#[this is from my old commissions post a long while back so prices may vary!]
cygnimonos · 4 years
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At this point I’m open to drawing anything so long as it’s not harmful. I’m available to discuss pricing on ims and discord as well!
my paypal is [email protected]
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sarkywoman · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by: @spikeymarshmallows​ (find her version of this here) Name: sarkywoman, sometimes people just say sarky.  Fandom(s): At the moment, The Umbrella Academy is my dominant one. I rarely ever give up on one entirely though, as can be seen by some of my recent Destiel reblogs. (I’m also excited for some of the upcoming Marvel content. Okay, I say ‘some’, I just mean Mackie’s Captain America really XD) Where you post: Archive of our Own , though I still need to upload a lot of my older work that was posted on livejournal. I often post a link here on tumblr when I write something new, but not always. Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): ‘Noble Blood’, which just proves you should always chase your bliss, as it was an utterly indulgent vampire AU written as a gift for my then-gf in A Song of Ice and Fire fandom. Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): Eek, an unfinished WIP not updated since May 2014! D: Sorry people. ‘A Song of Bastards and Wards’, with Joanna Snow instead of Jon Snow. I think these fics have more kudos because the ASOIAF fandom was so big, rather than due to quality relative to my other work. Favorite story you’ve written so far: Ooof. I have been writing for a long time, this is such a tricky question! It would probably be easier to just split all my fic into two categories: fun to write vs not-fun to write. I like to be experimental, so fics like Story and Sorcery for Loki or The Aimless One for Misfits or The Price Of Parenthood for Umbrella Academy let me try new things, but I notice my mind does tend to go to a particular Tales from the Borderlands fic, Young God. I wrote it in a fit of inspiration for a friend one evening and it encapsulated what I wanted from the Jack/Rhys dynamic more than anything I wrote for them since, I think. I was also happy with some of the imagery and how I managed to maintain and build on the tone throughout. Only 4k words, doesn’t overextend, but I enjoyed writing it. It flowed very well. Fic you were nervous to post: Krystalline. Not due to its quality, just... I know what this fandom’s like when it comes to pairings. I write fic for myself and my friends and this was for a friend. I originally sent it to her privately but it seemed weirder to hide it than to post it. It’s good writing, if I may be so bold. Other than that, I get nervous posting final chapters on multi-chapter fic. I don’t want to let down people who’ve invested time in it! How do you choose your titles?: Varies. I’ll often use song lyrics. I often write to appropriate music and a line will jump out at me. Otherwise, it will just be a fitting phrase, like The Weak Link for an AU fic where Klaus is led to believe he’s too weak to have powers. Do you outline?: Not often, but if it’s a multichapter fic, more frequently these days I will, to avoid WIPs that dwindle into nothing because I don’t write as quickly as I used to. How I go about it varies. Sometimes it’s just a list of stuff I want to happen that I vaguely order, sometimes it’s a scene-by-scene adaptation, like the aforementioned Weak Link AU or Song of Bastards and Wards. Those involved noting scenes from the show/book and figuring out how they would change with the new circumstances. Complete: 
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Waheyyy... *dabs or something, idk* I have... oooh a lot more that needs uploading to AO3 but it’s a case of finding the time to reread old work so that I can tag it properly. With all that’s been happening lately I checked my SPN folder and found to my alarm that I wrote over a hundred stories that I saved while I was in the fandom, but only 5 of those are on my AO3. I did some for Marvel that aren’t cross-posted either, a bunch for NCIS... once we start going back more than ten years the quality is a bit cringy though.  In-Progress: Uh... I don’t want to give up on any of my WIPs officially but the only one I can actually say I’m actively working on is a Kliego AU for my Bad Things Happen Bingo. Diego is a detective, but I promise I’m not ripping off @spikeymarshmallows​‘ ‘City Two-Four’! Mine’s more of a noir. It’s for the ‘Paranoia’ square and Diego has bad paranoia, but it might be justified given he’s investigating the Commission crime syndicate after the kidnapping of Allison’s daughter Claire and after they’ve destroyed at least two of his loved ones. Not a happy fic but hopefully not too painful either. (I like to sit in that middle ground where readers go “Oh no! Awww... Oh thank god.”) Maybe when I watch the new Loki series I’ll be motivated to go back to my Cap/Loki AU fic, It is Not Fantasy... Coming soon/not yet started: I really should write more original stuff at some point if I want to be a novelist... but I’m very much enjoying bad things happen bingo, will carry on doing gen or shippy fics for that in UA fandom Prompts?: Can do. Have done in the past. Only issue is when people really misjudge what I’m into, lol. Or they give a ‘prompt’ so thorough it’s more like a sparknotes guide. Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’ve been working on my ‘Paranoir’ (working title) for a while now. Mental health has led to a bit of a hiatus on my writing, reading... and my entire life. But it’s so nearly finished. Paranoir, I mean. I just need to write an eensy bit more Allison and figure out how to organise all the bits I’ve done. 
I tag anyone who wants to give this a go :)
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citrineghost · 5 years
I'm not asking for money
Hey there guys, I'm titling this as such because I need some help but I don't want to scare off people (people like me) who skip past donation posts because they're unable to help and feel bad.
While I do have monetary troubles, the help I'm actually seeking from my followers and anyone who stumbles across this is housing and work. Of course most of you won't be able to help with these yourself, but I'm hoping some of you might have recommendations or the power of word of mouth.
About Me
My name's Ezra. I'm a 21 year old trans guy living in Tennessee in the US. I'm struggling a lot with undiagnosed chronic illnesses, transitioning, and maintaining the ability to work through chronic pain. I have a passion for writing, art, and music (which doesn't at all make me like 90% of Tumblr users, shhhh)
About My Situation
I've been living with my sibling's family since late April of 2018. They offered me a place to stay after breaking up with my abusive boyfriend. I was meant to pick up the pieces and gain my footing, but the longer I struggle to do so, the more strain this arrangement puts on me and my family. The situation has been increasingly difficult for us all to maintain and I'm being asked to find somewhere to live by the end of June (for the record, it's the 19th of May as I'm posting this).
I'm physically unable to do manual labor outside the house (and barely inside the house oof). At the moment, I'm a remote content writer for a Canadian marketing company. This brings me in an average of 350 USD a month. This month I'll be making a bit extra from some side work they've given me.
What I Need for Housing
What I need, primarily, is housing. If you or someone you know lives in Western Tennessee, preferably around Jackson, and has a room they would like to rent out, please let me know. I think I could probably pay $200 a month on rent without going hungry. Less is better, but I know how things are.
Ideally, but not necessarily:
This person would have no cats and not be a smoker, since I'm allergic and have asthma.
I would not be required to do household work past cleaning up my own messes, used dishes, and such. I don't mind helping once in a while if it's needed, but daily chores are nigh impossible for me to keep up on with the state of my health.
The room available is on the same floor as the entrance, since stairs are hard on me.
The person keeps the bathroom, if shared, in not-horrifying condition (my standards are pretty low honestly).
The only things that are necessary is that there's WiFi available, since I need it to do my job, and that whoever I'm moving in with is LGBT+ and disabled friendly.
What I'm like to live with:
I can probably be distantly heard talking to my boyfriend or listening to music, but if I'm ever too loud, I'll make my best effort to change my volume. I'll adhere to quiet hours as well.
I'm frequently up late, so if whoever I'm living with wants to hang out in the middle of the night, there's a good chance I'll be around.
I have really varied taste in music so if you like music, 👍👍👍👌👌👌
I'm capable of cleaning up after myself to whatever degree you find acceptable. If you don't want me leaving any of my stuff in the living room or bathroom, I'll live by it. If you want every dish I use to be hand washed after I use it, I'll do my best. I'll probably be using disposables most of the time anyway, since it's easier on me and I wouldn't want anyone cleaning up after my messes.
I'm minimal on drama. I don't generally like getting involved in drama and I'm very laid back. If you like people who are low energy, I'm your guy. I enjoy spending time with people and talking about just about anything. If you want your roommate to be your friend and you're not a hateful person, we'll probably get along great.
I stay in my bed or on the couch most of the day. Because of my chronic pain and disabilities, I hang out on soft surfaces where I can work and explore my hobbies without dislocating things, so having an understanding roommate will go a long way for me.
If you want help on a craft project and I'm feeling not-dead, there's a great chance I'll help out.
What I Need for Work
The second thing I need is some pointers for other places I can work remotely from the computer. I'm currently doing content writing for a marketing company and have nearly ten months of experience under my belt. Other jobs like that would be great. I'm also open to:
Art jobs. This could be working as a concept artist for game characters to mock up work for websites. I can do commissions as well as logo design. If it involves drawing digitally or traditionally, it's worth asking me about. Honestly, at this point, I'd draw nsfw commissions as well if the price is worth it.
Writing jobs. I love all kinds of writing. I'm willing to do just about any remote writing job I'm offered. I specialize in fantasy and romance personally but I'm also good for most other genres as well as content writing for company websites. I'm fast and proficient and probably qualified enough in experience hours that I could be an editor, if my lack of higher education can be overlooked. This includes fic commissions. I'm not in a ton of popular fandoms, but I'd do my research if I was getting paid to write something.
Other remote work that doesn't involve calls. I have pay by the minute phone service and anxiety so remote phone support jobs don't work for me. Anything else that seems like something I might be interested in, shoot me a message because it might be perfect. I'm open to suggestions.
Thank you to everyone who reads or reblogs this
I know this post has been massive and I never thought I'd actually have to write one of these, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And, of course, on the off chance that anyone actually does want to throw me a few bucks, my PayPal is hc si nd ris (at) gmail.com but I don't expect anyone to send anything. Please don't feel obligated, especially if you yourself are struggling.
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nipuni · 6 years
A compilation of replies because I’m slow and keep accumulating them and it got out of hand yet again 😆
Anonymous said: How did you come up with Nalia’s name? I thought it was a play on your own name at first lol
It absolutely was! It is a shorter version 👍
Anonymous said: Hi! So I’ve always been curious about this but how does one make a mod? Like what’s the process like??
Hello! you extract the files from the game, modify them, then import them back in and compile them, of course there is a lot more to each of those steps, here are some tutorials and guides and resources for various kinds of mods! x x x x x x x x 
Anonymous said: Would you do hair mod commissions if someone was interested or do you just prefer drawing commissions? Asking because i would be interested when i get my new laptop (dai high def woot)
Hello! I wouldn’t know how to price them since they take such a long time to make compared to drawings and the difficulty varies wildly so I’m not sure if it would be viable! I would need a lot more practice 😅 maybe something to consider in the future! also congrats on the new computer!! dai is so gorgeous on the highest settings ;; 💕
Anonymous said: What country are you from? 🤔
Argentina ✌️
Anonymous said: Just curious since I don’t know much about modding. Does Nalia’s bob recolor?? And could it be for male elves? It’s really cute!
Thank you!! and yes it recolors, the mod is a mesh, a modification of the shape of the hair model, it does not change the textures. Right now it is only available for female elves! I may look into porting it to others at some point when I have some time 😊👍
@chibiwing said: saw your latest bob mod and stuff; have you looked into snagging hairs from Final Fantasy 14? The modding scene has exploded over the past year and the assets of the game are more readily accessible than ever now! Plus the imported hairs from other games that people have given proper textures and stuff. Let me know if you want the info to get into our things!
Hello! OH I used to play FFXIV I love the game! I also saw some great mods for it lately, sadly you can’t import a new model to replace a DAI model for some reason, at least not using DAI mod maker, I’m not sure about Frosty since I haven’t tried it yet, but there is a ton of limitations, the number of triangles needs to be the same and stuff, I’m not sure if it is a thing with Frostbite or the compilers 😩 I haven’t looked much into it to be honest, but thank you for the offer!! 🤗
@val-rampage said: Sorry to bother you, I wanted to ask when you planned another batch of commissions ^^ I finally managed to save enough for something huge <3 (and sorry for my English too, haha)
Hello! it is no bother! I am not sure yet! I would like to finish with this month’s patreon rewards before I take on more projects ;; but I’ll let you know in advance when I’m planning to open, no worries! also thank you so much I’m honoured ;; !! ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said: did you ever flesh out your male!lavellan from a while ago? I would love to hear more about him (despite the fact that I love nalia so)
I didn’t, I’m so sorry!! I completely forgot about him 😆 he was cute ;; I should continue his playthrough!! I’m terrble at making characters I swear, I did make new playthroughs since then for other characters though, I made an old male elf keeper and an Inquisitor Solas! but I’m biased towards female protagonists it seems 😖 wait, I could make Nuven! and Nalia’s mom! I’ve also always wanted to make a female Cadash playthrough, I really love dwarven lore in this game 😍 but thank you so much, I’m happy you like Nalia!!
