#arknights alternate universe
Arknights: Ægir conlang
Seeing how my recent conlang sketch that takes place in the same universe is so well received, I might as well share my second most realized conlang. this one is for the aquatic goths at the bottom of Tera's oceans.
the language employs a four consonant root system. like any semitic language but with an extra letter. this was shamelessly lifted from a now-missing language of Lichen the Fictioneer's Skjor. because Ægir is such an old norse aesthetic, and skjor has such in its name alone, I just had to incorporate this feature somehow. (To Lichen the Fictioneer, if this post ever finds you, First of all, I hope this feature won't end up copying what yours would be doing, as unlikely as that may be. second of all really big fan of your work, keep it up).
There are no plosives, affricates, clicks, ejectives, implosives, nor any consonants that completely close the airway. the closest to those would be fricatives, of which there will be many of as explained in the tentative section of this post. this will mean that Skadi's name would be more pronounced [Sxa,.ðhi']. I really like the phonaesthetics of this choice and will not be changing it any time soon.
Now that we got the confirmed features out of the way, let's look over some maybe-inserted ones:
I was thinking that what consonants there are will have a three-by-three-way distinction via voicing and articulation. voicing would distinguish voiced, breathy voiced, and voiceless. while articulation would be plain, aspirated, and palatalized. though I'm on the fence about the palatalization.
I am honestly stumped about what to encode morphologically with the aforementioned features listed above. maybe the classic person-number-case seeing as the four-consonant root system and lack of plosives meets my self-imposed quota of "features I have yet to see in a conlang".
this is all I got for this one. hope you found this interesting. as always, your feedback is appreciated. till next time... ;).
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been a while i'm not doing some splash art TTUTT a tbh...i always wanted to do some scoob and shag fanart especially their version of bugs since back then now i got the time so...enjoy(?) also i add a what if ....if they collab with arknights(?)
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alkalische · 29 days
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arkiwii · 2 months
ARKNIGHTS Rhine Lab AU - Role Swap
A Role Swap AU is an Alternative Universe were the characters roles are swapped! It can be just swapping the roles around, or two characters roles with each other, while keeping their personalities. In the case of this AU, I did the second, finding it way more interesting in the context of Rhine Lab. So I'll present the characters swapped, and what they became!
Saria <--> Silence
Saria now takes the role of the new and basic researcher of the Structural Department. She is now Infected - which does not have much relevance outside of the fact that her Arts are much stronger -, and joined Rhine Lab with the goal to seek a cure for Oripathy. A born leader who seeks to help and protect the weaks, she is much more colder as she has spent the most of her life alone.
[Gameplay] Saria would be a 6* Dualist Defender, with a move pool moreso based on healing and buffing herself, as well as debuffing the enemies.
On her side, Silence became the co-funder of Rhine Lab, as well as the Director of the Structural Department. She is very appreciated by the company for her optimistic behavior and love of science, although she may appear naive. Uninfected, she is more lively, and possesses strong Arts that she uses with the mean of her drones.
[Gameplay] Silence would be a 5* Mech-Accord Caster, with the unique ability of being able to heal with the drones she unleashes during her skills.
Ifrit <--> Rosmontis
Ifrit has became the subject of Williams Loken's experiment, with the goal to recreate a Diablo with the shard of their remains. It caused the Loken Watertank incident, where Ifrit destroyed the laboratory and was found by the Maylander Foundation. Sent to Rhodes Island for treatment, she became an Elite Operator for her dangerous fire Arts, as well as a very close friend of Amiya and Blaze with her strong personality.
[Gameplay] Ifrit is now a 6* Phalanx Caster, with the talent to lower the resistance of all enemies in her range when off-skill, and to cause destructive Arts damage when using her skills.
Rosmontis is now the child of Parvis' experiment, with the goal to create a Chimera. The experiment gone horribly wrong, Rosmontis has destroyed the Haydn Laboratory, and was found by the Columbian Military, before being sent to Rhine Lab where she will be under the care of Saria and Silence. Amnesiac, Rosmontis's strong post traumatic stress disorder has caused her to lock her emotions and to show little to no emotional responses, unless when stressed, where her destructive powers show up.
[Gameplay] Rosmontis is now a 6* Arts Guard, her playstyle taking a lot of inspiration from Saria, her powers allows her to debuff and deal enormous amount of damage to enemies.
