#‘i like your wallpaper’ ‘oh thank you’ ‘it’s felix right’ ‘you know who he is’ ‘ yeah i do’ *shows her my bracelet that says stay*
ashitshowforalot · 1 year
collecting irl stays slowly by being nosy and building up my courage to talk and the strength to cringe at awkwardness later
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strayneoct · 4 years
My best friend.
yandere!Felix x reader
warning: violence, stalking, slight cursing
  “y/n truth or dare?” Your best friend Felix asked, you guys were playing a spontaneous round of truth or dare after your little movie marathon. “Truth.” You responded rather monotone- Felix smiled after the word left your lips. He looked at you smugly and raised his eyebrow, “Good choice my dear, dear friend.” He said, smirking. “Did you ever sleep with your oh-so-pretty boy, Chris?” This question took you off guard, which led to you choking on your Capri Sun that you were currently drinking. “FELIX, OH MY GOD,” you exclaimed in shock. The boy next to you just laughed at your reaction while waiting for the answer that you had yet to tell him. “I... um…”you started, “I guess?” You said unsure, Felix looked beyond confused by your answer. “What do you mean ‘you guess’?” You looked at him in a shy manner and let out a deep sigh. “Nothing major happened, we made out and got a bit handsy. We got tired after some time and he stayed over. So I guess we slept but not with each other, you know?” Felix looked skeptical and displeased with what you said. Was he really that disappointed that nothing happened? Or is he being like this because of another reason? “What? Why are you making that face?” You asked the boy who was now moving a bit away from you. “Nothing, I just didn’t expect that. I thought you were too vanilla for that stuff. Anyway, let’s move on. I believe it was your turn to ask me.” You were slightly offended by his statement. “Vanilla? Me? Doesn’t he know me at all?” You thought to yourself, but since he seemed so eager to change the topic you just moved on from it. “Okay, fine. Truth or dare?”
   “Dare!” he said excitedly.
   “Mhm, I dare you to send the girl you are crushing on a picture of your abs.” You said smugly, now it was Felix’ turn to look shocked. “You can’t do that, I look like shit right now. This is not fair”. You just shrugged and retorted, “Sorry, Lix but I don’t make the rules. You have to! Be grateful that I didn’t say to send her your nudes.” “Alright- just you wait. I’ll get you back in the next round. Ahhh, this is so mean. I’m gonna go to the bathroom first and freshen up, since I look like trash.” You only laughed at that and gave him a thumbs up.  
  You started to feel a little sting in your chest when he vanished to the restrooms. You still couldn’t really comprehend Felix having a crush on someone. He was talking a lot about them within the last few weeks. To be perfectly honest, you were a bit jealous, but you would never tell him that. You always thought that you two would be together, so there was never another person in the picture. Sure, you kinda went on a date with your classmate last weekend, but you had no interest in him or whatsoever. You never thought of any other boys, the crushes that you’ve had were nothing special. It would always last for a few days or maybe even a few weeks. It seemed like- the more time you spent with Felix, the more you could see yourself together with him. You only went on a date with your classmate, Chris, because your other friends forced you. They wanted you to get “laid” because apparently you started to get more annoying and cranky day by day.
  Felix was never really a fan of the idea, but you never thought much of it. You assumed that he’s just protective over you. It hurt a bit that Felix only saw you as just a friend- or even a sister, because you always felt this weird feeling when you’re with him. Having no idea what the feeling is supposed to mean and you still need some time to figure it out. But you know for sure that you will always love Felix, no matter what type of love. All you want is to have him by your side and the knowledge that you’ll always be together, either as friends or maybe even more.
  After your train of thoughts, you start to entertain yourself until Felix comes back so guys continue with your silly game. You turned on some soft music from your favourite playlist to keep yourself company. The boy took a little longer than you expected, so you grabbed his phone to surprise him with some funny pictures of yourself while you waited. You took his phone with the familiar phone case you got him for his birthday and smashed in his passcode. “Huh, what’s this?” You said out loud. His phone wasn't unlocking. “Did he change his passcode? But why?” You tried to unlock the phone several times but to no avail. Is Felix hiding something? Would he really have any secrets from you? What would be so bad that he would change his passcode and hide it from you?
 Curiosity suddenly hit you like a truck. You tried to think of different things the code could be. His mother’s birthday. The day when his first pet passed away. Nothing worked. You ended up typing in your birthday and to your surprise, it unlocked. After a little victory dance, you began to think of where he could’ve hid something from you. Before you started to look at his messages, you noticed a photo of yourself that you’ve never seen before. It was a picture of you sleeping in his bed, cuddling one of his beloved plushies. At first you were a bit startled- but you shrugged it off, he is your best friend and best friends take random pictures of each other all the time, right? Your heart started to swell up at the thought that Felix loved and cherished you and your friendship so much that he put you as his wallpaper.
“I bet he was texting someone about something” You whispered to yourself, but you suddenly stopped. “I can’t do this. I can’t just invade his privacy like that. Maybe he had a surprise for me and changed his passcode? Mhm…I have to trust him. Maybe he’ll tell me what’s up when I mention it?” You thought. After a second thought you pressed on the camera app. You decided that you should just trust him and wait for him to be ready to tell whatever he is hiding and then started to take some selfies. You took a bunch of photos with silly faces, laughing to yourself. It made you happy to see that you gained a bit of confidence and that you’re starting to be more happy and satisfied with how you looked.