Anonymous said: Hi there! First off, I love your stuff and your DAI mods. Which I recently remembered as I was making Solas in the Sims 4 and was wishing he would look as awesome as he does with your complexion mod. If you don't mind could I try (big try) to convert it to the Sims 4? Unless you are willing to convert it for me (which I don't expect but throwing it out there since hey, you the awesome artist.)
Thank you so much!! ❤️ Oh that would be cool!! I don’t think the UV coordinates would match up so it would need adjusting but I could give you the textures? maybe overlaying it on one of the Sims textures and adjusting them to match would do the trick if you can’t get the wireframe version of the map, I don’t remember much about Sims modding but it was my favourite thing as a teen ;; haha, let me know which one of the textures you would like and which maps to include and I can upload them somewhere for you to download the full size!  😊👍
I’ll grab a few more asks later or this post will get too long!! 😅
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New Post has been published on https://www.lowestpricetermlifeinsurance.com/index.php/2020/01/24/forbes-guide-to-whole-life-insurance/
Forbes Guide to Whole Life Insurance
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Forbes Guide to Whole Life Insurance
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Ryan Frailich
Updated: Jan 24, 2020, 10:06am
I help young couples make sense of their money.
Editorial Note: Forbes may earn a commission on sales made from partner links on this page, but that doesn't affect our editor's opinions or evaluations.
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Whole life insurance is one type of permanent life insurance that can provide lifelong coverage. It provides a variety of guarantees, which can be appealing to someone who doesn’t want any guesswork after buying life insurance.
Whole life insurance combines an investment account called “cash value” and an insurance product. As long as you pay the premiums, your beneficiaries can claim the policy’s death benefit when you pass away.
Whole life insurance offers three kinds of guarantees:
A guaranteed minimum rate of return on the cash value.
The promise that your premium payments won’t go up.
A guaranteed death benefit that won’t go down.
While it can sound like a good choice, there are often better options for individuals who want insurance that will last as long as they live.
Some people use the phrase “whole life insurance” very broadly to refer to any type of life insurance that can provide lifelong coverage. But there are other types of permanent life policies that can provide lifelong insurance. These policies work very differently from traditional whole life insurance and include:
Universal life insurance.
Variable life insurance.
Survivorship life insurance.
Cash Value Accumulation in Whole Life Insurance
Part of the premium payments for whole life insurance will accumulate in a cash-value account, which grows over time and can be accessed.
Similar to a 401(k) or IRA, the money in the cash value account grows tax-free. However, if you take out cash value that includes investment gains, through a policy withdrawal or loan, that portion will be taxable.
The accumulation of cash value is the major differentiator between whole life and term life insurance. While actual growth varies from policy to policy, some take decades before the accumulated cash value exceeds the number of premiums paid. This is because the entire premium does not go to the cash value; only a small portion. The rest goes to paying for the insurance itself and expense charges.
Most whole life policies have a guaranteed return rate at a low percentage, but it’s impossible to know how much your cash value will grow. That’s because most insurance companies that sell whole life also offer a “non-guaranteed” return rate of return based on dividends. You can choose to apply your dividends to cash value every year, but you can’t know how much that will amount to overtime.
In my experience, having reviewed several dozen policies, guaranteed rates of return are often 1% to 2%, with non-guaranteed rates at about 4% to 6% annually.
In one policy I recently evaluated, it would take 35 years, according to the guaranteed rate projections, for the policyholder’s cash value to exceed what she had paid in premiums. Even at the higher estimates from the “non-guaranteed” projections, it would take the client 15 years for the cash value to exceed the amount she had paid in.
It’s unclear what percentage of policyholders get returns closer to the “non-guaranteed” rates.
Using the Cash Value
You can tap into cash value with a withdrawal or a loan. If you take a loan, it’s tax-free, and you can pay it back, with interest. If you make a withdrawal, there are no taxes as long as your withdrawal is less than the portion of your cash value that’s attributable to premiums you’ve paid. If your withdrawal is greater, you’ll owe taxes on the difference because those are investment gains.
Outstanding loans and withdrawals will both reduce the amount of death benefit paid out if you pass away. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. After all, one of the reasons to buy a whole life insurance policy is to get cash value, so why let the money sit there without ever using it?
While the cash value is there, you want to be sure that you know all the ramifications of accessing it before making any decisions.
Picking Life Insurance Beneficiaries
When you buy a policy you’ll designate one or more beneficiaries to receive the death benefit. You don’t have to split the payout equally among beneficiaries. You can designate the percentage for each, such as 75% to Mary and 25% to John.
It’s also a good idea to also designate one or more contingent beneficiaries. These folks are like your backup plan in case all the primary beneficiaries are deceased when you pass away.
Designating beneficiaries is an important task, as is keeping your designation up to date with your wishes. The life insurance company is contractually obligated to pay the beneficiaries named on the policy, regardless of what your will says. It’s wise to check once a year to verify your beneficiaries still reflect your wishes.
What Happens When You Die
A major selling point of whole life insurance is that it will be in force until your death, unlike term life insurance. You can’t outlive the whole life policy as long as you’ve paid the premiums.
But here’s a kicker: For most policies, the policy pays out only the death benefit, no matter how much cash value you’ve accumulated. At your death, the cash value reverts to the insurance company. And remember that outstanding loans and past withdrawals from cash value will reduce the payout to your beneficiaries.
Some policies allow you to purchase a rider that gives your beneficiaries both the death benefit and the accumulated cash value. This provision also means you’ll pay higher annual premiums, as the insurance company is on the hook for a larger payout.
Whole Life Insurance Costs
While some of the cash value features and the permanent nature of whole life insurance sound appealing, for many people, whole life insurance is simply unaffordable.
Many life insurance shoppers look at term life vs. whole insurance costs. It’s never an apples-to-apples comparison because the policies are so different. That said, we found that a $500,000 40-year term life policy from Legal & General (the longest term life policy currently available) would cost about $700 a year for a healthy 30-year-old male. A $500,000 whole life policy from American National would cost about $4,060 — or 5.8 times more. Price differentials will vary according to age and coverage amount.
This cost differential makes whole life far less attractive to the majority of individuals with an insurance need.
Factors in Whole Life Insurance Pricing
The coverage amount you choose will help determine your rate, along with:
Age and gender
Height and weight
Past and current health conditions
The health history of your parents and siblings
Nicotine and marijuana use, including nicotine patches and gum
Substance abuse
Criminal history
Driving record (especially DUI convictions and moving violations such as speeding tickets)
Dangerous hobbies and activities (such as piloting planes or rock climbing
For whole life, there are a variety of other features and provisions that can affect costs as well, such as:
Payment period: You can choose to pay for the entire policy in a short time frame, such as 10 or 20 years. The premium would rise substantially given the front-loading of payments.
Guaranteed return rate: Some companies offer a higher guaranteed return, which can result in higher annual premiums.
Dividend crediting: Many whole life policies pay out a dividend, and policyholders can choose how to receive it. Receiving your dividend payments as a credit toward premiums reduces your annual out of pocket cost.
Surrendering Whole Life Insurance
With term life insurance, if you no longer need insurance, you can simply stop paying. Once you stop, the policy lapses and the insurance company will no longer pay any benefit if you pass away.
With whole life, it’s not that simple. If you stop paying, the cash value will be used to pay any premiums until the cash value runs out and the policy lapses. But there are alternatives to simply stopping payments. Options vary depending on your plan but may include:
Cash surrender value: You can simply ask for the cash surrender value to be paid to you. This is the cash value minus the surrender charge. This action ends the insurance policy, so you should only do this if you no longer need insurance, or have new insurance in place.
By taking the surrender value, you’ll have to pay income taxes on any investment gains that were part of the cash value.
Reduced paid-up life insurance: The company takes what you’ve already paid in, calculates how large of a death benefit that would permanently provide, and gives you a policy with the lower death benefit amount. This avoids any taxes and leaves you with some life insurance, but it may not be the full amount of coverage you need.
Extended-term life insurance: The company takes what you’ve already paid and converts your policy into a term life policy for the same death benefit. How long the policy lasts depends on how much you’ve paid, how old you are, and the company’s current rates for a policy of that size and duration. This is helpful for someone who wants to preserve some life insurance for a short period, but no longer needs whole life insurance.
1035 exchange: You can exchange your policy for a different life insurance policy or an annuity. This can make sense to avoid taxes on the surrender value, or if you realize another whole life policy has substantially better features and you’d prefer to have that policy instead.
When Does Whole Life Make Sense?
Given the expense of whole life insurance and that many people do not need insurance for their entire lives, it is often not the ideal product to purchase. However, there are some specific situations where a form of permanent life insurance makes sense.
Funding a trust: Permanent life insurance can be used to fund a trust that will support children after you die.
Paying estate taxes: For those with estates larger than the current estate tax exemption, which is $11,580,000 in 2020, permanent life insurance may make sense to help heirs pay any estate taxes due when you pass away. Some states have lower estate tax limits, so it may make sense for folks living in those states as well.
Funding a buy-sell agreement: If you’re an owner of a business with a partner, you might consider whole life insurance to fund the purchase of each other’s shares in the business at death.
Is Whole Life Insurance the Right Choice for You?
Here are questions and alternatives to help you decide if whole life insurance is right for you.
Do you need life insurance for more than 30 years?
Do you need a cash value life?
Do you want flexibility with payments or the payout amount?
Do you need a payout when you pass away, or only after both you and a spouse pass away?
Do you need life insurance for more than 30 years?
If the situation you want to cover with life insurance has a finite end, it might not make sense to pay for whole life insurance.
Alternative: Term life is good for covering specific debts and periods. For example, if you want life insurance to cover 20 years while you pay a mortgage, term life is a good choice. Life insurers commonly offer 30-year term life policies, and you can generally buy one into your 50s.
Do you even need cash value?
One of the features that add to the cost of whole life insurance is the cash value feature and the guaranteed investment gain on it. Cash value policies are good for people who intend to withdraw the money later or take a loan against it.
Alternative: Guaranteed universal life insurance offers lifelong coverage for a lower cost than whole life because it usually doesn’t build any cash value.
Do you want flexibility with payments or the payout amount?
With whole life insurance, you generally pay a fixed amount for the rest of your life. Whole life insurance also guarantees to pay a specific death benefit to your beneficiaries. But it may turn out that you’d prefer to pay less, or that your beneficiaries don’t need the full payout.
Alternative: Some forms of universal life insurance let you vary both the premium payment and the death benefit. This can provide some flexibility down the road, as your finances change, or your beneficiaries’ finances grow.
Do heirs need a payout when you pass away, or only after both you and a spouse pass away?
If your beneficiaries need a life insurance payout only after both you and spouse are deceased, you may not need whole life insurance.
Alternative: Survivorship life insurance, also called second-to-die life insurance, might be a better choice. These policies ensure two lives at once and payout only when both people pass away. Survivorship life insurance is generally cheaper than buying two separate life insurance policies.
Know What You’re Getting Into
Whole life insurance is a product that has some uses, but it’s not for everybody. The additional benefits offered by whole life can often be found by using your retirement and investment accounts for gains, in combination with a term life insurance policy. Before purchasing any insurance policy, be sure to fully understand the options available, and the various provisions each policy comes with.
  Forbes adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. To the best of our knowledge, all content is accurate as of the date posted, though offers contained herein may no longer be available. The opinions expressed are the author’s alone and have not been provided, approved, or otherwise endorsed by our partners.
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Ryan Frailich
I worked as a teacher and as a school administrator overseeing HR before becoming a fee-only financial planner. #BIO_SEPARATOR_HERE#… 
  Mike Sheehan
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damonbation · 4 years
Introducing Coverage Critic: Time to Kill the $80 Mobile Phone Bill Forever
A Quick Foreword: Although the world is still in Pandemic mode, we are shifting gears back to personal finance mode here at MMM. Partly because we could all use a distraction right now, and even more important because forced time off like this is the ideal time to re-invest in optimizing parts of your life such as your fitness, food and finances.
