#{lots of people went nuts for it after the movie came out... i was just fangeeking on what i already loved lol}
tarnishedxknight · 1 month
{out of dalmasca} Okay so I'm going to a gem, mineral, and fossil show Weds and Thurs (so excited, I love this thing, I go every year if I'm able), so I can't stay up too late tonight. BUT... I'm busting with muse for this blog, so I'm gonna do a few random things in the next hour or so before I have to go to bed. =)
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 28 days
Spider-Woman, NOT Ghost-Spider
This is a tip for people who want to go as canon as possible WITH THE MOVIES, since I feel a lot of people do this mistake because they look into the comics and mix things up.
If you want to call Gwen, Ghost-Spider in your fanfic/fanart/etc because you think is cool, go ahead! Go nuts! I'm not the canon police.
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In the movies, Gwen still calls herself Spider-Woman.
An explanation as to why this is important in the read more.
(Spoilers about the Spider-Gwen comics, I guess because I am not spoiling anything that came after 2019.)
When I say "important," I mean it in the stick-it-to-the-details type of deal; if you care about technicalities you care about this, but I know that's not the majority.
However, I do want to bring it up because the reason why Gwen switched in the comics, or rather, why chose Ghost-Spider of all things- is really neat and interesting story line that I feel a lot of people skip over when they 'chose' to call her that without knowing why she chose that name.
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If you think Gwen has it rough in the movies, don't read the comics because they put this girl through the wringer.
Let's go a little bit before she chose that name.
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As you can see, Gwen feels that she has always been marked by death, some way or another.
First her mother, then Peter, and is now hitting pretty hard after losing Spider-UK (is not Hobie, or Malala, I don't think he has appeared in the movies,) Noir and Karn, though arguably Billy was the one who hit her the hardest.
She went to other dimensions to tell their love ones that Billy and Noir passed away; it is implied how this is her way to try to make amends to what happened, make peace with herself.
But is not really enough, the topic doesn't leave her mind,
Death and pain certainly follow her often; she almost lost her dad for good, and she was definitely shaken after Harry got gravely injured precisely because he was always there for her.
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That last panel never stops hitting hard for me.
There is just some quietness to it, about how no matter what she does, how hard she tried, Death continues to follow, one way or another. Even when she tries to be a hero, to do the right thing, death follows her.
In the comics, Gwen switches her name because she is studying in Earth-616 rather than her own dimension, so she switches names in order to avoid stepping in any toes.
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So, in the movies, is kind of hard to think the switch would happen. Sure, Gwen is interacting with Jessica and other spiders, but believe me, the multiple spider-man haven't changed their names, so having Jessica in the spider society doesn't change much.
However, I do bring all of this because I think implementing this story line in the movies not only is feasible, it would be *amazing.*
The phrase "Death loves Gwen Stacy," not only hits hard for the Spider-Gwen in the comics, but for the movie counterpart too.
Think about it for a second; in the movies, Gwen feels she can't have friends because otherwise, they may lose them like Peter, she has convinced herself it can't work. And then. she goes to the Spider-Society.
And now she feels Gwen Stacy and Death always go hand in hand.
She learns how in so many universes, Peter is the one bitten, he is the one who lives, while Gwen Stacy dies, over, and over again. It almost seems like she is the outlier out of spite, how because she gets to live, everyone else pays the price.
Because Death loves Gwen Stacy, powers or not, that's not changing.
But at the end of the day-
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And that's why, no matter what, she will continue fighting to protect her people.
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
The fact that I need more of Tenoch x Reader-
How about where there is a premiere where Tenoch is jealous to see Reader with OSCAR ISAAC?
A/n: OMG YESSSS YES YES YES YES AND YESSS FUCK YESSSSS COMING RIGHT UP ONG. Also this is more a bit of hints towards Hispnaic Latino reader x Tenoch/Oscar
TAGS: @shoxji @tian-monique @omgsuperstarg @angel-bi666 @sunfairyy @sunkissedebony97 @rkiversstuff @emma-frxst
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Tenoch Huerta and you had been close since you began shooting Narcos: Mexico back in 2018. There was an instant connection that no one explained yet all could see. You two stayed in touch, meet up weekly, and spent a lot of time together. You landed the role of Namor's lover and queen of Talokan for Wakanda Forever. It was exciting to work alongside Tenoch once more. You had a major crush on the man yet kept it to yourself.
Oscar Isaac is another close friend, you both worked together in Star Wars: The Last Jedi where your character was his characters Poe Dameron's ex-lover yet second-best pilot the resistance had. You admit to the small crush developed for Oscar. By the end of the franchise in Rise Of Skywalker your characters have gotten back together in a long kissing scene.
So of course the fans had gone crazy for shipping you with Oscar and Tenoch. Wondering which an is going to be lucky enough to land you as their girlfriend.
Today was the premier of Black Panther Wakanda Forever. You were so excited about being in the Marvel franchise now. Including working with any great people. Right now you had arrives with Oscar Isaac. The press went nuts interviewing you both.
"Would your characters ever meet?" One of them shouted out.
"Love triangle even?!" Another added.
You and Oscar both laughed cheeks flushed.
"Oh, I hope so that would be a good romance." He winked before wrapping an arm around you. Tenoch had been with another tv station not too far away. How his blood boils noticing who you brought. Lupita and Winston both encouraged him to ask you out. Even as his date to the premiere. Yet Tenoch never had the confidence.
He matched his way over there just in time to hear the question and response by Oscar.
"I don't think that Namor would let that happen." Tenoch adds rather seriously. You smiled brightly and pulled Tenoch into a hug. "Hey you!"
"Hey. While admit the love triangle would be cool a king would never let his queen go."
Oscar rolled his eyes, he knew Tenoch liked you," You sure? Marc is pretty slick with the women. Much like myself." He adds just wanting to see Tenoch clench his jaw.
"Oh boys. Come on. Settle down. Let's hurry along and sign some autographs." You thanked the interviewers before leading the two boys, who currently are acting like man children, off to where the fans are waiting.
You watched the movie sitting between the two boys. Many emotions were shown during the screening especially how it felt seeing you and Tenoch as your characters together for the first time.
After the premiere you all headed for the restroom because it was a very long movie.
"You know I am surprised you and (Y/n) aren't together yet." Oscar comments washing his hands beside Tenoch.
"What do you mean? I thought she came with you as her date." He adds a jealous gaze in his brown eyes.
"No just as friends. But if you won't make a move then I will." Oscar turned the water off reaching for a towel.
"Don't waste your time, Oscar."
The men both walked out looking for you.
Winston and you were both laughing and making jokes. He specially was hammering you for the details of why Tenoch and Oscar were as the fans said 'Simping' over you. You explained your history with both men. And how wondering it was to have them so close together now. But in your heart, Tenoch was the one of you.
"So ready to go to the after party?" Oscar asked.
"But as my date." Tenoch glared over to Estrada's direction.
Winston smirked at (Y/n) who had to choose. "Well boys... I am flattered. Really am."
"Then go out with me." Tenoch whispered giving you his brown sugar eyes.
How could you say no?
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whositmcwhatsit · 1 year
An Enjoyable Slide to Oblivion Chapter 2: A Right Regular Circus Act
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Chapter 1 Summary: Like a lot of girls, Chancy Crawford had once been able to call herself one of Elvis's girlfriends, but that was long time ago. Now, she called herself his friend, or his 'cousin' if any of his girlfriends asked. It was just easier that way. And their relationship was all about being comfortable and easy. Until she gets asked to come and join a tour that seems endless and cursed. Warnings: swearing, drug use, angst, violence, temper tantrums, all the usual. Thank you to everyone who commented, messaged, or liked. I love to chat, so if you ever want to offer critique, ideas or even just chat about our man, I would forever be your slave.
Chapter 2 The very best thing about being around Elvis Presley was that no one paid you the blindest bit of attention unless you were at his side. So, when you were crouching next to a service elevator, peering anxiously through a crack in the outside door to check if the coast was clear and the limo had left, no one would stop and point. The janitor carrying trash to the dumpster out back might give you some side-eye though.
“I thought I dropped… Never mind,” Chancy mumbled, trudging out and down the concrete steps to the loading bay where the limo was still waiting. She had to get her mind right and regain her solid footing. That was who she was, the cool voice of reason, the comforting and unwavering presence amidst the chaos. Becoming part of the pieces flying around this tornado of insanity just was not an option.
Elvis was standing on the other side of the limo amidst a growing throng of admirers, signing pieces of paper and napkins and whatever else was shoved into his hands.
Sonny and Joe bookended him looking tense and watchful and Chancy, for the first time, worried about the fans rather than what they could do to Elvis. After last night, she had a glimpse of their perspective.
As Dick came forward to usher Chancy to the car, a woman plopped her baby into Elvis’s arms and he grappled with the infant and the book another fan was trying to show him at the same time.
“Hell no,” cried Lamar, who was sitting by the window when Chancy approached the door behind the driver’s seat. “I’m already one nut down, woman, you sit in the damn backseat!”
All the guys in earshot burst into raucous laughter and Chancy swallowed the bile in her throat at the thought of what happened last night becoming just another wild tale of ‘life on the road’.
Cheeks burning, she went to pull on the handle for the other door, but the driver was already there, opening it for her like she was a movie star leaving a glittering premiere.
Feeling far from glamorous, she slid into the back seat and paused. Lamar and Ricky were in front of her and the driver climbed back into his seat. She was otherwise alone on the long bench seat at the back.
“Where’s Gail?”
“Above my pay grade, “ Lamar shrugged. “Hopefully on the plane back to Godknowswhere, Ohio by now, where she can go back to fussing and scheming over the good ole boys there.”
There was a flurry of motion as doors opened and men climbed in from all directions. Joe appeared to Chancy’s left and she hesitated before sliding awkwardly across next to Elvis to give him room.
“… Well, you know, man, everything else crashes and burns, I still got prospects, that’s all I’m saying,” Elvis murmured dryly as the car pulled away from the parking area and the people outside started calling goodbyes and trying to chase the car.
“Boss just discovered he can juggle,” Sonny explained to the rest of the car, chuckling. “Which was lucky for that baby…”
“A right regular circus act we got going here,” Lamar quipped.
“Yeah, well, we already got enough clowns,” Elvis shot back, adjusting his sunglasses.
The car erupted into guffaws as expected and Chancy smiled faintly, feeling Elvis’s eyes on her. She watched as his bejewelled hand reached down and straightened the hem of his coat over his thigh, then moved slowly to her lap where she had her fingers tightly interlocked. He rested his hand palm-up on her leg and his long fingers flexed slightly. She glanced up to find he was looking out the window at the low, industrial buildings and highway. She didn’t know how he managed it or even how he thought to do it, but whenever she reached that precipice when she felt manipulated and small, he would do something so awkward and tender like he was a nervous boy going on his first date and her absolute devotion for that boy, that one that he had been, just came roaring back in and flooded out the fear and second-guessing.
Wordlessly, she untangled her fingers and placed her hand on top of his, inhaling shakily as his fingers slid between hers and clasped hold. As soon as he had her, his hand moved back to his own thigh, pulling her closer against him. She watched his lips tilt up at the corners as he stared out the window and her heart actually flip-flopped like she was fourteen again.
At the airport, there was a long line of fans waiting by some metal railings overseen by the local police. Chancy studied the faces of the cops, wondering if she would see the one she had tangled with the night before, hoping for both their sakes that she would not. Elvis looked over at the crowd too. She could almost see the cogs working, that constant need for connection and adoration that drove him, tugging at him.
“I’m gonna go say hi,” he said and, immediately, Dick, Red and Sonny were at his side though he hadn’t raised his voice. They all knew he couldn’t resist an audience whenever or wherever.
Chancy stepped back to let them pass by, but Elvis turned to her and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips, promising he’d meet her in a few minutes.
“Watch me, three babies and a puppy I’mma juggle this time,” he joked.
“C’mon then, Miss CC Rider,” Lamar intoned, dredging up an old nickname, one so ancient that it should have fallen apart in the daylight. It seemed like she was back in the gang.
Chancy stepped into the leased plane and found Charlie and Sandi looking worse for wear. Sandi slid her sunglasses down her nose and held out a commiserating hand.
“I heard you kicked a cop like you were Bruce Lee?” she said.
“Ha, no, I hit him with my shoe, which I wasn’t wearing at the time, and then I think he put me in some kind of chokehold. A promising start to my life of crime.”
“Well, I heard he ain’t gonna be a cop much longer,” Charlie commented, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh God, what?” Chancy snapped flatly.
Charlie shrugged and looked coy, which was just as infuriating as the news he had delivered. Half of them should have been arrested the previous night. In no way should they have the power to take away someone else’s livelihood for being overly zealous. It was lucky they were doing these one-night stands, Chancy could only imagine the destruction they would wreak if they stayed longer.
“I’m sorry I didn’t go up with you, Chance. Should’ve made sure you were okay.”
“Naw, Charlie honey, then it could’ve been you screaming and lashing out with your heels,” she replied. “And I’d sure hate to lose my awe and appreciation for how macho you are.”
Like the endlessly good sport he was, Charlie pretended to pat his imaginary bobbed hair and fluttered his eyelashes.
“Aw, hell no,” Elvis’s voice came booming down the plane. “Like hell am I gonna have you troublemakers together on a goddamn airplane!” 
“I didn’t do nothin’!” Charlie protested with a loud laugh as he reached them.
“Son, from what I heard you were butchering the shit out of Hank Williams on the piano, that ain’t nothing in my book.”
So, the party had continued after Chancy had gone upstairs, she wasn’t surprised. And neither was she surprised that Elvis knew exactly what had gone on either. He always did somehow.
“Just got a bit homesick is all,” Charlie shrugged lightly.
“Yeah, well, remember when we’re out here, you- all of you- represent me and I don’t want my name connected with some fuckin' wasted backwoods bullshit, you hear?”
The plane fell silent and the mood switched like someone sliding a dial. When it was clear Elvis was waiting for a response, Charlie murmured:
“Sure thing, Boss. I’m sorry.”
Chancy tried to let her surroundings blur so that she didn’t see the discomfort of those around her; she had more than enough of her own to wallow in, but she caught sight of Sandi squirming and realised that this was the first time she had seen Elvis turn like this. Elvis evidently noticed too, because his mood changed on a dime.
“Aw, I ain’t talking about you, Sandi honey. C’mon over here and say hello properly, baby.”
Sandi did as she was told, her smile flickering as he drew her into his arms and gave her a firm, long peck on the lips.
“Ain’t your fault, baby. Ain’t your fault you’re dating a damn fool.”
It was all Chancy could do not to sing out praises like she was back in the Assembly of God when the pilot made his way along the aisle to say hello to his famous passenger.
Distracted, Elvis released Sandi and she half tumbled back into her seat looking dazed. Chancy looked to Charlie and, bless his heart, he just hitched up the side of his mouth as if to shrug it off.
After a few minutes playing the charming star, Elvis shook the pilot’s hand, called him ‘sir’, and sent him off with a smile. Chancy felt pressure on her shoulder and looked up to see him gazing down on her.
“Let’s go, darlin’.”
Chancy felt the eyes of every single person on the plane on her as she followed Elvis back to the private bedroom suite. Her brain helpfully wondered if they had changed the sheets since he and Gail had been in there.
Elvis dropped down into a space age looking chair with a sigh, dropped his glasses onto the table, and started removing his boots and his jacket. He glanced up at her through his brows and shot her a crooked smile.
“S’okay, honey, you don’t need to stand guard.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been somewhere like this before,” she remarked, looking around at the vast bed and the inlaid television and stereo system.
“You have.”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Honey, yes, you have. You, Linda, and that hairdresser, what’s her name… Patti… decided to have a pyjama party that time coming home from Palm Springs. Half the guys were panting out on the other side of the door.”
“Huh, oh yeah. You wanted to join us, but you wouldn’t let us give you pigtails or braid your hair.”
“Baby, what I wanted had nothing to do with my hair,” he replied in a low voice.
“You wanted a manicure then?” she asked, playing dumb.
“Ha, get over here and I’ll show you, you tease.” She crossed to the other Star Trek chair as a seatbelt sign lit up and the engines roared into life.
The captain came over the intercom telling everyone in a lovely, soothing voice that they were preparing for take-off and they should all take their seats and fasten their belts. It was a three-hour flight to their destination and the weather was looking fine and clear.
Elvis grasped her hand when the roar ramped up and the plane started to jolt as it picked up speed on the runway. He didn’t look worried, but that didn’t really mean much. When they were together they used to always sleep with a light on and Elvis told everyone it was because she was afraid of the dark. She wasn’t.
Once the seatbelt sign flicked off, he rose and tugged her hand, leading her across to the fur covered bed and instructing her softly to take off her shoes. She resisted his nod for her to climb further onto the mattress.
“What is it?” he asked, and a smile touched his lips. “I swear to God if the next word out of your mouth is wait…”
“You sent Gail home,” she said, which she realised did not come out as a question or an opinion or anything that he could respond to. He evidently felt the same way. “I mean, I didn’t… expect that.” He studied her for a long time and she wondered what he was seeing.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” he said finally.
She couldn’t tell him as she didn’t either. He seemed so far away, closed up behind dark eyes and an unsmiling mouth. He nodded to himself and scooted closer, awkwardly knocking knees with her. She registered that with a smile as he was reaching up and cupping her jaw. Then he was kissing her and she stopped noticing much of anything.
