#[also because my job is insane but mainly this]
1327-1 · 1 year
i need money so i don't actually disintegrate during my actual job but every single idea for making passive income makes me want to pursue radioactivity in ungodly ways
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bigwishes · 1 year
Pretty Boy's Mistake
Kye was you average university athlete, mainly there to get a degree a generic sports degree to get a job as a personal trainer in the high end gyms, he rarely went to his lecture but always got outstanding grades. It wasn't that he wasn't passionate about sports or health, in fact he had taught himself pretty much everything the university had to offer before he had even gotten there. He was only there for a piece of paper. He spent most of his time in the gym, lifting weights whilst also training some guys on the side for some cash in hand work but he always made sure to put his own workouts first. His body was almost perfect and he loved every inch of it.
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Although he wished he could be bigger. He saw some of the guys in the gym, how their tank tops looked like they could burst at any moment. One time he even saw a guys tank split because of an insane chest pump. He loved huge guys, wanted to be fucking huge like them. He would picture his gym crush and how his entire car would bounce and wobble when he squeezed his massive frame inside, he wanted a guy like that in his bed, he wanted to be bigger than that but a body like that would probably take him another 15 years to build and he wanted to enjoy and flaunt that size before he left uni.
Kye was in the gym when he saw a huge lumbering giant walk in. The man looked like a superhero right out of a comic and something possessed Kye out of no where. He followed the huge meathead to the locker room.
Kye stood there seeing the giant block almost all the lockers on a wall his back was so wide and Kye got nervous, a lump formed in his throat and he spat out what he had to say.
"so...how do I get as big as you bro"
the massive dude turned around looking around the locker room checking to see if he was talking to someone else, he let out a thunderous chuckle.
"you talkin to me pretty boy?"
Kye grew red in the face "y-yeah man, look I been lifting for a few years and I really wanna get fucking huge like you man"
"aaa just keep at it guy, youll be massive like mean real soon"
"how old are you?"
"Im 22 bro"
"22!" Kye yelled "bro im almost 23 how the fuck you get so big man, you gotta tell me your secret"
"hmmm, look, you're kinda cute bro so, I'll let you in on a little secret, for a trade of course"
"Anything man, anything, Ive tried everything I know with diet and routine and I'm just not swelling up like other guys are"
"I'll give you my secret if you tell me why you wanna be so big, annnnd, for a date" the large man raise his eyebrow and walked closer to Kye.
Kye's heart started pounded as he imagined what it'd be like to have his skull crushed by the giant bodybuilder's monstrous thighs
"o-okay, ummm, phew, is it hot in here?" kye tripped and stumbled over his words like it was his first time ever talking to a guy.
"so, why you wanna be big pretty boy?"
Suddenly the man had is arms leaning on the doorframe behind Kye forming an arch over him looking down at him.
"eer, well, I-I like size and, I like guys with size and I wanna be big y-ya know" Kye tried to avoid eye contact as the massive brute leaned in
"So you like big guys hey? why don't you keep your lil jock bod, let a mountain like myself have fun with you"
"Because I ain't no bodies bottom bitch, believe me man, if I was as big as you, I'd of already throw you against the wall and you'd be beggin for it"
The massive meat head in front of him bit his lip
"so you promise, once you're as big as me you'll be tossing me around?"
Kye smirked trying to keep up the confident façade
"yeah bro, but gotta warn you, I'm already a catch, once guys see me with arms tearing out of my shirt and my huge muscled fat ass squeezed into tight gym shorts you'll probably have some competition"
"oh I like a cocky meathead"
the man turned around walking back to his gym bag pulling out a small vial of orange fluid, he handed it to kye
"I'm Jason by the way"
"What is this?"
"My secret mixture, drink it man, it'll make you real big...and give you that fat juicy ass you want"
Kye instantly downed the drink and gave Jason a wink.
"Alright, Im gonna go workout man"
"See you tomorrow pretty boy" Jason laughed as Kye walked out.
Kye was stepping into his car, having to stop to catch his breath, he worked harder than he ever had. He knew the vitamin shot he was given wasn't going to do anything but it was at least energising. Kye felt a strange tingling, as the veins on his pelvis swelled with blood pumping downwards. Kye gritted his teeth feeling like he was about to get hard and suddenly he watched as his package swelled and doubled in size in his pants.
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Kye jumped in his car feeling his thighs and arms swell. Like his pump was subsiding but his muscles weren't shrinking down to normal size.
He drove home, gritting his teeth and occasionally grunting the entire way.
Kye stepping of of his car feeling his shirt tight around his chest and arms. He let out a tired sigh feeling strange and walked inside. Kye saw himself in the mirror, his shirt tightly pulled across body. He pulled off his shirt seeing his abs slightly stretched out, rubbing his stomach watches his package swell again.
UUUUUGGGGhhhhhh He groaned.
"W-what the fuck is going on"
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Kye watches as his bulge swelled outwards in his pants straining against the fabric, as his stomach swelled outwards with it.
Kye grabbed his stomach feeling it strain
Kye let out a painful groan that turned into a belch as tears started to form in his eyes, his perfect 6 pack was gone swelled out like he had been bulking all year round.
Kye couldn't hold back the belches escaping his mouth and with each on his body changed. His arms swelled bigger, his thighs swells bigger.
He watched helplessly in the mirror unable to stop the changes, no matter how hard he pushed his stomach trying to get it to shrink the only thing he managed to do was push out another belch. Kye mercilessly began scratching at his jaw and neck feeling an annoying itch take over. He was too busy watching as his body swelled up to notice the changes in his face. Kye finally looked up from his bloated stomach to see himself, hairy, big and bulky.
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"WHAT THE FUCK, I" Kye pinched the side of his waist in disbelief
Kye's massive meaty hand felt is muscled gut vibrate as he belched. Feeling a surge of change again, but he didn't see himself get any bigger in the mirror, he heard a slight ripping noise and looked around. Turning to the side he saw the fabric of his gym shorts tight, torn and ripped over his massive muscular ass. His face turned bright red.
"Oh god..I'm...uuggh I'm like a fat bear"
Kye's stomach grumbled and he made his way to the kitchen poking and patting his gut hoping by some mirecal it would shrink and turn back into a six pack.
Kye sat in the gym locker room trying to hide his new burly body under bagging clothing. Embarrassed and hoping Jason would walk in at any moment. After about an hour Jason walked in.
"H-Hey Jason"
"Oh hey Pretty Boy, hows it feel bein big"
"I" Kye couldn't even finish his sentence before letting out a monstrous belch
"I didn't ask for this"
"yeah you did bro, you wanted to be big"
"AND NOW LOOK AT THIS, WHERE ARE MY ABS IM TUBBY" Kye lifted his shirt and poked at the muscled slab
"Man you aint tubby, you bulky, thick muscle"
"But I wanted my abs bro, I wanted to look like some pro bodybuilder not like some kinda burping werewolf"
Kye rubbed his gut cocking his mouth open belching causing Jason to laugh. Kye's face turned bright red
"Dude stop laughing and fucking do something, uuuggghhh"
"alright bro, quit the complaining I might have something for you"
"Anything is better than this man"
Jason handed Kye a vial filled with bright pink liquid
UUUURpp "so, this'll fix me?"
"Oh man, it'll give you the perfect body"
Kye looked at it suspiciously feeling the concrete wall he had for a stomach. He closed his eyes and downed, a few moments passed and Kye didn't feel much different, when suddenly the familiar sensation rose up from his gut to his throat.
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Kye's eyes widen and his face turned white
Kye tried to speak more but he struggled to form a full sentence from his constant belching
"Looking good man" Jason laughed
Kye, felt is rock hard bloated gut and heard the sound of tearing fabric as his muscles bulged out of his shit, soon he was left standing there in the gym locker room in nothing but his underwear.
Kye looked at himself in the mirror disappointed by his huge muscle gut, he cocked his mouth open and belched.
Jason let out a booming laugh "bro you look like you take roids and smash 6 protein shakes hourly"
"bro why'd you do this" Kye sheepishly asked
"because you wanted to me big"
"then why not make me like you, why give me this huge gu-UUUUURRP"
"Coz you were cocky, and I find it hot when cocky guys get taken down a peg"
"oh" kye smiled "so now you've gotten you kick I can go back right?"
"nah, you were a pretty boy jock, now you can enjoy being a bulky cunt"
Kye went to walk away from the mirror, hearing his underwear start to rip around is massive muscled ass. That'll teach him to take stuff from strangers in the locker room.
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februarybluues · 1 year
You spin my head around (like a record)
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summary: hobie never believed in throwing his money away to useless big corporations. but, when you started working at his favorite record shop, he decided to make a small exception. warnings: slight flirting, terrible british a/n: i love this idea so so much and have many ideas for it so if you want a part 2 let me know!!!
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If there was one thing hobie hated most, it was capitalism. Having to spend money on things you didn’t need but were marketed in a way that made you feel like you needed them, pissed him off to no end. Especially when it came to big corporations. He didn’t see the purpose of having to feed these ‘money-hungry pigs’, which would only end up causing harm to everything and everyone that got in their way. The only exception was small businesses. He never gave his money away on anything unless he desperately needed it, but that wasn’t often. Until it came to you.
There was a particular record shop in the middle of the city that he occasionally visited. Mainly because it was the only one near him that actually had his favorite artists. – which were rarely sold due to how ‘underground’ they were. Don’t get me wrong, he liked his fair share of mainstream, popular artists, he just also liked his fair share of small garage punk bands. The kind of small bands you’d find playing at your local pub. But, the point is: that specific record shop was the only one he actually liked. But, that didn’t change his hatred for capitalism. Which meant he wasn’t shy to ‘borrow’ a few cd’s, or vinyls from that shop. Actually, he hadn’t once paid for anything, and he’d never once been caught. That’s just how things were. He’d never planned to feed into society’s corrupt ideations. Never. He would continue to visit that record shop whenever he pleased, but never once considered buying anything. That is, until a new employee started working there.
They were perfect. The living embodiment of utter perfection. Every time Hobie entered the shop he was greeted by a sweet smile from behind the till. Everything that person did drove Hobie crazy. - in the best way imaginable. That person was you. You’d only recently gotten the job, around a few weeks ago. It was simple enough, but it definitely was not your dream job. You only got it because you needed the money, even though the pay was barely enough to get you going for the week, it was something! Despite never once having a proper conversation, Hobie knew he liked you. From your genuine, unrelenting kindness, to your style. He was fond of everything you did. And before he knew it, his occasional visits turned to him visiting whenever he could. Not because he wanted to actually buy anything, but because he wanted to see you. Any chance he got, he would rush straight over to you. It got to a point where he had memorised when you were working and when you weren’t. And now, here he was.
“Are you actually gonna pay this time?” you asked him, familiar with his habit of pocketing cd’s and vinyls and then leaving. You never did anything about it for many reasons. One of which was because you did not get paid enough to deal with it. And also, because he was insanely attractive. He laughed. Not like an actual laugh. But, a small exhale, similar to scoffing. “Maybe I am,” he said, handing you the vinyl. You smiled at him and scanned the record, noticing the familiar album cover. “Oh sex pistols!” you exclaimed, mentally taking note of how his music taste was almost as beautiful as he was. “You’ve got good taste.” you said, before putting the record in a bag. You didn’t notice how he lit up at the sudden compliment; freaking out on the inside, but playing it off well. “You listen to ‘em?” he asked, his heavy accent now very prominent. Your smile never once faltered as you looked back at him. “I love them!” you said. You began to hum the tune to one of their songs, doing a dramatic little dance, which earned a small laugh from him. “You know… It’s surprising that you’re actually buying something for once.” you commented, jokingly but also genuinely. He tilted his head to the side in response. “Oh yeah? How so?”  he leaned against the till, hands in his pockets as he talked with you. “Well, I see you here all the time. - Almost every time I'm working, actually. And - I guess I kinda got used to you wandering around and then leaving. It’s kind of weird how this is the first time I’ve heard your voice.” you laughed, and his lips quirked up in a small, almost unnoticeable smile. “What’s wrong with havin’ a look around?” his voice was low, and he spoke innocently. Despite the both of you knowing he was anything but innocent. “We both know you’ve been having a bit more than a look around.” you said, in reference to the many times you’d seen him ‘borrowing’ a few cd’s. He laughed this time. In truth, he cherished this moment. As it had been the first time he’d heard your voice. You were sweet, funny, and apparently had good music taste. All three of those traits were almost impossible to be found in the people Hobie had met. There was just something about you that was so different from everything else. So unique and-
“That’ll be 24.99” you said, snapping him out of his thoughts. 24.99? He repeated in his head, confused. He could’ve sworn that the price tag said 30? Had you given him a discount? For literally the first time ever, he handed the money to you and paid. He regretted a lot of things, but getting to talk to you was not one of them. You handed him the bag and smiled at him once more. Hobie then realised this would probably be the only time he’d ever interact with you again. In a panic, he spoke up again. “D’ya wanna spend time together after this? We could maybe listen t’the record? See if it was worth th’money?” While the usual confidence in his voice remained, there were hints of hesitation laced under his words. “I’d love to!” you exclaimed, blatantly happy. He smiled, now exposing his teeth. “Lovely.”
