Darwin Tremor:
"Music is out of politics."
"russian musicians are not responsible for what their army does."
"russian game designers just make games, they are far from war!"
Dear residents of Europe and the USA, who constantly "whitewash" ruZZia and russians. Please be honest with yourself. The next time you want to stand up for the poor russians in front of the evil Ukrainians, don't invent another explanation.
Just say: "Dear Ukrainians! Can't you just die quietly? Your complaints about russia interfere with our desire to consume russian. Our comfort and entertainment are more important than your lives."
At least it will be honest and will look less moronic than your attempts to play peace doves. And also than your poor attempts to be "above hate". You don't know anything about hate, unless a rocket fell on your neighborhood, killing people you used to know.
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proekt-prosper · 8 months
“ Когато съм тих, попадам на онова място, където всичко е музика. ”
- Руми
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justacynicalromantic · 5 months
The sun is rising behind the spoil tips.(2) The world is allowing those with strong beliefs to claim what is rightfully theirs. Babylon is burning, but we are already holding the line with swords in our hands. For fire cannot touch those who were forged in flames. (3)
Listen to the latest song from the authors of the now famous Ukrainain track "Wild Field"
We human beings have been blessed with a beautiful garden and a myriad of pathways to explore. Each atom is a work of art, a haven of emerald waters. But there are some who get a kick of launching drones into children's rooms. They are just God's mistake, a badly written machine code. Having received the most remarkable creation - human body - In the world of violins and scripts, they want to pull the Soviet oar, Half a world away from home. Cruel beasts from birth, They thirstily feed on blood. True evil, in short. Endowed with gifts to weave love and musical chords, I dive instead into this surreal reality, when I could be building life instead. Because if we do not, all of us will be killed by this horde. Our world is broken again. We have to be the engineers of new Existence.
The sun is rising behind the spoil tips. The world is allowing those with strong beliefs to claim what is rightfully theirs. Babylon is burning, but we are already holding the line with swords in our hands. For fire cannot touch those who were forged in flames.
The uranium of the nation is here, where the spirit of the people is stronger than the everlasting ores. In the cities, there are cobblestones and animal waste. If you are a pound of slag, no money will get you rich. We are the pillars that provide the world with a continuous and influential impetus. The courageous and resolute do not fear death. It would be awful if the two shores were to be torn apart once more, The actions of the heroes - erased, the children - colonized.(4) It's better to go into battle with a pack of wolves than a herd of deer. Destitute slaves dive into the Tisza River. But we emerge from lava, from soot, and fog. Demons are constantly climbing out of the underground mines. With the bodies of the best of us, we are sewing up the cracks of the Earth.
The sun is rising behind the spoil tips. The world is allowing those with strong beliefs to claim what is rightfully theirs. Babylon is burning, but we are already holding the line with swords in our hands. For fire cannot touch those who were forged in flames.
Behind the tericons Babylon is burning, and we are Under the crown of the sky We stand in legions
The video clip shows war-torn Donbas. Especially in the second half of the video, you can see what used to be asphalt roads lined with rubble that used to be houses - all that's left of the city of Mariinka. The landscape of Donbas - endless fields of wheat, sunflowers and wildflowers - burned and scarred with craters left by missiles. For reference, this is how Donbas looked before:
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2. Spoil tips, or terricones as we call them, are waste from mines, the size of mountains - a very common sight in Donbas.
3. "For fire cannot burn those who were forged in flames" is a very famous quote from Taras Shevchenko's epic poem "Hamalia"
4. In these 2 lines the song is referencing Ukrainian history in the beginning of the 20th century. The Dnipro River divides all of Ukraine almost cleanly in half, and by this separation line Ukraine had been divided for many years - the Left Bank under the rule of Russian Empire, the Right Bank - under Poland's rule. But after WWI and after Russian Empire fell, Ukrainians were able to first establish two Ukrainian states (people of the Left Bank established Ukraine's People Rebublic and people of the Right Bank established West Ukrainian People Republic) and then, on January 22, 1919 - to unite again into one singular state. This date of signing the Treaty of Unity is a national holiday in modern Ukraine. Alas, soon the whole country was again occupied by Russia and forced into the Soviet Union.
PS: link to the Wild Field, for those who has not heard it yet
I also highly recommend Ragnarok
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contra-spem--spero · 8 months
“липсваш ми във всеки милиметър”
- “Твой”, Папи Ханс
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mattidwan · 4 months
wow i love soundcloud for gems like this
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thekocetoboss · 6 months
Музиката е изкуството, което е най-близо до сълзите и паметта.
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everythingbgblog · 7 months
Двеста причини поне имам аз да си тръгна от теб, но в името на любовта да остана намирам една…
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naistina-li-be-libe · 1 month
цялото небе за мен, във облаците сам си плувам
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victoriada · 2 months
Ти танцюєш, я з тобою.
Як не хочеш, буду сама.
Миром душу сповнюй,
Страх жени звідусіля.
Ти в моїх очах.
Ти в моїх очах.
Небу "Так" скажи,
І мене прийми.
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"The war doesn't stop. I know a lot of people are tired of it, but Ukraine doesn't have that luxury." Why Sharon den Adel travelled to Kyiv to film Within Temptation's new video for upcoming single A Fool's Parade
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proekt-prosper · 10 days
“ Ако отдаваме по половин час на ден за творчеството си, мечтите си, музиката си - душата ни се успокоява. Ние сме в тялото си и се чувстваме подхранени. ”
- Марион Уудман
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justacynicalromantic · 4 months
Only now have learnt that "Two colours" song ( "Два кольори") has an amazing cover in French.
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random-bullshit-polls · 9 months
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mattidwan · 11 months
Many Moons by Janelle Monae
the ending always makes me want to cry!
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qavertji · 1 year
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ура, я її доробилааааа
пс: 15 років там тому, що мені буде лінь перероблять через два місяці—
а ще у фанхатах я хотіла закинути перші ластівки, але гххх, тоді не дуже прикольний вигляд був би
желейні черв'ячки в соло
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strawberryspider777 · 2 months
натрапив на велику жменю ностальгії
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