#{ : D bc simply saying she's smiling bc of him and their friendship would be too easy. }
lielove · 1 year
❛ what are you smiling at? ❜
200 random dialogue prompts.
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the smile on her face does not waver at his words - as an idol she was used to keeping a bright and sunshiny smile on her face.
( she couldn't let her fans think something was wrong, after all. and even if something ever was... well, that certainly wasn't something they could know about !! )
not to say that the smile on her face wasn't a genuine one - it was, at least in this moment.
❝ i was just thinking about that song -- !! ❞
the idol twirls her hair between her fingertips as she speaks. ai hoshino was not a woman that had many - if any - friends. while she wasn't sure what she'd call her relationship with him ( friends ?? acquaintances ?? just singing buddies ??) if it wasn't for that song she wouldn't be here with him...
❝ don't you think it's funny how fate works ?? we may not have ever met if not for it, yaknow... !! ❞ and then she gives a laugh... how much of her life would have changed if not for that moment ??
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Plastic Hearts
Chapter Three: Prisoner
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pairing: dieter bravo x actress!oc (Violet Apollo)
chapter rating: M (talks of dieter’s shitty parents, insecurity, these two pining for each other but being scared little shits, sexual desire, weed use, brief mention of hollywood being filled with predators, dieter’s awful parents, cocaine use (pls think before you use cocaine in 2022, it’s just fucking fentanyl and not worth it), me writing Matt Smith into this for a second bc i couldn’t resist, asshole!dieter returns, voyeurism?? a little??, oral sex male receiving, fuck these two are a mess)
word count: 5.5k
authors note: listen i had to write a fucking SNL monologue for Dieter and it was hard and it’s not very good and shout out to all the writers at SNL having to do that every week lmao
series masterlist | series playlist
“You seem to really like this one. Been staring at it for ten minutes now,” Dieter leaned to the side, whispering to Violet as they stood in the MoMA, staring at Monet’s Water Lilies. “I always thought shit like this is too pretty. I like my art like I like my women—“
“Abstract?” She turned to give him a smirk.
“Well, I was gonna say without meaning and overpriced, but sure—abstract.” She rolled her eyes and chuckled, nudging his shoulder with hers.
“I love this painting,” she mused in a powder soft voice, Dieter’s eyes softening as he stared at her profile like she was the real work of art. “Everything about it. It is too pretty, you know? But some shit just is. And you can see the brushstrokes in it—it’s messy, it’s imperfect, and yet it’s so…fucking pretty, you know? So soothing and romantic and…nothing that you’d ever think would come out of a bunch of brushstrokes on a canvas. It’s pretty and it’s messy and it’s just…all the things.”
“I could listen to you talk about art for a lifetime, Miss Apollo,” he confessed quietly, just for her to hear. Sometimes he wanted something just for the two of them to have. A whisper, a look—a moment of authenticity.
The couple was constantly surrounded these days, bodyguards and assistants and handlers and fans—eyes always locked on them as though they were waiting for something to happen, missing the only thing really happening—a budding friendship.
Violet met his eyes and stared at him with the kind of awe that would make any man crumble.
“Take me to one you like,” she insisted, her eyes turning to meet his. Dieter smiled to himself and nodded, slipping his hand into hers more naturally now that he actually wanted to. Violet held onto his bicep with her free hand, the “couple” no longer sure what was for show and what was sincere anymore.
“You know, I grew up in New York most of the time as I kid,” Dieter began as the couple and their entourage walked through the museum, keeping his voice low so that only she would be able to listen.
“Yeah?” She turned her head a bit to watch him nod, his index finger and thumb rubbing his the hair on his chin.
“Yeah, my parents wanted me as far away as fucking possible.” Violet frowned at him as he glanced over at her, a small chuckle leaving the typically stoic man. “To be fair to them, I was a little shit from day one.”
“You were a child, D. Little shit or not, you deserved to have your parents around.” She spoke it as though it was simply a fact, but that little sentence had been the hardest one to accept, even through years of therapy. He didn’t feel like he deserved it—acceptance, their presence, love. “I know your mom is Marianne Ward, who’s your dad?”
Dieter was impressed by her knowledge on his mother’s career. She mostly spent her career doing artsy indie flicks rather than the shit most people saw. Aside from her Oscar nomination, she hadn’t really been much of a starlet.
“Ed Bravo—he’s a producer—“
“Yeah, didn’t he also try his hand at directing? What was the film called—Humoring Colossus?” Dieter stopped abruptly, causing the group around them to also halt. He shook his head and chuckled at her, his eyes wide with awe and intrigue.
“You’ve seen that shit?” He asked with disbelief, Violet chuckling at his theatrics as she nodded. “You’ve got to be like one of only ten fucking people to have even heard of that film. That’s impressive.”
“Don’t think too highly of me, I mainly watch obscure films like that to sound cooler than I actually am,” she assured with a smile, waving him back towards her.
Dieter grabbed her hand again, Violet resuming her hold on his arm as they walked up to a canvas hanging on the wall, smudged with black streaks of ink—chaotic and yet somehow orderly. Violet leaned closer to read the card beside it: Julie Mehretu, Invisible Sun (algorithm 5, second letter form), 2014, ink and acrylic on canvas.
“Now this…speaks my language.” Dieter studied the painting with puckered lips, his fingers rubbing his chin as he focused on it.
Violet meant to study it with him, she really did, but the current view of his deep contemplation was more awe-inducing than any work in the building could ever dream to be. Here he was in all his natural glory, hair tousled into messy waves and curls like he just got out of bed an hour ago, the greying patches on his beard almost forming two little hearts (ironic, she thought, for a man so averse to romance).
“I met the artist once at a gallery opening, and I tried to talk her into letting me buy it. Offered way too fucking much for it, but she said she preferred it here.”
Dieter turned his eyes, catching Violet in her gaze. He would’ve smiled at the sight of her studying him so closely if it hadn’t made him sick to his stomach with nerves.
Truthfully, he didn’t know if he wanted her swooning for him—if that’s what was beginning to happen. Not enough had changed about him for him to be welcoming anyone into his life like this. He was still a short tempered, emotionally unavailable man with unresolved mommy and daddy issues.
Though he’d been behaving on their week-long stay in New York—keeping to his side of the two-bedroom hotel suite, only smoking weed, and finding the strength to remain celibate—it was all bound to come to an end at some point. He had itches he needed to scratch, and though she’d been able to see the best he had to offer this week, he wasn’t sure she’d be so quick to stare at him with awe if she saw the other shit—the side that most everyone else got to see besides her, hence why they all hated him.
Dieter cleared his throat, snapping Violet out of her daydream, her eyes batting away her admiration as she turned to focus on the painting. “It certainly screams you, Dieter.”
“How so?” He asked, his head tilted.
“It’s chaotic, but clearly brilliant. It’s black and white but it’s also grey, you know? It’s…a whole combination of things. I don’t know why, it’s just you.” Dieter felt both thrilled by her observation and weighed down by it.
If she understood him so well, could she already see the storm on the horizon? Did she even care? Why didn’t that help soothe his anxiety? Why didn’t that cure him of the itch in his palms?
“I’m feeling kind of tired,” she looked back at him, something clearly weighing on her mind, though he knew her well enough to know that she was much too sober to speak it. “I think a nap sounds nice before we have to go to the show.”
“Okay,” he nodded and turned around to find his assistant, Raf. “Can you call Violet a car to go back to the hotel?”
“Sure thing,” the young man nodded and walked away to call the car.
“Thought maybe you would join me.” Violet’s hopeless voice pulled at Dieter’s heartstrings. Though he hadn’t realized she’d been offering for him to join, even if he wanted to cross that line, he couldn’t. He was hosting SNL that night and had dress rehearsals all afternoon.
“Wish I could,” he pinched her chin and gave her an apologetic smile, neither of them paying attention to the fan that was approaching their entourage.
“I’m so sorry, but I’m such a big fan of both of them. Could I just say hi?” Dieter turned his head around to take in a teenage girl desperately pleading with his head of security.
“It’s okay,” Violet interjected, waving the girl over. “Oh, I love your skirt. Where’d you get it from?”
“I made it, actually,” the girl blushed and giggled nervously, eyes hardly meeting either of the actors’.
“What’s your name?” Dieter asked, his casually cool persona back on.
“Violet, actually.” She chuckled and looked to Dieter’s Violet. “I’m such a big fan of yours—both of you. I watched you on broadway last year.”
“Oh, really?” Dieter gave her a smile. “Thought nobody came to that show.”
“Well, I loved it. And Violet, you’re amazing in literally everything you’re in. I’m such a big fan of yours. I actually—“ She held up her phone, showing them her lockscreen. It was a fan edit of Violet in her MCU debut role—the one that landed her her current job.
“Oh, wow,” Violet blushed and gave the girl a bashful smile. “You’re so sweet. Can I give you a hug, Violet?”
“Sure,” the girl willingly accepted the hug from her hero, Dieter watching the entire scene unfold before his eyes.
A truly good person, that Violet Apollo. Too good for the industry she worked in. Way too fucking good for him.
After taking a picture with the fan, Dieter walked Violet out of the museum, cameras waiting for them when they stepped out into the brisk autumn breeze of New York City. Dieter opened up her door into the SUV, tempted to give her a kiss on the cheek for the cameras, but the more he began to actually feel for her, the less he wanted to do such intimate things in front of the mob of paparazzi stalking them.
“I’ll see you before the show?” He asked, Violet nodding her head and reaching to pinch his chin. Dieter grabbed her hand and kissed the pad of her thumb, winking at her before closing her door, his security and assistant following him over to his own SUV parked right behind hers waiting to take him over to Rockefeller Center.
The entire car ride from the MoMA to their hotel on the Upper East Side, Violet couldn’t stop thinking about Dieter. The way his dark eyes seemed to turn golden when he looked at her and black when he looked at anybody else. The way his beard felt against her fingertips when she’d pinch his chin. His earthy cologne that may have just been his natural scent—she couldn’t yet tell. He’d somehow managed to intoxicate her with his mere existence, and it was beginning to become an addiction she didn’t know she’d be able to shake once this was all over.
She could see it in his eyes—his hesitancy to feel something for her. She knew there was more between them than friendship or obligation, but just how much? Neither of them allowed themselves to speak it out loud.
Violet didn’t want to think anymore, didn’t want to wonder whether or not he was thinking of her, but before she could spark up a joint and hop in the bath, her phone was buzzing. She sighed and set the joint down, grabbing her phone and sliding the green arrow to accept the FaceTime call from her assistant now back in LA.
“Hey, Luce,” Violet spoke through an exhale, only half paying attention to the blonde on her screen.
“Hey, just wanted to call and let you know I booked your trip to London at the end of the month for the press junket. I haven’t heard back from Dieter’s team as to whether or not he’ll be joining you.”
“Maybe it’s best if he doesn’t, you know? Give us some time to miss each other and all that.” Violet bit at her once-perfectly manicured nails while her assistant narrowed her eyes at her through the screen.
“What’s happened? Besides the kiss that I walked in on?”
“Just…I don’t know. I feel like I’m doing that thing that I always do again where I meet an injured little bird of a man and take it upon myself to nurse him back to health only for him to fuckin’ fly off the minute he’s all better,” Violet hid her face in her hands, groaning dramatically. “I just need a week away from him, so let’s keep London a solo trip. Okay?”
“Okay, yeah. You’re the boss,” she typed in the demand into her phone before continuing. “By the way, it’s not a flaw to see the good in people. Not that I entirely approve of Dieter—I don’t really know the guy—but from the way he looks at you in all these pictures, he’s either the greatest actor of all time or he’s just plain into you.”
“Shh,” Violet held her finger up to her lips. “I’m going to hang up now so I can smoke weed and relax before I have to be my crush’s fake girlfriend again.”
“Godspeed, my friend.”
As Violet smoked her joint in the bathtub, the hot water up to her neck, the “smells like happy” bathtub failing to deliver its advertised effects, she thought about her past romances.
She always did tend to take a broken man and invest all her love into him, or rather the idea of him that she’d invented in her head. In truth, every man she ever thought she loved was simply a reflection of things she loved about herself, or things that she wanted her partner to love about her.
Her previous lovers were all rather boring, selfish takers who allowed her to suffocate them with love and adoration until their ego had inflated to the point of no return, leaving her to watch them as they floated off to the next best thing—the next girl too good for them that could fix the parts she couldn’t.
Deep down she knew Dieter wasn’t the same as all the men before. For starters, he actually seemed to value her—her feelings, her opinions, her way of doing shit. She knew he could be selfish, harsh, distant, cold, but he could also be generous, soft, interested, and so goddamn warm when she caught him in the right mood.
Dieter was bad for her and he was good, too—black and white and grey—which made her all the more confused about what to do.
Gathering herself a bit, she quickly got ready, doing her own hair and makeup tonight because she couldn’t bear the thought of interacting with anybody else right now.
She opted for a simple glam, her hair in cascading waves down her shoulders and back. She wore one of Dieter’s vintage t-shirts—a suggestion from Dieter himself—a distressed pair of jeans, and an oversized black leather jacket on top. Her outfit was casual but she didn’t want anything over the top—tonight was all about Dieter.
Violet beamed at the paparazzi waiting in front of 30 Rock, giving them her best smile and a friendly wave. Funny how they’d never know she was paralyzed with insecurity and sadness all the while.
“Hey,” Violet found Dieter in his dressing room, surprisingly all alone. “Thought I’d have to throw some elbows to get to you.”
“No, I, uh,” he gestured back at the hall. “I told everyone I wanted to be alone.”
“Oh—should I?” She stepped towards the door but Dieter shook his head and stood up, reaching out for her hand.
“No, stay.” Violet smiled, nodding and following him over to the sofa.
“You feeling okay?” She asked, afraid to bask in uncomfortable silence for too long. Dieter shifted in his seat, glancing at her with that boyish grin she’d become so accustomed to but at one point couldn’t have even imagined him wearing.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just…nervous, I guess.” He reached over, lightly punching her knee. “But you being here makes it better. And sorta worse. I can’t explain it.”
“I know what you mean,” she chuckled, tilting her head at him with a soft smile, her eyes unabashed in their look of admiration. “You have nothing to be nervous about, Dieter. You’re going to be great.”
“You know, out of all the people in this bullshit industry for me to be under contract to spend time with, I’m glad it’s you,” Dieter confessed barely above a whisper, reaching up to cradle her cheek. “I just wish I was good enough for more. Maybe then I wouldn’t be so scared to act on shit.”
“What? Dieter—“
“Alright, Mr. Bravo. We’re ready for you at stage entrance.” The producer opened the door and gave them both a hurried look. Dieter gave Violet a longing look before standing up and walking out, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
What the literal fuck? Good enough for more? Act on shit? Act on what? Violet’s head spun at the thought of Dieter Bravo harboring feelings for her, and the thought of him holding back on them because he was insecure made her so dizzy she thought she could throw up. If only she could gather her wits enough to tell him that she was just as scared about the way she felt for him. That she was just as insecure about what she brought to the table.
Dieter waited behind the iconic doors on the SNL set, ready to give his opening monologue. He’d written it with the help of a couple writers at the show, insisting that he wasn’t going to try to reinvent himself tonight, but simply show the viewers a newer side of him—a bit less brooding and pained than the image he’d created over his career.
Faster than he could catch his breath, the doors were being opened and he was stepping through them, walking down the stairs to the iconic jazz and applause from the crowd. He scanned the rafters, hoping to see one familiar face but shocked when he saw two more—his mother and father.
Plastering his smile even wider in hopes of hiding his actual oh my fucking god my parents are here panic.
“Thank you. Thank you.” Dieter bowed to the audience as the applause died down, his heart clambering inside his chest. “It’s an honor to be here tonight, I’m Dieter Bravo. You may know me as that one guy from that one thing that you fell asleep in the middle of but somehow won an Oscar for.” The crowd laughed. “You know, I’ve been sort of awestruck being here hosting. So many of my childhood heroes have walked these halls and stood where I’m standing now—turns out they’re all more like villains and are thankfully canceled now…which is great business for me. SNL would’ve never been desperate enough to have me on if pickings weren’t so slim around Hollywood these days.” The crowd response was a mixture laughter and ooo’s, Dieters mouth curling up into a half-smirk. He insisted that joke be kept in and had to kiss ass to get it approved but oh, the payoff. “Listen, I know I’m not known for my comedy. I’m a pretty serious guy, I like to take serious roles, but, ya know, since I’m turning forty in a couple months, I’m hoping to turn a new leaf.” The audience applauded him, Dieter nodding and trying to calm his smile before continuing. “Yeah, I used to only smoke sativa, but lately I’ve really been into indica.” Another round of scripted laughter erupted from the crowd. “No, but seriously. I’m slowly getting myself together. I’ve given up the fast life—mostly, got a new role coming up that doesn’t involve any Cliff Beasts or terrible accents, hell, I’ve even given up the all the young, beautiful supermodels in exchange for a beautiful, brilliant actress that’s here tonight up in the rafters hoping that I don’t completely embarrass her. Hi, darling.” Dieter blew her a kiss and waved his hand at her—that wasn’t scripted. “Anyways, we’ve got a great show for you all tonight. Stick around and we’ll be right back.”
The show went well, or at least he thought it did—everything was happening so fast it was hard to tell. After the end credits rolled and he’d given a fake hug to every fucking cast member, he walked off the stage, desperate to try and find Violet before his parents could inflict too much emotional abuse onto her.
Dieter found her in the green room, surrounded by a fucking mob of cast members, writers, producers, fucking interns—all of them making it near impossible for him to reach her. She was laughing and carrying on with all of them, playing her favorite role of the always-smiling American sweetheart, but he could hear the difference in her voice.
Violet was always so poised when she laughed in front of an audience, but when she was alone with Dieter, when he truly made her laugh, she was all snorts and cackles and just plain fucking real. It almost felt sacrilegious to hear his favorite sound distorted by inauthenticity like this.
“There you are,” his mother’s voice sounded from behind him and he closed his eyes, wishing her away. When he felt his father’s firm grip on his shoulder, he sighed and turned around, forcing a smile on his face.
“Ed, Marianne.” Dieter gave them a polite nod, both of them eyeing him up in that judgmental way that made him feel like a little boy again, desperate to make them proud.
“You did well out there tonight, son.” Dieter furrowed his brows at his father’s praise, remaining frozen when he was pulled in for a hug.
“Are you sick or something? Why are you hugging me?” Dieter’s mother swatted his bicep at the question, his father letting go of him.
“Nobody’s sick. We’re just proud of you. God, is it always going to be so volatile with you, Dieter? Sorry that we weren’t there as much as you may have wanted us to be, but we’re here now. Can’t we let bygones be bygones?” His mother pleaded, though her dismissal of his childhood neglect and trauma did little to win him to her side.
“Weren’t there as much as I may have wanted? You sent me off to live with a nanny across the country. That wasn’t not being there, that was abandonment,” Dieter scoffed, shaking his head as he tuned out their typical deflections to save himself the hurt.
When he felt a hand slide against his bicep, looping their arm with his, he almost jumped, but one look to his right side and he was met with Violet’s smile—one that seemed to wash away all thought.
“Found you,” she mumbled with a grin, Dieter’s lips curling up out of instinct. Violet’s eyes soon turned to his parents, her smile turning into a flat line as she glared at them. “If you two don’t mind, we have a party to get to.”
Dieter had never been more attracted to her than when she was guiding him away from his parents and down the hall to his dressing room, shooting him a knowing smile over her shoulder as she led the way.
It was moments like this that he wished he could set aside his feelings for her and just fuck her, but no matter how hard he tried to tap into his old ways, his heart and mind were dead set on giving her more.
If he was going to sleep with her, it wasn’t going to be a one off hookup, wasn’t going to be something quick and fleeting, it was going to fucking change his entire life. And as much as he wanted to dive head first into everything her, he knew he just wasn’t ready. He’d fuck it up like he always did.
“You did way too good tonight to be brought down by your shitty parents,” she assured once they were in the peace and quiet of his dressing room, spinning around to cup his cheeks.
There was a point, even if momentary, that he thought this would never happen. He assumed they’d be cold to each other, or at best friendly, but this—her hands on his face, his eyes locked on hers, the look between them that anyone could clearly see was adoration—was never in even his wildest of dreams.
“Can I kiss you?” His request was whispered, almost shy, as though it was an outrageous thing to ask. Violet tilted her head, her smile soft and just barely there as she studied him carefully, letting his question hang in the air for a moment before she was nodding. Dieter almost whimpered—something yearning and desperate inside of him surfacing for a moment. He whispered to her as he leaned in, his hands cupping her face. “You’re so beautiful.”
Violet knew the deal—she knew that these moments came with no strings attached. When he got lonely she was there and vice versa. To read any further into things was to admit defeat in this battle she was fighting internally. A battle she wasn’t quite ready to give up yet.
Dieter held her close, though his kiss remained soft enough for her to pull away at any moment. But she didn’t seem to want to. He smiled as he felt her hug him tight, his hands lowering to her waist and squeezing. He would’ve been content to stay that way forever, but of course…
“D, we gotta get you to the after party.” Andrea walked in, eying the two as they pulled away from each other breathlessly. Dieter pinched Violet’s chin, smirking down at her before turning to nod at his manager.
“Alright, just let me change.” Both Andrea and Violet left the room, though he wouldn’t have given two shits if they stayed, especially the latter.
After changing into a silk button down that was one size too big and a pair of black trousers, Dieter was making his exit from 30 Rock hand in hand with the most beautiful woman in New York City as far as he was concerned, a rare smile on his face as he waved at the paparazzi.
It seemed his fake happiness was starting to become real—and god, did that make him want to throw up.
Walking into the party, he held onto Violet’s waist, keeping her close and shielding her from everyone trying to steal her away from him.
Violet turned around, Dieter’s hand sliding to the small of her back as she leaned into him to speak over the music. “I’m gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?”
“Uh,” Dieter spotted his dealer and a few of his party friends from over her shoulder, the craving for a couple little white lines distracting him. “Just a gin and tonic. I’m, uh, gonna go to the mens room for a second.”
“Okay,” she nodded and gave him a smile before leaving him to go to the bar. Dieter watched her until she disappeared and quickly made a bee-line for the bathroom, his dealer grinning and waving at him as he neared.
“Haven’t heard from you all month,” the all-business appearing skeeze welcomed Dieter to their little bathroom party with his hands on his shoulders.
“Been busy.” Dieter kept his eye on the constantly opening and closing door as his friend set up a few lines for him on the counter. Dieter wasted no time in leaning down and snorting the white powder up, one line at a time. As he moved to snort the last line, the door swung open.
“They didn’t have any tonic, so—“ Dieter interrupted Violet with a snort, his eyes wide as he turned to see the last person he ever wanted to show this side to. Violet looked at him with a mixture of disappointment and concern, the couple remaining frozen and silent for a few beats.
“Lovely to meet you, I’m Alex. Can I fix you a line as well?” The dealer leant his hand out for Violet to shake but Dieter was quick to slap it away, giving him a warning glare as he watched Violet storm out of the doorway and back into the party. Wiping his nose, he rushed out to follow her, his heart racing from the drug and his own fear of fucking up his chances with her.
Dieter found Violet by the bar, tossing back shots with one of his “friends”, a fellow actor who was safe but a total slut—and that meant a lot coming from Dieter fuckin’ Bravo.
“You know, you’re even more beautiful in person. It’s usually the other way around,” the actor flirted, tucking Violet’s hair behind her ears.
“Does that line usually work for you?” She chuckled, now sipping on a cocktail through a little black straw.
“Usually. Is it working now?” He smirked at her as she shrugged, Dieter now quickly losing his composure as he watched the scene unfold before his eyes.
“Fuck off, Matt.” Dieter stormed over, stepping into the space between their bodies and glaring at his friend. “She’s with me.”
“She’s with nobody,” Violet corrected, glaring at Dieter for causing a scene, his blown out pupils a reminder of why she was so upset in the first place.
“Sorry, mate, I didn’t know the two of you were together for real,” his friend held up his hands in defense, giving Violet an apologetic look before he was leaving the couple alone.
“You just told Matt Smith to fuck off!” Violet scolded, too drunk to care about her volume.
“Relax, he’s a friend,” Dieter assured as he ordered a drink for himself. “A friend you seemed to be enjoying.”
“Are you jealous?” She accused with more irritation than he was hoping for.
“I’m not—not jealous, Violet. I just think if we go around flirting with other people, our little fucking showmance is gonna start to unravel.”
“I’m not your girlfriend, Dieter. If I want to flirt with someone, I’m going to flirt.” Dieter turned to her with a raised eyebrow, both turned on and enraged by her independence.
Though it was surely the drugs in control, he thought it would be fun to give her a taste of her own medicine. Turning to his other side, he spotted a model sipping on a vodka soda.
“Hey, you wanna have sex with me?” He asked as though the answer was obvious, and judging by the girl’s smile, it was.
“Sure.” Violet scoffed at her eagerness, Dieter turning back to her with a smirk.
“You’re not my girlfriend, right? So I can fuck who I please tonight?” Violet had never looked more disgusted with him, and if he’d been sober, he definitely would’ve dropped to his knees and pled for forgiveness—but he wasn’t sober right now. He was just an asshole.
“Do whatever the fuck you want, Dieter. I’m going home.” Violet set her drink down and made her way out of the party, Dieter’s eyes following her until she left the club.
“So…your place?” The model approached him, her hand sliding up his chest.
“If you sign an NDA.”
Violet woke up around three in the morning to the sound of moans coming from their hotel suite’s kitchen. Furrowing her brows, she walked over to her bedroom door and cracked it open, gasping when she saw Dieter leaning back against the fridge, the model from earlier on her knees for him.
Though she felt fucking sick with jealousy—truly, she could’ve vomited right there on the fucking floor if she wasn’t so determined on keeping up her appearance—she couldn’t help but steal a glance at his appendage. After so many nights of dreaming about it, the real thing made her gasp. He was hung like a goddamn horse.
Dieter’s head was tipped back, his body bare besides the robe he kept with him like a security blanket. He held onto her head and guided her to take him in deep, vulgar slurping sounds filling the space as though he completely forgot about his roommate. Violet almost stormed out, enraged by the fact that he’d let anyone besides her get to feel him so closely—closer than she had yet to get—but soon, a name slipping off his lips in a breathless moan made her totally forget her rage.
“Oh, fuck, Violet. So fucking good.” Violet covered her mouth as she gasped, watching as the model pulled away from him and very hoarsely corrected his slip-up in names. “Yeah, sure, whatever, just don’t stop.”
“You’re a fucking asshole.” The model stood up and fixed her outfit, seemingly having been on her way out of the hotel room before he seduced her one more time in the kitchen, storming out of the room with a slam of the door.
Dieter sighed at his still-raging erection, pumping it with his open fist until he was painting the kitchen tile white with a feral growl slipping from his lips.
Violet looked on at the scene, his flushed chest heaving from his orgasm ripping through his body, his long and thick cock dripping white as he stroked it lazily, his soft moans filling the room like the most beautiful song she’d ever heard.
“Next time you bring someone home—don’t.” Violet announced her presence, watching as Dieter jumped and let out a girlish shriek. Giving him a stern look, she watched him as he stayed frozen in place, his eyes lowering to his now half-softened length.
“You wanna—“
“Fuck you, Dieter.” She slammed her bedroom door and locked it. Though she still very much did “wanna”, it wasn’t going to be that fucking easy for him.
No matter how beautiful and impressively fucking hung he was.
dieter taglist: @browneyes-issac @wildemaven @laureliciousdefinition @trinkets01 @paulalikestuff @toomanystoriessolittletime @alwayslurkinginthebackground @pastelnap @fishingforpike @littlemisspascal @wheresarizona @pedropascalsx (please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!)
