#¤ Grumpy kohai
rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
RAY RAY RAY I'M SO FUCKING HYPED THAT YOU WROTE FOR WINDBREAKER THANK YOU BLESS YOU YOU'RE THE BEST! I'VE BEEN INSANE ABOUT THIS ANIME SINCE EPISODE ONE AND HAVE ALREADY BINGE READ THE ENTIRE MANGA! I think you'll like Hiragi, he's a little like Aizawa in the sense of being the tired grumpy caretaker of his kohai. I'm so excited to see whatcha think of the series even more. Thanks for checking it out
all thanks can be laid at @thick-skull89's door because she watched one episode, grabbed me by the collar all "you will adore this", and she was Correct
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blueberrysunflowers · 2 years
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volleyball husbands since highschool (au?)✨🏐
first-year tsukki makes a joke about how hinata and kageyama are too volleyball obsessed and that they should just get married to each other since no one else can understand them they way only they do. the two of them kinda just sit in silence for a few seconds before agreeing with him. both tsukki and yamaguchi’s eyes widen in surprise because it’s the first time the two agreed with him. the conversation shifts when yachi comes to sit with them and starts talking about her class.
the topic comes up again in the afternoon while they were changing in the clubroom and tsukki makes a quip about how the two of them should have their wedding reception in the gym, causing everyone to immediately pay attention to the first years in the corner. yamaguchi quickly explains what happened during lunch and their senpais just laugh it off as one of the dynamic duo’s many quirks. tanaka jokes about how can they get married if they don’t even have a ring yet. hinata takes a moment to stare at tanaka before his eyes start to spark and he runs out of the clubroom. everyone hears yachi’s surprised yell before hinata pops back in a minute later with one of yachi’s thin hair ties. he ties it around kageyama’s ring finger and holds it up proudly to tanaka. the second year laughs and gives hinata a thumbs up before daichi asks them to hurry up and get changed.
every once in a while, the two of them like to make quips related to the whole “getting married in the future” idea which causes the people around them to either laugh it off or join in. even their friends on the other teams have picked up on the running gag.
“oh no, you snore.” “so?? camp’s going to last for only a week anyway.” “yeah but when we get married im going to have to share a bed with you. ill never be able to sleep”
“if i can’t cook and you can’t cook, how are we going to get married?” “then learn how to cook, boke.”
by the end of their first year, people have started to refer to them as the ‘volleyball husbands’ in addition to the ‘dynamic/freak duo’. oikawa started to refer to hinata as either ‘chibi-chan’, ‘kageyama-chan’ or ‘my kohai-in-law’. when the third years graduated, they left gifts for everyone. kageyama and hinata received a “mr & mr volleyball” mug from suga, who gave them a wink and wished them the best.
fast forward to brazil where pedro notices how his roommate seems to disappear at the same time every single day to take a call outside of their place. he didn’t want to pry too much so it took him a few months to asks hinata about who he facetimes every day. hinata smiles and reveals how the mystery person was his fiancé and he needed to wake him every morning (in japan time) because if he didn’t, then “tobio would continue to be a pig in bed and not have time to workout before his practice,” adding on how he’ll “be really grumpy for the rest of the day because he slept in”. pedro was surprised to hear that his roommate had a fiancé back in japan (despite not having a ring on his finger) but didn’t question him further. he just let his fiery friend know that he could take his calls in the apartment and pedro would put on his headphones to give them privacy.
meanwhile, the adlers are oblivious to their teammate’s relationship status since kageyama was never one to share about his personal life unless he was probed (and no one really thought to ask the guy if he has a fiance) (they did ask him if he had a girlfriend/boyfriend and he replied with a simple ‘no.’). it didn’t help that he only gets to talk to hinata when the man wakes him up in the morning, and at night when he wakes hinata up. there has been an incident where ushijima asked kageyama if he ever had a boyfriend in high school because tendo has been telling him about some old high school gossip and a ‘volleyball husband’. kageyama simply responded with an “oh, that’s just hinata. he wasn’t my boyfriend.”
after hinata’s 2 years in brazil, the two of them make plans to live with each other in tokyo during off-seasons. after moving in, they have a small housewarming party and invite their karasuno friends as well as some of their current vball teammates that they’ve known since high school. the night starts off with the pair arguing over how one of them was supposed to order pizza before the party started, but didn’t because they thought that the other person did it. daichi had to step in to stop the two from breaking something in their own apartment on their first week there. everyone around them sighed and prayed that the two best friends wouldn’t kill each other one day. yamaguchi even pointing out how “at least their rooms are on the opposite ends of the apartment”. (everyone failing to realise that only one room looked lived-in and the other was a guest room).
as the night went on (and the drinks started flowing), someone made a comment about how the volleyball husbands have seemed to grow into functioning adults. most of the people in the room laughed, remembering the old bit that ran all throughout high school. hinata’s eyes sparkled when they brought it up as he slurred his words together to try and form a sentence. no one but kageyama understood what the tipsy main said so he translated to them that hinata was asking if the two of them should have their wedding in the summer or winter. noya slammed his drink down (startling asahi right beside him) and yelled out that they should have a summer wedding so that they can play beach volleyball right afterwards. everyone in the room started talking about a volleyball themed wedding, not realising kageyama taking down something on his phone.
a month and a half later, they sent out their wedding invitations.
a week later, they woke up at 5am in the morning to a very loud phone call from yamaguchi.
hinata and kageyama both cringe at the volume of their best friend’s voice, with kageyama digging his face further into hinata’s chest while he tries to get more sleep and let his fiancé handle the issue. “what-what do you mean yamaguchi? why are you so surprised by this?”, hinata asks while trying to keep his voice down for kageyama. in the background, he hears tsukki asking if any of them have checked their phone notifications. hinata peels his phone away from his face to do just that when he notices the number of unopened messages the had, not even including all the missed calls from throughout the night that they managed to sleep through. he was pretty sure he even saw shimizu tanaka’s name pop up somewhere in the fray. all sleepiness immediately vanished when he realised that all of the messages were pertaining to the wedding, accompanied by various renditions of ‘what the fuck’. as he was doing so, he got another call from yachi and added her to the call with yamaguchi (and tsukki).
“???… but yacchan, tobio and i have been engaged since our first year of highschool? we never had a dating phase, so we were never boyfriends? remember that one lunch when tsukki said how we should get married and both tobio and i agreed? he even kept your hair tie, the one i tied around his finger.”
the two of them could hear tsukki yell in the background and grab the phone out of yamaguchi’s hand. “DUMBASS! THAT’S- THAT’S NOT HOW ENGAGEMENT WORKS?! YOU… YOU NEED TO LOVE SOMEONE TO MARRY THEM, DUMBASS.”
hinata frowned and looked down at the man in his arms, who was surprisingly able to sleep through all that. “again, what do you mean kei? i do love him,” hinata holds kageyama a little harder as he continued speaking, “i wouldn’t marry him if i didn’t. he’s been my fiancé since we were 15, i think it’s safe to stay we’re in it for the long run.”. he sat in silence for a few seconds, checking the screen to see if he got disconnected or something, til yamaguchi spoke up and said that tsukki went to get some coffee because it was “too early in the morning to process this” and that he’ll get some as well. he left after promising that both tsukki and him will be at the wedding. yachi waited til yamaguchi left before speaking up again, this time sounding a lot more calmed and collected.
