#muse ;; chucky (chucky)
renim-gauge · 10 months
yoo happy birthday matthew mercer 🙏 you've voiced so many iconic characters from my childhood, hope you're having a good one! it's not often you turn 40
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Because I don’t wanna have to list all the fandoms I post for or are in I instead made this lil thing :)
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I post more for some and often nothing for most. But js putting this up here for what to find here.
Also new pfp :3
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apollos-boyfriend · 8 days
hey cpurpled enjoyer whats your fav gender headcanon for him. im making a warrior cats dsmp au and there are too many men im trying to balance it out a bit
gendafluid 😎
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heartsintertwine · 5 months
I’m still impressed how well Zacks chucky voice is done.
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lifesver · 6 months
happy trans day of visibility legends (:
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crashandswirl · 1 month
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Name: Tiffany Valentine
Tiffany comes from the 1998 film Bride of Chucky. Some influence from the 2021 TV show Chucky. When interacting with her, there might be violence, blood, gore, murder/death, torture, and references to toxic relationships. Except for violence, all of these things will be tagged as cw: [subject] when applicable.
Eyes: Dark brown (human form); green (doll form)
Hair: Dark brown; dyed blonde
Face claim: Jennifer Tilly
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 40
Height: 5'7"/170 cm (human form); 2'6"/76 cm (doll form)
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Demisexual/biromantic
Occupation: None. If Tiff needs money, she just takes it from the people she kills.
Personality: If Tiffany is anything, it's passionate and inconsistent. When she sets her heart on a goal, she throws herself at it completely. However, her goals have a good chance of quickly changing if something goes wrong. She gives as good as she gets.
She started killing for the fun and the thrill. In her own words, it's an addiction for her. She can also be likely to murder (or enact some other form of over-the-top revenge) when she feels she's been abandoned or betrayed, though. If you come away with your life and "clean up your act"/make it up to her, she'll be happy to forgive and forget.
Tiffany is borderline unable to grasp the true severity of her crimes. She did it for your own good! Why are you so mad? That murder was just a little slip-up! It's okay, everyone has those! Why are you freaking out so much?
Tiffany had fantasized about murder for a while, but she didn't commit her first one until she met her boyfriend, Charles "Chucky" Lee Ray, the Lakeshore Strangler, during a hookup. He intended to stab her to death, but when Tiffany grinned and encouraged him to do it, he ended up stabbing the other woman in the room instead. He asked Tiffany if she wanted to join the fun, which she gleefully did. The two of them entered a relationship that became rocky before long. Eventually, Tiffany grew fed up with the fact that Chucky no longer seemed like he wanted to kill with her, and she tipped off the police about a place he was heading to. She has a low opinion of the cops and figured the most they'd do was give Chucky a good scare and/or injury, but a detective ended up killing him. Right before he died, Chucky transferred his soul into a doll. News about claims of a haunted doll from one of Chucky's victims, Andy Barclay, floated around and Tiffany followed them for years. In 1998, she successfully found the remains of Chucky's doll body and brought him back to life. However, upon finding out he didn't intend to propose to her like she thought, she locked him in a crib. Thoroughly pissed off, Chucky broke free, scared her in the bath, and she ended up being electrocuted to death when her TV got knocked into the tub. Chucky transferred her soul into a doll, leaving her trapped in it until she could find a suitable replacement.
Some other stuff:
I always default to using human Tiffany when replying to asks/tags, so if you'd like to interact with her doll form, please specify!
Tiffany's preferred murder weapon is her metal nail file, which she often keeps in her bra. When she's looking to get things done quickly, her go-to is to slit throats from behind.
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streets-in-paradise · 2 months
Hiper specifical meme on how I have been feeling lately:
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averygoodgal · 6 months
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"It has to be said at least once...eat a bag of dicks, Chucky."
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curseofbreadbear · 6 months
thinking about adding some c.hilds p.lay/c.hucky muses too. i love that damn series
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innocencel0st · 8 months
@inxspacetime continued from here.
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A grin spreads across Nica's face once eye contact is made with Mickey. Eyes quickly skim across the page that's pressed to the windshield and laughter falls from her lips. Of course, it's Chucky that's in control though. Hands grasp the frame of the open door, and Chucky climbs over what had been the driver, boots kicking up dust and gravel as he hops down from the truck.
He begins rifling through one of the bags himself, holding up a diamond tennis bracelet before beginning to secure it around Nica's wrist. They could always pawn it later if they needed to. "So what do you think?" he asked. "A big wad of cash, an impending divorce, valuables...you think one of 'em was gonna kill the other one instead of tryin' to rekindle their romance?"
As he speaks, Chucky pulls a slinky black dress out of the bag and holds it up to Nica's shoulders. Amusement fills their voice as he asks, "Think it'd fit?"
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askchuckandtiff · 2 years
You only gotta pick two tho!!
