#[Kazoo Kid voice] Who *are* you???
skeptical-rainbows · 2 years
This didnt turn oit like i wanted it to but
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henrysglock · 2 years
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[Walter White voice] What's wrong with you? Why aren't you blonde?
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merlucide · 5 months
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Notes: OFC WIFEY. Also… this scenario, seems, a bit self insert don’t you think…. 👀 ALSO LMAO I MADE READER UNHINGED?? SO- SORRY LMAO?
characters: Rin, Sae, Kaiser, Otoya, Reo
wc: about 300ish each
warnings: nb reader, cursing, randomness + cringe lmao😭
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Well tbh, y’all probably had to have been friends for a loooong time for him to ever considering dating you 😭😭
So Rin had a good understanding of your personality, as you had known each other pretty much since the beginning of time.
He never understood how your personality went from 0 to 1000 whenever you two are alone. 
He prob thinks ur on drugs tbh
He’ll be your voice for you if you can’t seem to communicate with strangers, though he might not be the friendliest no shit.
he thinks it’s dumb that you’re shy tbh
He’s small minded about these things okay 😭
He never ever will get used to your bursts of crazy energy.
he swears he’ll turn around and you’ll have a horse mask on with a tutu around your waist
lmao you give him terrible whiplash.
He too, also thinks you’re on drugs.
You and Sae would like be at the airport on the way to Japan, his manager would be going over the details and precautions for going to Japan (yk fans and press or whatever etc etc).
His manager looked over to you and asked if you were alright, since you literally hadn’t spoken a word since he introduced himself a two hours ago. 
You nodded and followed Sae and his manager onto the private jet(cus he’s rich-rich😌🤭)
Once y’all were settled, his manager closed you and Sae’s cabin door. 
Sae looked over to see if you were alright, since traveling and yadda yadda can be overwhelming.
You were fucking giggling like an underwater hyena (that’s a thing I bc I fucking said so bitch).
You grabbed his hands and pulled back and forth giggling about how stoked you were rn.
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lmao he was disturbed at first 💀
like “wtf happens to my shy, sweet, s/o??”
He’ll like be getting a glass of water at night and in the corner of his eye, you hold a flashlight at your face with a blanket wrapped around you. Staring into his soul, inches behind singing.
“hello darkness my old frienddd~”
He just blinked at you for a while. 
“Y/N what the fuck is wrong with you.”
He thinks it’s funny af though
Like how nervous you get around his teammates and then when y’all are home you start cartwheeling.
You sure keep his life ✨spontaneous✨
he thinks it’s so cute how shy you are
He loves that bc ur shy around strangers you cling/stay close to him. He feels so sigma male bc he’s ’protecting’ you🐺🐺🔊🔊🗣️🗣️😏😏
Someone humble him please.
“Babe watch this😏” and ninja pose really fast LIKE A LITTLE KID DABBING
And you’ll be like:
“Nah watch this😌” *does the worm*
Y’all T-pose at pidgend together 💕 #couplegoals
“My dearest Y/N! Oh they’re such an angel! They’re so pretty and kind and perfect! And amazing- is that them in a dinosaur inflatable doing the WAP in 6 inch heels?”
lmao kinda how it goes
He never really gets used to the switch up.
It makes him so happy that you feel comfortable to be yourself around him, even if that means painting yourself pink and putting googly-eyes on while blasting the Peppa Pig intro💗
He loves hearing people talk about you too.
“Oh y/n is really shy, but they’re nice I guess?” Like hah okay..
Pretty sure they weren’t crab walking in a tuxedo with a kazoo in their mouth playing Sinfonia N°9 Coral in D Minor, Op. 125: 1. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso by Beethoven 🙄🙄
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made April 21st 2024
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skyepixels · 1 year
The Welcome Home Website!!!!! She is Beautiful~! And She Leaves Us With So Many Questions!
First off, I am absolutely astonished at how beautiful she is!!! Clown, Puzz, and everyone else has worked so hard and they've exceeded everyone's expectations with the site!!! What a wonderful little Home they've made, and I'm excited to experience it as a fan!!!
I know that everyone's combing through the new website update with a fine toothed comb so I won't be sharing anything we've already found. I don't think I've found anything new in the site that others haven't already found, but oh boy!!!! Does everything there only raise more questions!
What I do love is how all the audio files we've been given through the "bugs" has really shown what everyone's personality is like! I love every one of them, and the voice actors captured them perfectly! Oh and the little tidbits of history with the merchandise, the telephone calls, the little skits! Be still my beating heart~!!!
AND THE WALLY LIVE INTERVIEW. I CANT! It's sooo darn cute!! And Nick Nocturne (I know it's him, that interdimentional cat demon) as the interviewer was such a lovely touch! I cannot wait to hear about that from his YT channel!!! And Wally was so coy with the romance question~ and I think that's the perfect way to answer it for everyone who loves him! Keep it vague, let everyone make their own conclusions and be happy! (I know I certainly will for the time being, and will love him no matter what!) I am so curious about the underlying story here: there's so much to think about it's driving me crazy! They gave so much and answered so little! We can only theorize from here! So here's my little thoughts! None of it's cohesive in any way, nor does it really have all the details or tell full story yet, so just take it in sections if you decide to read it! ______
I think that Wally, Home (And maybe everyone else, not sure) are trapped somewhere. Where exactly isn't certain, but very trapped indeed. My first indication of this from this response in the guestbook for Tayla (Page 8):
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"eu não sei onde estamos" - I don't know where we are (A bonus for the multi-lingual side of things there, it makes me really happy to see it!)
I have no concept of what happened to everyone else, but from the little drawings he's made on the guestbook, he's constantly telling people things like "Oh, I'll tell Eddie." or "I'll tell Frank." these messages, but we never get a direct response from any other neighbor! It's always him talking! Just him. He tells people their responses, but we never hear anything direct from the other neighbors! The quick reference I can bring up is the hearts PNG in the guestbook for Kazoo:
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itoldhim_hesaidhesflattered_idontknowwhatanyoneistalkingabout_.png I feel like those collections of audio clips with all the neighbors (1-14 to 14-14) are a recount of events throughout an entire day that previously happened that may give insight into what happened to Wally. I think this is the case based on the last audio in the list, 14-14 bh audio, when Barnaby notices Wally acting strange:
BARNABY: Yeah, yeah, real funny! A poor little guy like me deserves some sympathy! A clown without a kazoo is like… Like an artist without his paintbrush! Go on kid, tell ‘em! …Hello? Buddy? Pal? …Hey, you stopped paintin’. Everything alright, Wally?
Well, something happened there. Maybe a change in his psyche, how he perceives things - some strange realization that terrified him. Maybe he got angry at something. What it was? I have no clue.
Another addition that I think is interesting! Frank wrote to Wally describing the unusual bug he found. In the beginning of that letter, Frank says this:
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"I know you would ask if you are here." Where is he?
The nature of how Wally and everyone communicates is so vague and weird! I think the telephones, the mail, the TVs - all these things are means of communicating, but there's no direct connection to us! Any time a phone call is made, they can't hear us. This I have inferred from the "It's for you!" Talking telephone toy! They can talk to us and we can hear them, but they can't hear us! What's causing this disturbance? That's the real bug here, and I'm clueless on what that means or how to break through the surface!
Most importantly! I think that Wally specifically trying to communicate with that one person on the WHRP team. That person... is experiencing a lot of heavy sh*t, because I think they remember Wally and the show. They're the closest person right now that's able to help him (either willingly or not!)
I also believe he's specifically working with that WHRP member because in the phone audio (the one you click on when interacting with the toy telephone on the merchandise page), he says:
"You have to go too. You have work to do."
From what I can interpret from the live interview, I think that it implies some semblance of back story! Wally did interact with people and the outside world during his prime in the 70s, when the show was really starting to pick up speed. He was calmer, more in tune with his character and fame. He was in character most of all, and I think being in character was a sense of identity for him that he could rely on!
But those secret audio files we hear from him now? He sounds desperate, like he can't breathe. He's practically breaking from his usual character. What did he realize? What does he know? All of those things boil down to this sentence:
"I will help you understand. I will find a way soon, Neighbor."
Wally (and Home?) are working away at a solution wherever they can I think that WHRP member is the key to that! (Although the methods of how they're doing it, i.e the black paint that apparently you shouldn't touch with bare hands, the mind-boggling phone ringing in that person's ears, the complete distortion of reality - definetely implies a few things.)
I also think that the highlighted in invisible ink is Wally's words throughout the email compilations and other documents! The one where he says "Im so sorry." - I feel like that's him showing some remorse for his actions there, but it's like a sorry that says "I'm sorry, I have to do this." kind of deal (which is... oof)
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Also - quick note! Wally keep insisting on being let in, rather than being let out. "Let me in." - Let you in to where? Our world? Reality? Oh so many questions!!!