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k3rm1e · 3 years
hiihi !! ive been loving all the stuuf yoube been wirting latley its so good :^D i ws wondering if i ciuld have some hcs ,or just a onrshot either or i dont mind, of reader geeting sick and mumza nd dadza take care of them ?? bc i lovr mr and mrs minecraft <33 liek like reader like "ahh im finr mr minecraft" and they have 102° fever Nd have a runny nose and mr minecatft is liek "mmm no i dont thnik so m8" nd yaeh !! they/them pronouns but i thnk uve benn doing that arleady - :^) anon
hiihi !! ive been loving all the stuuf yoube been wirting latley its so good :^D i ws wondering if i ciuld have some hcs ,or just a onrshot either or i dont mind, of reader geeting sick and mumza nd dadza take care of them ?? bc i lovr mr and mrs minecraft <33 liek like reader like "ahh im finr mr minecraft" and they have 102° fever Nd have a runny nose and mr minecatft is liek "mmm no i dont thnik so m8" nd yaeh !! they/them pronouns but i thnk uve benn doing that arleady - :^) anon
:^) anon my beloved;;;;; i love your brain. this could go two ways depending on whether you’re staying with phil or if you guys are online so i went with your staying with him. i also did a one shot but if you want hcs i hv no problem writing some :) i hope this is good!
cw: cursing
mumza and dadza take care of you:
  it had finally happened. while covid wasn't fully over just yet, many had gotten the vaccine and conventions were opening up again. which meant two things: meetups and twitchcon. finally, you could meet some of your supporters and see your friends.
  “mom, are we almost there?” your mom was driving you to the airbnb you’d be staying at with a few of the other dream smp members. at first, you assumed you’d all be staying in separate hotel rooms. but, this way, you could spend more time with friends, save money, and your mom wouldn’t have to be with you the whole time. there had already been many long conversations between philza and your mom to make sure you’d be safe staying with everyone.
  “yes, sweetie. almost there. we’re just two minutes closter than when you asked earlier.” ok, sue you, maybe you were a bit excited. but really, who could blame you? making in person friends had never been easiest, so the majority of your friendship were with people online. not being able to see or meet anyone for so long had been excruciatingly painful. 
  within ten minutes, you had finally arrived at the airbnb. quickly jumping out you ran to the door, obnoxiously ringing the doorbell. through the door, you heard an accented voice yell out, “i’m coming, i’m coming!”. at this point you were springing up and down on your tippy-toes, ready to spring out of your skin.
  the door opened and you were greeted by a very tired and annoyed looking wilbur, “hello?”.
`   “WILBURRRR!!!” you were screaming in his face (unintentionally), waking him up from his drowsiness. you launched yourself in his arms, not paying attention to your mother’s bewildered expression. you quickly let go of him and shoved past him, “i’m gonna go say hi to everyone!” distantly you heard wilbur begin to talk to your mother, explaining what you guys were doing.
  while running around you said hi to tommy, tubbo, ranboo, eret, fundy, niki, techno, phil and kristin. the others were either staying in another airbnb or in their own hotel rooms. after about thirty minutes, wilbur had finally stopped talking to your mom.
  “yes, ma’am. i can promise you they’ll be completely safe. you have absolutely nothing to worry about.” wilbur was calmly talking with your mother, looking more and more tired by the minute.
  “alright. thank you.” your mother called you over. “come give me a hug and say bye!” slowly dragging your limbs over, you let her hug you. behind you you could hear wilbur and phil laughing at you.
  “bye mom…” she was holding onto you tightly, petting down your hair.
  “oh, sweetie, i love you so much. i’m so happy you found something you're passionate about and made so many lovely friends while doing so.” as much as you loved your mom, the small snickers behind you were getting quite embarrassing. you could hear that tommy had joined in on the laughing. 
  “... i love you too, mom. can you let go now?” you tried pulling back, but all she did was pull you closer.
  “oh, but i just don’t wanna let you go. i love you so much, you know that right?”
  “i know, mom. i love you too. but you’ve gotta get home and i have to unpack and get ready for meeting with fans tomorrow.” you finally got her to pull away, “i love you mom, okay? thank you for letting me do this.”
  “oh, i love you too, sweetie.” and with that, your mom left. after watching her pull out of the driveway and down the street, you whipped around.
  “not. a. single. word.” you stared dead in the boy’s eyes, seeing just how much wilbur was about to burst out laughing.
  “what? personally, i think it’s very sweet.” tommy was smiling, purposely pissing you off. “so sweet, how much your mom loves you.”
  “shut your fucking mouth, tommy.” you stared deadpan at him and began walking inside and over to the kitchen.
  “what? i didn’t say anything wrong! i was just simply commenting on your very, very sweet relationship with your mother.”
  kristin moved forward to talk to you, “for what it’s worth, i do thing you hae a very sweet relationship with your mom.”
  “thank you. you’re the only good one in this house, kristin minecraft.” with that she laughed, and you all continued on with your evening. after staying up late watching old youtube videos, you all went to bed. in the morning you would have your first day of three at twitchcon, meeting fans and other creators alike. 
  for around 10 hours, you stood in booths signing fanart, prints, notebooks, and the like. meeting so many different people was eye opening, just learning who supported you. at the end of the day everyone went to a restaurant to eat dinner after so long.
  “this food… is so… fucking good.”
  “agreed.” you and the rest of the so-called ‘bench trio’ were eating at what wilbur had deemed the ‘kiddy table’. after eating so much food you were all tired. the rest of your friends had already left, walking back to the airbnb. when it was finally time to leave the restaurant, it was pouring rain.
  after running home you had gone to sleep while the others had changed and taken showers. after sleeping for around ten hours, you had finally woken up. frankly, you felt like dogshit. you could barely breathe out of your stuffy nose and your head felt like it had been shoved full of wet cotton balls.
  instead of staying in bed, you got up and tried to get ready. on the way downstairs to get food and see who was making so much noise, you fell face first down the stairs. “owwwww…”
  hearing a ruckus, phil and kristin left the kitchen, where they were making pancakes. “holy shit! are you alright, mate?”
  pushing phil over, kristin walked over to you, “obviously they’re not okay phil! the poor kid is lying on the floor.”
  slowly getting up, you try to reassure both of them that you’re okay. “no, no, no, don’t worry. i am perfectly okay.” while you don’t know exactly how you sound, based on the expression on phil’s face, you don't think you sound very good.
  “uh, yeah, how about no. you sound like you’ve draken a whale bottle of vodka.” phil walked over to you and grabbed you by the arm, trying to hold you up.
  “i’m fineeee”
  “no, your fucking not. you’re burning up.” phil looked at you, angrily. “you need to go to bed.”
  “but i don’t wannaaaaa. i feel fineeee.” you felt like crying, for absolutely no reason. with that, you passed out on the floor.
  phil and kristin somehow managed to get you back up the stairs and into bed. once you were safely in your room, with no risk of cracking your skull open, phil took your temperature. “mate, your temperature is at nearly 102°. you’re lucky i don’t take you to a hospital.” he started at you, disapprovingly.
  “i’m sorryyyyy dadza. are you mad at me?” in your deluded state you pouted at him, like a child.
  “no, i’m not mad at you. just disappointed. you should’ve known not to do that. you’re old enough to know when you’re sick.” he stared at you with a disapproving look.
  “but that’s even worseeeeee” you felt like balling your eyes out. out of embarrassment, you tried to hide under your blanket. “can you tell mumza i’m sorry for worrying her?”
  above you, you heard phil laugh. “it’s not that big a deal, kid. i’m just upset. you could’ve seriously hurt yourself. i was worried.”
  “you were worried about me? awwwww, i love you too dadza.” you moved your head out of the blankets, smiling at him with dried tears and sweat on your face.
  “yeah, yeah. now shut up and go to bed.”
  kristin walked in, hearing what he said. “phil, don’t bully the kid. they already feel like shit.” out of the corner of your eye, you saw her look over to phil and smile at him.
  “i’m not doing anything, swear on my life!” he put his hands up in defense of himself, making you laugh.
  turning away from him, she directed her next question towards you. “how you feeling, kid? took quite a tumble there.” she smiled at you and ushed your hair out of your face.
  “i’m sorry for worrying youuuuuu. i love you, mumza. promise.”
  laughing, she leaned down to kiss you on the head. “love you too, kid. now, want me to sit with you and we can all watch some netflix or something?”
  you silently nodded and the two of them joined you on the bed, not caring very much if they got sick. after not even an hour, you all passed out.
  a few hours later, everyone returned back from the convention. let’s just say wilbur now had some very valuable blackmail.
hope you like it! this was so wholesome i- wfowcsjvri
i want parents like dadza and mumza now
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mingishoe · 4 years
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Summary: You and Wooyoung have been friends for as long as you can remember. After an unfortunate event, the two of you decided to make a safe word for when you feel uncomfortable or want out of a situation. Cinnamon. You just happen to say it on your wedding day.
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst! hits of crack
Pairing: Wooyoung x Fem!Reader ft. Seonghwa x reader
Word count: 15.1k 
Warning: infidelity?/cheating I do not encourage cheating, please don’t cheat :)
Smut Warnings: Dom!Wooyoung Sub!Reader, lots of dirty talk, teasing, unintentional edging, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, fingering, hand job, marking
A/N: ik this is like an oLD trend,, I wrote this back in may and never finished it but I reread it and decided I liked it too much not to post so here it is :)
also please don’t make fun of my header it sucks bc idk how to make them sjkdhsks
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
You honestly don’t remember when you met Wooyoung, you just know that he’s always been your best friend.
You were 3 and Wooyoung was 4. You were just starting to be able to put your sentences together and make some sort of sense, and Wooyoung had already pretty much figured it out.
The two of you never did much talking, you just always sat together and played. Wooyoung was just a comfortable presence until you finally started grade school.
You were 6 and Wooyoung was 7 and it was probably the scariest thing that either of you have experienced at that time. Wooyoung’s mom drove the two of you to your first day of the 1st grade.
Your eyes were watery as you got out of the car with Wooyoung and his mom. She walked the two of you into your class and hugged the both of you goodbye.
Wooyoung sat next to you and watched as a tear fell down your cheek. He was only 7, he didn’t know how to comfort anyone but he tried. Wooyoung brought you into a hug that most 6 year old girls would hate because boys have cooties. Even you thought boys had cooties, but not Wooyoung. Wooyoung was cootie free.
Wooyoung gave you the tightest hug, “It’s okay y/n! I promise I’ll be next to you the whole time,” and he kept that promise.
Wooyoung was next to you all day, through the first introductions, making sure to help you if you got shy, “And this is my best friend y/n! She’s shy right now.” To snack time when you shared your fruit gummies with him just because you knew they were his favourite. Even at nap time Wooyoung made sure he was close to you even when you were supposed to be separated.
That day was the first time you knew you were sticking with Wooyoung for forever.
Every day you spent the entire day with Wooyoung, slowly making more friends. Most of your friends were boys, San, Yeosang, Mingi, and Yunho. You being the only girl in your friend group was wild. You developed basically what was a boy personality, you were always playing outside with them, in sports, and don’t even get started on your humour. You had the humour of a 10 year old boy and that would never go away.
One day your class was in the playground and Wooyoung was trying to push you on the swing. One of Wooyoung’s friends, Jisoo, came over and asked Wooyoung to go on the slides with him.
You shrugged and went over to San and watched as he struggled on the money bars, “Sannie! You’re not strong enough!” San pouted at you as he jumped down from only the very first bar, “I am! I just… have a scratch on my hand so it hurts.” You laughed at sans excuses before he pulled you to the slides, “Come on! Let’s race on the slides!”
Wooyoung was at the top of the little castle the play set was supposed to look like with Jisoo. She had Wooyoung practically cornered as she spoke to him, “Wooyoung, since you’re my boyfriend we have to kiss.”
Wooyoung didn’t remember having a girlfriend. He was pretty sure she never even asked him to be her boyfriend, “I’m not your boyfriend.” Wooyoung very simply told her.
Everyone knows how these elementary school relationships work, if someone says you’re dating, you’re dating. It’s not always that both parties agree.
She obviously didn’t care that Wooyoung didn’t want to be her boyfriend. “Well, now you are.” Wooyoung shook his head, still disagreeing, “Why not?” Wooyoung looked around trying to find you and when he did he pointed in your direction, “Because y/n is my girlfriend.” And he wasn’t wrong, you were his friend that was a girl, his girlfriend.
Wooyoung and Jisoo both watched as you came up the stairs with San, “y/n, is it true that you’re Wooyoung’s girlfriend?”
You blink at both Wooyoung and Jisoo, “What?” You look at Wooyoung who’s nodding at you, “Yeah, Wooyoung is my boyfriend.”
Jisoo looks at you with a scowl before sliding down the slide. Wooyoung looks relieved as Jisoo leaves, “You just saved my life.” You roll your eyes and laugh at Wooyoung, “We need a code word in case this happens again.”
You nod then turn to san, “San you need to leave, you can’t hear the code word.” San makes a fuss but finally agrees after you tell him you’ll give him your gummies tomorrow at lunch.
You sit down with Wooyoung in front of you making sure no one else is around you, “What should the word be?”
The both of you sit and think for a few seconds before Wooyoung speaks up, “Umm… what about clouds?” You shake your head, “I don’t think so, we talk about clouds a lot.”
Wooyoung nods, “You’re right, what about pomegranate?” Once again you shake your head, “I’m never going to remember that.” Wooyoung frowns but nods. You speak up again, “What about cinnamon?”
Wooyoung looks at you like you just said the smartest thing ever, “Yes! That’s perfect!” The two of you high five with a laugh, “Race you down the slide!” Wooyoung said before quickly jumping down to get on the slide.
Day after day you spent with those 5 boys, with Wooyoung. You and Wooyoung had sleepovers every single night, on school nights, weekends, and even in summer. It was never a problem until you got to high school.
Don’t think that middle school was easy breezy covergirl. There were always stares as you walked with Wooyoung or any of the other boys for that matter. You honestly really weren’t sure why, like yeah they were all extremely attractive but it wasn’t anything to be petty over.
All the boys were constantly being approached by different girls since middle school started and it didn’t stop in high school or in college. You never got approached by any boys because of the ones that constantly surrounded you.
Any boy you talked to got scared away by either Wooyoung or one of the other boys. Any girl that liked one of the boys always tried to threaten you, like you even cared at all.
You hadn’t ever had a boyfriend and honestly you didn’t really mind contrary to others opinions. Some of your other friends had tried to tell you it was all Wooyoung’s fault and in all honesty it was but you didn’t mind. You had Wooyoung so you were okay.
One of the things that always stuck besides your friendship with Wooyoung and the other boys was the safe word.
After another uncomfortable incident that happened in 6th grade you changed the code word to a safe word. So every time you were wanting to get out of a situation or felt uncomfortable all you had to do was either say or text the word ‘cinnamon’ to Wooyoung. You two were still to this day the only people who knew what that meant.
It was a few weeks before prom and the bell had just rung. You were waiting for Wooyoung at your locker so you could leave together. You were leaning against your locker scrolling through your social media when you sense a presence in front of you.
When you look up your heart stops in your chest, “Hello princess,” you look around for Wooyoung before looking back to the boy standing in front of you, “S-Seonghwa, Hi.”
You’re quick to find Wooyoung’s contact and type a single word, “cinnamon” and press send. It was senior year and you were all 18, and Seonghwa had been trying to get into your pants for the longest time.
Seonghwa and Wooyoung were both known to absolutely hate each other, and it’s all because of you. Everyone knows that Wooyoung is extremely protective of you but Seonghwa doesn’t seem to care. He also doesn’t seem to get the hint that you're not necessarily his biggest fan.
You put your phone in your pocket after you see Wooyoung’s name flash on the screen signalling he was coming. “Where’s your little boyfriend?” Seonghwa teases you as he places one of his arms on the lockers next to you.
You press yourself against the locker trying to get away from Seonghwa, “H-He’s not my boyfriend… but uhh, he’s not here.”
Seonghwa smirks at you before pulling away slightly, “Perfect, he’s finally not up your ass.” You start to say something before Seonghwa stops you, “anyway, I haven’t had a chance to ask you because you’re always with someone and your friends aren’t necessarily my biggest fans…” you look at Seonghwa with red cheeks that match his, “You’re blushing.” Seonghwa’s mouth drops slightly in shock, “Shut up, let me ask the question.” You smile at Seonghwa as he continues, “D-Do you want to go to prom with me?”
This time your heart stops for a different reason. You definitely didn’t expect that. You look up at Seonghwa with cheeks that honestly rivalled his, “Seonghwa… I-”
“No, she doesn’t.” Wooyoung spoke up causing Seonghwa to look down with even redder cheeks. Wooyoung grabbed your hand pulling you away from Seonghwa before you could even say sorry.
“Wooyoung, what’re you doing?!” Wooyoung stopped you in the middle of the hall, “What do you mean? You sent the word!” You looked down awkwardly, “M-Maybe I said it a little too early…”
Wooyoung stood there with his mouth slightly open, “So you’re saying that you were gonna say yes to Seonghwa?” You pout at Wooyoung, “I don’t- I don’t know?”
“But y/n, you know exactly what he wants.” Wooyoung was right, you knew that probably all Seonghwa wanted to do was finally get into your pants. But you weren’t sure, what if there was that slim possibility that he actually truly just wanted to take you to prom, “You can go to prom with us, you know that.”
You nod at Wooyoung, “I know but you all have dates…” Wooyoung sensed your disappointment and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, “I don’t have a date,”
You looked to Wooyoung as the two of you walked to his car, “Really? You’ve been asked by approximately half of the school.”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes and pushes you making you laugh, “Yeah but that doesn’t mean I wanna go with any of them.” You nibble on your lip in thought, “Maybe you should.”
Wooyoung looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, “What do you mean?” You huff as you get into Wooyoung’s car, “Maybe you should go somewhere with someone who isn’t me for once…”
Wooyoung doesn’t know how he should take that. He can’t tell if you’re actually being sincere, jealous, or if you’re just finally getting sick of him, “Do you not want to go with me?”
You sighed as you grabbed onto Wooyoung’s hand, “Wooyoungie, you know that’s not what I’m saying. I just think that maybe you should just… I dunno, give someone else a chance. Plus you know parties aren’t my scene.” You can tell Wooyoung is hurt by what you said but he’s trying to play it off as he doesn’t care.
Once you arrived at your house Wooyoung unlocked your door and waited for you to get out, “Are you not gonna come in?” Wooyoung shook his head without even looking at you, “I have to help my mom with something, tell your mom I said hi. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”
You stayed looking at Wooyoung for a second before stepping out, “Oh… okay. Love you, see you tomorrow.” Wooyoung mumbled an ‘I love you’ before driving off.
You know you shouldn’t really be too affected by Wooyoung right now knowing that he’s upset but that doesn’t stop you from biting your lip in worry.
You open the door and see your mom in the kitchen, “Hey honey, hey Woo.” You pout as your mom unconsciously says Wooyoung’s name because he always comes home with you, “Wooyoung didn’t get off…”
Your mom looks up and immediately knows something’s off, “What happened?” You just shrug and sit at the stool next to where your mom is cutting vegetables, “He got mad at me.”
Your mom laughs softly knowing that it probably wasn’t even a big deal, “Wooyoung got mad because I told him that I didn’t wanna go to prom with him.”
Her eyebrows shoot up “Why don’t you wanna go to prom with him?” You just shrug, “It isn’t that I don’t want to go with him, I just don’t wanna go in general. So I told him that he should go with someone else… because somewhere close to 30 other girls asked him and he rejected them. I told him that he should give someone else an opportunity.”
Your mom looks conflicted. Well shit- that means that what you did was probably terrible and actually really mean. “Y/n sweetheart, Wooyoung rejected the other girls because he wanted to go with you. It’s not like he feels it’s a requirement, you know what I mean?”
You rest your head on the counter, “So you’re saying I should go to prom with Wooyoung?” Your mom shakes her head, “Not if you don’t want to, I’m just saying not to think that Wooyoung thinks he has to.”
“Someone asked me to prom…” your mom's head snapped up to look at you, “Really?! Who was it?” You laugh loudly before responding, “You know that boy that Wooyoung talks about all the time?” This time your mom’s jaw drops, “That boy umm… Seong- something? You know I’m not good with names,”
You nod vigorously as your mom is having a heart attack at what you’re saying, “Yes! Seonghwa! But he asked me today after school… and it was kinda cute? I’ve never seen him so flustered before. His cheeks were so red and he just looked really cute. But I don’t know, like I said I don’t even want to go at all.” You almost leave it at that but make sure to mention the obvious, “but Wooyoung would kill the both of us so that’s a no go.”
Your mom winks at you before leaning in to whisper, “Sometimes you need that adrenaline… just don’t let Wooyoung find out.” You pull away from your mom with a gasp, “You did not just betray Wooyoung like that!” Your mom just shrugs with a laugh.
The next day Wooyoung is really distant and is just pretty much ignoring you. Everyone else notices the shift in your energy making them pretty uncomfortable, “Y/n, what the fuck is happening?”
You look at San for a moment before simply saying, “Wooyoung’s mad at me.” Before San can even ask you why, you walk away and go to your class.
Thankfully that class has pretty much no one that you’re friends with so you’re free of any interrogation. You notice that Seonghwa is in this class so you decide to sit next to him, “H-Hey Seonghwa, sorry about yesterday…”
Seonghwa looks up from his phone to see you sitting next to him making him sit up straight, “Oh, Umm no it’s okay. I can handle rejection…” for some reason that made you feel really sad, “It’s not that I don’t want to go with you, I just don’t want to go in general.”
Seonghwa is looking down at his hands with his lip in between his teeth and your heart literally breaks, “You can just say you’re going with Wooyoung, it’s okay.”
“I-I’m not going with Wooyoung either…” This makes Seonghwa look at you, “Y-You’re not?” You shake your head with a soft smile, “I told you,”
You laugh as Seonghwa visibly perks up. You thought about what your mom had previously told you, “Why don’t you give me your number and maybe we can do something else?”
Seonghwa freezes, obviously not expecting you to ask for his number, “What about Wooyoung? Won’t he like murder you?” You laugh and nod, “Let’s just not let him find out… our secret.” You have your phone held out to him waiting for him to take it. He looks at you cautiously before deciding you were being serious, “Y/n, Wooyoung is going to murder me and send my balls to my mother if he sees my number in your phone.”
You pause for a minute, that being way too specific for Wooyoung to not have said that to Seonghwa, “Uhh… right.” You grabbed your phone from his hand and sent him a smiley face so he would have your number. Before you had a chance to say anything else your teacher walked in starting the class.
You and Seonghwa sat comfortably next to each other, not as awkward as you thought it was going to be.
When class ended Seonghwa walked out with you and you looked around you hoping that Wooyoung wasn’t there. You stopped yourself and looked up at Seonghwa, “Let’s start over yeah? Let’s just forget about Wooyoung and the other boys and not worry about them.”
Seonghwa smiled and nodded but still looked around like he was nervous making you laugh, “See you later,”
The rest of your classes were insanely awkward. Wooyoung still sat next to you and in all honesty it probably would’ve been better if he didn’t. The concerned glances of San and Yunho were becoming too much once it reached lunch time.
Both you and Wooyoung were mindlessly poking at your food and Yeosang was getting sick of it, “What the fuck is y’all’s problem?”
You drop your fork and look at Yeosang, “It’s none of your business.” Wooyoung rolls his eyes at you before snapping, “She doesn’t wanna go to prom with me.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes, “Wooyoung I already told you, I just don’t want to go! It has nothing to do with you!” Yeosang already regretted asking.
“Oh okay but you were going to say yes when Seonghwa asked you?” You froze. Yeosang froze. Everyone at the table froze except Wooyoung, if this was a cartoon there’d surely be steam coming out of his ears.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” You can see the veins sticking out on Wooyoung’s neck as his face turns red from anger, “You know exactly what my problem is and you know exactly why Seonghwa wants to take you to prom! He just wants to fuck you and then he’s gonna leave you.”
That was it. You pushed your tray of food at Wooyoung making it spill all over him, “Fuck you.” You’ve never wanted to hit Wooyoung as much as you do in this moment but you knew that it would hurt the both of you even more, so you contained yourself and just walked out of the cafeteria.
Wooyoung sat completely frozen. Everyone was completely shocked at your reaction. They’ve honestly never seen you this angry in the 12 years they’ve been your friend.
“Wooyoung I don’t know what your problem is but you need to fix it.” San stood up and followed you out of the cafeteria so he could make sure you were okay.
He went out the back doors of the school and walked some distance to the line of trees behind the school, that’s where you normally went if you skipped class or were wanting time to yourself.
“Y/n?” You didn’t look towards him opting to continue to text Seonghwa. You don’t even bother turning your phone off when San sits next to you, “Since when are you and Seonghwa all buddy buddy?”
You look at San with pleading eyes, “Please don’t.” San wrapped his arm around you letting you rest your head on his shoulder, “I’m not gonna say anything love, I’m just curious.”
You shrug as you further lean into San, “Just the other day when he asked me to prom, like Wooyoung said. I just- I just don’t know why he got so upset you know? I wasn’t going to say yes but that doesn’t mean he can’t let me deal with it by myself?”
San nods, “You know how protective he is over you, he loves you too much to see you get hurt.” You whisper this last part so quietly that almost San doesn’t hear you, “What if I want to?”
It was finally the night of prom and Wooyoung was still pissed at you. It's been weeks and you were honestly over it at this point so you didn’t even bother messing with him.
You and Seonghwa have gotten closer, he’s taken you out to eat a few times and you’re constantly texting. You honestly really enjoy his company and may you even go as far to say you like him.
While everyone else is at prom you’re laying in bed with your mom watching whatever’s on. Your phone buzzes and you see Seonghwa’s name. You look to your mom with a guilty look before opening the message,
Seonghwa:): You’re lucky you decided not to come to prom, it’s the most boring party I’ve ever gone to. No one has even spiked the punch yet.
Your mom snorts from beside you, “They still spike the punch?” You laugh and nod, “They do a little more than spike these days…”
Your mom watches as your thumbs hover over the keyboard, “Why don’t you invite him over?” Your eyes widen, “You’re really just betraying Wooyoung up and down these days aren’t you?” But you just shrug and send him a message back.
You: Why don’t you come over?
Seonghwa looks up from the wall he’s leaning against and sees Wooyoung and the rest of your friends sitting at a table looking awfully tense and awkward.
He watched as Wooyoung took a swig from a vodka bottle that he got from god knows where before deciding that he was going to take up on your offer.
Seonghwa stood outside your door for a solid two minutes trying to decide if he should knock or just go home. He doesn’t have a chance to do either before you open the door and look at him in amusement, “You’ve been standing out here for a while… do you wanna come in or not?”
Seonghwa walks in front of you as you close the door. Your mom is watching him in amusement as he looks down with red cheeks, “This is Seonghwa? Like Seonghwa Seonghwa?”
You bite your lip to keep you from laughing, “Yes mom. Seonghwa Seonghwa.” You eye her in warning before she says what you know she wants to, “Anyway, we’re going to my room, if you need anything just call me.”
“Prove that Wooyoung is wrong, Seonghwa” Your head snaps toward your mom with wide eyes, “I’m just kidding, go on.”
Your mom shooed the two of you off as she was too busy laughing.
“S-She’s just joking.” Seonghwa rubs his neck awkwardly, “Wooyoung told your mom about me.” You nod as you open the door to your room and let him go in, “I’d like to say it was all good things but…”
Seonghwa stops to look at your room, “I don’t know why but I didn’t expect your room to be so… cute.” You squealed as you jumped on your bed to cover up the stuffed animals that were sitting there.
Seonghwa grabbed one of your teddy bears and held it as he laid down next to you, “Do you not wanna change?” Seonghwa looked down seemingly like he forgot he was still in his suit, “I don’t have anything to change into…”
You thought for a minute before speaking up, “If it isn’t weird… one of the boys’ clothes will fit you.”
Seonghwa thought for a minute before nodding and standing up, still holding your teddy bear. You smile as he’s hugging the bear, “Looks like you like Mr.B.”
While you're going through your drawers you hear Seonghwa giggle, full on giggle, “You name your stuffed animals?” You pout as you hand Seonghwa a shirt with a pair of sweats, “Here, you can just change here.”
“Okay but don’t look, you aren’t ready for the sexy that I am shirtless.” You raise your eyebrows at Seonghwa with a smirk, “Seonghwa sweetheart, I’m friends with nothing but boys, I’ve seen abs before.”
Seonghwa looks at you expectantly before throwing Mr.B at you making you squeal. You cover your eyes with your hands as you hear him shuffling. You feel something being thrown down at your feet and you get the sudden urge to look.
You slowly separate your fingers and look at Seonghwa with your lip in between your teeth. You inhale sharply when Seonghwa makes eye contact with you as he’s undoing his belt.
Your cheeks are burning as you make no move to look away. Seonghwa doesn’t break eye contact as he pulls his belt through the loops. You whine as you turn over to put your head in the pillows while flailing your legs. You can practically feel the amusement dripping off of Seonghwa. Thankfully he ignored it and laid back down next to you.
Seonghwa was facing you as you were still whining with your head stuffed in the pillow. Seonghwa tapped on your shoulder making you look at him, “You’re really cute.”