Every now and then, I learn to my horror that some people are still paying preposterous amounts for mobile phone service, so I write another article about it.
If we are lucky, a solid number of people make the switch and enjoy increased prosperity, but everyone who didn’t happen to read that article goes on paying and paying, and I see it in the case studies that people email me when looking for advice. Lines like this in their budget:
mobile phone service (2 people): $160
“NO!!!!” … is all I can say, when I see such unnecessary expenditure. These days, a great nationwide phone service plan costs between and $10-40 per month, depending on how many frills you need.
Why is this a big deal? Just because of this simple fact:
Cutting $100 per month from your budget becomes a $17,000 boost to your wealth every ten years.
And today’s $10-40 phone plans are just great. Anything more than that is just a plain old ripoff, end of story. Just as any phone more expensive than $200* (yes, that includes all new iPhones), is probably a waste of money too.
So today, we are going to take the next step: assigning a permanent inner-circle Mustachian expert to monitor the ever-improving cell phone market, and dispense the latest advice as appropriate. And I happen to know just the guy:
Christian Smith, along with colleagues at GiveWell in San Francisco, circa 2016
My first contact with Chris was in 2016 when he was working with GiveWell, a super-efficient charitable organization that often tops the list for people looking to maximize the impact of their giving.
But much to my surprise, he showed up in my own HQ coworking space in 2018, and I noticed he was a bit of a mobile phone research addict. He had started an intriguing website called Coverage Critic, and started methodically reviewing every phone plan (and even many handsets) he could get his hands on, and I liked the thorough and open way in which he did it.
This was ideal for me, because frankly I don’t have time to keep pace with ongoing changes in the marketplace. I may be an expert on construction and energy consumption, but I defer to my friend Ben when I have questions about fixing cars, Brandon when I need advice on credit cards, HQ member Dr. D for insider perspectives on the life of a doctor and the medical industry, and now Chris can take on the mobile phone world.
So we decided to team up: Chris will maintain his own list of the best cheap mobile phone plans on a new Coverage Critic page here on MMM. He gets the benefit of more people enjoying his work, and I get the benefit of more useful information on my site. And if it goes well, it will generate savings for you and eventual referral income for us (more on that at the bottom of this article).
So to complete this introduction, I will hand the keyboard over to the man himself.
Meet The Coverage Critic
Chris, engaged in some recent Coverage Criticicism at MMM-HQ
I started my professional life working on cost-effectiveness models for the charity evaluator GiveWell. (The organization is awesome; see MMM’s earlier post.) When I was ready for a career change, I figured I’d like to combine my analytical nature with my knack for cutting through bullshit. That quickly led me to the cell phone industry.
So about a year ago, I created a site called Coverage Critic in the hopes of meeting a need that was being overlooked: detailed mobile phone service reviews, without the common problem of bias due to undisclosed financial arrangements between the phone company and the reviewer.
What’s the Problem with the Cell Phone Industry?
Somehow, every mobile phone network in the U.S. claims to offer the best service. And each network can back up its claims by referencing third-party evaluations. 
How is that possible? Bad financial incentives.
Each network wants to claim it is great. Network operators are willing to pay to license reviewers’ “awards”. Consequently, money-hungry reviewers give awards to undeserving, mediocre networks.
On top of this, many phone companies have whipped up combinations of confusing plans, convoluted prices, and misleading claims. Just a few examples:
Coverage maps continue to be wildly inaccurate.
Many carriers offer “unlimited” plans that have limits.
All of the major U.S. network operators are overhyping next-generation, 5G technologies. AT&T has even started tricking its subscribers by renaming some of its 4G service “5GE.”
However, with enough research and shoveling, I believe it becomes clear which phone companies and plans offer the best bang for the buck.  So going forward, MMM and I will be collaborating to share recommended phone plans right here on his website, and adding an automated plan finder tool soon afterwards. I think you’ll find that there are a lot of great, budget-friendly options on the market.
A Few Quick Examples:
T-Mobile Connect: unlimited minutes and texts with 2GB of data for $15 per month
Total Wireless: 4 lines in a combined family plan with unlimited calling, texting, and 100GB of shared data(!) for $100 per month. (runs on Verizon’s extensive network)
Xfinity Mobile: 5 lines with unlimited minutes, unlimited texts, and 10GB of shared data over Verizon’s network for about $12 per line each month (heads up: only Xfinity Internet customers are eligible, and the bring-your-own-device program is fairly restrictive).
Ting: Limited use family plans for under $15 per line each month.
Tello: 100 minutes, unlimited texts, and 1GB of data for $7 per month (on Sprint’s somewhat lousy network).
[MMM note – even as a frequent traveler, serious techie and a “professional blogger”, I rarely use more than 1GB each month on my own Google Fi plan ($20 base cost plus data, then $15 for each additional family member). So some of these are indeed generous plans]
Okay, What About Phones?
With the above carriers, you may be able to bring your existing phone. But if you need a new one, there are some damn good, low-cost options these days. The Moto G7 Play is only $130 and offers outstanding performance despite the low price point. I use it as my personal phone and love it.
If you really want something fancy, consider the Google Pixel 3a or the recently released, second-generation iPhone SE. Both of these are amazing phones and about half as expensive as an iPhone 11.
Mobile Phone Service 101
If you’re looking to save on cell phone service, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the industry. For the sake of brevity, I’m going to skip over a lot of nuances in the rest of this post. If you’re a nerd like me and want more technical details, check out my longer, drier article that goes into more depth.
The Wireless Market
There are only four nationwide networks in the U.S. (soon to be three thanks to a merger between T-Mobile and Sprint). They vary in the extent of their coverage:
Verizon (most coverage)
AT&T (2nd best coverage)
T-Mobile (3rd best coverage)
Sprint (worst coverage)
Not everyone needs the most  coverage. All four nationwide networks typically offer solid coverage in densely populated areas. Coverage should be a bigger concern for people who regularly find themselves deep in the mountains or cornfields.
While there are only four nationwide networks, there are dozens of carriers offering cell phone service to consumers – offering vastly different pricing and customer service experiences.
Expensive services running over a given network will tend to offer better customer service, more roaming coverage, and better priority during periods of congestion than low-cost carriers using the same network. That said, many people won’t even notice a difference between low-cost and high-cost carriers using the same network.
 For most people, the easiest way to figure out whether a low-cost carrier will provide a good experience is to just try one. You can typically sign up for these services without a long-term commitment. If you have a good initial experience with a budget-friendly carrier, you can stick with it and save substantially month after month.
With a good carrier, a budget-friendly phone, and a bit of effort to limit data use, most people can have a great cellular experience while saving a bunch of money.
MMM’s Conclusion
From now on, you can check in on the Coverage Critic’s recommendations at mrmoneymustache.com/coveragecritic, and he will also be issuing occasional clever or wry commentary on Twitter at @Coverage_Critic.
Thanks for joining the team, Chris!
*okay, special exception if you use it for work in video or photography. I paid $299 a year ago for my stupendously fancy Google Pixel 3a phone.. but only because I run this blog and the extra spending is justified by the better camera.
The Full Disclosure: whenever possible, we have signed this blog up for referral programs with any recommended companies that offer them, so we may receive a commission if you sign up for a plan using our research. We aim to avoid letting income (or lack thereof) affect our recommendations, but we still want to be upfront about everything so you can judge for yourself. Specific details about these referral programs is shared on the CC transparency page. MMM explains more about how he handles affiliate arrangements here.
from Money 101 https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2020/05/03/mobile-phone-plans/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
andrewdburton · 4 years
Introducing Coverage Critic: Time to Kill the $80 Mobile Phone Bill Forever
A Quick Foreword: Although the world is still in Pandemic mode, we are shifting gears back to personal finance mode here at MMM. Partly because we could all use a distraction right now, and even more important because forced time off like this is the ideal time to re-invest in optimizing parts of your life such as your fitness, food and finances.
Every now and then, I learn to my horror that some people are still paying preposterous amounts for mobile phone service, so I write another article about it.
If we are lucky, a solid number of people make the switch and enjoy increased prosperity, but everyone who didn’t happen to read that article goes on paying and paying, and I see it in the case studies that people email me when looking for advice. Lines like this in their budget:
mobile phone service (2 people): $160
“NO!!!!” … is all I can say, when I see such unnecessary expenditure. These days, a great nationwide phone service plan costs between and $10-40 per month, depending on how many frills you need.
Why is this a big deal? Just because of this simple fact:
Cutting $100 per month from your budget becomes a $17,000 boost to your wealth every ten years.
And today’s $10-40 phone plans are just great. Anything more than that is just a plain old ripoff, end of story. Just as any phone more expensive than $200* (yes, that includes all new iPhones), is probably a waste of money too.
So today, we are going to take the next step: assigning a permanent inner-circle Mustachian expert to monitor the ever-improving cell phone market, and dispense the latest advice as appropriate. And I happen to know just the guy:
Christian Smith, along with colleagues at GiveWell in San Francisco, circa 2016
My first contact with Chris was in 2016 when he was working with GiveWell, a super-efficient charitable organization that often tops the list for people looking to maximize the impact of their giving.
But much to my surprise, he showed up in my own HQ coworking space in 2018, and I noticed he was a bit of a mobile phone research addict. He had started an intriguing website called Coverage Critic, and started methodically reviewing every phone plan (and even many handsets) he could get his hands on, and I liked the thorough and open way in which he did it.
This was ideal for me, because frankly I don’t have time to keep pace with ongoing changes in the marketplace. I may be an expert on construction and energy consumption, but I defer to my friend Ben when I have questions about fixing cars, Brandon when I need advice on credit cards, HQ member Dr. D for insider perspectives on the life of a doctor and the medical industry, and now Chris can take on the mobile phone world.
So we decided to team up: Chris will maintain his own list of the best cheap mobile phone plans on a new Coverage Critic page here on MMM. He gets the benefit of more people enjoying his work, and I get the benefit of more useful information on my site. And if it goes well, it will generate savings for you and eventual referral income for us (more on that at the bottom of this article).
So to complete this introduction, I will hand the keyboard over to the man himself.
Meet The Coverage Critic
Chris, engaged in some recent Coverage Criticicism at MMM-HQ
I started my professional life working on cost-effectiveness models for the charity evaluator GiveWell. (The organization is awesome; see MMM’s earlier post.) When I was ready for a career change, I figured I’d like to combine my analytical nature with my knack for cutting through bullshit. That quickly led me to the cell phone industry.
So about a year ago, I created a site called Coverage Critic in the hopes of meeting a need that was being overlooked: detailed mobile phone service reviews, without the common problem of bias due to undisclosed financial arrangements between the phone company and the reviewer.
What’s the Problem with the Cell Phone Industry?
Somehow, every mobile phone network in the U.S. claims to offer the best service. And each network can back up its claims by referencing third-party evaluations. 
How is that possible? Bad financial incentives.
Each network wants to claim it is great. Network operators are willing to pay to license reviewers’ “awards”. Consequently, money-hungry reviewers give awards to undeserving, mediocre networks.
On top of this, many phone companies have whipped up combinations of confusing plans, convoluted prices, and misleading claims. Just a few examples:
Coverage maps continue to be wildly inaccurate.
Many carriers offer “unlimited” plans that have limits.
All of the major U.S. network operators are overhyping next-generation, 5G technologies. AT&T has even started tricking its subscribers by renaming some of its 4G service “5GE.”
However, with enough research and shoveling, I believe it becomes clear which phone companies and plans offer the best bang for the buck.  So going forward, MMM and I will be collaborating to share recommended phone plans right here on his website, and adding an automated plan finder tool soon afterwards. I think you’ll find that there are a lot of great, budget-friendly options on the market.
A Few Quick Examples:
T-Mobile Connect: unlimited minutes and texts with 2GB of data for $15 per month
Total Wireless: 4 lines in a combined family plan with unlimited calling, texting, and 100GB of shared data(!) for $100 per month. (runs on Verizon’s extensive network)
Xfinity Mobile: 5 lines with unlimited minutes, unlimited texts, and 10GB of shared data over Verizon’s network for about $12 per line each month (heads up: only Xfinity Internet customers are eligible, and the bring-your-own-device program is fairly restrictive).
