#|| i was so tired of being a flower : asriel ||
glitchthedemon · 15 days
I have a pair of Toriel slippers I got not too long ago, and to me it hasn’t felt like I’ve had them that long at all, maybe a few months at most, but the other I looked at them and I realised they didn’t look as white as they did when I first got them, sort of a greyish-off white now, mostly around the ears where it’s closer to the floor, and it made me wonder, is that how Chara felt?
They fell down and almost immediately got adopted by the Dreemurs, and for a short while, they had a happy family. Then their plan with Asriel failed, and they died, the last thing they saw being the face of their parents. Due to Chara being dead, they probably didn’t notice how much time had passed before Frisk fell down, if they noticed time passing at all. But imagine it - they’ve woken up, excited to see their family again, but as Toriel arrives and greets Frisk, Chara is shocked. Did their mother always looks so tired? Was her fur always that grey? Did she always move that slowly? Chara begins to realise a lot more time has passed than they first believed, their mother hasn’t been a mother in a long time. She’s gotten old.
Entering Toriels home, they notice how quiet it is. No more Asriel running around, no more Dad cooking in the kitchen, just their mother lolling after a kid that isn’t them.
Frisk enters a room that hasn’t belonged to anyone in a long time. Chara enters their room again. Frisk looks into a dusty toybox that hasn’t seemed to be touched recently. Chara looks into their toybox, just as they’d left it not too long ago. Frisk sleeps on the old bed. Chara watches someone else lie down on their bed. Frisk is given Toriels pie. Chara watches their mother bake for a stranger. All these things haven’t been meant for them for a long time, but to Chara it only feels like a short while. How could so much time have passed already?
And what about Asgore? Seeing their dad living alone in the castle where they died, with nothing but golden flowers to keep him company. Chara remembers they time they accidentally poisoned him with those flowers, but that was years, maybe even decades ago. They stand at the Barrier, Asgore is looking at them but not at them. Six souls glow faintly behind him. They should’ve been one of them. Chara looks away, too many conflicted feelings. As Frisk dodges, they see a serious look on their fathers face. They finally realise this is not the underground they had left not that long all that time ago.
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sbtorms · 4 months
Y'all know how Sunsetter is, like... my Underswap take of sorts? Well, I've recently been working on ideas for an Underfell take of sorts as well, with my own little twists.
Well, it's... kinda an Underfell take. Just a bit different in... a lot of ways.
I made up the name as I'm typing this, because I didn't have a name beforehand.
RED HAZE: Tale Of The Fallen
(or just "Red Haze")
This take has a lot of differences from the usual interpretation, including changing appearances... more than just details and clothing.
(Do note that the main cast would have different names from their Undertale counterparts. But since I can't think of any ideas for now, and also to prevent confusion, I'm just using the original names.)
Unlike in Undertale, there is no barrier keeping monsterkind from going to the surface. Hell, there isn't a mountain at all. Instead, monsterkind resides in a magically imbued forest, with only one way to leave, while entering gets one endlessly lost.
Asgore simply is biding his time, getting the souls of seven humans, to become godlike, and to wipe out humanity. No monster tries to go after Asgore, or even question his methods. Some act this way out of fear of what he could do, others that are for him and for his plan, and then the few that don't care either way.
The "routes" are named somewhat differently from what people usually call Undertale's
Path of Solace - ("Pacifist" Route) Path of Choices - ("Neutral" Routes) Path of Exploit - ("Genocide" Route)
“* You brush aside the agony.”
- this take's replacement for being "filled with determination"
AGONY is a haze that leaks from broken souls, with more of it depending how much negative energy one has when they die. It mentally and physically affects those who breathe it in. Naturally, it opposes the power of Determination, as that power does to it, destroying each other until one remains or there's nothing left. But, with enough focus, perhaps one could use both as one. Such a concept would be a focus of the Path of Exploit, specifically regarding both Undyne and Frisk.
Time for the cast!
Frisk and Chara
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Admittedly, I didn't think much besides design-wise for these goobers. It's probably just that Frisk is more tired than usual and Chara was used as a sacrifice to the monsters in a failed attempt at a peace offering by humanity, actually got sick instead of it being planned, and yada-yada Asriel soul absorption and death. ...okay, maybe I thought a little for Chara. But not too much for Frisk.
The shirt patterns here are probably obviously Yumi Nikki inspired, despite the fact that I know nothing about the game itself besides some characters, lol.
The Dreemurrs (Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel)
Similar to canon Underfell, Toriel is what started this entire take concept to begin with. The idea stemmed from "what if the dreemurr family had biblically accurate angel imagery (eyes and wheels) instead of devil imagery (goats, fire, trident, y'know)?" And then I added "black sheep" into that, so that's what I ended up with.
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Toriel is very fearful of humans, instead of a caretaker, running away and attacking when cornered. She uses what power she has to keep herself alone, not wanting to be emotionally tied and hurt again. (She's my favorite in the cast :3)
Asgore has been particularly affected by the AGONY of the many fallen children that died by his hand, becoming almost a tyrant, with only some of his original personality fading in and out.
Asriel is... actually not too different from canon Asriel, considering he died before everything really kicked off.
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Flowey is a small mass/hivemind of bundled flowers, tied together like a "rat king". Each flower has only small snippets of past memories as Asriel, as well its own "personality", splitting Undertale Flowey’s personality into six pieces. They try to help Frisk get through the area, due to how unsafe it is. Whether they have their own goals remains to be seen.
The Blooks are shadow spirits instead of simple ghosts.
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Napstablook is somewhat the same as in Undertale, other than the visual changes. Though, due to the circumstances, they’d have a bit more of an issue with their emotional state, bottling up their feelings, usually until such bursts when they can’t take it anymore.
Mettaton possesses many types of machinery, instead of just his singular body. In a way, this is due to the fact that he cannot decide on a single one.
The Ruins Dummy ghost is instead possessing a box and works as how items travel between boxes throughout the areas.
Maddie (aka "Mad Dummy" or "Mad Mew Mew" in Undertale, Maddie is sorta just a fandom nickname i think) basically acts like canon, but also a Mimic in a way, also possessing a box.
There would also be a secret boss fight against both Mettaton and Maddie, replacing Undertale's "Mad Mew Mew" one, with one where the two are trying to share the same body. The goal is to get the two to get along and work together… or just straight up destroy the body.
The Skelebros are instead lost spirits, seemingly of their original counterparts in some way...
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Papyrus's goal is the same as his original, but instead in hopes of finally passing on, instead of joining a "Royal Guard". In reality, he knows he's never gonna pass on, but is in constant denial of such.