“so, summer wedding? will there be volleyball?”
“after the main events of the reception, yes. nat-chan and tobio didn’t want the whole wedding to be volleyball-themed.”
yachi stayed silent on the other end, but hinata could tell that she was nodding to herself and forgot that he couldn’t see her. she promised that she’d be there at the wedding too and that she’d handle calming down everyone else in their massive volleyball group chat that had almost every japanese volleyball player they knew from high school. hinata smiles and thanks her for being a great friend before ending the call and curling up against his partner.
when the day finally came, everyone’s shock and suspicions vanished as they watched the two exchange their vows. it wasn’t just kageyama’s unfiltered happiness that surprised them- but hinata’s too. everyone knows the man for his sunshine-like presence and energy, but they’ve never seen him smile the way he was smiling at kageyama at the alter. their love and devotion for each other was undeniable. in fact, everyone couldn’t believe that they didn’t notice it sooner because there was something in the way the two of them look at each other that everyone has seen at some point in time. it was the same way they’ve always looked at each other, with immense fondness and trust.
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Kakashi: these are my students. The angry one
Sakura: rude
Kakashi: the grumpy one
Sasuke: hmph
Kakashi: The blunt one
Sai: :) hello
Kakashi: and the dumb one
Naruto: hey! How am i the dumb one?
Yamato: there’s a few reason’s. Would you like a list?
Kakashi: Oh, and my adorable Kohai :)
Yamato: S-SENPAI!
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zlatanakermann · 4 years
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This is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. I simply love the hc in which the four boys are extremely protective with Yachi, so I HAD TO write about it.
The image is not mine, I found it on Pinterest and I have no idea where it comes from, but I love it!
I am sorry about any possible grammatical error, English isn’t my first language so it is a bit difficult for me to write such long things on my phone.
Warnings: mhhh not much, there is swearing and mention of sex, but this isn’t a smut fiction.
Story: Karasuno first years being good friends for Yachi when she struggles to deal with love.
Yachi Hitoka was the sweetest cinnamon roll of all Karasuno. She was shy, but extremely determined, she was hardworking and passionate, and she was incredibly cute. Not that anyone, besides the few people who actually spoke to her (mainly the volleyball team), had noticed.
This went for the first year of high school. But it changed as soon as her body started showing stronger hints that Yachi Hitoka wasn’t a baby anymore but she was, in fact, a woman, and a beautiful one.
Maybe it was because of the sudden interest of the whole school for the volleyball team after their admirable performance at the nationals the previous year, together with Kyoko’s absence; or maybe it was just because Yachi Hitoka didn’t develop only two sizes on her chest, but also more self-confidence. Anyway, in the second year of High School at Karasuno, Yachi became pretty popular and she found herself a boyfriend. A pretty good one! He wasn’t a volleyball player, “Thank God!” she always thought. She loved her friends and she loved volleyball: but she wasn’t sure that she would have liked to date one of her teammates. The “Karasuno First Years”, which were now second years, and now were her closest friends, didn’t particularly like or dislike this guy. He was totally insignificant, according to them.
Yachi wanted her boyfriend to meet the “volleyball guys” she was so attached to, mostly because he looked a little bit jealous and she was determined to show him that they were cool guys, and that they didn’t have any hidden intentions towards her. So she organized a group date with the boys in one of their free days.
“I mean, he’s not that bad...” Hinata said to his teammates at the end of the date, once Yachi had been far from them, holding that insignificant guy’s hand.
“Yeah, it’s just... I don’t know, I feel like he’s not that great either.” Yamaguchi added, with a frown on his face.
“Oi! Dumbasses.” Kageyama punched Hinata on his head, just because. “Yachi looked happy. This should be the most important thing, right? Didn’t you see how she was smiling?”
Tsukishima shrugged “As Our Majesty said, our friends’ happiness comes first: it’s not like WE have to date that guy. If she likes him, I guess he is ok.”
“But.” Kageyama intervened once more “Yachi is too sweet and naive sometimes.”
“That’s why she has us.” Hinata replied seriously. “We’ll watch her back.”
The fun thing was that none of them has ever had a relationship before, so they were basically observing Yachi’s one without really being aware of what was happening. Their only goal was to be sure that this boring normal guy made Yachi Hitoka happy. And he did! He did it for almost... three weeks. Yeah, after 18 days since they start dating, Yachi Hitoka skipped practice for the first time. And it was a pretty incredible event, since she has alway been serious about her responsibilities as a manager.
The “Four-first-years-which-were-actually-now-second-years” immediatly noticed her absence, reporting it to the third years and causing a great mess in the gym. Takeda Sensei and Coach Ukai spent a good 20 minutes trying to convinge Kageyama and Hinata that skipping one practice wasn’t such a big deal, that Yachi was fine and that surely had a good reason to skip practice that day. Capitain Ennoshita had to physically stop Tanaka and Nishinoya from “going to look for their adorable kohai in need of her amazing senpais”.
“Stop!” Ennoshita Chikara’s voice roamed through the gym to gain the attention of his teammates. “Chill guys, Yachi messaged me yesterday to ask if she could skip practice today. Apparently she has a date. So please, PLEASE, let’s just start the practice without any further drama.”
Yamaguchi decided to text her quickly: he would have properly talked to her after practice. It was ok to stop and rest sometimes, but she should have told them. Especially because she was ditching them because of a date! Yamaguchi was the closest to Hitoka, and he felt pretty cut out at the moment.
The following day, Yachi Hitoka looked a little bit distracted during lunch. She met the four volleyball players at their spot behind the gym, greeting them with her usual smile, but she didn’t partecipate to the conversation. The boys didn’t push her, and eventually she blurted out what clearly has been bothering her all day.
“Uhm guys...” she started with uncertainty in her voice. The boys reverted their attention to her. “We are friends, right?”
“Of course, Yachi-chan!” Was the immediate reply of the energetic orange head. Nods of agreement from the other three followed his statement.
“A-and you are boys.” Continued the blond manager, a light shade of pink coloring her cheeks.
“Yeah, I am pretty sure about that.” Tsukishima replied with a smirk.
“Uhm, yeah of course... so I was wondering, ehm f-for a boy, how much is sex important in a relationship?”
The question left the four boys totally flustered and embarrassed. Kageyama almost spit his milk, chocking on it. Hinata’s face became redder than Nekoma’s uniform, in contrast to Yamaguchi’s which was now paler than snow. Tsukishima maintained his usual unexpressive face, but his eyes widened for a second, before replying calmly to the girl.
“I mean, it sure would be a pretty important part of a relationship of course. Why are you asking?”
Yachi Hitoka wasn’t feeling very comfortable talking about her love life, especially with four teenage boys equally inexperienced as herself in the matter. But she needed an outsider opinion, and those guys were her closest friends at the moment, so she gained all her courage and kept going.
