#|| Cotton Answers ||
cottonsloves · 11 months
🐱 doubtdoubt~
🐱: Do they have pet names for each other, if so what are they? How does their partner feel about their pet name?
When Kaede first met DoubtDoubt (and Mikuni) they called him "Sir Priest" (and "Little Cowboy" for Mikuni), and DoubtDoubt just called her "That Person" for the longest of time.
Once they grown used to eachother due to their mutual fondness of Mikuni, Kaede changed from "Sir Priest" to "Jeje-Jinkinks" which annoyed Jeje for the mere-fact that he knows that Mikuni had influence over her for that nickname.
("Haha! Jeje-Jinkinks!" He laughed for minutes over it, Kaede getting embarrassed and Jeje getting mad enough to shoot at him.)
Jeje eventually started to call Kaede by their surname most of the time "Furukawa" (or "Furu" if he's in a rush), and only uses their given name if Kaede is in the middle of a full blown panic attack and Jeje is alone with them.
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Heyyy, Queenie! I was wondering if Cotton had a sensitive part of him, like his tail or his ears, if so, could you please make a story of how he would react if reader touched his sensitive part? thank youuu :))
How did you get in this situation? One minute you were peacefully reading a book on your bed and the next, cotton is frantically humping your crotches together
you were immune to this bullshit since you were use to him demanding sex very frequently, you sighed out in annoyance. Suddenly grabbing him by the ears and dragging him down
"cotton. I love you. I do. But if you dont-"
You failed to notice the telltale sign of him getting close, which was just his little tail shaking rapidly
You froze, dumbfounded. Cotton just fucking came. You could practically feel your eye twitching in annoyance before just flopping back down onto the bed
"ahh.. hahh~.. again.. manhandle me again~"
"...cotton you're a freak."
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cottoncanada · 2 years
doot doot
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months
oh. oH. OHHH !!!!! reference to that old post in which you said sun picks apart cotton balls when hes stressed so he doesnt mess up his rays ??? very nice. we love slowly tying in more lore. i am in love w your comic rn megmeg. seriously. you are incredible :D
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good callback ;)
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nelkcats · 2 years
Phantom Park
Look, Danny hated clowns, he really hated them, but theme parks? He loved them, when one of the tours came to Amity his Rogues agreed with the feeling after having fun for hours.
And they offered a truce in exchange of forming their own thematic park for a while, and go over the world, wich sounded bad at first, he didn't want to leave Amity, but some vacations...
Ghost thematic Park it is
So, they created a lot of attractions, give Ember her own concerts, Skulker had a place showing how to hunt, Johnny and Kitty had fun with their motorcycles, Technus was administrating some cool games, Lunch lady was making some food for everyone and he had his own ice rollercoaster, they were having so much fun ¡they even made some money!
Now, if only the heroes stayed out of their business would be wonderful, this was the six time he was being "interrogated", they were traveling for god sake, they have a schedule, Batman didn't appreciate it
But Danny didn't care what Batman thought, they weren't metas, they weren't invading anything and everything was legal, the lord of vengeance could go sulk elsewhere, and he let him know, the six times he couldn't find anything
Really, it was not his problem if Harley, Ivy and Klarion liked the park, villains have free time too, his own rogues were having fun and Red Hood, Arsenal, Kid Flash and Nightwing were eating ice cream with them!
Is not his problem if they were too "bright" for the "heroes" or whatever, Flash was the only one with some respect at the end of the day when they passed his city
Seriously, most of the heroes were treating them like criminals, dealers or simple villains, which was starting to frustrate him a lot, his rogues tried to comfort him, but the brilliant and dumb heroes didn't understand, ¡This is a truce! his own "villains" (he never saw them as such) were laughing, playing, and completely peaceful without causing anything harmful
At some point in the interviews, Danny got fed up, did the heroes want to play this game? Fine, there's a reason people say don't treat someone like a villain or they'll see themselves as one, and even though Danny wasn't bad, none denied that he was petty, so at his next stop he decided, it was time to prove how haunted the park was and teach these guys a lesson
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dresshistorynerd · 2 years
How did cotton win over linen anyway?
