#{this is a PSA i guess}
fitzandjemma · 4 months
Lost River on prime video in the uk????
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bragganhyl · 2 years
Once i manage to convince myself to back up my fics and art from my old blog, i’ll be setting up a sideblog where i’ll be reblogging them
Yes, that would mean, that i’ll go back and remove the read mores from my fics, however i also sorta kinda will not ever update that sideblog, unless it is to back up fics and art on this blog
But don’t worry, i do not actually want people to follow that sideblog, in fact i’ll put up a warning about it, exactly bc it’ll serve solely as an archive
“But why?” you might ask, it’s bc i want to keep the original posts with the timestamps on them bc reasons
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fiascobaby · 1 year
No one is gonna see this but the post that’s going around that’s like “take pictures of your stove knobs before you go on vacation so you don’t worry about leaving the gas on” is fine and all, but one of the top reblogs says this is good advice for people with OCD and I just want to say that FUCK NO IT ISN’T. People with OCD do not need more reassurance-seeking behaviors that can easily become compulsions in their own right. If you’re recovering from OCD, one of the most important things is learning to tolerate uncertainty, and you sure aren’t doing that if you’re taking the stove picture out every time you have the thought that you maybe left the gas on.
Maybe you left the gas on, maybe you didn’t. You will cross that bridge when you come to it. There’s nothing you can do about it right now.
Please for the love of god don’t carry the picture of the stove around with you.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 5 months
one of my favourite things about AO3 tags is their dedication to canon accuracy, even when that means it devolves into complete mayhem like
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Percy was not named with a fan following in mind, this was clearly a running gag but it's his name so they have to use all of it
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cozylittleartblog · 9 months
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worst way to start my new year, thanks. i have a lot of things to say about these companies but i'm tired and just keeping it focused to the pin side of things for this one. do not ever buy pins from these companies, literally ALL of them are stolen from small artists like me. if you want to buy enamel pins, check out etsy, and artist's personal websites and shops! (though even Etsy has some bootleg pins that ship straight from china, so tread carefully…)
Every pin I've designed is, thus far, EXCLUSIVE to my etsy. if you find it anywhere else, it's been ripped off! and once these stupid bootlegs pop up, it's basically a never ending game of whack-a-mole trying to get them all taken down...
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flarefighters-fr · 2 months
Sigh. Tapping the "if you sold a dragon you have no more rights to them" sign again, pointing out to everyone that when you sell a dragon they're no longer yours. If you don't like the fact people change them, simply don't sell dragons you don't wanna see get changed.
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destinationtoast · 1 year
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So, Tumblr is doing another new thing, and you may want to make your Likes private.
On my dash, I've started seeing posts with a header that says "Liked by [username of someone I follow]."
So far via this new feature, I have learned that various people I follow are fans of spicy queer photography, rpf, and some controversial opinions. Which is hardly surprising on tumblr dot com, but I haven't seen some of those people reblog such content in the past, so I didn't know that about them previously. (All these folks have their Likes publicly available, so I could in theory have browsed the posts they liked before. But to me, there's a difference between having Likes visible when people go looking for them vs. having them publicized on followers' dashes.)
If you don't like the idea of your liked posts showing up on followers' dashboards with your name at the top, you can change your settings so your Likes are private.
On mobile, open up your settings and click "Pages:"
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Then make sure that sharing is turned off for Likes:
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You can also send feedback to Tumblr.
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cobraonthecob · 3 months
in case someone's out there hate reading my blog, i don't need the show comics or post-canon comics to hate on kataa/ng. the show does it for me already 🤭
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mangosaurus · 4 months
speaking to my fellow benrius shippers right now: can we make a group pact to behave ourselves if benrius isn't made canon in jwct. i do not want to see this fandom become bitter and resentful, or have that anger be redirected at the cast and crew. these people have worked really hard to deliver us a very special show—do not let your commitment to a certain ship keep you from appreciating that!
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j3lly-fish · 3 months
Just a side note to the whole AI thing happening in the simblr community: It's a much bigger problem than you think.
In case you don't remember the whole cryptocurrency bullshit that happened years ago, by now you know that generative AI has the same outcome.