Elvis kissed much like he did most things he chose to do, wholeheartedly and instinctively, surging past insecurities and misgivings. He kissed as though the person he was kissing was the most beautiful, important, and delicious person he had ever met.
Every girl Chancy had seen him kiss, girlfriends, co-stars, and fans, there had been so many of them, had that same dazed, blessed aura afterwards. It added a bitter edge to her own glow knowing how she was just like so many others. She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, his face all planes and curves of shadow and skin, lashes, and lips, none of the features sliding together into a full picture.
“W-“ She stopped herself self-consciously and put a hand to his chest. His heat radiated through her like he had lava just beneath the skin. He had that same blank, faraway expression on his face as she pushed, guiding him down onto his back.
Propping herself up with a palm on the mattress, she leant over him, her hair sliding from her shoulder and acting as a curtain against the left side of his face. She studied his black brows, then his grey-blue eyes that looked almost black in the shadows and the thick dark lashes that made them irresistible, the straight line of his nose, down to the almost feminine fullness of his lips. She watched them spread into a devilishly adorable smile and realised that she was smiling too. She dipped down further, sliding her hand around his neck, and pressed her lips against him. His arms were around her, filling her with warmth and burning away that icy bitterness that kept her from enjoying the moment. Heat was in fact filling all of her, pooling in her core and tingling in her legs. Elvis moaned softly into her mouth and it shocked her back into her body, finding herself draped half across him.
“No, no, no, don’t do that,” he mumbled in a hoarse whisper.
“Don’t do what?” she whispered back. Her swollen lips tingled.
“Hide out in there,” he replied, tapping her temple. “Always analysing and questioning.” She couldn’t exactly deny it. “You know, Mama used to say that the reason we’re so good together was that you have the mind for both of us and I have the heart.”
It sounded so simple and country and sweet and wise that Chancy knew that it was probably true. God, she missed that woman! Elvis trailed his finger from her temple and down the side of her face.
“Which I know means that I haven’t had a mind in a long time. And I guess a whole lot of people would agree with that,” he snorted quietly. 
“And I haven’t had a heart?” she asked quietly.
“Naw, you’ve always had my heart, baby.” She had to kiss him again after a line like that. It deserved a reward, and she told him so. He was grinning as she leant down to press her lips to his.
“See, it’s ‘cause I got my mind back.” With a growl, he rolled over and tucked her underneath him.
The sun was streaming through the clouds as they disembarked and Chancy smiled at the way it pierced the sky like spotlights. Accompanied by a photographer, some men in business suits stood by a limo parked near the plane. She recognised one of the men as a long-time employee of Colonel Parker, Bitsy Mott. Elvis was at the front of their party and, at the bottom of the steps, Mott ushered him over.
“Damn politicians can’t even wait until we get to the hotel before they’re pumping him for photo ops and donations,” Lamar muttered at her shoulder.
“Who are they?” she asked.
“Lord knows. Governor, mayor, damn President, all the same.” He ushered her towards the car and she noticed he had a slight limp as he did so.
“How are you?” she asked, pausing before she climbed in. He waved her concern away with an ‘aw shucks’ motion. “You seemed pretty hurt last night.”
“You too,” he pointed out. “Never a dull minute, huh!”
Sitting alone in the car, she tried to enjoy the relative peace and quiet with just the distant sounds of conversation and camera shutters whirring from behind the car. She glanced down and realised that the top button of her blouse had come undone. Her cheeks heated as she fastened it quickly, trying to remember if she had been aware of Elvis undoing her buttons. Apparently his nimble fingers were not just good for playing guitar and piano. Even as she thought that her stomach flipped and the weight of what was happening came crashing back down on her chest.
It was like a strange fever dream without the relief of waking up and taking some Tylenol. What was she doing? Why was she doing it? How was this going to end? Because it most certainly would, if only because it was Elvis and his attention span and track record spoke for themselves. All of which she would have more authority disparaging if she had managed to endure a relationship for longer than a year. Endure, that wasn’t the right word! It was a symptom of her sickness! Lord, what had she begun? Why had she begun it when she knew that she didn’t have the heart or soul to see it through?
“Goddamn, he had a lot to say!” said Sonny as he opened the car door and Elvis climbed in beside her. Sonny followed, perching his large frame on the bucket seat.
“Politicians, man, they like to hear themselves talk,” Elvis sighed. He tossed a large box in her direction and she fumbled as she caught it. “There ya go, don’t say I never give you nothing.”
“What is it?” she questioned, lifting the lid. Inside was a gleaming ornate silver key sitting on light blue silk. There was a plaque screwed to the inside of the lid.
“Key to the city. Go nuts.” He grinned. “One night I’m gonna get them all together and go to town, man, rip off the whole country. Don’t count as a crime spree if they give you the keys, right?”
“That would be an interesting defence in court, that’s for sure,” she nodded, closing the box.
“Oh, I wouldn’t get caught, honey, I’m too smart for that. And who’s going to suspect me anyway?”
“I guess you’re right. Actually, you know what, I reckon you could probably get away with not even wearing a disguise. It’d be on the news.” She put on a nasal mid-Atlantic accent. “‘Downtown was hit by a one-man crime wave today. Police say that the offender was disguised as Elvis Presley. The public should be on the lookout for impersonators and avid fans.’”
This started the guys started riffing on Elvis’s newfound circus skills again, coming up with more and more outlandish circus-related additions to the show until they were breathless from laughter at the absurdity of it all.
Chancy enjoyed it, appreciating the break from the intensity of it being just the two of them. Elvis’s leg was pressed hard against the side of hers, she could feel his heat seeping through her pants. When he first got settled, she had mistaken that pressure and shifted away to give him more room, but he had given her a strange look that was half exasperation and half hurt and widened his legs, knocking his thigh into her knee.
For a man who spent most of his time being mauled and grabbed, manoeuvred, and physically guided places, he never seemed to tire of being touched. It both confused and moved her.
At the hotel, Chancy was given the room next to Elvis. The way Jerry smiled and winked at her as he handed over the key increased the acid in her stomach. She felt like she had just pulled a ticket at the deli counter. Number 20 in the queue.
Sighing, she dropped onto the bed and let her head fall against the pillow. She stayed that way as she called home and checked in with her sister.
Chancy thought about telling her what had happened, how she had found herself in a weird situation with no obvious exits, but she could not foresee how Alicia would react, which ties of loyalty would pull tightest, since like most people she thought Elvis rated somewhere between the President and God himself. It was a complete clusterfuck.
As she lay there, blinking into the peace and watching dust motes float across the blades of light that sliced through the window, there was a sudden thump on her wall, hard enough to make the generic painting of purple topped mountains jolt. She lifted an eyebrow and climbed off the bed, slapping her palm against the wallpaper.
Immediately, thunder erupted across the vista of her wall like a violent electric storm in the middle of summer. She had to wait for it to stop before she could respond with another slap. Some people just called on the telephone. How boring was that.
Clutching her fingers around the security pass that she was never leaving her room without again, she went to the neighbouring door and knocked. Red didn’t question her appearance at the door and opened it wider to let her through.
“Hi, sorry to bother y’all,” she called, lifting her voice an octave. “I’m Barbara from the Customer Service Desk and we’ve received a complaint about a maniac banging on the walls and upsetting our guests. A very disturbed woman just called.”
“Oh yeah, she’s disturbed all right that one,” said Elvis, grinning as he emerged through the door from the adjoining bedroom. His hair was falling all across his forehead from his impromptu drum solo on her wall and as he drew close, leaning heavy on her and smushing his lips against her cheek, she pushed it back.
“Hey, man, food’s here,” Sonny said, as Ricky bustled into the room with grease marked bags that he was clutching like they were his babies.
“Have you eaten?” Elvis asked, patting her stomach like her body was a country he had conquered and its boundaries no longer concerned him.
“No, I was calling home.”
“Come eat with us, honey, gotta keep your strength up. Lil Sister’ll kick my ass all over town if I don’t look after you properly.” He led her over to others in the seating area. Ricky was dishing out the food while the guys complained and heckled him.
“Don’t get comfy, kid, you gotta do another run,” Elvis said, taking his food. “Cha-Cha, what d'you wanna eat, baby?”
Ricky did a fantastic job of not looking put out, but he was gripping his own bag so hard that his knuckles were turning white.
“You know,” she said. “Thinking about it, I’m not so sure that I’m hungry right now. I think I’ll probably just grab some room service later.”
“Well, let us order room service for you now,” Sonny said. “Hey, kid, grab that menu by the phone there.”
“Really, there’s no-“
“Shit, don’t waste time with that,” Elvis interjected. “Just order one of everything, there’s bound to be something she likes.”
“Order me up some more fries while you’re there,” Charlie put in. “There’s something like four in here. You eat them on the way back, you little shit?”
Overwhelmed, Chancy’s eyes scanned the menu, but saw nothing, so she picked a club sandwich to stop everyone making suggestions.
“You guys are worse than Southern grandmas,” she muttered. “Forcing people to eat.”
“Did she just call us grandmas?” Sonny asked. “Man, I have been called a lot of things in my time, but I think that one cuts the deepest.”
“You know there ain’t no-one that can cut you off at the knees like a woman,” Charlie remarked.
“Is that what happened to you, Charlie? Bet you were six foot three before you started talking to women.” Ricky put in, finishing his call to order room service, and finally getting to sit with his food. Charlie muttered darkly under his breath.
“Kid, when you’re old enough for women to start noticing you, you know, if you ever grow into that pug-ugly face…”
Chancy tuned out as the insults got cruder and glanced towards Elvis, who was intently focussed on his meal. He had never been a picker of food, tackling his meals with concentration, enthusiasm, and firm idea of how he wanted things to be. She watched him packing his sandwich with what seemed to be a very specific order of pickles, meat, cheese, tomato, and mustard and then nod to himself as if in approval of his work before lifting it to his mouth. He stopped as he caught her staring.
“What? You want some?” He offered it out and then snatched it back just as quickly and took a huge bite, cheeks full like a hamster. His eyes twinkled playfully.
Chancy glanced round at the other men, checked that they were absorbed in their food and the television before dipping across and pressing her lips to the corner of his mouth, licking away the little dab of mustard there. She winked at him as she moved back to her seat. Her belly filled with warmth when his eyes crinkled at the corners. Mouth still full, he leant over and pressed his lips against her cheek, his hand squeezing her thigh.
By the time Chancy’s food arrived, the boys had finished their meals, and Elvis and Charlie were fooling around, singing songs as Charlie tuned his guitar. Chancy took her sandwich from Ricky with a smile and rose to go to the table, because she was raised right. She squeaked as Elvis grabbed her hips without even a pause in his singing and pulled her back down next to him.
“I get a free dinner show, huh,” she joked. He reached across and stole a potato chip from the side of her plate.
“Payment,” he explained. “I don’t work for free.”
She ate her sandwich, listening to Elvis and Charlie singing snatches of old country ballads, bits of gospel, and songs that either of them had heard on the radio and had thought about for the show. Sonny joined in a little when he knew the words. Meanwhile, Elvis also ate all of her chips and even took the pickle.
“Gotta say, the price of this dinner show was steep!” she commented, gesturing at her empty plate. “Did I have to pay the maître de for a ringside table too?” She regretted it as soon as she spoke, seeing his cheeks go pink. “Who am I kidding, I’d definitely spring for the ringside table.” She patted his knee and pecked his cheek, hoping that was enough to get them through the awkward moment.
Not long after that, Joe and some of the other guys arrived. There seemed to be more movement and activity and Chancy took that as her cue to get lost. Elvis was talking with a few of the guys and she didn’t want to interrupt, so she let Ricky know she was leaving before she slipped out of the room. 
Back in her own room, she made her own preparations for the show. She changed into her favourite deep purple miniskirt and black see-through blouse with a black silk chemise underneath. Expertly wrapping the front of her hair in heated rollers, she addressed her face in the less than flattering light of the bathroom mirror. The swelling below her eye had subsided, leaving only a small red lump that was easily covered along with the dark circles that had appeared. She painted on the eyeliner and mascara like it was plaster of Paris to cover the cracks.
Checking that she looked presentable, she came out into the hallway and locked her door to be ready like she usually did. Sonny was hanging about outside Elvis’s room and gave her a nod and a smile.
“You coming in?” he asked, hand on the door handle. The question was unexpected and she considered her answer even as he was already opening the door and beckoning her.
“I guess so,” she murmured, clutching her purse like a shield.
The room was packed with people and every few seconds there was a flash from a camera. She spotted Ricky leaning casually against a wall talking to a woman wearing short shorts and knee-high boots, who was looking everywhere else except for at him. She felt a little sorry for him, but she wasn’t sure he had even noticed her disinterest from the animated way he was talking. She found Elvis almost instantly, of course, in the centre of the action if not the centre of the room, the sun that everyone else was orbiting. She could hear Joe talking loudly and then Elvis’s lower murmur before a burst of laughter from those around them.
“You should go over and let him know you’re here.” She started and whirled round, finding herself face to chest with Sonny, who had apparently followed her in.
“He’ll wanna know that you’re here. Go on over and say hi.”
“Uh, okay.” She wasn’t sure when she had acquired a manager, but she did what she was told since she felt out of her element and she figured that he probably knew what he was talking about.
The throng around Elvis was surprisingly tight and she had to sidestep her way through some people, murmuring ‘excuse me’ and ‘sorry’ as she did so. She got a disgusted side-eye from a brunette with incredibly thick fake eyelashes, and she was fairly sure that someone stood on her foot on purpose.
Elvis was evidently in a very upbeat mood, everyone around him was laughing and chattering away and he was talking to everyone and no one, his eyes flitting around and his attention not resting on anyone in particular for more than a second. She could have sworn that his gaze fell on her soon after she shimmied her way into the centre of the throng, but either he didn’t register her or he wanted to teach her some humility, because he didn’t acknowledge her.
It was Joe who noticed her first, saying hi and telling her that she looked good, which was sweet of him considering she was bookended by dozens of young, flawless looking young women.
As if hearing Joe’s comment, Elvis’s eyes finally flicked to her and gave her an appraising look from her feet upwards. She felt oddly both hot and cold as he gazed at her through his thick black lashes.
“Well, look who just appeared,” he remarked in an odd tone. “Keep an eye on her, folks, she’ll soon disappear in a flash.” And the people around him laughed uproariously as if it was an in-joke they all understood except for her.
Well, if this was supposed to humiliate her, they would all soon realise that, in order to humiliate someone, they had to consent to it. Chancy had spent her childhood moving around follow the coast and the river and had walked into dozens of schools where girls had tittered behind their hands at her clothes or her accent or her hair. She had survived that by pretending that she was an undercover spy or the Princess Anastasia, whom she had read about in a dime store romance, hiding from the Russian peasants who wanted to kill her. She had to endure the disdain in order to complete her mission or stay alive long enough to reclaim her throne. 
“I never realised but, you’re right, making people disappear is another of your circus tricks,” Chancy returned loudly to be heard over the Greek chorus. “You’re so talented, Elvis.” She started to slip back out of the huddle, keeping her eyes on his. He paused and then a slow smile began to spread across his face.
“Where you going? Show’s not over,” he said, following her, the mob moving fluidly around him.
“Why, what’s next, you gonna cut me in half?”
He wrapped his hand around her throat, a move that was all for show since his fingers barely touched her skin, and pressed his pout to her cheek.
“I’ll save that for the finale,” he murmured.
“Looking forward to it.”
“Give me that sassy little mouth,” he mumbled, crushing her against him.
It felt strange playing with an audience, something that she would not have tolerated fifteen years ago when she would writhe and withdraw from his arms if anyone else was in the room, but times had changed. They had certainly changed, Elvis most of all. Anyone not happy with giving and receiving affection in public need not apply for the role of whatever she was, because to be with Elvis was to be public.
“You gotta be sweet to me first,” she teased, turning her face. 
“Sweet?! Pssh, honey, I am always sweet to you. I get any sweeter and I’m gonna rot your teeth.” He tried following her mouth, but resigned himself to nuzzling her neck, nibbling, and then biting at the skin.
“Ow, okay, okay! Stop that!” She closed her eyes and pursed her lips, waiting. When nothing happened, she opened one eye and found him just staring at her, a small smile on his face. “What?”
“Nothing, just wanted to look at you.”
Too much, it was too much for her. If all the people in the room were staring at her (which they weren’t because they found her far less interesting than Elvis) it would not have been as overwhelming as his soft gaze.
“You’re right, you’re already sweet,” she commented quickly. She was relieved when someone else touched his arm and attracted his attention, releasing her from the pressure of being entertaining.
When they made their way to the show, Chancy found that being part of the comet was different to floating about in the tail. At first, Elvis had a tight hold of her hand and her biggest problem was keeping up with the long-legged strides of the men all around her. With the likes of Dick and Sonny forming a barricade, she could barely make out their surroundings and had to trust that they were not leading her straight into a wall or a hole in the ground. However, at the entrance of the hotel- something she only recognised because the air changed to chilly and slightly damp- Elvis paused to sign some autographs and she lost his hand as anchor.
The pressing and nudging around her was suffocating and acted like a current, drawing her further away from the group. She didn’t want to be the idiot that got lost or overwhelmed, distracting Elvis and the other guys from their jobs, so she kept quiet and tried to steer herself towards the car through jostling people calling out Elvis’s name with varying degrees of franticness. Right when she thought she might have to become one of them, Lamar shoved his way through the crowd like a grumpy, lumpy-looking superhero and took hold of her bicep.
