#||Muse: Glenda
x-seed-of-chucky-x · 2 years
Glen and Glenda are undoubtedly child stars who are very similar to the Sprouse siblings. Because Tiffany played off the Jenifer Tilly role, they spent the most of their childhood acting in a variety of movies and television series, and occasionally modeling for magazines. They then developed a dislike for acting, which caused them to have a tense relationship with Tiff. However, I could absolutely see Glenda returning to acting at some point and stepping aside for Glen to pursue a career in directing or perhaps filmmaking. only occasionally appearing in brief cameos alongside their sibling in movies.
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heartsintertwine · 5 months
This scene will never NOT be funny. Chucky is always hilarious.
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curseofbreadbear · 6 months
thinking about adding some c.hilds p.lay/c.hucky muses too. i love that damn series
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ianfm · 2 years
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“Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded.” — Mary Shelley, Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein was the last novel Ian had read in Ms. Adams class before quitting his senior year. He had thoroughly enjoyed the book and is fortunate to have skipped out on writing any dissertation on the subject. He had left Shrike High feeling like the monster.
Looking at his reflection now in the mirror as the one year anniversary approaches of his attack he sees that same abomination again. Maybe he had never left.
Featuring Glenda Adams ( @finaldarlings )
Part 3 of 13 days of Halloween
Part 2
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rainbowspare · 1 month
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bloodybcrbie · 3 months
📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse? 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。  ‪🔪 ♥︎ ⟶ mun talks about the muse .
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ok , i'm not sure if this is referring to widely accepted headcanons or my own personal ones . but i'll answer anyway with a personal one lol
remember tiffany's pet tarantula ? i truly do think that that spider represents the child that she hoped to have with chucky . if you recall , the spider's name is charlotte.
charlotte : feminine form of the name 'charles' ( chucky's real name )
i support this hc with the fact that she had a whole playpen in her trailer ( indicating the yearning and intention to become a mother ) and the fact that she was arguing with chucky that she wanted a girl when they first encountered glen/glenda in Seed of Chucky.
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brian-in-finance · 10 months
Cait didn't think modeling was for her yet became Assets' biggest and most successful int'l model. Fun reading.
Thanks for the message, Anon. I wonder if this one is also yours? 🤷🏻‍♂️
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I received it after I wrote ⬇️ on 25 November:
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Luckily for Outlander and its fans, she chose to give acting another go. 🎬 On to your link:
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STAR SPOTTER | Irish fashion boss tells how he discovered Caitríona Balfe packing bags in Dunnes
Derek Daniels, is celebrating 30 years of Assets Model Agency.
Caitríona Balfe, Colin Farrell and Glenda Gilson have more in common than just being Irish and familiar faces on our screens.
They were all, at one point, part of Assets Model Agency. The man who found them, Derek Daniels, is celebrating 30 years of Assets, and looking back at the many lives he helped change.
“I remember interviewing our very first ever model when she came in. It was Emer O’Reilly-Hyland, who went on to become the editor of VIP magazine,” he tells Magazine+.
The second was actor Frank Kelly’s daughter, Ruth. “After that, the numbers get a bit fuzzy,” he adds with a laugh.
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For Derek, it was no mistake that he wound up in the fashion business.
“I knew when I was about 11 years of age, what I was interested in was the production of fashion events and I was always mystified by models and all the rest of it and I always had a great interest in it, so when it came about later in life, it never surprised me,” he remembers.
It’s fitting, then, that he has always had a very keen eye for what will work in the fashion world and beyond. It’s that finely tuned sense that has allowed him to discover many that we now consider household names, both at home and abroad.
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“The people I’ve met, the people I’ve worked with… they’re all only ordinary people, who knows what they’ll be later in life?
"All you’re doing is helping them pay their way through college or whatever it is they’re doing.
"Like, Caitríona Balfe is a prime example. I mean, she was packing bags on a till next to me in Dunnes in Rathmines, she was a drama student at the time,” he says.
“When I approached her about modelling, she looked at me like I was mad.
"She went on to be the biggest Irish export as a model ever, ever, ever. I mean, Dolce and Gabbana’s muse for six years, worked all over the world, and then of course, she’s a big actress.
"She had no interest in modelling, and didn’t consider herself suitable to be a model. “But it was a pure fluke that I went into Dunnes Stores to do my shopping that day. And that’s how I found her,” he explains.
