#{ I'm mediocre at Photoshop. }
kimeoshi · 1 month
Someone stole your art and gave it to AI: https://www.tumblr.com/wildernesswonderquest87blog/759390829915914240/sevenart-ai-images?source=share
Thank you so much for the heads-up! I suppose I'll take additional measures of protection, like glazing, of my art from now on, was a mistake on my own part.
Otherwise, to my utter disappointment, and I cannot believe I need to state this... to make this absolutely crystal clear: no, I do NOT give permission to anyone putting my art through generative AI.
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cookinary · 1 year
In regards to my AU where the bosses join Chai’s side instead of exploding, reaching Kale be like:
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dekariosgf · 8 months
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actress extraordinaire (not real) (trying her best) (soooo broke)
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promiscxous · 2 years
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{ Not me being mad about the fact my stupid PSD coloration that I made makes all of the purples in Koui’s icons freaking pink or hot pink so now it makes me seem like I don’t know colors. I promise that he’s supposed to be wearing various shades of purple guys. Purple is Koui’s whole color scheme. He even bleeds purple when injured, just like how the rest of his siblings bleed the colors they’re affiliated with too (i.e. Yuuela bleeding pink, Nikusui bleeding basic red, Rain bleeding blue, Inori bleeding green, and Myth bleeding black). Their mother bleeds white though. }
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defira85 · 2 months
Spent the afternoon setting up Clip Studio on my newer laptop, I'd been putting it off for ages because I was perfectly set in my ways with Photoshop on the old setup but since I don't know if anything is salvageable yet on the old one yet, I bit the bullet and poked around in it today
I have some things with deadlines this week but after that's done I'll try and see if I'm still competently mediocre at art on a new program
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hansolz-moved · 2 months
Genuinely curious as to why people would re-blog gifs when they could just create their own.
well, one, because thats the entire purpose of this site..... but i'll entertain your question. im going to break this ask into two pieces:
first i'll show you why they can't 'just make their own' with 0 experience or knowledge of what they're doing. for this, i'm going to create a gif in a couple separate ways.
first, we're going to go the normal route that the 'i'll just do it myself' person typically goes, good ol' ezgif. we'll import our video, add our timestamp, crop it... and here's our result!
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oh. well, it's not that bad, right? could be worse. now let's try some more effective methods... oh, all of which require you to have photoshop.
hd video file, no sharpening, no coloring
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hd video + coloring
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photoshop sharpening standalone
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photoshop sharpening and coloring
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vapoursynth sharpening standalone
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vapoursynth sharpening and coloring
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and finally, the works: the way i typically do my gifs
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sike, it's a one parter bc this should answer your question. if you would a) have mediocre gifs or b) download and pay for the softwares, go through the learning curve required to use said softwares over literally just taking 3 seconds to reblog, without tags, even... that's on you man.
also, as someone who actually can just do it herself: i still reblog from fellow creators because its called acknowledging someones hard work
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We all see that she even tries to leave behind and ignore the films that may not do well. Maybe she has changed and improved. She is in a relationship with a man who is more experienced. Both in life and at work. She may have learned a lot from Chris. And she is trying to get better...//
Margs here, late night rant. (Post at your own discretion, friend). Uhhhhh. What is this? Are you forgetting MHGTP and her peak show WN? MH did well in getting attention for fashion/costuming. WN she was the lead character who was supposed to be a bad ass. While they might not have been critical successes, she failed to truly invest in the projects as far as overall promotion. Sure there are interviews, one premiere- but she dropped these projects like a bad habit …and the fact…the glaring fact that her coworkers were happy to put the time into it made a big difference. It comes off as selfish and entitled from her side. Idk if the goal is to just…stop acting…..but if it’s to learn from Chris, I’ve got some bad news. He didn’t want to do cap. He doesn’t want to direct anymore. (We think). He doesn’t want to produce. He turned down really good roles in favor of mediocre ones…and for the money. If it’s to stop acting…well that’s funny too, bc remember when Chris was like “wah wah if I didn’t act, idk WHAT I would do” 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️sounds like he true love has helped him really explore his potential.
I really fail to see where she’s getting better. She doesn’t invest in the people that invest in her (and I mean from a public front. Which just seems odd). Why even have a dumb Instagram if all you’re going to do is delete negative comments about yourself and let your bf do all the heavy lifting….so you can benefit by looking good? What did she learn? Not to contribute bc she’s garbage? You notice she’s v concerned with how things look. I won’t shame a photoshopped waist. Who GAF. but defending her moms age (when no one asked her to), doubling down re: yoga certificate (when no one asked her to), attempting to post her noods then getting an article about it (that no one saw), asking her FANS. HER. FANS to take down pics she’s not happy with, having her own mother claiming her shutting down IG was to improve things (and it’s not true) like…for someone who is learning….she’s awful concerned with how she’s perceived, but to like an odd level in my opinion. Trust me when she grows up and her balls drop, she won’t GAF. But to say she’s learning and growing i just 😂 did alba just write her own GD ask so we can take her seriously?
