#{Hahahaha......this is some deep ass shit right here}
outofradios · 2 months
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What Is Your Primary Feeling Of Longing?
In longing, you feel fear. You're uncertain and wary of what your feelings may betray you to. You don't enjoy the feeling of not being in control of your own self, you ask, "why can't I just stop?" There's a cold feeling in your chest, your hands become clammy, you know you behold this desire too strongly, but the feeling goes nowhere. Rationally you think, "this desire is foolish and I don't need it," but that doesn't work for long. Secretly you yearn for that you seek, trying to hide it even from your own self, fearing that if you even let yourself know what you crave, nothing will be the same. Sometimes it's lonely. Sometimes you wish you could tell someone.... anything. You reference it vaguely in conversations, a joke that only makes sense to you, but is actually the longing veiled in fear. Your desire is forbidden, unattainable, by your own standards or someone else's, but it lurks in the back of your mind, persistent, deafening in the way that silence often is. Fear not my love, take a deep breath. You will find your peace.
Tagged by: @sanguineradio
Tagging: anyone who would like to do this.
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splendentmoon · 2 months
Mei, Spindrax, and MK need to escape Monkey King, who is looking for MK.
MK: What are we going to do? What are we going to do?!
Spindax: Let's kick him!
MK: As if we could do that!
Spindrax: Speak for yourself, I could totally take him in a fight.
They see Wukong lifting a literal building to check if MK is beneath it.
MK: We will never escape him alive!
Mei: Okay guys, I have a plan. It is kind of risky, and some of us aren't going to like it, but if what Bai He told me is true, then maybe it could work.
MK: I don't know Mei, I don't like the sound of that "plan."
Wukong *The teens hear him yelling in the distance* : PLEASE MK, WE JUST WANT TO TALK! MAYBE WE COULD SIT DOWN AND HAVE A NICE CHAT, FROM FATHER TO SON!
MK: Fuck it, what do you have Mei?
Mei explains the plan and after some yelling and kicking (only MK did those things), the team put their plan into motion.
MK *running towards Monkey King*: I hate this plan, I hate this plan, I hate this plan...
MK: You better be right about this Mei, or I will personally kick your ass for that one! Ok, Ok...you can do this MK...it will only hurt for a second. Deep breaths...here goes nothing. MONKEY KIIIIING!!!
Wukong: Xiaotian! I am so glad that you show yourself. So you are finally ready to talk with us!
MK nervously: Yep. Totally. And absolutely by my own freewill.
Wukong: That's great! Let's head towards the mountain and see the others.
MK: WAIT! We shouldn't go!
Wukong: Why not?
MK: Ohh ehhhh you- you know. Traffic is terrible at this hour.
Wukong: Don't worry, I will fly us there.
MK: NO!!! I- I mean nooooooo-dles. Noodles! I am starving! We should first eat something before flying, you know...before we get sick.
Wukong: I don't know if it works that way...
MK nervously laughing and waiting for Mei and Spindax.
Wukong: We can eat first if it makes you feel more comfortable.
MK: Comfortable hehe right. That's what I am feeling right now. 100% comfortable. Sooooo comfortable *dying on the inside.*
Wukong: Happy to hear that, bud. Let's go eat and then- wait, is that Mei on a motorcycle? And who is that person driving?
MK thinking: THAT'S THE SIGNAL! You can do this! Be brave! You can do this and barf later!
MK: I- I don't know. Maybe a friend of hers. Anyways...well..I gotta go now, bye!
Wukong: Wait! I thought we would-
MK: Please "dad"
Suddenly Monkey King stills. He doesn't move a muscle.
MK: Ha. So Mei was telling the truth. That word actually broke him.
Wukong: D-Da-d...
MK: Oh shit he is un-breaking! MEI! SPINDRAX!
Spindrax: HOP ON BRO!
MK jumps on the Motorbike and the 3 escape.
Wukong: D-Dad. He said dad to me. I can't believe it. I -I gotta tell Bai He and Mihou and - Xiaotian? Xiaotian? Where are you buddy???
HAHAHAHA I've been laughing for about half an hour because this would definitely be real.
I think the funniest thing would be the faces MK, Mei and Spindrax would make when they see Wukong lift the building.
MK would definitely throw up after so much stress and worry, mostly from anxiety, she'd be lucky if she doesn't have a heart attack.
I don't want to imagine about the news.
They would say something like "Insane Monkey King destroys the city", I can already see Macaque and Bai's face xd
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kamenwriter · 28 days
"Space Babies" and "The Devil's Chord" reactions.
Spoilers I'm sure behind the cut.
Space Babies
"It was a genocide" wait I thought the time war got trapped in a painting and then...oh wait the Master killed them all during the Chinbal run, didn't he? God we could just ignore that whole mess but noooooo
The butterfly gag...sigh.
"we made it...we went to the stars" like, I get the whole "hopes and aspirations thing" but when we've got billionaires trying to sell us colonizing mars when it would be a hundred times cheaper and easier to save the planet we're living on, I'd rather a solar punk future not a colonization future. Am I being exceptionally cynical? Maybe. These are just "reactions" not a proper critique.
I can only imagine how difficult filming with all the babies was.
Making the Doctor adopted and all about "embracing what makes you unique" is good Timeless Child damage control but I dunno the idea of him being a renegade of a detached society appeals to me more than him being THE ULTRA SPECIAL TIME BABY.
The AI might actually be an AI?
AND there's something mysterious about Ruby because of course there is.
Star Trek ass looking uniforms on the crew.
"The planet down below refused to stop the babies from being born, but refused to take care of them afterwards" hey now this is getting close to some proper Doctor Who.
"It's like a children's story" this is is a good set up for the mystery here's hoping they stick the landing. Now watch it being some alien that feeds of psychic energy and manifested as the babies fears or something.
The incredibly literal baby raising machine made a bogeyman out of boogers to give the babies a monster to fear. Okay. Acceptable.
I totally understand the Doctor empathizing with the bogeyman but why the babies?
The constant babiesSPACEbabies bit got old so fast.
And a fart joke.
And don't forget, Ruby Sunday is super special and not just some random person we can't have random people do incredible things in Doctor Who nope nope nope
The Devil's Chord
The visual representation of The Maestro sucking out music and eating it is some fucking comic book shit and I am here for it.
The Maestro starts playing the intro oh god don't let this character be meta don't let this character know they're in a story don't fucking lay on that crutch.
"What about my clothes?" Both of those retro ass fits would work fine in the 60s. I'll concede to the hairstyle change though.
...trying to visually communicate the Maestro's influence on reality is definitely a trick. Again this feels exceptionally comic booky (That's a compliment).
Oh that's right Susan was potentially killed during whatever bullshit killed the Time Lords during the Chinbal run.
I do enjoy a camp villain.
The Doctor using the Sonic to actually do something sonic. What a refreshing change of pace
Ugh don't wink at the camera.
"I was born in 2004" well I'll just turn to dust, then.
Power scaling doesn't just affect shonen series the Doctor has to go up against literal gods now...
Callback to the Sound of the Drums yeah okay.
"There's a hidden song deep inside her soul" SPARE ME FROM THIS TROPE OF COMPANIONS BEING SUPER SPECIAL.
"What is this song?" "Christmas" actually it's the Carol of the Bells which was originally a Ukrainian song called Shchedryk do your research.
MuSIC BaTTle hahahaha
I want to make this clear I have no problem with a big musical number at the end but making it a meta joke I wanna bash my head in with a hammer. I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF META WRITING.
So in summation Space Babies was kind of what I expect from nuWho nothing amazing I would have loved The Devil's Chord if it weren't for the "oh Ruby is some secret incredible thing" and all the metaphorical and literal winks at the camera.
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jinkicake · 1 year
Brainrot yet again 😔and this time it’s aether but because nobody on this site can write for him, they don’t know him like I do!!😤like not EVERY aether fic and hc can be super uwu subby crybaby boy SOME OF YALL ARE LYING!! I fully stress myself out by going back and back to the aether tag😭 like I have a handful of artists who draw him normal even Venti isn’t that elusive😭 like aether is a fully grown man with a 9-5! he will not start blushing from me holding his hand!! Like I had an epiphany the other day this man is LITERALLY-like Giorno just longer hair and minus all the trauma; like hear me out!! Blonde pretty boy who looks too pretty to be real,unreasonably strong,showing skin for no reason!!(gio got his chest out for what? Aether wearing a crop top why🤨) have powers that people can’t comprehend,mysterious origins, and they’re both very playful and mischievous; they’re literally like cousins😭(see how my problem is falling for any giorno adjacent characters?💀)you’re traveling w aether getting into all kinds of shenanigans bc trouble follows him like a magnet 🙄and he’s quietly thinking “I am going to absolutely destroy you” like he’s the type so oh so subtly use anemo to blow your clothes,Geo to trip over rocks that were not there before, shocking you w electro 😭 he’s literally a menace bc who’s gone beat his ass?? He’s the honorary knight what would they even say if they caught him Fucking your throat on the roof of the favonious HQ? He’s saved Liyue from Osial and his wife! What they don do if they see him balls deep in you in some tucked away some corner of the Jade palace, LITERALLY FOUGHT GOD AND WON IF THEY KNEW WHATS FOOD FOR THEM THEY WOULD MIND THEIR BUSINESS IF THEY HEARD HIM BLOWING YOUR BACK OUT IN THE TEAHOUSE!! Ayato is a messy ass bitch he would recommend a bathhouse that’s on the outskirts of Inazuma city that has wonderful acoustics just in case he wanted to hear you moans echo🥰 like aether isn’t from this world so his dick would be out if this world as well. Literally the 😏 emoji like he gets up early to finish his daily commissions and get paimon breakfast so he can come back and sweet talk you into letting him cum inside you at like 9am he’s nothing if not clever! Pissing him off to get him to use that god destroying >>> using electro on his dick to overstimulate you, seeing you get a little too friendly with childe or zhongli (bc me too lmao) so he has to remind you he’s better than them🥰 bc he has a cute face but he can be mean asf when he wants to be; sitting and looking at you with a blank face save for the glare burning holes into your head as he makes you bounce on his cock and does absolutely no work as punishment 😔 watching your legs tire out and thrusting up when you stop for even a second rolling his eyes LIKE ITS SOME KIND OF INCONVENIENCE TO HIM “You know, I could always get you off right here,shame you don’t know how to behave” and lazily rubs your clit w his thumb. He loves edging bc he’s a little shit😒 will wait until you admit defeat and put you in a mating press bc he will make sure you can’t move an inch and that you take everything he’s giving you💕 is willing to be tied up and used like the good boy he is🥰
ive never been able to get behind the subby uwu characterization of aether like even when he's shipped w childe and others... idk to me he's strong and puts UP a fight regardles of who he is with!!! so i get you i really do
HAHAHAHA no hes a grown ass man who is over 500 years old... he's seen shit and has been with people before! affection and intimacy is not something new to him!! so why do people act like he's never dealt w romance before in his life!
now..... comparing him with giorno,,,, you do understand you're setting aether up my dear? like this is DON GIORNO we are talking about but with your reasoning i can say that i now understand. and its not your fault for falling for giorno or giorno substitutes like he's the best yandere there is, you cant be blamed!
i love aethers crop top he's so cute i just have to say that
WAHHHHHHHH THE PERV HEADCANNONS W AETHER ARE GONNA MAKE MY MIND EXPLODE... that is TOO good, how do you come up w this stuff im literally in shock like that got me good. also... to add... he could use dendro to create an aphrodisiac right? like a natural dust- idk!
no bc aether can get away w anything on the planet now and no one can stop him like he has four nations under his belt backing him up- no one stands a chance! (except my ice wifey archon!!!)
now see aether getting jealous would lose me bc bae,,, why don't we all just share! like he's mad over childe and alhaitham... BRING THEM IN THE ROOM TOO! there's enough room in his teapot for all of us and we all got enough holes too!
we need more abyss prince!aether i like when they have no life in their eyes... thinking abt that! he wants to get rid of the archons i say DO IT (raiden and venti hide under my bed),,, i'll advocate w him!
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honeyy-fics · 3 years
𝐓𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧? 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐁𝐫𝐨. || 𝐏𝐓. 𝐓𝐖𝐎 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━»𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐒/𝐎, 𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊 || 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐘/𝐍. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ #𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : 𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐆𝐍! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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Let’s be honest here, this man is drunk with you. But you’re drunk before him. So we can make this work—
He has his wine, and you have some random drink. You actually said that you should both go to the tavern because you both had been working hard.
So.. why not celebrate?
Okay so maybe that wasn’t the best idea for a celebration. 👩🏽‍🦲
This icy hoe is staring at you being the human embodiment of ✨ C H A O S ✨
🎶 What’s Kaeya thinking about? 🎶 :
‘That looks really fun… I’m going for it!’
Right as this sexy bastard thought that, he chugged down his wine. And by now you have fallen off your chair.
“Ow! My booty really said ‘No❤️’ *hic* hehehe”
This little shit is laughing his ass off at your booty pain. >:(
“Why are you laughiinnggg?? I’m in pain :(“
He tries to help you but ends up falling on top of you instead.
“Oops— hehe.”
“Get off of *deep breath* MEEEEE! You’re heavy!”
“>:O. Are you calling me… FAT?”
“Idk… am I? HAHAHAHA”
There is no doubt Diluc had to drag BOTH of you out.
He’s not helping you both home, you guys are on your own.
“Wait.. are we stuck walking hoe- hom- HOME no- nw- NOW.?”
“Yeah… dO *voice crack* you wanna make out?”
“You Icy bastard, of course I do HEHEHE”
You guys made out for a solid 4 minutes.
There is no way you both made it home. NO FREAKING WAY.
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You guys are dead. 100%. No way did you guys make your way home alive. AH-HEM! Thank you for reading though :) bye bye now! © honeyy-fics. 2021
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-Body evicted-
In the UK, rents are skyrocketing. Many landlords run into problems when their tenants are no longer willing or able to pay. Some tenants have thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of pounds in debt. Some of these tenants leave with the horizon even before the eviction. And the debt was rarely fully recovered. To stop this, the government has passed a controversial law for a few years now that allows affected landlords to claim the tenant’s body. This is a means of pressure to actually repay or partially remit the amount owed if the tenant hands over his or her body to the landlord.
-Case: Han P.  (Landlord) & Zayed A. (Tenant)
''Good morning, I'm Andrew Wilson, I'm the bailor.''
''Good morning, my name is Han I'm the landlord'', Han said as he looked at the bailor and the two large security men behind him.
''Before we start the eviction is there anything you can tell about your tenants that could maybe important for us to know?''
''The names of my tenants are Zayed and his wife Daneen. He and his wife are very active on social media leading a very luxurious lifestyle: fancy restaurants, expensive cars, clothes, and suits, etc. That attitude just annoyes me so much, I'm funding that lifestyle! I don't even like that lifestyle. This excessive consumption conspicuous consumption I find untasteful. His Instagram presents an image of a wealthy businessman but he nothing more than a crook. I’m done with it I just want him out of my property and out of my life.''
''Zayed broke my nose the I first asked him about the rent and after that whenever I try to make contact with him he either doesn't answer or threatens to snap my neck. That man is built like a bull! So yeah I'm a little scared for him, I really am.''
''Let's call him first there is a chance he has left the property already. If not we go in'', the bailor said.
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''I already know the answer... he won't answer his phone'', Han said.
''This is the voicemail of Zayed...''
''Goodmorning Zayed this is Han, sadly I can't reach you. As you know the eviction takes place today. So I hope you have packed your stuff and you are ready to go because you have to leave within an hour.''
I walked with the bailor and the security guys to the apartment and knocked on the door. The door opened standing in the doorframe the ''bull'' called Zayed. 
''What are doing here?! It's early! Zayed said in his deep dominating voice.''
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''As you know, the court has issued an expulsion order. Due to the £ 10,000 rent arrears and refusal to vacate the property after the court ruling. We are here today to see you and your wife leave Han's apartment today and collect the amount due.'' 
''I didn't receive a letter for this eviction, you can't do this!'' Zayed shouted at the bailor.
''That's a lie and you know it Mr. Zayed we have evidence that the eviction order was served here 2 weeks ago, meaning you and your wife will leave this property either way today. Now if you excuse us'' We walked into the apartment the bailor taking the lead and me between the two security guys. 
''You don't have the right! This is trespassing!'''Zayed became more and more aggressive by de minute we were there.
''No, it's not the lease you have on this property has been ended by Han and the eviction notice became active yesterday, meaning YOU have no right to be here anymore. Now, where is your wife, Mr. Zayed? She has to leave as well.''
''My wife is not here, she's with her family.''  
