#{isadora || dash}
blushedtrait · 9 months
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Lacey Isadora Ronan ༄ friendly, outgoing, ambitious
The sunshine coast and sandy beaches were all she ever knew. In the quaint town of Tartosa, Lacey lived a quiet life working part time at a local bakery after graduating high school. Although she quite enjoyed adding dashes of colourful sprinkles to cupcakes and taking long walks on the coastline, she couldn't help wanting to break out of her repetitive daily routine. With a passion to express herself to the world through social media, she packed up her bags and moved to San Myshuno with the help of her parents who supported her regardless of their worries.
Life was different for Lacey when she has no one but her cat Penelope, but her drive to build connections and to become a social media influencer was bigger than ever.
Follow along Lacey’s Chapter as she navigates her new life in the big city!
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anecdotal-acorn · 3 months
hello again all, just tagging everyone who expressed interest in tomorrow's les mis stream (8:30am est, Broadway revival, Ramin Karimloo JVJ, Will Swenson Javert, Caissie Levy Fantine, Samantha Hill Cosette, Kyle Scatliffe Enjolras, John Rapson Grantaire, Andy Mientus Marius)
as always, it will be on cytube (free to sign up/use, i'll post the link ~10 mins before), lmk if you'll be attending! hope to see you there <3
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
You're safe with me
*Authors note~ I'm deathly scared of thunderstorms so I relate to reader. Reader is also of legal age and in her last year of her education. My OC Isadora is mentioned in this*
Warnings~ bullying?
Prompt~ reader is terrified of thunderstorms and somehow reader is left out in the storm terrified and alone. Lesso comes to the rescue comforting fluff.
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The rain is hammering down on you showing you absolutely no mercy. The sky dark blue sky with angry rainclouds, showing you this wouldn't be passing anytime soon. It was almost curfew when you decided to leave the safety of the cosy library. Candle light providing the perfect atmosphere, you were able to finally relax. Legs curled up underneath your form as you settled in to finish your book. The book itself is beautifully written plot twists and turns captivating you. Fresh Cut Roses was most certainly addictive. (This is an amazing FanFiction on AO3 go check it out honestly made me cry) so addictive in fact that you spent all of your evening curled up reading.
Miss Isadora, school librarian who had become a close friend of yours gave you a gentle nudge when curfew was approaching. Not wanting you to be caught out your dorm and effectively end up in a trip to the doom room. You reluctantly placed your book mark into the book before closing it and standing slowly. Your back was stiff from how long you'd been sat against the bookshelf, however you slowly but steadily made your way to the door of the library. Bidding Isa a goodbye with a small smile you set on your familiar journey to your dormitory, book safely clutched to your chest.
You walked the dark and dingy halls, lit with a small amount of candles causing shadows to twist and bend in an almost terrifying dance in front of you. It was almost comforting, you'd lived at the school for four years now so you knew the halls like the back of your hand. So when the world suddenly went black and you could feel your body falling backwards you couldn't help the scream of pure terror. Not the good kind of terror that every Never loves, no this was the gut sinking kind. You continued to struggle against whatever had you captive but it was no use. It was too strong. All you could do is allow it to happen in hopes that you would be okay in the end.
It was the signature laugh of Hester that gave you your hint on what was happening. Earlier in the day you had your class with the one and only dean of evil Leonora Lesso. In said class you were paired with each other and encourage to spar. Lesso knew all of your abilities well, so it was no surprise that she'd paired you and Hester. In a small dash of luck you'd managed to win the sparring contest, ultimately causing Hester to wage a war between you and herself. Not a war that you actively wanted to participate in. Only when you heard the thick heavy doors slamming open and the two other voices did you realise. You were outnumbered. Your captors, Hester and her two wing women had dragged you out into the unrelenting rain. The cold droplets hitting your skin as you were yanked on to the ground and shackles added to your wrists and ankles.
The excruciatingly loud boom of thunder roared above your heads, electing a panicked gasp from you. Tugging against the restraints you begged your captors to help. Let you go. You hated how pathetic and desperate you sounded. It was absolutely terrifying to be tied up in the storm. Especially when the lightning crackled in the near distance. Your desperation soaked into your pleading. Instead of releasing you, you were met with the harsh ugly cackles of the girls as they fled the scene. Leaving you alone, scared and immobile. Powerless as the storm continued to rage onwards. It was in this moment that you regretted forgoing a coat. Tears soaked your cheeks mingling with the raindrops trailing down your cheeks. Shivers racked your body a mix of absolute terror and freezing cold temperature that surrounded you. Struggling against the restraints, you lost track of the time. How long had you been here?
The storm still raging on, you could feel your body shutting down. A fear response which you knew all to well. Panic bubbling away under the surface, tears streaming freely your throat too horse from the cold and the fear to make any noise. You had definitely missed curfew now. Your book lost in the transporting of your body. A comfort item, all the comfort you had was gone. That alongside the storm and your sore tired wrists and ankles you couldn't help feeling absolutely exhausted and pathetic. You were an Never. This isn't how you were suppose to be. But you weren't quite an Ever either. A perfect mess and a misfit of the first degree.
The familiar clicking of Lesso's cane normally could never be missed by you. But now as the storm raged and the cold was seeping through your bones you didn't hear it. Fear had you stiller than a statue. It was only when her perfectly manicured hand reached out for you that you noticed her presence. You recoiled from her pulling at the iron shackles you were instantly fearing the worst. You're wrists were red raw from the pulling and the cold, eyes protesting all the fear you felt and rapidly blinking trying to focus on the form in front of you.