In short, colonialism, slavery and the industrial revolution. In length:
Cotton doesn't grow in Europe so before the Modern Era, cotton was rare and used in small quantities for specific purposes (lining doublets for example). The thing with cotton is, that's it can be printed with dye very easily. The colors are bright and they don't fade easily. With wool and silk fabrics, which were the more traditional fabrics for outer wear in Europe (silk for upper classes of course), patterns usually needed to be embroidered or woven to the cloth to last, which was very expensive. Wool is extremely hard to print to anything detailed that would stay even with modern technology. Silk can be printed easily today with screen printing, but before late 18th century the technique wasn't known in western world (it was invented in China a millenium ago) and the available methods didn't yeld good results.
So when in the late 17th century European trading companies were establishing trading posts in India, a huge producer of cotton fabrics, suddenly cotton was much more available in Europe. Indian calico cotton, which was sturdy and cheap and was painted or printed with colorful and intricate floral patters, chintz, especially caught on and became very fashionable. The popular Orientalism of the time also contributed to it becoming fasionable, chintz was seen as "exotic" and therefore appealing.
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Here's a typical calico jacket from late 18th century. The ones in European markets often had white background, but red background was also fairly common.
The problem with this was that this was not great for the business of the European fabric producers, especially silk producers in France and wool producers in England, who before were dominating the European textile market and didn't like that they now had competition. So European countries imposed trade restrictions for Indian cotton, England banning cotton almost fully in 1721. Since the introduction of Indian cottons, there had been attempts to recreate it in Europe with little success. They didn't have nearly advanced enough fabric printing and cotton weaving techniques to match the level of Indian calico. Cotton trade with India didn't end though. The European trading companies would export Indian cottons to West African market to fund the trans-Atlantic slave trade that was growing quickly. European cottons were also imported to Africa. At first they didn't have great demand as they were so lacking compared to Indian cotton, but by the mid 1700s quality of English cotton had improved enough to be competitive.
Inventions in industrial textile machinery, specifically spinning jenny in 1780s and water frame in 1770s, would finally give England the advantages they needed to conquer the cotton market. These inventions allowed producing very cheap but good quality cotton and fabric printing, which would finally produce decent imitations of Indian calico in large quantities. Around the same time in mid 1700s, The East Indian Company had taken over Bengal and soon following most of the Indian sub-continent, effectively putting it under British colonial rule (but with a corporate rule dystopian twist). So when industrialized English cotton took over the market, The East India Company would suppress Indian textile industry to utilize Indian raw cotton production for English textile industry and then import cotton textiles back to India. In 1750s India's exports were mainly fine cotton and silk, but during the next century Indian export would become mostly raw materials. They effectively de-industrialized India to industrialize England further.
India, most notably Bengal area, had been an international textile hub for millennia, producing the finest cottons and silks with extremely advance techniques. Loosing cotton textile industry devastated Indian local economies and eradicated many traditional textile craft skills. Perhaps the most glaring example is that of Dhaka muslin. Named after the city in Bengal it was produced in, it was extremely fine and thin cotton requiring very complicated and time consuming spinning process, painstakingly meticulous hand-weaving process and a very specific breed of cotton. It was basically transparent as seen depicted in this Mughal painting from early 17th century.
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It was used by e.g. the ancient Greeks, Mughal emperors and, while the methods and it's production was systematically being destroyed by the British to squash competition, it became super fashionable in Europe. It was extremely expensive, even more so than silk, which is probably why it became so popular among the rich. In 1780s Marie Antoinette famously and scandalously wore chemise a la reine made from multiple layers of Dhaka muslin. In 1790s, when the empire silhouette took over, it became even more popular, continuing to the very early 1800s, till Dhaka muslin production fully collapsed and the knowledge and skill to produce it were lost. But earlier this year, after years lasting research to revive the Dhaka muslin funded by Bangladeshi government, they actually recreated it after finding the right right cotton plant and gathering spinners and weavers skilled in traditional craft to train with it. (It's super cool and I'm making a whole post about it (it has been in the making for months now) so I won't extend this post more.)
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Marie Antoinette in the famous painting with wearing Dhaka muslin in 1783, and empress Joséphine Bonaparte in 1801 also wearing Dhaka muslin.
While the trans-Atlantic slave trade was partly funded by the cotton trade and industrial English cotton, the slave trade would also be used to bolster the emerging English cotton industry by forcing African slaves to work in the cotton plantations of Southern US. This produced even more (and cheaper (again slave labor)) raw material, which allowed the quick upward scaling of the cotton factories in Britain. Cotton was what really kicked off the industrial revolution, and it started in England, because they colonized their biggest competitor India and therefore were able to take hold of the whole cotton market and fund rapid industrialization.