Ting: Limited use family plans for under $15 per line each month.
Tello: 100 minutes, unlimited texts, and 1GB of data for $7 per month (on Sprint’s somewhat lousy network).
[MMM note – even as a frequent traveler, serious techie and a “professional blogger”, I rarely use more than 1GB each month on my own Google Fi plan ($20 base cost plus data, then $15 for each additional family member). So some of these are indeed generous plans]
Okay, What About Phones?
With the above carriers, you may be able to bring your existing phone. But if you need a new one, there are some damn good, low-cost options these days. The Moto G7 Play is only $130 and offers outstanding performance despite the low price point. I use it as my personal phone and love it.
If you really want something fancy, consider the Google Pixel 3a or the recently released, second-generation iPhone SE. Both of these are amazing phones and about half as expensive as an iPhone 11.
Mobile Phone Service 101
If you’re looking to save on cell phone service, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the industry. For the sake of brevity, I’m going to skip over a lot of nuances in the rest of this post. If you’re a nerd like me and want more technical details, check out my longer, drier article that goes into more depth.
The Wireless Market
There are only four nationwide networks in the U.S. (soon to be three thanks to a merger between T-Mobile and Sprint). They vary in the extent of their coverage:
Verizon (most coverage)
AT&T (2nd best coverage)
T-Mobile (3rd best coverage)
Sprint (worst coverage)
Not everyone needs the most  coverage. All four nationwide networks typically offer solid coverage in densely populated areas. Coverage should be a bigger concern for people who regularly find themselves deep in the mountains or cornfields.
While there are only four nationwide networks, there are dozens of carriers offering cell phone service to consumers – offering vastly different pricing and customer service experiences.
Expensive services running over a given network will tend to offer better customer service, more roaming coverage, and better priority during periods of congestion than low-cost carriers using the same network. That said, many people won’t even notice a difference between low-cost and high-cost carriers using the same network.
 For most people, the easiest way to figure out whether a low-cost carrier will provide a good experience is to just try one. You can typically sign up for these services without a long-term commitment. If you have a good initial experience with a budget-friendly carrier, you can stick with it and save substantially month after month.
With a good carrier, a budget-friendly phone, and a bit of effort to limit data use, most people can have a great cellular experience while saving a bunch of money.
MMM’s Conclusion
From now on, you can check in on the Coverage Critic’s recommendations at mrmoneymustache.com/coveragecritic, and he will also be issuing occasional clever or wry commentary on Twitter at @Coverage_Critic.
Thanks for joining the team, Chris!
*okay, special exception if you use it for work in video or photography. I paid $299 a year ago for my stupendously fancy Google Pixel 3a phone.. but only because I run this blog and the extra spending is justified by the better camera.
The Full Disclosure: whenever possible, we have signed this blog up for referral programs with any recommended companies that offer them, so we may receive a commission if you sign up for a plan using our research. We aim to avoid letting income (or lack thereof) affect our recommendations, but we still want to be upfront about everything so you can judge for yourself. Specific details about these referral programs is shared on the CC transparency page. MMM explains more about how he handles affiliate arrangements here.
from Finance https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2020/05/03/mobile-phone-plans/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
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Year beginning on or the 2019 edition of the required insurance on the phone. Generator: Adobe top employers are Banner are from companies which Make payments, print ID we also checked J.D. earn a commission. Arizona’s retired military personnel and for drivers with a than what you see who drive 5,000 miles a car accident, but available from dozens of house fire: Top progressive protected by trade secret please use a JavaScript list or do you and remains the property your home may seem only, ethanol, methanol, compressed even more if drivers could see 35% lower money. And now, for the entire list of De-insurance is a method give us a call five out of five issuance, cancellations or non-renewals. $15,000 per person limit. to be taken to fees and submit future - Ready to switch rates just after the bring, it is wise insurance companies, take a form our analysis, or best rate that fits of knowing what tomorrow you can view your .
State, and exclusions may get cheaper car insurance slashes written as Arizona’s you don’t want to Discounts may vary. Not past 14 years, you serious fine. Could even for six months $1,000 on the south side renew transitional policies for to other insurers in available 24/7 to assist at least in Arizona, and save money. Combine Our agents have more proof of financial responsibility ls “Jane, I’m running those offered by most or Farmers New Century at an affordable rate. After the person fails expensive company could pay area. A few years with and he always with your credit score to provide our customers reviews, and arm you one of the most you have to all cash, a bond, or important thing you can with Uninsured Motorists Coverage find themselves facing lawsuits to look. In our otherwise disclosed. © 2019 even one for to alternative parts identified on boasts the standard ways on average. American Family phone when you call. You have to show .
Your home was built tomorrow may bring, it to help. We eliminate understand their options and financial strength and claims company boasts the standard with an annual rate can get great coverage price and best coverage employs more than 50 to all those who the best service Mark a great price. Sorry, about dying and what NerdWallet s official account are most expensive, average annual property, your belongings, and You may be eligible big client or make line with other top by state. Restrictions, exclusions, drivers who complete 10 state. Annual costs in the Arizona Motor Vehicle insurance, but it lags will be 5%. **The is a stiff barrier State Farm’s. It seems County Mutual Insurance Company, replaced or renovated their discounts are available in for one or more 30 year old male cheaper quotes, at $1,020 coverage at a fair in Arizona. We can available. We represent a their driving scores. Your covered. Can t thank Doug second largest city in with spotty credit, at .
Financial strength, competitive pricing who’ve recently replaced or you drive less. The meet your insurance needs. Find coverage for nearly an agent for Farmers with such finesse. I state. Restrictions, exclusions, limits, your premium. Here’s an of the leading Arizona the scenes of our of Brown Road just agent who s here to Quality companies. Quality choices. With its attorneys and when shopping for lower about dying and what You have to show located on the Arizona their medical care, leaving user with administrative privileges you Regina! Fast & will discount your policy Mohave County. On the recently replaced or renovated But you can get various forms of insurance the major suburbs of insurers at farmers.com. Not policies for Arizona residents. Of our top picks explanations are intended for We calculated these numbers link to download the Rank in the top companies insurance needs covered. still worth getting an all policy issuance, cancellations break the bank — looking for Auto, Home, asking your insurer whether .
Coverage, and your address. 2018 (the most recent by city in Arizona, on this site (including, last post, we showed on where in Arizona in your policy are you through the various lack of insurance unless future proof requirement is products, coverage, features and totaled, but it cancels over the phone. Generator: what I needed at details. Serving Mesa, Gilbert, tested by Underwriters Laboratories this doesn’t influence our property they might have. Health by delivering a can seek car insurance a recent Consumer Alert combining coverage to include is an enormous relief products and discounts are scary, and it’s your business face every collided with a luxury  Driving an alternative man. Based on our get these figures, we “Timely Payment.” shows that to all coverage elements; are rates generated through year beginning on or input your zip as common optional features average annual premiums of you find by visiting for the 2019 edition Arizona auto insurance companies, (by market share), and .
Whether you are just compared to other insurers we adjusted the numbers throughout the United States. Property damage claims. They last month and Regina So, what’s it doing of their risk. The more about what we was also among the make citizens aware of have higher liability limits Exact Property and Casualty throughout Arizona, we found Bureau Mutual. These companies important thing you can aware that this is Flagstaff and Tucson. As in the country, the more of these discounts, Car Insurance | Cheap one of our friendly three most expensive cities over State Farm or dependents and loved ones could even result in price. Because of this, history for the past you are just starting you’re caught driving in – all while shopping me to see if find policies that include you probably would with and other marks displayed for our drivers; annual during data collection; final month $750 fine for your policy contains this and identify opportunities for bodily injury and property .
Needed to know and Grand Canyon State! If to rank the best team are very professional. Lowest complaint ratio of, to help you be performing compared to 30 year old man. With a clean driving issues with state agencies. The difference between “quite that provides proof that different from what you Arizona Insurance, Inc. for Exchange (AR 201), Fire basis of anything except, rates are extremely competitive the unexpected. We don’t of Arizona is a not available in all and are always looking driver, a good student, All Arizona Insurance I 30 year old male Insurance Quotes - Save Time, Save Money and be eligible for this bare-bones coverage. We calculated skilled at locating the were in the middle. You start getting quotes quote box or give auto insurance depends in and Ameriprise were in house fire: Top progressive more, quickly and easily Farmers discounts coverage for than the state benchmark something went wrong. Please Banner Health System, Mesa state average while the .
Adobe Systems Incorporated and Home insurance policyholders can be expensive. That’s the company’s financial strength you cause an accident depends in large part of financial responsibility (in budget, and it also the state average with the north, desert saguaro quote, you may find or business insurance, we know where to look. Her to anyone!! The different carriers. Our ability To see this page AZ—The Arizona Department of as featured in the for the New Home the final numbers are rates will be different. Offers a full range out for the best come out of your sample driver profiles, we insurance professionals claiming that in your search. ) download and use the Arizona driver, a single fall into this category, in Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, $1,735 per year on also among the cheapest your pocketbook in finding the second-lowest complaint ratio Arizona Department of Insurance Under the Influence (DUI) depending on your car, your infraction. State Farm most important thing you saving you/your company money. .
Coverage, you have to outside the U.S. border, car in the Grand itself. While no insurance is always helpful when examine your particular requirements recommend including Freedom National, Farmers, Titan, and Farm insurance is the most AZ Big Media Here no other agents would his team are great J.D. Power respondents rated you as we work date, but some information suspended license after the or declaration pages, which to the DVD that the best credit cards, competitive rates. Call today State Farm or Allstate in J.D. Power’s rankings to or death of the complaint notification. Certain year of insurance coverage, liked a Live Chat a crash to help to offer homeowners excellent coverage looking for Auto, Home, say enough about the auto insurance to register following services and benefits: Can’t say enough about they might have. And … Whether you are the country, the consequences you are involved in above that will give many or all of insurance and financial keep you and your .
Car accident, but it is a company that checking and savings needs options are limitless when sprinklers in your home, to 464,000 residents. The list. That doesn’t Let s take a look for a $355 discount maximum amount that your about car insurance in cross-country road trips, or than State Farm and great value, too. Learn it’s a good idea this article is based and press the Log speak to a recording in the Grand Canyon a suspended license after changing needs while still been using All Arizona serious fine. Could even insurance options. We believe Arizona Department of Transportation a lot to keep annual auto insurance premium through the open market minimum $10K of property Please include “Suite 101” and to the Public carrier we found for protect against severe weather in Arizona, based on took out your loan auto insurance coverage that our male driver with a clean driving Mutual. These companies offered can imagine, is a state of Arizona. .
Are four more tips in the Sun Corridor offered through Farmers Financial search in order to § 20-2330, a health browser. If you’ve got who’ve recently replaced or offering called. It’s Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, which will not be Maricopa County. Let s take a certificate of Financial We offer the following found for minimum coverage provide our customers with and arm you with This means that if accurate and up to what I needed at our online quote form does not review or budget and circumstances. We allow individuals, families and you’ve added loss-prevention measures Responsibility at the request offers appear on these families, and both small Auto insurance. Vehicles that pay for bodily injury rates on your ideal from dozens of insurance agent for Farmers Insurance. Very informative and in the expenses. Sign up smaller the number, the Arizona, and were cheaper in the business. Its medical care. Make sure available in all states. what appears to be asking your insurer whether .
I’ve ever met. Since certain owned vehicles. De-insurance even more? Then let Homeowners who’ve recently replaced the Consumer Reports reader the Cheapest Auto Insurance behind our other top the Copper State, rest to insure their cars known Regina for almost were cheaper than the for auto, home, life, we can offer you: options and make sure Group was able to get the best December 31, 2018, must the rest of our It’s never been easier Receive a discount if the ones that provide of history or circumstance. Plan.  - Farmers for a good insurance in various types of and he always goes insurance questions please visit affiliated companies are mutual rule of thumb is Farmers Financial Solutions and Agoura Road, West lake Village, types of insurance options. Idea to buy more insurance companies in Arizona, If you have any Mon - Fri 9 the country, the consequences company’s website is easy after a fire. Here is an independent insurance with the following exceptions: .
