#ice queen answers
Hi Ice Queen!
Your posts on contrasting colours in Wandee Goodday were cool. That was a new concept to me. I’m fascinated by colour in qls and know some symbolism but most of it like the contrasting colours and colour theory in general is new to me. It’s cool learning it from the lens of qls though.
My question is: do you have any other examples of contrasting colours used in qls?
Hi, Anon.
I love all the questions I've gotten about colors lately, so thank you for being one of them. And if anyone wants to learn more about contrasting colors, I've written a basic post about that.
I first want to point out that the examples I include in this post are random moments, which means that most of these characters aren't necessarily color-coded in tune with the colors they're wearing in these examples.
There might be an intention behind the color choices (besides showing contrast) and there might not be. But I won't be diving into that here.
With that said, the most commonly used pair of contrasting colors are on the opposite sides of the value spectrum (dark vs light), and those are black and white.
Here are some examples from series I've recently watched or rewatched (and, therefore, can remember, lol):
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A Secretly Love.
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Jun & Jun.
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Kiseki: Dear to Me.
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Love Class 2.
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Night Dream.
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To Be Continued.
The other three contrasting pairs I want to focus on here (because they're the easiest to find and define) are yellow and purple, blue and orange, and red and green. Let's start with:
Yellow and purple:
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Jun & Jun.
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Wandee Goodday. I've written about the contrasting colors in this series here and here.
Then we have blue and orange:
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1000 Years Old.
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Deep Night.
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HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count.
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Living With Him.
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Not Me.
And lastly, we have red and green:
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1000 Years Old.
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Dinosaur Love. (Btw, don't ask me why I rewatched this recently, because I have no idea why... Perhaps to remember how annoying the music was or how much tongue action there was... lol.)
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Knock Knock, Boys!
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My Stand-In.
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Not Me.
And then there's a contrast I remember vividly that's not necessarily in the same frame together but is included at a bigger story arc level, and that's this heartbreaking contrast: Uea in Bed Friend who was green as a kid...
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And then turned red as an adult...
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While his predator stepfather followed suit.
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Right now, I can't say which contrasting pair out of these three is most commonly used (which may also vary depending on the country where the QL was made), but I might look into it in the future.
Anyway, I hope you liked these examples.
Thank you for your ask.
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cappycodeart · 9 months
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"The dead one! Yeah I haven't thought about her in a long time!"
A little theory I've had about Winter King's original motives based on his heartless comment about Betty and Ice King's original motives for kidnapping princesses in the first place...... clearly she gave off Bad Ex Vibes…
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timbit-robin-art · 17 days
… would you mind drawing Warren Worthington and Emma Frost holding the trans flag?
(both of them being trans is a somewhat popular headcanon for the both of them and I think it would be cute!)
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This is a very cute idea.
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quiddling · 1 month
Hihihi! By any chance do you have an lore on you hotd knight oc? Love your art btw!
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I DONT ACTUALLY HAVE MUCH HAHAHA SORRY basically the basic stuff is that he is a stormlander hedge knight who keeps popping up like a bad rash... he is kind of annoying but very loyal and kind (he is just looking for a place to live man help him out!!!) rhaenyra and him are the "can't stand her fake ass!!!! ten minutes later: me and the bestie!!" meme in my head, they are just shooting the shit <3 after the dance he eventually gets landed (yay :D) and then over the years goes on to become a real lord and forms a small house 'goldenheart' bc he wears golden armour....and is kind....  so funny
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duchess-of-oldtown · 7 months
So my English lecturer talked about ASOIAF today and described Cersei and Jaime "freaky" rather than just saying they're fucking and I had to sit there amongst actual normal human beings like
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adventure time season 5, episode 8, at the end of the episode finn says, "who in this world is sadder than the ice king?" and I felt that deep within my bones.
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rwac96 · 8 months
I can see nightmare Weiss being a tsundere
Weiss (Nightmare): *blushing* "Pr-proposterous! I-It's not like I love you or anything, imbecile!"
Jaune: *deadpan, holding very expensive flowers* "Yet you bought me these."
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snake-berry · 10 months
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Daenerys Targaryen
i feel like most ppl picture her quite differently but im p happy w how she turned out :) luv her and need to draw her more.
drawing targ eyes is so fun but the hair. is a straight-up nightmare.
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xysidhequeen · 8 months
Did Jason open up his trauma to Jazz? Since she is the group team mom
Oh my Ancients, yes. She cracked that boy open like a walnut. It took a bit, but Jazz reminds him somewhat of Barbara and Harley, so he warmed up to her fairly quickly overall. She really taught him what it's like to have a big sibling(sorry, I love Dick but he was a shit older brother before Jason died).
Jason will talk to Jazz about things he'd never say to anyone else. He actually opens up to Ember and Kitty too, but they're more for when he wants someone to cry with and to have get all enraged on his behalf. Jazz is who he talks to when he wants to fix it.