I also am curious about the WHRP staff too, and their interactions with the Question-Answerer, the Marlo company, the Playfellow Workshop! There's two sides to this story; the human side and the puppet one, and it's so multilayered here that at this point, I'm inclined to distrust what anyone on that website says until we know what's going on!
Lastly, I'm not certain how much we as viewers of this story are involved. While I believe that he's working to get that WHRP member to let him in, he does acknowledge us through the guestbook. Although, I don't think truly aware of how much we see him. i.e "idontknowwhatanyoneistalkingabout" line from the heart PNG.
While I want to believe that Wally can see us through our art, specifically when we draw or recreate his eyes, for engagement's sake (audio from this link), I also am inclined to believe he's refering to the eyes that the WHRP team member keeps drawing on those sticky notes and other places throughout the restoration site:
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And and and!!! I think that there's got to be something upcoming with this link: https://www.clownillustration.com/error404
You find this link on the staff-only page at the bottom with the text "It's in here." And I think that with any future updates, the next section of the story will be coming from here.
AHH~! I rambled on too long! Hope you enjoyed it!
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taggedmemes · 9 months
"Positivity is a state of mind. Unfortunately, you'll never be able to afford to live in that state."
"This is a great week to come out of your shell and reveal your soft, delicious underbelly to nearby predators. Wait, pretend you didn't hear that second part."
"Today you will receive an affectionate, supportive visit from someone close to you. They will come into your home unannounced and say kind platitudes in a soothing register. After they leave, it will slowly dawn on you that they never once blinked or breathed."
"They say laughter is the best medicine but this week you'll really need penicillin. However, you won't get it in time."
"Your fortune will change for the better this week as you drop from number 3 to number 5 on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list."
"The good news is you finally discover that you are no longer alone in the world. The bad news is you need to hire an exterminator."
"Be like water. Sink down into an underground aquifer and stay hidden for centuries."
"It always seems impossible until it's done. Except in your case, you can't do anything."
"Crying in public is nothing to be ashamed of. And everyone needs a hobby."
"You feel superior to the people who get depressed in fall and winter because you can be depressed in beautiful, abundant sunlight."
"You'll finally grow a spine this week. This is not a metaphor, this is a violation of human cloning laws."
"What doesn't kill you will camp out in the hills and patiently wait."
"Instead of trying to improve your life, you're reading this and doing nothing."
"Like a ship on a storm-wracked sea, your future will feature shivering timbers, foamy waves, and the possibility of scurvy. Eat some fruit."
"Did you remember to look in the roomba for any incriminating evidence?"
"New day, new you! Hide the body of the old you before they figure out what you have done."
"You will find love this week! It will be fucking terrible."
"Someone will offer you the moon this week. Decline politely because you do not want someone with that kind of technology angry with you."
"You'll be like a kid in a candy store this week, unable to afford anything."
"You will awake one morning from uneasy dreams to find yourself transformed in your bed into a gigantic insect. And buddy, it'll be a huge improvement."
"The weekend is just another reminder of how sad and lonely your life is."
"Might as well go into the forbidden woods, what else is there to do at this point?"
"You will not die alone. You will die surrounded by a crowd of sheering onlookers as you slowly lose consciousness."
"You being yourself isn't really working for anybody."
It just says ferret problems, ghost bones, and a cheese hangover, so good luck with all that."
"Don't feel bad about failing. No one cares enough about you to notice."
"The cruel little voice in your head is right about you. It's also super fun at parties and has twice as much sex as you."
"You notice that birds start to line up to stare when you go outside. You finally ask why and one crow lays a map at your feet. You follow the map and it leads to a broken vending machine. Inside the vending machine is a Crystal Pepsi. Anyway, life is pain."
"You do not have a doppelganger. You were a mistake that was not repeated."
"A transformation is coming, but not like a butterfly. More like werewolf."
"You are going to ruin your life this week, but no one will be able to tell the difference."
"In the symphony of life, you are playing the kazoo."
"Don't let your negative feelings about the past affect your negative feelings about the future."
"If at first you don't succeed, try giving up and going back to bed."
"You will turn over a new leaf this week, but the other side will have a little sticker that says 'you are incapable of change'."
"Um, better luck next life, I guess."
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 30
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter’s Note: It’s the final showdown! Dudu du dududu du *kazoo solo* | I produced fan art |Beta by @zaria-04
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Chapter 30: Someone on my mind
You are standing in a part of the Sanctum that is unknown to you. Magic has led you here, you were drawn to it. No, not you were. You're just sitting in the backseat of a car with no choice of where to go or what music to listen to. All you can do is to look out of the window and be terrified. Because the car is your body and you lost all control over it. Someone else is sitting in the driver seat.
You hear Stephen's voice as he steps through a portal to you. On the one hand you are relieved, the Sorcerer Supreme can help you, right? On the other hand, you want to scream, to warn him so he doesn't mistake you for yourself.
"Who am I talking to?" he asks you, taking a step closer.
"A witch." A smirk appears on your lips.
"Try again."
"Nah." With a flick of your hand, in which you hold the gemstone of the sword, you shoot a raw blast of energy at him. If only Stephen had shown up sooner, he might have been able to stop you from taking the gem.
In the fight that breaks out now, you can only watch. You try to fight back, to take the wheel again, but you didn't even notice that someone put you in the backseat and buckled your seat belt – not until it was way too late.
Stephen summons one of his spells in the form of a golden mandala and sends it out to you. But you counter it without any problems and dodge it.
It's a weird feeling to wield magic, that is not your own. Your fingers move in unfamiliar ways and you mutter spells you never heard. The gem in your hand amplifies your own magical power and multiplies each of your spells, so you have no trouble keeping up with the Sorcerer Supreme.
"Where is Wong?" Stephen growls questioningly, for the Sanctum is never without supervision. Either he's here himself, or, when summoned, Wong fills in for him.
Your mind is searched for a memory, and a brief encounter between you and Wong flickers in your mind's eye, dating back some time.
"Ah, your friend," your voice says. "Well, let's just say he's sleeping. Funny guy."
You know he's one floor down, lying unconscious in the hallway. You couldn't help it. You'll apologize to him for that later. If there is a later for you.
Stephen is furious. "I've got no time to deal with you right now."
That's right, you remember him saying something about a demon in New York before he left you unsupervised in one of the most important, magical buildings in this world. Man, he really trusted you. You guess that's over now.
You laugh. No, Daegal laughs and he twists your lips into a smug grin. "I don't want to keep you from your business. Go. I promise I'll wait."
That’s a lie. You stand near the door to leave at the earliest opportunity. Daegal has what he came for.
The next attack hits you right in the chest and you double over in pain. Just because you have no control over your body doesn't mean you're immune to pain. You see everything, hear everything, feel everything. And that right there was a nasty spell.
Blindly you reach for the door handle behind you, but the door is already open. Suddenly, something is wrapped around your throat and tightens its grip. The next moment you feel incredibly weak, as if something sucks any energy from you. You turn around and stand face to face with someone else.
You feel as if someone has opened the window next to you. "Loki," you whisper, and it's your own word you hear this time. Your gaze travels down you and you see that the Asgardian has put a necklace on you. It looks like an amulet, large and golden. An intricately crafted piece that once belonged to a princess.
"The others need you." Loki's eyes meet Stephens'. "Go. I will take care of this."
The sorcerer looks at him appraisingly, but the Asgardian is right. Time is short. Stephen opens a portal and jumps through.
Daegal had time to gather your strength. It feels like your powers are slipping through your fingers, like something is absorbing them from you. But Daegal still has enough to fight. The window is closed again and you roar against soundproof glass.
Your throat feels tight, like something is pressing uncomfortably against it. The necklace doesn't constrict you, but you feel the magic emanating from it. Or rather, flowing into it.
"Help me," Daegal whines, sounding afraid. He takes a step forward and wraps his arms around Loki. "Please. It's in my head."
It's a convincing performance. You probably would have acted exactly the same way, used the same words. And for a brief moment, you fear Loki will fall for it.
But Loki is the god of lies. And even if the words are technically true, Daegal doesn't mean them. It's a fine line, one that Loki walked for centuries. His hands light up green with magic and rest against your temples.
The car skids, and for a moment it feels as if Loki is sitting next to you in the back seat. He sees you and he sees Daegal. Then he's gone again, because Daegal has rammed the gem in Loki’s stomach. It's not devastating, because the necklace drains you of as much magical power as the gem gives you. But it's enough to make Loki stumble back a few steps into the hallway.
He glares at you grimly. "You're that wicked witch from the west coast."
"Don't stand in my way. I just take back what's mine," Daegal growls, glaring grimly at Loki. He starts losing control over you, clinging desperately to the wheel of the lurching car.
"You broke into my refugium, took my stuff and then you fucking obliviate me! It took me a while but we have security cameras, you know. It wasn't hard to find you, you have been all over the news. And your little witch girl was an easy target. You shouldn't have made her cry with your harsh words. She was so busy with her own worries that she didn't even notice me in her head."