“Yesterday afternoon I skipped practice, because I had a study date with Yuki.”
“D-did you two...?” Started Yamaguchi. “I mean uhm...” the boy was sweating like crazy.
“Woah nice kill Yachi-kun!” Exclaimed Hinata, earning a punch from a very flustered Kageyama. “Shut the fuck up Dumbass.”
Yachi’s face almost exploded. “NONONONONO, you misunderstood!” She quickly corrected her friend.
“So what was the meaning of your question?” Tsukishima was revealing an outside calm that didn’t reflect at all the strong discomfort he was feeling inside.
“Well, we were at my house and... Yuki-kun kissed me. It wasn’t the first time we kissed of course, but he kind of pushed it a little bit.”
“Oh, you made out.” Commented Yamaguchi. “Did you felt uncomfortable?”
“No, no. It didn’t feel uncomfortable until he tried to... push for more.”
Everybody went deadly silent.
“Did he do something to you?” A very serious and angry Kageyama asked.
“No, I told him to stop, that I wasn’t ready for anything more than making out on my bed with our shirts off and... he kind of got angry and stormed away.” She concluded, avoiding every eye-contact.
“Maybe he just went to... hum you know... jerk off?” Hinata guessed embarrassed, making the group even more uncomfortable than before.
“Eww!” Disgust was Yachi Hitoka’s first reaction, which caused the tension within the group to fade in a collective laugh, before she could continue “Ehm sorry, I mean, I don’t know what was in his mind. I haven’t heard from him since yesterday. I tried to message him, and even call him. He is avoiding me.”
“It is pretty rude of him. Running away and ghost you just because of a boner doesn’t seem to me a normal behaviour.” Commented bluntly Kageyama.
“That’s why I am asking you!” Yachi Hitoka was clearly irritate.
“Every guy is different Yachi-chan.” Hinata smiled at her. “Just look at Bakayama: he so grumpy and scary all the time.” He said flattening his hair in a bad imitation of the setter.
“Boke!” Was the only imput from Kageyama.
“And the Beanpole?” Hinata was going on. “He is so damn annoying and bad at receives.”
“What the fuck do my receives have to do with this?” Tsukishima wasn’t particularly happy with Hinata’s examples.
“And don’t get me started with Yamaguchi!”
“Ok Hinata, I guess you proved your point. You’re all different.” Yachi stopped him before he could insult the next Capitain of Karasuno.
“I guess I’ll have to corner him at school and talk to him face to face: there must be a reason for his behaviour.” She concluded.
“Sounds like a plan. And feel free to share his reasons.” Stated Yamaguci with a deadly glint in his eyes.
“Yeah, for... reserch purpose.” Concluded Tsukishima with a dangerous smirk.
That day, Yachi Hitoka left from practice a little earlier than usual, in order to find her boyfriend and force him to talk with her. Yuki Tachibana was a member of the football team of Karasuno, whose club room was right next to the volleyball gym. Luckily his practice ended at the same time as the volleyball one.
“Yuki-kun!” She called him as soon as he set foot outside the club room, together with some of his teammates.
“Oh. Yachi-san.” He greeted her coldly with a monotone voice.
“I-I would like to talk with you, about yesterday.” She stuttered.
“Because you run away and didn’t talk to me since then.”
“And whose fault is that?” He stated angrily.
“What do you mean?” Yachi felt her own voice tremble.
“I mean that in almost 3 weeks you didn’t even show me your boobs. I can’t keep jerking off in the shower: what’s the point on having a girlfriend if I can’t even fuck her whenever I want to?” He was shouting now, and there were a very thin possibility that the whole football team together with the volleyball one hadn’t hear everything.
“Keep your voice down, people will hear our couple problems!” She started panicking.
“Don’t worry: we won’t be having any more couple problems. You’re really hot, but you’re not the only one in the school. I will find someone else to fuck.” And with that he turned around and walked away.
At least he tried to, because during his embarrassing talk, he didn’t notice the four shadows which were towering behind him. As soon as he turned around his face went straight against Kageyama’s chest.
Yachi Hitoka herself was kind of shocked when she found the bravery to lift her gaze and look at her four friends scarying the poor football player with their deathly glares. The ones which Capitain Ennoshita had instructed them to use only on the court. When Tsukishima opened his mouth, probably to spit some venomous words in Yuki Tachibana’s face, Yachi bursted into laughter.
“It’s ok, guys, seriously. I am fine. I am very happy that he dumped me, or I would have waste other precious time with him. I am not sorry, Tachibana-kun, that I am not your ideal girl, but I hope that you’ll find someone who will mean something for you outside the bed.” She kept smiling while she talked, despite the sting at the back of her eyes.
When finally Tachibana went away, Yachi Hitoka let herself cry for a little bit. Not because she was in love with the guy, they have been together for less than a month and she has known him for barely two months! She was crying because she felt overwhelmed. That boy was only interested in her body, and he basically dumped her because of the lack of sexual life in their relationship in front of a lot of people. That was indeed a shitty situation.
For the four boys, being in the precence of a crying Yachi Hitoka was extremely stressful and difficult, mostly because none of them had any idea of how to deal with a girl crying. Of course, Hinata has seen Natsu crying but se was still 7 years old! It was pretty sure that letting her hold her favourite pluche while watching Frozen wouldn’t have worked with Yachi. Last time that Kageyama saw his older sister cry was at his grandphader’s funeral, and this was definitely a different situation. Tsukishima was still working on dealing with his own emotional sphere and it was clearly too early to deal with someone else’s. Yamaguchi didn’t have a clue about what he could do for Yachi, so he thought ‘What would Sugawara-senpai do?’
Immediately, he rushed to the little sobbing girl, cleaning her face with a tissue and awkwardly patting her head with a smile. Catching up with Yamaguchi’s plan, all the boys thought about what their senpais would have done in that occasion.
‘What would Bokuto-san do?’ Thought Hinata, before engulfing Yachi in a bones-breaking hug.
‘What would Oikawa-senpai do?’ Thought Kageyama. Oikawa senpai would have worked harder and harder, but he didn’t think this could be useful in this situation. Oikawa-senpai would have also done something else actually. “If you want, I can beat him up, and hit him ‘till it breaks.” Declared the setter.
At this point Yachi Hitoka had alreay stopped crying and was actually struggling for not laughing in Kageyama’s face. “Thank you Kageyama-kun, but I don’t think this will be necessary.”
Tsukishima’s mind was completely blank. Who the fuck was someone he saw as a senpai? Akiteru-nii? Nah, they were far too different from each other and they weren’t that close anymore. When finally he understood who his most influential senpai was, he almost threw up. “Chibi-chan.” He started. Kuroo-senpai’s pet names usually angered him, but he thought that Yachi could have liked it. “Don’t worry too much about him, he was an asshole anyway. You have us, and we care about you, we always will. C’mon let’s get you a pork bun.” He stated wrapping her fragile figure up in his oversize black sweater.
“Wow Tsukki, since when have you been like this?” Yamaguchi asked him.
