#[c: Anastasia Tremaine]
hxlcycnx · 5 months
“You make it look so easy.” [ anastasia to vax ]
“only because i’ve practiced.” vax shrugged, weaving the coin between his fingers with the true dexterity of a theif. “just keep trying, like i showed you. you’ll get there. before you know it, you can whip this out at parties and stuff.” he chuckled, offering the coin to the other.
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[Pep Talk.] - (Anastasia Tremaine)
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Partner: A thread with @itsme-anastasia​
Starter: Happiest event starter 9 Marie Beaumont
When: 22 December 2022
Triggers: smoking TW, coma TW, poisoning TW
Connection: Bestie
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[Marie Beaumont]
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[Anastasia Tremaine]
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[Marie Beaumont]
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[Anastasia Tremaine]
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[Marie Beaumont]
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[Anastasia Tremaine]
“Anytime,” she smiled before Marie went ahead and read her mind. Stas gave one last look to the party, feeling a sense of longing and what she now knew was loneliness, before following Marie out. It was getting too stuffy in there anyways.
Both her eyebrows shot up when Marie said that, holding her cigarette between her lips as she thought up a response.
“Good morning,” she scoffed, trying to keep it light too. It wouldn’t have taken a genius to SUS that Marie wasn’t feeling totally fine about it. Stas lifted her chin, meeting her eye- “You could have anyone you want, Marie. Fuck ‘em! Spin and point, you’ve got this.”
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[Marie Beaumont]
Marie was glad to be out in the open, the fresh air reached her nostrils - which was a bit ironic since she was going to fill her lungs with smoke. Not healthy, but Marie couldn’t care less. “Good fucking morning.” She sighed. “He and I were fwb, but I got feelings and well the rest is history.” She blew out a cloud of smoke and smiled at the motivational pep talk Anastasia gave her. “Thanks, girl, I needed that.” And she did - perhaps she should’ve tried harder.
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airasora · 7 months
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I just noticed something slightly peculiar; Anastasia walks the exact same way Lady Tremaine does... whereas Drizella walks differently.
Anastasia and Lady Tremaine both have their arms bend, neck vertical and their backs slightly curved. Drizella holds out her dress in outstretched arms, her shoulder and neck are tilted uncomfortable backwards and her back is practically C-shaped.
Literally everything in animation is done on purpose. It's not an accident that Anastasia walks like Lady Tremaine and that Drizella doesn't...
I wonder what exactly is implied by this 🤔
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Heyo guys!
Since my friend made a post about it, I figured I should make a separate post of it as well that could hopefully grab the attention of more of you out there. Especially since it's now not only become a recurrent issue for myself, but millions others like me; whose voices and pleas for help are often met with silence and no aid when it's needed more than ever.
My friend made this with the hopes it would get the attention of a lot of people. And the few that have so far responded, with boosting my signal, it's truly appreciated.
So, I figured I'd best give my story here.
For those who know me, they know that I've been through this before, not that long ago. For those that don't:
This isn't my first rodeo with my dad. This isn't his first offense, and I doubt it'll be his last. But, even my boyfriend commented that it's really like I'm Cinderella.
Which, would make my family Lady Tremaine and her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella.
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Yeah, not the most fun people to have in your life as family, let alone be analogous to your own.
But, for at least my brother on the matter, he doesn't mean to intentionally be cruel- if anything, he is just trying to survive from becoming the next target. Which, I get entirely. I oftentimes do the same for when a fight breaks out between my bio father and my stepmom.
But, that's besides the point-- the fact that they are even akin to that family dynamic is absolutely atrocious.
I'm often seen as a black sheep in my nuclear family- a dark horse, a scapegoat, pariah, outcast; hell, I'm almost synonymous to fucking Bruno Madrigal from Encanto, with a little bit of even Luisa for that matter with how bad her anxiety is.
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Sure, that sounds pretty awful, but that's like, a surface-level perspective of who I am and what I've been through. And I'm not gonna give you my whole life story here, but, as my grandma would always famously say:
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So, here are the said facts (bullets are Bruno related, indents are Cinderella)-
People used to see me as a gifted child when I was little, y'know? Like, my talents had no bounds. My way of being so empathetic and friendly to even the most awkward stranger was renowned by my extended family. I was awkward with communication, and often was very blunt but honest when talking to people, but I was a happy kid. And it's not like I'm not seen for my talents now, but they're brushed to the side more now as an adult because "you can't be living in a fantasy".
Since my dad and stepmom started living together, I've been made to become the maid of the house, doing most chores because the boys won't do it and my stepmom is incapable of handling all the chores and dishes on her own, so she's dumped most things onto me as a "way of covering for part of your rent". Which, I still have to pay upwards of 660-880 a month for. For one small room and a bathroom. For wifi use. And I still have other bills to pay, like for my car, insurance, credit cards, and stuff like that.
It wasn't until I was starting in my teens that my dad saw me very differently. I would often lie to try and keep the peace, because I feared that telling the truth would only hurt everyone more.
I started failing in math; I never got a grade higher than a C-average after sixth grade, because the teacher that year not only made me look like an idiot, but several times painted me as a villain and treated me like I was evil. Simply for standing up for myself amongst a group of classmates who would often bully me
I have little to no privacy in my own room. The only time I do is when I sleep, and that's even temporary at best. My father will routinely inspect my room and if it's not meeting his standards, he has me clean it or threatens kicking me out onto the street because he won't let me live in this house if I can't "do what I am required to do in order to keep living here" shit I wish I actually wish I had recorded him saying fr
He's taken off my door several times in the past as a punishment for not "adhering to his rules"- not okay as a teenager, even more not okay as a fucking twenty-four year old adult
(literal screenshots from conversations with my dad below)
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My bio dad started seeing me less as an honest and good person, because during my sixth grade years and beyond I'd struggle with being honest with myself, let alone my parents, about my personal and educational issues.