He reaches for the necklace around your neck and tries to pull it off, but it doesn't work. Instead, you feel the familiar tightness around your neck that always appears just before panic sets in. You are prepared for it, you know your weak point. Daegal doesn't, the feeling makes him uncomfortable and he doesn't seem to know if it's coming from you or Loki.
The Asgardian walks right into your space and Daegal backs away.
"We should have killed you when we had the chance," Loki spats. "But she wanted to spare your life."
"What a noble action of a burglar. I'm so fucking thankful!" Daegal words drip with sarcasm as he prepares his next spell. However, due to the necklace and the part of the artifact that is incorporated into it, it is only a faint imitation of what he had wanted to do.
Angrily, he stares at your hands.
"Knock me out," you shout to Loki, your voice no more than a whisper. "He can't do anything if he can't breathe." You move a hand Daegal is looking at toward your neck.
Punches to the back of the head always look handy in movies, but they can damage the brain. And they kinda hurt – though you're desperate enough to take that, too. But if Loki cuts off your air, your body would go limp and the witch would have no control over it.
Loki understands what you're trying to tell him and shakes his head vehemently. "Absolutely not." Under no circumstances would he do that. There are other methods. But he wouldn't risk triggering you by cutting off your air. He notices you trying to fight your uninvited guest.
"The gem is mine!" Daegal spits furiously. He needs to leave before things get out of hand.
"You've gone mad, witch." Loki creates an illusion in his place and steps behind you. His hands glow green with magic.
"Oh, you think you're clever, don't you?" Daegal snickers. "But I know your secret, god of lies. When you told her, you told me and I-…" He falls silent as Loki puts his hands to your head. It's not difficult for him to enter your mind. You're his Witchling, you are familiar to him. You're home. Daegal has neglected the wards in your head after he broke them down and that makes it easy to bypass them.
You hear steps on the roof of the car. Loki's head appears upside down at the driver's window and looking inside. Daegal gasps and for the first time something like panic sneaks on his face. Loki yanks open the door and grabs the witch to pull him out.
Daegal stubbornly holds on to the wheel and the car starts to lurch. You feel dizzy, motion sick, but you also feel yourself getting more control. You move your leg and kick Daegal out of the car. Now driverless, the car trundles along and slowly comes to a stop.
You climb to the front. Daegal and Loki are no longer visible through the rear-view mirrors, as if they had suddenly vanished into thin air. You close the door and lock it, for good measure. Then you try to start the car, but immediately stall.
"Come on," you curse softly. "Please, don't let me hanging."
You try again, and again.
On the fourth try, it starts - still a little bumpy, but you're back on track. Alone.
You open your eyes. You're still dizzy and feel like you've suffered whiplash. For some reason, you're sitting on the floor, Loki’s arm around you. He looks at you with concern. At some point in the last few minutes, you must have fainted briefly.
When he notices that you're awake, he breathes a sigh of relief. "Are you alright, love?" he asks gently. Gone is his previous aggressiveness.
"I will be." He helps you stand up and you move slowly as a wave of nausea washes over you. It may also be due to the necklace still scratching your throat, draining magic from you. "Just give me a minute," you mumble. And, "Thank you." You have a headache, but you finally feel alone in your mind again. You notice how long you haven't been.
"I’m afraid, we don't have that time." Loki presses a quick kiss to your temple, then turns to the shelf. "Blackheart, the prince of hell, is in the city, and as long as he has been mesmerizing people and absorbing their strength, I doubt Stephen is able to send him back to hell without help."
You try to process the flood of information. Your brain still seems to be running a little slow. Whether it's from your magic being absorbed or you need to get used to using the full capacity of your brain all by yourself again, is hard to say.
"Oh," is all you manage to say, because you have no idea what to do about a demon prince. At least Loki seems to have a plan, because he picks up one of the three boxes in which the parts of Bloodweeper are stored and opens it with a spell. The hilt disappears into his pocket dimension.
Then he turns back to you. "I need the necklace, Witchling."
You take a step back, because you realize what Loki is up to. And that worries you. He notices your uncertainty and takes your hands in his. "He is no longer in your head. I promise. You are safe to remove the necklace. I won't let him take you again."
His words move you, but it's not the actual cause of your objection. "Loki, you must not put the sword together. It's too dangerous."
The Asgardian's expression changes, becomes harder. "I understand your concern, but this is not up for discussion, love. I'll do what is necessary to ban Blackheart from this world. Whether you approve of it or not. So please don't fight me."
You've never seen him like this. He is determined, ready to do whatever it takes to save the city. You know he wouldn't hurt you, he knows other ways to take you out if necessary. You won't stand in his way. You can't. So you nod. "Okay. I trust you."
He offers you a hand and you take it. His face doesn't change, because what he's about to do is a difficult task. Impossible if he were on his own. But there's a team waiting.
You briefly kiss his lips.
The next moment you two are gone from the Sanctum.
There's chaos in the streets of Greenwich Village.
A hole in the size of Blackheart is in the wall of the abandoned building, Stephen had been fighting the prince of hell earlier - the Avengers do their best to hold him off. But their weapons are virtually ineffective. Each wound they inflict on the demon bleeds for a second or two before closing. It doesn't seem to cause him any pain or even so much as discomfort.
Blackheart lunges at Sam. Stephen creates a magical chain and ropes it around the demon's arm. Planting his feet in the ground, he tries to hold him back. This buys Sam time to fly out of reach, but Stephen is pulled forward, his boots skidding across the asphalt.
A spider web catches the other arm of the demon and Peter pops up next to the sorcerer, mimicking his moves. He manages to bring Blackheart to a halt. It's a testament to the boy's immense strength.
"I can hold him," Peter assures the sorcerer, breathlessly.
Stephen doesn't argue, drops his chain and takes a step to the side, to have space for his spell. With his fingers, he paints golden runes in the air, forming an intricate mandala.
With his now free hand, Blackheart grabs the web and hurls Peter through the air. Tony rushes after him as an arrow shoots toward the demon. He catches it before it hits him. A soft ticking sound is heard, then the tip explodes.
Blackheart stands there as if nothing happened. Part of his skin is burned - ironic since he is used to the burning flames of hell. A second passes, two seconds, then the skin heals from the edges of the injury. There’s almost no blood.
Stephen knits his brows together in concentration. The spell is almost completed. He just needs to add a few more runes.
Blackheart is bombarded by various blasts from the team, all of which serve to distract him. Unfortunately, he is not stupid. Searching, he turns and runs with a few steps to the unprotected Sorcerer Supreme. He grabs him around the waist, arms pressed close to his body. The mandala vanishes instantly, the spell lost, unfinished.
"Stephen Strange, you're quite insufferable," it echoes in his head.
"I've been told." Stephen can't move his arms. He flicks his wrists for spells and tries everything to get free. To no avail.
Steve’s vibranium shield hits Blackheart's back, dealing the smallest of scratches, which disappear right away. The demon moves the fingers of his other hand to Stephen's eyes.
"The soul of a Sorcerer Supreme will be an interesting addition to my collection."
Stephen tries to think of a spell that will help him, any spell. He hears the shouts of the team, but doesn't listen to them. Without magical weapons, they can't do anything for him.
But then, surprisingly, Loki appears, jumping on Blackheart's shoulders from behind, in his hands a sword with a bright blue blade, like cold flames. There's no witty remark, no cool one liner. He simply rams the sword between the shoulder and the neck of the demon.
Blackheart hisses and it echoes in the heads of everyone nearby. For the first time it's a truly effective attack. But Loki doesn’t stop at that. He pulls the sword back out and jumps down from the demon.
The wound on Blackheart’s neck bleeds. One second, two seconds, three seconds... more and more black blood seeps out. Slowly, thickly, as if it's not used to leaving the body.
Blackheart doesn't even notice at first, far too busy reaching for Loki. But the Asgardian deftly dodges the tall figure. He cuts into his arm. Not enough to sever it, but it's enough for Stephen to get free. His cloak immediately puts him at a distance and the sorcerer doesn't hesitate to start the binding spell a second time. He assembles the golden glowing mandala while Loki continues to fight Blackheart.
It's insane and genius and very, very brave.
The rest of the team helps to draw the demon's attention away from Stephen.
Blackheart finally notices the blood running down his body and screeches. He isn’t used to this, maybe it’s the first time ever he is bleeding, and there’s a touch of insecurity in his moves. Along with a large amount of anger.
"How dare you?!" It sounds threatening in Loki's head, attacking him like pin needles.
The Asgardian does not respond. He lashes out at the prince of hell without mercy, adding more and more cuts onto his skin.
Stephen completes his spell with a last rune. "Stand back!" he shouts to the others, for all who stand too close to the demon will be dragged into hell with him.
Loki takes a step back, but Blackheart reaches for him. Loki dodges with a roll and stabs him in the flank. He has no chance to get away. The demon’s focus is on him and he seems determined to kill the Asgardian.
