#{ Team Rocket's Master of Disguise - Petrel }
pupmusebox · 22 days
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{ First Brother and Avatar of Pride - Lucifer } { Second Brother and Avatar of Greed - Mammon } { Third Brother and Avatar of Envy - Leviathan } { Fourth Brother and Avatar of Wrath - Satan } { Fifth Brother and Avatar of Lust - Asmodeus } { Sixth Brother and Avatar of Gluttony - Beelzebub } { Seventh Brother and Avatar of Sloth - Belphegor } { Human Exchange Student Among Demons - Yuki/Male!MC } { Royal Demon and Future King of Devildom - Lord Diavolo } { Loyal and Impeccable Demon Butler - Barbatos } { Powerful and Immortal Sorcerer - Solomon } { Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon } { Quiet Spear Wielding Seraphim - Raphael } { Reaper and Caretaker of Life Candles - Thirteen } { Young Devil Bird of a Son - Lucius } { Playful Half Demon and Prideful Bird - Dante } { Royal Heir and Half Demon Dragon - Caius } { Crafty Bird of a Half Demon and Fae - Mael } { Mystery Demon of a Moth Pet - Samuel } { Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas } { Sharp Witted Bird of Pride - Ignatius } { Noble Demon of Wickedness - Belial } { Shepherding Archangel of Justice - Raguel } { King of Knights - Arthur Pendragon } { Solitude Psychic of a Legendary - Vero/Mewtwo } { Tech Talented Alibaba and Oracle - Futaba Sakura } { Team Rocket Boss and Former Gym Leader - Giovanni } { Cold Eyed Rocket Executive - Archer } { Team Rocket's Master of Disguise - Petrel } { Team Magma's Boss - Maxie }
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pupmuseboxmoved · 3 months
Tag dump 6/?
{ First Brother and Avatar of Pride - Lucifer } { Second Brother and Avatar of Greed - Mammon } { Third Brother and Avatar of Envy - Leviathan } { Fourth Brother and Avatar of Wrath - Satan } { Fifth Brother and Avatar of Lust - Asmodeus } { Sixth Brother and Avatar of Gluttony - Beelzebub } { Seventh Brother and Avatar of Sloth - Belphegor } { Human Exchange Student Among Demons - Yuki/Male!MC } { Royal Demon and Future King of Devildom - Lord Diavolo } { Loyal and Impeccable Demon Butler - Barbatos } { Powerful and Immortal Sorcerer - Solomon } { Calm and Serious Archangel - Simeon } { Quiet Spear Wielding Seraphim - Raphael } { Reaper and Caretaker of Life Candles - Thirteen } { Young Devil Bird of a Son - Lucius } { Playful Half Demon and Prideful Bird - Dante } { Royal Heir and Half Demon Dragon - Caius } { Crafty Bird of a Half Demon and Fae - Mael } { Mystery Demon of a Moth Pet - Samuel } { Warm Heart of Royal Dragon - Silas } { Sharp Witted Bird of Pride - Ignatius } { Noble Demon of Wickedness - Belial } { Shepherding Archangel of Justice - Raguel } { King of Knights - Arthur Pendragon } { Solitude Psychic of a Legendary - Vero/Mewtwo } { Tech Talented Alibaba and Oracle - Futaba Sakura } { Team Rocket Boss and Former Gym Leader - Giovanni } { Cold Eyed Rocket Executive - Archer } { Team Rocket's Master of Disguise - Petrel } { Team Magma's Boss - Maxie }
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lumenflowered · 4 months
[A video is attached. It seems likely that the camera is being held by Maria herself, for once, as there is no sign of her in the frame and the camera is being held steadier than it typically is by Ade.
It portrays someone in the uniform of a guard, a phone pressed to his ear, pacing back and forth in a long hallway. He seems to be listening to something, before he bursts out—
"What do you mean, she's challenging the Saffron Gym right now?! She literally can't be—"
The guard falls silent, scowl visible as he continues to pace. "Well, I don't know who's at that gym, but it's not Maria, because she just left the Power Plant!"
Another pause.
"Yes, I'm sure, I don't care how bad you think her disguise is, that's not her. We've diverted her to Cerulean but she'll be back soon, and she can't figure out what we're doing here or we have problems! If she really looks that much like her, then figure out who she is, and bother me then."
He hangs up, slipping his phone into his pocket, and audibly groans. Then he doffs his hat, running a hand through his hair... very purple hair. Isn't there a master of disguise in Team Rocket with purple hair?
There's the sound of a Pokéball opening behind the camera. It's quiet, but evidently not quiet enough to prevent the 'guard' from hearing it. He turns—and all the color drains from his face.
"Hello," Maria says mildly.
"Oh, fuck," Petrel(?) says.
"Molotov, restrain him."
The video ends just as a yellowish-orange blur of fur darts past the camera, heading directly for the disguised Executive.]
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ya-boy-polaris · 1 year
Pls do some petrel x reader who’s also a team rocket executive ( i love this man so much and there’s almost no fanfics about him 😭😭😭)
Petrel x Team Rocket Executive Reader!