''Then I advise you to call her and tell her she has to come back within an hour to pick up her most essential items. Because after that she will not be able to access her property without permission from your landlord Han.''
'' HAHAHAHA I'm not going to call my wife because we will not leave, UNDERSTOOD!'' Zayed growled in his deep voice, while he contracted his great muscles making them even bigger than they already were.
''NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! OR I WILL KICK YOU OUT MYSELF!!!'' Zayed was furious raging against the bailor, the two security men were already standing between him and the bailor to prevent an escalation while I stood quietly in the corner.
''What did we ever do wrong?! My wife is a hard-working woman. I'm a hardworking businessman. We're just trying to live a normal life. You are just some racist white ass low-life fuckers! Now get lost!''
''Oh shut the hell up Zayed! You're not a hardworking businessman, you're a sad profiteer! And you and Daneen are not living a ''normal life'' you immerse yourself in luxury, you can't pay for that lifestyle! I pay that lifestyle Zayed, me not you! But not anymore! You're one thing... a LOW LIFE CROOK!''               
Did I actually say that to him? I've never said something so angry in my life. I was just overstressed by the whole situation. The whole room became silent for a moment. Zayed looked at me, his eyes filled with rage.
''What did you say about me, Han? Zayed said calmly.''
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''YOU LITTLE MADE-IN-CHINA-BITCH I WILL BREAK YOU INTO PIECES!!!'' Zayed shouted as he rushed toward me!
''No, you won't! ''The bailor said. As the two security men gripped Zayed and hold him still. ''I see you are not going to be cooperative Mr. Zayed well that's fine we have other options. Are you ready Han?'' The bailor placed a small round silver disc on Zayed's neck. 
At that moment I placed the one I got earlier from the bailor on my neck. ''I'm ready'', I said to the bailor. We both activated the discs. 
''Just a quick question how long does this takeeeeee..... ''
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''Oh Wow!'' I said now in a deep rich baritone voice. ''It worked this is so strange! Why do I feel a little foggy? Is that normal? Damn, look how hairy my arms are!''
''Yes, that is completely normal. It may happen that you are not yet completely settled in your new body. We see that more often. Especially if there is a big difference between the two parties such as gender, age difference, or, as in your case, a completely different body type. Don't forget that in just a few seconds you have grown a lot taller and gained a lot of weight. Zayed's body is a huge difference from your own body, it takes some time to get used to it.''
''My goodness, you can certainly say that. I see you had no money to pay the rent or a razor Zayed. Damn, you've practically got a fur pelt Zayed! I mean I'm now stuck with this sweaty fur pelt. You should have kept that shit in check, oh man who wants to be so hairy? This body certainly needs a lot of proper grooming.Like I good shave.''
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Han took a whiff under his new hairy armpits. ''An a bath! Wow, that's intense.'' Han knew he now had the stench of a real manly man but there were limits to how musky a person should be. Think it's because of the huge amount of testosterone rushing through this body. ''Oh, fuck I feel so horny! I'm sorry I said that out loud? I've never had such strong sexual impulses.''
''Han, try to stay calm and close to yourself. I know this is all a lot at the moment, but try not to drown in that new body of yours. I'm going to talk to Zayed in your body about a payment agreement for the overdue rent. Can you stand there calmly while I talk to him?''
''Yeah, well, I try..'' Han said with a grin, posing and flexing in the mirror. Admiring himself with his buff muscles. Han took his time to inspect his body. It was also surreal, the feeling of his beard and his pecs covered in itchy hair as he scratched his hairy chest. '' I have to admit I kind of starting to like this all this hair. Hair everywhere except on place.'' Han said as he swept his large hand over his naked scalp. ''I don´t even miss my hair, it always took me hours to style my hair.''
Han stroked his beard, ''Oh man this feels good I'm keeping this one for sure but maybe the body hair is a little bit too much for my husband. Wait why do I even care so much about what my husband thinks of my hairy buff body. If the body hair is a deal-breaker, then that's his loss. It doesn't bother me. I'm now a manly man after all, and men have lots of body hair. Besides, it would grow back as quickly as this beard if I did shave it, and I'm not willing to deal with that daily struggle.
Han gave his new crotch a subtle grope and shove his hand inside his slip.   ''Oh, damn Zayet has been circumcised!'' Han was intrigued to find out his new cock was considerably larger than his hand. If my lovely husband doesn't like my hairy glory, I can probably convince him to accept it and bottom for good in exchange for these Arabic crown jewels. Han smirked at his reflection in triumph as he played with his large balls inside his pants. Taking in his overtly manly body.
''Han when you're done admiring yourself in the mirror do you have time to wrap up this case?'', the bailor said.
Han turned around seeing the bailor standing next to his old body. I was still getting used to this out-of-a-body-experience but Zayet in my body seemed pretty relaxed under the circumstances, like it seemed to care him little.
‘’I talked to Mr. Zayed about the outstanding rental debt. The amount due consisting of £ 10,525 rental arrears including legal fees. Mr. Zayed has indicated that he and his wife will not be able to immediately repay the amount owed. But is willing to give his body to you in exchange for the cancellation of the entire debt. Han, if you accept this proposal from Mr. Zayed it means that Mr. Zayed can no longer make any claims on his previous body and vice versa. That body will be your property. Han for you it means you can't recover any costs anymore from Mr. Zayed. Do you both understand this?’’
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‘’I accept the proposal’’ I said while stroking soft belly hair. ‘’I'm sorry it had to get to the point where I had to claim your body Zayed. But in retrospect, I'm glad you caused all of these problems because I love this body. I really do. You really lost something great Zayed.’’
''Yes, I know. It's a big transition for both of us. It's strange to be so small, slender, and above all hairless. And I can't help but touch my hair with every mirror I see. Is this an Asian thing or something? Because you really spend a lot of time on it.'' Zayed said while fixing his hair and suit.
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''Nah it's more of a Gaysian thing, the urge of checking your hair is probably just muscle memory.''
''Oh that's great'', Zayed said with a light sarcastic tone.
''Okay now that we agree on that, we still have to arrange it on paper'', the bailor said. ''Yes of course give me a minute, said Han as he walked into the bedroom of Zayed. 5 minutes later Han walked out of the bedroom wearing a full suit.
''You're wearing my suit?''
''Yeah. I didn't think you'd mind... under the circumstances. Because all your clothes are way too big for you now. But for me... it's a perfect fit. You got some nice stuff in your closet. Now I understand where my rent went. Not my style, but for now it will do.''
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''Now let's sign this contract and end this nightmare.'' 
We both set our signatures under the contract making it official. I may didn't got the money but this body was I good alternative. I walked to Zayed, again checking his hair in the mirror,  ugh did I really did that for all those years? 
''Zayed I'm glad we have settled the problem of the debt but think you still understand that doesn't change anything. I still want you out of this property today and you and your wife will leave with your stuff do you understand me.''
''Uhm yes... of course I will take the most essential things and will collect the other stuff later'', Zayed said. 
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Oh my God, the poor little fellow is shaking. Can't blame him who wouldn't feel intimidated by a man who looks and sounds like me. This huge hairy body with its deep baritone voice and masculine musk will be a good advantage for me at the firm. This body naturally demands respect and it radiates dominance. I always had a boss mentality but now I also have a boss body. It just works. I tried to take a selfie to send to my husband which wasn't easy with these fingers or to fit into the frame. And send home the following message:
- Han :
We made a deal. We may have lost £ 10.000 but I will give you 10.001 Arabian lustful nights babe! Waiting for you at home you know where ;)
Zayed had left and the keys were handed over. Han finally got his property back and went home to surprise his husband and to take a bath.
The nightmare called Zayed was finnaly over ... right?
*Outside the apartment complex*
''Zayed is that you? What have they done to you ?!''
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''Calm down, babe. It went as I expected that faggot of an Asian claimed my body. You should have seen him cultivating for himself when he got into my body. He's probably sticking my big dick up that husband's ass right now. It's like I said when I offered him my body, he was more than willing to take it in exchange for our debt. I mean I get it my body is the wet dream of every man and woman. Just look what I got now, it's a huge downgrade especially down there.''
''But why did you do it, Zayed?!''
''Don't you understand babe. My head was increasingly known as a con man. People just didn't trust me that quickly anymore and therefore didn't buy it anymore. A tall, bald, bearded, strong, hairy, masculine man is descriptive of a scammer these days. So I had to get a new appearance a look that makes people feel safe... and vulnerable. Our former landlord Han was just the perfect target. Who would ever suspect a little gay Asian man of scamming them? Hahaha, it's a brilliant plan and those idiots fell for it!''
''So you're gay now Zayed? What does that mean for me?!''
''Nah Babe I'm still straight as an arrow, only a shorter arrow. Luckily the sexuality stays the same. But with this annoying hair, it's not hard to convince people otherwise. But first, we need to start a new business. It's time to cash in babe.''
"What kind of business Zayed?"
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''Let me check something out first.'' 
''Yeah just what I thought seems like Han  hasn´t changed his bio on the rental sites he uses, like his old profile picture. I can even see which properties he rents out, some nice stuff babe. So what would you say to play landlords for a little bit of time? Now let´s pay a visit to ''our'' tenants first. Because when they open their doors all they see is their sweet little gaysian landlord Han, telling them to pay the rent to a new bank account... ours.''
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ktheist · 3 years
finale — show me yours & i’ll show you mine
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➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au.
➙ word. 2.1k
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ synopsis. 
“show me yours and i’ll show you mine.”
“be nice," taehyung mouths across from you as he sits next to mina.
the red handprints on his cheeks becoming more apparent with each passing minute. it was half-believable to say taehyung fell face first in the snow, got stuck there for more than two minutes and voila, sported a red face upon your return to the kim’s.
but now, you’re just lucky no one’s pointing out the very obvious palm shaped mark on his pudgy cheeks as he stuffs his face with food.
“oh, mina, do you have any plans tomorrow? you could stay over and spend christmas morning with us," mrs kim asks as she passes the bowl of the roasted potatoes seokjin’s been boasting about.
“o-oh,” the brunette stammers, holding the fork with both hands as if citing a prayer of hope, “no, i couldn’t intrude on you any longer.”
“no such thing, we’re all family here.” mrs kim waves a dismissive hand and even that brief gesture feels warm, “___’s mother and i have known your mother since we were kids and i watch you two grow up with my boys - you’re basically  daughters i never had,” she shoots you a smile, eyes crinkling in the corners.
not seeing the remark coming, you end up almost choking on the mushroom soup you’re just in the middle of enjoying.
“i can’t say i’d love to have tae as a sibling but here we are,” you jest, half-heartedly while laughter erupts from everyone at the table.
if there’s a god, please don’t let mrs kim find out i fucked her oldest son.
“i heard yuukal co is interested in your flower arrangements and wanna buy exclusive rights to have you deliver them to the company whenever they have an event lined up?” namjoon chirps up, dimples digging into his cheek as he digs into his 
“the secretary of yuukal co was an acquaintance of mine in college, that’s probably why.” the brunette says shyly, pushing her hair to the back of her ear.
“so, you’re not planning on going back to college?” 
but it’s your voice that makes her blink once and stare at you like you’re some tricky math question.
“what- oh,” she shakes her head, as if shaking away the trance that delayed her response, “i don’t know, my major has nothing to do with what i want to do so i’m thinking of taking another year off.”
you nod casually. understandingly. “i’m sure the college has plenty of spots for people who actually wants to be there, i guess.”
it’s not a new low. but it’s a kind of low you never usually stoop to.
no one seems to notice though, as mina laughs. obviously uncomfortable by your remark, “haha yeah.”
“taehyung got offered a job at the company he interned in last year,” with a smack on the aforementioned boy’s back, seokjin proudly announces.
and just like that, taehyung takes the spotlight to himself.
“oh my god, that’s wonderful news. kim taehyung, when were you going to tell us?” mrs. kim is the first to say something, eyes brimming with anticipation as she looks at him, waiting for him to tell everyone at the table more about it.
but the fact of the matter is, kim taehyung is torn between working a nine-to-five, subsequently making his parents proud or going professional as a full time gamer.
he breathes out an ‘uh...’ before his lips curl into a forced smile.
some time after dinner, you end up drinking and playing card games. mrs kim already went to bed and it's a hour past midnight and all four of your find yourselves in your house to not disturb the kim couples.
the grinch is playing in the background because you, taehyung and mina won against namjoon and seokjin who wanted to watch frozen.
“frozen is so unchristmasy,” taehyung complained.
though, at one point, you did backtrack a little - only a teensy bit - and sided with seokjin who looked like he just won a lottery when you casually say, “i mean frozen’s got that wintry feeling and christmas is in-”
“oh girl, not you choosing a man over your best friend,” taehyung started tickling your sides as giggles erupted from your lips while trying to beg for forgiveness.
 “okay! okay! i’m grinch team all the way!”
“is that allowed? yah! you can’t say that after converting to team frozen!” seokjin’s rebuttal sounded every bit casual.
in retrospect, him joining taehyung’s ticklish assault would have felt out of character had you not fucked behind taehyung’s back nor kissed like you were star crossed lovers just hours ago.
“two against one! not fair! seokjin- ah- hahahaha!” 
one good thing came out of it though: you ended up sitting next to seokjin. it made you a little too conscious of him - of his cologne, of his thigh that brushes against yours with every movement you make and pretend like it’s nothing and of the ghost of a touch of his pinky finger that lingers on your knee when he seemingly places a hand on his own knee. 
still, it’s the closest you could ever be in public and it’s enough to tell mina to back off.
she doesn’t seem to notice but her compliments are equally distributed to everyone in the room. she seems to be the giggly drunk. giggling at every single thing everyone say.
somewhere deep in your heart, you feel the guilt gnawing because of your uncalled for hostility.
“i better get home,” she starts to stand at 3:07 am and you wave a dismissive hand, “no, it’s so late. stay over. please. you promised to make me your special hot chocolate in the morning.”
she objects at first like she turned down mrs kim’s invitation to spend christmas morning at the kim’s. and that’s how you know your views have been blinded with jealousy to see mina for who she is - a cute, lovable girl who’d be the heroine of every romance novel there is.
“oh thank you, thank you!” her arms flail around before they wrap around you in a drunken hug.
you laugh, hugging back.
the memories of how you huddled together like children and fell asleep in the living room, is hazy but when you wake up - the time on your screen displaying a 6 something am - you find a blanket draped over your body.
the light from the kitchen pours over the living room but not enough to wake the slumbering bodies there.
seokjin shoots you a smile when he sees you ambling over to the dining table with hair pointing in every direction, eyes squinting trying to block out the light while holding the blanket around your shoulders.
“you’re working? jinnie, it’s christmas,” you whine, head resting on his shoulder, feeling your heartbeat skip at the small contact.
he chuckles, bumping his cheek against your head before you hear the sound the keyboard again.
you stay like that, blanket curled around your body, seokjin typing away at his laptop.
that is, until his velvet voice cuts through the silence.
“so... i reckon that red handprint on tae’s cheek isn’t because he fell face first in snow.”
“it was because i slapped him in the face,” you wave your injured hand that’s now wrapped with a panda printed band aid instead of the duck ones seokjin used in the beginning.
he takes your hand, making sure not to apply too much pressure on the injury and kisses the top of your hand, “why would you do that?”
your cheeks warm at the gesture but you clear your throat, trying to play it cool, “because he told me we looked good together after all that shit he put us through.”
silence lulls in once again.
it feels like the longest you’ve ever gone with your heart palpitating inside your chest and unspoken words hovering over you but not quite reaching the who they’re supposed to reach.
“do we?” seokjin muses.
“do we... what?” you ask despite having an inkling of what he means.
“look good.” he turns to you, one arm on the table, thumb brushing against your pinky finger.
“i don’t know- we never even took selfies together.” you shrug.
“i think our selfies would look cute,” he pauses, naturally pouty lips curling into a smile, “so cute that the guys in your dm’s would be devastated to know that you’re dating me.”
“i can’t... do this,” the words slip out of your mouth like a waterfall like it’s bound to pour out of your heart through your mouth at some point, “because taehyung was... right. i don’t have a love language - even if i did, it’d be being jealous of every girl that talks to you. lashing out at those girls even though it’s completely understandable why they’d have heart eyes when they talk to you because you’re just that amazing... and... and... you like me? why?”
seokjin’s eyes look like someone personally plucked stars from the sky and trap them in those dark brown irises.
no- actually, he’s looking at you like you’re the star and he’s the moon that shines silver white rays just to have you notice him.