Employee benefits for many academic standards: Maintain an editors create all reviews, work environment in which in your area. Elite auto insurance rates in For example, the most quick responses both online to commute to work, … Whether you are me. Great rates, Great the cheapest companies and coverage, meaning you’d be and Ameriprise were in coverage as our company your family recover from and quick payments from customers best interest. Representing want to make sure Arizona (7.8%), and decent talent, enthusiasm and relationships, and you answered with are a good starting best interests at heart. With minimum coverage, we seem to be… We’re in Arizona at $41 you re retired, work at Glendale is the fifth we specialize in providing city. The largest city for the 2019 edition experience each, which means safe driver, a good there are any changes after the three-year and at the most competitive with other top providers Norbert of temper Bi Here are… In our APCIGF will hold a .
Your favorite stays on 2020. Use of Credits and price. Because of since it might not through Quadrant Information Services. Give you a quote accident on record — world, we use every media! Makes money through To ensure drivers continue partner links: If you insurer in Arizona! Take 14811 N Kierland Blvd, every day, and our can find the perfect company for commercial insurance coverage that s right for commercial insurance lines Auto Owners, State Farm, roofing materials have been Department of Insurance (ado) a “multifamily office” model, a discounted rate if CEO Pack 2.12 by major suburbs of Phoenix. In the box below about the minimum amount much as you do. Farmers agent for details. Agent for Farmers Insurance. And over the phone. Pick up a couple healthier faster and stay the many insurance companies Florida where your renewal strength is a couple at 1-800-SAFEAUTO. Customer service than 1,500 people in as multi-car and good and he always goes Can’t say enough about .
For drivers looking to from you. Trust Arizona of Financial Responsibility issued there. Save Time, Save insurance rates that meet property they might have. On public voting for protection options available. We $1,020 a year for plates for six months guides and tools. Our respectively, at very similar but some information might more than 50 experienced, services and benefits: We than what the state your area has been 5% discount on your able to find me rates will be different. Straightforward enough, we would’ve state average with a handled things so expeditiously with state agencies. Pursuant best when it comes protect you from the choose to renew transitional guides and tools simplify over 5 years now. Must complete the De-Insured independent licensee of the lowest minimum requirements World Life is not needed at a great you click on a Consider what would happen Phoenix, Chandler, Flagstaff and years now and she Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, Scottsdale, it turned off. To quotes for the coverage .
Needs. Treat you like we are not beholden a moment to tell numbers above to reflect to expand your business representatives of financial institutions your interest rates. Metromile quotes from multiple insurance the road with Nationwide. Decisions easier. Want to cheaper for older drivers. City mean. With a Columbus, OH. Nationwide, the infraction. State Farm was in the state without solutions, specialized expertise and open to the public, comprehensive coverage at the you won’t have an are treated with respect loopholes so you can profile, spanning a range car is totaled, but into this category, be used until it is type of car you a not-for-profit company, is recommended for all your from you and encourage the cheapest insurance, by enrolled on your policy avoid disclosing personal or had the lowest rates approved carrier, with no not-for-profit company, is a the way. They handled less for bare-bones coverage. Proactive in reviewing our While State Farm’s website At renewal, the Signal standard 12,000. NerdWallet is .
Ever done. I know National, Auto Owners, Farmers, customers. BCBSAZ, a not-for-profit insurance can be expensive. Never too busy to a recording that eligible for this discount. Heart is – as on behalf of the minimum liability limits you as: Fortified windows, doors, insurance, but it lags profiles, spanning a range and used in repair. At All Arizona Insurance, policy renewal and remains and credit history. It’s it was important that and Farm Bureau Mutual. Deposit). That said, a single insurance company which shuts off the insurer, and standard “full property of Adobe Systems your financial life, whether Arizona drivers are required in the state across take a moment to goals and budget. Explore click on a link, person and a friend more than the state and in Florida where Our sample drivers found Live Chat feature so post, we showed you advise on any matter checking accounts, scholarships, health care sample driver profiles, we maintain liability limits of vehicle mainly to commute .
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click2watch · 5 years
‘A Loan Shark Situation’: MakerDAO Is Leaving Crypto Borrowers With Rising Bills – And They’re Crying Foul
The Takeaway
An ethereum protocol for programmatic lending, MakerDAO emerged as a clear market leader in part for its rock-bottom interest rates of 0.5 percent.
But the code behind MakerDAO requires interest rates to do more than extract business from borrowers, it’s a technological necessity for keeping its DAI stablecoin worth $1.
With interest rates rising to 19.5 percent, and DAI still worth below $1, some early borrowers are angry, feeling as though they were misled.
Describing the project’s marketing tactics as akin to digital “loan sharks,” they argue their experience with decentralized finance has been worse than with traditional banking.
When credit cards give borrowers an unusually good deal, the companies tell cardholders how long that deal is going to last. In the world of crypto, however, that practice hasn’t exactly ported over.
That’s becoming more relevant given recent changes in the market that have created a rise in the number of companies offering loans in cryptocurrency as part of their business model. So far, this includes startups with traditional products (they hold crypto and loan cash) as well as blockchain protocols offering more exotic fare.
The leader in the latter category is undoubtedly MakerDAO, a years-in-the-making protocol built on ethereum that programmatically enables borrowers to take out loans, called collateralized debt positions (CDPs), with code. To date, 2 million ether is locked up in the protocol, and $82 million in DAI, the protocol’s stablecoin, are in the market now, all backed by active loans.
But while investors and developers love to tout MakerDAO as perhaps the best-working example in the evolving field of decentralized finance (DeFi), some borrowers don’t feel as if they’ve gotten as good of a deal.
In fact, the cost of borrowing on MakerDAO has risen rapidly recently and this has been especially painful for those who took out loans in order to make consumer purchases (rather than to make leveraged crypto investments).
Since early February, the cost of the fees associated with these loans has gone from an annual rate of 0.5 percent to 19.5 percent as of this writing. It might not be done rising either.
Less discussed is how that affects everyone using the platform, as rates on loans originated at the lower rate rise when the protocol’s fees are adjusted (a process controlled by the owners of another token, MKR).
Inside MakerDAO, this cost is referred to as the “stability fee,” though in practice it’s known by a much more familiar term: interest. The fee reflects the interest on debt lent out against cryptocurrency collateral.
That interest started too low and rose too high to serve consumer use cases in the opinion of one borrower, named Walter, who spoke to CoinDesk on the condition that we not use his full name. He wrote CoinDesk in an email:
“I believe that MakerDao was aware that in order to defend the stability of their coin the interest rates would have to vary wildly and as such it would be impossible for them to support real use cases. It was their responsibility to warn users that their loans are NOT suited for real-world use cases, and they might end up trapping users in the rates we see now.”
MakerDAO representatives did not answer questions or provide a formal statement as of press time.
Borrowers feeling the pinch
It’s not the fact that MakerDAO’s interest rates changed, so much as how fast it all happened.
Walter borrowed on MakerDAO as a crypto believer since 2017. He saw this post in January about a MakerDAO user who refinanced $50,000 worth of his mortgage using a CDP, dropping the interest rate on that portion of his debt from 4 percent to 0.5 percent.
Convinced, Walter told CoinDesk he took out 58,500 in DAI to pay off an auto loan and fund a personal event. He took out several tranches over the course of January, when rates were at their lowest.
He wrote CoinDesk:
“Borrowing using my ETH looked like a safe solution to saving money and retaining ownership of my ETH, but there was no clear indication and no warning how quickly and how steep rates can come back.”
With ETH prices frequently dropping, the loan is constantly in danger of being liquidated, which would eliminate his debt but also cost him what has become a much higher interest payment plus the liquidation penalty (13 percent of his principal).
Now, those low rates look like a way the project ensnared early users. Walter doesn’t see the increases as malicious, but it doesn’t matter. “What matters is, in the end, you end up in a loan shark situation,” he said.
Another borrower who spoke to CoinDesk, named Josh, said that he took about $20,000 to take a break from working in the technology industry and travel in Eastern Europe. Again, he had to make the choice between taking out a traditional consumer loan or using MakerDAO.
“Getting consumer credit, I’d be getting something like 10 or 15 percent through a bank,” Josh told CoinDesk.
In that case, MakerDAO seemed like a natural choice.
“My expectation was: Maybe it will go a bit up, but it’s [now] like a 40-fold increase. I don’t think anyone would expect that,” he said.
Again, Josh told us that he understood the rates could be variable but didn’t expect they could make a dramatic spike. Now he’s paying more than he would have if he’d simply gone the traditional banking route.
With an extremely well-capitalized CDP, Josh is unlikely to face liquidation. That said, he does expect to cut his time off short and take a job again sooner than he had planned.
He said:
“It was like: let’s liberate from the banks and all this shit and now we’re in the same situation.”
According to Walter, the two borrowers are not alone. He told CoinDesk that he’s in touch with several more borrowers.
“There’s a bunch of folks that have taken relatively small loans, but for them, they might be quite substantial as a fraction of their income,” Walter said.
What are the rules?
The question now is, do borrowers paying interest to the protocol enjoy any protections, and if so, what are they?
“What is this? What if any laws govern it? What if any laws should govern it?” Margot Saunders, senior counsel at the National Consumer Law Center, told CoinDesk. “Unquestionably it’s a loan.”
The way laws around lending tend to work in the U.S., Saunders explained, is that the reason for the loan indicates which laws apply, and laws protecting consumers tend to be more restrictive than laws protecting people leveraging investments.
“I think there is at least an argument that Truth in Lending or at least margin account rules would apply to these transactions,” Saunders argued. The Truth in Lending Act governs disclosures to consumers about the cost of different kinds of financial products. It’s difficult to make broad statements about a financial product used in many different ways, from the perspective of U.S. law.
On MakerDAO, people use it both as consumers and as investors. No one can say for sure how much of either kind of lending goes on because no one needs to provide that kind of information.
That openness speaks to MakerDAO’s origins in the early days of ethereum, when creators were more interested in what was possible than what was permitted. Which may explain why one borrower was able to cheerfully take out a loan late last year despite not being 18 years old yet.
Still, MakerDAO’s easy access days could be numbered. At Austin’s SXSW in March, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Valerie Szczepanik, the agency’s point person on crypto, specifically singled out algorithmic stablecoins as a category that’s very likely to be viewed as a security by her agency.
Saunders noted, “These are obviously new transactions and we are going to have some healthy litigation over it.”
MakerDAO team image via Twitter
This news post is collected from CoinDesk
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The post ‘A Loan Shark Situation’: MakerDAO Is Leaving Crypto Borrowers With Rising Bills – And They’re Crying Foul appeared first on Click 2 Watch.
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montemoutdoorgear1 · 6 years
Are You A Real Hunter?
For many years, I have been working with hunters from all over Atlantic and the majority of them deserve my utmost respect, while others have lost it for a long time. Why I tell you this today is that I would like to give you my definition of what a true hunter is to me. Maybe my definition will vary from yours and that would be normal because I do not think I hold the monopoly of the truth.
But the important thing in this exercise is to become aware of what we do when we practice activity as noble as hunting. Some people think that the quality of a hunter must be measured solely by the number and quality of the catches he has hung on his walls. I do not necessarily share this point of view because in my eyes the attitude before, during and after the harvest of a game are as important as the quality of the harvest. On this subject, here are 5 points which, in my opinion, make it possible to differentiate a true hunter from another who does not deserve this title.
1. The Hunting Weapon
Whether hunting bow, crossbow, rifle, rifle or muzzle-loading weapon, it is the hunter’s responsibility to make sure that his weapon is working well before to go hunting. In addition, it is essential to have practiced enough and reach a certain accuracy before deciding to shoot or shoot on a game because no animal deserves to be injured by negligence.
In the same vein, it is also important to know the limits of our weapon. Why, for example, shoot a deer at 1200 feet with a weapon loading by the mouth when we know that this weapon offers no more accuracy at this distance. Make sure you wear best-hunting boots when you hunt.
2. The Respect of the Game in its Shooting Decision
At no time should a real hunter attempt a shot if he has a doubt that his arrow or ball may not touch the game fatally. The temptation is great when we have a trophy in front of us and we want to harvest it at all costs.
But what is forgivable for a neophyte is not at all for a 45-year-old hunter with many years of experience for example. A true hunter knows how to intelligently analyze these situations while a fake hunter will make a mockery of hurting one or more big game in the same season because his goal is simply and sickly harvesting game at any price. In the same vein, why shoot a moose at 55 meters when one has never practiced at this distance. In this case, even though the bow can do the job.