You look away with a small smile, “Look at me princess.” You bite your lip as you look back at Seonghwa but you can still hear Wooyoung nagging at the back of your mind.
“Hwa… can I ask you a question?” Seonghwa nods while never looking away from your eyes, “Y-You don’t just want to… f-fuck me and then leave me, right?”
Seonghwa’s eyes flash what you can only express as anger, “Who told you that?” From the tone of Seonghwa’s voice you immediately knew that Wooyoung was lying. From your silence Seonghwa already knew the answer to his question, “It was Wooyoung, wasn’t it?” You pause before nodding carefully.
“Look, I don’t know what Wooyoung told you but that’s not true. Wooyoung- Never mind…” you shake your head, “N-No what?” Seonghwa bites his lip contemplating if he should actually say it, “Wooyoung knows that I l-like you… and I guess he didn’t want you to know so he said that.”
Your mouth parts slightly as you took in what Seonghwa just told you, “You like me? Like, like like me?” Seonghwa looks at you with a smile, “Yeah, like like.”
You just realised that what Wooyoung told you was a complete lie, “W-Wait! So you’ve liked me for three years?” Seonghwa nods sadly before wrapping his arms around you and hiding his face in your neck.
You carefully bring your hand up to run your hand through his hair. You feel a sudden urge of confidence and you pull Seonghwa’s head back to look at you before you carefully place your lips on his.
When Seonghwa doesn’t kiss you back you panic and pull away, “S-Sorry, I should’ve-” you get cut off when Seonghwa grabs your face in his hand and places his lips back on yours.
You pull away with a small whine as you place your head in Seonghwa’s chest and the two of you stay like that for what felt like forever. Seonghwa held you as you started to fall asleep in his arms.
The two of you were asleep for maybe 30 minutes when you woke up to your mom talking to someone. Your phone started to ring and you answered it with a tired ‘yeah?’ It was your mom, “Hide him. Tell Seonghwa to hide- like now.”
You didn’t even ask why before you started hitting Seonghwa’s chest frantically and telling him to go inside your closet. He almost falls on the floor but successfully makes it into the closest in time for your door to swing open.
Your eyes widen when you see Wooyoung walk into your room. You immediately look to Seonghwa not knowing what to do. The door to your closet is partially closed, only open enough for Seonghwa to see out.
“Wooyoung what do you want?” Wooyoung went to sit on your bed with heavy eyes, “I’m here to say sorry.” You would take his apology any other day but he’s clearly drunk right now, “Wooyoung, you’re drunk.”
“But that doesn’t mean I’m not sorry. I overreacted.” You kept looking to the closet making Wooyoung turn around in suspicion, “What’re you looking at?” You pull Wooyoung's face to look at you and you press your lips to his.
You honestly surprised yourself but you moved your hand to the direction of the closet and signalled Seonghwa to go. Seonghwa stepped out of the closet but stopped in the middle when he saw you kissing Wooyoung.
You pulled away and Wooyoung was looking at you with eyes the size of disks. You widen your eyes at Seonghwa and try to tell him to go but he points at his clothes on your bed. Shit.
Once again Wooyoung tries to look behind you making you pull him in once again. You kicked Seonghwa’s clothes off the bed and just signaled for him to go and this time he actually did. Once you made sure he was at least in the kitchen you pulled away from Wooyoung.
You quickly get up and kick Seonghwa’s clothes underneath your bed before going in your drawer and handing Wooyoung some clothes, “Here, just change and I’ll get you some water.”
When you closed the door to your room you almost had a heart attack. Seonghwa was in the kitchen talking to your mom and you walked up to them with the reddest cheeks, “S-Seonghwa, I’m sorry… I just- I just couldn’t let him see you. Maybe you can come over tomorrow or something?” Seonghwa nodded and gave you a hug before walking out.
Once you made sure Seonghwa walked out you sighed and almost started crying, “Mom, I like him.” Your mom looked at you like you were stupid, “And?” You looked to your room where Wooyoung was, “Wooyoung doesn’t like him. But he lied about Seonghwa so…” her mouth dropped open as you continued, “Andimaybejustkissedwooyoung but it was so Seonghwa could leave without being seen.”
You quickly grabbed Wooyoung a bottle of water and ran back to your room before your mom could say something. You were glad you and your mom were really close but you still couldn’t handle certain things she said to you.
When you reentered your room Wooyoung was sitting on your bed with the cutest pout, “What’s wrong Woo?”
“Who’s car just left?” You froze with your mouth wide open, “My mom… had a friend over…” Wooyoung nods but then his eyebrows furrow, “I didn’t see them?” You shook your head, “You're drunk Wooyoung.” You hand him the water and he drinks the entire thing like he found water in the desert.
“You need to sleep. Come on, let’s cuddle yeah?” Wooyoung smiles as you wrap your arms around him when you lay next to him.
His eyes never leave yours as he whispers, “I love you.” This time it felt different though. Your heart starts to beat faster as Wooyoung looks at you with loving eyes, “I love you.” Wooyoung shakes his head, “No you don’t, not the same way.”
Your heart almost exploded, “W-Wooyoung your drunk, don’t say things like that.”
Wooyoung grabbed your hand and started playing with your fingers, “But I’m sober enough to know what I’m saying y/n.”
“I-It’s late Woo, you should get some rest.” Before Wooyoung could continue anything he was going to say you turned and faced your back to him with your eyes squeezed shut. What the fuck are you supposed to do? You like Seonghwa but if Wooyoung isn’t just drunk and saying stuff you don’t want to hurt him.
Whenever you woke up Wooyoung was gone. You honestly didn’t know how he managed to get up and leave with a hangover and not wake you up.
You got up and went to the kitten to see your mom looking the most conflicted you’ve ever seen her, “What?” You looked at her with suspicion not knowing what she was going to do.
Once your mom sees you she shakes her head and pretends like whatever just happened didn’t happen, “Wooyoung just left…”
Your eyebrows shot up, “You let him leave?”
“Why not?” Your mom looked at you with furrowed eyebrows making you pout “Because he’s hungover and he can’t drive like that…”
She shakes her head, “He's fine… What about Seonghwa? Are you going to invite him over?”
After that day you never once brought up Wooyoung’s drunken words, your kiss, or the lie about Seonghwa, too scared that it would ruin your friendship but you had the hunch that it was already falling apart. Everything had been different since that day and you’re not sure in what way. There were lingering stares and touches that made your hearts race a little bit faster.
After a couple of months you and Seonghwa ended up dating and let’s just say when you announced it, it wasn’t pretty. Wooyoung threw what would be best described as a hissy fit and the rest of the boys thought you were joking.
Once they realised you were being serious they all supported you, even Wooyoung. It took Wooyoung the longest though. He ignored you for what felt like forever before San finally convinced him to get over himself.
You all continued to be friends in college, going to the same school. After a while they were finally warming up to Seonghwa and actually thought he was cool which meant a lot to the both of you.
Let’s just say Seonghwa didn’t want to fuck you and leave you because he’s stuck around everytime.
It was at the 4 year mark that Seonghwa proposed to you.
It honestly shocked you way more than it did everyone else, which was saying something.
It was at your 23rd birthday party, in front of the entirety of your friends and family. For whatever reason Seonghwa decided to do it at the birthday party your family held for you, making it all the more stressful.
You were never one for PDA or doing something private and intimate in a public setting or in front of people, so when you saw Seonghwa go down on his knee you almost told him to get up.
Everyone else was either crying or screaming and the only thing you managed to do was look at Wooyoung with wide eyes. You watched as Wooyoung shut his eyes before pushing through the people to leave. You wanted to follow him, you really did but with Seonghwa staring at you with his eyes shining brighter than ever you just couldn’t.
“Will you marry me?” Your eyes started watering and before you knew it you were crying.
The one word completely changed everything so fast it almost gave you whiplash, “Yes.”
The cheers got louder and more tears fell when you wrapped your arms around Seonghwa but it just didn’t feel right. Once everyone calmed down a little bit you went to San, “Where did Wooyoung go?”
He glanced at the ring around your finger with sad eyes, “I think just to the front… I dunno.”
You saw Wooyoung sitting under the big tree in your yard so you go sit next to him without saying anything.
You sit in silence for what felt like forever before you spoke up quietly, “I’m too young to get married aren't I?”
Wooyoung laughs with a nod, “A little bit… you’re still 23, most people wait to get married until their 30’s.”
You knew Wooyoung was right. You were still really young, you haven’t done half the things you wanted to do before you started a family.
“Remember how you always used to say you never wanted to get married? Because it felt like you were trapped?” You snort, “It is.”
Wooyoung turns to look at you with slightly teary eyes, “Then why did you say yes?”
You pause with your mouth opening and closing before you whisper, “I-I don’t know…”
A tear falls from Wooyoung’s eyes making your heart shatter, “D-Don’t leave me, please.”
Tears start leaving your eyes and now the two of you are sitting under your tree crying while looking into the others eyes, “Woo, I would never leave you. I promise.”
Wooyoung lets out a choked sob making you take his face in your hands, “Wooyoung, I love you so fucking much, you have no idea.”
Wooyoung shakes his head as more tears fall from his eyes, “N-Not the same way y/n. I love you. Now you’re engaged to fucking Seonghwa out of everyone. I spent so long keeping him away from you because I just fucking knew that something like this would happen.”
“Woo trust me. It doesn’t matter if I’m engaged to Seonghwa or not I still love you more than anyone and anything in the world.”
While you were outside Seonghwa was running around looking for you. He found San and asked where you were, “She’s outside talking to Wooyoung. I wouldn’t bother them if I were you.”
“Why? Don’t I have the right to-” san shakes his head and stops him, “Just don’t. Let them talk it out okay? If you’re so curious you can see from the window.” San and Seonghwa watch the two of you from the window.
San doesn’t look concerned in the slightest whereas Seonghwa has his eyes filled with concern, “She’s crying.” San shrugs, “So is Wooyoung, she’s fine.”
Seonghwa watches how you have Wooyoung’s face in your hands and the way the two of you are staring into each other’s eyes. He watches as Wooyoung falls into your chest and the way you hold Wooyoung. You’ve never held him like that…
You’re practically sitting on Wooyoung’s lap making Seonghwa turn to San with a confused face, “W-What is she…” San shrugs with an equally confused expression, “I have no idea.”
When Seonghwa tries to go outside San stops him, “Just- Just let them have their moment… please?” Seonghwa lets out a pained sigh as he watches the woman he’s engaged with sitting on the lap of the man who tried to keep them apart in the first place.
You had your eyes closed as Wooyoung rocked you back and forth with his arms wrapped around you tightly, too scared to let go.
You pull away slightly and rest your forehead on his just looking into each other’s eyes, “Wooyoung I’m serious. No matter what, I’m always on your side. I don’t care how much you think I love Seonghwa, I love you more okay? I won’t leave you. Ever.”
You wanted nothing more than to stay with Wooyoung and hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay but you couldn’t. No matter how much you wanted to kiss away his tears, you just couldn’t do that to Seonghwa.
You heard a door open and close so you quickly got off of Wooyoung and wiped the tears off your face. When you looked up and saw Seonghwa you tried your best to smile at him without it seeming fake, “There you are. Come on baby, your mom wants to talk to you.”
You didn’t miss the glare Seonghwa gave Wooyoung before pulling you away. You tried to stop the trembling of your lip as Seonghwa brought you back inside with everyone. Your mom took your hand and brought you into her room.
As soon as the door was shut you let out a sob and buried your face in your hands. “Why did you say yes sweetheart?”
You let out incoherent babbles with sobs and sniffles in between, “I have no idea what you’re saying.” Your mom makes you laugh slightly and you finally look at her. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down before you start to speak up again.
“I truly w-wanted to say yes but not right now you know? I’m still really young and I have a feeling Seonghwa wants to get married soon and I don’t know…” your mom sighed, “He wants to get married this summer.”
Your mouth dropped open, “It’s December- Summer is in like 7 months.” Your mom nodded with an apprehensive look on her face, “What? You think I’m going to back out or something?”
Your mom doesn’t respond and changes the subject, “A beach wedding would be cute. Especially in the summer.” You really didn’t want to be having this conversation. Not so soon at least.
“Yeah… I’ll talk to Seonghwa about it.” Your mom could clearly see on your face that you didn’t want this, but it wasn’t in her place to say anything. She was confident that you would work it out.
It had only been maybe a month before Seonghwa started pressuring you to start making wedding arrangements. The two of you settled on a beach side wedding in June. Even though it was still several months away you were still extremely anxious. Everyday that passed you felt the sinking feeling in your stomach grow.
No matter how sudden, how rushed, or how short a time you have, you're going to have a cute flowy dress no matter what anyone else says. It’s too hot to have a skin tight dress or a big ball gown dress.
You had taken Wooyoung and your parents to go dress shopping with you and all of them cried when you put on the dress, Wooyoung for maybe a different reason.
It was tight from your waist up with a sweetheart neckline, making sure to show your figure perfectly. The bottom was flowy covered with pretty sparkles covering the entirety of the dress.
You remember how beautiful you looked with the headdress and veil. The way you looked to Wooyoung with teary eyes had him squeezing his eyes shut to contain himself, “D-Do you like it Woo?”
Wooyoung smiled and nodded even though you could tell he was very obviously upset, “You look beautiful.”
A month after it was time for the anticipated bachelor and bachelorette parties. Bachelorette parties are supposed to be fun right? You had practically no friends that were girls, and the ones you did have you weren’t super close with you. While Seonghwa went out with his friends for his bachelor party you asked Wooyoung to come to your place for yours.
Wooyoung was apprehensive, not knowing if he could really stay with you all night, but he decided that he wanted to spend one last night with you.
You’re not going to say it wasn’t tense or awkward because the lingering stares were too much for the both of you to handle.
You tried to put on a movie to distract from the tension but if anything it made it worse. You were too scared to say anything as Wooyoung’s eyes were glued to your lips, “W-Woo…”
“Can I kiss you?” You stayed silent for a while not knowing what to say, “Wooyoung-”
“Just once. Please.” You couldn't say no. Not when Wooyoung was looking at you the way he was.
You should’ve said no. You should’ve thought about Seonghwa and said no, but as soon as you nodded it was too late.
You felt yourself immediately become hot when Wooyoung’s lips met yours. All thoughts of Seonghwa left your mind the second he held your face in his hands.
Your heart started racing as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss. Wooyoung didn’t expect you to keep going but he definitely didn’t want it to stop.
You both knew it was wrong and you both knew you should stop before the both of you got too carried away, but that didn’t stop either of you.
You pulled away so you could catch your breath and the way Wooyoung was biting his lip made your thighs clench.
“Wooyoung, we should stop.” Wooyoung nodded but made no move to get away from you, “Y-You’re right. This is wrong.”
You nodded mindlessly as Wooyoung leaned in again. His lips met yours for the second time and this is what felt right. It felt different from kissing Seonghwa, but in a good way. You didn’t want to pull away.
Wooyoung’s tongue went to lick your lips making you gasp slightly. Wooyoung used that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth.
Your cheeks burned as the kissing sounds were the only thing able to be heard. You unconsciously moved yourself so you were on top of Wooyoung.
Wooyoung gripped your waist and pulled you closer to him before he carefully flipped the two of you so you were laying on your back.
You whimpered quietly as Wooyoung moved to attach his lips to your jaw and neck, “Woo- I-” You whimpered as Wooyoung started sucking lightly on your neck, making sure not to leave marks.
You spread your legs further to make room for Wooyoung to get in between them, “Wooyoung, Please-” Wooyoung pulls away from your neck and looks up at you with dark eyes, “Y/n… A-Are you sure? You don’t have to j-just because I want to.”
You shook your head with a whimper whenever you felt Wooyoung’s boner on your inner thigh, “I want to Wooyoung, j-just please!” Wooyoung groans as you run your hands up his back to grip onto his hair.
Your heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard as Wooyoung lifts your shirt to grope your chest through your bra.
Wooyoung wanted to take his time with you, to make up for all the lost time. He wanted to kiss and mark every inch of your body but he knew he couldn’t, not when he knew tomorrow you were going to be back with Seonghwa.
Wooyoung knew he should stop. Wooyoung knew he should be the bigger person and put his foot down and say that it wasn’t okay. You knew it was wrong, he didn’t have to tell you that but you were too far into it to stop.
“Wooyoung stop.” Wooyoung looked up at you concerned that you changed your mind and wanted to kick him out, “Stop thinking about Seonghwa… it-it’s okay.”
You both knew it wasn’t okay but that was the only thing that could stop the guilt from taking over.
Wooyoung let out a shaky breath as he nodded and went back to pay attention to your chest. He hesitantly lifted your shirt over your head and took a minute to look at your chest.
You didn’t wait for Wooyoung and you quickly pulled your hands behind you to undo your bra. You let it fall down your arms as Wooyoung let out a groan, “F-Fuck~ you’re so pretty.”
You suck in harshly whenever Wooyoung attaches his lips around one of your nipples. Your hand moves to grip onto Wooyoung’s blonde locks as he swirls his tongue around your perky nipple.
The hand that isn’t wrapped around your waist moves to tweak your other nipple between his fingers. Once he decides he’s paid enough attention to one he switches and does the same to the other.
Your mind is clouded with nothing but lust and you can only think about having Wooyoung inside of you, “Wooyoung- please fuck me!” Wooyoung groans before pulling your shorts down, “Patience sweetheart.”
Wooyoung spreads your legs and leaves wet kisses from your ankle to just beside where you need him the most. He repeats his actions with your other leg before placing open mouthed kisses on your clothed core making your thighs close around his head lightly.
“W-Wooyoung!” Wooyoung chuckles deeply before finally sliding your now ruined panties down your legs. Wooyoung bites his lip as he sits back to take in the sight of you naked underneath him.
He slowly brings a hand down to rub his fingers through your soaked folds, “F-Fuck y/n. You’re so pretty. Too bad I can’t have you to myself…”
Wooyoung didn’t want to get into a pity party while you were naked underneath him so he experimentally rubbed your clit in small circles with his thumb making you wither underneath him, “Wooyoung please stop teasing me! Do something!”
Wooyoung honestly didn’t even realise his teasing but he complied and swiftly gripped your hips and placed his head in between your legs.
Wooyoung licked a stripe up your cunt while he tentatively watched your face, trying to engrave the smallest of expressions into his brain. Your hand reached down to grip onto Wooyoung’s locks making him groan against your core.
Your eyes had shut from the pleasure as soon as Wooyoung’s mouth had touched your dripping cunt but you wanted to see him. You forced your eyes open and you swear you almost came at the sight.
Wooyoung lifted his face from your core making a pathetic whine come from your pretty lips whenever you saw his lips and chin covered in your juices.
You bit your lip as Wooyoung made eye contact with you before wrapping his lips around your clit. You moaned loudly whenever Wooyoung had probbed at your entrance.
His two fingers slipped into your tight hole almost completely with how wet you were, “Do you hear that sweetheart?” Your face was burning as you heard the lewd squelching noises coming from your bottom half, “You’re fucking soaked. All for me.”
“Yes Wooyoung! Fuck- all for you, just for you!” Wooyoung was encouraged by your words, and your noises, so he increased the speed of his fingers inside of you.
His fingers weren’t as long as Seonghwa’s so it took him a minute to find that spot inside of you, but when he did your grip on his hair tightened.
Wooyoung smirked against you as he continued to massage the sweet spot in you making you gush juices, “Woo- pleasepleaseplease, G-Gonna cum!” He sucked harder on your clit so he could push you off the edge.
Wooyoung was insanely hard in his pajama pants, almost crossing the edge to becoming painful. Wooyoung smirked as he swiftly added a third finger, making you feel the stretch.
Your mouth dropped open into a silent moan as you came. You pulled harshly on Wooyoung’s hair but he absolutely loved it. His groans were vibrating your clit, only intensifying your orgasm.
“Fuck W-Wooyoung! Fuck me- I n-need you to fuck me!”
Wooyoung wasted no time before he quickly stripped himself of his clothing. You barely had enough time to take the sight in before Wooyoung had his cock in his hand as he ran it through your folds.
He paused making you whine, “W-Wait y/n, condom?” You shook your head and pulled Wooyoung closer to you by wrapping your legs around him, “It’s o-okay… unless you w-want to?”
“I-I mean no but S-Seong-” You groaned and shook your head knowing that if Seonghwa found the condom it would be over.
“It’s okay W-Wooyoung… please?” He took a deep breath in before he slowly pushed in. You both moaned in unison as he had bottomed out inside of you. Wooyoung was a lot bigger than Seonghwa making you feel a stretch you haven’t felt before.
Wooyoung gripped your hips tightly as he tried to contain himself. You were already so tight but the way you were clenching around his cock almost made him cum on the spot, “y-y/n wait. If you keep doing t-that, I'm gonna cum.”
You nod in agreement knowing that you were pretty much walking on the same line he was. After probably a minute too long Wooyoung hesitantly starts to pull out before slowly thrusting back into you.
You let out a choked sob as Wooyoung started to thrust shallowly into you, still determined to tease you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as Wooyoung brought a hand down to rub softly at your already sensitive clit.
After you whined about Wooyoung teasing you again Wooyoung gave in from more of his own need than yours, he would tease you for hours if he had the time and patience.
Wooyoung’s grip on your hips tightened as he slammed his hips into you. So much for wanting to take his time with you.
“Wooyoung! Fuck- y-you fuck me so good!” Wooyoung groaned and placed his feet on the bed so he would have more leverage to fuck into you.
“Y-Yeah? Does it feel good? Does my cock feel good?” Your head spun from Wooyoung’s words.
“Fuck yes- f-feels so good!” Tears sprung in your eyes from the pleasure you were receiving, Wooyoung’s cock hitting your spot with each thrust.
“Does Seonghwa fuck you good like this? Does he fuck you the way you deserve?” You shook your head, not remembering if you’ve ever felt this good before.
“No fuck!” Wooyoung managed to chuckle at your response, “Aww poor baby, you won’t be able to get fucked properly after this. Seonghwa won’t be able to fuck you without you thinking of me. You better be careful baby because once you moan my name it’s over, then you’re gonna be running back to me so I can show you what it’s like to be fucked properly again.”
Wooyoung’s words were becoming too much for you to handle as your legs started to shake. The coil in your stomach was so close to snapping and then your phone rang.
Wooyoung immediately stopped all movements making you let out the loudest whine you’ve ever made, “Wooyoung why- fuck!”
Wooyoung looked around before grabbing your phone, “Your phone is ringing” you honestly almost started crying, “Just leave it-”
Wooyoung shook his head, “It’s Seonghwa.”
You groaned loudly as your high was slowly starting to fade. You grabbed your phone from Wooyoung’s hand and took a deep breath before you pressed the answer button, “H-Hello?”
You heard what was loud music before it got quiet, “What’re you d-doing?” You heard Seonghwa hiccup as he was speaking.
As you started to respond to Seonghwa, Wooyoung started to thrust slowly making you inhale sharply, “oh n-nothing, we’re just watching that new movie…”
You heard someone speaking in the background before grabbing the phone, “Sorry y/n, Seonghwa’s drunk. I told you Seonghwa they weren’t doing anything, have a little more faith in them would ya?” You weren’t even listening to San with Wooyoung starting to increase the speed of his thrusts.
“What?” You held the phone away from your face so they wouldn’t be able to hear your heavy breathing, “Are you sure they’re not fucking?”
Your mouth dropped open in a silent moan whenever Wooyoung started rubbing against your sweet spot, “Wh-What is he talking about?”
San yelled at Seonghwa before bringing the phone back to his ear, “Seonghwa thinks that you’re having sex with Wooyoung.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head when Wooyoung reaches down to rub your clit, “Huh? Like right now?”
You hear San laugh on the other end of the phone like he knows how ridiculous it sounds, “Yeah, anyway, sorry about that. Go ahead and continue with whatever you were doing. Bye!”
You hang up quickly and throw your phone somewhere. You wrap your legs around Wooyoung’s waist and bring him even closer to you, “Did you hear him? Seonghwa thinks we’re fucking right now… little does he know he’s never gonna be able to satisfy you again.”
Once again Wooyoung’s words started bringing you over the edge, “Imagine if he came home and saw us right now, the look on his face when he sees his pretty little wife fucking her best friend.”
Your nails dig into Wooyoung’s back as your core starts to throb around Wooyoung’s cock, “He would see how good I’m making you feel, and he would know by the way your pretty little moans sound that he’s never made you feel this good.”
Without warning the coil in your stomach finally snapped. Wooyoung’s name came out of your mouth like it was the only word you knew. The feeling of you cumming was enough to push Wooyoung off the edge of his orgasm.
Your moans got even louder when you felt Wooyoung’s hot spurts of cum cover your walls. Wooyoung’s moans and groans engraved themselves into your brain as he was right next to your ear.
Your legs were shaking even after Wooyoung had pulled out and was laying next to you. Your cheeks burned red as both you and Wooyoung’s eyes were glued to your legs.
“Has Seonghwa ever made you feel that good before?” Wooyoung asked seriously. You let out a dry laugh before looking at Wooyoung with raised eyebrows, “What did that just look… and sound like?”
Wooyoung laughed before pulling you back on top of him. One of his arms wrapped around your waist while his other hand started running its fingers through your hair, “Like a no?”
You looked up to Wooyoung with a small smile, “Yep…” you looked at the clock on your bedside table and saw that it was only just after midnight, “Woo, we need to get dressed…”
Wooyoung agrees but neither of you make any effort to actually move. Wooyoung feels you becoming heavier on top of him signaling you’re falling asleep. He knows he can’t leave you naked on the bed for Seonghwa to see you and become even more suspicious so he carefully rolls you over to your back and gets up.
He goes over to the drawers and tries to find you some underwear to put on. While he’s over there he finds a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to put on you as well.
He places the clothes on the bed and looks around to find the clothes he had just previously ripped off of you, as much as he wanted you for himself he wouldn’t hurt Seonghwa to know that he had slept with you.
Once he puts the soiled clothing in the dirty clothes he quickly puts his clothes back on so he can go dress you.
As he carefully slips your underwear on you he feels a sudden wave of guilt. He tries his best not to let Seonghwa’s voice in the back of his head get to him as he continues to dress you.
He lifts your top half up as he puts your head through the hole. You mumbled something before you placed your head in Wooyoung’s neck and wrapped your arms around him, “L-Let me see your arms sweetheart.”
You whine quietly before sticking out your arms for Wooyoung and once he succeeded in fully dressing you, you wrapped your arms around him again and pulled him on top of you.
Wooyoung smiled fondly at you when he felt your grip tighten, “Love you Woo.” His heart clenched in his chest, “I love you more sweetheart.” He loved you more than words can explain but he knows you don’t love him in the same way, you couldn’t. Not when you’re marrying Seonghwa.
Wooyoung really tried not to think about it and focused on your breathing and soon enough he fell asleep while holding you.
Wooyoung woke up to the loud ringing of his phone somewhere. He tried his best to answer before it woke you up too, “Hello?” Wooyoung couldn’t keep up with whoever was on the other end of the line, “Wait wait wait- who is this?”
The person groans, “Yeosang you idiot.” Wooyoung makes a noise of acknowledgement before telling him to continue. As Yeosang is talking, Wooyoung looks over to your sleeping form next to him.
You just look so peaceful and so beautiful that Wooyoung can’t help but groan in annoyance making Yeosang stop talking, “What?”
Wooyoung carefully gets up to go to the kitchen so he wouldn’t wake you up, “Yeosang I fucked up big time.”
Yeosang pauses and Wooyoung hears shuffling so he's assuming he’s going somewhere else, “Please don’t tell me what I think happened…”
“Are you at your place?” Yeosang sighed harshly, “San and Yunho are here too though.”
Wooyoung nodded and went back to your room to grab his bag, “It’s okay… Seonghwa?”
“Oh his way back home… so you better leave before you feel too guilty.” Wooyoung agreed and hung up. He sits down next to you and brushes the hair out of your face before kissing you gently.
Your eyes flutter open as Wooyoung is pulling away. You grab onto his face and pull him into another kiss. When you pulled away you looked at him with your lip in between your teeth, “Are you leaving?”
Wooyoung smiles sadly and nods, “Seonghwa is coming back so I think it’s best if I go…” he watches as your eyes widen in a panic before he pulls you closer to him.
“No no no it’s okay! Hey sweetheart it’s okay, it’ll be fine.” You wrap your arms around him tightly, not wanting to let go, “Please stay?”