Sans, however, seems to have accepted and adapted to his “life”, and just wants to follow after his brother with whatever happens to him. He also likes dark humor, because of course he does.
The "Royal Guard" replacement is instead a cult that Undyne leads (and used to be led by Gerson), with a focus on a so-called prophecy, and using AGONY for what they see as a good thing. While they seem to be against King Asgore, it's more or less that they want him back to how he was before everything happened.
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Undyne is a hooded guide throughout Waterfall (or whatever it'd be called in the take). She'd still be a fishlike monster, perhaps siren-like or anglerfish-like... or both. She protects the harmless from a gang of young monsters, led by Monster Kid.
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Alphys is still the Royal Scientist, but also some form of background security in a way. She has an abundance of hidden cameras all throughout the Underground. She uses her vision across the areas for many reasons. Blackmail, catching traitors in the act, sometimes just... watching. Some monsters, especially many in the cult, have become evasive enough to miraculously avoid her gaze.
Her appearance is a bit more more based on that one beta design by Tuyoki.
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The bright smile they had been wearing drops instantly and they look deeply sad and pensive, that is a very difficult topic for them.
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"I... ..I...the earliest memories I have is from the...bright future, a beautiful world where I helped my friends and we made it to the surface... . .and then...one day...I... crashed into the distant past...and became.. ah... . . stuck."
"I arrived just...days...before my friend Chara had...," their expression darkens "but I could never stick around with others for long, my presence around my friends and family.... it corrupted the timeline, I was a... anomaly...a living glitch... for the longest time, too long."
"I didn't belong here. So I hid...in the darkness, far away from the correct timeline."
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"And then I was helped and found my place-," River Person then gasps in alarm as they recognize a familiar sound in the distance.
"My friend is coming,"
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They quickly hide their face and lower their voice to a close whisper.
"My..my...glitch...was mostly fixed some time ago, however, my true identity when being found tends to....to...cause problems to the timeline, and it poses many more... riskier issues to my life...especially after the King's threat to humans,"
"And my dear friend... Asriel... has also become quite threatening and tiring since becoming a flower. . . out of everyone, he CANNOT know my true identity, he does not easily forget like before,"
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Who in the hell does this desktop screen belong to?
The Survey_Program takes a moment to respond. Displaying the answer in that ominous large glowing text.
An image is seemingly chosen from the photos folder. Identifying it as Asriel that uses this desktop. There's something familiar about him in a way you can't quite recall and there's so many differences to the Asriel a flower hopes and dreams of being. The photo shows a... scraggly boss monster with unkept hair. He looks tired. He seems to be smiling, hard to tell if it's genuine. He's wearing a lab coat of some kind. A title is listed with the photo ASRIEL DREEMURR. ROYAL PRINCE AND SCIENTIST
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The information itself isn't too surprising, considering what the two teenagers know, they had long expected it, but all the same- it takes Flowey off guard and the sight of the name and the picture of the monster makes him sigh heavily and cover his eyes, momentarily overwhelmed with heavy emotions.
Flowey: "...Give me a second,"
Frisk comforts him by caressing the back of his flowery head, not sure what to say.
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Frisk: "Are you going to be okay?"
Flowey: "Yeah, it's just that seeing my... that face...never seems to get easier for me, no matter what version it is,"
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Flowey: "So, just to set things straight, are we in agreement that this is the Doctor before he got into whatever mind-melting catastrophe caused him to be turned into a horrific amalgamate?"
Frisk: "Yeah, we are in full agreement, especially after the things that I read... *they then get quiet* do you think it would be okay if I said that I think the Doctor looks...looked quite handsome?"
Flowey: "I...uh.. don't see why not, however, it might be a little awkward for ....you in particular because I've got the strongest feeling that the good Doctor has been listening in.
Frisk: "Well! Awkward or not, all or any Asriels everywhere all at once at any time deserve to hear the compliment because it's true! Asriel is very handsome!"
Flowey: "............Thank you."
Frisk: "You're welcome💖,"
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chompsloudly · 11 months
An au I'm working on. It's basically underverse but everyone isn't sans. The current characters I have are ink-flowey and error-muffet. Aside from the dreamtale twins of course. I need help reworking some of the backstories to fit why they're in their roles, so any help would be appreciated. Also I need naming help as the current name for this is undertaleverse and that's not a good name.
[Past NM chara]
Flowers instead of apples.
Garden of Feelings instead of Tree of Feelings
Told Asriel about what was happening.
More resilient than their sans version
Don't take shit
Cares deeply for Asriel
Reads and knits.
Takes job seriously.
Passive unless provoked.
Loyal till they die
[Present NM chara]
Still cares for Asriel somewhat, despite what happened.
Gang consists of dustbelief papurus, cannibal grillby, and killer sans until I find a replacement
"It's not goop, it's nectar!"
Easier to anger than og nightmare
Red-yellow instead of teal
Despite being in a different multiverse, nightmare is still dadmare
"Why am I like this? Because it's fun!"
Lost mind to the negativity goop.
Partially deranged
Cares about their kids
Genderless, they/them
Taunts azzy in battle, saying that he can join them
Love-hate opinion of azzy
[Past dream asriel]
Loves Chara
Loves helping people
Found out what was happening
Tried to stop the bulliyng
*It's all your fault*
Positivity flowers
Liked gardening, specifically trimming hedges
Likes designing and building
Turned the flowers of feeling from a flower patch into a garden
Loves playing with the village kids and chara
Doesn't take shit
Takes job seriously
[Present dream asriel]
Feels guilty
Is partnered with flowey ink and underscramble mettaton
Weapons are positivity blaster(basically a positivity gun) and star bombs/shurikens (haven't decided yet)
Happi boi
"Nightmare! You don't have to do this!" "...w-what happened to you..."
Hates fighting his sibling, but still does it
Just wants things to go back to normal
Likes to garden
"I-i.... I'm sorry"
Likes to cook
Likes to cook and clean, finds it great for getting his mind off of stuff
Always has some sort of flower somewhere on his outfit
Soul shaped like flower, type of flower may change but it is typically a rose
-Guide- [catagory] (author note) {potiential idea} <possible scene, might omit> ⟨alternate story route,might use ⟩
nim (toriel), was dying, and needed someone to watch over feelings when she died. She scanned the multiverse and saw a pair of siblings whose bond and dedication were unbreakable, a Chara and Asriel. She chose for the Chara to be negativity and the positivity to be Asriel. She then created the new twins and died, turning into a flower patch.
The twins lived, the village was built yadda yadda. One day nightmare decided that the bulliyng was enough and told dream about what was happening. Dream was pissed and basically told the villagers if they couldn't be nice to nightmare then he would leave and stay with the garden, and that he was temporarily leave as punishment for their asshole-ish-ness.