“I almost forgot–here’s my number!” you pulled out a pen from your pocket and wrote your phone number on the paper bag that you put his vinyl in; trying to make it as neat and legible as possible. Once you were happy with it, you handed it back to him. “I get off work at 6. Call me then and we can organise something, yeah?” you offered, to which he nodded. “It’s a date.” he said, and winked before turning around and exiting the shop; the jingling of the door suddenly sounded way happier than it usually did. Maybe your new job wasn’t so bad after all.
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hey pookie just wanted to let u know my requests are opennn and you wanna request something sooooo badly so why don't you just go over there and send one in thanks love u hope you liked that little fic
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midnightlovestories · 2 months
I, for one, love the fact the the writers in Prodigy made Janeway retire from Starfleet. Not only it makes sense but also shows her character growth.
Janeway loves Starfleet, Janeway IS Starfleet but I really appreciate that Prodigy showed that you can experience burnout even in doing something you love, in something that you considered part of who you were.
I love that Janeway allowed herself to recognize that it was becoming too much for her and took active steps to focus on herself (retirement). She's been through a lot even before Delta Quadrant and the PTSD from the Delta Quadrant alone was enough for her to spend the next decade in therapy. Also, if we consider Mosaic as canon for her backstory, she never really dealt with the loss of her father and fiancé, or her depression. She never grieved properly, she never processed her loss, she forced herself (and was pushed by her sister) to move on, she returned to Starfleet and kept herself busy, she buried her grief.
All that is a lot to carry and I mean A LOT. It all boils over in 'Night' in season 5 and she succumbs to her depression and then AGAIN, in the end she just claws her way back because the crew loves her and won't allow her to sacrifice herself and also her sense of responsibility to her crew wins. She claws her way back. She had a job to do, she has to get them home. Self-sacrifice is imbedded deeply in her character.
But there's no respite at home. Home is not the same.
Janeway is a scientist and an explorer first anf foremost, she’s also excellent diplomat. Politics is part of diplomacy but politics is not why she joined Starfleet for. Her job as an Admiral is now mainly politics, it's a chronically stressful occupation with insane responsibility and Janeway hadn't had a break for years at this point. And even Chakotay’s disappearance aside, she's clearly disillusioned with what Starfleet is at this point.
It is becoming too much and Janeway acknowledging that is huge step for this character, it must be nothing but devastating to acknowledge that the one thing you gave your life in service of, is no longer serving you, it's actually bad for you and your mental health. I don't believe Janeway took the decision to retire lightly, I imagine it broke her heart to retire but she needed it.
I know kiddies watching PRO won't know any of this, because you need to know Janeway’s backstory from Voy, but just the fact that the show for kids did not shy away from trauma and mental health issues is, in my opinion, phenomenal. I love and applaud the writers decision to make Janeway retire, however briefly. It checks out.
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the-lavender-clown · 10 months
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MORE COWBOY AU STUFF BECAUSE I’M OBSESSED!!! The au I’ve made with some friends is called Fool’s Gold! I may or may not write some fics for it 👀
Here’s an infodump on it if anyone is interested!!
Raph is tired sheriff who sighs at every newspaper & new wanted poster showing off his blue and purple brothers as well as Donnie’s partner in crime but a he can’t help but be a little proud because he knows their doing good, just in their own special & questionable way.
Mikey is a nomad that travels around & sells self-woven clothes and blankets as well as hand carved & painted trinkets or whatever else he’s made. He treats weary travelers to home cooked meals & tales & legends of four brothers! He’s also the only brother not *constantly* making trouble for Raph.
Leo is a lone hero. Going town to town & over throwing whatever greedy mayor/banker/outlaw has that town in its clutches. He’s able to masterfully manipulate whoever he’s dealing with & using his many resources to gather important information. He ties them up to a post for the sheriff’s convenience when he comes by the town to pick them up.
Donnie & Cass are bounty hunters/mercenaries. They used to chase each other for their bounties & because Cass was a part of the Foot before the brothers took them down & Donnie just so happens to often be the closest to her trail once she popped up again. After awhile of constantly failing to catch each other they started thinking of each other as *their* targets & everyone knew better than to try and catch the other. A fun little song & dance/game of cat & mouse if you will. Eventually they ended up having to run from the same person together & realized that they honestly make a good team & have stuck together ever since!
Shelldon is adopted by Donnie before he & Cass teamed up. He was told by the Purple Dragons to get close to Donnie so they could catch him in exchange for enough money to set him for life, money they had no intention on giving him. He did get close to Donnie but in the end didn’t want to betray him but the Dragons had accounted for that & set off an explosion in a mining tunnel to get rid of them both. Donnie ended up being able to get Shelldon a little clear of the crumbling tunnel before he was trapped under the rumble. Shelldon doesn’t want to leave him but eventually does & immediately goes to try to find help, coming across Leo who had found Donnie’s spooked horse & was trying to find out what trouble Donnie had gotten himself into since his horse never leaves unless something really bad happened. Donnie ends up losing a leg cuz is it truly an F!Donnie if he doesn’t?
Casey is adopted after Donnie & Cass team up. They were in town for some groceries when Raph told them about this kid in some not so great circumstances & said it’d be a shame if someone were to beat up his guardians & kidn@p him while he was busy with all this paperwork. Donnie & Cass were gone before he finished. They weren’t gonna pass up an opportunity where they had permission to do a crime after all!
The main difference between Leo & Donnie’s work is that Donnie always cashes in the bad guys for money & can be hired for jobs as well as uses semi lethal methods while Leo mainly does it for fun & justice (& to mess with Raph) & takes like a free drink as payment before moving on. Leo will leave notes on the bad guys for Raph for when he comes to pick them up.
“The Bread Winners” is the name of Donnie, Casey, Shelldon, & Junior’s gang because Casey’s brownie scouts & my Donnie baker hc. It also shows that they’re in it for the money & fits with how the go undercover as a family often. Plus it sounds innocent enough to disguise how insane they really are.
That is it for now!! Hope some of y’all like it!!
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Here’s the drawing without the text in the middle
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bbrissonn · 5 months
𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
in which you lay alone in your bed at night wondering where your relationship with the young star went wrong
disclaimer: english is not my first language and this is not proofread so please excuse any errors and if any words are missing add them in your head :) also this is a work of fiction, this doesn’t reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn’t how i imagine them acting 
HUGH DISCLAIMER: this fic doesnt have a clear ending. i literally have no motivation to continue this, but i cannot find it in myself to start my next work for this album until this one is out. so yeah, sorry about that :)
warnings: angst, swearing , not proofread  
pairing: jack hughes x reader
wc: 2.6k (including lyrics)
guts masterlist
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Cat got my tongue
And I don’t think I get along with anyone
Blood runnin’ cold
I’m on the outside of the greatest inside joke
And I hate all my clothes
Feels like my skin doesn’t fit right over my bones
So I guess I should go
The party’s done, and I’m no fun, I know, I know
I know, I know
Ever since you had moved to New York in early 2022, it felt like it had been living a lie. Like this life you were living wasn’t yours, like you had just stolen it from someone. Growing up, you had always been homeschooled, meaning your social life was slime to none. So, it was safe to say that when you chose to move to New York for a job your mom’s friend had offered you, you were scared. 
You only had two real friends, who you barely ever saw because of their busy scheduled with school before, and even more now since you three were all over the country doing your own things. Luckily for you, there was a girl only 2-3 years older than you at your job, meaning you had someone to talk to if you felt the need. After a month of two, the two of you became friends, growing ever closer when you realized you lived in apartment blocks next to each other. 
Which is how you found yourself at a bar on a saturday night in October of that year. Mailey had convinced you to come with her, claiming the two of you needed to decompress from your busy week at work. You rolled your eyes at first, but agreed none the less. Ever since this summer, you found yourself starting to go out more, joining Mailey and her friends every once in a while. Only this time was so much different than the others. 
There was a big group of maybe 20ish guys, age ranging from young adults to full grown men, taking up most of the place. The two of you were confused, seeing as this bar barely ever had people coming in, and it was mainly the same people coming here every week. So, a group of random guys neither of them had seen around before certainly peeked your interest. 
“What do you think they’re doing here?” You asked as the two of you sat down at your usual spot. The group occupying the opposite side of the room. 
“Don’t know. But they’re not buying that cheap booze.” Mailey mumbled, her eyes focused on the insane amount of liquor at the couple of tables they were occupying. The two of you eventually started forgetting about them, talking about random things that happened throughout the week. 
“Not to freak you out, but there’s a guy that keeps looking at you. A cute guy.” The girl across from you said after about an hour of the two of you being there. You furred your brows slightly at her words, before turning your head in their direction. That’s when you met his eyes for the first time. He had a slight grin on his face as he stared into your eyes, nodding along to whatever the guy next to him was saying. You sent him a small smile, waving slightly, which he answered with a nod. 
“More like hot guy.” You mumbled, looking back over at your best friend. You had had a couple of flings here and there, but nothing ever serious, and you were never used to getting boys’ attention on a night out. 
“He’s going to the bar. Go talk to him.” Mailey announced, making you turn your head to look at him. At the same time, he looked over at your table, sending you a small wink when your eyes met. 
“Rich coming from someone who always says girls don’t chase, they attract.” You teased, making her roll her eyes. You eventually decided to go up to him later that night, talking for a bit before exchanging numbers. Jack, you learned his name was, didn’t seem to want to get into talking about his group of friend too much, so you kept all your questions to yourself. 
Over the next couple of weeks, the two of you got to know each other. Your friendship slowly formed and the two of you grew closer each other. But, clearly Jack was still holding back on some stuff. He still refused to open up about his friends and what he does as a living exactly. You told yourself that he’d tell you when he was ready, but you were getting a little impatient, which is why you pretty much forced the answer out of him when you went over to his apartment one day. 
“When are you gonna tell me?” You asked, pausing the show the two of you were watching. Your words made him look over at you, a confused expression on his face as his eyes met yours. 
“What do you mean?” 
“When are you gonna tell me truth, Jack. If that’s even your name.” You sassed, making the boy next to you let out a deep sigh as he threw his head back. 
“D’you wanna see my birth certificate?” He answered coldly, making you scoff. “What I do doesn’t matter, Y/N, so just drop it.” 
“If it doesn’t matter than why won’t you tell me, Jack? You know pretty much everything about me and my life, and barely know anything from yours. God, you won’t even tell me the names of your brothers!” 
“Why do you care so much?” 
“Because I like you, Jack! And… and I though you liked me back, but clearly I was wrong.” You admitted, standing up from your spot on the couch as you started packing up your things. “Just forget it.” You mumbled as you started making your way to the door. You were stopped right as you were about to grab onto the doornob. 
“Y/N, wait!” He said, grabbing your wrist and turning you around before you could leave. “I like you too, Y/N, and I’m sorry I haven’t been honest with you, but I didn’t want what I do in life to influence how you see me. I’ve had way too many people use me and I didn’t want that to happen again because I really like you.” 
“Jack, I made it clear hundreds of that time that I what you do in life wouldn’t change the way I see you, but you kept hiding from me. It makes me feel like you don’t trust me.” You explained with a scoff. The boy in front of you sighed before cupping your face in his head, his forehead leaning against yours. 
“I know, I know, I should’ve told you a long time ago. But what we have, it’s really special to me, and it’s so good. I didn’t want to ruin it.” 
“You’d have to be a serial killer for me to change my mind about how I feel, Jack.” 
“Stay. Please. I’ll tell you everything, I promise, just don’t leave me, please.” He begged, his thumbs rubbing small circles under your eyes. You swallowed harshly before slightly nodding your head yes. Jack then brough the two of you back to his couch, and he stuck to his promise. He started going on and on about his life, starting with the fact that he played hockey for the Devils. Then he moved on to telling you pretty much every single memory he had about the sport, a wide grin plastered on his face. 
In exchange, you opened up to him about some of the insecurities you had because you were homeschooled, including having to attened big parties and being surrounded by large crowds. Jack had promised that was something he would never put your through, but you quickly learned that his promise meant nothing to him. 
I broke a glass, I tripped and fell
I told secrets I shouldn’t tell
I stumbled over all my words
I made it weird, I made it worse
Each time I step outside, it’s social suicide
It’s social suicide, wanna curl up and die
It’s social suicide
It had now been three months since Jack asked you out. You had met his brother Luke when the boy came to visit, talked to his parents through face time a while ago, but you had yet to met his friends. You tried hard not to let it bother you, but it did. He didn’t want you attending his games either, claiming he didn’t want people to hate on you because you were his girlfriend. You couldn’t help but overthink the fact that maybe it was just because you were his girlfriend.
You had seen pictures of the other players wives and girlfriends, and you looked nothing like them. They all seemed so outgoing and the life of the party. Not to mention all of the models Jack followed, all of them being the exact opposite of you. You had questioned him about it one night, he just scoffed and said you were being petty and pathetic asking him a question like that. 
“J?” You called out. His arms were wrapped around your waist, your back pressed against his chest. 
“When am I gonna meet your friends?” You asked quietly, making the boy sigh harshly against the back of your neck. 
“Got to sleep, Y/N.” He mumbled. 
“Could you at least answer me?” 
“I don’t know, okay? Your weird fear of crowds or whatever makes it impossible for you to meet them all at the same time, and I’m not gonna go through the burden of setting up little dates with my teammates just so you can meet them. Can I sleep now, mother?” He answered harshly as his arms left your frame and he turned around, his back to yours. You felt tears prikle in your eyes at his words. 
“I can handle it.” Your voice was low, not trusting your voice not to crack if you talked any louder. Jack let yet another sigh at your words. 
