#[xue answers]
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Peeped the horrors
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yingjiaoyue · 7 days
Really? 😶
Don't mind if I do.
*Snatches Xue Shé away from his cave.* "You're my husband now :D."
Canon event afterwards:
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He’s a lil silly sometimes
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layzeal · 6 months
so i was thinking back to some discussions on the watchtowers jgy built and whole "was there some insidious motivation?" "was it money laundering?" etc etc but imho these questions are not only unfounded but also neglect one point it was actually brought up in the book about them: "why weren't there any watchtowers near yi city?"
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veliseraptor · 1 year
just thinking about the "xue yang never cared about xiao xingchen he doesn't have real feelings and just thinks of him as a toy" take again and @ameliarating pointed something out to me namely:
Xue Yang broke into peals of laughter. "Wei-qianbei, you're merciless!"
"Fine, laugh. Even if you laugh yourself to death, Xiao Xingchen's soul will still be too broken to put back together. He found you repulsive, yet you still insist on dragging him back so that you can play games with him."
Abruptly, Xue Yang swung from laughter into rage. "Who wants to play games?!"
"Then why did you kneel in front of me and beg me to fix his soul for you?"
Of course, someone as clever as Xue Yang must have been aware that Wei Wuxian was trying to bait him. First, distracting him with anger, and second, provoking him into shouting, Wei Wuxian made it possible for Lan Wangji to deduce his location and strike. But still, Xue Yang couldn't help replying. "Why? Hah! As if you don't know. I want to turn him into a fierce corpse - under my control! Didn't he want to be a pure, virtuous cultivator? Then I'll make him endlessly slaughter people, so he'll never find peace!"
"Ah? You hate him that much? Then why did you kill Chang Ping?"
Xue Yang sneered. "Why did I kill Chang Ping? Do you need to ask, Yiling Patriarch? Didn't I already tell you? I said I was going to kill the entire Yueyang Chang Clan - I wasn't even going to spare one dog!"
[...] Wei Wuxian said, "You sure came up with a good explanation. Too bad the timing doesn't match up. Someone like you, who can't even let a dirty look go without avenging yourself a thousand times over, someone who strikes so swiftly and ruthlessly - if someone like you really wanted to kill off an entire family, why would they wait so many years to finish? You know perfectly well why you killed Chang Ping."
"Then tell me, what do I know? What do I know perfectly well?!"
He shouted this last sentence.
"You killed them, yes. But why lingchi? Killing someone that way signifies that it was punishment. If you were only getting revenge for yourself, why did you use Shuanghua and not your own Jiangzai? Why did you have to dig out Chang Ping's eyes and make him like Xiao Xingchen?"
Xue Yang shouted himself hoarse. "Bullshit! It's all bullshit! It was revenge - was I supposed to let him die comfortably?"
"Indeed, it was revenge. But whose revenge were you seeking? How ridiculous. If you genuinely wanted revenge, you should have sliced yourself into pieces!" (MDZS, Chapter 42)
so if we're meant to buy that interpretation, then...what is the point of this passage? what is it trying to say? is it just to give Wei Wuxian a means of distracting Xue Yang and making him show himself? then why this means? and why are we taking the line that Xue Yang himself, a famously reliable narrator (?) gives (re: wanting to turn Xiao Xingchen into a fierce corpse and control him) as the truth of the situation, as opposed to Wei Wuxian's own interpretation (where Xue Yang is taking revenge on Xiao Xingchen's behalf, albeit expressed onto a different target)? and what is the point of Xue Yang's reaction after this, where he suddenly goes silent and stops responding, meant to indicate? the fact that Xue Yang gets angrier and angrier at Wei Wuxian for pressing the point?
these are all cues present for a narrative purpose, not "just because," and they're pointing in a direction that indicates that Xue Yang in this scene is lying through his teeth, whether or not he admits that to himself.