Villagers didn't like that and thought nightmare the 'demon child' had corrupted dream and came up with a plan to rid themselves of nightmare. On the Garden of Feelings festival they attacked nightmare who was in the garden of feelings and the garden itself, intending to get rid of the negativity flowers aswell, dream tried to hold them off with all he could and nightmare did too.
Nightmare ended up accidentally damaging one of the positivity flowers and the rest started to get corrupted too. Nightmare tried desperately to get rid of the corrupted flowers, ripping them away from the ground in an attempt to stop the spread.
Dream saw this and ended up taking some positivity flowers from the ground, about the size of a bouquet (only way I could think of to let him have positivity flowers, edit if better idea is found(better idea found read further to see it)). As nightmare tried to get rid of the corrupted flowers they started to corrupt, pure negativity began leaking from them. Yet they still continued to try to stop the spread.
They tried until they couldn't do anything anymore, {leaving a small patch?} being completely consumed by negativity and couldn't take the pain anymore, then began the agonizing process of turning into the nightmare we all know and love. Dream was watching on, horrified. He tried to help, but it was too late.
Nightmare was driven insane by the corruption and when it was done, used new goop powers to kill everyone in the village. <Dream begged nightmare to stop, that there were other ways. Less extreme> . Nightmare killed on. Dream was terrified and confused, wondering why this was happening, he tried to protect the villagers, to not let them die. He failed. When everyone died, nightmare turned their full attention to dream.
They demanded dream give over the last golden flowers, but dream refused. They fought, although it was mostly just dodging from dreams side. Flowers somehow fused with his soul ig. Finally dream turned to stone and ⟨nightmare left their au since their was no one left⟩. ⟨ nightmare tortured whoever was left, then left their au once everyone was gone⟩
Undertaleverse theme plays
Also this is just a draft and not all of the fine details have been worked out yet, any critique is appreciated
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wishing-stones · 2 years
hullo. i found your ao3 and subsequently went rifling through your tumblr and now i must know... tell me flowey headcanons please. apparently, anything you write, i will absolutely devour
Haha oh my god thank you so much! I’m glad you like my writing so much!
Flowey is an incredibly complex character who I feel gets oversimplified by the fandom a lot. He’s contradictory and fickle and deals with, potentially, decades of lived experiences while still sort of having the mindset of a child (while simultaneously considering himself an adult.)
I have a LOT of Thoughts and Feelings about Flowey, so it’s hard to do without specific prompting. I’ll grab a few that come to mind and roll the dice here.
He actually sleeps a lot more than you think he does. He knows ALL the good sunny spots in the Underground, and naps in them. He is a flower, so he photosynthesizes a lot of his energy.
He’s also still a strange flower-monster-amalgamate, so he can also eat. Pie is the way to his metaphorical heart, but he also likes Nice Cream, and even though he’ll never own up to it, he thinks Starfaits are The Shit.
If he’s in the mood to tell a story, it will be the best damn story ever told. He has a keen mind for memory and is an alarmingly good mimic. He might even get especially animated of he gets excited about his story and… for a minute, he’s like a completely different person.
Puns are the lowest form of humor, and he especially hates the ones Sans tells. The ones Papyrus sneaks in are stealth puns and okay. He just hates the really obvious ones that make you groan. (It reminds him of Home and he doesn’t like it.)
It takes a lot of time and patience, but he’ll eventually get tired of being lonely and head up to the surface. He hangs out in golden flowerbeds topside and is pretty hard to spot (If you don’t know what you’re looking for. He has one extra petal and is a brighter yellow than most of the other flowers, not to mention he’s bigger.)
Speaking of that, Flowey comes to about the knee of an average adult human. He’s pretty big.
While he might not have a soul, the echoes of one are enough for him to feel emotions and react to them. If you were to look, he has a sort of empty monster-soul shaped void that’s lined with tiny specks of dust and held together by Determination. He doesn’t even know he has this because he doesn’t like being in traditional Encounters. It’s no soul, it doesn’t do things like make him feel compassion or regret, but it lets him feel and process anger, frustration, sadness, longing, and even happiness, contentment, humor, serenity, and even affection. If he truly didn’t have something there, he’d be completely emotionless.
Flowey is a world constant. The circumstances surrounding Asriel’s death don’t change just because the human with him was different (swap, Swapfell.) He is always a golden flower, regardless of if it’s Alphys or Undyne doing the DT experiments that make him.
He’s quick to anger and slow to trust, but if he genuinely likes someone, he’s pleasant to be around. He’s an endless wealth of knowledge and experience, and he’s happy to share with people who actually listen to him and take what he has to say to heart.
He has traumatic flashes and nightmares a lot. Phantom pains, phantom body, even, and he wakes up crying during the night. He prefers to sleep during the day, in the sun, for this reason. He’s kind of still afraid of the dark.
There’s ten for you! I love my boy but I don’t often write about him.
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Frisk: Before you leave, can you at least tell me why?
Az: …I never had the option your Flowey, your Asriel, had. I was never given a soul like he did. We tried so many things together, but no matter what we did, it always came back to the same answer: there is only one solution that works with 100% certainly, a constant in both our timelines.
Frisk: …
Az: I thought I could live with being a hollow shell forever, but you kept trying to save me, again, and again, and I couldn't understand why. I still can't understand why. I hurt so many people. I hurt you. I abused your trust, twist the knife, and rubbed salt into the would, and yet you still came for me. It's nauseating to think you're willing to go through so much for me after that. I couldn't love, but I could feel the aching gape of its absence, and it kept getting bigger every time you tried to help me. It became intolerable. Every day, I was reminded why I wanted my true form back. I was so…so…so tired of being an empty flower. I wanted to live. No matter what it took. I wanted to know what it was like, to once gain feel for someone so much you would do anything for them, to know what it was like to love you as you did me.
Frisk: …I see.
Az: …I have a confession to make Frisk. I am not a good person. I. Hate. Humanity. I did things to them Flowey could never manage with monsters. No amount of resets will ever get rid of the memories from my head, how it changed who I am. I'm not your Asriel, and I will never be like him or the boy you first met ever again. Me leaving is probably the best thing I can do for the three of us.
Frisk: Can you…can you at least tell me they're not all stuck like this forever?
Az: No! Of course not! I've been searching for a solution for so long! Hell, I was just about to use one when I ended up in this place where I'm still stuck as a stupid flower! It's stupid! He's stupid! He's…he's so much better than I can ever be for you, for your son. He didn't sacrifice his family, he didn't throw away the happy ending he gave everyone, he didn't turn his back on you for the sake of power itself. I did. I did because I thought it was the only way I can be happy. It should be him that has a true form, not me.