Tsukishima smirked, turned towards them and opened his arms before stating: “What do you mean? I’ve always been this kind! What’s wrong with being nice?”
Yachi Hitoka was the sweetest cinnamon roll of all Karasuno. She was shy, but extremely determined, she was hardworking and passionate, she was incredibly cute. Most importantly: her best friends were the most amazing weirdos of the world, and she loved them.
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waywardfacegarden · 4 years
Who is your anime: 1) husband 2) wife 3) babie 4) side hoe 5) squad [pretty much if they could be your best friend group] 6) would be your bff 7) would be your archenemy?
Well, hello there, soulmate!!!💗💙 This question is so interesting asjdaldsj, and it also made me realize I have. Way too many crushes on fictional women... (and men, too, tbh, but with men i have like my top 20 pretty clear [not in particular order, just. my fave of faves LOL] and with women I was like. Oh god. Oh god. Do I mention her... or her... NO, HER... NONONO HER. NO WAIT--)
Husband: Rin Matsuoka from Free! (but you obviously know that already ajdlalhds). Dude, I’m. You already know how much I’m in love with him, I cannot. Cannot. He’s hard-working, kind, talented, charming, smart, competitive, so inspiring, so fucking soft, emotional (i love the fact that he cries with ridiculous romance movies akjdladsj he’s a crybaby i love him), he cares so deeply about his friends and his kohais, he’s such a good leader/captain, too?? and kinda a tsundere which is my type apparently, LMAO. But, YEAH. He seriously makes my heart go all askdjlakdjjlad crazy. It makes so fucking. Soft how he’s so tender when he’s with his kohais, too???? DUDE I CAN’T. I was pretty much melting in that scene where he’s teaching Rei how to swim aksjdlasdj. I also die every time he smiles. But it also adds like. 100000000 years to my life. He’s such a blessing ajdlkakj, thank God for Rin Matsuoka. HE’S ALSO SO FUCKING PRETTY?????? AND HOT????? AND CUTE????????? AND ALLURING AND ATTRACTIVE AND GORGEOUS ALL AT ONCE. GGGGHHHHHHH. I malfunction every time he shows up aksjdladj.
Wife: After like. 20 minutes of thinking about it I realized I couldn’t pick only one so I gave up and decided to say the one I’ve been pretty obsessed with most recently. Momoe Maria from Ookiku Furikabutte. SHE’S JUST SO PERFECT??? She’s badass, she’s so freaking cool, she’s smart and cute and pretty and did I already mention cool???? Asjdhald. She’s the coolest. She plays softball and she’s. A COACH. AND SUCH A GOOD ONE. She’s strong (both physically and mentally) and kind and so, so hard-working and dedicated and I just really, really love her. I also could wax poetic about how cute she is tbh ajsdajh. AND BADASS. Basically, every time she shows up in a game (because she’s. The coach. Everyone falls a bit in love with her imo and HOW COULD YOU NOT?????). SHE’S SO INSPIRING. I admire her in such a deep level uGH. All my respect and unconditional love for this woman.
Babie: Mihashi Ren from Ookiku Furikabutte (look, I’m about to finish the manga and besides Bakugou Katsuki, oofuri is the only thing I’ve been thinking about this week ajdladja bc it’s SO WHOLESOME). Listen, HE’S MY SON, OKAY??? I HAVE SO MANY ALREADY BUT I DON’T CARE. I want to protect him, to tell him he’s amazing and doing so great, and to make him feel better with himself, to make him more confident in his talent and to STOP being so hard on himself BECAUSE HONESTLY, THIS BOY IS SO HARD-WORKING AND SO. ENDEARING. AND HE’S DOING AMAZING. He’s always, always working so hard, and he’s!!!! Such a cute, adorable anxious bean. I just want him to be happy.
Side hoe: (I don’t know what this means LMFAO i hope you don’t mean anything sexual bc i interpreted like someone you would kick ass with LOL). Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri on Ice!! Akjhdjalh LMAO. YURIO I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH, AND YOU’RE DEFINITELY NOT A HOE BUT. YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT, RIGHT? But YEAH. He’s the one I’d kick ass with. Also he’s????? One of my favorite, favorite, favorite characters ever, I admire him LOTS. AND LOVE HIM. My love for him equals Rin and Bakugou so. Just so you understand LOL. ALSO I BOUGHT HIS HOODIE SO WE WOULD BE TWINS!!!!!!!!
Squad: DEFINITELY BAKUSQUAD. DEFINITELY. They’re morons and completely disasters but they’re!!! My favorite people ever!!!!!!! They’re the kind of people that have your back ANYTIME, that support you and not judge you, that encourage and support you, that is THERE for you. THEY ALSO WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN TO BE AROUND?????? They’re all kind and funny and witty and AMAZING. They’re such good friends. Definitely my fave squad in BNHA and in a lot of other stories (i also love samezuka obviously and team gai from naruto but ajshdaljf i feel like bakusquad is more my kind of friends). They’re my fave kind of people and idk, I feel like I would always be happy around them. They listen, and make everything fun for you, and care, and I wouldn’t mind having to be The Mom Friend with Grumpy Mom Friend Bakugou and having to tutor them with Bakugou too akjdlaj. They would make me insanely happy, you have no idea. PLUS BAKUGOU IS IN THERE. WHAT MORE DO I WANT?????? AND I COULD RAMBLE WITH SERO OF MANGAS ALL THE TIME AND BORROW HIS MANGAS AND AKDJLADJA YEAH BAKUSQUAD (kami, mina, sero, kiri, jirou [YES JIROU IS ON HERE] and baku).
BFF: I WANT KAMINARI DENKI AS MY BEST FRIEND. He’s such a good friend???????? He’s so supportive and so kind and so funny and A RAY OF SUNSHINE and I just think we would get along amazingly I guess ajsdlasdjald Idk I want him to be my friend🥺🥺🥺 He’s also my Bi Icon and he strikes me as a king of memes and he NEEDS to explain them to me bc I never get jokes or memes akdjlasd.
Archenemy: Kinda cheated on this one but: Lio Fiota from Promare. I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH OKAY YOU HAVE NO IDEA (again, rin-bakugou-yuri-level. He’s one of my biggest crushes). But I wouldn’t mind if he crushes me asdhasdjalsdj LMFAO. He’s just so badass????? and so cool??????? and I probably would just Be Whipped in our fights but idc okay?????? A lot of archenemies are in love with each other okay don’t judge me LMAO. Enemies to Friends trope with my one-sided pining LOL. (The only thing is that he’s so kind that he probably wouldn’t fight me🥺🥺).
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magsdomino · 6 years
Jirou rare pair headcanon post: Nejirou (used to ship this before Yuyu was introduced)
Jirou is kind of overwhelmed by her eccentric senior who is overwhelming in beauty and personality.
Almost dies when Nejire calls her a cutie.
Nejire sees her singing open Mic night at a local cafe and became enamored.
Knows she will graduate soon but is only about a year older than kyouka and wants to ask her out.
Jirou is confused, flustered, and taken aback.
Has to get back to Nejire about it.
