#{ thread | april o'neil }
hasello · 1 year
Could you tell me more about the cousins au?
GLADLY (even tho there isn't much to talk about lol) Here we go!
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Cousins AU is just an au where the 2003, 2012 and Rise turtles (since these are the versions I'm most familiar with) have known each other since always and grew up together. They visit each other very often and just generally treat each other like cousins, hence the name! :D
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Here's the age-chart for when they're kids, which is how I mostly draw them in this au. 2003 Leo is the oldest of the whole bunch (THE big bro) and Rise Mikey is the baby (everyone loves him and can ya blame them?).
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I haven't really thought about the story, but if I had to explain how they met, I'd say that younger Rise Splinter used his portal thingy wrong in a stressful situation and somehow went to a whole different dimension, where he met another rat-dad. They became friends and then decided to look for even more dimensions and found the third Splinter. From that moment they just visited each other regularly and lived like a big fam!
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Also here's a little info about my fav girl. Rise April is the only one who have known the boys since they were kids in canon, so I decided it'd be the same in this au (imagine having 12 brothers, like damn).
Hope this explains things a little! It's not a story/plot driven au, it's just mostly some silly ideas and little stories I come up with! Love y'all <3
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yzafre · 26 days
it could've been so good - a possible interpretation and extrapolation of 2012 April O'Neil
So, 2012 makes me want to take every character apart and put them back together like a jigsaw puzzle.  The characterization drives me crazy because like.  It’s messy but not entirely incoherent.  It’s like... someone was making a bracelet and picked out a bunch of matching or complementary beads, but then just left them scattered on the table instead of finishing stringing them up.
Similarly, 2012 puts a lot of fascinating character moments on the table but then doesn’t really... do anything with them, or thread them together with any kind of intent, and it makes me insane. 
So this is me, frantically putting my own strings between them like a conspiracy board.  I’ll probably end up meandering through most of the main cast but we are STARTING with April because I’ve already alluded to my thoughts on her in a couple posts. 
And I know, I know, it’s always easy to talk shit and say “they should have done this” in hindsight - and it very much seems like the writers just.  Didn’t know what to do with her for a long time? 
But if you look at the scenes/episodes she’s given, you have the skeleton of an interesting character arc focusing on the desire for agency and control over your life, chasing strength/power, and the difference between the two.
Starting point
Okay, we’re going to start with two key themes I’ve found and go from there: April’s desire to become a ninja, and her whole family-kraang situation.
When it comes to April and fighting, one of the first things I noticed was this exchange between April and Splinter, when he offers to train her:
“If I do this… does that mean I can kick everybody’s butt?”
And then, when Splinter is against it: “Oh yeah, me neither… but I could, right?”
That is the attitude of someone who wants to fight – and not only fight, but to win.  To beat others.  That was… interesting.
We also see, as time goes by, that – when the writers remember to include her – she wants to be involved.  To a reckless degree.
Metalhead: she set up her own research avenue, gathering information on Krang sightings.  Then she immediately goes to sneak in, even though the turtles can’t go out yet – and has her own mini-adventure!
Panic in the Sewers: she approaches the Purple Dragons with the pizza plan of her own accord.  She volunteers to spy on the meeting with the Shredder the moment the turtles look to be giving up – even when they are very against it – and keeps going when her first plan doesn’t work.
In the next season, after she’s been training for a while, you have the Kraang Conspiracy (incidentally, where she gets a big lore dump about her family’s connection to the kraang): she’s trying to get involved in their training/missions, upset about not being able to keep up -  she refused to be left behind to wait “like some stupid sidekick”.
“I want in on the action, too.”
She’s not theatrically bombastic about it as Casey is, but… She wants to be in the game so bad.  She is consistently frustrated when left behind, when reminded of ways she can’t keep up.  She volunteers herself to get involved, even against the turtle’s recommendations at times.  Insists on it.
This continues even as she improves, as she’s more often on the team – look at City at War in season 4.  April is so thrilled to finally be a “full fledged ninja”, but frustrated when Raph points out how much further she has to go, and does not deal well with being defeated by Shinigami so easily.  First it’s simply self-doubt, yes, but when she sees Shinigami again there is impulsiveness and anger. (yes there is some influence by the Aeon crystal here, BUT).
((Also sidenote, it was also Raph who specifically brought up time spent training with Splinter, and what it takes, back in the Kraang Conspiracy.))
((Also also, don’t love the cattiness/pitting girls against each other way this episode is written.  But for the observation section we use what we’ve got.  Sigh.))
All of this put together: they are giving April a very active, driven personality, who is interested in being able to fight, being involved with taking on the bad guys, and being a main player in confronting the world around her.
HOWEVER – she's often only middling-levels of successful, when she’s not side-lined.  It’s a show about the turtles, so they have to save the day, right? ....right? no
Now, the other half of her we’ve got to talk about is her, the kraang, and all the effects that has on her family.
When we start the show, her mom’s already gone, and it’s just her and her dad – thus why she ends up staying with an Aunt.  We don’t know it yet, but that’s important.
So, she loses her father in the pilot – it's how she meets the turtles, why she continues to interact with them (and at this point from the writing it’s not entirely convincing she would stay in touch otherwise – to me Mikey's “You have to like us” comment feels very real, early on).
She gets her dad back, but he’s compromised, leading to events in the Season 1 finale.
((Not her family, but the one “normal” friend we see her with turns out to be a Kraang in disguise, so like.  That’s also interference in her life.))
Season 2 opener, she loses him again – this time to mutation.  Her hallucination in the fear mushrooms episode was about bats/her father, remember, so the state of her father is front and center for her – and with only one parent, why wouldn’t it be?