I've had to be the one to call out when things aren't right, and be shut down for it. I've been the one to call out my family's bullshit, only to get side-swept with the realization my perception of how they treat me is cuz they do believe something is inherently wrong with me for retaliating.
I'm often accused of mishearing things- like, my parents will say one thing, and then the next day, or weeks or months later, when I repeat that statement, they go and say "Oh, I never said that."
I've walked out of my parents' lives once. It only lasted two weeks, but I did have to take a step back from it all. Because I could see what it was doing to everyone in my family. And I love my family, despite their shit. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna walk out again- in fact, I'm working on a way to do so.
I relate more to pets and small children and even teens than I do older people.
I still have anxieties and fears over my talents and what I'm capable of, thinking I'm not good enough or that it's just the same old thing. The difference is I know it's not, and I know I'm worth more than this.
I have always liked the color green, and it was always a more mysterious color more than an evil or menacing color.
I often have had foresight of future events and get deja by when they do happen. Though, other times I just notice things going awry and I try to warn others of like, a possibility that they don't want to accept.
I lost friends and people who I actually enjoyed being around because of how I was growing up, and it was until I became an adult that part of it wasn't even my fault. A lot of the kids noticed my parents and didn't want to be around that kind of behavior with adults, because they could sense what I couldn't at the time, which was that my parents' behavior towards me was absolutely uncalled for, and rather controlling.
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I was only recently properly diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and ADHD; but before then, as an adult, I had more difficulty talking. Difficulty expressing how I felt. Trouble with finances. Being in the right headspace. Being able to take a step back and be like "whoa, now hold on- pointing fingers at me is only going to point three right back at you, let's not assume shit here". And it took a lot of support from my support systems and my boyfriend- @constant-state-of-self-discovery - to get a truly more accurate diagnosis. Cuz I've had three different diagnoses over the years, with the third being my most accurate one but I digress
I have echolalia and repeat funny phrases, hum music, etc.
When my brother was born - and I hate to use this comparison, but - almost immediately he became the Golden Child of the family dynamic. I was ten when he was born- and yeah, that's unfair for a baby, toddler, and little kid. But flash forward to when he's a bigger kid, when he's in his pre-teen stage and now a fourteen year old, who's gotten more educational advantages than I was ever offered or even given when asked. Who has had more positive experiences with his parents than I ever did. Who got the chance to actually go to the highschool he wanted to without having to worry about who I was really zoned for. Who is getting to work on his passion and talents. Yeah, that's totally not favoritism there.
I draw. I write. I legitimately can see myself voice acting one day.
I have often proved my family members both right and wrong about things in their lives, but I'm still the bad guy. Interesting how that works.
See, these are the facts that just have me relating to just Bruno and Cinderella alone, with how my life is. There's plenty of other shit to add on about my stuff, but that's enough dirty laundry to get the ball rolling.
The fact of the matter is this: I cannot live in such a place like this anymore. And if anyone can help, I'd seriously appreciate whatever cash, boosting, reblogging, sharing that can be done.
I'm tired of living a life like this. I want to move forward. I want to start my next chapter, away from abuse.
And I'm really hopeful for the first time ever that something good might come out of this.
(thank you @savythenillerwaffer , @nystiaa , @oswinunknown , and @anne-of-crows for reblogging along with the others who have spread the word.)
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tahelms85 · 1 year
Because I'm bored, here's my definitive ranking of (most of) the villains of Disney ANIMATED movies.
1 Claude Frollo 2 Shan Yu 3 Cruella DeVil 4 Governor Ratcliffe 5 Dr. Facilier 6 Honest John/Stromboli 7 Maleficent 8 William Cecil Clayton 9 Shere Khan 10 Dawn Bellweather 11 Percival C McLeach 12 Madame Madusa 13 Scar 14 Jafar 15 Gaston 16 Mother Gothel 17 Hades 18 Robert Callaghan 19 Commander Lyle Tiberius Roarke 20 Yzma 21 Mad Madam Mim 22 The Evil Queen 23 Ursula 24 Captain Hook 25 Lady Tremaine/Drizella/Anastasia 26 Elephant Matriarch/Ringmaster 27 Queen of Hearts 28 Fagin 29 Prince John/Sir Hiss 30 The Siamese Cats 31 Captain Gantu 32 Man
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swynlake-rp · 20 days
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MUN: K AND S! Both K and S stepped up in a major way for Capture the Flag during the AU, and their teammates noticed! Whether it was team strategy or causing some Agent of Eris chaos, members shouted these two out for bringing their A game to the AU. Honorable Mention: B! Of course, our members also had to give Ba shoutout for all her amazing assistance during the AU as well. 20-page-lore-doc? Yeah, all in a day’s work for B! CHARACTER: AURORA! Anavigated a difficult month for Aurora, and began exploring some of the after-effects of her cursebreaking. And she’s working on opening a business! We can’t wait to see what Aurora does next.  Honorable Mention: Stella & Banzai Props to C and G for jumping right into the AU fun with brand-new characters with an epic Greek tragedy! Euripedes is quaking!  THREAD: ONCE IN A SUPER BLUE MOON & IT’S TIME TO GO! Both of these threads got shoutouts for their thrilling plots, high emotions, and moments of tenderness, too. We’re on the edge of our seats to see what happens next! TASK: WHAT’S IN MARIE’S BAG! B went above and beyond for this one, even making gifs to go alongside it! And we loved learning more about this absolute icon. Luckily she has purse <3 Honorable Mention: Everyone’s AU bios! We always love to see the creativity when it’s AU time, and this month was no different. Nice work to everyone who participated!
Election Applications due Sept. 30!!!
