#{ lexi we are getting asks for them!!! ahh!!!!! }
mediicusvitae · 2 years
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Anonymous said: Lamy! Uta's @muselexum​ birthday is today!
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“I know! Isn't it exciting?!” Lamy squealed in excitement. She exhaled a proud puff of steam through her nose as she tapped her little notebook with the tip of her pen. The date had been marked in pink glitter, surrounded by little hearts. Her voice dropped to a low and confidential tone, a little shaky with exhilaration. “I've been prepping for this! I freed up my schedule so we can spend the whole day together.” A perfect plan construed with near surgical precision, her Trafalgar genes preening. The gesture itself was surely going to be appreciated the most, but what kind of manners would she be displaying if she arrived on the diva's special day emptyhanded?
She had tried baking her a cake, but it had ended up burnt at the edges and raw on the inside, so she had discreetly gotten rid of it. A blessing in disguise thanks to her abismal cooking skills. “I also got her some sweets from different islands, and a new paperback where she can write down her lyrics. And a red teddy bear. And a new frilly dress from Doskoi Panda—it has pockets!” The last part was underlined with a wink as she snapped her notebook shut.
I'm such a good girlfriend, she would've thought to herself, if she was feeling a tad smitten. Which she was. Oh, god, she was. Lamy cleared her throat, adjusting her reading glasses back up her nose with her thumb. She spent so many of her waking moments studying cardiac matters, and the myocardium of her own heart was filled with love and adoration, damnit. She was going to find as many ways as possible to show Uta that she deserved the world. Lamy closed her eyes and clutched her notebook tighly to her chest, imagining her reaction with a dopey grin. “Ahhh... I really hope that she'll like it!”
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Proud of tag
Thanks @writernopal for the tag!
Rules: post an excerpt you are proud of
So a few years ago, I was stumped on Lexi and Ash's flashback chapters regarding their feud. A lot of important stuff for later in the series happens, but I was having a hard time making it work. (Still, I'm figuring out what exactly I can do to make it more relevant to the present...but it needs to be done Now...ahh) Anyway, I had an epiphany. I somehow never showed Ash's side.
So here's Ash's side. Part of it.
CW: emotional manipulation of a minor
From The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
I tossed my phone to the table, irritated. Shelby and her dad looked at me, curious. “What was that?” Shelby asked. She glanced at her dad, then back to me. “Lexi?” I sighed, nodding as I fiddled with the silver ring on my index finger. I slipped it off and held it between my fingers, focusing on the way the light from the chandelier over the table reflected off it. “Lexi,” Mr. Jimenez repeated, looking thoughtful. “Shelby, that was the girl you were friends with in first grade, wasn't it?” “Yes, Papa,” said Shelby. “Mm,” Mr. Jimenez hummed to himself, reaching for a cookie of his own. “Yes, I remember Lexi. She was close to you. Once. Poor girl. Held on too tight.” He paused. “Though petty. She broke your friendship over a simple misunderstanding.” “That doesn’t sound like Lexi,” I said defensively, clasping the ring in my fist. “She doesn’t get mad at you over something minute or a tiny dispute?” Mr. Jimenez glanced at my phone, which had yet to receive a response. The ring dug into my palm as I stared at my knee peeking through the hole in my jeans. “Ash, there are people in this world who will betray you for the wrong reasons. Petty disagreements. A misunderstanding. Or, in some cases, jealousy. Some people believe they are the center of the world. Of the universe. They believe everyone’s attention should revolve around them.” “Lexi doesn’t even like people touching her,” I said flatly. “That doesn’t mean she isn’t longing for attention,” Mr. Jimenez pointed out. “She’s pretty outgoing, yes?” I nodded. She was always introducing herself and making friends with the people who sat next to each other. “Lexi relies too much on comfort. And once that comfort is broken, she will no longer be able to get comfortable again. And that scares her. Even her fear of touch. She’s afraid of not being comfortable.” I moved the ring back between my thumb and index finger. He was right. “Ash,” said Shelby. I glanced up. “I know you and Lexi are close, but you gotta remember that she’s not in charge of your friendships.” “I know she’s not!” I said harshly, accidentally dropping the ring on the floor. “Agh!” I grunted in frustration as I ducked below the table to get it. I sighed as I sat back, holding the ring in my lap. “Sorry. It’s just… Labor Day weekend… we usually spend it together.” “You still have tomorrow and Monday,” Mr. Jimenez pointed out as I stood to get back in my chair. “Yeah, but I think Lexi’s mad at me.” I pulled one leg up to the chair, leaning my elbow against my knee, gaze still on the ring. Mr. Jimenez scoffed. “For being friends with my daughter?” “Yes!” I said, suddenly furious and spinning to face him. “And it’s not fair! Like you said, she isn’t in charge of who I hang out with! Why should I choose not to be friends with someone she doesn’t like because of a petty disagreement from five years ago? She’s being selfish! And a hypocrite! She hung out with a girl in gym, and did I complain about her not accepting my request to shoot hoops? No! I didn’t! She just dribbled moping the entire time until someone walked up to her. And she had the audacity to get mad that I didn’t choose her as a partner? We’ll have partners later in the year! I can partner with her then! I’m friends with Lexi, but I can be friends with Shelby, too, and she needs to accept that!”
Tagging softly @mjjune @monstrouswrites @cherrybombfangirlwrites @talesofsorrowandofruin @writeouswriter
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@dyrewrites @eccaiia @dragonhordesfandoms @pizzamanstan @mk-writes-stuff
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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ladylooch · 1 year
Omg now all I can imagine is a fumbling bumbling Nico just making the cutest ATTEMPTS to see Lexi and impress her 😭
Nico is so confident and sure in so many other ways, but when it comes to Lexi he forgets his words. He's so impressed with her. She's successful, caring, charismatic... he's like, hiiiiii 🥹
Nico rubs at his face as he gets into the elevator after an overtime loss.
"Nico, hold the door." He hears Lexi call out to him. He shoots his hand forward as she steps into the opening, accidentally brushing her boob. "Ah, I'm.. so.. sorry." He mutters, taking in the look of her in a little black dress and sky high heels. Her make up is smokey. She's so beautiful, he can't breathe.
"It's okay." She chuckles, stepping in as the door closes. She leans against his shoulder to take her heels off. "Sorry about the loss."
"We deserved it. I played like shit." He grumbles, shaking his head. "How was your night?"
"Ahh... kinda a let down." She murmurs, picking her shoes up to swing from her fingers. "Date." She shrugs. "He was more into your game than me."
"Yeah, and he didn't know shit about hockey."
"Plenty of other fish out there." He murmurs. Lexi pauses, staring back at him with an amused expression. She loves the indent of his dimples when he smiles at her.
"Yeah, sometimes all you want is one though."
Whoa, is she hitting on him? He looks down at his feet as the elevator stops at her floor.
"Have a good night. Try to stay warm in that big bed upstairs." She tugs at the sleeve of his jacket. Oh yeah, she's hitting on him. She spins out of the elevator and begins moving to the left.
"Lex." Nico calls as he steps between the closing doors, pushing his palms against them.
"Would you wanna go out sometime?" She laughs, tilting her head back to the ceiling.
"Finally! He asks! Yes. I'd love to." Nico bites his lip in response. "Thought I was going to have to ask you..."
"Tomorrow too soon?" She shakes her head no.
"Not soon enough. Goodnight."
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tickle-bugs · 2 years
Ahh bug! You know I’m Weak for anything with Caleb Widogast 👀 Maybe with devious ler Molly? (And/or Essek 👀👀)
Oh drat forgot the second part of that—phrase to go along with Caleb/Molly (& also maybe Essek): “Come now, how are you still so *sensitive*, hmm?”
ily lexi mwah <3 also sorry if i have butchered ur boys but i still hope u enjoy this <3 started thinking about molly being overly cautious with courting caleb because his feelings are real and caleb being like. i wanna kiss you so bad please stop pretending to be normal. which led to this
not rly nsfw but the first half is somewhat suggestive? intimate? *vague handwaving* just keep that in mind idk
Caleb’s not sure what they’re doing here, really. Molly’s draped and redraped himself over Caleb every which way for the past hour, but they haven’t gotten close to the substance of their evening’s meet. Caleb had long-since shucked his coat and scarf, but not quite the rest of his clothes--that was supposed to be Molly’s job, or so he thought. 
Molly’s invitation to join him for the evening had been whispered to him over a too-expensive glass of whiskey. Molly’s eyes were lidded, his forked tongue curled--Caleb had thought he’d read every sign correctly. But here they were. Stalled. 
“Mr. Mollymauk--” He tries, but Molly coos at him.
“So formal? I thought we were closer than that, dearest.” Molly blinks languidly and settles down properly atop Caleb. They both sink just slightly into the mattress as he does. Molly walks his fingers down Caleb’s abdomen, pauses at his waistband, then walks them back up. 
Always with the teasing.
“Mollymauk. Molly.” Caleb watches him warily. When claws don’t yet again touch down, he swallows and continues-- “What, ah, are you trying to accomplish here?” 
“I’m glad you asked. You see, I’m quite fond of you, Caleb.” Molly fiddles with one of his holster buckles. It catches the light of the inn lanterns in mesmerizing patterns far too grand for such dull brass. 
“Oh.” Caleb’s face grows warm. “I am…fond of you as well.” 
“Hm, thank you. I would hope so. Otherwise, this whole thing would be quite awkward.” Molly’s laugh is rich and boisterous. Caleb turns the tones of it over in his mind. 
“When you said you wanted, ah, companionship for the evening, I’d thought you meant--”
“Sex?” Molly’s tail sways behind him. “Is that what you’d like?”
“Did you…have something else in mind?” Caleb winces at his own indelicacy. Molly looks touched--no, maybe fond? It shouldn’t baffle him so much, he knows, but the visual proof is…unbalancing. 
“With you? Ideas beyond number.” Molly’s piercing gaze pins Caleb further still to the bed. He’s beautiful in an elusive sense. When Caleb gazes upon Molly, he gets the distinct sense that somehow he’s going to disappear, as if someone so breathtaking could only exist in tricks of the mind. 
Caleb’s face heats to a point of concern. Molly chuckles, low as the lamplight. 
“I digress.” Molly leans close enough for their noses to touch. “I’d like to conduct an experiment, Caleb. Involving you.”
“Oh?” Caleb cannot for the life of him keep his eyes away from the softness of Molly’s lips. 
“Yes, if you’d let me.” Molly’s hand finds his, both scarred in different ways. It’s one of the few times that feeling heat in the palm of his hand has been welcome. 
“Do what you will.” Caleb nods. 
“That’s the spirit.” Molly beams and pulls Caleb’s hand up his body, skirting along his thigh and the soft silk of his shirt, until finally their hands, as one, rest on his sternum. The warmth of Molly’s skin is a kiss that blooms. 
“You feel that?” Molly hums, and it resonates through Caleb’s fingertips. He’d always thought Molly was a bit thin, but the way breath moves through him…it reminds Caleb of Nott’s brief and consuming obsession with blowing into glass bottles like flutes. There’s a pitch to Molly’s resonance—not one he’s equipped to understand, but there nonetheless. 
“They say you can hear a soul best through laughter or through tears. I prefer the former.” Molly gestures flippantly, brushing his thumb over the back of Caleb’s hand. As he speaks, Caleb can feel the rise and fall of his breath, the resonance of his voice--as if Molly’s entire being has been shaped to carry sound to the very tip of his horns. The jewelry hanging from his ears and horns jingles of its own accord, like a windchime. 
He’s the loveliest windchime I’ve ever seen, Caleb thinks, a bit hysterical. 
“I want to hear what your soul sounds like, Caleb.” 