furthermore, since inevitably "but adaptation" comes up in these conversations, CQL actually retains this scene in a remarkably intact form:
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coming to the conclusion based on this scene alone (not even touching the narrative surrounding the events in the past) that people who claim that "xue yang had no genuine feelings about xiao xingchen whatsoever" is to be taken as truth are not just taking the most boring possible read of this text but also at least a little actively reading against it.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 6 months
Was Nie Mingjue qi deviating when he insulted JGY's mom, pushed him down the stairs, and tried to cut off his head? Bc those do not seem like the actions of a reasonable and just man in his right mind, but I've seen some people defending that bit recently and I wanted to check (I don't own the book, otherwise I would have looked myself lol)
- yunmeng-jiang
i'm really glad i haven't seen the posts defending nmj's conduct on the staircase lol. man. okay:
nmj is not qi deviating during that scene in the novel, no. jgy doesn't begin playing turmoil for nie mingjue until after the confrontation on the staircase (and i am not interested in relitigating this discourse again, anyone else who may see this and feel inclined to argue with me). so while i definitely feel that nmj's continued cultivation with baxia has influenced and more deeply entrenched his hatred and distrust of jgy, he is not qi deviating in that moment. his qi deviation happens at the martial conference about two to three months later, if i recall the timeline as laid out in the empathy flashback + wangxian's conversation with lan xichen.
which makes it worse in some respects, doesn't it. 😕
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deadsince1973 · 1 year
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sharknark · 1 year
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vroomian · 6 months
Lol to the jgy post - jgy and xy despite being terrible people are my favourite characters bc of how interesting they are! I'm a shameless apologist of them and my favourite genre of mdzs fic is them being terrible somehow causing a fix-it. On the other hand, jgs and wrh can go die in a dumpster for all I care. (Also, for some reason, wwx/lwj are tbh not my favourite ship? I like them better with a third involved e.g. nmj or jc or mxy lmao)
*waves franticly* same hat! i too love when characters are horrible gremlins without apology. i think that jgy has been working retail his whole life and he gets to murder people as a treat. xy is just having a good time and that's very valid of him.
i want them to do what they want forever <3
(my favourite genre of mdzs fic is them being terrible somehow causing a fix-it :D ;D)
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twistedappletree · 3 months
Could I ask more about Jin Zihao? I love his look! I rarely see next-gen junior OCs in the fandom.
We need so many more next gen juniors honestlyyyy, like there’s so much about the juniors grown up and leading sects but where are their kiddos?!?!
Disclaimer that these details are subject to change as I write more, since Jin Zihao wasn’t created until I started ‘Letters Never Sent.’ All of this info is related to the storyline of my fic:
• Jin Ling found Jin Zihao on the streets of Lanling shortly after Jin Ling became a sect leader—around the same time that Lan Sizhui left to travel and cultivate with Wen Ning. Jin Zihao was 10-years-old at the time, with seemingly no knowledge of his name or family and Jin Ling decided to take him in as a disciple.
• Spending so much time with Jin Ling, Jin Zihao shows a proficiency for archery and hunts with Jin Ling every morning—though it’s created a bit of a rift amongst his peers, since they feel as though Jin Ling favors Jin Zihao (and honestly, he does). Because of this, Jin Zihao has experienced some bullying and ostracism from the other Jin juniors, some of whom think he doesn’t belong in the clan because he’s not a Jin by blood (not that they can prove it because JGS couldn’t keep it in his pants for 2 seconds lmaoo)
• Jin Zihao idolizes Lan Sizhui, even without having met him, because Jin Ling simply doesn’t shut up about him. In my fic, Jin Ling is angry at Lan Sizhui for leaving so abruptly and disappearing for 3 years with no contact—but his admiration for Lan Sizhui never diminishes and it shines through Jin Zihao, who’s entirely starstruck when he finally meets Lan Sizhui.