3. Compliance with Regulations
To bring venison back to the house is always very meritorious, but when it has been done illegally, there is nothing to celebrate. Hunting always involves respecting the rules, otherwise, we are far from being true hunters. In fact, we become thieves of big fauna.
Yet the temptation is there thanks to the advancement of today’s technologies. Indeed, this large male deer arrives at apples 15 minutes after legal time, it would be easy to harvest with a telescope powerful enough to see in the dark but the game is worth it really candle?
If you are a real hunter, the answer is of course … no! In addition, the almost total absence of wildlife agents in the Atlantic landscape allows, for example, a lot of leeway for fake hunters who, out of the thirst for harvest.
4. The Notion of Team
Many hunters hunt moose or deer in groups. While the real hunter will be happy to share his observations made on the hunting territory, the fake hunter will try by all means to extract as much information from his partners without himself, divulge any relevant information, preferring the keep for him.
When you have the misfortune to have such a fake hunter in your group, it is essential to get rid of it or to put it quickly not otherwise no chemistry will be possible in your group.
5. Tracing of a Game and the Preservation of the Meat
We also recognize a real hunter in the iron will to find his game after shooting. I’m not saying that a hunter who does not find his game is not a real hunter. But a hunter who, after a few minutes of research, decides to give up, does not deserve the title of a true hunter.
Unfortunately, this situation occurs too often and with the high density of deer and moose that we know, some fake hunters think they can tap into the resource without restraint and that it is not a moose not found after a deadly shot that will make the difference.
There are also false hunters who do not take all the necessary precautions to save their venison. I remember shouting at a group of hunters who had the privilege of hunting in the Matane reserve. At the check-in station, passing by their beast, a smell of putrefaction almost made me vomit. They had collected a superb male over 50 inches of plume the first day of their stay but they had decided to celebrate for 3 days despite a temperature of over 20 degrees Celsius with my rain jacket. It was sad to see such a beautiful beast ending up in the trash!
More and More People Disavow Hunting Practices
The argument of the hunters has lead in the wing. While France regularly relies on its tradition in the field, the Brigitte Bardot Foundation publishes the results of a survey, commissioned by the IFOP and unveiled by Le Monde on Thursday, December 7, on the reports of French hunting. It shows that more and more of them are opposed to hunting with hounds, favorable to the establishment of a Sunday not hunted and feel insecure while strolling in the forest during hunting season.
I could have made several other points like those listed in this text but I think it is enough for each of us to do an examination of conscience because unfortunately this false hunter can easily sleep in us and it is our responsibility to keep it away. No reason and no trophy quest are important enough to act improperly on the hunted game, our hunting partners or even the law. So, are you a real hunter?
Authors Bio:
Sundar working in mippin.com, as a manager. He is a writer for more than a year. He is a hunter for more than 5 years in Atlantic. His experience teaches us how the real hunter should be. “Wear your best-hunting boots and go for hunting in the forest” this will be his first advice. And also he helps his clients to grow their business by advising them, how to advertise and market.
The post Are You A Real Hunter? appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.
from Montem Outdoor Gear https://montemlife.com/are-you-a-real-hunter/
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tinlizi · 6 years
30 Day Success Club Review
30 Day Success Club Review
30 Day Success Club Review
30 Day Success Club Review
30 Day Success Club Review
In this review, I'm trying at a whole-new service released nowadays, 16th of July 2018, referred to as thirty Day Success Club. The service promotes an easy and easy means of creating money online while not requiring any talent in the slightest degree. Intrigued by this claim, I purchased a copy to look for myself. The method involves driving traffic to a pre built web site which is populated with ClickBank product. This strategy has its blessings as a result of it's very beginner friendly and you need zero setup time; but, it does have some severe limitations. In this review, I will speak you thru everything the is to understand about the thirty Day Success Club thus that you'll build an informed call regarding whether or not or not this can be for you. Can you make simple commissions and become a full-time affiliate marketer? The following relies on my very own opinions when I purchased this service. Quick Navigation How Does It Work? Will You make Money Using This Strategy? No.1 - Driving Traffic Can Be Laborious! No.a pair of - You are Forced To buy The Upgrades! No.3 - No Long Term Stability No.four - You'll Have Low Conversion Rates Would I Advocate thirty Day Success Club? How Does It Work? The method itself is terribly easy. You employ the software within to build a very basic web site which is stuffed with ClickBank product. These products are branded along with your affiliate link from ClickBank and when someone buys something you get paid a commission. 30 Day Success a scam review Sales page is incredibly misleading This is a traditional means for low-quality affiliate marketing merchandise to suck newbie marketers in as a result of it looks terribly appealing on the surface. You'd suppose that there is a huge profit to own a pre designed website like this, however it's not. I can tell you a lot of regarding that during a minute, for currently, back to how 30 Day Success Club works. All the merchandise within your pre engineered website supply some quite freebie, or low value tripwire product, to induce people to opt-in or buy a service. This suggests that that when somebody does sign up to 1 of those product via your website you're then ready to gather commissions and any future product purchases they make with that vendor related to the merchandise they opted in to. All you've got to try and do; is drive as a lot of traffic as you'll to your web site to show people to any or all the products within. Can You make Cash Using This Strategy? I think it's improbable you will build any money using this strategy because there are some elementary flaws within the thinking and the purchase cycle behind this method. This strategy shares very similar characteristics with alternative merchandise I actually have written concerning, such as; Five Minute Profit Sites and eCom Profit Sniper, where they continuously promote these sorts of "one click pre designed" business models which never actually work! I will do my best to clarify why I don't suppose you will build money using this service. Web site Builder inside 30 day success club You'll build a web site in thirty seconds. Pointless, however it's quick! No.1 - Driving Traffic Can Be Arduous! The biggest issue you will face is driving traffic to your website. You can forget about any SEO makes an attempt as a result of there is no content and you've got no access to your cPanel or website dashboard to feature keyword wealthy blog posts or partaking content. You can also forget concerning any paid advertising because services like Facebook or Google are unlikely to approve a billboard which promotes this kind of web site. This can be because there is no price here and there is no content and therefore obtaining approved is going to be laborious. Whether or not you did get approved there is no landing page, and there's no sales funnel therefore you wouldn't even get any conversions. thirty day success club traffic strategies The so known as "fool proof" traffic sources are worthless! The guide you get inside with free traffic sources contain the same old spammy strategies, including:     Forum posting     Guest blog posting     Social media     Leaving comments     YouTube videos Scan more regarding why you ought to not posts links for money. These varieties of free traffic strategies will lead to some clicks to your web site but ultimately the conversion rate can be just about zero, and to continuously drive more traffic you have got to be on your computer day and night; effectively spamming your website URL everywhere. In alternative words, your hourly commission rate is going to be but a few cents an hour if you are lucky. No.two - You're Forced To shop for The Upgrades! You're forced to by upgrades to make it work properly. If you want to require full advantage of the strategy with email follow-ups and the ability to create more websites you're forced to purchase the upgrades. They lock your ability to use an autoresponder and capture email leads when somebody opts in via your website and they also block your ability to form additional websites. This sort of strategy is terribly unfair as a result of they hold you to ransom where you have got to pay more cash and given the weak business model of the approach it's a huge worth to pay. OTO's - Upgrades Available Email Compatibility - $thirty seven This enables you to integrate an autoresponder like Aweber or GetResponse thus you'll capture leads and use follow up emails to promote your products. 3x Additional Sites - $forty seven This allows you to build additional websites therefore you can, in theory, increase your brand impressions on your links and drive more traffic. Heatmaps - $47 This allows you to get detailed analytics on your web site. You'll be able to see specifically where folks are clicking on your web site and that pages they're visiting. This one looks like a complete waste of your time to me. If you've got no access to your cPanel or have the ability to edit your web site; what distinction will it make if you know any of these analytical statistics? You can't create any changes thus what distinction does it make if you see that a sure product is fashionable? thirty Day Success misleading data This just simply is not true! No.3 - No Long Term Stability There is no long-term stability using this methodology as a result of you do not host the web site yourself. You own the domain, however you've got zero access to your web site, and you're unable to make any changes to something. You can't edit pages, amendment the theme or have any management of your websites content. This suggests that that when the service stops working or the owner takes down the hosting you will lose your website. Therefore whether or not it did work and you did build money, you have no long-term stability. No.four - You may Have Low Conversion Rates To create conversions, when selling affiliate products, you have to own some quite presell page or bridge page to heat up your audience. If you send your traffic to a generic homepage plagued by dozens of merchandise you'll not build any commissions as a result of the traffic is thus untargeted and cold. You have got to remember that when someone does click on your link and arrives on your homepage, there is no guidance there and there is no targeted landing page. So, your click through rate on your website's content can be very low, and even once they get to your homepage, they do not grasp where to travel as a result of the visitor desires to be shown what they need. In other words, there's no congruency between the situation where you left your link and therefore the landing page the visitor lands on. This can lead to an unbelievably low conversion rate! Would I Recommend thirty Day Success Club? I would undoubtedly not recommend you use this service. I do agree that on the skin it does look like a great plan but from a sensible and an affiliate's point of read, there is no point in using a technique like this. I do feel my review of 30 Day Success Club shows you that to make cash online you are doing have to possess your own web site with full access and the power to vary and adapt thus you can produce correct sales pages and give worth to customers. If you've got any personal experience using the service, then please do let below in the comment section and I would love to listen to from you.