It’s so intimate and innocent that Caleb finds his breath utterly lost. He blinks up at Molly and tries to counteract the sudden and reeling incoherence of his mind. 
“Not the most resounding enthusiasm, but I understand.” Molly stands and brushes himself off. The aloofness of his tone is betrayed by the way he can’t seem to quite look at Caleb. It must be so easy for him to escape this way. Mollymauk, ever-balancing on a tightrope, with the most convincing lack of fear of falling.
“Wait!” Caleb grabs Molly’s wrist before he can slip away. Gently, he tugs him back down. Molly’s eyes shine alluringly in the dim. 
“I was…caught off guard. No one has ever expressed an interest of this kind to me before.” Caleb slides his hands up Molly’s thighs. He gives a comforting squeeze, at least what he hopes is comforting, and Molly twitches with a quiet laugh. 
“Shame.” Molly’s gaze roves over Caleb appreciatively, but not with the hunger he expects. It’s constructive. Encompassing. Warm. Caleb basks in it, even as Molly grows uncharacteristically quiet. He takes one of his claws between his teeth as his stare grows distant. 
“What is rattling through that brain of yours, hm?” Caleb knits his brow. Molly sits up a bit, stretching their intimate bubble. Caleb clenches his fist and concentrates on not keening after him. 
“How thoroughly I’m about to ruin the mood,” Molly mutters, likely not meaning for Caleb to hear. Caleb furrows his brow, but before he can speak, Molly kneads curiously into his stomach. 
A chuckle bubbles from a deep, unknowable place in Caleb, somewhere nestled just beyond the darkness clinging listlessly to his soul. Then another, then another, until his whole body is racked with quiet sounds he tries to smother. Claws trip maddeningly upwards to his ribs and Caleb cracks into snickers that overwhelm him with force. He slams his arms back down towards his sides and curls as much as physically possible. 
“Scheiße, Molly--”
“Do you want me to stop?” Molly stills, stiff and unnatural. He reminds Caleb of a wild hare, all of his muscles coiled and ready to flee--except for his tail, of course, which lashes in nonsensical patterns as if it has a life of its own. 
He’s nervous, Caleb realizes. How endearing. 
“Did I say ‘silvervine’?” Caleb huffs, still battling the wobbly smile on his face. Molly’s eyes widen.
“No, I suppose you didn’t.” Molly chuckles, shaking his head. Before Caleb can think to steel his defenses, Molly drags his claws down every inch of his captive torso that he can reach. Caleb jackknifes with the kind of giggles that fizzle in his lungs before they leave. It’s a maddening type of touch and he kind of wants more, but Molly continues in his steadfast teasing.
“You’re going to be the death of me, Caleb Widogast,” Molly murmurs, leaning down to kiss him sweetly. Caleb laughs into Molly’s mouth, soft as he imagined, and allows himself to fall slowly apart. 
Caleb’s love, it turns out, is born from the same place as his laughter. Both have become easy to coax into the light with time. Like weeds breaking free of cobblestone streets, love has gripped the hopeful parts of him and refused to let go. Love has made him all the things he feared it would--weak, compromised, and clouded--and he wouldn’t trade it for anything, mortal or otherwise.
“Liebling, I have research to complete.” Caleb pauses at the bookshelf, letting Molly coil his arms around him. Molly’s face finds its usual place between his shoulder blades for a moment before his hands slide a bit…lower. 
“Conveniently, so do I. My thesis is on the kinds of noises you’ll make when you’re overworked and I have time.” Molly’s breath curls hot against his ear. There’s a sweet center to the devilish lilt of his tone, though, and it makes Caleb smile. 
“I’d love to hear you defend this thesis of yours, hm?” He turns to face Molly and the full force of his pout. 
“You have utterly killed the mood,” Molly grumbles, but his tail is busy curling in content little loops. Caleb hums noncommittally and kisses him again, far more occupied about the way Molly’s cheeks squish between his hands when he smiles. 
“If you can be patient, perhaps I’ll make it up to you.” Caleb shifts his grip to hold Molly’s chin, brushing his thumb across his bottom lip. He likes the spark of excited desire that flashes through Molly’s eyes. 
“However you’d like.” Caleb kisses him once more, more to sate himself than anything. Molly throws himself upon the nearest divan with expedience. As he settles in among the cushions, Caleb thumbs through the nearby shelves and starts a stack of relevant texts on one of the worktables. 
The first hour rolls by without much event and by the second, Caleb is focused enough to ignore Molly’s dramatic sighs. By hour three, Caleb’s read what he needed. Some for research, some for pleasure, but he’s taken in enough to make his mind buzz.  
Molly’s arms wind around his waist and Caleb jumps, then settles.
“One of these days, I’ll put a bell on you.” Caleb reshelves a few tomes with a reverent hand. 
“Caleb, you must know by now that patience is not my strongest suit.” Molly presses his face between Caleb’s shoulderblades again. Caleb shivers from the very tips of his toes and bites back a chuckle. Molly tends to grow needy when he’s ignored, they both know this, but the varying levels of petulance always make things entertaining. 
“I am aware.” Caleb continues reshelving, a little faster now. Molly nuzzles into Caleb’s back again and, oh, he’s purring. That would be exceptionally sweet if Molly’s body didn’t carry the resonance like a tuning fork, right to the tips of his horns where they’re pressed into Caleb’s spine, making it tickle terribly. Caleb bites his lip and forces back the tide of laughter building in his shuddering chest. 
“Come now, darling. Are you still so sensitive? I can feel you trying not to laugh.” Molly drapes his arms over Caleb’s shoulders and speaks into his spine, languid but calculated. It’s a nonsensical question but Molly himself is nonsensical, just as much a trickster as the shadowed being to whom Jester accredits her mischief. 
“M-Mohohlly.” Caleb shivers, snickers jumping free in short and bright bursts. Caleb can hear Molly’s grin without needing to see it, but it doesn’t prepare him for the bundle of tiefling suddenly clambering atop his back. Molly should know better than this, really--Caleb has gotten stronger, but he is not strong. 
“You’ve kept me waiting all this time and you have nothing to say for yourself?” Molly unleashes a flurry of kisses behind Caleb’s ear and the dam falls before he has a chance to defend it. Breathy, frantic giggles flow from Caleb with a fervor, spinning around the two of them in the warm, empty library. 
“Well, that’s not a very good defense. We’ll have to work on that,” Molly grins, speaking directly into Caleb’s neck. Caleb squeals and doubles over, landing somewhere between Zemnian and Common as he tries to shake Molly loose. Molly laughs and tickles his stomach, sending Caleb snapping upright with a dangerous sway. 
“Tongue-tied already?” Molly leans back a dangerous amount, forcing Caleb to back up towards the divan to avoid a nasty fall. They collapse on it in a tangled heap of shouts and curses. Caleb immediately grabs Molly’s hip in his hand and starts murmuring an incantation. He can feel the gentle sparks of magic beginning to take effect--and Molly can too, if the sudden hitch in his breath is anything to go by. 
“Ah-ah, none of that. You casters never play fair.” Molly worms his fingers up, up, until he can fiddle with the ribs supporting Caleb’s beloved book holsters. The magic, along with Caleb, dissolves into sparks and high-pitched bouts of noise. Caleb writhes and shrieks, his hair flying loose of its ponytail and into disarray. Molly rubs his knuckles between the grooves of his ribs and Caleb arches with a shout. Molly laughs and starts tickling at the back of his ribs. 
They roll around like unruly kittens, kicking cushions every which way as if it were a sport. Molly still lands on top of him, breathless and vibrating with joy. He chirps something that sounds suspiciously like ‘squishy wizards’ before tickling up under Caleb’s arms, taking ample time to try and wiggle beneath the straps of the holsters. 
Caleb grabs at Molly’s thighs to brace himself, and Molly snorts. It’s a quiet sound, cushioned by soft laughter, but it’s there and it’s beautiful. Caleb knows Molly’s ticklish, of course--ample time with Jester has taught him what to expect of tieflings--but he’s never heard him make such an adorable noise before. 
“Mollymauk,” Caleb says, a little breathless, but he’s grinning wider than he ever thought possible. Molly’s nervous grin is delectable. 
“Surely we can talk about this--”
“I think you’ve talked enough, don’t you?” Caleb pulls Molly close by the ankle and starts kneading at his inner thigh. Molly wails, thrashing so hard that his top half slides off the divan and onto the floor. A slapdash mix of giggles, snorts, and wild cackles burst out of him, enough for Caleb to coo at him and bury his stubble into the stretched plane of Molly’s stomach. 
Molly muffles a blood-curdling shriek into a wayward cushion. Caleb laughs and tickles harder. 
“I have a thesis on the kinds of noises you’ll make--”
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daydreamgoddess14 · 17 days
First Impressions - Chapter 8 - the Finale
So I think I always knew that this was the last chapter but it's taken me an entire day to get this down and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it... maybe it's because it's an ending and I'm never very good at endings. Ahh well.
Thank you to everyone who's read or engaged with this, I've had the best time writing it and I'm definitely not finished writing for River - I have another one just being planned out at the moment, and now it's Season 4 time and I've found my fellow Jack Lowden obsessives then there is no plan to remove myself from this lovely place! 🥰
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7
Chapter 8
“Are you around this morning? I need coffee and I could do with not being left alone with my own brain for a little while.”
It had been a long time since River had woken up to that text message. Mostly because he couldn’t remember the last time he and Lexie had spent a night apart, he racked his brain for a moment. Last month when she’d gone out with Sophie and Jess? No, he’d picked them up at 2am and they’d sung drunkenly down his ear all the way home… But she’d made it very, very clear that last night they would absolutely not spend the night together. He did try to point out that him leaving at 1am didn’t really count but she’d insisted with that determined, stubborn look that he loved so much and he couldn’t resist. He dutifully kissed her goodnight and went home to his cold, empty bed. They met at their usual coffee shop, he was there first, as usual, waiting with two croissants and two coffees. She’d appeared in the top of the stairwell to the underground and he noted the tiny wince that crossed her face, her knee still with some niggling pain even after so long.
“You’re here,” she grinned, greeting him with a kiss. “I missed you.”
“Yeah, we’re not doing that again.” He told her.
“But you’re my good luck charm! We have to have coffee when I’m in court.” 
“Agreed, but next time we will both leave from wherever we’re both sleeping.”
“Aww, and here was me thinking you’d be grateful to have me not tossing and turning next to you.”
“I put up with the tossing and turning because the view in the morning is worth it.” She looked away, blushing.
“Hush, you.” He leaned in with a sly smile and spoke quietly in her ear.
“Lexie, I’ve seen you naked more times than… well not enough times, actually. Never, ever enough times, but quite a few times. I don’t think you need to be shy anymore. Also,” he paused, kissing her quickly, “It’s the best view I’ve ever seen.”
“Now you’re just being a daft sod.”
“Your daft sod. So, court?” She nodded. The nerves were evident in the way her fluttering fingers traced over his knuckles in her lap.
“Yep. There are Interpol agents coming over for the hearing. This is huge. What if it goes wrong?”
“Then I’ll be here. But it won’t, the evidence speaks for itself.” It had been a long six month wait for the trial, the initial expectation was that it would take over a year to get to court but with European involvement, they’d managed to expedite the case. 
“What if it does though, and they cancel next week?” She asked in a desperate whisper.
“They’re not going to cancel next week. Why would they do that at the last minute?” She had no answer to that, and he knew it. Rach Norman, now fully recovered, had applied for a Detective Inspector role and Andy had made it very clear that he and the detective superintendent were expecting Lexie to apply for a promotion to detective chief inspector.
“You’re right.”