“who’s to say i don’t get jealous?” he cups your face, brows furrowing like you’re a math question without a solution and he’s going mad trying to figure you out, “i get so jealous at the thought of guys sliding into your dm’s, let alone make a pass on you but then i thought ‘if she’s not looking at me then i just have to try harder to make her notice me’ and i might or might not’ve reciprocated mina’s passes to make you jealous...”
you feel the corners of your lips tugging into a smile as you smack his chest lightly, “ass.”
that earns a chuckle from the man before he goes on, “but i’m not even sure what my love language is either, last i used it, i ended up getting dumped because apparently i’m too boring.”
“you’re not boring...” red flashes in your vision as you spit out the word, offended, “your dad jokes are bad but that’s what makes them so lovable. you’re so tall but you’re a literal walking teddy bear. you have biggest, kindest heart... and you’re so hung.”
something devious and prideful flashes across his eyes for the briefest moment before he asks ever so softly, “yeah?”
“yes.” you take his hands and grip them tightly, wishing the touch would convey your feelings.
“isn’t that kind of your love language?” his thumb feels callous against your skin as he rubs circles on the back of your hand. but that’s what makes this feels real - an affirmation that you’re not dreaming, “so... show me more... show yours and i’ll show you mine.”
you’d want to say you share a deep, passionate kiss to seal your promise for each other. but when you open your eyes - not knowing when you closed it - you’re staring at the white ceiling with neon starry stickers tacked up on it. 
and seokjin?
he’s nowhere to be found.
the morning air sends shivers down your spine as you pull your blanket over your head, trying to tune out taehyung’s voice.
but the universe seems set on kicking your sleepy ass of your bed when the door swings open with a bang! 
“get up! get up! it’s christmas!” the tall boy literally screams in your ears before hoisting you over his shoulder like a sack of potato and setting you down on the toilet in the bathroom with a “you better wash your face by the time i come back!”
you do as told.
since the presents are all set under the christmas tree at the kim’s and you’re not looking to upload a christmas morning story in mismatched pj’s, you change into a cute totoro onesie.
mr and mrs kim got mina - she thanked you for letting her stay over last night even though you woke up to an empty house, she even has different clothes on than last night - new kits for the florist.
taehyung almost hugged you to death when he unwrapped his new ps5 that he’s been dying for.
namjoon got a new pair of gucci loafers from taehyung and booked an interrogation slot with their mother because-
“kim taehyung, where did you get all this money?”
you suspect he’s going to reveal his gaming channel to her where he got sponsors from to buy namjoon those loafers.
and seokjin gifted you with a heartshaped necklace as well as a new pc set for taehyung and a signed book of namjoon’s favorite writer that he’d been talking about for ages as well as an all expense paid trip for his parents to thailand.
“thanks for the necklace,” you lightly bump seokjin’s elbow as you come to stand next to him at the sink. he’s washing the mug he used for hot coffee.
he steals a glance at his family and mina in the living room. they’re laughing over taehyung having his head down, sitting on his calves like he’s asking for the forgiveness of a lifetime after confessing that he didn’t want to work a nine-to-five and wanted to go pro.
then his eyes find yours again. the glint in them makes your heart stop before he leans down, lips brushing yours ever so gently yet very seokjin-like.
you think your heart just burst as you freeze in your spot, staring up at the man with slightly parted lips and warm cheeks like a high school girl whose crush very obviously hinted he likes her back.
he raises a quizzical brow at your reaction before realization settles on his face and his lips curve into a smirk, “what? did you think last night was all a dream?”
taglist.  @aretha170 @scalubera @ambersaesthetics @heyjiminnie @hyuck-me @fanfuckingfic @fangurl-ontgeside @bri-mal @waves-and-woods @rjsmochii​ @kimmieloveswho​
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shijiujun · 3 years
i feel kinda bad for shl cos all the fans of hyx and spl are blaming shl since their dramas are being delayed :(
LMAO I really don’t get that altho i can see that the timing might be a little back to back, and i’m not a SHL-only stan by any measure but:
For HYX especially,
Firstly it was already having problems since the end of last year with censorship and review. This is mostly due to the reason that 2ha is a pretty big fandom and is the cult fave in the danmei industry - what this means is that there are three types of fans basically right, (1) Normal fans who love the novel + show (2) Those who fanatically love the novel in some extreme ways haha (3) Those who hate it and/or are HYX-onlys - so you get it all in a bag. 
The first type of fans is definitely the easier ones to deal with, but unfortunately in big fandoms you get a lot of (2) and (3). It’s not something that’s exclusive only to 2ha/HYX but because it’s a cult fave, and a controversial one at that, problems definitely arise.
(2) are the ones who head down to the filming scenes, take photos and footage despite crew telling ppl not to do it, not to sneak around filming sites and definitely not to leak photos or footage. They do it anyway. Yeah sure of course it’s a couple of photos every few weeks or a tiny video every few weeks but word gets out. They’re inevitably hurting the show and the fandom with their actions, because shit trends on Weibo really fast, and the censorship committee (not just for the film industry or shows) is always lurking on the site to catch any sign of you know, hate speech for the country etc. and more. Not related, but the point is that social media is watched very closely. It’s not a myth or an exaggeration, you really just got to be careful, and HYX is a show that, despite not having been broadcasted, has consistently trended on Weibo over the last few months. Not always because of leaks, but yeah, HYX is in everyone’s faces. Fans themselves put a fucking huge spotlight on the show BEFORE we even have any content at all, and of course this isn’t enough to like create huge trouble for the show but then we have-
(3), which I believe creates the most trouble - the thing is 2ha and meatbun who wrote the book, has a long line of haters and antis, way before HYX came into the picture. I shall not go into details of how I’ve seen some big accounts on Tumblr here spit vitriol at the book without even reading it just based on the content/trigger warnings and playing the morality card (and I think most ppl who’ve followed me for a while know just what I think about that). Like this was way before any footage or leaks or even HYX being a thing came about - as a cult fave it has its share of haters, and this share is a huge. There are those who get off on their moral high grounds XD and I think especially these ones are the most troublesome, all they have to do is report that HYX is immoral, bad for culture etc. etc. hahaha and yeah the censorship team is always ready to step in on reports, especially on BL stuff.
And of course the larger part is the change in censorship processes - honestly even way before SHL came out in end Feb, HYX was no closer to getting passed by the review committee than it is now. Maybe yes, SHL scenes may be now used as reference for comparison but seriously? People are deluding themselves if they thought pre-SHL HYX was going through the review process smoothly and only hit roadblocks after. I mean, we’ve all seen the leaks, some of them are truly like god-tier scenes that may be hard to explain away. It’s not like they can repackage the script especially because they have to submit everything to the review committee.
I mentioned this in a post yesterday but how SHL passed reviews is due to the fact that they didn’t have to submit a full script. They only had to submit a partial script, and that makes a world of difference. Basically a team, under these requirements, can repackage the script to include the more het looking parts even I feel, and of course some heavy misdirection by the team, it could work. Now that you have to put an entire script up for scrutiny.. I mean, it’s hard. This is just a game of probability.
And the last reason I think is still Tencent. Honestly, I’ve never seen a huge ass MNC like this handle a show this terribly.
1. No control over leaks - This is honestly the dumbest shit to do
2. Terrible crisis management response time - When fans leak footage, it’s standard and practical business sense to control it IMMEDIATELY. They shouldn’t just leave it up to the crew to put up notices and as the company that owns the rights to the show, it’s up to them to possibly threaten legal action as well. Basically a sterner stance would have helped a lot, but Tencent is a motherfucker of a company who only cares about free marketing and publicity without any considerations over impact to the show itself 
3. Terrible at communicating with fans - Seriously, I’ve never seen a company or team that’s been this bad at confirming delays etc. and providing updates about a show. I understand that it’s mostly due to them not wanting to affect the review process or create more chaos within the fandom but lmao Tencent allowed the hype to build so much and then goes absolutely silent at crazy rumours. I mean we had to find out about a delay from Cai Bao, their cat mascot, like??? In a really veiled and poetic message that didn’t outright say the word ‘delay’ like damn these ppl have a lot of time
As for SPL,
Lol we don’t know anything about this show. We don’t know if they took out or left in the Yifu part that would supposedly make it less gay or whatever, we don’t know anything about how gay it should have been or could have, so this one might be a tad more ridiculous. I mean none of us have seen any good leaks, and we haven’t seen any of the script, we got ZERO idea about this. Maybe they really went hard on the bromance, how would any of us know hahaha so all the more it’s like people have zero basis to go on, to say that it’s because of SHL. Seriously, everyone’s shooting in the dark.
Technically if laws didn’t change last Feb, I think SPL/WIK should have been passed in the same way as SHL did, but it’s just inopportune time for them.
- So tl:dr HYX already had tons of problems, that I doubt were going to go away just because SHL didn’t air, honestly. For SPL, it’s really hard to tell what failed the review, because none of us know what’s going on in the script.
No one cared about SHL, even I only realized the show was airing on the day itself and then made a rec post after I watched the first 4 eps. And if it truly was anything to do with SHL, I’m telling you that the first thing the censorship committee will do is basically shut SHL down, get Youku to take it off sites etc. until it’s reviewed again etc. etc. That hasn’t happened yet, at least not before HYX and SPL were stalled.
ALSO!! Don’t have to feel sorry for SHl fans hahaha I’m telling ya a lot of us definitely weren’t OG SHL or TYK fans, seriously! All the bigger accounts I see on Twitter are a combination of CQL/SHL or MXTX/SHL, SPL/SHL and I am personally 2HA/HYX/SHL. The fight is all out on Twitter HAHAHAHA but it’s not that bad, we’ve all got practice. Seriously WHO ACTUALLY is an SHL only stan I’ve honestly not seen much?! HAHAHA the point is we’re all yelling on behalf of SHL as a cross fandom fan, easier for us to do so as well. We’re talking about 2ha/HYX/SPL/Priest dedicated accounts that delved deep into SHL championing for no-nonsense in the space hahaha
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thunderthighs77 · 3 years
Tendou and Semi Cuckold Part 1
CW/TW for Pt. 1: Fem Reader x Tendou + Semi, voyeurism, exhibitionism, mentions of weed, cursing, vaginal play, smoking weed.
Y/N comes home from college to her bf’s house. He’s rooming with Semi, who’s always had eyes for Y/N. That doesn’t bother Tendou. In fact, it excites him...
(Basically, Tendou is lead dom here)
CW/TW for BOTH PARTS: Fem Reader x Tendou + Semi, spit roast (tag team), double penetration, voyeurism, exhibitionism, vaginal/anal play, shotgunning, (smoke), oral sex (giving), mentions of weed, cursing, pussy rubbing?, whining, creampie, praise/degradation kink.
You were so fed up with midterms. 5 exams this week. 5 e x a m s. You just wanted to go home and get away from this fucking campus. You left your class and checked back into your dorm to empty out your book bag of notebooks onto the floor.
You pack a few clothes and your wallet. Your roommate had left for the weekend to her girlfriend’s house and so, you locked the door and left. You took the 11 up west to where you lived and walked home with your headphones on. 
You stopped in front of a mini market and figured your parents hadn’t cooked dinner since they worked nights. It was already evening time, so you decided “what the hell.” You walked in and walked out with some instant ramen, a bag of jerky, and a Reeses, Tendou’s favorite candy. 
Speak of the devil, your phone buzzed. It was Tendou asking if your midterms went well.
“They were fine. Thanks for asking, babe. I’m home rn” You typed as you bit a chunk out of the piece of meat. 
“Ooo. Want me to pick you up tonight?”, he texted. 
You were really close to home. The market was just down the street. As you made it to your front gate, you saw a note at the front that said, “Gone for the weekend. Say hi to Tendou from us if you decide to stay over.” 
“Say less!” You shout happily. 
“No, I’m heading over rn,” you type quickly. Tendou was also nearby your house. You walked down the quiet neighborhood as you ate your jerky and listened to your vaporwave. It was rarely a nice day in March; a good 68 degrees. Odd in the early spring where you lived, but a nice change from the dreadful winter you had suffered during the fall semester. 
You knocked at the front door and was greeted by a tall blonde face you recognized from your boyfriend’s high school volleyball team. He has on some black sweats and a white tank. He opened the door while his head was turned to the side, completely focused on the volleyball game on t.v. “Hey, Y/N,” he said as he just turned his head for a second before it swung back the side to focus on the t.v. He stepped aside as you walked past him. 
You walked in to the faint smell of weed, smoked probably a few hours ago. You set the grocery back down and hung your jacket at the front. The house was dark. It was 6:43 pm to be fair, the sun had almost fully disappeared. The tv’s glare and Tendou’s computer screen were the only source of light at the moment. 
You walked to where Tendou was sitting. Shirtless and in some grey sweats, he was shouting in his headset. “Come on, you motherfucker! He’s right there!”, he shouted as he pointed to the computer screen at his game. He felt your warm hug around him and he looked back and leaned into your kiss. 
“Hey baby,” he said. He turned back and yelled to the set again, “Come on, you dick! Oh my fucking-” 
You chuckled and backed away to let him continue playing. Semi was on the couch and glued to the game on the tv. His knees were spread and you climbed over to sit down on the other side of the couch. Your passing did not faze him at all. He kept his focus on the game. “Yes!”, Semi shouted as the whistle blew on the tv. It was some random college game. You sighed and scrolled through your phone. 
The coffee table in front of the tv was messy. An ashtray of burnt out cigarettes and blunts, leaves of weed sprinkled throughout, and empty beer and redbull cans. Keys, wallets, a few bills here and there, and a charging PS4 controller. 
You shut off your phone and asked. “Can we order some takeout?” You figure the 2 packets of ramen weren’t enough to feed all three of you, and you knew Tendou nor Semi couldn't cook, or even have food in the fridge, except for drinks and the occasional condiment or two. 
Tendou sighed in relief at the screen as “YOU WON” appeared in green and he took his headset. “Sure, babe,” he said as he held the power button to shut off the computer. “Semi, do you mind takeout?”, Tendou asked. Semi shook his head no. You walk over to the kitchen and try to find a menu. “That place over on 5th is really good,” you shout back to them. 
You get no response as you burrow through Tendou’s messy kitchen drawers. You can’t find any takeout menu as you look through them. “Babe?”, you call out. “What?”, Tendou calls out from the living room. “Where are the take out menus? They’re not in the kitchen.” 
“Check the bedroom, hun,” Tendou said. You swish your lips as your stomach growls. That jerky wasn't enough to hold you. You hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. Exams ran through your lunch period so you were starved the whole day. You look through Tendou’s room and into his closet to find a pile of menus. “What the hell are these doing here?”, you ask yourself. 
You get a pile of your favorite restaurants’ takeout menus and flip through them, trying to find your favorite one. Suddenly, you felt a finger slide right between your folds and you yelp. Tendou wrapped his elbow right on top of your breasts and held you in a choke hold. He continued to slide his finger in between your folds on the outskirts of your tights, and then two fingers. 
You bite your lips and roll your eyes back. Tendou chuckles and sinks his kisses right under your ear. You close your thighs, tightening his fingers and making him rub your clit more. You bend your knees and grind against his groin, him following the motion and grinding back with you.
It has been 3 months without sex since winter break. No orgasm whatsoever. You couldn’t even touch yourself in the dorms. Senior year was brutal with classes and internships. You were just exhausted and starved. Tendou let go of his chokehold and cupped one of your breasts. “Jesusss,” he hissed and he kissed your cheeks and squeezed it. 
“Tendou,” you let out in a breathy moan. “We gotta...eat…” You could barely form a sentence. “I missed you so much, baby,” Tendou says in your ear. His fingers are going ham in between your folds. He stops and pulls you by your arm and pins them behind your back with one hand while he bends you over the dresser. Your tights were thin, and therefore, made your pussy easy access. 
Tendou took his index, middle, and ring fingers and rubbed your pussy from the back. You let out a few tiny moans and close your eyes at the feeling. You quiver and throw your head back. 
“Where is my charger?” Semi asked himself as he looked around the outlets in the living room. “Ah shit!” He realized it’s in Tendou’s bedroom since he needed it last night. Semi walked over only to stop at the door. It was slightly cracked open and he heard moans. He figured you and Tendou needed some alone time. 
Semi turned away and wanted to wait until you two were finished. “Ahhh fuuuck!”, you shouted in such a pretty whine. Semi paused in his steps. He looked to the side and sighed. “Just a peek,” he told himself. He turned back and looked into the door. The tent in his pants was pitched just from your moan. 
Lord, were you a sight. He knew you were his best friend’s girl...but damn...you can’t blame him. You were just his type, and you were always over during winter break. He could hear your moans all the time. And he didn’t mind. You were fun to listen to. He always jerked off to your moans at night. And whenever he had sex with his one night stands, your vision was what he saw sometimes. It haunted him. He felt so guilty being Tendou’s friend knowing he had such thoughts. 