Also! During election seasons, petitions are ON HOLD (Starting October 1st)
DO YOU REMEMBER? PLAYLIST: Do you remember dancing in September? Make a playlist that brings your character back to a significant night or moment– the 21st night of September or another important date along with a graphic. Include a short (or long) blurb about each song. AUTUMN PAIRED THREAD: The seasons are changing, pick a fun fall activity and do a thread with a character played by your assigned partner. Some ideas to get you started: back to school! The carnival!
SEPT 4-11: FRESHERS WEEK: Kick off the start of the university fall semester with an epic rager hosted by none other than Ed and Phineas!!!!!! Canonically on Sept. 7
SEPT 8-15: FALL CARNIVAL: It’s the 69th Annual Swynlake Fall Carnival! Rides and games and treats, galore! Happening on Discord – but also we encourage dashboard shenanigans. Canonically runs through the same dates.
SEPT 11-18: HAUNTLEY INN REOPENING: The Hauntley Manor Inn is throwing a  cocktail party in honor of being reopen for business-- and for Friday the 13th! Canonically on Sept. 13. 
SEPT 18-25: MIGHTY WEDDING: Martin Ambrosius and Renard Dubhuir are getting married! There will be a private ceremony at dusk on September 22nd with a late reception lasting throughout the night open to the public at Town Hall.
Gregory Eeyore – September 1
Dian Morey – September 3
Vishaka Chakraborty – September 8
Atta Flutterwing – September 9
Lucian "Lucky" Doyle – September 12
Li Shang – September 12
Remy Gusteau – September 12
Phoebe "Pepper" Doyle – September 12
Anastasia Tremaine – September 13
Kiig'nc 'King' La'ornh – September 14
Krish "Copper" Russell – September 18
Hugo “Chief” Slade – September 18
Babette Durand – September 20
Su Qin – September 20
Mazhar Morey – September 21
Alana Triton – September 23
Willis Tibbs – September 29
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redwoodhollowreview · 3 years
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                                                    THE A TO Z OF HAPPIESTPLACEHQ
                                                           part one
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redknave · 3 years
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heartsunholy-a · 6 years
listen i’m all for non-redeemable villains but like
“Cinderella believes that Anastasia only tried to go through with Lady Tremaine's plot because she was also emotionally abused and manipulated by her mother and she truly still had a kind heart in the end.”
“[Drizella] is portrayed as haughty, abusive, and sadistically cruel. She sets so many bad examples of spitefulness towards Cinderella for her younger sister to follow, that between them Anastasia's the better of the two... Unlike her younger sister Anastasia, who changes her spiteful ways and develops into a kind and good-natured woman, Drizella remains mean-spirited and cruel, and never overcomes her hatred of Cinderella. ”
“Although she seems to be awed by her during the story An Uncommon Romance, after Anastasia openly rebelled against their overbearing mother and told her she was in love with a baker of low-birth and that she was happier with him than she would ever be with the wealthy suitor Lady Tremaine had hoped she would encounter at another palace ball. Angered, Lady Tremaine stormed off, leaving Drizella stunned, though she sided with her mother and returned home with her. Unlike Anastasia, who eventually liberates herself from her mother's domination, Drizella obeys her mother's every order and schemes with her to undermine her hated stepsister, Cinderella.”
i honestly cannot fathom a reason people would view d.rizella as more of a villain than A.nastasia when they have the same exact background but only one of them got the kindness of a second chance while the other was ignored
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Acces to vitamins on the Isle of the Lost
...Yeah, @descendants-extended send me a simple question/observation and then we got carried away. Enjoy.
A: yes, they can get the protovitamin beta caroten from yolks, livers, maybe pumpkins. Pumpikns are mood, Isle does have pumpkins. The rest depends on how much sunshine they're getting.
D: yes, from fishes. Now, the fishes might be mildly toxic in itself, due to the pollution, but at least the VKs have straight bones.
E: found in leaf-vegetables, vegetable oils and almonds. Somehow, I doubt that. Also in cereals, so a bit at least. Not enough of vitamin E equals allergies and problems with digestive system.
K: leaf-vegetables. Not enough of vitamin K causes heavy bleeding, hematoms, extremely heavy periods, as the vitamin K makes the blood condense. The VKs are fucked and probably get random nosebleeds often.
Mal getting a nosebleed at the cookie scene in D1:
Lonnie: „...You are bleeding-“
Mal: unbothered, smears the blood on her face and continues stiring:
Jay, Carlos, Evie: „This is normal.“
B-komplex: depending on the quality of food Auradon sends, I think this one is managable. Found in cereals, milk, meat, leaf-vegetables.
Vitamin C: Again, the VKs are fucked. There is no way the poor kids are getting enough vitamin C not to get at least mild version of scurvy. Not to mention that most of their parents don't know what scurvy is.
Here is a list of parents that probably do know what scurvy is, or force their kids to eat veggies for other reasons:
Captain Hook. He's a pirate, duh. He knows of scurvy. Not to mention that in some versions of his tale he has higher education and I vibe with that.
Helga Sinclair. She's an educated woman, ok?
Dr. Facilier, he looked it up like a good parent.
Mozenrath and Sadira from Aladin TV series.
Varian and Cassandra from Tangled TV series.
Shan Yu. He seems practical like that, so, probably?
Anastasia Tremaine, if she had her redemption arc in-universe. She doesn't necessarily know why kids should eat fruits and veggies, but hey, she's trying.
Malefincent. She's a special case. She does not know how humans (or half-humans), work and what they should be eating. She does, however, know, that kids hate eating their veggies, so she thinks that forcing Mal to eat her veggies is a perfectly evil way to parent. Boom. Nailed it.
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fear-tear · 3 years
About Cinderella 3
Lady Tremaine commits so much evil bullshit in this movie. She deletes Cinderella's happyness, she brainwashes the Prince, she uses Anastasia as a way to get the King's fortune, she attempts to get rid of both Cinderella AND Anastasia when her plan fails...
But, in my opinion, the perfect depiction of how evil this bitch is, is the moment when she breaks Cinderella's glass slipper, tells her that she has to stay away from the Prince, and, as a last goodbye, she says:
"Oh, and... Clean up that broken glass."