“I usually am.” She laughed at last.
“You’re a lot of things River, but right is not often one of them.”
“What are the other things then?”
“Stop fishing for compliments.”
“I’m not, I’m distracting you.” He grinned, “Funny, smart, amazing in bed… feel free to chime in at any point?”
“I definitely agree with the distracting one.” He pulled a face,
“Well I’ll have to prove the others later then. Your place or mine?” They’d bounced from one apartment to the other for months, Lexie wasn’t even sure where half of her stuff was anymore.
“Yours. I’m at the gym in the morning and I think my stuff is at yours already.”
“I think most of your stuff is at mine.” He teased.
“Ugh, I know. I couldn’t find my book last night.”
“It’s by our bed.” He told her and she fell quiet. “Easiest way to find your stuff is probably to keep it all in one place.” He continued, watching her from the corner of his eye.
“Hmm. Full of good suggestions this morning, aren’t you?” She stared into her cappuccino.
“Had plenty of time alone last night, decided it was shit.” She looked up at last, a smile growing. 
“Oh yeah? And did you,” she bit her lip nervously, “did you… decide anything else?”
“Yep,” he said firmly. “I decided the best way to distract you from court was to ask you to move in with me.” Her mouth briefly formed a perfect ‘O’ before a huge smile took over.
“I think I might have been underestimating you,” she leaned in to kiss him, “you are usually right.”
“Don’t you forget it.”
“I have to go,” she sighed.
“See you later. Good luck.” He said and once again, she couldn’t stop smiling. She pressed her forehead to his and kissed him firmly before leaving him to finish his coffee.
“This is niiiiice!” Jess hissed as she passed Lexie on the stairs with a box. Lexie laughed on her way back down to the car to grab one of the last bags. She was grateful for the distraction. Following her three days on the stand in court, she’d pretty much gone straight into her final interview for the detective chief inspector position and was not so patiently waiting for the outcome. Sophie had been the one to suggest moving Lexie’s stuff into River’s apartment to pass the time. 
“Lex! Phone!” River called down from the communal landing. She slammed the car shut and ran up the single flight of stairs to take the phone from his outstretched hand. He hovered next to her.
“Lexie Andrews?” She answered, breathless. She paced the landing, listening to the caller, River could only hear her side of the conversation which consisted mainly of yeses and nos and gave him no indication of the outcome. Finally she stopped pacing and locked eyes with him. “Thank you.” She finished and hung up. She nodded, wide eyed, “I got it.” She whispered, shocked. He rushed for her, sweeping her up into a hug so tight her feet left the floor.
“I knew it.” He grinned. From out in the corridor they could hear the pop of a champagne bottle. “Come on,” he led her through the door, “welcome home.”
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violeth-r04 · 4 months
Chapter 1: the beginning.
So, it all began like any other day in the Halliwell house.
My brothers, Henry and azari were in the solarium room working on their biophysics science project for their dream school that was coming up in a few weeks.
“So in conclusion,” azari mutters, while typing on his computer.
“Oh, azari, did you put this down?” Henry asks azari.
My other brothers, Parker and Joey, were working on another one of their ‘Parker and Joey’ inventions in the basement with who knows what to call it.
“Uh, Parker? What are you doing with the fire extinguisher?” I asked, stopping dead in my tracks to see Parker holding the fire extinguisher.
“Uh,” he chuckles softly. “Nothing,” Parker said, with a very obvious look on his face that said otherwise.
I looked at him again, as Parker eventually looked away and sped off into the kitchen.
“Oh, sweetie, that is so not your color!” Emma my sister, called out when sitting on the couch reading a fashion nova magazine and looking at their awful outfit choices.
she was clearly not impressed.
Sarah and cooper, my two adorable little siblings, were running around the house laughing and screaming, as sparky our one-hundred- and-fifty-years-old white lighter golden retriever chased them.
“AHH!” Both Sarah and cooper laughed, as they ran past me.
And as I’m heading over towards the parlor room, I then over hear both Max and Tessa, my two other sisters, casually on the front lawn using their water balloon catapult to launch their full-size water balloon into the air, just as they shouted with excitement every time the balloon splashed onto the ground.
“Boo ya!” Both max and Tessa shouted with excitement, as they prepared the next water balloon.
I chuckled.
Meanwhile, my twin sisters, Lexie and Katie, along with my twin brother James, were in the parlor room, minding their own business as Lexie was trying to rehearse some lines for a play she was auditioning for.
“Ugh! Why is this one line so hard!” Lexie grunts, with frustration as she struggles with one of her lines.
Katie just sat in the corner chair, chuckling at Lexie while writing something in her notebook as she listened to music.
James just sat on the left side of the couch watching whatever was on TV, as I walked over and sat on the other side of him, picking up another one of my abandoned and haunted magazines.
Our other older brothers and sisters don’t live with us anymore, since they are either off to college or living independently.
Most of the time whenever we aren’t dealing with demons and or warlocks, that or training for when one does arrive.
We would sometimes get call by a very good old friend of ours, named Mr. nobody.
But other than that, it’s been pretty quiet around here, or so that’s what I thought when both max and Tessa ran into the house with a scared ‘ah oh’ look on their faces.
“Hey! Uh, Whatever you do, don’t answer the door. okay, Cool? Great awesome!” Max and Tessa insisted, as they ran and hid.
“Okay, now why do I have a weird feeling that they did something?” I muttered, when not even a second later Mrs. Henderson. Our nosy loud neighbor starts banging on our front door.
“Halliwell’s!” Mrs. Henderson yells.
“Oh great!” Katie said, taking the words right out of my mouth.
Mrs. Henderson is our very old neighbor who none other than, likes to make our lives a living hell.
There was one time, when she got mad at Lexie, Katie, and I for riding our bikes around the block, so what did she do, you may ask?
Well, she ripped the wheels right off our bikes, and threw them in the bushes, then told us to go and run off home. And all of that was because we were ‘ruining’ her peace and quiet.
I swear that lady has had it out for us kids since birth.
“Halliwell’s!” Mrs. Henderson yelled again, banging on the door harder.
As I rolled my eyes, getting up from the couch, I then started walking over towards the front door very annoyed.
“Mrs. Henderson! Hi, what a nice surprise, what can I do for you?” I sarcastically said, when opening the door to her yelling.
“Halliwell’s, how many times do I have to keep reminding you, to keep things down over here?” Mrs. Henderson complained.
I simply looked at her as if I’d care.
“Is there anything else?”
She then gave me an annoying look. “Yeah, keep your weird things on your side of the fence!” She yelled once more, before walking away.
“Is she gone?” Both max and Tessa asked, as I closed the door behind me and turned around to see their heads popping out from the living room.
“What do you think?” I asked them.
“Okay, we can clearly tell that you’re mad,” tessa was beginning to say.
“Really? You can tell?” I sarcastically replied.
“Okay that didn’t help,” max muttered.
“Okay, look we’re sorry, about the whole Mrs. Henderson thing. But it’s just that our water balloon catapult flung our balloon- ” max was trying to explain.
“Guys, look, I really don’t care about what you two do or build outside, but please for the life of you, just don’t do it over by Mrs. Henderson,” I advised, when returning back to the parlor room.
“Hey, it could be worse,” James muttered.
“Okay, what could possibly be worse than Mrs. Henderson?” Lexie asked James.
And Just as james was beginning to think about what Lexie said, all of a sudden a loud ‘boom’ explosion shook the house.
“Sorry!” Both Parker and Joey yelled.
“That,” james smiles.
“What was that?” Mom questioned, as she ran down the stairs with a panic look on her face.
“Uhh…I think that loud explosion was Parker and Joey; with their weird ‘little’ science experiment gone wrong…again,” Emma said, rolling her eyes not paying any kind of attention to what’s going on.
“Oh? Then who was that at the door?” Mom asked, looking at us weirdly.
“Nobody!” Both max and Tessa said instantly.
“Huh, now why do I get the feeling that you two are lying?” Mom said, looking at the both of them.
“It was just Mrs. Henderson and her usual complaint,” we told mom.
Mom rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Oh, great and what did she want this time?” Mom asked.
As the others, and I turned our attention over towards both max and Tessa who already had a guilty look on their faces, mom took that initiative and sighed.
“Duly noted, girls, How many times do I have to keep telling you two, to stop messing around with Mrs. Henderson?” Mom asked the girls.
“Like fifty times,” James mutters under his breath.
“James!” Mom said, telling him to stop.
“Look, mom we’re sorry, but it’s just that we were trying to test something out with our water balloon catapult, and I guess we may have launched it a bit too high, to the point where it then landed in Mrs. Henderson’s yard,” Tessa explained.
Mom sighed again. “Girls, I love you, I really do but you have to be a bit more careful around Mrs. Henderson, understood?” Mom told the girls.
“Yes mom, we won’t let it happen again, we promise,” both max and Tessa told mom.
“Bullshit!” Both Henry and Azari muttered.
“Henry, Azari” Mom said.
“Sorry mom,” they said instantly.
“Thank you,” mom said looking at both max and Tessa. “Besides I really don’t need to walk down the driveway just have another mean conversation with Mrs. Henderson again, no matter how bitchy she can be for an old lady?” Mom jokes, as we all chuckle. “now- ” mom was just about to say, when the boys shouted.
“Aw man!” The boys yelled.
“What happened now?” Mom yelled.
“Well, it turns out that Joey and I may or may have not blown off our eyebrows…again,” Parker called out.
“Well, isn’t that something,” max jokes, as mom gave her the ‘not right now’ look.
“Emma,” mom says.
“Don’t worry, I’m already on it,” Emma said, as she dropped her fashion nova magazine on the table and got up.
And before mom could finish grabbing whatever else she needed for work, suddenly a blueish-white portal forms in the middle of the hallway, blocking the front door.
“Mom!” We shout.
“Where’s Sarah and Cooper?” Mom questioned, not seeing them anywhere.
“Running around the house with sparky,” I told mom.
And As everyone was getting ready for what might jump out, suddenly, for a moment nothing was happening, but that was until we heard a familiar screaming sound coming from inside the portal.
“AHH!” The familiar sound screamed.
“Wait a minute, that kind of sounds like…” Lexie says, trying to figure out whose it’s screaming it is.
“Uncle?” Henry was about to say, as the screaming got closer.
Within seconds, our uncle Kevin, who is our mom’s youngest brother gets thrown out of the portal and lands hard on the floor.
“Ow!” Uncle Kevin grunts, as we all look at him confused.
And just when this day couldn’t get any better, a warlock who looks oddly familiar then peeks his head out through the portal, just second as the portal begins to close.
With the confusion hitting us like a truck, we all look down at uncle Kevin as if to know what the hell is going on.
“Oh, hey guys!” Uncle Kevin said, looking up at us with a ‘hey, I’m in a bit of trouble’ smile.
Oh, great, well this can’t be good.
“I’ll go and grab the first aid kit,” Tessa said, when running out of the room.
“I’ll go grab the book of shadows,” max adds.
“And I’ll call into work, and let them know that I won’t be making it in,” mom said. “It seems like we have some work to do,” mom adds, just before walking down the hall past the dining room and into the kitchen.
“Sorry guys,” Kevin said, as the others and myself sighed.
Great, well here goes to our fun long getaway from tracking down demons and warlocks, and hello to hunting down a warlock from a different century.
Isn’t this going to be fun.
(Here is the first chapter of many that I’m writing, I hope it sounds good and I hope you like it.)
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lexisism · 1 year
Sjdksbns Alexis I will answer your ask tmrw!! I need to go to sleep soon
In the meantime, here some more asks!!<33
The personality traits you love of theirs.
The physical traits you love of theirs.
What are your names saved as in each other’s phones?
