briarrosescurse · 3 years
Gush Tell me your opinion about three of your twst oc ships/pairings. . .please - :3
omg hiiii... 😳 is it okay if i go with oc/canon ships here? i got another ask wanting to hear abt oc ships so i'm gonna ramble abt oc /oc ships there heheh
i feel like this one is obvious, but. them... i kinda love to think that there is a very nurturing relationship between the two of them? both seeking out other people to be less lonely... roza barely fears malleus, in fact she is much more endeared by him, so for him it must be an... interesting change of pace for a Child Of Man to be so lightheartedly interested in him. they definitely bond a lot during their time in the gargoyle research club! roza has not... that much interest in gargoyles, but since it makes malleus happy, she likes hearing him talk about them.
malleus developing a more protective nature towards her... especially considering her whole deal with The Curse. makes it kinda spicier bc he is Technically Directly Indirectly involved in the existence of it 🤤 i like conflict. but also just... height difference. that seals the deal, baby
i like to think their relationship is something along the lines of Whoope We Kinda Accidentally Happened and now they just exist with that. ruggie makes up the courage that chloe lacks and chloe makes up the "Don't do stupid boy things" that. ruggie lacks.
also bonus: childhood friends to lovers trope. or uh "Kinda Lovers". they're so lowkey and casual but also exclusive about it, it's. kinda cute. even if it'd end up with them breaking up, they'd still be friends. ruggie's got a good idea of what goes in chloe's brain, so he knows not to. distress her unreasonably. but he still does it, for the giggles.
he also learned to read "chloe-ish" aka what in the world the faces she makes even mean, so that's a plus
LISTEN. COME ON. MAD HATTER AND THE RED QUEEN.... IT KINDA WORKS NICELY. but also. rivals to lovers is always fun. childhood rivals too. they really both know how to get on each other's nerves and always got that tension going on with them...
i honestly don't got a lot of thoughts for them, except just... man. both of u are kinda a mess, aren't u. stupid perfectionists.
IT'S KINDA A JOKE BUT ALSO NOT BC LIKE. nerd x jock dynamic. IT'S A FUNNY THOUGHT. that kinda bullying that has way too much homoerotic tension to be Just Bullying.
xiang being the kinda person to drag idia outta his cave and into the world. forcibly. idia hates him for it. xiang loves seeing that nerd keel over. i think it's a pure win-win situation here!
xiang gets bored by whatever tech stuff idia does but hey. when idia gets so hyped up about it, that's a plus. time to bother him more. (lovingly)
IT'S MORE OF A PLATONIC THING BUT AGAIN. CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TROPE. epel keeps theodor kinda in check bc theodor is an absolute doormat and lets people do whatever they wanna do. meanwhile theodor... theodor is a good person to ramble to when you're pissed. theodor knows how to not step on his toes so epel is barely ever angry with him
i just love the thought of them holding hands while venturing through the deep woods of their home town... is that too much to ask for 😩
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Name : rose crowley
Japanese : 薔薇 クロウリー
Romaji : rōzu Kurōrī
Other Names : My little rosebud (By circe)
My little star (By circe)
Prince or princess (By most)
Prefect or supervisor (By ace and deuce, etc)
Little gray wolf or gray wolf (By leona and jack)
Henchman (By grim)
Roza (By diablo)
lady rose (By silver)
Beauté amour (By rook)
Kitty fish or emerald chan (By floyd)
My dear rose (By malleus and ????)
Little raven or baby bird (By crowley and ????)
Little starlet (????)
The protector of night raven (By the student body)
Gender : genderqueer
Age : 21-22 (physical) ???? (time)
Birthday : september 26, ????
Race : ???? (A hybrid?)
Zodiac sign : libra
Height : 176cm
Eye color : emerald
Hair color : light golden brown
Sexuality : bisexual, demisexual and demiromantic, [Preference for males and strong females]
Homeland : the kingdom of germany
Family : circe (mother) dire crowley (adopted father) ???? (biological father)
Erica (????) queen apani (????) snow white (????)
[Professional status]
Dorm : ramshackle
College year : first
Class : 1-A student no.00
Occupation : student, prefect, interviewer, ????