**I realize me writing this dissertation means I’m paying attention in any case. But don’t get it twisted. I am a disgusted fan, who is scooting out the door So 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
I really love your late night rant (when I'm having lunch 😅). What really gets me is how she treated her fans. Her fans spent money on her and the only thing she could do was posting a tweet. And this this was not long time ago - "trying to get better" my ass 🙄
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mackmp3 · 9 months
mack!!! ik its been a while since you posted your photography portfolio but recently ive found myself going back to it and taking some inspiration from it. i was curious what kind of techniques you used and what processes you kinda went through while making some of the pieces?
OMG REALLY?????? not just being modest but i genuinely think some of it is pretty mediocre, so i'm happy you like it! idk which ones you mean in paticular but some of the more *experimental* ones -
these ones (ignore the bad image quality lol)
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are photograms!! my school has a darkroom which is pretty cool and was wonderful to be able to use!! the main objects in these are actually locks of my hair (i kept if after i got it cut), and after i exposed that onto the paper, instead of just submerging it into the developer i painted it in with a big brush to get the sort of splashed effects (photograms are kind of a thing you need a darkroom for, but you can get paper you can expose with just the sun.)
the bottom left ones are a picture of a picture frame printed out onto transparent plastic, top left are just developer onto the paper with no objects.
i scanned them all and put them into photoshop & upped the contrast, flipped the colours of one furthest - the pinkish bits i did in photoshop, they're kind of pixel-ey which i thought was cool
the one with the key and the ribbon - the ribbon was another photo which i photoshopped around badly on purpose so it was super grainy with lots of leftover pixels around the edge, which i then overlaid on the scan of the photogram with the key (below right is close up of the computery texture i managed to get while fiddling around with curves (idk what exactly curves is but it was like... adjusting contrast & colours at the same time)
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these ones (again sorry blurry picture) are a light shining through cd cases from the back, which i then edited to make look grainier and found-film-ier
most of the other photos are just standard pictures i think - the kind of blurry ones of the hair in the middle of panel two were converted to black and white but with the colour levels in the original image changed?? which made them look cooler but i don't really know how to explain it lol. they were done with a macro lens i think.
also here are slightly better quality pictures of the whole thing lol my original post was pretty los res
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royaltyspeaking · 7 months
Hey, I'm the Oh my God Anon, just wanted to add that I don't think that the pic is AI. I do think it's an amalgamation of a couple of pictures and some of the blending has been sloppy. This isn't unprecedented, for example they did it with the addition of Louis to QEII's birthday pic with the grandkids and that time when they photoshopped baby Charlotte, it's not uncommon at all in their pics. However what I think is going on here is that because people have made a fuss about the edits this time AP has done due diligence and privately asked for the originals, KP already being in defence mode, something we know they're famously bad at, have responded to AP's request for proof of unedited photos has gone "No. How dare you we don't have to prove anything you get what you're given" and then AP has called their bluff and the other agencies followed suit.
So yeah, I don't think it's AI, a lot of things people are saying is proof of AI, the kids crossing their fingers (not uncommon for siblings to share a self soothing tic and we know they dont like photocalls) or the blurry window frames (it's just paint bleed, very common on old windows that have been repainted a lot) and honestly while this is mediocre photoshop AI isn't this good. Once again the problem here is bad staffing, hence why I expect at least one person from KP will be leaving soon.
I'm not convinced that it's AI, but surely heavily edited photos couldn't possibly be considered the same thing as "manipulated," right? Like this day in age, calling a photo manipulated usually means that it's a fake. It's just insane to me that legitimate sources like AP pulled an official palace issued photo because they have questions regarding its legitimacy. This has literally never been seen before.
I don't think that the kids fingers are giveaways at all. It's pretty obvious that their fingers are just just bent. The giveaways are kates blurry hand, her entire head being oddly blended around her hair, her zipper that has a portion missing, and Charlotte's arm.
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pevensiechase · 3 months
Question: how do you do the social media aus?? Is that a whole bunch of photoshop skills or is there a website? I want to try because it looks so fun!!
Hi Anon!
Nope, no photoshop skills here (mine are very mediocre). I just use a template. I'll attach the links. It's SO simple.