Their first date is to a carnival. It's a bit much at first, but Jirou ends up having fun. She also realizes she has a type: bubbly smart girls who are taller and more feminine than she is.
The two end up dating more and get a lot of stares. Because it's a Senpai/ kohai deal. It can be a bit much at first, but Jirou grows used to it.
Nejire calls Jirou "Kiki", a play on her name, Kyouka. Also "because you are small, cute, and kinda grumpy like a kitty"
Jirou misses her girlfriend like crazy in her second and third years, especially with Nejire being a sidekick and aiming for pro status. The blue-haired girl visits whenever she can though and even offers to help her punk rock girlfriend with studies and internships.
Nejire didn't start out caring much about fashion, but loves going shopping with Kyouka. Clothes, stuffed, animals, novelty gifts. You name it.
Nejire's singing voice is enchanting and blows Jirou for a loop. She worries she might be falling too fast u til Nejire tells her "It's ok. I fell fast too.". It just overwhelms the punk girl, who nearly faints.
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rantingwriter · 7 years
Me again!!! Can you do a scenario where starish is trapped in a haunted house and has to find a way to escape? Have fun with it :)
(sorry this took so long to get to -.-’ illness and stress make for long term writers block) 
Otoya: He shakily walks the dim halls of the abandoned dorm. How did he let Cecil talk him into such a trek? The dusty, cobweb ridden pictures were unsettling to say the least, but the real terror for him came from the closed doors. He kept hearing voices, or what he thought was voices, but every time he tried to check, the doors would be locked. A loud bang from a nearby room nearly stops the red heads heart. “H-Hello? Anyone here?” He didn’t want to know the answer, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking. Another loud noise kicks his instincts into action and sends him running for the exit. Unaware that his fellow idols were the ones causing the noise behind those doors. 
“Should we tell him it isn’t real now?” Natsuki asks, feeling a little bad for causing such a scare.
“No, he’ll be fine.” Reiji waves the be-speckled blond off and continues snickering at his kohai dust trail. 
Masato: The spooky sounds and jump scares that plague his path did little to startle him. It is all just cheap tricks after all, what is there to fear? As he enters the last half of the ‘haunted’ establishment he is met with an interesting apparition. “Hello? Now this is a quality ghost.” He inspects the area in search of a projector, finding none in the vicinity. The spectral looks around her surroundings with a somber, puzzled expression before floating off into a wall. The bluenette shrugs and leaves the building to meet up with his friends. 
“What did you think? Pretty spooky, right?” Syo is first to ask of his opinion.
“The only part that seemed remotely spooky was that ghost projection at the end.” All of them give him a quizzical look.
“Um, there was no projection at the end…” Ren states, his roommate getting a sudden chill up his spine. That was…real?
Ren: The young model rarely lost his cool. So, when the guys challenged him to walk this haunted house alone. He had no qualms with the terms. However, the further he walked the more lost he became. “Haven’t I been here twice already?” He rubs the back of his head as he views the same picture again. As he looks around he can hear the faintest sound of a giggle. “Very funny…” he heads towards the source of the laughter to find a little girl skipping around a room. He watches from the door way, this girl was very dedicated to her role. She even covered her body in blue paint that glowed in the light…wait…his face suddenly paled at the realization. There was no light in this room, the light of the windows barely reached past his feet. He takes one step back, the floor creaking beneath him. The sound has the girl whipping her head around to look at him. 
“Ren? Ren?! Wake up!” His eyes slowly open to view Tokiya and Cecil looming over him. 
“What happened?” he asks as he sits up to find himself outside. 
“Your time was up we went in to find you. We found you unconscious near the entrance. What did you see?” Cecil asks, looking rather frightened. Ren looks up towards the nearby window and spots the little girl again, waving at him. 
“You don’t want to know…”
Syo: The dark corridors of the old mansion were creepy, but for the aspiring actor, he felt very little fear. Natsuki wasn’t around with his cooking and he would go no higher than one story. This challenge would be a piece of cake. “That bet is as good as won!” He starts laughing loudly, an eerie silence surrounding him when he stops. Not even an echo of his own voice could be heard. “Okay, maybe I spoke too soon.” He gulps down nothing, his mouth going dry from the sudden increase in silence. As he tries to navigate the darkness, he realized he was stuck in place. He checks himself for a harness or something tangible to explain this lack of motion. “This is ridiculous, guys! Stop messing around!” Again more silence, followed by the sound of foot steps. They seemed to be coming from every direction. His heart hammering against his chest, he is scared to turn around. His feet betray him as he moves jerkily around to face the loudest source of feet. 
“Syo-chan are you alright?” The sight of Natuski with a flashlight on his face breaks the short idol. “Huh? Ah! Syo-chan! Your soul is trying to fly away!!” 
Cecil: A haunted house is one thing, but sending him into an old aquarium is just cruel. Despite the water and fish being gone for years, the tanned boy continues to see movement where there shouldn’t be. “Breath, there are no fish here…there are none…” he had no faith in his words. His feet moving on autopilot to get through the building. He just had to get to the other side and leave through the exit. As he entered a hall with empty tanks on either side, his hair stands on end. “Oh, muses help me…” He can’t stop the tremble in his voice as he proceeds forward. He passes by an old coral reef the faint sounds of bubbles hitting his sharp ears. “Huh?!” He whips around to find nothing, “must be my imagination.” He continues forward, hearing more odd sounds the farther he gets. He spots the exit and his friends waiting by the door. He feels a wave of relief until he notices a light out of the corner of his eye. His head creaks to the side to find a diver waving at him. He squeals and takes off running, the diver laughing as he watches the boy sprint. 
“How did you convince Camus to dress up as a diver?” Tokiya asks, watching as Otoya tries to calm Cecil down. Reiji shrugs, Ranmaru and Ai hoisting the man out of the empty tank. 
“A better question is how they got this equipment.” 
Natsuki: The chipper blond skips his way through the haunted corn maze. He woke up in the center and just started walking. It was fun, the clear night and crisp air made it enjoyable for him. Though he didn’t understand how he ended up there, he didn’t really care. A sudden figure jumps out in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. “Hello~ Are you trying to find the exit too?” The figure says nothing, it just stands there with something in its grasp. “Don’t be shy, what’s your name?” It simply points down the path. “Oh, is the exit that way? Thank you~” He turns and heads away from the figure. The sound of a chainsaw revving loudly behind him is enough to trip him on his own feet. The figure charges at the floored blond, unaware of the consequences of its actions. As the boy rises from the ground, his glasses remain stuck in the mud. A sudden aura forming around him that makes the figure stall in its actions. 
“I don’t know who you are, but you have pissed me off!” Satsuki grabs hold of the chainsaw and throws it. The shriek that emits from the figure enough to stop him from further damage to the shadow.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t actually going to hurt you! It’s all part of the act!!!” The employee rips off his mask to show his face. “That thing was a leaf blower!” Satsuki snarls at the man and grabs his muddied spectacles off the ground. 
“Where’s the damn exit?” The man points him towards the way out, the grumpy idol quick to leave the maze. “Who ever put us in there is dead meat.” 