Club : light music, gargoyle research society
Best subject : all subjects, (Spend his 1st nights in night raven to know all subjects)
[fun facts]
Dominant hand : right
Favorite food : pie
Least favorite food : anything with a curse
Favorite drink : red wine
Least favorite drink : anything with a curse
Likes : peace, books, fairytales, roses, nature, magic, training, history, swords, the color green, gold, singing, reading, animals, cleaning, cooking, sewing, archery, riding horses, swimming, painting
Dislikes : evil, injustice, rumors, being compared to ???? his mother and his previous predecessors, being called ?'s son, betrayals, cheating and cheaters, and all evil
Hobbys : reading, cleaning, cooking, sewing, combat, singing, archery, riding horses, swimming, painting, dancing, acrobatics, alchemy
Talents : cleaning, cooking, sewing, combat, singing, archery, riding horses, swimming, painting, dancing, acrobatics, alchemy
Alignment : chaotic good
Strengths : adventurous, curious, logical, selfless, leadership, determined, outspoken, bravery, loyalty, respectful, fair, compassionate, sensibility, understanding, cunning, caring, good-natured, trustworthy, generous
Flaws : overly organized, suffers from OCD and PTSD, bottling up his emotions, low self-esteem, social awkwardness, overthinking, too curious for his own good
Appearance : rose has curly golden brown hair, usually tied in a long ponytail by a green ribbon. His eyes are emerald green, and his skin is light tanned.
He wears the usual student uniform, but his vest is gray and wears the jacket around his waist. His facial features strongly resemble his mother's and his father's human form, and he has been mentioned many times to look like the spinning image of his mother.
Personality : rose is by default a kind and compassionate person but is very strict and orderly. He holds a very high sense of responsibility (almost bordering on OCD) and values hard work and education. He is also extremely organized, having grim look over his daily checklists three times over.
Rose is a very truthful person and doesn't usually (if at all) holds his tongue. Which, is often very sharp. No matter the person's position or how much respect he has for that person, he will speak his mind. If you ask him a question, he will tell you the truth, no questions asked. 
Rose has a strong sense of moral justice, a trait he obtained from stories about heroes and monsters that his mother used to read for him, as well as the way his mother raised him. These stories are what gave him the ideals that he wished to live by and uphold throughout his life, and are the reason for his love for books.
Though generally kind and a bit soft, rose can also be assertive, with the authoritative nature of a mother. Once he takes residence in the dormitory of ramshackle, rose takes control of the unused building, turning it from an unkempt hovel to a clean and environment household.
He furthers his authority by making sure his friends stay in line so they won't cause trouble for others, as well as persuading them to actually study, and despite some initial reluctance from ace and grim, they were ultimately unable to bypass rose's firm but kind attitude.
In addition, rose's leadership skills make him a worthy teammate. While he may occasionally act without thinking, sometimes he seems to understand the situation better than most. He can then use this ability to quickly formulate plans and solutions, this was seen during the battle with a overblot riddle, in which his friends' positions allowed him to come up with a successful plan.
Crowley most likely assigned rose as a beast tamer to ensure that he grows as an individual. This proves to be the case as he becomes a resourceful and dependable leader who studies so hard and so late, he falls asleep in the middle of the task, all to impress his familiar, grim.
He was also able to pass his beliefs as leader to vil, thus helping him find a new sense of responsibility for the safety and well-being of his own dorm.
Rose is also shown to care for all his friends and teammates equally, despite their background. This is seen in how he expresses sympathy for riddle's terrible childhood after witnessing his memories, before showing the same concern later on for grim when he runs away. Rose's concern is further expressed in his desperate search for his familiar.
This sense of care is later shown not to be limited to his friends and teammates. He also shows the same worry for ortho, telling the latter to stay out of the fight between his brother and some of the dorm leaders and vices.
He can also be playful and somewhat sassy, as he takes advantage of leona's sour disposition and initial dislike for him by teasing him. He largely ignores leona's rude remarks, responding only with a soft smile or cheery glow as a means of annoying him.
In chapter 3, his hard-working ethics, optimism, kindness and devotion are put to the test when his friends are being forced to work under azul by their magical will. During these events, rose is shown to be cunning and tactical, and a fierce rival to those who oppress him.
With no magic, being forced to rely solely on his intelligence and fearlessness, rose is able to defeat azul's plan, save his friends and azul himself, proving both his independence and strong will.
Trivia : Rose can speak different languages, german, french, spanish, portuguese, russian, english, swahili, danish, arabic, greek, romanian, italian, irish, norwegian, chinese, voodoo, swedish, japanese, hindi, filipino, polish, hawaiian.