Petrel thinks highly of himself, being an executive and a master of disguise. He's an excellent actor and in his head, he thinks he does a good job. (my guy, you gave out the passwords and the key to the hero? F performance)
Though he's working for Giovanni, he certainly lives in the lavish perks that is being an executive.
When Team Rocket is trying to get itself back together (think in the events of Heart Gold/ Soul Silver) Petrel gets paired up with a new Team Rocket member, which is you with your guaranteed spot to becoming executive. But you need training, which is where he comes in.
Despite his criminal deeds and wrongdoing, Petrel considers himself to still be a nice guy and helps you adjust to the change of being an executive. But when he sees exactly how new you are, taking on a leadership role of having grunts and having to manage things, he's rather curious as to what gave you that position to begin with.
You may be a Team Rocket member, but for some reason you have a very nice demeanor? You treat everyone so kindly that the grunts argue about who gets to be in your team. Having grown a soft spot for you, due to your eagerness to do your best despite it being unlawful, he decides to stick around some more after he's done training you. He can't help but to gloat internally when he hears you call him, "Senpai!"
But what's your deal? What's your talent? What got you into Team Rocket to begin with? He can't help but to wonder. You're a nice person, you're more than decent. Team Rocket isn't exactly a place where he'd think he meet you.
But he never gets to find out your past when Team Rocket is swiftly defeated by Gold, an up and coming trainer who thwarted all of their plans. You weren't present at the Radio Tower. But it was through Petrel's broadcast that you heard that Team Rocket was defeated. Over and through.
Life after Team Rocket is rough. Petrel lost all of his power and connections. He even lost you. Grunts that tried to reassemble Team Rocket were quickly found and defeated, before being arrested. There isn't enough to reform Team Rocket.
Then one day, he's caught. The International Police had cornered him, on a day he wasn't wearing a disguise. They take him away to a location he's never heard of, a secret building.
While he's being escorted, he's left alone in a room with his hands free. He waits there for a few minutes before you open the door.
Petrel doesn't know whether to feel joy or betrayal, not really understanding why you were here. You then explain to him that you were looking for him after Team Rocket disbanded. The International Police got to you first but you were able to cut a deal with them, if you worked with them, you wouldn't be arrested.
But then they had you hunting down the Team Rocket Executives to try and bring them to justice. You explained you were trying to intercept Petrel before they did, in fact you were trying to find all of the other executives. International Police got to them before you did, to his belief. So you call in the other executives into the room and they walk in one by one. It's where you offer him a new deal as well.
Become the international Police's number one master of disguise and spy agent with you. Work together with the other executives but for a good cause this time. Petrel doesn't accept right away, but you tell him of all the good benefits, the good wages, the paid vacation times, and how he'd be able to travel. He keeps his Pokemon and becoming an agent will null him of his previous crimes working in Team Rocket.
He can't help but to laugh before taking a few days to think it over. He eventually accepts the deal and starts to live a better life with you.
The two of you are sent out on spy missions, acting as a couple. With Petrel's master of disguises, he's able to portray himself as any partner, any asset you need.
He still somewhat pines for the days you call him, "Senpai," when he thought life was easier. But now? It's getting harder and harder to look at you in the eyes when you call him the affectionate nickname, endearing ones meant for a partner. He can't help but to look at how nice a ring looks on you. The way you smile when you hold each other's hands...
Petrel was never a simple man meant for a simple life but when he's in your gaze, he feels for a moment, complete.
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Petrel: If there are any spirits here tonight, tell me...
Petrel: puts on a long haired wig Does this sound like Shakira? LALELUHLE-
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brainyxbat · 3 years
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Picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/947708
Meet Penelope “Penny” Lambda, daughter of Petrel and Venus Wisteria! 😊 Penny is a sweet, yet shy girl who, like her mother, has trouble bonding with people outside of family. As a toddler, she enjoyed playing dress-up, akin to her father being a master of disguise at work. She wants to be like him, and her mother; a member of Team Rocket, at the top of either fields.
Appearance-wise, she has purple hair like Petrel’s, and dark green eyes like Venus’, though the shape is more rounded like his. Not to mention her skin is quite pale like V’s. Her hair is always in two, small braids with two black pins forming an X at her right temple. She also wears black star stud earrings.