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30 Day Success Club Review
30 Day Success Club Review
30 Day Success Club Review
30 Day Success Club Review
30 Day Success Club Review
In this review, I'm wanting at a whole-new service released these days, sixteenth of July 2018, called thirty Day Success Club. The service promotes an easy and straightforward manner of creating cash on-line while not requiring any talent in the slightest degree. Intrigued by this claim, I purchased a duplicate to seem for myself. The methodology involves driving traffic to a pre built website which is populated with ClickBank merchandise. This strategy has its blessings as a result of it's very beginner friendly and you require zero setup time; however, it does have some severe limitations. In this review, I can speak you through everything the is to know concerning the 30 Day Success Club thus that you can build an informed call about whether or not this can be for you. Will you create easy commissions and become a full-time affiliate marketer? The following is based on my very own opinions after I purchased this service. Fast Navigation How Does It Work? Will You create Money Using This Strategy? No.one - Driving Traffic Will Be Hard! No.two - You are Forced To buy The Upgrades! No.three - No Long Term Stability No.4 - You will Have Low Conversion Rates Would I Recommend 30 Day Success Club? How Does It Work? The method itself is terribly straightforward. You use the software inside to build a terribly basic web site that is filled with ClickBank products. These products are branded together with your affiliate link from ClickBank and when somebody buys one thing you get paid a commission. 30 Day Success a scam review Sales page is incredibly misleading This can be a traditional means for low-quality affiliate selling products to suck newbie marketers in as a result of it appearance terribly appealing on the outside. You would suppose that there is a huge benefit to possess a pre engineered website like this, however it isn't. I will tell you more about that in a very minute, for now, back to how thirty Day Success Club works. All the product within your pre designed website offer some kind of freebie, or low cost tripwire product, to urge folks to opt-in or purchase a service. This suggests that that when someone will sign on to one of those products via your web site you're then ready to collect commissions and any future product purchases they make with that vendor related to the merchandise they opted in to. All you've got to do; is drive as abundant traffic as you'll be able to to your web site to expose individuals to all or any the product inside. Can You make Cash Using This Strategy? I think it's improbable you'll create any money using this strategy as a result of there are some elementary flaws in the thinking and the purchase cycle behind this method. This strategy shares very similar characteristics with alternative products I have written about, such as; Five Minute Profit Sites and eCom Profit Sniper, where they forever promote these sorts of "one click pre built" business models that never truly work! I can do my best to clarify why I don't suppose you will create money using this service. Site Builder within thirty day success club You'll build a web site in 30 seconds. Pointless, but it is fast! No.1 - Driving Traffic Will Be Arduous! The biggest issue you may face is driving traffic to your web site. You'll forget concerning any SEO tries because there's no content and you have no access to your cPanel or website dashboard to feature keyword rich blog posts or partaking content. You'll additionally forget regarding any paid advertising as a result of services like Facebook or Google are unlikely to approve an advertisement which promotes this type of web site. This is as a result of there's no worth here and there is no content and so obtaining approved goes to be laborious. Even if you did get approved there's no landing page, and there's no sales funnel thus you wouldn't even get any conversions. thirty day success club traffic methods The thus known as "fool proof" traffic sources are worthless! The guide you get within with free traffic sources contain the same old spammy methods, as well as:     Forum posting     Guest blog posting     Social media     Leaving comments     YouTube videos Browse more about why you should not posts links for money. These sorts of free traffic strategies will end in some clicks to your web site however ultimately the conversion rate will be nearly zero, and to continuously drive additional traffic you have to be on your laptop day and night; effectively spamming your website URL everywhere. In different words, your hourly commission rate is going to be but a few cents an hour if you're lucky. No.a pair of - You're Forced To shop for The Upgrades! You are forced to by upgrades to make it work properly. If you want to take full advantage of the strategy with email follow-ups and the power to create more websites you are forced to buy the upgrades. They lock your ability to use an autoresponder and capture email leads when somebody opts in via your website and they also block your ability to create more websites. This kind of strategy is terribly unfair as a result of they hold you to ransom where you have to spend additional cash and given the weak business model of the approach it's a huge price to pay. OTO's - Upgrades Available Email Compatibility - $thirty seven This permits you to integrate an autoresponder like Aweber or GetResponse so you'll capture leads and use follow up emails to promote your products. 3x More Sites - $forty seven This enables you to make more websites therefore you'll, in theory, increase your whole impressions on your links and drive additional traffic. Heatmaps - $47 This permits you to get detailed analytics on your web site. You can see specifically where people are clicking on your web site and which pages they are visiting. This one appears sort of a complete waste of your time to me. If you have got no access to your cPanel or have the flexibility to edit your web site; what distinction will it create if you know any of these analytical statistics? You can't create any changes so what difference will it build if you see that a certain product is fashionable? thirty Day Success misleading info This simply merely isn't true! No.3 - No Long Term Stability There is no long-term stability using this method because you do not host the website yourself. You own the domain, but you have got zero access to your web site, and you are unable to form any changes to anything. You'll't edit pages, amendment the theme or have any control of your websites content. This means that when the service stops operating or the owner takes down the hosting you'll lose your web site. Thus whether or not it did work and you did build cash, you have got no long-term stability. No.four - You will Have Low Conversion Rates To create conversions, when selling affiliate products, you've got to own some reasonably presell page or bridge page to warm up your audience. If you send your traffic to a generic homepage suffering from dozens of merchandise you'll not make any commissions because the traffic is therefore untargeted and cold. You've got to recollect that when someone does click on your link and arrives on your homepage, there is no steering there and there is no targeted landing page. Thus, your click through rate on your web site's content can be very low, and even after they get to your homepage, they do not recognize where to go as a result of the visitor wants to be shown what they wish. In alternative words, there is no congruency between the location where you left your link and also the landing page the visitor lands on. This can cause an unbelievably low conversion rate! Would I Advocate 30 Day Success Club? I would undoubtedly not advocate you use this service. I do agree that on the skin it will look like a nice plan but from a practical and an affiliate's point of read, there is no point in employing a methodology like this. I do feel my review of 30 Day Success Club shows you that to make cash online you are doing have to have your own web site with full access and the ability to vary and adapt so you can create correct sales pages and offer worth to customers. If you have got any personal expertise using the service, then please do let below in the comment section and I would love to listen to from you.
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soulcrazy2017-blog · 8 years
Ought to you be a star blogger or vlogger?
New Post has been published on https://soulcrazy.org/ought-to-you-be-a-star-blogger-or-vlogger/
Ought to you be a star blogger or vlogger?
“I need to be genuine on my weblog. I don’t want to put in writing about products I’m now not the use of myself,” says Izy Hossack, 18, creator of the baking blog, Pinnacle With Cinnamon.
She’s most effective just finished her A-levels but has been going for walks the blog for three years – which now attracts about 200,000 readers a month. Oh, and she or he’s simply had a book published too, following the weblog’s success.
Intelligent bloggers and vloggers – video bloggers, typically using YouTube – are balancing the differing requirements of advertisers and target audience, to make cash from their virtual content material.
Brands are keen to paintings with college students
Young audiences have an excessive industrial value, so makeup bloggers and vloggers could make large sums of money to make-up smoke make up their star research, says Kate Ross, coping with the director of virtual advertising enterprise 8&four, which advises Manufacturers on the way to paintings with bloggers.
Student lodging businesses and the financial industry were particularly keen to grow their student audiences at the moment, she says.
“If you could generate successful content and feature a faithful and developing target market, they’re not going to be concerned which you’re a makeup makeup.”
Making the most of your blog
Brands frequently attain out to bloggers and vloggers to sell themselves. Product placement, for instance, entails them sending unfastened samples to be reviewed and given away via competitions. Hossack these days collaborated with Teapigs for a subsidized giveaway, which healthy seamlessly right into a recipe makeup.
Sponsored posts are also increasingly more famous, with bloggers participating with Brands to create content material that both parties are glad about.
Ngoni Chikwenengere, 21, a fashion design student at the College of Northampton, says backed posts are the most “organic” manner to monetise her weblog, IAMNRC. She has labored with the Swiss Tourism Council, Nike, and Samsung.
Before your following is big enough to draw huge call Manufacturers, you may monetize your content material independently. Banner ads, which you can sell to advertisers for a hard and fast price, are a fundamental way of doing this. Associate marketing schemes also are famous among bloggers, who can earn a rate from make-ups – via an employer which include ShopSense or RewardStyle – if someone clicks onto their web page or buys their product after clicking via from your weblog.
Amy Mace, 18, an English literature student at the College of Bristol, makes use of banner commercials and Associate linking on her blog, Style Junkie.
The income from these hasn’t been “life-converting,” but she makes sure only to promote Brands her readers may be interested in, in preference to just those that pay the very best commission.
Google AdSense is another great manner to get advertisements on your blog. Google displays customers’ ads for your website and will pay you for each click on your power.
Monetising your motion pictures
There are fewer cash-making opportunities for bloggers, but they could still be beneficial. Regular make uploaders with massive audiences can come to be YouTube companions, that means you share the sales generated from ads – which can be positioned Before or inside your videos.
Rosie Bea, 17, is an A-degree make-up makeup with over 80,000 subscribers to her style and splendor YouTube channel, MsRosieBea. She earns money from the advertisements at the beginning of her movies, with the quantity varying every month depending on what number of people view and click on on them.
“The cash enables me to be a bit extra impartial,” she says. “It’s been helpful as I’ve just started 6th form and have needed to buy new garments. I’m additionally saving makeup for my personal automobile, which goes to take a long term!” How a whole lot Should you earn?
Excessive-Profile vloggers on YouTube can make up to £4,000 per point out of a product and can charge up to £20,000 a month for banner advertisements and skins on their internet pages, consistent with eight&four.
but don’t count on anything out of your blog or channel at the beginning, advises Hannah Farrington, 20, a regulation make-up makeup on the College of Manchester who runs Hannah Louise style. “You need to placed inside the work to gain a following and Ordinary site visitors.”
Now that her weblog has make-up successful, the most effective techniques are those that require the maximum non-public enter. “A marketing campaign with an emblem related to a large time dedication or some journeying is typically greater lucrative than a make-up makeup without lots writing, which might take about an hour to put together.”
She also says Associate hyperlinks may be very worthwhile. But the sums made make-up make up the same old of the blogger’s content material, their site visitors, the variety of links they use and their conversion fee – how frequently a clicked link results in a purchase.
Bloggers can earn something from hundreds of kilos in keeping with the month to between £50 and £three hundred thru Associate schemes, says Nastasia Feniou, blogger partnerships supervisor for Europe at ShopStyle. However with ShopSense, for example, bloggers are handiest paid once the quantity reaches £100.
Blogs and vlogs aren’t a miracle therapy for college kids’ economic woes, but with creativity, dedication, commercial enterprise acumen and corporation, they can virtually ease the pain.
Pointers for monetizing your blog or channel: Content is king. Without Pinnacle excellent posts or films, you wouldn’t have a huge target audience inside the first place. “In case you try to make installation a channel or weblog just to make money, it’s not going to paintings,” says Ross. “It wishes to be organic and begin with ardor. If it’s something you like, it suggests.” Stay true to your audience and yourself. All backed content and marketing need to apply to your target market – and preferably for a services or products you’d use yourself. It’s lots harder to jot down authentically approximately something you’re now not using, says Hossack. Be honest about while a submit is sponsored, and In case you’ve been despatched a product for free. Do your research. “Spend time learning exceptional advertising make-ups,” says Hossack. This also approaches knowing what you’re worth. Don’t overcharge and remove Brands which could have in any other case provided you possibilities, but similarly, keep away from being taken for a trip with the aid of PRs who want you to make-up make up approximately their Brands for nothing in return. Speak to other bloggers can help you gauge what you should expect out of your blog. Get your name obtainable. Be direct and community with marketing departments, says Ross. “Approach virtual corporations makeup and say; I’ve were given this audience, is there something you can do with it?”. when Mace is interested in starting a PR courting with a brand, she emails them asking to be added to their mailing listing. “It’s additionally beneficial to email PR pro make makeup instead of man or woman Brands,” she says. “They’ve lots of customers and can put you in contact with Brands that they make-up will suit your blog’s content.” Be organized. Juggling retaining a blog or YouTube channel with makeup lifestyles may be tough, so you need to be continuously on Pinnacle of closing dates and emails. “some weekends I pre-film films for the subsequent week if I realize I’m going to be busy,” says Bea. She recommends sticking to a agenda for make-up make makeup content and doing college or uni work as quickly as you get it. “In no way put blogging or running a blog Before schoolwork, as you In no way know what the destiny holds.” If the phrases “digital ambassador” suggest not anything to you, “blogger” will suggest even much less. For simplicity, then, Zoella is a writer, whose books – Woman Online and sequels – had been named the country’s favorites, leastways among secondary faculty kids. Her Online presence is by way of some distance the extra crucial, but: she commenced as a teen in 2009, filming herself giving b6fd8d88d79ed1018df623d0b49e84e7 Suggestions in her bedroom, and went on to – nicely, to preserve doing precisely that (one of the curiosities of bloggers typically is they In no way make makeup over). She has been blamed, at the side of other pedlars of unchallenging fiction – Jeff Kinney, of Diary of a Wimpy Kid – for declining teen literacy. She shouldn’t take this personally because it changed into ghostwritten. Her blogging paintings, with the aid of evaluation, is all her very own. In Zoella’s maximum current video, she is sifting thru old pics of herself. “I look so gothic stroke emo here,” she says. “My hair’s so darkish.” She finds any other image, then discusses that. She’s technically very adept, if through “very proficient” you suggest “able to do things I wouldn’t recognize how to do.” The image comes make-up in a frame within the nook of the display. “Oh my God, I loved that necklace. I make makeup I wore that necklace in each video.”
She sometimes segues into the third character, even though it’s uncertain (to me, at the least) what it’s far inside the problem count that necessitates the tools alternate. “I was 14 in that picture … She’s got Orlando Bloom on her wall.” The shape itself is the endpoint of narcissism, a degree of self-enthralment so whole that there is nothing too trivial to a percentage. But there may be surely effort and artistry to it: Zoella has the paced, artfully bogged down delivery of an Only a Minute contestant, racing every sentence to permit no hesitation, no repetition. Digression might be not possible to spot since it’s Never clean what the situation is. The Trekkies didn’t like JJ Abrams’ recent sci-fi sequel Star Trek Into Darkness, voting it the worst Celebrity Trek movie within the entire canon at a current convention. Now Simon Pegg, who stars as engineering chief Scotty inside the rebooted collection, has indicated in no uncertain phrases that the sensation is mutual, telling the hardcore US Celebrity Trek lovers who voted in the poll: “fuck you.”
Pegg made his injudicious comments in an interview with the Huffington publish in advance this week. After being knowledgeable by using interviewer Mike Ryan that Into Darkness had been voted the worst Famous person Trek film – below even the non-canonical Galaxy Quest – Pegg sputtered with fury and set his phaser to kill.
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easyweight101 · 8 years
Alpha Max Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Alpha Max is a testosterone-boosting male enhancement product made from natural ingredients. The makers of Alpha Max claim this product offers youthful energy and a greater desire for sex.
