#‘Him ending up with Peggy was a good ending’ YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE TALKING ABT
lunar-nebulari · 4 months
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sky-kenobye · 5 months
⛵️ Five Fandoms, Five Ships ⛵
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
Thanks for the tag @underacalicosky !!
Putting it under the cut because this is LONG, sorry.
I love them your honor. Doesn't even have to be romantic, I just want to see them being obsessed about each other. I'm also a pretty big obianidala fan, hence why I added her too. (I'm a multishipper really. I have my otp but there's a lot of ships that I enjoy)
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker(/Padmé Amidala) (Star Wars)
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When I first watched star wars (not that long ago, I only watched it because I wanted to see the sequels in theater lmao) I wasn't a big fan of the prequels so I mostly ignored them, but then a couple years ago I randomly rewatched them in the middle of the night and suddenly I was obsessed. I'm not even sure how I ended up on AO3 (did I go look for obikin? Did I stumble on it? Idk) but eventually I started reading Pining in Preschool, then realised that @palfriendpatine66 was on tumblr, I started interacting with more people around here, and now I'm (slowly) writing fics, and I'm having the time of my life here, so thanks Pal!
I don't think any if my past fandom brainrots reached my current level so I'm pretty sure I'm here for the long haul (at least it's not stopping anytime soon).
It's not super obvious here but I'm actually a huge Marvel fan (well, the MCU, I've never read a comic), and especially Captain America. Stucky is just, 🤌 so tasty (a lot of similarities with obikin actually imo). I'd like to talk to whoever thought "I'm with you 'til the end of the line" was a straight sentence to repeatedly say to your bro throughout an entire century though. Like?? I'm all for relationships that defy the boundaries of platonic and romantic, but still, that's kinda gay.
2. Steve Rogers/James "Bucky" Barnes(/Peggy Carter) (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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The first MCU movie I saw was actually captain america 2 (and not the first one lol) in theater, and I was instantly hooked, though since Endgame I've been less into it, since my fav is gone (and I have to agree with tumblr on that one: they're making too many movies and shows, I can't keep up 😩)
(And I'm still super salty about what they did to steve in canon, they should have killed him off instead of whatever the fuck that was, honestly)
I also added Peggy because she's great, and polyamory is so much better than love triangles or shipping wars. (I'm not polyamorous but I believe in their beliefs. I think it's because of the aromanticism)
Same as with obikin (and stucky too tbh) I don't really care how they love each other, I just care that they do. They're the most important person to each other, be it romantic, platonic, familial, idc.
3. John Watson/Sherlock Holmes (mostly BBC Sherlock, but from the RDJ movies and the books too)
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I've obsessed over (non-existent) clues during the last season, and deluded myself into thinking they'd become canon, alas, it didn't happen.
I've translated a couple of fics in french for that ship, but I've never written for it (I thought about it tho), and I've read a lot. That's the fandom where I've read some of the best queerplatonic fics, and that's my favorite interpretation of the ship, especially sherlock being some flavor of aroace.
4. Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
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I love them as a queerplatonic relationship, and I genuinely think that's what they are in canon, the haters can suck it, that's not queerbaiting even if they dont become a canon couple.
Okay, I'm starting to see a patern here. Am I really that predictable? You can just copy-past what I said above.
(I'm fully on board with them being a couple though)
Hey, a straight ship! With a woman not added as a second thought!
5. Elizabeth Bennet/Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
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Not quite the same vibe as the others, but I've read sooo many fics and books (straight up published fics lol), I've watched a bunch of different adaptations (even the one with zombies)... The worst part is that I think I've only read the og book once, oops.
I actually inherited that fandom from the women in my family lmao. My mom, sister and sister-in-law are all obsessed with it, so I read it to see what all the fuss was about and, yeah, I get it.
And that's it! There are other fandoms I'm into, and other ships in those fandoms, but that's pretty much it (the main one that's missing is Dinluke, the others are mostly smaller ones).
I'm not super actively in those fandoms (apart from Star Wars obviously) but i come back to them now and then. Usually I re-watch it then binge-read a bunch of fics (while my main fandom stays in the main spot in my brain) then I let it go again until it comes back (while obikin still stays in the main spot).
Also Harry Potter used to be my main obsession but JKR kinda ruined that for me so I'm not really into it anymore (hence why I didn't list it even though I have written fics for it).
Anyway that was way too long, if you've read all of this then props to you!
I'm tagging: @cottonraincoat @fem-anakin-skywalker @kingdomvel @ineffable-snowman @arobiwan (and whoever else wants to do it because I'm nosy and I want to know stuff about people)
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lesbiradshaw · 3 years
thinking about steve's deeply rooted abandonment issues tonight so here’s yet another long winded post about shit that no one asked for! i tried to ramble about it in the tags but it literally got too long so…
i think part of the reason i get so annoyed w the eg ending obsessors focusing mainly on twisting steve into like… this toxic evil person who leaves bucky and everyone else all the time is because although there are criticisms to make about steve dumping such a heavy burden (the shield) on sam and then dipping on both him and bucky (yes there are other issues but they have already been beaten in by like ten million twitter threads- are we not miserable yet?), when it comes down to it, STEVE himself has been consistently abandoned his entire life. by almost everyone he has ever deemed important. even before he was born.
also, one of his main traits in my opinion is basically that he's loyal to a fault. not in a blind follower way, but kinda like how they describe it in percy jackson- excessive personal loyalty. “he will risk his life (and even the world) for his friends, family, and sometimes even strangers and enemies who he empathizes with… being overly loyal could lead to making you predictable to your enemies as well”. yeah! that’s a pretty Steve quote i feel like. that logic is partly why zemo chose bucky as his tool to break up the avengers and get his revenge, but ANYWAYS! steve attaches himself to people very deeply once he trusts them.
(mcu) steve's dad died before he was even born because of ww1. steve’s mom dies months after he turns 18 bc of something she caught at work. both of those things happen because the personal priorities they had outside of steve took them away, so being left behind is a lesson that steve learns from a very young age onward. eventually, ww2 takes bucky too, and while it isn’t bucky’s fault, just like it wasn’t sarah or joseph’s (even if bucky enlisted, because… NAZIS? hello) it still has to hurt steve to see him leave outside of the fact steve wants to go too. steve gets left at the expo. he gets left when erskine is killed - a man who was probably the first to fully believe in steve outside of sarah or bucky in years. even howard and peggy don’t stick around once the USO stuff starts, because what good is steve to them as a show pony? time passes. steve gets bucky back and forms a team. things get as good as they can during a war— and then, bucky is taken from him again by the fall.
yes, in the end of tfa, steve is the one who leaves as the valkyrie goes down. maybe his choice to not try and escape is intentional. maybe not. either way, when steve wakes up, he's essentially been left behind by every single person he knew before in life. the howlies are gone, howard is gone, peggy is pretty much gone. bucky was gone even before the ice. their legacies are still around, but you can only cling to that so much. avengers 2012 happens and the avengers dont really stick together much after. there are tentative relationships formed, but steve rides off alone.
we dont know how long it took for him to settle down in dc after. he does form somewhat of a life with working at shield and being nice to his neighbor, but it’s very short lived thanks to everything that goes down with hydra. we see signs of steve not being sure he can trust nat even before everything sort of explodes, but then all of the sudden, steve can’t really trust anyone. even his nice neighbor only talked to him to spy on his activity outside of work, and work is not turning out to be so good anymore. eventually, steve does come to trust nat. he finds sam and trusts him. he even sort of finds but, but maybe that doesn’t count, because steve never really got him back to begin with before he left. steve fell with every expectation that he was going to not wake up, so when he did come to in that hospital, seeing sam there was a comfort, but also a shock. steve wasn’t supposed to be alive to be left by bucky again to befin with. i feel the need to reiterate that i’m not trying to make things out to be bucky’s fault, because he had every right to make the choice to walk away (and tbh it WAS the smartest decision— even if we were shown that bucky wanted to take steve with him, he couldn’t. steve needed a hospital. he would have died if bucky’s curiosity had won out over his other choices). i’m just focusing on the fact steve was left behind yet another time.
still. steve searches for bucky for two years after that and only finds him in the end because of zemo. bucky was in hiding, and i don’t think he was planning on changing that anytime soon from the looks of how he was living and his reaction to coming home to steve in his kitchen. it’s not stated outright, but he was likely slipping away from steve’s search attempts on purpose in those two years, which again, is his right. but it probably still made steve feel a lot of different things, even though he also probably understood why bucky was running. anyways. once civil war starts, bucky (understandably) tries to run again from the apartment. he does not suggest that he wants steve to come with him. a lot of shit happens in between scenes, but natasha ends up on the opposide side of steves team for a while, even once she rejoins him, it ends with her and sam being taken away from steve. all of team cap is imprisoned and nat is threatened with the same treatment if she acts out again. bucky going into cryo at the end of the movie was such a fucking cop out on the writers’ part and if anyone wants i will rant about it in more detail sometimes, but to make a long(er) rant short: to me, that had to've fucked steve up so much. bucky has left him so many times before, but this is the first time that it’s confirmed to fully he his choice. bucky is in his right mind. steve isn’t bleeding out or drowning. it’s different than the other times.
steve lets him go, though. he accepts it even though he doesn’t look like he wants to, because that’s another thing steve is: selfless to a fault. he goes out and breaks his friends out of prison. he finds nat and goes on the run with her and sam for the next few years while bucky is in cryo and then eventually is in wakanda, awake again and building a life. steve visits him, checks in on him, seems somewhat content— and then, thanos and the snap happen. vision is killed. almost all of steve’s friends, his family are gone within seconds. steve watched it happen to bucky, but the fact he doesn’t even get to see sam go is horrible in its own way. it’s like what happened before, but even worse, because was this what his friends from before felt like when he went into the ice? bucky, sam, and the others are gone for five years rather than seventy, but considering steve had only been awake in the modern century at that point for around.. what, seven years? five years without most of the people he’d finally come to hold close… without bucky, who he’d only had back in small doses for a few years… it’s awful to think about.
steve still steve had natasha, who was mourning the loss of sam and yelena herself. steve has natasha, and then, he doesn’t. she’s taken too, and that span of time between when natasha didn’t come back from vormir and when sam and bucky were still dusted… god, steve’s grief is never properly shown. eg’s writing sucks in a lot of spots for a lot of reasons, but the lack of gratification we get for steve finally being reunited with the people who he loves who have been repeatedly taken away from him is SO annoying! it’s so stupid! i hate this common agreement that the secret steve slanderers have come to about steve being some sort of serial abandoner when the truth is, steve is the one being abandoned at every turn. some of it is for good reason, some of it arguably isn’t, but even if he understood— how he must have felt… how used to it he tried to get… how much he hated that it still hurt every time.
god. i wish more people would be angry about that part of his arc being ruined too not just by the writers but by some of his own stans. there’s a reason he told tony in that letter that he’s always felt alone.