"Pl- p - ease d-d-d-ont h-h-hhrt m-m-me" your plea stumbling out broken. You knew how pathetic you sounded. Chained to the floor you cowered away like a petrified child.
"Hey, hey, hey, little one. I won't hurt you. You're safe with me." She stated while assessing the quickest and easiest way to free you from the restraints. You blinked rapidly through the haze of tears and rain "L-L-es-s-s-o?" You attempted to whisper as your teeth chattered.
"That's right little one, let's get you out of these hmm?" The caring tone that was never normally present, already starting to sooth your emotional state. Although she hated to show it Lesso had the biggest heart and would do anything to help any of her Nevers. Using her own magic, Lesso freed you from the shackles, rubbing gently soothing the sore points on your wrists. You let out a small hiss in pain as she gently stroked the abused skin. Now you were less restricted in movements, shivers racked over your tiny body.
"Little one, you're absolutely soaked darling let's get you inside hmm? Can you stand?" Her gaze refused to move from you watching as you tried to stand but your frozen body giving out before you could get upright. Thankfully the storm had moved over you now and was just noise in the distance. You tensed as Lesso helped you to your feet and guided you back into the school. You kept your gaze downwards from embarrassment and fear. The dean of evil herself saw you in such a weak and pathetic state. You'd heard the rumours on what happened to weak Nevers. Not something you wanted to experience. You caught sight of the familiar hard cover of your book and willingly dropped to the floor to get it back in your arms. Only when you reached it a strangled cry left your lips after discovering it had been damaged. Pages ripped from the spine, bent corners of its usually pristine condition.
"Little one? What's this ?" You could hear the curiosity in her voice.
"M-m-y b-b-o-oo-ok" you cried out into the otherwise empty halls, fresh tears leaking from your eyes. "I-I-ts r-ru-I-nd "
"Oh y/n it's okay. It's okay come let's go somewhere warmer. You're going to freeze to death here. Bring the book darling we will see what we can do okay?"commanded, her tone lacking its usual bite.
Together you both made your way to Lady Lesso's office. This is how you found yourself settled in front of her fire shivering as your body soaked in any heat the fire would give. Limbs stinging as the heat meat cold flesh. "Little one, what happened? Why were you out there ?" She queried. You explained everything you knew from leaving the library to the storm to now. You only paused to take breaths in attempts to calm yourself.
"Oh darling, your okay it's just a silly storm, I'll see to it those girls get the punishment don't you fret. Little dove can I touch you?" Her voiced wavered slightly as if she was debating if it was the right thing to do. You nodded and flung yourself into your normally cold hearted deans arms. Immediately feeling her hands stroking over your hair. The extra body heat further helping you warm up. The beating of her heart under your ear, allowing you to focus on calming down fully. It was only now that you could fully process the events that occurred. The storm. Your book. Your eyes drifted to the latter that was resting next to you. Unknowingly to you Lesso caught the expression of deep sadness that flashed over your face.
"Little one? Tell me about this book? It's clearly important to you. I'll see if I can source another for you tomorrow." She whispered out into your hair.
"There's a character who can manipulate and produce plants, she falls in love with a principle but something happens causing her to sacrifice herself for the principle in an act of love. I was just at that point before I left the library." You could hear the emotion creeping back into your voice as you recalled the last chapter and how you were left unknowing if the character had bled out into her death or if she'd been saved somehow. You heard a small chuckle escape the older women. "You're quite the emotional little thing hmm? I'll have to read it seems you speak so highly of it."
A flush adorned your cheeks as you nuzzled into the hug finally feeling some kind of contentment for the first time since leaving the library. Basking in the fiery glow of the intricate dance the flames were doing. Here in Lesso's arms you finally felt safe.
Word count ~ 1757
*Authors note~ this was so cute to write*
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ravenadottir · 1 year
naming characters from s5
now listen, i never played the season and don't know their names, so i thought it would be fun if my partner saved the pictures and i would name them in the dark! feel free to add because honestly there's definitely culture shock when it comes to names since i'm not american or european, so a name that sounds good to me might not sound good for y'all lol
like gary, i didn't think it was a bad name and then found out people think it's an old guy name ??? anyway, here are my guesses/names for season 5 characters:
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so bland looking, jesus christ! why is he sleepy here? is this his standard self? anyway! he looks like a jordan to me, because honestly jordan is a bland ass name and it fits right in!
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she's anaís (anah-ees), look at those eyes! magical! she's gorgeous and deserves a name on the same level. also, is she an li? 'cause i would be so down for her!
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she's giving "i'm pretty and i know it, i'm also composed and my name starts with a D", so i'm naming her deena. she's really hot, love the blonde hair for her!
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oh... can we talk to the designers and ask what the thought process was with this one? why does he look like a dad in gossip girl?? anyway, generic guy asks for generic name, and i thought of eddie or tommy, but i know there's a tom in s4 (?) so... eddie is a good one. although, his face alone is giving nordic, so i'm naming him viggo.
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alright, much better, this is definitely more my style! i would name him flynn, because one, white, two, red hair, and three, flynn rider, and he also looks like a smug little shit (affectionate).
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the personification of my dream girl... but not quite because she's pixels, but still! oh my god, if she's not an li you should ask for a refund! i feel like she fits with a small but impactful name, like quinn, so that's what i would name her.
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wait, so minors can apply for the show now? it's giving kindergarten, i'm sorry! cody and noel made so much fun of bobby but look at this small little child! he's definitely an evan, because he looks 14 and the adolescent vibes are there.