Holding the spell with one hand, Stephen reaches back with his other to pull the cloak of levitation from his shoulders and throw it in Loki's direction. At the same time, he hurls the glowing spell at Blackheart.
The mandala wraps around the demon, binding him. At the last moment Loki is pulled back by red fabric. Sword firmly in hand, he hovers in the air, ready to attack again if necessary.
The mandala spins, Blackheart screeches. His red glowing eyes are directed angrily at Stephen. With a motion of the sorcerer's hand the demon is sucked into the earth.
Then he is gone and all that remains is a black scorch mark on the asphalt.
Everyone stares at the spot and breathes a sigh of relief.
The cloak brings Loki safely to the ground and then leaves his shoulders. The Asgardian thanks it with a silent nod before the cloak floats back to its owner.
You rush to the men. Loki had dropped you off in the security of the sidelines before he threw himself into the battle. You're not delusional enough to think you could do anything against an immortal demon of hell, and you had watched with bated breath, glad it ended rather smoothly.
You cup Loki's face and look at him in concern. "Are you alright?" you ask as you look at his bruises and cuts.
He nods, placing his hand on yours. Loki’s gaze falls on Stephen, who has spotted you, and his expression darkens in response. Stephen makes a gesture in front of his forehead, opens his astral eye and steps to the both of you, looking straight at you.
Loki steps in front of you, the buzzing sword still in his hand. "Don't touch her," he growls.
The sorcerer actually seems offended at this innuendo, but before he can say anything, you step around the Asgardian. His protection is appreciated, but you know you have to stand accountable and apologize.
"I'm sorry for what I did."
"It wasn't you," Loki throws in as if that were an acceptable excuse. He wouldn't even be on Midgard if it were.
Stephen's third eye scans you. "I can no longer sense that second magic presence within you," he mutters, blinking as he closes his astral eye. "I should have known what it was the first time I noticed it."
He has been speaking more to himself, but it still draws your attention. "What do you mean ‘the first time’?" you ask, frowning.
"Back when we met in the tower and talked about the necklace, I sensed another presence in you. I was wondering why Loki hadn't noticed it. But I didn't think someone was invading your mind… I thought," his eyes are briefly darting to the Asgardian, "you were pregnant."
A cough that could be a hidden laugh comes out of your mouth. "You thought I had a magical gifted baby with Loki?" you ask incredulously. And because Loki looks actually offended by your tone, you add, "I think I'd notice if I were pregnant."
Stephen's weird statements in your recent conversations with him suddenly make so much more sense. It'd be funnier if it hadn't resulted in a fight with your friend just earlier.
While you were talking the other Avengers approached you.
"Okay, anyone else got the feeling they missed an important part of a subplot?" Tony asks before eyeing the sword. "Is that…?"
"Yes," Loki answers Tony's question without looking at him. The fight against the demon and also the fight against the witch in your head, have cost him strength. Especially Blackheart's claws, because they have left their marks on him.
"Looks less haunted than I anticipated."
"It just helped us to defeat the prince of hell." It is Stephen who answers.
"Will he die?" Steve asks.
"No, he's still immortal. But the open wounds will keep him busy for a while." Stephen's gaze moves to Loki. "So, you stole the last piece of the artifact." It's a mere statement.
"Next time I may just wait for your order to finish the negotiation."
"Let's clean up and go home. If we're done here?" Steve interrupts the discussion, but looks questioningly at Stephen. The sorcerer nods. Yes, they are done here.
"Loki, I need the sword back."
"Of course." The Asgardian grins broadly before he asks, "But don't you want to know how I got my hands on the necklace?"
Stephen's face drops while he is having a deja-vu. Must be his personal circle of hell. "Look, it's been a long day and I-…"
Loki interrupts him at this point, as funny as he finds the situation the two always seem to find themselves in.
"You know, if you had listened to me the last time, you might have connected the dots to the Witchling's mind invasion."
"Alright, tell me your story then." Sighing, Stephen concedes defeat.
Loki's grin is very wide and pleased. "If you insist." He puts his arm around Stephen's shoulder and leads him a bit away while starting his story. You watch them with amusement, but then turn your attention to the Avengers, some of whom are cleaning up the destruction.
Fortunately, there are only slightly injured on your side. You heal a few minor wounds with magic before everyone agrees to head home.
Stephen heads back to the Sanctum to check on Wong.
"You have three days to sort your shit out," he says, turning to Loki, before disappearing through a sparkling portal.
"What does he mean?" you ask the Asgardian.
The corners of Loki's mouth twitch upward. "He's not happy I stole the necklace from the museum."
While that is true you sense that is not the full answer to your question. Still, you drop the subject for now.
"Wanna order food? I'm starving."
The Asgardian has no objection to that, and some time later you're both sitting in the compound with empty pizza boxes in front of you and full stomachs.
Loki kept throwing you weird looks during the meal, as if he was thinking about something. You've given him the space and waited for him to speak on his own.
"How are you feeling?" he finally asks you innocuously.
"It's good to be alone in my head again. I still feel like I'm not fully back online." It will probably take a few days to come back to normal after this long time with another person taking the shots. You think back to the strange dream you had. That was weeks ago. You feel sick when you think about how long Daegal was in your head.
"I'm sorry," Loki apologizes, and you look up in wonder, because he has no reason to.
"Stephen was right," the Asgardian murmurs as if he himself can't believe he’s saying that. "I should have sensed the presence in your mind."
You push your food aside and take Loki's hand. "It's not your fault. I heard his voice in my head and it didn't occur to me that something was wrong with that. He's a master of manipulation. He slipped through my defenses like nothing. And we had a lot going on that distracted both of us."
"But not anymore. It's just you and me now, love."
"Yeah." You return Loki's smile. "We should celebrate. You just saved the city."
Suuuurprise, she's not preggers :D
Remember Daegal from Club Enchant and the mission in LA? Well, I did and I made it to y’alls problem...
And yes, I compared mind control with driving a car.
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @sofi786 @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @msrawog @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r @eleniblue @eleniblue @maeisonline @marvel-love24 @sinsandguilt @kalinaselennespeaks @ohtellmelove @eleniblue @hyojin-2579 @just-someone11 @marygoddessofmischief @fall-myriad @melavoris @baebeepeach
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everything-person · 9 months
Kazoos Advent Calendar
@kazoosandfannypacks Day
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I did my best but heres todays gift.
Killian was sprinting down the street. He was quiet literally running late.
'David is going to kill me. If Liam doesn't get his hands on me first.' Killian thought to himself.
He turned a sharp corner. Running straight into something. All of a sudden Killian was on the ground and wet. Before he could right himself and see just what he ran into, the what or rather who spoke up.
He looked up to see a beautiful woman. Her gentle blonde curls pulled artfully into a messy ponytail, wearing fitted dark blue jeans knee high boots a red leather jacket on top of a light grey shirt which now was covered in a rather large brown stain. Her head turned down looking at her shirt now covered in the drink she was holding.
Killian looked down and sure enough he was wearing a similar stain on his shirt.
"Bloody hell," Killian whispered.
This caused the womans glare to turn from her shirt to him.
Killian began to stand as he said, "I am so sorry lass. Please allow me to pay for your drink."
"Watch where you're going next time." She muttered as she pushed past him.
Killian would've went after her if it wasn't for his phone beginning to buzz in his pocket. With one more glance toward the blonde he continued on his way.
Moments later he arrived at Storybrookes town hall. Bursting through the doors he ran down the hall before coming to a halt. Looking all around trying to find where he was suppose to go.
He turned to the shout to find his brother, Liam.
"You're late," Liam stated as Killian made his way over to him. "What happened to you?"
"Be glad, I'm here."
"Come on lets get you ready."
Some time later Davids wife dressed in her holiday best stood in front of an anxious crowd.
"Hello everyone! Thank you all for patiently waiting and for all your contributions to our toys for tots and food pantry. All toys and food will be sent to families in need this holiday season. There are some snacks along with hot chocolate and water courtesy of Storybrookes finest Grannys Diner feel free to help yourself. There are also plenty of crafts and games to be done." Mary Margret paused looking to her left and right before saying, "Did anyone else here that?"
This caused the crowd to also begin looking around.
"Huh? I swore I just heard a clatter." On that cue sleigh bells started to ring out through the space. "Does anyone else hear belles?"
The kids in the audience all yelled yes.
"Do you know what that means?" Mary Margret replied.
The over the speakers was heard 'Santa Claus is coming to town.' Killian came around the corner dressed as the man himself, Santa Claus. Waving at all the excited children letting out a ho ho ho he came to stand next to Mary Margret.
"Hello Mr Claus! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit us."
Through his beard in his best Santa Claus voice Killian said, "Well Ms Blanchard I had some elves running around telling me how great the children of Storybrooke have been this year. So I thought I might stop by and personally ask them what they wanted for Christmas. Would you mind helping me?"
"I would love too."