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Chucky: Sure I guess
Tiffany: Sure!
Chucky: Charles Lee Ray, but you can call me Chucky
Tiffany: Tiffany Valentine Ray!!
Chucky: Snakes are pretty cool
Tiffany: Tarantulas are definitely my favorite!
Chucky: I'm too indecisive to pick just one so it's gotta be either red or yellow
Tiffany: I absolutely love purple
Chucky: no in particular, except myself heh
Tiffany: Martha Stewart of course!! She's my idol
Chucky: Tiff's okay I guesss (jokingly)
Tiffany: You're not too bad yourself, asshole (also jokingly)
Chucky: I gotta say how stubborn tiff can be is quite impressive
Tiffany: I personally like how no matter the situation, you always have some smart ass thing to say
Chucky: Me too, it's my favorite thing about me, heh
Chucky: Yep, it was most likely to get outta work
Tiffany: yeahhhh,, and it's for the same reason as Chucky (nervous laugh)
Chucky: hm.. for like,, 99.999% of the time,, yeah I'm pretty fucking great if I say so myself. That 1% of the time… not so much
Tiffany: Damn sweetface that's.. that's rough, anyways I love myself
Chucky: pfffft blatant much?
Chucky: Swedish meatballs, of course!
Tiffany: I personally love raviolis,, they're definitely a guilty pleasure of mine
Chucky: Gotta go with coffee on this one, it's kept me awake all of those times that I probably shouldn't have been
Tiffany: I'm much more of a tea type of girl. However,, coffee is easier to disguise liquor in soo…
Chucky: that's actually really smart
Tiffany: right??
Chucky: I love all of the classics, but the cartoon came out based on uh,, fucking Beetlejuice! Yeah, that felt like the best fever dream ever
Tiffany: oh I remember that show!! Yeah, I definitely gotta agree with you on that one
Chucky: Probably when I was blackout drunk and ran into a wall so fast that I smacked into it
Tiffany: pffft
Chucky: oh hush you
Tiffany: No, and the last time I cried? I don't really remember honestly. Unless laugh-crying counts, then that was me the other night at Chucky running into the wall
Chucky: Pizza for sure, can't stand fish in the slightest
Tiffany: Honestly? I like sushi a lot more. It's bite sized! Plus, it comes with wasabi and shit
Chucky: mmm, I guess you've got a point, but I'll only eat California rolls
Chucky: ..yes but that's for me to know and for you to find out
Tiffany: I don't think so? At least, I can't remember anything that I would regret?
Chucky: Yes and I fucking hate it
Tiffany: All the time!!
Chucky: I love my hands, dunno why but I do
Tiffany: I like my eyes! They're just really pretty
Chucky: Hate my eyes, they remind me of my dad..
Tiffany: my face.. you can thank my mother for makin me insecure about that
Chucky: mayhaps
Tiffany: on special occasions
Chucky: Fuck you guys, lovingly of course
Tiffany: We love you sweetfaces!!!
- - -
I tag @fanficwriter284 and @asktherays!!
I hope you two haven't done this already!! And if you did then sorry for tagging y'all!!
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kettlequills · 1 year
that au roulette thing suggested a daemon au as one of the examples of trope prompts it generates and that would actually be pretty interesting to do with Chucky. How does the soul weirdness in Child's Play translate to the soul weirdness of His Dark Materials? Would Chucky and Tiffany's daemons die the first time they do, or are we treated to watching their daemons, the manifestations of their soul, get slowly more tattered, grotesque and destroyed with each soul split and tear? Would they still exist, but be severed from their partners? How exactly does Tiffany get around the problem of not having the same daemon as Jennifer - or does she force him to pretend he is hers, instead? How would having Chucky possess her affect Nica's daemon - would he be able to feel him as she does?
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heartsintertwine · 11 months
Okay but like Chucky being scared to ACTUALLY die for good is actually such a breath of fresh air to me. The thing is he still has that incompletion anxiety so he wants to make sure he finishes the job before he’s gone for good
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x-seed-of-chucky-x · 2 years
Glen and Glenda are undoubtedly child stars who are very similar to the Sprouse siblings. Because Tiffany played off the Jenifer Tilly role, they spent the most of their childhood acting in a variety of movies and television series, and occasionally modeling for magazines. They then developed a dislike for acting, which caused them to have a tense relationship with Tiff. However, I could absolutely see Glenda returning to acting at some point and stepping aside for Glen to pursue a career in directing or perhaps filmmaking. only occasionally appearing in brief cameos alongside their sibling in movies.
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masquenoire · 2 years
★ ( I am so curious. Either for Nica or Nica! Chucky, whichever Roman ends up choosing )
Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse.
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“So, there’s... two of you? Not the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard of, I guess.”
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect know what to think of you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break bail you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else / 
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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crashandswirl · 16 days
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...Can we tell apart my eight muses with the same FC?
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