Magallan <--> Mayer
The member of the Engineering Section Magallan is a simple researcher with the dream to explore the world, but the unfortunate fate of being constantly busy. Her most prided creations are drones taking inspiration on the fauna from places she has dreamed to visit when she was younger, with quite some freedom in their appearence.
[Gameplay] A 5* Summoner Supporter, Magallan can summon drones that will debuff and give invisibility periodically to nearby units, making her a really good support.
Mayer is considered a mystery by most employees of Rhine Lab, and it's mostly due to her weird explorations to Iberia and its surroundings... Very praised explored, Mayer specializes in submarine explorations, and studies the Seaborns as well as their biology very closely, feeding particularly interesting data to Rhine Lab. She posseses robots, courtesy of Magallan, her close friend, who are more opted for battle and protecting her against the Seaborns.
[Gameplay] 6* Summoner Supporter, Mayer possesses melee summons who can deal significant damages, especially against Seaborns type of enemies, as well with their auto destruct when defeated.
Ho'olheyak <--> Muelsyse
The last member of the Kul'kuk'an has joined Rhine Lab with the hope to find the answers behind her race and achieve truth. Throughout the extensive knowledge of her ancestors, particularly on the subject of stars and constellations, she became a very close assistant of Kristen and a strong asset for her to achieve her dream. Director of the History of Sciences Section, she learns about the story of Terra as a whole to gain knowledge.
[Gameplay] Ho'olheyak became a 6* Mystic Caster, who can apply weightless and Levitation based on the amount of stored attacks, with skills that emplified these abilities.
Muelsyse was one, if maybe not the only friend Saria had during college. An Elf with a cheerful attitude, her search of her race as well as engagement for children's protection, herself an orphan, as led her to meet and be recruited for the Maylander Foundation. Her ability to sneak around, spy, create clones and harvest previous information make her an extremely good asset, and she has been able to help many cases, as well as discovering the projects Rhine Lab has been hiding.
[Gameplay] Muelsyse is now a 6* Ambusher, with the fun ability of being able to place a clone of herself on the battlefield, with skills tuned to this one.
Astesia <--> Astgenne
Opposite to her sister, Astesia decided to follow the paths of science to discover the truth behind the stars and most of all, behind the false sky. She is a calm, elegant woman who joined the Originium Arts section under Dorothy Franks, with who she became a close friend. However, her unprompted Infection after a failed experiment had caused Astesia to lose faith in her researches, and she had become more reserved, but thankful for her sister and her friend for supporting her no matter what. Astesia left her family after these ones rejected her views, and has found her new place at Rhine Lab.
[Gameplay] Astesia is a 5* Splash Caster, using her Arts to attack the enemies. Her attacks have a light chance on stunning the opponents, and her skills will cause great crowd control AOE damages.
Astgenne followed the path of her family's heritage by learning their traditional sword techniques with the usage of the astro globe. Energetic, full of promises, she has an optimistic faith and belief in the stars and astrology, as opposite to her sister with who she might often debate. But both cares a lot about each other, and after Astesia got infected, which infected Astgenne as well due to their nature of twins, Astgenne has gave a lot of support to her sister, and places her hopes in her, believing that the stars will save them. She currently manage an occult society around the stars, in collaboration with Rhine Lab.
[Gameplay] A 5* Lord Guard, Astgenne will use her Arts to launch ranged attacks at the opponents. Her melee attacks turn into Arts damage upon the activation of her skill, and will stun everyone in her range the moment her skill is activated, her damage emplified on stunned enemies.
Robin <--> Kafka
Desesperate after her dad's company, BlackCloud Trade, went bankrupt from a competition against Simon Co., Robin seeked for help everywhere to make money and pay the medical bills for her father. When the situation seemed lost and Robin was close to give up, she met with Saria, who were able to bring her back on the tracks and give her a reason to fight. When Saria found out about the involvement she had with Simon Co., she proposed a deal with Robin; to help her infiltrate Mansfield's Jail and save Anthony Simon, the man Robin despise the most, so Robin can see if he's a good person who deserves to be forgiven, or someone who should be guilty for his family's actions.
[Gameplay] Robin is a 5* Agent Vanguard, able to use ranged attacks with her throwing knives. One of her skills will boost her attack on deployment, while the second will place mines around her, dealing damages while generating a good amount of DP upon explosion.
An orphan from Columbia, Kafka always had lived in criminality and gang battles. While she is not entirely found of this life, she made herself a reputation in the grey zone of Columbia, despite her claims to be a simple gardener. When Anthony Simon's head was given a price, many criminals went to try and kill him, unsuccessful. Kafka would had not paid interest if Jesselton did not employed her to help him kill Anthony. Kafka accepted, the price of his request being a non neglectible one, but had no actual intentions on killing Anthony on her own, but rather try to pocket the promised money with no harm involved.