How do you dress? Do you look like you match as a couple, or are your styles different?
I LOVE his kind heart, i know its basic but i will tell you everytime i hear the story of how he wanted to buy the keychains to help the children :( i cry and want to go kiss him all over ugh i love him
oh his beautiful crimson eyes for sure! they're so hypnotic and gorgeous and ahh i could stare in them all day!! they're so beautiful. though his hair is just as awe-striking because of the color, length and how he STYLES IT omg. His chest and ass too-//gets slapped
Alexis' = "My Lexis" Kaveh's = "My Everything"
WE WEAR MATCHING CLOTHING!! we color code our outfits and we have similar styles! <33
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Spun like a Record
-A Single Dad, Cillian Murphy x oc fic. Cillian was married and had a kid at 22 while he was still in College. He had a daughter and named her Madi. Cillian and his wife had a very unpleasant relationship and had divorced after Madi had graduated highschool. Cillian moved to California with Madi so she could go to college but stay close with him. While in college Madi had gained a new best friend, her roomate Lexi Franklie. Lexi and Madi were super close. Madi brings Lexi over to her dads place all the time. Cillian had thought Lexi was a fine and smart girl. He was happy that his daughter had a good friend but he couldn't help but find Lexi attractive. Cillian didn't really know what to do with his feelings since he has been with few women in his life. Its Madi, and Lexi's Junior year in college and Madi wants to have her spring break at her dads place. Lexi is 25,and Madi is 24 and Cillian is 47- (not edited yet)
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  Two cars pulled up into the driveway of the Murphy household. Madi exits her small black convertible and Lexi leaves her white truck. Even though the two of them were in separate cars they were simultaneously giggling and laughing in excitement. They grabbed their duffle bags and walked up to the door together.  Madi opened the door without a second thought and Lexi followed behind. 
"Dad! Parties arrived, so get out of that dumb man cave of yours!" Madi shouted through the house. She plopped down her bags without a care in the world, the loud thud catching Lexi off guard.
 The soft patter of Cillian walking down the steps caught the two girls' attention. Lexi was expecting a frown or a scowl on his face because of the shouting his daughter was doing; but surprising to her Cillian had a bright smile the moment he saw the two girls. Lexi's gaze had softened at the sight of his curled lips. Madi was quick to let out a happy squeal and the moment Cillian was off the stairs Madi was running towards her father and trapped him in a tight hug.
"I didn't know you girls were gonna be here so early, if I knew I would've whipped up you girls some lunch" Cillian said in a gentle manner as his daughter pulled out of his grasp.
"Madi wanted to surprise you, so there's no need to worry. We had a small lunch before we got here anyways" Lexi reassured and gave Cillian a side hug with a bright smile. "It's good to see you again Mr.Murphy"
"Well I'm just happy I get to spend time with you girls again. Soo how's university been?" Cillian asked, seeming genuinely intrigued and curious, wanting to catch up.
“Oh my gosh it’s been hell! We have our finals in two weeks and I’m so thankful for Lexi, she’s helping me on top of studying for herself” Madi replied with a small whine as she suddenly wrapped her arms around Lexi.
“Besides from finals Madi, you’ve called me crying about it for the past week” Cilians playful tone made a small giggle escape Lexi’s lips and a big pout to form on his daughter's lips. “How about you Lexie? Still playing volleyball or did that tire you out”
“It's been good for the most part, volley has been keeping me busy, like even though it's my ‘vacation’ I still have to go in and practice and I think I have a match on Thursday” Lexi answered with a sheepish tone. Her answer let a small chuckle to leave Cillian.
“Ahh that’s a shame. I was hoping that we’d get to spend some time together since you girl are around. But it's no problem, as long as you're at least enjoying volleyball.” he said with a tender smile and continued, “So you both are planning to stay here for the whole spring break?” he asked slightly, cocking a curious brow at the girls. The girls were quick to give him excited nods to his question.
“Yea, my parents are busy with my younger brother this week, so Madi thought it’d be a perfect idea for me to just hang with you guys for a break” Lexi explained and her answer made a tender smile spread across Cillian’s face.
“If you want to dad, you can come with me to watch Lexi’s match, I'll make sure to get you into the game for free,” Madi added with a playful tone and smirk. Lexi was a bit confused about Madi inviting her dad, but Lexi didn’t want to dwell on it.
Cillian thought over the idea for a second. The idea of going and watching lexi play made his face start to get hot and a small blush creeped onto his face. He was quick to shake his head to recompose himself and then he replied ‘Y-yeah I guess I could go, I don’t have anything better to do I guess. Never really been to a volleyball game before, so i’ll try my best to be a good cheerleader”
His response made a giggle leave Lexi’s lips and she gave him a genuine smile for accepting to go. “Yay, well then now I have my own Murphy family cheerleaders”
Cillian and the two girls continued to lightly chat and catch up, but after a while Madi had grown bored and wanted to hang out with her friend instead of her dad. So in a moment of slightly awkward silence Madi spoke up, “Well it was nice to catch up with you dad, but me and lexi got some unpacking to do” her blunt manner was apparent and she had grabbed her bags she had previously thrown on the ground, and started to head up the stairs. 
Lexi listened to her friend and gave Cillian an awkward half smile before she grabbed her heavy bags that she had placed on the couch. Cillian could tell that Lexi’s bags were heavy, seeing her slightly struggle to lift it off the cushion. Before Lexi could get on the first step of the stairs, Cillian grabbed her bags straight from her hands. Lexi kept walking up the stairs but she looked back at Cillian with a thankful smile on her lips. Once they got to the top of the stairs Lexi took back her bags, still having a sweet smile directing it towards Cillian.
“Thank you Mr.Murphy” Lexi said simply, her smile and tone causing butterflies in his chest.
Lexi continued towards Madi’s room. When Lexi arrived she saw Madi had already opened up her bags and started to put stuff away. Lexi plopped her heavy bags on the bed and followed Madii in emptying out their belongings. The two girls were quietly talking and giggling with each other. Unknowing to the girls Cillian was in the doorway slightly smiling to himself seeing his daughter and Lexi having such simple and peaceful fun. Cillian so badly wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation, wanting to know what was so funny, or if there was some big information that he was unaware of. But after a few minutes Cillian decided to leave the girls alone, and headed to his office down the hall. 
Cillian could barely think, his face was flushed and his chest tight from the memory of Lexi’s face. She was so tender and so genuine. He could tell she was still nervous to be here, acting like she hadn't stayed here plenty of times. Cillian could still hear the faint sounds of the girls' laughs and giggles. He couldn’t help but let a smile crack, he was happy that his daughter had been friends with such a wonderful woman. But after about thirty minutes the laugher had stopped, it was eerily silent, he let his thoughts run rampant. Maybe one of them said something wrong, maybe they had snuck out the window, maybe one of the girls had been hurt. He knew he was worrying over nothing but he decided to go and check in on them. He walked out of his office and back down the hall to his daughters room. Cillian was shocked to see it was just Madi in the room, laying on her bed on her phone.
“Where’s Lexi?” He asked genuinely curious, he noticed her bags were now empty but still there. 
“She had to leave for practice, she’ll be back later tonight. She said that we don’t have to wait for her for dinner. Her ‘friend’ Boone was gonna drop off some food for her after practice” Madi answered in a casual tone, her eyes never leaving her phone. 
“Oh-Okay” Cillian said almost breathlessly. He left the doorway and went back to his office. He couldn’t stop thinking about how Lexi might have a boyfriend. He knew he had no right to feel jealous or inferior, but he couldn’t help it. How did he not know about this, Madi tells him everything, why would this need to be hidden from him.
(I know its short but its like a epilouge so I promise the next part will be longer)
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
Please just some eddie fluff. My heart is shattered and I'm trying to heal that hole 😭 So fluff with eddie where he is just really happy and proud of his partner because he loves her so much please and thank you
Eddie fluff you asked and Eddie fluff you will get! 
p.s. I got this idea from the scene of Eddie and Dustin in episode 8
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‘’Last one to skull rock pays for the pizza tonight.’’
‘’Deal.’’ Eddie didn’t bother saying ‘go’ and sprinted, leaving you there. Cheater. ‘’Hey! Wait for me, I have little legs!’’ you called after him, trying to catch up, leaves crunching under your sneakers. 
Needless to say, you didn't catch up to him and completely lost track of Eddie. You couldn't even hear the clinking sound of his chains as he ran anymore because of how far away he already was. 
Thankfully, you knew the way to Skull Rock. Or else you would've easily gotten lost in those woods.
The birds were chirping as you pushed at the small trees and bushes to make a path. 
‘’You are such a cheater, Munson. You could’ve at least said ‘go’ and given me a fair chance before-’’ A frown formed between your eyebrows, not seeing Eddie's curly head and denim vest. ‘’Eddie?’’ you called. 
He couldn’t not have arrived yet. He left before you and runs faster. 
You checked around the massive rock and behind some trees - places someone would hide at, knowing he loved to scare people and make them jump -, but he strangely didn't seem to be there. 
Worry began creeping on your face. 
A loud thump came from behind you, accompanied by a growl, scaring the shit out of you. ''Ahh!'' 
You let out a death scream and a deep mocking hearty laugh echoed in the woods, giving away the spook-er’s identity. That's what you get for dating someone who has a flair for the dramatics. Daily jump-scares and dramatic antics.
You swiftly whirled on your feet with a scowl on your face. ‘’What is wrong with you?! You don’t scare people like that in the middle of the woods.’’ You smacked his chest and he grinned amusedly, taking the playful hits. 
‘’What were you thinking it was, a bear? I don’t think bears can jump down from rocks, Sweetheart.’’ He reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and you melted into his touch, allowing him to pull you in closer.
You snaked your arms around his middle, bathing in your lover's embrace, enjoying the quietness of nature. It was nice to be away from nasty glares and the whispers whenever you were walking down a hallway. You couldn't wait to graduate in two months and get the hell out of Hawkins.
Of course, Eddie had to disturb the moment by being his annoying self. 
‘’For the pizza, I was thinking we could get extra cheese and maybe some…pineapple.’’
The mention of the yellow tropical fruit had you pulling back. Eddie knew your hatred for pineapple on pizza - it doesn’t belong there - and loved to tease you about it and threaten you to order one with it. 
‘’Careful with that you do, you might end up eating that pizza by yourself.’’  You detached yourself from him, taking a few steps black with your arms crossed.
Eddie raised an eyebrow. ‘’Are you really mad at me for that? Baby, come on...’’ 
You bit your cheek really hard not to laugh, trying to keep your face on, but Eddie saw through you and charged at you like a wrestler. He scooped you up and twirled you in his arms, making you scream and giggle wholeheartedly.
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick
Eddie Munson taglist: @nighttwingg @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie @heizenka @eddiemvunsongf @Eddie_munsons_girlfriend @magicalchocolatecheesecake @eddiemunsonistheloveofmylife @avril-reblog-cave @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie @straycatarang @fourlokiss  @eddiemattress  @ghoulishlygrey   @paola-carter @bubsonnobx @pauldanoswifereal @ofherscarlettwitchways @kiszkathecook  @truewdw1
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
This is from last chapter but still I need somewhere to scream, sorry💙
First part was a rollercoaster and I am not ok!!! Lets just get some points:
Alec taking Magnus hand so he doesn’t bite his nails and kissing a boy for the firts time in his home is something that can be so personal🥺🥺
She is the one who asked for a divorce. Shouldn’t she be happy? Relieved even? I dont like the way this parallel hurts :)
Alec and Jace looking out for Izzy is so soft but the part of Max just hurts me in so many levels😭
*whispers* Sizzy....