As Mary Margret gave instructions on how pictures with Santa would work the curtain behind them opened to reveal an intricate display with a grand chair for Santa to sit with enough room for a child to sit next to him should they decline sitting on his lap.
The children all lined up with their parents and one by one came up to speak with Santa Claus. Mary Margret assisted in introductions with shy children and helped take pictures should the parents want to join in. She even helped when one little girl told him insisted that if he was the real Santa he should know her name, mouthing the name behind the child.
Mary Margret approached him, “You’re doing great Killian. Just 3 more kids and then your done.”
Not allowing him to speak she ran off the get the next two kids. A brother and sister pair.
“Hello there. What’s your names?”
“My names Ava and this is my brother Nicholas.” The girl, Ava, spoke for her and her brother. The young lad looking nervously down at his shoes.
“I’m glad to meet you both. Would you care for a picture?”
They nodded and stood on either side of him as their father took their picture.
Killian turned to Ava and asked, “Now Ava what would you like for Christmas?”
“I’d like a tool box. So I can help my dad.”
Killian smiled at the young girl, “That’s a very nice thought. A tool box can be very helpful; it can also be a way to be creative. You look like a very smart girl. I’m sure you’d do wonders with a gift like that.”
The girl smile so bright at him as he turned to the boy.
“Now Nicholas what would you like for Christmas?”
The boy continued to look at his feet shuffling as he did. He looked like he had something to say but was afraid to say it.
Killian turned back to the boy sister, “Ava would you be so kind and go to your father. I think Nicholas and I need to have a word in private.”
Ava looked at her brother then her father than back again before nodding and making her way to her dad. Turning around only once to look back at Santa, who gave her an encouraging nod.
“Now Nicholas it’s just you and me. Do you have something to tell me, lad?”
Never looking up from his feet he muttered, “I’m on the naughty list.”
“Oh and what makes you think that?”
“I don’t listen to my dad sometimes. I goof off too much. I get in fights with Ava. And I eat too many sweets.” Nicholas said in a huff.
“Ah I see,” Killian said almost to himself before continuing, “Nicholas can I share a secret with you?”
The boy pick up his head only slightly before nodding.
“I sometimes sneak a cookie or two before and after dinner.”
The boys eyes went wide at Santa’s declaration so Killian continued.
“I also sometimes get in arguments with my elves. I forget to help Mrs Claus around the house. And I am a bit of a goof myself. Now do you think I’m naughty?”
Nicholas shook his head so hard Killian was sure it may come loose.
“Just because we do naughty things every once in a while doesn’t make us naughty. Now as I said earlier I had some of my best elves watching over Storybrooke. They did tell me of naughty behavior from everyone but not one person came back as naughty.”
The boy was now looking Santa in the eye. His eyes sparkling at Santa’s words.
“I can tell your a mischievous lad but you are a kind one, most Nicholases are,” Killian added with a wink.
Nicholas face finally broke out into a smile. He threw himself in Killians arms and Killian held the boy until he let go.
“Now what would you like for Christmas?”
After telling Killian he wanted for Christmas Nicholas scurried off to join his small family. Killian waved them off as they walked off to join the rest of the celebration. Before turning to greet the last child he was to see.
Mary Margret held the hand of a little boy with brown hair and a round face. As they approached him the little boy slowly let go of the older woman’s hand, picking up his pace as if he were on a mission.
“Hi Santa”
“Well hello there! What might your name be?”
The lad stuck out his hand, “I’m Henry.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Henry.” Killian took the boys hand and gently shook it, “You have a very good hand shake.”
“Thank you,” Henry said letting go of the man’s hand.
“Would you care to sit on my lap?”
“No, thank you.”
“That’s quite alright. Why don’t you take a seat right here next to me?”
Henry obliged and sat down. They turned to look and see David and Mary Margret standing there to take a picture of Henry with Santa. Once they singled they had the picture Killian turned to the lad sitting next to him and asked, “what would you like for Christmas?”
“I don’t want anything.”
Killian tilted his head, “Really? Why’s that?”
“Well I don’t want anything for me.”
“I want you to help my mom.”
“Your mum?”
Henry nodded, “She works really hard. She does everything she can for me and she helps whoever she can.”
Killian smiled, “Your mum sounds like a wonderful woman. Is that her over there?” He nodded his head over the where Mary Margret and David where waiting for the lad.
“No. My moms not here right now. But she will be soon. She’s always working or helping someone. And I just want her to be happy. She says she’s fine but I see she’s tired and sometimes she seems sad and mad. So I want you to help her be happy.”
“I understand. That’s a hard present to bring down the chimney but I’ll see what I can do. But I’m going to ask your help with this.”
Henry leaned forward to listen carefully as to what Santa was about to tell him.
“It’s okay for your mom to be mad or sad sometimes. It’s not good for her to bottle that all up. So I need you anytime you see her and she looks upset just to hug her and tell her you love and appreciate her. I know for a fact if you do that whatever bad feelings or thoughts she maybe having will melt away. You’d be surprise how happy you can make her.”
Henry gave him a big grin and nodded before running off.
Killian waved a goodbye to everyone before disappearing behind the scenes to change into regular clothes. His brothers wife was kind enough to get him a set of clean clothes. After his change and a quick bathroom break he joined the rest of the festivities.
Mary Margret quickly located him and enveloped him in a hug.
“Killian you were perfect! Thank you again so much for doing this,” She said pulling away.
“I’m glad I could help. I only wish I could help grant some of the children’s wishes.”
“Well you know the holidays are all about granting wishes and miracles,” David piped up.
A bought of laughter turned Killians attention to a table of kids. He saw the lad, Henry, amongst the table.
“I wanted to ask you,” Killian pointed over to the boy, “who is that boy?”
Mary Margret followed Killian finger to see who he was pointing to, “Oh Henry?”
Killian nodded.
“He’s our, for all intents and purposes, nephew. His mother is my best friend and is like a sister to David.”
“Where is she?”
“Why do you ask,” David asked sternly.
“I’m honestly surprised you haven’t met her yet,” Mary Margret expressed.
Their attention was turn toward Henry again as they watched him run across the room to the door where stood the blonde woman Killian had ran to stood. The boy ran into her arms and they collided into warm embrace.
“There she is, Emma Swan.”
“What about Henry’s father?”
“It’s just her and Henry. She works at the sheriffs station. But she also does a little bit of everything around the town.” Mary Margret informed him.
“We try to help her out when we can. But she’s can be stubborn and prides herself on being an independent woman,” David spoke up.
Killian hummed thinking of the little boys wish. If he was to make the lads wish come true it maybe more difficult then he originally thought. How do you help someone that doesn’t believe they need help?
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sunsetstarving · 3 months
ok hi i like think i talked abt your ocs with you when you first shared the slides with me but i was going through my drive and i saw it again and i was like ok wait let me look! and i now have Thoughts
- FIRST OFF nefise is like so eldest daughter immigrant trauma. if this makes sense. i also understand why she turns evil for a bit
- dani's like my fave ever btw im like so not normal abt him. just the implications of the whole being someone whos always positive and optimistic (slightly delusional) and then starting to lose all that when the world starts ending. starting to lose yourself bc youre the literal fucking symbol of hope but you cant bring yourslef to be the least bit hopeful. god. rattling him around in my brain
- pls give kore a kazoo. im begging. also a turtle fits the green theme. shes like the coolest btw and i get the whole. like wanting to be someones first chocie but you feel like theyre always going to choose someone that they can love and love them romantically and hating yourself a little bit for not being able to like ouchhh man why you gotta zir like that. ough
- TESNIS LIKE THE BIGGEST LOSER im so obsessed w her. i love that you made her a jock but also a debate kid i think thats the funniest combo. also like the whole trying to remain unchanging/constant like the "if it aint broke dont fix it" mentality but then it DOES break and DANI breaks so then she HAS to change to fix it and. arhghghgh
- felicite!!!!! dude. ok the implications of her being the symbol of chance and the fact that the symbol of chance even exists at all is so crazy to me because like yeah. sometimes it truly is Like That. sometimes things are so out of your control and you can do nothing to stop it its just pure fucking luck and fate and the univesre shifting and ohhhhh god. i am so !!!! amped abt her and skull/fibula btw
- YOOO nefise and dani. idk if youve watched jjk but they are So satosugu coded i will elaborate if youd like but this is rlly long already i might have to take this to disc
- tesni and delshad WILL drive me insane. the absolute vulnerability and horrors of being so deeply known........ ugh
- said this already but. felicite and skull chance and death like broooo the fact that something so horrible something that takes so much from ppl is so closely tied to the concept of randomness and the unknwon. driving me insane
ANYWAYSSS thats like all of it um. yes i have thoughts! anyways
HIIII okay i finally got on desktop it took me a little bit we have been going everywhere. traveling is enjoyable sometimes but also...not always lmao BUT ANYWAY ILY AUGH i've been thinking abt this since last night. HELP all lighthearted but i do not think u ever said anything!! only the discord interaction i have been waiting ever since and boy oh boy.... the personal connection to every single one of them and the way u pointed them out immediately.