[Gameplay] After joining Rhodes Island, Kafka applied to become a 5* Dreadnought Guard, with the talent to become invisible when unblocking enemies for enough time. Her skill causes Arts damages, hitting everyone in range with her large shredders.
Unchanged roles
Kristen remains the founder of Rhine Lab, and still pursue her dream to carry on her parents' goal, with the strong support of Silence. Both have lost contact with their time at Rhine Lab, but they keep good terms... Until Silence finds out the horrifying projects she agreed on, that is.
Ptilopsis is still a subject of Dellareed's experiment, which has failed, but without any care from the Structural Department, she has been deeply conditioned to behave and act close to an artificial intelligence. While Silence deeply wishes to give her proper care, her busy schedule rarely allows her to, and it's as an assistant of Parvis that Ptilopsis found her role, under the trust of Silence. Thankfully for her, Saria disagreed deeply with the views Parvis had on his "assistant", and brought her to Rhodes Island for help. Silence feels deeply guilty for not having noticed it sooner.
Dorothy remains the Director of the Originium Arts section. Daughter of two pioneers who lost their lives in a Catastrophe, Dorothy strives to create an ideal world where everyone can live in equality, and where she can protect the pioneers. Helped by Astesia, she gives value to her assistance, and hope to help her as well with a dreamed world where infection would not exist anymore.
Parvis is now a simple assistant of Silence at the Structural Department, who acts more as an executive assistant than anything. Silence being horribly busy, she entrusts him for most cases, which turned being a horrible idea when Parvis saw this as an opportunity to carry his researches on the chimera project. He took on the role of Director when Silence left.
Jara, Nasti, Ferdinand, Justin Jr., Loken, Tin Man, Jesselton, Domma and Mountain have no noticeable change in their characters.
Summary of the timeline
At the young age of 10, Kristen Wright learned the horrible news of her parents' death in a flight incident, which led to the dishonor of her family to the scientific community. Helped by Jara, she continued her education and met the young Olivia Silence during high school. The two young women had originally nothing in common, but their love of science and search for the truth. It did not took long for the two of them to become best friends, and for Olivia to turn into an important person for Kristen; dreaming of achieving what her parents had failed to achieve back then, she found hope to continue to go forward with Olivia's optimistic nature and support.
After both graduated and finished their studies at Trimounts' Institute of Technology, they decided to found Rhine Lab together, a promising future for the two rising stars of the scientific community. While the first year was rough between the struggles against concurrence and the little financial help they had, they got nonetheless joined by bright minds like Ferdinand Clooney, Ho'olheyak and Dorothy Franks.
As time went on, Rhine Lab has became one, if not the biggest scientific company in the span of ten years. However, Silence, who became the Director of the Structural Department, and Kristen, as the CEO, both fell apart of each other with their busy schedule. It's until Silence got to hear about an incident happening at a nearby laboratory, and got the sole survivor transfered to Rhine Lab with the help of the DOD, that things got a turn. The young surviving girl, named Narcissa, has been deeply infected and bear heavy traumas, and with the help of Saria, a Rhine Lab researcher who agreed to help her, she gradually unpacked her locked memories. Silence, trying her hardest to be there for the girl, also insisted on investigating the truth behind the event, with the help of Ho'olheyak.
She soon disvovers the horrible reality, and how Narcissa happened to be the subject of a human experiment, and that Ho'olheyak was sent with her to make sure none of the secrets would be undiscovered. Silence fought her way out of it, with the help of the Maylander Foundation, and tried to warn Saria about it. However, she arrives too late, and Narcissa lost control in yet another treatment phase. Saria manages to calm her down, but blames Silence, herself having learned the truth and realizing that Silence has been part of it, maybe even hiding it from Saria to continue the experiment, and she leaves Rhine Lab with Narcissa.
Silence tried to face Kristen, and swear to stop her, leaving Rhine Lab. She finally joins Rhodes Island, to seek help from them, but soon meets with Saria and Narcissa, now codenamed Rosmontis. Saria, scared that Silence followed them, refuses to have her approach her or Rosmontis, firmly keeping her distances. Silence struggles to hide her fear, and is left alone to fix her own mistakes.