Tokiya: He didn’t see the appeal of haunted houses. They were generally fake and any and all scary movies would prove that you should never get involved with ones that are dubbed real. “Seriously, this is a waste of time…” he hefts a sigh and continues looking for the item the guys hid in the spooky house. They hid his music sheets to get him to participate. He wasn’t thrilled to find them gone. After nearly half an hour of searching, his ears pick up the distinct sounds of a piano playing somewhere. He follows the sound, curious to see if this was some form of elaborate hint. When he reaches the room, he opens the door with out a second thought. The sight in front of him stopping him in his tracks. The piano is unoccupied, the keys moving by themselves. “N-No way,” he is dumbfounded, his sheet music rests on the self-playing piano. He swallows the small amount of fear bubbling up and goes for it. As he draws closer the playing stops, a familiar squeak hitting his ears. “Nanami?” The timid composer turns to reveal she is in a suit that kept her hidden while she played the piano.
“They roped you into this didn’t they?” 
“Yes, sorry…” He grabs the sheet music and tucks it under his arm. 
“No harm no foul, lets get out of here.” As she rises up from her seat, the piano starts playing again. The idol scoops up the petite girl and high tails it out of the building. The two vowing to never enter this place again. 
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fansirvice · 6 years
Hand Holder Confessional
(Not) Boyfriend / Girlfriend Application: (For Brendan!) 
Name: Nancy 
Age: Age isn’t important, the heart is!
How long have you had a crush on me?: “We just hung out and caught pokemon with each other, so it’s been a short time but I still love spending time with you!" 
If I called you at 3 AM would you be mad?: "I would be tired and grumpy but hearing your voice would make me feel better! I’ll sing you to sleep too if you’re having trouble sleeping." 
Where would you take me for our first date?: "Well, we’ve been to Alola… and there isn’t much to explore in Unova… so maybe we can check out what Hoenn has to offer?" 
Do you know my favorite color?: "I-Is it green? I think it would be green because it would match your eyes! 
What’s my favorite movie?: "Action movies I think you would like a lot more, especially since Unova is filled with them!" 
How about my favorite food?: "I Did have a dream about gummy Teddiursas before… would that be your favorite- oh, or are you a fan of strawberry?
If I said yes, how happy would you be?: "Cover your ears, I scream really loudly when i’m happy!" 
Do you love me?: "I-I enjoy being around you, Senpai…" 
Is this for real or just a fling?: "Why would I lie?!" 
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“You singing me to sleep would make me even more of  a enviable man than I am already. If you sing for me, I’ll definitely put on a show for you, Kohai~” He gave a small laugh with a bright smile. “You know if we can work around schedules, I’d be happy to play tour guide for you and give you the full Hoenn experience!”   
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raendown · 7 years
MadaKaka (you know I have to). Tenzou ends up in the past sometime after Kakashi does. Madara does not like that Tenzou calls Kakashi "senpai," or how much time Kakashi seems to be spending with his "cute little kohai." Madara decides to do something about it. Thank you!!!
Yamato froze at the word, it’s single syllable practically dripping with dark intent. He didn’t dare to move a single muscle as Uchiha Madara, the living legend himself, stalked around in front of him to shove a very disgruntled face in to his own. 
“You need to back off.”
“I-I’m sorry? Back off of what?” His voice didn’t tremble but his hands did clench in to twin fists as Yamato contemplated all the ways he was possibly about die right at that moment. 
Madara narrowed his eyes. 
“Don’t play innocent,” he growled. “I know your game. Kakashi does not belong to you, you simpering wretch, and you need to back away from him before you get hurt. By me.”
“Maa, Dara-chan, that’s not nice!”
Fear still running like ice through his veins, Yamato watched with light-headed shock as a tinge of red appeared on the face so close to his, highlighting the apples of Madara’s cheeks.
“Stop calling me by that ridiculous diminutive!” He shouted, pulling away and turning to Kakashi. Yamato was more relieved that he could possibly say to see his senpai appear as well. Perhaps he might avoid death today after all. 
“Besides”-Kakashi ignored the grumpy man’s protest and draped himself over Madara’s shoulders in a move much more familiar than Yamato expected-”if you wanted me to belong to you it isn’t my kohai you should be saying that to.” 
Watching someone as dangerous as Madara blush like a little girl was probably the highlight of Yamato’s life. He still escaped the second he was able to force his limbs to move. He had no desire to stick around and watch the kissing.
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saberin · 8 years
The fluff (much Nico loving)
Sharing a house with eight people was always an adventure. Everyday you can stumble on something new. And adorable. Nozomi grinned, kneeling next to the couch. Nico was curled up on it, asleep. “Awww, she’s so small…”
Nozomi quietly trotted to the door to the kitchen. “Honoka-chan, get Elichi, Nicochi’s being really cute!”
The ginger perked up at that, “Nico-chan?”
Kotori giggled, not at all minding that her cooking lesson was interrupted. “Nico-chan’s always cute though.”
Nozomi nodded sagely, “Nicochi is always cute, but right now she’s suuuuper cute, ya know?”
Honoka and Kotori scurried over to Nozomi and peeked at the slumbering super idol. Nico’s hair was loose and covering parts of her face. She was curled up so small that she only took up a quarter of the couch. The observers cooed and retreated back to the kitchen.
Honoka looked at Nozomi with wide eyes. “She’s so cute! I wanna cuddle her!” Kotori nodded in agreement.
“After we show Elichi.”
Honoka grinned, “Ok! Then I’ll go get Umi too!”
“And I’ll go find our cute kohai.”
Nozomi nodded, good. They went their separate ways, eager to spread news of Nico’s cuteness.
“I don’t get it. It’s just Nico.” Maki leaned against Eli, stifling a yawn.
Eli ruffled her hair. “You’re just grumpy cause Honoka woke you up.”
“Awww, Maki-chan is super adorable asleep too…” Nozomi pouted.
Honoka flashed a peace sign. “Don’t worry! I took a picture!”
Maki glared at the ginger, but opted to stay snuggled up to Eli. “I’ll kill you later.”
“Nico-nyaaaa…” Rin cooed softly, “You’re so cute…” Her and Hanayo were kneeling next to Nico, using every bit of their self control not to cuddle against the mini idol.
“She does look very peaceful.” Umi’s smile was gentle.
“And super snuggle-able.” Kotori’s smile was a little more mischievous.
“Cuddle pile?!” Honoka was bouncing in place.
Nozomi grinned. “Elichi, would you do the honors?”
Eli chuckled lightly and stepped forward to lift Nico into her arms. Red eyes cracked open for a second, but closed and relaxed after glancing at her surroundings. Eli was warm and soft, no reason to wake up yet.
Nico vaguely heard Nozomi call dibs on being big spoon and the murmur of conversation faded away as she was placed on their bed. She was only cold for a moment when warms arms returned with blankets and warm bodies. She nuzzled into Eli’s collar and smiled as Nozomi wrapped her arms around her from behind.
One by one she could hear the others settling in, hands on her waist or intertwining their hands. She was warm and safe, surrounded by the people she loved. Sleep was easy to find once again.