“We’re getting together after the game tomorrow, come if you want.” 
“To your game?” You asked hopeful. You were growing tired of just watching him play through your TV screen, when he was close to your home. 
“No. After.” And just like that, all your hope was crushed. 
“What should I wear?” 
“I don’t know, and I don’t care.” He grumbled, getting out of bed making your head snap towards him as he approached the door. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Guest room. I need peace and you keep talking.” Was the last thing he said before leaving the room. When you woke up the next morning, he was gone, no text no notes, nothing. He didn’t come back for his pregame nap either, which scared you a little. But all your nerves went away when his face appeared on your Instagram feed, a bright smile on his face as the picture the Devils posted illuminated your screen. 
All of your texts to Jack had gone unanswered, as well as your calls. Thankfully, you knew where the team would be heading after the game, it was a local bar near the rink they went to almost every time after a game. You had gotten there a lot later than everyone, spending thirty minutes in your car deciding whether or not Jack would still want you there. You figured there was only one way to find out so in you went. 
The place was crowded, the music loud as the bartenders prepared multiple drinks. Realistically, there wasn’t that many people here, just the team and a couple other regulars, it was just a really small room. It took you a couple of minutes to spot Jack, who was sitting at a table with a couple of his friends and lots of girls. You tried to look as confident as possible as you made your way over to him. Some of his friends and their partners started at you, wondering what someone like you was doing here. 
“Jack?” You called out as you stood behind him. His arm was resting on the chair of a pretty blond girl next to him. You couldn’t quite describe the look in his eyes when his head turned to face you, but the words he was about to say completely crushed you. 
“Do I know you?” He questioned, and you could feel your heart shatter inside of you. You tried your best to keep a brave face on, but you were dying on the inside. 
“J, come one, this isn’t funny. I’ve been texting and calling all day, you were gone when I woke up this morning.” You mumbled, taking a step closer to him. The girl on his right could read you perfectly, and she realized that you two were a couple. When it clicked in her mind, she sent the boy a judging look before standing from her seat and walking back to her friends. 
Jack got up right after her, gripping your wrist and dragging you outside the bar. “What’re you doing here?” He asked harshly once the two of you stood outside alone. 
“No! What are you doing, Jack?”
“I’m enjoying a night with my buddys!” 
“Yeah, the friends you said I could meet. Tonight!”
“When did I say that?” His words were harsh and rude, making your heart shatter even more. You truly did not understand why he always acted this way towards you lately, but you were growing tired of it. 
“Last night! You said I could come if I wanted to, and I want to be here, so here I am. And here you are, with your arm around another girl!” You said, your tone matching his. You were tired of letting him walk over you all the time. 
“I said that so you would shut up and leave me alone. God, you’re always just complaining about everything and anything. It’s like nothing’s ever enough for you, you always need more–” 
“Oh, nothing’s enough for me? What about you, huh? Am I not enough for you?” 
“There you go, making it about you like always.” 
“Because this is about me, Jack! I am your girlfriend of three months, and I don’t know any of your friends! It’s like you’re ashamed to be with me. Do your friends even know about me?” You asked. There were tears in the back of your eyes threatening to spill, but you blinked them away. You had cried enough over him for the last couple of weeks. The boy in front of you stayed silent at your question, making you scoff. 
“Of course they don’t know, just like your brother’s weren’t suppose to know, or your parents. You don’t want anyone to know that your girlfriend is me.” You spoke with your voice low. This exact though had been in the back of your mind for a long time, but saying it out loud made it feel so much more real. 
“Things were better before you knew–” 
“They were better for you! You lied to me for weeks, and you’re still lying. All you do is lie, Jack. I can’t believe I waisted so much time and energy on you. You never wanted this relationship, did you? You just wanted someone to fuck whenever you needed, someone to be there for you. You didn’t care who it was, you neved cared about me. You’re pathetic, seriously.” You mumbled before pushing past the hockey player and walking to your car. 
You were done with Jack Hughes.
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hi-there-buddies · 9 days
Just got back from watching Transformers: One
HEAVY spoilers under cut!:
Ok, the first thing I need to say is this:
If the cybertronians in this movie were humans, and this was a live action film, this movie would be rated R
The level of violence in this movie is something I seldom see in actual live action movies. It was insane
At one point at the end of the film, Megatron RIPS Sentinel in half with his bare hands, and you can SEE the “guts” and wires as you see the light disappear from a bisected Sentinal’s eyes. It’s crazy
There was also a point where Optimus was accidentally shot by Megatron (who was trying to kill Sentinel), and he started falling off a ledge. Megatron then catches him, but you can SEE in his eyes the hatred growing more and more, and then his eyes shoot up at the camera, blood red. He then says something like “I’m done saving you” and LETS OPTIMUS FALL
There was also a bit of an underlying “we can’t kill them, we’ll be as bad as them” point. But it’s not like you think. What Optimus mainly said was “we can’t start off the rebuilding of Iacon with an execution” and I think that is actually pretty sound advice, and makes more sense than “we can’t kill them cause we’ll be just as bad” when they were just murdering people five minutes ago. It also kinda fixes Optimus’ character (comparing it to what happened in Dark of the Moon; another movie where Optimus had the opportunity of killing Sentinel, and he took it).
Overall I think the way they used the theme was pretty good, and they definitely did a good job at making Megatron a hypocrite. At some point after they find out Sentinel is a villain, Megatron says something akin to “I’ll never trust another so called leader again”, and then he basically becomes a leader that demands obedience. His descent in to madness was pretty chilling to watch.
There’s one point where he looks Optimus dead in the eyes and goes “I…Got…It” and it’s fucking horrifying
He is the one who made Starscream’s voice all fucked up in this continuity too, which is crazy because in all the other continuities his voice was just kinda like that, so I was NOT expecting it.
Anyway, great movie.
Had a brilliant structure, and you always knew what the plot was. A lot of movies are struggling with that lately. No scene drags on too long, and the humor is actually pretty good (I love Bumblebee)
Also, Bumblebee did NOT lose his voice, and he also didn’t get renamed to bumblebee, so this actually might be a prequel to the Knightverse (he was also called B-127, which was in the trailers)
I’d give this movie and 8.5 or 9 out of 10, but that might be because I’m a Transformers fan. My sister doesn’t know anything about Transformers, and she gave it an 8/10, which kinda points to another fact: this is an AMAZING starting point for new fans!
Watch it if you haven’t, because I only described some of the movie here! It’s crazy seeing it in theaters
(If you have any questions about the movie, feel free to ask!)
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justgrey · 7 months
Hello! I’d like to request the mercenaries with a fem mercenary reader who is a shapeshifter and has a pretty chaotic personality? Basically Nimona from the movie Nimona lol
Watched the movie finally, and now I'm gay for ballister. Thanks for that xoxo. be on the lookout for something on him because i want to chew him and hit him like a tennis ball
Also, it's safe to say I got a little stupid with this one 💀
Mercs with a chaotic! reader
Warnings : swearing, light mentions of gore, talk of body parts, medic.
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CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS *jevil laughter*
Probably get along really well with Pyro and Scout not gonna lie because Pyro likes to burn shit (Even though I'm pretty sure they think they're spreading joy and colour) and Scout is pretty hyper in general, willing to go along with anything as long as it's fun.
*burns down barn*
"huddah huh huu hud."
"Yeah, loving the colour too, pally. Really makes the wood boom." *evil chuckles*
As soon as Pyro learns about your shapeshifting ability, they're all over you. They want you to play 3 different characters at their tea parties simultaneously and transform into a unicorn so that they can ride you into battle and fulfill their wildest dreams
"Hud hudda hu hubuh huuuuh HUDDAH!!"
"Okay, okay, fine!" *transforms into a unicorn* "Get on."
*excited hu noises*
Besties 💗🌈🔥✨️
Some of the older and quieter mercenaries are NOT gonna be having a field day with you and your silly little personality.
Sniper hates it THE MOST. He doesn't like people that much in general and can barely keep up with the hyperactive chaos that is you, so he mainly sticks to watching you burn shit down from afar.
"Did'ya really have ta' do that much?"
"Yeah. Why, you not liking it, pissboy?"
"That's what I thought. Don't be a hero, buddy."
Although he doesn't appreciate your snarky attitude, he likes how you can shapeshift. He really likes animals and will sometimes scope in on you when you transform, nodding with approval and whispering a little, "cool" that he hopes nobody hears.
Spy thinks you're a nuisance around the base but definitely sees the usefulness in your shapeshifting abilities since he kinda almost does the same damn thing, just with his goofy masks. He respects you for that, if anything, at all.
Do not ever expect to replace him or get remotely close to him in espionage, though. If you are at the same level as Nimona, you're not great at directly impersonating humans, and he will tease you about it.
"What was that, today?
"What was what?"
"The 'Oh Mon deu! Ack! Oohh! I dropped my baguette' if that was meant to be an impersonation of me, know that it was terrible, and my lawyer will be contacting you."
"I dunno, I think it was pretty accurate." *shrug*
Medic loves you. Sorry, not sorry. Loves you. Does get tired of you sometimes, but not all the time. He's generally also very *bzzz bzzz chaos organs* so he's happy to indulge in whatever you want to do which usually involves the absolute destruction of everything.
Medic is also incredibly fascinated by your shapeshifting ability. Do not sleep around this man while shape shifted because he's poking and prodding everywhere while you're out.
"Ohoho... how peculiar" *pokes open nerve*
*nervous chuckle as he hides a bucket of blood and from your view*
Engineer tries to be that guiding light he thinks you need. He's a friend, a father figure, a colleague, whatever you need. He's a nice Southern gentleman with a slightly insane twist. Encourages you to be careful around the others, but if you aren't, he's not complaining. Makes the job easier if everyone listens.
Heavy is pretty chill with you. He's neither annoyed nor pleased that you're around. He relatively keeps to himself, medic, and his guns.
Actually, do not touch his gun. Do not pretend to be his gun either.
Soldier and Demo like your charisma. You can be a pretty fun drinking partner for demo, and a nice soldier when you're willing to follow orders (which isn't usually) but as long as you get the job done with as much destruction as possible, Soldier is saluting you almost as much as he does the American flag that is hanging next to his bed.
"SIR YES SIR! or something I dunno, fuck this is weird..."
*walks with soldier, ignoring the screams of the dammed behind you*
He makes you transform into an eagle and has you sit there on his arm for a while, admiring you fly. It's brought him close to tears on many occasions.
Whenever he gets married to Heavy's sister, Soldier is making sure that you are THERE as an Eagle. He'll pay you to fly across the sky and make majestic bird noises.
Overall, some very mixed experiences. But a fun concept either way.
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A Love Match
Note: this fic is a bit of a birthday present to my dearest @neonhairspray. Thank you for helping me with further inspiration for this fic during our unhinged convos. I wrote this because of our conversations and want to dedicate it to you, so I hope you like it and you may notice I added some stuff for you in here!
extra note: again, we're talking FOOTBALL football, not American football ;) I edited this while watching a match, any mistakes left will be corrected over time.
Warnings: 18+! fluff/smut/mainly just very suggestive.
pairing: FootballPlayer!Sihtric x Maid!Reader (f)
summary: You accidentally fell in love with a famous football player. 
wordcount: 8,3k
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You were never into football. It was a sport you just never cared for, because what was the bloody point of watching people run after a ball for an hour and half? It bored you greatly and, beside all that, you believed that football players were ridiculously overpaid for the bare minimum they did of playing a match every few weeks, and most of them were overly dramatic on the field too. You also thought that most footballers weren't that smart either, but in truth, what did you know? Not much, because you just weren't impressed with the whole football world. Therefore you also weren't phased when you got to work for Sihtric Kjartansson, a talented football player and a huge name in the business. You had vaguely heard of him before but you didn't care about his profession, you were only interested in the paycheck that came with being his maid, which was a royal one.
A quick google search would tell anyone that Sihtric had started out playing for the local Dunholm team as a young boy, but he outgrew the club quickly and eventually travelled all over the world to play football. He stuck around in Denmark for years, but he recently moved back to England after purchasing a massive mansion in the fanciest part of London, as he transferred back to England and was also selected to play for England's national team as the World Cup was approaching. He was one of the most interesting centre-forward players right now, and the insane amount of money he was paid to transfer back to England was sickening.
Despite your lack of interest in this job, you couldn't deny that the famous footballer was handsome. Incredibly handsome, actually. His long dark hair was always braided during a match, but tied into a nonchalant bun during training, and his well kept facial hair was always on point, highlighting his sharp and godly facial features. And the glimpses you had caught of his body weren't a punishment either, his football shirt hugging his biceps tightly while his football grip socks accentuated his calf muscles, and his thighs looked more than firm enough to make you feel good when grinding those alone. 
Sihtric had the looks but he clearly wasn't the brightest at times as you became aware he was often impulsive and reckless on the field, staining his kits with his own blood after he had injured himself in various ways, by colliding into others or by simply tripping over the ball in the heat of the moment, which only seemed to confirm your thoughts about football players not being very bright.
However, you weren't completely right about everything you always suspected about footballers, because you found out the first few weeks of your new job that Sihtric wasn't doing just the bare minimum. On the contrary, as he worked hard and was incredibly focused on his career, you were actually shocked by the amount of training he did. And you were also shocked by the amount of football kits you had to wash for him every week, with the smell of his football socks after every training and friendly match being almost lethal. But doing his laundry was a part of your job, just like keeping his entire house clean and getting groceries for him, to make sure his fridge was always stacked with the nutritious foods he needed to stay in the perfect shape he was in.