I couuulld say more but, hey, I am cooking! All the events that follow, so Mansfield's Break, Dorothy's Vision, Lone Trail, they will greatly change and I could give a quick summary, but hey, surprise!! (I'm lazy)
I will eventually make designs of the swapped versions, but I'd love to explore the characters' new dynamics. Like how Saria's hard nature ends up having a negative effect on Rosmontis, how Silence tries to help her and bring Saria to realize what she's doing, while also struggling with her own powerlessness. Or about Ptilopsis, how this one is struggling more deeply with her issues, but tries to help Saria and take care of Rosmontis a lot, both relating to each other. I could also talk about Ifrit, now an Elite Operator, with all the shenanigans she has with Blaze and how cool she is, but also how she will try to help Rosmontis later! Or even this absolutely cool Mayer who would be an amazing character for IS3, cause hell yea deep sea horrors!!
Anywayyy, it's a lot lot, I sometimes think about this new timeline and I think there can be something really cool to be done with it, maybe a series of fics, who knows! It's just a project for fun, simply playing around with the characters, there might be a lot of flaws and things missing, I'll try my best to make everything make sense.
So hum, yay! feel free to give me opinions, for fun :]
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tophatofdoom · 4 months
Federico Giallo really just said ‘fuck all this pocket dimension shit, I have a missing person case to solve’, huh.
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aomi-82 · 6 months
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This concept may not look original, but yesterday I may have made an Arknights AU for the game Reverse: 1999. Thought this was a neat concept, so I just did my best to make these character designs (and somewhat failed to make it look good) 😧
Sonetto, Regulus, Lilya, Medicine Pocket, Eternity, Matilda, and many more (including the characters in the last sketch) are yet to be made and finalized. Please pardon the bad handwriting and shit design choices 😭
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brightphantasm3500 · 11 months
Lone Trail is many things, but it is also the most Ace Combat arknights has ever been.
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bingus35 · 9 months
My 2 favs beefing with each other :D
Confirmation that my boy is really fucking dead D:
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inthecarpets · 1 year
I'm thinking about the "People don't like female characters as much as male characters", and how i sorta also feel a bit distanced from most of fem characters for recent years.
And then i remind myself how i loved absolute lot of fem Fairy Tail characters and some of them more so than any male characters.
Even though FT was literally a shounen, where one and only one guy was allowed to save the day with the simplest "power of friendship"; For which the author literally made crap up as he went along.
Sounds like a character taste issue and not "People don't like female characters as much".😒🤨
(at least in my case)
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lydia-is-bored27 · 1 year
My interpretation of Apollo in the Arknights Universe.
In this version, he killed Hyacinthus for going with Zephyrus.
The Fates, upon seeing this, cursed him with a mark; A flower that blooms only on his blood and skin.
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morgan-le-bae · 6 months
so i'll be posting stuff for my own roleplay world inspired by different gacha stuff let's GO (more to come)
*In 2263, due to the rapidly growing population of the Earth, natural resources had become scarce and valuable. To secure these resources, many first-world nations, the United States first and foremost, began to secure their own interests, much to the dislike of the affected nations, mainly tropical countries. When even these countries' resources began to decline, chaos ensued. The few first-world nations left that had not collapsed declared war on each other, beginning the War of the Stellar Century.*
*This war is often cited as a foundation for the current status quo, as the formation of the two main factions of the era: the Lunarian Republic of Selene and the United Earth Federation. Much is kept unknown from the general public about specific events due to the unusual nature of the war, but by the end of the war, Europe as a superpower had managed to rise to the top, leaving the other powers in chaos. Most of the elite and government of the 'defeated' nations chose to start their own nation, travelling to the Moon to form the Lunarian Republic. Meanwhile, Europe was transformed into the new headquarters for a united Earth, setting the stage for the conflict between the two celestial bodies: the Interplanetary War.*
*A series of city-states on the Moon's surface, with the capital of Selene on the Sea of Tranquility. Formed out of bitterness for their loss in the War of the Stellar Millenium, the Republic is composed of former first-world countries as well as many third world countries that followed. Compared to the Earth Federation, the Republic's resources are minimal, relying on artificially made resources for its society. To offset this, the Lunarians have an edge in technology, with many secret weapons from before the Stellar Millenium being produced there, in a secret academy. Their military has priority over all other sectors, working closely with other corporations to bolster their power.*