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cupkayke · 8 years
Cupkayke Rewatches/Liveblogs Boueibu!
Season 1, Episode 6
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I have no explanation for the stupidly long wait for this one other than the fact that I am a lazy motherfucker. BUT. CHALLENGE TIME- I’m in the midst of a mini vacation from work so when I’m not working on cosplay I WILL BE WRITING. Er, analyzing. Er, plotting. Er, SOMETHING.
Anyway! Onto the episode where Io pissed me the fuck off but still managed to be a loveable asshole in the end, anyway! Also LOTS OF UNDER THE SURFACE SHIT! YAYYYYY. 
I also apologize if I miss responding to some comments on these; with as sporadic as my time on tumblr is these days (90% is on mobile) I can’t fucking remember what replies I’ve reblogged or not OTL
Firstly I haven’t really thought much about it but what’s up with the title for this episode? “Love is something you wear on your back?” Is that a reference to the “so generous he’d give you the shirt off his back” phrase? If that’s meant to apply to Io in this episode for his “loyalty” I think they missed the mark there...
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Yumoto eats a lot apparently- damn son stop growing!
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Was that a sex joke?
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FANCY STUDENT COUNCIL IS FANCY omg they’re so fucking rich why do they even have this setup it’s so ridiculous
I sometimes get the feeling that this is a wealthy private school, similar to Ouran academy, with scholarships for low-income students (IE Yumoto). The parallels are there- but as established later in the episode, why the fuck would Yumoto be given a scholarship because it’s definitely not academics.
Maybe the Hakone family is actually wealthy but they just live modestly because their parents are gone and Gora wants to make the fortune last?
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Finger bowls????
Apparently I’m an unultured swine because I had to look it up. You dip your fingers in the bowl to clean your hands between courses really???
Can’t we just... y’know... use hand santizier? This is like... 2015 for you guys right?
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However it’s hilarious that Kinshiro decides that FINGER BOWLS of all things are important enough to have for the three of them at lunch so he wants to see if they can afford it.
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Kinshiro is a grumpy butt. Look at his face. Eat a snickers, Kinchan. You get micro-managey when you’re hungry.
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So we’re halfway through the season and Wombat is seemingly trying to point our boys in a particular direction. HMMMMMM. 
Seriously I would love to know just how much of this is Wombat talking out his ass for the sake of the reality show and how much of it is shit he actually believes and he actually wants the boys to do a good job and ‘protect the earth’
I for one am on Wombat’s side because he’s fucking adorable but I do love the conspiracy/manipulation theory~
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Ryuu and foreshadowing in 3...2...1.. WRITERS I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE
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Dat dead body smell
Even disgusted Akoya STILL manages to be gorgeous like whoah
Someone get this boy a modeling contract
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I feel like this is the most lines that Akoya has had the entire show
I also realized during his little speech here that EVEN COVERING HIS NOSE his VOICE is still GORGEOUS.
Modeling contract AND record deal, PLZ 
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So smug
Who knew pretty could be so evil~
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I mostly just laughed at the cap of the DC all like ‘SHIT HE’S ONTO US’
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So smug x2
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Also this is where I started PINKSHIPPING
Like seriously I will go down with this ship even tho IoRyuu is OTP PINKSHIPPING MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
Just the rivalry and the pettiness sign me the fuck up for some angsty, angry making out in the SC bathroom
Whoops I just wrote a mini fanfic
Anyway this is why Cupkayke can’t decide on OTPs for this series because multishipping is fun
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Wombat looks fluffier this episode
Too many Yumoto cuddles?
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Pink kohai and dad-senapis!
Seriously I love the idea of these three hanging out together it’s adorable
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And En is apparently really fucking smart
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The entire conversation about Yumoto’s academic abilities is really interesting-
Apparently he has very good spatial awareness (child show me your ways I cannot directions for the life of me) but poor language skills
I don’t know if I am qualified to speculate about his cognitive state but perhaps it wouldn’t be so far-fetched to say that from that tidbit, Yumoto perhaps has a learning disability?
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But then again, here it’s played for laughs/Yumoto’s just lazy and doesn’t see the value in school
Perhaps though he’s not motivated because he’s never really been able to get an instruction style that jives with him? So on certain subjects he’s over being discouraged and just accepts that typical academic instruction just isn’t for him?
This entire scene is fascinating from the lens of a future educator (albeit I haven’t taken any development or learning courses yet) but as someone who likes school Yumoto is the type of person (if he doesn’t have a learning disability, that is) who would confuse me IRL lolololol
“What? You don’t like the rigorous structure and inherent validation system of grading that even though it causes me undue anxiety and stress it gives me a sense of self-worth and purpose and without people giving me deadlines I cannot function?”
Well that got too deep oops I apologize for the too much in-depth taste of Cupkayke’s psyche
Someone more qualified than I am feel free to analyze this scene
Now back to your regularly scheduled magical boy blogging
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Lolololol Gora wanting better for Yumoto - such a good big brother
“DON’T BE USELESS LIKE ME” - wait a second
IS THIS A LOWKEY REFERENCE TO GORA’S MAGICAL BOY PAST? Considering Maximum Gorar’s weapon is an axe and he has lots of chopping attacks.... hmmmmmmm did I just discover another layer?
Obviously Gora doesn’t know about the Battle Lovers just yet (or does he?) but still- interesting.
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En trying to make them feel better haha such a sweetiepie
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Atsushi get out of here with your logic
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En and his ragging on Yumoto. I wonder when he goes from finding Yumoto annoying/exasperating to actually being that caring senpai? I mean, he could just be trying to be playful, but with his face here especially it comes across as he’s annoyed
Idk it’s kind of fascinating tho how he did not care for Yumoto at first
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Revelation; Io is popular
Somehow I didn’t get that until this point in the series, but then again Io isn’t the type to care about his popularity unless it makes him money
So I guess he’s just admired from afar like this lololol
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Io has a stalker- complete with creepy monologuing!
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More screw foreshadowing!
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Yellow phone for Io! They’re actually really heavy-handed with the color coding but most of the time it’s in ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moments. It’s like a fun game of I spy!
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I can see where the headcanon that Akoya has a crush on Io started- the fact he goes out of his way to compliment Io is a bit telling.
Buuuut I still ship the Pinks over IoAko; but with the caveat of the Pinks both pining over Io and having their feelings unrequited! Oooooh the angst!
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The cute evil is scheming
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...maybe you do get along with the SC Io you seem just about as evil and scheming as Akoya here-
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I love how Ryuu is trying so hard look at him
Io what’s with that face! How can you betray them all so easily???
It makes no sense!
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Creepy glowing Hedgehog
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I still don’t know how Yumoto can get a ZERO in Japanese. Is it his grammar? Conjugation? Is Japanese like English is in the US where they go over literature and like Atsushi said he makes logic leaps that no one else does so he misinterprets the text? I AM CONFUSED. Wouldn’t he at least get some points? 
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Look at this adorable fucker thanking his boyfriend friend in English!