His favorite roses and flowers are, red roses, pink roses, lilac roses, blue roses, white roses, purple roses, lilys, black-eyed susans, lotus flowers, gladiolus, daisys, purple lotus, lily of the valley, larkspurs, garden tulips, canterbury bells, Irises, apple blossoms.
Rose has astraphobia ever since he was a child, especially if a fae is causing them.
He is fond of animals, even some peculiar ones.
He is one of the top students in night raven college, even to azul and-
He's great with children, almost acting like a parent to them.
His favorite genres are adventures, mysterys, fantasys, the classics, romance and surprisingly comedy.
Loves all the seasons, spring, summer, autumn & fall and winter.
Rose's favorite ice cream flavors are strawberry and chocolate.
His favorite book is house of salt and sorrows, by erin craig.
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Hastily done edits ahoy! Welcome to NightRaven Town, you take over an old farm after being washed ashore and being picked up by the deadbeat bird principal mayor! Have fun and make new friends in this quaint town, and maybe find love along the way! I also like how it matches up that Roza would fall in love with the travelling...prince? Merchant? Guy? Malleus when he visits every summer telling her about distant lands, it just fits. And Karen always did tease Ricken, seems fitting for Vinh and Idia. As always, Roza is @briarrosescurse‘s and Vinh is @prometheanglory‘s
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randomikemendegen · 4 years
Hello ! I don't know if you are still doing the OC ask but... 2) With Viviane and Samara and 12) for Cirnu please !
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(Mun Yasu: I’m gonna be combining both of these asks since they start out the same ahahahaha- sdkjsadslakjda)
2. What would (Samara) have to do to befriend (Viviane)? 
Oh Samara, babby, you don’t have to do much because Viviane will be the one who most likely initiate the friendship uwu!! 
The albino 2nd-year has ZERO fear and will approach almost anyone (which is why she gets along with almost everyone). The friendship would probably 100% be instantaneous, honestly, with how both girls act and how very friendly they are. (If they become closer friends, then Levi just might also watch over Samara as well since she’s Vivi/Lorey’s friend)
If Vivi wants to be your friend, then she’ll keep approaching you no matter what even if you try to scare her away~. After all, she believes that no one wants or deserves to be truly alone.
12. If (Cirnu) was forced to adopt someone's ocs as their child, who would it be? Why?
Bro if I told you everyone in Cirnu’s “forced”(you mean, WILLING) adoption list, we’d be here all day lolol— but for question’s sake, I’m gonna be listing a handful down below:
( @prometheanglory )Penn & Nik: The moment Cirnu just sees the twins, she just instantly says, “How cute~.”, and instantly pats them both on the head. She feels a bit sad when the two seem to flinch from her touch as she didn’t mean to frighten the two lads.
( @the27th )Pleiade & Samara: She already dotes on Pleiade quite a lot (helping with the fact that they’re both from Diasomnia) and finds her enthusiasm quite cute. With Samara, Cirnu finds her to be even cuter and even comments how lucky she is to have Pleiade and Kalim as her parents.
( @minoux-x )Nyx: Cirnu just sees Nyx for one second and immediately tries to give him candy; he’s too cute to resist. Plus, Nyx reminds her of one of her little brothers; they’re twins btw, and Nyx specifically reminds Cirnu of the younger twin, who is a bit more quiet and aloof but can be rather cute and sweet especially when wanting attention from the family. 
( @conquer-the-raven )Maple: Shy girl? Cute girl?? Small girl??? Say no more, dark big sis Cirnu is on her way to pat the cute fennec foxgirl on the head (and maybe give her a bit of nudging and confidence to interact more with Jack uwu)
( @oiseaunoir11 )Al: Cute cyborg child/son, she 100% thinks he deserves all the support and love that he gets from his friends and such, and also 1000% supports his and Idia’s relationship~. uwu
( @briarrosescurse )Rozalina: Ah yes, another fellow Diasomnia dorm mate (Cirnu dotes on everyone from the dorm, baring Lilia who’s the only exception; not even Malleus can escape the doting). ANYWAYS— Cirnu  finds Roza’s child-like curiosity, innocence, and cheerful demeanour to be her best traits and finds herself wanting to protect and dote on the blonde girl uwu.