When they cure that, it’s not long until the invasion.  And he gets mutated again, left behind with the rest of New York.
We found out her family line – her mother specifically – was part of a project by the Kraang.  April is the end result of this genetic manipulation, a tool to finish their goals.
These are all things that are done to her, which she has no control over.
So, we get an (ostensibly, when April isn’t being put on the shelf by the narrative) active personality, contrasted against plot developments in which things keep happening to her.
These are the two rocks I’m banging together to create the lens I’ll be interpreting her character through.
What do you do when your fate is never in your hands?
So, let’s go back to the beginning, and let me show you the context I’m looking at:
You are a smart, promising, self-motivated girl, who despite the loss of a parent has a generally good life.
And then you get attacked, and though you are rescued your father is not, and despite your best efforts, there’s nothing you can do about it.  You’re helpless, largely having to depend on these strangers to save your future.
But then you get the offer for martial arts training – you can learn to fight back.  Where you have been made powerless, you can reclaim power.
As you go deeper in the rabbit hole, you learn more truths – you have a strange power, the enemy is somehow connected to your lost mother, your very DNA has bene tampered with, your fate altered for someone else’s benefit before you could even walk.
You get your father back – he's mutated again.  You cure him – he's lost to an invasion.
You can’t do anything about it.
You find out the real truth of how the Kraang stole your mother from you.  More ways you never had control of your life, your fate – how everything about you was manufactured, out of your control.
You keep trying to get stronger.
And yet, despite your best efforts, you keep getting left behind.  This entire situation has to deal with you: your life, your father, your history – but they keep saying: you can’t keep up.  Your best is not enough
Even when you finally graduate, you’re met with reminders of how much further there’s left to go.  You’re met with enemies who are better than you, who you can’t defeat.
You keep trying to get stronger but it’s never enough.
…hey, The Power Inside Her is making more sense now, isn’t it?
((Aren’t you tired of being nice?  Don’t you want to go ape shit?))
Even the trope that she occasionally touches on – which generally annoys me – of “character who is clearly unqualified tries to force their way into the mission” gets a different view to it, because it’s not about a generic “want to be included” or “but I am good” (you are not).  It’s... it’s this tension of “my agency keeps getting stolen from me, so I’m resisting when people tell me no to something that will let me get it back”.
Now, to be clear, I don’t think this connection was well executed – and I’m extremely skeptical whether it was even intentional, but you can make the connections if you want to, and isn’t it interesting?
Where could we go with this?
This is the extrapolating section, and is admittedly just a fun thought experiment for me to indulge myself with – but if the story were to take this direction more explicitly, what could you do with it?
First off, to make anything work, you need to let the POV sit with April and her grief occasionally.  Show her away from the turtles, how she’s handling the change in her living situation, and also how losing her Mom young affected her/is currently impacting her.
To adapt the story we already have, I think you could lean into her not being personally invested in the turtles early on – her focus is on getting her father and her life back.  It’s not that she dislikes them, it’s just her headspace isn’t in the “make friends” mindset – they're co-workers or team-mates, not real friends.
(Of course, that’s not going to hold up, long-term.  Genuine affection for them starts slipping in when she’s not looking – but it’s always competing with her focus on her dad, and will frequently lose to it.)
I think you could – probably mostly in season 1 – make some interesting tension between her acting with a sort of professional distance, versus the turtles (maybe minus Raph?  He was always the most skeptical of humans) wanting to make a friend for the first time.  You’d have to actually dedicate time in the episodes for relationship writing rather than just the plot, but it could be done!
Then, the period where she splits from the turtles at the beginning of season two could be a really make-or-break moment of clarity.  Her (mostly subconscious!) view of “turtles as tool to regain what she cares about” vs the honest affection for them that snuck up on her.  Grappling with the way her anger is complex and misplaced – she's angry this keeps happening, that she’s involved with this at all – angry because – even if she can’t put this into words – the turtles were supposed to be the thing that makes this better and now they made it worse.
Again, you need the camera to be on April more for this to pan out in any kind of sympathetic way!  Show the empty spaces where her Dad should be once more, show her thinking about/instinctively reaching out for the turtles for little social things, but then stumbling over it.  You gotta show how she’s feeling about the separation and not make it all about Donnie.
So when she comes back it’s a firm choice on her part to move past (a part of) her issues – and yes, you can still have Casey Jones be the one to hit her over the head with this emotional revelation, I liked their interactions in that episode.
Jumping tracks, this interpretation is also a big part of why I think she should have been positioned as closer to Leo, rather than Donnie (apart from just giving her some space from the love triangle).
Of the turtles, Leo is the most invested in The Plot – and April is obviously personally invested in the Kraang side of it.
Beyond that, April shows investment in getting better as a fighter.  Who else values improving their martial arts?  That’s right, Leo.  And April’s quitter than Casey, enough that I think she’d be interested in discussing some of the more philosophical parts of it that Leo likes, you know?  What it means to be a ninja, or whatever.
Under this paradigm, I think they both would exhibit a.... a demeanor of responsibility?  Feeling the weight of importance of dedicating yourself to getting better?  But their underlying reasons are a bit different.
Leo has the burden of being a leader – and the tension he feels with the weight of it, wanting to be able to let loose, to do something just for him. ((Not to mention living up to Splinter’s expectations.))
April is desperate to get her agency her father back.  In this circumstance it would have this feeling of... if she’s just strong enough, she can fix it all.  She can prevent it from happening again.  She can control her life.  Even when she moves past the subconscious “the turtles are supposed to fix it”, it instead could move on to an equally subconscious, “if I’m strong enough it will fix this”.
And – okay go with me here – I think this has April showing vaguely Leo-esque behavior, with a vaguely Raph-esque reason.  And that tension/dynamic could be fascinating.