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Colin Farrell, too, has Derek to thank for helping his face become one everyone knows nowadays. “Colin was only a young fella and I had him in a dance group. In the same dance group at the time was Stephen Gately, who went on to be in Boyzone and Cecilia Ahern, the (former) Taoiseach’s daughter,” Derek says. They went on to be actors, singers and authors, but have a shared history thanks to the ‘face finder’.
As Derek considers three decades of success, it’s clear he’s not calling time just yet.
“I achieved everything I wanted to achieve and continue to have that hunger for it. I’m fortunate that I can count on a lot of them still as friends of mine, and indeed many of them have their own children at Assets now. That’s the biggest compliment you can get, when people will come back to you with their own kids because they trust you and know you’ll help make things become a reality for them,” he smiles.
Sunday World
Remember… she went on to be the biggest Irish export as a model ever, ever, ever. I mean, Dolce and Gabbana’s muse for six years, worked all over the world, and then of course, she’s a big actress. She had no interest in modelling, and didn’t consider herself suitable to be a model. But it was a pure fluke that I went into Dunnes Stores to do my shopping that day. And that’s how I found her. — Derek Daniels
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bitter69uk · 2 years
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“There are artists in various fields whose fame rests solely on how bad their work is alleged to be. Among them are the poet William McGonagall, the novelist Amanda McKittrick Ros, the soprano Florence Foster Jenkins and the film director Ed Wood. The latter's reputation as the world's worst filmmaker rubbed off on Dolores Fuller, his muse, lover and leading lady … It would be unfair to pick on Fuller for her stiff posture and stilted delivery in Wood's movies when the others in the casts were equally awkward, mainly because of the minimum amount of takes and the lack of strong direction. The "peak" of Wood and Fuller's collaboration was the camp classic Glen or Glenda (aka I Led Two Lives, 1953), an unintentionally hilarious, well-meaning film on transvestism … Wood plays the title role, while the blonde Fuller is his fiancee, described by the narrator as "a lovely, intelligent girl". She says things such as, "Here we are, two perfectly normal people about to be married and lead a normal life together!" not long before finding out that her husband-to-be is lusting to wear her white angora sweater. On being told as much, Fuller over-emotes before taking off the sweater and handing it to him.” 
/ From The Guardian’s obituary for Dolores Fuller / 
Born on this day 100 years ago: actress Dolores Fuller (10 March 1923 - 9 May 2011), whose collaborations with her erstwhile boyfriend, no-budget auteur Edward D Wood Jr, ensure her status as a cult movie icon. (She’s portrayed by Sarah Jessica Parker in the 1994 biopic Ed Wood - the sole Tim Burton – Johnny Depp film I can tolerate). After her association with Wood ended, the admirably durable Fuller reinvented herself as a successful songwriter, most notably for Elvis Presley movies (she co-wrote absolute bangers like “Rock-A-Hula Baby”, “I Got Lucky” and “Do the Clam”). Pictured: Fuller in her angora-sweatered glory in the early fifties.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
no actually what I would like to ask alan alda and/or mike farrell about (or loretta swit or jamie farr, if they’d have any opinions on it, but I haven’t yet delved quite so deeply into how they interact with the show post-making) is the references to transsexuality/transvestitism, as something that was made about 50 years ago writing it as in the public knowledge in some form or other/to one extent or another 70 years ago
(and here is where we take an interlude to mention that glen or glenda was made in 1953, so right around the same time as this show is set)
I’m curious about how commonly occurring it was that they had sidney offer it as an out to klinger in s2 (albeit with consequences, because it would be on his record), I’m curious about radar of all characters from the middle of nowhere understanding its existence, although with the small-town attitude that comes with it, and I’m especially curious about inga offering klinger gender affirming surgery 
jokes of course, but none of them age badly when looking at them head-on either (perhaps the part that ages slightly worse is how klinger reacts when assumed trans, but even that makes sense for the time it’s set in, regardless of how one reads klinger’s gender)
and I don’t think necessarily that these musings can be turned into an easily answerable question + the person to really talk to would presumably be walter dishell (whose rundown videos on youtube I still need to watch), but what I’m wondering broadly about is a bit how the characters-as-medical-professionals would have been aware, a bit how the non-medical-characters would have been aware, a bit how the writers and cast would have been aware, and a bit of how the audience would have been aware -- these reference don’t exist in a vacuum after all