You looked at Wooyoung with watery eyes that made him want to give you the world, “I want to baby I really do, but Seonghwa he’s gonna be here in a minute and… I don’t think we could be in the same room as him right now.”
You nodded knowing that he was right but you still don’t pull away. Wooyoung gets up making him pick you up while he’s at it. He drops your legs so you’re standing on your tippy toes, “I love you.”
Wooyoung tightens his grip on you and rests his head on your neck, “Love you.” You finally let go of him but almost immediately grab onto his face to give him one more kiss, “Y/n-”
The way you’re looking at Wooyoung makes him weak and he can’t resist when you plea, “One last time. Please?”
Wooyoung holds your face with both of his hands as he kisses you with much love he can possibly muster. You let out a soft whine making him pull away, “I-I have to go…” you nod but when you make an effort to actually sit back down your mouth drops open and makes a noise of slight pain and discomfort.
Wooyoung snores loudly at you making you glare at him, “Sore?” You nod with a pout making Wooyoung feel a wave of pride mixed with slight anxiety, what if Seonghwa notices?
“I know that look Woo. I’ll be fine, it's okay.” Wooyoung nods once again but still looks concerned, “Want me to run you a bath? It’ll help.” You consider his offer but decline knowing that he couldn’t join you even if he wanted to.
Wooyoung finally makes his way to the front door, double checking he had everything he needed. He pulls the door open right as Seonghwa is pushing it open making him jump, “Holy shit! You scared me!” Seonghwa jumped too making him hold his hand over his heart, “Are you fucking serious?!”
The both of them stand at the doorway trying to calm down from the jump scare they both just received, “So, are you leaving already?” Wooyoung opens and closes his mouth trying to find the words before nodding, “Yeah, Yeosang asked me to take them something to eat… did y’all have fun last night?”
Seonghwa looks unsure of his answer but nods anyway, “Yeah, you know how it is with the boys… what about you and y/n?” Wooyoung panics slightly but nods, “Umm yeah, we just ate some snacks and watched a few movies.”
Seonghwa nods and they both stare at each other awkwardly before Wooyoung speaks up, “S-Sorry, I gotta go… the boys, they’re waiting.” Seonghwa nods and moves out of the way for Wooyoung to walk out.
Once Seonghwa closed the door, Wooyoung let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding in. When Wooyoung got to his car he threw his head against the steering wheel and let out a loud groan.
He fucked up big time.
When Wooyoung drives to Yeosang’s place he actually stops to go get food knowing they’re probably starving… plus if Seonghwa asks he doesn’t want him to know he was lying.
When he knocks on the door, San opens it with a large smile when he sees the bags of food Wooyoung was holding.
Wooyoung doesn’t even greet san before shoving the bags of food into his hands and walking into the apartment, “I fucked up.”
Yeosang and Yunho who were sitting at the table drinking coffee looked towards him. San followed Wooyoung completely confused, “Like our order?”
“No you idiot.” Wooyoung sits at one of the empty chairs at the table before looking at Yeosang with an extremely distressed look, “We- I fucked up big time Yeosang.”
Yunho’s eyes widen when he gets an idea of what happened, “We? As in You and y/n?” Wooyoung wanted nothing more than to say no and lie but whenever he nodded all three boys in front of him exploded.
“Wooyoung are you fucking kidding me?!” San had nothing else to say knowing that you had lied straight through your teeth whenever Seonghwa had called you. But then again what did he expect you to say, ‘Yeah I’m fucking my best friend’ obviously not.
“Even after Seonghwa had called her? After she told me straight up that that didn’t happen?” Yeosang really doesn’t look surprised but Yunho on the other hand looks like he’s having a heart attack.
Wooyoung shakes his head in response to San’s question, “So before?!” Wooyoung suddenly feels an immense amount of guilt as he shakes his head again.
San looks confused for a moment before his mouth drops open, “While we were on the fucking phone Wooyoung!” Wooyoung has never wanted to lie more in his entire life but he can’t bring himself to do it so he slowly nods.
A million expressions pass through San’s face and Wooyoung can’t stand the harsh glares of his friends, “Wooyoung- they’re getting married… MARRIED WOOYOUNG!” Wooyoung scoffs at Yunho who’s looking at him like he’s trash.
“You don’t think I fucking know that? It was just a kiss Yunho a-and then I pulled away. We both said we couldn’t do it but then she kissed me again…” Their glares soften as they see as Wooyoung starts to tear up.
“And I asked her like 3 times if she wanted me to keep going and every time she said yes. I-I’m not saying it’s y/n’s fault… because I was the one that started it. And yeah I know it wasn’t a very smart decision but I- Yunho I love her so much.”
Yunho sends Wooyoung a sad smile as he continues. All the boys know how Wooyoung feels about you so in all honesty they really don’t blame either of you, “I love her so fucking much and in that moment I know she felt the same way… I just couldn’t handle it. And Yunho this morning when I told her I had to go- she kissed me again and begged me not to leave. She begged me to stay and give her kisses while we laid together but I couldn’t. I couldn’t Yunho, not when Seonghwa was on his way home to come back to his fiancé.”
Wooyoung wipes the tears that are falling whenever he finally stops talking. The three boys look between each other not knowing what to do or say, “Do you think she’s going to go through with it?” Wooyoung looked at the other boys expectantly with nothing but Hope filling his eyes.
In all honesty they really didn’t think you were, but it wasn’t their business to put out there. “You know Wooyoung… I don’t know. I really don’t know, but for now all we can do is wish the best for both of them…” San put his arm around Wooyoung, trying his best to comfort him in any way possible.
You saw Seonghwa open the door to your room with a large smile. You got up from the bed to wrap your arms around him in a big hug. You squeezed your eyes shut as you let out a shaky breath, “How was your night?”
“We had fun, believe it or not, I wasn’t the one who got the drunkest.” You laughed softly as you pulled away.
You sat back down with a slight grunt, “You alright?”
You nodded as you swallowed harshly, “I slept wrong, my back hurts.” Seonghwa nods in understanding.
He walks to the bathroom and you flop back onto the bed. You shut your eyes and cover your face with your hands as you felt like crying.
As you tried to focus on your breathing Seonghwa came out of the bathroom and pulled on your hand. You looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, “I ran you a bath princess.”
You smile and follow Seonghwa, “I’ll let you relax alright?” You nod as he kisses you on the cheek, thankful that he doesn’t want to join you.
As soon as Seonghwa walked out you locked the door behind him and looked at yourself in the mirror. You couldn’t do this. You scanned yourself in the mirror as you took your clothes off, trying to make sure there weren’t any hickeys on you.
You carefully went to sit down in the bath with a pained expression and a groan. You soaked your body in the water and bubbles and you couldn’t stop the tears that started flowing from your eyes.
You couldn’t stop the soft sobs and the way your body shook. You needed Wooyoung.
You don’t know how long you sat there and cried but the water was now cold and your fingers were wrinkly.
You looked down and your eyes widened as you saw the bruises on your thighs and hips, “Shit Wooyoung-”
“Are you okay in there?!” Seonghwa knocked on the door and called out to you.
“Umm… yeah I’m okay! I’m getting out now!” You looked at yourself in the mirror one more time and you could tell you had been crying for who knows how long. You tighten the towel that’s wrapped around you as you walk back into your shared room to get some clothes to change into.
You made sure you grabbed a pair of sweats to cover the bruises and a random shirt. You grabbed your phone and pressed San’s contact as you walked out of the room, ignoring Seonghwa who was looking at you.
San answered your call almost immediately, “Hey my love, what’s up?”
“San cut the bullshit, I know he’s there.” San was quiet on the other line before you heard a door close.
Your breathing was shaky and you walked out of your apartment, needing to get some fresh air, “Y/n what the fuck were you thinking? You’re getting married!”
You laughed dryly, “Do you think I don’t fucking know that? I’m not oblivious to what I did.”
“You lied right through your teeth. How do you think Seonghwa would feel?” Tears started pricking at your eyes again because you know you would’ve broken Seonghwa’s heart.
You know how much Seonghwa loves you and it hurts you knowing that your love for Seonghwa isn’t as strong, “San I don’t know what to do.”
“I don’t know what you want me to do lovely… you’re getting married in a week. A week y/n. You need to decide if you’re going to call it off or not.”
You shook your head, “I can’t do that Sannie. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
You heard a sigh, “You need to talk to Seonghwa. Y/n I know you don’t want to go through with it. No matter what decision you make, it’s going to hurt Seonghwa.”
You didn’t even realise you started crying again until San started trying to comfort you, “Hey, y/n, listen to me. Everything is gonna be okay. You and Wooyoung will work it out.”
You nodded more to yourself, “Y-You’re right. Look, I got to go. Take care of Wooyoung for me.” You didn’t let San respond before you hung up the phone and shut your eyes.
You fucked up and you knew it. You were getting married in a few days and you just cheated on the man you’re getting married to.
You dragged your feet as you walked back to your apartment, wanting to take as much time as possible getting there.
Seonghwa was at the door and immediately walked to you whenever you walked back in. You stiffened as Seonghwa pulled you into a hug, “What’s wrong princess?”
“N-Nothing. It’s nothing, I’m okay.” Seonghwa pulled away and held your face in his hands. He raised his eyebrows at you, knowing that something was wrong, “I’m sorry. I’m just really stressed with everything going on.”
Seonghwa nodded in understanding, “It’s okay. I’ll take care of everything, we’ll work it out. Love you.”
“Love you.”
Your wedding day. It’s the day that should be the happiest moment of anyone’s life. You and Wooyoung haven’t seen each other since… then, but he texted you this morning making sure that you were okay.
Your mom and San and a couple other members of your family were helping you with your hair and makeup, San was just there for emotional support.
Everyone could see it in your face, you didn’t want to do this. Everyone tiptoed around you being careful not to mention Wooyoung or being married even though you were literally sitting there in your wedding dress looking out the window.
Your wedding was at the beach. It was supposed to be beautiful. There was a breeze, the ocean looked absolutely beautiful, and it was sunny.
The perfect wedding right?
San made sure you had everything you needed because you really didn’t have any motivation. You had barely finished your vows and Seonghwa had gotten his done months ago.
It was time that San had to leave and go help Seonghwa and the rest of the boys. San pulled you into a hug and you didn’t want to let go, “S-San please stay.”
“You’ll be okay darling. Just… don’t force yourself to do anything okay? You’ll know what the right decision is when you get up there.” San gave you an unconvincing smile but you nodded and took a deep breath.
San gave you a kiss on the forehead and one last hug before he went to join Seonghwa and Wooyoung.
San’s heart physically broke whenever he walked into the opposite room. He could see how happy Seonghwa looked and how Wooyoung looked like he was going to cry.
San felt so awkward but he was pained by his friends. He walked over to where the rest of the boys were, “What the fuck is going on?”
San made sure to speak quietly so neither Wooyoung or Seonghwa could hear them, “Dude there’s no way.”
“No?” Yunho looked at San with a sad smile as he shook his head.
The three boys sat there quietly as they watched Wooyoung try his best to keep a smile on his face as Seonghwa read his vows to Wooyoung. They really felt bad for Wooyoung.
Once poor Wooyoung confirmed his vows, it was time. Seonghwa stood in front of y’alls family and friends with Wooyoung next to him looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there.
If literally everyone was being honest, they didn’t think they’d actually be sitting there looking at Seonghwa. No one had ever imagined anyone else but Wooyoung standing there.
You wanted Wooyoung to walk you down the aisle but in the end it didn’t seem very smart so you had your closest family member do it. You stood at the exit of the building trying to force yourself to walk out. You took a couple of deep breaths before you heard the music start to play.
You felt like you were going to simultaneously vomit and shit yourself.
Your heart felt heavy as you saw Seonghwa looking happier than ever and your feet felt more like cinder blocks the closer you got.
You were tearing up and before you knew it, your body was shaking with soft sobs. Seonghwa was the complete opposite, his eyes shone with only love as he took your hands in his.
Wooyoung had the dreaded task of being the ring bearer, even though he wasn’t a child, so he walked from his spot next to Seonghwa in front of the two of you to hand Seonghwa the box with the rings.
Wooyoung gave you the most pained smile you’ve ever seen and you couldn’t help yourself when you pulled Wooyoung in for a hug. You both held onto each other so tight, absolutely terrified of letting go. Finally Wooyoung decided to pull away with teary eyes and quickly went back to his spot.
Usually the groom goes first in saying his vows, but you decided that you wanted to start out.
You forced out a laugh as you started, “Seonghwa… we’ve known each other for the longest time. After I realised that you were just a big softie who smelt like c-cinnamon all the time… cinnamon… that’s how you make me feel, warm like cinnamon.”
Wooyoung’s heart froze. Maybe it was just a coincidence? It had to be. Until you said it again… and again… and when you gave Wooyoung the look, he knew he had to do something.
What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t just grab you and run, but he also couldn’t let you exchange rings.
Wooyoung’s adrenaline was pumping and he was suddenly glad he was there. His breathing got faster and he started shifting his weight anxiously, “You okay Woo?” San, who had noticed Wooyoung’s shift in mood was now… concerned to say the least.
Wooyoung couldn’t focus on anything else you were saying and before he knew it you had the ring and Seonghwa had his hand held out.
Your hand was so shaky and your vision was blurry from all the tears and you dropped the ring. That was Wooyoung’s opportunity, “I’ll get it-”
You glanced at Wooyoung and you knew, “I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Seonghwa- I’m sorry, I love you so much.”
Behind Seonghwa, the boys shut their eyes in anticipation and your mom gave Wooyoung a knowing look with a nod.
Seonghwa looked confused for a minute before Wooyoung successfully found the ring and gave it to Seonghwa.
You and Wooyoung looked at each other for a minute before he grabbed your hand and started running.
You wanted to look back but you couldn’t. You couldn’t bring yourself to see the look on Seonghwa’s face as you ran away with Wooyoung.
You listened to the gasps of everyone you passed by but in all honesty, most weren’t surprised.
San, Yunho, and Yeosang looked at each other in both shock and relief. They honestly were really close to running with the two of you.
It was dead silent besides the sound of the ocean. No one knew what to do. Do they just… leave? Do they wait? If you ran you’re probably… not coming back.
San really wanted to cheer you on but it would obviously be a little bit insensitive with Seonghwa standing there so he contained his cheers with the biggest smile on his face.
Seonghwa couldn’t even comprehend what happened. There was no emotion on his face. He looked at the ring in his hand to where you and Wooyoung were distant.
The two of you couldn’t be seen anymore and you finally stopped Wooyoung, “W-Wooyoung I’m in heels. The beach isn’t nice to heels.”
“Let me carry you then.” Wooyoung lifted you up bridal style and walked you back to the parking lot. When he found his car and let you down and looked at you with a cheesy smile.
You rolled your eye at him with a matching smile as you got into his car. As soon as Wooyoung got in he took off before anyone could find y’all. You watched Wooyoung as he was driving, “Do you think that was a little too harsh?”
Wooyoung thought for a moment, “Umm, I- maybe wasn’t the best outcome but it wasn’t the worst.”
You bit your lip in thought before you spoke, “Wooyoung I love you.”
Wooyoung glanced over to you as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel he was staying at, “I love you.”
“No- Wooyoung I love you a-and I’m so sorry that I had to make you go through that.”
“Y-n, it’s okay-”
“No it’s not. It was so much unnecessary pain for the both of us. Me and Seonghwa, we were never going to work out. It just wasn’t meant to be. You’re what I want- no need. You’re my soulmate Wooyoung, and I know that’s cheesy and I understand if you just wanna give up on me and just be friends again… but that’s okay. It’s better than not being with you at all. It was so hard Wooyoung- I’m so used to being with you 24/7, i'm used to the way we used to cuddle, the way you would hold me and make me feel like everything is going to be okay and I miss it so much-” you continued to ramble until Wooyoung grabbed your face to get you to stop.
Your heart already felt like it was going to explode but when Wooyoung pressed his lips against yours, everything was calm.
It was right. This is how it was supposed to happen, with Wooyoung. Wooyoung was what you needed.
You pulled away with a smile, “Come on.” You got out of the car and walked into the hotel with Wooyoung trailing behind you. Y’all got a few stares along with a couple of ‘congratulations’ thrown at you making you laugh at Wooyoung's flushed cheeks.
Wooyoung takes your hand in his as he leads you to his hotel room. He immediately shuts the door and you move to sit on the bed.
The tension in the room was thick. You both knew what you wanted to happen but neither of you were making the move.
“Kiss me Wooyoung.”
That was the only push he needed. Wooyoung’s lips crashed against yours as you leaned back so you were laying on the bed. Wooyoung hovered over you and you held onto him tightly.
When Wooyoung pulled away he looked at your dress and laughed softly, “I- I don’t know how to take it off…”
You groaned at Wooyoung but you sat up and directed Wooyoung how to take it off. Wooyoung tried not to ruin the moment completely so he let his lips trail along your neck and shoulder.
Wooyoung pulled you so you were standing up and let the dress fall off of you. He picked you up and laid you in the middle of the bed while biting his lip.
Wooyoung sat up and took a minute to look at you, “W-Wooyoung-”
“Patience darling, I’m taking my time with you this time.” You whined as Wooyoung lowered himself down and attached himself to your neck.
“Wooyoung you can’t-” Wooyoung scoffed against your shoulder before he started to suck marks.
“Why not? You’re mine now.” You couldn’t stop the smile that came across your face before you squealed whenever Wooyoung bit down on your neck.
Your breathing was heavy as Wooyoung slowly made his way down your body with sloppy kisses and hickeys on your chest and stomach.
Wooyoung reaches your thighs and you stop him, “W-Wait.”
You grab onto his hips and bring him lower so you could grab onto his belt. You let Wooyoung straddle your waist as you shoved your hand in his pants to release his cock.
Your mouth watered as you slowly jerked Wooyoung off. He looked down at you with dark eyes and a parted mouth. Wooyoung reached underneath you to undo your bra with a groan when he saw you exposed underneath him, “You’re so pretty and you're all mine.
Your core was throbbing with need but you just ignored it in an opt to get Wooyoung off and his cock was pulsing in your hand.
You let out soft whimpers as Wooyoung kneaded your tits in between tweaking your nipples.
Suddenly Wooyoung pulled away from you making you groan before he moved up and held his cock in front of your lips. You immediately took him between your lips and sucked on his tip lightly.
Your legs instinctively spread as Wooyoung had a hand resting on your hip. He took that as a cue to dip his hand into your panties.
Wooyoung immediately felt how wet you are with a cocky smirk on his face, “I knew you’d come back for me to fuck you properly. Good thing you’re mine now so you’ll always get fucked right, just how you deserve.”
You pulled away from Wooyoung’s cock because you knew he was on the verge of cuming, “C-Cum in me.”
Wooyoung groaned deeply, “Please Wooyoung, show me that I’m yours. Make me yours.” He watched you for a second in complete disbelief before he gathered himself and spread your legs further as he carefully pushed into you.
You moaned loudly, remembering the stretch of Wooyoung’s cock. Your pussy pulsed around his cock, pushing him over the edge. Your eyes squeezed shut and your mouth was open as you took in the feeling of Wooyoung filling you.
Your legs wrapped around Wooyoung loosely as he started to thrust inside of you. He was still fully hard and was determined to get you to cum twice because he can’t be the one getting all the pleasure.
You were already embarrassingly close to cuming untouched so you almost came immediately after Wooyoung picked up his pace.
The fact that Wooyoung was still fully dressed while you’re completely naked was a lot hotter than it should be, so you grabbed onto his tie and pulled him down to attach his lips to yours.
Sloppy noises filled the room from your kisses along with your cum mixing together on your bottom half.
All the sensations mixed together were too much for you to handle especially when Wooyoung let his fingers trail down and rub figure eights on your clit.
You let out a muffled sob as your legs wrapped around Wooyoung’s waist again and held him close to you as you came. Your sobs mixed with whines got louder as Wooyoung slowed his thrusts, “Nonono! Don’t! Please don’t stop- please Wooyoung!”
Wooyoung laughed at how desperate you were before pulling out of you. You started babbling about how you needed to cum again and Wooyoung cocked his head in fake sympathy, “Aww, do you? I guess since I’m being nice today I’ll let you cum again.”
Wooyoung swiftly pushed back into you, making tears start running down your cheeks from how good it felt, “Does my cock make you feel that good? So good that you’re crying?” You couldn’t even answer Wooyoung properly from the pleasure you were feeling.
Wooyoung couldn't understand the incoherent babbling but he continued to tease you, “Huh, look at that, not only are you crying, but you're drooling too.” Your mouth was wide open and Wooyoung snorted as he used the opportunity to press his thumb against your tongue, “You’re so messy and I can tell you're about to make an even bigger mess.” He was right, you were about to cum again.
Wooyoung was waiting for you to cum again before he did. As much as his words affect you, they do the same to him.
He gripped your hips tightly as your legs tightened further around him, completely trapping him inside of you so you could cum again. Once again with the way you were throbbing so deliciously around Wooyoung’s cock, it didn’t take long for him to cum inside of you again.
Your soft whines and Wooyoung’s groans were filling the room as you both came down from your second orgasm.
As soon as Wooyoung pulled out of you, all of your mixed cum started to drip out of you and Wooyoung watched with furrowed eyebrows. He reached over to grab his phone and before you knew it, you saw a flash go off, “Jung Wooyoung I know you did not just take a picture of my pussy-”
Wooyoung laughs and takes a couple more, “I’m gonna put it as my background.”
“I dare you…”
Wooyoung pats your knee and gets up to get a wet towel to wipe off the mess on your pussy and thighs, “I told you- so messy.”
You roll your eyes and smack Wooyoung’s arm, “It was all you!”
Wooyoung looks at you with a smug smile, “Yeah, only because I fuck you so well. Now get up.”
“Wooyoung I can’t…” he really really wanted to make another remark but he decided to stop teasing you and removed the sheet from around you before you moved off of it.
It was actually kinda late and he was surprised neither of your phones were blowing up but he realised he had his on ‘do not disturb’
As Wooyoung was getting a set of clothes to sleep in he checked his call log and saw like 50 calls from several people.
“Don't call anyone back. At least not yet…” Wooyoung looked to where you were as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“I won’t… I want to stay with you.”
 You held your arms open for Wooyoung and he walked over to you with a smile, “But here, you need to put some clothes on before I wanna fuck you again.”
You giggle as you put on the shirt and boxers Wooyoung gave you before you wrapped your arms around him tightly.
The two of you lay in each other’s arms until you speak up softly, “I told you I’d never leave you.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” Wooyoung didn’t take his eyes away from yours as he spoke, “I love you so much y/n and I know you’ve always felt the same a-and then you said yes when Seonghwa asked to marry you-”
“I know. It was always you Wooyoung, and I’m not going anywhere anymore. I’m all yours.”
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
You Take My Heart Away [Kelley O’Hara x Reader]
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requested by anon: Kelley O’Hara x reader where reader gets into a fist fight but she’s like I won’t throw the first punch bc I’ll finish it and like she gets teased by the team but Kelley is mad at reader for it bc R could’ve gotten hurt but it was still cool
requested by anon: Can we get another Kelley O’Hara x reader doesn’t have to be anything specific just maybe along the lines of them both being crazy and maybe oblivious
A/N: i decided to combine these two prompts! hope y’all enjoy it. also bonus points to anybody who gets the title reference (there’s a lil connection to a reference within the story)
warnings: homophobic and sexist language, violence, and swearing
Conversation was flowing and music was playing in the background of the bar, as the USWNT finished up their first round of drinks and appetizers. The team had pushed together a couple of tables, where you all were now sitting, laughing at each other’s jokes.
The air was light, victory and celebration filling the atmosphere. Megan and Ashlyn had been the ones to suggest a night out after your win against Japan, not only to celebrate the 2-0 victory but also to celebrate Lindsey’s birthday that was in the next couple of days.
You were currently sitting next to your best friend, Kelley O’Hara, bridging the gap between the veterans and the youngsters.
“Anybody want another drink?” Alex asks, pushing her chair back, as she moves to get up.
A chorus of yeses ring out, the team’s orders ringing out.
“I’ll help you with that, Al.” You stand up from your seat, giving the other woman a warm smile.
Once the two of you had left for the bar, the rest of the team began interrogating Kelley, who let her eyes follow you as you moved through the crowd.
“Kel,” Ash calls out over the noise of the music. “When are you gonna admit to (Y/N) that you’re hopelessly in love with her?”
“What?” Kelley sputters, flustered.
Megan rolls her eyes at the defender. “It’s so obvious that you’ve had a crush on her for the past like six years, and a blind person can see that she likes you too.”
“I- I’m not in love with (Y/N).” Kelley’s face flushes, as she rubs the back of her neck nervously. “She’s my best friend.”
“Kelley,” Christen softly chimes in,, hoping to talk some sense in her friend she’s known since college. “You guys obviously have feelings for each other that go beyond friendship, and you’ve been dancing around them for years. We just want you two to be happy.”
Many of the women nod and voice their agreement.
“But what if it ruins our friendship and I lose her forever?” The freckled defender bites her lip nervously.
“That’s not gonna happen.” Christen gives her a knowing look. “Even if she didn’t reciprocate those feelings, she’s not gonna cut you out of her life.”
“And Kel,” Tobin adds on. “You never know until you ask her. And who knows? The risk of putting your heart out there may be worth it. But you’re just gonna live in the dark haunted by the unknown and what ifs unless you tell her how you feel.”
“I hate that you’re philosophical insights are usually right,” Kelley huffs.
Meanwhile, as the team holds their intervention for your best friend, you and Alex were at the bar ordering another round of drinks.
As you were waiting for the bartender, you and Alex were engaged in your own conversation, when you hear a boisterous voice interrupt you.
“Hey! It’s Alex Morgan!” A large man approaches the two of you, holding a half-full cup of beer in his hand, and you have a feeling he’s downed a couple pints already.
You sense Alex tense up next to you, as she gives the stranger a tight smile. “Hello.”
“Oh, and who’s this?” He turns to you, a leering grin on his face, making your insides turn. You reach for Alex’s hand in search of comfort but also as a protective gesture.
“Is she your girlfriend?” The man looks back at the star forward. “I hear your entire team is full of d*kes, but I didn’t think you were one. You’re way too hot to be a d*ke.”
Alex’s grip on your hand tightens, as anger radiates off of her. “I’m actually happily married.” She raises her left hand to show off her ring.
“Woah.” The stranger lets out a low whistle, his eyes slowly widening before he squinting to get a better look, as his movements impaired by the alcohol. “That is quite the rock. How’d you afford that with your pay? I’ve heard all about your team’s fight for equal pay and all that. I personally think it’s a load of crap. You guys aren’t even that good at soccer, and it’s so boring. The only thing that makes your games interesting is your smoking hot bodies.”
You scrunch your nose in disgust at this man’s blatant misogyny. “I’m surprised you know about our equal pay fight. I’d think it’d be too complicated for your thick skull,” you quip, throwing the insult right in his face.
“Ooooo feisty, are we?” He raises his eyebrows at you. “And where do you get off calling me dumb?”
“I’m just calling them as I see them,” you simply state, letting go of Alex’s hand, as you move to stand in front of her protectively. “Where do you get off disrespecting women and being a bigot?”
“(Y/N/N), it’s not worth it,” Alex whispers in your ear.
“I’d listen to your friend,” the man sneers and stands up straighter, slightly sobering up. “Because I’m not afraid to hit a girl, especially a mouthy one like you. Women like you deserve to be put in your place.”
“Go on then,” you challenge, probably a stupid decision on your part, but the adrenaline is rushing and you are at your wits end with this man in front of you. “I dare you.”
You thank all the gods in the universe that the stupid stranger was actually stupid enough to try and throw a punch with his blood-alcohol level because you can see his punch coming from a mile away.
Before his fist can make contact with your face, you grab his hand and twist his arm, leaning in closely to his face. “Is that all you got? My mom hits better than you.” You smirk.
“Let go of me, you bitch,” he growls, snatching his arm out of your grasp.
“Wait, I have one more thing,” you call out.
“What the hell are you talk-”
Before he can finish, you cut him off, rather your fist cuts him off. The man in front of you had been testing your patience and had used up all your grace, which, in your opinion, warranted a punch in the face.
You can’t help but wince at the sharp pain shooting through your hand upon the contact, but the cracking sound of his nose eases some of your discomfort.