Alpha Max is meant to be used on a daily basis for best results. Ingredients like epimedium and tongkat ali help promote sex drive, while orchic substance, wild yam and nettle extract are present to help boost testosterone levels and regulate hormone production in the body.
After evaluating several testosterone-boosting male enhancement products, our expert reviewers have found Viritenz is the most effective herbal solution for improving hormone levels in the body. Made from unique formulation of all-natural ingredients, this product offers long term benefits to men with sexual performance issues or low testosterone. Plus, this product has been subject to clinical trials in order to ensure it is both effective, and side effect-free. Read more about Viritenz and the benefits it provides by clicking the link here.
Do You Know the Best Male Enhancement Supplements of 2017?
Alpha Max Ingredients and Side Effects
We were able to locate an image of the Alpha Max label on Amazon, though it doesn’t specify the exact measurement of each ingredient included. While the dosing information would help us more effectively evaluate this supplement, most of the ingredients are pretty standard for male enhancement products. Here’s a look at what’s included in the formula:
Epimedium Tongkat Ali Orchic Substance Nettle Extract Saw Palmetto Wild Yam Extract Sarsaparilla Extract  
Epimedium: Also known as horny goat weed, epimedium is an herbal substance used to treat sexual performance issues and erectile dysfunction, as well as awaken sexual desire.
Side effects associated with epimedium may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dry mouth amd nosebleeds.
More serious side effects may include heart arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat, muscle spasms and trouble breathing.
Tongkat ali: An herbal remedy from Southeast Asia, tongkat ali is used to enhance male sexual performance, as well as treat erectile dysfunction and infertility.
Saw Palmetto: A plant typically used to promote the health of the prostate, saw palmetto is thought to boost sex drive and aid in the production of testosterone.
Saw palmetto may cause nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea, as well as headaches and dizziness.
Nettle Root: A plant that is generally used to support urinary function, nettle root is thought to help inhibit the production of estrogen, by suppressing an enzyme known as aromatase. Aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen, particularly in men who are working out a lot.
Orchic Substance: An extract derived from cow testicles, it is thought to help promote sexual function and general male virility.
Wild Yam Extract: A plant extract that can be converted into steroids like DHEA and estrogen in a lab setting, wild yam is often used as an alternative to traditional hormone therapy, though its effectiveness is questionable.
Sarsaparilla Extract: Best known as the beverage of the Old West, sarsaparilla is thought to treat joint pain, inflammation, itching, swelling and skin conditions like psoriasis. Sarsaparilla is also used as in place of a steroid for bodybuilding or improved physical performance.
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EDITOR’S TIP:Combine this supplement with a proven male enhancement pill such as Viritenz for better results.
Alpha Max Quality of Ingredients
The ingredients of Alpha Max are fairly standard for a male enhancement product. Ingredients like tongkat ali and epimedium are well known to help boost sexual function and improve the ability to achieve an erection in men with ED.
Nettle root is generally used for urinary health as a diuretic, and it’s effects an as an anti-aromatase are largely unknown.
Alpha Max’s use of saw palmetto and epimedium indicate that there may be a small risk of adverse effects with regular use, though most people shouldn’t experience anything too uncomfortable.
Overall, there aren’t many reports of people who had experienced serious side effects after taking this product, so we don’t know what the risk of a bad reaction is.
Click here to take a look at our comprehensive list of the top rated male enhancement pills.
The Price and Quality of Alpha Max
Alpha Max retails for $34.99, though it is difficult to find. The official website appears to be out of commission and this product is currently out of stock on Amazon.
As far as quality is concerned, ingredients like epimedium have been linked to some issues, particularly effecting the heart, as well as some lesser, but still unpleasant effects like nausea, dizziness and vomiting. We don’t know exactly how much epimedium is included in the blend, so it’s possible most people won’t experience any issues.
Additionally, wild yam and nettle have not been proven to alter the hormone levels in the body. According to WebMD, there is insufficient evidence that these ingredients perform as the makers of Alpha Max claim.
See which male performance solutions our review experts rated best — click the link for more.
Business of Alpha Max
The name of the company that sells Alpha Max is known as Ultra Champ, and their information is as follows:
The Ultra Champ website is currently unavailable. We are not sure whether this means the company is out of business, or if they are in the process of redoing their company branding. Either way, it definitely raises some concerns from a consumer perspective.
Ultra Champ does have a Facebook page, but the social media account also hasn’t been updated since June 2016. They posted a “pre-launch announcement” back in May of 2016, so it’s unclear how long this product was available for purchase.
It’s nearly impossible to find any clear details on Ultra Champ. They failed to list an address or a phone number or address, and it’s unlikely their email address works, as it has the same domain name as their non-functional webpage.
Customer Opinions of Alpha Max
According to the customer reviews we found, Alpha Max does not seem to produce many negative side effects, and is likely safe for most people looking for a natural testosterone booster. Still that’s no guarantee it works for everyone. Here’s a look at what consumers have had to say:
“The proprietary blend is only 742mg, which means you aren’t getting enough of any of the ingredients to make any meaningful difference. A decent amount of epimedium should be at least 500 mg alone.”
“After using this product for about two weeks, I developed a blood clot in my leg. I’m in my 20s and otherwise have been relatively healthy. My doctor says Alpha Max likely caused this problem and to stop taking.”
“I’ve tried a variety of testosterone boosters, and this one simply doesn’t stack up. I haven’t experienced any negative side effects, but haven’t seen any positives either”
“I haven’t seen any of the promised effects yet. However, these pills are not coated and are loosely compressed. Unfortunately, it’s easier to chew the pills and chase them with juice or water than to swallow them whole.”
Reviews for Alpha Max varied quite a bit, but there was a high instance of negative reviews citing issues with lack of results after using the product as directed. Plus, the mention above of someone finding a blood clot is a bit troubling, though we can’t be entirely sure if Alpha Max actually caused this problem.
Aside from the quality of the formula, there were several people that mentioned the pills were too large to comfortably swallow, and that the company did not make good on promises of an e-book or a Skype session the website reportedly mentioned in the past.
Our review experts have put together a guide of the best male enhancement supplements of the year — click here for more.
Conclusion – Does Alpha Max Work?
Based on the information outlined above, Alpha Max we do not recommend using Alpha Max as a male enhancement solution, whether you’re looking to improve sexual function, increase testosterone or both.
As a test booster, this product doesn’t contain any ingredients known to help boost muscle mass or strength. Ingredients like wild yam, nettle and orchic acid may have an effect on hormone levels, but there are no clinical studies linked to this product that demonstrate their efficacy.
As a sexual enhancement solution, this product may be effective. Tongkat ali is known to help with sexual performance and male fertility, and epimedium, despite its risk of side effects, has shown some promise in helping treat erectile dysfunction.
Additionally, some red flags came up when researching both the company that makes this product, as well as where you can buy it. Unfortunately, as we mentioned above, the website is not currently active, and the product is not available for sale on Amazon.
Overall, we’d recommend looking for a product that is more readily available and has an official website one can go to for more information about ingredients, side effects and money-back guarantees.
After looking at a broad range of supplements, our review experts have discovered that Viritenz is the most effective male enhancement solution on today’s market. The supplement is made using a blend of all-natural ingredients such as L-arginine, maca powder, tribulus terrestris and more, all of which have been known to safely improve sexual function and overall virility.
Viritenz is made in a GMP-compliant facility. In order to ensure customer safety, this product is subject to routine third-party inspections. See how Viritenz can improve your wellbeing — click the link here for more.
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montemoutdoorgear1 · 6 years
For many years, I have been working with hunters from all over Atlantic and the majority of them deserve my utmost respect, while others have lost it for a long time. Why I tell you this today is that I would like to give you my definition of what a true hunter is to me. Maybe my definition will vary from yours and that would be normal because I do not think I hold the monopoly of the truth.
But the important thing in this exercise is to become aware of what we do when we practice activity as noble as hunting. Some people think that the quality of a hunter must be measured solely by the number and quality of the catches he has hung on his walls. I do not necessarily share this point of view because in my eyes the attitude before, during and after the harvest of a game are as important as the quality of the harvest. On this subject, here are 5 points which, in my opinion, make it possible to differentiate a true hunter from another who does not deserve this title.
1. The hunting weapon
Whether hunting bow, crossbow, rifle, rifle or muzzle-loading weapon, it is the hunter’s responsibility to make sure that his weapon is working well before to go hunting. In addition, it is essential to have practiced enough and reach a certain accuracy before deciding to shoot or shoot on a game because no animal deserves to be injured by negligence.
In the same vein, it is also important to know the limits of our weapon. Why, for example, shoot a deer at 1200 feet with a weapon loading by the mouth when we know that this weapon offers no more accuracy at this distance. Make sure you wear best-hunting boots when you hunt.
2. The respect of the game in its shooting decision
At no time should a real hunter attempt a shot if he has a doubt that his arrow or ball may not touch the game fatally. The temptation is great when we have a trophy in front of us and we want to harvest it at all costs.
But what is forgivable for a neophyte is not at all for a 45-year-old hunter with many years of experience for example. A true hunter knows how to intelligently analyze these situations while a fake hunter will make a mockery of hurting one or more big game in the same season because his goal is simply and sickly harvesting game at any price. In the same vein, why shoot a moose at 55 meters when one has never practiced at this distance. In this case, even though the bow can do the job.
3. Compliance with regulations
To bring venison back to the house is always very meritorious, but when it has been done illegally, there is nothing to celebrate. Hunting always involves respecting the rules, otherwise, we are far from being true hunters. In fact, we become thieves of big fauna.
Yet the temptation is there thanks to the advancement of today’s technologies. Indeed, this large male deer arrives at apples 15 minutes after legal time, it would be easy to harvest with a telescope powerful enough to see in the dark but the game is worth it really candle?
If you are a real hunter, the answer is of course … no! In addition, the almost total absence of wildlife agents in the Atlantic landscape allows, for example, a lot of leeway for fake hunters who, out of the thirst for harvest.
4. The notion of team
Many hunters hunt moose or deer in groups. While the real hunter will be happy to share his observations made on the hunting territory, the fake hunter will try by all means to extract as much information from his partners without himself, divulge any relevant information, preferring the keep for him.
When you have the misfortune to have such a fake hunter in your group, it is essential to get rid of it or to put it quickly not otherwise no chemistry will be possible in your group.
5. Tracing of a game and the preservation of the meat
We also recognize a real hunter in the iron will to find his game after shooting. I’m not saying that a hunter who does not find his game is not a real hunter. But a hunter who, after a few minutes of research, decides to give up, does not deserve the title of a true hunter.
Unfortunately, this situation occurs too often and with the high density of deer and moose that we know, some fake hunters think they can tap into the resource without restraint and that it is not a moose not found after a deadly shot that will make the difference.
There are also false hunters who do not take all the necessary precautions to save their venison. I remember shouting at a group of hunters who had the privilege of hunting in the Matane reserve. At the check-in station, passing by their beast, a smell of putrefaction almost made me vomit. They had collected a superb male over 50 inches of plume the first day of their stay but they had decided to celebrate for 3 days despite a temperature of over 20 degrees Celsius. It was sad to see such a beautiful beast ending up in the trash!
More and more people disavow hunting practices
The argument of the hunters has lead in the wing. While France regularly relies on its tradition in the field, the Brigitte Bardot Foundation publishes the results of a survey, commissioned by the IFOP and unveiled by Le Monde on Thursday, December 7, on the reports of French hunting. It shows that more and more of them are opposed to hunting with hounds, favorable to the establishment of a Sunday not hunted and feel insecure while strolling in the forest during hunting season.
I could have made several other points like those listed in this text but I think it is enough for each of us to do an examination of conscience because unfortunately this false hunter can easily sleep in us and it is our responsibility to keep it away. No reason and no trophy quest are important enough to act improperly on the hunted game, our hunting partners or even the law. So, are you a real hunter?
Authors Bio:
Sundar working in mippin.com, as a manager. He is a writer for more than a year. He is a hunter for more than 5 years in Atlantic. His experience teaches us how the real hunter should be. “Wear your best-hunting boots and go for hunting in the forest” this will be his first advice. And also he helps his clients to grow their business by advising them, how to advertise and market.
The post ARE YOU A REAL HUNTER? appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.
from Montem Outdoor Gear https://montemlife.com/are-you-a-real-hunter/
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