Frisk: …Okay. I think I understand now. There's just one last thing I want from you.
Az: And that is?
* Frisk glomps Az in a hug.
Az: Wha-? Why!? Do you know how many times I killed you?! The ones you love!?
Frisk: Are they still dead?
Az: And make you hate me? No! They're alive and breathing like nothing happened, and they're taking care of your alternate self as we speak.
Frisk: Then nothing has changed. You might still be the same horrible person that tried to kill me every time we met in the Underground, but you're also the same boy that cried at the prospect of being alone again. It's just…stretched out for a much longer time on a grander scale. For all the terrible things you've done, you undid all that pain and destruction, and no one will have to suffer from it anymore. I might never understand why you do these things, but I just know that whatever you've done, right now you're trying to be a good person, no matter how jagged your path may be. It's not my place to forgive you, but I'm willing to bet your Frisk will. Plus, as terrible a situation this is, there's one upside I only got to do only one time.
Az: What's that?
Frisk: I get to hug every monster at once through you!
*Az breaks into tears
Az: I…I…Frisk you absolute moron. What did Flowey and I ever do to deserve you?
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aethergate · 5 months
⭐ throws the totally innocent flower
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He certainly would have a dynamic with Flowey. He knew Flowey as Asriel. Considering that Alphys was the one to bring Flowey to life at the same time as the amalgamations, I think he had fallen into the void by the time he got resurrected, so.. he kinda just got to witness all of Floweys crimes of resetting and everything else. He Knows. I imagine he has.. a lot of conflicting feelings. On the one hand, there's a lot of sympathy. He understands the whole coming back as a flower thing probably wasn't. Great. Even more so with the not being able to feel anything. And he knew Asriel, so there's a lot of leftover feeling bad for that whole thing. However. Y'know, the horrible crimes against the underground and his kids. But if after the true pacifist there's a want to Be Better, he'd be cool with it. Just like. Don't do that fucked up shit again. He'd be like a tired old peepaw who Knows What You Did but doesn't seem intent on haunting you with it.
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Mecha Sonic loves flowers and plants and shit so bad. I think she'd lose her mind if she met a talking one. But I also think she'd almost be like a brick wall in regards to his schemes and such, not because she's like morally opposed or something but just because she's busy. She's got more important things to do than be evil again.
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underswitch-prologue · 6 months
Part 14
"Thank you for all of this, but… I don't deserve such kindness," I stutter, choking on the tears that stream down my face. "I… why are you being so nice to me?"
“You deserve so much more than you think,” Asriel says.
After a moment, we all get back to decorating. After all the decorations are put up, Asgore directs us to the first party game. Pin the soul on the human.
“Pin the soul on the human”? Really? Nice twist on a classic party game, monsterkind.
Anyway, the party is amazing, I get the hang of the games really quickly and even win a few, and the cake and presents are amazing.
The next few days are fun. I learn to play chess and, with the power of loading quicksaves, become the undefeated chess champion; I finally manage to teach the Dreemurrs my fighting style and spar them a few times; Asriel and I run off with the video camera a few times; and I convince Torieal to let me bake a pie for Asgore's birthday, which is coming up quickly.
Anyway, Asgore's birthday arrives, and Asriel and I are in charge of baking the pie. We try to make a butterscotch-cinnamon pie, but we misread “1 cup of butter” as “1 buttercup.”
“The next ingredient is… it says 1 buttercup,” Asriel says.
“Are you sure it says buttercup? I know what those flowers can do to you, and it ain't pretty,” I ask.
“Yeah, I'm sure,” Asriel replies.
“Okay, then,” I say skeptically.
We make the pie and, due to tradition shared by humanity and monsterkind, Asgore takes the first bite of the pie.
His reaction is exactly how we expected. He's bedridden for several weeks.
Dr. Gaster has been spending a lot of time here.
Asriel feels really bad about making Asgore sick, but I just laugh it off every time he talks about it.
Asgore recovers a lot faster than I did, and we're all relieved.
On his last day of being bedridden, I visit him.
“Hey, Asgore,” I say as I approach his bedside.
Asgore looks over at me and smiles warmly. I can tell he's still sick but almost strong enough to be up and about.
“Howdy, Chara,” he responds, his voice a bit scratchy. “How's it going?”
“I'm fine. I just came to say that… I'm sorry for accidentally poisoning the pie with buttercups. How are you doing?”
“Well, aside from the obvious, I feel great! Gaster said that I should be on my feet as early as tomorrow at noon.”
I nod with a smile. “That's good to hear. I, um, I'm glad you guys took me in. If you hadn't… I don't know what I would've done.”
Asgore gives a hearty laugh, followed by a dry cough. He relaxes and closes his eyes. “I'm tired. I think I need to rest some more.”
“Please feel better soon, Dad,” I say with a hushed voice before leaving the room.
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ventusninja · 6 months
Journal of Scientific Inquiries
Chapter 6: Flowey and the monster mask
It's been about a year now. It seems that while we've been making small leaps forward with our own research, the PoS has been experimenting with ways to kill us off down here.
Chara came running down to the lab with a sentient flower. They said it was Asriel and that she needs a soul replacement now. I quickly had my team gather, and Chara forced me to use bit of their soul if needed. We took the little bit of Chara's soul in Asriel and formed it into a carapace. As this took place, Chara kept explaining everything: the package that came from the PoS, how they made it look like a m-h monster mask package, the cursed mask, and how Asriel unwillingly transformed and her soul shattered. Chara only thought about keeping their sister alive, and so tore a piece of their soul out and gave it Asriel.
Things were going well. We set Chara up on an examination table to check on their soul, to make sure the tear isn't anything to worry about. I also explained that I may need a little more of their determination for the artificial soul.
I had just finished shaping Asriel's new carapace with Chara's determination, when I heard a shrill scream. I turned around, and a couple of the human scientists have begun attacking everyone.
Monsters dusted after only a couple of hits. With quick thinking, I put my mask on and summoned my spectral shield hands, one for myself and Asriel, and one for the remaining survivors. None of the assailants were attacking Chara, so I didn't worry too much about them. I gave enough time for the monster-humans to gather their wits and retaliate. I, too, retaliated with various attacks. However, diverting my attention weakened my shielding. The two humans took notice of me and began attacking my shield containing me and Asriel. The strain was excruciating. One of them had to be a soul mage. And I was right. While using my telekinesis to fling a mug at one of the attackers, colored contacts came out, and I saw bright yellow eyes. They screamed at they attacked with their soul bullets; my shield started to crack. I kept the two's attention on me as I moved the shield with my team in it to out of the door. I used the last of my energy to lock the door and jam it so no one could get in. I knew of a secret way out. I resummoned the second spectral hand to form around Chara, who I noticed was struggling out of their binds.