This one is the one for the fake Snapchat posts.
And there are two for Instagram posts that I haven't tried yet, but I want to experiment with at some point.
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I'm sure there are some other ones out there if you want to find better ones. I just looked up "instagram post generator" or "snapchat post template" any of those.
Thanks so much for the ask! I hope you have a lot of fun with these, and let me know if you need any help.
Have a great day!
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pixel3r · 1 year
AI Thoughts...
I know a lot of the discussion and outrage has died down, and I also know my own opinion has changed since the initial outrage, so I want to write up my thoughts...
First of all, training AI off of stolen images is art theft, point blank. That fact has not changed.
I am finding myself drawn to art that uses AI as a base/ inspiration. It can certainly increase output, which in today's social media scene can be very useful. I follow an artist on dA who can produce 2-3 beautiful paintings a day with AI assistance. I don't know his specific workflow, but his art looks like he paints the major subjects properly over the AI generated scene. Some details have visible AI artifacts, but none of the focuses have any errors.
Now, there is some pure AI art that does intrigue me. Generating abnormal requests is the main one that comes to my mind. Fat folks, since I'm all about body variety, especially. While AI has gotten decently good at the standard hunky guys and curvaceous girls, it's kind of hilarious seeing it try other body types. It's not good art, but people who insist on asking AI for these other body types are pulling out some interestingly mangled pieces.
I am genuinely into bad AI. I want a Lovecraft movie where the monsters are mediocre kaiju suits, but then run through AI trained on creatures relevant to the monster, and see what it interprets it as.
AI is a tool, and I don't begrudge anyone using it, but just dumping ai stuff and calling it art, or worse, offering it as an adoptable for money, is pretty scummy. It reminds me of when I was on old Pokémon forums, and people would show off Pokémon sprites run through basic photoshop filters as if they were works of art. I think it will die down with time, but the fact that grown men are praising AI in its current state is truly awful. One again, as we should expect, capitalism is the true evil, turning a tool into a replacement for actual work.
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rgnaroc · 1 year
would you ever sell or post your sharpening? and maybe a tutorial on how to use it? i'm super new to giffing and kind of confused.
here a mediocre tutorial, I hope it helps you!
once downloaded the action you must load it in your photoshop.
actions > load actions (look for your action in the download folder) and it will be saved. 
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2. make the gif and once done, go to the timeline and and touch the tool convert to video timeline 
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it will look like this :
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3. next, go to the layers section and select them all.
right click + convert to smart object.
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4. apply the sharpening you have as seen in the image and voila! photoshop will do the job.
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heresthefanfiction · 2 years
Jurassic OCs Weekly
And... I'm back! Please ignore my mediocre photoshop skills...
This week, we're taking a look at @themaradaniels amazing oc, Dr. Lennie Scott!
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Lennie is a no nonsense paleontologist who studied under Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler while in college. She takes a job at Jurassic World, where she meets Owen. They have a whole "I hate you" to lovers arc, adopt a kid and do a lot of running from dinosaurs.
Also, Lennie can't cook, but she bakes a mean cake lol.
You can read the first fic in her series here!
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sighmurderbot · 2 years
I absolutely love your Cat Adams gifset.
If you are willing to share your trade secrets (you don't have to) how do you make such good quality gifs?
I started making amatuer mediocre gifs through Giphy but they come out bad quality and I'd like to learn how to make better ones.
Oh geez thank you so much! Truthfully, I'm a total noob at gifmaking, that was only my second set ever. There aren't any trade secrets here, and I'm not one for gatekeeping if there were!
I do recommend Photoshop and googling the heck out of tutorials! If I can track down the one I used I'll send it to you. Also, double check size/resolution for uploading to Tumblr. And if you want to play around with the visuals, try color grading! I remember I did some color adjustments to that set.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
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i said i would take a crack at designing the logo for a fundraising event at my work because basically no one else can do it (except the one best-suited person who is absolutely swamped) and as i'm sitting here drawing a blank- which i knew would happen- it is hitting me that oh god my mediocrity could end up being the face of a massive fundraising campaign
look my photoshop skills are about taking images that already exist and arranging them nicely, chopping things up and making edits and adding minor effects like outlines and colour filters. i can even convincingly give something ten more limbs than it's supposed to have. my photoshop skills are not in graphic design from scratch
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universalcas · 2 years
One day Michael Stipe woke up and wrote "Drive" without knowing that it was such a Dean' song and included it in the '92 album 'Automatic for the people' and now, almost 30 years later, i'm here listening to it, thinking what an incredible Dean' song it is, and lamenting that my skills don't include making amvs, only mediocre photoshop and complaining.
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