• Jin Zihao loves Lan Jingyi, and vice versa. Lan Jingyi was there from day one since him and Jin Ling became best friends, making Lan Jingyi an older brother/uncle-figure in Jin Zihao’s life. He also likes Lan Jingyi because he’s the “cool” brother who lets him get away with anything that Jin Ling might scold him for 💀
• Jin Zihao is an incredibly good kid, however. Doesn’t get into trouble, very respectful, a fast learner and endlessly compassionate. His curiosity sometimes gets him into difficult situations, which he definitely learned from Jin Ling, but he’s got Jin Ling, Lan Sizhui, and Lan Jingyi (and even Ouyang Zizhen) looking out for him always so he’ll always be okay.
• Jin Zihao has a tattered, wonky little cat plushie that he was clutching when Jin Ling found him—and even at 13-years-old, he always sleeps with it. Sometimes, he even takes it with him on night hunts as a good luck charm and claims it’s the only thing he has left from his parents since he remembers them giving it to him, which is the extent of his memories from childhood.
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oneeyedoctogod · 9 months
Me ten years ago, trying desperately to rationalise my love for villains: no, you don't understand [Insert Villain Character] is actually deeply misunderstood, and also they have such a sad past and anyway the other characters aren't that much better, it's just that the narrative itself is against [Villain]!
Me now: anyway, yes [Insert Villain Character] is evil, and they're being very hot about it. Still belongs in the trash, though. Hold up, not the trashcan they're liable to set it on fire, put them with the hazardous materials instead.
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Ranwan can wait. What we need to discuss is who imprinted on who first?
Did Duckling Chu Wanning imprint on Mama Duck Xue Zengyong first OR did Mama Duck Xue Zengyong imprint on Duckling Chu Wanning first?
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mythvoiced · 4 months
@s4ray | ♥
Xiao Xingchen is no foe of compliments. He advocates for praise to be a much better motivator, for words and reprimands to be a better teacher than mindless punishment - though he has been wrong before.
A person taken with gentleness, taught that improving, growing can and should only be associated with warmth, pleasure, a sense of pride, confidence, self-fulfillment, Xiao Xingchen will never understand an alternative when the benefit of the doubt has saved a lot more from the wrong path than cutting their hands off has - though he has been wrong before.
He's no stranger to compliments, as such. The praise of Baoshan Sanren had motivated him to keep training, after all, taught him justice, made of him a Daoist on a path even the darkness surrounding every aspect of his life in one way or another, can't make him stray from.
But... there are compliments, and then there are compliments.
Xiao Xingchen isn't a maiden. His appearance, his soft laughter, his even softer footfall, his penchant for kindness, it's easy to create an impression of a different man than the on he is... alas, his companion's words don't make him blush and hush.
But they do make him perk up.
There are only so many times he can be called all sorts of variations of 'beautiful' before Xiao Xingchen tilts his head, the pleased, gently amused smile maintaining its position on the canvas his companion had so meticulously and yet so easily worked to paint.
Smiling and laughing used to not come so easily. Now it seems easier than warming up to the thought of this potentially ending one day.
"Ah," an apologetic, but not meek tone wrapped around a single sound. "You know I'm no good with stories," he would, right? What odd kind of warmth, the warmth of knowing someone knows you. "At least not as good as you are at telling them."
The slightly off-kilter footfall, an injury to a leg not quite healed. Xiao Xingchen has memorized the way his companion walks, once upon a time because it was easier to precede him rather than burden someone with arranging themselves in a way that wouldn't startle him - because he liked his independence - and now... now it's a habit.
Now it's something to look forward to.
"Nor am I as good with words in general, as you are," his head moves at the slightest change, the slightest curve is accompanied by Xiao Xingchen's head adjusting to best capture it, a moon-pale beauty listening intently for the footsteps of a man he'll never truly know.
Though he has been wrong before.
"Nor particularly equipped to praise your looks as you seem keen on praising mine," and the corners of his lips sharpen ever so slightly.