“I got ya,” he murmured. “Don’t worry. Hey, let us through!”
Chancy had never been so glad to get into a car even with all the faces and camera lenses pushed up to the windows. She kept her head down and ignored the flashes.
“Hey, if you could, uh, neglect to mention I nearly lost you there I’d sure appreciate it,” Lamar called over his shoulder from the front seat.
“I’m not a liar,” she replied. “Why would I say that I got lost when it never happened?”
“Nice, thanks.”
The atmosphere in the car once it had set off for the arena was dense and strange. Elvis felt far away even as he was pressed against her. She could feel the vibrations from his jiggling leg and she watched as he flexed his hands repeatedly. She wondered what she could say to help soothe energy and anxiety that was powerful enough to show through his normally strong containment field, but finally realised that words were probably too much of a commitment and an imposition for him now. Instead, she put her hand on his thigh, unnerved by how tense the muscle was.
Without looking at her, his own hand dropped on top of hers and pushed it down. She understood, increasing the pressure until her arm started to ache.
Backstage at the arena, there was a contingent of fans from England who wanted to present Elvis with an award. They stared at him as if he was ten foot tall and glowing. Chancy found it endearing how he had the effect of turning adult men and women into awed believers. It de-aged them, making the cynical and jaded shell that people developed as they went through the machinations of life crack and flake away. She imagined their faces to be the same as they had been on Christmas morning when they were young and they rushed downstairs to see if Santa had been.
It was not one-sided though, because Elvis seemed affected too and became gentler and more considerate like he too could see the little children he had manifested.
One girl in particular got to Chancy’s heart. She stood at the edge of the group in silence, her eyes fixed on Elvis as he talked to her friends and signed autographs. When he moved along the line and came to her, she immediately bubbled over into overwhelmed tears.
Chancy’s own heart lurched and she was gratified to see Joe get the girl some Kleenex and pat her on the shoulder.
Elvis cupped the girl's chin so tenderly and gave her a peck on the cheek, all the while stroking her arm like he wasn’t the cause of her emotional overload. It was adorable to watch.
Afterwards, he came and stood by Chancy while Joe explained the stage set up and any hazards he had foreseen. Apparently, the stage was quite low, which meant that the acoustics would not be the best and security would be trickier because the audience would have easier access.
Elvis nodded, but then frowned, asking if the local cops providing security were going to be standing in their usual place at the foot of the stage, because he didn’t want them blocking the view of the front rows.
“I-I-If I can’t see them and they can’t see me, that’s gonna make it so much harder to… y’know.” He gave a wry little smile. “Do my thing. I mean, my job.”
“Yeah, best keep your thing out of it with that many cops around,” Jerry quipped. Some of the guys guffawed and Chancy rolled her eyes, feeling like she was back in High School.
“You want me to keep it out?” Elvis asked, looking perplexed before shrugging and pretending to reach for his belt. The rest of the guys howled and shouted about shutting the door in case of cameras and calling for the ambulance to the nut house for ‘Ole Crazy’.
Chancy wasn’t a prude, though she could play the prim Southern lady if necessary, but she didn’t like the energy in the room. Elvis had disappeared into the bathroom with a doctor for a few minutes before the English fans had arrived and the rest of the guys also seemed ‘over-excited’, eyes sparkling like glass and words coming too fast. There was no one with their foot poised over the brake. The kids were all going wild and Mom wasn’t home.
“Hey, fellas, cool it,” snapped Elvis, of all people. Chancy had been watching Sonny trying inexplicably to shove Lamar out of the dressing room and barricade him in the corridor, and she almost started when she felt arms wrap around her shoulders from behind. “You’re making the lady nervous acting like goddamn animals.” She reached up and gave his forearms a squeeze. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll protect you from these degenerates. You want me to whoop their asses?” She didn’t have time to answer before he stuck his tongue in her ear and started laughing uproariously as she tried to wrestle herself away from his grip. 
It was a relief when Lamar announced it was time for him to take her to her seat. She could see that he was feeling the same, having had to kick Sonny away from him several times. She moved towards him like he was her guardian angel.
“Wait a minute!” Elvis called, grabbing her by the arm and feinting a move towards her face with his tongue out. She ducked her head and squealed. “No, really, for real now.” His other hand caught the nape of her neck and he pressed a kiss to her temple. He was already glistening with sweat and she could feel his heart thundering against her shoulder as he leant in. At the last minute, he licked a strip up her cheek and cackled like a wicked witch.
“Good Lord!” she growled, wiping her cheek with her sleeve. “Y’all are worse than animals!”
“Hey, Lamar, don’t you lose her again, you big ole sonovabitch! Strike one, son!”
Walking down the hallway to the seating area, she raised her hands at the shadows.
“How in the heck did he know?!” she asked.
“Man, I stopped trying to figure out how he does things a long time ago,” Lamar muttered. “Supernatural bastard.” 
The show was exhausting for everyone involved. For a start, Elvis would not stop talking and fooling around. He told the story of his rise to fame with a lot of embellishments and risqué jokes. Chancy got her own little mention:
“I was going with a chick, we were gonna be married, but, uh, it didn’t work out. Don’t think she and my other girlfriends got along… Wonder what she’s up to now, man.”
She rolled her eyes as those in the know chuckled and looked over at her. She saw pity in some of the women’s faces, which made her cheek burn, but mostly she just felt worried. It had been a long time since Elvis had been made to conform to normal social expectations and boundaries, but he tended to, or at least pretended to in public. Clearly, whatever he was taking had made him loosen the reins on himself and she didn’t know of anyone else strong enough to take over that duty.
Just before ‘Love Me Tender’, he ‘borrowed’ the hat of one of the police officers at the foot of the stage and swaggered around kissing the fans that had made it through the cordon while wearing it. She didn’t stop holding her breath until he returned the hat with a polite ‘Thank you, Sir.’ She had been just waiting for a crack about using the handcuffs.
Finally, they were back in the car, Elvis breathless and sweaty beside her, and the guys talking about a large woman who had tried to barrel her way down the aisle like a bowling ball to take out the cops like pins only to be toppled at the first hurdle by a well-placed foot. Chancy frowned at their unkindness, but they just seemed to find her annoyance funny too.
“I think I busted my suit,” Elvis remarked suddenly, groping the inside of his thigh, which was hidden from his view as he sat reclined, his belly bulging over his belt. “Goddamn it. Baby, can you see? Is it bad?”
Chancy leaned over cautiously, not trusting that this wasn’t one of his pranks, but he did seem genuinely concerned and annoyed. She confirmed that he had split his inseam, there was a tear about a couple of inches long. He unwound the towel from his neck and draped it across his lap.
“Fuckin’ lucky those cops were facing the other way,” he muttered. “Would’ve got myself arrested that time for sure.”
“Nah, they can’t arrest you for flashing your drawers,” Joe shrugged. His eyes widened. “Oh Jesus, you were wearing… you didn’t?!”
“Well, I don’t like the lines,” Elvis muttered diffidently. The guys guffawed, covering their faces with their hands.
“Can’t wait to see the review in the paper tomorrow, big old X-rated label across the picture,” Lamar quipped. “And to think they wanted to run you out of town in the early days just for wiggling your legs.”
Elvis didn’t laugh and the amusement rapidly faded out for the guys also, since they were well attuned to his moods. He spent the rest of the car ride with his hands clasped at his groin, his face turned to the window, frowning at the passing street lights.
Back at the hotel, Chancy watched him head back into his room, the guys following him in, but then nearly all of them exiting almost immediately afterwards. She went into her room and let out a sigh at the peace. She closed her curtains and stepped out of her heels, flexing the ache out of her feet. Even as she was considering whether to shower or get changed, there was a business-like knock on her door.
“I have been told to get your dinner order,” Jerry informed her.
It rankled her the way he kept saying it like that, to make it perfectly clear that he was only being civil and courteous because he was under orders. She wondered what she had done for him to only interact when forced.
“I have been told to ask for a salad,” she returned, to let him know she had caught the undertone. “Chicken or cheese or whatever is fine. I take it I’m eating it next door?” He nodded.
“Elvis is just getting washed up and then he’ll let you know when you can go in.” She scowled, couldn’t help herself. Maybe she could buy him a little bell to summon her.
The summons came in the form of Ricky, who beamed at her when she opened the door. She was tempted to ask him if he had a date with the girl she saw him trying to talk to before the show, but decided that was just misplaced irritation towards Jerry and Elvis.
Chancy tapped on the door to Elvis’s room, immediately wondering whether she should have knocked harder in case there was a party going on. Before she could reconsider, Elvis himself threw open the door. He was wearing pyjamas and a robe like he was all ready for bed and he looked her up and down.
“You didn’t get changed,” he commented with a bemused look.
“I didn’t know I had to,” she returned. “Should I… go do it now?”
“If you think I’m letting you disappear again, you’re crazy.” He reached out and took her hand, pulling her into the suite. It was empty, which was something of a revelation. Other than when he appeared in her room, Elvis always had someone with him. Who did he perform to when he was by himself?
“Now, let’s see.” She watched him open a drawer of the dresser in the bedroom and pull out something dark and silky. “Yeah, this’ll do.” He passed her one of his pyjama tops. “Go put this on, honey.” She looked over to the bathroom he was nodding towards.
“My room is just next door,” she reminded him. “I could be there and back in five minutes.”
“We’ve been through that,” he returned firmly. “Be a good girl and do as you’re told.” Her skin warmed and not in a pleasant way. She stalked towards the bathroom, mouthing words that ‘good girls’ would never have said.
“And quit with the sass too,” he called in his mystifying and infuriating all-knowing way.
Chancy eyed herself dubiously in the bathroom mirror, pulling at the bottom of the black silk jacket. It grazed the middle of her thighs, barely covering her underwear, a contrast to the sleeves that hung over her hands. She sighed, rolling them back up over her wrists and then poked her tongue out at her reflection.
Leaning into the ridiculousness, she opened the door and shuffled out like Harpo Marx. Elvis laughed like she knew he would, but as his smile faded it was very clear from the look in his narrowed eyes that he did not share her opinion that she looked foolish.
“Come sit down here, honey, dinner’s here.” He beckoned her over to the seating area and placed her on the couch beside the arm. Then he sat down next to her, close enough that she could feel the heat of him down her side.
The television was on and playing a movie, some spy thriller with people wearing trench coats and demanding to know the whereabouts of the ‘microfilm’ in Russian accents. Elvis watched intently, scooping food into his mouth like he had been told to eat up or there would be no dessert.
She sneaked peeks at his profile as she poked a fork listlessly at the salad. His nose looked like it was sculpted by a Renaissance artist, though she was well aware that in actuality the credit should go to a plastic surgeon in Los Angeles who had been part of the dying studio system back in the late 50s. She remembered crying when she first saw him back from filming his third movie, locking herself in the bathroom so that no one else could see.
It wasn’t that he had looked so different, which he hadn’t as the surgeon had done a refinement rather than an overhaul, but what it represented. It told her that Elvis was prepared to go to any lengths to alter and erase anything that he felt didn’t fit in with his new image, his new lifestyle, and his dreams. She had already known at that point that this included her. 
As if sensing her gaze, Elvis dragged his eyes away from the screen and crossed them as he turned to her, wrinkling his nose.
“What you lookin’ at?”
“I don’t know, stranger,” she replied. “Anyone ever tell you that you look like that famous fella? That guy who sings and makes the girls scream? You know his name.”
“Engelbert Humperdinck?” he replied dubiously. She bit down her smile.
“No, not that one. He’s been famous for a little while now. Why, I heard he sold more records than The Beatles. Darn, why can’t I remember his name?”
A half-smile on his face, he put his empty plate on the coffee table and then slid hers off her lap too. When he leant in for a kiss, she reclined in equal measure.
“Well, Sir, you’re behaving very forward for a stranger, I must say. You’re not one of those disrespectful rock and roll musicians, are you? I was warned about them.”  
“No, no, miss, I’m real respectful,” he murmured, sliding his hand up the inside of her thigh as he rose onto his knees, following her lips. She leant back until the back of her head met the corner of the back of the sofa.
“Oh good. I would hate to get myself caught up with one of those types,” she whispered. “Like that dreamy singer whose name I can’t remember.” He paused, his lips just barely touching hers. His arms bracketed her head, gripping the arm of the sofa on one side and the back on the other.
“Say it,” he murmured. She frowned, almost dropping her wide-eyed persona for a second. “Say my name.” She grinned then, not fooled by the dominant façade, hearing the need behind it.
“It’s on the tip of my tongue…” she stalled, giggling at his growl. He caught her bottom lip between his teeth and tugged slightly.
“Say it. I mean it, or you’re gonna be sorry.”
She rolled her eyes and gave him a look that told him exactly how silly she thought he was for making withholding even more delicious to her. He shook his head and poked his fingers into her waist, tickling in his own unique way, both playful and painful.
“Stop! Stop it!” she laughed helplessly, the dirty belly laugh her mother used to scold her about because a lady should always sound like she’s in control. He did, eventually, once he had stopped laughing at her. The look he gave her was prompting, eyebrows raised in expectation. She couldn’t resist.
“You are the rudest anonymous stranger I have ever met!” she announced, really clutching her pearls now. “I think you’re just as despicable as that nameless-“ She shrieked as he pinched her behind the knees, his head turned away from her face as his fingers crept up from her knees and began prodding and grazing over her thighs. “Elvis! Elvis, stop, I give! I give!” He paused, kneeling over her, and raised an eyebrow as he glanced back to her face.
It was a compulsion, she realised, some deep, unstoppable drive inside of him to make sure that everyone know who he was, his name. It made him first record a song when he was too scared to sing with the lights on, it shoved him on stage when his legs were so shaky that they fluttered like wings, and it made him still climb onto a different stage every night and sing the same songs he had been singing for years even when he was sick of them. Being recognised and seen was a need, something hungry and fierce inside of him that he had no control over. She wondered if he understood that himself.
“I- I remember now,” she said in her wide-eyed stranger voice. “Elvis Presley, that’s his name.” She switched back to her own voice to finish. “That’s your name, Elvis Presley.”
She was rewarded with a violent, fast kiss and then he gathered her up from the sofa so that he could lay down on it with a grunt before bringing her back down on top of him, smoothing the top of her hair under his chin.
“You’re a goddamn pain in the ass making me be all energetic just after I ate,” he muttered into the top of her head. She reached up to move his pendant from under her cheek and smooth the lapel of his pyjama top so that it didn’t obstruct her view of the television, before nuzzling against his warm chest. She could hear his heart thumping fast and felt a little guilty, rubbing his side soothingly.
The Russians were still looking for the microfilm and were now involved in a car chase through the streets of… It looked like it might be San Francisco, but Chancy wasn’t sure since she had only been there once and just remembered fog and hills.
“Remind me never to get into a car chase in San Francisco,” she murmured. “All those hills have gotta be tough on your suspension.”
“Since you always drive like you’re in a car chase it’s probably best just not to drive in San Francisco, period.”
“Hey!” she complained. “You can talk, Mister ‘I don’t believe in stop lights or speed limits’. And who was it that taught me how to drive in the first place, huh?”
“Biggest mistake of my life.”
Chancy thought about retorting or pretending to be offended, whipping up another role play/game, but the truth was that she was comfortable and warm and she could tell from the way his heartbeat had slowed and steadied that Elvis was relaxed too. She thought she could get used to this easy, calm domesticity even as she knew that she would never get the chance.
“Got no comeback, honey?” he murmured, drumming his fingertips on her waist. “You falling asleep on me?”
“I could,” she admitted. “This is very comfy and cosy.”
“Well, shit, can’t be having that. Sit up for me, honey.” She bit back a sigh and wriggled down a little so that she could rise up on her knees. “No, no, sit up on me, baby.” He gave her a wicked smile, raising his eyebrow in a way that got the women screaming and crying when he was on stage. His hands gripped her hips, before sliding round to her ass to manoeuvre her back up into place. She used his shoulders to push up so that she was straddling his hips. 
“Is this what you wanted?” she asked, hearing herself sound more bewildered than enticing.
“Mhmm,” he murmured in a low voice, spreading his hands on her thighs on either side of him. “Oh hey, your underwear matches the shirt I picked!” She yanked on the bottom of the pyjama jacket as he gave a chuckle. “Too late, I already saw.” His hand slipped underneath the hem of the jacket, creeping towards the leg of the panties. “Did you wear these for me? You know that good girls don’t wear black down there, don’t ya?”
“Yes, they do. I do.”
“Well, I like white,” he said firmly. “But you look good in anything, baby. I swear, Cha-Cha, I-“ He shook his head and winced. “I need to think of a way to say this that ain’t corny…”
He tilted his head side to side, squinting at the ceiling and pouting like a little kid trying to remember their multiplication tables. It shouldn’t have been titillating, Chancy had seen her four-year-old niece do the same thing when she was trying to think up a lie for why one of the dogs was wrapped up in toilet paper, but somehow he made it erotic and endearing at the same time.
“What the hell, I’m just gonna be corny. You were a pretty little girl, honey, but you have just got more beautiful as you got older. No, you have. Hey now!” He pulled her hands away from her face, his fingers tapping a staccato into her palms. “I’m being a corny ass sumbitch right now, but it’s the truth, you know. I’m just telling it the way I see it. You are breath-takin’. And sexy too, which you would find out if you sat down instead of hovering over me like a little bird.”