I haven’t really seen a lot of talk about April being angry – other than I think I’ve seen some bashing takes of her being “bitchy” in the worst sense – but.. she kind of is, isn’t she?  Just a bit?  And with this interpretation you take it and let it run deep underneath it all.
She is angry and doesn’t realize the depths of it.  She is hanging all her hopes on martial arts giving her control back over her life and doesn’t realize how desperate she is for it.
With that, you could do some really interesting things of having her be close with Leo, have him think he understands her... but as she begins to crack, and everything she’s been repressing starts spilling out, have Raph start recognizing parts of himself in her, gaining understanding of her while Leo is still floundering.
I think it would add some texture and push growth for all three characters!
...and, -sigh-, if we’re going to talk about the love triangle.  You could look at the mess with “the boys fighting over her and making moves in uncomfortable ways” (she can’t control them, its confining, she needs the turtles to like her early on) for some thematic relevance – perhaps with a hint of “trying to gain back control, she begins to try and manipulate/control their reactions/affections”?  Not particularly healthy, mind you, but it could be done to make it more of a clusterfuck all around.
But honestly if it has to be here, I would prefer for it to just affect Donnie’s development and be more of a background thing to April while she focuses on all the above aspects.  Her biggest actions would be just trying to dodge it all, until she shuts it down for good, given she seems generally uninterested.
So, there’s my emotional conspiracy board on April O’Niel.  Obviously with this level of interpretation (and blatant re-writing) it’s a subjective, YMMV type thing, but I think the groundwork is there. 
And it could have been so good.
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misteria247 · 2 years
Hey, what would you say to the TMNT fans who apparently hated 2012 April's guts and probably didn't finish the whole series through because of her?
(Check: https://twitter.com/UnxownP/status/1582226407467659265 (read the full thread) )
Okay so I'm gonna go a little bit April Simp mode so bare with me Anon-
These people totally got April's character completely wrong and are totally twisting her character into something that she's not.
12 April is not any of the things that this thread has suggested. April in the beginning of the series is introduced as the daughter of Kirby O'Neil who's a scientist that the Kraang take interest in because of his work and because of April herself. She's literally kidnapped and put in an extremely stressful situation for a 16 year old girl and yet she manages to get her shit together and toughen herself up because her father is more important to her than her stress. Throughout all of season one April is shown to be a determined and take no shit kind of girl because she has to save her father. And the boys help her out in her mission because of her determination and their own feelings of wanting to help her out. However she's more than that.
April is also kind, she's had many moments where her kindness has been shown as her main core of her personality such as when she helped the one scientist who was turned into a monkey or whenever she helps the boys with their missions or personal issues. April's also brave and fearless and she isn't afraid to be blunt with the ones she loves because she cares enough about them to give it to them straight. April's also incredibly loyal to her friends and has several times throughout the series thrown hands for the boys, Casey and Master Splinter. She's stuck with these people even when they were going through rough times in their friendship because at the end of the day they're more important to her than her anger that she may feel towards them at the time.
And don't even get me started on the Donnie and April thing because holy shit-
Literally Donnie becomes infatuated with April from the moment he sees her and develops a crush on her. And he in lovable Donnie fashion tried to woo her a lot during the first season because of this crush and April didn't even acknowledge this because ya know SHE'D JUST BEEN THROUGH A TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE OF BEING KIDNAPPED BY BRAIN ALIENS AND WATCHING HER DAD GET TAKEN AND HAVING HER ENTIRE LIFE BE TURNED UPSIDE DOWN.
Like that's a lot of stress to deal with on it's own and added with Donnie's crush on her of course she's not gonna respond to his feelings she's literally working shit out and she doesn't have time for romance not when her father's life is at stake. Not to mention that it's quite obvious that April wasn't used to someone having a romantic interest in her so she is basically clueless in the area of relationships and romance in general much like Donnie himself. And Donnie bless him, he just tried to put too much out there a bit too fast at a terrible time and April didn't know how to handle it. Let's also not forget that she's 16. She's a teenager, she's gonna fuck up at times and yet what people seem to forget is that right after she fucks up she's quick to try and mend things with her friends because she honestly didn't realize she'd hurt them till much later.
And if people paid attention it becomes a bit more clearer that April does feel something for Donnie and this was after she'd gotten to know him and establish a friendship with him and Donnie as he got to know April better had started to back off on his somewhat overbearing affection for her because he realized that April's personality wasn't the type to respond well to big proclamations of love and romance.
And as for the April supposedly killing Donnie in cold blood as he begged her to stop thing. If they actually paid attention to the episode it's revealed that the reason she did it was because she was quite literally out of her mind. April was POSSESSED by an alien crystal and it made her not think correctly nor really realize the extent of her actions. And when April snapped out of it and realized what she'd done do you know what her first reaction was??
She cried. April immediately cried and broke down when she thought she'd killed Donnie, because the very thought of Donnie no longer being in her life completely ruined her.
April O'Neil from the 12 series has her flaws she has her weaknesses and she has her moments where she fucks up but to just reduce her to those things and call her toxic and manipulative and acting like she does these things because she's a spiteful person is completely wrong and downright disrespectful to her character. April O'Neil is so much more and she's a complex person with emotions and despite some of her flaws almost every single time at the end of the day she's always doing what's right and is always putting herself out there in harm's way to protect the boys and Casey and Master Splinter because they're her family and she loves them dearly. April is kind and fearless and isn't afraid to put herself in the line of fire for those she loves because that's who April O'Neil is.