YEAH nefise is kind of just Like That. it came with the territory (being the asian character i project on forever) and also like..... the turning evil bit is everything to me bc the way she regrets none of it when she thinks about it from a distance but all it took was the sliver of hesitation, the flicker of exhaustion from constantly throwing herself at every problem, to simply take her down completely and have the team lose her. Yeah
dani my beloved... he was the original knight concept too. upon seeing this i HAD to draw him being a miserable fucker (<- phone battery ran out i will send these once i can grab some pictures!!) *jeopardy voice* what is burning out from the expectation to lead your world to the future despite having none of what you're supposed to be giving
YEAHHHH YOU GET IT. the. knowing that you're not broken and that this is just you but then the people you love make it feel like you shouldn't be the way that you are, that you need to change? forever experience. and while it continues to hurt and i don't think we can escape it i think good friends are a good remedy for the pain... and also ur so right they need a turtle so bad
and AHAHAHA tesni wahoo loser overachiever asian parents' favorite child (good at everything) and also biggest problem (anger issues) of all time. also love the family drama aspect like Yeah ofc she's going to have to change and yield and give ground. she has a sibling to take care of damn it
FELICITE AND FIBULA AOUGH.... this is so funny bc i literally had no clue what she was going to be but then chance sounded good. and then i was like Oh. the Implications of this are horrific. additionally yeah i think abt it all the time.... i've been following this comic series on instagram abt the grim reaper being a kind guy bc he's the messenger, not the one who controls any of it, and like... ouch, you know? the fact that it is unfair and horrible and there is no good timing about it. that sometimes it lines up just in time for a hilarious pun. death and chance being intertwined in the most cosmically random ways but in ways that absolutely make sense.
I STILL HAVEN'T the urge to ask vs the urge to wait until i've gotten to it vs the knowledge i will Not be doing that any time soon and. i should probably ask. pls tell me more in disc i would love to hear
tesni and delshad will kill me btw. that's like. going to suck. i'm gonna be so emotions about it bc it is not something i have yet delved into but i think abt it all the time. even more family drama. all of them scrambling to adjust to some of the most awful news one can never take back. grahh or whatever
anyway. i love this i love u i am SOOO happy you sent this!!!!! i am always so ecstatic to talk about the kids they are so beloved to me fr <333
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rouecentric · 2 years
me and my mootie tooties bundle 🥰 +acuriousmoon bc idk if we're mutuals or not
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@that-one-pretty-bitch: roxana agriche, aria roscente, lisa(gi), medea solon, mobius, jade leech
@d10nsaint: kim dokja, yoo joonghyuk, kaeya alberich, floyd leech, raiden mei, jamil viper
@spadecentral: ace+deuce(twst), rudbeckia von omerta, theresa apocolypse, cater diamond
@lady-navier0357: navier ellie trovi, seele vollerei, fu hua, azul ashengrotto
@sidra-29: scaramouche, griseo, durandal, trey clover
@acuriousmoon: yoo sangah, melissa podebrat, cayena hill, rita rosweisse
@xphantasmagoriax: han sooyoung, bronya zaychik, hilise inoaden, silver(twst)
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mom: @that-one-pretty-bitch, @lady-navier0357, @acuriousmoon
dad: @d10nsaint
child: @sidra-29 @spadecentral
gay emo cousin: @xphantasmagoriax
aunt you only see in reunions: @rouecentric
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@acuriousmoon, @that-one-pretty-bitch, @d10nsaint, @lady-navier0357, @sidra-29, @xphantasmagoriax, @rouecentric
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@acuriousmoon —
radiates mom energy, probably gives good hugs. definitely the type to get someone she's close with to rest if they're overworking themselves. tired mom with gen z children
@spadecentral —
the type to rope you into doing dumb shit like being discord kittens or sm. hyper yet sweet, probably would make delicious desserts. lowkey would hype up their friends when they're in a fight
@that-one-pretty-bitch —
the moment you befriend her she becomes your personal hype woman, literally. she lowkey would judge you if you introduced your s/o and they were not high in the looks department. the type of person you'd go to if you needed a confidence booster.
@d10nsaint —
that one older cousin that's the favorite but is only seen in family reunions. absolutely would fangirl with you when it comes to simping. the type to burn the whole kitchen down while trying to make you breakfast while you were sleeping.
@sidra-29 —
that one judgmental friend that will always disapprove of your s/o. one of the only people i would trust not to burn the kitchen down. that one friend that puts the chaotic and lowkey batshit crazy friends on a leash.
@lady-navier0357 —
that one extroverted friend that adopts introverts. extremely supportive and kind to anyone she meets tbh. her+her boyfriend are couple goals, i approve. lowkey the type to keep her friends away from doing dumb shit.
@xphantasmagoriax —
that one friend who is either high 24/7, or doing some shit while roping others into it. the main cause of brainrots, hyper active golden retriever energy tbh. would randomly send a cursed tik tok at 3 am and the two of you would start to have a debate if alligators give birth or lay eggs.
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@acuriousmoon: if you got arrested what would be the charges?
@d10nsaint: theft.
@spadecentral: disturbing the peace.
@xphantasmagoriax: arson.
@rouecentric: all of the above, probably in that order.
@sidra-29, to the tune of "the final countdown": it's a mental breakdown!
@spadecentral: *playing kazoo in the background*
@rouecentric: what do you call two witches sharing an apartment?
@lady-navier0357: boom-mates!
@xphantasmagoriax: (simultaneously) lesbians!
@d10nsaint: should i go big or go home?
@acuriousmoon: i'm begging you, for once in your life, go home, please. just this once. go home.
@d10nsaint: i'm going big.
@spadecentral, in a high pitched voice, holding barbie: hey, ken! i was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
@rouecentric, in a low pitched voice, holding ken: nonesense, barbie. you're staying home and having my kids.
@sidra-29: what the fuck are you guys doing?
@d10nsaint: *kicks down door, looking disheveled*
@acuriousmoon: what happened?
@d10nsaint: nobody died.
@acuriousmoon: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
@rouecentric: i am socially awkward, and have no idea how to romance-
d10nsaint: fear not! for it is i-
sidra-29, walking by: the least qualified person to help.
acuriousmoon: you're not talking any sense into xphantasmgoriax, you're just cheering them on to disaster.
that-one-pretty-bitch: do not question my way of parenting.
rouecentric: i printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit.
lady-navier0357: roue, isn't that illegal?
spadecentral: when the cops aren't around, anything's legal!
that-one-pretty-bitch: i have a problem.
xphantasmgoriax: if it's harder than 2+2, then i can't help.
rouecentric: love is dead. it never even existed. love is worthless and everything is awful. i have been utterly betrayed.
acuriousmoon: ...is everything okay?
rouecentric: ria ate the last M&Ms.
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
January 1, 1992. The Birthday Girl.
"Look at the birthday girl!"
The Forman dining room is decorated with silver streamers and cat balloons, as Kitty waves and coos, to capture a tiny tot's fleeting attention. Her youngest grandbaby, wearing a birthday hat and proudly holding a kazoo, is turning two.
In turn, the tiny redhead laser focuses on the disposable camera, flashing a brief smile to her Ani. But once again, true to form, she is easily distracted by the cake her Pop just hauled in. With two whole birthday candles, proudly perched on top.
The cake is homemade, courtesy of her Ani's kitchen, made with love. It's snickerdoodle flavored, with a plethora of cats dancing from top to bottom.
Thrilled by Leah's temporary fixation, if only for a mere second, Kitty glances at her choice of party wear. Instead of choosing a lovely floral dress with lots of flounce, with adorable little Mary Janes, Leah has chosen leggings, a floral tunic, a baggy sweater, and sneakers.
Thus, motioning to Jackie, Kitty sighs, and softens her tone to a mere whisper. "It would be nice if she liked the dress I chose for her."
Jackie nods in agreement, but Leah hears and sees it all, and firmly shakes her head in complete and utter defiance. "No. No fluffy."
"I swear, that girl hears everything." Kitty slightly raises her voice, as Eric and Donna enter the room, utensils and camera in hand. "She reminds me of..."
Eric senses the name on the tip of his mother's tongue, the sister who must not be named, so he swiftly cuts her off. With an awkward little smile. "Yeah, she came running when I simply said the word cake."
Once again, Leah is bursting with excitement, playing her kazoo. "Cake!"
Donna chuckles, lovingly patting Eric's chest. Toying with the semi-professional camera draped around his neck, with a red and blue strap. "I think she loves cake more than you do."
"Hey, Lee." Like Peter Parker at the Daily Bugle, Eric's going places, motioning to his youngest daughter. But family shenanigans are still fun to capture and archive, with his Canon camera now firmly in hand. "Why don't you smile for the camera?"