It was too much, the words, the way that he was talking, him but not him. The Elvis she knew could be cheeky, could be sweet, could definitely make a girl blush and heat up, but all at once was too confusing and intense. Even his voice, his accent, wasn’t really him. It was stage Elvis, movie Elvis, smooth the edges and mute the twang Elvis. She was compelled to get up, almost catching her foot on his leg as she scrambled off him and the sofa.
“Sorry,” she gasped, trying to smile and reassure him that she hadn’t lost her mind. From the confused look on his face she wasn’t sure that she succeeded.
“I told you it was corny. Didn’t think it’d make you run away though.” He rolled onto his side, propping up his head with his hand. “Why’re you acting so bashful? I know guys have called you beautiful before, too many guys probably… I don’t wanna think about that.”
“None of them have been The Elvis Presley though.” She used the air quotes, then wondered if she had been too sharp. She could tell by the way his eyes narrowed that he caught her tone, but didn’t quite understand it.
“Honey, it’s just me,” he said, disconcerted enough that it actually did sound like him again.
“Is it?”
“I don’t think I get this game,” he admitted with a small frown.
“Me neither,” she relented, walking back to the sofa. “I’m just being silly.”
He sat up to allow her space to sit beside him and she sensed that he had pulled back because her reaction to his compliment had unsettled him. She thought about all the people who had his pictures on their walls, who daydreamed about being in her position, and wondered if they would believe her if she ever got to tell them about how insecure he was, their dream man, their superstar boyfriend. One sign of ambivalence and he would curl up into his shell. Outright indifference could crush him.
As he intently watched the final shootout of the movie, she tucked her legs up beneath her on the sofa to give herself a little more height and leant into him. His arm immediately wrapped around her waist, but he stayed focussed on the television. She considered the side of his face: the length of his eyelashes and the almost obscene plumpness of his lips. She brushed her finger against his sideburn, smoothing the hair in all the same direction, and she watched the line at the corner of his mouth twitch as he fought against smiling. When this tactic didn’t work, she used her first knuckle to graze slowly down his cheek and round his jaw, enjoying the way that the curves of his cheekbones deepened as he tightened his lips.
Finally, she played her last card, she stuck her finger into her mouth and sucked on it to make it nice and wet and then poked it into his ear. She leapt up as he reacted and scrambled over the back of the sofa before he had gotten to his feet.
“You sneaky little thing!” he cried, his words tripping over his laughter. “Get your ass back here now for your punishment!”
“That was payback!” she insisted, shaking her head. “For what you did to me earlier!”
“Oh, I’m gonna do so much worse now,” he promised, his eyes glittering. Her heart raced as she darted around the sofa, responding to his movements. “You’re only making it worse for yourself!”
“You’re not exactly encouraging me to surrender,” she pointed out, shrieking as he finally clambered over the sofa. She panicked, whirling around before racing into the bedroom.
“Christ, you’re fast!” he marvelled, a little out of breath but trying to hide it as he came to the bedroom doorway.
“I’m motivated,” she pointed out.
“Welp, I’m removing that motivation.” He flopped down onto the bed and pillowed his head on his arms. “Game’s over. Come and sit with me, baby.”
“Does… this mean I win?” Chancy asked slowly since that had never happened before.
“You know I can’t say that. I won’t say that.”
Elvis Presley didn’t lose. Mostly because of his many skills and talents and his relentless competitive spirit, but also because the temper tantrums and sulking afterwards were not worth it.
“So, a draw then?”
“Shit, it’s not like there’s a trophy. Get over here!”
“Well, I’m calling it a draw,” she said to herself, slowly crossing the room to the bed. She made it as far as putting her knee onto the mattress before he was up and wrestling her beneath him. She was completely unsurprised, but she still shrieked and fought, pretending that she was, because it was what he expected and wanted.
“Draw, my ass!” he crowed, tickling and licking everything he could reach.
“I surrender! You win!” she pleaded. He didn’t listen at first, but finally quietened down, breathless from his exertions.
Looking up at him straddling her, she didn’t have the most flattering view. Everything was bigger, his fuller face had a double chin as he stared down at her and his round belly heaved as he panted. She could see that the belt of his robe was barely long enough to tie once it had wrapped around his middle. She felt guilty even noticing, because she knew he would be embarrassed, no doubt was embarrassed by his weight. But it also made him human, vulnerable and fallible in a way that was reassuring for her. Perfection was beautiful and admirable, but it wasn’t loveable.
“You have made a grave mistake!” she warned him. “You have just revealed how deceitful you are. Now I’ll never trust you again!” 
“Aw, no, say it ain’t so!” he teased, pouting and drawing up his eyebrows so sweetly that she would have forgiven him if she had really been mad.
“You are a cheat! A rotten cheat.”
Elvis had evidently had enough of the playing because he leant down and caught up her mouth with his own, swallowing her air before she could say any more. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders even as he was rearranging them both so that he was laying on the bed with her beside him. She had been distracted by his weight and had failed to notice something else about him that had become larger, but she felt it now as he pushed his groin against her hip, moaning a little into the kiss.
“Okay, I forgive you,” she mumbled into his mouth, moving her hands to his back. He huffed a laugh, mocking the length of time she could hold a grudge, but she didn’t respond. At least not verbally.
At first their kisses were sweet and unhurried. Elvis kept pausing and drawing back to just look at her before returning to her lips. She wondered if he was checking that she was still okay, or if he couldn’t believe what was happening between them, or if he just couldn’t remember who he was kissing.
“This should feel strange, shouldn’t it?” he said in a soft voice, squinting slightly at her like she had the answers he sought. “It should at least feel like we haven’t done this in years?”
“What does it feel like?” she couldn’t help but ask.
“Nice…” He rolled his eyes self-deprecatingly. “Yeah, that’s real sexy, Elvis, just keep talking, son. No, it feels… right. You know what I mean?” He barely gave her a second to respond, before he was shaking his head and smiling diffidently. “You have no idea what I’m talkin’ ‘bout, do you.”
“No, no, I do!” She rushed to reassure him, because the need that emanated from him was overwhelming and, like most other women he encountered, she was helpless against it. It didn’t matter that she knew he had learnt to harness and weaponize that distilled little boy quality, that desperate need to be adored and loved, she was just as susceptible to it even knowing she was being played.
Was he right? Should it have felt strange to be doing this again? She thought perhaps that she had always known this would happen. It had always lingered as a possibility in some liminal pocket during moments they spent together. There had been times when she felt sure he might try to kiss her and times when all she wanted to do was press her lips against his and surrender to the urge once and for all. It was exhausting to keep fighting the impulse and after so many years it made sense they were too weary to continue. 
As she was musing on this exhaustion, her body was flooding with electricity and energy. She could feel her skin buzzing and her muscles stretching and tensing with anticipation.
Elvis’s hand had slid progressively further down from her waist to her hip and now to the top of her thigh. With a low hum, he drew up her leg and slid closer to her, pushing himself against her groin. She responded with a pleased smile, tucking her legs around him to hold him in place. She could feel his hard length kneading against her folds, pressing them into the button of nerves that was already tingling.
They had slipped through a doorway in time, which was no longer measured in minutes, but breaths and the tingling and sensitivity of their skin and lips. Chancy’s hands slid round to his front and she toyed with the first button on his pyjama shirt, not consciously unfastening it but filled with the need to get her hands on his skin.
Without a word, Elvis took her hands and moved them to his shoulders, nuzzling into her neck so that his chest was pressed tightly against her.
It felt like they were teenyboppers on their first date and she was the pushy quarterback trying to get his sweet virginal girlfriend to agree to second base. Elvis kissed her with delicious enthusiasm and seemed to have no compunction about rolling his hips and pressing his erection into her, but the minute she tried to take the next step, he pulled back.
“Do you want to stop?” she asked finally, out of frustration and confusion.
“Hell no,” he murmured, nibbling on her neck. He did stop though suddenly. “Do you wanna stop?”
She shook her head and relinquished control to him. If he wanted to play it PG, she was confused but accepting. It was sweetly nostalgic in a way, reminding her of when they would park after going to the movies back when they dated. Back then, they would take it in turns to play the responsible one to make sure nothing went too far.
Gradually Elvis’s writhing became more focussed and intent, his hands grabbed hold of her ass and pulled her in against him. Flutters began between her legs as she listened to his grunts and panting and felt the urgency building in him. She could feel him speaking or singing, vibrations tingling through his chest and into hers, but so quietly that she couldn’t make out the words.
Finally, he groaned and shuddered, pulling her in so tightly that her bones creaked. There was a long pause before he gave a quiet, self-conscious laugh.
“Ah… shit. Been a long while since that happened.”
Chancy glanced down at his pants and carefully schooled her face. Elvis could be an iceberg, showing only a glimpse of what was beneath the surface. That was how people were often caught off-guard when he erupted, having not appreciated what he was experiencing beforehand. The fact that he seemed a little embarrassed might mean just that, or it could mean he was mortified and trying to hide it.
“I’ll take it as a compliment,” she said with a small smile and a shrug.
In answer, he cupped her cheeks and gave her a long kiss.
“You’re perfect,” he informed her intensely. She felt goosebumps break out across her skin as a shiver went down her spine. He spoke with such conviction and authority like he was making it so even as he spoke. It made her feel indestructible.
When he went into the bathroom to get changed, she played his words over and pictured the fire that glowed in his dark blue eyes as he spoke, trying to understand how he did it, the secret to his magic. Was it power imbued by others, the cumulative effect of thousands of people believing in him? Or was it something intrinsic, a supernatural ability that he had been born with?
Over the years, she had swung between the two explanations over and over. There had always been something, even back when he was a shy teenager cursed with acne and a stammer that had not yet been declared charming. The intensity had always been there, his mama had it too, but no one else had the ability to speak things into being the way that Elvis did. No one could entrance and bewitch like him.
“What?” He stood in the doorway of the bathroom, a strange, shy smile on his face as he looked at her and whatever odd expression she was wearing. She shook her head and lowered her eyes, embarrassed to be caught being dreamy. Grandma was always urging her to stop living in her head and start trying it out in the world instead. Chancy knew that she was right, but old habits were hard to break.
“Come get ready for bed then, darlin’.”
“Uh… all my things are next door.” She watched him sigh with frustration and physically shrug it off.
“Let’s go then.” He took her hand and they went to the door. Elvis peered out first, checking that the coast was clear, presumably for Chancy’s sake since everyone and their neighbour in the group had seen him in pyjamas and a robe countless times.
There was a security guard posted near the elevator at the far end of the corridor and he turned as he caught a glimpse of them from the corner of his eye. Elvis raised his hand in greeting, the other hand pushing Chancy behind him like she was naked. Such an peculiarly old-fashioned attitude to have for someone who had regularly held naked pool parties in his Hollywood home throughout the past decade.
“Huh, you a bit of a slob, Cha-Cha?” he remarked when they walked into her room, as though this was a clue in a mystery he was solving. “You didn’t used to be.”
“I’m not usually,” she returned quickly, cheeks a little pink. It was a small lie.
She hurried across and shoved some clothes back into the suitcase laying open on the floor, scooping up some underwear on the way. She could feel his amusement even before she turned and saw the smile drawing out his cheekbones.
“I wasn’t expecting company,” she muttered.
“Mmhmm.” She smacked him with the back of her hand as she moved across to the bathroom.
“Not all of us have maids and valets and cleaners following our every move you know.”
“Hey, I’m just enjoying how shook up you are about me finding out your messy, messy secret.” He had followed her to the bathroom door and leant against the frame now, showing no signs of feeling inclined to give her privacy.
“Well, make yourself at home.” She flapped her hand. “I won’t be a minute.”
“I’m fine right here, darlin’.” She frowned at his reflection, but he seemed to be serious.
Feeling self-conscious, she picked up her toothbrush and squeezed out the toothpaste. It was the first time she had ever been so aware of each movement required to brush her teeth. She was suddenly mindful of the noise of the bristles against her teeth, the goofy way she looked with toothpaste foaming at the corners of her mouth, and she was so horrified of the idea of spitting it out that she considered swallowing it instead.
For his part, Elvis behaved like it was perfectly natural to stand and observe someone brushing their teeth. After he fixed his hair and straightened the lapels of his robe in the mirror, he hummed to himself as he fidgeted behind her, picking up her hairbrush and examining it before putting it down. Her perfume bottles clinked as he fiddled with them, eyes narrowing in a slight squint as he read the labels and then picked up each one in turn to sniff them. By the time he was rifling through her make-up bag, she had almost let him fade into the background, the way she did when her niece Faye was pottering about. It was the same energy, she decided, the childlike need to investigate unfamiliar surroundings, much more socially accepted in a four-year-old than a grown man. She washed her face and brushed her hair through, then turned to him, slightly exasperated.
“I need to get changed, honey. Can I have a little privacy?”
“Uh uh, don’t get changed,” he murmured, shaking his head as he twisted her lipstick back down and replaced the lid. “You look perfect the way you are.”
“Okay, well, I’d like to use the bathroom then, please.” She put her hands on his chest and gave him a gentle push.
“Don’t take too long,” he returned sharply, sounding like someone used to bossing around everyone around him. “Or I’m gonna fall asleep out here.”
As soon as she got the door shut, she rushed back to the sink to give herself a hurried sponge bath. She reapplied her perfume and considered putting some make-up back on before telling herself that she was stupid and that she better get back out into the room or she would find Elvis rifling through her suitcase.
Rushing into the room, she glanced round and saw him sitting on her bed, leaning sideways to rest his head on her pillows. At first she thought he was fooling around, thinking back to what he had said when she closed the door on him.
“I wasn’t that long!” she commented, rolling her eyes. When he didn’t respond, she stepped closer and poked him in the shoulder to let him know that the joke was over. It was when he started and squinted up at her with bleary eyes that she realised it was real.
“Oh honey!” Instinctively, she reached for his face to soothe his lost, groggy expression. “You shouldn’t have waited on me if you were this tired!”
“Wanna be with you,” he mumbled, gripping her forearms. He shook his head like he could shake himself awake, but it only dislodged her hands, making him lurch as he refused to release her arms. “Where’re you goin’?”
It didn’t make any sense, she had only been in the bathroom for ten minutes at most and he had been perfectly fine when she had closed the door. It was pills obviously, but she had never seen them take him so quickly and completely. That was new.
“C’mon, sweetheart, let’s go back to your room.”
“Stay, Cha-Cha,” he pleaded in a soft, slurred voice. ”Please stay with me.” Her heart flip flopped and she couldn’t answer right away, just kept on trying to pull him up. He finally seemed to grasp what she was trying to do and helped her out, stumbling onto his feet as she used her body to buffer him while still trying to break his grip on her arms.
“I’m staying,” she promised loudly. “Baby, I’m staying, but we need to go to your room.”
He didn’t remain on his feet long, almost pulling her over as he dropped back down heavily onto the bed. She looked at him, sitting at least, but with his head hanging as he drifted back off, and then at the hotel room door. She knew he would prefer to be in his own bed and could only imagine the chaos that would ensue when someone knocked on his door and found him missing at some point.
Using a manoeuvre that he had once taught her, she clasped her hands together and yanked them down and over, breaking his grip on her and rousing him again.
“Wait!” he snapped, like they were in the middle of an argument. She hurried to the door and threw it open, finding Sonny sitting outside Elvis’s room. She had never been so glad to see him.
“I need help!” she called.
He jumped up, shooting an alarmed look at Elvis’s door where he had presumably thought she was with him. The shutters dropped on his face when he came to her threshold and saw Elvis on the bed. Chancy could almost hear the metallic clang as he slipped into his professional role as fixer, bodyguard, cleaner of messes. Her stomach cramped at how not shocked he seemed.
“He fell asleep while I was in the bathroom,” she explained. “We need to get him to his bed.”  
“All right. C’mon then, Boss, let’s get you up.” He stooped and hooked Elvis’s arm around his broad shoulders, grabbing his waist with his other arm. Chancy rushed to Elvis’s other side and gripped his other arm, pulling with all her might.
Together, they got him to his feet and Chancy felt him wake again, fighting them a little as he tried to pull his arms away.
“Settle down,” Sonny soothed in a gentle, for him, voice. “Just putting you to bed, man.”
“Sonny? s’goin’ on? Where’s Cha-Cha?” He turned his head and gave a little absent-minded laugh. “There’s Cha-Cha!”
Having tried to keep Elvis upright by herself, Chancy could fully appreciate how strong Sonny was as they made their way out of her room. She paused to lock her door and Elvis’s arm almost throttled her as he tightened his grip to avoid losing her and Sonny didn’t know to pause.
“Ain’t she pretty?” Elvis mumbled, dragging her back to him and burying his nose into her hair. “Ain’t she pretty, Sonny?”
“Sure thing, Boss,” Sonny grunted, nodding at Chancy to open the door to Elvis’s room.
“You’re so pretty, honey.”
“Thank you,” she replied quietly, patting his back, and wishing he would fall asleep again. Who knew what he would say in this state and she wanted to be able to look both him and Sonny in the eye again after that night.
Finally, they made it to the bed and Sonny disentangled himself slowly, letting Elvis drop gently onto the mattress.
“You gonna be okay?” he asked, meeting Chancy’s eye. She nodded and thanked him. “I’m right outside if you need anything.” She watched him close the bedroom door behind him and then turned back to the man trying and somehow failing to climb beneath the covers.
“Baby, you’re kneeling on… Oh lord, we are a real mess right now!” she sighed.
Elvis giggled like a kid and dropped onto his back, pulling at the bedclothes with his heels as he lifted his hips and finally succeeding at freeing them.
