bigfatbreak · 3 days
I noticed Marinette's bracelet changed in a couple panels 👀
Proximity alarm
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eemamminy-art · 17 hours
You draw zenos as such a beautiful woman, Thank you for doing right by my wife
Thank you!! I realized I haven't drawn f!Zenos in a long time so I sat on this ask until I could make a little sketch of her :3 feral cat murder wife…
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schnickledooger · 2 days
So I need to ask - the new copies of Captive Prince that you saw at Barnes and Noble. Did they have the extra content in them that the original US paperbacks had?
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Yes the new editions have the extra content. :)
The new publisher is Berkley
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tashacee · 12 hours
Does Aspect!Wild shed?
Does Aspect!Wild know he sheds??
I mean.
Oh yes. Amazing. Perfection. Glorious. He absolutely does shed and he ABSOLUTELY does not know this. Oh man. Baby boy. This is gonna be FUN. Im not even gonna write a snippet here because i need to write a full chapter OMG.
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kinard-buckley · 2 days
re: tommy’s smiles - tommy’s insta has historically been photos of aerial views, monster truck rally crowd shots or a new recipe + craft brew pairing he tried, and the occasional selfie is the close-lipped blue steel type. recently, there are more and more pics of him, either with buck and the two of them smiling wide or tommy smiling fondly at buck out of view. (chim has photo credit on the shot of tommy right after buck’s proposal, and tommy’s smile is the scrunchiest it’s ever been)
15/10, perfect ask, no notes
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chilaios is so noaharold coded and i’m abt to have a nap and tumblr was already open and i don’t wanna open discorddddd so yeah
hi ophe :3
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Yeah I see it,
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queermania · 14 hours
Turns out he's still doing homophobic stuff so maybe you're wrong about him actually tumblr. com/bluehandprint/752121241868091392/so-i-got-this-art-signed-by-jensen-today-and-the
what's truly incredible about this ask is that within the story you linked (and presumably read???) he's sooooooo homophobic that he 1. recognized destiel art 2. brought up the fact that someone had destiel art hanging in their apartment and 3. signed the art.
so what exactly is jensen doing that's so homophobic in this scenario??? is it that the first handler questioned the art?? is it that he didn't give a satisfactory answer to the person's question?? please exaplain it to me because i don't get it.
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sumerianlanguage · 2 days
If you had to pick the top five coolest sounding words in sumerian, regardless of what they mean, what would they be?
What an interesting question! I had my twitch community help brainstorm some words, and here's what we came up with.
My longtime favorite is ngarngarngar, which means "hospitality" or "careful preparation (as for a guest)". It's written 𒃻𒃻𒃻 so literally means "prepare-prepare-prepare".
I love shakira, which doesn't refer to a Colombian pop star but instead means "butter" or "butter-churn". I used it, along with shadibshezeda "bitter artichoke", in a haiku I wrote way back in the day.
One that I say often because it's so useful is gana!, meaning "let's go!" "yeah!" "indeed!" "you can do it!" etc. It can be used to encourage others but is most often used to encourage oneself: Gudea Cylinder A says Gana! Ganabdu! "Come on! I have to tell her about it!", wildly relatable in my opinion.
From my infamous Sumerian insults post, the one I use most often is agaashgi "most awkward person", which is both fun to say and incredibly useful. Check that post for more fun ones, like igibala "traitor" - if Sumerians had soap operas they'd definitely gasp igibala! at the most dramatic moment.
And twitch chat nominated the phrase kulinambura, from kuli "friend" and nambura "payment" - how I'd say "PayPal" in Sumerian. It rolls off the tongue, and what word is cooler than kuli?
If y'all have favorite Sumerian words, please share them in the comments or reblogs!
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evermoredeluxe · 11 hours
this child
must drink rain!
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shesnake · 11 months
some of us just don’t want to read problematic white authors so ao3 is our only option 🤷‍♀️
oh there is no saving youse
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awingedllama · 18 days
hi love :D i was wondering if you would be interested in making a murphy bed in your style please? ^-^ we are significantly lacking CC murphy beds - even recolors are so rare, i'm suprised! my current apartment in the game has one as the focus point in the living room and it makes me sad i don't have much choice with it. Have a lovely day <3
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hi! i'm not quite sure what you mean in my style (you can send me a reference pic!), so i just converted the one from TS3 for some older-fashioned variety. added some random muted colors (feel free to recolor). and ofc it requires tiny living
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and you're right - there are barely any cc murphy beds, weirdly enough. it's no harder to make than a door, so it's interesting no one has really made any. i did find quite a good recolor here though
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bigfatbreak · 4 months
Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if Feralnette ended up in the Scarlet Lady timeline?