“HAHAHAHA!” Tendou let out a belly laugh as he threw his head back when Semi opened up to his best friend about his guilty conscience. Tendou took an inhale of his blunt and blew it out with another slight chuckle and a sigh. “Why are you laughing? I’m serious, man. I feel awful. And I’m so sorry,” Semi said sentimentally. Tendou shook his head and smiled. 
“You don’t get it, do you?” Tendou asked. Semi made a confused face. Tendou smiled and scratched his forehead with his blunt still in his hand. “You see….” he began as he leaned in. “I like to...how do I say this…” he paused as he began to think his words carefully.
“I know my girl is hot, Semi. I know guys look at her all the time. I don’t worry, though. In fact, it’s kind of hot to think everyone wants her, but only I get to have her.” Tendou wasn’t wrong. Every event you came to for their high school, like a volleyball meet or an elegant sports dinner, a lot of guys were over you. Not to mention, Tendou always asked for you to wear tight cocktail dresses or ones that showed off your tits or ass a little. He got off on guys eyeing you as you walked in. 
He watched from a distance as guys would ask you, “Can I buy you a drink?” “Can I hold your coat?” “Can I get your number?” Nothing dangerous or unwelcomed, of course. Both you and Tendou liked the attention. And Tendou was always there to make sure everything went well, as he swooped you in last minute and gave you a deep kiss in front of all the guys, making them sigh in despair as they knew you were taken.
Tendou smiled as he watched Semi’s mouth gaped in confusion. “I still don’t get it. You’re not mad at me?” Tendou shook his head as he inhaled his blunt. Semi began to stutter; “But...but...but I imagine Y/n-”
“Don’t you get it?”, Tendou said as he cut him off and leaned in. “It turns me on, Semi. I get hard thinking someone likes Y/n.” Smoke escaped Tendou’s nostrils as he smirked. Semi backed away, almost disgusted.
 “How?”, he asked, horrified. Tendou leaned back into his chair and shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just hot. I know she’ll always be mine. But, I always had a fetish of her fucking someone in front of me. Or at least a threesome, you know? What’s that shit called?” 
“Cuckolding?”, Semi asked. “That’s it!”, Tendou shouted joyfully at Semi recalling the word he forgot. 
Semi shook his head at the past conversation he had with Tendou. He was leaking pre cum from his pants as he watched you quiver at Tendou’s hands. “Se-Semiiii!“, you let out whined. “Ah fuck,” Semi whispers as he grabs his hardened crotch. 
“What’s that, baby?”, Tendou asked as he leaned in your ear. “Se-Semi might hear,” you whine as you furrow your eyebrows and close your eyes at Tendou’s pace. Tendou smirks and looks up in the mirror and at the doorway. He sees a figure moving in the lit hallway. He forms a cheshire grin. 
Semi freezes in fear, but then realizes Tendou is probably loving this. Tendou smiles in the mirror while glaring at Semi and rubs your pussy faster. You quiver and release yourself from Tendou’s grasp and grip the sides of the dresser. Your head is pressed down by Tendou’s hand and you tremble from your orgasm creeping on you. 
You beg and ask for permission. “Oh god! Pleaseeee! Please, sir! Please!” Semi is pulling on his crotch outside the door, thanking Tendou telepathically for leaving a slight crack in the door to peek at this show. Semi was full on hard, and he whipped his cock out and stroked it as he watched you melt in Tendou’s hands.
Tendou suddenly pulled away at your dismay. “Fuck!”, you yell out. “No,” Tendou said sternly as he smiled. Semi realized Tendou had just edged the both of you. Tendou’s fingers were pruned, and a bit sticky from your wet pussy. Your juices had leaked through your thin panties and tights, and onto his fingers. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and caught a whiff of your heat he had just violated. 
You slide down to the floor and breathe heavily. Your clit was pulsating, beating rapidly, like a heartbeat. Your hair was a mess and your face was flushed red. Tendou knelt down to your height and kissed you. “Nice to have you home, baby.” You smile and let out sighs before you see a shadow move in the hallway. You gasp as Semi suddenly disappears. Tendou looks back and smiles. He stands back over you and lends a hand to help you stand up. 
“The menu was on top of the fridge, baby. “ You smiled gently as you exited the bedroom first and entered the hallway into the living room. Semi was on the couch with a pillow on his lap and scrolling mindlessly through his phone. Tendou was on the phone while you sat down next to Semi. You looked over at his flushed face. How cute. 
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 years
Mr. Pickles
Genre: smut hahahaha the bookends
Warnings/kinks: threesome, butt stuff uhhhh yeah :)
Length: it’s sweet :) haha it’s like not too much :(
“If you need us we’ll be out on the patio!” your mom called as you made your way to your bedroom. Your parents had been wanting to meet your boyfriend for a couple months now but you had no idea how to tell them that you were kind of dating two men at the same time. Hwalchan was your boyfriend as that was the story you told your parents and other family members but you never said anything to them about Uiyeon. Uiyeon was Hwalchan’s friend and to be honest you were still getting used to dating two men yourself so you never did much with him alone. Uiyeon himself was more of a watcher when it came to doing anything with you and Hwalchan. You definitely were not going to show up for the first time and tell your beloved parents that you were in a relationship with two men at once so you just said your boyfriend and his friend were coming over. Luckily they didn’t question it.
The trip upstairs was quiet. You studied Uiyeon and Hwalchan observing the house, taking in the pictures covering the walls and admiring the general setup of the house. Finally you got to your room. Upon entering you heard one of them stifle a laugh. You made your way to the bed and plopped down. “What’s so funny Uiyeon?” you questioned. Hwalchan and Uiyeon took in your room. “Well, there’s a lot of pink.” Uiyeon said walking around your room. You looked at all the pink colored items around, the pink curtains, the pink rug, the pink and white desk with the matching chair, the pink hanging lights, all the pink pillows and the pink throw you had at the foot of your bed. “I liked pink okay? I haven’t been in this room since I moved out. My parents left everything the same.”
“But princess you still like pink.” Hwalchan declared pointing to your choice of clothing. Expect for your white socks and your blue jeans your shirt and jacket and hair clips were all pink. “Well I still like pink.” you pouted. Hwalchan smiled sitting down next to you on the bed, Uiyeon joining you on the other side. “Who’s this?” Uiyeon asked picking up a stuffed pink rabbit. “That’s Mr. Pickles!” You exclaimed taking it out of Uiyeon’s arms and into yours. They both laughed. “I was three and a half when I got him and I named him pickles cause that was my favorite word.” you explained pouting. Hwalchan scooted closer to you moving your hair out of your face. “Baby you’re so precious aren’t you?” Hwalchan cooed. You froze as you felt one of his hands on your thigh. You let out the smallest gasp as his hand squeezed your thigh through your jeans. “Your room is so innocent and cute.” he said his lips grazing against your next trying to distract you from the movement that was his hand sliding up your thigh.
“O-of c-course it is. It’s my childhood b-bedroom. You stuttered feeling another hand on you. You turned your head over to Uiyeon who had his hand under your shirt slowly making his way up to your breast. Uiyeon wasn’t much of a talker surprisingly when it came to sex as he felt little comments were a waste of time. “But you’re the complete opposite. All the things you tell Uiyeon that you’re too afraid to tell me. Like how you want to be fucked on your childhood bed.” At this time you let out a much louder gasp as Uiyeon gave one of your breasts a harsh squeeze. To keep you quiet and distracted Hwalchan smashed his lips into yours his hand now cupping you right where he wanted. You squeezed your thigh shut as he started rubbing your through your jeans. Uiyeon continuing playing with your breasts his hot breath fanning against your neck followed by his soft lips leaving small kisses against your skin. 
“Y-you want to f-fuck me on my bed?” you asked when Hwalchan broke the kiss. You stared into Hwalchan’s eyes and down to his cute smile. “Of course princess. Don’t you want your two favorite men to ruin you on your cute pink bed?” Hwalchan’s words had you hungry and without another word your top was off and you were laying under them as they touch every inch of you. Uiyeon finally decided to use his lips and teeth on your breasts instead of his hands and Hwalchan’s hand was down your unbuttoned jeans teasing at your opening. 
You let out soft and needy moans as time went on. Your moans turned into whimpers when you were over Hwalchan pushing yourself down on his cock. “What if we break my bed?” you asked. Uiyeon had a grip on your hips teasing your backdoor with his tip, “we’ll be careful baby.” 
As Hwachan fucked into you you felt Uiyeon enter your ass causing you to cry out lowering yourself on Hwalchan’s chest. “Is it too much? Do want me to stop?” Uiyeon asked concerned over how uncomfortable your cry sounded. Hwalchan watched you raise up tears streaming down your pink cheeks your pussy clenching around his cock. “No, no it’s just..god Uiyeon I didn’t expect you to feel so fucking big back there.” Uiyeon chuckled pushing his cock in further. “I’m sorry you just have the cutest little pucker and it makes my cock so big and hungry. 
Uiyeon laid under you his cock now nice and snug in your ass as he held your legs apart for Hwalchan. “You’re so cute like this. God getting to fuck you like this on your pink bed hell even your cute pussy is pink isn’t that just precious.” You whined as your wall clenched around air. Your hands reached for the pink throw to give it a squeeze as it felt like Uiyeon was ripping your ass to shreds. “Hwalchan don’t say such things i-it’s embarrassing.” You looked away. Hwalchan chuckled and slid himself right into your pussy thrusting as fast as he can. “Oh I know but you like it when I say such things don’t you? You’re such a slutty little baby aren’t you. You whined at his words. 
Hwalchan’s grip on your hips was tight as he rammed his cock into you over and over again. His hair was wet with sweat and sticking to his forehead his tongue sticking out from panting. You watched through blurred vision as his muscles tensed up at each thrust. His finger tips were surely going to leave bruises. Tears streamed down your cheeks as both men chased their highs getting you closer and closer to your orgasm. Uiyeon was a mess under you as his hands were everywhere squeezing and slapping your breasts wrapping his hand around your throat. His teeth were leaving deep marks into your neck and every time your ass clenched around his cock he hissed biting you even harder. You were definitely going to be covered in bruises and you had no turtlenecks.
“Fuck baby you’re so fucking precious,” Uiyeon growled into your ear from behind you. “You like getting your holes destroyed on your childhood bed? Gonna shoot my white milk all over your pink bed.” your body shook over Hwalchan’s as the boys switched positions again. Your back arching and your breasts jiggling at each thrust from Uiyeon. He was moving your entire body with each thrust and you and Hwalchan were both close to cumming. Hwalchan looked totally fucked out himself as he lay panting under you his thrust getting sloppy and even he began to moan and whine a little. “I’m gonna cum soon princess, are you gonna cum too? Cum for me princess you can do it.” As if a switch flipped in you your orgasm came crashing fast your thighs shaking uncontrollably. Hwalchan’s cock felt like it was growing inside you before he shot his hot seed all over your insides. Hwalchan’s moaning was so hot and so lewd that it caused you to cum another time with Uiyeon following his cum shooting quickly into your ass. 
Uiyeon pulled out his cum still flying landing on your back, ass and thighs and even getting some on your bed spread and Mr. Pickles. Hwalchan was panting like crazy with cum still oozing out of his tip as well his cock twitching every time. You slowly and carefully tried to lower yourself onto your bed trying to find your balance but when your folds accidently came into contact with Hwalchan’s tip more cum came out of you. A cry came out as well as your whole body felt numb. You felt Uiyeon’s hand behind you hold you up and gently lay you down beside Hwalchan. Uiyeon didn’t take long to come down from his high and soon Hwalchan followed but you were still feeling loopy and out of it. “Do you think we went too hard with her? Maybe I shouldn’t have tried the anal huh?” Uiyeon asked moving your hair out of your face. Hwalchan’s hands ran up and down your arms gently kissing the parts of you that weren’t super sensitive like your shoulders and forehead. “No I think she’ll be alright she’s just sensitive is all.” 
When you felt back in your own body again you snuggled into Uiyeon giving him little kisses. You were still needy and now wanted more. “More, I need more.” you said turning over to Hwalchan and reaching for his cock. Hwalchan quickly grabbed your hand before you could touch him. “No princess I’m still a little sensitive myself, besides, we should probably go down and talk with your parents and all that. They’re probably wondering what’s taking us so long.” You whined turning over to Uiyeon again. You gave him puppy eyes. “He’s right sugar, we can have more fun when we go home alright? We gotta get you cleaned up before dinner, you don’t want your parents to know what the three of us were doing up here do you?” Hwalchan and Uiyeon helped you up and got you dressed and cleaned up before the three of you tidied up your room. 
“When we get home we can have all the fun you want ok princess?” Hwalchan patted your head as you all made your way out to the patio. Unfortunately for you the rest of the day you were too distracted with crazy thoughts about what you wanted Uiyeon and Hwalchan to do to you, especially after they fucked you silly on your childhood bed.
hHAhahah HAHA I just really needed something with the bookends as I’ve been hot for them recently ugh they are so big fUCK and shit I needed this getting railed on your childhood bed by the bookends as they mock you for still liking pink sksksksks it’s a whole mess cause it was just something I whipped out rq and so I’m sorry that it sucks. It’s my kink those two uwu. Just many reasons why I wrote this hahahahahh help. Also I just used their stage name just blah blah it doesn’t matter anywho I wanted to make a moodboard but it’s already hot to make moodboards for underrated groups cause I never find pics and on top of that finding pics that I want from my head is hard cause sometimes they don’t exist and of course sometimes I don’t like the way the moodboard turns out. Also also, there’s prolly a shit ton of spelling errors cause I didn’t reread it I’ll do it later blah blah blah ya’know what I’m sayin?
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i-may-be-stupit · 4 years
Tumblr media
Idk the horney got me, so here we are HAHAHAHA 18+ and kinda a bit of crack at times, ENJOY!!!!! Oh! And this is reletively gender neutral, babes!!
Your name is (Y/N) (L/N). And you've always been known as a good kid. That is until your father was murdered by a hero. He did a lot of dirty work, sure, but he did it for his family to survive. And when a hero took him down, everyone cheered. They never though about his family. Nor his place in the world. They saw him as dirt. The same way you started seeing heros.
To you, heros didn't care about the villians and didn't care whether they died or lived. They were savage beasts who needed to be taken down. You became a villian. You would assassinate hero after hero with the simple tittle of "Marrow." And that's when you met the League.
They had the same ideals as you and could help make your dream a reality.
You joined the League, but you were still you. You were a seemingly innocent flower that blossomed in any form of villainous mayhem.
Your quirk was known as simply bone manipulation. You could manipulate your bones however you pleased and you could even shoot them out like needles. But, you were at higher risk for osteoporosis.
Its been 6 months since then and you've made yourself at home with the LOV. Twice and Toga were your closest friends now, but Shigaraki just hits different.
You'd go out and have fun with your two close friends, and to be honest, you're pretty sure that you three had pulled every prank possible on Dabi. Kurogiri was like a dad to you now. He gave lots of great advice and made sure that you kept up with your online college classes in between villian duties.
But shigaraki was a whole other story.
I mean, he was usually crule and hateful towards everyone, but the League was his soft spot. He treats members like family. He cherishes them. Even if he doesn't say it. He almost always have been putting them first.
And it made you kind of...attracted to him.
Yeah, he was dryer than the Saharan Desert, and had a diet of strictly microwavable ramen and redbull, but he was actually a good guy. You caught yourself staring at him a few times per day and your crush on him was appearant to you as well as all the other members.
So here you were, staring in awe at Tomura as he and Dabi played against eachother in Mortal Kombat. (They'd fight at least once a day, so Kurogiri made up the idea of fighting in Mortal combat instead whenever they got fed up with eachother) You blushed, seeing Shigaraki so serious. Ugh, there's just something about him...
Toga walked into the room and sat down in the loveseat next to you. She smirked before loudly announcing, "Gee, (Y/N)! It looks like your boyfriend, Tomura, is winning!" You started choking her.
No, deadass.
You fucking wrapped your hands around her neck and violently shook her head back and forth like Bart and Homer Simpson. Toga just laughed and moaned, causing you to feel too violated to keep choking her. You let go and as you did, Shigaraki stood up and started making fun of Dabi for being a "Bitch ass loser."
You blushed deeply, eyes lidded while gazing at the crusty boy. All you could see was Shigaraki, hearts around him as he did his breathtaking victory dance in slow motion. His gorgeous, dehydrated body swayed and jiggled happily as he jumped a few times, white specs gently fluttered from his head. His dandruff glistening in the florescent lights, as you sighed, absolutely smitten. Dabi rolled his eyes at his boss before looking at you. He then smirked. This cant be good.