“Nothing,” Alec whispers back. “But I plan to love you more than I love you today.” chezzy little shit jdhdujdjs
"Look at me carrying all that frankincense.” reminds me of the time I played a little devil on a Christmas play😂
“I’m not giving up on Magnus,” Alec says firmly. “I love him, and I intend to marry him.”💙💙💙
Ok, that discussion was so damn painful and angsty, but it was fucking amazing!! And again, both of them are right to certain point. Like, they did violate Magnus rights basically and he has all the right to go away, and also Alec is so used to things like this that he doesn't see how wrong it is. But also Alec had a point that families are like shit sometimes
BUT. You also need to know where to draw the line bc it comes to a point where its not healthy anymore... Ahhh I could do a whole analysis of this😂
"Don’t treat me like shit and then ask me to be the bigger person.” FUCK IF I DIDNT FELT THIS TO A DEEP LEVEL>>
That was really fucking low of Alec...
Rafael and Magnus crying when he knew about the divorce omfg now I'm crying too😭
I feel so fucking bad for Max rn. Also Alec, kindly fucking stop🙂
Will the fact that Max loves Magnus so fucking much and he inmediatly worries if he is crying ever not hurt?? Nope :)
"It’ll be okay. Tell me what’s wrong. I’ll fix it.” FUCK😭😭
"Max, who has always been able to keep his head above the water, is drowning." idk why but this was my favorite quote of this Timeline. POETIC WRITING😭
I don’t know. I don’t know anything. Please stop asking me. I WILL PROTECT THIS BOY TILL I'M DEAD AND YALL BETTER PREPARE FOR THAT🔪
I'm one "sometimes love isn’t enough" away to combust internally
The "notes to self" are always on point *chef kiss*
I will learn to do necromancy just so I can bring Albert back and kill him slowly🔪
OMFG god he reads AND writes smut. This info is ✨first priority✨ jsvsjsjksksks and on fucking church HOLY-
He keeps tampons for Lexi and Selena just in case. He. Is. Fucking. Perfect. THIS BOY IS THE DEATH OF ME🥺🥺
"But David catches him though.  He always does. This smut-reading, tampon-carrying, beautiful son of a bitch." ✨DAVID IS PERFECT AND LITERALLY NO ONE CAN ARGUE ME✨
David really is killing poor Max jdhsksjskjs
As I coffee hoe, I relate😔
YES TO GABRIEL AND SELENA. MY SHIP IS SAILING!!! Gabriel is in love and I love them for that. Who wouldn’t be?? 😍
Ok, kinda worried for Rafael...
For someone with such a mess in his love life, he really gives good advice...
Max, we need to aknowledge your abandonment issues... Like, same bro. But you need help...
The person who got hurt the most was the person who helplessly watched it all come crashing down and wasn’t able to do anything to make it stop. OUCH💔
I didn’t need to know that Alec cried every night after the divorce but thanks🙂
Poor Rafael. Now everyone thinks he has a degradation kink I mean he does but still👀
"I’ll always see you. No matter how hard you try to hide from me.” stop with the cryptic-romantic shit. I am already crying😭
"He wants everything. He wants everything with David." This is going to get out of hands, BUT I'M LOVING MAVID SO MUCH AND ALL THEIR THOUGHTS BREAK MY HEART OK?!?!
This chapter, as always is just ✨MASTERPIECE✨
Ayyyy I’m so so glad 💙💙
Here is a tiktok for you. This is Magnus/David with Alec/Max 😭😂😭😂😭
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illusivekati · 2 years
15,16,17, 18, for Luca.
37,38,39,40 for Adria and Karlie
hello nonny owo a very big ask love it :) shows how much you want to know about them :)
First is Luca here we go :)
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What is the first thing people notice about them? When people first meet him and without conversation it would be they think he is a very athletic person which they aren't wrong but he just does anything athletic a little bit differently and without the whole excersie equipment he goes for jogs and alot it would be from building and when someone has a conversation with him they would pickup his awkward
What do they look for in a friend? A love interest? someone who is understanding that don't mind helping out with things, Luca when his with someone love language would be affection and reassurance
Who are they soft for? Do they find being soft easy or difficult? I would say family wise it be Adria outside of family it be Lexie as for if its easy or difficult mostly easy being soft but sometimes on the situation he feels it could be hard
Describe your character through a Brooklyn 99 gif or line. I know not much of this show but I feel this describes him more
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Next up is Adria :)
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Your character has been kidnapped. Who has kidnapped them and how do they escape? " Hmmm not sure but she certainly would drive them crazy haha if I were to pick someone who would it probably be Caleb, as Caleb in my game tends to like the pretty girls in my game like literally I would make one and one way or another they would end up crossing paths with Caleb even when I avoid him and he would turn them endless circle but she would probably drive anyone who kidnaps her crazy so therefor they would have no choice if they had nothing at their disposal to get peace.
How does your character unwind after a long day? Adria you would find her in the garden actually so anything garden she would unwind with weather its weeding, watering or even at the flower arranging bench.
What's your character's guilty pleasure? experiencing the night life with any chance she gets and ohh those trashy romance novels.
Your character's friend has just been mugged. What's their reaction? I reckon that would traumatize her Adria would freeze in fear but she would try and reach her phone and would either contact her brother or Sergio for extra help
Next is Karlie
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Your character has been kidnapped. Who has kidnapped them and how do they escape? " if someone did it be some crime boss from her mothers past cause her mother tends to piss alot of people off and not to mention her mother is criminal turned spy if Karlie hasn't escaping she would observe her surroundings for potential way outs and how many lets just say guards would be guarding and observe that too waiting for that opening and will pin point it and use it to her disposal she is also very tech savvy so if there's tech she would use it to her advantage if she can :)
How does your character unwind after a long day? Ahh a couple drinks and a night of dancing and hanging out and having her smokes :)
What's your character's guilty pleasure? taking selfie after selfie til she gets the perfect one, singing or dancing like nobody watching
Your character's friend has just been mugged. What's their reaction? Karlie would sus out the connections she has, or her mother has to hopefully provide some backup if needed she would make sure her friend is alright and will probably chase the culprit down and teach them a lesson and salvage anything of her friends belongings
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
Jerena prompt 13 “You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”? Pretty Please?
Thanks for the request!!! If you have any other Jerena or baby Cabenson requests, let me know and I'll gladly write it for you.
Staying at the Benson house during spring break and the week before their wedding gave Jamie a glimpse into what it was like for her wife when she was growing up. Her wife’s brother Kyle as the youngest and the only son had little expectations on him other than to carry on the family name. Her younger sister Lexie had always been popular and outgoing. As a blonde hair and blue eyed California girl, their mom considered Lexie the pretty one, and expected that someday she’d get a rich husband and live the life of a Beverly Hills housewife like herself. But Serena-Serena was their gifted child and she was told so since she learned how to read at age two and a half. “Gifted children grow into adults who have constant feelings of inadequacy and self-destructive coping mechanisms,” Serena would tell her. She hated the fact that she was considered a gifted child, but when Jamie saw her wife talking to one of her students the week that they returned to New York, she felt as if that gifted child had grown into a sweet, compassionate, and gifted adult.
When Serena’s student-a boy who appeared to be about 18 or 19-left the room, Jamie took it upon herself to enter her office with a caffeinated treat in hand.
“Hey, beautiful, you come here often?” she asked in an attempt at getting her wife to look up from her laptop.
“Well, I work here, so I’d have to say ‘yes.’” Serena shut her laptop and took off her black-framed glasses. “Plus it says Professor Serena Benson on the door so that’s a dead giveaway.”
“I bring you coffee and you sass me,” Jamie clutched her hand to her heart. “I’m hurt. I really am. This drink is nasty, by the way.”
“Good. That means you won’t drink it.” Serena got up from her desk so she could get the drink from her wife. “I love you and not just because you caffeinate me,” she said before giving Jamie a chaste kiss.
The drink she brought was from a coffee shop on campus typically occupied by professors and stressed out grad students. Serena was a regular there and frequented the coffee shop to the point that the barista asked “Is this for Professor Benson?” as soon as Jamie finished ordering it. It was a medium iced coffee with four shots of espresso, nonfat milk, extra chocolate syrup, and extra hazelnut syrup.
“Damn, Serena, that stuff is like liquid cocaine. How do you drink it and live to tell the tale?”
“I think I’m immune to anything less. Do you want to sit outside?”
The November air was chilly compared to the weather they had just experienced while in California, but Jamie didn’t mind because cold weather meant seeing her wife in cardigans and scarves. Jamie had met some of Serena’s colleagues at the holiday party, but the age difference between Serena and most of her colleagues wasn’t evident until that November day when they were sitting outside on a bench. Unlike her other colleagues who were in business attire, Serena opted for a more casual alternative. She was in a jacquard fit and flare floral dress, an oversized olive green cardigan, and brown ankle boots with her hair in a bun.
“Anyone ever tell you you look like a cross between a hipster and a sexy librarian?”
“Not those who value their lives,” Serena took a sip of her drink. “Thank you for visiting me.”
“Yeah, of course,” Jamie responded. She wasn’t sure if putting her arm around her wife would be a welcomed gesture on campus where her students could potentially see her so she opted to hold her hand instead. “So, what’s the chisme? I heard you were on some people’s shit list.”
“Yeah, that,” Serena smirked. “I decided to add trigger warnings for assigned readings and if there’s something that’s triggering to them then my students have the option of doing an alternative assignment. The old guard thinks I’m some kind of special snowflake, but it’s worth it. My students are all over 18. They’re adults. They know the difference between something that makes them mildly uncomfortable and something that triggers them. When I came back for my senior year, rape scenes were traumatic for me to read. Some of my students are survivors of sexual assault, some are child abuse survivors, some have self-harmed. I don’t know what’s going to be triggering for them, but I don’t want them to be forced to relive trauma because of an assignment.”
Regardless of who was around, Jamie decided to kiss her wife’s temple. “You’re a good woman, Serena.”
“I’m not.”
“You are,” Jamie insisted. “You care so deeply and you’re always looking out for others, like the time we were in line at Target behind a woman whose debit card got declined and you paid for her entire purchase.”
Serena took a sip of her drink. “It was just the decent thing to do. She was all alone with a baby and I remember what it was like to be a new mom and raising a baby on my own. Because of my parents, I never needed money, but I can’t even begin to tell you the countless times other, more experienced moms helped me by giving me advice.”
“How about helping another new mom?” Jamie smiled. “Me, in particular.”
“Kyle just filled me in,” Serena chuckled. “He said Ollie’s fine. She’s playing video games.”
“So she doesn’t have food poisoning?”
“Did you see her throw up or did she just tell you?”
“She just told me.”
“Ahh, that’s where you went wrong,” Serena pointed out. “Unless I see that our daughter has thrown up, she’s not staying home. I’ll ask her to show me and she just says, ‘You’re gross, Mom, and this demeans us both’ and then she gets her little preteen self ready for school. You’re new to this, babe, and until we got married you were her buddy. Now you’re her mom and, as her mom, there’s a few words of advice I have. Don’t let our daughter punk you.”
“Our daughter was not trying to punk me. Olivia is a sweet kid.”
“I know she’s our baby but she’s almost a teenager,” Serena reminded her. “She’s going to spend the next few years trying to punk us, but we have a motto in the Benson family. Punk not lest ye get punked.”
“What is wrong with your family?” Jamie laughed. “What happened to trust?”
“You should know by now that we sacrifice everything for petty revenge,” Serena smirked. “On my way home, I’ll pick up a pizza with extra cheese and extra pepperoni. I’ll get some candy and soda and everything else she can’t resist. If she eats any of it, she’s admitting to lying about being sick to get out of her math test.”