( @piraticusdorm )Tink: They may be of different fairies/fae, but the doting knows no bounds! Watch as Cirnu makes her way over to the Piraticus dorm to try and establish a friendly relationship with Tink, and perhaps also with Conrad and Krok~ (Also if Nyx reminds Cirnu of her younger brother, then Tink reminds her of that same brother’s older twin, if to an extent)
Bonus OCs that are on the adoption list: ( @circuscarnage )Anna, ( @not-twisted-enough )Taniya, ( @ellovett​ )Raven, ( @perawuat​ )Amelie, ( @noahramschakledorm​ )Noah, ( @f55mi​ )Maggie, ( @wilted3sunflowers )Shiloh, ( @permanentlyexhaustedowl )Aya, and SO MUCH MORE~!
11. If (Berebis and Levi) was forced to marry someone's oc regardless of feelings, who would it be? Why?
Bel hates the idea, nay, the mere EXISTENCE of forced marriage. Honestly he’d rather swallow his strongest sleeping(poison) potion than go through with something like this. He might make a few exceptions for some people though, such as @briarrosescurse​‘s Rozalina. She’s not that loud, she’s a really nice person, plus she’s rather interesting so Bel’s fine with her (that and he won’t actually admit it but he genuinely sympathises with her and might even get off his ass and use his lazy genius-ness to its full potential to help her, since he can’t actually let a person like her be.... what? He’s not a complete jerkass; it’s just that Bel himself shut off his speech/attitude filter a long time ago and became rather apathetic and cynical)
On the other hand, Leviotan doesn’t really care much about stuff like these so anyone’s fine (plus he is actually a gentleman after all despite his aloof and rough appearance... he’s gonna end up giving any guy the cold shoulder tho). Anyways— one of he people he probably doesn’t mind being put into a forced marriage with is @hlebkamendraws‘ Crow; he likes her attitude, the fact that she can take care of herself/be independent, but still have some really cute moments that, honestly, he finds a bit interesting and a tiny bit endearing (it helps that Vivi completely accepts any and all partners that Levi can potentially end up with)
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 years
💒 for leroy and roza...? 🙈
Sure, Id Love to. 😁
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Pavillon Garden, lots of White and Pink Roses, probably near a big Castle again.
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Wanted to go with a Flower theme for rosa.
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Overall similarly Malleus and the Others have Front Row seats reserved. Leroy Would probably wanna rent the flower garden as a whimsical feeling for Rosa. That shed feel like in a daydream.
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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(read from left to right)
"Promise me one thing, my child. No matter what, no matter who asks you - never speak of the curse. It will only bring you misfortune if you were to."
☆ — to clarify: roza's family has been cursed for generations and they've worked hard to maintain its status as a secret in order to not let their power as a noble family be shaken in any shape or form - the curse is after all their main vulnerability.
that's why there's no information on the curse within the books that the school's library provides or is her family allowed to talk to outsiders about it (unless they are trusted enough).
but of course, things don't always go as planned.
sjdjdk enough with the Serious Talk, hi, this is my very first, properly done comic so pls be gentle with me and fjfjfj IM SORRY IF ITS TOO DRAMATIC HDJDJ but !!! i hope u guys like it !!! ☺️💖
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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[ — Mafia AU!]
i said i'll draw some canon characters x roza mafia au interactions and here we are ! first one is roza and malleus.
as for the second one, it's lilia/roza, however; while i started to draw it with the intent of it being for the mafia au, it ended up being more non-au. nonetheless ! yume has some headcanons for diasomnia/roza mafia au !
just like how i had mentioned in the previous mafia au posts, roza's father hired the mafia; in this case, he turned to the diasomnia sector for aid
malleus is the boss, but for a busy leader, he keeps especially an eye on roza. at first, it really was because of the deal made, but soon it was much more than that.
i imagine lilia is a sort of instructor for newbies, if not occasionally someone who helps out the doctors; because of roza learning how to defend herself, fight and thus ultimately be part of the mafia, he ends up becoming sort of a mentor but also the first person to welcome her fully.
sebek has been extremely on the fence about roza, ever since her arrival; she's obstructing his task of protecting the boss - as he had been assigned to act as a senior for her, to guide her but also make sure to protect her. however, i'd like to think his own walls start to crumble and he grows fond of her, even if he won't admit it.
and lastly! as for silver, for him it had been just another job to take care of. protecting members of his mafia isn't too unusual for him, so he also had been tasked with basically the same job as sebek, except he was also in charge to teach her much more physical defense. they have a bit of rivalry, especially noticeable when they train, but it's... kind of endearing.