*They also have control of the space between the two celestial bodies, with ownership of the space station lying in the middle, known as Alkera, as well as defense systems orbiting the moon controlled by an AI known as M.R.S. The main corporation in the Republic, known as Crossed Souls Incorporated and headed by CEO Kurayami Suisen, pioneered the armored mech technology that drives most combat today. It is said that this CEO has so much power, rivaling the government, that debates rage over whether to limit her authority.*
*A loose alliance of nations left behind on Earth after the War of the Stellar Millenium, with its capital in what was then known as London in the United Kingdom. With a larger land mass and more resources than its rival, the Lunarian Republic, it is capable of outproducing their enemy in terms of volume. This extends to military units as well. However, it lacks the technological advantage of the Republic, leading them to use outdated/stolen mechs and old weapons for spearheading operations. Still, it's more than a match for the Republic, able to withstand and rebuild their losses quickly with their resource advantage.*
*The Earth itself has become a very difficult target for invasion due to the implementation of plans to turn it into a fortress. Around Earth's atmosphere and surface is an incredibly huge and complex anti-air defense system that prevents huge numbers of Lunarian forces from landing on Earth. Pioneer of this defense network lies on the Crylight Company, with a history of military products dating back to the late 21st century. It's also said that they have recently developed a new plan to invade space...*
*A megacorporation that produces most of the civilian and military products for the Lunarians. Its CEO is Kurayami Suisen, one who is not hesitant to destroy her competition in order to maintain the company's monopoly. It is also said that when the first plans to mass produce any type of new weapon is offered for bid, the company often aggressively and successfully purchases the rights.*
*It holds much influence within both the civil government and its military wing, gaining exclusive status against criminal suits in exchange for allowing the Republic to freely use their private army for whatever purpose. Still, the corporation remains independent, showing that it will bow to nobody.*
*At the end of the Interplanetary War between the Earth Federation and the Lunarian Republic, in 2568, a massive number of satellites suddenly went out of orbit and began to fall on the Earth, causing untold destruction. It is estimated that more than 5% of land was deemed inhospitable, and the amount of dust kicked into the air caused the sun to be blotted out for years. Around 45 percent of Earth's population died on that day. Furthermore, Gaia 4, which crashed on Canada, became the origin of both Originium and Oripathy.*
*It is still unknown who caused it.*
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Rough concept for a member of an elephant species for my Arknights Ro3 AU. Taken with my laptop camera until I can figure out how to operate the scanner.
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yoradiva · 2 years
something for my ayerene AU 👑✨
if this ever become a skin set, i will call it “royal phantasia” hehe
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p0rchcollapse · 11 months
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ammyamarant · 11 months
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(from May Your Blood Turn to Ice)
Alternate universe Tequila, 6* Liberator guard. CEO of Salas Weapons. Heavily in love with Lumen. Activates his third skill for the first time in this battle saving Lumen and Thorns.
Brilliant Avenger
M3: attack range increases, attack interval greatly decreases, attacks now hit five targets, damage type turns to pure damage. Can only be activated if Elysium, Lumen, or Thorns are in the squad.
Auto recovery
Manual trigger
Initial SP 20
SP needed: 50
30 seconds
(no atk increase because like Ceobe's Really Hot Knives the attack interval decreases greatly is enough holy shit)
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massivechestplate · 2 months
Average Gacha Character:
FGO: This is Rider, Cyrus the Great, based on the real historical figure. We genderbent him into a her with big bazongas and a thing for literature. Thankfully she was added in a main story update so she has good writing.
Genshin Impact: This is Robespierre, a 17 year old cheerful politician with a passion for reform thus he has a Hydro Vision. His parents were brutally murdered in a separatist uprising. His best friend is a twink in short shorts who he is shipped with. You find out he has a hobby of collecting coins during an event.
Honkai: Star Rail: This is Gabriel, he's a Fire-Destruction civil engineer with a wrench gun. He's literally just some guy until you find out he has ties to the local criminal underworld and is secretly a Masked Fools plant.
Limbus Company: This is Perseus, a Fixer who must kill the Abnormality Stone-Gaze Queen to prevent his mother from marrying a Wing CEO. Or that's what I would say if this wasn't his alternate universe self who worked at dystopian Freddy Fazbear's.
Arknights: This is Foosball. She's a secretary turned mercenary after getting Rock Cancer because she had talent with knives. She went crazy after the war crimes and experiments but she's fine now. Probably...
Nikke: This is Jane, she's a military uniform imouto kuudere who was thrown into a metaphorical and literal meat grinder due to cyborg abuse but has now imprinted on the first person to show her kindness. Also her ass is-
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