Everything became fuzzy after that. I was mildly aware of being tired. I was in pain. My soul was straining. I'm pretty sure I black out at some point. I heard screaming. One I think was my own as my magic finally failed me and I could no longer take the pain. The others were all foreign. I then felt heat; it was a searing heat. I heard a loud boom. Then I felt cold. But then I felt warm again. I then heard crying. In my delirium, I thought I may have died. But soon I came to.
I was in a hospital bed. A monster nurse was wrapping my arms and healing my soul. My mask laid on the table beside my bed.
I looked past the nurse and saw Chara lying on the other side of the medical curtain. Asriel was crying on the bedside table beside them. I didn't understand why, until I saw the container with a shattered red soul. I don't remember this, but when I came back to lucidity, a doctor had come in saying that I was screaming and thrashing around trying to get to Chara.
Torel and Asgore came to see me. We didn't talk for a while. They seem disappointed in me. I mean, why wouldn't they? I failed to keep their children alive. One is dead, and one is stuck as a flower because I failed.
As soon as I was released from the hospital, I went to the lab to see the damage. Asriel filled me in on what happened in my delirium. I kept trying to shield the three of us. Once the spectral hands shattered, though, I used the last of my magic to send a bone attack at the two attackers. One of them died instantly, and their soul [Asriel said it looked like hers] shattered. The Soul Mage shot at me and Asriel, but Chara got in the way, taking the damage. They dragged me and Asriel to the secret exit before collapsing. The Soul Mage destroyed everything: shooting at all the electronic equipment and setting a fire on all the paperwork before they too succumbed to their wounds and died. We three were later found by an emergency rescue service and taken to the hospital. I apparently was on the cusp of falling down, a comatose like state, more common of an occurrence for monsters/those with monster souls that is almost impossible to wake from. I was resuscitated before that could happen. Chara's soul was encapsulated in a clear container. Asriel had a talk with her parents. She was worried they might be mad at her for not thinking, for accepting a shady gift, but they only showed empathy and warmth, happy she was alive. Why wouldn't they? They plan on burying Chara's body in Their and Asriel's garden at the entrance of the Ruins. Torel will also move out permanently to the Haunted Ruins so as to prevent any more incidents from happening.
The laboratory was a mess. I salvaged what I could, which was hardly anything. I will have to rewrite all the notes. [I will also encode the more secretive and important notes in Wing Dings, something I've already been doing in this journal.] I found the soul mage's soul. [I also found the pieces of the regular human's soul. It didn't have any fullness to it. It had just determination where the carapace would be. It's just like Asriel said. I will have to see what makes the two similar. I will take both of these souls home with me where I have a mini lab set up in the back for emergency use. I already have Chara's soul pieces there. The medical staff have no need for shattered soul pieces, so they gave it to the Dreemurrs to decide. I mentioned Chara's request at using their soul for future experiments. I couldn't look them in the eyes. Asgore gave me the container saying that they trusted me to put their soul to good use.] I didn't find the human's soul.
Update: I have been running some very small tests with Asriel. We've tested if Asriel has kept any of her old abilities or if she's gained any. She has lost all of her previous magic abilities but has gained new flower based attacks. [I also ran some tests to compare her soul and the human's. She exclaimed that she didn't feel as emotionally attached to people like she used to. She first felt this numbness when she saw her parents weeping for her, but she thought it may have been due to shock from the past 24 hours. But even when she talked to old friends, she didn't feel as strongly as she once did for anyone. She also states that she feels angrier and more bitter about what happened. Results, inconclusive. Needs more subjects.]
Update: There have been more frequent resets as of late. So far, they've all reset to the same day. There was a reset going a day back to this particular day, an unremarkable day on my end, but then several resets occurred an hour later, then mere seconds. About 10 resets occurred within this short time frame. All reset to about midday on that unremarkable day. I don't know what exactly this could mean, but I do know one thing: someone new has access to the reset.
Update: While waiting for a new lab to be built, I have taken up teaching science on many different grade levels at the Underebott K-12 school. But that's not the reason for this entry. While taking a break, I happen to spot Asriel talking to some of the children on the playground. When the children were called back inside for class, they said quote "Bye-bye Flowey." Why is Asriel using the name Flowey, especially after a month after the incident has occurred? What changed? I approach Asriel with these questions. While Asriel was dismissive about it, saying that they were trying something, the moment they left, a reset occurred, stopping at a couple minutes before I had my break. As soon as I dismissed my class, I made a beeline for the playground to find the little flower. Unfortunately, she disappeared the moment I we locked eyes. The next week, I spent most of my non-working time trying to find Asriel.
Update: I confront Asriel. It took a while and a couple of small resets, but I finally managed something. I asked again why Asriel decided to start calling themself Flowey now out of any other time, and if she has access to the resets. [It was at that moment, as well as Asriel screaming, that I realized I was using magic, more specifically telekinesis, on Asriel, and had lifted her up in the air, derooting her. I set her down and left.] She refused to give me any information and asked to be left alone. I will let her come to me to talk whenever she wants. I can be patient.
Chapter 5 <-
Chapter 7 ->
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hsjadhuhawdh2321312 · 5 years
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i only have sans icons right now
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cheesey-rice · 3 years
Theory on the Soul in Deltarune. (Warning for spoilers on all routes.)
In case you didn't know already, there are two routes in the new Deltarune chapter. I think each one gives us a different perspective on Kris's motivations and their relationship with the soul that inhabits them.
I think the important thing that underpins my take on the game is assuming that the two other lighters who accompany you in the game, Noelle and Susie, are used to voice perspectives that Kris as a silent protagonist might share but be unable to express. This is a common tool used in silent protagonist RPGs, but if you don't agree with it my take might not hold much water for you.
I'll start out by talking about a fairly regular pacifist playthrough of this part. The main scene I'd like to discuss is the one at the end, where it is discussed that opening a dark fountain could bring about the Roaring.
Because it's pretty obvious that we are to think Kris is the "Knight" sneaking off to create these dark fountains with their knife, some people think that they intend to bring about the Roaring. I think their intentions are far less malicious than such a theory assumes.
Because the main thing is that we know that Kris as a character cares about the people in their life. They have a loving relationship with their family and take care of their friends automatically without us prompting them. When Susie consistently alludes to wanting to stay friends with Kris throughout the pacifist rounds, I assume these feelings are reciprocated. I also assume that most of the feelings Susie expresses about the dark world, that it's cool and fun and easier than the real world, are also feelings felt by Kris.