“So you’re going to eat all of our daughter’s favorite foods in front of her while she eats chicken soup and crackers?”
“Pretty much.”
“I take it back, Serena. You are pure evil and it’s an honor to co-parent with you.”
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
for the wip game: 2, 17, & 35?
Ahh, good choices!! So, “Sex Education Goes Camping” is... kind of exactly what it sounds like. The students of Moordale High are going on one last school trip before their school is closed down for good. Organized and supervised by Colin and Emily, of course. But there’s more than just the tension of the inevitable goodbye they’ll all have to say at the end of it; Adam and Eric haven’t talked since they broke up. Ruby is completely avoiding Otis, who feels terrible about hurting her. Maeve is leaving for America the moment they get back, and doesn’t want to make the goodbye any harder by letting Otis try and convince her to stay. Aimee and Steve have just broken up, but they’re working on being friends. 
Jackson's eyebrows furrow. Maeve frowns. Otis and Eric share another confused look, as do a lot of others.
Spreading his arms, Mr Hendricks loudly says, "You are all utterly fucked! As am I, and so is Miss Sands! Well, I mean we can obviously find other teaching jobs, but it's not exactly easy, so, technically speaking, we are all very much fucked, you're right, Jackson."
Jackson just raises an eyebrow, then looks away. Miss Sands quickly joins Mr Hendricks on the stage as the students chattering gets louder around the room.
"What Mr Hendricks means to say--" Miss Sands shoots him a quick glare as she leans into the microphone, making him take a few steps back from it (and her) "--is that it doesn't have to be all bad!"
"No offence, Miss," Ruby interrupts, "but you're not the one about to have your entire future turned to shit without your consent." 
Miss Sands nods, and says, "No, you're right. I'm only losing a job, but you are all losing the chance to finish your education comfortably -- or maybe at all. And I am... so incredibly sorry about that. I truly wish this wasn't happening to any of us. But it is. And we have to deal with that."
"We have to make the most of the time we have left together," Mr Hendricks chimes back in, taking a cautious step towards the podium. "Which is why us teachers and some of your parents/guardians have banded together to give you lot one last Moordale High experience!" 
More murmuring. Eric and Maeve are already groaning, while Otis looks cautiously hopeful. Many more of them are apprehensive, including the likes of Adam and Ola, but they're sitting up a bit straighter in their seats, waiting to find out the rest. 
They've all experienced many things at Moordale High, not all of them good, but not all of them awful, either. Some of them have been the best time of their lives, like the performance they put on just a few weeks ago to rid themselves of Hope. And some have an utter disaster like their trip to France.
Most of them are assuming it's going to be leaning more towards the latter. And it feels as though their fears are confirmed when Mr Hendricks excitedly, and dramatically, yells, "We're going camping!" 
I completely forgot I hastily named it “Uncle Shawn the Icon” for this asjkdhajksh okay so. Auggie starts experimenting with feminine clothes, something that Cory, Topanga, and Riley are more than supportive of. But, unfortunately, people at his school aren’t as supportive. When he starts acting different (like Riley in that one episode where she was being bullied), they know something is up, and Cory happens to mention it to Shawn. Uncle Shawn who, after spending that week as “Veronica” realized he actually liked presenting as a girl sometimes, and came out as genderfluid. He comes over to have a proper talk with Auggie, and let him see that it doesn’t matter what other people say about them. Bonus: Riley mentions it to her friends because she’s worried about Auggie, and most of them jump to Auggie’s defence. 
"Auggie's being bullied."
Maya blinks. Farkle sits back in his seat. Stunned into silence. Lucas is shaking his head, and Zay and Smackle share a confused glance at each other.
Then comes the eruption.
"Give me names and addresses," Maya demands, voice like sharp ice and scalding lava at the same time, retracting her hand from Riley's arm. Ready to storm out right now to track them down.
That's exactly why Riley doesn't answer her, but she does look at her like she's crazy, and she says, "Maya! They're kids!"
"I'm going to kill them, what do I care if they're twelve?"
Riley's about to tell her she should very much care, because when they were twelve, they benefited much more from being talked to rather than killed. At the same time, they never did anything even remotely like the kids bullying Auggie.
"Did he tell you why they're bullying him?" Lucas asks, sounding like he can't think of a reason why anyone would want to.
"We already had an idea, and Ava told us this morning. He wants to wear skirts. Not just that, but more feminine clothing in general." She drops her head back onto her arms. "He was so excited to wear one of my old skirts on the first day of school yesterday, and now he won't even come out of his room. I don't know how to help him because he won't talk to any of us."
"Those little b--"
"Language," Riley says flatly, not even having the heart to really care if she finishes her sentence or not. Honestly, she feels like doing it for her. "I know, Maya, I'm mad too. I just don't know what to do about it."
"Say something," Farkle says.
Riley lifts her head and turns in her seat to look at him curiously.
"Your parents could say something to the school," he suggests. "I can't guarantee it would stop them, but if we were vocal enough about it--"
"We?" Riley asks, eyebrows raising.
Farkle looks at her seriously, and says, "My dad could make the loudest noise, and I know he would do it if I asked him to. It's Auggie, Riley. Of course I'm not just going to stand by."
"Yeah, and besides, no one should be bullied for what they wear," Maya adds, throwing Farkle a small smile that he gratefully returns. Then she turns back to Riley. "Seriously, Riles, your parents should say something to the school."
Riley agrees with them. It had crossed her mind this morning, and she's sure her parents are already thinking the same thing. She looks to Lucas, Zay, and Smackle.
Without a question asked, Smackle is nodding immediately, and firmly, a look similar to Farkle's on her face.
"They're right," she says matter-of-factly. Then, with a softer note, adds, "It's unfair for them to get away with trying to stop him from expressing himself. People don't like different and it's..."
"It's wrong," Zay finishes for her. "Auggie doesn't deserve that. Going to the school about it might not help but at least it'll make some noise, right? That would do something good, make people aware that it's unfair the way he's getting treated."
Riley's heart is ready to burst from how apparant their support for Auggie is, and just how serious they are about wanting to help. She smiles at Zay, and he smiles back, reaching forward to pat her hand on the top of her chair.
Her eyes slide to Lucas. He hasn't said anything yet.
I really need to hurry up and finish “Clash of the European Boyfriends”, I feel like I’ve been writing it for years. I feel like I’ve summarised it before, but I’ll give another quick one just in case -- There’s a dinner party being hosted at the Salvatore household, set up by Stefan, Elijah, and Lexi. It was more a way of forcing Damon, Enzo, Klaus, and Stefan to get along, but also a good way to get Hope more familiar with the house for the longterm future. Some awkwardness and tension ensures because you just can’t have those four in a house together and not expect something to go wrong. I would love to be able to give a snippet for this but I’ve been rewriting it so much that I can’t decide on anything that might actually make it into the finished fic, so I’m going to skip this one if that’s okay. Hopefully I’ll actually decide where it’s going and what I’m doing with it soon. 
Thank you for sending these, I’m really having so much fun with it!! 
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lunnanunna · 4 years
It’s Official
iKON Extra Member AU
Summary: iKON run into BTS at an award show.
Warnings: none
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @kimonmars​ @soobinssmile​ @markszone​
A/N: I’m going to be honest here. I have no idea where this was going or what this even is, but it’s too late to turn back. So just take this. Here. Hope you enjoy, whatever this is. 🙂
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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God, Bao was tired.
She walked behind Chanwoo as they were directed to their seats. iKON was at an award show of some sort. (Bao hadn’t really paid attention to which one.) Not only had they been nominated for song of the year for Love Scenario, they also had to perform. The set was Hanbin, Bobby, and her doing a rendition of Anthem (Bao wasn’t a part of the original, but Hanbin added her for this performance) and then Love Scenario.
They had been practicing for the past two weeks, along with still carrying out their regular schedules, and now the actual performance.
Bao hated award shows. She loved the accepting of the actual awards and the crazy performances from other artists, but they took so much out of her. It also didn’t help that as much as she loved dressing up in heels and gowns (Their theme was tux and gown), sitting for hours in the getup got old really quick.
They walked up a few steps to get to the area where the idols sat and Bao looked down at the ground so as not to trip on any of the cables lying around.
“Here, Noona,” Bao looked up to see Chanwoo offering his hand. She smirked at his manners and reached for his hand. He guided her up and over to their seats.
As they reached their seats, they took quick bows in greeting to BTS who were sitting a row behind. Bao smiled at Yoongi, giving a small salute. He smiled, returning the gesture. Then Bao winked at Lexi who sat next to the rapper. Lexi blew her a kiss.
“What was that?” Junhoe asked as they took their seats. He was leaning over the maknae, trying to keep his voice down, but the poor kid couldn’t whisper to save his life.
“Haven’t told them about our friendship?” Junhoe jumped in his seat then turned back in his chair to see Lexi leaning in her seat, grinning.
“Wha-” Junhoe trailed off, looking at Bao with wide eyes.
“Never really came up,” the rapper shook her head, grinning.
“Ahh, Unnie,” Lexi pouted at the older, giving her hair a slight tug.
“Yah! Behave yourself,” Yoongi reached over to grab her hand, pulling it back. “Christ. We can’t take you anywhere,” he shook his head. Lexi giggled, going to reach for Bao again, but not making it far seeing as Yoongi grabbed her hand and just held on to it.
“I’d apologize, but you knew what you were getting into when befriending her,” Yoongi said, looking at Bao with a bored expression.
Bao shrugged, nodding her head. “To be fair, no one ever actually knows what they’re getting into with Lexi. ‘Cause there’s Blu then there’s Lexi. I was introduced to Blu,” Bao mockingly glared at Lexi who whistled, looking off to the side.
“Point taken,” Yoongi nodded.
“I’m sorry. I seem to be missing something,” Yunhyeong interrupted, giving Bao a slight pat on her knee to grab her attention.
Bao turned to him and winked. “Boy, BTS. BTS, my boys,” she introduced, motioning to each group. BTS all smiled while iKON gaped.
“Apes,” Bao muttered under her breath. She felt a jab in her side and found Chanwoo glaring at her.
“Don’t group me with them,” he grumbled, then slouched in his seat, folding his arms over his chest.
Bao snorted, ruffling his hair. “Sorry, Maknae,” she said. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, then chuckled.
“You guys were really good,” Namjoon said, giving a nod of approval.
“Ah- T-thank you, Sunbaenim,” Hanbin bowed his head. The others soon followed, and Bao smiled at them.
“Yeah, and Unnie? You looked really hot,” Lexi winked at the rapper. Bao winked as well, scrunching up her nose. “Don’t you think she looked hot?” Lexi turned to Yoongi.
The rapper side eyed Lexi then looked at Bao. “Doesn’t she always,” he said shrugging, an uninterested look on his face.
Bao chuckled, then felt a tug on her dress. Looking over she saw Chanwoo looking at her with wide eyes, and behind him the rest of her boys were doing the same. Except for Hanbin, who was staring straight ahead, looking smug. Bao quirked a brow, hiding her smile. (Hanbin once told her that he became a proud boyfriend whenever anyone complimented her.)
“Chill,” was all she said to the boys. She spoke quietly, aware of the section of iKonics and ARMYs nearby. She didn’t need any rumors spreading.
Bobby, who was two seats down from Bao, noticed the fans too and seemed to relay the message to the others.
“Oh, Bao?” said girl looked back to see Yoongi leaning over in his seat, eyes towards the big monitor on the stage.
“Yeah?” she responded, tilting her head slightly away from him, also looking at the stage. She had to hold back an eye roll as she noticed her boys leaning towards them to listen.