one of the things one is constantly facing is this absurd notion that “people” (as a vague whole) have never been aware of transness until the 21st century, or even that transness didn’t exist properly until the 21st century, and while there is plenty to show that this is simply incorrect -- texts, academia, personal anecdotes, oral histories, movies, popular music, art, etcetc. -- especially coming from inside the community, it’s interesting (and heartening) to see it mentioned several times in one of the most popular shows ever made in America, also considering the time period the show is set in 
maybe “question” is incorrect. would like to have a conversation about it, whether or not there was any real intentionality in it (and tbh if there wasn’t -- as I suspect there may not have been, beyond the simple fact that it existed -- I don’t consider that a negative, because that’s simply another fascinating inclusion of note that was done simply Because. that is still a rarity in film and tv made by and for cis people, especially film and tv with the reach that MASH had) 
I think teasing out these bits and pieces about marginalised people would be an interesting conversation to have with the people who were involved in the making of it (especially alan, as he wrote and directed inga), to gain another little puzzle piece about how trans people have existed throughout time
also, youknow. getting all of the above to say trans rights would be neat
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
This fic comes from a dream I had where Chucky was actually trying to be a good parent. I know, Chucky actually trying to be a good dad? It has to be non-canon, right? I’ve forgotten most of the dream, but I remembered this tiny bit of it, and because I’m a sucker for Chucky and Glenda’s dynamic, I’ve decided to write it down. Oh yeah, and I gave Nica/Chucky their limbs back, because I don’t think this will work without arms or legs.
Glenda winced as they accidentally sliced their finger. As blood began to seep out of the shallow cut, the teen was even more confused when the person in front of them- Nica- began… having a breakdown? It wasn’t quite clear, but after a few seconds, she sat up straight, but her posture was entirely different. There was also something slightly different about her face, it was almost as if there was someone else inside of her body. 
To further back up this theory, ‘Nica’ spoke, but their voice was rougher, less feminine. Making eye contact with Glenda, they asked in surprise:
Not quite sure what was happening, Glenda just nodded, deeply confused because didn’t they already confirm what their name was? At the nod, ‘Nica’ (was it Nica? It didn’t seem like Nica, so Glenda decided to refer to whoever this was as Person Two for now) grinned and walked tentatively towards the teen, beginning to raise their arms before changing their mind at the last second. Instead, they cautiously asked:
“Can- can I hug you? Would that be okay?”
Glenda smiled awkwardly and walked towards Person Two, nodding in confirmation. Immediately, Person Two closed the distance between them and wrapped their arms around Glenda, one hand carded through the teen’s short red hair whilst the other rested lightly on their back. It was a nice moment, and for some reason, Glenda immediately recognised the gesture as something along the lines of parental affection. For a relatively touch-starved teenager, this sort of hug combined with the parental feelings attributed to it was something they secretly loved and didn’t want to end. But just as it began to feel comfortable, Person Two’s arms tightened around Glenda as they mused aloud:
“Wait, I’m awake, and the main trigger is… so that would mean…”
Immediately, the hug ended as Person Two immediately pulled away and frantically looked Glenda up and down for signs of… something. Then, they took hold of Glenda’s hand, the one that was still actively bleeding, and gasped. Their eyes landed on the blade resting on a nearby table, and some kind of realisation seemed to wash over them. Then their focus was back on Glenda, and the teen was given a reproachful stare that somehow seemed more meaningful than their mother’s more half-hearted attempts at discipline over the years.
In a mildly exasperated tone, Person Two admonished:
“Glenda, did nobody ever teach you to be careful around knives? Accidents can happen, people can get hurt. It’s wonderful to see you again but it shouldn’t have to be because-‘
Because what exactly Glenda never learned, because this borderline stranger guided them to the bathroom with a determined expression on their face. Once there, Glenda was instructed to sit down on the edge of the bathtub whilst Person Two rifled through drawers to find a first aid kit. It took a little while, but once they found it, they held it up with a triumphant grin, immediately tearing it open and searching for disinfectant spray and bandages. 
Glenda tried to weakly protest that it was nothing, and that a band-aid at most was all that they needed, but Person Two shook their head and insisted:
“No, no, this is the least I can do. Let me help, kid. I have experience with this kinda stuff.”
True to their word, Person Two immediately set about rinsing the cut with a paper towel and warm water, apologising ever time the teen winced in discomfort and giving them a reassuring hand squeeze. Then, they uncapped the disinfectant spray and briefly warned:
“Brace yourself for a second, this might hurt, but it’ll be worth it.”