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homieswithhades · 3 years
why steve rogers returning to the past was wrong
disclaimer: im clearly a stucky enthusiast, but please, do not be thrown off by that. i admit, there may be undertones of bias because of that in the following, but i did my best with trying to lay out the facts and draw logical conclusions, so do please give me a chance. also, i may have accidentaly omitted some moments and some quotes may not be 100% word for word, as my memory lowkey sucks. ALSO this is NOT a peggy hate post!! i think shes a dope and underrated character and quite frankly she was done dirty. but i also definitely h8 the trope of badass woman falls for the hero.
first and foremost, every sane person knows endgame was complete and utter bullshit when dealing with steves character, so this post will be more for you to maybe show (and hopefully convince) some stubborn friend or family member. nice, concise (not) and including proof from the movies (+a few tweets and stucky undertones, if u dont fw that i respect it but bucky is an integral part to steves character regardless of how u interpret their relationship) here is why steves character development was thrown away at the end of endgame.
let us begin at looking at the cap trilogy.
in ca:tfa it should be noted that steve had no one to return to in the 40s, except bucky. i believe steves relationship with peggy was no where near as developed as it should have been to elicit him returning exclusively for her. as we are aware, steves driving force has absolutely always been bucky. bucky was there for steve after his parents died, when he was sick, and always protected him from whatever trouble he got himself into. "until the end of the line" right? steves relationship with peggy was forced and short lived, literally, we're talking a matter of months here. i need to keep emphasising the important disparity between bucky and peggy, as it is absolutely key in this whole argument. steve dropped everything and went against every order just to even attempt to save bucky. even the slightest chance of him surviving being captured was enough for steve to break into a hydra camp and free the 107th division. steve even had the chance to capture zola, one of the main villains and masterminds of the war, but again, steve prioritised bucky. when theyre trying to escape the exploding hydra camp, the exchange between steve and bucky is critical. steve says "go! get out of here!" as all he wanted was bucky escaping safely. he put bucky's life over his own (this wasnt the first time he did this, nor the last) but bucky rooted himself to the spot, and yelled back "no, not without you!". they both escaped safely as we know, and then steve gathers the howling commandos to take down the red skull. bucky then falls off the train, nd steve blames himself for his death, even visibly crying over it twice. steves morals went from "i dont wanna kill anyone. i dont like bullies, i dont care where theyre from" before buckys death, to "i wont stop until all of hydra are dead or captured" after. stuff happens and steve defeats the red skull and is now in control of the flying ship with the bombs. he connects the comms with peggy and she tries to convince him theres another way to disarm the ship. steve was so dedicated at that point he didnt even want to hear it. he didnt even attempt to do anything to ensure his survival. this alone proves, peggy was not important enough to him to return to.
next is ca:tws. The stevebucky movie. in the museum, peggy confirms that steve saved the man from the 107th division who eventually became her husband (steve was never in the 107th, just to clarify) i believe her husbands name was daniel sousa (as revealed in the marvels agents of shield show) steve then finds out peggy is alive and talks to her. she, in short, tells him she's lived her life, and it was his turn to live his in the time hes in. the "my best girl" line was unnecessary and out of place; again, steve barely knew her. again, shit goes down, and steve finds out the winter soldier is bucky and immediately drops everything, and becomes dead set on saving him. not killing, not imprisoning, but saving him. no matter the cost. "he saw me, and he didnt even know me" "hes not the kind you save, hes the kind you stop. he won't recognise you" "he will." god, steve KNEW bucky would recognise him. regardless of the brainwashing, steve managed to break through the barrier hydra fought so hard to drill into buckys mind. nothing ever broke him out of that state exept for steve. "im not gonna fight you, youre my friend." "youre my mission" "then finish it. cos im with you till the end of the line." [[good fucking lord let me break out of my essay-esque semi professional format here and just say how fucking heartbreaking those lines are. oh my god. read them, over and over until it hits you.]] steve shows us again, that he is willing to not only die for bucky, but literally die by his hand. he would let bucky kill him. he'd dropped his shield. he didnt fight back. steve always, always, ALWAYS got up and fought back. always. exept that time. the time bucky could have killed him. that scene is the essence of "im with you till the end of the line" because then, it was true. it was true because steve was okay with dying at buckys mercy. theres a difference between sacrificing yourself for the greater good (steve going into the ice), willing to die for someone (steve risking his life multiple times in attempts to save bucky) and finally, being willing to let someone kill you, because you love and trust them so much (hellicarier scene). the difference between peggy and bucky's relationship to steve is that steve may be willing to die for either, but only willing to be killed by one. not to mention, bucky pulled steve from the river. he recognised him. steve broke through 70 years of brainwashing with such impact it literally drove bucky away from hydra out of his own free will.
in between ca:tws and ca:cw its confirmed (im p sure sam says it) that him and steve looked for bucky for two. years. even off screen, bucky was steves priority.
im going to squeeze in 2 points from from age of ultron here, for chronology's sake:
steves worst nightmare, as portayed in the movie, is LITERALLY going back to the 40s and being stuck there (with peggy too??lmfao) and also the quote "family, stability, the man who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. i think another one came out." objectively confirms that steve isn't the man he used to be, and doesnt want to return to the past. aou may have sucked, but that doesn't mean the character development should be thrown away.
ca:cw. hoo boy. steve went against 117 countries and half of his closest friends and colleagues because he believed bucky was innocent of the bombing of the un conference. god, steve quite literally, did everything to defend and protect bucky. though i shall acknowledge that steve did attend peggy's funeral, however, there was no real connotations there other than the fact he was mourning her death (understabdibly so). steve then proceeds to protect bucky for 2 hours 27 mins and 41 seconds to the point where they escape together to siberia after the airport fight. "i dont know if im worth all this steve" "what you did all those years... it wasnt you. you didnt have a choice." "i know. but i did it" again, absolutely heartbreaking quotes if you read it a couple of times and truly understand the meaning of them. steve somewhat indirectly tells bucky yes, yes he is worth all of this. otherwise, he wouldn't be doing it. a quote to support that would be "for the longest time, i always did what i thought was right." (disclaimer this is not a direct quote i deadass couldnt find it to save my life, i belive steve said it at some point during civil war or tws, but the point is, bucky is the only thing that could have shaken steves morals so intensely.) and finally, the most important part of cw, the fight at the end with tony. bucky and steve constantly protected each other. steve kept fighting because he was fighting for bucky. to keep him safe from tony and the world. he got up, time and time again. "i can do this all day." the fact that he said that to tony, some people consider them the closest of friends, proves again, a million times over, bucky is more important to steve than literally anything else, INCLUDING his shield. his mantle. he dropped it and left it like it was nothing, because his priority was bucky. as always.
theres not much to discuss for infinity war other than their hug whicg was honestly just adorable.
mmmmm endgame. i will not go into how much i hate that movie because it would be a rant quintuple the length of this one. in the support group, steve dead ass fucking says "you gotta move on. you gotta move on" and that sentiment was literally forgotten at the end. my main point for endgame is this. people tend to tell me, the reason steve abandoned bucky and went back to be with peggy is because he knew that he was finally safe. :/. if you had half a braincell youd know that's not true. the steve we know, never would have left bucky for good, ESPECIALLY after the "dont do anything stupid until i get back" exchange [[god i want to beat the shit out of the r*ssos]] mostly because, bucky had fucking no one in the time he was living in!!! no family, no friends and most heartbreakingly, no one he could trust. (yes sam was there but were just seeing their friendship develop now in tfatws, all that wasnt there in endgame) and secondly, what made steve think bucky was entirely safe??? half of the worlds population just suddenly reappeared, which as we see now, there were massive consequences for that. i simply believe steve is not that stupid. steve going back was disrespectful not only to his character, but to bucky AND peggy. most importantly, the steve we've been watching since 2011 would NEVER abandon bucky, no matter how safe he thought he was (he visited him frequently in wakanda, the safest place on the planet arguably ffs) especially for such a dumbass and quite frankly, nonsensical reason as going back to be with peggy, who clearly stated to him she moved on, and so should he (which he did. idk endgame writers prolly didnt watch the previous movies :/) its not even debatable. bucky is more important to steve than peggy. even in terms of screentime.
now allow some tweets to speak for me, this one being the absolute most important one:
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ladies and gentlefolk, all of the stuff ive said can be summarised in that last line. "it would be contrary to who he is."
heres some more:
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and now finally, id like to briefly mention steve and tfatws, so beware of spoilers (writing this as of ep 4 coming out; praying it doesn't age badly)
bucky mentions steve, unprompted, fucking constantly. he clearly isnt over steve leaving, and im hoping that gets acknowledged and talked out in the show.
in conclusion, tl:dr, steve shouldn't have returned to the past and stayed there, it is contrary to who he is, as shown to us through his trilogy and other appearances in the mcu. not to mention the timeline bullshit in endgame makes zero sense in the first place.
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roses-n-rads · 2 years
Tell us about your OC!! 😊
Thank you for asking anon! Also she is a big ass self insert lmao
Her name is Wren Yoder and shes a dumbass who was taken prisoner/indoctrinated by the cult about 2 years before the game starts. Quick facts: shes 28, worked for the usps, had vsg and is saggy in various spots for instance her tiddies and stomach, had pink hair but shaved it and grew it out natural, has fibromyalgia depression adhd and emotional problems so shes medicated and will fight anyone who tries to take her off them.
Shes sightseeing/traveling through hope county after vacation and is in a minor car accident with minor injuries, courtesy of the cult, she lands in a cult run medical facility while they see if she can id the vehicle that hit her
She cant id them but ends up hearing some things she shouldnt have so while theyre deciding what exactly to do with her she escapes but gets assaulted by some non cult residents who think shes a peggy. She ends up with not so minor injuries this time, a broken and fractured leg as well as cracked ribs, that keep her dependent on the cult
Shes half indoctrinated by the time shes healed enough to be put to work doing odd jobs at the veterns center, requsted by jacob bc she tried to leave twice with a badly broken leg, first because she didnt realize it was broken and then 2nd bc they tried to take her off her meds and she said fuck you. He thinks the fact that she can ignore her pain specifically being petty makes her strong enough to be of use and later when she proves her work ethic he basically says shes good stock, which is funny bc she straight up tells him shes got junk genetics and shouldnt have kids.