Eventually the availability of cotton, increase in ready-made clothing and the luxurious reputation of cotton lead to cotton underwear replacing linen underwear (and eventually sheets) (the far superior option for the reasons I talked about here) in early Victorian Era. Before Victorian era underwear was very practical, just simple rectangles and triangles sewn together. It was just meant to protect the outer clothing and the skin, and it wasn't seen anyway, so why put the relatively scarce resources into making it pretty? Well, by the mid 1800s England was basically fully industrialized and resource were not scarce anymore. Middle class was increasing during the Victorian Era and, after the hard won battles of the workers movement, the conditions of workers was improving a bit. That combined with decrease in prices of clothing, most people were able to partake in fashion. This of course led to the upper classes finding new ways to separate themselves from lower classes. One of these things was getting fancy underwear. Fine cotton kept the fancy reputation it had gained first as an exotic new commodity in late 17th century and then in Regency Era as the extremely expensive fabric of queens and empresses. Cotton also is softer than linen, and therefore was seen as more luxurious against skin. So cotton shifts became the fancier shifts. At the same time cotton drawers were becoming common additional underwear for women.
It wouldn't stay as an upper class thing, because as said cotton was cheap and available. Ready-made clothing also helped spread the fancier cotton underwear, as then you could buy fairly cheaply pretty underwear and you didn't even have to put extra effort into it's decoration. At the same time cotton industry was massive and powerful and very much eager to promote cotton underwear as it would make a very steady and long lasting demand for cotton.
In conclusion, cotton has a dark and bloody history and it didn't become the standard underwear fabric for very good reasons.
Here's couple of excellent sources regarding the history of cotton industry:
The European Response to Indian Cottons, Prasannan Parthasarathi
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14dayswithyou · 6 months
Howdy howdy Saint!
Will ren/redacted let me chew on his hair? :3c
I bet it's crunchy
✦゜ANSWERED: He would if that's what you wanted! Ren would never say no to you ^^
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5bi5 · 2 months
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Gabe "winning" the cotton ball challenge
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mixtercandy · 1 year
i also wnated to ask if uou could maybe draw chili pepper x cotton candy maybe.. theyre my fav pair ever and i would kill to see em in your style...
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this pairing is actually SUPER CUTE so of course!!
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quibbs126 · 4 months
Heya! Can you do Dark Choco Cookie and Cotton Cookie child?
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So I originally misread Cotton as Cotton Candy (especially since not everyone includes the Cookie part of the name), and I’m not doing Dark Choco/Cotton, so Dark Choco/Cotton Candy it is
Anyways, this is Bubble Choco Cookie
So Bubble Choco here is somewhere in his teens, and he’s an avid poet. However he does not want anyone to read his poems, and will make sure you don’t touch his poetry journal. They’re mostly edgy or sad and they aren’t the best, but it’s how he expresses himself. He’ll just pull out his journal and pencil at random times and start writing
When he was younger, he used to be a lot more cheerful and bubbly, but as he entered his teen years, he started to act more rebellious and “dark”. He never quite gave up his fashion sense though, with his main changes just being that he wears some darker shades
He is also very fond of chocolate, specifically the aerated kind
Okay I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have much for him other than the poet angle. I just kind of decided to finally start drawing him
I also recognize that he has very little of Dark Choco in his character, as well as design, but that’s in part because of the way I envisioned this ship. For one thing, it’s in Ovenbreak so no Dark Cacao Kingdom here, Dark Choco probably just lives with Cotton Candy, and also, it’s a wholesome ship, their kid doesn’t need that much angst. And he’s a poet instead of a fighter, and if he doesn’t want to fight, I don’t see any reason for Dark Choco to teach him; Cotton Candy doesn’t seem to live in an area that requires much sword fighting or the like
Anyways, on to design stuff
So Bubble Choco is based on aerated chocolate, since it’s like a really light chocolate, and cotton candy is also light (I’m talking weight btw). Also, I’ve eaten this kind of chocolate before (I quite enjoy Aero bars), and I quite like it
I think another name I was considering was Air Choco, since it’s closer to the actual name of the ingredient, but Bubble Choco works better as a name
Aerated chocolate:
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So as I said earlier, I kind of made him for the sake of making him and doing more of these, so there wasn’t a super big amount of thought out into him. I do still like how he turned out though