I’m currently in the middle of reading @pokemom91′s “Rainbow Horizon”, and finally remembered to find a picrew (courtesy of a post by @pokeani-fankid-daycare https://pokeani-fankid-daycare.tumblr.com/post/664048396559056896/a-young-ione-i-guess-picrew) to make one of a Kilashipping baby. 🥰 
Kila oughta be a good shipmate for Rocket and Neo, wouldn’t it? I think so. 😌
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rocketzealot · 4 years
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//Been thinkin’ about what Executive Fred would work under. As a grunt I usually had him work under Archer or Ariana, doing dog’s body, run ‘n’ fetch kinda work, but given his promotion, I’d probably put him under Petrel (or Ariana). Proton is usually given the defacto role of torturer in chief by the fandom due to the one line about him being the “cruellest guy in Team Rocket”. Archer is usually dumped with the science department because of that one admin in FRLG who was working on radio waves as a means of forcing evolution. Fred could work under Ariana, who seems to be interested in recruiting the MC in HGSS, but I think he’d probably work under Petrel, since he’s considered a master of disguises and is usually dumped under intel. He’s also considered the nicest guy in Team Rocket in comparison to Proton, which suits Fred. His ‘in the field’ appearance also slightly lends himself to Fred~
This has been your scheduled over analysis of canon. Tune in soon, for me neglecting my blogs.
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shadyxdealings-blog · 7 years
poisoncraft replied to your post: [[ Petrel, disguised as Giovanni: Muhahaha, we’ve...
HGIRHEGIUGR THIS IS WHY I PLAY PETREL AS A HUGE FUCKING DORK also why i think he hates Rocket and actively (but subtly) works against them bc a master of disguise would never make such a mistake except ON PURPOSE and i fucking love Petrel oKAY]
[[ he’s just in it for the money, he could care less about the team and what they do though he knows what they do is wrong. that’s my Peety.
Petrel is a very dorky and sweet character with an arrogant charm in my opinion lol I love him so much as well.
I bet he gets very aggressive and competitive with games. ]]
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returntorule · 7 years
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tell me, is something eluding you, sunshine? is this not what you expected to see? if you wanna find out what’s behind these cold eyes you’ll just have to claw your way through this disguise
in the flesh? - pink floyd
Name → Petrel Closed character, played by Eusine Age → 37 Occupation → Rocket Executive (First Lieutenant) Affiliation → Team Rocket Pokemon Team → Weezing, Weezing, Weezing, Weezing, Koffing, Weezing Aesthetics →
There’s a comfort in being hidden, as much as Petrel finds the disguises fun. It’s a game only he’s privy to, a sort of cat and mouse, who are you talking to? If I’m not me, who am I? He could be anyone, but these days, he’s mostly just himself. He exhales cigarette smoke and toxic fumes, too corrupt for non-polluted air, too obscured for it.
Bio →
Before he was a member of Team Rocket, Petrel was first a student, pursuing a degree in biochemistry. Dissatisfied with his heavy workload, he quit to pursue acting instead- unfortunately, he flunked out of art school, leaving him with no clear path in life.
But like it did to many of its now-members, Team Rocket drew Petrel in with its promise of providing belonging and purpose to those who felt lost. The organization gave him the purpose he lacked, and Petrel found himself with a wealth of motivation he never knew he was capable of.
Determined to impress his superiors, he had the idea to spin what he'd previously failed at into a strategical advantage.
He expanded upon his knowledge of theatre makeup and continued to practice his acting, until he was a master of obscuring his own identity. This skill led to his quick promotion to the rank of soldier, though it took many years after until he really mastered the ability to convincingly imitate other people.
As he climbed the ranks of Team Rocket, with his unique skill to aid him, his enthusiasm wore down a bit over time. However, he never lost respect for the team's cause. If anything, he always wished he would be given more to do, so he could be of more use to the team. To him, the team was an anti-establishment statement, but also a beacon of hope for those who'd been screwed over by society.
After the initial disbanding of Team Rocket--shortly after his promotion to First Lieutenant--Petrel felt lost again, and ended up doing an assortment of odd jobs and low-paying part-time work for a living. Anything he could do to get money to survive, he did. Needless to say, when old members began to rebuild, he jumped on the opportunity to revive the team and resumed his role as an executive. Unfortunately, the plans crumbled, and he went back to the same dreary existence he'd lived before.
He never stopped practicing, though; he knew his skills would be useful again someday. Until Team Rocket rose from the ashes or until Petrel died first, he wasn't going to stop waiting for his chance to return to that better life.
Connections →
Archer. Superior. Former boss. Though he's tight-lipped about it, Petrel has a grudge towards Archer. Those years spent under Archer's command in Giovanni's absence were hell to him. He didn't want to recognize Archer's authority, but even more so, he didn't want to lose his job, so he sucked it up in hopes that their efforts would bring Giovanni back. When it all crumbled to the ground, Petrel's blame of course fell on Archer.
Proton. Former colleague. Petrel was just barely above Proton in rank, and felt the need to make that slight superiority clear to him. He often belittled and teased Proton in order to get that message across; he'd worked hard for his position, and if nobody else was going to recognize it, then he'd make them. Proton was just an easy target for Petrel to direct these feelings at. When Proton high-tailed it out after Team Rocket's fall without coming back, Petrel wrote him off as a coward.
Kris. Subordinate. Friendly acquaintance. Kris was recruited to Team Rocket by Petrel, and he still talks to her from time to time. Her determination, her love for Team Rocket--she reminds Petrel of his younger self. He wishes her success and believes she could become a respected member of the team in the future (so long as she doesn't surpass his position, of course).
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