Shes indoctrinated in the sense she thinks she doesnt have anything outside the cult but also shes agnostic and thinks joseph is full of shit. Despite her outspoken disbelief of joseph she ends up trusted enough that they dont keep a guard on her unless they know theyre doing something to piss her off bc she will be spiteful and try to leave
She ends up liking jacob bc even though he does bad thingsto others he never does anything bad to her specifically and she attached to people who show even a crumb of attention to her and tbh hes done her a few favors or at least listened to her. Like shes dumb but shes not stupid and jacob has seen this when she thinks the way something is being done is stupid and tells him as much and also gives a different more effective method to whatevers pissed her off.
So she she has like feelings for jacob and he doesnt have a problem with her and like 7 months til the game starts she ends up pregnant bc theyre both dumb. She follows a kid who runs off and gets lost and jacob follows her bc she wandered off into a blizzard and got lost with the kid. They manage to find a cabin to hunker down for the night, they talk and also get dumb with alcohol after the kid konks out and they fuck. It doesnt really change their relationship bc she doesnt trust sex as the only reason to change it and so neither thinks anything of it til someone snitches to joseph that wren might be pregnant
Joe has her subtly tested and then tells jacob shes pregnant and might be a flight risk when she finds out. Jakes left wondering if its his kid and she gets pissed and tells him off when he asks who else the father could be after she realizes she might be pregnant and tries to leave. She ends up with a guard on her again the whole time also she tries to fist fight anyone who pisses her off bc shes pregnant and cant take her meds and also has no impulse control
Game starts when shes 8 months along which is enough of a distraction that she tries to leave again bc she doesnt want to bring a kid up in that crazy environment. Jacobs not happy about that and she literally tries to fist fight him bc he wont let her leave. Funny interaction between her and the deputy, she tells him off for not leaving to get the national guard when she tried to do so at 8 months pregnant, thats when she goes into labor and she blamss him lol
None of the heralds are killed bc the collapse happens sooner than joe predicted. So wren spends 6 years in jacobs bunker trying to raise her kid to not be socially and emotionally fucked up. Jacob and wrens relationship goes from kinda friends to coparenting to eventually romantic.
I have run out of words but yeah! This is wren! Ask me specific questions i guess bc i cant think of anything else
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So like. Time fugitive young avengers
TRYING to find the only time traveler they know and the one who prolly sorta likes them???
So like eli and Billy and teddy appear during Sylvie and Loki's sword fight to yoink Kang
Which is the real reason he disappears
Kang legit crying because??? His friends??? Who he had to keep pruning from the timeline???
So none of them are the same ages because it's funny
I want Billy and teddy to be a middle aged married couple who are just SO DONE and Kate's like I was literally JUST at your wedding, WHY DOES THIS SHIT KEEP HAPPENING TO ME AT WEDDINGS????
Kate refers to kang as "my good bitch" and nothing else
They have nate which allows them to grab loki. The post saakar killed by thanos but not quite Loki
Also. This is a verse where when loki fell off the bifrost he got younger and then wound up with the YA. Endverse!kid!loki is a variant of that time
Kang also cries when he sees Cassie
They expect kang to be this hardass and really hes just SO TIRED, YOU GUYS, and he's so glad to have help
Which is not what they were expecting
Tommy keeps holding up rope all "so no tying him to a chair?"
He gets berated for trying to bring bondage into everything
At some point they're like you let steve do WHAT. the home of phobia.
Also theres a variant peggy that shows up. Kate and America keep ooo.ooo ing at her
The gay vibes are impeccable
Nate calls Kate "my solid ho"
I kind if want Kate to be the "youngest". Like she's the first one they nabbed but they got her earlier in her timeline than the rest of the team. Shes still like mid late 20s and everyone is weeping emoji at her shes such a BABY and Kate growling no goddamnit I'm a small business owner I pay taxes I am NOT baby
But ONLY if it's funny if Kate being the youngest for once isn't funny then no go hoes
Kate, Nate, and Loki doing obnoxious sprawling all over each other as the youngest oldests
Why is Kang unhinged? That is why. "The floor is lava and the only safe place is UR LAP"
Also have I mentioned agent mobius is noh? I have? Great. Because he is.
And that Casey is Jonas?
So that vibe the gotg had in their first movie..."them?" and "those dipshits?" that's the vibe of this young avengers. With the bonus that they were once competent and organized etc etc but not with these versions of each other
At some point "shhh come on this is Kate's funeral be quiet."
"Yeah don't turn it into a roast this time."
"Shut up ur dead u dont get a say."
but also like. maybe.
so when the timeline exploded all of those timelines existed fully at that moment
which is how they can pluck people at different ages etc.
so Nate Knows about the Young Avengers and a Good Nate comes and Grabs Loki, and they “go to the leader of the young avengers”
which to nate either means another him, or maybe jonas, or eli?
and it’s KATE. who he, like, sort of knows? but why is she the one they got taken to--
“I’m the leader of the young avengers, that’s why, jerk. Also hi Loki.”
“I’m sorry who are you?”
Kate is OFFEND.
Nate is just confused as to HOW. She wasn’t even??? On the roster???
“Yeah well i guess you’re just lucky.”
the fact that loki gets the team together the second time but he doesn’t even know her is irritating, meanwhile loki is making fun of “young avengers” what was there a BABY THOR, a MINI HULK
Nate has to implement a “no stabby no shooty” rule after he’s done laughing
Loki is CONSTANTLY unnerved by how much Kate seems to know about him
some things he didn’t even know about himself? like a breakfast obsession???
Kate being with them helps the other grabs go easier
at some point they’re talking about the TVA and they have pictures for some reason. 
“wait wait go back”
“yeah ok we need to grab those two”
she’s only KIND of offended when Noh has no idea who she is but seems to have a crush on Loki. Rude, but ok. 
Jonas is all “took you long enough, hang on let me grab some infinity stones”
“fucking WHAT.”
for some reason they wind up at the End, surrounded by Lokis.
and then it’s an argument about which Loki is better for the team. Which variant!loki is VERY offended by
this is just a group of people who MUST offend one another
Kate is. um. VERY adamant about the Loki she wants. 
“My vote is for the lizard.”
cue kid!loki peering from behind something: “Kate?”
“CHCANGED MY MIND We’re taking the Kid.”
“no, we’re not, I vote for me” variant!loki says this and gets blasted by vote loki loki
Kate nixes vote loki loki because she ALREADY DEALT WITH THAT. vote loki loki is trying SO HARD. c’mon kate. i know you LOVED trolling me on twitter. pick me!
“No, we’re taking the Kid.”
Nate tries to argue this point.
“We’re. Taking. The. KID.”
no one agrees with her
“Saying it slower doesn’t make it a reason.”
“Oh you want reasons? Reason one: i know this lil shit.” a secret handshake of sorts ensues.
“Reason two: I can manhandle him” Loki gets tossed over her shoulder. he is very unimpressed
(”he is easier to punt that way,” America points out. She currently has another Loki in a headlock.)
“Reason three: i know how he lies.”
“Reason four: we’re bros.”
These reasons impress NO ONE. 
but it is how they wind up with a gaggle of lokis.
Kate and Kid!Loki are very mean to each other. i just want to point that out. but like a dipshit mean sibling energy. they make fun of each other’s ages all the time.  
the vibe of the young avengers is “we WILL save the multiverse but we’re going to be as chaotic as possible while doing it”
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alexs-ummers · 3 years
what once was / pt. 1
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Pairing: Starts Steve Rogers/Reader ends with Bucky Barnes/Reader
Summary of Part 1: Steve’s and your relationship after “the blip”. The ways in which you find solace in one another. Maybe it was never enough.
like post endgame and beginning of falcon and winter soldier
Words: 1628
Warnings: angst, small make-out.
Notes: i dont remember endgame 1000% clearly but i think its good? be prepared for the upcoming angst i aint done. im tryna get into Bucky in tfatws
The past five years have been tough on Steve and you. Steve blamed himself for the most part; he always did for anything that went wrong. You missed your friends. After a while the world had to go on. There was still half a world of people that needed people like Steve and you. You still needed each other. That pain, that hurt, blossomed into a sort of love. That’s what you referred to it as in your head. But you’re sure for Steve it was merely out of convenience.
That was too harsh. Steve loved you. The team had been through so much together and you had stood beside Steve for all of it even when you thought he was in the wrong. You did it because you trusted his judgement. He was a righteous and kind man through everything. And Steve always did what he believed was right. You had always admired him for that. But Steve loved everyone on his team, that included you. He did love you in a different way, maybe in the same way he loved Bucky and Sam; but never in the way he loved Peggy.
Steve would make love to you when you needed it, he’d kiss away your tears when everything was too much, he’d provide you with as much normalcy as he could. He’d tell you stories about Bucky and him. He’d tell you how beautiful you looked when you woke up. You’d cook him breakfast in the morning. And for five fucking years, it felt like Steve was yours. You had dreamed of it for so long. When everything else was taken from you two, it had to be the one good thing.
And then the words were uttered. If it wasn’t for those words, maybe everything to come wouldn't have hurt so much.
Those words, you never saw them coming. You reminded yourself often what this was, what you were to each other: a comfort. Your heart couldn’t handle losing another.
It was a late night. The wine had probably gotten to you, no, it had definitely had gotten to you. The sound of your laughter echoed across your apartment walls. Steve had been telling a story about Bucky and him.
“And he’d always try and set me up, you know? I think it was more for him than me.” He had that longing look on his face, but it had been so many years, the memory warmed Steve’s heart. A ghost of laughter. It put that sweet look in his eyes, the one that looked like he had never seen hurt before. “And then I met Peggy…” He trails off, sighing almost longingly. You never minded. Peggy was his first love. It gave Steve peace to reminisce and who would you be to him if you denied him that?
A look similar to Steve’s was adorning your face. You hadn’t ever known Peggy obviously, but you knew Bucky. He was a lot more stoic than how Steve described him in the 40s. The stories made you feel like you were there. An almost escape to the world you lived in now. “I always love these stories. You look so… happy when you tell them.” You bring a hand up to tenderly touch his cheek, wine glass in the other. Your head is leant against the top cushion of the couch as you admire him. It would never get old; having Steve look at you this way.
“Telling you the stories makes me happy.” Steve returns your smile, leaning into your touch like he always did. Steve came to love your presence. You were soft and gentle when everything else wasn’t. There were other sides to you: the side of you in battle, in grief, in bed. But these late nights, it was soft. You were always what he needed at any moment, molding to nearly fit his needs. It was like a superpower.
The two of you share a moment, eyes not leaving one another. All this time, it didn’t get old. Your relationship grew slowly. It hadn’t always been like this, but you had always been each other's rocks. Maybe a year in, that’s when it turned different. It had longing looks when you forced each other out of the house and then another year in it was laying in each other's beds when the nights were too dark. Another few months after that it was every night you find solace in each other’s bodies, in whispers and breathless moans. Shortly after that it was breakfast, laughing, reminiscing, and what felt like healing. As much healing you could do without the people that mattered most. As much healing you could do with that hopeless feeling still in your chest.