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big fan.
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tashacee · 17 hours
Hero!Aspect Wild once more bringing out his clothes and they finally recgonise the Dark Link set.
Twi finds the tunic and is so excited cause he thinks his brother has a cool goth side. Poor boy just wants someone else with his love for poetry and heavy heavy eyeliner.
When Wild explains that no, it's a costume that represents a creature of shadow, a dark reflection of a true hero... yeah, no, Twi is even more hype.
He immediately puts it on. The other heroes all have heart attacks and Wild nearly pisses himself laughing. Twi is having the best day of his life.
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not pressuring u but pls write for art donaldson:)
Warnings: Established relationship, Stanford era, Sleepy Art Donaldson being The Sweetest, hints of subby Art, smooches
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"...You're doing it again, you know."
"What am I doing?"
"You're distracting me, Art."
"How? I'm laying still and I'm being quiet."
"You're staring at me."
"I'm not staring."
"I'm not."
"What do you call it, then?"
You turn your head, brows raised in disbelief, lips pursed as you try to fix him with a stern look. It doesn't hold. How can it, with the way he's smiling at you?
You can see how tired he is from the slow blinking of his heavy lids. It's a wonder that he's still awake; he's been curled up in your bed for the last half hour as you've tried to finish up a paper. It's nearly midnight, and you know that he's been up since six that morning. Between classes and practice, he's had an insanely long day.
"You should be sleeping," You scold.
"'m not tired."
He chuckles softly, rolling onto his side and nuzzling your pillow.
"I'll wait."
"For what?"
"You to come to bed."
"Are you just going to stare at me until I do?"
"'Course not...I am gonna watch you, though."
You smile, sighing and saving your work before shutting your laptop.
"You're finished?"
"No, I'll finish it tomorrow."
"You sure?"
You hum affirmatively, stepping into your bathroom and cranking the faucet on. You make it through washing your face before you see movement in your periphery.
"I'll be there in a second," You promise as Art drifts into the room. "I'm just gonna brush my teeth."
Art cuddles up behind you, arms curling around your middle as he presses his face into your neck, drawing in a deep breath.
"You miss me already? It's been two minutes," You tease before lifting your toothbrush.
"Not just two minutes," Art insists. "Barely saw you today." He tips his head up, nuzzling your jaw. "I was thinkin' about you."
You smile, leaning down and rinsing your mouth out, wiggling your hips back against him as you hinge forward. Art groans low in his throat, thumbs dipping beneath your shirt and gently sweeping over your sides.
"I was thinking about you, too," You admit, turning to face him.
"Mhm. All day." Art's smile widens as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. "We goin' to bed now?"
"In a minute." Art leans in, brushing his lips against yours. You smile, sliding a hand into his hair and parting your lips, teasing your tongue tenderly against his. He sighs into your kiss, hands snaking around your back to draw you closer into his chest. You break the kiss slowly, giving his hair a gentle tug and grinning as his eyelids flutter, a sweet flush spreading across his cheeks.
"Come on," You urge. "We can't have you sleep-walking through practice tomorrow."
Even with your eyes closed, in the dim room, you can still feel it. You shift a little, adjusting your covers.
"Art," You warn softly, "You're still doing it."
Art's hand cups your face, his thumb sweeping across your cheekbone.
"Baby," He murmurs, "If you were in my place, you'd stare, too."
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i now wanna hear your very long character analysis on how the drama machine affected alejandro
Yeah alright.
So I haven't actually watched All-stars, but I did skim through this video to get a feel for Alejandro's characterisation in it, since All-stars is the only canonical material we get from Alejandro post Drama Machine.
And by skim I really do mean skim; I was mostly looking out for signs of his imprisonment's influence, which for the most part seems to be as follows:
His legs fell asleep.
He developed a minor case of agoraphobia, mostly in the context of sleeping in open spaces.
His standards of human interaction have plummeted; something he's aware and accepting of.
Interestingly enough, he doesn't really seem to acknowledge the volcano itself (outside of an offhanded comment) or the injuries he got from the explosion. His focus is solely on his time in the suit, not what out him there in the first place. He even skirts over a memory loss issue, which could contribute to this.
I'll tackle these three points in more detail, and then give examples of how they can be developed into actual characterisation points instead of (for the most part) gags.
Number one; Leggy McLatin and the paraplegia scheme.