“Cha-Cha!” He made the grabby hands gesture, beckoning her to him. She sighed again and climbed onto the bed, letting him draw her in.
“We made it!” she mused in disbelief, snuggling up to him. She waited for him to drift off again, but he seemed to have gained a second wind and was more interested in kissing, stroking and patting her. Then he said he was thirsty and she fetched him a drink of water. Then he said he was hungry. Again, he reminded her of Faye, fighting sleep and trying to stay up late with the grown-ups, coming up with every excuse possible to avoid going to bed.
“Look, sweetheart,” she began, her tone exactly the same as when she was talking to the four-year-old, “it’s not time to eat now. It’s time to sleep. But if you go straight to sleep, it’ll be breakfast when you wake up, okay?”
He stared at her, his intense expression not giving anything away. She wondered if he was going to snap at her for talking to him like a child, for treating him like a child essentially, and held her breath.
“Okay, Mommy,” he sighed eventually, his voice soft and babyish. “I’ll go to sleep if you give me a kiss.” She dutifully pressed her lips to his pout and smiled as he stroked his fingers down the side of her face. “Stay, okay? Stay until I wake up.”
“I’ll stay,” she assured him.
“Promise me now.”
“I promise. I’ll stay.”
Finally, eventually, his eyelids began to droop and his breathing deepened.
After what felt like hours, still wide awake from her exertions, she decided to go back to her room to fetch a book to read, thinking it would help her relax and fall asleep. She got as far as turning away from Elvis before the pyjama top she was wearing stretched taut and went tight around her neck. Throwing back the blankets, she found that he had a handful of the shirt squeezed tightly in his fist, evidently not trusting that she would keep her promise.
What would it be like to be so fearful of being alone? He always seemed to her to be so strong, such a force, and it was difficult to reconcile that with this overwhelming need for companionship. How strong could someone really be if they couldn’t face spending any time in a room alone? She was drifting off finally, contemplating this, when Elvis jerked, his arms and legs flailing, and he came to in a roar of garbled fragments of words and sounds. She was clutching her leg where he had got a good kick in, finally able to roll out of the danger zone now that he had released her top.
“Are they safe?” he said hurriedly, his voice cracked and thick. “Why won’t anyone tell me?”
“Elvis,” she said softly, giving her shin a final pained rub, “it was a dream, honey. Everyone is safe.”
“I heard her crying,” he insisted. “She’s calling for me.”
“Who was crying, sweetie?”
“My baby,” he snapped. “I’m her daddy. I gotta protect her. I gotta- I gotta… It’s my fault.” She tried to stroke his hair, his face, anything to soothe him, but he batted away her hands.
“Your baby is safe,” she promised. “She’s fast asleep in her bed. She knows her daddy keeps her safe.”
She was looking into his eyes and yet not. It was eerie, like Elvis was not behind them at all and his body was being animated and controlled by someone else who didn’t know how he moved, or how animated his face usually was, how he manipulated emotions with just a tiny lift of a playful eyebrow. 
“He’s gonna hurt ‘em, he’ll kill us all,” he insisted, sending a chill down her spine.
“E- Elvis… Elvis.” Chancy had to swallow down the bile that had risen up into her throat as he whispered his own name, sounding so scared. 
“Okay, that’s enough now,” she snapped, wiping away beads of cold sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. “That is enough! Wake up now, Elvis. Wake! Up!” She shoved at his shoulder, jolting the whole of his body on the mattress. She didn’t care if it startled him or if he lashed out and hit her (again). She needed him to be awake and not terrifying.
“What?! What are you doin’? Stop! What’s goin’ on?”
“Are you awake?” she demanded, kneeling over him.
“What?” He rubbed at his bloodshot eyes and let his hand slide down his face. “You-You woke me up, ‘course I’m fuckin’ awake!”
“You were having a bad dream. A really bad one.”
“Shit- I- I need to sleep, Chancy, you know I gotta be strong to do my job. You can’t- You can’t mess with me like this!”
“I’m sorry, you were scaring me.” He muttered something under his breath, but relented, pulling her down by her arm and wrapping his arms around her. She half hoped he wouldn’t be able to go back to the sleep, but, again, his breathing deepened and she felt his body relax into the mattress. She lay poised in preparation for something creepy.
At one point, he gave a soft murmur and she jolted like someone had fired a starting pistol, but there were no more nightmares that night. At least not sleeping ones. Thank you to @thatbanditqueen for listening to me ramble and @be-my-ally and @ellie-24 for getting me in the mood with their lovely big daddy elvis fics
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blade-that-was-broken · 2 months
You know DJ Suki from Trolls, right?
Do you think she will ever be back?
Honestly I’m not sure if she will ever be back as I heard that her voice actor is busy in real life or something.
What do you think what happened to her? I know in TrollsTopia, it showed where she went in the final but as we know it’s not canon to movies and she wasn’t seen in TWT. (Never liked Legsly, I’m surprised I never realized that until now that DJ Suki wasn’t in TWT-)
I’m not sure if she will be in next movie but I’m kind of hope The Snack Pack will get more attention like in Trolls, unlike TWT and TBT.
Yes of course they were awesome in TWT, like Cooper having the important role and have a backstory to his family, Yay! :D
I’m fine with Biggie except how he did was great, as we saw in the end of TWT and how he said that the good queen should be listening, he helped in good way even if I don’t like him.
But TBT… what happened? Where they are?! If Tiny have big role in then should Guy be? He’s Guy’s son after all! Poor Guy…. :(
I hope some missing members are back in too, I like Smidge, she’s the great character.
I actually kind of liked DJ Suki. I'm not sure if she will be back. I guess it depends on a lot of things, even if there ends up being another movie. Not that she had a ton of screen time in the movie anyways; it was mostly the show which I don't think is technically canon?
Cooper's backstory kind of came out of nowhere but it also kind of makes sense cause he was so different. When it comes to that, I kind of understand Poppy's point. Like, despite Cooper being so different, no one ever treated him like he was an outsider and his differences are fairly obvious.
Biggie kind of drives me nuts sometimes lol but it might be his voice. also, controversial opinion, Mr. Dinkles wigs me out.
TBT was very Branch- centric. Tiny was mostly there because kids love him and he's got that extra comedic effect. I understand why the snack pack isn't really involved. That would be WAY too big of a cast for kids to understand and handle - and the cast was already big to begin with for that movie. We have to remember, in the end, no matter what age people are watching - these movies primary audience is children. Sure, it's got some adult humor - it's kind of like shrek. Kids can watch and have fun but the parents also watching can be amused at the same time.
Anyway, I got a little off topic.
If they do another movie, I'm kind of hoping it might be a bit more Poppy-centric? As we all know I LOVE Branch and JD and the rest of the bros but I'd love to see a bit more Poppy-centric stuff too. Especially now that she has a sister by her side. Possibly.
I think we think of the Snack Pack as this huge thing because of the TV show mostly. In the end, the movies are very easily about Poppy and Branch. It's the characters the audience focus on and since it's mostly just them, it can be easier to digest for kids. The rotating cast of new characters invites new jokes, new toys and new interests for the kids who don't always remember some of the side characters of other movies.
This is something that I generally like to keep in mind, that some of the movies we love and watch are made for children a lot younger than us. So I take everything with a grain of salt and that in mind and it definitely helps my enjoyment. I don't expect questions to be answered or deep themes to be addressed. That's something I - and others - can do through fanfiction.
So yeah... my two cents lol
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moviemunchies · 9 months
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[Doing another TV show review. This one can be found on Roku.]
Over a decade ago, the Sci-Fi Channel/SyFy was known for two things: terrible original monster movies, and great original television shows that it canceled too soon. Alphas was the first SyFy original series that I watched, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.
I was fairly impressed by it.
Alphas takes place in a world (perhaps the same world as Eureka and Warehouse 13) in which certain individuals, dubbed “alphas”, have enhanced physical or mental abilities–superpowers. Ordinary human psychologist Dr. Lee Rosen (played by David Strathairn) leads a government-funded team of alphas to investigate criminal cases involving alphas, especially regarding a secret activist group called Red Flag. Along the way, the team has to cope with their own problems–after all, each power comes with a physical or mental drawback.
This show came out about a year after the NBC series Heroes, I think? Do you remember Heroes? It was a show that everyone went nuts for even though I don’t know of anyone who has much positive to say about it after the first season (it also got hit by the Writers’ Strike in its run, so maybe not its fault). Alphas got a lot of comparison to Heroes. It had a much lower budget, but I think that it works in the show’s favor? It’s aiming for a more grounded attempt at superhero fiction, after all.
I do not want to call the superpowers in this show “realistic”; some of them are quite ridiculous! But they’re generally smaller in scale and the show works to create explanations that sound somewhat plausible. There’s an alpha who doesn’t turn invisible, as much as walk in people’s blindspots. There’s an alpha who can shapeshift, but he has to study his subject extensively before transformations. 
Leaning into that: a fascinating aspect of the powers in the show was that each one came with a disadvantage. Some of these are physical; on the team, for instance, Bill has enhanced strength that kicks in with his body’s fight-or-flight response. The problem is that his body can’t handle going through that for extended periods of time. Sometimes (and seemingly more often) the side effects are psychological; Nina, whose power is temporarily being able to mind control people, has significant trust issues and a tendency to use her ability for petty tasks like getting out of speeding tickets.
This adds a dimension to the powers–it helps build these characters, so that their powers don’t feel as if they’re just tacked on. The psychological aspects help the characters feel more grounded, as it questions how people would act if they had these powers, and the physical limitations puts boundaries on what the characters are capable of. There’s nothing as gaudy as time travel or throwing bolts of lightning here.
The main conflict of the series is between the government and the group Red Flag. It’s pointed out more than once that alphas have every reason to be antagonistic towards the US government, given its tendency to exploit and imprison alphas whenever they want. Many in Red Flag have sympathetic motivations and backstories, making the heroes wonder at times if they should really be fighting them at all.
If you decide to get invested in this series (which maybe you should, as it’s pretty good), you should be aware that it only lasted two thirteen-episode seasons, and it ends on a cliffhanger. Not one of those, “Oh, what happens next?” cliffhangers, a full-on, “Everything is screwed!” cliffhanger, that makes you think there must have been a really good plan for what happens next. That doesn’t change that the show is good, but you might end up deciding that it wasn’t worth getting worked up over a story that’s clearly unfinished.
But overall, Alphas is good. It’s really good. If you’re into superhero fiction, but won’t mind the lack of costumes or secret identities, this could be a good show to try. Or if you’re just interested in science-fiction series, it’d be worth giving Alphas a try.
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robinruns · 11 months
Ok quick Dunes Day update
...just kidding this got fucking long, so it's going under a cut
Got to the hotel a bit before 3, had to wait to check in, but that wasn't a big deal. Got over to The Rave and there was a line but it wasn't bad. I asked and it was not separated by VIP/non-VIP so I just sat down on the blacktop like everyone else and roasted for about two hours.
I had paid for parking and around 5 pm a guy came out and was like "Hey, if you're parked here, come get a pass or we'll tow you." So I had to go to my car, get my ticket, get a pass and he made me move my car so there would be more room. (Spoiler alert: when I left the lot wasn't even half full)
There was some back and forth with whether or not the VIP line was lining up at the front of the building, or if they would come and get us. They did come to get us a bit after 5:30 and then we went inside and lined up. I think I was about the 10th person in line. I shoulda known how bad it was gonna be when I was standing inside and it was just as hot as outside, just without the sun.
We finally get let into this smaller side bar and I was like oh ok, this is where the Q&A is, then we'll go into the larger room for the show. Then I realized the drum kits were set up there. No this was it. This tiny tiny space was it. Well fine ok. I had made friends with the two people behind me in line and they were super nice, and we got to talking to a couple in front of us as well. We quickly realized this show was basically a mini-Pride event 😄 it felt really cool to just be like "oh yea, I'm NB" and it was just... yea 🤷🏻‍♀️ no big deal!
The Q&A was fun. One of my line friends was like "What's your favorite horror movie?" And Frank was trying to take off his sweatshirt and he gets the mic and is like "just now when I was stuck in my sweatshirt" 🤣 Anthony talked about being 12 and huffing and accidentally burning down his friend's garage. At this point I now consider IASIP to be a documentary and Anthony was the inspiration for Charlie and/or Mac lol
Q&A ended, the assistant who was running it handed out the waters on stage that the guys didn't take and I got Tucker's extra La Croix. It was grapefruit 😄
Pinkshift came out and absolutely ripped it the fuck up, like holy shit they were great. Highly recommend checking them out! A person did pass out a little bit back from me, and the band was good about stopping right away and everyone was calling for security, but it felt like it took forever to get anyone to come around for them and get them off the floor. It was so fucking hot, like it was insane. I'm surprised more people didn't pass out honestly.
Then Dunes came on and it was fucking rad. Anthony was giving high fives and like taking peoples' hands and he totally held my hand for a moment, a long moment! And it was magical 😄 They fucking tore it up, and at the end of the first song I made eye contact with Travis and was like "🤘🏻 yea!" And he grinned back, it was great!
That reminds me, I think Coheed is coming to the Sylvee again for the 100th time, maybe I'll go because I'm done with the Rave I think.
The crowd was nuts, they were pushing really bad from the back and I eventually had to dip out. I was afraid I was gonna pass out if I stayed in there with how hot it was plus all the pushing. Would have been good if there was any sort of security keeping people back, but again, they were MIA. So I went around to the bar off to the side to get a water and there was a giant industrial fan blowing. The vibe was so much more chill and I was like "am I old? Is this it?" But honestly I didn't care. I leisurely went to the bathroom, grabbed merch, and just enjoyed the music.
I'm pretty sure this means I'm old 😅 oh well, I don't mind!
I left right at the end and grabbed a brat from a street vendor. It was amazing and honestly I needed it so bad. I had a water in my car so I slammed that as well. It sucks when you go to shows alone and you can't pop around the corner to McDonalds while you wait to get some fries and a soda and take a pee break. Like you just have to wait and wait and wait and hope someone around you is chill to hold your spot. It's sorta a bummer honestly.
Getting back to the hotel was a bit of a headache, mainly because of traffic from the Brewer game letting out. But as soon as I got back I got into my room, got a shower, and now I'm in bed. I have a full day planned for tomorrow, including stopping at Target, stopping at the running store, finding a post office, and getting a manicure. And then going home and getting prepared for the rest of my week.
Ok that was a lot longer than I originally intended, but oh well
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
ok i have some more time! here is:
  1. the dream from tuesday night, in which pwaa case 3-5 turns into a horror movie because pearl gets possessed by a demon & then her head explodes. 2. thursday night (technically like 3am friday morning but whatever) where some people would have fake deaths & need to get on the bus
ok! i don’t remember much of this since it was already a while ago & it was genuinely really unsettling, but it went like this. i made a gif of pearl’s head exploding bc it freaked me out, so if you don’t want to see that this is your sign.
pearl slipped off the inner temple side when the lightning struck & died bc there’s rocks down there. but she came back! but she was possessed by a real actual demon. anyway while her consciousness was still out, it climbed back up the cliff by using her hands as rock climbing nuts, which obviously made them get really fucked up & tore up her skin & everything, but the demon set her hands on fire on the bridge to hide that, & then put the fire out. (it had fire powers), & then pretended to get knocked out by falling rubble or something. 
since the bridge wasn’t as burnt out, edgeworth found her on day 1 of investigations bc it was still safe to cross.. she said she remembered the lightning strike & put out the fire, but didn’t remember anything else. edgeworth is not a medical professional and who’s gonna doubt like an 8 year old whose story matches up currently. he tried to get her to go to the hospital, but she refused until maya was safe, so he at least wrapped her hands up. she also had a big bruise on her forehead like that
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and the bruise would get darker pretty much every scene she was in over time. edgewowrth was really concerned if she had a concussion, especially since she was complaining of feeling weird & heachaches all day, but she absolutely refused to leave or be babied by anyone & seemed stable overall, & he was able to focus on the investigation. phoenix was there too but it was following Edgeworth's pov for this part. 
anyway then at night the bridge caught on fire again & everyone that was there ran to check it out, & pearl was there & she said some weird stuff & then her bigass forehead exploded bc the demon was living inside her brain & then it came towards the screen really fast all jumpscare-like & we got a cut to black game over screen.
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^it was pretty much exactly like that. so.
10.27.2022 OK so in this one, it was me, one of my internet friends, & my other friend who i played Faith with earlier this week. in the world people had timers above their heads that showed how long until they died. only you could see your timer unless you shared it with people, so like you could show your friends & stuff if you really wanted. but it was like private info otherwise. anyway we all saw that our timers were counting down to a time really soon from now, & they were all the same, & then the bus driver came to pick us up. we were confused - we hadn’t died, we were still alive? but this just happens osmetimse - the timers get confused, so it’s a false death. think like those ants who get the death chemical on them. everyone thinks they’re dead. your brain thinks you’re dead on its basest level, even if you’re not, so you’re dead. 
i was having a fit & i wanted to go home to say bye to my sister, so i managed to convince the bus driver to go by my mom’s house. my sister wasn’t there. my mom could only see me for 30 seconds, & she’d started rearranging the house - a lot of the furniture was gone or moved around in really weird ways. 
and then after that the bus driver took me back onto the bus. there was a little blond girl there. she looked like this one kid ava i worked with when i was 13 - big ol head, flat really pale blond hair, etc. she would cry all the time. tthe bus driver was really mean to her. mean to everyone tbh but i only really got mad when he wa mean to her. mean to me & my friends? whatever. mean to a 6 year old? grr
there were some shenannigans & stuff but i woke up abruptly today so i only have the last scene clearly - we were by the beach. it was really gorgeous. the sand was light orange, the sky was super clear & greenish blue, the water was really refreshing. me & my 2 friends were in a rock pit by the beach in like swimsuits or whatever. idk what we were doing in there. the water was 300 feet to the right. maybe we were hiding from the bus driver, but we knew he’d show up eventually. and he did. 