The warning was very much appreciated, because when the spray hit the cut, Glenda felt like their hand was on fire, and they yanked it back abruptly with a soft yelp. Person Two offered them another reproachful stare and wordlessly held out an expectant hand, leading Glenda to immediately place their still bleeding hand in their’s.
As Person Two finished wrapping and tying the bandages, with a band-aid underneath, they smiled at Glenda and asked:
“There, now how much better does that feel, huh?”
Glenda grinned in relief, because it really did feel a lot better, and nodded, letting out a heavy sigh. Then their survival instincts kicked back in, and they asked what really should have been the obvious question from the start.
“Wait, who are you?”
Person Two tried to change the subject, but when Glenda fixed them with a reproachful stare of their own, they admitted in a voice that was barely above a whisper:
“I’m Chucky, and I’m… your dad.”
Glenda shook their head in disbelief, unable to do anything except repeatedly mutter the word ‘no’ under their breath. A hand on their shoulder snapped them back into reality as they said the first thing that came to mind: 
“No, you can’t be. My dad bailed when Glen and I were babies, mom said he was an asshole who didn’t care about us, but you’ve been so nice… you can’t be my dad.”
Person Two (or Chucky, as he was apparently called) shook his head adamantly and rushed to explain himself.
“I didn’t want to leave, you have to understand that. Your mom and I… had our differences, and we still do, but it doesn’t mean that either of us love you or your twin any less. I didn’t know where you guys were, and your mom wouldn’t tell me. I tried to get in contact, you have to believe me. But when I found your mom again, you were both off at school, it’s just been a long string of bad timing and unfortunate circumstances.”
He paused for a moment to let this sink in, then he tentatively cupped Glenda’s cheek with his hand and said again:
“I didn’t want to leave.”
Glenda didn’t know how to feel. Their whole perception of their mother, of their entire family, was beginning to crumble. But their father seemed genuine, and they were exhausted from the bombshell revelation that their father loved them. So they gave in to the childish impulse inside of them to lean into the only taste of paternal affection that they’d ever experienced, savouring the moment for as long as it lasted.
Chucky was still new to the whole ‘being a decent parent’ thing, but after his catastrophic attempts to interact with Glen, he took a good long look at himself in the mirror and asked himself: was this really the type of father he wanted to be? A father that terrified his children and had no bond with them whatsoever? It wasn’t even a question for him. That wasn’t the sort of man- the sort of father that he wanted to be.
He had years to reevaluate his memories of the twins, and the more he thought about how he’d handled things, the worse he felt. After a few years of analysing where he’d went wrong, he began to feel genuinely sick to his stomach whenever he saw his kid quivering in terror… because of him. He made himself promise that if he saw the twins again, he’d do his best to be a decent father, no matter what it would take. 
He wasn’t entirely prepared to talk to Glenda after all that time, but when he saw the cut on their finger, all of his dormant fatherly instincts that he didn’t even know he had kicked in. Did he handle things in the best way? No. Did Glenda seem confused and mildly traumatised as a result? Unfortunately, yes. But Chucky figured that tending to his child’s injuries and proving to them that he was not a threat was a decent start when it came to establishing a bond between them.
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canonrpfinder · 1 year
hi there! i use they/them pronouns. 25+ rp writer looking for 21+ discord rp writers. i am very friendly and i promise i don't bite. i write in english but i welcome anyone who is using online rp to practice their english. most of my writing will be 3+ paragraphs in length. i have only listed my preferred muses and comfort ships.
dm or like this post and i will get back to you.