It uses a TON of power to make a single image.
Now I'm not saying your lil fake sim blogs full of AI generated family photos are what's causing the planet to die faster, but I'm also saying it is.
If you think I'm being dramatic, think about how many AI images you come across nowadays, there's at least millions being generated on a daily basis.
AI isn't just an ethically wrong way to 'make' art or create content for the sims (which unfriendly reminder, is trained off of real non-consenting artists), it's also just another unfortunate overdose of power usage that is now exhausting the power grids. You are feeding the much bigger machine at hand, which are the companies investing money into allowing AI to prosper.
So yeah, I'm going to judge those on here who get lazy and use AI to make swatches on their cc, or decide to make a whole blog of generated in-game screenshots because they couldn't load up their game and wait 10 minutes.
"There's bigger problems in the world right now", well congrats, you're actively partaking in them.
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mcflymemes · 11 months
remember that this is always a slow time for the rpc. as we get deeper into the holiday season, remember that people are finishing classes and taking big tests. they're slammed at work or taking on extra jobs to pay the bills. people are stressed about money or family, figuring out flights or trips, dreading the colder weather, struggling to put food on the table. some people are experiencing more dark outside than light, which might mess their schedule up a bit. some deal with seasonal depression during these months.
when your dash is slower and quieter this time of year, and when less people are liking your posts or sending memes, it doesn't mean the community is dying or we're all headed for the end times. i understand that less interactions or less support might be discouraging, especially when some of us are already dealing with the doom and gloom of darker, colder months and the stress of the holiday season... but please don't turn around and scold people for their inactivity or their lack of enthusiasm. don't get fatalistic about the fate of this community and declare it prematurely dead. this period of time always happens every year. now is not the time for unfair expectations. now is the time for kindness, generosity, understanding, encouragement, and love. now is the time for "take your time with replies," and "talk to me if you need anything. i'm here for you."
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fictionadventurer · 16 days
In Which I Write a Sensible Victorian Novel
Once upon a time, a woman made some mistakes in a regrettable romantic entanglement. She married a rich, respectable man and didn't want her past shame to destroy the love they shared. She immediately told her husband about her past, and her husband, being a reasonable man, understood and forgave her. No one blackmailed her, she never needed to construct an elaborate web of deception and intrigue, and she never had to worry about her husband finding out her secret from other sources. And they all lived happily ever after.
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tombstonesmile · 1 month
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I'm just posting this since so many people seem to have overlooked the fact that Tal was referred to as "they" in this caption.
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cozylittleartblog · 8 months
y'all I CANNOT win, some fucking clown AI upscaled my TADC fanart and is selling it on etsy. What the fuck. I hope I have better luck with the takedown on Etsy than I did with fucking aliexpress...
They even erased my cool ass background 😔
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bookshelfdreams · 5 months
the stone marten sounds like a completely fictional problem
like when other hemerophiles become pests, the damage they do is completely understandable. what does a wild animal want? food, shelter, a safe place to raise its young. simple, right? a raccoon moves into your attic because it's dry and warm, and he leaves feces and remains of prey because he's a raccoon and doesn't know that's not appropriate roommate behavior. obviously blackbirds steal your cherries and voles eat your veggies! they're hungry little guys! you would do this too if you were a blackbird or a vole.
the stone marten, though, will wreck your car. for no apparent reason. he's not living there and he doesn't want to eat the rubber from your brake line. he just fucks up your engine for the lolz. and he's sneaky about it, too! the damage will often not become apparent until it's catastrophic. until very suddenly your converter is fucked, your transmission hands in notice, or your brakes fail in the middle of a busy intersection.
somehow, over millions of years, nature evolved this animal who's body size, behaviour, and territorial aggression all work together in the precise way that makes him very effective at sabotaging one of the biggest pollutants in modern society.
it's so normalized we never stop to think how ridiculous it is to have your car destroyed by a cute little mustelid who doesn't understand mechanics and just wants to tell his rival to get fucked. sounds like something a mediocre author would put in an allegory about environmentalism, and get marked in red by the editor with the note A little on the nose, don't you think.
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this guy's an ecoterrorist. he does almost 100 million € damage each year in germany alone.
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