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Lady Tremaine hasn't bossed Cinderella for a year, so this is her first opportunity in a long time (and also the last, since she's leaving for good) to give Cinderella an order.
And she enjoys it. She savours the moment. She loves to destroy Cinderella just as much as she loves wealth and power.
Forgive my language, but there's no worse c*nt among the Disney Villains than her.
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gavillain · 3 years
I put way too many Disney characters into a sorter and so wheeeeeeeee here are my Top 200 Disney characters. And, yes, there were more characters than this in the sorter who did not make the cut; 200 was just the convenient stopping point for listing results. Take ordering with a slight grain of salt since it's a LOT of characters and I had to go with my gut instinct in the moment and couldn’t change answers.... 1 Maleficent 2 Jafar 3 Queen Grimhilde 4 Hades 5 Ursula 6 Cruella De Vil 7 Mickey Mouse 8 Jim Hawkins 9 Aladdin 10 Megara 11 Merlin 12 Snow White 13 Scar 14 Prince Phillip 15 Prince Eric 16 Esmeralda 17 Seven Dwarfs 18 Peter Pan 19 Frollo 20 Hercules 21 Ariel 22 Beast 23 The Fates 24 Lady Tremaine 25 Chernabog 26 Yen Sid 27 Professor Ratigan 28 Horace & Jasper 29 Flora, Fauna, & Merryweather 30 Fairy Godmother 31 Aurora 32 Belle 33 Pete 34 Magic Mirror 35 Prince Florian 36 Percival C. McLeach 37 John Silver 38 Simba 39 Ratcliffe 40 Dr. Facilier 41 Diablo 42 Captain Hook 43 Lucifer 44 Flotsam & Jetsam 45 Witch Hazel 46 Cheshire Cat 47 Madam Mim 48 Queen of Hearts 49 Drizella 50 Anastasia 51 Cinderella 52 Madame Medusa 53 Bagheera 54 Baloo 55 Miss Bianca 56 Taran 57 Gurgi 58 Fflewddur Fflam 59 Princess Eilonwy 60 Horned King 61 Mrs. Potts 62 Joanna 63 Shenzi, Banzai, & Ed 64 King Triton 65 Georgette 66 Zazu 67 B.E.N. 68 Sarah Hawkins 69 Yzma 70 Minnie Mouse 71 Goofy 72 Donald Duck 73 Shere Khan 74 Sebastian 75 Genie 76 Jasmine 77 Lady Kluck 78 Headless Horseman 79 Tinker Bell 80 Rafiki 81 Carpet 82 Iago 83 Cerberus 84 Pain & Panic 85 Grandma Fa 86 Mrs. Packard 87 Gaston 88 Lumiere 89 Cogsworth 90 Clayton 91 Prince Hans 92 Prince John 93 Daisy Duck 94 Zeus 95 Bacchus 96 Caterpillar 97 Wendy 98 King of Hearts 99 White Rabbit 100 Honest John 101 Tamatoa 102 Kaa 103 Georges Hautecourt 104 Madame Adelaide Bonfamille 105 Duchess 106 Mad Hatter 107 Alice 108 Marie, Berlioz, & Toulouse 109 Mr. Snoops 110 Smee 111 Thomas O'Malley 112 Archimedes 113 Pluto 114 Grimsby 115 Basil of Baker Street 116 Grandmother Willow 117 Hydra 118 Pegasus 119 Tramp 120 Lady 121 King Stefan 122 King Hubert 123 Roger Radcliffe 124 Anita Radcliffe 125 Nanny 126 Brutus & Nero 127 Friar Tuck 128 Ben Ali Gator 129 Bernard 130 Pongo & Perdita 131 King Arthur 132 Nani 133 Kala 134 Jane Porter 135 Stitch 136 Nala 137 Quasimodo 138 Pleakley 139 Tiana 140 Sheriff of Nottingham 141 Doli 142 Phoebus 143 Maurice 144 Chip 145 Flounder 146 Sykes 147 Spring Sprite 148 Firebird 149 Helga Sinclair 150 Tarzan 151 Coachman 152 Pinocchio 153 Jiminy Cricket 154 Jumba 155 Li Shang 156 Prince Charming 157 Todd 158 March Hare 159 Nana 160 Tick-Tock Croc 161 Jaq & Gus 162 Widow Tweed 163 Dr. Dawson 164 Fidget 165 Oliver 166 Captain Amelia 167 Philoctetes 168 Timon & Pumbaa 169 Shan Yu 170 Hermes 171 Hera 172 Robin Hood 173 Kuzco 174 Pocahontas 175 Maid Marian 176 Big Mama 177 Stromboli 178 Monstro 179 Sultan 180 The King & the Grand Duke 181 Blue Fairy 182 Geppetto 183 Sir Hiss 184 Dodger 185 Thumper 186 Tigger 187 Rabbit 188 Little John 189 Eeyore 190 Winnie the Pooh 191 Owl 192 Piglet 193 Abu 194 Prince Naveen 195 Charlotte LaBouff 196 Scrooge McDuck 197 Mulan 198 Lyle T. Rourke 199 Flynn Rider 200 Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
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NO FUNDO, ELA SÓ QUERIA ALGUÉM PARA AMAR… Nossa nova habitante costumava se chamar ANASTASIA TREMAINE, do conto CINDERELLA, e antes da névoa da maldição arrastá-la até Storybrooke, ela estava no REINO DE CASTLE OF DREAMS, lá na FLORESTA ENCANTADA. Aqui na cidade você talvez a encontre se procurar por uma tal de LEYLA YILDIZ que está DESEMPREGADA.
h e a d c a n o n s
Leyla gostava de pensar que era a filha preferida de seu pai, mesmo que não fosse necessariamente verdade. Isso porque, enquanto sua mãe sempre foi uma pessoa mais fria, seu pai era a pessoa que realmente mostrava o que significava o amor. Era uma garotinha sonhadora que tinha o mundo pela frente. Podia não ser tão inteligete como sua irmã, por exemplo, mas era esforçada! Era doce, gentil, tinha um bom coração. Mas é claro que tudo desandou quando seu pai faleceu. Leyla nunca entendeu muito bem o que significava aquilo: como havia sido envenenado? Por quê? Por quem? Aquelas perguntas sempre rodavam sua mente. Mas foi quando entendeu que toda a herança da família não ficaria para ela, sua irmã e sua mãe, que a jovenzinha sonhadora percebeu que o mundo não era um conto de fadas. 