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En is really fucking smart, though I doubt he guesses ‘everything’
This could play into En’s self-consciousness on how he’s percieved (see his panic about looking ‘old’) and perhaps he also only wants to be percieved as ‘lazily intelligent’. 
It wouldn’t surprise me though if En did study a little bit, just to brush up on some things, or took school seriously but didn’t need to study because he’s really good at regurgitating info on tests
Either way, it seems like he doesn’t want people to know whether he actually cares about school or not so he just says he ‘guesses’ and gets 100s
Idk maybe I’m looking at the wrong angle but that’s not that far fetched I guess?
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….Io… I am a very disappoint
Like this entire episode is out of character for him or at least my understanding of his character
Like, it’s not like he’s particularly very close to any of the DC except for Ryuu, but he doesn’t seem like the type to just up and ‘fuck you guys and everything we’ve been through’
Like it’s no secret he finds the Battle Lover thing bothersome but it’s likely he’s well aware of the fact that if he quits the DC he’s not going to stop having to wear the loveracelet and he’s still going to have to do all the embarrassing superhero things until he stops getting shocked by the thing
And like even if he’s really only in the DC because their ‘meetings’ give him enough downtime to invest in his business ventures I find it highly unlikely that the Student Council would pay him enough to make up for the loss he’d suffer because of his free time getting cut. And Io probably knew that outright.
Unless he is actually a teenage boy liable to acting without thinking! GASP.
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Look, Io, you pissed off the Pink.
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Really pissed him off! Ryuu sees through your bullshit.
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Okay. Unpacking here- Io’s face in that cap says to me that he is well aware of how he’s being percieved. He’s well aware that he’s betraying the DC and the person who he would consider his best friend is calling him out on it. That look screams guilt.
However, what he says here- and here is where I am pissed the writers didn’t give us more context- he says ‘money is important/money doesn’t betray’. 
Which if you take him saying this to its most logical conclusion, he’s saying that he feels the DC will betray him at some point. Being involved with the DC, which doesn’t directly make him any money, will hurt him in the long run to the point where he would feel betrayed.
He’s said this before; money doesn’t betray. I can’t remember which episode (which is sad because I just did a write up on it) but I know the context of the conversation was when they were talking about the concept of ‘Love’ with Wombat. Everything Io does is for money. Relationships seem to do jack shit for him. 
But it appears here that this move is premptive. You have to do some inferring but it’s not so far fetched to say that Io has found himself caring for the DC (and potentially the Battle Lover thing) a lot more than he originally thought he would. And perhaps, based on previous experiences (what, we don’t know) he is afraid that they will betray him. Whether in terms of finances, emotions, or both, isn’t clear.
I feel like in the snow episode of s2 there’s a throwaway line about Io making Igloos that might have had some more under the surface about his past- for some reason I inferred he was often lonely as a child. I can’t remember why, though.
But I guess what I’m trying to say here is that this scene would be a whole lot more poignant if we had the entire narrative. Io is making this move, on the surface, because of money. But that’s foolish, especially for someone as smart as him, for the reasons I mentioned above. Even as rich as the SC are collectively, they probably wouldn’t be able to pay Io enough for his treasurer services to make it more lucrative than investing in his downtime with the DC. 
So it seems like he is trading his relationship with the DC- a personal relationship with feelings involved- for a relationship with the SC, one that is primarily business-focused. From their outer appearances, Io definitely knows that ‘rich kids’ like himself don’t tend to focus on friendship, so he’d be relatively safe to keep things strictly business.
Which means Io finds the idea of a business-only relationship more appealing/safer than a relationship based on friendship.
And supposedly, by extension, even if he did have to keep being a Battle Lover, he could keep that relationship strictly business too, by simply showing up and helping fight monsters without actually spending any time with the DC.
But without the context, this is speculation. Is there anything in the novels/comics/games that add to this???
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Ryuu is rightfully pissed off! But the look Io gives here says again ‘I know what I am doing is hurtful, but I made my decision in my/everyone’s best interests’. Supposedly.
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Supporting my theory that Io is simply being a stupid teenager! Which I suppose could also play into the slightly deeper motivations I speculated about. Buuuuut still... a bit of a cop out.
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Monster that makes its own sound effects! Or one that’s attempting to be a Pokemon!
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I love when the boys other than Yumoto get into the fight! Yay!
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I guess they have time for full transformations since they’re missing one! (or they need to pad the episode runtime, MAGICAL BOY STYLE)
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Such an empty yellow spot
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Ryuu… you ran right into it... it’s like you weren’t even trying.
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Well that sounds suggestive
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Poor Ryuu- I’d cry if I was tickled that much, too. I probably would have also pissed myself.
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Io jfc you can’t just stop being ticklish because an enemy decides to tickle you!
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Nonetheless, boyfriend is pissed
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Oh wait- Io transformation by himself. More screentime padding!
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In other words- “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN”
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DAYUM IO- punch the monster through a fucking WALL. Somebody’s been working out.
Also idk why the color is so off in this action scene- it’s so daaaaark
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“I’m so humilated and my pants are probably ruined”
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“It’s about time you got your head out of your ass and saved my ass or I was gonna kick your ass!”
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Yayyyyyy they made up!
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Why is the monster adorable?
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Sassing Yumoto, a DC pastime
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Seriously why is a screw monster so cute
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I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but it so looks like the CA’s pants are actually leeggings
Maybe that’s why Kinshiro wears a cape he’s self conscious about showing off his ass ffffft
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Pssssssssssh you all are cosplayers at heart
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Oh… is this why Yumoto’s bad at Japanese???
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I love this conversation- even without the underlying context it basically supports my theorizing (except for the implication that the SC would have potentially been more profitable)
Ryuu is right; he knows Io should have been able to calculate which was financially a better deal in three seconds. He probably knows that Io was struggling with something emotionally.
Io’s ‘I can’t tell you that’ is cheeky but I can take it 2 ways actually. Potentially, the SC was more profitable money wise, but the DC is more profitable for Io emotionally. So it could mean both of those things. Or like I thought earlier, the DC could be both emotionally and financially profitable and Io is just being a little shit because he second-guessed everything but doesn’t want to admit why.
Buhhhhh these boys.
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OHHHH YOU GUYS AGAIN - interesting implications fufufufufufufufufu
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You look like a cat Kinosaki
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And lastly.. Dat face
Kinshiro has the evil villain glare/’stare into the camera like you’re on the office’ look down PAT
Well then! I don’t know if my ramblings about Io’s motivations made much sense but that’s like, the ONLY thing I can think of that justifies his willingness to leave other than he was just being a little shit and following the yen for no reason. Again, if there’s any other canonical evidence from other media that explains this episode please point me in that direction because I am confused! This explanation makes sense but... I don’t understand how the writers wanted the audience to take this episode. Reminds me of Tokyo Mew Mew where Zakuro repeatedly threatened to leave/actually almost did leave the Mew Mews, sometimes because of her own insecurities and sometimes because Mint was being a little shit and Zakuro wanted to kick her ass into gear. I don’t get that Io was playing with the DC to make them realize anything- this was he was working through something that we just weren’t privy to. 
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