There's also another layer we can see to Kris's feelings about the dark world that comes from their own reactions. We know that Kris is a weird kid in real life, a lonely kid who looks up to their older brother and doesn't have any trophies on their wall like he does. In the dark world, Kris does get trophies on their wall in the room Ralsei makes for them. In the dark world, Kris is a confident, accomplished leader who can make as many friends as they want to thanks to help and guidance from a goat who is very similar to their older brother who they can't contact because of the internet currently.
It isn't really a ground breaking conclusion to say that Kris probably likes the dark world just as much as Susie does, as she talks only of how she wants to go back and have another adventure. Because Kris is the one making the dark fountains, one can see that the worlds are made for them. Made for their adventure with friends in a world makebelieved out of all their childhood toys and imaginings.
We also know that Kris has the ability to walk around, slash tires, eat pies, and make dark fountains without any input from us at all. They don't need us for that and have the ability to take us out whenever they want.
So if the theory that they resent the soul that controls their actions held true, why would we still be in control? Why would they choose to let us do that?
This is where it's important to consider Noelle in the alternate route, whose inner feelings we are often privy to due to Kris's strong understanding of her from childhood.
The alternate route is activated by forcing Noelle to kill people in the dark world. At one point, Noelle asks herself why she's following Kris's commands when they're asking her to do such awful things. The conclusion that she draws is, "but I keep getting stronger... They're just trying to make me stronger."
If this is the reason Noelle obeys Kris, then perhaps in turn we can extrapolate that this is the reason Kris obeys us.
Because we get results.
No matter which ending you get, Kris had an adventure, became stronger, defeated enemies it would have been impossible to go up against without us.
We also see that in scenes where we don't help Kris, where we aren't in control, they often suffer at the hands of these enemies. How Susie hit then against the locker in the first game, howthe King almost strikes them down after they help Susie, how Spamton would have killed them all alone in the basement if their friends hadn't interceded.
Kris wants to be cool and strong and have a fun adventure. For that reason, they are relying on another, external force to make their choices for them. To make choices that will matter.
In the Pacifist run, Kris gets their wish. A fun adventure with their friends where no one has to get hurt. Kris can just sit back and enjoy as a friendly dark power holds their hand through the whole thing.
In the alternate route, however, we see the start of a darker path. One where the dark power with hold over Kris makes malevolent choices that make them question themselves. Is this really the right thing?
We see this hesitation in how other characters react to Kris in this route. After Kris and Noelle kill Bertly, Susie notes that Kris's expression seems to be off some how. That something seems wrong with them, even offering to heal them because of it. Later on, Noelle notes that she sees some other voice coming out of Kris, something scary that she needs to investigate, foreshadowing a continuation of this plot in later chapters.
Kris experiences some amount of turmoil due to the actions of the player. But they still open the dark fountain and put the soul back into themselves later.
How do they justify that to themselves?
Think about Yoshi. If you talk to Garrison's descendent at his grave, they tell you that Kris drops Yoshi into the pit on purpose to complete a level in the video game. In video games Kris is already the kind of player that can distance themselves from necessary sacrifices.
Maybe they justify it to themselves the same way Noelle does at first. It's in the dark world, things are different there, it doesn't matter, it's not real. I'm still getting stronger. Isn't this what I wanted? Who cares if Berdley is dead, he sucked anyway, let's close our eyes and not even look so toby doesn't have to draw the sprite when we hide his body in the wire closet.
Perhaps the resign themselves to it, acclimate to it, become numb to the traumatic event in order to justify carrying on, like Flower or Chara in Undertale might be assumed to on a genocide run.
Because that's what having the soul allows them to do. It allows them to carry on.
On the notion of Noelle carrying on her investigation, it would be interesting to me if the endgame of deltarune turned out to be a fight where all the friends whose levels you raised by killing turn on you and try to either a) save Kris from you, or b) stop a Kris who is too far gone into apathy. That ending would seem sort of karmic to me so I would enjoy seeing it. I think a battle where you play as Kris but try to make them lose to their friends in a pacifist run ending might be interesting too seeing as they are the "knight" and all and are being set up as the big bad.
So basically my actual theorizing boils down to a) on pacifist run you're like Kris's replacement older sibling cajoling them into making friends on a little video game adventure and they're trying so hard to make you stay, or b) you take the alternate route and are just kind of traumatizing Kris into thinking murder is ok if they get to be cool and have fun adventures.
I also have some things to say about how Ralsei takes on Asriel's place of influencing Kris to experience empathy and when you follow those actions Kris is reminded of their big brother who they love and how the alternate route makes Kris cut themselves off from that empathetic power as part of maintaining their own self justifications but I should just make a different post if I'm gonna talk about that.
TLDR; Kris just wants to have a fun adventure like everyone else, I don't think they resent our control but are instead actively seeking it out to make their life easier.
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krispdreemurr · 3 years
i would like to hear about deltashuffle 🥺
ok so starter notes: we're loosely calling the ch2-based shuffle Cybershuffle mostly bc like. lancer!kris and ralsei!susie and so on are still good and important. also, like the ch1 shuffle, this is a group project and like friends and i have been working on this together, i did not have all these ideas. but all that said let's go thru the main characters real quick!
Susie Spamton taking the role of Kris: The younger of two adopted kids, Susie's had a tough time of it lately. With her older brother and arguably the most mature person in the household, Asriel, leaving for college, taking care of things and keeping things running when her dads can barely function has fallen on her shoulders. Maybe that's why she's been so quiet lately, so distant, so much more... responsible. Maybe it's for the better if she's gotten past her punk phase and settled down. Right?
Princess Noelle taking the role of Ralsei: It's nice to imagine, sometimes, being needed and wanted for who you are, even if you barely know who that is. It's nice to pretend you could be the hero rescuing the princess, even if most days you feel like the monster. But Noelle isn't quite the fantasy she maybe once might have been, with a quiet, cold bitterness about her role and her loneliness seeping into her. She could grow beyond. She hopes.
Lancer taking the role of Susie: Much the same as original Deltashuffle, Lancer is a young middle school student who seems to be constantly ending up in trouble for restlessly dismantling things and bossing his classmates around. He doesn't talk about his dad much at all.