Like if we really step back and think about it April could have left the turtles alone once she'd gotten her dad back. After all that was one of the main reasons she teamed up with them in the first place. She had every right to leave once everything was said and done but ya know what? She didn't. She stayed with the boys and continued their friendship even after her dad was rescued and she stuck with them even when the Kraang had become a real threat towards her safety, even when the Hamato clan's most fearsome enemy the Shredder and the Foot got involved threatening to kill them and anyone involved with them, even when dangerous mutants ran through the city reeking havoc. April literally stayed with them through it all and the kicker? SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO DO ANY OF IT. YET SHE DID BECAUSE SHE LOVED THEM AND CARED ABOUT THEM ENOUGH TO STICK WITH THEM TILL THE VERY END.
Honestly I don't understand why people cut out her character like this and just reduce her to only the flaws she showed a couple of times throughout the series.
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inspiredwriter · 9 months
*Una noche en la Ciudad de Nueva York*
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Donatello :*mira la ciudad del edificio*es una larga noche espero que venga a April 😁🌃(pensamientos💭) no puedo esperar cuando le diga algo importante que le gustará 😊💞
April :*entra al techo del edificio* hola Donnie Espero que no he llegado tarde ☺️💕
Donatello :*mira la hora en su reloj* No, Ya son las nueve llegaste Justo a tiempo,cariño 😉✨*guiña a April*
April :*sonrie* jajaja menos mal jajaja 😄💕*se acerca a Donnie* entonces, me pediste que viniera aquí ¿acaso es una misión que pueda ayudarte? 😁 💞
Donatello :*se rie*jajaja No es una misión jajaja 😄, mis hermanos y las chicas tenían planes esta noche Así que tengo un día libre de las misiones para estar contigo y quiero decirte algo importante ~😏💖💞(pensamientos💭) Espero que no es una mentira de los chicos solo para que nos espíen cuando le digan algo a April 😒💢 creo que prepararé el dron por si acaso si nos interrumpen 🙄
April : está bien,mi genio y ¿qué es lo que quería decirme?😕
Donatello :*suspira* mi amor🥰, He esperado por mucho tiempo para decirte algo muy importante para qué podemos estar juntos ~😏💞*se arrodilla*y creo que ya es hora para que te lo muestre lo mucho que te amo 😉💖💕* saca una cajita en su bolsillo*
April :*se sonroja* Oh, Donnie ~😳💓💖
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Donatello :*abre la cajita y le muestra el anillo a April* April O'niel ¿Te casarías conmigo?😏💍💒💝💞
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April: What a question, my lovely genius?😃😍💝💖💞 Of course, yes, I'll marry you!😄😍💍💓💘💗💕 *Hugs Donnie by the neck* Come here, my honey, I want to kiss you🥰🤗💝💖💗💞 *Kisses Donnie on the lips* Mmmmuah~😚💋💓💗💝💕 Tomorrow we will prepare for our wedding together and the day after tomorrow we'll finally get married🥰👰💒💗🩷💖💕
Donatello: Yeah, my little mermaid, only now Mikey will perform the duties of the best man, because I made a promise to him about this on the wedding day of Leo and Stefany🥰😅💒📖 *Kisses April on the lips* Mmmmuah~😚💘💗💝💞 I hope everything works fine...😅😬
April: Don't worry Donnie, I'm sure everything will be amazing🥰😘💖❣️💗💕 Moreover, my mother will help us prepare for the wedding😄👩💒💓💕 *Snuggles up to Donnie* I love you, Donatello~😍🤗💝💗💓💞
Donatello: *Hugs April around the waist* I love you very much too, April💓💖💝💕 (Thoughts💭) Oh my shell, I finally decided to do it😍😃💘💖💝💞 And very soon April will become my wife😄👰💗💓❣️💕
*Day after tomorrow. On the beach*
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April: *Looks in the mirror* Anastasia, do I look good in this dress?🤨😊👰👗💘💖💞
Anastasia: Sis, you look magnificent🤩✨ *Puts veil on April* I'll put this on you so Donnie doesn't faint at the sight of your beautiful🤗😁💕
Stefany: Oh, I should also sew it here😯🥰📍🌺👗 *Takes a thread and a needle and sews a white flower onto the dress* This looks much more voluminous😉🥰🌺
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Candy: *Decorates the cake* Aww, girls, are you sure you prepared thoroughly?..😰💒🎂🍰 What if something goes wrong...😖💦
April: Haha, Candy, you're even more worried about this than I am😄🤭💖💝💗💞 Don't worry, friend, everything will be fine😗💘🩷💓💕
Anastasia: *Whispers in April's ear* It's because she can't wait to catch the bride's bouquet, sis🤫😄💐
Michelangelo: *Rehearses speech* Do you agree, bro...😄😕 Ohh, no no, I should address Donnie by his full name...🤔😞 Do you agree Donatello Hamato...😄😃
Mrs. O'Neil: Rehearse more carefully, my boy, this is all very important for my daughter☝😕📖
Splinter: *Hugs Mrs. shoulder O'Neil* Don't worry ma'am, I'm sure we've prepared well for this wedding😌🥰💒🏖👰💍💗💝💞
Mrs. O'Neil: Perhaps you are right, master Splinter😌💨 But where is my beloved angel?🤨🥰👰💖💕
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April: *Runs along the beach* Mommy, I'm so glad you came here!😃😄🩷💞 *Runs up to her mother* You came to see our wedding🤗😘💒🏖💖💓💝💕
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TMNT: Project Brutus
Link to Chapter 1
Masterpost (wip)
The world is under siege by the indomitable Kraang. There is no hope to be found...
...save for a mysterious project, created deep within a government facility.
After all, hope is a ninja's greatest weapon...
Welcome to Project Brutus.