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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drew a comic last night i'm too embarrassed to post it tho bfjfjfkdk maybe soon,,, and these two are some of my fav panels bc it's little sunshine child roza smiling (nervously) and pretty sir malleus looking hot (as always) thank u and gn
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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i wanted to draw bunnies but then i had an idea
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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— if i love with a free heart, the pain also disappears. i must become strong to protect.
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
Madali: *soft smile at Roza* what a beautiful and cute bride. I hope Malleus will be her wonderful groom. *puts her hands in gun position with a smile and wink* Bang Bang~ (Madali Kanan for twst wonderland belongs to Kaiyahna Meeks🙂)
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Roza: ... It is a bit embarrassing to admit but the thought is... truly comforting...
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briarrosescurse · 3 years
🌷🌺🌸💜 roza and xiang :-) and give me some l’aubergine 🤤💕 teehee
omg haiiii 🥺🥵
🌷 How much effort does your OC put into their looks? Do they care much about how they’re dressed or what their hair looks like or are they not bothered? Could they be considered a snob or a slob?
roza: she's pretty much used to putting in a lot of effort into her appearance! it's part of her regular routine to spend quite some time in the bath to prepare herself for the day - especially her long curls require a lot of maintenance. thankfully her skin withstands quite a lot though! as for clothing, she loves to remain in-fashion at all times. so you could absolutely call her a snob for it.
xiang: he's the kinda guy who spends hours on maintaining his pretty hair and face, but his clothes always are a last minute choice... a bit more comfy and sloppy. (at least it looks like it...) he's surprisingly touchy when it comes to his hair. anyone who threatens to cut it will have to deal with xiang's cold silent treatment.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
roza: she would love to know what it's like to have horns, actually. she always thought malleus' horns are very curious, so she wondered how it'd feel like to have them herself...
xiang: man, if he could, he would 100% shapeshift. he would mess around SO much with that ability, for. more the worse than the better, honestly.
... would he shapeshift into a raccoon? that'd be probably the first thing he'd do.
🌸 What’s a sentence that would make your OC’s day better? One that would make them laugh? One that would make their day worse? Why? What words would you have to say to them to completely ruin their day?
roza: she isn't easily shaken up! it's hard to bring her mood down, maybe for a moment sure, but for a whole day? well, you gotta be real brutal then. however, it's much, much easier to brighten her day, even if it's something as simple as "you're looking gorgeous today" or "your magic performance has been improving so much!" - things like these bring her absolute joy!
xiang: he isn't the kind of guy who gets easily torn down either. he mostly doesn't care for what mean things people say to his face; they really bounce off his head. his ego gets greatly stroked though whenever someone starts to praise him. compliment his archery skills or his looks or just. literally anything about him? he is so off the rocks.
💜 Do you enjoy working on your OC or are they a bit of a chore? We all have that one character who is hard to develop!
roza: I LOVE WORKING ON ROZA ALWAYS. SHE IS MY TO GO OC!!! i love drawing her or writing her or just. Thinking of her. she is my most developed oc and has a lot of passion put into her. am i obsessed? absolutely. but thats okay for me ❤
xiang: NGL I LOVE HIM TOO. i will say, oc interactions just made him twenty times much more fun than my og concept for him. he also means a lot to m, bc of the heart i have put into developing him... he def counts as my second to go oc...
🍆 What is your OC like in bed? Are they particularly sensitive or have anywhere they really like being touched? Are they loud, quiet, intense? What are their turn ons and turn offs?
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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briar prickler! a fae noble, hailing from the valley of thorns, with a gentleman-like exterior.
he is a 3rd year in diasomnia and relatively fairly well acquainted with malleus and lilia.
despite briar's composed nature - many deem him to be the gentleman of the dorm - he is rather... prickly, ironically enough. kind of a foulmouthed and arrogant guy, who thinks that his old age makes him wiser, a bit of a smartass and brutally honest - but he is also rather dedicated and a good guard to malleus
strangely enough, he seems to know roza very well - despite her not knowing him. he acts rather strange around her.
fun fact: he helps out in the infirmary rather often
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
Briar Prickler | Profile
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Full Name: Briar Prickler
Gender: Male
Voice Actor: Kenji Nojima
Birthday: June 12 (Gemini)
Age: ??? (rumored to be younger than Lilia)
Height: 184 cm (6'0")
Family: Mother, Father, four younger siblings
Origin: Valley of Thorns
Dorm: Diasomnia
Year/Class: Year 3 Class B Seat 26
Occupation: Student, heir of the noble Prickler family
Dominant hand: Right
Club: Sword Fight Club
Best subject: Ancient Curses
Worst subject: Music
Hobby: Gardening
Dislikes: Bothersome people, indecisiveness
Favorite Food: Hibiscus tea
Least Favorite Food: Black forest cake
Talents: Persuasion
Unique Magic: Binds of Thorns — An Unique Magic that allows the user to restrict anything and anyone with chains made of thorns. It can be used to block paths, restraint someone and the like. It has no limited use, but the more time passes, the more mana it requires.