There’s that moment and then there’s the kiss. When Steve can’t hold himself back anymore. He’s gathering your face up in his hands, feelings and words unsaid bleeding into the kiss. It would knock you off your feet every time if you weren’t sitting. It’s always returned, always just as passionate. There’s probably more you’d say to Steve than he would you, but it doesn’t matter. You try to brush those things off. He pulls away to look at you, catching his breath. He always felt like he got carried away with you, that he’d let himself drown within you given the chance. If he was a weaker man.
“Y/N… I-” He stops himself, taking the glass from your hands and setting it on the coffee table. Steve didn’t want to ruin a good night: one filled with laughter, sneaky touches, those looks of yours. He goes back in.
There was nothing like Steve in the world even before the blip. This you knew. Your hands wander over his chest, through his growing hair, and it doesn’t take you long to straddle his hips.
This was the other side Steve was talking about. It wasn’t always the same, but every night he’d figure it out. He’d draw it out of you. He begins the process, hands trailing along the exposed skin of your body, lips working their magic on you. The kiss was deepened by him, his tongue drawing the noises out of you. Steve grew to know all your secrets, all the things that would make you shiver against him. You had so much time with one another, it was bound to happen. He’s sure you knew all his tells, all the ways to make Steve Rogers unravel.
Steve got lost in you often. Nights were long and the two of you never got bored of each other. Steve got lost in you, but tonight was different. His thoughts were faster than usual, he couldn’t focus his actions as much as he wanted to. Steve craved to whisper the words he held onto for so long. He was so unsure of them at other times, unsure if they were meant in the way you wanted. But Steve was lost in you. His thoughts were no exception. He halts his actions, pulling away to breathe. Forehead rested against your own as you bask in each other’s presence.
These moments, sometimes they’d slow down, cherish every second. Steve was a purposeful lover. Except this time, it’s not because he wants to take it slow.
He nearly bursts it out, the words he always meant for another lover, but here you were, the one person that provided him comfort when no one else could. The person who listened to his boring stories. The one who watched him cry at night, would cradle his head in their lap, against their chest, cry with him and hold him. And Steve is so very lost and he’s not sure when he’ll be found by another. But he’s found by you.
“I love you, Y/N.” Steve whispers against your lips, the words ghosting around you.
It catches you off guard and you pull away to look at the look on his face. He’s serious and there’s that look in his eyes, but this one is different and you haven’t seen it before. It puts that hope back in your chest. It was a dangerous thing, that hope. It was always, always snatched away.
“I love you, Steve.” Every ounce of your being is poured into the words and the kiss to follow.
The hope grew and grew it seems from that day forward. Through Steve, through Natasha, and finding Tony. To restore the people that were once lost.
Those words, the confession. You always think maybe if Steve never said them it wouldn’t have hurt as much, but you know that’s a lie. And you don’t know if you can ever blame him for them. You were just as lost. Maybe there was no one to blame.
But it was always snatched, always. Everything chipped away at it, the deaths of your friends, the death of mentors. But you had Steve. You always had Steve. Yet the moment Steve was sent back in time to fix things, after everything he had done, you knew. You always knew. The hope would be lost for good. The hope Steve had planted within your chest. Perhaps it was a second too long he went back that you realized.
And there he was, full of love for another. And again, you didn’t blame him. You couldn’t because he had that look in his eyes. Like he had a story he didn’t know where to begin. Peggy and Steve belonged together. You were a comfort in the darkness and he was yours.
It never hurt any less.
Maybe the only one who really understood was Bucky. Perhaps he felt that same twinge in his heart. And after Steve’s death, you felt you were left with no one. Bucky and you shared that pain, little by little.
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
I really wanna know your opinion on Steve Rogers cause you have like really good and strong opinions that I like to read and I dont know if I like him or not, its kinda like a love/hate relationship yk
well that is a hard question. lets unpack it.
I think the endgame situation was fucking shitty. like, I get that chris had a contract that was ending, or whatever, but yikes it really through his character into a bad light. so, lets put aside the logistics and talk about steve as a character.
okay but also these are my personal opinions and if anyone comes for me over them I'm gonna spiritually dick punch them.
tfa. he's noble and his heart is in the right place but fuuuuuck something about him pisses me off. I do like his development, though. he has to come to terms with himself, it's a war, I get it. but, he very clearly has something to prove to the world. I don't hate him, but it's not my favourite steve.
aa; steve is a nightmare in this fucking movie. like, okay, we get the excellent progress of him actually becoming captain, seeing some weird shit, and having to come to terms with the modern world. however, despite the struggles that were really good, he was a wee bit too big for his boots. he definitely tried too hard to be the best man at the table. just chill, steve, everybody is coming to terms with some stuff, you're doin a little too much.
ws; okay, steve hit his peak so far in this movie. we love some good strong morals paired with crime. fuck the government. love that for him. also, he is actually in the headspace to sacrifice himself for bucky, it creates some real good storyline which obviously gets fucking abandoned by endgame. I like steve in this movie. he's not too bad, he makes a good speech and a new friend, it's calm.
aou; I mean he's back to being a bit of a wet-wipe in the beginning but I will allow it. the struggle comes and they pull together, I think he's getting a better handle on the 'captain' part of it, and actually being a part of a modern team. I don't have many complaints about this steve. at least, nothing that immediately comes to mind.
cw; immediate what comes to mind is the words 'get in the fucking bin' but I will explain. now, I try not to focus too much on the actual situation because I have always been a little undecided on which side I would take. I wanna' say tony, because like the mess they continually make? I mean, wow. but at the same time, fuck the government they don't tell me what to do. however, it all got a bit dramatic, steve knew what happened to tony and didn't tell him, tony most likely would have forgiven it if steve hadn't lied by omission. so, yeah, there's liar steve and the dramatics and their airport fight I mean, yikes. I love bucky too but let's just stop and think things through, steve. fuck.
iw; I will allow it. the beard makes me slightly feral. I would probably fuck rogue steve or whatever everyone calls him after a drunk night in a bar so there's that. also he fistfights thanos with his bare hands so I gotta respect it, plus he's getting about in the stolen flying thing I forgot the word but you know what I'm talking about. he just gives off all kinds of good vibes. I can rock with it.
e; tony dies so I don't have a single thought about anyone else except for him in this movie but bucky in the jacket does look good? no, I'm kidding I have strong fucking opinions. lol, got u. anyway, steve can get fucked like for real he's just gonna fucking dip like that? he's just gonna fuck off for peggy and ruin her life? WE KNOW SHE FOUND A HUSBAND AND HAD KIDS AND WAS HAPPY. he fucked that right up. also, he shaved the beard so I have no sexual attraction to him, which really takes from the 'I'll forgive you because you're hot' thing. I don't know. I just don't like endgame steve.
conc; steve is ok. he's not the worst character but like he's far from the best and the ending suuuuucked.
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dickgrcyscns · 4 years
Coney Island
Coney Island, Steve Rogers. A one shot based off of Coney Island by Taylor Swift. Written in a females perspective, I’m sorry loves. (Also, I literally hate Steve’s ending in endgame but it provides me with a lot of angst so 🤠). (Also, also, this is highly unedited pls dont come for me I know it’s bad).
Summary: In which you and Steve always skirted around your feelings for one another, one day, it was too late for the both of you. 
Set During: Pre and Post-Endgame
Word Count: 1257 words
Gif used is not mine!
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Over and over Lost again with no surprises Disappointments, close your eyes And it gets colder and colder When the sun goes down
There were many things to love about Steve Rogers: he was kind and forgiving. You noticed that the first time you met him at the Avengers tower. He helped you pick up papers that were pushed out of your hands by an intern working for Stark. It was cliche to say, but that was when you started to fall for him. You knew who he was, there wasn’t a person that walked on this earth that didn’t. And that meant you knew that he was a man out of time. A man not meant to be there. A man that would never truly be yours. But you fell for him regardless, your heart slowly became his. In some ways, his heart became yours as well. 
Leaning on the doorway to the room he had taken up in the Avengers tower after the battle in Wakanda, a small smile rested on your lips. You tried your hardest to show him something during this time, to try and make him feel better. But you had both lost your friends, people you cared about. The two of you were grieving and in different ways. “Steve.”
“Yeah,” his words were short, tone hitting the bottom of your heart.
“I’m about to make breakfast,” you looked down at your hands. “Do you, uh, want anything?”
“I’m fine.”
“Okay,” you turned around, only to look back at him for a moment, “and Steve, if you ever need to talk to someone, I’m just down the hall.”
“I don’t need to talk to anyone. I’m fine.”
Were you waiting at our old spot In the tree line by the gold clock Did I leave you hanging every single day?
Steve slowly began to seclude himself as the years past you guys by, he was losing hope in getting everyone back. You would try to talk to him, try to get him to do things with everyone that was still there, but he had made himself more comfortable alone over anything else. It shattered you to see him that way, speaking to people only when necessary. He wasn’t the man you had fallen in love with. Not at all. And it killed you to watch him not even bat you an eye. 
You tried your hardest to talk to him, to get him to spend time with you. Trying to give him a person to vent to, a person who was there for him. You always vowed to be that person. But he shrugged you away for five years, wanting nothing to do with you. So, you found yourself retreating. Grieving your friends that you lost as well as a man who was still living. Someone who was only doors down from you. Someone who used to wrap you in his arms, tell you everything was going to be fine while placing kisses on your face. A man who used to say he loved you. 
A man who now stared at a picture within a compass, remembering a past love of his constantly. While you sat out in the field, looking up at the stars like you used to do
Were you standing in the hallway With a big cake, happy birthday Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest gray?
When everyone figured out how to time travel due to Scott, Steve found a sense of purpose again. He refused to meet your eye, but you saw his face change. You saw the hope glimmer in his eyes again. You saw it all. It was something you had tried to get him to feel for a while. Smiling sadly to yourself, you turned on your heel. At least he had hope. 
You all did. 
This was the closest you had come to bringing them all back. All of your friends that you had lost, reuniting families and friends who had lost each other. Bringing back the people this world so suddenly lost. But you knew Steve was excited for another reason. 
He had always been the man in the wrong time. The ability to travel time gave him an opportunity no one could deny. He could get his greatest gift, a life with Peggy. The woman he was always in love with. Because it was never you. 
A universe away And when I got into the accident The sight that flashed before me was your face
Fighting was never easy, fighting an alien army was even harder. You felt unprepared for what was coming, that the fight was unbalanced. There was no hope for a moment, that was before the portals opened. Scattered with bumps and bruises, you turned to smile at Steve as your friends began to come out of them. He smiled back, falling to his knees as Sam and Bucky both came out of them. They were okay, everyone was okay. 