By now, the rest of the team had become worried by your prolonged absence and then had noticed the commotion this stranger was stirring. Hearing the raised voices coming from your direction, many of the veterans, including Kelley, Christen, Tobin, Ash, Ali, and Megan, made their way over to where Alex was currently holding you back from unleashing your anger on this drunk man.
“What is going on here?” Becky asks, surveying the situation in front of her.
“This asshole was insulting Al and then had the audacity to continue being a sexist pig,” you spit out, directing your words at the man, who was still holding his bloody nose, while Alex was doing her best to keep you under wraps.
“I think it’s time for you to go,” Ashlyn states firmly.
As the goalie, along with Becky, Megan, and Ali, coax the stranger into leaving you alone, and hopefully leaving the club, Alex, Christen, Tobin, and Kelley try and calm you down.
“(Y/N/N),” Christen soothes, cupping your face. “I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath.” The curly-haired forward inhales and exhales, motioning for you to mimic her actions.
You take a deep breath, and upon exhaling, you feel the tension, along with the adrenaline, leave your body.
“Shit,” you sigh. “My hand.”
You lift your right hand, revealing your split knuckles on which bruises were starting to form.
“Come on, Sylvester.” Tobin claps your shoulder, letting out an amused chuckle. “Let’s get you back to the hotel, and on the way, you can tell us all about your heroics.”
You amusedly roll your eyes and lean into the other woman’s side.
As the team gathers their things, ready to call it a night after the turn of events, Megan approaches you, holding out a bag of ice.
“Here, (Y/N), the bartender gave me this for your hand.”
“Thanks, P.” You place the cool ice on your knuckles, hissing at the temperature shock.
On the way back to the hotel, many of your teammates were interrogating you about what had happened back at the bar. After telling the entire story, you received many hoots and hollers from the rest of the team.
“Damn (Y/N)!” Ash whistles. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
“Way to protect our honor,” Rose gushes, as many of the women nod along.
“Thank you, (Y/N), for defending me,” Alex says sincerely.
“Of course, Al. Anytime.” You give the forward a warm smile.
“Who knew (Y/N) could be such a badass?!” Emily exclaims with an impressed look on her face. “Kel, did you know that your best friend was a secret badass?”
While the rest of the girls had been teasing you about your heroic actions, your best friend had been oddly quiet.
“News to me.” Kelley answers shortly, her face hard and distant. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, wondering if the defender was mad at you. You thought she would’ve been proud of you for standing up for the team and putting a sexist douchebag in his place.
Before going back to entertaining your teammates’s jokes and questions, you make a mental note to talk to her once you get back to the hotel, silently thanking Vlatko for rooming the two of you together this camp.
You would never in a million years admit it, but you were harboring a huge crush for your best friend, had been for the past six years, ever since you’d joined the national team. Not only did you not want to ruin your friendship and end up losing Kelley, but you knew she would never return your feelings.
Over the past several years that you’d been friends with the defender, you’d seen Kelley go in and out of relationships, and comparing yourself to her other girlfriend’s, you had a feeling you weren’t her type.
You also had reservations due to the fact that Kelley was your teammate, and you didn’t want to change the team dynamic, especially if the two of you didn’t work out.
Thoughts of Kelley clouded your mind all the way back to the hotel, only further exacerbated by her deafening silence.
Upon arriving to the hotel lobby, before you all disperse to your rooms, Alex gives you another hug and thanks you again, and Becky, ever the mother of the group, gives you a warning.
“Make sure to ice on and off. 20 minutes. You know the drill, (Y/L/N). Kelley, make sure she takes care of that hand.”
“Don’t worry about me, Becks. I got it,” you reassure the veteran defender, giving her a mock salute.
Following Kelley, you cautiously enter the hotel room. You nervously watch the other women move around the room, as she silently goes about her usual nighttime routine. Taking the hint that she wasn’t going to talk to you anytime soon, you go about your own routine and get ready for bed.
After about twenty minutes later, after both of you had showered, you were finishing wrapping your hand and were about to get into bed, when you noticed Kelley discretely staring at your bandaged hand.
Unable to tolerate the silence anymore, you break the tension. “Okay, what is up with you?”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“Kel,” you sigh, plopping down on the side of her bed. “You’ve been giving me the cold shoulder ever since what happened at the bar. Are you mad at me?”
“Nope. Not mad,” Kelley hums slightly passive aggressively, still not looking up from her book.
You roll your eyes, frustrated by your best friend’s childish behavior. “Kelley, I know when you’re lying, and I know that you’re mad at me right now, so would you please just look at me?!”
Sensing the exasperation and frustration in your voice, Kelley closes and sets down her book. “Fine, you’re right. I am mad at you.”
You thought you’d feel relieved, hearing her confirm your suspicions, but instead, the pressure in your chest increases.
“Why? What did I do?” You practically beg, scooting up the bed, so you’re closer to the other woman.
“As if you don’t know,” she scoffs.
Confused, you tilt your head. “I clearly don’t. Kel, please talk to me, tell me what I did.”
“You literally punched a dude in the face!”
“Yeah, but he deserved it, Kel! You heard the things he was saying,” you defend. “I couldn’t just let him get away with talking about our team like that. I thought you’d be proud of me for standing up to a sexist asshole like him.”
“I am proud, sort of. I mean that was completely badass and totally warranted, not that I necessarily expected that from you, and I’m glad you put him in his place,” Kelley babbles. “But that’s not the point, (Y/N/N). You were reckless tonight. You could’ve gotten hurt!”
Your face softens at her outburst. Taking a deep breath, Kelley confesses, “I love you, (Y/N). I’m in love with you, and I just can’t stand the idea of you getting hurt, especially by some drunk idiot who doesn’t know shit about football or respecting women.”
Your eyes widen and your heart practically stop, when you process the words that have come out of your best friend’s mouth.
“(Y/N), please say something,” Kelley begs.
“You’re in love with me?” You test the words on your mouth.
“Yeah,” she sighs contently, giving you a soft smile. “Have been for the past eight years.”
“Gosh, we really are idiots.” You let out a wet chuckle, shaking your head.
“I’m in love with you, too, Kel,” you rasped, your voice laced with pure emotion. “I’ve loved you since my first camp.”
“Wow,” Kelley scoffs, an amused grin playing on her face. “Are we really that oblivious?”
“Apparently so.” You shrug. “But we’re here now.”
“Yeah, we are.” The freckled woman softens. “Can I kiss you?”
You nod eagerly, leaning in to meat the other woman’s lips. The kiss is nothing like you’d dreamed of; it’s better. It’s soft and tender, full of love and passion. You melt into each other, as your lips move together in harmony.
Not wanting things to get too heated, especially not before you’ve talked about what this meant for the future of your relationship, you pull away, resting your forehead against hers.
“Hi,” you whisper, smiling like a fool.
“Hey,” Kelley murmurs softly, returning your smile.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.” She takes your hand, kissing your wrapped knuckles. “But please don’t be getting into any more bar fights.”
“Hey! I would never start a fight, however I have no problem finishing them.” You smirk, boasting slightly triumphantly.
Kelley rolls her eyes playfully, but then looks into your eyes. “I mean it, (Y/N). I can’t stand the idea of you getting hurt. So no more fights alright?”
“I promise, Kel.” You give her a chaste kiss.
That night, you stay in Kelley’s bed, cuddling into her side. As you slowly drift into a peaceful sleep, you notice the woman next to you is already fast asleep.
You sigh contently, and you can’t help but feel extremely lucky that even after all these years, and everything that’s happened, life still led you to this woman and a love worth fighting for.
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aalissy · 3 years
Best Friends
Day four of Adrienette April is finished woot woot!! I hope you guys enjoy this lil bit of post-reveal pre-relationship bc it’s one of my fave tropes hehee. Lemme know what you think <3! Also I can’t wait for April 10th now to watch Lies. I missed miraculous sooo much :D :D
Marinette was stretched out across her chaise. A book was in one of her hands as she skimmed through the pages lazily. Adrien was sprawled on her lap as she distractedly ran her fingers through his hair. Every so often, she would put her book down to take a small peek at the boy who was smiling happily, nuzzling into her hand. She had to bite down on her lower lip to fight against her own grin that was threatening to beam across her face.
They had revealed their identities a few months ago after they had both stumbled into the same alleyway to detransform. To say it had been a surprise was an understatement. Knowing that it had been Adrien flirting with her the whole time was something Marinette couldn’t even process for days. 
Once she had found out, of course, her feelings for him grew exponentially, especially when they began to hang out every chance they got. Knowing that the love of her life was also her best friend filled her with euphoria. Unfortunately for her, though, Adrien’s feelings must have stagnated because their relationship didn’t change. They were still just friends, regardless of how often she wished they could be something more. Marinette let out a quiet, forlorn sigh as she twirled a strand of Adrien’s hair around her finger. Luckily, his voice broke through her melancholic thoughts with a statement that made her heart tug painfully in her chest.
“You know you’re my best friend, right?” Adrien stated plainly, blinking up at her with a pair of beautiful, wide, earnest eyes.
Her fingers paused in their tracks and he made a quiet noise of discontent before nudging her hand with his head. Giggling softly, Marinette resumed their previous dance through his hair, putting her book to the side. Looking down at him with a happy grin, she murmured, “Of course I do, kitty. You’re my best friend too.” “So we can tell each other anything then, right?” He asked her eagerly.
“Mhm,” Marinette hummed back with a small chuckle, “I mean we already know each other’s secret identities so I don’t really see the point in us hiding anything else.”
She ignored the twinge of guilt that ate away at her. She was still keeping something from him. But at this point, she was not ready to ruin the wonderful friendship they had created together. Even if she longed to lean down and connect their lips together and find out if Adrien’s mouth was as soft and sweet as it looked. For a brief moment, Marinette wondered if he would be alright with just a peck before she forcefully shoved those thoughts back into the recesses of her mind.
“Of course,” Adrien nodded before he scrambled out of her lap. He left Marinette with her hand still hovering in the air as a shocked look entered her eyes. Lowering her arm back down, he began to speak again, “So if I ask you something right now, will you answer?”
“Uh, I’ll try my best too.” She gave him a wide, awkward smile, rubbing her arm as she shifted into a more comfortable position.
“Perfect!” Adrien beamed back at her before he seemed to turn slightly shy. Looking at him curiously as his mood completely changed, Marinette watched as he glanced away from her. He rubbed the back of his neck before murmuring, “Do you remember Glaciator?”
A small crease furrowed her brow before she nodded slowly. Nibbling on her lip, she wondered where he was going with this. Of course she remembered Glaciator. Looking back on it, her heart filled with both pain and regret. While she had still been hung up on Adrien missing their date, she had missed the fact that her kitty had been waiting for her. 
If only she had gone to that meeting. Maybe if she had, she would have been able to accept Chat’s rose and feelings and saved them a lot of heartache. Still, it was much too late for that line of thinking. Adrien was over her now and she was okay with that.
“That day you told me you had gotten your heart broken and you were in love with someone else,” Adrien spoke determinedly, making her squirm uncomfortably. 
Why was he bringing up the past like this? Did he know? Was he trying to let her down easily? Anxiously, Marinette bit down on her lip as she waited for him to get to the point.
“W-who was it that broke your heart that day?” His words made her wince, her mind racing as she scrambled for an answer.
I can’t exactly say it was him! Marinette screamed at her mind in frustration. Taking a deep breath, she slowly spoke, “D-does it really matter? He moved on and I’m alright with that.”
Adrien frowned deeply before seemingly murmuring to himself, “So it wasn’t Luka after all then?” 
There was a small pause in the conversation as they both stared at each other with wide eyes. Marinette desperately prayed that he wouldn’t ask the question she could see already forming on his lips.
Almost in an act of defiance, Adrien said the very words that she had desperately hoped he wouldn’t. “Then who?”
Sucking in another deep, tremulous breath of air, Marinette’s eyes darted around the room. Finding no answers, she decided to settle for telling him a small portion of the truth, “Well, I-I may have, um, been slightly disappointed that our friend wasn’t able to join us for ice cream.”
“Why couldn’t your friend come?” Adrien’s frown furrowed even deeper.
Her lips pursed as annoyance filled her briefly. Did he really want her to spell it out for him? How humiliating. With a small gulp, Marinette muttered quietly, not moving her gaze away from her bedroom floor, “I don’t know. His father can be pretty strict so I think he wouldn’t let him out or something.”
“Oh,” Adrien said and she could almost see the look of realization cross his face as he breathed out the same word once again, “Oh.”
With an awkward laugh, Marinette moved to get off the chaise, ready for him to make fun of her, “Y-yeah, anyway I should go do homework now so I gues-”
“Hold on,” he spoke, catching her wrist gently. Finally, she turned to look at him and saw confusion instead of a look of disgust. Adrien hesitated before murmuring quietly, “Me?”
“I-it wasn’t your fault though!” She rushed to explain, “Don’t worry I completely understand why you couldn’t make it!”
“Marinette, that’s not...” he began before shaking his head, standing up to face her. His hand remained on her wrist and her eyes shot down to it before quickly looking back up at him. Adrien squeezed her wrist softly before, “Was I really the one who broke your heart that day?”
Marinette squeaked loudly, squeezing her eyes shut. She shook her head furiously, refusing to answer that question. A pair of soft, warm fingers trailed down her cheek and she leaned into Adrien’s hand with a quiet sigh.
“Please, Marinette,” he murmured into her ear, “Please tell me the truth. This could mean everything.”
Her eyes fluttered open and she was struck by his emerald eyes staring into hers adoringly. For the first time in a while, she could see love and adoration brimming within them. Feeling her heart thump wildly in her chest, Marinette stuttered, “I-it was y-you. A-Adrien, it’s always been you.”
His mouth fell open before his face practically lit up. He let out a loud whoop before picking her up and twirling her around the room. She squeaked once again, her arms wrapping around him before he put her back down. He beamed down at her before whispering, “It’s the same for me, Marinette. It always has. In and out of the suit, I love you.”
“What?!” She practically shrieked, “N-no, that can’t be. You moved on. That’s why you’ve stopped flirting with me.”
Adrien looked at her with a deep frown, “Stopped flirting with you? Marinette, I spend every last second of my free time with you. We just spent an hour cuddling on your chaise. If anyone stopped flirting it was you.”
Marinette bristled, “I did not stop flirting! We may have spent the last hour cuddling but I was the one running my fingers through your hair that whole time!”
She poked a finger in his chest, glaring up at him. Instead of arguing back, Adrien simply grabbed her hand, spreading her fingers across his chest with a small chuckle, “Alright, so neither of us stopped flirting then.”
“T-that’s right!” she stammered, feeling a dark blush settle on her cheeks.
“And if neither of us stopped flirting, then that means both of us still like each other, correct?” Adrien asked with a sly smirk twitching at his lips.
“O-oh, y-yeah, I guess,” Marinette stuttered again, ducking her head away from his gaze towards the floor.
A hand cupped her cheek and tilted her head back up to face him, though, as Adrien smiled softly down at her. His thumb stroked gently across her face as he leaned in slowly, “So can I do this then?”
“Uh-huh,” Marinette nodded dumbly, still feeling dazed and confused. 
Their lips connected and she felt her heart race as she finally realized she was kissing Adrien. It was perfect. Slowly, her hands reached up to bury themselves in his hair as his grip on her waist tightened. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss and for the first time in a while, she felt complete.
Eventually, they both pulled away and Marinette felt a lovestruck smile light up her face as she nuzzled into Adrien’s chest. He chuckled, and her eyes fluttered closed when he murmured quietly in her ear, “Does this mean I can finally say you’re my girlfriend now?”
Marinette tilted her head back to laugh loudly, “Yes, kitty, I’m your girlfriend now.”
Her thumb reached up to caress his cheek before she pulled him down into another kiss. With a happy sigh, she couldn’t help but smile into their kiss. Everything was absolutely perfect.
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mingtiddies · 5 years
genre: fluff, a little funny if you squint your eyes, prince au
word count: 1918
warnings: suggestive, but it’s nothing explicit
a/n: here i come with yet another prince au, one of my favorites bc of how the story goes although i still think it could be a lot better
with everything that’s going on these i also wanna remind everyone to always wash your hands thoroughly, stay home and/only go out when it’s necessary, if you can’t stay home because of your job, please be extra careful, protect yourselves and those around you 💖
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● prince soonyoung
● he was living his best life
● bothering prince jihoon every other day
● also to see jihoon’s law adviser
● sometimes going to see prince seungkwan and prince seokmin
● almost never in his own kingdom
● “have you seen the prince?” all over the palace
● all the princes around him seemed to be forced into marriage but ended up finding someone they loved to marry
● prince soonyoung had never thought about his future as a husband and king, seeing as his parents never mentioned a bride to him
● he had never even heard the staff whisper about it
● usually if there was something important to know he could easily find out through the staff’s incessant gossiping
● he had found out about some of his surprises this way
● but nothing ever regarding his non-existent love life
● except for some people saying he was old enough to find himself a bride
● (he didn’t really see the point of it since he wouldn’t be crowned king until his father died, and thank god, his father was very much healthy)
● so imagine his surprise
● when he came home one day from prince jihoon’s kingdom and found you
● he wondered who you were
● you couldn’t be staff because you dressed too nicely
● and you couldn’t be daughter of a duke or of an official because of the colors you wore
● “why is it so hard for your staff to keep you in place?”
● “you really shouldn’t be going around so much in other princes’ kingdoms”
● “a princess?”
● he thought that one out loud
● you smiled and nodded, “princess y/n”
● but why tf was a princess in his palace
● “we should dive straight into wedding preparations, we don’t have much time”
● prince soonyoung had thought before about how he would react when his parents told him that it was time for him to find someone to marry
● whether they’d give him a choice of bride, or just force someone on him
● "a wedding? when????"
● "next week"
● what he most definitely did not expect was to find out he was getting married within days of meeting his bride
● ran to find his parents for an explanation
● they didn’t have one
● the king and queen encouraged him to spend all of his free time with you to get to know you
● which was an epic failure
● seeing as our dearest prince soonyoung liked to spent his time out of his own kingdom
● you did the only thing you could do and followed him everywhere to try
● if you can’t beat em, join em, they said
● you ended up leaving the entirety of the wedding preparations to the staff so you could follow soonyoung and try to get to know him as much as you could
● which, wasn’t difficult at all, he seemed comfortable around you and had opened up to you pretty quickly
● “shouldn’t we have gone on dates before getting married?”
● loved to joke around
● it was harmless and cute
● somehow, sometime before the wedding, he had become so much more open to you that you felt like you’d known each other for more than 5 days lmao
● soonyoung was a simple man
● the fact that you followed him everywhere, yet gave him space, kinda made his heart go wild
● he thought it was cute that you tried so hard to convince him to stay home, even though you were with him in another kingdom
● also found it funny because it always failed
● luckily for you when they said you’d get married in 7 days after meeting each other, it meant the festivities would start there
● so like day 1 for guests to arrive
● some princes from the closest kingdoms were invited and they were so shocked that soonyoung was gonna get married all of a sudden lmao
● day 2 was for the press conference, to announce the engagement and marriage
● day 3 was for the engagement party
● which was so weird for both of you because suddenly you were engaged and it felt more real than it did at first
● at some point soonyoung had to stay in place
● day 4 was for the rest of the royal guests to arrive while the royal families had a feast for dinner
● and then came the wedding
● soonyoung was very calm about this
● he trusted his parents to have chosen the right fit for him and the kingdom
● and you had grown on him quite fast
● you had your first official kiss at the wedding
● which made things so awkward for both of you
● almost like best friends suddenly having to kiss and making the friendship awkward
● except you had known each other for like less than two weeks
● but if only that was the worst of it lmao
● because after the part where everyone’s like wooo newly weds
● his parents tell you that you have to consume the marriage
● like right away
● otherwise it gives a timetable to get the marriage annulled and well
● the goal here is for you to stay married
● “wait what?”
● it’s a bit hush-hush in the family, only the royal family knows about it
● so like, it’s not even public knowledge
● so now things are even more awkward than they were after the kiss
● because you now have to have sex with your husband whom you have met like 12 days ago
● cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
● the actual worst part of it is having to have someone make sure the two of you consume your marriage
● which used to be done by someone peeping
● but now it’s a medical procedure after
● and then of course you have to go back to the after party
● prince soonyoung tried his best to make things light hearted
● and fun
● despite the absolute awkwardness
● “just pretend we’ve known each other for years”
● “that’s not very hard, you opened up to me so fast that i actually thought we were best friends”
● “okay then uh, pretend we’ve been in love for years then”
● strangely it worked a little better
● the whole thing was still very much embarrassing and if none of you ever mentioned it again it would be too soon
● simultaneously the best and worst experience of your entire life
● (over time you learned to love those moments in bed with him but that’s because you ended up falling in love lol)
● getting dressed was soooo awkward and the room was so silent
● you asked if the test was really necessary and if they couldn’t just take your word for it
● you tried
● soonyoung had gone to change for the after party
● when your test was over you went to change and went back to party
● but soonyoung had waited for you outside of your chambers
● yeet
● the party had just begun and you had to make an entrance as... well...the future king and queen
● prince soonyoung confides a lot in prince jihoon even though jihoon only listens to half of the things he says
● so when soonyoung gets the chance to be away from you for a second and is with jihoon
● he mentioned the bedding ceremony
● jihoon did a double take
● one because “a what now?”
● and two because “why the fuck are you telling me this?”
● and then soonyoung can’t find you anymore lmao
● you’re just avoiding him for the time being
● because well, you met days ago and just had sex hours after getting married
● will you ever not think about how awkward that was?
● no
● with that said once soonyoung realized he couldn’t find you anywhere, he almost alerted the guards
● while trying to hide you spotted who you were told was prince seungkwan’s wife
● you decided you had nothing to lose and asking a prince’s wife advice/comparing experiences would probably make you feel better/less weird
● so after talking a little bit
● and after she clearly saw how nervous you were
● you asked if you could ask a personal question
● more like a few personal questions
● so you asked about her and seungkwan’s first time (not in details)
● also asking if she’d felt weird or awkward or nervous after
● she answered with no problem and asked why you wanted to know in return
● yeet yeet
● so you told her about the bedding ceremony and having met soonyoung days ago
● if that hadn’t just happened to you, you probably would’ve laughed at her reaction
● but it had, so you didn’t
● “is that why you’re asking me? because you feel nervous, weird and awkward?”
● “i guess it’s normal... i mean you’ve only met recently and all of this was forced on you, but i wouldn’t worry too much about it”
● she kept giving you words of encouragement
● and that’s around when soonyoung found you
● “hey i couldn’t find you anywhere i was starting to get seriously worried”
● seungkwan’s wife left you and you realized you’d been kinda secluded and hidden from the rest of the party
● “we haven’t talked since...and yeah...i didn’t get to ask if you were okay?”
● “not exactly the time and place to talk, but i am, i’m okay”
● “even...?”
● he didn’t need to finish because you knew what he meant
● you kinda wished he hadn’t mentioned it, even implicitly
● you nodded and he stared at you
● “you sure you’re okay? your face is turning red”
● you hated how he could make you so flustered without explicitly saying anything
● like nothing had happened
● and your face was burning in embarrassment
● and he was just making it worse
● “are you? we just got married and had sex”
● okay maybe you shouldn’t have blurted it out, out of frustration because it made you more embarrassed saying it out loud
● buuut, maybe his reaction had been worth it
● because now it was his turn to be flustered
● it made you feel a tiny bit better
● he simply nodded in response
● and of course, for it to be funnier to you, you used his own words on him
● “you sure you’re okay? your face is turning red”
● little gap where he just stared at you
● “woah, you’re shameless”
● “I’M SHAMELESS?? YOU’RE THE ONE WHO ˢᵃⁱᵈ ⁱ ᶠᵉˡᵗ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ”
● the way you lowered the volume of your voice almost made him laugh
● but you were becoming infuriating
● “WOAH! i can’t believe you had to mention that right now as if you hadn’t told me to not stop”
● there was another gap and then suddenly the two of you burst out laughing
● “this marriage is definitely gonna be okay”
● and you couldn’t disagree
● by laughing it off, the nervousness seemed to lift off your shoulders
● so you guessed you would indeed be okay
● as long as you had prince soonyoung by your side
● and as long as he had you by his
● years from then you both found it so funny
● the next time you got intimate, you called it your first time, saying the bedding ceremony didn’t count lmao
● almost like trying to erase it from history
● you did consider removing bedding ceremonies from being a requirement
● you also promised yourselves to not introduce your child to their partner a week before having to get married
● so either introduce them as teens so they could grow together or giving your child time and opportunities to find someone
● it might have worked for you and prince soonyoung but there was no guarantee that it would work again
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seungcheol ║ jeonghan ║ joshua ║ junhui ║ soonyoung ║ wonwoo ║ jihoon ║ seokmin ║ mingyu ║ minghao ║ seungkwan ║ vernon ║ chan
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disasterdeacy · 5 years
Roger convinces Brian man-scaping is a requirement to date younger women...
Ooohhhhhh I love this!
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(Using this pic bc it’s cute asf and I love two (2) legends)
Okay, so as soon as Brian and Ania split, Rog is hardcore trying to get Brian back out into the dating scene, but before he can even give him any advice you show up like that one scene in Lilo and Stitch?
Anyway, Brian is head over heels for you, and wants to be with you more than he has ever wanted anything in his life, ever. 
But, you’re in your early 20s and he doesn’t want to scare you away or ruin the friendship he’d built up with you, so he just keeps his mouth shut.
Except for when he’s talking to Roger.
ohhhhh boy and does Roger love it
He is always there for Brian to vent to, to spill his insecurities and how he doesn’t think he’s worthy of  you, or attractive enough for you, or just... good for you.
But Roger just LOVES it, because Brian was there for him when he was going through the same thing with Sarina. 
Sure Sarina isn’t 50ish years younger than Roger, but she is still 20+ years younger than him, so he went through the same insecure moments.
This man is hardcore the biggest hardcore shipper of you and Bri, and would do absolutely anything to see the two of you together
After all, he hasn’t seen his best friend this happy in decades, and y’all aren’t even DATING yet, so he can only imagine what it’ll be like when Brian finally drops a set and makes a move.
speaking of dropping a set...
When Rog and Debbie divorced, he never thought he would remarry, or find anyone his own age, much less 20+ years younger than him...
But then he met Sarina and the rest is history, but that didn’t happen without his own little insecurities.
so he knows exactly what Brian is going through in terms of questioning his own attractiveness, and for some reason our sweet blind melon decides that Brian had to manscape in order for him to feel attractive...
Now, Brian had NEVER done anything like that, sure he kept himself neat and tidy, no rainforests below the belt, but he had never been.. bare before, and he was rather nervous to give it a go, because, well.. a razor down in that area is gonna cause some anxiety.
So when Brian calls Rog and tells him that he’s managed to convince you to have dinner with him at his place, Rog is in his car with his shaving kit before Brian can say that you’ll be over at 7.
Our poor baby Bri doesn’t even have the faintest idea about how to even start, so Rog slips his phone under the door with a step by step instructive youtube video pulled up, ready to educate dear Dr. May.
Trimming goes well, but once the actual shaving needs to start, Bri has to sheepishly ask his oldest friend to come help him.
After all, it was HIS idea, the least he could do was help him not end up with tiny cuts all over his balls. 
Roger just chuckles and concedes, after all, what kind of best friend would he be if he didn’t help Brian get L A I D. 
It’s definitely a sight that should never been seen again, and Roger is rather pleased with himself after he’s done... and he swears Bri to secrecy, although they both know that as soon as the drummer is out the door, Brian is calling John to laugh about the whole thing. 
Anyway, the whole ordeal does make Brian feel a bit more confident, after all, Roger had told him that manscaping was extremely popular with all of the young “kids”, and you would find it extremely attractive, so why wouldn’t he feel better?
He’s so frazzled about the fact that you’re coming over in a few hours, that he has to cook you an amazing 5 star worthy meal, that he forgets to moisturize his poor boys after his shower.
You are just as nervous as he is, changing about 7 times before you finally decide on an outfit that you deem appropriate enough to be labeled as “I definitely want to fuck you, but I also want you to know that I’m a ~classy~ lady”. 
You arrive at Brian’s precisely at 7, not wanting to seem too eager, although you did sit in the tube station closest to his flat for about 20 minutes freaking out and crawling out of your skin...
After all, what the hell did someone like Brian, successful, talented, intelligent, attractive, mature... see in you?
You’d met at Save Me where you decided to volunteer at after you moved to London, and you and Brian had hit it off immediately.
You’d been the one that he talked to about his divorce, how he felt, how he was going through a lot, trying to readjust...