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retro hair, probably vintage clothes, a bland of crochet and hemp... i actually have two names for her, because it's either mona or a name with a repeated syllable, like lala. the quirky vintage crochet girls are always a lala, or lulu, so i'm naming her lala.
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this girl is giving isabella, or isadora, something that starts with -isa, but i believe isabella would fit in with her face. she's absolutely stunning, holy shit!
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the designers did the boys dirty this season huh. i feel absolutely nothing for him, and it's kind of hard to find a name for someone that i feel so indifferent about, so like... gabriel, 'cause i feel nothing about the name either!
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THIS CANNOT BE A REAL CHARACTER ON A REAL SEASON, I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS ONE! they took the time and money to draw this??? he's the human version of a ransom note written with magazine cutouts! like, every part of his face belongs to a different design, i can't!! i'm naming him hugo because who the fuck is named hugo? the human ransom note!
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i know this one! his name is suresh, i've seen him on my dash a few times last year, and he was very popular (?), so... i actually like this name for him, but i think i have one that suits him better: devaj (born from the gods);
((now the reason why i have some favorite names from different ethnicites and cultures is because i did a lot of research for an upcoming project, so there's indian, korean, chinese, japonese, spanish, among others. so when you see my favorites in the other posts, that's why))
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memento-fugaces · 1 year
The Wicked Way Exchange
Hi ! The work after the cut is for the Jacques and Quigley prompt. I hope you like it :) @nothing-to-see-here-bye-yall @asouefanworkevent
A taxi of an alarming shade of yellow dashed through street after street in a seemingly nonsensical pattern until it crashed to a halt; out of it and past a row of serpentine hedges, a tall man with an aquiline face and a nervous energy bounded. As he slipped out of the vehicle, he whispered 'May the world be quiet here' and so fled the taxi eagerly. The building before him was somehow different now, confirming the terrible telegram he had received only yesterday, which hear means news of Monty's death. So many friends had perished of late- most of them by fire- but he held fast to the hope it would be worth it if they could finally extinguish the terrible fire that disquieted the world.
Within the house, Quigley was watching all this fearfully: the stranger and his bewildering actions. He had packed to leave and was almost ready before he was interrupted by turbulent sounds outside. It was with care that he threw himself into the cupboard from which he was to observe this unknown figure. Having lost his parents and siblings recently, he had gained a weariness toward those he did not know. So it was that he retreated into his mother's advice on being able to tell the true character of a person by their actions.
Jacques's activity as he burst through the door was frantic and frenzied and as full of fear as Quigley felt but what it did not suggest was a villain. For his part, Jacques knew both that the Baudelaires were not to be found here and that something was off but he had a file to find so got out his commonplace book and began leafing through pages 197-198 in all the books he could find, scrawling down notes as he went. This behaviour was enough to convince Quigley and so he stepped out of the cupboard with mock confidence and the sound of an incomplete tea set crashing, startling Jacques. Instinctively, the stranger reached into his lower left pocket and presented a blurry, unclear picture of three siblings whom Quigley did not recognise. They were at a dock of some sort with a sword dangled dangerously above them and they were not the Quagmires. 'The Baudelaires, have you seen them?' he asked a little too loudly.
Quigley was perplexed by this faintly familiar man and his strange actions. 'No I'm-'
'Quigley Quagmire, the third triplet!' Jacques realised with excitement. 'You're alive!' Something lurked behind his exuberant grin for an instant then flickered out. They conversed quickly, without pause, growing intrigued by the other's life. Both found common ground in having been considered dead by The Daily Punctilio.
'Siblings can be like that; I'm as worried about mine as you are Duncan and Isadora,' he tried to reassure Quigley. He knew how hard it was to be dragged from the world you know and felt he ought to offer Quigley what comfort he could.
Sharp as a stick drawn to a point, Quigley asked, 'How do you know who my siblings are. Who are you anyway?' He was a little defensive after the perilous series of events that had brought him here, feeling alone and wishing desperately that he did not sound so like a scared child.
'I'm sorry,' Jacques replied more to the tone of Quigley's voice than his words. He recognised a fierce courage beneath the temporary yet heavy coats of misfortune, which he found unexpectedly familiar. 'I was a friend of your parents. Actually, I think I've met you once before at a dinner party when you were just a few years old.'
With some strain, Quigley remembered the stranger who was not really a stranger and began to trust the unsteady hand that squeezed his shoulder. They had only met briefly but it was something, which here means enough for Quigley to be able to trust Jacques a little. 'How did you know my parents?'
'We were all once members of the same noble organisation.'
'Can they help me get to my siblings?' Quigley enquired.
'I'm afraid you mustn't go after them. It would be unsafe for you to be seen in public or you might be captured by our enemies.' Unconvincingly, Jacques tried to reassure Quigley what little he could. However, sensing Quigley's unaltered determination he made a promise that as soon as it was possible, they would go together in search of the other Quagmire children.
'Which organisation?' replied Quigley, attempting to gather information as his parents had taught him- he missed them a great deal.
'VFD, though it's not what it once was' Jacques said, gradually trailing off into the recesses of his own mind. 'Not since the schism.' Truthfully, he felt guilty for having told Quigley so much; he had slowly found the organisation less noble than he had believed- he thought it better not to reveal much lest Quigley find himself embroiled in the bitter troubles of VFD.
'What does it stand for?' questioned Quigley who was not certain what Jacques had meant.