His demeanour and the way he moves, some associating more years to his name than there are and assuming him an immortal deity has not been as rare an occurrence as he'd like it to be.
At the end of the day, though, he's not even quite 30 yet. At the end of the day, even he can tease.
"I'm sorry about the rabbit," he could hear how far away it was, "let me help carry those you've already caught. I insist."
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yingjiaoyue · 7 days
Kidnapping him didn't work. (She's got that animal crossing got stug by a bee bruise XD)
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Here's some steak for Xuè Shé. (Second attempt)
Okay, this might honestly work... meat is one of his fav food after all (either human meat or animal meat, he's completely fine with it :D)
Though Xue She eats raw or uncooked meat, I feel like he'd really like it even better if he tasted the cooked version.. (yeh, he never has tasted cooked meat in his whole life since he practically lives in a cave and his whole character as a snake is used to eating raw meat :))
Side note: I hc that he'd enjoy spicy food, and hates sour ones. He doesn't also like sweet foods much. He prefers something salty and bitter, like blood and stuff...
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sylvctica · 3 months
(@icicle-dragon) Xue walks up the stranger beside Sylvie, looking up with his light pink eyes. His tail twitches sensing something... demon like? OH! That guy from hell came around last year. Has a similar vibe. He was a tad nervous about the energy this one gave off. But then remembered something he learned from the one with a similar energy last year. "OHHH! HOW ARE THE COWS IN HELL?! Can I see one?!" His tail does a little swish.
Namatee could only groan at those words, grumbling underneath her breath: "Motherfuck—
"No swearing around the kids!"
"... not the cows again. Oh yeah, we have an entire fucking farm. We selectively made a breed of cows that do shit around it. And no, you can't see one. Not bringing one, nor will I bring you down there."
Sylvie on the other end, could only sigh and pray Xue forgets any of the fun new words he's heard and focus just on the cows.
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veliseraptor · 7 months
Do you have any Autism spectrum Song Lan headcanons? Any Asexual spectrum Xue Yang headcanons???
if I had to assign a specific diagnosis to my Song Lan headcanons (which I typically don't like doing with characters, I tend to prefer writing them as having "tendencies" that may or may not align with specific diagnoses) I'd say that I lean more toward ocd tendencies, though of course there's a lot of overlap there; mostly because that's what I know better from personal experience, and I like to spread my mental unwellness qualities across characters. I wouldn't say that I have specific headcanons about Song Lan as autistic, but I do think that some of my Song Lan headcanons overlap with autistic traits, potentially?
I don't know, I feel like I'm not really qualified to discuss, in the same way I tend to avoid discussing my Xue Yang headcanons as specifically personality disorder headcanons though I know I tend to write him flavored somewhat in that direction.
as far as ace headcanons, speaking of Song Lan I'm more likely to headcanon him as somewhere on the ace spectrum than I am Xue Yang. Xue Yang I don't personally headcanon as ace.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 months
Hi! Coming into your inbox to once again tell you how much I enjoy your blog and how much it changed my perspective on the nuance of apparent villains in CQL and MDZS. Just a bit of an energy reset after the garbage you’ve been getting in your messages. I appreciate all of the thoughtful commentary and canon analysis you do! So much labor, and I appreciate you. Best to you always!
🥹 this is truly so kind of you!! i haven't actually been receiving any shit in my inbox since october, thankfully (knock on wood lmfao) but i am always so glad to know that my meta has helped people change their minds about the cql/mdzs antagonists. mxtx really is so gifted at creating antagonists of circumstance who could make compelling protagonists if the perspective of the novel were switched around, which is why it always galls me to see them characterized as evil, or irredeemable, or otherwise just not worth the emotional investment that their fans have placed in them.
anyway yes this blog will always stan jin guangyao and su she and jiang cheng and (pre-timeskip, anyway) nie huaisang, we love the lads 🙌
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