You were there for him and you loved him more than a friend should, but you hadn’t been expecting him to pop into your unofficial office at Save Me HQ with a whole ass orchid and ask you to have dinner at his place, as a date. 
Your heart 100% almost exploded, and you were immensely proud of yourself for getting a yes out to him while you internally were doing a conga line.
Now, you were walking up to his door, hands shaking a little, feeling like you were going to puke from nerves
Brian wasn’t doing much better inside.
He’d made the pasta dish you’d mentioned loving, complete with your favorite sourdough from that little bakery in Fulham, and enough Rekorderlig berry cider to sink a ship. 
The table was set and it looked great, and despite the nerves in his stomach, he was feeling good about everything...
And then the itching started
Right as you rang the doorbell
He tried to ignore it, willing the slight uncomfortable feeling to stop, to go away and come back later.. but it didn’t 
oh no, the whole time y’all ate and laughed, sharing sweet glances full of unbridled desire and affection, his balls felt like they were going to fall off if he didn’t scratch them soon.
But he wasn’t about to do that in front of you, god no,
So he simply wiggles in his chair, laughing as you tell him the story of you breaking into your old high school with a friend when you were in college, his head falling back when you manage to squeak out the part of you having to call the fire department because your friend got stuck in the trophy case...
He hopes that you’re too blinded by the tears from your story to pay attention to his wincing and wiggling.
He was wrong
You raise your eyebrows as you take a sip of your drink, concern and confusion washing over your face as you see the uncomfortable look on Brian’s face.
“Bri, are you okay? I-I can go if you need me to..”
You really REALLY don’t want to leave, goddamnit you never wanna leave, but Brian didn’t look too good.
His face was pursed in an uncomfortable grimace, his hands gripping the arms of the chair he’s sat in, and he’s flushed all the way from the start of his white curls on his head, to the ones on his chest.
Once he hears your words, his eyes widen and he panics, waving his hands at you.
“No! God no, I don’t want you to leave, I j-just..”
God, this was embarassing.
He drops his head into his hands, flushing even harder before he hears your chair slide against the floor and feels your hand on his thigh as you kneel beside him.
He risks looking at you, hazel eyes soft and slightly wide when he sees the gentle smile on your face.
“What’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything Brian... If this hasn’t turned out the way you wanted it to, or if you’d rather just be f-”
He doesn’t let you finish your sentence before he leans down and places a gentle kiss to your lips,
He hadn’t been planning on doing it, but he needed to do SOMETHING to prove to you that he wanted you and wasn’t acting weird because of you.
Brian knew 100% that you wouldn’t judge him or make fun of him for the true reason of his uncomfortable writhing.
You’re shocked by the kiss, but it doesn’t take long before you’re responding, threading your fingers in his white curls, smiling into the action before pulling away just a little.
“Okay, point taken...But why are you acting so strange honey?”
The term of endearment comes out before you can stop yourself, and Brian just blushes deeper, sighing a bit as he looks at you with sheepish eyes before explaining the whole situation to you.
He is FULLY expecting you to laugh or call him ridiculous, so he’s a bit shocked when you tell him to take you to his room, which he does without hesitation.
You tell him to take off his pants and underwear before you turn around and go into his ensuite bathroom, searching for every single moisturizing salve you can find, as well as wetting a cloth in cool water.
When you return from the bathroom, Brian is blushing like mad, completely naked from the waist down.
If you hadn’t been in nurse Y/N mode, you would’ve probably joined him in flushing like a goddamn tomato.
He looks at you curiously, brows furrowed when he sees the items in your hands, an unspoken question written clearly on his face, causing you to chuckle as you sit everything on the bedside table before climbing in beside him, pushing his shoulders back until he’s flat on the bed.
“Society pressures women into doing this from the time we’re able to grow hair, I’ve picked up a few tips for razor burn and itching honey.”
He chuckles breathlessly, eyes wide when you lay the cool wash cloth over his cock and balls, sucking in a shaky breath at the feeling.
“Y-you don’t have to do it for me i-if you don’t want to, I mean, that is totally your personal preference, but y-”
You don’t let him continue, smiling as you place a chaste kiss to his lips before pulling both your lips and the cloth away as you begin applying the first moisturizing cream.
“Neither do you Brian, you’re perfect for me just the way you are...”
You smile down at him, eyes as soft as your touch.
“I will say though, Roger did an incredible job... maybe he should change his day job?”
The two of you laugh, and when you’re finished with your impromptu rescue of his bollocks, your return everything to the bathroom before returning to Brian, curling up beside him and falling asleep.
The next week Bri invites  you to a BBQ at Rog and Sarina’s, and upon sitting down for dinner, you wink at Brian, taking a sip of your wine before looking over at Rog, mischievous twinkle in your eyes.
“So Rog, where did you get your shaving kit? Brian tells me its absolutely spectacular.”
173 notes · View notes
– four seasons. | storm
hello friends! this is the second installment of the four seasons mini-series ft. billy russo. i really like y/n and maria’s friendship and tbh they end up getting more time together than the reader and billy but IT’S FINE BY ME! i love reading your comments on this, esp bc it’s pre-anvil billy who is a precious sweetheart.
pls enjoy, and as always, leave lots of love! xoxo mira
tag list: shameless-pope  bellastellaluna  the-scarletsandwich @its-my-little-dumpster-fire
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“Mom!” Lisa bellowed, nearly knocking you out as she ran into the kitchen. “Daughter?” Maria called, not moving from her position as her child stood with her hands on her hips staring her down. “Frank keeps taking my headphones! Tell him to stop,” Lisa said, her anger apparent in her tone. “Frank. Stop.” Maria deadpanned, taking a sip from her cup of coffee. You couldn’t help but snort in response to Maria, and Lisa shot you a look of pure hatred for it. 
“Mom!” Lisa cried again, this time dropping her arms as she whined. Maria sighed as she shook her head, “Look, you two need to learn how to sort this out amongst yourselves. I’m not a mediator.” “But you’re our mom,” Lisa exasperated. “And I certainly don’t get paid enough for it,” Maria shot back, her hands cupping her cup of coffee. You cut in, wanting to keep Maria’s stress to a minimum. It had been two months since Frank, and Billy, had left and Maria had been handling the kids on her own.
It was nothing she hadn’t done before, but you knew it was never easy. “Lisa,” you called, “Leave your poor mom alone. I’ll take you shopping on Black Friday for new ones.” Maria rolled her eyes behind Lisa, but the kid was satisfied. She left the kitchen with her mood having taken a complete 180. “I birthed them, feed them, keep a roof over their heads, but alas! It’s Aunt Y/N this, Aunt Y/N that,” Maria sighed. You laughed, your hands cupping your own cup of coffee as you looked over at your friend. “Hey, Black Friday shopping is pretty much the equivalent of going into a warzone,” you called back. Maria held a hand up in surrender, “Touche. I’d never do it.” You nodded, giving her a pointed look, “Yeah, you just shop on Monday from your computer like a coward.”
“Better a wise coward than a foolish knight,” Maria said pointedly, moving to wash out her empty cup in the sink. You stood to wash your own empty cup, handing it to Maria’s outstretched hand but made no movement back towards your seat. “So,” you said slowly, not wanting to let your true intentions out so quickly, “Any word lately from Frank?”
“Why do you ask?” Maria asked, her own voice mirroring your tone. An eyebrow raised, she glanced at you suspiciously. “Just wondering,” you said a little too quickly, “The holidays are coming up, I’m sure they’re missing home.” 
“They’re?” Maria repeated, now fully looking at you. You felt yourself inched slowly away from Maria, who was now leaning against the counter, arms crossed over her chest as she looked at you through a narrowed gaze. “Frank and… Billy and the rest of the good people who risk their lives for the sak-” you blurt before Maria cut in. “You bitch!” she cried, her eyes wide as she caught Billy’s name. “Language!” Frank Jr.’s voice shouted from down the hall upon catching his mother’s curse. 
Maria rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to you, “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” You shrugged, playing it off like you didn’t know exactly what she was talking about. “Come on,” Maria said, looking at you expectantly. After a solid minute of silent back and forth, you finally sighed in defeat. “We kissed after the party you guys had over the summer,” you said in a low voice, not wanting Frank Jr. to overhear. “Oh my god,” Maria cried, throwing her hands up, “I know that!” 
You scoffed, knowing Lisa probably spilled the beans the second she saw Billy’s lips brush over your cheek during that Sunday morning breakfast that seemed so long ago. “So then what?” you asked. “That’s what I’m trying to find out, Y/N!” Maria said. 
“There’s really nothing to say other than that,” you explained, “It’s not like he asked me to see him off or write him long, sappy letters.” “Oh, but you should,” Maria said, suddenly moving to place her hands on your shoulders, “You so should.” 
“Geez Maria,” you said as you placed your hands on top of hers, “I so should not be getting into whatever this is. It’s so hard for you and Frank and you guys are so… so solid! Me and Billy? We’re just a few weeks of kisses and back and forth flirting.” 
“Y/N,” Maria started, her voice so firm that you probably would have agreed to almost anything she was about to say, “It’s hard. It’s so hard. It’s so unbelievably difficult. But it’s so worth it. Billy is worth it.” She turned squeezed your shoulders before sliding her hands from under your grip, the softness in her eyes so different from the firmness of her tone but that was Maria for you. 
“Here,” she said, moving away from you to rummage through a kitchen drawer, “We’re going to send Frank a care package, and we always send Billy stuff, too. You should write him a letter.” “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” you said nervously, placing one hand on the kitchen counter to steady yourself.
“I promise I won’t read it,” Maria said, holding up the sheets of notebook paper and pen she had managed to find. You took what she was handing out to you, albeit hesitantly. She also found an envelope and put it on the counter next to you, giving you another reassuring look, “Look, Y/N. I can’t tell you what to do. I’m not even going to lie and say that I don’t want this to happen, you and Billy. Because I do. But, I saw the way you were glowing when the two of you were together. You were happy. You deserve to give this a shot, you deserve a chance at happiness.” 
“You should be a motivational speaker, Maria,” you muttered, mustering up a smile to offer in return for her pep talk. “Yeah,” she replied sarcastically, “Once the kids turn 18 and I can quit my day job.” You giggled as Maria slipped past you, giving you privacy to ‘shoot your shot’ according to her.
Dear Billy,
I’m really only writing this because Maria is making me. I mean- I wanted to write to you, but I wasn’t really sure if that’s something you would have liked me to do. I tend to hold myself back a lot because of that. 
But here I am, shooting my shot through the lost art of letter writing as Maria likes to say, the first part at least. By the way, she knows about our… practicing. Lisa is a snitch. Totally not to be trusted.
Things here are pretty normal. Normal as can be. Work is work, and I spend a lot of time with Maria and the kids. I really should get friends my own age. Ha. Well, Maria isn’t that much older than me, but don’t tell her I said that. We’re both 29 until we die. 
The holidays are coming up, Halloween was fun with the kids. Frank Jr. wanted to be a soldier, but he didn’t because Lisa said it wasn’t just a costume, it was something bigger. She’s definitely Frank’s kid. They ended up going as Ghostbusters. And getting their candy confiscated for fighting on November 1st. Yep, definitely Frank’s kids.
I’m probably going to spend Thanksgiving with them. With Frank gone, Maria needs me. The kids like having me here, or maybe it’s just that I make a decent pecan pie. Wish you were here. And Frank too. 
I’ve never really had someone to miss, but I do miss you. Is that cool with you?
Love, Best,
And that was that. You folded up the single sheet of paper neatly and slid it into the envelope, sifting through the kitchen drawer Maria had gone through before to find some tape to seal the envelope shut. “Don’t trust my mom?” Lisa called out, drawing your attention to her figure standing by the door. She looked so much like her mom, arms crossed over her chest, but that smile was all Frank. “I honestly don’t trust anyone in House Castle with anything other than my life,” you replied back matter-of-factly. “Good call,” Lisa said with a knowing smile, walking over to lean against the counter near you as you carefully wrote out Billy’s name on the envelope. “I think he’ll write back,” Lisa said simply. You were taken aback by her tone, you blamed the black and whiteness in her perspective on her age. It seemed so simple to kids, kiss a guy and bam, you’re together. It wasn’t as simple as that. Was it?
“You think?” you murmured, your fingers running over the corners of the envelope, still doubting whether you were doing the right thing. “He’d be stupid not to,” Lisa replied, giving you a shrug as if that were that. This time, you weren’t bothered by the plainness of her tone, but instead felt a surge of warmth spreading in your heart, highlighted optimism. “Right,” you repeated with a smile, “He’d be stupid not to.”
Turns out, Billy Russo was not an idiot. He did write back. The letter came, taped up, in the same envelope as one of Frank’s letters. “I didn’t know my husband knew how to write a letter,” Maria had joked, slipping the letter to you after brunch a week after Thanksgiving, “Turns out, Billy was the one who pushed him to it. Something about the lost art of letter writing.” 
You were so giddy, you ended up walking over to a nearby coffee shop. You were too afraid you’d be unable to wait until you got home to open the letter, so ten minutes after parting ways with Maria, you were settled at a corner table in a small coffee shop with a hot mocha and Billy’s letter.
Hey Y/N,
Cool opening. Much chiller than yours, you noted.
I already thought I shot my shot with you, but I guess kissing you wasn’t a clear enough hint that I like you? And Lisa wouldn’t have told if you had bribed her the way I do, but that’s a secret that stays with me. You’ll have to find your own way with Lisa. She’s a smart kid.
I’d say that things are normal here too, but there’s nothing normal about being out here. It’s normal for me, but I don’t think anybody else can understand that. And that’s alright, y’know? 
God, I do miss pie. Make me some when I get back, will you? It’s the food I miss, the food and the beer. And Maria and the kids, of course. And you. Is that weird?
I guess not. Frank misses Maria. I think I miss you like that. So, it’s fine by me if you miss me. If you want to miss me via e-mail so I can miss you even faster, that’s also fine by me. Hear from you soon, yeah?
He even closed out his letters in a cool way! You mentally cursed yourself for crossing out that damn love you had written, hoping he hadn’t been able to make out your mistake. After you moved on past your embarrassment, you quickly typed in the email address he had written on the bottom of the letter, typing out a quick message to him.
You nearly pressed sent too, but you held back, finger hovering over the send button. 
Hey Billy! Y/N here, as you can probably see as my e-mail address is my first and last name put together. Good point, we should be living in the 21st century and using e-mail. Then again, in the age of texting, e-mail writing is also a lost art of sorts. 
And I know what you mean. I just like knowing that you’re well, as well as you can be. I’d like you to come home in one piece, if that’s not too much to ask.
Also, will you tell me your Lisa taming secret for $1 million? 
You sighed, wondering if the rules of courtship applied to whatever this was with you and Billy. Twenty long mocha-sipping, barista probably thinks you’re crazy minutes later, you finally hit send. You figured he wouldn’t see the e-mail that quickly anyway, and that rules weren’t real and meant nothing. Just as quickly, you checked your sent folder to see if it had in fact really sent and thanks to the blessing of wireless internet, the e-mail had in fact sent. You then began refreshing your e-mail on your phone, sitting with the strange anticipation of a reply. Another five minutes of that, and you finally headed out to your car after no reply came, dialing Maria’s number at the same time.
“Of course there’s no reply,” Maria’s voice called out over the phone, “You just sent the damn e-mail, Y/N!” “I know,” you whined back, signalling your turn before slumping in the driver’s seat of your car. “Now I want to know what he wrote,” Maria commented offhandedly, and you imagined her leaning over her kitchen counter to stare out the window as she talked you down over the phone. “Over my dead body,” you muttered, to which Maria laughed out loud. “Just hold on, Y/N,” she assured you, “Just hold on.”
Maria was right. Well, she usually almost always was. Billy’s reply came a few days later, and you had practically jumped out of your office chair while at work when the notification popped up.
I’ll try and come back in one piece, but no guarantees. Also, when was e-mail writing ever an art? I thought it was always something painful adults had to do. Even thinking of the word “regards” makes me sick.
Tell me more about how things are for you, work, friends, anything. I want to know more about you.
And I would not sell you my Lisa taming secret for all the money in the world.
You bit back a smile, hoping that no one around the office was looking at you grinning at your phone screen like an idiot. Sure enough, no one was and you reread Billy’s e-mail several times over. And you couldn’t help but smile every time you did.
Over the next weeks, you and Billy e-mailed back and forth with an occasional Skype call in between. The first time you saw him on a screen was when Maria was Skyping with Frank and Billy popped in the background while you were saying hi to Frank. 
“Hey stranger!” Billy called, the image of him grainy but sure enough, it was him. “Hey!” you called, your voice immediately brighter than it was a second ago and you caught Maria and Frank giving each other a look. “We can go, y’know, if the two of you want some privacy?” Frank teased as Maria snickered. “Real mature,” you muttered, playfully smacking Maria’s shoulder.
The next time Billy e-mailed you, he gave his Skype ID so that the two of you could talk sans Castle intrusion. 
“Hey you!” you called, seated on the floor of your living room as your laptop rested on your coffee table. You had a cozy sweater on, keeping you warm in the midst of the rainstorm outside. It had been pouring for days nonstop, and while it meant no snow to shovel, it was hardly weather to match the cheery-ness of the holiday season.
“Hey sweetheart,” Billy replied, his lips moving in the video a second before the sound processed but you didn’t care. This was the next best thing to having him there. “How was that office Christmas party?” Billy asked, referencing an awful Secret Santa you had been to just two days earlier. “I got a nice set of hot pink oven mitts from this lady in accounting,” you bragged, your eyes wide in exaggeration. Billy laughed and the sound was truly music to your ears, “Hold onto those for me. They sound like they’re just my style.” “Yeah,” you muttered, “And I’ll get you those eyelashes you can put on your car, too.” Billy shook his head at you, unable to push back the smile from his face.
“It’s weird, y’know?” he said suddenly, shifting a bit in his seat. It caught you by surprise, you were telling him about the presents at the party that were so bad that they were good, and the smile dropped from his lips as he spoke. “Secret Santa?” you asked slowly, confused at the sudden change. “No,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ve never had anybody like this to talk to,” he said, hands moving to gesture towards the camera. “Mari-” you began before he cut in. “Nah,” he shook his head, “Not like that. Someone who’s mine.” A silence came over you, the weight of his words hanging in the air as you looked at him at the screen. You thought for a second the screen froze, but Billy blinked his eyes. “Did it freeze?” he said softly, after you hadn’t responded or moved. You shook your head, slowly at first. The sound of the heavy rain against your window were a tell-tale sign, but you weren’t sure of what to say at first. “No,” you replied back, just as softly. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said, the regret apparent in his eyes, “I didn’t me-” You cut in, “No, I want you to mean it like that, Billy. I want to be somebody for you. I just didn’t know how you felt, and I’m too afraid I’ll overstep something, some kind of boundary…” Billy laughed softly, the skin around his eyes crinkling up the way it did when he really smiled, “You’re an idiot. You and me both. We let dumb shit like this hold us back.” You couldn’t help but mirror his laugh, the tension sliding off your shoulders, even as the storm didn’t let up outside, “No more dumb shit.” “No more,” he repeated, “Just us.” For the first time since that kiss the night of the party at the Castle’s home, you felt at peace. The sound of the rain was now comforting, the pitter-patter against your window now soothing you as you smiled at Billy’s image on the screen. “Just us,” you said softly, “Us.”
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bnha-hcs · 6 years
*breathes* I've been haunted by the "wait for me" trope; may I ask for a scenario where Todoroki's crush accidentally slips that she loves him, but he doesn't catch it and she leaves it hoping he doesn't think too much about it. But he does. And he realizes. So he brings her to talk and feelings are exchanged; he admits he loves her back but he's got a lot going on but he doesn't want to lose her, so if she's willing, would she wait for him? I'm really sorry if that's a lot to ask!
Decided to do some requests bc I’m still waiting on my doctors to figure shit out and its,,, taking forever so I’m running out of things to do that don’t have me doing too much alsjdalkd. I know it’s late on a lot of these but better late than never yeah? 
Also I finally caught up with the manga oh my gods it’s been 5000 years
- Tiki
You stand there in complete silence- thoroughly mortified about what you had just let slip in such casual conversation. There’s no telling what could happen at this point and you weren’t sure if you should try to apologize or just own up to the fact that you had just accidentally confessed your feelings to Todoroki. For a second you weren’t even sure if he even heard you, until you looked over and saw his blue and brown eyes searching your face for any semblance- any indication that you had been lying, or joking, or something.
Todoroki didn’t look like he was going to say anything anytime soon, leaving you to hurry up and pick a course of action. He looks… uncomfortable, and actually a little flustered. Specifically, he even looks like he’s lost a bit of his cool/aloof nature and you’re very afraid you’ve actually ruined any sort of friendship the two of you even had. Is he mad?? Is he upset with you?? You scramble to think of what to say, and before you can stop yourself, words are pouring out of your mouth in a mad dash to keep whatever dignity and friendship you had left.
“Um!! I mean don’t think anything of what I just said… In fact, just forget I said anything alright??” You manage out, stumbling over a few words here and there.
NO response.
Crap, you’ve definitely fucked up. Surely this is where everything goes out the window and now it’s time to make a hasty retreat. So you scramble to get your things and get going, making your move to leave. As soon as you bid your quick goodbye in the form of a quiet squeak you feel the hold of his hand on your wrist, and look to see a look of utter confusion on his face matched with pleading eyes. You’ve never seen such a look on Todoroki’s face before and you’re unsure of what to even make of it. Out of habit you freeze and wait for whatever he looks like he’s about to say.
“I’m sorry, what did you mean? I’m a little confused…” He says, his face scrunching up a little bit as he looks lost in thought. You physically deflate at his words.
Oh GOOD he doesn’t actually know what you said thank g o d s. You let out a large sigh and force a sheepish smile onto your face, freeing your wrist from his grasp and waving your hand a bit.
“It’s okay Shouto! Don’t worry about it.” You say quickly, taking a step away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
This time you don’t give him any room you stop you, and successfully make your retreat this time. You almost run back to the dorms, eager to find solace in the safety of your room and to wallow in your embarrassment by yourself, and rightfully so. You were still mortified with yourself, and are sure you wouldn’t be able to look Todoroki in the eyes the next few days. Gods... maybe if you were lucky he’d just forget about the whole thing altogether. But you’d never be that lucky. Todoroki was aloof but you were dead sure he wasn’t that aloof.
As soon as you were back to your dorm room you threw yourself on the bed and contemplated on whether you needed to fake your own death or not. Your over dramatic ass tried to list off friends who could possibly help you disappear, but figured you’d have a better chance just accepting what happened than trying to suddenly drop from the grid and become a hermit. Groaning into your pillow you roll over and set your alarms for tomorrow, deciding to sleep off your days events.
The alarms went off and you had to, unfortunately, get up and get ready to face the day. As soon as you brought your phone to your face and shut off the alarms to stop the assault on your poor eardrums, you found a text from Todoroki waiting for you, having been sent only a few minutes before you got up. As soon as you saw it waiting in your messages you could feel your soul leaving your body and the emergency systems in your brain start to malfunction. At some point you were sure someone could hear you screaming in your mind as you tapped on the message to read its contents.
‘Sorry it’s early, but could we talk before class?’
Quickly, you texted out a reply, making about 500 typos and then having to spend more time fixing them than actually typing it up. It didn’t help that you were hardly coherent from waking up about 2 minutes prior. Finally you had hit send and waited for a reply, biting your lip a little too hard.
‘Sure!! Same place as yesterday?’
‘That’s fine’
You practically shoot yourself out of bed to get dressed and make yourself look like you didn’t just sleep for about 15 hours because holy hell you were sure you looked like a disaster right now. I mean… you ARE a disaster, but you couldn’t let anyone actually k n o w, let alone Todoroki of all people good gods. So you shove on your uniform and haphazardly brush through your hair so you could quickly jump over to the bathroom and brush your teeth, put on deodorant, etc.
As you’re finishing up your flurry of things you realize you hadn’t asked when the hell you were supposed to be there, having just assumed that he meant as soon as possible. Well… if you went now you wouldn’t have to run the risk of running into anyone. So instead of confirming a time to be there, you decided to stick to your plan of getting there as soon as possible, not exactly caring if it was a little too early. Maybe you could find a vending machine somewhere and get a drink in case you had to wait…
You sighed and threw your bag over your shoulder, checking your phone as you exit your room and make your way down, and out of the dorms. Just as you had thought, not many people were up and you were lucky enough to slip past them and out the door without having to say a thing. Maybe they were also half asleep and just hadn’t the energy to talk yet. Either way you were grateful. With a quick pace you headed back to where you were yesterday- a small courtyard around the school grounds that you’d often study at if the weather permitted. After a while of being friends with Todoroki, the two of you had made it a habit to meet there and study together or just hang out between other things in your busy lives.
Rounding the corner you choked on your spit seeing Todoroki was already there, and you had to make peace with dying from choking as you avoided hacking up a lung and looking like a huge idiot. Just great… Your face was already red and your voice was going to sound stressed. And he must’ve heard your muffled choking noises because he turned around, his soft face catching the morning sun as he squinted to see you. So you hurried your way over for his sake, seeing as it would do neither of you any good if you just loafed around like a piece of wet lettuce.
“Um, hey!” You squeaked out, stopped just a bit in front of him. “So what did you want to talk about?”
There’s a pause, and you watch him shift his hands, like he isn’t sure what or where to put them. He settles for awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, a blush dusting his cheeks as he struggles to look at you. You watch with much anxiety and anticipation, not used to… well… any of this.
“I realized what exactly you meant yesterday…” He starts, choosing his words carefully. “And I’m sorry I didn’t understand at first but…”
But??? But what?? Oh gods you knew it, you knew he was going to reject you- you knew you never stood a chance of ever being with someone like him. You knew… you’d start to cry sooner or later but as soon as you had the flood of thoughts scrambling for purchase through your head you could feel the tears pricking your eyes and the heaviness of rejection settling in your head.
“I’m not really good at… these kind of things.” He says simply, and part of you is relieved but you aren’t exactly sure that can stop steeling yourself for whatever he has to say. He looks up at you, eyes locking with yours, his gaze as heavy as your head felt and you find your breath catching in your throat. He sighs, looking away again before he begins to inch closer.
Todoroki reaches out and you resist the urge to shy away, knowing that if you did, you’d never be able to witness such tenderness from him again. So you move a bit closer on your own and meet him halfway. His right hand moves to cup the side of you face, thumb swiping over your cheek with a feeling that has you at a loss of words. You’re not even sure if you should speak right now, and wait for him to make his next move. Todoroki has a look of pure adoration of you in his eyes and you feel his hand waver a bit and a slight look of sadness flickers in his eyes for a quick second.
“I realized what you said and then I realized I…” He pauses his other hand going to cup the other side of your face, “I love you, too.”
The feeling is suffocating- his hands, his words, his face as it’s so close and so far from yours, and then the feeling in the pit of your stomach that has you thinking that it’s too good to be true. The warm blush that’s spread across your face has you feeling dizzy, like you can’t quite focus on anything but his touch, and the sound of his voice. You sigh prematurely and you watch him look away for a second.
“Shouto…” You breathe out.
“I love you so much, (Y/N), but I- we can’t be together right now.”
“Wh.. What?” You ask incredulously. “What do you mean?”
You can feel the tears pricking in your eyes again, and the sinking of your stomach as a pang grabs at the deepest depths of your chest. You could hardly keep your voice from wavering as you spoke. He can tell you’re upset, and surely this was just as hard for him to explain as it was for you to listen and accept it.
“Just, as I am now, I wouldn’t be able to be there for you. And we’re both still changing and growing so it wouldn’t be good for either of us.” He sighs, looking around like he’s anxious until he resumes, keeping his tender gaze with you and his hands still gently holding your face. “But I don’t want to lose you.”
It’s hard to keep the feelings buried in you so you let a sniffle out, and few tears roll down your face, which are quickly wiped away by the boy in front of you. You want so hard to hide your face- to bury it in your hands and hide the tears you’ve been trying so hard to keep back, but all you can do is reach up and grasp one the the hands Todoroki has cupping your face. You lean into his touch, nodding to his words as they slowly process in your mind.
“(Y/n),” He beckons your name so you’ll look up at him, giving you a small smile. “I know I’m asking a lot but, will you wait for me?”