 Sentia falta de seu pai! E além disso, sentia que havia sido deixada sozinha em um mundo ruim. Seu pai não era tão bom assim, ou teria feito as coisas de uma forma diferente, certo? Teria deixado uma segurança para elas e não para sua amante. E foi no coração bom que a amargura e a carência começaram a crescer. No ensino médio? Tivera muitos namorados. Mas nenhum parecia contenta-la por muito tempo, já que, apesar de se apaixonar perdidamente por todos, ela sempre acabava escolhendo os que quebrariam seu coração (E os bonzinhos? Esses ela traía).
TW: AGE GAP Foi aos dezoito anos que ela conseguiu seu primeiro contato com um homem mais velho. Percebeu que eles não apenas supriam sua necessidade de atenção, mas também lhe compravam presentes e as vezes até lhe davam dinheiro. Pagavam até por seus sapatos! O problema sempre era quando a mulher se apegava demais e acabava quebrando a cara, o que era bem frequente. FIM TW.
Carente, mimada e bastante egocêntrica, a garota pode ser um tanto quanto egoísta as vezes. Atualmente está desempregada, mas é muito boa fazendo bicos: às vezes serve de babá aqui, às vezes faz algum job rápido de modelo ali, às vezes cobria alguma falta na recepção dos estabelecimentos de Storybrooke, ela era boa em fazer o que precisava. Mas mais do que isso, gostava de receber as coisas sem ter que fazer nada.
c  u  r  i  o  s  i  d  a  d  e  s
não está acordada (na maldição).
tem uma coleção de sapatos interminável, calça 40.
está sempre usando gloss labial e muitas vezes um lacinho no cabelo.
adora dançar! está sempre nas festas e boates da cidade.
é muito mimada e dificilmente consegue aceitar nãos com tranquilidades.
tem um belo dedo podre para escolher seus romances.
frequenta a igreja.
tem muitos pesadelos (principalmente com a vida passada) mas sempre são muito piorados. dorme muito mal e por isso, odeia dormir sozinha. 
tem muito medo de cachorros.
adora usar vários anéis nos dedos e sempre está com as unhas compridas. 
adora livros de poesia e jogos de tabuleiro.
cadelinha de reality show.
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Harry Hook x reader - abandoned
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Could you possibly do a story about reader being Mal’s sister and pregnant with Harry’s baby during D3 and Mal doesn’t know when she says she’s going to shut the barrier? With lots of reader and Harry fluff!
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You rubbed your swollen stomach, holding new life, staring at the broken tv screen in lady tramlines hair shop, as beasty boy proposed to mal…your traitorous sister who abandoned you…for three years.
Its been three years since that fateful day when mal, evie, Carlos, and Jay went to Auradon.
Two and a half years since she broke and came back, when she saw you, she seemed surprised, as if she had forgotten you.
During the planning of getting ben back, she begged you to go along with it and she would have evie take you back to Auradon.
You refused, not wanting to leave your friends…your family.
She had just…left. Like the cowardly traitor she was.
And now, now after THREE FUCKING YEARS, she was finally getting more kids off the isle.
You knew you weren’t going to be one of them, you didn’t bother to fill out an application, and you knew she would never choose you. She offered to give you a better life ONCE before giving up. A hero she was? Yeah right, more like a backstabbing villain.
You glared as the core four and ben climbed into mals new purple limo-like she needed more fancy shit, she was more Auradon than isle now, she’d gone soft, weak.
The strong hold on to their promises, not afraid to say what they thought, not afraid to step up and call attention.
Mal was weak, she broke every single promise, she jumped on the bandwagon, she cowered and stepped down, letting others do the hard part and then took all the credit.
Just like all the pranks you did when you were young and mal taking credit and you were just her little henchmen.
You were lucky that your mother didn’t like it.
She demanded that mal start thinking for herself, evil queens didn’t use someones else's plot to rule the world, evil was original, not a copy cat.
It was one of the few times that you were higher than Mal in your mother's view.
Dizzy skipped down the stairs, a bright smile on her face. “omg (y/n)! can you believe im going to auradon~!” you smiled at the happy 16-year-old, you held no ill feelings toward the young teen, she deserved to leave the deary isle.
“I do, you belong there sweetie” dizzy squealed, wrapping her arms around you, you hummed, giving her a tight side hug.
“When you get there you have to let me babysit okay!”
Your smile dropped, but you faked one when dizzy pulled back “of course, who else would I let take care of the little one?”
Dizzy giggled, grabbing her designs and crafts from around the room, stopping at one.
“oh!” she grabbed it and raced back over to you, holding out an interesting necklace.
“This is for you!”
It had red gems and (f/c) jewels, with silver and gold vines with leaves decorating the front, it looked like a tiara made for a fae.
“the red ones are Harry's color see, and the (f/c) ones are yours! I wanted to look like the trees of the fae like in that old book you showed me!”
You stared at it in awe “oh dizzy” you teared up, damn hormones, “I love it!” you hugged dizzy, careful of the baby bump.
“ill treasure it forever!”
Dizzy squealed “im so happy you like it! Oh!” dizzy’s aunt Anastasia came down the stairs, holding another one of dizzy’s suitcases
“come on diz, the limo is almost here”
Casting a look on the screen, you saw the barrier opening, the limo pulling in.