Lore posts
Background information (as of 7/19/23)
The Hamato-O'Neil family (coming soon)
Hamato Leonardo / PB03
Hamato Michaelangelo / PB04
Hamato Raphael / PB01
Hamato Donatello / PB02
April O'Neil
Carol O'Neil
Hamato Yoshi
Project Brutus (coming soon)
Project Cassius (coming soon)
The Kraang (coming soon)
EPF / Agent Bishop (coming soon)
Spotify playlists
Discord thread
Oc ask post
Hi! I'm Crow! You can find me at my main blog @flockofcrowsinatrenchcoat or my usual ROTTMNT blog @flockofcrowsinaturtleshell .
This iteration was inspired by @cokoweee / @cokowiii and the @1v1-tmntiteration-battlenexus
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tomboy014 · 2 years
TruthShriekers AU, the Premise
I had originally wanted to wait until I made some art for this before I posted anything, but if I did that, I never get around to posting anything, so here we go!
The original idea started with Dib Membrane and Wes Weston arguing on the Truth Shrieker forums. I thought it'd be funny if these two were bitter rivals, constantly yelling about each other posting photos and videos that were obviously photoschmooped every time they post about Zim/Phantom, respectively.
From there, Wes finds out that one of his fellow Stoneheads (April O'Neil) is also a fan of the paranormal, and sends her an invite so they can geek out about cryptids, ghost stories, etc. She's gotten infamous on the site. Everytime an elbow or quick glimpse of one of the turtles is caught on her videos, she completely ignores everyone's questions about "the green things."
Mikey finds out about the Truth Shriekers through April, and makes his own account, though he mostly lurks on the forums. The few times he does post, he does it through April's account and signs the post DrDelicata to keep with her Sherlock_Corn veggie theme.
Donnie found out about some kid ranting against green people and decided to take it personally. Made his own account just to yell at Dib for two hours before moderators temporarily suspended Donnie account for two days. Hasn't been back on the site since.
Mikey, Donnie and April agree that Dib's posts probably aren't fake, but aren't convinced his classmate is an alien.
Sam, Danny and Tucker found out about Wes posting on Truth Shriekers and made their own accounts to do damage control, but discovered that no one believes him online either. Danny and Tucker trolled Wes for a few weeks before they got bored.
Sam checks back on the forums every couple of weeks because there are a few threads will really good recommendations for books on the occult and a lot of really creepy ghost stories.
Dib usually gets nothing but negative comments and dislikes on all his posts, until one day, he gets a like. A single like. And then another single like on another post. Then another.
Dipper Pines, hungry for mystery and adventure in Piedmont, CA found the Truth Shrieker forums when he was looking for local ghost stories. He doesn't know if anything Agent_Mothman posts is true or not, but he thinks they're neat and likes that he keeps trying.
They end up fast friends online.
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amalgam-the-artist · 4 years
August O’Neil
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Rule 63 April O’Neil (TMNT 2012)
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driftingmcses · 5 years
@redfuria | bayverse starter
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Breathe...focus...you need to do this...That’s what April had told herself before breaking into the lab of the monster who had destroyed her entire world. Murdered her one true love. The final attack had left her devastated and utterly broken...the shell of the woman she had once been. Black tattoos covered her skin for every Foot Clan soldier she killed in her path for revenge, having become a vigilante in the stead of the ones she’d lost. She fought in their honor, but the longer she fought, the more she wanted them back. Now, she had a second chance to go back and get things right...set it straight and reverse everything that had gone wrong. And this time, there was no room for mistakes.
“Do not let her go through! Stop her!” There was infuriated yelling behind her followed by the sound of storming footsteps and gunshots ringing out. The redhead felt a piercing cold strike through her shoulder and upper arm before the portal sucked her inside, bringing her back to a happier time and away from the danger.
It was dark, damp, cold, a certain familiar scent surrounding her as she stood up shakily from where the portal had unceremoniously dumped her onto the concrete before disappearing. Her arm felt like it was burning, but she had no time to check it out, so she just covered it with her hand and kept going, feeling the blood from what was surely bullet wounds staining her fingers the entire time. Moving further into the sewer as minutes seemed to drag on, green eyes intent on reaching her goal, April O’Neil came to a stunned halt at the sight before her. A large form with a red mask covering his face was blocking her way to the home of the mutant family she needed to find. Only, he had seemed to find her first.
“R-Raphael...” To see him even in shadow after so long living without him was a shock to her already injured and tired system, and she sank to her knees in a heartbroken relief. “It...I-It’s you...” Her plan had worked. 
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whileiamdying · 4 years
The Tiny Desk is working from home for the foreseeable future. Introducing NPR Music's Tiny Desk (Home) Concerts, bringing you performances from across the country and the world. It's the same spirit — stripped-down sets, an intimate setting — just a different space. _______________________________________________________________ April 8, 2020 | Abby O'Neill -- While our culture adjusts to the New Normal, artists are revealing the threads of our common humanity as they find new ways to bring their work to virtual communities. In this installment of Tiny Desk (home) Concerts, hip-hop wordsmith Tariq Trotter, aka Black Thought of The Roots crew, took the occasion to premiere three new songs. On "Thought Vs. Everybody," Thought calls for unity in response to the conditions of an encroaching dystopia. Next up is "Yellow," a song from his upcoming off-Broadway musical Black No More, an adaption of the 1931 Afrofuturist novel by George S. Schuyler, set during the Harlem Renaissance. The track is co-written with Anthony Tidd. He closes with "Nature of the Beast," a cross-genre collaboration with alternative music sweethearts Portugal. The Man, who pop up on screen from a remote location. "Thought Vs. Everybody" and "Nature of the Beast" are produced by Sean C and will appear on Streams of Thought Vol. 3, which will be released as an EP. SET LIST Thought Vs. Everybody Yellow Nature of the Beast feat. Portugal. The Man
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The Earth Day Special (1990)
Doc Brown flies into ABC’s two-hour The Earth Day Special, alongside such iconic characters as Murphy Brown, the Huxtable family, the Golden Girls, and the gang from Cheers. In this segment, Brown warns Doogie Howser — who’s attending to an ill Mother Earth, played by Bette Midler — about the dangers of global warming. Couldn’t he have warned Congress, too?