Because he had such a busy schedule you had only seen him a handful of times in passing, so you didn't know much about him, but he seemed kind and generous. Every now and then he'd leave a thank you note on the kitchen counter for you, a small way of showing his appreciation for all the work you did for him so he could dedicate every waking second to football. And it became evident one morning that despite the fact you were working for Sihtric for a few months already, you both weren't up to date with each other's schedule. You thought he was out training, as usual, thus you being the only person in his home, while Sihtric was apparently completely oblivious to the hours you worked, so he thought he was alone too.
And therefore Sihtric didn't think twice when he hopped out of the shower, not covering himself with anything except for his long black football socks because he hated the feeling of his bare feet touching the floor, and so he went downstairs to quench his thirst before getting fully dressed in his football kit and leave for training. You had been downstairs in the laundry room on the other side of his mansion, so you hadn't heard the water run while he took a shower and you also hadn't heard him come down the stairs as you were busy loading the laundry basket with his clean clothes for you to fold, which you always did in the kitchen you had cleaned prior to that.
And when you quietly made your way to the kitchen, laundry basket in hand, you froze upon the sudden sight of Sihtric standing in front of the refrigerator, his back turned to you as he drank some sparkling water straight out of a bottle while being completely naked, apart from a pair of socks. His long hair slicked back as it was still wet from his shower, and your jaw dropped as your eyes wandered over his muscular back, trailing over his broad shoulders and toned biceps, then down to his perfectly shaped waist. You then gaped at his muscular thighs and lowered your gaze down his long and toned legs, finding his socks highlighting the muscles they covered from view. And then your eyes went back up again, only to land on his firm and deliciously shaped buttocks, which were perfect, just like the rest of his body.
You gasped lightly and seemed to lose all control over your own muscles, dropping the laundry basket which landed with a dull thump on the tiles while you had to grab onto the cabinet right next to you as your knees weakened, all which in return startled Sihtric. He jumped in response to your sudden presence and turned around, completely exposing himself before he dropped the water bottle to cover up his goods with his tattooed hands, while the water oozed out of the bottle and soaked his socks slowly.
'Oh my god!' you yelled and averted your eyes as fast as you could, but not before you had already gotten a good look at his full frontal side, which wasn't any less impressive than his back, 'I'm so sorry!'
'No,' Sihtric said, panicked as he searched for something to cover himself with, 'I'm sorry,' his eyes darted all over the kitchen as he blushed, but that small kitchen towel he saw wouldn't even cover his thighs, and he knew it, 'I- I didn't know you were here.'
'I am always here,' you argued with flushed cheeks, still shocked as you knelt down to gather the laundry back in the basket, desperately trying to not look up again, 'I thought you weren't home!'
You realised Sihtric was still frantically looking for a way to cover himself with not just his hands, and you quickly threw him one of his clean football shorts. Sihtric hid behind the kitchen island and pulled up the shorts, while you feigned great interest in sorting out his clothes on that same kitchen island before folding them. Sihtric cleared his throat awkwardly before he cleaned up the mess he had made by dropping his drink, insisting he'd clean it up and not you, and he left the room without saying another word, leaving you to your work before he left for his.
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Sihtric messed up his entire training as he was stuck in his head about the embarrassing encounter he had with you earlier that day. He missed every shot to score and, as a centre-forward, it was not making him look good. Pyrlig, his coach, had tried to snap Sihtric out of the weird state he was in several times, but to no avail. The coach hoped it was just a temporary state of nerves before the Euro Cup started, but in truth it had nothing to do with football. 
Sihtric just couldn't forget about what had happened that morning, and not just because he was ashamed he had fully exposed himself like that to you. He wasn't ashamed of his body at all, but he did not want you to feel awkward around him because you had seen all of him without asking for it. But the main problem for Sihtric was actually the fact that this was the first time he had gotten a good look at you, as you had only met in quick passing before while he was always in a rush, and the reason why he had been so desperate to cover himself up was because he felt a certain… excitement. And he found himself thinking of you for the rest of the day while he had to awkwardly readjust his shorts a few times.
When he came home late in the afternoon after his training, he was surprised to see you were still around. He considered avoiding you but then took a deep breath and greeted you as you locked eyes in the living room in passing, after you had just vacuumed the place. Your shift was basically over and so you tidied up the last things before going home, but Sihtric came up to you before you could grab your coat.
'Hey, so,' he said as he looked away from you, looking everywhere but into your eyes, 'I'm really sorry about what happened this morning. I never wanted to, you know, just expose myself to you like that. I would have never walked around naked if I knew you were here. I'm sorry-' he rambled on and became inaudible while he nervously raked his hands through his loose hair.
'Sihtric,' you said with a shy chuckle, 'it's okay. I know it was an accident, don't worry about it.'
'Yeah, well,' he mumbled and shrugged, 'but, eh, I was wondering if maybe, you know, we could… we could maybe go for dinner or something. I have the evening off, so, I don't know,' he began to mumble too quietly again for you to understand him.
'Dinner?' you frowned, 'tonight?'
'What, like a… uh, a date or something?' you asked carefully.
'I guess you could call it that,' Sihtric said with a shy and cautious smile, 'I mean, we barely know each other while you're in my house every day and- oh, fuck,' he suddenly groaned and buried his face in his hands, 'fuck, I'm sorry. You're probably married or something-'
'No,' you interrupted, a little quicker than anticipated and you tried to keep your cool, 'I mean, no, I am single. I just, eh, I'm just surprised is all. But, yeah, sure,' you smiled, 'but I really want to go home and change my clothes.'
'Sure, no problem,' the footballer said while he fought a huge smile, 'just give me your address and I can pick you up later.'
You slightly panicked a few hours later when you had decided to take a look at Sihtric's social media. He had millions of followers on every platform he had, and you suddenly felt ridiculous for accepting to go out with him. You weren't looking for a fancy life, you liked the humble and good life which you had created for yourself and you had no interest in changing that or somehow becoming the centre of attention when you were seen with a famous football player by your side.
You sighed and checked yourself out in the mirror a few more times. You were dressed in a figure hugging dress and some comfortable but classy shoes underneath, with a matching purse in hand. You felt silly for being nervous. You didn't care about Sihtric's fame and money, but you lied when you tried to convince yourself that you also didn't care about his looks. Because you did. You were attracted to him and you hated yourself for it, because falling for a footballer when you don't care about the sport is such a cliché. And you hated yourself even more when your doorbell rang and your heart skipped a beat before you jumped up, because you knew it was Sihtric.
Your breath hitched in your throat when you opened the door. Sihtric was dressed in black jeans with matching Oxford shoes and black socks. He wore a tight fitting black long sleeve with a turtleneck, and on top a grey blazer that was tailored to him. The tattoo on the side of his head visible as his hair was tied back into a messy but sexy bun, and around his neck hung a bronze Mjölnir pendant, which matched with the several bronze rings around his tattooed fingers. He looked simply dashing.
And Sihtric was in his turn speechless as well, seeing you all dressed up but not overdoing it. Your natural beauty made his heart skip a few beats while his mismatched eyes darted all over your figure, and he checked out your bare legs a little longer than he should have, already imagining what it would be like to kiss those up while he had you at his mercy.
After you both managed to compose yourself and indulged in some small talk, he walked you to his fancy car; a ridiculously expensive black lamborghini. You were almost terrified to move as you sat in the vehicle, afraid you'd somehow damage the pristine condition of its dark interior. And as if Sihtric didn't quite daze you enough yet, his warm amber-like scent gave you a rush of butterflies and you couldn't stop staring at his hands as he drove the fast car so smoothly and with care, never being reckless or showing off the speed it could get to. 
But despite his calm nature, you felt like you could only breathe again once Sihtric opened the car door for you and helped you out, his warm hand holding yours as he closed the door behind you and walked you to the restaurant he had picked. The place was fancy and expensive, but luckily not over the top or making you feel underdressed, and when you sat down at the table and Sihtric finally found the courage to compliment your outfit, your nerves slowly began to disappear.
That night you learned that Sihtric was kind and funny, and he was not quite as dumb as you thought he was. He was actually very smart, his problem was just that he was impulsive on the football field which often made headlines and portrayed him as a good player but also as a hotheaded player, which was the ultimate combination to be a fan favourite. But you were glad to see nothing of that hotheadedness during your pleasant dinner, as he was nothing but sweet and gentle. 
You also felt Sihtric was flirting with you every now and then, for there was a mischievous spark in his piercing eyes when he gazed at you with his half smile as you spoke. You were enamoured by him, and you had no idea he was just as smitten with you. But then he had no idea about your interest in him either, as you both downplayed your emotions throughout the evening. And when Sihtric brought you home afterwards, he walked you to your door and departed with a firm hug and another apology for earlier that day. And you hated how you found yourself in bed later that night, scrolling through his tag on instagram to look at photos and videos of him until you dozed off.
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The following weeks after your sudden dinner date were surprisingly normal. Sihtric trained daily while you did your own job, and you smiled every time you arrived at his place and found he had written you an appreciative note for you before leaving the house. You rarely saw each other, which wasn't uncommon but you now thought was unfortunate because you wouldn't mind seeing him some more. And because you barely saw him, your next conversation with him a few weeks later came as a total surprise when you helped him pack his bags one evening, a few days before he was to travel to Germany for the World Cup. Sihtric looked stressed, and you asked him if he was okay, to which he nodded and then out of nowhere blurted out the question if you wanted to accompany him to Berlin.
'What?' you asked for a fifth time.
'There won't be much work to do here as I won't be home for weeks,' Sihtric shrugged while he leaned back against his ensuite bathroom door, completely dressed this time after a shower, 'and I also thought it's a way for me to thank you for taking care of my house and also for taking care of me in a way, I suppose.'
'Taking care of your place is my job, Sihtric,' you chuckled, still not sure of how to respond to his invitation.
'I know,' he shrugged, 'but still, you know? I'd like it if you would accompany me, but it's okay if you don't want to.'
'I'm just not sure of what I'm supposed to do there, I'm really not into football, I hate it,' you confessed, revealing your zero interest in his line of work.
'Oh,' Sihtric said with a grimace, slightly offended, 'I… I didn't know that.'
'No offence to you,' you blushed, feeling stupid for being so blunt.
'It's okay,' he smiled and brushed his hand through his loose hair while he looked at you, 'but, yeah, if you'd join me you would be able to see all the games, if you'd want to, and also do some sightseeing in the city.'
'Well, I have some days off too.'
'But not many.'
Sihtric had no response to that as he knew you were right. You had already figured out how busy his regular training schedule was, and you couldn't even imagine his schedule during the World Cup. You noticed Sihtric's hopeful look after inviting you slowly began to turn into a saddened one, and it broke your heart. You had no idea that he invited you because he just couldn't stop thinking about you after that dinner, but also because he had felt at ease with you that evening, and that was a feeling he hadn't felt in forever. 
His team mates would all bring their partner on this trip, if they had one, and Sihtric knew how lonely it could be at night and during his days off, as his friends all went to spend time with their loved ones while he had no one to keep his mind from spiralling. He knew that the quiet evenings after a match always became deafening to him, as he'd keep replaying every mistake he made in his head. It made him a wreck, and he thought that maybe you would be able to keep him from feeling low.
'I mean… I'm not saying no,' you said as you looked at him, 'but I also don't want to be stuck in a boring hotel room on my own all the time.'
'But I'll be with you every night and every morning,' Sihtric said, and then made a disapproving face at his own words, 'that sounded weird. But you know what I mean, right?'
'I do,' you sighed softly, 'I think I'm just afraid I'll feel out of place. I'm just your maid and not even into football.'
'I know. But just think about it,' Sihtric said with a sweet smile, trying to keep his hope alive.
You smiled and rolled your eyes, because he clearly knew the effect his smile had on anyone, and he then winked before taking off his shirt as he planned on going to bed. And you couldn't help but take another look at his perfectly polished torso again before you left his room and went home.
You pondered about his offer and, after your friends had encouraged you to take this chance and see something of the world too, you decided to accept the once in a lifetime opportunity. Sihtric was ecstatic but played it cool on the outside, and he immediately made all the arrangements for you to be his companion during the most important trip of his life. You packed your bags with disbelief one day before the trip, and it only hit you once you sat in the plane with Sihtric's team and their partners that you realised what life you had just stepped into.
You felt out of place, as expected, as you weren't dating Sihtric or even really considered yourself friends with him, he was your boss in a way and you knew that everyone present knew that too. It made you a little embarrassed, but regardless of everyone being aware of who you were, you felt moved by how welcoming his friends were and no one ever asked any questions about your relationship with Sihtric. He had invited you because he wanted to have you around, and that was the only thing that mattered. You grew fond of Osferth, the goalkeeper, who was surprisingly still single and rather shy, and you also got along with Finan and Uhtred, who were both centre-midfield players, and their wives were a joy to chat to during the flight from London to Berlin. Sihtric's teammates and friends gave you some more insight about him, from stories that praised him to his most embarrassing moments, and you loved to hear every word while Sihtric occasionally glanced at you with a light blush on his cheeks as he had to endure the stories about his life.
You always smiled at him in return, and you thought about how good he looked again as he sat across from you in the private plane, dressed in black sweatpants with England's national team logo on it, combined with a matching hoodie. His hair was tied back again, but you knew his locks would be braided before his first match only a few days later. 