“Avengers,” Steve smiled. “Assemble.”
And that you did. You pushed on despite every part of your body telling you it was done. Your body was in pain when you turned to look at Tony, his suit now holding onto the stones. Panic ran through you, you knew what this meant. You got everyone back but at what cost? Losing Nat and Tony. 
You only caught his last statement, “And I am Iron Man.” Before he snapped his fingers. Eyes watching as the alien army began to turn to dust, including Thanos himself. A sob left your lips as you watched Tony collapse. 
This was it. This was what war did to people. 
But when I walked up to the podium I think that I forgot to say your name
In all fairness, you knew this was your last time seeing Steve like this. You knew you were losing the man you had fallen in love with. He didn't say anything about it, but what did he need to say? He was in love with Peggy Carter and wanted to take the chance to be with her. Well, that would have been a start, but it wouldn’t have made it any easier to watch him leave. Tears formed in your eye, Bucky’s arm draped across your shoulder. The both of you knew what was coming, you could read it in his eyes, he was going back to the time he belonged in. 
“I’m gonna miss you buddy,” Bucky said with a sad smile, looking at his friend. 
“Don’t do anything stupid until I get back.”
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” 
“Good luck, Steve,” You smiled at him for what would be the last time. You had to take the chance to tell him how you felt right then, if you didn’t, you were sure that you would have beaten yourself up about it. “I love you.”
I'm on a bench in Coney Island wondering where did my baby go?
I was quiet when you returned to that same bench he had met Sam on, he was much older and had lived an epic life full of love. But that didn’t mean you felt any better about it. In fact, you had been left alone to mend your broken heart. And sometimes you sat there, staring out on the water wondering what brought you to falling for him. What was it about him that you just couldn't let go?
Maybe you would never have an answer. But maybe that's okay to not have one. 
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On Alexander, Angelica and Eliza
Heres some long-ass personal interpretation based on the musical that nobody following this blog signed up for lol. Not gonna be touching on history coz i’m no expert and there’re ppl way more qualified for that. and it’s good to keep things separated.
there’re obviously many similarities between the two A’s. Both are witty, outspoken, center of attention, and a bit of a flirt. To me, the most interesting trait shared by both is their awareness: They know exactly where they stand socially, and subsequently, how to play by the rules to climb up. This clear awareness is where I got the idea for the staircase drawings. “i’m a girl in a world in which my only job is to marry rich/ my father has no sons so i’m the one who has to social climb for one” is a demonstration of Angelica’s awareness, just as “As a kid in the Caribbean I wished for a war/ I knew that I was poor/ I knew it was the only way to rise up” shows Alexander’s.
it’s different for Eliza - i know as the show proceeds, she gradually becomes more ambitious and active, but in Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story, what she asks, instead of how to rise up, is: “Have I done enough?” this quiet insistence is why i always see her as someone who does things because she thinks it’s a right thing to do, no matter whether that thing in question would benefit her personally or not. sure, she gives off "cinnamon roll" vibes, but girl’s no less strong or badass than Alexander or Angelica.
More under cut coz I’m incapable of being concise:
what always strikes me as interesting about Angelica is the contrast of what she says vs. what she does.
In The Schuyler Sisters, the majority of her lines are about empowering women, which, I think, is where the depiction of Angelica as an angry feminist comes from in some fanfics. But in Satisfied, we see she plays squarely by the rules of patriarchy and social classes (the three fundamental truths part). 
Similarly, in TSS, she says "so men say I'm intense or I'm insane", seemingly unbothered, if not lowkey proud, by these comments, but in Satisfied, she talks about the resulting gossip if she were to marry Alexander. 
I saw a post which expressed that Angelica thinks like Alexander but acts like Burr, and I agree. She has a sharp mind and is unafraid to speak out, like Alexander, but she’s also got things to lose, like Burr. Having family responsibilities means that she does not, and cannot, act without restrictions and hesitations like Hamilton. She doesn't necessarily wait it out like Burr, but she does think things thru, because the important decisions she makes carry enough weight to not only affect the future of herself but also of her family.
I had mentioned in an old post that Satisfied is basically Angelica assessing cost & gain for each of the options she has, for all the parties involved. even though that song's ending has mixed feelings and it's DEFINITELY a heartbreaking song, Angelica's choice did maximize the gain for everyone at the time: She was able to maintain her bond with Alexander and married rich to ensure her material comfort. Alexander was able to marry a Schuyler and elevate his status. Eliza got the boy she loved and was happily married. She even foresaw some possible challenges the newly wed Hamiltons were likely to face (“He’ll never be satisfied”).
She knows she lives in a world of patriarchy; she isn't happy with it, but she knows how to take advantage of the system as much as she can. She knows how to be the center of attention, be charming, and appeal to ppl. She knows what kind of husband is beneficial to have. She knows how to influence politics in her own way (take a break). Part of why I found Satisfied so sad is that her mind and her heart wish for two different things. Angelica is a realist, over everything else. She can be a feminist, but definitely not an angry one.
I talked a bit abt him in an older post on Maria - and a lot of what I said abt Maria applies to him. If the challenge Angelica was facing is invisible societal restrictions on women, what Alexander faces is purely regarding survival. Having needed to fight and compete for resources, I imagine he's at least somewhat influenced by the philosophy of social darwinism. I also said, in the same post, that I don't think he'd be really inclined to help ppl in the same difficulty he used to be in, for the same reason. If he could make it this far with his own hard work, how would it be fair to make things easier for others now? Would those ppl even deserve their success now the bar has been lowered? It's not exactly a right way of thinking, but it's also hard to blame him. after having to compete for resource w others in order to climb up, it’s hard to change the mentality.
I've seen a music analysis (by Howard Ho on YouTube) on Hurricane, and it concludes that when Hamilton was singing that song, he wasn't exactly recalling the past - he's been mentally living in that reality and never truly left. (There's similar remarks that Hamilton's past in the Caribbean had always plagued him despite his power and position in Chernow's biography, but we're only analyzing the musical here.) He never fully turned off his survival mode.
To clarify: by survival mode, I don't literally mean he fights to survive. He didn't exactly show a strong will to survive and was quite willing to give up his life for noble causes, up until he met Eliza. What I meant is, he remembers being destitute and helpless, he remembers seeing deaths of trivial importance, so he fights to be as far away from destitution and helplessness as possible, he fights to have the opportunity to die a glorious and noble death. Because to be able to die for something matters is still a privilege. No matter how high up he rose to position, his insecurity that he may end up losing those never faded away. This raw energy, I guess, is what gradually turned the others in the musical to be more like him.
Eliza seems to be the one who's the most content abt their situations out of the three. After all, one of her motifs in the musical is "look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now", and the other one is “that would be enough”. 
ppl usually say Helpless and Satisfied should be listened back to back (and nothing wrong with that), but comparing these two songs, Helpless doesn’t explore as much of Eliza’s character as Satisfied does Angelica. Throughout Helpless, she’s spent most of the song narrating what happened and falling head over heels for Alexander. As for her first appearance in TSS, she doesn’t have as much of a voice and show of character in comparison to Angelica, Burr, other Peggy either. 
The first moment we truly see her thoughts is in That Would Be Enough. It’s also in this song, her two other motifs (”that would be enough” and “narrative”) are introduced. Unlike Alexander and Angelica at that point of story, she’s happy with her life, wants it to remain that way, and doesn’t ask for more. 
i dont mean she’s not ambitious like the other two - she’s driven, but by other things. she doesn’t think of legacy, material comfort, status, position, etc. as important as Angelica and Alexander, as we can see in Burn. it’s not that she doesn’t know the rules - girl’s not playing the game at all. 
unlike the two A’s, Eliza’s growth happens in the second act. Angelica’s barely in the second act, and in the same act we see Alexander’s most trusted weapon, writing, contributing to his downfall. but for Eliza, she turns from the observer in Helpless, the supporter in That Would Be Enough, to the only one on stage in Burn, and to being the center of stage in Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story. in the second act we see her going thru the series of most crushing heartaches: Reynolds Pamphlet, death of Phillip, and death of Alexander, but we also see her strength. she’s a good person, but ppl usually forget that being nice takes energy and strength too. it takes strength to support, to forgive, to mourn the passing of your loved ones, and to preserve their memories and legacy. she shines and grows after overcoming the loss and heartbreaks. Angelica says in Satisfied “she’d say 'i’m fine' but she’d be lying”, i don’t think she’s giving Eliza enough credit for her mental strength there lol. 
side note: this is where i got idea for the eliza art from a few days ago - kintsugi represents the idea that your wound becomes your history and forms part of who you are, rather than something ugly to be ashamed of. I think it fits well with Eliza’s development.
Congrats! you’ve made it till the end! don’t know why u’d do that, but thanks! 
if u’re reading this feel free to send me a simple art request to compensate the time u took reading my bullshit
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kingofthehilltoday · 4 years
My top hated/disliked episodes (in no particular order) before I start up, I wouldn't necessarily skip these episodes when watching, and these definitely are not all the episodes I have problems with. Some of them I definitely would skip though but each episode does have some good jokes thrown in even though I've listed them here. This was just requested like 5 times so im doing my best to recall episodes I've had issues with.
Blah My Nose: uncharacteristic of Hank Hill to care about his appearance so much, made up imperfection that was never seen before, made up rivalry that was never talked about nor mentioned prior to this episode despite Hank's broken ankle being a very important focal point in the past, transphobia within episode
Ms. Wakefield: uncharacteristic of almost everyone but the Hills, why are they all excusing this creepy stalker. Weird story, awful episode. (Already went into detail about this before)
Won't You Pimai Neighbor?: strange use of Buddhist monks despite the Soupanousinphone family being Laotian which do not use the title Lama or search for their reincarnated head monks in their branch of Buddhism. White savior trope (ish) and making up an important figure in a real religion.
The Honeymooners: Hank's mom suddenly married to a new man?? (I loved Gary wtf) and is depicted as having a strange drop of the hat do whatever she wants to despite being old streak. They talk about going skydiving, the same woman who dragged Hank to go shopping for glass minis is suddenly skydiving on her own choice? Yeah right.
Serves Me Right For Giving Gen George S. Patton the Bathroom Key: not actually necessarily a bad episode, wouldnt skip, but as long as King of the Hill had been going on at this point it made no sense, (long time followers will know of multiverse theory I made up but) while Peggy was recovering from her skydiving accident, Cotton was her recovery coach. She spent the episode not only recovering but helping Cotton get a plot of land in a veteran cemetery, but this episode dashes all of that and has him cremated instead (???)
Keeping Up With Our Joneses: I'm mostly going to leave season 1-2 episodes off this list, king of the hill was just starting and trying to figure out what it wanted. But this episode sucks. Even though this isn't who Hank would become, it was disgusting that he was once shown as a man who would force his own son to ingest that much cigarette smoke. Just not a fun episode either tbh.