Source: Yahoo!
The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two-hour special featured an ensemble cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.Several cut-aways are made to famous fictional characters watching events unfold, and discussing what can be done to save the planet.
Plot The episodic narrative, consisting of several individual skits threaded together, focused on an ailing Mother Earth (played by Bette Midler), who falls from the sky and faints, and is rushed to the hospital (attended by Neil Patrick Harris as Doogie Howser, James Brolin, and Dana Delany). This special is watched by Vic (played by Danny DeVito) and Paula (played by Rhea Perlman).
Cast * Danny DeVito - Vic * Rhea Perlman - Carla * Bette Midler - Mother Earth * Candice Bergen - Murphy Brown * Kirstie Alley - Rebecca Howe * Christina Applegate - Kelly Bundy * Bea Arthur - Dorothy Zbornak * Dan Aykroyd - Vic's Buddy * Amanda Bearse - Marcy D'Arcy * Jeff Bergman - Bugs Bunny, Tweety, Porky Pig (voices) * Tempestt Bledsoe - Vanessa Huxtable * Lisa Bonet - Denise Huxtable * James Brolin - Doctor * Chevy Chase - Vic's Buddy * Bill Cosby - Cliff Huxtable * Kevin Costner - Bartender * Rodney Dangerfield - Dr. Vinny Boombatz * Ted Danson - Sam Malone * Geena Davis - Kim * Dana Delaney - Doctor * David Faustino - Bud Bundy * Jane Fonda - Helen * Morgan Freeman - Walter Samson * Estelle Getty - Sophia Petrillo * Kelsey Grammer - Dr. Frasier Crane * Woody Harrelson - Woody Boyd * Neil Patrick Harris - Doogie Howser * Dustin Hoffman - Everylawyer * Michael Keaton - Charles McIntyre * Jack Lemmon - Coach Stewart * Christopher Lloyd - Dr. Emmett L. Brown * Rue McClanahan - Blanche Devereaux * Dennis Miller - Weekend Update Anchorman * Rick Moranis - Vic's Buddy * Ed O'Neill - Al Bundy * Edward James Olmos - Hospital Director * Don Pardo - Weekend Update Announcer * Keshia Knight Pulliam - Rudy Huxtable * Harold Ramis - Elon Spengler (brother of Egon Spengler) * Phylicia Rashad - Clair Huxtable * John Ratzenberger - Cliff Clavin * Raven-Symoné - Olivia Kendall * Katey Sagal - Peggy Bundy * Martin Short - Nathan Thurm * Will Smith - The Fresh Prince * Meryl Streep - Concerned Citizen * Malcolm-Jamal Warner - Theo Huxtable * George Wendt - Norm Peterson * Betty White - Rose Nylund * Robin Williams - Everyman
Appearing as themselves * Mayim Bialik * Jonathan Brandis * Downtown Julie Brown * Heavy D * Michael Douglas * Ice-T * Magic Johnson * Quincy Jones * Queen Latifah * Tone Loc * Melanie Mayron * Pat Riley * Carl Sagan * Alex Trebek * Kid 'n Play
Muppet performers * Jim Henson - Kermit the Frog * Kevin Clash - Alligator * Dave Goelz - Elderly Frog * Jerry Nelson - Robin the Frog * David Rudman - Iguana
Source: Wikipedia
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misteria247 · 2 years
*Throws down more of my insanity like a businessman once more*
So the brain rot has won this round once again so here's more of my bullshit contribution to the 2012 tmnt fandom. An unasked sequel to this post:
But now with the rest of the cast fight me-
April O'Neil, the daughter of a well known doctor in a small Japanese village in the countryside. April's a kind yet passionate girl who's childhood friends with Donnie and who was born and raised in the village. April's specialty is her uncanny ability to predict what people are thinking as well as making things float for brief periods of time. Despite her father's reputation as the village's best doctor, April is somewhat of an outcast amongst her fellow villagers. Due to some rather strange occurrences that's been known to happen around her, she's believed to be a seer or witch of some sort by some of the villagers. However there's far more to her gifts than she realizes, and a chance encounter with her best friend Donnie soon reveals all that she's been questioning.
Casey Jones, a ronin samurai who roams and challenges others all over the vast lands of Japan. Casey is a rather chill person who has a surprisingly short temper underneath his laid back personality. Casey's whole life has been nothing but wandering and roaming the Japanese landscapes and fighting any who dares to challenge him. Casey's specialty is his innovation in creating strange weapons from seemingly useless things and always having something possibly deadly up his sleeve. Casey is also a friend and somewhat rival to the ronin ninja assassin known as Raphael Hamato, and the two will occasionally work together on jobs as well as challenge one another when the mood strikes them. Casey while being fine with his lonely ways of the ronin lifestyle, has a craving for adventure to some degree and a fateful moment gives him the opportunity to fulfill his desires.
Mona Lisa, a goddess of war and protection. Mona Lisa is a timeless being, having been around since the very dawn of time. Much like the mischievous yokai Michelangelo Hamato, Mona Lisa is an immortal being who's specializes in the art of war and protection for warriors who've earned her attention and favor. Mona Lisa doesn't interact with others much, preferring to instead observe the mortals rather than partaking with them. However a certain red clad turtle has caught her eye and has unknowingly been granted her blessings in warfare and protections. With a few pulled strings perhaps she could officially meet this ronin ninja.....