It takes you a second to actually process any single word that he just said and you half blame the inebriated state that you’ve been in this whole time and the whirlwind of emotions that you’ve been through had you second guessing your comprehensive skills. And before he knew it, you had broken his hold on you and leapt into his arms, burying your face in whatever place you could put it. His arms circle around you and for a few moments the two of your stand there, completely content in each other’s presence. His face buries itself in your hair and he places a small kiss on the top of your head.
“Of course I’ll wait for you!” You gasp, pulling your head from his chest and making him lift his head. “I’ll wait as long as it takes.”
For a second he looks surprised as he looks down at you, like he didn’t expect you to say yes. And then a smile makes its way into his face, slowly, and he can’t help showing his delight. Without much warning he leans down and quickly presses his lips against yours. It’s quick, and in a way it’s very bitter sweet as you quickly go to reciprocate the affection, knowing full well it’ll be the last you’ll ever get in a while. You try to embed into your mind the feeling of his lips on yours, and you know very well that he is probably doing just the same. The tickling shiver that flutters up your spine is foreign, but definitely not unwelcome and part of you wonders when you’ll be able to indulge in something like this everyday. And just as you thought, the moment the two of you part, you feel a loss at the lack of contact.
You feel Todoroki’s breath fan across your face and resist the urge to lean back in for another kiss. And so the two of you part further, going back to standing together, and somehow acting like that didn’t just happen. You share a look with him and with a nod the two of you head off to class, Todoroki looking like he’s puffed up a little, probably due to the fact that he didn’t think you’d say yes. You found it endearing, to say the least.
There’s nothing much to say as you walk, a comfortable silence, and you find yourself still a little confused in your feelings. Sure you’re still muddled in sadness at the fact that were both rejected and not rejected at the same time. You weren’t quite sure where to place anything in your heart just yet. The only thing you knew is that you’d have to wait for him, for however long it takes. And you were just fine with that.
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MICHELLE CHAE, better known as RORIN, is the VOCAL AND RAPPER of CHROMA under BC ENTERTAINMENT. She was born on JUNE 20, 1999. She looks a little like KIM MINJEONG (WINTER) OF AESPA.
faceclaim: Kim Minjeong (Winter), member of æspa.
legal name: Michelle Rorin Chae
stage name: Rorin.
pronouns: She / her / hers.
birth date: Jun 20, 1999.
hometown: Valley Glen, CA.
position: Vocal, rapper of Chroma.
claims: None.
triggers: Mentions of slut-shaming; misogynistic comments; estranged relatives; allusions to addiction and abandonment.
“She’s a natural on the ice; it’s incredible to me how quickly she picked things up. Has she ever done this before?” The instructor queries as she gazes out at Michelle; watching closely as she finds her balance and gains more confidence the longer that she can stay upright. Never having realized how graceful she is, she aligns her small limbs beautifully to assist in her glides—merely understanding how to hold her posture for better balance. “Y’know, you should really consider getting her a proper coach. It’s not often that a kid just... knows how to control themselves out there.”
Her mother listens, then nods; letting each suggestion sink in before responding. “Well, if she likes it, then we’ll have to consider it...” It’s a simple response that she hopes suffices, and while she would want nothing more than to support her daughter in discovering what she excels at, she can’t help but think about the money in the family bank account—and how it’s nowhere near as high as it should be given the amount of people in their household.
“Look, mom!” The little one yells from the center of the rink, being brave enough to raise one of her legs into an arabesque while she skates; somehow not tumbling over in the process. It’s in that moment when the instructor cheers, gobsmacked at the progress. “See what I mean?” It’s a lot to consider, especially as Heesun knows the cost of putting a child through such a rigorous training regiment. It’s not only paying out-of-pocket for the materials needed or making sure the coach is paid what their worth, but it’s also long hours practicing and grueling schedules. How on earth any child can sustain that while also attending school is unheard of to her, but all at once, she notices how wide Michelle smiles as she coasts, and it warms her heart.
“Do you have any recommendations? I can’t really afford to pay an arm and a leg for it at this time, but if it’s within reason, I think it would be good for her... so long as it doesn’t get in the way of her studies.” Nodding, her teacher guides her mother into her office, but that doesn’t stop the rising figure skater from continuing. Little does she know, she’s falling in love.
“You’re going to do a great job! We’ve been practicing a lot, your routine is great, and even if I’m hard on you sometimes, I’m still really proud of you!” Her coach urges, and she nods, but she’s not really paying attention to anything that she’s saying. Instead, her eyes turn backwards to the bleachers—doing her best to see if her father had arrived to join her mother in the audience. It’s literal milliseconds before she’s set to take to the ice, but so far, there’s no sight of him. Back at home, he’s her biggest cheerleader, but whenever it comes to showing up at important events, he constantly fails, and unfortunately, that’s not his only flaw either. Now that she’s gotten a little bit older, Michelle understands why her mom and dad don’t talk much, even if it’s only recently that they all sit in silence at the dinner table.
Right on time, the announcer calls her name and she rises; gliding over to her mark. She’s upset knowing that he’s not in attendance, but she does her best to suppress all of her emotions.
Like coach always says: “Now’s not that the time for that.”
Taking a deep breath, she easily finds her opening pose and holds it strong; powerful. So many thoughts race through her mind in that instant. She thinks about the choreography she’s spent months learning. She thinks about the plans that her mother made for after they’re done at the rink. She thinks about her dad and what he’s up to... and right then, almost as if to snap her out of her trance, the music starts pounding through the speakers—muscle memory kicking into high-gear to guide her through each detailed motion. It’s a release of her emotions through her body, and it’s in these moments where she feels the most free.
What’s unfortunate is that this rush of adrenaline never lasts as long as she’d like it to, and only after a few minutes, she’s back to where she began, but now poised in her final position.
Skating back towards her coach, Michelle takes her seat once more; a blanket draped softly over her shoulders for warmth. When her scores are revealed, they’re the same as always: fair. While she’s typically relieved to sit pretty in the middle, today, she responds negatively to them; feeling as though all of her hard work didn’t add up to a well-deserved win.
She also blames her father for promising that he’d finally make an appearance as her official “good luck charm” only to forsake her yet again.
Michelle spends the rest of that evening pensively staring out of windows; text messages arriving from her dad—all apologizing for not being able to make his flight after work.
STUDENT A: “Gross... she comes across as so desperate, like...” STUDENT B: “I don’t understand what guys see in her, she’s obnoxious!” STUDENT C: “Yeah like, she still acts like she’s in seventh grade.” STUDENT D: “Hey, wait—didn’t she used to figure skate?” STUDENT A: “That’s right! I heard she had to stop ‘cause she’s broke now.” STUDENT D: “Desperate, cheap, slutty... guess that’s Michelle Chae for ya.”
Dad started to sell their personal belongings in order to feed his newly discovered habit. Mom was driven wild. It didn’t take long for things to explode, and with the end of their relationship came a screeching halt to Michelle’s figure skating career. With her father no longer being an active part of her life, she and her mother barely made end’s meat—barely seeing one another due to the lengthy hours they both worked to pay the bills. She’s only seventeen and instead of saving money for college, she puts every penny towards supporting her family. She spends so much time being responsible that she deeply sacrifices any personal pleasures and friendships.
Then again, it’s not like people at school are clamoring to get to know her.
From an early age, she knew that she got along better with boys as opposed to girls. In truth, Michelle spent a lot of time around other figure skaters ( most of which were female ) that often treated her poorly, so she’s learned not to really trust members of the same sex easily. Most of the time, those “friendships” turned into gross competitions, camaraderie devolved into petty rivalries, and honestly, she absolutely fucking hated it.
In her heart of hearts, she knows that it’s not good to alienate herself from other girls, and it’s something she works on, but at the same time, because of her close friendship with many of her school’s male students, some of her peers refer to her as a “whore” and a “slut,” and sadly, this label has stuck with her since middle school. Some say that she’s too sweet which makes her “easy.” Others say she’s fake and has stolen many boyfriends—which isn’t accurate at all.
Honestly, Michelle has ever understood the rumors. If boys gave her their attention and made her feel special, why should she be “burned at the stake” for engaging with them? For simply finding pleasure in their gazes; their touches? Instead of being embraced by the frigid cool, she’s wrapped up in the strong arms of a lover—that same rush of adrenaline now found in-between bedsheets as opposed to anywhere near a skating rink.
The downside to all of this, though? She falls in love far too easily, and more often than not, her heart ends up broken—and sometimes, it’s all her own fault.
“Sorry!” Michelle exclaims, in English, to a passerby she accidentally bumped into—completely lost on her first day. It was her mom’s idea for her to attend school ( for at least two semesters, anyway ) in Seoul, and even though she was really hesitant at first, she thought that it might be a great opportunity to learn more about where she’s from. That, and well, she’d be able to see her grandparents way more often, especially since they’re getting older. That being said, it’s not been an easy transition, and the culture shock is rampant.
Luckily, she knows how to read and write the language, but that’s about as far as it goes. She’s embarrassingly American—her seniors often view her as rude and loud, but she has absolutely no idea about any of the social customs ( and spoiler alert: still doesn’t ) and knows that she fucks up a lot. Despite this, she fails to truly pick up on them, even after she’s been corrected.
After trying to find her first class, she takes a wrong turn and ends up back where she started—and as she groans in annoyance, someone calls out to her from behind; prompting her to turn around. When she sees a slightly older man approach her, she offers a grin, then a sloppy bow.
“Are you talking to me?” She asks, tilting her head gently; curiously. “Yes! I’m sorry to bother, but I think you might be just who I’m looking for!” “I... don’t think I know what you mean?” Michelle questions, a little creeped out.
Later that week, she attends an audition to join an entertainment company, and even though she has never had training in singing or rapping, she miraculously makes it in... and decides then to skip out on her nursing degree in favor of a totally risky once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
That being said, her mom’s going to be beyond livid.
Having only started training in April of the year prior, it’s not even been one year since Michelle began her training, so when she’s called into the talent manager’s office, she’s not expecting to hear any good news. After all, she’s constantly being told that she’s lacking in comparison to the other trainees, so how on earth could she have earned a chance to début? She knows a girl group’s being formed and that some of the others she’s trained with have already been given slots, and have even recorded promotional singles. Needless to say, she’s not feeling especially confident.
She takes the seat offered to her and does her best to be respectful, and when she’s informed that she’s been selected as a member for their upcoming project, she thought it was a joke.
“What?” She asks, gobsmacked, and the manager further explains why she’s chosen. In essence—well, at least from what she remembers—he said that she has great potential, and her skills in English, her unique vocal color, and willingness to learn are all assets to the group in various fashions. Stunned, all she could do was nod and agree with him; realizing then and there that this is actually happening to her. In what seemed like no time whatsoever, she’ll be standing on-stage as a somebody. She’ll be thrust in front of cameras and made completely vulnerable to the public. Truth be told, she thought she’d be working hard for a few years before getting a chance to become an idol, but now, it’s consuming all of her reality at a rapid pace.
As scared as she is, she hopes that being given yet another rare opportunity will convince her mom that this is a good idea. She also hopes that she’s able to pull off the image that they’ve discussed for her—one that rivals that of Snow White and Alice In Wonderland as far as purity is concerned. It’s no secret that she’s a bit rough around the edges, so she’s terrified.
All she can do now is hold out hope for the best, even if only the worst case-scenarios continue to plague her thoughts lately.
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
the hearts’ aftermath.
member(s): park woojin & bae jinyoung genre(s): high school!au, fluff, hoobae!au summary: a simple cliché high school love story, may not be special for others but it’s special for park woojin and bae jinyoung. epilogue of ludic and responsible (requested - bullet point format) word count: 1.4k
note: a requested scenario that took me forever to write bc of my indecisive ass hahah ;; i’m really sorry if it took a while and i hope you like it! i actually had more ideas in mind but couldn’t put them bc i feared it would be too long and it’d make the entire thing more messy sighpies bUT ANYWHO i actually have no idea how this works..?? like lmao you can be either woojin’s girl or baejin’s girl or you can be both bc two is better than one! i apologise if it may seem messy too but other than that, enjoy and happy reading! < 3  p.s. idk whether y’all get tired of me saying thank you but i can’t help that bc it doesn’t amount to how much i really am grateful for the numerous support esp with the likes, follows and reblogs! thank you so much for the love ;; i will continue to work even harder < 33
guess who’s back 
back again 
woojin’s back 
tell a friend 
ok sorry i got a lil carried away whoops 
so anyways 
woojin got in trouble after your shenanigans
like yeah sure a detention and his ass whooped from his parents 
that wasn’t the big deal 
i’m referring to something bigger 
yknow that tiny crush he had on you before?? 
yeah that grew 
and it still continues to do so
because after that one fine day in which you accidentally dragged him into your own trouble 
he entered your life and you entered his
it was a gradual progress though 
at the start, it was simply a form of acknowledgement whether through grins, eye contact and waves
then it became small conversations that occurred whenever you encountered each other 
and eventually you ended up sitting with his group of friends 
sometimes you even drag him along to your schemes of skipping classes or pranking people 
everything was all fun and games 
until it came to feelings 
he has this mini-hate for you whenever it came to that subject
you kept things ambiguous that he can’t pinpoint anything 
there are times when you say things to him that feel like they hold a lot more meaning than you let on 
or those times when he catches you shyly glancing at him
yet all in all, nothing
either you were good at hiding feelings 
or you didn’t have any
yet one thing still remains
never did woojin think that he’d fall for someone as troublesome as you 
but he did anyway 
and he can’t say he hates it 
bc boy oh boy does he enjoy every second of it 
there’s this sort of thrill that he gets liking you 
but lol even if he does enjoy liking you 
doesn’t mean he’d enjoy getting rejected 
so he kept his feelings to himself and decided not to speak to anyone about it 
until someone pointed it out 
there were two new members in his friendship circle consisting of bae jinyoung, lee daehwi, park jihoon and lai guanlin
one of them was you 
and the other one? 
jinyoung’s tutor/girlfriend
the school’s blessing - everyone’s angelic sunbae 
(which can also be you bc why the hek not yknow why just be woojin’s crush when you can be baejin’s gf too)
yeah 11/10 his ass got exposed when you decided to skip classes one day
“so woojin, when are you gonna make a move?”
everyone literally stopped, dropped and rolled bc wth boi never told them
while guanlin legit jumped up from his seat, clapping his hands happily and the entire cafeteria was blessed with his yelling and dolphin laughs
did they make a bet on chicken nuggets without him??
hek yeah they did (#worthit)
woojin choked on air and he became a stuttering mess, “n-no! where d-did you hear th-that?! h-hahaha that’s s-so funny! i d-don’t like y-y/n!” 
"we never said it was y/n though...?”
“. . . . . .”
he grabbed his things and ran away from them never to be seen again 
j u s t  k i d d i n g 
in the end, it took woojin a while to muster up the courage to confess to you 
(well, it was more like it took daehwi, guanlin, jihoon and jinyoung to verbally gang up on him to confess bc they were tired of the never-ending push and pull between you two cos it’s so obvious you liked each other so just date already gosh.)
most of the work was all thanks to jinyoung’s girlfriend who constantly encouraged him and gave him actual advice
she even helped him make a move on you by becoming close to you
unlike some other snakes who he calls friends, whom if you recall put his feelings on the line for chicken nuggets 
eventually you and woojin began to date 
the news quickly spread around the school and it made a number of the male students sad 
bc firstly, bae jinyoung stole the angel of the school 
and now woojin took the badass of the school 
but somehow no one’s mad about it cos baejin and his girl are the school’s new couple goals 
while you and woojin are the ideal “dream team” 
now y’all might be thinking those are the best otp the school has 
but jokes on you 
the best pairing around is you and baejin’s girlfriend 
a duo so great you can probably beat ongniel
you two got really close bc she helped your relationship with woojin become more than friendship
it was a weird sight at first bc two polar opposites are suddenly hanging out; one was well-loved for being a responsible and kind role model whilst the other one was loved for being cheeky and having a mischievous mind 
such contradictory that ended up as an awesome friendship
bc yknow as they say, opposite attracts
and nowadays it actually feels like you and baejin’s girlfriend are dating instead bc you two always hang out
which leaves woojin and jinyoung sulking to themselves 
like every time jinyoung’s girlfriend is on the phone texting 98% of the time she’s talking to you 
“stop two-timing, angels aren’t supposed to be cheaters.” jinyoung would complain as he’d wrap his arms around her
while she’d only laugh at him, “yah- you shouldn’t be talking especially when you scammed me into this relationship despite have such an innocent and angelic face.” 
“that’s a strategy okay! this is a different situation like seriously, are you dating me or are you dating y/n??” he’d ask her with a slight frown
“well then seems like i have to break up with you then-” she would always reply 
11/10 it works every time and baejin would end up sulking until she'd kiss his cheek 
“just kidding - i wouldn’t replace you for anyone else, baejin.”
and tbh you two have gotten so close it’s gotten to the point where baejin got jealous and decided to whip up a plan with woojin about taking you and his girl away from each other 
let me tell you it didn’t work bc y’all were inseparable after instantly clicking
srsly she got your back and vice-versa bc yknow angel-devil duo is science maths
so whenever you and woojin bicker, you two mostly result to threatening about how you’d leave one another 
woojin: i swear i’m gonna go back to jihoon if this continues >:( 
you: ye well go ahead cos jinyoung’s girlfriend is my real soulmate lmao bye felicia xx 
woojin: . . . .i was kidding ;; you know that right? 
woojin: OK OK IM SORRY 
yeah you end up winning bc duh brotp ftw 
ofc there are even times when woojin and jinyoung bicker on whose girlfriend is better 
smh this isn’t a competition idiots 
so whenever they do that, you two just look at each other and leave 
which ends up to jinyoung and woojin eventually coming together to sulk by buying banana milk to “drown” in their sadness bc remember kids, y’all shouldn’t be drinking alcohol underaged 
but even so you love woojin more than anything in the world 
he makes you laugh and smile, your days are brighter when he’s around and you miss him when he isn’t there 
and it’s the same for jinyoung and his girl 
four different individuals with miscellaneous personalities 
which equals to two couples with different stories and different ways of affection
hence to end the story
there is no actual ending 
and no it isn’t bc i’m lazy ok shh don’t misunderstand me smh
the true ending remains a mystery bc the future is unclear and who knows what will happen to these two couples let alone these four individuals 
i mean that’s totally up to you cos duh it isn’t just me controlling this ok 
but these four have no care what happens tomorrow or the day after 
bc they live in the here and now, enjoying every second and every moment they share with their friends, their family and with their special one
and every day is a new day to create fresh and happy memories for them to cherish and remember in their hearts forever
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Headcannons for the Group Therapy fic thing cuz it was requested like twice that I continue this so. I might do a fic later, no promises.
This also includes stuff already mentioned in the fic ‘Group Therapy’ which I wrote :D
I know someone else made some headcannons that i kind of base some of these on ? but i read a lot of headcannons so i dont exactly know which are based and what theyre based on. Sorry.
-Eddie has social anxiety and is a huge germaphobe
-He and Stan bond over cleaning things and how neat things should be.
-Eddie is very nurturing and will disregard his germaphobia if it means he can comfort someone
-also very badass ??? Eddie will use all of his first aid kit for his friends and he’ll punch people in the face if they mess with them
-Eddie is the only one that Stan will touch him bc Stan knows that this kid washes his hands more than Richie makes crude jokes and he basically bathes in hand sanitizer so he’s the cleanest
-Eddie is so good at handling emotional episodes and panic attacks that the others go through ?
-Like he’s internally freaking tf out but in the outside he’s so cool and collected that it’s hard to feel threatened around him
-has like friend crushes on everyone ? Like he only wants to date Richie but he loves he others so much that he hates being apart from them
-Stan has OCD and is obsessed with the number three.
-He prefers Stan over Stanley because Stan Uris is three syllables.
-Everything in his room is sorted in three; pants, shorts, and underwear. Polos, button ups, and t shirts. Etc.
-Everything he does is in sets of three and he’s constantly bullied bc of the panic attacks he’ll get during class or when he helps the teacher clean up and ends up sort everything in the classroom into threes.
-Stan’s dad took him birdwatching in an attempt to get Stan out of the house but at the same time keep him in a calm environment and he loved it so much so now they regularly go birdwatching for exactly three hours
-Stan goes to school two hours early so he can arrive at six and he is allowed to leave three minutes before everyone else so he doesn’t have to come in contact with people
-for the first week of school, they forced Stan to try and be like everyone else and it didn’t work ??
-like he doesn’t know what they expected but he couldn’t do anything bc if he wasn’t having a panic attack, he was compulsively tapping his desk or the wall in threes in an attempt to calm himself down
-Stan wakes up at five thirty am every morning
-he goes to bed at nine pm
-it’s like fucking clockwork and if he’s even a minute off, he’ll be hella upset and no one wants to see Stan upset
-Mike has insomnia and stays awake for days on end.
-He survives purely on coffee from the coffee shop located down the street from the school where the rest of the losers go to
-he’s really good at hiding the bags under his eyes by keeping his head tilted forward so the bags look like shadows and no one looks close enough to tell the difference.
-if it gets bad, he uses make up to cover up the bags under his eyes
-he loves talking to people so much ? Especially kids his age bc he isn’t really exposed to anything back at the farm
-he was actually the only one who was really excited to do the group activity
-Bev and Richie were okay with it bc they knew they’d see each other but Mike was excited !!
-new people to meet and talk to ??? Hell yes !
-he and Ben hang out pretty regularly at the library to find history books and discuss them
-they’ve gotten into some pretty awesome debates that would end abruptly bc they’d get really heated and the two boys would start laughing bc they can’t take each other seriously
-Mike likes to draw and he does it mostly when he can’t sleep
-One time Richie had spilled some water on a picture that Mike was drawing and Mike didn’t talk to Richie for a week and a half
-Ben had to convince him that Richie didn’t mean it and that Richie was probably sorry
-of course Eddie made Richie apologize
-it wasn’t very sincere bc Richie + an apology is just a mess
-but Mike accepted it and forgave him nonetheless
-Bill has mild depression and can see and hear a clown (Pennywise) talk about his brother
-no one else can see this thing so Bill feels like he’s tripping balls 90% of the time
-he can see Georgie too which is why he’s so adamant about finding him alive bc he can’t be seeing Georgie’s dead ghost ?? That’s not allowed ??
-Bills stutter had gotten so much worse after Georgie’s disappearance and at this point he just doesn’t talk in public
-Bev steals money from her father for cigs and weed that she buys from Richie because he charges her a lot less then most of the dealers she’s encountered
-she has like three outfits that she wears but that’s it. Don’t even try to buy her clothes bc she just won’t accept it.
-she smokes her sadness and fear away. That’s how she copes and it’s really not a good habit but she doesn’t really care
-Beverly and Richie smoke up on the rooftops during gym class and sometimes whenever Richie needs a break during whatever class bc the boy gets very overwhelmed very easily ??
-Bev is the only person who can tell when he’s getting overwhelmed and since they had every class except for Spanish and geography, she’ll always pull him aside and go for a smoke whenever he looks tense.
-Beverly is such a fucking babe ? Like she does literally nothing and she’s so pretty ? But she hates compliments with a passion.
-only Richie can compliment her without getting slapped
-I’m living for the Bev and Richie friendship tbh they’re like siblings and will die for each other.
-one time Henry Bowers was hitting on Bev and wouldn’t leave her alone and Richie fucking decked him
-Richie left with a black eye, busted lip, some cuts, and some burn marks (curtsy to Patrick) but it was fucking worth it
-Bev is like 10/10 great at making deals. Patrick and her are actually acquaintances bc Bev gives him new lighters when his run out of fuel from terrorizing people and his weed goes missing all the time so she give him some of hers so he’ll leave her alone
-Ben is so fucking soft ?? I love him so much
-he is literally the embodiment of a book, flower, and warm aesthetic
-Ben cares about people so much ? Like he will fuss about his friends eating but then he will forget (or sometimes purposely) to eat
-he’ll be so into writing poetry for someone cough Bev cough that he’ll just not do his homework or remind himself to stay hydrated
-but what’s weird is that when he reads, he’ll be brought back down. Like the self image problems and the forgetfulness temporarily go away
-he’ll be reading a history book that he borrowed from Mike and suddenly he’ll remember that he hadn’t eaten all day and he’ll ask his mom for something to snack on as he reads
-or maybe he’ll be reading a book for school and then he’ll think “shit when was the last time I had some water ?”
-And he spends most of his free time in the library reading or writing so he knows the librarian personally and uses her first name
-he even has his own little place to go with a mini fridge so he has something to eat whenever it hits him that he needs to do shit to s u r v i v e
-Richie doesn’t even want to go to therapy but it’s helping him so he just deals with it
-Eddie and Bev being there is also a plus
-Richie is broke asf so he basically makes Bev pay for his sessions in exchange for weed
-He steals the weed from Patrick and whenever the school decides to have drug dogs come, he just slips that shit right back into Patrick’s locker
-Richie really likes Eddie ?? And he sees Stan as like a little brother that’s easy to annoy
-he’s indifferent towards Ben and Mike bc like he doesn’t interact with them very much but when he does, they’re okay
-Bill is a fifty fifty. Sometimes Richie respects him bc the dudes brother is dead and here he is getting help that’s pretty fucking cool but other times it’s like shit does this kid ever take less then ten minutes to say something ?? And who tf does he think he is telling Richie what he can and cannot say
-Richie has little to no sexual experience so everything he jokes about is purely based off of what he’s read online
-the little experience that Richie does have is making out with Bev while they’re high
-Richie is always the second to arrive (Stans first, he arrives three hours early) and he’s always the last to leave with Eddie.
-he does the same with school, even if he does skip a lot
-he’s really fucking smart tho so skipping class never fucks with his grades
-he tries to stay out for as long as possible bc the boy doesn’t like staying home alone or with his drunk mom
-he has some anger issues
-he and Bev have a thing where every night they go out and break shit
-he really cares about these idiots in his group therapy
-like he could get extremely annoyed with them sometimes but he will fight for them
-Stan was once trapped in a locker by the Bowers gang and Richie was the one who found him
-Stan was freaking out bc he was in an unsanitary locker and he was supposed to have left two hours ago
-Richie calmed him down and took him home
-now Stan allows both Richie and Eddie to touch him
-Stan is basically Reddie’s son at this point
-Richie steals everyone’s clothes all the time and he just walks into they’re house, except for Bev.
-Knocking is not a concept to this kid and it pisses everyone off
-Richie once walked in on Bev and Ben making out in Bens room. He simply smiled and said “wow the new kids on the block poster must be a real turn on for this sex fest, eh ?” and left
-Richie now has a burn mark on his collarbone from Bevs cigarette
-Richie has to take like three different medications and when they were trying to figure out the dosage, it was a rough couple of weeks
-basically these kids are all fucking messed but we love them anyways
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shuakkinda-blog · 7 years
Seungkwan crushing on you !! // scenario
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a bullet-point scenario starring our beautiful boo (aka my death pls enjoy :’)
send me requests on my page if you’d like :)
- alright so to start off, let me just say
- a lot of people think Seungkwan is quite the confident character 25/8
- but tbh I think he would totally lose his cool for a girl he has a huuuge crush on
- it would probably take a whole lot of time for him to realize he likes you but
- once he does
- oh man
- he’s gonna be falling so freaking hard and it will be super obvious at times
- mainly bc the members won’t be able to keep secrets from you for shit lmao
- but there will be plenty of moments when he’ll slip up a bit and give a few hints
- so you’re an intern at pledis entertainment, assisting in the management of Seventeen
- meaning you see Seventeen every time you show up for work !! (where do I sign up)
- and by the third week of your internship, you’re practically best friends with all of them bc you’re just so friendly and open and talented and aDORABLE
- well, best friends with all of them except one:
- Boo Sasskwan
- except he’s not sassy when he’s around you
- in fact he’s the exact opposite
- you managed to get to know all of the other Seventeen members, but getting to know Seungkwan was a challenge
- whenever you past by him in the building, he’d simply bow and say hi before scampering off
- and when you ran into a group of members including Seungkwan just hanging out in the practice room, Seungkwan would find an excuse to leave the group
- his constant avoiding made you think he really disliked you :(
- it made you more nervous about approaching him
- but more importantly, his actions saddened you a good deal
- like, the members would tell you stories about Seungkwan and his confident/funny behavior when you aren’t there
- he seems like a super fun guy to hang out with and you can’t help but think of how cool it would be to be friends with him
- but you just think of all the times he’s avoided you and begin to sulk over the impossibility of you guys becoming good friends
- so you kinda decide to leave him alone and let him be
- but little did you know that Seungkwan feels the same exact waY skdbkjsbfkdjfvskh
- he sees how well you get along with the rest of the group and he really envies the others for having you by their sides
- but rather than taking action and initiating the friendship with you, he gets freaked out and abOrts missioN
- he’s afraid of messing up in front of you in an attempt to get to know you
- he thinks of how much is at stake when he talks to such a cool, funny, talented, adorable, pretty girl like-
- wait, he thinks
- HOLY SHIT, I LIKE Y/N._&(-%”()&=:-&!$-”
- it hits him when he’s up thinking about you one night :,)
- first thing he does when he wakes up the morning after his realization is tell Vernon about his crush on you bc verkwan m8
- Vernon, knowing your open nature with everyone, encourages Seungkwan to initiate the friendship first, saying that it’ll be easy
- but Seungkwan yells something along the lines of “VERNON I CAN’T JUST WALK UP TO Y/N LIKE THAT, I’M AFRAID I’LL SAY SOMETHING DUMB AND SCARE HER AWAY.”