It wasn't always like that. He had to learn how to differentiate. Had to learn when he needed help, when he had things that needed to be fixed. He had to unlearn the emotional constipation and phobia of talking about his feelings he learned from Bruce too. But Jazz is used to dealing with teenage boys who won't admit they're hurting even on pain of death. She's good at subtly working their pain out and helping them confront it. (She learned a lot from helping Danny and from her Psych classes so she's more crafty about it too)
Jazz is one of the biggest reasons Jason is as stable and emotionally healthy as he is. He's not healed completely. He won't be until he gets closure with Bruce and the Joker. And there's some things that will always stick around. Trauma leaves scars. But without Jazz, we wouldn't have the Jason we do in TKAHRK we'd have someone far closer to the Jason from UTRH.
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luxurybrownbarbie · 7 months
Oh my God the way I wish we could talk about different types of beauty without it getting dumb. Those "types of pretty" tiktoks where its all literally the same conventionally attractive white girls with tiny noses??? Or the Angel Skull v Witch Skull discourse ughgh all I wanna know is advice on what sweater to pick man
Right? You start talking about discussing beauty and everyone goes, “Yaaaas bestie! Let me go get my calipers and the Big Book of Phrenology™ and we can get to measuring skulls!”
No, I want to talk about the fact that solely centering and chasing sex appeal is actually doing a disservice to some (many, let’s be honest) girls and actually dimming their beauty! I want to talk about the freedom I felt when I finally got rid of my contouring kits and unleashed the full power of my heart shaped face! I want to talk about color analysis and breaking down the color wheel!
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sweetestpopcorn · 9 months
hi Sweetestpopcorn! i was wondering, do you have an idea of what country Leng is based on? (i am trying to find out so i can get some cool references for Rhaebae's beautiful tiara 😍)
Hi there Anon 😊 And sorry for this delay!
So, I loved this ask because as anyone who has ever been to my tumblr knows, I'm a sl_t for the Jade Tiara that Daemon gave Rhaenyra <3 like based on that alone, and with nothing else, I would ship them. There. But moving on, I loved this ask, but I was having serious trouble answering the ask because although I find Asian cultures super interesting I know close to nothing about it.
Gun to my head I would say China just from the aesthetics, but I might be totally wrong. Because I don't know, I decided to recruit someone who might know: our lovely @ammmyturtle who does know quite a bit about Chinese and Eastern culture and history to help me.
So, according to Ammmy, when she was doing some research on the topic, she got a feeling that George just mixed up Eastern cultures all up and created YiTi, but her impression is that both YiTi and Leng are a bit strange. For instance, it's mentioned that there are ruined cities in the jungles of Leng where old Leng nations used to live and that these were made of stone. Nonetheless, for people who live in humid areas it seems like wood is the main source of building material, due to the jungles and forests.
The colonising aspect of YiTi, and how Leng got their independence is also relevant though since according to Ammmy in the past Chinese empires had a hard time maintaining governance over the southern parts of the territory. Partly, because they were humid places filled with jungles. Then those people were not traditionally Han Chinese which is somewhat similar to Leng and YiTi’s relationship. Moreover, although Leng is now independent, it still has ties with YiTi, since the Empress takes two husbands and one is always from YiTi. But all in all, Ammmy said it was complicated.
I think it's fair to say that at the very least there is significant influence from the Chinese Empire in Leng and Yiti, so perhaps the jade tiara - who once belonged to an Empress *sigh* - should reflect that.
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Ammmy definitely went for that on her last rendition of the tiara (original post here):
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Anyway, I don't know how helpful this was XD
Btw for all of you who love parallels, like the Empresses of Leng, Rhaenyra too had two husbands - just not as the same time :3 (that friendly reminder that all I write only concerns the asoiaf canon in which Laenor was dead and well dead when she married Daemon).
All the best to you, Anon -3- loved the ask even if I really struggled for a proper answer XD
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becauseimanicequeen · 26 days
Why in the world would you like toxic characters? Why are you so proud of that? What is it even to be proud of? What's wrong with you?
Well, my dear Anon. If you only knew how many times I've asked myself those very same questions…
And the answers always come down to: It’s fiction.
And even though fiction is a vital part of life (just like any other art form) and you can learn a lot from it (you have no idea how many toxic people I’ve been able to avoid, before they even found out my name, thanks to my love for toxic characters and seeing their red flags), fiction is also just fiction.
The characters aren’t real, even though they can seem like it. Just because I love a character that's toxic as fuck doesn't mean I would condone real people who behave that way.
Also, I’m not hurting anyone with my obsession with toxic characters. It’s not like I'm forcing anyone to think like me (and for the love of all things holy, don't do that!).