'Tell you what, I've got a present for you: it'll help make sense of the world,' said Jacques with undue hopefulness. Research was a powerful thing but it would neither help them make sense of their sadness or what had happened. Regardless, he produced a purple commonplace book as if it were the calm after a storm, though the storm was hardly over.
'Is that a commonplace book?'
'Yes. You can use it to help navigate this murky world. For now, though, you ought to get some rest.'
And so, after a little resistance from Quigley who would much rather be looking for his siblings but was also extremely tired, he slept. Jacques watched over Quigley for a while, face flushed with anguish at another orphan, a victim of the firestarters. Tomorrow he would get to know Quigley.
Next morning early, Quigley started awake from a nightmare- the exhaustion gone, his memories of the fire amassed. The roar of shattering glass and the cloudy plumes of smoke and then the wretched silence.
It was bright outside so he must've overslept: he was eager to learn more from this person he had met last night. So it was that he leapt out of bed only to be surprised by the overly loud creak of floorboards that told of an eerie stillness. Hot with panic, he let himself downstairs with his newly gotten commonplace book and decided to make notes as he looked for signs of Jacques. It was oddly calming.
He was sad, alone again after the merest flicker of company. The house felt bare and abandoned as the walls started to swallow Quigley up, which here means left him in desolation once more. In his search, he became even more acquainted with the rooms and in particular the library, expansive and full of obscure volumes but what interested Quigley the most was a book entitled 'Remarkable phenomena of the Mortmain Mountains' that seemed to contain many maps.
At last, he came upon a small postcard sized note, though the paper was thin as papyrus, that attempted an explanation: 'I'm sorry to have had to leave you all alone, was unavoidably detained- VFD business. I promise to be back by half past one at the outside, for brunch.' Beneath it was a signature in a flamboyant hand that stretched up and down, carving out loops in which Quigley could find some precious little comfort. Eventually his attention wandered to a vaguely familiar symbol of an eye that, as he remarked in his commonplace book, seemed to be part of the page itself. Where had he seen it before?
But before he had time to find answers to his questions, Jacques vaulted through the door and towards him with slightly too much friendliness. What drew Quigley's attention, however, was the tattoo on Jacques's left ankle- the eye. Jacques gave a fraternal embrace as Quigley peered over his shoulder and let out a tear. There was a theatrical clock on the wall with green and purple hands, which Quigley soon realised were reptiles, most probably snakes, that informed him it was not quite yet one o'clock. People who arrived early were likely to be noble, his father had taught him, for they have little time for villainous deeds. Still, he decided that he would not mention either the monogram of the eye or the tattoo; he could make his own little research into the matter.
He took to the embrace with a little exertion and they each found a little comfort in the other's company.
Once they had managed to separate themselves, Jacques took his turn to look at the clock. This time, the silver snake hissed in fear as it indicated thirteen minutes to one. He was earlier than even he had expected to be, he realised, but felt guilty anyway for having left Quigley alone at all. He made an apologetic smile, which here means attempted to make amends for having already been unable to be as reliable as he would have liked. The tattoo on his left ankle seared.
'Since I'm back early, shall we spend some time together before brunch?' he asked, almost calling this place home. Was he really so lost in this loud world that he had already grown accustomed to this place?
Quigely nodded in assent as a singular concoction of emotions bubbled over in his heart- anger, fear, love.
'Tell me, have you ever heard of the piece La Forza del Destino?' He had remembered Monty's piano, an extravagant gift from him actually, which would help them pass the time together. The piece was one Quigley would need to know about at some point, perhaps already did, so he thought this might at least be a less painful introduction to it.
In fact, Quigley had: his mother and father had talked incessantly about it for a while. It was impressive with its dramatic, bellowing melody but it hardly seemed anything much special to him. Quigley's medley of emotions, however, had an unexpected effect. 'No,' he lied. 'I should be happy to hear you play it.'
Without another word, they both embarked toward the piano room. They remained silent, though not for lack of questions such as where have you been?, how are you coping with what has happened? and wouldn't it make more sense to just have an early brunch.
The piano was a rich maroon, patterned intricately with swirls and engraved reptiles: on his first day in the herpetologist's house, Quigley had noted this remarkable instrument and was glad once more of its comfortable grandeur. Resolutely, Jacques set himself before the piano and began to play this piece that had once meant only a fictional tragedy which here means was previously not associated with the fires that had torn apart his organisation. The noise swelled, rising and falling rhythmically to a climactic crescendo and Jacques let out a silent tear. How much had been lost? Quigley was reminded of his mother who had often played to him in the evenings before that awful event and he felt a shiver of loss arc across his spine. Once what felt like an eternity had passed, the strokes on the piano reached their conclusion.
'I didn't realise this was a sad occasion,' Quigley said quietly to Jacques, remembering indistinctly something he had been told by his parents. He felt determined to offer some comfort to Jacques.
'The world is quiet here,' Jacques returned. 'That is the reply you should give; it is part of a secret code- one used to identify noble people. But then I suppose your parents taught you that. They were good volunteers.'
'Volunteers?' Quigley asked. What could he possibly mean by using such an odd word. How did this man know his parents so well, he wondered. 'Yes,' Jacques said solemnly then broke off. 'I'm afraid I'm only here on my search for the Baudelaires and as such won't be here all the time. In fact, it's likely VFD will need me elsewhere soon enough.'
Unusually distraught at this, the usually brave Quagmire asked something of Jacques. 'Stay.'