- but Vernon is just like, “dude, you’re not gonna get anywhere if you don’t become friends first. And besides, she loves dumb jokes. Y/n is probably the nicest human being alive.”
- just before Seungkwan can counterattack Vernon’s argument, Jeonghan pops his head into their room and says, “Seungkwan, you like y/n? ;);)));)”
- Seungkwan activates his “aggressive denial mode” and shakes his head rapidly while saying “nononono” as fast as he can
- and ofc the day just gets better when Seokmin and Soonyoung peep into the room with wide grins, having overheard the news as well
- and as much as Seungkwan tries to convince them that he had said nothing concerning you, they don’t believe him bc cMON THIS BOY WAS SO FREAKING LOUD WHEN HE WAS YELLING AT VERNON ABOUT YOU LMAO
- soon enough, word of Seungkwan’s crush spread among the members and the poor guy was fucked l o l
- so later in the day, the members head over to the company building, where they usually see you. As you encountered a few of the members individually throughout your afternoon, they would subtly hint at you about Seungkwan or ask you if you had any particular member that you liked (which you weren’t sure how to answer)
- but you definitely sensed something going on and it began to bother you
- however, when you bump into Wonwoo, he asks you something different:
- “hey y/n, why aren’t you too close to Seungkwan?”
- you sigh and explain to him that you really do admire Seungkwan from afar but he’s been giving you a feeling that he doesn’t want to be friends with you with his distant nature
- Wonwoo nods in understanding, thanks you for telling him, and you both part ways, leaving you still in a mystery
- later that evening, the guys are all back in the dorm and Soonyoung brings up Seungkwan’s little crush as a dinner discussion topic
- Seungkwan tries to defend himself with denial, but fails when Vernon hesitantly confirms the crush
- little boo is a blushing mess and hides his reddened face with his hands as the boys discuss ways to get you to like him
- until Wonwoo brings up what you had told him earlier in the day concerning your awkward acquaintanceship with Seungkwan
- Seungkwan lifts his head from the table and brightens at the mutual-ish wish to create a good friendship
- you can imagine all the members hollering in OOH’S at blushy boo
- so the next day, Seungkwan decides to talk to you and you guys finally become friends :D
- the two of you get close right away and Seungkwan is able to loosen up in front of you a little more every time he gets to hang out with you
- but he sometimes reverts to his shy and blushy self when the members embarrass him in front of you
- like one time, Seokmin pushed Seungkwan and sent him hurdling towards you and B A M you were suddenly in Seungkwan’s arms, faces suuuper close
- Seungkwan immediately stepped away from you and apologized for the sudden collision (even though the both of you really didn’t mind ;););)
- and Chan almost spilled the beans another time so all the members had to distract you from the spoiler with some other random topic (you can also imagine the hyungs covering up Chan’s mouth and Seoksoon distracting you with loud noises lol)
- BUT ANYWAYS, shall we discuss some common crushing habits Seungkwan would have ;)?
- well he’d definitely be the type to show off his singing and dancing skills whenever you’re around, trying extra hard to hit perfect notes/dance sharply
-he loves to make you laugh, so he’d try hard to be funny when he can be
- he’s also the type to play hard-to-get, like he’d make sure you’d be the one to greet him when you guys pass by each other sometimes, just to reassure himself that you’re still aware of his existence lolololol
- would have the brightest smile whenever he’s around you omg, if Seokmin is the sun, Seungkwan’s smile would be another pretty bright star :,)))
- whether he’s complimenting you or you’re complimenting him, he’s going to blush so hard it’s just fnscijfbcfvifbvofs cute
- every now and then, he’ll softly mutter a compliment to you like “ah, you’re so pretty.” and you’d be like “did you say something?” and he’d just snap “NO, NO I DIDN’T PFFT WHAT?”
- at night, he’d find himself thinking of all the cute things you can do as a couple but then catch himself with these thoughts and yell into his pillow in agony/frustration/embarrassment
- “thinking of y/n, huh,” Vernon would say to him whenever Seungkwan yelled like that
- Seungkwan would roll on his bed before replying:
- “she’s just so.... perfect. What do I do with myself...”
- it would take this boy a lot of time and hesitation before he’d confess to you
- it would be simple confession though, he probably wouldn’t go too crazy with planning cute stuff like a serenade or something over-the-top like that because he knows he’d be too nervous to kidney function
- you guys would probably be sitting on the floor in the practice room alone, just hanging out, and he’d look down before suddenly saying:
- *soft voice* “I like you.”
- “Wait what?”
- “I said...”
- “Huh?”
- *even softer voice, barely audible* “I like you, y/n.”
- “Seungkwan, I can’t hear what you’re-”
- “You... what?”
- Seungkwan looks you sternly in the eyes. “I like you, y/n.” He looks down again and plays with his fingers as he blushes. “I really really like you.”
- you look down and blush as well. “I’m glad, because I... I kinda like you... like a lot.”
- Seungkwan can’t help but surprise you with a quick peck on the cheek, making you look at him.
- realizing what he’s done, he immediately apologizes, “OH MY GOD WAIT, I COULDN’T HELP, I MEAN, I’M SORRY IF YOU- THIS- TOO FAST-”
- You immediately return the favor and kiss his cheek as well
- “I’m not dreaming again, r-right?” he blushes even harder
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leesungjongg · 7 years
 hwarang fangirl time
I’m gonna start this off by saying episode 18 was uncalled for and that I hate everyone. Anyways I’ll just talk about the characters because i think the reblogged things were self-explanatory~ Seonwoo/dog-bird: I  love  seojoon, and i honestly mainly watched this drama because of him. his acting is amazing and so is his face. i admired his character a lot because of how strong and brave he was. from the start, just… fearless. Jidwi/Jiheung: he’s just a baby :( he really is. his mom’s been overprotective of him and he’s kinda sick and tired of being in the shadows (and also having people get killed when they find out he’s the future king of Silla). i’m glad he finally became king at the end. i wasn’t expecting him to, because everything was screaming ‘you’ll never make it’ because he was portrayed as a weak character… and countless times, seonwoo overpowered him with bravery. i cant imagine how that must have felt. and he kept questioning why he should be king, or how he’s even going to become king. but im so glad he did. lil bby’s growing up :’) also really happy that seonwoo didn’t kill him in revenge for makmoon. im also super happy how he gently told his mother at the end that he’ll rule now, and that although his way of ruling will be different from hers, it’ll still be to protect Silla and the people. Ahro: ngl i got tired of watching her cry, but tbh the stuff she went through like…. i’d be crying too omfg. she was used to get to seonwoo and jiheung omfg. i was so frustrated about that and it bothered me so much.. but in the end, she still had a good heart and helped anyone she could. she gave hope to the silla people who were trapped in the temporary jail. i think everyone needs someone to give them hope~ Sooho: MINHOOOOOOOOOO MY BBY!!! i love him so much, but tbh i prefer him in To The Beautiful You than this drama. (tbh mainly because of seojoon jsfijgsif) but he was amazing regardless. i love him and banryu’s relationship. they both had a rivalry and sooho somewhat got closer to him. he was always the one initiating some kind of friendship between the two. sooho was warm, despite being a player and all that, he was warm. (kinda weird how he had a crush on the queen tho) Banryu: MY BABY BOYY!!!!!!!! EVERYTIME HE SMILED MY HEART JUST LEAPED OUT OF MY CHEST BECAUSE HE WAS SO BEAUTIFULLLL!!! He was constantly struggling whether to be the bad guy that his “father” wanted and i was like no banryu!! no!! i like that despite everything, he became one of the good guys. he was in hwarang after all. funny how he didnt want to be at first, but then it was like hey, it’s not so bad after all? he got someone who would believe in him (sooyeon - and sooho even!) so i was really happy with his character development. :D Sooyeon: man if she was real, i’d go and thank her. even though banryu rejected her sometimes, she still didn’t give up. i think part of her knew he loved her. so sweet :’)))) i loved their relationship so much. making the tough looking banryu melt into a big puddle of goo T_T so cute. she was so pretty too T___T Yeowool: PRETTY BOY ALERT. I recognized him from Mask i think? i think he was the driver/secretary for the male lead in that one. anyways, in this drama, his first appearance was simply him wearing a pretty white robe and looking all elegant AND I WAS SCREAMING BC HE SAID “what? haven’t you seen a pretty boy before?” AND I WAS LIKE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEESS!! PRETTY BOY!! pretty boys are the reason for my existence tbh. Hansung: he’s such an important precious child T-T all he ever wanted was his older brother to be at the same level as he was :(( HE WAS SO PURE. he slowly made his way into my heart and when he was gone, i felt like someone had literally taken a part of me with him T_T i will honestly never forgive the writers for doing that to him. never ever ever ever. this was the hardest i’ve ever cried over a drama… his smile at the end of it all just made everything worse because he really was so pure and so innocent, and he just wanted what was best for everyone. i’ll miss him forever, i love him so much, i wish nothing happened to him because he didn’t deserve that, he really didnt. Danse: tough. always looking out for his younger brother, and trying to push him to become a stronger person, both in mind and body (because Hansung had a big heart already T-T) . i think in the end, he became part of the hwarang? which i was really happy about because seonwoo was like 'you’re not my servant, you’re my equal’ and i was happy to see him among the other hwarangs. Overall, I thought it was a great drama, and it was the first historical drama i actually sat through and finished watching! now i can cross that off my bucket list LMAO. The ending was a surprise to me, because i actually thought seonwoo would become the king, but he didnt! the old father dude’s plans were ruined YES!! By ruling Silla, Jiheung will learn, and he’ll have bad experiences along with the good, but hopefully, mostly good. Idk what’ll happen with that other crown prince from that city though ;) Hwarang 2 anyone? bring hansung back and maybe i’ll forgive the writers -_-
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urwarriorangel · 8 years
upcoming works, week of march 6th (or march 5th bc sunday is the first day of the week)
<3 hello lovelies! thank you so much for your patience with me! this is a list of pieces that I would like to get done in the future! a reminder that there is no timeline for these things, seeing as some of them are gonna be series’, some mini series’, and some will stand on their own. I’m gonna be working on multiple pieces at once, so thank you from current and future me for putting up with all my craziness! if there’s one of these (or something else) in particular that you can’t wait for, please shoot me an ask or a message and I will try my hardest to crank that out first! (a lot of your requests will be incorporated into these pieces so please bare with me) XOXO <3
Alec Lightwood
federal agent!au
You’re a part of the Witness Protection Program and your identity has been compromised. Some local news agency managed to dig up your past and real name and had it plastered across all their outlets. Alec is an agent for hire who is now here to protect you. He’s not too happy at first, but you grow on him.
Alec Lightwood, the resident punk of the school, and you, the ultimate goody two shoes, get paired together for a class project. You reluctantly go along with the pairing, thinking Alec won’t do much work. He ,however, is head over heels for you, and takes every chance he can to work up to your standards. You, of course are confused as ever but hey. He’s working, right?
Archie Andrews
lucky number slevin!au
A handsome stranger moves in next door, and you’re more than just a little excited. You introduce yourself day one, and god you hope you see more of him. You see a lot more of him than you intended, both physically and mentally. He’s caught your eye in more ways than one and he can say the same about you, through the highs and the lows.
college roommates!au
‘i got a bottom bunk and you’re the person who has the bunk above mine, now you only refer to me as “bottom” even though I’ve repeatedly told you i most certainly am not’
You want to punch Archie’s beautiful face in the second you find that he’s your roommate. You had spent the summer abroad, so you didn’t have much choice in roommates, but thankfully someone picked your name and you didn’t have to do much work when you got back. Un-thankfully, that person was Archie and he thought you were a boy!!!!! It’s not your fault your parents named you Chandler… stupid Archibald.
Bellamy Blake
You’re a witness to a high profile murder and must be kept safe until it’s time for the trial. You need what you like to call a 24 hour babysitter. Bellamy is an old friend and a US Marshall. Once he heard what you’d gotten herself into, he volunteered to be your bodyguard. Do old feelings perk up or will Bellamy remain simply platonic?
You had always wanted to be in a food fight, but food fights at Hogwarts were a little… magical to say the least. There was food flying everywhere and you couldn’t pin-point where it was coming from. The male prefect had managed to stupefy most of the boys and you’d done the same to all the girls. You took down their names and sent them back to their houses to get cleaned up. You sent the list of names over to McGonagall and stood there staring at each other for a few minutes before bursting out laughing. You two move around a little before coming to a consensus: you’d both bathe in the prefects bathroom. No peeking!
Bellamy Blake’s been having nightmares nonstop since his mother died and his sister was taken away from him. You’re both a good friend of his and, as he liked to call you, “his favorite shrink”. There came a point in your practice when you realized that the only way to help Bellamy would be to find his sister. So you set out to do just that.
vampire!au (part two of ‘that’s not factual’)
You and the annoying history geek aka Bellamy get to know each other a little better, and you realize you don’t entirely hate him.
You and Bellamy have always hated each other. You and Octavia have always been inseparable. This was never a problem because both your parents and the Blakes made sure that you and Octavia only hung out at either your place or someplace else that Bellamy wouldn’t be around. This has, however, currently become a problem because Octavia is getting married and you and Bellamy are both in the wedding: you as the maid of honor and Bellamy as the best man. This was going to be a TOUGH wedding to get through, but you both know you’d do anything to ensure Octavia’s happiness.
Bonnie Bennett
If there was one thing you hated more than living alone, it was having your parents think that you couldn’t handle living alone. They were, of course, completely right, but you wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of knowing that. And they wouldn’t ever find out… except that they just called saying that they’d be coming over in a couple hours to drop off some supplies for you. You do the first thing that comes to mind: you ask your hot neighbour for some cleaning supplies. Bonnie assumes you need it to clean some nasty stain, and you don’t correct her. Because c’mon, with her smirking at you like that, how can you do anything?
Bucky Barnes
You’re the only person Bucky can talk to about HYDRA, about what they did to him and what they made him do. One night, after drinking every one of the Avengers under the table, he comes over to you and you two go over his scars. You had never seen Bucky so vulnerable yet so strong.
You’d guarded yourself and your heart for over two centuries; that’s the longest any witch has ever been able to survive. You’d managed to manipulate vampire blood to make yourself immortal without having the cravings for blood. Your friendships never lasted longer than you needed them, your sexual relations a mutual no-strings-attached partnership until one person no longer wanted it. The one time that you keep a friend, that you have sex with a friend, he pulls out all your secrets. He hunts you. James Buchanan Barnes, world renowned hunter, was after you. And it was your fault.
the honeypot mission. watching your partner seduce some mark and trying not to have a fit, because the only person whose hands should be around that waist are yours!au
You and Bucky were good friends, but that was about it. You repeatedly expressed your interest in him, but all you got in turn was a small smile accompanied by a slight, embarrassed nod. So you stopped trying. Bucky, of course, was just bad at expressing himself. It’s not that he didn’t like you. You didn’t realize that until you’re both sent on a mission where you have to seduce the crazy, human-trafficking multimillionaire and all you could hear were Bucky’s curses every time the man touched you.
Carter Baizen
Soulmates were a wierd thing. I mean come on, ONE person who was meant for you? Reading minds? Riiight. You didn’t think you had a soulmate until one day, you were sitting in your Calculus class and all you could think about was how much you hated math and how another voice in your head kept telling you to shut up because ‘math is life’. Once realizing that the second voice wasn’t yours, you perked your head up and your eyes met with the class nerd’s. You hated it at first, but now that you were stuck in a math exam, you couldn’t be happier to have a little nerdy soulmate.
Chuck Bass
Rules, a hierarchy, commands: a small list of things you absolutely hate. Of course, in the world you live in now, your life revolves around those three things. Get this–you supposedly already have a soulmate. The moment you step foot into the world, a mark becomes visible on your skin. Meet someone with a matching mark and BAM! You have a soulmate. When you turn 18, you finally have the opportunity to get it removed (you know some sketchy people, that is all). You’re finally in a leather chair, ready to have your tattoo removed and BOY is your remover a fine piece of ass. He can remove your pants if he’d like. His ‘soulmate’ would be lucky.
Daisy “Skye” Johnson
college roommate!au
From the get-go, you knew your roommate was a very sexually active person. This didn’t bother you. Hell, if you could get some, you’d be that sexually active too. What bothered you was how many times you walked in on her masturbating. Skye was hot, so damn hot, and it made you sexually aware every time you walked in on her. After it happened a couple times, you realized that maybe JUST MAYBE she wanted you to walk in on her.
Damon Salvatore
There was a day-drinker living in your apartment complex and he d r o v e you crazy. Well, he was an hour-round drinker. It’s like Damon Salvatore lived to give you gray hairs with his stupid crooked smile and those disgusting sea blue eyes and those well-defined abs. God. He had a bad habit of walking into your apartment some drunken days. Normally, you’d walk him to his room and tuck him into bed and be a nice neighbour. But this time, you were pretty drunk yourself. You let him crash on the couch and you passed out on top of him.
Davina Claire
She was an outgoing, outspoken lesbian and you were a shy, quiet bisexual. You never expected your one-night stand with Davina Claire to last longer than, well, one night. It’s been a little over six months and neither of you seem to want to call it quits, so you decide to give her a pair of keys to your apartment.
Dean Winchester
You are a world-class assassin. You know the ins and outs of the business better than anyone. You’re the CIA/FBI/NSA’s dirty little secret. They use you when they need and when they’re done, they send a friendly goodbye note your way: each time, the note comes in the form of an assassin, and each time you have lots of fun with the assassin. You pretend to not know why they’re here, who they are, etc. Then, you send their head back to the agency. This time, it’s different. They send your best friend Dean Winchester. They send your best friend to kill you.
Derek Hale
You got the brainiac superhero powers whereas your annoying rival got all the physical counterparts. He can fly, he’s strong, he’s got laser eyes and crazy adaptability senses. You can read minds, you can alter thoughts and feelings, you can control actions and you can work the brain so hard into an overdrive that it kills the person. You’re an inside man for the government and you manage to kill a man who’s high up on the enemy list. The government leaves you to rot when the enemy finds you. Derek stays behind to protect you.
Elijah Mikaelson
Elijah was always decent, proper, polite. You never thought, for a second, that he’d take up your offer to have sex. He laughed at first, which you expected. He then looked at you, studying you for a few minutes before looking up and asking if you were serious. To which you, of course, squeaked out a little yes followed by an enthusiastic one. You never thought he’d be this way. You can’t complain, though.
Grant Ward
You and Grant are on a mission to bust a weapon smuggler who uses expensive boats to transport his gear. You’re both undercover as two strangers who happen to share an interest in boats. One night, you’re both invited to a night out by some of  your fellow boat lovers, and Grant is a little too interested in what you have to wear. You’re decent friends and you always flirt back and forth, but nothing’s come of it. This time, though, Grant seems a little off.
Isaac Lahey
You absolutely hated early morning classes more than anything. As your luck would have it, the one class that you needed to take this semester to insure your progress was at 7:30 in the morning, which was the ass crack of dawn for you. You tried hard as you could, but your insomnia would not let you sleep the night before and your body would not let you stay awake in that stupid class. One day, you walk in and notice a cup of coffee where you usually sit and the only other person in class was the professor. This is embarrassing.
Jace Wayland
“Y'know, I wouldn’t be so mad about this whole ‘I was secretly a criminal the whole time thing’ if you hadn’t just killed our professor, I mean c'mon dude I know he was a douche to me but that’s no excuse to just MuRDer SOMEONE.”
“Relax, I killed him because he was planning on killing you next week.”
Jake Riley
secret mission!au
“Keep going! Remember the mission!”“If the mission means I have to leave you behind, forget the mission.” (@promptlywritingideas​)
You and Jake had been partners for a few months now, since Alex had taken time off to be with Jana and their child. You thought that Riley hated you. He only ever spoke to you if you two had a mission. Other than that, he wouldn’t even look your way. So you thought leaving you behind would be an easy choice for him. Needless to say, you’re surprised.
John Murphy
You catch Murphy jacking off and moaning your name. You let him get close to cumming before you make your presence known. Unashamed and angry, he pulls you against him whispering unimaginable things to you.... you of course, are putty in his hands. He then pulls away, leaving you trembling and desperate for more.
tragic incident!au
You’ve had nightmares almost every night since the incident. Some sociopath buried you alive and you still hadn’t been able to speak to anyone about it. You live in the same apartment as a former friend/flame: John Murphy. He tried to help you after said incident occurred, but you weren’t ready to accept help then. So you pushed him away like you did everyone else. One night, however, your screams become too much to bear.
You were neither a member of the supernatural world nor a simple human. You were a protector of sorts, fighting to keep the balance in the world. Recently, a thief by the name of John Murphy stole a sacred artifact from a witch, a 1000 year old piece of hair or something of that sort. What he needed with that bit of hair? Not your concern. Why that piece of hair was so important? Again, not your concern. All you had to do was catch Murphy. No other complications whatsoever.
Jughead Jones III
we’ve lived in this tiny ass town where everyone knows everyone because no one leaves and when we were young we would sit up at night on your roof and i’d listen to you talk about how you were actually going to do it one day and you did but you never knew i’ve had a crush on you ever since back then so when you send me postcards from all these different cities with bright lights it makes my heart hurt and here we are several years later and i’m finally starting to move on but oh wait you’re back and my heart’s beating like crazy well fuck au
Katerina Petrova
You just moved into a cheap apartment complex; there weren’t many apartments in New York that were budget friendly. You’re a med student, always staying up late trying to study. And every night, you hear your next door neighbour breaking down. One night, she’s crying because her coffee machine broke down. The next night, she’s slurring her words, mumbling something about ‘Stefan’. Each night it gets worse, and you–being the psych major that you are–decide to see if you can help at all.
Kol Mikaelson
You’re like Temperance Brennan (from BONES) and he’s like Booth. Only you’re not as dense or annoying as Brennan is and Kol is waayyyy more cocky. You two are assigned a murder case in Los Angeles. You have to pose as a prostitute and he’s your number one client. Kol’s having too much fun with this.
You just failed the one class that you needed to graduate and Kol was coming over in less than an hour for your usual antics. You wash your face and clean up your messy ass apartment, giving him your brightest smile the moment he stepped inside. You pulled him in for a kiss, wanting nothing than to forget and go unnoticed. Of course, Kol noticed and demanded that you tell him what was wrong
Malachi ‘Kai’ Parker
Kai is the local asshat, but he’s also a good friend of yours. One night, he comes over to your house battered and bruised and in desperate need of medical attention. He refuses to go to the hospital, swearing that he’ll leave before you can get him out of the house. So you decide to patch him up yourself, you’re a nurse at a local hospital. The pain leads to questions and confessions and god knows what else.
Marcel Gerard
If you and Marcel ever spoke more than ten words to each other, the local headlines would read: ‘ATTENTION NOLA CITIZENS! Friendly vampire Marcel Gerard has fallen in love! It’s true! He said more than 10 words to her!’ At least, that must be what he thought. He only ever came over to your place if he needed a sexual favor, ‘sexual healing’ as he called it. So, of course, when he brushed your hair out of your face or told you you looked beautiful, you thought he’d been either possessed or compelled.
Nate Archibald
You weren’t born with scars, and this only meant one thing: your soulmate had the scars and you were the solution. It angered you to think of the person who was your other half having to suffer day in and day out. One evening, you had just finished working on the last car in the shop when a battered and bloody young man stumbled inside. He opened his mouth to say something, but he passed out before he got a chance to. You begrudgingly take him home and clean him up. The next morning, when you’re tending to his half-naked body, you notice hundreds of permanent scars. What if?
Niklaus Mikealson
You two are hired assassins. Normally you work alone, but for this case, the CIA put you two together. It’s a matter of national security. Your nation’s president is an illiterate, inconsiderate oompa loompa, and the CIA is scared (real life shocker) that he’ll turn this small democracy into a dictatorship. So yeah, you two have to go undercover and kill the president.
mr and mrs smith!au
You knew Klaus was a spy, but you never thought it’d come to this. Your firm gave you a mission earlier in the year: to kill Klaus Mikaelson. They, of course, didn’t know you were dating him. You assumed that Klaus got the same mission from his firm, but you thought that he, like you, turned the mission. Turns out your firm seeked him out and asked him to kill you. He’s standing here with a gun to your head as you stare at him, head held high and filled with turmoil.
Octavia Blake
You, a virgin, had turned into a succubus. What does that even mean? How do you live? You’d taken a vow of chastity before this whole thing happened. Your best friend Octavia was a fae, and when you told her about your situation, she’d laughed. She’d held her stomach laughing, and that ignited a wierd sort of fire in you. You… you wanted her. You just needed a small taste of her, just a little bit.
Raven Reyes
federal agent!au
Former partner, former lovers. Brought together once again to find a serial killer that everyone thought had died, Raven included. This was the case that caused both your professional and personal split. This is the first time you two see each other after the split and neither of you know what to expect. Thankfully, all you two have time to talk about is the case… at first.
Sam Winchester
You get your ass kicked by a six foot something guy only to find out he got the wrong guy. He apologizes and the CIA promises to pay for your medical bills and offer some spending money as well. You accept the apologies and the CIA’s monetary promises. You think nothing of it… until it happens again. Sam Winchester kicked your ass again and this time, he’s flat-out embarrassed. You wake up the next day in a comfortable bed, with the sweet smell of pancakes wafting into your nose. Damn it, Sam Winchester. What is going on?
Scott McCall
‘You’re my new roommate and you’re friendly and snarky and normal most of the time but where do you go almost every other night and what do you do that has you crawling back through our window with blood-splattered clothes when you think I’m asleep that’s seriously disturbing and I’d ask but I’m honestly afraid you’d have to kill me if you told me even if I promise not to tell anyone else… guess I’ll just have to follow you next time and see how that goes’
criminal!au (part 2 of ‘i won’t tell if you don’t’)
Spike’s presence in your office has become a regular occurrence. Seems like he somehow knows all of these crime lords and to be frank, you don’t want to know how. This time you’re dealing with the mob that Spike, along with someone else you know, was a part of.
He comes home to you after a long day of work and you run him a hot bath. He, of course, begs you to join him and you, of course, happily oblige. He tells you about his day while you rub his back. He demands to return the favor, but of course he yawns about ten times while protesting.
Stefan Salvatore
Your neighbour was a famous chef, and you couldn’t even make macaroni. It was kind of pathetic. Okay, you burnt your mac and cheese three times, it was really pathetic. For your last attempt, you perform the most rare trick: you set off your fire alarm. And, of course, Mr. Chef, also known as Stefan Salvatore (accent mark on the E), decides to pop by your apartment just in time to witness your latest magic trick. A stupid smile plays on his lips as he tries not to laugh while inviting you to his apartment for some dinner.
Steve Rogers
kal ho naa ho!au
You have terminal cancer. You’ve been diagnosed recently, and you’re dealing with it as best you can for the sake of those around you. You’re smiling, you’re making the most of the time you have left, you’re dancing, you’re singing. You rent an apartment with your good friend Natasha: the apartment is close to your childhood home. The one thing that you didn’t account for when planning your last few months was the tall blonde hunk that had just moved in the house next to yours: Steve Rogers. You didn’t think you’d fall in love with the same man that your best friend fell for. You didn’t think he’d fall in love with you.
Stiles Stilinski
You’re up late, tired of researching the upcoming terror that Beacon Hills has to offer, and Stiles decides to stop by and check up on you. You were always shy around him, but this time things fell right into place. Maybe it’s the fact that you hadn’t slept in 72 hours or maybe it’s the fact that you feel a rush of adrenaline every time Stiles smiles at you or brushes your hair out of your face.
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