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester, MA
I'm afraid Trump thinks a lot of things are fiction he goes after people cuz he's sick but the suit is not and I picked up part of it and someone was there with me watching keeping guard while we were on the tour and I don't think it was Dave just one of my friends from St John's we went to tour they may have been Higgins he and I hung out quite a bit and he's a smaller lad and it might be Meghan markle's husband and I lifted it up and I said no way this way is a ton I'm getting a hernia and I it probably weighed about 200 pounds and mother and father say it's about 2:50 and it was just the chest plate and we are and it looked like kind of like a Ponce de Leon but not as rounded it was damn heavy and it was about 3/8 of an inch thick I don't think it should have weighed that much and I'm very strong back then I was very strong
They're saying you're not supposed to touch it and this guy goes around touching everything. Says I don't think I touched your face but then again we may have wrestled and I think I did. Well I said the bad words he said cut the crap and I don't really mean it but that's freaking weird why do you have to go around touching everything still kind of glad you did cuz it weighs a ton and those place wait a time that youfit and it was not magnetics and they disappeared and Trump has been taking the stuff and he kills practically everybody there in class because he wants it for himself then he goes after Tommy f for the hellraiser box disappears then he reappears and they go after the place several of them and we think they get abducted and tons of them die and it's where the nights in White satin are from and the origin points of the armies are nearby where our friend here pointed them out and this is going to be hell because they're near the bunker systems and that's where they were refueling the empire ships
Mac daddy
He's feeling like eating some candies and stuff his little baby sometimes to me he tells me most the time and that kind of ignore him and he tells a bunch of people I'm going to be ready for children says he will be too every once in a while I have a breakout but we won't say that later on I agree but really we're on topic here and they become hellraisers which are really cyborg the park machine and that's what these ships do and they're very powerful and they have shapes and he says all the shapes come together and make a planet and the planet is gigantic and I am familiar with what planet it is it is the decepticons and I run the clean
Ohh ah
Mac daddy
Yeah I kind of sounds like that what would it says well okay and he's like when do I start growing what a nut farm
Ben Arnold
I think it's called looney bin and I'm in the movie soon and I'm in hellraiser and I'm in suicide squad one and two too many movies I don't even know what the hell I'm doing ever and he said something today he said Dave is the one doing it these things are where he's doing it from and it makes sense and somebody else came up with it I don't know who or why but just clicked and I said Trump is just fooling around and he's doping killing his kids he loves it and he gets murdered for it by them but then he turns pale and white and he's doping and he's not a vampire he's like a there's a name for it and it's not a zombie it's like a cool it's a ghoul and back in the day Dave had like an old fashioned robot brain and he could have put it in there in a lung and had goals going around and they were gross and Olivia says he had a form of it and we are grossed out there's other things happening but this is very nasty and they try and get down there and get really beat the hell and Trump takes a real personal what happened the whole experience and tries to go after Tommy f when it's not really his fault and it's like who's fault is it I said tell me you have had the thing and someone directed me to the store I don't think it's can but you might know who if you're not mean as hell right away during and after and we hear he's laughing but geez
Hera and leave my mom's body alone you need that you imbecile what are you stupid Trump
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fairykukla · 8 months
Freddie's back!
I'm continuing my Halloween Movie Marathon, shifting to modern horror. I'm doing this mainly because I managed to pick up the entire Nightmare on Elm Street series in a two-package set from the thrift store!!
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The first film, the iconic Wes Craven masterpiece, still holds up beautifully. I can see where he leans into the curves with some tropes, and veers right off the tracks with others. It's very clever, and beautifully metaphorical. The Mythology presented is internally consistent, and the characters are all very believable in their various roles.
Bitty Baby Johnny Depp sure is playing a "typical high school boy next door" as Nancy's across-the-street boyfriend. The rest of the cast are taking their roles seriously, including Robert England debuting a career defining role as the villain, Freddie Krueger.
But the core of the horror is about how this monster comes after you when you're at your most vulnerable; asleep in your dreams. What's more, the parents don't believe Nancy because they're guilty of their own sins. "Fred Krueger can't hurt you, baby, because mommy killed him." That's a hell of a reveal.
Robert England is the best thing in it, with his weirdly comedic take on the character, but it has recently occurred to me that Fred Kreuger was a successful serial killer of children; kids don't go along with creepy people. Successful predators are wolves in sheep's clothing. Oh, we *want* to believe that The Killer or The Perpetrator would be readily identifiable. We want him *obvious*. So, even more disturbingly, the original Fred Krueger wore cheerful colors and was kinda goofy/funny, maybe even charming. He apparently goes free due to a technicality, but I suspect that some of the reasons have to do with his being able to masquerade as a charming, non-threatening milquetoast.
Now that he's been revealed as a monster, he's a monstrous version of his former self. And his real sense of humor is dark and gruesome, but still (horribly) funny.
His reasons for tormenting, then killing these specific kids are because their parents were the ones who burned him to death.
The second best thing in it is our Final Girl, Nancy. I remember her as a mature-seeming "older teen" when I first saw the film. I was a young teen at the time, and she reminded me of my babysitters; a few years older and Very Cool. As an adult, I see how young she is, but still courageous and awesome.
(maybe one day Sigourney Weaver and Heather Langenkamp can be badasses together as bitter old biddies. I would watch THE SHIT out of that.)
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And then, this happened. Oof. Wes Craven mostly just signed off on this one. He didn't write it or direct it.
And while it has some excellent moments, the overall story is neither written well, nor executed well. It's a mess.
Freddie wants revenge and uses the body of The New Kid to perform his bloody work. New Kid just moved into "That house on Elm Street," where "A girl went nuts after seeing her boyfriend killed across the street."
But apparently the house where the boyfriend was liquefied and sprayed all over the walls was... what? Sold to a different family right away?
It's "Five years later" but the film came out the following year?
The house is haunted but Dad is so pleased with his bargain that he won't fix anything?
Freddie possessed New Kid at completely random times, finally manifesting fully through him in the real world? Nancy's diary is found to provide necessary exposition?
And the pacing is ponderous, lots of close ups of sweaty, half-dressed teen boys.
So like, bonus points for making the guys into the eye candy, but they made it boring at the same time.
Central theme is... uh... Freddie is scary!
This one is Bad. Watch a couple of YouTube clips or the gif sets and move on.
In point of fact, the second film put me off the marathon for the night, so I'll pick back up and write some more later.
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bzdsentai · 9 months
Just finished the Throne of Atlantis arc and it was pretty damn solid.
I can see why they adapted it into a movie beyond it just being the second really big Justice League story after the Darkseid invasion.
I think the comic was better though, granted I haven't watched the movie since it came out but I remember a lot of the beats and the comic went about the same. Orm was just less evil in the comic, he was legit just doing what he thought was the right thing even if his prejudice against surface people clouded his judgment.
Vulko was the actual bad guy which is kinda nuts since I'm going off the era of him being one of Arthur's friends, even if there was a period in the 90's where he was plotting against him to help Koryak become king. But he got over that eventually.
Still, a solid Aquaman/Justice League story. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
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emmachine22 · 1 year
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16/01/23 - Black Box
This one day project is to create an advertisement for a product based on an image map that another group have created.
The first task was to create that map, so we had to find images that were loosely related to our product. We had Bird’s Eye Alphabites, a frozen potato food in the shape of letters in the alphabet. We thought of words that corresponded with this frozen food, like children and learning, and we included the movie “Frozen” and a picture of an eye of a bird to help with guessing the product.
Then we were given a group’s image map to film our advert based on. We guessed correctly from the images, which was Sun Pat’s Crunchy Peanut Butter.
Our first challenge was that a member of our group had a nut allergy, therefore she couldn’t handle/eat the peanut butter, which meant we had limitations with our advert from the start.
We brainstormed ideas, such as ‘cereal’ killer, slow, seductive shots of spreading peanut butter, and giving the peanut butter a personality. From this, we went into exploring how peanut butter is made; by combining peanuts and butter. We thought we could do a satirical advert, in which a couple are on a dinner date in a restaurant and a peanut falls onto the table. The man spreading butter onto his bread accidentally drops a little bit, and maybe we do a stop motion to show them getting closer. The waitress could then cover them with a napkin, and reveals the Sun-Pat peanut butter. However, the tutors did not like this idea too much, and told us to think about when peanut butter is used - primarily in the morning for breakfast. However, I really liked the idea of revolutionising when peanut butter is used.
We went back to the first mind map, and focussed on ‘put peanut butter on EVERYTHING’. Originally, the idea was to put it on plates, tables, chairs etc. but we considered the cleanup, and that one of our group had an allergy so surrounding her with peanut butter would be quite dangerous. As peanut butter is a supplementary product, (you don’t have it on its own) we thought about food that we could put peanut butter on. We went with weird combinations, and asked the other groups what is the weirdest thing they would put with peanut butter to do some primary research. Once we had a substantial list of weird combinations, we thought about when you would eat them… as a midnight snack.
We made a storyboard of a girl going into the fridge at midnight, and putting peanut butter on lots of weird food. I wanted it to have a really fast paced, almost manic feel to keep the audience entertained and to show the hunger and desperation to have peanut butter on all her food. This communicates to the viewer that this product is something that you HAVE to have, by showing the actor’s uncontrollable desires. To have relatability, we wanted to shoot the scene from the actor’s point of view, so the audience can see themselves in the advert.
To create a contrast, the opening scenes could be slow and cinematic, showing just the light coming from the fridge with the actor’s silhouette. This creates mystery and intrigue, as the viewer doesn’t find out what the product is until around 10 seconds in. After the manic scene, we wanted the end scene to be shot from the same angle as the first scene, but with the actor leaving the room with her tray of weird combinations.
When also wanted to included freeze frames within each shot of the food. The peanut butter would be put on the apple, for example, then the video would pause and a large font with ‘Apple and PB’ would slam down. This would elongate the scene, and make the viewers squirm more as they had to look at the weird combinations for longer. This would be done in editing.
We came up with a tagline - get weird. We wanted to relate this short, punchy phrase with the peanut butter so it would impact onto the viewers and make them remember the disgusting advert and get people talking about their own weird combinations.
We had lots of time to think about our advert and plan it out as we had to wait until it was dark to start filming to convey that it was midnight in the video. Therefore, we planned out all the logistics and did some run through as so that when we did actually film, we had sorted out exactly what we were going to do. Tia would be the actor, Amy would be on lighting and I would be filming, as I knew how I wanted it to flow and the way the transitions would work, therefore I could get the necessary takes to make it all work together.
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white-poppie · 2 years
Chaotic Tokyorev  Headcanons
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A/N: This is very chaotic so be warned. Who said woman can’t be funny? Kiss my ass :3
(Bonus: Random memes i found)
Tokyo 卍 Revengers (東京卍リベンジャーズ)
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Manz has severe like severeee indigestion problems. Like all this guy does is eat and sleep?? So he burps so loud. Imagine being in a meeting, complete silence, lots of focus and this midget just goes BURRRPPP.
He is so hecking annoying like bro stop sending Beluga videos at 3AM, poor Draken is trying to sleep.
He once changed Draken’s ringtone to CPR by Cuppcake. They were in a meeting and Draken recieved a call,oh boy, entire of Toman saw Draken’s dArK ImPulSes while the background music kept playing. “I am here to serve you customer service~~”
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Man is too tall to be in Japan lmao, that one time he was walking with Mikey, he miscalculated how much he would need to bend to enter the door way. Ended up bonking his face straight into the wall.
He is barely ever sleep at night, reasons: overthinking, living in a brothel and most importantly, Baji and Mikey who send him random videos that he has to pretend to not find funny. Like that one time Baji sent him a video of Spongebob saying ‘YOAIMO’ on loop.
He is so quiet sometimes you would think there is something wrong. What actually goes in his mind is: ‘What if Baji suddenly shat in his pants again in the middle of a fight?’ or ‘if the earth is round, is it Mikey’s fault?’
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Me: 🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗
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is the kind of person who’s only response to any kind of insult is “YoUr MoM.”
Like Mf its not my mom who cried because I had to repeat a school year. 
You : “Baji you look like shit.”  Baji: “jOe MAmA” *insert windshield wiper laugh*  My guy, you aint funny 😐😑
He once went to Ken saying, “Oi do you know Draken?” Draken is like: 😐 brother wut Baji: DRAKEN DEEZ NUTS-
(He ended up face flat on ground that day)
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Best boy 😤
I just knowww he reads soo much smut and weirdass wattpad books. Like the books he reads are so Satire.
the shit is like: marked by the alpha, sold to the mafia boss by my parents, kidnapped by One direction,  BTS are my bullies and I fall in love with them and  the vampire is my mate.
I don’t even need to be told twice. He is a twice stan, no questions asked. e was home alone and was playing some songs while bathing. After he came out a particular song: TT by Twice started playing and boi he couldn’t resist dancing. He wasn’t aware that baji had come home and the door was a little open, Baji saw him dancing with exaggerated steps with only a towel .
In case you wanna see the steps: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxG_GPqC87wi8QjUpoI4IbwcPmo3flsJpS
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He gets anxious so easilyy (he is me, I am him).
Once he was with Chifuyu helping in the ship, stalking one of the crates he by mistake dropped an item on Chifuyu’s leg.
He got confused between saying:  ‘Are you okay?’ and ‘I am sorry’
He ended up yelling at his face, “ARE YOU SORRY?” And Chifuyu is just like: 🙂 tf you high on dood?
He has some...interesting choice of words when it comes to certain things. Like one time Chifuyu and him were watching a movie and he randomly went, “damn, her Tatas are so big.” Chifuyu ended up spilling the cold drink on his tatas due to laughing so much instead.
If bad things happen in your life, don’t blame yourself-
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Okay so we know he is an amazing brother you takes good care of his sisters. But for some reason the rest of toman also expects him to take care of them?
Like that one time when Baji set fire to car when people were still inside and he was forced to apologize to a veryy naked couple in the middle of the road at that time.
Or when when a girl was fixated upon Hakkai and he had to pretend to be his boyfriend to drive her off.
And also at the time when a very sleepy Mikey showed up in the middle of the night asking him for some snacks and everything was finished so he made him have half-cooked rice with peanut butter. 
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Pretty Boyyy🥺❤❤ And also fruity icon. Mf have you seen his wallpaper? “Takaa channn”
The Tiktok kid who puts TW on the weirdest of things. Like: TW! : bunny-hats, dirty shoes and sometimes even TW! Asian ppl. My love, you ARE Asian.
He forgets about how huge he is sometimes, so he ends up breaking so many things.
Like that one time Mitsuya dared him to hold a girl’s hand. He did so, she felt comfortable and they started walking, he suddenly lifted his arm up and that poor girl was dangling like a keychain:  🧍‍♀️ 🙋‍♂️. Thank fully her arm didn’t break, but he never held hands with anyone again.
hands and doors aren’t the only things this boy can break
HMMM... lets take a moment and think about Hakkai’s wallpaper :))
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All we accept in this house is Sanzu slander :)) 
Sanzu stans be jumping red flags like its olympics all year
Mf got so high once, he started humping a tree...in a kids park.
A parent came upto him and asked, “sir what are you, doing, this is a kids park, please keep that in mind.”
He looked dead in their eye, blinked and said, “Oh, I am sorry, I’ll turn on my kiddie mode.” (2 minutes later)
Sanzu: “WHAT DOES A FOX SAY?” Kids:  Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!!
Also once he said to Bonten Mikey that his hair  looks like that of a karen. Ran and Rindou feared for his life that day.
Unironically says YEET when he throws something.
Has a group chat with Ran and Rindou called The Boyz 🥶🔥⛓
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Smiley ( Kawata Nahoya)
This boy right here is a menace to society.
This guy has so much lice in his hair. He never washes it. Souya was once looking at him picking something from his hair and chewing it. Mf was picking out lice and eating it like a hecking monkey. (Bro how did you not get Aids by now?)
He sleep-talks. A lot. Him and Souya were sleeping one day and baby boy started whimpering. Poor Angry thought he was having a bad dream and tried to wake him up. He ended up getting kicked in the face while him yelling “WHAT DA DOG DOIN?”
He once thought that him and Souya should name their attacks like those in MHA and Naruto.  The neighbours were just looking at them yelling while standing 4 feet away from each other like:  🧍‍♂️  and yelling like Naruto and Sasuke “SOUYAAA” “NAHOYAA” “SOUYAAA” “NAHOYAA” “ROUNDO HOUSEO KICKKEU!!” ”ONE PUNCHO IN YOUR FACEUU!!” and all this while standing like a statue.
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“DIE, YAY, MURDER, YAY” : Master Oogway
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Angry (Kawata Souya)
This little gremlin, he is so pretty:(((
He is so respectful that its funny. 
So once he had a s/o. They were all dressed up for him, *wink wonk*. So they are just lying there like draw me like one of your french girls. And bro he opened the door. Stood there staring into their soul for a few seconds, turned around and slammed the door in their face while yelling, “I am sorry I should have knocked!” Ruined the whole mood.