“aye, now love, I think its time we go home”
Strong arms wrapped around you, a thick Scottish accent purring in your ear. You sighed and nodded, grasping Harry's hand and letting him help you up.
“yeah yeah, let's go”
“bye (y/n)! bye, harry!”
“yeah yeah, bye ya runt”
“shush har, see ya dizzy!”
You exited the hair salon, entering the streets of the isle, some of the residents looking up and glaring but coward back when your eyes glowed bright (e/c) and harry flashed his hook, a crooked grin on his face.
You arrived at bargain castle, where you took the reigns after your precious sister turned mother into a lizard.
After the events of the coronation, many tried to salvage whatever they could from the castle, but you didn't let them, baring your sharp teeth and glowing eyes, the flames and shadows flickered around you. Making those who dared to try cower away and never return.
Harry was the only one to step through and manage to take something, and that caught your interest. Uma did too, glaring back just as harshly and stepping right up to you, sneering in our face.
You liked her, so you broke away from your sister's calling of ‘shrimpy’ and made peace with uma, the two of you ruling the isle.
And harry was one of your treasures, after some time, people had started to call him the consort of the isles queen.
Now, why would they be calling harry that? Because you and him had begun to…see each other? If that’s the right wording.
And no one dared to mess with the darker descendant of maleficent and the insane son of captain hook, so it was an easy match.
And it had been two years and 3 months since you had started..dating…and now, you smiled down at your protruding belly, felling the life move within.
You were pregnant with Harry's child. About 2 months pregnant to be exact. Still flat stomached enough to cover it with baggy clothes, mostly Harry's jackets and shirts.
Harry unlocked the main door, stepping in and leading you through, he quickly locked the door behind him and followed you up the stairs, and into the kitchen.
“so love” he started, plopping down on one of Cruella's old plumply chairs, sitting halfway on and his other half sticking up in the air.
“are we just gonna chill in here for the rest of the night or~” harry sang, wiggling his brows “we gonna have some fun!?” you sighed, walking over to him and sitting in his lap, laying your head down on his chest. “chill, im really tired.”
Harry hummed, sending vibrations to you “alright love” he wrapped his arms around you, snuggling into your hair and sighing happily, rubbing his thumb on your swollen stomach.
“boy or girl, the baby I mean?”
you thought for a second, before mumbling out “doesn't matter to me, ill love them even if they don’t have a gender.
Harry snorted, smiling softly “aye, I feel the same”
The two of you fell asleep on the plump couch, soft breaths, and faces tucked into the other.
“so my little fire fae!” your father strut around the room, being his extra self. “how's your life been~?”
now, lemme explain a thing, you had a much better relationship with your dad than mal did since you went out of your way to see him and he kinda just grew used to you and stopped trying to force you away, becoming a semblance of a real father. 
You groaned, flopping into his chair and making a fart sound.
“that bad huh?”
“being pregnant sucks!!!” you moaned, pouting at your dad, who messed with his tall fire blue hair. “how’d you deal with mom when she was pregnant with me and mal?”
Hades barked a laugh “I didn’t! she had her” he made finger quotations “friends help”
You snorted, aka the people who would cower below her and the Tremaine sisters, sounded like the fairy bitch, but you digress “so how is harry?”
You smiled, you could talk about for hours “good, he hooked a couple people who tried to get in the castle to get me yesterday”
You sat up, clapping your hands “oh! Know what I heard~”
Hades slumped his shoulders and sighed exaggeratedly “what?!”
You grinned, teeth sharp “you tried to get out~”
Hades snuffed “yeah, didn’t work”
He turned, strutting up to you and tossing his scarf around your neck “now if you would be so kind, it's my nap time~”
You rolled your eyes, swinging your legs around and standing, bumping your fist into your dad's torso.
“yeah yeah, sleep well”
You watched as harry lept out of the barrier, catching his eyes as he turned back, he seemed to send you a message with those ocean blue eyes of his
‘I will come back, for both of you’
You nodded back, watching as uma emerged and the chaos ensued, you also caught her eye, and her mouth dropped open slightly at your slightly protruded lower torso.
You nodded at her, telling her to go.
You watched them all walk away, seeing Harry constantly glancing back before he became a tiny dot in the distance.
before pink smoke started to gather around you, you took a step back, eyes widening,
Everything went black.
---this is gonna be a 2 parter btw---
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storytelers-arc · 3 years
for the au & headcanons ask, ella & your ideas for a governess au for her ? c:
hi, thank you, i love you, i have so many thoughts about this
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i. It’s the same thing every day — CINDERELLA, FETCH MY SLIPPERS! CINDERELLA, FETCH MY ROBE! CINDERELLA, WHERE IS MY DINNER? She can’t take it anymore. Though she promised herself to never leave the house her parents loved so much, she can’t stay there anymore, it’s all been painted and she is barely living. She starts sending out letters (very Agnes Grey style), looking for a place, any place that will take her. But she has no references, no one to sponsor her. The first positive reply back she gets quickly turns sour. The housekeeper is sent to interview her and at the sight of the pretty young maiden the servant quickly finishes the meeting, knowing his mistress won’t accept her into the house.
ii. Madam sees all — she sees the papers disappearing, Ella’s hopeful face when the letters arrive. She digs through Ella’s belongings and finds the letters. First, she is cruel. Saying no one will want to hire a stupid country bumpkin like her to teach their children. But money is tight, and Lady Tremaine does the math and realizes she could hire someone else to replace Ella and use Ella’s own salary to pay this new girl and have a little bit left over (the fact no one else would accept Ella’s conditions doesn’t cross her mind at that moment, she only realizes her mistake a few months later after going through three servants). 