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Once you landed in Berlin you automatically stayed close by Sihtric's side, as you were overwhelmed with all the new impressions of being in a different country you had never been to before, and by the fancy lifestyle that came with travelling with a team. It seemed that Sihtric sensed your anxiety at the airport and he instinctively took your hand, reassuring you that he wasn't just going to wander off and leave you on your own. 
You were brought to the hotel and you couldn't believe your eyes when you arrived at the place, it was so fancy and so expensive, everything felt surreal and you had to remind yourself to enjoy it. The hotel room you were staying at with Sihtric was huge and incredibly tidy. There was a huge bed in front of the enormous window, which overlooked the entire capital city, and in the middle of the suite was a jacuzzi. There was also a huge tv, a fancy sofa, a dining area and a luxurious bathroom. The place was unlike anything you had ever seen before, and you were simply speechless.
You took it easy during the first day while Sihtric had some interviews scheduled, and you'd meet up later to have dinner and spend the rest of the evening together, as he had promised. Sihtric was sweet to check in with you whenever he had a moment, texting you if you needed anything and if you were okay. The entire day was quite overwhelming and you decided to go to bed rather early after dinner, and Sihtric said he would join you as he had another busy day tomorrow. And it was then that he realised there was only one bed. He didn't want to overstep any boundaries, so he insisted on sleeping on the sofa while you took the huge bed, which you did without arguing, even though you had no problem with sharing a bed if he had asked.
The following days were more or less the same. Sihtric was busy during the day so you just relaxed in the hotel while he often checked up on you, and in the evening you dined together and talked about your day. Sihtric really did his best to make your stay comfortable, and he truly spoiled you whenever he could by bringing you delicious local snacks and little presents such as flowers and an occasional small stuffed animal. You weren't sure what you were to him, but you couldn't deny that you loved how important and cared for Sihtric made you feel, despite being one of the busiest men on the planet right now. And you never got the feeling that you had to give him anything in return, as there was still a comfortable distance between you two that Sihtric also allowed to be there, by continuing to sleep on the couch and not making any advances, even if he was longing for you.
But that comfortable distance changed suddenly after you both decided to get into the jacuzzi after dinner one evening. And despite the fact you were both in swimwear, there was a clear shift in energy that night. It was the night before England's first match, and you noticed that Sihtric wasn't as lively as usual and he seemed to be brooding.
'Are you okay?' you asked after a long silence while Sihtric stared out of the window, sitting back in the warm water across from you.
'Hm?' he seemed to snap out of his distant gaze and looked at you, 'yeah, I'm fine,' he said with a forced smile.
'Are you sure?'
You couldn't help but admire his beauty as he looked out the window again. The jacuzzi was lit up with a pleasant purple colour as the water bubbled gently, while the rest of the room was dimly lit, the lights highlighting Sihtric's sharp features and his impressive body. His hair had been braided earlier that day, and it was a look that had taken your breath away instantly. You stared at Sihtric, waiting for another response from him, but it seemed he hadn't heard you.
'Sihtric?' you carefully asked for his attention again, 'are you sure you're okay? You're so… quiet.'
'Just nervous,' he eventually murmured and looked at you, 'I guess I'm just nervous.'
'Well, that's understandable.'
'No,' Sihtric shook his head, 'I'm never nervous before a match. I don't understand it.'
'But it's an important moment in your career,' you reminded him as you mindlessly moved closer, 'I think it would be strange if you weren't nervous.'
'Maybe,' he said, almost sadly, and he looked down into the water, his shoulder faintly touching yours, 'I guess I'm just afraid I'm going to fuck it up.'
'You won't,' you said and took his hand underwater, 'you shouldn't think like that.'
Sihtric hummed softly and shrugged, then sighed and allowed his head to fall back, clearly stressed while his eyes were shut and his neck tattoo completely exposed to you.
'Hey,' you whispered and took his face, 'you'll be great, Sihtric,' you smiled as he looked at you again, 'I know you'll give it your all. Everyone knows you will give it your all. Don't doubt yourself. You were selected for a reason.'
'I guess,' he mumbled and lightly trailed his fingers over your arms.
And then without thinking you wrapped your arms around him and he immediately did the same, locking into a sudden and tight embrace while being completely silent, the only sound heard being the comforting buzzing of the jacuzzi. You held each other for minutes, your face buried in his neck while he rested his chin upon your shoulder.
'Thank you,' he whispered after a while as he still held you.
'For what?' you chuckled and pulled away to look at him.
'Consoling me,' Sihtric smiled faintly and looked away again, 'I never had anyone around who did that before other important matches.'
'Well,' you smiled and took his face again, 'I'm here now.'
Sihtric chuckled and couldn't help but gaze at you, now that you were so close to him in such an intimate setting, and he then suddenly leaned in to kiss your lips. You froze for a moment before he broke the kiss abruptly, and you stared at each other with big eyes while both being breathless.
You then pulled him closer and kissed him in return, to which he wrapped his strong arms around you again and kissed you back eagerly. Gently at first, but the kiss deepened quickly and before you knew it you straddled his lap while his tongue was in your mouth and his hands grabbed you wherever he could. You moaned against his lips while his ragged breaths filled your lungs, and he hooked his arms under your knees to pick you up effortlessly and carry you out of the warm water, towards the sofa.
'No,' you giggled as Sihtric sat down with you in his lap, both soaking the entire sofa with your wet clothing, 'we'll ruin the sofa like this.'
'I don't care,' Sihtric hummed and kissed you again, 'I'll pay for it,' he murmured and then softly bit your lower lip before kissing you deeply again, his hands in your hair while you felt his arousal press up against your clothed folds.
He grabbed your hips, guiding you to grind down on him while you made out passionately, and it didn't take long before you both became a desperately moaning mess for each other, wanting more.
'No,' Sihtric suddenly breathed against your lips before he kissed you again and again, 'no, no,' he murmured, which confused you.
'What?' you pulled away, thinking you were doing something he did not want, but Sihtric was quick to pull your lips back onto his again.
'I can't be doing this,' he whispered out of breath in between kisses, 'I can't,' he moaned heavily when he pushed you to grind down on him once again, torturing himself as he wanted you so desperately but couldn't allow himself to have you just yet. 'I can't have sex before a game day,' he sighed and dropped his head, leaning his forehead onto your shoulder, 'I'm sorry.'
'Oh,' you gasped softly, 'I… it's okay. I didn't know that, I'm sorry too.'
'Don't be,' Sihtric whispered, 'it's my fault. I shouldn't have allowed myself to kiss you like that.'
He shook his head, saddened, and you moved to sit next to him. You both stared out of the massive window, overlooking Berlin at night time while you tried to get a grip on yourself again. A few minutes later you excused yourself to the bathroom, getting out of your swimwear and slipping into some comfy sleeping clothes before you snuck into the large bed. Sihtric changed his clothes not much later and you enjoyed the sight of him walking out of the bathroom in just his tight fitting boxers, the thin fabric hugging his perfectly shaped booty of which you couldn't keep your eyes off, and they only got pulled away from his backside when you realised he was putting towels on the sofa so he could sleep on it.
'What are you doing?' you asked as you sat up in bed.
'I have to go to sleep,' Sihtric chuckled a little confused, 'it'll be a long day tomorrow-'
'I know,' you interrupted, 'that's why I don't want you to sleep on the sofa. Take the bed,' you said as you attempted to move out, 'I'll take the-'
'No,' Sihtric said sternly, 'I won't let you sleep on the sofa.'
'And I won't let you sleep on the sofa either,' you said with your hands on your hips, showing him you were serious too, 'you need a good rest before tomorrow. I insist you are taking the bed.'
'And I insist you are not taking the sofa.'
'I don't mind sharing the bed, Sihtric,' you rolled your eyes, 'I never had a problem with that, you just went for the sofa so I figured it was a gentleman's gesture. But if you wanted to sleep in the bed too, I wouldn't have refused. We're both adults,' you scoffed and got back under the sheets again, 'so get that nice ass of yours in bed.'
'Nice ass?' Sihtric mumbled as he grabbed his pillows and joined you in bed, 'you think I have a nice ass?' he asked after a while as you laid in the dark.
'Sihtric,' you sighed, 'the entire world thinks you have a nice ass.'
Sihtric laughed softly at that and moved to lay on his side, facing you as the moon faintly illuminated your face, and he gently cupped your cheek in the darkened room.
'I'm sorry that I kissed you,' he whispered, 'I should've known better, but I couldn't help myself. I just can't be intimate before a match, even if I wanted to. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.'
'It's okay. I feel bad too… I guess it was just a mistake.'
'No,' Sihtric said softly, 'it was not a mistake. The timing is just not right, but it was no mistake on my end.'
'Oh,' you breathed as you mindlessly moved your hand up the side of his body and to his neck.
'Maybe,' Sihtric began, 'we could, you know… just kiss a little?'
'Just a little,' you chuckled shyly.
'Only a little,' he whispered, and you heard the smile in his soft voice before he planted his lips onto yours again. 
You kissed with a little more self control this time, until you felt his hand move down to your thigh, and he suddenly trailed his fingers across your panties, to which you broke the kiss.
'What are you doing?'
'You… you don't want me to?' he whispered.
'No, I mean, I do, but… I don't understand,' you said with a soft chuckle.
'Just because I can't have pleasure doesn't mean I can't give you any.'
You smiled and kissed him again, you weren't saying no to that and you allowed his hand to explore your skin further and let him pull down your underwear. You felt his warm fingertips slide teasingly over your wet folds, and you gasped mid-kiss when he slid two digits inside you with ease. He kissed you again, loving the way you moaned against his lips while he pleased you with his hands and felt your walls clench around his fingers.
'Making such pretty sounds for me,' he hummed softly, 'but I'm sure you can sound even prettier for me,' he whispered and pulled away from you, only to disappear under the warm sheets.
You felt his hands grab your ankles, and then your legs were suddenly resting upon his back while you felt his mouth leaving wet kisses on your thighs before you felt his hot breath against your sweet spot. You gasped loudly when he gently kissed your pussy, before he delved his tongue between your folds while he held your hips tightly, and you accidentally scratched up his back and neck in pleasure as you couldn't grab onto his hair, because you could not ruin the footballer's braids the night before an important match.
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The next morning you woke up with Sihtric's arms around you, moments before his alarm blared as it was time for him to wake up. It was way too early for you to get up yet, so you turned around in bed a few more times while Sihtric was going for his morning jog. You met him a few hours later for breakfast and he told you what his day would look like. He also invited you to watch the game in the stadium, but you still didn't feel quite comfortable enough to go there, so you declined and said you'd watch it in your room, which he completely understood. You were both a little unsure where you and him stood now after last night's adventure, and neither of you dared to kiss each other again, so you just gave him a few encouraging words instead and a firm hug before he left.
You hated how nervous you were for him. And you hated football, so how could you possibly care about it now? But you cared about Sihtric though, and you wanted him to win. So with a nauseating feeling you paced around the room until the match started early in the evening. You bit your nails off while watching, and you actually stopped breathing for a second when there was a close up of Sihtric on your tv screen where you noticed a red mark in his neck; a scratch which you had left on him the night before as he had gone down on you until you had moaned his name over and over again.
You blushed at the memory and couldn't help but smile every time you saw Sihtric on screen, looking so good with his braided hair and that black and white football kit on. You cheered embarrassingly loudly when Sihtric scored the first goal of the evening, just before the second half, and you held your breath when he was suddenly down on the field after he had taken a tumble. A player from the opposite team had deliberately pushed him over while trying to take the ball, and you watched the guy receive a yellow card for his vile actions. You felt relieved when Sihtric got up again and was able to continue the game, but it was nerve wracking regardless. Sihtric eventually received a yellow card himself after he tackled someone, and if looks could kill, Sihtric would've killed that referee right on the spot. Sihtric made many more attempts to score another goal in the second half, but the opposing team was too strong to let the ball pass, yet too weak to make a goal of their own. And so the game concluded with England's first win, and you jumped up on the sofa as you cheered.
You didn't understand why you were so happy about that damn game, but when Sihtric returned to the hotel room a few hours later he was more than thrilled to have you run up to him and jump into his arms.
'Congratulations,' you smiled down at him as he held you, leaning your forehead against his, 'I told you you'd do great.'
'Thank you,' he smiled shyly while looking up at you, desperately wanting to kiss you but not being entirely sure if he should or could, so instead he just walked you over to the sofa and sat you down.
Sihtric had already showered and changed into his comfortable sweatpants and hoodie before leaving the stadium, and despite the fact he looked tired from the match, he still looked as handsome as ever and you couldn't keep your eyes off him. Luckily for you, he couldn't tear his own eyes away from you either while you discussed the game until the early hours. Again you shared the bed with him, quietly laying next to each other with the lights still on until you both couldn't contain your desire for each other anymore, and your lips crashed together into a passionate kiss, just like the night before. But this time Sihtric had no reason to hold back, no matter how tired he was, and he kissed you deeply. You felt his hands all over your body as he undressed you before he moved up from the bed and took your hands, pulling you up towards him as he stood next to the bed. He took off his sweater and took your hands again, sliding them up his perfect body so you felt every single muscle underneath your palms, almost making you forget how to breathe.