Renet, a goddess of time and rebirth. Renet, much like Mona Lisa, is a being as old as time itself. Renet while a somewhat bubbly and awkward person, is also a goddess who's wise and all seeing in ways many could never predict. Being a goddess of time and rebirth, Renet specializes in the delicate threads that make up several timelines as well as handling the souls of those who have passed and deciding if they're worthy of being reborn once again. Renet is extremely close to a yokai known as Michelangelo, and might even fancy him in a more than friends way. Yet just like the prankster entity, Renet knows more than she let's on and may have even played a role in said yokai's knowledge of his brothers.......
Karai Oroku, a demoness who wanders the shadows of Japan, bringing dread and despair wherever she goes. Karai is the daughter of the mysterious and deadly demon lord whose known as the Shredder. Karai's a mischievous yet biting demoness who holds no patience for those she deems unworthy of her time and skill. Karai's specialty is the reaping of mortals and destruction of villages within Japan that her father deems to be a prime target of being wiped out. It's during this very thing that she runs into a monk whose skilled in expelling and exorcising demons and yokai. After clashing with the monk, a boy known as Leonardo Hamato, Karai has become somewhat interested in him. Perhaps he could be of some entertainment for her in the long run......
Tang Shen, a phantom name that very few remember in the old, ancient lands of Japan. Not much is known about Tang Shen, her origins are unknown or have been completely forgotten due to the sands of time. Records that remain of her describe her as either a demon or a goddess, who was supposedly married to the elusive enigma known as Splinter. However much like the being himself, Tang Shen also disappeared some thousand or so years ago and her current whereabouts are unknown.
The Shredder, a name whispered in fear or spoken about like an unholy curse in Japanese folklore. Shredder's origins, much like Tang Shen's, are completely unknown. The story of the demonic lord on the other hand is one that many people, such as shrine maidens, priestesses, monks and older Japanese folks know of. It is said that he is the bringer of death and destruction, a man who sold his soul to demons, consumed by his excessive need to conquer and destroy all that stands in his way. However the Shredder has been locked away, banished from the world. Or so that's how the legend goes.......
Splinter, another name spoken rarely in the ancient Japanese world. Not much is known about him, his origins, his personality, his features or even his whereabouts are all unknown. All that is known is that Splinter is said to be either a demon or god, an immortal being that has been gone for thousands of years. No one knows where he could be or if he's even among the living immortals anymore. Yet despite the little knowledge on him, four turtles and two humans are destined to look for him and perhaps even have their very destinies intertwined.
Lotus Blossom, a shrine maiden in a nearby village located near the ancient and vast Japanese mountains. Lotus is a powerful shrine maiden whose known for protecting magical artifacts and scrolls as well as purifying evil and unclean auras and curses. Lotus is a quiet yet fiesty woman who while somewhat naive is not to be underestimated lest the fool who does earns her wrath and righteous judgment. Lotus lives in a small village next to the mountains where Leonardo's temple resides on. Despite her somewhat peaceful existence, Lotus wishes to at least have some companionship. Being a shrine maiden can become quite lonely, given that the villagers tend to only come to her when they're in need of her abilities or healing. However one fateful moment sends her a possible friend in the least expected way.
Venus de Milo, an orphaned turtle girl who had lost her parents in one of the many Japanese wars of the ancient times. Venus is a chipper yet quiet child who can be incredibly stubborn and short tempered depending on the situation. Venus's specialty is strategic planning via for pranks or tricks. She lives in the temple in the mountains with the monks that reside there and she's taken quite a shine to the one monk known as Leonardo and will follow him around and ask that he plays with her much like the several other orphans who stay there as well.
Usagi Yojimbo, a ronin samurai whose sole mission is to defeat his sworn enemy and to bring vengeance to his family's home. Usagi is a rabbit samurai who roams the Japanese countryside in the hopes of bringing honor back to his name and to defeat the one who had brought said dishonor onto it. Usagi is a rather stern young man who doesn't really interact with others much. Preferring to instead focus on his mission and hone in his swordsmanship with each battle he faces. Usagi's specialty is his quick thinking and deadly swordsmanship. With his katana in hand Usagi is a deadly and dangerous samurai who shouldn't be taken lightly. Usagi has a rather great dislike towards ninjas due to a few run ins with them however his opinion may end up changing in the future....
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dramallamadingdang · 8 years
Well! This killed the game-loading time...
AKA The 20 Questions/20 Followers Meme.
I was tagged by @raptorsims, so it's their fault. :) At least this one has some different questions! This edition contains, among other things, nerdy pedantry about fruit, odd sexualities, rhapsodizing about underappreciated animals, and...Welsh proverbs. Yes, Welsh proverbs. Well, one Welsh proverb, anyway...
Name: Katrina.
Nicknames: The most common one is Kat. Boring, I know.
Zodiac sign: Birthday is April 23, so barely Taurus. Astrology is bullshit, though.
Height: 6'0" (Well, actually a fraction of an inch shy of that, but who's counting?) Or, for the metric crowd, 182cm.
Orientation: In terms of actual practice/experience, I'm a Kinsey 2. (Yes, yes, I know the Kinsey scale and the tests used to assign people their number are flawed/outdated, but I think the numbers by themselves are a good descriptor range for most people.) In terms of actual attraction, I'm constantly sliding more toward pansexual, probably because I now realize that it’s OK to be that way when before I always tried to fit myself into the straight-or-gay binary and neither really fit and “bisexual” just didn’t seem “wide” enough. Although when you get right down to it, I'm really more sapiosexual. Basically, I don't care what your gender identity is or what's between your legs; I care about how you use what's between your ears. I do, however, have this odd attraction to A) People who are sarcastic, especially in combination with smart and B) Gay men because I guess I have a fetish for things I can't have. Thankfully, I found a very smart and sarcastic Kinsey 5 to marry!