(note: my ships will not be heavily based in smut or lewd - content will remain sensitive to the canon ages of each character listed)
doctor who:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ prefer to write jenny flint, clara oswald, 11th doctor, donna noble, rose tyler, amy pond, and river song
✒ ships: jenny x vastra; 10th x rose; river x the doctor
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ prefer to write dean winchester, charlie bradbury, lilith, and meg
✒ ships: dean x cas
once upon a time:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write as henry mills, regina mills, ruby lucas, merida, peter pan, and belle french
✒ ships: regina x emma; merida x mulan; ruby x snow; belle x rumple
chilling adventures of sabrina/riverdale:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write as sabrina morningstar, theo putnam, dorcas night, lilith/madam satan, veronica lodge,
✒ ships: sabrina x betty; zelda x lilith; veronica x betty; toni x cheryl
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write nebula, rocket raccoon, mantis, yelena belova, deadpool, kitty pryde, rouge, loki laufeyson, and squirrel girl
✒ ships: kitty x rouge; yelena x kate
dc comics:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write kara zor-el, lena luthor, nia nal, and alex danvers
✒ ships: kara x lena; kara x nia; lena x nia; alex x kelly; alex x lena
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write janis ian (mean girls), karen smith (mean girls), barbara maitland (beetlejuice), delia deetz (beetlejuice), and elphaba (wicked)
✒ ships: janis x cady; adam x barbara; karen x gretchen; elphaba x glinda
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: morgana pendragan, merlin, and morguase
✒ ships: morgana x gwen; merlin x arthur
the addams family/wednesday:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: wednesday addams, thing, gomez addams, morticia addams, and yoko ono
✒ ships: wednesday x enid; yoko x divina; mortica x larissa; gomez x morticia
american horror story:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: queenie, scarlett winslow, zoe benson
✒ ships: scarlett x ruby; scarlett x maya; zoe x madison
stranger things:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: max mayfield, robin buckley, eddie munson, will byers, vicki, and eleven hopper
✒ ships: steve x eddie; will x mike; max x eleven; max x lucas; robin x nancy; eddie x cindy; vicki x robin
lost girl:
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: kenzi malikov, bo dennis, evony fluerette marquise
✒ ships: bo x tamsin; bo x evony; bo x kenzi
(open to friendship/enemy connections)
✏ i prefer to write: mia (the fallout), tara carpenter (scream); mindy meeks-martin (scream); glen (chucky); glenda (chucky); tiff valentine (chucky); moira karp (some kind of hate); bonnie harper (the craft); sara bailey (the craft); z (warm bodies)
✒ ships: mia x vada; tara x amber; tara x quin; tara x mindy; tiff x chucky; moira x kaitlin
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
Other Canon muses
| Robin Buckley (stranger things)
| Nancy Wheeler (stranger things)
| Jonathon Byers (stranger things)
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| Marsha Jacobs (euphoria)
| Aaron Jacobs (euphoria)
| Rue Bennett (euphoria)
| Lexi Howard (euphoria)
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| Ryan Torres (fear street)
| Cindy Berman (fear street)
| Tommy Slater (fear street)
| Nick Goode (fear street)
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| Kirby Reed (scream 4 & 6)
| Tara Carpenter (scream 5 & 6)
| Sam Carpenter (scream 5 & 6)
| Roman Bridger (scream 3)
| Mickey Altieri (scream 2)
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| Elena Gilbert (the vampire diaries)
| Caroline Forbes (the vampire diaries)
| Rebekah Mikaelson (the vampire diaries)
| Klaus Mikaelson (the vampire diaries)
| Stefan Salvatore (the vampire diaries)
| Damon Salvatore (the vampire diaries)
| Katherine Pierce (the vampire diaries)
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| Tiffany Valentine (bride of Chucky, seed of Chucky, cult of Chucky)
| Chucky (Childs play 1, 2 & 3, bride of Chucky, seed of Chucky, curse of Chucky, cult of Chucky)
| Glen Valentine (Bride of Chucky)
| Glenda Valentine (Bride of Chucky)
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| Oliver Quick (saltburn)
| Elspeth Catton (saltburn)
| Melinda Van Allen (deep water)
| Vic Van Allen (deep water)
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| Wheezie Cameron (outer banks)
| Rafe Cameron (outer banks)
| Topper Thornton (outer banks)
| Rose Cameron (outer banks)
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Hogswatch Headcanons
So, with the winter holidays just around the corner I thought it might be fun to make some holiday related headcanons for my muses!
Because of Juliet’s rocky relationship with her biological family, she spends the holidays with her friends and her boyfriend. It works out pretty well for everyone since they don’t really have any family to spend it with either. Glenda and Trev’s parents aren’t around anymore, and other than Lady Margolotta and Pastor Oats, Nutt’s on his own too. (I mean I can see Lady Margolotta inviting Nutt and Glenda over for the holidays, but that’s a headcanon for another time.)
Since Shine of the Rainbow didn’t grow up celebrating Hogswatch, she’s pretty new to most of the customs. Still, she’s very excited about getting to celebrate it now with her boyfriend. And she has a lot of fun doing them. Decorating, making sweets, exchanging gifts, (side note, she’s likely the only person who doesn’t give Nobby bath stuff and that must make him extremely happy.) mistletoe… She’s also probably Nobby’s plus one to the Hogswatch party the Watch throws every year.