“I suck at remembering this shit, so I’m telling you now. You can text me later, but we need to plan out a day for you to come to the studio,” Yoongi said. Bao snorted knowing that he’d definitely forget it. In fact this collab that he wanted to do had been in the works for months, or more like Yoongi kept on forgetting to text her about it, so it's been on hold for months.
“As if Noona would remember,” Chanwoo snickered.
Bao nodded lips pressed in a line. “This is true.”
“Then I’ll remind both of you,” Lexi spoke up. Bao turned to her smirking. She watched Lexi pat Yoongi’s knee, smiling.
“Whatever works better,” Yoongi shrugged, crossing his leg.
“Sounds good to me,” Bao smiled at the younger who gave a thumbs up, grinning.
“Not gonna lie, that would be an epic collab,” Junhoe said nodding in approval.
“Yeah?” Bao asked, turning to face him, arm resting on the back of her chair, cheek resting in her hand.
“Oh hundred percent,” Hoseok agreed from next to Lexi, grinning.
“Then it has to happen,” Bao said, clapping once. Then she turned to Hanbin. “Is that alright, Leader-nim?” she asked him, smirking.
Hanbin slowly turned his head, rolling his eyes. “Of course. Why even ask? You’d do it anyways,” he said, shaking his head. Bao grinned watching as he smirked, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.
“This is very true,”  she said, pointing at him.
“You guys better actually do this. I’ve been waiting,” Taehyung said.
“Wait. They all knew about this, but we didn’t,” Donghyuk asked, pouting.
“Once again. It never came up,” Bao shrugged.
“So what? You would have told us when we asked you the day the song dropped?” Jinhwan asked, jaw slack.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” Bao waved him off. “Yoongi hadn’t made it official yet. So why bring it up if it might not happen?” she asked as if it were obvious.
“It’s official,” Yoongi stated, monotone.
“Now it is,” Bao nodded, pointing at Yoongi while looking at Jinhwan who rolled his eyes.
Bao’s Masterlist
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holidaywishes · 4 years
All Roads Lead To You IV
Part 4: Island Life Has It’s Perks...
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  Summary of series: JJ took a job at the old Samson Estate – mostly mowing lawns, cleaning Mr. Samson’s yacht and serving at his dinner parties – for the sole purpose of distracting himself from the fact that he seemed to be the only one left from the crew. Sarah and John B. were still “lost at sea” after almost a year and Pope and Kie were… well, they were becoming Pope and Kie, so he needed something to occupy his time. When a new girl comes to town, JJ thinks it’s the perfect way to let off some steam but it may be more difficult than he anticipated.
  Summary of chapter: Addy packs up to head back to New York, feeling like she’d betrayed her cousin but when JJ asks her to stay, she can’t help but say yes. If only to get to know him better.
  Warning: Fluff, some angst maybe
  Author’s Note: Sorry it’s been so long since I posted another chapter of this but I had to go back and read the last part to see where I wanted to go with this. It’s a bit of a shorter chapter but I hope everyone, who is reading it, is enjoying this series because, even though it’s taking me a little longer, I’m having a bit of fun with it. You can totally send me your thoughts on the series or the characters or anything, on that same note you don’t have to send me anything if you don’t want to. You do you, boo! But I do want to thank everyone who is reading and enjoying this series. <3
  the other masterlist
Addy’s P.O.V
  The day after you got back from the Island where you had your cousin’s birthday, you decided it was time to go back home.
  “Come on, Adelaide,” your dad pleaded, “you just got here”
  “I said I was only coming back for Lexi’s birthday. We’ve had her party, we celebrated, it’s time for me to go.” You countered, continuing to throw things in your suitcase
  “But why can’t you stay a little longer? To stay with your family?”
  “I haven’t been here since I was a kid,” you scoffed, finally looking back at your father, “this place is like it’s been frozen in time. Pictures of me are all from when I was six years old...”
  “That’s why we need you here. To create new memories, take new pictures!”
  “I can’t stay here, dad. This place,” you gestured around you, “the Outer Banks, it’s not home. It’s not for me.”
  “What are you even going back to?” he chided as you zipped your suitcase and pulled it off the bed, putting it onto its wheels before tossing your backpack over your shoulder, “your aunt? You’re not in school, it’s summer! Just stay here”
  “Dad, stop. I’m going home, that’s it.” You said firmly, taking your bags and walking out of the room toward the front door. As you went to open the door, you heard footsteps creep behind you and you whipped your head to find where the noise was coming from
  “Where are you going?” JJ asked as he stood in the middle of the hallway, you dropped your eyes to the floor before you felt a rush of heat fill your face
  “Home” you said
  “Back to New York?” you nodded in response and he sighed before walking toward you, “don’t go. If this is because of what happened... I’ll keep my distance from you if that’s what you want. But you should stay for your family...”
  “It’s not about what happened because nothing happened,” you argued, “and I can’t stay here. I don’t belong here, I think that’s pretty clear.”
  “Addy...” he sighed, “you’ve only been here a couple days. Just stay a little longer, please?”
  “Why?” you asked
  “Because I want you to...” he whispered and you tilted your head
  “What about Alexis?”
  “She just wanted us to convince you... to lie to you so you would think she was impressive”
  “So you two aren’t..?”
  “Together?” he finished your question, “no, we’re barely friends.”
  “You know if I stay,” she continued, “we can’t be together”
  “Who said that’s what I wanted?” he teased
  “I’m just putting it out there,” you smiled, hesitating as he stepped closer to you, “my dad would have a fit if he caught you flirting with me.”
  “Me? Flirting with you?” there was almost no space between you now and your heart began to race as you felt his breath on your cheek, you nodded with a smile, trying to hold your composure, “who says you’re not flirting with me?”
  “Me?” you scoffed, letting a smile play on your lips, “I would never.”
  “I guess we’ll see about that.” He smirked, leaning down to take your bags, his eyes never leaving yours as he did so. He carried your bags back up to your room, walking past your father who smiled at you from the stairs
  “You’re staying?!” he exclaimed and JJ looked back at you with a smile, shrugging at you as he continued up the staircase
  “Looks like it” you replied before he gave you a hug.
JJ’s P.O.V
  It had been almost a week since you convinced Addy to stay in OBX and the two of you had been dancing around each other in an attempt to not be the first one to flirt. Leaving each other with smiles and stolen glances that Mr. Samson hadn’t seen or, at least, that you’d hoped he hadn’t seen, but you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t want it to go further. One day, as you were just about to leave, you found her on the porch watching the sunset while you walked to your bike
  “Hey!” she called, leading you to look back at her, “wanna watch the sunset with me?”
  “Here?” you asked and she nodded, “what about your dad?”
  “Mom and dad went out for dinner. They’ll be back in an hour or two.” You hesitated but put your house keys back in your pocket and made your way over to sit next to her. As your bare knee grazed hers, you noticed a smile creep across her face
  “How are you liking OBX?” you finally asked, breaking the silence
  “The sunsets are nice,” she started, still looking at the sky, “but it’s always so hot here. And everyone is always preparing for a storm”
  “No storms in New York?”
  “Not really. Every once in a while but not like here...” she smiled, “I mean you go down to the docks and everyone is tying things down every other day.”
  “So you still choose the city over the island life?” you smirked
  “Always,” she laughed, “but island life has it’s perks...” You looked away from the sunset to watch her once more
  “Yeah?” You replied and she finally looked at you, a smile continuing to grow on her face before she nodded
  “Yeah” she whispered, leaning toward you slightly, enough for you to lean into her. Your lips finally connected with hers, after days of teasing each other endlessly, and a sweet kiss soon led to her straddling your lap, tongues dancing together slowly as your hands traced their way up her body. Her hands rested on the sides of your neck before eventually moving to play with your hair at the back of your neck. She smiled against your lips when your hands stopped near her breasts
  “What?” you whispered, leaning your forehead against hers
  “Nothing,” she replied, “I’m just ticklish that’s all.”
  “Oh yeah?” you smirked, moving your fingers up to tickle her neck and she let out a high pitched laugh before wrapping her arms around your neck
  “Stop!” she laughed, “ahh JJ, stop!” You gave her a reprieve from your tickling and she was able to catch her breath
  “You really are ticklish aren’t you?” you laughed
  “I told you” she smiled
  “I should probably go,” you sighed, “before your parents get home.” She pouted jokingly before moving off your lap and agreeing with you
  “Probably” she said before taking your hand in hers
  “I’ll see you tomorrow” you replied, kissing the back of your hand and she smiled in response
  “We can’t get caught, JJ” she sighed
  “I know” you added, planting a kiss to her lips before standing up and walking to your bike, Addy following you over to say goodbye, laying a soft kiss to your cheek before you rode away. 
Addy’s P.O.V
  You waited for JJ to ride up and start his day but when he never showed up, you started to get worried. He’d never been late before, much less missed an entire day of work
  “Where’s JJ?” you asked your dad
  “Guess he didn’t think it was important enough to call in sick today” he scoffed
  “You don’t think something’s wrong?” you asked
  “I’m sure he’s fine, Addy. Probably just messing around in the Cut. Maybe he’s more like his dad than I thought...” he sighed and you furrowed your brow
  “What does that mean?”
  “His dad is a drunk. An addict of all sorts. Most of them are”
  “Dad... don’t be so mean” you sneered
  “It’s the truth, Adelaide. They’re not exactly the most civilized people.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes at him before asking Ms. Margaret where JJ lived
  “Why do you want to go there?” she asked and you shrugged
  “He didn’t show up today. As little time as I’ve been here, he’s never not been here...”
  “Mhmm” she hummed before eventually giving you his address. You ran out to your car and made your way to the south side of the island, paying close attention to the houses around you until you found the Maybank’s. You stepped out of your car slowly, stopping to look at the disheveled house where JJ had grown up and you inhaled deeply before going up the rickety steps, knocking on the door
  “Addy?” he groaned as he held his side, “what are you doing here?”
  “Oh my god, JJ,” you said, outstretching your hand to his face, “what happened?” he pulled away from your touch and walked away from you, leading you to follow him inside, shutting the door behind you
  “You should go home”
  “JJ, who did this to you?” you asked again
  “I told you I’d been through worse...” he sighed, referring to what he’d said when you cleaned him up in his tent that day, “this is worse”
  “Did your dad..?” you just nodded as you sat down on the couch, “let me help you”
  “No,” he snapped, “just go home.”
  “No!” you shouted back, “I’m worried about you. You can’t stay here if he does this to you...”
  “He didn’t for a while. But he started drinking again... so it started back up”
  “Don’t” he scoffed
  “You can barely stand, it looks like you’re having a hard time breathing too,” you tried, “please let me take you to a hospital or something.” He shook his head, trying to convince you he was fine, that he didn’t need any help and you tried to get him to see that he did and only one thing came to mind, “You’re sure?” you asked, walking toward him until you were standing in front of him, closing off the space little by little
  “I’m sure” he added
  “Good.” You smiled before climbing onto his lap and kissing him harshly, moving your body into his so close that he had to take his hand away from his bruised ribs to hold onto you. He squeezed your sides as your lips moved in sync with his as you started to trail your hands down his arms, letting your fingers graze his muscles as you did so. You broke the kiss long enough to tear his shirt from his body, forcing him to lift his arms above his head and he winced at the strain the movement caused, just like you knew it would, “you okay?” you asked before returning to the kiss
  “I’m fine” he huffed, leaning back into your lips and picking you up to carry you to his bed. When the two of you finally got there, he gently threw you down and you giggled, raising your finger to your mouth to bite your finger as he slowly hovered over you and you wrapped your legs around his hips, hooking your ankles where they met behind his back. You started examining his bruises before he leaned down to kiss you, stopping you from saying anything. Your hands dragged down his chest until they rested on his sides, right on his bruised ribs, he moved from your lips to kiss your neck, eliciting a moan from you that filled the space, you could feel him smile against your skin, “I like this kind of surprise” he teased
  “I couldn’t help myself,” you whimpered, trying to flirt as best you could, “you just looked too good to ignore...” He giggled at your words before pressing his lips back on yours, your legs wrapping tighter around his hips. You had almost forgot what your objective was in all of this until you squeezed his sides once more, forcing him to let out another wince
  “See!” you exclaimed
  “What?” he groaned
  “You’re not okay, JJ...” you scoffed, pushing him aside so you could get up
  “That’s all this was?”