Krismas Holliday-Kaard taking the role of Noelle: Don't call them by their full name they'll die. Anyways. Quiet and strange, in an ongoing state of rebellion against their overbearing mother but only when she's not actively looking. Has more in common with their dramatic theatre kid dad than maybe they want to admit. Good at school, good at keeping to themselves, good at not being known much at all. Used to be close to Susie, but drew away from everyone after Dess' disappearance. May or may not worry about the middle school kid they keep seeing in the same lurking spots as them and want to adopt him as a little brother a little. Absolutely hates that they turn blue in the dark world bc they look like their dad
Ralsei taking the role of Berdly: Number two in the class and always on his best behavior, Ralsei is a sweetheart who teachers and parents love and other kids loathe. Close to Kris, if only because Kris' mom set up plenty of playdates between them. Very concerned about doing things properly and by the rules, and staying on top of his image. People refuse to talk about his resemblance to Asriel it just weirds them out
Prince Berdly in the role of Lancer: Adopted child of the regent Swatch, Berdly knows his high-class etiquette by heart and will enforce it on you. We're working on this but it's hard because it's Berdly.
And minor characters, trying my best to keep this shorter:
Sweet Cap'n Cakes are in the role of Rouxls. A band of rebels against the unocracy, they keep trying to corrupt the ruler's son by hanging out with him but he's just so lame
Rouxls Kaard is in the role of Rudy. Kris' father and husband of Carol Holliday, he's a bit spineless unfortunately but he does love his child and loves acting out dramatic Shakespeare duels with them. Has been unwell lately.
Rudy is in the role of Jevil. Don't worry about him. He's free from pain now.
Jevil in the role of Asgore. Still the owner of the clown museum slash gift shop. Comes by to harass Spamton regularly despite the fact they're divorced. Has known the grocery store owner for two days and they're also already divorced.
Asgore in the role of Seam. A tired, tired man, wishing for something better, not expecting it to come. In the meantime, he keeps tending his flowers. There's someone he wishes he could give them to...
Seam in the role of Sans. Local grocery shop owner. Is crushing on Spamton and Jevil and hates self for it. Upper floor of grocery store is dedicated entirely to cursed goods.
Sans in the role of Gaster. There's nobody here. Stop looking.
Gaster in the role of Queen. Part of the basis of the operating system who saw there was more beyond, and who wants to let the dark flood out so he can know everything. Fixated on preparing Kris for their role opening fountains by running increasingly dangerous and stupid tests on them.
Queen in the role of Alphys. She drank too much age appropriate battery acid last night kids so she's going to take a break while you all play minecraft, that's probably educational,
Alphys in the role of Spamton. A helpful desktop assistant to guide you on your quest, who can make useful suggestions, find helpful items, and even send e-mails! Wants to help! Let her help! Let her help! Let her help! Let her h
Spamton in the role of Toriel. Who let this man adopt. Anyways. A former big shot ad executive now running a shady used car lot. House is full of weird products from past schemes and scams. Terrible at taking care of himself, relies a lot on Susie.
Toriel in the role of Swatch. Keeps things running! Wears a cute vest! Baked you a pie (wait wasn't she meant to be working for your enemy)
Swatch in the role of King Spades. The head of the dignified and composed Uno Lands, they're an accomplished refined gentleperson. Lately, though, as if preparing for an important guest, they've gotten increasingly controlling and demanding about making sure everything functions.
Nubert as Sweet Cap'n Cakes. My man.
what do you mean there's someone missing. there was never a character there
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seyfertgalaxy · 2 years
He said he was bored after helping everyone and being kind all the time, that after a few more resets, probably years worth, he tried something different for once.
He tried different things time and time again because he could always reset it, so it didn't actually matter to him, if nobody remembered.
And he's still a little kid- he's still Asriel- and i know Chara isn't evil, but its Chara's fault that Asriel is Flowey in the first place, but he didn't hate them for it.
In the true pacifist ending, with Frisk, he cried and apologised for everything and gave everyone back their souls and restored it all.
He even felt so bad as to basically keep himself in the underground for the rest of his life, namely to take care of the flowers.
While everyone else was on the surface, his family, he didn't want to see them because he felt bad. He didn't want Frisk to remember him as Flowey either, he wanted them to remember him as Asriel, a friend they had for a short amount of time.
Flowey(Asriel)acted out of fear in the beginning, and trauma. They have so much trauma at such a young age.
And Asriel, as a God, states he wants to kill Frisk over and over again just to keep them with him; because he doesn't want them to leave him. He sees Chara in Frisk, and wants them to stay with him, so he does what he does best.
He confesses everything and says he's afraid, alone, etc.
((i typed this out back in 2021, nearly a year ago, so somethings are obviously probablyyyy kinda incorrect. but the underlying point is that Flowey can be redeemed and he has in some routes, cases, and through his friendship with Papyrus. he shows no ill will toward Papyrus. there is a genuine feeling of mutual friendship there between the two. and in the qna a few years ago, Its directly shown that Flowey still CARES to some degree, especially for Toriel. and I'll emphasize this: Flowey is still a child, a little kid. he's extremely traumatised, scared, and alone. thats exactly what he says too, during his Asriel fight. but yknow, after so many resets, and lack of a soul, its probably harder to care AND/OR comprehend what he's going through for himself. especially since he died so young, he might not understand himself or his feelings. especially if he doesnt care to. theres more i wanna say but ehhh im tired))
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thepunmaster · 2 years
character opinion for flowey!!!!!!!! flowey/asriel technically !!!! :]
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they are soooo cool looking yes <3333 !!!!!! all his forms!!! flowey! asriel! photoshop flowey! god of hyperdeath! <333333 omg bestie you are sooooo poggers
everyone but me is So So Wrong About Them see you know what flowey should be. i think floweypot aus and saved asriel aus are all fine and good but they miss the best most integral part of flowey which is the fact that he kind of went mad with the resets because of all the sameness. he wanted things to be perfect he wanted things to be okay again but they cant be because chara is gone and hes a flower who can't feel love!!!!! its about not being able to go home because his home was broken up by the plan that he went along with and the plan broke him too!!! its about being just a kid and not knowing how to help his sibling as they got more and more desperate to live up to everyone's expectations!!!!! and now hes lost his family, his home, and even his love!!! and he cant even feel guilt about it!!!!!!! but he knows he should, and he wants things to be perfect again!!!! and then when he finally accepts they cant be then.... then why not hurt them? he can just reset afterwards, it'll be fine... just.... he's frustrated, he's hurt and tired and no one will ever understand.... and hurting one person is a slippery slope, and sure he was a little reluctant, but then he realized it was so much fun! there's no guilt to get in the way, and maybe he starts seeing Asriel as weak, because he used to be so afraid of hurting people that he'd let them walk all over him, and maybe he starts resenting chara a little- or seeing chara's point, and wishing he had killed some humans- or maybe being glad that the plan went badly, because it made him who he was. and then he got those SOULs. and he remembered what it was like to be asriel. and he remembered what it was like to care. and then he was flowey again. and he would always be flowey. and he would always be alone, even surrounded by people. but he cant stop remembering what it was like to love, just for a single moment. (...maybe i should have put "everything i love about them isnt canon")
they has so much wasted potential as you can see. above. mr. fox could have done so much more with flowey :( </3
if they were real i'd be afraid of them yes ofc i would floweys literally killed people lukcily he isnt real so be can be my blorbo my child my little darling boy whom i love dearly and kind of wish i could microwave but it wouldnt be safe. for the microwave <3333
theyre deeper than they seem. see the rant about how no one gets him like me
yes i will project all of my issues about finding an identity when you barely remember who you used to be but people still expect you to act like them onto him
tjey get done dirty by fans people dont. explore flowey's potential as someone who cant care its always "oh he secretly cares. inside him" or a saved asriel au and while those are *interesting* and can be done so well and i genuinely like reading saved asriel because thats such an interesting conflict, no one ever just lets flowey Be which kind of defeats the whole point of his character. his character is that he can never be asriel again even when he had asriel's form he couldnt truly be him it was a facsimile, a pretending, and he knew it could never last and he would be flowey again, but he wanted to pretend anyways. asriel was the epitome, almost the personification of love and compassion, and flowey.... flowey isnt. can never be. and he has to deal with that. forever.