Speaking of parties, Moist definitely throws a killer Hogswatch party for his and his wife’s employees. On a more heartwarming note, I also like to think he uses his positions at the bank, post office, and railway to help make sure that less fortunate families have a nice Hogswatch too. Like, toy drives, donating food, travel fare so they can visit family in other parts of the disc, that kind of thing. Oh! And I also like the idea of him reading the letters of poor kids that the Hogfather skips and having his postal workers deliver what’s on their list to them.
Cheery definitely takes the opportunity to wear cute holiday outfits during the Hogswatch season. Oh! And she pains her nails red and green too.
Sybil definitely makes Hogswatch a sweater for Sam. It’s a horrible misshapen thing with a very blobby looking dragon in a Hogfather hat on it. He loves it, the coppers at Psudopolis Yard know very well not to comment on it when he wears it at the Hogswatch party. Though he just stays about an hour to wish his officers a happy Hogswatch. Then, he spends it with Young Sam and Sybil.
Drumknott works on Hogswatch Night along with Vetinari. It’s quiet, not super exciting, but they both appreciate the companionable silence. He might bring some hot cider to share, and he’ll watch the patrician do the holiday edition of the Time’s crossword puzzle.
Otto definitely takes silly Hogswatch iconographs with William and Sacharissa. Whole nine yards. Props, ugly sweaters, and everything.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
You only gotta pick two tho!!
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Chucky: Alright
Tiffany: Ok!
Chucky: Charles Lee Ray but don't fucking call me that. It's Chucky
Tiffany: Tiffany Delilah Ray!!
Chucky: Scorpions
Tiffany: Spiders! I miss my old tarantula
Chucky: Red
Tiffany: Blue and crimson
Chucky: Myself ain't nobody better than me
Tiffany: I Love Martha Stewart!!!
Chucky: Tiff? Well, I married her. Didn't I!
Tiffany: Asshole. Chucky can be an ass, but I love him for it.
Chucky: How she's able to put up with all my bull shit. I still don't know how she does it.
Tiffany: How never backs down from a fight. Can be a pain in the ass to deal with though
Chucky: You tell me. Course I have. And I never hear the end of it from Tiffany
Tiffany: Yeah, cuz I deal with his ass all the time.
Chucky: Who wouldn't love me?
Tiffany: Course I do!
Chucky: Swedish meatballs!!!! I'll take a steak every now and then. I like it bloody.
Tiffany: Hm, honestly. I'll eat anything. Chicken's good!
Chucky: I have two kids and a needy wife. Coffee
Tiffany: Asshole....I'll drink a bit of both. But I mainly drink tea. It calms the nerves.
Chucky: I watched a lot of Tom and Jerry growing up.
Tiffany: Hm, I don't know. I liked Tom and Jerry too.
Chucky: Do I look like I cry? And even if I did you really think I'll admit to that shit.
Tiffany: Yesterday. We watched the Titanic
Chucky: She's an emotional trainwreck.
Chucky: Pizza. I HATE FISH! It doesn't help Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda love it. Every time we go to a Sushi place, I just eat the damn rice.
Tiffany: Sushi!!!!
Chucky: Yeah sure, marrying this bitch.
Tiffany: Sweetface, I live life with no regrets. OH IS THAT SO!
Chucky: Relax, I'm just messing with ya
Chucky: Yes, Tiffany made me. It hurt like hell.
Tiffany: I'm wearing heels right now!
Chucky: What kind of question is that? Uh shit. I don't know. My earlobes?
Tiffany: What?
Chucky: Look at them! Feel how soft and smooth they are!!! And they're the only part of me with no scars!
Tiffany: Whatever, My nails!
Chucky: Thats not a body part dumbass
Tiffany: Shut up. You said your damn earlobes!
Chucky: Yeah, that's a part of me!
Tiffany: Fine, my lips
Chucky: My eyes
Tiffany: My nose
Chucky: Sometimes
Tiffany: Rarely
Chucky: Hi? I guess? And don't forget to use Condoms!
Tiffany: Love you all!!!!
I'll tag @asktherays!!
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thedungeonmother · 2 years
I sing, but not of love, for love is blind,
but celebrate instead the muse of kindness…
- Unseen Academicals, Discworld #37
Awwww he's in love with Glenda. What a cutie.
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x-seed-of-chucky-x · 2 years
I'm thinking about adding Glenda to this blog as a second/side muse. Would anyone be interested in interreacting with them if I did so?
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