Bad News Bill: Hank's lack of support for Bobby is shown as a good thing at the end of the episode, showing that Hank was right for not believing in Bobby when it came to baseball. Watching the episode it is clear that Bobby isn't good at it, but that doesnt mean he should just give up or not be encouraged to try. He was shown actively liking to play and trying, it was something he wanted to do and was receiving positive reinforcement for it. If Bobby had continued on, who knows? He may have gotten the hang of it. Everyone has to start from somewhere even if it is from less than 0.
Hank and the Great Glass Elevator: this one has a few issues but I wouldn't necessarily say its super bad. Bill's relationship with Ann Richards was genuine and I wish it had continued. It showed him at his best and worst in a relationship, his worst which I dont necessarily agree with. After all this time of not showing The Lenore that Bill has been crying himself to sleep over, she just so happens to show up when Bill finds a happy and stable relationship? And Bill is shown to succumb to her even after her breaking his heart like that? Okay I guess but, why is she there, how did she find out? Do they expect us to believe some magazine or something had the scoop on an ex governor having a boyfriend?? I doubt it. Lenore being here and Bill being unfaithful seem awfully stretchy to me. And then the extra nail in the coffin is at the end when Hank makes Peggy choose between "charcoal.... or me?" In reference to her preferring her meat grilled via charcoal vs propane. This was beyond manipulative of Hank and not something a good partner should ever say.
That's What she Said: this fucker.
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I hate him so much. I absolutely skip this episode every other watch through, but sometimes you gotta just rewatch just for that sweet ending where Hank dishes out justice.
Business is Picking Up This Year: this is another episode that is pretty good until the end or so. Another case of Hank showing no support for Bobby and being shown as it being correct. Like cant you just be supportive Hank? Like Hank went out of his way to invent a scenario that could possibly happen to Bobby that ended up injuring the dude with the poop cleaning business just because he was afraid Bobby would get mocked for taking up the job. But like, in this same episode none of that was shown. Bobby went to several people advertising his service and the most negative reaction he got was someone not wanting to touch his hand. Hank, just be supportive of your son dangit.
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Summary- Short piece, drabble. Steve just isnt the same after the snap. Angst.
A/N- I heard Say Something on the radio today and it just stuck, thinking about how lost and heartbreaking it would be to watch something you loved pull away. 
Say something, I'm giving up on you I'll be the one, if you want me to Anywhere, I would've followed you Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I am feeling so small It was over my head I know nothing at all
And I will stumble and fall I'm still learning to love Just starting to crawl
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It all changed once the snap happened, the whole world lost someone, and you... well you felt you lost the world, and he was sitting right next to you every night. Lost was the Steve you knew, your Steve. Once the snap happened, he withdrew into a place you just couldnt reach. The nights he actually did come home, it was a show. Pleasant ‘how was your day’ ‘oh fine, how was yours’ A smile on his face, he would have sex with you and roll off to fall asleep on his side. And this had been going on the better part of the past few years. 
You tried, one night stopping his kisses on your neck and pulling away so he couldnt distract you from what you needed to know. So many times had you tried talking to him, try to find out where he stored his pain, only to be met with lies, lies you wanted to believe. 
“Steve, please... I know were not okay. After everything, just please talk to me.I dont know how to fix this. What is going on with you.” Maybe you changed? You lost loved ones, and the doubts filled your mind, maybe you werent the same.  
A scoff and smile on that clean shaved face, he was meticulous with it every morning. You would stand there watching him take those close to the skin strokes, and they never nicked him. To perfect. 
“Baby everything is okay, Im just tired. The meetings, they wear me out.” Steve returned to take Sams post, helping those traumatized and lost after the snap. At first you believed it had been good for him, would help him. But now you werent so sure. That signature smile as he reached for you, and you were caught again in his hold, folded in the embrace of his arms, and his voice rumbling his chest as he spoke. “You have nothing to worry about, stop fretting.” 
You were lost, even in his assurances. 
Say something, I'm giving up on you I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you Anywhere, I would've followed you Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I will swallow my pride You're the one that I love And I'm saying goodbye…
Another couple years, and the fake happiness faded into some sort of anger, anger with others, with himself, with you. Survivors guilt? You stood in the kitchen watching him, he was so silent as he paced around, the tension rolling off his shoulders, and you half expected Steve to lash out at nothing. He tied himself into more projects, checking on Nat more. ‘She needed the support, she has no one’ You agreed, Nat was your sister basically as well. 
“Let me come to, I actually have some clothes to pass on to her” 
“Dont worry about it Y/N, I will drop them off while there if you get them ready.” 
It was like he didnt want you around, sinking further into his past. You seen him looking at his photos of Peggy, ones that you didnt mind them sitting around the apartment, his history wasnt like others. He had always assured you before that they were a life he left behind, a memory and that you were his today. But seeing his expression, his his gaze lingered till it grew unfocused, maybe today wasnt enough for him. Not anymore. 
Then the day came, he called you from his phone “We have a way to fix it Y/N, we can bring them all back” 
And this was it, you knew that this would end up being your last conversation. How, you didnt know, but already you could feel your heart sinking. 
“Then you have to Steve.... Bring them all back baby” You kept your voice light and excited for him. Maybe... maybe you were wrong. 
“Bruce and Tony are working on it now. I dont know when I will be back.” His voice with more hope then you heard in the past five years. 
“You do what you have to Steve.” 
“I love you, thank you for being My Girl”
“I love you to Cap, go save the world again”
That would be the last words you shared. Weeks later a knock on your apartment showed Sam standing there, and he handed you a letter, clearing his throat. “He... he wanted you to have this Y/N”
You stared at the letter, hours ticked by and light turned to shadows in your apartment, and when you did open it, it said exactly what you knew it would. 
‘Dear Sweetheart’ and thats when the goodbye tears started. 
@what-is-your-plan-today​ @p8tn0lish​ @official-and-unstable-satan​ @icanfeelastormbrewing​ Yall can feel sad with me. 
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randomsevans · 4 years
The Lawyers Lies
Part 2
AN : in this story peggy and sharon are not related
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Two days had passed since that night and you had told Nat everything form your pregnancy, relationship with Steve the affair against Sharon's back to seeing him with peggy at the bar knowing you wasnt his alone side women as well as your feeling for him and the 3 months plan your were doing . She was comfating at first and then got mad as you knew she would but she promised not to say anything not even to Bucky . And more importantly promised not to hurt steve but you could of sworn she had her fingers crossed behind her back .
You had a day off yesterday so there was no need to come in the office. So you were dreading today . To meet his blue eyes . You no you should not feel like this . Like you had been cheated on because you had beening doing the cheating. But for some reason you could live with him being with Sharon as he met her first. But not being one of three or possible even more women in this mans life you felt cheap and used . Yet the feeling you had for him still remained.
You had been a work for a while now distancing your self from everyone to avoid him . Which have done a very good job at so far . That was until you needed a tea break and went into the lunch room to see Steve laughing and smiling with Peggy . You felt his gaze quickly turn to you but then straight back to peggy .
You just filled the kettle and place it on . Acting as if your inside went buring from sadness , rage , jealousy. You went to reach for a mug at the top shelf only for your high to fall short. You were about to go on to your tip toe when the mug made it's way into the front of you , as Steve past your the mug and placed a hand on the small of your back "I missed you yesterday " he whispered as your fought back the tears knowing it was a lie . You hummed in agreement as you reached for a tea bag .
You felt Steve leave your side and hear the door shut , you sighed in relief and turn around to see an empty room . Only to see Steve was still here . You inhaled in annoyance and turned back around to make your tea . And for a tug at your arm to face him again .
"What !" You busted out alot more angry then you were ment to .
He placed on hand on you hip only for you to shrug it off and step backwards as your stomach did flips . He looked at you dumbfounded.
"Wha ... what's the matter ?" His blue eyes glassy .
"Nothing I'm fine " you clearly wernt as your stomach was threating an appearance.
"No your not.." he began as he took a step closer towars you . " if you were you wouldn't be acting like this " he put a piece of hair behind your ear and stroke your cheek. You were fighting everything in your body, nerves that was telling you to kiss him, for him to kiss you back as if you mean something to him .
" like what " you questioned
" distance " he sighted .
"Distance ?"
" yeah ... I haven't saw you in what feels like forever and you .... arrr you wont let me go near you.. as if your always on edge .. like were gonna get caught .. when we ain't " he sighed taking a deep breath . " love just tell me what the matter ... your driving me crazy "
"How ?" You felt yourself soften under his blue gaze , as you were on the edge to give in .
"I havnt stopped thinking about you " he rubbed the back of his neck , you took a step forward, almost giving in again " when you said you couldn't make it , spend time with me that night. I spend it all alone thinking of you "
A blow ! As if just like that your brain gained consciousness again for the dream that was Steve Rogers he just lied straight up to your face . He wasnt by himself he was with Peggy and by the looks of it he wasnt thinking about you at all .
You turned around and placed the hot water into the mug . You heard a sarcastic chuckle form behind "well ain't you gonna say anything?"
"Like what " you said as calmly as you could with your back away from him .
"Uh I dunno how about I missed you too Steve "he sound like a wounded man .
"Well I didnt " now you were lying as your turned around mug in your hand heading for the door . You saw a broken Steve
"Wha...what " was all he could get out "what do you mean ....y/n please talk to me " he placed a hand on your arm which you pushed of straight away .
"Theres nothing to talk about .." you felt every fiber in your being yelling at you to just jump into his armes but you wouldn't let your self do that as your eyes turned glassy .
"Then why are your eyes telling me something else .... just speak to me , I'm worried "
"Should you be worrying about your wife " you barked back . He was took back by your words .
"Is this .. what's its about.. Sharon " he let out a dry laugh .
"She your wife you should be giving her your full attention and worrie. " you argue.
"You cant be serious ... after the last 8 months your telling me to be a good husband now " he let out another laugh as he placed his hands on his hips.
"You should of been a good husband in the first place.. "
"Ha y/n what are you getting at here ... why are you in a mood all of a sudden "
"I'm not in a mood iv just had my eyes open that's all " you said ,
"What !" His eyes turned glassy as he cleared his throat . " you... you want to end .. this ?" His voice on the verge of tears
NO! You wanted to scream and yell the word , you didnt want it to end .
" yes " felt a lump raise in your throat .
"No no ... " Steve began shaking his head as he stepped closer to you only for you to push passed him and reach for the sink as your breakfast made it's way back up. " oh my god " you heard steve as he made his way next to you and went to touch until you put your hand up.
"Leave ! Just leave me alone " you began crying .