"I'm cute." Leah does a little curtsy, as sassy can be, twirling around with relative ease. Click, click.
"I don't know why she chose your outfit." Jackie scoffs, as her best friend moans, "I guess she takes after you. I mean, you wore mom jeans before you even became a mom."
The eldest redhead is used to this banter, though, and she loudly groans in surface-level disapproval. "Uh huh."
"Tweed blazers are so 1987. And shoulder pads should've never been a trend..."
Hyde cuts off his wife, brandishing a small black lighter. "Think it's time to blow out the candles."
But Kitty firmly shakes her head, making a makeshift loudspeaker with her hands. "We have to sing happy birthday first, Steven."
The other kids hear the pointed cue, and so do Fez and Kelso, and they all come barreling in like a bunch of monkeys. Except James, who has been trying to convince Leah to play with a mountain of Duplos in the den for the past ten minutes.
James nervously yanks on her shirt, and Leah playfully blows the kazoo in his face. "After cake, can we play?"
"Yeah." Leah brushes him off, dutifully focusing on the cake. "I want cake."
Donna sighs, rattling off the itinerary. "We still have to open the presents, too."
"No dolls?" Leah inquires, as her mother dutifully nods.
"No dolls. I told everyone." Donna smirks, patting her husband's back, a remnant of childish camaraderie. "I'm pretty sure it includes your dolls too, Eric."
As per usual, Eric gets worked up, gesturing erratically. "Action figures!"
Donna smirks, accomplishing a very typical mission. "It never gets old."
Other than Eric, and maybe Fez and Donna, the birthday song is notably off-tune. Particularly with Leah using a kazoo as a makeshift metronome.
Although the song subsides, Leah continues to play her kazoo, and Eric rolls his eyes. "Thanks for giving her a kazoo, Kelso."
Kelso is grinning from ear to ear, achieving a very simple master plan. "You're welcome."
After a few more seconds, Leah relinquishes the kazoo, refocusing on the cake. And on a certain string bean. "Daddy!"
Sounding distinctly like the sister that must not be named, Eric still lovingly races to her side. "You need help?"
"Nope." Leah huffs, puffs, and blows out the candles, before pointing to the seat next to her. "Sit."
Eric dutifully obeys. "Okay..."
"I love you, Daddy."
The crowd bursts into a chorus of awws, as Leah amply kisses her dad's waiting cheek.
But with the force of a softball pitcher, winding up like a windmill, Leah takes a giant glob of cake with her grubby hands. And in the blink of an eye, she smears it all over Eric's face.
"Good cake?" Leah licks her fingers, as Eric hurriedly wipes the glob off his face, sticking the tasty treat in his mouth. Before his mother can...
Click, click. "Yeah...that's a good cake."
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henrysglock · 6 months
[Kazoo Kid voice] Wait A Minute...Who Are You?
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ANOTHER installment of the Cracks and Mirrors series...this time tied (haha) to Brenner's ties. Yeah. Ties. Plural. This is going to be a long one. Where to begin.
#1: The Ties
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If you can make sense of that, more power to you. Here's what you really need to know:
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Meaning these 5 guys are different from each other:
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Wonderful! I hate it here.
Interestingly enough, this guy is the only guy we see the doors to El's stairwell with:
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Now, it finally makes sense why none of these blood patterns match:
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All of this, of course, ties back to what I said in September about Ten's changing test room regarding shot choices, prop movements, and color grading fuckery: It's not the same room continuously.
These two, however, seem to be set in variations on the same universe:
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And they both end in an infuriating camera cut to (in Brenner's case) a completely different guy. (smash cut to my post about how if El's experience is lifted from Brenner's memories, then Brenner should have seen One killing Two, like El did)
Anyway, what we can glean from this is that Running Brenner's universe is one of the top row, but not any of the bottom row:
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(i.e. It's at least a variation on a) the taped version of El's first NINA experience and b) Henry's electrocution. It is not, however, any of the other versions of El's NINA entrance, as far as we've been shown...which is consistent with the multiple versions of NINA we seem to be seeing overall.)
Okay. Good? Good. Moving on.
#2: Tying the Ties (to the Rainbow Room)
As I just mentioned, the Brenner in the hallway isn't the Brenner who runs into the Rainbow Room. And as far as I can tell, Rainbow Room Brenner doesn't appear in the hallway shots:
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Rainbow Room Brenner, as far as I can tell, seems to be this Brenner:
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And so, of course, the part you all knew was coming...
#3: Tying the Ties (to the Cracks)
Yeah. We're fucked. We got a bunch of different guys.
If you're just tuning in, I suggest you take a peek at the original Cracks and Mirrors post (the other installments of which can be found in my pinned post)...but for time being I've lifted the most relevant portion:
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Now. These cracks have associated Brenners:
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No Gate and Gate, respectively.
Not only are these two Brenners not the same guy, they're also not any of the guys we saw running around or the guy who burst into the Rainbow Room:
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Adding lines would make this more confusing, so just go ahead and squint at them all. You'll see what I'm on about pretty quickly, since I've circled the important bits.
But...Surprise! We now have seven Brenners! (My apologies for the fucking crunchy as hell "looks like the visual representation of an earrape video" cracks Brenners, it's just that the lighting is shit and I can see fuck all if I leave them as-is)
So. A Tale Of Seven Brenners...or so you THOUGHT. (Because fuck me, that's why.)
#4: More Fucking Ties!!
Of course, none of these Brenners are this weird fucker with blood all over his face:
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Many such cases, because none of them account for this Brenner from earlier in 4.01 who's shown with a) an incorrect tie and b) incorrect hair (shown here with "correct" Brenner) either:
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...Which I talked about here.
Now...I still have questions about this last Brenner ^ being shown as a reflection in his mirror at home, as opposed to Brenner in the massacre who does not reflect in the Rainbow Room mirror (both in 4.01 AND 4.08, respectively):
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But for now...that's beside the point.
Closing Tangential Note:
Isn't it funny how everything electronic is going super haywire...except the camera and the card reader...and the lights in the hallway that doesn't exist on any of the HNL specs we have..........funny how that works:
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You could argue that the camera and card reader are on a generator/backup circuit...I just didn't think powers-usage picked and chose which circuits it affected like that.
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It's almost like, by passing through those doors, El has entered the "plot", so to speak. Like when you hit a save checkpoint, or leave a "safe" space in a video game (staring at you, Resident Evil: Biohazard). She wanders through the safe but horrific "context" sequence, then she enters the unskippable "villain lore drop" cutscene, and then she's in the Boss Fight sequence. Babygirl, you are just a cog in the machine!!
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roboraindrop · 10 months
Okay I'm watching another bd movie and his character in this one is so fucking peculiar. He's definitely unhinged, but in such a weirdly endearing way? Guy was looking for something in his pockets and pulled out what I'm pretty sure was a rubber chicken, but also this man is responsible for the deaths of several employees who get too close to shutting his work down dksbsksb
He was in the middle of a threatening speech to the main protag n then just spread his arms and started flying around like he was pretending to be a plane or something??? He loves cartoons and comics and a ton of childish things but he's also Fucked Up and the best most terrifying hacker who could doxx anyone on a whim?
[kazoo kid voice] Who ARE you???
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Having abstract blorbos is like,
*Kazoo Kid voice* Wait a minute! Who are you? /pos
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phlistopher · 2 months
Attack Of The Rabinutcions
I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a nod to Benjamin Franklin I didn't come up with.
I was very proud of this work at the time. It's all very Hofstra specific, and the mid 2000s. Against my better judgement, I've decided to republish the series here.
Some context for this is the sixth column: Hofstra put bright blue signs all over campus, Stuart Rabinowitz was the president of the university, and Axin and the NAB were then-new buildings with a 50s futuristic design.
Hello gentle readers. Have you ever had dream that felt so real, you thought you were awake? Suppose you just had two extremely vivid nightmares: one where a giant T-Rex is chasing you through your house, and the other where Hofstra put ugly blue signs in front of every building. You wake up and wander around campus, and suddenly you don’t know what to believe.
If you think about it, there are plenty of things at Hofstra that are so bizarre they seem like they’re straight out of some whacked out dream, and mind you, I’ve had some pretty strange dreams. Recently I had one where I was flying after a train full of poisonous jellyfish on a cutting board. Hofstra consistently operates on that same level of absurdity.
Think about all the Twilight Zone stuff that goes on here. You know how it goes. You get to class in the morning two minutes late, and already the classroom is full. Your professor is one of two kinds of people; either they completely ignore you, or they cough loudly, stamp their foot, and tells everyone but you that three lates equal an absence. Your professor goes on to talk about their overall satisfaction with the class, their overall satisfaction with the University, and maybe even their overall satisfaction their personal life.
Ultimately this lapse in attention will cost you on the test. You’ll be sitting there, pencil in hand, frantically thinking back on everything your professor said in a desperate attempt to remember something that will help on the brutal multiple choice question you’re faced with. Yet try as you might, you just can’t remember who your professor’s last lover was, and why they broke up.