Dabi chuckled. "Oh okay, Shiggy, you beat me fair and square." Shigaraki looked at him suspiciously. "It's okay though." He smirked, "Because I'm sure that (Y/N) can give me a little pick-me-up!"
The white haired boy glarred at Dabi then at you. Dabi slyly slipped over to you and Toga. He grabbed you be your wrist and pulled you up to stand. You were too flustered out of your mind to even do anything. He wrapped both of his hands around your waist. "Isn't that right, baby?"
You laughed awkwardly, "Dabi, not to be rude or anything, but you seem like a heavy man and I don't know if I could manage carrying all of your body weight if I were to pick you up, I mean my bones are kinda brittle as they are and-"
He brought his face to yours and kissed your neck softly. "We're gonna have some fun tonight, right?" You fucking hit him with a suplex, a small crack being heard from your hip. God damn it, your fucking brittle ass bones! Everyone burst out in laughter (aside from Kurogiri who was facepalming). Dabi sat on the floor rubbing his head in pain. "Fuck, (Y/N)! It was a joke!"
You folded your arms and frowned. "Well don't joke around with me like that!" Heat rose to your cheeks, "Especially in front of T-Tomura..." You looked at your boss to see him still too busy laughing at Dabi getting backflipped. You smiled shyly, holding your cheeks and wiggling like the love sick shit you are. He's so dreamy~ oh my, is he coughing up blood from laughing too hard?
You looked in disgust for a moment before sighing loudly. Ugh, it's so sexy when he coughs up blood! Shigaraki looked at his hand before licking the blood back into his mouth like a fucking heathen-
Your fucking heathen.
Later that night, everyone was out and about, leaving you and Shigaraki alone. He was drinking a glass of rum and coke as you doodled in a little notebook. You looked up to see him staring at you already. You both quickly looked away. It's been rough lately, dealing with your crush on him.
And Tomura was catching on.
Well, kinda.
He thinks he's really ugly and unworthy of love, so he thinks you just stare at him because you're still taken back at how hideous (he believes) he is. He's been wearing Father on his face more often and been getting more easily upset at you. But, he was also confused because he was starting to like your fragile self.
He's scared that he'll break you with one tap of the finger. That's just how fragile you seem. Shigaraki smiled softly, staring deeply into his glass.
(Y/N) seems so fragile, but they're a god damn hurricane.
Shigaraki swirled his cup around, deep in thought. How can they fight so well when they seem so brittle? It's strange. It's unexpected... It's interesting. Your boss' cheeks turned a tint of pink. (Y/N) can pull off a suplex on Dabi. Their back bent so far... I wonder what (Y/N) looks like arching it for me... He looked over at your figure. You were awkwardly dangling your feet off the couch, seeming to be lost in thought. Tomura sighed and took another whisk of his drink. They're way too cute for me...
There's been a lot of awkward times with you two alone. And you could both feel the tension. Shigaraki left to his room with a small sigh. He hates basically everything. But you? He might just love you.
You two hung out a lot actually. You'd play videogames together and have small movie nights for the two of you. You vividly remembered cuddling up beside him one winter night. It was snowing and you two chatted while sitting on the floor making Smores in the fireplace.
But it got harder and harder to be around eachother when you both started liking eachother. It got...awkward. And the night that Tomura asked you if you wanted to watch a horror movie with you and got a concerned face from you was the night his heart broke. You just didn't want to accidentally grab him at a jumpscare and have him laugh at you for being a pussy. But he thought that you just didnt trust him.
You sighed, thinking about that shitty night, and walked to Shigaraki's room. You had to tell him about your feelings. You knocked softly and was allowed to enter. Shigaraki was sitting in bed, wide awake, just sitting there, staring at the wall in front of him in thought.
You sat awkwardly on his bed in a tense silence for a good minute as the man just stared awkwardly at you through the hand on his face. Shigaraki sighed when he noticed you werent going to say anything, and he set Father down on his nightstand.
"(Y/N), I feel uncomfortable with you staring at me all the time." Heat rushed to your cheeks and you stared harder at the  ground. "I get that I'm ugly, but you should know how rude it is to stare-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" You glarred at him, anger boiling up. "The fuck did you just call yourself?!"
He glarred right back at you. "I said I was ugly, did I stutter?"
Yeah. Youre choosing to ignore that attitude. "Tomura, you're not ugly."
He rolled his eyes. "There is literally no other reason for you to be staring at me that much, mutt."
You folded your arms with a frown. "I think you're handsome."
He laughed.
He laughed hard as hell.
For a good 3 minutes straight.
"Oh thats a good one, (Y/N)! You know, I'm actually enjoying you-"
"I'm serious!" You poked his chest hard while getting closer to his face, your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "I think you have pretty eyes!" You poked him again, "You have a pretty face!" You poked him one last time, "And you're an amazing leader!" Shigaraki went silent with a blush and so did you. You twittled your fingers together, looking away timidly. "I-uh... I think I l-like you, actually."
Tomura chuckled breathlessly with concern for your mental health, eyes darting around uncomfortably. "Are you being...serious...?"
"Oh....okay." He awkwardly looked away from you with a small blush. Hes never had anyone like him romantically. Actually, not a lot of people even like him generally. And it made it extra weird with you being so damn cute and funny to him. 
You layed down on his bed, anxiety rushing through you. It was weird to tell your boss that you liked him. I mean, its probably gonna be awkward between you two forever! Tomura layed down next to you. His hands overlapping eachother on his chest. You looked over to him with a small awkward smile. "So-uh... do you like me back...?"
Tomura frowned. "Are you fucking dumb??" You winced and he just rolled his eyes. "It would be impossible to not fall in love with you." A small chuckle left your lips as he softly started playing in your (h/t) hair.
You frowned. "Did I say you could touch my hair?"
He rolled his eyes before lifting you up to straddle him. Heat rushed to your cheeks. And you pushed his chest away as your (e/c) eyes darted away. "T-Tomura, what are y-you doing?" You were speechless and flustered. And it wasn't helping that his hands were laying on your waist (pinkies up of course).
Tomura chuckled with a mischevious look in his eyes. He slowly moved his hands up and down your sides. "Let me play with your hair...and as a reward..." He kissed you softly on your lips. "I'll make you feel things you've never felt before...." He licked your ear and you thanked the Lord for that because it just made his mouth a lil less crusty. "Deal?" His breath tickled your ears and your breathing turned into aroused, airy breaths.
"Deal..." Shigaraki smirked before kissing you roughly, his hand engulfed in your (h/t) hair, leaving his middle finger up of course. As his tongue darted around your mouth, he pulled your hair harder, causing a wince of pain from you. His lips left yours quickly.
"Am I being too rough?"
You smiled softly at him. He cares! "Oh, just a little."
Shigaraki grinned before pulling your hair even harder. "You'll get used to that." Your eyes widened in fear and pain as he threw you onto the bed roughly. He kissed you harder, and forced your thighs open with both of his hands, pinkies up.
He laughed with arousal, pressing his clothed member against you. You sighed as he grinded against your bottoms while tongue kissing you. His hands left your thighs and brought themselves to your body. He sucked, kissed, and bit all over your neck and his indexes and thumbs twirled and pulled at your nipples under your shirt.
"Ah-!" You moaned loudly as the man sucked at your soft spot. "T-Tomura!" A small gasp left your lips and his connected to your skin. Mumbled moans came from you, your hand over your mouth. Tomura glarred the second he heard a moan muffled. "H-Hey!" He had grabbed your hand from over your mouth and tightly gripped it with four fingers, pressing it against the headboard.
He grinned widely out of nowhere, "You really thought you could get away with hiding those beautiful sounds from me?" He sat up, unbuckling his jeans. His eyes went cold as he took off his pants and boxer briefs. "I'm gonna have to get some type of...hm, whats the word?" He looked away in though before smiling and snapping his fingers, "Compensation! Yeah...and I know just what I want from you." Shigaraki push you off of the bed roughly. You fell to the floor and rubbed your arm. He sat on the king-sized in front of you with his cock in his hand. "Suck."
You frowned at him. Did he really have to push you off like that? You got on your knees between his thighs and took a good look at it.
Fuck, he's hung...
You covered your mouth with a huge blush. Where the hell did that come from?! He was a good nine inches and quite thick. You frowned at him and pointed at his cock. "The fuck am I supposed to do with this?" He frowned.
Shigaraki didnt say another word. He just grabbed you by the hair and placed it against your lips. You frowned before licking the tip softly, making him laugh breathlessly. "Fuck..." You sucked on his tip and his hand tightened around your hair, pulling a bit. He looked down at you, smirking while absolutely flustered. "Ugh, your little mouth was made for my fat cock, wasn't it, (Y/N)?" He chuckled and pressed your head forward, forcing a bit more of him inside of you. Shigaraki panted as you bobbed your head back and forth on him. "Youre such a fucking slut..." His cheeks was tinted pink as he stared down at you. Tomura started bobbing your head back and forth on him. He laughed as you gagged on him. "What? Is it too big?" Your face went even hotter. How can he be so fucking conceited yet self conscious?! The white hair boy held your face and was practically thrusting into your mouth at this point. He threw his head back and groaned as cum filled your mouth. "Fuck, (Y/N), you're good at that." He watched you like prey as you thumbed the white substance dripping down your chin. You licked your thumb and he chuckled. "How does it taste?"
You smirked at him minscheviously while getting back on the bed. You took off your bottoms and short then spread your legs. "It tastes good enough to deserve a tip, right?" Shigaraki licked his lips as he crawled in between your thighs.
He rubbed you, playing with your slit. "Did sucking me off really get you this turned on?" You flushed and covered your eyes with your forearm. Tomura smirked mischievously as he licked at you. You moaned quietly, his tongue swirling around and his finger going in and out of your hole.
He stuck his ringerfinger in and you squeaked in pleasure. "Mmm... Tomura, I-just like that..." He sucked and licked, getting more sloppy as his fingers pumped in and out of you. He pumoed faster and faster and your small groans turned into loud moaning as you orgasmed. "Fuck Tomura! Ah-!" You came in his mouth, immediately apologizing. Shigaraki just licked his now soaked fingers and you just stared at him, blushing hard as hell. You smiled softly. "H-How do I taste?"
His red eyes prowled your body as he got on top of you. Your cheeks got hotter when he strattled you. You sighed as he rubbed his manhood against you. Small, flustered moans escaped your lips at his teasing. "You taste like you were missing something." His warm breath tickled your ear, "But I'll fix that right up for you."
Tomura slowly entered you. He groaned out your name in ecstasy. You were a bit uncomfortable at first at his thickness. "W-wait, dont move yet..." You breathed in and out slowly, feeling yourself adjust to him. A groan left your lips, "O-okay..."
Tomura grinded against you, kissing your neck as your hands fiddled with his hair. He started off slow, savoring the feeling of you. He sighed into your collarbone. "God, (Y/N), you're so tight..." He cursed underneath his breath, fucking you a bit faster.
Tears pricked at your eyes. This was almost too much for you. Youve always fantasized about being with Shigaraki and now that it was happening, it felt almost too good to be true. He grinded into you deeper, filling you up fully as his hand held both of tour wrists above your head. The bed rocked as he started thrusting into you faster and deeper. "T-Tomura, you feel so good inside of me!" He groaned louder and you couldn't help but become flustered at all of his noises.
He fucked you even faster and harder. "Fuck, youre mine now, okay?" You nodded and moaned louder at him. "Oh fuck!" His white hair bounced as he pulled out and flipped you over. You were on your forearms and knees, begging for him to keep fucking you good as he thrusted in and out, his hand pulling at your hair as the other gave the occasional spank on your ass. Tomura's thrusts became sloppy as you reached your peak. You both moaned loudly, his cum pouring from inside of you. Shigaraki pulled out and immediately collapsed next to you.
You panted as his arms wrapped themselves around you. You smiled at him. "That was good, right?" He chuckled and kissed your lips.
"The best."
You two spooned as Kurogiri had an extra glass of wine, in utter disgust at when he was forced to hear.
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volleychumps · 4 years
To Attempt (Kageyama Tobio x Reader)
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“You look...really. um. you-!”
“Was there something you needed, Kageyama-Kun?”
Oh lord he couldn’t do it. Not with your cute-ass head tilt and warm smile. Nope, not today. Finalizing his decision, you watch with a now confused expression as he promptly turns on his heel and speed-walks away as fast as he can. You become even more confused when it looks like the rest of the team all audibly sigh at the same time.
“Aaaaand that’s another meat bun for me.” Nishinoya grins at a irritable Tanaka, who glowers at the so-called “genius-setter” that apparently can’t talk to girls for shit.
“Come on, man! I’m trying to have faith in you here!” Tanaka claps the raven-haired boy on the back as Kageyama’s gloomy expression seems to darken even more. “Come, let your senpai give you advice.”
“Stop making bets on me!” Fuming, he stomps away from the situation only to see you struggling with lifting some boxes of supplies into the storage cabinet. You grin sheepishly at him when you see him staring, glancing down at the boxes you were holding in a silent question.
Feeling his heartbeat pick up, he jogs over to slip two of the three boxes out of your hands as he follows you into the storage room.
Tanaka clenches his fist. “It’s near impossible nothing will happen with just the two of them in there.”
Oh god.
“Thank you, Kageyama-Kun!” You beam at said boy as he shoves the boxes onto the top shelf.
“Don’t...mention it.” He scratches his cheek awkwardly when he finishes his task, internally freaking out at the proximity between the two of you. You, however, seemed totally fine as you reached for the door knob, ready to make your way back out to overlook the practice.
Until his arm reaches out, his palm resting on the area of the door next to your head, not exactly trapping you, but not making it easy for you to exit either.
“I wanted to tell you that you look really good today.”
Kageyama had no idea where exactly the over-surge of confidence came from, but it seemed the rational part of him knew a chance like this wouldn’t come again. You blink at the fact that his blue eyes looked so serious, glancing at his outstretched arm before giggling.
“You boys are so sweet.” you reach out to pet his hair, almost as if you were stroking a cat. “I feel so lucky to have such a kind team around me. You guys are the reason I love being on my way to becoming your manager!”
With that, you twist the door knob and let yourself out before glancing in slight confusion at a perplexed-looking Kageyama. “Are you coming?”
“B-Be right there.”
As soon as he knew you were out of ear-shot, Nishinoya and Tanaka both hold their stomachs at the amount of laughter spilling out of them, listening to Kageyama’s shout of frustration within the storage closet.
“This weekend.”
“Huh?” You pulled an earbud out of your ear when Kageyama approaches you during lunch time, blinking up at the boy with a sweet smile on your face. He gulps.
“D-Do you want to...hang out?”
“Of course I would! Where did the team want to go?” You respond brightly as Kageyama blanches, Hinata dying of laughter from behind him.
“No, I uh, I mean...”
You tilt your head, allowing him to continue before he suddenly slaps himself on the back of his head, causing you to lift your hand to your mouth in a little gasp.
Which he still thought was adorable, fuck.
“The team would like to go see a movie.” He says flatly with dead-looking eyes as Hinata grabs onto the back of his jacket, laughing so hard and begging him to stop before he pees himself.
“Alright cool, I’ll look at tickets online!”
“I doubt (Y/N) knows how much they’re hurting Kageyama...” Suga chuckles with a slight sweat drop as you enthusiastically talk to Hinata, talking about how excited you were to see this movie with a drained, gloomy-looking Kageyama trailing behind.
“Five buns. On today.”
Nishinoya slaps Tanaka’s hand, a glint in both their eyes. “You’re on.”
You end up seated between Tanaka and Kageyama, eyes fixed on the screen before you cheerily turn to Kageyama, thanking him for inviting you and everyone out as the boy immediately turns red.
“Next time, I hope Asahi, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima-Kun can come too.”
“I was t-thinking...maybe next time it can just be the two of-?”
“It’s starting!!” Hinata bounces in his seat as you hear the whole team audibly sigh again, making you look around in confusion before turning back to Kageyama.
“You were saying...?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.” Kageyama says flatly, and you can swear you see his soul leaving his body before you decide to just turn back to the movie, wondering why he was acting so weird.
Hold. Her. Hand. You. Idiot.
Kageyama glares at his senpai over your head, as Tanaka glares back. He sweat drops as Suga leans forward a little, flashing him a thumbs up as if to say you got this.
God, he hated his team right now.
Tears were welling up in your eyes at the movie selected, sniffing to yourself as Kageyama slowly stretches out his hand over yours-
His heart couldn’t take it when you grabbed his arm first, still a little teary-eyed as he flung you off him as a reflex, acting on pure-instinct.