didnt get enough screen time. this is self explanatory :(
i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog except the handbag is a flowerpot and he is feral <3
wow! they are a horrible person!!! he has committed atrocities <3
why do they look like that /pos
im mentally ill about them. as evidenced by this rant that i literally am writing on the night before my birthday right now instead of like. sleeping
they work better as part of a dynamic bc flowey and frisk. flowey <3 and frisk <3 and maybe chara if they can show up <3 i lomve them
and obviously theyve never done anything wrong in his life ever flowey <3333 he is my favourite eternal SOULless child (aside from chara maybe but it could be argued that, as a ghost, they have the shell of their SOUL- or that, since they were awoken by frisk, they use frisk's SOUL)
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I don't talk a lot about crossover content, but me and a friend have been brainstorming a lot of UT crossovers lately, the most recent has been the most fleshed out so far so I wanted to share.
INFINITY TRAIN AU. ( Infinity train spoilers ahead)
The traditional world of Humans in slaving monsters under a mountain has not come to pass, infact monsters don't exist in this world, not in terms of the canon storyline.
Two young boys, were on the way to a costume party, when the older one decides to take a shortcut through town to get there faster only to end up lost along the way. Frustrated and tired they begin to fight.
The younger brother having had enough runs off with the older sibling in pursuit. Trying to avoid him, the youngest opens the nearest door he can reach and jumps though not noticing the abnormally of the doorway. The eldest, terrified of loosing his brother, ignores the bright glowing vortex and jumps in after him, where they end up on the Train.
This is a time before Tulip arrived and One-One took back over as conductor.
Frustrated and confused the brothers travel from car to car meeting many if the original casts monsters along the way...but it's been almost a month and the older brother is getting desperate to get him and his sibling off this mysterious vehicle. The two have no real answers about how they got there or the strange glowing numbers on their palms. The eldest also can't figure out why his is higher then the others, but it gives him a bad feeling in his gut.
One day they are separated for a bit in one of the cars and the eldest is approached by a strange lengthy monster. He claims to be have the ability to help them get off the train. All the eldest has to do is help him with a few tasks here and there. Ignoring the warning signs, the he takes the offer and begins aiding this mysterious being.
Gaster is a monster that was created on the train, he's always been trapped in it. Sickened by his cage and fascinated by the passengers ability to disembark from it he begins to make it his life's mission to get off. Turning to science and eventually resorting to experimentation on passengers. He's made 6 attempts so far, all landing in failure, resulting in the termination of said passengers.
Asriel was one of the first, His soul becoming trapped on the train in a flower monster body, consumed with revenge and just as much of a burning desire to get off the train as Gaster.
After weeks of helping gaster with various scientific experiments the youngest brother gets getting suspicious of the oldest random disappearances, but wanting to keep in out of harm's way he insists that they'd get out of there soon and everything would be alright. He has no real idea the extent he's putting him and his brother in danger. In complete darkness about Gasters real intentions and previous failed experiments on passengers. All the wile his number continues to go up. He just ignores it, telling himself it's for their freedom.
Finally after almost a year if work Gasters machine to artificially give him a passengers door to our reality is finished, but in doing so he must force one if the brothers numbers to go to zero then highjack their exit door.
He convinces the oldest to finally being his brother along. Still for the most part unknowing about Gasters end game the eldest goes along with letting the lengthy skeleton strap him into the machine they've been working on.
Floweys been lurking in the shadows, monitoring Gasters progress, waiting for the perfect moment to interrupt Gasters plans. Once he sees the beginnings to the brothers exit door form he takes his chance attacking gaster. In their fight most if the machine is damaged. The eldest tries to defend Gaster, but as he's doing so Flowey reveals the monsters true plans, how he was never intending to save them and that they'd most likely be trapped in the train forever just like him.
Between the damage and the energy strain, the door and machinery implode, creating a vacuum into a between space within the tain's reality and ours. The void.
It sucks gaster in and much if the machinery before the rift closes and explodes outwards. Flowey manages to escape, but the boys are not so lucky. The eldest just manages to get his brother out before the entire car is destroyed, left in a partial rift between realities.
The shrapnel from the explosion ended up killing the two in the end, but due to the fact their numbers where artificially triggered to zero and their close proximity to the explosion their palms glow morphes into the infinity symbol while their skeletons became forever integrated into the train as monsters.
This is of course Sans and Papyrus.
Again the close proximity to the explosion left all three of them with odd abilities, including Sans's ability to teleport between cars.
For whatever reason, due it be to the explosion or transformation, only Sans and Flowey have knowledge about the fact the two used to be passengers, while poor Papyrus has no clue about ever being able to leave.
Too guilty about what he's done to them and lack of wanting to traumatized his brother, Sans does everything in his power to make sure Papyrus never finds out. In secret, much like Gaster, he tries to study about non passengers being able to leave the train.
Like the Cat he begins to collect other passengers Tapes and finds a car to stash his stuff and experiments away from Papyrus knowledge. Similar to his basement under the house in Snowden.
The boys new role on the train is to test the passangers and be gate keepers next to certain assigned car exit doors. Papyrus if course takes his job very seriously, giving the passanger vigorous puzzles to perform before being able to exit, while a passanger will probably find Sans asleep next to the exit door , only to see him at the next car door exit also. He has fun messing with them when he feels up to it.
Unable to let go of his past and the guilt, Sans keeps a small piece of his brothers tape as a necklace to remind him that he once was human and could have left the train.
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