His brother knows everything that happens in his life. Your crush on Mitsuya? Smileys knows. You skipping a class? Smiley knows. The time when Chifuyu tried to subtly fart? Smiley knows. Baji’s crappy “Deez” jokes? Smiley KNOWS.
He just such a cute little and fragile dandelion UwU who can turn Ran into Ranabelle UwU.
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Shuji Hanma
As much as I hate this bitch...he is hot in the timeskip only)
You think Hakkai was bad? He makes wholeass overdramatic TikTok povs. Shit is like: “I am your boyfriend and the police is arresting me.” Mf goes  making such weird faces. 
He gets sooo mad when you compare him to Nishinoya from Haikyuu.
He also says “SHEESH’ and lip-bites obnoxiously
Oh did I forget to mention about how he tried to  make that one video of doing the ‘bapsae’ hip thrust? I am talking about this thing. Yeah...dude lost his balance due to bending too much, mf was so AGRESSIVE when I tell you. It wasn’t even hot anymore, looked like he was having an itch. smh
The clip: https://youtube.com/shorts/dX6RTlhW2ZY?feature=share
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Tokyo 卍 Revengers (東京卍リベンジャーズ)
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Taglist: @denkis111, @jazzylove, @kristaline2dmensimp, @lordmypantsaresocool, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @rintaroubby, @nanaseishiro, @maybeleftoverjourneys, @idowritingandstuff, @astrofai, @loverboy--pdf​, @akumicchi​
〜 ➤Be added to my tag list: TAGLIST (If the link doesn’t work message me under this fic or personally to add you)
Love <3 @white-poppie™ on Tumblr
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kkusuka · 3 years
We all know how looks can be deceiving right? I’d love to request head cannons of Kuroo, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Konoha, Terushima, and Atsumu with a gf that’s gifted with that super-soaker, wet-wet pussy, a pro at riding that dick, and has the gwak gwak thotty throat slobber 9000 but she is so shy, cute, and innocent at first glance. She looks like the soft-spoken librarian but when they get down and dirty, she puts her body to work and these bois just don’t know how to act from how amazing she is. Let’s say they teased her too much, so she revoked their sex privileges for a few days (not knowing how addicted these guys are on her body). Desperate bois are best bois 😈
i’m shell shocked anon, you’ve blown my mind
Cw: hair pulling, super WAP, kinda fem dom but not really, severe pussy-whipped men  
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firstly, he thought you were the innocent type up until you sucked him off for the first time
Honestly, he thought you were a total virgin prude
It wasn't really his fault, you two had met as lab partners for an AP chemistry class
You know, a class full of nerds and people he just assumed would get a job and married when they were thirty
Looking back he should have caught on after seeing you unconsciously jerking of a test tube
But, contrary to popular belief, kuroo is not the social cue master
After a few months of dating, you guys were just a horny time-bomb
Ahh~ the first blow-job, one for the books
He should have known it was going to be good just from the way you were unzipping his jeans, was it normal to almost cum just for your girlfriend palming you?
When you did get his dick out and had it all the way down your throat within the minute, he really did think you were a godsend
He didn't even know what you were doing with his balls, but whatever it was it was working
You didn’t gag or cough, even when he grabbed that back of your head and practically face-fucking you
(the real kicker was when you licked your lips after he came  and gave him that small fucking smirk, mans was done for and he knew it)
Even with all that, nothing, and I mean nothing compares to the first time you guys went at it
when I say that you guy made out for five minutes when he went under your panties and felt the pacific ocean in your panties
He was about to propose right there (and about to cum in his pants for the thousandth time)
He didn't need to but he still rubbed a few circles around your clit, but apparently, you were ready enough
Considering you grabbed his dick and fully sunk onto him in one motion
Poor baby didn't know what hit him
You had to have done this before, and if he hadn't met you in class he would have been sure you slept around and learned everything in the book
You would clench every time your sims met and- AND THAT THINGS WITH HIS BALLS AGAIN
His mind was bungled, especially after you had both come and you fell onto his chest going back to the shy and sweet version he knew you as.
What the hell was that????
Was he fucking you or were you fucking him?? Because at this point he didn't even care
After that experience, you fucked like bunnies, all the time, even in school more than a few times.  
And we all know kuroo can't shut his mouth
And he always teases you about how cute and mouse like you are outside the bedroom and how it's like he’s dating two different girls
....that hit a nerve...
Two different girls??? Well he’ll just have to endure one girl until he realizes what a blessing you are
5 days, 120 hours, 7,200 minutes, and 432,000 seconds, that's how long he lasted
He was going insane, and so he explained that he didn't mean it in a bad way and that he loved how you acted
Forgiving him you rewarded the poor cat boy, 5 rounds for five days
(he didn't want to admit it but he’s pretty sure his dick would have fallen off if you didn't relent when you did)
(he just didn't want to admit that he was pussy-whipped)
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You actually had met at a library
One of his teachers wanted him to get a bit of extra tutoring and volunteered you for the job.
You had hit it off great! Personality-wise
(you’ll never tell him but it was frustrating that he clearly didn't understand anything you were telling him)
And you were so sweet and cute, and such a good teacher
He would know that if he wasn't too busy just staring at you and thinking about you and thinking about what you like and what you wear outside of school
(or how good your lips look, or how your thighs look so soft, or that when you get up he can see under your skirt.)
Your guy’s first time was an experience
(bokuto is the cunny easting master, don't call me out)
More cunny juice = more food for owl man
He was excited, somewhere in his mind he knew that it was gonna get better from then on
He wasn't wrong either, although he didn't let your mouth near his dick just yet, he knew that would be good considering the ‘art’ you've created on his neck
The true fuckary started with him on top, but the second he was in you he...froze
Poor baby was shell shocked, you felt better than he had thought, and he just slumped over, you thought he came but he wasn’t ready for it to end so soon
He just sat there for a few minutes, fucked out, before you just decided to flip you both over
That was more his speed at the moment
So he grabbed onto your hips for dear life and you got working
Within two minutes the two of you had created a pool of juices on his bed (bokuto had a lot of precum ok), not that he really cared
You were not competing with anyone but he already had you 2 to 0
(point 1 for the meal and point 2 for being an Olympic dick-rider)
I am also a firm believer that bokuto thrusts up, he just can't help it
You are too addictive, or the way you ground onto him in between every bounce was addictive
I also don't believe that you could even truly deny bokuto sex, he was good at guilt-tripping and he was soooooo adorable
(not to mention the puppy dog eyes  he does that could convince good to do his will)
So I’m sure the only way he wouldn't get sex would be no nut November.
(aka the devil's month of torture, actually not month, week give or take)
This year it just happens that he set a new record, 8 days
He went a whole 8 days without trying for sex
Truly he went about 10 days before he stopped begging and just took matters into his own hands
(under enough pressure Bokuto become a hard dom and no one can say otherwise)
The entire time he was telling you how pretty you were and how well your pussy takes him and that you had no ‘right’ to tell him he couldn’t have sex
He even gained a new phrase “this pussy belongs to me”
You were going to have to set some things straight once he was done ;)
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You were on the student council, it felt sacrilegious to think anything but pure thoughts about anyone on the council
(that didn't really stop him)
honestly, from the moment his crush festered he wanted to ruin your little innocent vibe  
You always smiled so sweetly at everyone, and just seemed like a true goody two shoes.
And that point seemed to have been correct when you began to date
Until! The fateful day where his perceived innocent girlfriend pulled a full 180 on him!
Firstly, you had offered, out of the blue, to suck him off in the middle of the movie you were watching.
Second, he asked if you knew how, and you giggled at him with that smile he loved so much
Thirdly, when you did get his dick out, you swirled some of the pre-cum on his tip with your thumb, he started getting a bit suspicious
Lastly, you completely swallowed him down, face pressing on his hip, cheeks hollowed.
That’s when he realized that you did know what you were doing
(that also arouse the thought that you had been with someone else, which was counteracted with the fact that you knew how to suck dick by practicing on hair brushed and popsicles)
((it also helped that you barely had a gag reflex))
Truly trying to put that to the test, dom iwa came right out, grabbing your hair and telling you  to suck harder
And you impressed the man, to say the least
After that he had to fuck you, he really just had too
For the first time, he went with a solid missionary, just to test that waters
He didn’t think anyone's pussy should feel like that, but since you were his it was ok
All was well he was lost in the feeling of your pussy and the deciding moment was when you pulled him against you and started to grind your body onto his
You were putting a whole lot of body into it too, and you were so soft, and unless he wanted to cum early something was going to have to change
So he flipped and changed to doggy style, which made thighs worse???
From there you got tighter and he could see all of the wetness drips from your fold onto the sheets
Yup, you were the one for him
(solidified when he pulled your hair and you moaned like a street whore)
As for the no sex thing, that was a ride
It started when Makki asked you if you were always dripping for iwa
And after a week of no sex, he confessed to letting them on his phone and  watching a recording of one of your nightly escapades and he was sorry
(and he just wanted to show them what they were missing, y’know brag a bit)
That was, and he says the only time, he let you try to dom him
You truly were the most amazing woman in the world
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( i made him kind of an ass lol sorry)
You wee the girl who sat next to him in class
(not to be mean, but he thought you were a nerd)
You always had your uniform covering everything and you were always playing with your short sleeves
You raised your hand a lot in class, always had a pencil to borrow
He just assumed that you had cobwebs in your pussy
Proven wrong at one of the volleyball teams parties, you had apparently been dragged there by a friend (surprising)
And you both were dragged onto some weird spin the bottle game
The bottle would spring and someone would draw an action from this jar and the two people would have to do it in a bedroom in the house
Seeing as that’’s how fate goes you and him were chosen
A blow-job card was chosen
And he laughed with a friend about how you wouldn’t know what to do
Mistake, that struck a real nerve, was this guy for real?
Oh hell no
Being the baddie you were, you walked to him, grabbed him by the arm, and locked lips, breaking away after a moment you asked if he was ready to go.
Poor boy didn't even respond, he just nodded and stood up
Two minutes in, he knew what he had done
You were blowing him like it would be your last time, it should be illegal to be able to suck someone off that well
And damn you pulled away right before he was going to cum.
And then just left him! Walked out of the closet like nothing had ever happened
That couldn’t be it, he wouldn't let that be it
After two weeks of non-stop begging from the guy you agreed to a date, which led to many dates
Which led to him finally being able to fuck you
God damn, he didn't think it would get better, and it did, it really did.  
You were laying on top of him and grinding your entire body onto him
Dripping all over him and squeezing him like crazy
He was never going to let you go
Now, that same friend from that party seemed very intrigued with your relationship
And he just can't help but tell him about how amazing you were, it just sucks that he did it right in front of you in the middle of lunch
Pussy pass revoked
He didn't think he did anything wrong so he went two whole weeks without any touch and he went crazy
He fell apart and apologized
After he begged enough you gave him the pussy pass back
And now he doesn't do anything to jeopardize it
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this is gonna sound weird
I feel like terushima knows when someone is a good lay
It's like a secret talent of his, he just knows and his radar went off when he saw you
But he thought it was wrong at first considering you were wearing leggings and a huge sweater
Not good fuck material  
But he had to make sure, so he just walked up to you and asked if you were a good fuck
Surprisingly you didn’t punch him in the nuts, instead, you laughed at him and said that he would just have to find out
And that he should at least take you out to dinner first
Adm he took you up it, made it the best damn dinner date he’d ever be on
And you reward him
With what?
The best damn blow-job he’d ever get as long as he lived.
And it fit that to the T
It started with the little licks and swirls, then, you gotta catch the man off guard, and just take his entire dick in your throat
And with that, he was sure he had superpowers
When He came, fairly quick for his taste, you swallowed all of his cum and he was ready to marry you
If he needed to take you on a date for that, he would take you on a date every day for the rest of his life
(not every day) but that's what he did
But eventually, just a blowjob wasn't enough, oh no he knew you had a tight hole
And he knew you were gushing most of the time (ushy gushy my pussy-)
If making him suck the fingers you used to fuck yourself after he came was anything
And you tasted good, really good
He was so ready for it that he let you ride him the whole night
He thought his dick was a]going to fall off, you were just that damn good
It was insane, you were almost using him as a dildo, grinding your clit on the base of his cock
And you looked glorious, he was going to have to talk to you about recording it so he could watch it over and over
Maybe show a few people-
And that's what he did, poor unfortunate soul got the silent treatment for two days before he fell apart
He literally got on his knees and asked for forgiveness
(biggest simp on the planet, but only for you (and your dripping cunt))
He’s sure to never do it again, he’s also sure that if you asked him to step on him he would let you
(and I think he’s the most pussy-whipped)
Ok maybe you didn't fully forgive him until he showed you what his tongue piercing could do, but it was worth every moment.
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Honestly, he was dared to sleep with the next girl who walked through the cafeteria door
And that just happens to bring you, miss. I remind the teacher there was homework
(Well he actually wasn’t really sure about that but that's what you looked like and he was already regretting his decision.)
In defense of him, your hair was in a messy bun and you had this teacher's pet aura around you
But he would be damned if he lost this bet to his brother and Suna, oh no
The moment he wa[lked up to your table you knew what was happening, and shut it down immediately
After that, you officially had his attention!
Lucky you!
Unlucky you for the fact that all he wanted to do was get in your pants.
But lucky you again because you could hold this over his head!
But one day you just woke up and chose dick (respectable)
So when atsumu did his daily “c'mon baby, you know you want some” you just stood up, scaring him
(he finally thought you were gonna kill him)
Instead, you grabbed him by the dick, literally grabbed his dick through his pants, and tugged him all the way to the roof
“Hey-hey baby, no need to be that rough”
“Shut up, Miya. pants down, now”
That was not where he thought that was going but he isn't going to complain.
“You want your dick wet so bad? Here you go!”
Honestly, he could die happy.
Not so sound gross, but you were slobbering around his cock like a pro. Now that left the thought, you had to have done this before.
You had hands on the back of his thighs pushing him further down your throat, hollowed cheeks, damn he should’ve done this was sooner
He was gonna cum-
And your mouth was gone, your hand was jerking him but that wasn't nearly as nice
“Lay back.”
Yes, yes he will do that. If what’s about to happen is what he thinks is about to happen  
And now your pussy was above his face. Ok a little detour but he’ll take it
You were literally dripping onto his face while he got to work, and you went back to sucking him off
Yup, heaven.
After you both came he made sure to tell you that that had to happen again.
And it did, you rode him to hell in the hole to heaven, and he couldn't help himself from telling the entire volleyball team about how good you were
Now he really didn't think about what would happen if the news got back to you
But he definitely didn't think that meant a whole week of nothing
Well nothing for him, you made sure to send him more than a few videos of rigid dildos and fingering yourself
A week of torture, but when it was finally over he had an entirely new folder of spanking material
he was sure about who he told about your escapades, as in he told himself and Osamu if he just wanted to vent
poor guy was paranoid now
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
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A/N: Thank you hottie❤️ Tumblr was fucking with the format, so I had to repost.  Anyways, I looovveee this request. I’ve been waiting to be in the right mood to write this. Like, jealous muscular himbos completely head over heels for their s/o? Sign me up.
Sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this, sugar plum
All characters are 18+
Warnings: smut below the line!
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Katsuki Bakugo:
bakugo doesnt get jealous
he usually felt secure in your relationship
yeah he got annoyed when kaminari would jokingly flirt with you
and yes, it made him angry when the dekusquad would literally stare at you with puppy dog eyes
and it pissed him off when kirishima suddenly became the funniest guy in the room when you were around
but he wasn’t jealous
how could he be? he’s bakugo katsuki
you agreed to go out with him. the strongest. the best. you couldn't get any better than him
lmao no
the bigger the ego, the more fragile it was
bakugo doesnt handle jealousy well
there’s a small part of him that knows he can be an asshole
he’s not the most...affectionate person
but damn it, if he doesnt try his hardest for you
you notice that he gets quieter but his actions become a lot more aggressive
he’s glaring at anyone that smiles at you
it’s honestly scarier than his threats
forces you to hold hands
is suddenly into PDA??? when he kissed you in front of your friends you literally made a face
you didn't know what was up with him, but you were really confused when you told him to chill and he visibility wilted
once he came around to telling you that he wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted to leave him, you were quick to reassure him
give him a couple kisses and rub his ego just a tad, and he’ll be back to normal
acts like he didn't just look like he was about to cry two seconds ago
there are two things that happen when bakugo gets jealous
at first, he’s very rough and handsy
he likes to talk big and say things like
“imma fuck you up when we get home”
“you like when daddy does that, sweetheart?”