All I really had to go on initially was the poet angle (I didn’t even reread my old notes), and I wasn’t really sure where to go with his personality until I started tweaking his expression. He was also originally going to be a girl but somewhere in development I decided “eh, why not have him be a boy?” and there you have it
I also knew I wanted him to have black poofy hair with things in it. It was originally more of a curved line in between the ends, but I changed it when I looked at Cotton Candy’s hair more. Though I kind of wish I had kept it now. There was also an old concept I mad ages ago that also had that hair, but it was longer. Don’t know why it’s this current length
After doing the hair, I wasn’t really sure what to do with the outfit, and I kind of just made something up as I went. He’s got the poofy ends of his jacket because of the whole “bubble” thing. I wanted to give him more poofy stuff
His colors are brown and light green become the Aero bars I usually see are regular chocolate (brown) and mint (light green). The pink was added to there’d be a little more color variation
As for the thing in his eye, it’s because of Cotton Candy’s heart eyes and me liking to put stuff in the eyes in place of that. Bubble Choco’s eye thing is supposed to be a sort of reference to Dark Choco with his star, though I didn’t bother to curve it out. And as I realize now, the eye I chose is also his missing eye and the star eye of the SoD. I’d like to claim that was intentional, but it wasn’t
And anyways yeah, there you have it. Bubble Choco. Don’t really have much else to say other than I hope you enjoyed him
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beartitled · 7 months
How would your narrator react to my revenge au narrator, N? I ask because I think they're one of the first narrators to be a teen girl. I'm genuinely curious how he'd react if he was at a meeting with other narrators when he just sees this teen girl sipping whiskey in the corner, giving everyone looks of disgust for no clear reason.
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Yea, he just doesn’t care
Narrators @comfortventure @paradoxspir1tart @owlfromthemeadow @juaneloriginal @tsp-narrator-ask (shrimp narrator now belongs to @thecheesiest if I’m not mistaken) @lilydoesdrawsometimes @semisocialporcupine @silvermoon279-madam @ihazmunchies91 @xandyprojects
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cottonsloves · 1 year
🎟️ here is your permit to ramble about your f/os and s/is as much as you want <3
Oh damn I got a permit now. Time to pick a bugger to ramble about --
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fun fact bunnies do a mating dance :3 one of the bunnies will circle their mate before making their move.
so i imagine when cotten tries to do it to thereader, the reader is just like 🤨❓before cotton just pounces on them!!1!!
"what the fuck are you doing cotton"
Was the last thing you could say before cotton quite literally danced around you, before tackling you down to the ground and shoving his dick deep inside your poor hole
He made sure he put the kids to bed beforehand, surely they'd all enjoy a few more siblings.
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cottoncanada · 2 years
Doot doot
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months
*Gives him cotton* Here sunny, have cotton!
I think he will go through a fever considering on how stress he was..
One trip to the bathroom then living room later...
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squishy squishy-
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
Can I send this idea. Idk if this is too suggestive. What if Y/N cookie posted a Pic of them post workout. Sweaty and muscled.
Photo Tag: Nothing beats a workout after a long day at work! Worked up quite a sweat, but my dough is crispy at least!
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Muscle Cookie: Dude, I know muscle when I see it and you’ve got muscle! Let me know and we can spot each other next time!
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Carrot Cookie: I could use a cookie like you with a crispy body like THAT around my farm, have any plans next week? Beet will like what she sees!
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Coffee Candy Cookie: (saves photo)
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Cotton Candy Cookie: I-I need to write a letter. 2 of them. 5. 10 of them…
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Fire Spirit Cookie: Is it getting hot in here or is it you, Y/N Cookie!
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Butter Pretzel Cookie: Your body, so crispy and fresh…I need to paint this…
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Kumiho Cookie: Can you go lower, darling?
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Almond Cookie: Be mindful on what you post, Y/N Cookie. It might attract the wrong crowd and it would be up to me to keep you safe. Not that I’m entirely against doing that.
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Shining Glitter Cookie: (Mesmerized by the photo, she had to take a pause before a concert to share around your photo on her socials. You were a work of art with such crispy dough!)
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