I'm afraid, however, Jacques felt a certain responsibility to the Baudelaire children who were in gravest danger, which he explained solemnly, and he was therefore unable to stay as he wanted. If he had, it is possible he would have lived to grow close to Quigley, though in truth it is likely this would not have kept them safe from other fires. Instead he promised with the kind of lie reserved for those one loves that his absences would not slowly lengthen until he was gone entirely.
Their emotions overpowering, the two departed afterwards to brunch in silence.
At first, the meal was quiet but Quigley was determined to put on a brave face, here meaning hide his sadness much like his companion. Conversation, then, was not hard to come by.
At length did they talk about Quigley's parents, exchanging trivial bittersweet anecdotes until they began to feel time slipping away around them. They painted vivid memories of the happiness that their lives had held before descending into chaos. Within the glorious tales, Quigley noticed something about Jacques's stories- something of his parents that he did not recognise. Although he maintained a smile, he began to feel disoriented by the discovery that his parents had kept secrets from him. Jacques reacted subtly and gradually shifted conversation from their tragic pasts to a future that would never be realised.
Quigley learnt that Jacques had been up all night researching and, against Jacques's protests, offered to help him in this search for the Baudelaires.
Each night, they sat together on the carpeted floor of the library, in the radiant heat of the fireplace for hours on end, poring over countless documents together. This help, it turned out, was vital as Quigley's adeptness with maps allowed them to determine that the Baudelaires had moved on to Paltryville.
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
Yellow, cyber and pink 😂🥰
colors of moots ask game
ISADORA MY LOVE ISADORA <333 good morning my friend!!
Yellow - every time i see you on my dash you're always so happy and it's so lovely! Cyber - when the frick are you offline? like tell me when, i need to know for your sanity!!! do you even have it??? Pink - biting you biting you biting you biting you licking you biting you biting you
i cant believe you fckin cybered me YOU DONT GET TO BITE ME AFTER THAT!!! GET AWAY FROM ME. okay fine but just a little nibble :/ i just graduated college and i only have a weekend job!! this is the only thing i got going on for me right now!! 😂😂 love you isadora. we're beefing now but i love you
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ash-and-books · 2 years
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: Getting hexy for the holidays! Mischief and mayhem dominate the holiday season for the Savoie sisters of New Orleans. Five sexy stories set in the STAY A SPELL world you don’t want to miss. Bewitch You A Merry Christmas: Always the peacemaker, Evie conjures Christmas magic between a hexed hottie and his witchy neighbor, while Mateo and Alpha plan to do whatever it takes to get some alone time with their girl. Rockin’ Around The Hexmas Tree: A Dirty Santa gift with a very special hex boosts Devraj and Isadora’s sex life from sizzling hot to scorching. Jingle Bell Jock: On New Year’s Eve, a new man puts the moves on Charlie. Tired of pining for his best friend, he’s ready to move on. Fortunately, JJ’s jealousy is just the right ingredient to move them well out of the friend zone. You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grim: Her first glimpse of grim reaper Gareth Blackwater evokes a major case of insta-hate in Lavinia. In that same moment, Gareth is hit with insta-lust. Fate is playing with them both, and neither one is happy about it. Jingle Spells: Nico and Violet laugh their way through their first babysitting adventure. But laughter turns to lust when Nico’s “dad” vibes tug on Violet’s maternal heartstrings
A super cute collection of moments between some of our favorite couples and soon to be couples with a dash of holiday magic. This was a super cute read and I loved the moments between all the couples, we get a cute one where Evie and Mateo help fix a conflict between a hexed guy and his cute witchy neighbor, then we have the secret santa that definitely has Devraj and Izzy with unexpected magic, Charlie and JJ finally get their cute romance story, Gareth and Lavinia’s first meeting and what we can expect from them next, and of course, Nico and Violet who take on babysitting while contemplating their own future. Super fun read and a nice addition to the series!
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shadowglens · 1 year
ok so like, i know i just started isadora's playthrough, and i'm still not finished with olympia's, but i keep seeing dark urge content on my dash and i'm dying to play cress
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something set in my post-canon headcanons that may or may not be expanded on/rewritten in the future (i'm conflicted):
"there's now way he could have wander that far," mutters hector, walking down the sidewalk of the outdoor shopping center. he glances around, hoping to spot widdershins.
hector's stress level isn't as bad as it could be. that's because he knows where everyone else is at: the two-floored bookstore with the coffee shop inside it.
all of the quagmires were on the second floor together. duncan was seated in an armchair, reading a raymond chandler novel. isadora was browsing through the poetry section, scrunching up her face every so often. quigley was standing by the railing, flipping the pages of the newest edition of a cartography book he had before the fire.
fiona and fernald meanwhile, were on the first floor, in the coffee shop. fernald was doing his best to not glare at the poor nervous barista as he drank his coffee. fiona meanwhile, was laughing and talking, taking the occasional bite of her chocolate muffin.
hector thought about telling the two of the situation with their stepfather, especially fiona. out of the two, it's fiona who's keeping a close eye on their stepfather and his whereabouts.
but hector didn't want to worry them. and as said before, there's no way widdershins could have wander that far.
