit I decided on a corduroy skirt that was a creamy chocolate color and a black turtle neck that fit perfectly. I also went with a dark grey oversized blazer that was just an inch longer than my skirt, for shoes I went with some heeled ankle boots. I did some light makeup and left my hair in its regular straight style. I added just some thin gold necklaces just to bring the whole outfit together. I looked at the time and grabbed my purse and work folders quickly heading out of my house. Before leaving the lot I sent a quick text to Leah letting her know I was on my way.
The traffic to her mansion was horrible to say the least. Luckily I made it on time, I parked my car on the curb and jogged to her door. "Great you're here, please come in!"
Looking around I could definitely see some potential for this beautiful home, "So Y/n I'm so excited you're here. I'm hoping you can bring my vision to life!" We took a seat in her office and she opened her laptop sliding it towards me. She had quite the vision. "I will sure try."
We were in her office for two hours, let's just say she is completely indecisive about what she wants to do with this place. So beautiful and so much potential only her vision was nothing like mine. "So we can definitely do what you want to do and we can also add some color maybe open up these curtains here as well just to get some light and more open space."
"Great! Let me show you the nursery so you can kind of get an idea of what we can with it. This baby will be here in 3 months need to have it done before anything else."
"What are you having?"
"A girl! I'm so excited, I hope one day you get to experience how beautiful it is to carry a life."
I smiled not really knowing what to say I just nodded, "Hey honey, I'm home, brought the- Y/n?"
"You guys know each other?"
"We dated years ago."
"Oh?" Leah looked down. "Is she?" Bill only nodded.
"I'm sorry, I'm gonna go. I can send you an email of other designers if-"
Leah shook her head, "No I love your work, that's why I called in for you. This thing you and Bill had is in the past so I would still like to work with you if that's alright."
I nodded, "Well I'll email you some of the ideas I have then we can get started immediately. I'll be back in a week?"
"Well I'll see you Leah, beautiful house you have here."
Bill set his things down, "I'll walk her out." Leah only nodded.
My car was only a block away but as we walked it felt like it was miles away. "Congratulations." I broke the silence.
"Thank you." He smiled.
"I told you, you would find someone to make you happy. Look at you, you're gonna have a baby."
"Yeah, I'm really happy, but I'm still really sorry about what happened between you and I. I'm sorry we didn't work out and I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me the most. I should have been there for you."
I sighed trying not to cry, "It was a bit traumatizing, having the procedure done is weird and horrible but it had to be done. I don't think I would've been happy if we went through with the pregnancy. I never want to be resentful towards a kid that wasn't at fault you know." He nodded. "I went to therapy after we broke up, got back on my feet and now I'm okay with it. I'm happy for you and happy that you're with someone that can give you the life you deserve."
He pulled me in for a hug giving me a kiss on the forehead, "I love you Bill Skarsgård."
"I love you too Y/n L/n and I wish you nothing but the best."
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