Alejandro's inadvertant and unintentional escape from the Drama Machine, and subsequent readmission into the competition (as himself, instead of as the machine) is, for the most part, entirely focal on the fact that his legs no longer work after his year of entrapment. It's a big deal - or, at least, as big of a deal as any injury or ailment can be in the context of Total Drama, considering that he doesn't miraculously get better in the span of an episode. Of course, we learn fairly early on that he's faking the paraplegia, but it's fairly heavily implied that his legs really were asleep initially (and that, in all likelihood, the massage we see him getting from an intern is what "wakes them up").
What's interesting about this particular plotline choice is that it would, realistically, be entirely feasable for Alejandro to have mobility issues after spending a year inside a robot.
Now, I'm no doctor, nor do I have any formal medical training, but I do know that not being able to move your body for an extended period of time results in a serious case of muscle atrophy. We see in canon that Alejandro was essentially locked in a seated position for the year; his arms, head and (assumedly) torso had place to move around, but he couldn't really stretch out his legs. This would explain the "weakness" of his legs in the first episode - i.e. their wobbliness, and the fact that they couldn't hold up Alejandro's body weight. The numbness he cites would be explained by poor circulation - again caused by him being sat down for a solid twelve months.
Or it could be nerve damage from the eruption, but given that Alejandro doesn't seem to have any long-term issues that stem from the volcano itself, it's unlikely.
So it can be assumed that the numbness of his legs was offset by the massage he gets after the first challenge. The masseuse kickstarts the blood circulation back into his legs, resulting in him regaining sensation in them - enough feeling to notice a crab pinching at his feet.
And, if I really want to reach into headcanon territory/realism, the reason he keeps up the "ruse" is because, despite having feeling in his legs, the muscles there are still fairly atrophied and he has a lot of trouble walking, let alone running, for extended periods of time. Though, as it stands, any long-term impact on his health would be entirely headcanon/fanon territory, due to the nature of the show itself.*
Then there's the psychological aspect to consider. Alejandro's a very prideful person by design - that's evident in both the way he portrays himself and the physical standards he holds himself to. Having use of half of his body stripped away from his is bound to be distressing, perhaps even traumatising. Hence why he tries to make himself as useful to the team as possible despite still recovering; he needs everyone to see that he's still capable.
Eventually his legs fully recover, because this is Total Drama and things like "realistic healing processes" and "lasting damage" don't seem to exist in-universe.
Number two; snug as a bug in a rug.
Alejandro's shown to have started sleeping in a sleeping bag throughout All-stars. He even canonically states that he needs to, because of his time in the Drama Machine. He cites that sleeping whilst srpawled out makes him uncomfortable, unspokenly referring to the fact that, for a year, he'd only had the option to sleep in an incredibly cramped position/environment.
This is interesting since, for the most part, you'd assume that someone held in close-quaters captivity would develop claustrophobia instead of a form of agorophobia, and yet Alejandro seems to have internalised the need to be in an enclosed space to sleep. Maybe it's symptom of just how long be was encased for - a year is a long time - or maybe it started out as claustrophobia, but the indefinate nature of his captivity morphed the initial fear into a twisted sort of coping mechanism.
It begs the question; what else can't Alejandro do in open spaces?
Is he perpetually uncomfortable with the openness of the outside world? Does he resort to hermiting himself into closed-off corners and enclosed rooms, just to feel a semblence of normalcy after he escapes the confines of the Drama Machine? Would he take to wearing tighter but more concealing clothing, just to immitate the feeling/pressure of being trapped in a too-tight enclosure?
Is his need for a snug sleeping space indivitive of him missing his isolated imprisonment?
Which brings us nicely into the third point.
Number three; long-term isolation and the effects thereof.
Alejandro explodes out of a glorified toaster and one of the first things he really comments on is Heather's off-putting personality and her facial hair. In a positive manner. He's so starved for human contact that he attaches himself to the first "friendly"/familiar face he sees, which in this case is Heather, and focuses on the aspects of her that make her human.
If he were a "weaker man", I have no doubt Alejandro would be clambering for attention from his team, mostly for proof that he's no longer completely isolated. It's a well-documented phenomenon; people who experience a long time in isolation, or who suffer through long periods of loneliness, become desperate for socialisation (and physical contact), to the point their immune systems and biological rhythyms (from circadian to infradian) start to deteriorate.
Realistically, Alejandro would've come out of the Drama Machine a desperate and sickly mess, riddled with insomnia and paranoia and incredibly touch-starved. But, as established, the show isn't exactly true-to-life when it comes to things like this, so...