"No ... never . Not when your like this . Never " a single tear rolled down his cheek
"Why do you care !" You whisper yelled "why would you ever care about me anyway I'm not important. You should care about me . This shouldn't of ever happen so tell me Rogers why did it happen. Why do you care !" You wiped your mouth and rinsed the sink
"Why ? " you demand
"Because I.. " he stopped himself as more tears began to roll down his cheek " please ...please dont end this " he begged
"Why !" You were a mess with your tears rolling down your face .
"Because.. " he began
"I love you god damn it !" He yelled .
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Saving Grace - Part 9
Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
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I was sat on the sofa nursing Grace when the front door swung open and a laughing Harrison came running in.
"You better run pal I'm gonna win!" I heard Bucky chuckle.
"No way!! I faster!!"
I turned just in time to see Harrison throw himself in the armchair declaring himself the winner while Bucky was carrying various bags of groceries in.
"Hey doll" Bucky smiled over at me with a wink before heading into the kitchen.
"Uncle Buck i win!" Harrison yelled happily.
"Yeah you did Buddy, good job" Bucky called back sounding amused.
"Wow your so good bud" i smiled at my biggest baby, he just laughed and run into the kitchen.
"Okayyyy" i mumbled as i straightened up my shirt and moved Grace so i could wind her. Harrison came running back seconds later with a pink t-rex stuffed teddy in his arms.
"This is for Gracie" he said holding it out.
"It is? Oh my god! She loves it baby"
"I picked it out"
"He really did, i couldn't say no" Bucky chuckled walking over and giving me a kiss.
"Its very sweet babe, but where's my gift?"
"Im your gift" Bucky wiggled his eyebrows at me making me laugh.
"Your such a dork"
"I know but you love this dork" he shrugged with the cockiest grin spread on his face.
"Oh i regret it...." i shook my head teasing him "here take your daughter i need to pee so bad" i said getting up and passing Grace to him before quickly darting to the bathroom.
Coming back into the living room a few minutes later i smiled seeing Bucky cuddled up with both kids who were fast asleep.
"Wow that didnt take long" i chuckled sitting in the armchair "your like the baby whisperer"
"I took Harrison to the playground on the way home, think he wore himself out and lil miss is in a milk coma!" He laughed looking down at Grace who was sleeping with a smile on her face.
"Hey, so i was thinking of asking Wanda to come watch the kids the weekend" i said suddenly feeling really nervous as i played with a loose thread on one of the scatter cushions.
"You mean...."
"Yeah if you want...."
"Of course i want!" Bucky nodded quickly making me chuckle.
"Good! Thats good, i thought maybe we could go up to my dads cabin and get Wanda to stay here with the kids. I dont really want them at the compound incase Steve shows up"
"Sounds good to me doll, but just so you know Sam said Steve hasn't been around for weeks. He seems to have realised how bad he messed up"
"Even so, it will make me feel better about being away from them if i know their here"
"Okay I'm sure Wanda wont mind being here, she practically lives here lately anyway" he rolled his eyes.
"Shes just trying to help" i said sticking up for my friend "and its a godsend to have her around while your working"
"I know I'm just teasing" he grinned "its fine doll".
After 20 minutes or so of sitting watching TV with Bucky i felt restless and got up to head to the kitchen to make some tea.
"You okay?" Bucky asked instantly.
"Yeah just making some tea"
"Okay, its just you've been a bit quiet"
"Didn't want to wake the kids" i shrugged and carried on to the kitchen. While waiting for the kettle to boil i suddenly found myself standing there silently crying. Since having Grace id occasionally burst into tears for no reason, now would apparently be one of those times!! damn hormones!!
After grabbing a tissue and wiping away any evidence that id been crying, i splashed some cold water on my face and continued making the tea (a coffee for Bucky) and headed back to the living room.
He was sitting alone on the sofa when i walked in and looked at me with a smile.
"Where are the kids?"
"I put them to bed, baby monitor is on the table" he pointed to the split screen monitor in front of him "i need some time with my girl now, come here mama" he smiled holding out a hand towards me. I couldn't help but smile as i put the mugs down on the table and took his hand. Bucky tugged me towards him and pulled me down onto the sofa to lay with him, his front pressed to my back.
"Feel better?" He mumbled against my ear as his hand caressed my hip slightly.
"Im fine Buck..."
"I heard you crying doll"
"Its just hormones, i didn't even realise i was crying at first"
"If something was wrong you'd tell me right?"
"Of course i would" i told him truthfully reaching back to kiss him "i may fall asleep in a minute I'm exhausted"
"No problem, you should get some sleep while the kids are sleeping...."
"Okay, just stay with me"
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The next day i headed to the compound to talk to Wanda about having the kids while Bucky and i went up to the cabin. I had checked Steve wasn't around before going over, i wasn't in the mood to deal with that today. I had Grace with me but Bucky had taken Harrison to the zoo for the afternoon, since Grace arrived we had made an effort to spend time with Harrison on his own so he didn't feel neglected and end up hating his baby sister!
"So what brings you by here? Its been a while since you stopped by" Wanda asked rocking Grace in her arms.
"I came by to ask if you were free to watch the kids this weekend...."
"Oooh you finally got the all clear for physical activities huh?" She teased wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"I did! And stop that!" I laughed "i think we've been very patient!"
"Oh you have i know!! Of course i'll look after them" Wanda agreed straight away smiling like an idiot "its what aunties are for anyway"
"Thanks Wan, could you come to us though? I dont want them here incase he shows up"
"Yeah thats fine, makes sense anyway. Everything i'll need is at your place"
"Thats great, i'll get the guest room set up for you".
I had been at the compound for a couple hours now and thought it best to head home and start on dinner. Bucky and Harrison would be back from their day trip soon. I was just about to get up and get Grace settled in her pushchair when i heard Wanda speak up.
"What are you doing here?!"
I snapped my head round and there stood Steve Rogers in jeans and grey henley, his beard had grown back in and his hair looked a little longer..... just how he had looked when we first started dating!
"I...i was looking for Sam, we're meant to be going for a run" he replied holding up his duffle bag.
"Well can you go wait somewhere else?"
"Its fine Wanda I'm leaving now anyway" i gave her a tight lipped smile and finished getting Grace in her pushchair.
"Y/N..... could we talk for a minute? Please?" I heard him ask.
"I've got to get home Steve, Harrison and Bucky will be back soon?"
"please? just a few minutes?"
"Steve, she said no!" Wanda snapped at him, they had always been close and it was horrible to see the distance between them now.
"Okay...." he said sadly turning to leave.
"5 minutes" i suddenly said shaking my head at how stupid i was agreeing to this.
"5 minutes is good, thank you".
"I'll stay close by, yell if you need me" Wanda said quietly to me as she left, we both knew Steve heard every word though!
Steve walked over and sat in the chair next to me, he leaned closer to the pushchair to look in at Grace and smiled.
"She's beautiful Y/N"
"Thanks. So what did you want to talk about? Like i said i need to get home"
"Right" he nodded "Bucky and Harrison been anywhere nice?"
"Bucky took him to the Zoo for the afternoon"
"Man i miss trips to the zoo, Harry always loved seeing the lions" he smiled at the memory.
"His favourites are the wolves now"
"The wolves huh?"
"Yep ever since Shuri and T'Challa visited and called Buck 'white wolf' his been obsessed with them" i shrugged.
"Thats cute" Steve nodded sadly before looking up at me "im sorry. Im sorry for everything..... i should never had left"
"No you shouldn't have, but you did. You can't change that Steve"
"I know. I dont know what i was i thinking sweetheart"
"Lets not not do this again. It wont change anything.... you chose another woman over your fiancé and your son! All those years i gave you and you chose a woman you spent 5 minutes with a 100 years ago!!" I took a deep breath trying my best to stay calm and not shout at him, i didn't want to wake Grace "i loved you so much and you threw it in my face. You didn't even have the balls to say goodbye"
"I know" he admitted avoiding eye contact and we sat silently.
"If you could go back to that day, the day you left us..... would you still do it?" I asked breaking the silence.
"I dont know.... i had a beautiful life with Peggy, but i missed you and Harrison so much. There was no way to get back to you, the machine hadn't been invented yet so i had no choice but to embrace my life with Peggy"
"You know what? Im glad you went" i suddenly told him shrugging my shoulders "if you had of stayed here Bucky and I wouldn't be together" i saw Steve grit his teeth hearing me mention his best friend "and i can't imagine my life without him, i love him more than any man I've loved before. I thought what you and i had was the real deal, my big love..... but i was so wrong. Bucky is it for me Steve, so i guess i should be thanking you for leaving"
"Theres no second chance for us is there?"
"No. Maybe down the line somewhere we can try to be friends but it'll never be what it was" I got up getting ready to leave when he cleared his throat and wiped away a few tears that had escaped.
"What about Harrison?.... can i spend some time with him? I know i dont deserve it but I've missed him so much"
"Thats up to Harrison. I cant make him spend time with you Steve, but if he wants to.... its something we can discuss. Look i really need to get home, bye Steve".
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Saving grace tags:
@jennmurawski13 @kenzieam @captainchrisstan
@s-t-r-i-k-e-us @lets--be-honest
@ms-betsy-fangirl @damnaged-princess
@farfromtommy @disneylovingal @lbuck121
@billweasleey @rynabarnesrogers
@heathens-takeitsl0w @lacontroller1991
@supervengerslock @barnesandrogersworld
@mariswritingforfun @perpetually-tuned-out
@thummbelina @marvelousstyles
@broco8 @ineffableg-irl
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Love Isn’t Always On Time Part Twenty Five
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist Notes: These next few chapters are gonna be kinda Steve-heavy due to the nature of the MCU Not beta-read Warnings: Mentions of sexy times; some cursing. Summary: 

 I could hear Fury’s voice in my head, his warnings before I went on my mission: ‘Ripples’. 
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“It took you long enough to get down here.” I’d been on the end of many of Natasha’s critical side-eyes, but this was a whole new level of intensity. Steve had gone to the bar to get us another round, but it was busy, and he wasn’t about to cash in on his fame to cut the line. I looked back at him, at his hunched, rounded shoulders, trying to blend in like he used to. “I didn’t think he wanted me here. I wanted to give him space,” I said. Natasha nodded, setting her water down. “I understand it, even if I didn’t like it. He was pouting.” “He’s so cute when he pouts,” I mumbled. I sighed, resting my head on my hand.