"i really hope he didn't went to that agua fresca vendor. as much as those drinks are absolutely delicious, especially the jamaica, the prices the vendor is selling them at isn't worth it." hector clicks his tongue as he readjusts the sun hat over his head. he peers down the sidewalk that is decently crowded with people, and-
"oy! haven't you heard of personal space or permission!?"
the shouting voice behind him has hector (and potentially others) quickly turning around. behind him in the not-to-far-away distance near the bookstore, is widdershins. in his right hand appears to be a jamaica drink.
widdershins' left hand - his left wrist, more exactly- is being grab by a stranger. the stranger is a man who is several inches taller than widdershins, as well as maybe older by a few years. the man is dress as if he should currently be at work in his office, not having fun at an outdoor shopping center.
the most standout observation though, is that the man is leering downward at widdershins. given widdershins' sudden exclamation, he's anything but happy. hector makes a dash towards them.
upon getting closer, hector can see and hear more of what is going on. the situation is more worse than hector thought from afar. the man is not just leering at widdershins. he's leering at widdershins with a smile that means one thing on the mind.
the man moves his face closer to widdershins. "here i though you couldn't get above a whisper."
widdershins attempts to break free of the man's grasp. "let go of me!"
"the pain can't be that bad. and why should i? i'm a man who can give you a good hell of a time, and not just with my hands."
"what-sir!" hector can now see widdershins' face is slightly flush.
"don't deny anything. you're more interested than you let on."
"are you that daft? can't you understand that i'm-"
"he's taken, sir." interrupts hector, deciding to stand right by beside widdershins. hector then places a hand on widdershins' shoulder. it's tense, no doubt because of the man.
widdershins blinks a few times. as the tension in his shoulder slowly leaves, widdershins gives a brief glance -and smile- at hector. "aye. i'm taken."
the man stares at them with some confusion. the man also unknowingly, slightly loosen his grip on widdershins' wrist. "there's no way you're with him. he's a mouse. a plain, boring mouse who looks like he wouldn't know how to use his mouth for any sort of recreation."
"well, you know what people say. looks can be deceiving." hector couldn't help but smirk at the man. hector admits this is rather fun; he hasn't acted like this in years.
the now flabbergasted man loosen his grip on widdershins even more. it's loose to where widdershins breaks free his left wrist. "now that we cleared everything up, will you please leave our sight before the situation becomes worse?"
"hey, now just wait a-"
widdershins quickly takes off the lid of the jamaica drink.
"my partner did warned you," says hector, feeling the smile on his face. "and he's a man who doesn't hesitate in decisions that i fully support."
"alright, alright! i'll leave, i'll leave!"
and the man quickly scurries off, making his away to the parking lot. when the man is a proper speck in the distance inside his car, widdershins gives out a laugh, and places the lid back onto the drink. he then hands the jamaica to hector.
"thank you for what you did back there. i don't know how to return the favor."
"i think it would mean being my fake boyfriend if i'm ever getting harassed. but you don't have to do that. we're not stuck in the organization's system of repayment anymore." hector looks down at the jamaica drink in his hand. "you also don't have to thank me by giving me your drink, widdershins."
"oh, that drink is yours," answers widdershins. "i bought it just for you."
hector quickly looks back up at widdershins. "but i didn't ask for it. and the price like i said before-"
"you used to drink these things back in the day. aye, and the way you went on about them as we passed the vendor has me thinking you been craving one more than you let on. price be damn! you deserve something nice, hector." widdershins then scratches the back of his neck. "granted, this treat can't be brought into the establishment because it's not water or a drink from the coffee shop. we're stuck outside until you're finish."
"that's fine by me. um...thank you, for the drink."
"you're welcome. now, are we just going to stand here? aye! we ought to rest our legs!"
they end up taking a nearby seat on a metal bench underneath the shade that is the building's shadow. as widdershins sighs and leans back against the bench to relax himself, hector removes the lid of the drink to takes a sip of the jamaica.
it's sweet and tart as he remembers it.
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So you didn't specify, so I'm just gonna answer various for my dcla next gen kids <3
What are their child's/children's name/s?
This far I only have settled names for Leonetta's daughter, Franletta's daughters and Camila's kid. I know I did have some names for Simbar's kids in a oneshot, but I have since that oneshot much more liked them having only daughters (they had a son in that oneshot because I wanted to mix it a bit, but it fits more for them to have only daughters).
Leonetta's daughter is named Isadora. Franletta's daughters are named Elina and Carolina. They also later will have a son, but I have yet to name him. Camila's kid is named Kim. Why did you pick those names/that name?
I have always loved the name Isadora and I have too many OCs named that. It's just consistent with me. It's a name that is not too unusual, yet not as common either, it's like a good balance. I thought it just fitted the personality of their daughter, too.
Elina and Carolina I have no clue - I think that I got it after I drew them for the first time (I have drawn them and you will see that april 30th), and I was like "heh, they look like their names are Elina and Carolina"
So, Camila raises her kid gender neutral - they have an assigned gender at birth ofc, but she has decided to just raise them so that once they're ready to identify what gender they feel like (and of course switch when they feel like it). And Kim felt like a really nice gender neutral name. Are their personality similar to their parents?
Here I'm gonna answer for Leonetta's daughter and also Diecesca's daughter (yes, I have hcs for both canon and non-canons), because it's these two I've thought about more personality wise on.
Isadora is very similar to Violetta personality wise, but she absolutely has Leon's sass shining through her sometimes.
Diecesca's daughter, whom I have not come up with a good name for, has "her mother's looks and her father's charm". Basically, she is as sweet as Fran is but she charms all the ladies like Diego does *eyebrows eyebrows* Having this/these character/s as their parents, how did it affect them?
Here it's gonna be a mix of canon and non-canon ships in all of it's forms.
Kim will grow up with the biggest confidence ever growing up with a mom like Cami. They also are never afraid to speak their mind and knows they're always supported and loved no matter what.