Besides having a healthy obsession with the toxic characters I love, I’m not very emotional (for lack of a better word) about what I watch. I can be intrigued by toxic characters without either excusing their behavior and actions or hating them (because there’s enough hate in the world for me to do that shit). I can watch taboo topics and other shit that most people find triggering and not be triggered (even though I see the taboo topics for what they are). I can watch problematic stuff and see beyond it to what’s really being said (even though I see the problematic stuff for what it is).
But that’s just me. And I would never force my perspectives on anyone else because I know the majority isn’t like me (which is a good thing, btw).
So, if you don’t vibe with my shit, block me. I don’t mind.
Trust me. I’ll survive. You’ll survive. The world won’t fall apart. We’ll both be okay. Just block me.
Because I will keep loving my favorite toxic fatherfuckers. I won't excuse their behavior and actions. But I will love them.
And the only one who can stop me is ME. But I don’t want to because I love all the shades of toxic bitches and their red flags.
Like Boston from Only Friends.
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And Todd from Not Me.
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And Chalothon from The Sign.
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And Ray from Only Friends.
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And So from House of Stars.
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And Yai from Big Dragon.
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And Way from Pit Babe.
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And Boeing from Only Friends.
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And let's not forget Vegas from KinnPorsche!
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And Yoden Ryoji from Dangerous Drugs of Sex.
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And Yong Jie from HIStory 4: Close to You.
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And Rio from The Novelist.
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And Ritsu from To the End of the World With You.
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And definitely Ming from My Stand-In!
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I love them all because I have issues. But so do all of them, which is precisely why I love them.
Thank you for your ask.
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mechahero · 12 days
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@outofthiisworld asked- [ PAW PRINTS ] !!! Ophelia wants !!! to hear !!! all about Skip !!! send [ PAW PRINTS ] for my muse to tell you about their pet/s
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"Yeah, sooo... this is Skip." Kind of an obvious thing to say, frankly. After all, who else would be the little grey kitten squirming around in his gentle grasp? She's set down and immediately she's toddling off to do whatever. Likely getting into things she shouldn't get into.
"Found her on the street while gettin' home one day and she looked a little rough and there wasn't any other cats around so I took her home. Don't really know how old she is exactly but she's old enough to eat lil' kitten treats now." A quick glance given to where she went off to. Keeping an eye on her just in case. "She really likes those. She also likes trying to climb into my bowls when I'm trying to eat my food." Despite the voice raising, he wasn't upset about it. If anything, he sounded amused.
"But yeah aside from that, she has these fish toys she likes to beat up? It's kinda cute watch, actually. And she's just the chattiest little thing. She'd meow her little head off at you if you let her." He would keep going but he's interrupted by a loud crashing of items hitting the floor. He winces.
Yep, definitely got into something she wasn't supposed to.
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timbit-robin-art · 1 month
can you please make a teeny cute emma frost? 🙏
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Beeg cape.
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takingthefastlane · 5 months
Are you alive?
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"You've come to the wrong place for activity anon.."
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bleakbluejay · 9 months
top five women
the hardest ask i've ever gotten as a lesbian. "all of them" is a funny answer but i will try to pick 5.
in no particular order:
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Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series
She's smart, she's strong, she's witty, and she's hot. What else is there? I loved the Tomb Raider games as a kid. I used to make her do flips and swan dives and play around with her outfits (most relevant in Anniversary and Legend). She was so so cool. I'm not as big a fan of the reboot Lara, other than they made her queer, but :)
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Anna the Huntress from Dead by Daylight
My wife. The game lore did her kinda dirty, but that's what headcanon is for. She's a big strong tall Russian lady who lives in the woods and hunts people. She kidnaps little girls from villages so she can take care of them in her little cabin and give them toys. She kills nazis. She sings. I'm so, so in love with her.
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Ellen Ripley from the Alien series
Sigourney Weaver in general... but Ripley in particular. Brave, adaptable, intelligent. A girlboss if there ever was one. She's one of my favorite Final Girls (topped only by Nancy from the original Nightmare on Elm Street). Everything Ripley ever says is 100% correct and for some reason nobody wants to listen to her.
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Leia Organa from Star Wars
A princess. A general. A rebel leader. And a badass bitch. Leia was one of the earliest examples of a good, strong-willed and fearless female character I had as a kid. Even if she needs rescue from time to time, she does plenty of rescuing others herself. She takes no guff from scoundrels like Han Solo or fascists like Grand Moff Tarkin. Her parents would be so, so proud of her.
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Nani Pelekai from Lilo and Stitch
The relationship between Nani and her little sister Lilo reminded me a lot of my mom and me. And it takes a lot to raise a little kid on your own (especially one that is a little special needs like me and Lilo both were), working a crappy job, having no time for a social life, and having to fight against Child Protective Services. Being poor + indigenous + a broken family fucking sucks. But Nani held it together, just like my mom did. I can't forget a character like that.
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