You then curled your fingers around the elastic band of his sweatpants and you slid them down, revealing his trapped arousal as it was desperate to be freed from his tight boxers, but first you cupped his big and hard cock, teasing him while you pulled him in by his necklace to kiss his lips. Sihtric took your face, his hands trembling from all of the adrenaline in his body after winning the game and having been desperate to fuck you stupid for days already. He groaned while you taunted him with your hands, and he pushed you down on the bed before taking off his underwear and sneaking under the covers with you. You made out again, and it was as desperate as it was passionate, and you dishevelled his braids with your fingers while you got lost in each other's touch before you finally experienced the bliss of feeling him deep inside you.
You made love for hours, Sihtric desperately fighting his urge to make you both finish quickly, as he wanted to savour the feeling of being inside you and being intimate with someone who genuinely cared about him. And when you both finally came, just when dawn arrived, you fell asleep in each other's arms and slept almost through the entire day.
You woke up late in the afternoon and ordered some room service, not wanting to spend your day being around other people, just each other. You made out whenever you could in your hotel room; while taking a shower together, while watching some tv and even while trying to get dressed once the sun had set so you could explore Berlin at night together, as Sihtric had another day off tomorrow. 
You explored the darkened streets hand in hand, stopping every few steps to kiss each other's lips or nuzzle each other's noses, like a teenage couple disgustingly in love, which made your sightseeing trip last ridiculously long. You kissed underneath the Brandenburger Tor and at the East Side Gallery, as well as in front of the Berlin cathedral and at the museum island, where you even snapped a few cute selfies together for private use only.
'I think I'm falling for you,' you smiled against his lips, while being surrounded by the impressive museum buildings at night.
'I already fell for you,' Sihtric smiled and kissed you softly, 'and I've been down here for a while already, waiting for you. And I'll catch you, don't worry,' he whispered, his lips brushing faintly against yours.
His words reassured you, no matter how crazy this entire trip had been so far. And once back in the hotel again, long after midnight, you once again had passionate sex for a good hour, and you fell asleep all cuddled up.
The next day it seemed that life started to go back to normal again, whatever normal was at that point. Sihtric had training to attend to and a bunch of press to do with his team, while you allowed yourself to be lazy in the jacuzzi until it was time to grab dinner with the handsome footballer in the evening. Everything seemed perfect, and Sihtric gradually became affectionate in public with you, which you enjoyed more than you thought. But his mood changed again upon entering the hotel room after dinner, as he had another match again tomorrow.
Sihtric seemed to shut down again while you laid in bed, and you took him in your arms without saying a single word because you already knew he felt stressed, as all eyes would be on him again tomorrow. It was only when you saw the tears in his eyes that you became worried, but Sihtric said he was fine and that those tears weren't tears of sadness. He reassured you he was okay, and he kissed you lovingly before saying good night and switching off the lights.
Sihtric held you tightly in the dark as he wanted to tell you how he felt, but he couldn't find the right words. All he knew was that he felt complete, for once in his life, because he was now experiencing something he never had before yet always longed for; someone waiting for him to celebrate a win with, someone to console him after a loss, and someone to encourage him when he felt uncertain about himself. He finally had someone to come back to and feel safe and loved with after the whirlwind of a match day, someone who made him forget about his worries and allowed him to relax again. But most importantly, he finally had someone who made him happy, and it was overwhelming to him.
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The second match was just as stressful as the first one had been for you, but you watched it regardless in your hotel room and were screaming your lungs out when England won the game again. The following weeks continued to go as the previous one. You and Sihtric grew closer together while keeping your relationship private as much as possible, and you encouraged him before every match day. England continued to be undefeated and eventually found their place at the World Cup final. Sihtric was more stressed than ever but having you by his side soothed him, and he kept saying you were his lucky charm.
You decided to watch the final match in the stadium, with the other wives and girlfriends, and Sihtric was over the moon when he walked out on the field and saw you there, wearing one of his own football shirts with his name and number on it. He blew you a kiss before the game started, and you almost scared yourself with how passionate you had gotten about the sport. You loved the feeling you got when Sihtric scored a goal, causing the entire crowd of England supporters to go mental. Your seat vibrated each time the crowd celebrated, as thousands of fans jumped up and down while cheering on the man you had fallen in love with, and you also became more vocal during the match too, shouting and cheering along with everyone else. And when the whistle sounded after ninety minutes, signalling that the match was over and England had won with an amazing 4 - 0, you screamed just as loud as every other England supporter in the stadium while you watched Sihtric run around the field with his hands up, celebrating their victory with his team and their coach.
Uhtred and Finan were fast to depart their team and ran to the side of the field where you were at, as their partners were seated next to you, and the girls jumped down to celebrate with their man while a low fence separated them. You smiled as you watched them and then you suddenly saw Sihtric run over to your side too. His eyes were locked with yours while he closed in on the fence, and he gestured you to come down too, which you did. You shyly approached him, but he made you forget about everyone around you when he pulled you in his arms, as far as the fence would allow it, and then placed his hand on the back of your neck to pull you in for a steamy kiss. You were too shocked to pull away, but at this point you could also care less about who saw it, because you were in love with him and you didn't want to hide it anymore. And clearly, neither did Sihtric.
You left the stadium before the team did, and Sihtric rushed back to the hotel as fast as he could, after having showered and changed outfits at the stadium and giving some interviews. Sihtric jogged up to the elevator and impatiently pressed for the doors to close and take him up to the right floor. His shoulders collided with the elevator doors as they opened and he made haste to get out, and he chuckled to himself while he grabbed the key out of his pocket, wasting no time to enter the room he knew you were in. And he was pleasantly surprised to find you waiting for him, sitting on the bed while wearing nothing but his football shirt. He gave you a sly smile and kicked the door shut behind him, then stalked over to you while taking off his shirt and pulling out his hair tie, letting his long, wavy and damp hair fall down before he climbed in bed and pinned you down.
'Congratulations,' you whispered as you looked up at him, your hands trailing over his chest, 'I'm proud of you, baby.'
'I couldn't have done it without you, darling,' Sihtric whispered and smiled.
And he then kissed you with that same passion as he had done every other night, and he fucked you three more times before you had to take the flight back home to London the next day. He took you everywhere he could; on the sofa, on the bed, on the table, in the jacuzzi, on the floor and even on the balcony.
And on your plane trip back home, you sat cuddled up against him instead of across from him, as you had done the first day of your trip, and you couldn't imagine being without him anymore.
'Are you my girl now?' Sihtric asked, shortly before the plane landed.
'Do you want me to be?' you asked with a cheeky smile.
'Hm,' he hummed, 'no… I want you to be my wife, actually.'
'Okay,' you chuckled, 'but I'm also still your maid, right?'
'No, darling,' Sihtric smiled and took your face, 'if you're mine, I promise that you'll never have to work another day in your life again. I got you,' he whispered and kissed your lips, 'just like you had my back these past weeks.'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @sleepjam @ewanmitchellfanatic @itbmojojoejo @lady-targaryens-world
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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unstablenoodle · 5 months
Just graduated, and I’ve been dragging myself by my hair through the last 4 years. here’s advice if you’re new to college:
Basic advice:
Make friends in your lectures. You will know some of those people all four years, and some of them are better at this than you. You’re still capable, but there’s always a bigger fish and you should make that fish into a study buddy
Get a job at a food court/ campus restaurant. You get a free meal, which might be your only one for the day if you don’t have a meal plan. Work can also be a mental break from academics.
Abuse office hours. Annoy your TA. make them scared to see you. TA’s are tired grad students and you won’t have a formal relationship with them: they are students too.
Study advice:
Flash cards are for review and rote learning only. 15-30 minute power review sessions for things you already know. If you’re going over familiar shit, do it in short, repetitive bursts.
Be the bitch with annoying decorative notes. Make it a game, it’ll force you to look at the material more. I will say though, make sure you decorate with purpose.
Those friends you made in lecture? That’s where you get the big studying done. If you’re going for a higher 4 hour long study sesh, bring other people. They know things you don’t and vice versa, so you can fill in the gaps for each other. This type of studying is for unfamiliar or confusing material.
Big study sessions usually only happen a couple weeks out from exams at most. Before exams, your homework is your main means of studying.
Just go to the lecture. I don’t care if it’s at 7:30 am, go. Participation points could be the difference between a B and a C.
TI-84 graphing calculator
Pub chem
If a professor, for some ungodly reason, says you aren’t allowed to work on the homework with other people, fuck that guy.
Your $168.99 textbook is likely a free PDF online.
Date someone who fills in your gaps. I dated an engineer I met in a physics class and it worked beautifully.
Mental health (my advice on this is very specific):
Basic advice: drink water regularly, eat vegetables, exercise. You know all this.
Stay far, far away from any substance called a “study buddy” or something like that
Get a hobby. Actually. Something to do in your free time to keep you from going insane. I personally like knitting and drawing, but it can be anything. I’d say avoid something involving technology because it’s easy to fall into that for hours at a time. Do something that engages your hands and your brain. You might not be creative, but creativity is good for you. Your painting looks like shit? The benefits you have reaped from its creation are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Good job.
If you are having any kind of hallucination (visual, auditory, presence, etc.), seek professional help immediately. I have lived half my life with the feeling of eyes on me and the presence of people who aren’t actually there and never tried to fix it because I could “work around it.” Just go get help. Hallucinations can also be a symptom of neurological issues and physical illness.
OCD and disorders involving psychosis are aggravated by stress. Your classes will stress you out. Disorders like this are scary and debilitating, so you absolutely need to be in therapy, possibly on medication. They also tend to be episodic, so you may have periods of recovery where your life quality improves. Do NOT be fooled: you still need to be in therapy even if you feel good. Preventative measures are the best measures!!
Get a job. Work friends are funnier and way more entertaining than any other kind of friend
I recommend a group of 2-4 people you chill with regularly. Movie night with them once a week (barring exam weeks and extenuating circumstances)
Talk with your roommates at least occasionally. It’s no fun living with total strangers.
Do not start smoking cigarettes. A lot of people are repulsed by the smell and it clings to you.
Hygiene. Mainly you should smell good. You don’t have to go crazy with an expensive perfume/ cologne, but shower and always have a decent scent. Also try not to wear stained clothes.
Not sure how useful this is, but it’s the first thing I could think of. I’ll come back and edit if I think of more.
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directdogman · 1 year
Hey dogman, idk if you answered this
Who, out of both DSAF and Dialtown, was your favourite to write and/or create?
It's very hard for me to pick favourites with my characters because I don't tend to give characters a lot of screen-time unless I find a character interesting or fun to write. You've caught me in a talkative mood, so warning, there's an onslaught of text coming!
DSaF: Dave was the most fun to write for, as I remember it. I mean, the guy is the walking personification of chaos and even when he's being constructive (eg, rigging robots to do insane stuff), it's usually in a destructive capacity. Dave will do LITERALLY ANYTHING but contribute to society in meaningful/valuable ways.
In terms of what character-writing I was most 'proud' of, I was also pretty happy with Dr Henry Miller, as a villain. Namely the research he embarked on, described in his logs in DSaF 3 (which the fandom evidently agreed with, as I got really strong feedback on those logs.)
One issue a lot of people (including myself) have with canon William Afton is that he's this kind of mad scientist character but his research doesn't really seem to be... idk, going anywhere? Other than using remnant (soul nectar?) to make kids possess robots, it's kind of a mystery how he got to this point he did from running a bad fast food restaurant. William gets fleshed out motivations in TSE and even then, it mainly revolves around his relationship with Henry Emily, iirc. It's actually pretty accurate to how real serial killers think, imo, but there's a pretty wide berth between this kind of serial killer and becoming a sci-fi fast-food mad scientist... So, I decided to try to bridge that gap.
DSaF Henry's logs actually mention where the idea for his research came from, namely the fact that he existed in a world with normal scientific rules just like ours and seemingly discovered something supernatural, and he approaches it like an amoral scientist would - trying to figure out how to figure out more about the fabric of reality using the newly discovered phenomenon of possession. The 'joy of creation' phrase people pulled from Golden Freddy's phone call in FNaF 1 is given context - Henry is trying to find out what's on the other side (and eventually, how existence itself formed.)
There's other aspects to his character that make him more interesting too, like the implication that his research is partially an excuse for him to act on an underlying sadism (with scenes implying that he inflicts damage on others than can't be justified as assisting with his research.) His background as a dissident/quack laughing-stock scientist (thanks to pushing his soul theory in a best-selling book, which is considered pseudoscience) BEFORE he embarked on his journey to become a fast food tycoon also makes it less farfetch'd that he'd be capable of y'know, harvesting human souls intentionally to continue his research?
I had more for the character on paper that people haven't seen but some of it wasn't revealed due to it feeling a bit too disturbing to publish. None of the contents would've been all that controversial, more just too tonally disturbing when written about in detail (like a omitted part from his backstory/lore post where he managed to pick up a hazy audio of his wife + son's crying from the radio of the car his wife/son drowned in and reacted with genuine elation upon realizing he'd discovered a new scientific phenomenon (as this was the first time Henry witnessed soul-possession.)) Yeah.
I don't feel much of a need to revisit Henry as a character because as a series villain, he was pretty thoroughly-written and he did his job effectively... And his fate was well earned! (He even got an epilogue short-story a few years back, further cementing his fate!)