Isadora I think always wanted to have the massive success that her parents have, but Violetta and Leon are very clear with her that they just want her to be happy. It has made Isadora get very musically interested obviously. Also, Violetta does not want to, but she has some of Germán in her, that causes her to start to be overprotective at times. However, she has Leon who can stop her from going too far (and even stop her from doing anything too overprotective at all), which is good, luckily. With that, Violetta also wants Isadora to just be allowed to be free, the way she couldn't as a kid. So now you have a mother who wants her daughter to have the childhood she didn't, but also feels the overprotective need she sadly inherited from her own dad? Yeah... it's gonna be messy! Luckily she has Leon! Germán had no one who could stop him :-)
I also have Luty's daughter here, and she I think always felt like she was the best. You know Ludmila would just always tell her she's a star and then Naty would just happy cry in support if she just did anything at all. This has caused their daughter to just always feel really overconfident in herself, although as she grows up I imagine she feels a bit embarrassed by her moms constant affection and cheer on her. Like, they'd be similar to Rainbow Dash's parents in MLP FiM in that they'd have a whole shrine room with their daughter's accomplishments.
Diecesca's daughter I think looked up to especially Diego so much. Like she's definitely a daddy's girl. It's to the point where she wants to dress like him and takes every advice he gives her to heart (for better or for worse). But then she also has Francesca as her mom, so she definitely knows how to treat people with kindness and loyalty. She cares very deeply about her friends just like Fran does. Fran is often the one who will scold her when she gets in trouble, while Diego is more "ah, leave her be, it's ok". But, Fran and Diego can both be very chaotic when they want to be, and their daughter DEFINITELY inherits that. Imagine someone with the cocky attitude of Diego and the way to get into chaos like Fran. Not to mention this girl is related to Gregorio too. She's a handful.
Now, I wanna go over to Jim and Yam, because I have two daughters for them too. And their daughters are just buckwild. Like growing up with two sarcastic and chaotic people who always got in trouble? Their kids will just be them but more wild. Like I can imagine Jim and Yam trying to have some sort of order with them, and then just giving up and deciding to let them run around as they please. Because they realize, letting them explore and play and mess around, it eventually leads them to doing the right choices. Also, their kids will always be accepted and supported exactly how they are. Also, their moms will defend them for anything. Any planned stories/events with the kids in your head?
I do have some for Franletta's kids, I'm gonna post one later this month, but it won't include their third kid. But I have a story in my head of when they adopt him and bring him home.
I have a story in my head involving Isadora and Diecesca's kid... and some things they get up to. Violetta and Leon are involved too, and Francesca is kind of involved but not as much. It's mostly Leonetta and the two girls.
I have a fun little story for Jam and their daughters involving Ramiro. Basically, Ramiro is convinced they have a son, and Jam decide to never tell him. Gender is a concept anyway, and also they wanna mess with him. Anyway one day he visits and one of the girls just says something and he's like "Wait. You're a girl?" and confronts Jim and Yam about it, who just, in their full trolling voices, "We never said the genders of our kids lol?" - it needs some work on though. Also, I have thought of a babysitting Ramiro story.
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never-rpg · 2 years
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Welcome to NEVER RPG! Please send in your url within 48 hours. Be sure to look over our checklist. We hope you enjoy, or at least survive, your time on the island!
Since this is our first wave of acceptance and we are not officially open for roleplaying yet, just a few reminders before we get to the acceptances. Our discord server won’t be sent out until a little closer to our second wave of acceptances. Once you’ve sent in your blog and we’ve posted here on main, you are good to start doing anything your heart desires on your character’s blog except for actual roleplay threads. Plot it up, share character development memes, post your edits and headcanons! Go wild and have fun! :D
Welcome to the island, CHARLOTTE! You been accepted as TINKER BELL with the faceclaim of Tamzin Merchant.
Tinker Bell is one of those characters who can so easily be portrayed as a caricature, but you have given her such dimension and depth! ‘- but as misfortune loves orphans and fire loves innocence, Tinker Bell loves Peter - and it was her that he needed to pull him out of the depths of his mind and bring the island out of its eternal winter. She is the ocean and he is the sand. She loves him continuously but with increasing apprehension and decreasing hope.’ Tragic and lovely, I can’t wait to see more! And have I listened to Tink’s playlist an unhealthy number of times? Yes, yes I have. No regrets!
Welcome to the island, DRYNNE! You been accepted as ISADORA BOOTH with the faceclaim of Ruby Cruz.
My heart aches for Isadora and all that she’s been through but also, damn, what a badass! As soon as I started reading your app, I knew we’d found our Isadora. ‘Fighting was far easier than being inside a cage of meekness’ that really is her in a nutshell and I’m so here for it! While Isadora’s violence is blunt and brutal, your writing painted her in intricate lines that interlaced with one another to create a full and dynamic character who I can’t wait to stalk the threads of on the dash!
Welcome to the island, ELLE! You been accepted as IANTHE with the faceclaim of Ayça Ayşin Turan.
First of all, your writing style is hauntingly beautiful! I might have audibly squealed in delight when reading about Ianthe’s tail because it’s just so good and suits her so well! You have spun such an intimidating and compelling character. I mean, ‘We all know intrinsically that the terrible and the terrific bleed into each other, that all life’s greatest pleasures lie on the other side of pain, that paltry is the passion that never makes us shudder. Ianthe is this thesis made flesh: Bone-chillingly horrifying and all the lovelier for it’. I’m equal parts enchanted and terrified and I absolutely love it!