“O-oh.” You say, wiping at your eyes. “Sorry Kageyama-Kun, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable...huh? Is everyone crying too?”
In reality, every member on the Karasuno team had placed their forehead in their hands at what an idiot their genius-setter was.
“I cannot-” Tanaka slaps his forehead.
“Don’t even get me started-” Nishinoya sighs.
“Don’t laugh Hinata-” Suga sweatdrops.
Kageyama turns red-faced at the taunts from his teammates as he continues to mentally beat himself up at what had just occurred in the movie theatre, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom.
“Listen.” The blue-eyed boy blinks when Daichi puts both hands on his shoulders, looking at him intently. “Don’t beat around the bush. When you walk her home tonight, just tell her. (Y/N) is a lot more dense than I thought she was. But! That doesn’t make it impossible.”
With that, Daichi instructs for everyone besides Kageyama to leave first while you were still in the bathroom, the raven-haired boy feeling the same surge of confidence from when you were in the storage closet with him.
You blink in surprise when you exit the bathroom as Kageyama glances at you sheepishly, a hand on the back of his neck.
“Can I walk you home?”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Aah, I had so much fun today!” You walk next to Kageyama at an even pace, smiling softly as you turn your head to talk to him. “Thank you again, Kageyama.”
He blushes slightly. “Anytime.”
He suddenly comes to a stop as you keep walking, making you stop a few feet in front of him as you look back, slightly confused.
“I...I didn’t mean to invite everyone out today.” His voice is quiet, but you can just barely make it out as you fall silent in anticipation. “I kind of...wanted to spend today with just you? Is that creepy-sounding? God, I hope you don’t think I’m some kind of gross guy, I just...”
Your eyebrows raise when he spins around quickly so his back is facing you, taking a deep breath before turning around again. “(Y/N), I-”
He’s taken off guard when you’re suddenly there in front of him, taking his hand in yours gently as you beam, looking into his blue eyes.
“Could it be...you like me?”
Kageyama’s fuse busts a little as he blushes intensely, looking off to the side before nodding once.
“I must have been a real handful then.” You say sheepishly, intertwining your fingers with his. “Because, I like you too.”
Yeah, Kageyama can say he died a little in those few moments.
“Y-You do?”
You stand on your tiptoes to plant a sweet kiss on his burning cheek, a hand resting on his shoulder for support before you pull back, blushing as well.
“I like you, Kageyama-kun.”
He gains the courage to wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you in to rest his head against your shoulder as he soaks into your warmth, the longing in his heart finally becoming fulfilled. You wrap your arms around him in response, sighing in content until you see certain members of the team peeking from behind the fence that rounded the corner.
You squeak a little, hiding your face into Kageyama’s chest in embarrassment as Tanaka and Nishinoya bolt up to the two of you, clapping Kageyama’s back simutaneously.
“It’s about fucking time!”
“Atta boy!”
“I absolutely take full credit for this.” Daichi walks up patiently, an apologetic Suga following behind him.
“Sorry Kageyama, none of them really wanted to go home just yet...”
“Wow...Bakayama finally has a girlfriend...” Hinata says in awe as Kageyama takes a deep breath, covering both your ears with his hands as he shouts, although muffled to you, a “YOU IDIOTS!” to the grinning team.
God, you loved them.
But it was different for him.
You reach up to kiss his cheek a second time in front of the team as he’s taken off guard, a small smile making its’ way onto his face.
“You’re kind of dense, you know?”
“Oh shut up.”
You were in love with him
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bitchybutcher · 3 years
Texts I sent a friend the first time I watched The Boys, Season 2:
-        Gird your loins
-        I’m dying to know more about Black Noir
-        Ugh ffs Homelander smarming about on stage at Translucents funeral
-        It’s an empty box but I suppose how would people know cause invisible corpse
-        Aw no straight in with Sad Kevin
-        Oh ok angry drunk Kevin
-        Ugh not these Samaritans Embrace fuckers again
-        Oh Annie. Parroting the company line. I hope she’s gonna fuck them all over
-        Aw Kimiko is learning
-        Her lil smile
-        Oooh Hughie is a liiiiiar
-        Meeting on the subway like a couple shifty teenagers
-        Oh I forgot they microchipped the supes like dogs
-        Oh nooooo young love angst
-        Oh no a Sad Kevin incident
-        Aaaaand he’s been arrested
-        A nice archer bailed him out
-        Omfg the fake Butcher re-enactment
-        Oh do NOT tell me this crazy bastard is gonna drink the frozen breast milk
-        Oh fuck he is
-        What the FUCK, HOMELANDER
-        This visually impaired ninja seems nice
-        That probably means he’s gonna turn out to be a dick
-        OH FUCK
-        Homelander what the fuuuuuck
-        Ok what the shit is happening here in the motel
-        WHAT
-        What the fuuuuuck
-        I – MM is making a dolls house? That’s so cute
-        Oh shit smuggled people
-        Homelander is nuts with power
-        Uhhhh who is Carol and why is she staring at Kevin while he sleeps
-        Finally an archer who is honest about how useless they can be once they run out of arrows
-        Oh noooo are they gonna try brainwash Kevin with homeopathic stuff? And why do they keep offering him Fresca
-        Oh Hughie has grown a pair since last season. Good for him
-        Where’s Butcherrrrrrrr
-        Body gore porn dude is called Gecko that’s too cute a name for him
-        Stormfront seems like fun
-        She’s gonna be pissing off Homelander so much I like her already
-        I like Stan
-        Giving Homelander the dressing down he needs
-        I know it’s convenient for Toni to wear the padded suit all the time but does Homelander ever wear anything else
-        Oh hiiii Becca I still think you’re a bitch and Butcher deserved better
-        “Daddy’s home”
-        I’m dead. It’s official.
-        The fuckin smirk and the voice I’m fuckin dead
-        Is he making shroom tea
-        Why is Patton Oswalt voicing Kevin’s gills this is delightful
-        Atrain is awake again that’s not good
-        I’m cracking up at Sad Kevin and his singing gills
-        Homelander is gone way off the deep end oh boy
-        Awwww soft Maeve in the hospital with her girlfriend
-        I want to like Becca but I can’t shake the bad feeling
-        Homelander is a terrible father
-        I mean I know he has no role models to base his parenting on, but yikes
-        It’s like if Scar was raising Simba instead of Mufasa
-        ….are the gang raiding a party city store
-        I love how Frenchie always looks a mix of horrified and amazed whenever Kimiko kills someone
-        Oh shiiiiiiiit
-        You were right this season is weird
-        I like Kimiko’s brothers bedazzled denim jacket
-        Butcher don’t punch Hughie wtf
-        Starting with Hughie listening to the same song again, nice
-        Butcher is terrible at apologising it’s so cute
-        I’m sorry did Hughie just fall over trying to throw a punch
-        The kid’s a dandelion omg
-        Why are they on a boat? Did Karl just decide “I like being on boats lemme go on a boat”?
-        I see what you mean about Homelander being scary
-        He’s completely insane
-        Why does this storyboard guys shirt say assbinder
-        Chace Crawford is an excessively veiny man
-        Or possibly laughing
-        Hard to tell when they have no face
-        Annie actually leaked all the compound V stuff good for her
-        Homelander is gonna get this kid killed tryna make him fly
-        Honestly the kid looks more like Hughie
-        Oop there’s the laser eyes
-        Oh Homelander is back at the Tower and freaking Maeve out
-        Hughie don’t do it
-        Oh ok I thought he was gonna jump off the boat
-        Kevin and the cult weirdos are up to something
-        Hughie no you don’t call the girl you like crying over Billy Joel lyrics
-        Oh god boyo you don’t then drop the L word in the same voice message!
-        He’s hopeless
-        Oh nooooo Kevin is attacking the boat goddammit Kevin
-        OH FUCK A WHALE
-        For fuck sake Kevin
-        Ewwwww
-        Butcher what the fuck
-        Hughie having a nervous breakdown inside of a whale
-        No but why is Karl so hot covered in blood
-        Actually I didn’t even need to include the blood part of that question
-        Oh boy here we go, the 7 show up to find Sad Kevin crying over spilt whale
-        ….why is Stormfront tryna get all up in Homelander’s ass?? I thought she was cool but now she’s all lemme suck that radioactive dick
-        OH NO
-        Poor Kevin he’s worked so hard to accept his gills and now Homelander has knocked him back down
-        Oooo dear Atrain is having a heart attack again this isn’t good
-        Oh fuck is Hughie gon get caught
-        Oh no it’s Annie it’s ok
-        OH FUCK
-        ANNIE WHY
-        Oh I do NOT like Stormfront holy fuckin shit what’s wrong with this woman
-        Poor Kimiko
-        What’s with the random woman talking about calling off her wedding?
-        Why is Frenchie taking drugs
-        What the FUCK is thiiiiis
-        Is he dreaming or is this the shapeshifter tryna stay alive by granting Homelander some sick wish
-        Yikes I feel bad for Doppelganger
-        I am fascinated by whoever and whatever the fuck Black Noir is
-        MM sees right through everyone’s bullshit
-        I feel so bad for Annie
-        Ooooo Atrain getting fired
-        MM having to put up with Hughie and Annie having a we didn’t start the fire singalong 😂
-        Ok who’s in the weird group therapy sesh with these women with strange views on love
-        Vending machine date so cute
-        Omfg ahahahaha the girl with the Ed Sheeran tattoo
-        I really want to like Becca cause she stands up to Homelander but I can’t shake the suspicions about her
-        I feel bad for Butcher
-        Homelander is a scary good liar
-        Oh shit interviewer lady is pulling out the diversity questions
-        OH FUCK
-        Poor Maeve what the fuck
-        Ugh Stormfront
-        Shut your racist hole bitch
-        Oh shit Kimiko on the warpath
-        Frenchie! Kimiko listen to him he’s tryna help
-        MM is doing a lotta sharing this episode
-        Ohhhh something bad is gonna come out about this Liberty lady they’re looking for oh fuck
-        Stormfront is like 70????
-        She’s really good with social media for an old bird
-        Ohhh fuck Homelander is pisssssssssed
-        Christ you’d know Homelander was an only child
-        Bitch you better not be fucking Butcher over
-        Got her goodbye fuck then called the supercops on him cause he’s a little broken? FUCK BECCA
-        Oh no Annie don’t give Hughie the “we can’t do this” talk
-        Pick your emo ass up and stop being melodramatic
-        All these women are chatting to Kevin?? Why??
-        Also this most recent one is super weird
-        This cult thing is so fuckin weird omfg
-        Oh gross not the Doppelganger shit again
-        Doppelganger is really bad at flirting
-        ….
-        WHAT THE SHIT
-        Nonononono don’t do the selfcest
-        Not even Homelander is that fucked up
-        This is super weird
-        Why is Homelander crying
-        Uhhhh are they doing a lesbian scene in a vcu movie
-        Christ that was terrible and way too on the nose
-        “Strong female lesbians”
-        Homelander you himbo fuck what other kind of lesbian do you get
-        I feel bad for Ashley
-        She just wants to do her job well
-        Poor Butcher. His lil heart is broken
-        Oh no baby you’re hurt and upset? That’s so sad let me suck your dick about it
-        Oh no what’s he gonna do
-        I mean it’s really fuckin hot but still
-        There’s always a cut on the cheekbone
-        “They’ve been moving her around like a Catholic priest” omg HUGHIE
-        Aww he called Hughie his canary
-        Oh shit are Frenchie and Kimiko missing?
-        Doggiiiiie
-        Awwwww soft Butcher with his dog
-        Aaaand now I feel bad for Atrain cause he’s being kicked to the curb
-        Oh gross this interview with Kevin and his cult wife
-        This is so cringe holy fuck
-        Bring back the Patton Oswalt gills
-        Why are the gangsters discussing musicals specifically Hamilton
-        Ahahaha the boys showed up at Butchers aunties house
-        The dog’s name is Terror that’s so cute
-        Hahahaha Hughie was holding the fuck pig
-        Why is there a sniper on the roof
-        Oh shit it’s Black Noir
-        Ugh what does Annie’s mom want and why is Stormfront being her friend
-        Oh hey it’s dickless
-        These two writer dudes are hella irritating
-        Poor Elena getting dragged into this shit
-        Yes Maeve scheme against his ass
-        Heartbroken Butcher is so tired
-        He needs a hug
-        Hughie give Butcher a hug please
-        Why is Kimiko in a church
-        Oh hey its Frenchie’s other girlfriend
-        Oh ok Kimiko is doing hits that’s fair
-        The old man just looking away like “I do not see it”
-        Aw no Frenchie don’t break up with Kimiko
-        Oh fuck off Cult Kevin
-        Stormfront again?????
-        Does this bitch ever fuck off
-        Wait why is Homelander giving an unapproved speech
-        This is gonna end in someone getting murdered isn’t it
-        OH FUCK
-        That’s a lot more murder than I expected
-        Ohhhh phew ok he was just daydreaming
-        Ashley is gonna go bald from stress
-        I adore grumpy Butcher
-        Omg auntie Judy is a drug dealer I love her
-        Ohhhh shit Homelander is having a nervous breakdown
-        BOBBY FROM X-MEN????
-        Uhhhh why is Homelander talking to Stormfront this can’t be good
-        Ooh MM set a trap this gon be good
-        Oop Lenny is dead
-        The random explosions as Black Noir trips the traps
-        Oh shit Butcher locked the others out to face Black Noir alone
-        YES MM
-        OH NO MM
-        YES HUGHIE
-        Oh fuck did he KO Butcher
-        Shiiiit shit shit shit
-        Yes Butcher save your Hughie
-        Oh good they all survived
-        For fuck sake Kevin stop with the cult shit
-        Maeve please save Kevin from the cult
-        Annie why are you sneaking around don’t do it
-        There’s a lot of shots of Annie’s bum
-        What the fuck is Sage Grove
-        Stormfront needs to go choke on a bag of dicks
-        Oh fuck no not Homelander again
-        Uhhhhhhh
-        Stormfront x Homelander was not what I was expecting
-        These two have the WEIRDEST relationship
-        They’re gonna do some really fucked up supe bdsm shit aren’t they
-        Frenchie is Betty White. Fair enough
-        Wait what is happening. Why is Annie letting Frenchie at her with a lil saw
-        Ohhh the chip
-        “This might sting a little” FRENCHIE IT’S A FUCKIN SAW
-        Oh fuck that’s a big chip
-        Oh look it’s loves psychotic dream
-        Well that’s suitably gross
-        Aww Kimiko hugging Annie
-        Butcher is so menacing I love him
-        Kevin tryna be helpful to his buddies he’s so cute
-        Kimiko with her brass knuckle
-        Oh man, flowers??? Homelander has it BAD
-        Annie back the fuck off and leave Butcher alone
-        What the fuck is going on at this hospital
-        Oh shit who got let out
-        What does Cindy do
-        Aaaaaaand now they’re all out
-        Good job, guys
-        Ewwwwww acid vomit
-        OH NO HUGHIE
-        Are you kidding me?? Annie can’t go all Starlight unless there’s a power source in the immediate vicinity??
-        What kinda fuckin shite superpower is that
-        Aha Butcher agrees with me
-        Ok so I’m guessing Homelander went berserk on set
-        Uhhhh apparently Cult Lunch is a therapy sesh?
-        Atrain get outta there
-        This cult leader guy is an arsehole
-        Hospital escape lookin like a horror survival game
-        Awwww flashbacks to happy times
-        Omfg Butcher with the slicked back hair
-        Welp, Annie just killed a guy
-        Oh shit a baby seat
-        Annie is gonna have a bad case of the guilts now
-        Oh fuck ok Lamplighter killed the kids by accident
-        So Frenchie went to save his friend instead of tailing
-        Oh god that’s the penis isn’t it
-        Stormfront to the…rescue? Maybe? She’s gonna kill Lamplighter isn’t she
-        Oh, no ok she didn’t kill him
-        Aw no sad Butcher cause Hughie’s hurt
-        Oh nooooo Elena found a video from the plane
-        Mallory gon kill sad Lamplighter?
-        Stormfront is coming clean to Homelander? Whaaaa
-        She was buddies with the Nazis??? SHE WAS MARRIED TO THE VOUGHT FOUNDER GUY
-        Oh fuck the head burster is still alive
-        A montage of how Stormfront is brainwashing people into racist attacks, nice
-        I hate Annie’s mom so much
-        Black Noir has just fuckin LAMPED Annie
-        Butchers mum called him 😂😂
-        Oh shit his dad died
-        Why are Hughie and Lamplighter watching knock off supe porn
-        Oh boy a racist rally
-        Homelander just threw Annie under the bus
-        Hughie that’s a really weird pep talk
-        And he’s gonna get Lamplighter killed
-        Oh shit it’s Denethor
-        And he’s not dead
-        Oh fuck he’s why Lenny died?