Ethnicity: Glow-in-the-dark white, of mostly Welsh descent. The surname I was born with (which is also the one I use in everyday life, though not professionally) is unpronounceable for probably 98% of the US population, I'd say, in that it contains no letters that Americans generally recognize as vowels. :) Y mae dafad ddu ym mhob praidd.
Favorite fruit: *puts on nerd hat* Depends on if we're speaking botanically or culinarily. If the former, where a "fruit" is simply the seed-bearing part of the plant, then it's a three-way tie between tomatoes, peppers of all kinds, and okra. If we're talking culinarily, where only sweet fruits are fruit and savory ones are "vegetables," then...Raspberries, I guess? Maybe? I really don't have much of a sweet tooth, I'm afraid. I like peach pie, though, so there's that.
Favorite season: Autumn. Followed closely by winter. Spring's OK. Summer can kiss my ass.
Favorite book series: Sharon Kay Penman's Welsh trilogy. Which starts here. It's nice when my medieval forebears aren't portrayed as savage animals when compared to the "civilized" English. :\
Favorite flower: Calla lilies. Yes, I know they're "funeral flowers." I don't care. Also, lilacs.
Favorite scent: Lilac flowers. :) And lavender. Like, real lavender, not the overly-flowery/perfumey stuff marketed as "lavender."
Favorite color: Green. All shades but with a preference for the yellower end of the spectrum.
Favorite animal: Hyenas. Specifically, the spotted hyena. Awesome, much-maligned animals. (Here's a hint: It's usually lions who steal/scavenge hyena kills, not the other way around.) Also, they're female-dominant, which, of course, is very rare amongst us social animals. Basically, they're furry Amazons. With pseudo-penises. ;)
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Hot chocolate is good, especially made with coconut milk, provided that I can find a vegan mix, as my system no longer tolerates dairy at all, even in really small amounts. Tea is OK; usually I drink it when I'm not feeling well. Coffee is right out. EWWWWWWWWW! Even hate the smell of it. But overall? Gimme some water, often but not always with some flavoring in it.
Average sleep hours: Five or six or thereabouts. When I can sleep at all lately. For me, the only bad thing about menopause was that, after going through it, I started having occasional stretches of time, that last for a week or two, when I can barely sleep. Basically, I just catnap. I get a lot done during those times, though, so...trade-offs. :)
Cat or dog person?: I like both equally, for different reasons. Though I guess if you judge by numbers, I'm more of a dog person, as I have 8 of those and "only" 5 cats. Although we only brought 1 dog and two cats here to SF with us, the ones who like to travel. The rest are back in CO. So, here in California, I guess we're cat people, if you judge by numbers. :)
Favorite fictional characters: Spock from Star Trek. Jack O'Neill (TWO "L"s!) and Rodney McKay from the Stargate franchise. Oh, and KITT from Knight Rider. Sarcastic AIs FTW! :) (Notice the common thread that runs amongst those characters, given my "orientation." :) )
Number of blankets you sleep with: I have a sheet, a down comforter, a furnace-like husband, and at least one large dog. None of those is a blanket, I'm afraid, but three of the four are very warm and only one is stinky. :)
Dream trip: Antarctica. Still hoping to get there before I die. :)
Blog created: I started this tumblr in December of 2013. I think.
Number of followers: Right now? 1,422. It changes pretty much daily, though, up or down. Sometimes it changes hourly. I recently went through and blocked all the porn blogs and the blogs that are just advertising, so I'm pretty sure they're all legit, at the moment.
And I'mma be lazy and tag the last 20 people who followed me or left me notes and that have an active blog that isn't all reblogs (because I figure you're not into posting about yourself, not because I don't like you :) ) and who I know haven't already done this. So...
@12raben @digitalangels @nilechugasims @halousims @eulaliasims @vampireacademysims @acquiresimoleons @scibirg @holleyberry @penig @saltywitchcraft @sims2simmies @strangetomato @thetrippmeister @emperorofthedark @marvelann @ladyrosedeversailles @fuzzyspork @synergysims @trishastinysimsblog
As always, feel free to ignore if this isn't something you're into doing for whatever reason. :)
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oneangrygamer · 7 years
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Casts Black Actress For April O'Neil
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Casts Black Actress For April O’Neil
One of the common threads in today’s reboots, remakes, and re-imaginings of classic brands, franchises, series and properties, is that they get quite “creative” when it comes to casting or depicting iconic characters for today’s markets. One such creative casting measure comes in the form of the upcoming animated reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles called Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja…
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ao3feed-tmnt2k12 · 7 years
Binding Ties & Threads Pulled Thin
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2fT1ein
by LuluSoBlue
A Season 2 AU where more characters get involved with the turtles and things gradually diverge more and more from the original 2012 timeline. April is coping with the events of Showdown and the second loss of her father with the help of unlikely friendships, as the turtles also try to deal with broken friendship. Meanwhile, the Foot Clan faces unrest among its followers as an adversary creeps into the periphery.
Words: 4310, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Long Way Home
Fandoms: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: April O'Neil (TMNT), Casey Jones (TMNT), Leonardo (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Hamato Yoshi | Splinter (TMNT), Karai (TMNT)
Additional Tags: probably update the relationships and the like as it goes, behold my next magic trick, finding typos AFTER i posted this, Multiverse, TMNT 2012 AU, you've heard of the Butterfly Effect, now get ready for the The Butterfly's Dead But We Won't Know How Bad It Was Until Later Scenario
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2fT1ein
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