“kiss it right there, baby”
“youre mine. tell me your mine”
he’s doing everything he can to get you screaming and thrashing
he’ll go down on you for hours, leave you trembling, only to tell you that was a warm-up
there’s this dark look in his eyes when he’s pounding into you, gripping the headboard so he can angle himself in the best position possible
it’s like he’s trying to prove himself by wrecking you
in the midst of your fucking, just when you feel like youre about to pass out, bakugo’s head falls on your shoulder
he’s still thrusting into you, but it gets slower and deeper
now it’s not just fucking
looks into your eyes with the most adoring gaze and kisses the breath of out you
he can’t speak, too deep into your lovemaking to express how much he loves you
how he’s so scared of losing you
but you don’t need his words to understand
lock your legs around his hips and tell him how you’ll always be his and he will let out a moan that makes your toes curl
when you reach your high, it’s a vulnerable moment
lots of soft kisses and hugging
wont admit to the tears that sting his eyes but is willing to express his adornment for you through his embrace and aftercare
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Todoroki Shouto:
todoroki doesnt have a lot of experience with jealousy
he knows what anger is
he’s felt insecurity
and he knows what it feels like to long for something or someone
but envy was a foreign concept to him
that was until he got into his first romantic relationship with you
don't get him wrong, he trusted you with everything
you gave him no reason to question your loyalty
and it never occurred to him that you would leave him for someone else because of how strong your love was for one another
however, his insecurities always got the best of him
he had a lot of baggage
he knew that
and when someone would approach you, someone that looked free-spirited and independent, he’d wonder if he was holding you back
even then, he can’t help but think that no one is worth the ground you walked on
not even himself sometimes
he never brings it up
but you notice that he started touching his scar a lot more
todoroki would try to act more extroverted thinking it would be better if he was livelier
youre deep talks about family matter diminished little by little
he tried to fill your comfortable silence with awkward conversation
you were so confused why your bf was acting so different
it took a couple attempts to get him to spill his thoughts
once he did, he’s stark quiet, looking away, fearing that you’d be so disappointed in him
but you just take his face in your hands and tell him
“you’re my whole world shouto. why would i ever give that up?”
he holds you in his arms for a long time after that
behind his jealousy of onlooking eyes is a deep steed of low self-esteem
and you can feel it when you get intimate
he’s always looking to please you, but now he’s desperate, trying so hard to think of what will make you feel good
it makes you sad bc he already knows the answer to those questions
but he overthinks it
he’s noticeably shier
his touches are hesitant as he second-guesses himself
is continuously asking if you’re okay or if he’s doing it right
at one point, you have to take charge and push him down on the bed
“let me show you how much i want you. just you”
licks his lips as you kiss down his body
one of those guys that believes sucking his dick is a chore 💀
“you don't have to do that” face ass
so when you suck the soul out of him, he’s SPRUNG
would write a song about it if he could LMAO
quickly says he loves you before kissing you like the world depends on it as you ride him
twirl your hips in the way he likes and he’ll hiss out curses
run your hands through his hair and kiss his scar and he’ll give you such pretty moans
please tell him how beautiful he is and how much you love him
my mans will nut on the spot
after the first round, he regains his confidence and flips you on your hands and knees
before you even know what’s going on, he’s pounding into you, gripping your hips like a lifeline
now that he’s reminded that he’s your man, he spends the night realigning your spine
bc who could do it better?
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Togata Mirio:
mirio is one of the most confident people ever
not only is he secure in himself, but he’s secure in your relationship
he knows he bagged a baddie
ofc people would be all over you
he couldn't blame them! i mean, look at you!
when people approached you, he usually let you handle it
if they were persistent, he would just put an arm around your waist
“you’ve got good taste, but they’re taken! sorry!”
it’s so wholesome that the other person can’t even find it within themselves to be upset
there was only one time he recalled getting genuinely jealous
it was during the time you two weren't exclusively dating
just going on dates to see how things went
at the same time, he overheard from your friend that your ex was trying to get back with you
when he heard that, he started sweating
it wasn't jealousy, but more like fear
he was determined not to lose you
not when things were going so well
mirio literally goes above and beyond on your dates
mans deadass learns how to cook all your favorite foods to bring to you
youre crying bc the seasoning was just *chef’s kiss*
brings you flowers at random times of the day
sends you pictures of things that remind him of you
you’re just soaking up all the attention
he’s always been an extra person so you didn't think much of it
it wasn't until you two were cuddling and watching a movie in his apartment that he confesses to you
“i know that i’m competing against history between you and your ex, but i want you to know that my feelings for you are strong, y/n. and i’ll do everything to prove to you that i can be the man of your dreams”
you stare at him before bringing him in for a kiss
“there’s a reason my ex is my ex”
“just ask me to be yours already, mirio”
he didnt have to be told twice
it was actually that same night that cuddling turned into something a little nastier
honestly, from then on, if you cuddled for more than 20min, there was a 99% chance yall end up fucking lmao
but that night, when he was kissing your neck and grinding his dick against you, he noticed your phone light up on the nightstand
you were too caught up in his fingers between your legs but he saw the text from your ex
it read: “i know this might be out of the blue, but would you wanna catch up over dinner sometime?”
now, mirio wasn't one to be spiteful
but he couldn't help but get a little heated
knowing your ex was trying to get back with you was way different than seeing it
a tiny switch goes off in his head and now he’s ready to make it known that you and him are together
you’re in heaven as mirio’s lips suck and nip at your neck and body
his head game is immaculate
turns you on your stomach so he can massage your back and ass before sliding into you
mirio holds your neck and gives you sloppy kisses as his hips swim into you
your phone lights up again and you can barely think straight when he gets rougher
starts pounding into you like he’s tryna put a baby in you whether it’s possible or not 💀
youre grabbing for anything you can hold as he starts whispering sweet nothings about how he’s gonna take care of you
whew...what a man yall 🥴
the entire time he’s wearing a shit-eating grin
bc he knows he won
might have accidentally sent your ex a voice recording of you moaning his name
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lokilickedme · 3 years
Somebody help me chill, this is insane.
(under the cut because long and also pretty traumatic, for me at least)
Crazy neighbor, remember her?  Her son destroyed a piece of equipment we had attached to one of our trees at the fenceline last week, she denied it and called us insane liars - that’s the most recent craziness in the ongoing saga of the neighbor from hell.  I was sitting here reading my dash tonight and happened to glance over at the monitor for the surveillance camera husband got me the other day to watch that exact spot (where the equipment was smashed) and guess who I see bent over looking through the fence peering very closely at that exact spot?  Neighbor’s equally insane son, who we know did the actual dirty work.  And I, stupid like I am, took a screenshot of him and then immediately jumped up and ran outside in the dark in my pajamas (nearly 9pm, pitch black, their porch light is off because obviously they’re doing something they don’t want to be seen doing) and I ask “Excuse me, what are you doing?”
This lunatic immediately starts SCREAMING at me - I mean top of his lungs SCREAMING abusive threats, calling me a stupid psycho whore bitch, yelling at me to get my ass back in my house and generally just acting completely off his rocker unhinged nuts - and then his mother comes out and comes over to the fence and gets in my face while I’m just standing there and tells me to mind my own business.  I say I am minding my business, I saw him looking through the fence at my property right where we had vandalism happen last week so I came out to find out why he’s interested in my property.  She laughed in my face and said “No he wasn’t, he was standing right here looking at his phone like this” and she does this little pantomine of someone looking at their phone, which is funny because she wasn’t out there when he was doing it and there are no windows on that side of her house at all.  I ignored her and asked “What are you looking for?”  He kept screaming incoherent animal noises and insults from behind her so I asked again, “What are you looking for?”  And that crazy woman grinned at me and said “We’re just looking to see what kind of new devices you’ve installed!”
OMG.  She didn’t even take a breath in between lying and then contradicting her own lie.  And she’s grinning smugly at me the entire time, gesturing around pointing at our property cams and mosquito light (it flashes and apparently she thinks it’s watching her) and my bedroom window - which means she’s been snooping.  There is a cam sitting in my windowsill, aimed at the spot where the device was smashed.  Every bit of this equipment is on our property, some of it behind a privacy fence.  I tell her it’s none of her business what kind of devices we’ve got on our property, but she just yammers over me, and of course numbskull is still ranting like a psycho behind her, screaming at me to mind my own business and get back in my house and leave them alone.  At this point he’s pulled out his phone and shoved it over her shoulder toward my face and is recording me, which is just...fucking hilarious...because I’m literally doing nothing but standing there in shock and awe at how nuts these people are, and he’s still screaming abusive curses and names at me while he’s recording.
Anyway, for about 4.5 minutes we stood there with them shouting over me (I know the exact time because it was later discovered that our doorbell cam recorded audio of the entire event) and a little ways into it he screams “I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!”
At this point psycho woman finally turns around and says “Addison Case!” and pushes him back.  He lunges at me and she tells him to go call the police (??what??  I mean...I wish he had...my phone was in my hand frozen solid, locked up because of the glitchy surveillance app I had to install to see the camera, or else I would have called them myself - but my god they really thought I was the one the cops needed to come for??).  Meanwhile I’m just standing there on my own property in the dark in my pajamas, all 5 feet and 120 lbs of me, while this rabid animal - he’s a 21 year old college boy - is lunging at me and screaming nonstop, calling me a fucking whore bitch loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear it while his phone’s camera light is in my face blinding me.  Crazy lady smiles that smug shit eating grin of hers and tells me to get back in my house, leave her alone, and move the hell away so she can live in peace.
Wow.  Just...holy shit.
This is the person who has allowed her dog to attack my very small 8 year old son on our property and send him to the hospital with injuries last year, then attempt to attack him again 2 weeks ago (he is now 9 at the time of the second attack) - again on our own property (in our back yard this time, in our front yard the first time), has allowed her dogs (multiple) to bark all night long and keep us awake (she leaves them outside and then goes away for the weekend and they bark the entire time she’s gone), then she had her crazy violent son destroy the BarkBox we put in our tree on our side of the fence last week (we put it up as a humane way to get the barking to stop without having to listen to her call us insane liars every time we complain about it).  Yet...she kept repeating over and over and over for us to leave her alone and stop harassing her.
All I could even do was stand there shaking my head.  It was surreal.  And frustrating, because they wouldn’t even let me get a word out without screaming over me, and she was doing that infuriating Karen thing where they shove their hand at your face and grin smugly while they’re telling you what you better do or they’ll call someone to make you.
I actually started laughing, it was so ludicrous.  She’s committed all those vile offenses against us and we’re the ones that need to leave her alone.  We’ve had to file four police reports against her and we’re the ones that are making her life miserable.  I just can’t stop thinking about that Liar Liar movie where the repeat offender keeps calling his lawyer to complain that the cops won’t stop arresting him and the lawyer finally yells THEN STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!!
It’s just like that.  My god.
SO -
She tells him to call the police again, and this limp dick shoves that phone light right up to my face and says “You think she’s worth calling the cops over?  Look at her, she don’t look worth it to me.”  And bitch starts laughing.  My god, these people are subhuman, I swear.  I’ve never seen anyone act like this in my life, over a person doing literally nothing to them.
So she finally orders her rabid son (who is just about foaming at the mouth, I swear he’s making these barking animal noises at me, it’s weird as hell) into the house and they walk away, with him still ranting like a madman until the door closes behind them.  I immediately go inside my own house and call my husband, who was way out at the back of our property in our camper (he self quarantines each day after work out there to protect us because there have been a lot of covid cases at his workplace) and he didn’t know anything was happening.  He immediately runs up to the house and I tell him I caught neighbor’s thug son messing around at our fence and that when I went out he threatened to kill me.
Tom grabs something - I don’t even know what it was, I think it was this piece of board that was sitting by the door, we’ve done a shelving project recently and a couple of leftover pieces have been there for a few days - and he stalks outside toward neighbor’s house.  I hear him yell COME OUT HERE BOY!!! and I stg you guys, if I wasn’t on the phone calling 911 I might have thought about getting naked right there and then because damn.
So anyway, let’s not go there.  This is serious by god lol (look for this to show up in a fic soon though because material like this doesn’t get handed to you for free every day).
I call 911 and say the neighbor’s son just threatened my life and for them to come quick because he’s still over there but I know he’s going to leave any second (this is his mom’s M.O, the two times the police have tried to go talk to her she gets in her car and leaves before they can get from my house to hers, and I know he’ll do the same because COWARDS).  Tom comes back and says the little pussywillow wouldn’t come out of the house.  He’s breathing fire, you guys.  Pure fucking fire.  I tell 911 to get somebody out quick before the kid leaves, and just about 2 minutes after I hang up he does just that - we see him blast past our house in his truck and he’s gone, and then the police arrive about 3 minutes after.  I’m so mad I can’t see straight.  If they’d been able to see him in the state he was in, they’d have arrested him on sight.
Two squad cars (big SUV’s) pull up and block her driveway with full lights flashing, which makes me laugh because suddenly we’ve got neighbors coming outside to see what’s going on.  I meet the officers outside, and the crazy bitch next door does the same, yelling “Hello Officer!” and waving to them as they’re coming up to my porch.
They talk to me and Tom for a long time, I tell them everything that happened, they interview Big (he and Little were inside the open door and heard it all), we fill out our statements and talk with them more until one officer goes next door to talk to neighbor.  We can hear her dripping her fake sugar and spice while they’re talking on her porch and my husband loses his shit - he heads toward her house and yells “We got the entire thing on recording, don’t even try to lie!  Your kid, threatening to kill my wife?!?”  (he’s referring to the camera in my bedroom window, which actually only recorded about 2 minutes because I don’t have it set up correctly yet, but they don’t know that). The officer yells at him to get back, which, yeah - he shouldn’t have done that, but for god’s sake the woman’s peckerhead son just literally threatened murder on a member of his family, this is the final fucking straw and he’s mad.  And as he’s coming back across the yard the officer that stayed with me points at our new doorbell camera, just freshly installed as of about two weeks ago, and asks if it’s on.  We haven’t even really figured out how to use it yet, but yes, as far as we know it’s on.  The incident happened around the side of the house, but the doorbell records audio.
God bless technology.
I invite the officer inside the house and Tom gets his phone, pulls up the app for the doorbell, and starts skipping through the recording looking for the right timestamp.  Up till this point all they have is me saying the guy screamed a lot of abusive profanities at me and threatened to tear my head off, and they’re taking me serious but probably not that serious, you know?  Neighbors fight all the time, wars start over barking dogs, things get exaggerated, we’ve all seen the TV dramas.
Until Tom finds the segment on the footage and starts playing it to them on his phone.  It’s kind of quiet because we were a good distance away, but you can hear the guy screaming just like I said he was.  The officer asks if we have a speaker we can play it through so he can hear the words more clearly, because he needs proof of threat and that’s entirely in the words.
You guys, I’m tellin’ ya, sometimes you get a chance to fucking SHINE.  My husband is a musician and this cop is asking him if he’s got a good speaker.  So within minutes Tom’s got this huge venue-style amplifier designed for broadcasting music to the back wall of a freaking stadium pulled out into the livingroom and he’s hooking his phone up to it, and then he hits play and the other officer comes back from next door to join us and I can tell by the annoyed look on his face that neighbor bitch has likely charmed him and shed a plethora of persecuted tears and spewed her lies about how we’ve been harassing her forEVER and I think for a second that it’s a total loss now, he’s made his mind up in her favor.
And then...away we go.  Tom cranks the volume on the speaker and they both lean in to listen closely.
Just about a minute into the recording they have their proof - thugnuts screaming I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!
Both officers nod, close their notebooks, and the second officer makes a phonecall while the first one turns to me and says “That’s terroristic threatening and it’s a class C felony.  You’re going to need to go to the PA’s office with all the reports you’ve filed against them so far and all your evidence from tonight including that recording and hand it all to them.  They’re likely going to issue a no-contact so that he can’t interact with you ever again.”
This is a victory, but it’s just the first step, and I feel sickeningly disheartened that it’s all in my lap to do everything.  I want them to go demand his whereabouts from his mother and just go get his ass and haul him in.  But no, I have a ton of legwork to do now because these horrible people won’t fucking stop.
After several more minutes of me asking questions about what exactly we need to do and where we need to go, etc etc (I’m competent but I’m also fucking rattled, someone threatened to kill me tonight and I’m blanking hard on the instructions he’s giving me) they finally wrap it up and leave.  They’ve been in my house for a half hour waiting for me to finish filling out the report (I had to ask for more paper because honey I’m getting ALL the details in there) and I can just imagine how freaked out neighbor is when she sees what time they finally move their cars from in front of her driveway.
And now I’m coming down from the weird calm that I had through the entire event, and my heart feels like it’s going to EXPLODE.  I had heart surgery two months ago, do I need this??  The pathetic part is that I know now just how stupid those people are, and I know this won’t be the end from their side by any means.  We’ll start finding more stuff broken, or he’ll start climbing over the fence back at the back of the property to steal stuff from husband’s tool shed, or my tires will get slashed.  These people are that dumb and hateful, they proved it tonight.  He said if we had animals he would kill them, and then he made the same threat against me.  How stupid does a person have to be to stand there with his phone out recording himself ranting and making threats against a woman standing in her own yard in her pajamas?  Big tough man there.  And his mama grinning at me the whole time, telling me I’m crazy and she’s concerned for her own safety because of me, while her son is standing right behind her threatening my life.
I’m just...my god, I don’t even know what to think.  I thought people only acted like this in TV dramas, seriously.  I’ve seen some shit in my life but this particular brand of stupid has up till now evaded me, but now it’s been in my face and I’m sort of in shock.
I don’t like guns.  At ALL.  Tom has always had at least one hidden carefully away, safely locked up away from the house, but now there are two inside my house in immediate grabbing range.  He insisted that I let him show me how to use them.  Rules were laid down for the boys - never touch, never, don’t even get close to them - and now there is a box of shotgun shells on my fireplace mantel and a singleshot rifle by the door.  I hate this so damn much.
Don’t pick it up unless you’re ready to use it, he told me.  Without even thinking, I said back, “If I touch it it’s getting used.”
My god.  I told the cops that the drug lord that lived over there four years ago was a better neighbor than this woman.  They didn’t even laugh.
I guess they’re right, now that I think about it...it isn’t funny.
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