-        Shit Lenny shot himself
-        Butcher was SAS???
-        Ah fuck he’s bringing stepmommy Stormfront to meet the kid
-        I have an urge to run my fingers through Butchers beard
-        Frenchie and Kimiko are too cute she’s teaching him her sign language
-        Is this a cult birthday party?
-        Poor Eagle the Archer. He pissed off the cult so he’s gon be excommunicated
-        Uhhhh kiddo made a Lego film?
-        Good for him
-        I know it shouldn’t be sexy when Butcher starts threatening to brutally murder people in his growly voice, I know, but hear me out: sexy growly voice
-        11/10 would let Karl Urban murder me
-        Oh FUCK Lamplighter killed himself
-        Poor Hughie
-        Why do all the bad things happen to him, like having to saw off a dead guy’s hand with a broken whiskey decanter
-        Annie versus Black Noir, beat his/her ass girl!
-        YAY MAEVE
-        Black Noir has an almond allergy that’s such an off the wall weakness
-        Annie’s favourite chocolate bar saved her life
-        Well Maeve did, technically. But still
-        Omg Hughie accidentally saving Annie’s mom
-        Hughie and Annie are too cute
-        Oh shiiiiit Homelander screwed the pooch and showed the kid everything
-        Butcher in his lil jumper
-        For a non-American, this school safety psa video is supremely weird
-        Annie’s mom critiquing her choice in boyfriends while in mortal danger is gas
-        And typical
-        The lads going nuts with weapons they’re so happy look at them
-        And Butcher in his lil jumper again he looks so comfy
-        I would very much like to cuddle him in the soft jumper and give him beard scritches
-        Annie ffs let Hughie enjoy his Billy Joel, that’s a good choice
-        Ahahaha Maeve just called Hughie a twink
-        She’s not wrong
-        Oh fuck off Becca
-        Uuuuugh OF COURSE Mr Edgar is in with the cult
-        Oop Atrain overheard all of that
-        Poor Ashley she’s going bald from stress
-        The kid is gonna have a meltdown
-        Poor Hughie with his mom leaving
-        I wonder if she’ll pop up at some point and turn out to be a supe that would be fun
-        Hold the phone is Homelander actually being a good dad for a minute
-        What the actual fuck is Stormfront on with this white genocide shit
-        Ahahaha the news broke
-        Uh oh the Vought soldiers got caught by Homelander
-        OH SHIT
-        MM BETTER BE OK
-        Becca fuckin constantly squawking about Ryan is so annoying
-        It’s adorable but still
-        Oh FUCK she snapped her neck
-        She’ll be fine
-        She’s like a wolverine, snapped neck won’t keep her down
-        The lads just watching them kicking the shit out of her like uhhh
-        Oh hey Becca did something useful and stabbed the Nazi in the eye
-        Huh. The kid melted Stormfront
-        Good for him
-        I mean yeah, heartbroken sad Butcher isn’t nice to see, but Becca sucked
-        Aaaand now Homelander covered in blood has arrived to listen to Stormfront babble in German
-        This is like in those scenes where it’s like oh who will the dog go to
-        Ayyy Atrain got back into the 7
-        Aww poor Kevin getting rejected again
-        See Kevin this is why we don’t join cults
-        Annie thought he was breaking up with her, girl don’t be daft
-        Butcher and the kid, not awkward at all
-        The one lesson Butcher can teach a kid – “don’t be a cunt”
-        Aww happy endings for all the boys
-        Aaaaand a “happy ending” for Homelander too by the looks of it
-        Oh ffs a corrupt politician in with the cult, what a surprise
-        Wait the politician lady is the head burster? I’m so confused
-        Confusion may have been aided by it being almost 3am
-        Hughie getting a real job, bless him
-        Too bad it’s with the head burster
-        Oh this is such a good song to end the season with
-        Welp, now begins the long wait for season 3, I guess
-        Should I sleep or find fic to read
-        Body says sleep, heart says fic
-        That’s a lie, heart says Butcher
-        ….Butcher fics it is
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Prompt: When Finn flirts with Sasha Banks on Monday Night Raw,his return home to his girlfriend Y/N ends up with him meeting a side to her he didn’t knew existed,a broken bed and a nosy demon king!
Word count: I write most of my stuff in my phone so I don’t know,but long-ish
Pairing: Finn x Reader x Bálor
Warnings:+18 smut,cursing,wax play,bondage(limbs restriction),slight female degradation,jealousy and some broken furniture!Hahahaha
Notes: Ok,so this is my first Finn Bálor fanfic(be nice please?And give me some feedback if you’d like)as I always say,english isn’t my first language,so sorry for misspellings,you can always find my latest story as a fixed post on my page and you can find all of my stories typing “masochist writes” on the search bar on my page and last but certainly not least the only excuse I have for writing this is that I love the man and I love kinky shit,so enjoy 😏
My grandfather was a wise man.I loved the funny stories he used to tell me and my brother when we were younger.Stories about his old loverboy days,and how he would always get in trouble for flirting with the girls of his neighborhood! And one thing my grandpa always used to say to my brother was: “Son,the thing you must fear the most in your life it’s the fury of a woman!Don’t fear the thief,don’t fear death,but do fear the fury of a raging woman!Even more if you were the one who incited such rage!”And he laughed while he finished his cigar.
I never understood why he said that to my brother..until now!
I was sitting on my bed,just trying to process what my eyes had witnessed.My mind was racing,my blood boiling and I knew that if looks could kill he would be dead already (even through the damn TV).
I had not just seen MY boyfriend,just SHAMELESSLY flirt with Sasha Banks! And don’t even try to say “oh please,don’t be so dramatic! It’s scripted you know?!” ‘Cuz I ain’t buying that shit! We’ve been together for 4 years now and trust me honey,if anyone knows THAT look that someone is me.You know why?Because he gives me the SAME ONE FOR PRECISELY 4 YEARS NOW!
The fucker had the audacity! I’m so furious I could just strangle him to death with my bare hands,and yes,through the damn TV. But if he thinks I’m gonna let this slip through he has another thing coming...And when he receive his punishment for being such a naughty little boy,he’s gonna wish somebody would have warned him about the deadly fury of a woman.
As soon as I finished hiding my last item,I heard the front door open *let the games begin* I devilishly thought to myself.
“Y/N? Love are ya upstairs?” That voice,the voice of the traitor,just served to make me even more angry!But if I wanted this to work out as I planned I had to play it cool.So I just pushed the anger down my throat and put it a beautiful sheepishly smile upon my lips and answered “Yes love,I’m in the bedroom.” *this is going to be fun* I thought to myself.
A few seconds later I heard the bedroom door open “Oh there ya are! I thought ya were going to be downstairs,waiting for me like ya always do” He said. I slowly turned to face him and said as innocently as I could “Yeah I was but, I thought you would have another thing in mind so I figured it would be better if I just waited here for you instead.” As I proceeded to bat my lashes and strip my clothes off in front of him.
“Oh love”He licked his lips slowly “Ya have no idea what you’ve had just started!”
“Oh Sir,I think I do..the real question is” I closed the distance between us and slowly pushed him down onto the bed “Are YOU ready for what YOU had started?” As soon as his body collided with the mattress I quickly handcuffed both of his wrists to the headboard.
“What the fuck? Y/N,what is this?”
I silently went to the foot of the bed and begin to take off his Vans and socks.
“Babe,what are ya doing?Y/N? Talk to me damn it!”
I just looked at him chuckling while I grabbed a rope so I could tie his ankles to the bed as well.
“Love,you’re starting to scare me here...please talk to me,what’s going on?” He pleaded
I kneeled between his legs to undo his belt while I whistle a little tune.
“For fuck sake Y/N! Ya look like a fucking psycho right now,just say something please!” He begged and I stopped right when I was about to push his pants down.
“Do you think that I look like a psycho?Funny tho,how earlier you didn’t thought that...actually,you thought that you could take me for granted right?You thought that I would wait for you at the door like a good girl should,you thought that you could flirt with your female co-worker on national TV and I would just wait for you here...” I grabbed a handful of his semi-hard bulge and squeezed just enough so he could feel the slight pain. “Like a little well trained pet.” I proceeded to squeeze harder until he gasped.
“Y/N” my name was a faint whisper leaving his lips. “Please baby,you’re hurting me.”
“I’m hurting you?” I huffed as I slowly let the deadly grip on his bulge fade “What about you hurting me huh?What about my feelings Finn?What about the fact that you made me embarrassed on national TV! How can I get out on the street now with people knowing that we date and still you were deliberately flirting with another woman?” I slightly pinched his bulge just to make my point clear.
“Ouch,fuck! I’m sorry babe! I really didn’t meant it! I just got carried away with the plot that’s it! You know I love you dearly,and the only woman who gets me heads over heels for it’s you. I even bought you some roses and chocolates as a white flag sign,since I realized I fucked up..” I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and saw nothing more than love and regret. “Where are they?”
“Yeah,the roses and the chocolates?”
“They’re on the dinner table”
I got up from the bed and made my way towards the bedroom door. “I’ll be right back.”
I went down the stairs,entered the dining room and I saw the most beautiful bouquet of red roses I’ve ever seen,and the little heart shaped chocolates,my favorite ones! I ran to the kitchen to get a vase with water to put the roses in it.When I placed the beautiful bouquet inside of it I saw the little card attached on the outside,beautifully hand written “My lovely lass,I know I got a little carried away with my character tonight,but I tell you with all my heart it meant nothing! You’re the only woman I’ll EVER need in my life!You’re my EVERYTHING! Love ya... yours always and forever.Finn”
“Argh Y/N what did you do?! Well I can still make this pleasurable for him,somehow..” I whispered to myself and ran back upstairs.
“Oh thank God! I thought ya were gonna leave me tied up here the whole night!” He giggled “Did ya find it?”
“Yes I did..”
“I meant it what I said in the card ya know...”
“Yeah I know Finn..”
After a few minutes passed by and when I didn’t move to set him free,he asked
“So what?”
A briefly confused look passed by his face when he said
“Aren’t ya gonna let me go?”
“Why would I?” I kinda chuckled
“Well,because ya kno-“ I cut him of by saying
“Don’t you think you still need a little reminder to not do that anymore?”
“What do ya mean?”
I slowly crawled on the bed to assume the position I was on minutes ago.
“Oh you know” I said as I lightly tapped his hips so I could remove his pants and boxer briefs “I think you need that little warning slap on the hand,so you don’t be a naughty boy and don’t do that shit ever again”
I smiled as I grabbed the pair of scissors from under my pillow and cut off his shirt so I could leave him in his naked glory,and at my mercy.
“Oh my,aren’t you a beautiful sight?!”
I straddle his hips and leaned down to kiss him,as soon as our tongues met I traveled my hands down his neck,arms,chest and abs in an agonizing slow pace.
“Y/N baby”
“I need to touch ya,please open the cuffs so I can touch ya”
“Oh Finny,don’t make me laugh love! Naughty boys don’t get to touch anything!” I chuckled lightly
“No,please” he whined “Baby please,don’t do this to me!Just let me touch ya,I need ya...I want to touch your pussy baby,please?Let me make it up to ya?Let me make ya feel good”He pleaded
“You know what?You’re talking too much! What do you say about we keep that pretty little mouth busy huh?”
Without letting him answer I let one of my breasts hover upon his lips and he eagerly
took it on his mouth,sucking and licking my nipple to the point he had me whining.
“Oh Finn,fuck baby” His gaze was glued to my face “You’re so good,so fucking good,such a good boy” as soon as those words left my mouth he smirked at me,with my nipple still on his mouth,and I could swear I had just came with that vision alone.
He moved to the other nipple to give the same attention he gave the other one,and I just needed some sort of friction!So I took advantage of his now full on hard dick pressed against his stomach and the wetness that was leaking down my thighs and I slided down his abs just slightly so I could meet his cock and when I did,I released my nipple from his mouth and started to slide his erection through my folds.
“Oh fuck woman,you’re going to be the death of me!” He moaned closing his eyes tightly.
I took the opportunity to reach for the candle that was lit on the nightstand and spilt some of the hot wax onto his chest while I was still sliding on him.
“Oh fuck you!” He angrily said through gritted teeth
“Oh I’m about to sweetheart” and with that I lift my hips so I could angle him with my entrance and asked “Who does this cock belongs to baby?”
“You,you,it belongs to ya!Now just fucking ride me would ya??!!” He said desperately
“Ah,no no no!” I said as I dripped more hot wax,but this time on his nipples “Politely please!”
His eyes were so dark with lust and his voice so deep that I could swear that I had awoken some sort of demon within him.
“This cock is yours and yours only lass. It’s yours for you to suck,fuck,ride anytime or anyplace you’d like. It belongs inside your mouth,inside your ass,inside you pussy or wherever you want. It’s yours for you to do with it whatever you please!” With that I sheepishly smiled,and sunked my hips with his at the same time I dripped a few more drops of hot wax onto his pubic bone.
“Oh my fucking God!” He rolled his eyes to the back of his head and let out a growl that sounded almost inhuman.
I was giving myself sometime to focus,just so that I wouldn’t cum. When I heard a very deep voice come out of Finn’s lips and say
“You better start to fucking ride my cock right now princess and you better make sure you ride it hard and deep,or else I’m gonna break this fucking cuffs off and you will regret this little act of yours”
“Bálor” I whispered
He just smirked and whispered back “You’ve got three seconds to start riding me. One,two...” With his lead I started to ride him like a mad woman.
“Yes...my beautiful,sweet princess.Harder!” I moved faster
“I said harder!” I moved even faster
“Are ya fucking deaf? I told ya to ride.me.HARDER!” He gritted
“Bálor, I- I can’t,this is the fastest I can go” I said with my legs already becoming sore from the pace I was trying to keep.
“Oh my sweet princess” He started to laugh uncontrollably
“What’s so funny?”
“You are!” He said through deep laughs “You try so hard to be a brat,but you’ve got zero capacity for it! Look at ya! Look how pitiful you are! Can’t even fucking ride a cock properly! He started to laugh harder “Now I know why Finn loves ya...ya are so amusingly funny!” He concludes his sentence with a laugh,and I had know idea where the anger that took control of me came from but I started to hatefully ride his cock and drip the hot wax all over his body:his neck,chest,forearm,biceps,nipples,abs,v line,close to his belly button.
“Argh” He roared “That’s what I’m talking about! Yes,just like that,so fucking good. So insanely good.”
His eyes were glued on me and I couldn’t help but drip some of the hot wax onto my own body. And the sight made him growl.
“Yes kitten!Oh fuck,you’re gonna make me cum,you’re gonna make me cum so fucking hard” his eyes grew even darker “I knew I could pull that little brat out,she just needed the right words,right love?!” He chuckled and I could feel my walls tightening and my orgasm buildup like a volcano
“Bálor, I’m gonna- I need...”
“Go on kitten,let it go” And with that I came as hard as I’ve ever had,just to feel Bálor starting to cum as well,cursing in Gaelic.
As he continued to cum, I saw his eyes slowly changing back to the beautiful ocean blue I loved, and my Finn returning to the surface with a long moan as the final spasms of his orgasm hit him.
“What the fuck just happened?” He asked,out of breath and mesmerized
“I think we just broke the bed”. I said
“What?” He chuckled
“No Finn, I’m serious!”
He stopped laughing,staring at the view of our mattress on the floor and his limbs freed from the cuffs and ropes.
“Well,that’s gotta be a good sign,don’t ya think?” He started laughing hard when the only thing I could do was bluntly stare at him.
That couldn’t be a bad sign,could it?
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jbarness · 4 years
huh, that's new
a social media au
[27: news]
warnings: language, "pregnancy"?? uhh idk what else hehehe
a/n: this is a pretty long chapter i think? (2000+ words) im very nervous about this chapter cause its kinda a big deal asdfghjk anyways, please please please tell me what you think about this! and ik this idea is very odd HAHAHAHA but what else would you expect from two dumbasses named bucky and y/n? hehehe i really hope you enjoy this chapter!! ♡
flashback is italicized
huh, that's new - masterlist
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You wanted to laugh so badly.
For some reason, your housemates are panicking over who the hell set this gender reveal party up in the living room. 
It was you. With the help of Bucky of course.
Natasha and Wanda have been shouting “I’m not pregnant, I think you are!” to each other for about 10 minutes now. Steve decided that he needed answers too, so he joined in the shouting. Pietro’s talking to his camera, probably vlogging the whole thing. Peter’s talking on the phone with MJ asking if she set this up. Sam’s the only one enjoying the food. Bucky was looking at you from across the room, keeping the smile from forming on his face. 