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An old, noble fae reigning from the depths of the Valley of Thorns. With a strict and cold demeanor, Briar is seen as a very unapproachable figure within the school. He appears to take pride in his dorm, Diasomnia.
Briar's age is unknown to almost everyone, except for a few people, so it's hard to trace back his heritage. Being raised in a praised noble house in the Valley of Thorns, he has been taught to value his position and his name, thus having to behave accordingly. Most people would see him as your typical old, grumpy man, unfriendly and usually in a foul mood.
He appears to be acquaintances with Lilia, a fellow, high ranking fae, but doesn't appear all too fond of him - blame it on his carefree attitude, that strongly contrasts Briar's own behavior. Furthermore, he is acquainted with Roza, but doesn't seem to like her presence within the dorm at all. Usually, he avoids her, but if they meet, he throws insults and jabs at her, all based on her own family name or her unstable mana. The only person, he genuinely seems to be fond of, would be Malleus, but even then, Briar has a tendency to reprimand the young lord.
Briar is someone who enjoys provoking the people around him in a rude, crude and unfair manner - he wants to see the worst in humanity, appearing to have a disdain for them. Many students call Briar a plain sadist behind his back. His cruelty goes many lengths.
His usual hang out spot is the botanical garden. He has a hand for gardening, appearing to be fond of it - proudly so. The most easiest way to have a conversation with him is to engage in his interest for gardening.
As mentioned before, background wise it is hard to find anything, since briar is a very private person, but he often has implied to have served the king as a loyal general. Makes you wonder what brought his way to NRC...
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
🌼 for Roza and Xiang
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
roza: to roza, the whole world is her friend - or has at least the potential to be her friend! she is on pretty friendly terms with the majority of people - perhaps not on a personal level, but she is the kind of person to walk past you in the hallway and greet you.
found-family wise would be diasomnia to her. she grew very close to all of them in the span of her time at nrc and holds them incredibly close to her heart - she trusts them blindly, after all. out of the four though, i'd say she has the most tight knit bond with malleus. roza being so open to him and the way she approached him without any hesitation, malleus grew to appreciate her and became very attached her. they both just provide each other the presence they lacked in their lives before! roza even joined the gargoyle research club for his sake.
as for lilia, he (along with malleus) knows of roza's curse and he's been a guiding figure for her. while his antics sometimes tend to freak roza out, she still is very fond of lilia and goes to him for aid! he doesn't hold her hand through her troubles the entire time, but gives her the necessary nudge in the right direction.
silver and roza had a surprisingly rocky start - blame a few misunderstandings. but they both grew to care for each other and they even can relate in some of their rather peculiar struggles. you can regularly find them bickering with one another, but they still work together most of the time.
understandably, like with anyone else, sebek was vary of roza at first - he feared for the worst and thought her "carelessness" could tarnish the reputation of diasomnia and even malleus - but his position towards her took a change for the good as he learned of her noble heritage and got to witness some of her talents. roza grew fond of sebek and his dedication and this sometimes coddles him a little bit.
as for ocs; friend-wise, she has plenty of them, but the ones who are the closest to her would be vinh (@prometheanglory) and alicia (@jabberwockyontheloose) - these two were the first friends she made in nrc and they've been with her from the start on! both of them have very contrasting personalities, all of these three do, but they're still working together wonderfully as a friend group. vinh became someone roza finds admirable in so many ways, but she also grew to realize that they both share plenty of struggles and experiences as noble daughters with powers that can be too much on their own. you can often find roza being the one to cling to vinh's arm and drag her around, but her upperclassman doesn't seem to have anything against it. alicia, on the other hand, is plenty different - often she's the one who drags roza into all kinds of new troubles but brings the good kind of party into her life. even though roza found herself feeling... strangely exposed at the beginning of their friendship, alicia grew to be an irreplaceable friend to her.