Welcome to the island, LIOT! You been accepted as HOLLY with the faceclaim of Amandla Stenberg.
I am so invested in this puppeteering Small Folk already! There’s just something so wonderfully horrifying about the idea of Holly setting traps for unsuspecting Lost Boys so she can crawl into their minds. Should this line, ‘Holly had chomped at the bit to see Peter toss Charlie to the Many-Eyed, ghastly beasts that Holly had called their friends’, have made me go ‘aww!’ because I love seeing these exterminated beasties be appreciated? Probably not, but here we are. You’ve created an OC who feels like they were always meant to be a part of the group. We needed Holly and I cannot wait to see what antics they get it up to!
Welcome to the island, MADS! You been accepted as WENDY DARLING with the faceclaim of Kristine Froseth.
Gothic romance is my catnip and you gave it to me in spades with your application! As soon as I read ‘Peter would never give Wendy what she craved. She was so lovingly devoted to him, but he couldn’t love her back when he was too busy loving how she made him feel: adored, righteous, powerful.’ I got so excited to read more. And the more I read, more and more your depiction of Wendy just right clicked into place with every aspect of this roleplay! Wendy makes for such a lovely gothic heroine. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her!
Welcome to the island, MAREK! You been accepted as NOD with the faceclaim of Leo Suter.
I loved that throughout your app, I could clearly see the rambunctious Lost Boy underneath and how the tragedies Nod underwent shaped him into the man he is now. ‘Nod never imagined a possibility of losing his brother, his twin, his other half - he swears to this day that when the shot tore through his brother’s body he felt it too’. This is truly gothic horror gold and I felt it in my soul! 
Welcome to the island, NYX! You been accepted as CECCO with the faceclaim of Aidan Turner.
My heartstrings feel abused after reading your app and I am not at all mad about it. There’s so much pirate romanticism here to revel in! For example: ‘Whenever a new ship finds its way to the shores and raise their white flag, they will ask for them to take their letters, tossing them into the sea as they sail away from the isle’. And I don’t want to spoil all of your headcanons, but I really hope the sketch they keep in the sheath of their sword finds its way into our discord server someday...Just sayin’.
Welcome to the island, SID! You been accepted as SAWYER with the faceclaim of Omar Rudberg.
You nailed every aspect of Sawyer’s skeleton bio and fleshed them out with such intention! I can’t imagine any other take on Sawyer because yours is so well-crafted. There are so many lines from your app I could have chosen to highlight but, 'So you run and scream and fight and play, all the while plastering a smile to your face and trying to lose yourself to the wildness that thrums through Neverland like a second heartbeat, that you want so desperately to course through you too’, feels like the perfect summarization of this Lost Boy!
Many people applied for Pan’s wanted connection concerning the ‘kiss’, it was a difficult choice, but we’ve decided to give this connection to Ianthe. Also, as a side note since a couple of apps referenced it, while J.M. Barrie could exist in our rpg’s universe, the plays and stories he wrote about Neverland and Peter Pan do not. 
All important pages on the main will be updated in the next several minutes to reflect these acceptances. Thank you so much to everyone who applied!! Our second wave of acceptances will be held on December 31st. Opening day, January 1st, can’t come soon enough! I can’t wait to write with every one of you!
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tylerthirst · 2 years
congrats on being born
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hi isadora i miss seeing this video spammed on my dash every other day
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anecdotal-acorn · 3 months
hellooooo all, i'm just @ing everyone who has expressed interest in a les mis stream in preparation for the one tomorrow at 8am est (London 2014, Daniel Koek JVJ, Tam Mutu Javert, Anton Zetterholm Enjolras, Carrie Hope Fletcher Eponine, Rob Houchen Marius)
it will be on cytube (free to sign up/use, i'll post the link ~10 mins before), if you'll be attending, please let me know in the replies/reblogs! hope to see you there!!! <3
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Pokemon Gold and Silver 25th Anniversary: Suicune (Pokemon Crystal), Wooper, Marill, Snubull, Hoppip, Sneasel, Chikorita, Tododile, Cyndaquill
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Flacer and Puptira in Clockwork Lunacy
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Kei (Berserk Boy)
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Comfey, Wattrel and Rilou (Pokemon), Back To School
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Isadora (Isadora's Edge)
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Kei (Berserk Boy)
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Rest In Peace Rachael Lillis, The Voice of Misty, Venonat, Torchic, Vulpix, Goldeen, Jigglypuff from Pokemon, Featuring Togepi and Togetic
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Bon (Time Patrol Bon), Great Tusk (Pokemon SV)
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Rude Dog with a skateboard
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Cookie Baby Bears (We Baby Bears/ Steven Universe), Grizz, Panda, Ice Bear, Dippy
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Kei (Berserk Boy)
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Baby Johto Pokemon
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Panky (Pink Panther and Sons) & Kip (Shirt Tales)
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Dot and Dash discover library almost Between the Lions vibes (PBS Kids)
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ousama · 9 months
isadora my hella cool friend, i enjoy seeing you pop up on my dash, especially with all the little friends that you currently post,,
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hqton · 11 months
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𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 : isadora madison ( greta onieogou ), hugo de bourbon ( sam heughan ), gisela hohenzollern ( kylie bunbury ), joanna amsberg ( florence pugh ), violet, nyx, javvy, please have a look at our checklist and send in your accounts within the time frames specified !! we cannot wait to have you on the dash !! ** arthurs first love wc.
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