iii. Lady Tremaine acts as her sponsor, sending her letters to people from all over the kingdom, the title and her flowery descriptions of her ward being better received than Ella’s sensible letters ever did. Ella is soon hired by a family with three young girls. She is saddened to leave the house, is outraged that all of her wages will be directly sent to Lady Tremaine, her hopes of escaping dashed. But she is eager as well. A new place, new people, new books, it sounds too good to be true.
iv. They are demanding, as spoiled as the Tremaine sisters. It’s no surprise that a friend of Lady Tremaine would also have terrible children. But that’s the catch. They are children, not grown women like Anastasia and Drisella. Ella is patient, kind and more attentive than any adult they ever met before. The girls blossom under her care, losing some of their arrogance and replacing it with kindness.
v. Ella’s visits home are a nightmare. The servants refuse to work at the Tremaine house at this point, all having heard horror stories from their friends. So when she gets there the house is always in disarray, falling apart, mistreated by the family. She wants to protect it, to restore it to its former glory, but her wages disappear into dresses and trims. Her bones ache when she approaches, the house feels wrong, tainted by the corruption. It’s always good to leave, to be among people who may see her as a servant, but she is human in their eyes. In that house, she becomes nothing more than ash and toil.
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                                                              au meme ♥ accepting
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POB: Brussels, Belgium, 1899
DOB: 1880
Age: 19
Exhibit A: Young Cinderella, Anastasia, and Drizella wear hoop skirts from the 1850s in the Victorian Era. The type of hoop skirts are the crinolette which was fashionable from the 1860s to the 1880s. Anastasia and Drizella have their hair curled even in their adult years.
Exhibit B: Lady Tremaine wears 1890’s clothing, specifically one from 1898, a year before the movie by George Méliès.
Exhibit C: Anastasia and Drizella wear bustles. The crinoline transition began from 1867 to 1872 and the bustle was there from 1869 to 1913.
Exhibit D: The Grand Duke calls Cinderella “mademoiselle” and “señorita” most of the girls at the hall have French last names like Du Bois, De la Fontaine, and De la Tour but English first names like Augustina, Fredrica Jane, and so on. Spanish can be spoken in the UK, France, Belgium, Italy, and Germany. French can be spoken in English-speaking Canada, the UK, and the Republic of Ireland. All but the UK, and France don’t fit the criteria of the Kingdom that speaks both Spanish, French, and English. The movie would not be set in France because the aristocracy was overthrown during the French Revolution. But although most of the aristocrats were executed, some escaped and immigrated to England. But Belgium used both English, French, and Spanish as their languages.
Exhibit E: If you look at the composer for the waltz, you see the song “So This is Love” written on his sheet in English. Of course, the book of Disguises in Snow White was written in English but that was for translation purposes, of course. Also, the Belgians can speak English quite perfectly along with French and Dutch and a large percentage of the population of Belgium speaks English.
Exhibit F: Lady Tremaine, the King, the Grand Duke, and the announcer of the maidens all have British or Transatlantic-sounding accents while the rest seem to have a sort of American accent but the story is set in England.
Exhibit G: There were gas-lamps which were present during the Industrial Revolution. They might’ve been used for the lights when Cinderella was dancing with the Henry at the ball.
Exhibit H: Her Chateau. The narrator says it’s a stately chateau.
Exhibit I: Lady Tremaine has a pompadour and to hint at the time, Aunt Sarah from Lady and the Tramp who owned cats just like Lady Tremaine also has a pompadour and Lady and the Tramp takes place in 1909.
Exhibit J: Most of the servants at the castle have wigs which went out of style in France in 1789 but were still worn well unto the 1870s with an example being the man with the blue wig in Nanny McPhee and they were still being worn by those of the Commonwealth.
Exhibit K: The King, the Grand Duke, and Prince Henry are wearing military uniforms and as Cinderella passes by the guards, they are wearing feathered long caps similar to the ones in Dover Castle.
Exhibit L: The name Tremaine is a Cornish name which indicates that she’s from Cornwall. The best place nearest to that is Devonshire, England because I dreamt that this was where Cinderella’s kingdom was.
Exhibit M: There was a book by Plato on the King’s table during the King’s talk of the ball.
Exhibit N: This may not be evidence, but just to nitpick, the plaque for the glass slipper was written entirely in English.
Quick Note: I might be nitpicking but most of the guards seemed to range from tannish to dark skin.
Additional Information:
A lot of people, feminists in particular, have said that Cinderella was a weak and passive character who waits around for a rich guy to rescue her and should’ve rescued herself but that’s a really bad misreading. Cinderella was a victim of long-term physical and emotional abuse at the hands of her jealous stepfamily since childhood. In the beginning of the movie, we see that Cinderella as a child lost her mother and despite her loving father taking care of her, he decided to marry again to Lady Tremaine. But then, her father dies and it’s just her and her stepfamily. They abused, humiliated, and forced her to be a servant in her own house but through all that, she stayed a gentle and kind person because she had hope that her dreams of happiness would come true. Most people would’ve killed themselves.
Cinderella was strong because she stayed positive through all of that and she stayed kind and gentle.
Of course, she does complain a little bit when she’s being bossed around behind her stepfamily’s back and ultimately, it’s because she dreams of not a prince but of future happiness.
She also has some level of sass when she pretends to think of something good about Lucifer but can’t or when she’s about to visit the stepfamily to show them the letter from the King when they’re playing their cacophonous music with Drizella singing off-key. Cinderella says with a chuckle, “Maybe I should interrupt the, um...music lesson.”
And she even stands up for herself when she asks to be invited to the ball, saying, “I’m still a member of the family, and it says, “By royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend.” Even when Lucifer messes up the floor she worked so hard to clean to which she gets a broom with the intention of beating Lucifer’s hind parts.
So, Cinderella is quite aware she’s being treated like rubbish and sometimes, she objects to it when she can, but rather than fight back, she chooses to be practical because she knows Lady Tremaine can hurt her.