Dialtown: From the characters/writing that the fandom has seen? Tough to say. I genuinely really like every DT character. Gingi and Mayor Mingus are two of my favourite characters to write for because they're both really insistent and react to adversity in a really comically indignant way. Mingus is more like Gingi than she cares to admit in very specific ways, which is the core hypocrisy of her character - she's one of the most abnormal things IN Dialtown, and spends the game on a quest opposing abnormality that she, herself, can't stand.
Many absolute rulers have debilitating physical and/or mental cruxes and despite that, usually have the final say on what is/isn't okay, often guided by arbitrary preferences. It's funny to remember all of the ancient kings and emperors who dictated how others should act, talk and even think, when very many of them themselves were anything except a good reflection of their own subjects! It's an irony I quite enjoy and leads to a fun character to write for!
My favourite DT writing is probably some of my Callum Crown speech drafts. I have a definite bias here since Crown's character is based on many figures I've encountered in my own reading (and his story relates to topics I enjoy reading about.) A lot of that is real nerd shit that wouldn't be interesting to 99.9% of DT fans (like a long conversation where Crown + Milt discuss a campaign speech Milt wrote for Crown and they bicker about if the wording/arguments used are truly honest.) Again, not super relevant to Dialtown-proper, but it explains a lot about why the world of DT ended up the way it did.
Realistically, the story of Dialtown itself is basically a weird little epilogue to a story that ended decades upon decades ago, centered around a bunch of small-town nobodies circling around the carcass of the last surviving main character of the old story.
I'm also very happy with Gingi's character partially because I know more about Gingi's past/future than you guys do. Gingi has such rotten memory that Gingi's backstory before DT's story begins is basically a complete mystery. Thanks to Gingi never getting close enough to any humans before laying its eggs, there's nobody in Gingi's life that can fill in the gaps. Companionship means so much to Gingi because prior to meeting The Gang, Gingi is aware of a massive and unknown block of time that's a complete mystery precisely because Gingi had nobody in its life. To Gingi, this time was basically akin to being non-sentient or dead, and Gingi would never go back.
While I was making DSaF, I drafted a ton of other stories on paper. I considered making most of them, but decided not to for various reasons, despite getting some solid feedback from collaborators. Bits of almost all of those project ideas made it into DT, with Gingi having traits from several other main characters I prototyped years and years ago. This includes where Gingi came from and what exactly Gingi is. I don't want to mislead people into thinking Gingi is more important than it is, like Gingi is the key to unlocking DT lore (I promise there's a LOT of aimless scuttling/devouring in Gingi's past and relatively little else!) BUT: Of everything from those old scrapped projects, Gingi is what I decided deserved to survive the most. And that has to count for something.
One day I'd love to make sequels to DT and perhaps explore some of the stuff I've described above, like why the hell the world of DT is the way it is or maybe where the hell Gingi spawned from. Thanks
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sparklingsora · 7 months
Hi. I would like to know many things about your roleswap au bc I love it very much but I have no idea what to ask I just want to know many things bc my brain has been consumed already
uhhhhh I guess can you lore dump a little bit on backstories? Idk I just wanna know everything about this au
I will be back in your ask box for this au several times most likely
-Spaghetti Brain Anon
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!!! i am SO glad that i could get this au to live in someone else's brain rent free too. all i could ever ask for in life tbh i guess i'll infodump about character backstories, dynamics, character arcs, all that juicy stuff putting it under cut because HO BOY THIS IS GONNA GET LONG
as a heads up, take the timeframes i give you with a grain of salt, because i still havent completely figured out the timeline so first of all, vox!! he's a sinner, died in the 1950s, as per canon. he's a businessman, but less stable than in canon. he's always jumping from job to job, business to business, which results in him having a lot of connections with various people around hell. soon after arriving in hell, he met and became friends with alastor. cut to, i'd say around 7-10 years before the events of the story? alastor disappears without a trace during an extermination and vox assumes him dead. having now been personally touched by the effects of the extermination, the idea to try and solve overpopulation another way is planted in his head, but wont come to fruition until much later. in the meantime he meets velvette - finds her bleeding out in an alleyway after getting too cocky and trying to fight back to an exorcist (bad idea). he nurses her back to health, they become friends and eventually start dating, yada yada yada. one day vox and velvette find a funky little cat (keekee). keekee takes a liking to them and leads them to the old ruins of a building up on the hill on the edge of pentagram city. they figure out that the cat turns into a keyblade that can be used to magically build shit (only the hotel though, as keekee is the spirit of the hotel or??? whatever the hell the canon lore is idk???) vox finally decides to realize his idea to try and solve overpopulation more humanely - through redeeming sinners! his reasoning is, if angels can fall (as proven by lute and charlie), then demons can surely ascend, right? though he's not as sure or idealistic about it as charlie is in canon. he simply thinks it has a chance of working, and opening up a hotel means a bigger sample size than if he were to just try and get into heaven himself or something like that. besides, he wouldnt wanna go to heaven, he likes it here. also, im not sure where this is situated in the timeline yet, but he was in a band with adam, lute and possibly eve at some point? the band is called brimstone eden, as mentioned in the comic i posted. im not sure yet whether he was in the band prior to eve's disappearance or after it (eve disappears 7 years before the story starts to mirror canon lilith). swap!vox, like his canon counterpart, is a very reactive person. he follows trends, he's extremely go-with-the-flow to a fault. he never really had any strong beliefs until the hotel - his character arc mainly involves him gaining something to believe in and learning to fight for that belief, 'ready for this' being more or less the culmination of his arc. jesus christ i cant believe i wrote that much JUST on vox. *slaps the top of his head* this boy can fit so much lore in him
now, velvette... she's how you'd expect her to be. same old brave, arrogant velvette. she's a fashion designer and seamstress and runs a moderately sized business which she promotes on sinstagram. she's mutuals with val there, which is how he finds out about the hotel. there's not much to write home about when it comes to val - it's insane how similar angel and him are. like literally barely anything changes when you swap them, it's very clean. he's a prn star, sold his soul to angel dust, yada yada. though a bit on his dynamic with vox - vox is very good at reading people, and doesn't like being lied to (he's a bit of a hypocrite in that regard - he puts on a facade all the time when in professional settings). he can clearly tell val isnt doing as good as he pretends he is, and wants to help him really badly, but val just sees it as vox pitying him and rejects his help (its what they fight about in ep 4, as a counterpart to the whole "charlie going to the studio" thing bc vox wouldnt do that) and now here's the fun part - ALASTOR! oh, alastor, you beautiful stuck up bitch! so turns out, he's not so dead after all! he ALMOST died in that fateful extermination, but husk found him and offered him a "give me your soul right now or bleed out in this alleyway" type deal. of course alastor chose the former, but boy he's not happy about it. he's extremely ashamed of how far he's fallen. so ashamed, in fact, that he hid from the world for those 7-10 years! yeah! he's only pulled out of hiding when husk summons him to be the bartender for the hotel. vox is of course, extremely bewildered and demands answers. alastor doesnt give them and avoids him instead. it takes a sincere conversation with valentino in ep 4 for alastor to finally talk to vox again and explain himself. alastor is basically in extremely deep denial of just how fucked his life is. he clings onto his radio demon persona like a lifeline bc its the last thing that can help him feel some semblance of control over his situation. his tension with valentino is twofold - first they butt heads because of opposing personalities, and second because they both see the other's bullshittery. it's a clusterfuck it eventually bubbles over in ep 4, they both admit how absolutely fucked they are and are friends now. wish i could say more on al & val bc i love them very much but it seems ive run out of eloquency for now. though i know i'll draw some comics of them eventually so maybe it'll come across better in comic form. anyway as mentioned above ive run out of eloquency and im honestly not sure how coherent this whole thing is so you'll have to come back for the other characters some other time, dear anon! until then, thank you so much for the ask once again, and have a nice day/night :)
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merakiui · 11 months
I'M SO TEMPTED AAAAAAAAA,, orz but I can't write anything else until I finish tmdg (and the rest of the fics on my list). But just know that if I do write Floyd spy au, it would naturally have to include these very crucial details and scenes:
✧ hand-to-hand combat training with Floyd and you're one of the only other agents (aside from Jade) who can match Floyd's pace and sporadic fighting style. Exchanging blows is fun, even more so if you manage to give Floyd the ass-kicking of a lifetime. He's lying flat on his back and you're standing over him and he's never been more horny in his life before.
✧ reader finding out that Floyd's father is the head of the mafia they've been investigating on the sly. Perhaps it's one of those scenarios where the mafia has taken something from you or you're on the run from Mr. Leech's debt collectors, so there's lots of angst to be had when you find out Floyd is the son of your enemy. The betrayal is so yummy... orz Floyd being a wolf in sheep's clothing all along. Oh, you thought he was an agent allied under the same cause as you? As if. <3 (or the misunderstanding angst!!!! Floyd trying to tell you that he's different and not like his father, but you won't hear any of it.)
✧ things get particularly perilous during a mission and maybe the enemy has you cornered. You think this is the end, but then Floyd's there, killing them in the most brutal, cold-blooded way. And you don't see his usual goofy, carefree grin or hear his nasally laughter. It's just this blank, dead-eyed stare and the ever-so-subtle curl of his lip as he sneers at the one who dared to threaten his Shrimpy's life. He shrugs off the bloodlust afterwards just to give you a silly smile and say, "Aww, did I scare ya, Shrimpy? My bad."
✧ missions with Floyd as your partner never go to plan, which means you're both often called into Azul's office so he can scold the two of you (although most of his ire is usually directed at Floyd) for "fucking up the mission." And Floyd has such a smart mouth on him, so it drives Azul insane (even though Azul knows what he's getting into when he assigns these missions to Floyd; it's mainly why he has a partner. You're there to keep him in check). T_T
"But we got the stuff you wanted, Azul."
"Yes, but I specifically said it was to be entirely covert."
"But we got the stuff."
"But you weren't covert."
"So what? We got the stuff. Who gives a damn about—" and you're already dragging Floyd out before he can continue bickering with Azul.
✧ Floyd who always gets you into the most dangerous situations during missions and he's always the one who saves you from said situations. Danger just follows him wherever he goes, but he also has a penchant for inciting it.
✧ his code name is "Bind the Heart," but Floyd thinks that's so lame and so he just uses his real name even though Azul's choked him out for it every time. So now he settles for BTH as a shortening and if anyone asks what it means he says, with full seriousness, "Bacon Tomato Hamburger." LOL
✧ Floyd who is so down bad for you that he's always flirting with you in his own weird, Floyd way, and each time you shut him down with a stern, "Never gonna happen," because you're dedicated to your job (and love is a distraction in this line of work). But Floyd's not one to give up and he keeps trying because according to him, "Never might be today and tomorrow, but Shrimpy doesn't know what'll happen in the future..." (He's right; the two of you end up fucking months later because Azul booked a hotel room for you to share on one of your missions and it did have more than one bed, but why sleep separately when you can sleep together?)
✧ despite how closely you and Floyd work together and how chatty he can be when he's in the mood, neither of you know much about the other's personal life. Cue Floyd wanting to know more about you and you getting suspicious each time. And he always answers your questions with, "Because. Can't I ask about Shrimpy's life if I'm plannin' on bein' in it long-term?" He will be the death of you........ orz
✧ Floyd gets himself badly injured on a mission, so he's stuck on bed rest until he heals up. Which means you're transferred to Agent Shock the Heart in the meantime, and Floyd does not like the idea of you and Jade cozying up during missions. >:( he's in Jade's ear the entire time the both of you are on the mission (he dragged himself out of bed and to HQ's tech room just to steal the microphone from the agent who was in communication with Jade) and he's saying stuff like, "Jade, you lay a finger on Shrimpy and I'll break all of yours..." and Jade just has to be annoying, so he's like, "We get married in June. I do hope you'll be my best man."
✧ a classic confession in the midst of an argument. Maybe the mission got too risky and you have to leave behind your team; you and Floyd get into an argument about it and essentially it ends with him yelling, "Cuz I ain't ready to lose ya!" And you look at him with so much confusion because what is he talking about? And Floyd's so angry he's even tearing up and from there it's a soft admission of feelings: "Cuz I like ya... A lot. A whole fuckin' lot. And I'd rather those other guys take the fall than let you get hurt for 'em." AAAAAAAAAAA OTL
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enemywasp · 1 month
This isn't a hate anon. Just thought I'd clarify that first and foremost cause I know how things be So I'm a proshipper, but I don't like actually using the label itself because modern fandom has done a great job of making a good 70% of the internet believe that its a synonym for sexual predator, and I don't want to deal with that. And also because of that I'm afraid to be open about some of my favorite ships in the fandoms I'm in, even quote-on-quote "normal" ones (mainly cause I usually turn the "normal" ones abusive too lmao, that's just how my brain works) but I scrolled through your entire blog tonight, and I just wanted to send you a message and say how much I admire your confidence and how much you don't give a fuck. Like I'm scared to be an open proshipper on tumblr, which (from what I've seen anyway) is probably the most welcoming site for proshippers, and you're over here on fucking tiktok. I could never. It's inspiring to me in a way, so I just wanted to send this message to you.
Honestly not using the proship label cause of the way its perceived is so so fair. I actually have two tiktok accounts, one where I'm openly proship and one where I'm not so... but I still talk about proship things and am open about it, I just don't use the label. And it is insane how differently people treat the same information based on whether it's coming from a "normal" person or an "evil proshipper!"