As it stands, the fact that he emerged from his prison and immediately jumped back into his charming persona attests more to the fact that his flirtatious act is so deeply ingrained into his psyche than it does to his mental wellbeing. It could be argued that he's using the same act/mask/persona as a tether to his old self and an anchor to normalcy, as he'd likely crumble into an inconsolable mess without the scaffolding of his "TV personality" keeping him upright (metaphorically of course, as Alejandro is in fact not upright in the show. He's upside down for the majority of his time on All-stars).
Or maybe he's just built different? Who's to say.
We don't exactly know what went down during his year away, so it's impossible to make any concrete statements as to whether Alejandro was afforded the luxury of other people's company, or if he really was kept 100% isolated in the machine. The only thing we do know is that he likely had access to a phone, though didn't have the capability of using it without assistance, since he calls Heather out for never trying to contact him but also states the impossibility of him doing the same in turn.
Number four; lava damage and the lack thereof.
It's sort of explained during his scene at the end of World Tour, but Alejandro's whole "being trapped in the Drama Machine" deal - alongside being a parody of the scene where Anakin Skywalker is first put into the Darth Vader suit - is stated to be for his own benefit. He's essentially being locked away into a healing suit. Again, just like Anakin - they both even sport similar burn wounds.
He mentions at the beginning of All-stars that he doesn't really remember being put into the machine, and it's safe to assume that the majority of his time in the contraption is likely fuzzy to him as well; being fully concious of complete isolation for a whole year would be enough to drive anyone completely mad, and Alejandro is decidedly not insane (for the most part). Ergo, it's also a safe assumption that the inner mechanisms of the Drama Machine act as a sort of stoporous healing chamber, keeping Alejandro semi-concious and healing his various lava burns over the course of his concealment.
Sort of like a medical coma. Inside of a robot. A portable medical coma.
The "healing properties" would also justify why Alejandro's whole body hadn't deteriorated from muscle atrophy, or developed any (visible) burn scars from his stint in the Hot Sauce. Of course, as far as burn scars go, unless they're significantly deep they do tend to fade into near-invisibility over time. That, paired with the ~magical healing properties~ of his confinement, likely resulted in his lava burns scarring over into insignificance.
Then again, I once again have to take cartoon logic into account - the show itself likely just didn't consider the semi-realistic consequences of a year of entrapment, and wanted Alejandro to be near-enough the same character he was at the end of World Tour before the consequences™.
The main point here is this; Alejandro doesn't seem to remember the majority of his injuries following the volcano eruption in the World Tour finale, or if he does he's had a year of semi-conciousness to work through his thoughts and feelings on the matter, and as a result he doesn't seem to carry any (reasonable) trauma regarding lava, volcanoes, or other related stimuli.
He does, however, retain some "quirks" from his time in the machine.
Number five; an overview.
Alejandro comes out of the Drama Machine with a surprisingly little amount of visible trauma, both in terms of physical damage/scarring and observable mental changes.
He developed a very minor case of agoraphobia, spurned on by him becoming accustomed to existing in a very small, very cramped space, but otherwise attunes himself to the outside world incredibly fast.
Is this probably related to his social training, as a diplomat's son, and his heavy reliance on a "suave and charming" persona. He's likely battling with a lot of internal issues throughout the season, but squahing down his inner turmoil under his determination to win, which explains how/why he falls so easily into his scheming mindset - it, in and of itself, is a coping mechanism, though not a very healthy one.
*The paralysis of his legs was in all likelihood genuine, and a result of poor circulatory issues and minor muscular atrophy, which was almost immediately treated by the masseuse intern after the first challenge. Realistically (and how many times have I said that word) he'd have some lasting weakness in his legs, and maybe require the use of a mobility aid and/or physiotherapy. This is not the case, because... Total Drama.
There are subtle signs of the mental impact of his imprisonment, mostly in his immediate attachment to Heather (despite her taking away his reproduction privileges the last time they spoke, and her being Heather) and his innate need to prove himself as useful/capable despite his gameplan riding on him appearing pitiable and unthreatening (due to his "sleepy legs"). He's so starved for social interaction and validation that his actions are directly contradictory to his gameplans.
Though in the case of his Heather attachment, he could just be like that. He was also fairly infatuated with her in the latter half of World Tour, and the pineapple scene speaks for itself.
In conclusion; Alejandro is either completely goated and (for the most part) just shrugged off the trauma of being trapped in a tiny box for a year, or he was already so traumatised that the imprisonment was just another needle in his haystack of turmoil.
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