That’s why when Cinderella tells her dog Bruno to stop chasing Lucifer, it’s because doing that would get him kicked out of the house.
She knows that this situation could be the same as hers and given the time period, she would not have survived.
She stays for not just that reason, but because legally, the house belongs to her. It’s her house that her stepfamily forced her to become a servant in.
If she gets kicked out, she’ll lose her own house which legally belongs to her through her father.
And despite being worked to the brink of death, she remains positive and her kindness towards others brought her many friends. The mice and the birds whose languages she understands.
Cinderella is a story of karma. What goes around comes around. The good that Cinderella did all of her life came back to her in bucketloads.
This karma was the reason why the mice helped Cinderella make her dress. A dress that belonged to her biological mother.
When she wears it in front of her stepfamily, she feels a sense of achievement, knowing that they made a deal to let her go if she got all of her work done and found something suitable to wear.
And she did, but the stepmother, true to her cunning, had a plan.
Cinderella’s eyes widen in horror as she backs away from Lady Tremaine’s advances because she knows that she’s up to something.
The stepmother subliminally goads the stepsisters, using the beads and sash that they discarded as a catalyst, to rip her dress apart, the one thing she had left of her mother.
It’s when she believes she’s lost all hope that her fairy godmother appears.
She gave her the coach, the horses, the coachman, the footman and at last, she made a gown in a simple but daring transformation.
She is told that the spell will be broken at midnight which foreshadows the events that are to unfold.
Meanwhile, the prince is at the ball with all of the women there appearing to him because the King wants his son to have a wife so that he will have an heir. But the prince is not interested in the ball at all because you can see that he’s yawning. He’s not interested in these women because he knew that they were only interested in what he represents which is fame and money since he’s royalty. He wants someone to love him for being himself, not for what he represents and the movie even acknowledges this by not giving him enough screen time. But he can’t refuse it because his father ordered it.
Cinderella had no intention of being with the prince. She just wanted to go to the ball just to have a nice night out which her friends agreed to help her get because of her hard work and she is justly rewarded for that hard work.
When she goes to the ball, she’s in awe of her surroundings and she wasn’t even paying attention to the prince and the Prince sees her and gets intrigued, not because she was pretty, but because he was able to make a connection with Cinderella that he didn’t get from the other girls who had an agenda: to become royalty. But the prince is a person, too, believing in romance and wanting to fall in love before getting married.
The movie doesn’t even mention his name which is Henry to frame it as his plight of being seen as royalty instead of an individual.
When he meets Cinderella, she’s just at the ball to have a good time and the Prince was probably looking for that. They were having such a good time that they didn’t even care who the other person was.
But then, the clock strikes midnight and she has to leave.
The prince tries to make her stay but she says she has to leave.
The prince asks why and Cinderella lies and at the same time, reveals an inward truth, saying that she hasn’t met the prince. She lied as an excuse to leave but at the same time, she was telling the truth be she really didn’t meet the Prince.
And the Prince, “But didn’t you know that [I am the prince?]
The Prince wasn’t able to finish his sentence with the words in brackets. So, Cinderella left the ball not knowing she was dancing with the Prince.
As she was running down the steps, she lost one of her glass slippers but it was too late to get it back now.
Then, she left the ball and the spell was broken so she wasn’t caught by the guards. As for how Cinderella was sitting on the pumpkin when the spell was broken, I’d say it was because she got out of the carriage before it shrank, but we didn’t see that.
As to why the glass slippers didn’t disappear when the spell was broken, that’s easy. She lost the mate to the shoe and the spell would only have been completely broken if she had taken everything with her which includes her dress, the coach and all the people driving and accompanying it. But because she lost the mate to the shoe she already had on her foot, the spell wasn’t completely broken and after midnight, both shoes were permanently glass due to not being taken together.
The glass slippers and Cinderella’s animal friends play a big role in the film and in Cinderella’s freedom.
Bruno being told not to chase Lucifer plays a role.
The mice outwitting Lucifer when getting food and parts of Cinderella’s dress plays a big role because just like the Fairy Godmother, they serve as the products of Cinderella’s karma because she was kind to them. She helped them out and they helped her back.
Now, when the stepfamily comes back from the ball, they talk about Prince Henry being in love with the mystery girl at the ball which they didn’t know was Cinderella.
Keep in mind, Cinderella didn’t even know she was dancing with royalty so when she found out from Lady Tremaine, that was when it was like, “Yes! Now’s my chance!”
She’s happy that she’s finally getting away from her horrible family and Lady Tremaine notices this and realizes that Cinderella was the maiden at the ball. So, she locks her in her room.
But her animal friends get the key for her but are confronted by Lucifer. Despite her friend’s efforts, they are unsuccessful at beating him.
Then, Cinderella, remembering what she said to Bruno, tells her friends to get Bruno, realizing that they should disobey orders even though it’s dangerous because they have a real opportunity to escape.
And Bruno chases Lucifer away because of Cinderella’s quick thinking.
Then, Cinderella makes it to the Duke. Her ultimate triumph over Lady Tremaine comes when Lady Tremaine breaks the glass slipper and Cinderella reveals that she has the other slipper.
Let me say again: Cinderella is a story of karma. What goes around comes around. Her kindness towards others and her spirit brought her many allies. It is not always easy to do things on your own. Sometimes, people need help.
Her allies were Bruno the dog, Major the horse, the mice, and ultimately, the Fairy Godmother who provided the key to Cinderella’s freedom, perhaps unintentionally, because she probably didn’t plan for her to leave the glass slipper behind, but Cinderella has always had a tendency of losing her shoe on the stairs, like when she’s giving food to her stepfamily or after the wedding, which is obvious foreshadowing.
People say that Cinderella didn’t rescue herself, but in truth, with some help from her friends and Fairy Godmother, she was able to rescue herself by using the slipper that she kept that wasn’t broken as the key to her freedom.
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