In your next class you are unfortunate enough to get stuck sitting right next to That Kid. You all know who I’m talking about, and if you don’t, you are That Kid. He always has a completely unrelated comment about everything that utterly misses the point of the topic. For instance, if your professor asks what Plato’s allegory of the cave means, a typical That Kid response would be, “Well, maybe the people didn’t want to leave the cave because they hit their head on a stalactite. I mean, I was in a cave once, and I hit my head; maybe that happened to Plato.” If that wasn’t annoying enough, his voice sounds like he has a kazoo stuck up his nose, kind of like a cross between Rick Moranis and a foghorn. Plus the bastard always has a cold.
After what seems like three snot filled hours (But was really only two snot filled hours), you’re finally done with class. However it’s midterm season, so you head to the library to study. Unfortunately, the library has been replaced with the bridge of a 1950s rocket ship. Now, there are only two logical explanations for this. One, that there was a sale on old Star Trek sets and Rabinowitz couldn’t resist, or two, that not only do aliens exist, but they’re also Hofstra’s architects. Suspecting the latter, you quietly draw your laser gun. Senses tingling, you creep deeper into the bridge, clinging to the shadows. This stealthy infiltration is flawless, except that actually finding shadows to hide in on the bridge proves highly difficult. All of them seem to have been exterminated by the large florescent lights giving you a tan. Well, and alien tan.
So you decide to play it cool. Walking with a healthy Han Solo swagger, you approach the main desk and suavely ask the librarian for a book’s location. She smiles warmly, giving you clear and detailed instructions, mentioning that if you need any more help to feel free to ask. Realizing that she must be an alien, you quickly shoot her. Any human librarian employed at Hofstra would still be working on the concept that they were being spoken to.
After the shot, hostilities break out immediately. You run staggering from the bridge, hot laser beams streaking through the billowing smoke; you hadn’t bargained on so many Hofstra employees being aliens. You head for safety across the Unispan only to find that the student center has transformed into a xenophile launch pad! Also, for some reason there is a tarp covered station with big green surfboards tacked to it. Maybe the aliens have a sense of humor? Or maybe Hofstra finally got wise about global warming and the surfboards are their emergency Tsunami escape system. Whatever the case may be, you are now surrounded by pissed off aliens with lasers and spiky things. As your doom slowly closes around you, you think back on the good times. There is a searing hot pain, and you wake up.
It was all a dream: just a terrible, terrible dream. You eat breakfast, take a shower, and pick up the Chronicle: another ordinary day. You scan the front page, and your eyes go wide. Your hand shakes, your lip trembles. The headline reads, “President Rabinowitz A Big Alien And Proud Of It!”
“Noooo!” You scream into the sky as Axin and The NAB blast into space.
Is this how it ends? Do the credits roll on a sad note? Is this a story of one helpless person in a sea of horror, doubt, and aliens?
No, I say! The human race will not go quietly into the night, nay, we will fight back with everything we have! Extraterrestrials will not run this University!
That is why I hereby challenge President Stuart Rabinowitz to a duel of honor in the quad on Monday October 22nd at 1:00pm sharp. The rules will be simple: no lasers, no cheating, and no wimping out. If Rabinowitz wins, I will expose my identity to the world and I’ll allow him to call me a stink pants. However, if I win he will be forced to withdraw his alien forces immediately from Hofstra, or at the very least, remove that rampaging T-Rex that always makes me late for class. I think the terms are fair.
I’ll see you on the 22nd Rabinowitz, and may the best species win!
Want to ask me a question, tell me I suck, or warn me that Rabinowitz has a gun? Email your letters to Silence Doless (Duel This) to [email protected]
The columns are getting weirder, and leaning more heavily into my then obsession with fantasy versus reality. I was also very angry in college, and that shows here. I lightly edited this one to remove some unnecessary and I think problematic language that I now regret, and will probably do that from now on when applicable. That challenge really was printed in the paper.
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b4nanaa · 7 months
Each student should present on one literary text during the semester. The presentation should last about 15 minutes. ○ You should read aloud a small excerpt (for around one minute) that particularly interested you and you would like to discuss with the class. Afterwards, you should comment on the themes and style of the excerpt you chose and the reason you think these are interesting. ○ Your presentation should go far beyond summary or the expression of likes and dislikes; it should articulate an argument somehow related to the themes of perception, cognition, self, cosmology, and/or narrative. ○ At the end of your presentation, you should hear some questions from the class as well as pose your own questions to the class. CHAT GPT:
-The text describes the author's experience with a theater group called Up With Kids, which provided a creative outlet for children, including those with various challenges. The director, Bonnie, had ties to Up With People, a show choir known for its connections to an evangelical cult, the Nixon administration, and Halliburton. The author, who has mild cerebral palsy, found a sense of belonging and acceptance in Up With Kids, where differences were embraced.
The narrative reflects on the author's roles in Up With Kids productions, particularly the significance of being cast as Scarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz." The text explores the author's struggles with self-consciousness about his physical condition and the desire for acceptance in the world of acting. The story also touches on the author's encounter with Margaret Pellegrini, one of the last surviving munchkins from the original Wizard of Oz film, and the realization that success in the entertainment industry often involves persistence and outlasting others.
Ultimately, the text delves into the author's personal journey in the performing arts, acknowledging the challenges of living with a disability and the complexities of navigating the entertainment industry's expectations. It emphasizes the importance of resilience and the realization that survival itself can be a form of success.
-It seems like you've provided an excerpt from a piece of writing. It depicts the narrator's experience in a theater group called Up With Kids, where they feel a sense of superiority over their castmates, particularly due to their self-perceived rising star status. The narrator seems to downplay their own challenges, such as a mild disability affecting their leg, and is in denial about the nature of their condition. The mention of their brother Danny mocking them and their mother's stern reaction to comparing their difficulties to another boy with a walker adds layers to the narrative. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything you'd like to discuss about this passage, feel free to let me know! Some highlighted texts: -"The word star was used liberally. “Maybe you’ll be a big star one day,” she said, “or a little one like me.” It’s hard to say exactly when it occurred to me, like the first twinge of a developing cavity, that all this was a little sad. It could have been when Margaret told the crowd, to an uproar of delight, that Toto made twice as much as she did because the dog had a better agent. It could have been when she projected the promotional poster onstage of Henry Kramer’s Hollywood Midgets, the acting company that had given her her big break, or when my mom elbowed me in the middle of Margaret’s talk to say she sounded just like a kazoo. “Isn’t her little voice just precious?” Most likely, though, the revelation that Margaret was being exploited for her short stature came months later," - "In the choreographer’s gentle rejection lay a deeper truth: I would never be a professional actor. The fantasy was over. Later, I’d call this my munchkin moment: the moment I realized I was window dressing along the Yellow Brick Road, not the one skipping down it. I was one of the little people some other, more charismatic teenager would pledge not to forget."
-He wants to deny his disability and pretend it doesn't exist
-While also ignoring how he won't let that hold him back
-Part of his self acceptance includes accepting that just because he doesn't succeed, doesn't mean he didn't make it. Sometimes persisting and being resilient is part of making it in the business, like Margaret in spite of how she was exploited.
Give a small summary
Pick the evidence
Talk about them
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me writing this
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なぜ私がこれをしなければならないのですか…why must i do this...
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me to chris because i cannot play fortnite and watch avatar
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if only...
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ok enough tomfoolery... time... to work.
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'If I only Had a Leg' is a memoir written by Greg Marshall detailing his experience with a theater group called Up With Kids, an organization that allowed him to channel his creative outlet in acting and singing. Within it also allowed for a sense of belonging and acceptance, as within his group it included other kids who share similar challenges as him. Although he is accepted by others in Up With Kids, he struggles to accept himself and his physical disability as a part of him when it comes to acting. (GOING TO REWORK)
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"The word star was used liberally. “Maybe you’ll be a big star one day,” she said, “or a little one like me.” It’s hard to say exactly when it occurred to me, like the first twinge of a developing cavity, that all this was a little sad. It could have been when Margaret told the crowd, to an uproar of delight, that Toto made twice as much as she did because the dog had a better agent. It could have been when she projected the promotional poster onstage of Henry Kramer’s Hollywood Midgets, the acting company that had given her her big break, or when my mom elbowed me in the middle of Margaret’s talk to say she sounded just like a kazoo. “Isn’t her little voice just precious?” Most likely, though, the revelation that Margaret was being exploited for her short stature came months later."
What stood out to me?
-The fact that Toto made more money than her because he just had a better agent
-How much this passage highlights how exploitive the entertainment industry is
"The use of the word "star" is noted as being liberally applied, perhaps reflecting the industry's tendency to build up and sometimes exploit dreams of fame."
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gary-goldstein-law · 8 months
*Kazoo Kid voice* Wait a minute... who ARE you???
Shhhh, spoilers, darling!~
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