“I went to go see Peggy,” I told Natasha. She raised a brow. “You used to never be one to reopen old wounds,” She commented. “Peggy wasn’t a wound, in any respect. I only wish I’d gotten to see her sooner,” I admitted. I’d cried as soon as the visit was over, before I could even get out of the building - just stopped in the hallway and wept. She was still the Peggy I knew, and she’d been so happy to see me, but in her fits, well. She was happy to see me over and over again. It was strange, though. I had met her once, when I’d just started out in S.H.I.E.L.D, before I had gone back in time. I reminded her during my visit that morning, and though she could recall every detail of the circumstance perfectly, she couldn’t remember me there at all. I could hear Fury’s voice in my head, his warnings before I went on my mission: ‘Ripples’. “How long do you think it’ll take you to get settled down here?” Natasha asked. I shrugged. “I don’t know, few weeks. Why?” Natasha cast another look to Steve before turning to face me fully. “Because I have a ... Job that you might be interested in.” “A job?” “Something similar to what you used to do.” I was quiet for a moment, eyes narrowing. “I see...And does Nicholas know that you’re asking me for assistance?” “Not strictly.” “Not strictly means not at all.” The glint in Natasha’s eye told me I was right. “Just think about it.” “I don’t know if I want to get back in the game, Nat.” “Bullshit-- Hang on, here’s what’s going to happen next: you’re going to tell me that you’re enjoying tending bar, and then your nose is going to grow six inches.” I leaned back in my seat, folding my arms. “Whatever you’re going to try and get me in on-- unsuccessfully, by the way-- won’t just piss off the guy in charge, it’ll put your job in danger.” I lowered my voice, leaning in. “I’m technically a civilian now,” I reminded her. “And it’s driving you crazy. Hill told me about what you’ve been getting up to.” I felt my face go red. Had I been helping Hill informally on cases? Yes. Had I expected her to tell anybody? Definitely not; she’d be in as much trouble as I would be if Fury ever found out. But Hill and Natasha were thick as thieves, and shared a love of rule breaking. I was pulled from my thoughts when Steve set a beer down in front of me. “Thanks,” I said, smiling. Natasha echoed it as he passed her a beer as well. “So, what did I miss?” Steve asked, looking between us. I cocked my head to the side, waiting for Natasha to answer. She smiled. “Nothing. We were just talking about work.” -- “Babydoll?” I didn’t answer at first. I finally managed a questioning little hum, unwilling to open my eyes and wake all the way up. “That all I’m gonna get from you?” Steve laughed. I felt the bed dip as he settled in beside me. His lips skimmed my bare shoulder as his hand settled on the curve of my hip, warm through the sheets that were covering me. “...You wore me out last night, Rogers,” I informed him sleepily, pushing my hip up into his hand, chasing his touch. I felt him smile against my shoulder. “Told you I missed you,” He teased. I chuckled, finally opening my eyes to look at him. I frowned at the sight, however. “Why are you dressed?” “I’m heading down to the VA. Told a friend I’d check it out.” My brows rose. “Steven Grant Rogers, you’re making friends?” I asked, feigning shock. “Don’t be a smart ass,” He laughed before he leaned down, kissing me warmly. I looped an arm around his neck, keeping him close. “m gonna be late,” Steve murmured. I nodded, letting my arm go slack so he could pull away. “Have a good time,” I yawned widely, barely able to form the words. He laughed, standing. “I’ll bring back lunch,” He promised. “And that’s why I love ya.” Steve swooped in for one more long, toe-curling kiss. “I love you, too,” He murmured. He pecked my lips once more before straightening up. “Stop staring at my ass,” He added as he left. “Stop having such a nice one,” I countered. I heard him laugh before he closed the door.
Tag List: @gloryevans @redryderdesigns @winter-scolder @aactuaaltraash @secretagentben @staplerrrr @elliee1497​ @adayinmymeadow  @allonszassbutt @mannls @witch-of-letters  @niallssweetheart22 @uneniffler  @rinthehufflepuff @panic-angel3314  @firstangeldragonranch @kaetastic @mcuwillbethedeathofme @skeletoresinthebasement @i-dont-know-what-im-doing-yay @kkaos15 @iiamnotoverlyfondofwhatfollows  @bassclarinety @tomshelbystits @rvgrsbrns @marvelmenarebeautiful @tenaciousperfectionunknown​
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Melody (S.W.A.L.K) 1971 Livewatch
I have seen this movie. but not the whole thing (i got interupped the first time i watched it)... so here goes! 
movie load please
20 seconds of logos???
guitar song™
this movie is so nostalgic for no reason
Mark Lester and Jack Wild: did you mean, Oliver Twist and The Artful Dodger?
and tracy hyde shes here too
i love this movie sm wtf
can these credits end????
ok yes they can
70s film marching band scene
ornshaw drinking whiskey before band bc why not
danny is bby
mY mOtHeR dId It SiR
dannys mum is so annoying wtf
i really love tom ornshaw
run bitch run
The BB™
look at his lil face ❤
a gowdfish please
aww look at her 
“ive done all those things i wanna try something new” LIKE DRAWING TIDDIES? DANIEL
“ah a boy gave it to me at school” was it ornshaw, i bet it was ornshaw
melody girl you cant play that fucking recorder
this film has great cinematography wtf
Melody Perkins Deserves The World !!
the gang go to school
Ornshaw Gets Bullied
“the jewish boys may now leave for private study” what about the jewish girls?? there’s clearly girls in the class?? why do they have to listen to the bible
ornshaw’s porn bible
dont smoke at school kids
okay so shes peggy, why is she credited as maureen. who the fuck is maureen
hear me out, muriel is a lesbian. noone kisses for over five minutes unless youre proper horny and this bitch is like thirteen. she also says “i dont know, i never used to kiss boys”, because SHE DOESNT. shes lying because she doesnt kiss boys. shes closeted and thats whys she says she does. also, she got angry at peggy for saying she fancied a boy.
“saucy turtles make terrible bathmats, charley” okay okay jeez
ornshaws accent is everything
The Gang sneaking through the fence what will they do
uh oh danny
thats def gonna explode later
ornshaw gets kicked off the bus
but now hes on it
ornshaw and danny have such a wholesome friendship too bad melody ruins it oh wait
you’ve heared of ornshaw gets kicked off the bus now get ready for... ornshaw gets kicked out of the strip club!
you cant get a taxi!!! watch me hoe
where did ornshaw get the chewing gum from wtf
“shes always talking about people like you...” OH OKAY DANNYS MUM IS CLASSIST
“he could do with a heart attack!” WOAH OKAY
time skip to school
oh no danny’s seen melody
“we have three admirers of the dance!” ah shit
ah so maureen is the girl in green
why is ornshaw just standing there
the girl gang is hilarious i love them
Muriel Kisses A Tombstone
uh oh dannys been found out
ornshaw just yeeted his cat
i hate dannys mother sm
assembly time, an iconic part of british comprehensive school, since covid, i cant say i miss it
danny and melody !!
melody and her friend are there because plot
melody sweetie baby i love you but you cant play the recorder
this is cute as fuck
melody is babey
oh explosives time??
i just dubbed these kids ornshaw and the pyrotechnics crew and it fits
dannys parents are annoying
i quite literally hate them
melody girl are you okay
melody are you lying about getting raped
oh time skip to school
we’ve hardly seen ornshaws home life so when will we properly meet him??
god i fucking love ornshaw its mad
oh this is an iconic scene if there ever was one
“go on tom dance with her” oh the ONE TIME ornshaw is called by his first name
youre mad !!
“girls are a load of snotty nose little so and sos” ornshaw aro king
is ornshaw.. scared of women
whatddya mean i dont dance very well!?
is it bad i lowkey crackship peggy and ornshaw now
no one:
ornshaw: kicks peggy in the shin because he cant dance
“you big fat fool” yikes
danny u ok
oh it worked for once
i feel so fucking sorry for melody wtf
bb 🥺
im at the bit where melody is crying while putting on her mothers makeup 
this film is so fast were already an hour in!
ornshaw giving actually solid life advice?? are you sure this is the same movie
“you youre gonna be bloody useless!”
i literally love ornshaw so much 
time skip to school 3982903843290
wtf is a young latin scholars book
not ass latimer, arse
i hate the latin teacher
ornshaw every second: right uh erm um uh so yes sir oh uh mhm
*ornshaw and danny shoving pillows up their underwear*
“dont worry about it!!” dude hes getting spanked by the latin teacher ofc hes gonna worry about it
ornshaw and latimah
“vacate your mouth”
“because its a silly out of date language sir!!!” hes not wrong
uh oh 
what will slapping ornshaw’s ass with a dap even gonna do???
oh hi melody forgot about you
“cmon danny dont let her see you cry!” i want a friend like ornshaw man
“you can buzz off now love, tara, tooduhloo” have i said i love ornshaw? because i love ornshaw
danny dont abandon ornshaw !!
oh this is sad
danny? danny?? danny!!!??? DANNY!!?? 🥺🥺🥺
ive felt sorry for literally all three of these kids now
ah fuck now ornshaws having a mental breakdown in the school halls
danny and melody’s relationship is so innocent and wholesome 
this is literally so bittersweet, like we’re seeing danny and melody being all cute and happy but we know that back in school ornshaw is literally having a breakdown over them
im tearing up over a movie about schoolchildren in puppy love
“will you love me that long?” “of course! ive loved you a whole week already!”
“hes come to tea! his name is daniel!” melody hes not your pet
melodys dad seems so cool why was he arrested
i genuinely love melody’s dad 
melody dramatically eats toast
time skip to school AGAIN
melody and danny are out on a date having fun and its the same song playing as the scene earlier on when danny and ornshaw went off somewhere at the start of the movie, melody has quite literally replaced ornshaw
i have real tears rn 
they skipped school to go to weymouth
danny and melody are literally adorable man
“shall we get married?” arent yall like 12????
oh back to school they got in trouble for skipping
apparently the poor cast got spanked for real and like yikes
we want to get married :D
leave danny alone!
leave melody alone!
ornshaw please stop
ornshaw stop taunting him this is gonna end shittily
okay now ornshaw is literally beating him up okay
danny this is your fault for ditching him for melody sorry
top ten best anime fight scenes
latin man is back because plot
i’m sorry danny 😭😭
let melody and danny get married!
wait so if 20 is twice as old as her then shes.. ten?? i think
melody ily
“all i want to do is be happy” BABY
ornshaws unnamed friend is the true hero of this movie
is this the movie climax???
run! ornshaws unnamed friend! run!
“we are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony.. shaddup”
“DICKS IS COMING!!!” as soon as they were getting the rings
RUN !!!!
ornshaw just threw the bible at his re teacher from the re scene at the start i love him
name a more iconic trio than melody perkins, danny latimer, and tom ornshaw, i’ll wait
“i’ll get you ornshaw!” dude how is this his fault its yours for unterupting the wedding latin man
again ouf is the true movie hero
wait latin man is dicks??? whos wannabe remus lupin then????
this just in: ouf is actually named stacey
oh god thats actually such a bittersweet ending
melody and danny trolleying off into the sunset
im actually crying like a baby rn
god that was such a good movie
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