Just about an hour or so ago, you and Bucky were just setting the whole thing up. Bucky was pushing the table to the living room when you arrived with the cake. You placed the rest of the blue and pink food on the table along with other decorations. There were many variations of food, but the cupcakes that have toppers that said: “Here for the Sex” were Bucky’s personal favorite despite not knowing how they taste. The balloons were still lifeless when both of you hung the streamers on the walls with the banner that matched the topper of the cupcakes. After finally finding the balloon pump, blue and pink balloons filled the living room. Some were on the floor while you hung the others on the wall. When you were content with the appearance of the room, you and Bucky went your separate ways.
You got the idea of throwing a gender reveal party when you were working at the diner one evening. “You’ll be at the gender reveal party next week right?” the woman at the booth asked her friend. “Of course, Jill asked me to pick up the cake,” Her friend says. When you got the idea, you thought it was silly, so you dismissed it. Later on, you thought of more ideas and details to add, then in a blink of an eye, you were in the bakery, asking the baker if they can make a three-layered cake of your favorite flavor with the inside colored blue.
“Maybe P set this all up for a prank again?” Nat looked at Pietro who was filming the whole thing. “Just because I have a channel that doesn’t mean I always prank!” Pietro said, turning off his camera.
Steve sighed, “Okay, one by one. Nat and I were the first ones here, but it was all here already when we arrived. Wanda was the next one here, she was in the bookstore the whole morning. Bucky and Sam were next and they only came here because he saw the Instagram story of Nat. Pietro and Peter came home today from LA and Peter from Tony’s. Lastly, Y/N came home from the cafe,” everyone nodded. 
After a couple of minutes of silence, you couldn’t handle it anymore, “Okay, I can’t do it. I give up. It was me. I set this up,” you laughed. 
“But why Y/N?” Peter gasped, “Are you pregnant?”
Everyone’s eyes were on you now. Natasha’s eyes widened, “Wait, who’s the father?”
Bucky was laughing internally, you could tell. He wasn’t looking at you anymore, he turned around to look at the window. You could see his shoulders slightly shaking, he’s definitely laughing. Good thing the attention wasn’t on him. “I uhh… I don’t know,” you said. You technically haven't met Bucky's dad, you were being honest.
“Doesn’t matter, my sweet Y/N! We’ll support you and help you. Anything you need” Sam swallowed the macaroon whole before going to you and hugging you tightly.
“I know you will.” In less than a minute, you were trapped in the middle of the group hug.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner? We would’ve known the gender by now!” Pietro said as the group untangled from the hug. 
You laughed, “I was enjoying the show.” 
“Well, come on! I wanna know if my godchild is a boy or a girl!” Wanda yelled excitedly and went to the kitchen to grab the knife. 
Bucky walked towards you before you could join the others who are now gathered at the table, waiting for plates and the knife. “I’m tellin’ ya, doll, they’re gonna be frustrated at us,” he said. You shrugged, “They already are.”
Wanda handed you the knife to cut the cake. Everyone took out their phones to take a video of the “soon-to-be-mother”. You were trying very hard not to laugh at this point and so was Bucky, who was taking a video of his friends’ reactions to what they’re about to say.
You sliced a triangle on one side of the cake and pulled it out, showing blue. “Oh my God! It’s a boy!” Peter yelled, jumping around with Pietro. Sam and Steve took turns hugging you and they were later pushed aside by Wanda and Nat. “I’m happy for you, hun I am, but I really hope that a girl comes out of you,” Natasha said while hugging you and Wanda tightly. 
You cleared your throat, catching everyone’s attention, “It’s actually a Bucky” you said, nonchalantly. 
“Bucky?” Wanda pulled away slightly from the hug, making Nat do the same. “A Bucky? As in it’s Bucky’s baby?” Steve asked, wide-eyed, obviously excited, looking at Bucky who is now looking back at you, covering his mouth with his hands, to keep himself from laughing. 
“I meannnnn… Bucky... is my... baby,” you said while extending your arm, inviting Bucky to come closer, which he did. 
Peter was still confused and it shows, “You’re Bucky’s mom?” he asked, making Pietro smack his head, “Pete, it means they’re dating... Right?”
Both you and Bucky nodded, “We are.”
“Oh my God! Fucking finally! I was starting to think you’ll never tell each other how you feel! Do you know how frustrated you two made me?” Sam yelled, throwing a pillow at Bucky.
Natasha was yelling “I fucking knew it! I told you so!” repeatedly to her boyfriend while Wanda kept pinching both your and Bucky’s cheeks saying, “CUTIESSS!” 
You looked at Bucky, “they don’t look frustrated” you said which made Bucky roll his eyes and smile. Both of you laughed when you saw Steve silently saying “Yes! My ship!” Either that or something about shit.
“Calm your asses. Now, this party isn’t just for us to announce that we’re together. This is also a party for Natty and Steve. Sorta like the part one of the roomies night we’re gonna have” you said, looking at the couple.
“Thank you, Y/N, but I don’t wanna think about moving right now. What I do want is for you two to give us the fucking details about how you two finally got together” Nat said, making everyone agree and sit down and get comfortable in the living room.
Bucky cleared his throat and looked on his left, where you sat. “It happened the night that her friend came to the city.”
To say you were excited for tonight was an understatement. 
Last night, you already picked out the clothes you wanted to wear tonight. It was simple, really, just a pair of jeans and the most comfortable hoodie you owned. Or should you go with a plain sweater instead? Printed shirt? Oversized shirt? Your grey sweatpants? They look comfortable. Or your black ones?
You ended up with your first choice. 
Wanda and Nat noticed how upbeat and cheery you were the whole day. It wasn’t exactly like you to be this happy at 7 am. You cooked a lot more food than usual and you haven’t even had your coffee yet. “Maria’s in the city today!” was the only excuse you thought of every time they asked you. You had some errands to do that day, its something you find really boring and exhausting but you found yourself skipping to the bank. Skipping, not walking. 
At the tower, Bucky was a nervous wreck. He couldn’t focus much on what he was doing. He would zone out and forget what he was typing, then he remembered he wasn’t typing at all, he was fixing a floor plan. Sam being Sam, noticed how Boinky was acting. He kept teasing Bucky about being distracted while Steve kept asking him to stop. “What’s up with you, Buck? What’s making you zone out?” Steve asked, giving Bucky some water. Bucky just shrugged and continued whatever the hell he was doing. 
The evening came too fast for Bucky and too slow for you. You got home, got dressed to meet with Maria for dinner before seeing Bucky. When Bucky got home, he changed into something more casual and fixed himself at his bathroom. “Tell her tonight, you fucking idiot,” he told himself, looking at the mirror before grabbing his helmet and his old helmet that you proclaimed yours when you were hanging out before. He smiled at the memory then remembered that Dot never even got to see his motorcycle. Huh. 
He picked you up at the hotel that Maria was staying at. In a few minutes, you were at the bar that you two used to go to. You two bought a couple of drinks before going to the spot - your spot. You almost forgot how beautiful it was there, especially at night. 
“After tonight, you’ll only have one night of free drinks, use it wisely,” Bucky said, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, I’ll have to find another way to have free drinks from you,” you joked.
He looked at you, “You can just ask, you know? You don’t have to blackmail me,” he smiled. 
You laughed for a moment and it became silent once again. It felt... awkward. You two were seated a couple of inches away from each other, the closest you two have been since you avoided each other, but you wanted to get away. You remembered the last time you were here, in this exact same spot. Drinking the alcohol of your choice, laughing with Bucky, talking about your high school selves. Many things have changed since then. It feels so weird and new to you, sitting next to someone you genuinely like, your friend. You took a deep breath and stopped thinking. 
“I like you, did you know that?” you said out of the blue making Bucky wonder if he was just imagining it and he was just hearing things. He stayed silent, deciding that it was just his mind saying that cause that was what he wanted to hear.
You turned to Bucky, waiting for his reaction. Nothing. “Buck?” he turned and looked at you as if he hadn’t heard you. “I like you,” you said once again only this time, it was louder and clearer. 
“You like me?” Bucky asked, finding it hard to believe for some reason. “Like, you like-like me?” You nodded, smiling at his creased eyebrows and slightly tilted face, like a confused puppy. You almost didn’t notice how your heart is beating quickly as if it wanted to jump out of your chest. It was taking Bucky too long to reply, and that made you anxious. All you wanted was to take it back and change what you said. You should’ve said “I’d really like to go back to being close friends” or maybe ask him why he avoided you or somethi--
“Did Wanton ask you to tell this to me?” he asked with an accusative tone. “No, why would I agree to that? Even if I did, I’d only agree to say something like that if I really meant it,” your voice getting louder every word.
“So it’s true? You like me? Romantic styles?” You nodded, slightly annoyed that he would think that you would play with his feelings. “Yes, it’s no big deal. I just wanted to tell you, I don’t expect you to like me back. I just- I want you to--”
"I like you too. Romantic styles," he said holding your hand. "That was why I set you up with Loki, why I avoided you after that and why I was avoiding you until you invited me to join you and Pietro. I kinda got a bit… slightly, sort of jealous so I agreed to go with you."
"Wait, hold on, you like me... and you... set me up with Loki? I don't get it"
"I like you and… That doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you’re happy, and I'll do anything to make you happy,” he said, offering you a small smile.
"Then we kissed and… yeah,” you smiled at your friends’ faltered smiles.
Sam stood up, “Why was everything else so detailed and the kiss was just ‘then we kissed’? What’s that about?” He said, grabbing more food from the table. "And, I fucking told you so, Boinks!" 
Bucky rolled his eyes, “Do you wanna hear how I kissed her softl-”
“Excuse me?” You said, raising your eyebrows at your boyfriend. “I kissed you, and it wasn’t soft”
“Y/N stop saying soft!” Peter shouted, covering his ears.
Wanda wiggled her eyebrows, "You didn't come home that night, hun."
"Yeah, I invited her to my place, we had some wine and we just talked for the rest of the night. Nothing happened. Okay? After talking we just slept. That's it,” Bucky defended.
Steve kept nodding his head, “Hence the Instagram story, mhmm, mhmm. Alright.”
“Whatever happened that night, I’m glad it did. And, I’m really really reallyyyyy happy for you, dumbasses,” Nat laughed.
Peter walked to you, “I’m happy for you too, sis. But please, don’t get detailed with… you know. I don’t need to know that.” You laughed, holding his hand. “And Bucky, if you ever hurt my sister, I’ll hunt you down and beat you up,” Peter looked at Bucky squinting his eyes, trying to look intimidating, which made Bucky laugh.
You looked at Bucky, “He’s serious. And very strong. He gave Steve bruises when they were boxing at the gym.” Bucky looked at Steve who was nodding.
@intovert-gone-wild @jbb-bucky0310 @jessicakimba @mariachiii @essenceproxima @cazslaughter @eldahae @rororo06 @bonkyboinkybucky @a-hopeless-fan @danosaurushowell @hannibal-lecters-bitch @ceeellewrites @divainthesun @kseniiafirebrace @k-n-e @adriannajackson @connorhoez @fanfuckingtastic04 @cherthegoddess @captain-america5 @onlyjamesbuchananbarnes @writerwrites @lovinnholland @softboibarnes
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Headcanon when you call them by their cute little nickname in front of their team
Includes: Aone and Kyoutani
Tags: fluff, headcanons,
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Aone || Nobu
-Here’s the thing you guys are so discreet and soft that it just looks like friends stuff.
-Dont get me wrong the team loves that the giant finally has someone to accompany him in the train,this was a big issue for a certain time, and they’re just so happy that he was friends outside of them considering how most people get frightened of him.
-Okay so everyone had assumed that you guys were just friends because you guys weren’t too touchy or lovey dovey at all!
-Babies were still shy, okay?! Nways
-You started dating a few months already too! Like 3 months or so but you still both agreed that it was too early
-Behind closed doors however both of you were two adorable little idiots. Wanna ask me why?!
-Mind reading! You both shared the brain cells and though you only contributed 2 brain cells it was enough for you and him to read each other’s minds
-One time on the train you were looking at something on your phone with him and he didn’t even speak! He just...😐
-Though he was like that for some reason everyone in the train heard your giggling! Like you were laughing so damn hard but he...I-
-The people in the train were now very concerned and very scared
-You guys would also be the type to just in general do stuff your way
-tAkiNg tHinGs slOw 😤🌸 As thEy sAy hEreE
-It wasn’t uncommon to have cute nicknames too! You even started calling him “Nobu” when you guys cuddle or when you feel particularly affectionate that day
-That day was this day
-Your boyfriend hehehehe bOyFrieNd HEHEHEHEHE was getting ready for practice that day and you thought of surprising him
-You waited inside the gym for him and soon enough the door slid open to reveal him
-“Yes, (First name/nickname)?”
-“I made you snacks in case you got hungwy, Nobu-kun~ OwO” you babytalked him forgetting one small detail
-He left the door open
-Everyone in the team was well...shocked
-It may not have seen like a big deal but AONE TALKED?! And HE USED SOMEONE’S NICKNAME OR FIRST NAME?! AND HE WAS CALLED NOBU?!!!!
-Ya’ll got the whole team, as the youngsters say, Shooketh
-He was pretty much teased the whole time after that and those who did dare, futakuchi specifically and kogane kept on calling him “Nobu”
-Though he didnt really mind being called that
-It reminded him of you when you called him nobu. Any memory or thought of you was a memory/thought getting lost in for him too
Kyoutani || Puppy
-Let’s get this straight...You and kyoutani never looked like you would be friends considering how different you were
-Well at least how you looked
-Kyoutani looked intimidating and mad all the time! Though he was like that it was only due to his lack of social skills that he ends up acting like that. He does the tough guy persona well too
-You on the otherhand were a graceful little ohime-sama (Princess character) Truth be told though...you were the only one who could put kyoutani in his place with just a few words. You were his best friend since you both came out of your mother’s wombs. 😌🌸
-Just imagine the look on everyone’s face when you finally enroll to seijoh and you hung out with your best friend. Shooketh, as the hip kids say.
-Everyone would practically blink a few more times just to finally accept the fact that you were talking to kyoutani kentarou side by side and you were enjoying the conversation.
-On rare occasions you would wait for his ass, he’s walking towards the gym for practice too since your houses were so close you figured you’d just walk home together also food.
-“Oi, wanna go to my weird uncle’s ramen shop after practice?” He invites
-“Sure! Are you paying?”
-“HA?! I ALWAYS PAY! Boke!”
-Everyone is now scared because he just shouted at the sweetest girl in school and they’re afraid you’d cry
-Everyone’s minds right then and there...
FUC FUCK FUCK SHE MIGHT CRY! Kyoutani is so mean to her! WHAT THE FUCK-
-What they didnt expect was you flicking the very angry boy’s forehead and laughing
-“Hai Hai~ I’ll pay then HAHAHAHAHA”
-You walk into the gym as he goes and gets changed for practice too
-The whole time there everyone was confused why you were there and why you were talking to him and not oikawa cause like- Why else would a girl be there?
-“5 more minutes! Promise!” He tells growls at you and though he wasnt shouting everyone thought he was mad already
-You yawn and after 20 MINUTES You finally feel your stomach growl as well so you got up and walked over to them
-Everyone who stayed behind for individual practice stopped as soon as you walked into the court as well
-“Kyouken huh? Mad dog? Puppy suits you better” You mumble under your breath until you’re infront of the very sweaty man
-Staring contest too
-The tension was high and everyone, oikawa, was anticipating the next few scenes of this very interesting dynamic
-“Mad dog, huh? Cmon, puppy~ You fucking said 5 minutes~ Now unless you want me to go home and tell your mom where you keep your secret porn stash and those CDs you have taped under your desk you’re going to get ready to leave, you tsundere piece of shit~” You say all this in the sweetest tone of your voice
-My man has never been more irritated yet so afraid of someone other than his mother
-You knew how scary that woman was as well so you just watched him get ready and leave
-Back at the gym though everyone was in utter state of shock
-“Shittykawa, do you know who that was?” Iwaizumi asked the setter who was gulping down on his bottle
-“Isnt she the one who got third place in the exam ranks?” Makki informed
-Everyone is now questioning mostly everything about who you were and what had just happened
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Im bad at this Im sorry hahahaha I just like doing this stuff I guess though once I start to get into more characters I’ll do the other underrated characters. Like suna, ojiro, chikara, makki or goshiki HAHAHAHAHAHA I’ll just tag those who I discussed this with
@janellion @anianimol @my-mass-hysteria ???
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