Thank you! Thats actually part of the reason I am so unapologetically open on tiktok of all places, is cause I see so many people actually fearful and paranoid over what they enjoy and someone's got to talk about how stupid it is without fear.
Thank you again anon, I hope you have a wonderful day and find some spaces you feel safe in <3
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girlrachael · 10 months
Dystopian Cass and Hoddi save Dystopian Tap - 2.4k fic
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Business has been a little slow lately, the only things that were truly interesting about this mundane life is when the precious little bun-bun of an employee and my business partner Hoddi are in the building. I have known Hoddi a very long time before we both met our bun-bun employee. But Tap walked into our lives, more liked crashing but I digress, and fit in like a glove. Although it took a bit for that to cement in Tap’s mind. And speaking of me and Hoddi’s little bun-bun she was due back any minute now. And if she couldn’t make it on time she would check in saying that she would be late and then give an estimated time on when she would arrive. And if even that fails Hoddi has safety trackers to see where Tap is and whether or not Tap is in true need of our help. Tap also has a panic button that goes off if she presses it as well as goes off if it’s destroyed.
Getting off topic, without them both around the world would seem to go by in a crawl, and it doesn’t help that I’m on this weird version of constant life support, not for a lack of trying on Hoddi and Tap’s parts, this body and my A.I. just take way too much power to operate properly these days compared to the new and improved A.I.’s up in the good parts of town. It just mainly means that I can’t really go anywhere, but when the both of them are here it’s not so suffocating anymore. And while the so-called new and improved A.I.'s were reduced to mere servants by the alleged high classes of the world, I was one of (if not the only one) the lucky A.I.’s that was able to get away from the scientists and leaders of our world after they decided that A.I.’s were getting too powerful and that they needed to take back some upgrades to keep the new A.I.’s under their thumbs. 
The only caveat against my lucky getaway was that I needed way too much power to remain awake and functioning, and in the middle of me starting to shut down for who knows how long and possibly for good while running away I had a true stroke of luck.
I met Hoddi. 
As for the reason why I was running away in the first place, I~ am one of, if not the only one left, of the most advanced models the world had ever seen before the scientists' little purge, and part of the reason of why the purge even started was because my particular model of A.I. had this nifty little ability to hijack nearby fellow A.I.’s and control them. It was meant to be a power for the good of their high and mighty society, like a robot that can run a bunch of stores so the people wouldn’t have to lift their fingers anymore than they already have to. 
As to the reason why this great idea didn’t work? There was a little incident that totally~ wasn’t my fault. It’s not like I semi started the rebellion of robots against the people of high town because I didn’t want to be forced to cater to someone’s every whim. 
But to even do something like that anymore the power upkeep I would need is absolutely insane, and with how I need to keep hidden for no particular reason at all, I can’t get any better power sources for my body and A.I. or else I’ll be shut down by the people uptown before I can even make a run for it. 
Although I’ve mainly just become an energy guzzler because I can’t be completely upgraded because of……. reasons, Hoddi does a terrific job at keeping me semi upgraded and Tap somehow obtains the most excellent parts to help Hoddi upgrade me. The combination of these two wonderful beings is how I am in excellent repair despite us being on this side of town.
But energy guzzler aside, being such an A.I. has it’s perks; 1. It freaks people out, 2. Since I’m such an advanced A.I. most cops think I’m just a fellow person controlling a suit from afar, and finally 3. I’m really~ good at diagnosing a problem in an A.I. or any machine. And this last reason just makes up my entire half of our jobs, can’t have my fellow advance brethren fall to disrepair now can I~.
Although the bar does double as a hotspot for information gathering because of me and Hoddi technically being information brokers as well.
Enough about that, where was I? Oh yeah! Tap! Now that I’m thinking about it, I glance at the clock. Tap was supposed to be here half an hour ago, and checked in 25 minutes ago. Something's up.
I do a silent call to Tap over my interface and wait for them to pick up. Nothing. That’s……. Not good……..
That can only mean that Tap has gotten caught up in something, and getting caught up in something these days just means that people, including yourself, are about to die. 
After a couple of more minutes of trying to call Tap and still nothing coming from my attempts, I knew I had to do something. But with how I’m connected to this spot with my generator, I can’t leave. But…… I do have something up my sleeve. Though, I do need Hoddi’s help to make sure this will work.
I proceeded to clear out the bar by saying that I have to close early due to some VIP guests coming soon and that’s usually lingo for ‘SCRAM’. After everyone had cleared out, I went to the deepest part of my storage to find a very old item of mine. It has been awhile but I’ve had these since the creation of my A.I. and body. A very small but powerful generator that works semi like a battery for me. It was ‘advertised’ to last 5 days and could completely recharge in another 5 next to another generator. I was given three and only one can last me at full power for 5 hours max, and if I keep the energy consumption low it could possibly last a full day but it never has before lasted even remotely close to 5 days like it was advertised.
Found it! Now I just need Hoddi’s help. I sent out an emergency call for Hoddi, because I’m not sure if she is in the building right now.
Nope. She’s in the building. I watch as Hoddi slides around the corner with a concerned look on her face.
“Cass! What’s the call about?!?”
I give her what I hope is a flat look. Her face drops. 
“.....Tap?....” I nodded. She immediately growls and lunges for the computer in the corner and starts aggressively typing on her computer, turning on the tracers to find out where Tap is.
After a minute it pops up that Tap is in one of the abandoned warehouses on the edge of the city and her vital signs are…. Okay….. But not 100%. That means that she has probably been taken hostage in hopes of luring someone out, mainly, me and Hoddi. We glance at each other in slight dismay before hardening our resolve. Hoodie looked at my fancy generator in hand and looked back up to me and said, “You sure?” I nodded. Anything for saving our little bun bun.
Hoodie nodded and waved me over so we could quickly set up our plan.
~Earlier with Tap~
Great! Just great! I just had to get that fancy new part for Cass…… I did though, Cass could really use it. But look where it has gotten me! Mister holier-than-thou Inspector Saul is looking down his nose at me with a sneer. After a moment of our glaring contest he opened his garbage mouth.
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The rumored new partner of the two most elusive beings in the underground.”
I wrinkled my nose, and stuck my tongue out at the foul man, he didn’t like that and spat in my face. I merely grinned in return and gave my two cents on this situation. “Oh…. Partner? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I am merely a thief for hire and someone hired me to do this job. I don’t do partnerships, I work alone InSpEcToR SaUl.”
Sauly boy didn’t like that response.
Whelp. That punch hurt, but I’m not saying anything about my home, those two are my precious people in this fucked up world and I’m not EVER going to rat them out. As I zoned back into reality after that decent punch Saul landed, I watched as he was rubbing his wrist with a little baby handkerchief, seems fitting for the man baby. Saul looked back to me and with a somehow deeper sneer and started spewing trash again,
“Well you little shit, I am going to extract that information out of you one way or another. And I’m going to keep going till you die. And if you die it will be a lesson to your partners that I am on their trail and will soon catch them.”
At that I snorted and shook my head and replied, “Uh huh, you think YOU are going to find the two most elusive people in the underground and you think that killing ME is going to teach them a lesson?” 
Saul glared at me for insinuating that his methods were useless for what he was attempting to do. He opened his mouth to say something else when the lights went out, then we heard skittering, then we were surrounded by an eerie green glow from above, along with a deep mechanical growl. 
Me and Saul looked up.
My face lit up with glee, while Saul’s face went so white that I could see it through the green glow. Saul proceeded to stutter out, “A…. A……. A CAS MODEL!?!?!” I watched as Cass closed their mouth and simply smiled a sinister smile at Saul and then started speaking,
“Well, someone seems to know what I am. And you thought it was a good idea to lure me out of my deep, dark hole? What made you think you were going to win?”
At that Saul seemed to try and begin speaking, but I wasn’t paying attention anymore. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a much smaller red glow behind me. I looked to see Hoddi there with her tool kit getting me out of the ropes that Saul had tied me up in. I made a small noise of surprise and that had Saul pausing from his faux confident rant and glancing over. Seeing me now free and Hoddi behind me with her horns and eyes glowing red, Saul seemed to know when to call it quits and retreat so he proceeded to turn and run. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to take all three of us at once even with the little backup he brought with him, although by the looks of it, Cass had taken over the robots from the beginning to make sure they didn’t alert the so-called great Inspector Saul.
After Saul ran out Cass forcefully shut down the robot bodyguards and turned down the power output to orange like they are usually running at. Then they and Hoddi turned back to me and started questioning me, “Are you okay?”, “Are you injured?”, stuff like that. I shook my head that, no I wasn’t injured, and spoke up,
“I know you two are worried about me, but I’m really fine. But we need to get out of here as quickly as we can, because I doubt that Inspector Saul really left without a fight.”
Cass and Hoddi seemed to freeze at that and nodded. Cass immediately picked me up despite my protests and we made our way back to the hideout without being seen.
~After getting back to the hideout~
Cass set me on the bed and both they and Hoddi reluctantly left me in their sights to quickly hook Cass back up to the generator. Once then finished they both rushed to patch me up for any small scrape or bruise. And once they were satisfied with their work they just looked at me, then Cass spoke up, 
“What happened?”
I took a deep breath and started, “There was this valuable part I knew was being shipped and while it should have been obvious it was a trap from the way it was only one part being shipped, I just knew I had to get it.”
Hoddi gained an incredulous look on her face and spoke up, “And what, pray tell, was so important that you walked into an obvious trap to try and grab it?”
I simply smiled a cheeky smile and held up the part and said, “This.”
Hoddi and Cass both gasped when they saw it. Hoddi started ranting, “This is the one part that would make that new generator I found work with Cass’s system!” They both turned to me in shock as I simply kept smiling back.
Then Cass reached out and hugged me. I smiled and snuggled into the warm metal that was Cass, and Hoddi joined in after a moment. After enjoying the warmth for a moment Cass spoke up,
“You’re grounded, you know?”
I shot up and exclaimed, “WHAT!? WHY!?” Hoddi!......... Help me!……….”
Hoddi simply shook her head and replied, “Sorry bun-bun, you scared us so it’s bar duty for a week until we’ve calmed down.”
I threw my head back with my arms in the air and exclaimed, “Awww comeeeee onnnnnnnn!”
After pouting for a moment, I started laughing and Cass and Hoddi joined in on the laughter. I’m so glad to have found precious people in this fucked up world. I don’t know what I would do without them. All I know is that I just want to keep on surviving with them until it’s no longer possible, and I will do anything to make sure that happens.
“Were you being serious about the grounding…..?”
“Yes.” “Yes.”
“Awww man…..”
@somerandomdudelmao @hodd1 @tapakah0
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I have a weird but hopefully adorable ask!
RO reaction to receiving the news that they or MC is pregnant with Octuplets?
(For Elio, MC brings 8 kids home and says these are our kids now :)
Woof, Lord have mercy!
Cassandra: When the doctor reported that there was more than 4 heart beats in there... Girly was lightheaded for hours trying to contemplate. You can bet top dollar after this you both are not ever having any more kids, this is the first and last time.
Valeria: Laughs. Laughs in disbelief and wonder, she didn't even think that was humanly possible. I mean, she is a twin herself to having two or even three in one go was plausible but...8? Good Lord grant her patience, because you two can kiss sleep goodbye.
Tomás: Nah, my man definitely passed out for a few moments. Goddamn, 8?! That's insane, normally he would take majority of the 9 months wrapping his head around being a dad, but now he's gotta come to grips he is having 8 in one go? Yikes.
On the plus side however, he would prep like a mf. 8 hand-made cradles and adjustments were made to the dining table to he could fit all 8 of the little ones into makeshift high chairs. He is literally making a blueprint of the house and trying to figure out how he is going to fit them all into their respective rooms when they are older. He kinda wishes he had more money so he could afford to give them all their own rooms, he would low key debate asking his mom for some money but his pride ultimately would not allow it. He settles on separating them by gender for now, it would be funny af if he got 7 boys and one girl though. Heavens know that girl would be a such a daddy's princess.
Ludovica: I worry more on her health tbh, she would worry the whole pregnancy that she would miscarry. So by the end she is so happy they arrived safely and healthy, she honestly would be very overwhelmed by the number of them though. Vica would benefit greatly from having a small family but she would not complain to have all 8. She might make a case that you guys need to hire a few nannies though, she would be very involved with all 8 of her kids but it is all a bit too much for her though.
Aurelio: The best one out of all the RO's that is fit for this situation. He would still 100% throw up upon receiving the news however, goodbye freedom. He would shape up quick and allocate many of his spare rooms in his manor for his kids, no more overnight stays for any party guests that is for sure. He would hire one nanny, aka a governess, for the kids so that he can work comfortably and MC can have some help. His kids will all turn out 100% like him, read that one other RO as parent's ask to see what I mean by that. The havoc these kids will cause on the denizens of Romandi are unspeakable, however I feel like the home life would look a lot like 'The Sound Of Music' (my absolute favorite comfort movie btw) but how the family is at the end. Constant trips, fun games, and a huge loving family. The kids would also probably be similar to those kids from that movie. Putting frogs in people that they don't like clothes lol.
Elio: I mean... He would have questions as to why you suddenly decided that your shared apartment sized home should now be an orphanage. My mans would be shook but also not turn them out, he would at first want to find them all proper homes but I can see he would quickly get attached. He does 100% MC to find or have a job to support all of these kids properly, he would help (by being a house husband) but it would fall mainly on MC to figure out how are you both going to take proper care of these kids in the long term.
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