  “How else was I going to get you to realize that you need some help?”
  “I don’t need help!” he shouted and you shrunk down in front of him
  “Fine,” you sighed, “I’ll drop it.”
  “Addy...” he said softly, trying to make it right before you could leave, “I’m sorry. I just don’t need help. I don’t need a hospital”
  “I don’t like seeing you hurt,” you admitted, “and you’re clearly hurt”
  “I’m tough,” he laughed and you rolled your eyes, “look, I’ll be okay. I’ll put some ice on it, take it easy you know?”
  “It makes me nervous, you being here...”
  “I know,” he said, standing up to rub your arm, “but, trust me, I’ll be okay.” He pecked your cheek and sent you on your way, helping you into your car and waving you goodbye as he went back inside while you hoped he took care of himself. You bit your lip before you finally drove off, worrying what would happen to him overnight.
JJ’s P.O.V
  The next day, you showed up to the Estate and when Addy saw you, she pushed you into an empty room
  “What are you doing here?!” she exclaimed, “you’re supposed to be taking it easy. That’s what you said...”
  “I need the money, Addy,” you replied, “plus, I wanted to see you”
  “You could’ve seen me later, when you didn’t have to work. Look at you, you think my dad isn’t going to send you home anyway?”
  “Honestly,” you sighed, “I don’t. He wants the work done, who cares if I have a couple cuts and bruises right?”
  “Don’t overdo it, please” she pleaded
  “Adelaide!” Mr. Samson called for his daughter and she pressed a kiss to your cheek before going back out; you followed her out after a few minutes trying to keep things secretive but Ms. Margaret caught you
  “You be careful, Mr. Maybank” she whispered
  “Are you gonna say something to Mr. Samson?” you asked
  “No,” she replied, “but it won’t be up to me. Especially if you’re not careful.” She smiled at you before looking at Addy, “that little girl hasn’t had the best luck in this house. With this family. And I haven’t seen her since she was a child. If you do anything to hurt her, I’ll have to hurt you.” She chided before winking at you, letting you let out a sigh of relief but knowing that there was probably more truth to the statement than she let on.
  “People really love you huh?” you said to Addy as you walked up behind her outside
  “What?” she replied
  “Ms. Margaret, your parents...” you started, “me. People really seem to gravitate toward you”
  “Ah,” she smiled as if she’d heard this before, slowly turning around to face you, “I’m just new. Ms. Margaret and my parents haven’t seen me since I was a kid and you... well, you’ve never met me before”
  “What about Rafe and Brody?” you asked and she moved away from you
  “Because of the island?” she sneered, “just boys being stupid. They didn’t actually care about me, they just wanted to win”
  “But it was still about you, they could’ve fought against each other for anyone else, but it was for you”
  “It wasn’t for me,” she practically snapped and you could tell you’d hit a nerve, “it was for them.”
  “Alright, I’m sorry...” you said, putting your hands up in defence before sneaking a kiss to her cheek after checking that no one was around. She smiled at your softness and how you kept your face close to hers, leading her to make the next move. Her arms crept up to wrap around your neck and she slowly pressed her lips to yours, smiling against your lips when you led her back to be pushed against the wall, kissing her just as softly as she kissed you. The two of you seemed to be so caught up in each other that you didn’t even hear footsteps approach you from the porch steps, it was only when they cleared their throat did you separate from each other’s lips
  “Lexi...” Addy whispered, her breathing shallow from the kiss. Alexis shook her head as she examined the two of you, looking you up and down as if she was disgusted with you, before ultimately running away, “Lexi wait!”
  “Addy, stop..” you tried
  “I have to talk to her, to make sure she’s okay” she replied, her eyes wide with worry. You watched as she ran toward her cousin who was hastily getting into her car, refusing to talk to Addy and slamming the car door in her face.
  “What’s going on there?” Mr. Samson said as he watched the two girls argue
  “I have no idea.” You lied
  “What happened to you?” he asked, noticing the bruises on your face
  “I ran into a door.” You lied again, still watching Addy try to talk to Alexis
  “Right,” he sighed, clearly not believing you but not asking questions, “get back to work. Porch isn’t going to sweep itself.” You shook your head to bring your attention back to Mr. Samson and grabbed the broom from the side of the house before taking one final look at what was happening in the driveway, where you saw Addy watching Alexis drive off quickly, the car kicking up a fit of dirt and dust in her wake. She glanced back at you just in time for you to notice a small tear fall from the corner of her eye, walking toward the kitchen entrance so she wouldn’t have to pass you to get inside the house.
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Made for Me (part 4)
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Pairing:  Hayden Christensen x Lexi!OFC
word count: 1327
Warning:choking, hair pulling, oral (M/F) receiving,smoking,tied down,master/pet, blindfolded, ice use,toy use,unprotected sex.
Note: this is a fic I created for the amazing @thorne93​ since she’s been such an amazing friend and because she wrote me a steamy professor!tony x reader/ bruce x reader. I hope this lives up to the standards of smut seeing as it's my first time writing it! Enjoy!  Send me some feedback or some love.
Songs played while writing this:
Sexy Dirty Love- Demi Lovato
Come and get it- Selena Gomez
Boyfriend- Ariana Grande
Be Mean- DNCE
Addicted- Saving Abel
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Dinner had been going great, jasper had returned to ask if everything was okay and brought another bottle of champagne. At some point Lexi has to excuse herself from the table to go to the bathroom.
“I’ll be right back, have to go do a quick touch up.” she winks at him and as she walks away she sways her hips on purpose knowing that he would watch her walks away.
“Fuck,” he swears  under his breath. "She's going to be the death of me." Shaking his head he follows after her. The thought of them getting caught was beginning to turn him on. As quiet as he could he entered the women's restroom. pulling out his phone he set the toy at its highest setting he could hear the moans escape her lips.
"Damn him!" she curses. "He's going to regret this when we get home." She mutters to herself. She exits the stall and jumps seeing him standing at the door. “Tell me you didn’t..” he cuts her off.
“So I’m going to  get it when I get home?” He turns to lock the door. “Oh no, my dear Pet it’s you who will be getting it right now.” he walks over to her forcing her against the sink, he grabs a chunk of her hair and pulls her back against him. He leans down to kiss her neck and leave a mark on her sensitive spot. He moves to nibble at her earlobe and whispers. “Keep quiet if you know what's good for you.” he moves to unzip his pants and allows his already hardening cock to spring out of his boxers and through the hole. With his hand still in her hair he pushes her forward and spreads her legs with his knees.
“That's not fair!” she responds. “We’ll get caught here.” She tries to move but can’t.
“We’ll only get caught if you make noise.” he growls into her ear making her shiver and push her ass out further. “Now let’s see if what you told me is true.” He lifts the skirt of her dress harshly and his mouth drops open to see that she indeed wasn’t wearing anything underneath. The only thing she had was the toy insider of her already dripping cunt. “Mmm naughty naughty girl.” he raises his hand and lets it fall on her ass making a loud smacking sound.
“Ahh.” she moans loudly. She wiggles her ass to receive another one and he complies making the other one a tab bit stronger.
“You don’t seem to have a plan on stopping are you?” he asks while he grabs his cock and strokes it to get it to finish getting hard. “You’re a very insatiable woman you know that?” with one hand in her hair the other quickly inserts the tip into her hot, wet core. There was no way he was going to go slow this time. “I believe I might have the cure for that.” He slams right in bottoming out and slowly trails his hand up her spine in a chilling manner and lets his fingers snake around her throat slowly he squeezes until she moans in pain laced with pleasure.
Slowly he begins to pull out but Lexi isn’t ready for that so she squeezes her walls to keep him in place, but in doing so she caused her own punishment.
“You don’t seem to understand.” he pulls her hair causing her back to arch further. “We’re not going to do this your way.” He pulls out completely and she whines a protest at the loss. 
“I-i’m sorry...I promise to be good.” she mutters. “Just don’t pull out like that.”
“You’re not in the position to make requests.” The hand that was around her neck loosens and moves to pull the front of her dress down to reveal those beautifully supple breasts of hers, he captures a nipple into his mouth and sucks hard rolling the nipple between his teeth. 
She lets out a gutteral moan which he quickly snuffs out with the crash of his lips on hers. The kiss is intense, there’s a strong burning hunger and desire to devour each other. He takes this exact moment to ram his girthy cock back in between her folds creating an echo of obscene  sounds as his balls smack against her bare ass.
“Fuck baby, you feel so amazing wrapped around my cock like this.” he sweetly says. “I’m going to mark you up so that everyone knows who you belong to, I’ll make you feel so good that no other man can compare to.” he grunts fucking her deeper and deeper.
He had turned the vibrator back on at some point but Lexi couldn’t care less. Her brain was fogged up with the sensation of being filled over and over again with Hayden’s cock and semen. The familiar feel of her orgasm beginning to build up was showing in the way that she was moving her hips and the way she squeezed his length every so often. In instinct he moved to circle her clit with her thumb creating a delicious friction but it was all too much for her so many different sensations happening all at once was too much to handle. 
“Hayden! I’m about to…” she muttered.
“Thats it my pet let it go, come for me.” Those few words were all it took.
In an instant she was gushing everywhere. He slowed his pace so that she could ride out her  orgasm she was hit with wave after wave of pure orgasmic pleasure.
“Oh, oh, fuck.” Hayden moaned as his movements started getting harder she knew he was at the edge of his release, the twitch of her walls on his cock brought him over the edge and he came moaning her name as if it were a haven. Hot spurt after spurt she felt him empty yet  another load into her. He lets go of her hair and wraps his arms around her waist, he stayed inside her till her had gone soft. He kissed her shoulders
Lexi smiles and turns around to give him a kiss. “Looks like I’ve underestimated you Anakin.” She accepts the rag he pulled out of his jacket so she can clean up. “Looks like there’s still more I'm going to find out.” They cleaned up and headed back to the table being flustered they could no longer eat. 
Jasper returns to the table. “Looks like it was a lot wasn’t it?” He notices the plates still have a lot of food. Would you like me to bag these up to go?”
Both of them nod their heads yes and the table gets cleared.  Just as Hayden is about to pay for the bill Jasper shakes his head. “There’s no need it's been an honor serving you this evening and the meal is on the house.” he slightly bows. “In the leftovers you will find a boxed up dessert.” he bids them good night and heads back to clear the rest of the table only to be surprised with a $400 tip.
‘Alright let's head home Lexi, I’m exhausted after today.” Hayden huffs as he gets in the car.
“Me too, Anakin.” she leans on his shoulder and closes her eyes for a moment. “I’m so thankful my friend pushed me to go to the convention if it weren’t for her we would be here right now.” she sighs content.
“Your right Baby, guess I’ll have to find a way to thank her for this.” he kisses her head.
“Where to now Sir?” the chauffer asks.
“Back to the apartment...our home.” he closes his eyes for the first time in years he’s content with how things have happened there’s nothing he would change if he could this would be a day he could live on repeat for the rest of his life.
“I love you Anakin.”
“I love you too Lexi.”
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