romance-wise; roza dreams of meeting the right person - she isn't even picky about who it is or what kind of person they are - as long as they treat her wrongly of course. preferably someone who supports her on her way, but doesn't make all of the decisions. as a child, the prince charming-type of guy appeared ideal, fairy tales and stories of romance were influencing her, and sometimes, the thought still crosses her head, but that had changed over time. just the thought of falling in love seems nice enough.
xiang: well, i don't think i've been subtle with this, but; xiang isn't too keen about romance. however, when it comes to friendship, he does almost a whole 180° turn - he is the kind of friend who drags you back up in his own way in times of need and who brings the party wherever he goes. sometimes he may drag his friends into his whole womanizer schemes, but he'll always have your back. he isn't that horribly picky about his friends, but he likes people who are able to open their mouth and say what they think - just be their most authentic self.
he'd consider pretty much the majority of his friends his found family - the longer you're able to withstand him and his whole spiel, the better buddy he becomes. i'd definitely say that both his fellow dorm member yabu and his leader di xin (@conquer-the-raven) he'd consider part of that category. i think yabu is pretty much the one who'd knock sense into xiang when needed but still recognize his genuine reliability as a friend. di xin, on the other hand, is much more of a leader figure in xiang's eyes, someone he has unwavering loyalty for. hence his persistent nickname chief for him.
outside of his dorm, xiang gets along well with cater! xiang would definitely say they're on friendly terms but admittedly, cannot stand the multiple layers this guy has. he'd wish for him to be a bit more honest and sometimes would purposefully tear into him in order to get that side out - alas to no avail. well, he's still a pretty fun guy.
even though xiang sometimes highkey judges idia for his whole gaming thing as well as his constant urge to stay in his room, but he'd nonetheless considers idia a friend of his. he'd often drag idia out by his ankles out of his room, much to the guy's displeasure and to ortho's joy. they're really unlikely friends (and idia wouldn't even call him a friend, probably) but their relationship is endearing either way.
talking about unlikely friends - the infamous whore squadron! it consists out of xiang, ronaldo and sarge (@/prometheanglory). how it even happened? no one knows. but ronaldo can't seem to get rid off either of them - they're pretty persistent boys. despite all the constant bickering (ronaldo) or the sometimes really freaky stuff (sarge), they both gotta be xiang's favorite buddies.
romantic-wise? well. ignoring xiang's fickle nature, he'd preferably have someone he can rile up with ease - someone whose walls he can break down. it may sound rather brutal at first, but really, it just boils down to xiang being a pesky tease. he likes someone who has similar ideas like he does. he prefers to live in the moment and isn't actively looking for something that lasts until "the end of time". so someone who is on the same wavelength as he is would be pretty ideal.
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
roza fun facts bc i love my daughter
a little bit of an air-head. if you were looking inside her head, sometimes you'd just hear elevator music or random words floating around.
the worst liar you could find. just BARELY able to lie about horrible cooked food.
sometimes, roza thinks out loud accidentally but she doesn't say full sentences - she could be just staring off into the distance, mutter cheesecake and walk off. what's even worse, only malleus seems to get what she means.
doesn't know what a vending machine is
sews little, creepy looking dolls of ppl she likes. there is no ill intention ! she just admires these ppl a lot. lilia found his own this one time and he’s not letting her live that down.
she picked sewing as a hobby up when she was rlly young and grew to be good at it! but even to this day, she still pricks her fingers a lot.
LOVES braiding other people’s hair. if you have long hair, she’ll stare a lot with sparkling eyes and asks you after a while if she could brush it or braid it. please say yes. she'll be very gentle.
falls asleep on her broom during flying lessons (that is if you actually manage to get her on her broom?? she hates flying lessons). vargas is far from pleased.
i'm gonna take out the fun in fun fact and just tell you that she has overblotted in her life before, as a kid.
her dad is a very formal and stoic guy and he wants her to call him father in front of others, for the sake of formality and keeping up a certain image, but roza doesn’t take it seriously and calls him papa and it embarrasses him.
her mother on the other hand is, similarly to roza, a very joyful woman! so you can tell where roza picked up her personality.
her family hosts an annual ball during the summer ! it's a very big event and as a kid, it was roza's only opportunity to meet people outside her family, servants and trusted friends.
has broken an incredible amount of doors and plates in her life. some vases too.
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