 A few minutes passed and you got bored of taking selfies, so you decided to go to his gallery and delete the ones that were a bit ugly or blurry. Opening his gallery, something immediately caught your eye. It was a folder that had your name as the title. Suddenly you felt this weird feeling again. It felt so odd, you couldn’t even describe it. Maybe it had something to do with the folder? It started when you saw it, so maybe if you look into it, you’ll figure it out? You eagerly opened the folder. It held a lot of random photos of you. At first you found it really sweet and cute. But the more you scrolled, the weirder it got: there were pictures of you going out with other friends, when you were grocery shopping, at school, at work, even from outside your window. Even photos of you while changing… “What the hell is this?” You thought, you kept on scrolling through the folder and felt unsafe.
 Why does he have all this? Where did he get it from? Did he take these himself? All those thoughts made you feel dizzy. You found a picture of yourself in your room while you were… Oh my god. This is way too creepy for you to wrap your head around. With shaky hands, you closed his gallery and started to dig even deeper into his phone. There was an app called live camera that made you curious. You tapped on it and it opened. The app showed you live videos of every corner of your apartment. Your room, your bathroom, the kitchen, even the damn walk-in closet. You saw Felix being filmed in your bathroom. He was looking through all your laundry and started sniffing it. You can feel yourself starting to panic more and more. All you wanted to do is get out of here now, even if this was your apartment, you needed to get out as fast as possible.
 “What are you doing?” You heard his familiar voice say. You froze up immediately. How come you didn’t even notice that he left the bathroom? Was the app delayed? It doesn’t matter to you right now. All you wanted was to find a way to get out. “Uh… I wanted to take some selfies because I got bored. You took way too long, What were you even doing?” The boy in front of you suddenly looked nervous. “I washed my hair because it looked kinda oily, hope that was okay.” He lied. You never thought that he’d ever lie to you, but after what you saw, this isn’t a surprise anymore. He sat down and went to grab his phone. “WAIT,” you exclaimed. Felix halted and looked at you, puzzled. “You know, I’m kinda tired right now, let’s just go to bed and continue this tomorrow. You can give me your phone, I can go charge it for you.” He simply declined and put it in his pocket. “Fine, let’s go to bed then. I know that you need your beauty sleep, so let’s go. Do you wanna change first? I can go change in the bathroom if you want.” He suggested. This was it. This was your chance. You can get out when he’s changing. “Yeah I’ll go change in my room and you can change in the bathroom”. Felix just smiled. You stood up and went to your room as fast as possible. The moment you closed the door you started to panic again. Fetching your phone out of your back pocket, you started to type a message to your friend Chris and asked him if you could come over. Thankfully the boy responded after seconds, thank god for his insomnia. After reading his confirmation, you rushed to pack some clothes and put on your shoes.
  Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and looked around to see if he was already done. To your luck he seemed to still be in the bathroom. You tippy toed to your front door and grabbed the doorknob. SLAM, the moment you opened the door, you felt a strong force that shut it as fast as you opened it. “Where do you think you are going?” At this point you were scared for your life. “My mom texted me, something happened and I need to be there now. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” you quickly came up with this lousy excuse. “At 2am?”, he asked. All you did was shrug. “You know, my phone takes pictures of people that use the app right?” He said casually, your eyes widened. He saw you grab your stuff. He looked at his phone. How could you forget the cameras that he installed? You felt his hand wrap around your arm and he dragged you to your room and locked it. “Let’s have some fun…” was the last thing he said before locking the door. This is a Felix that you never expected to see. In a matter of seconds, he became your worst nightmare.
This was the first time that I ever wrote a fic, so I hope you guys liked it 🥺
also big thanks to my friend Harlie for correcting my grammar haha ily
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rreeaahh · 4 years
Noble Chantage | Fred Weasley (01)
CHAPTER 1 - “Everything is fine”
WORD COUNT - 4,257; wrote in first person perspective, because i thought it’ll be easier to connect with the character and it’ll make it more personal for you, guys.
SUMMARY - Nothing in a life of a Pureblood goes as it’s expected.
WARNINGS - none i can think of.
TAGLIST (message me if you want to be added) - @lucymfer @prongsyy @famdomhideout @anywherebuthere
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“Mat’, I can’t find my earrings!” I shouted while walking in my room, to the door and then to the window, worrying like crazy about a small thing like a lost pair of earrings – they were a birthday gift from my parents when I became a Hogwarts student. Silver with green and shinny little stones, that pair of earrings was meant to show my parents’ pride to have another child sorted into the House of Salazar Slytherin, like the whole family.
Nispy, the house elf who had been looking after me since I was a little girl, was walking behind me and repeating: “Nispy didn’t lose them, Miss, Nispy was careful with them,” but I barely heard her because of my own thoughts.
I wouldn’t be so concerned about some lost jewelry, the box on my beauty-table being full of them, but I was in a rush – the ball my family was hosting was ready to begin and I had no time to lose, searching them. The door was open and my mother came in, already dressed and styled, an angry look on her face.
“What in the name of Koschei are you doing, Y/N?’ she asked in her deep Russian accent, which made her somehow more mad than I already did, ‘The guests will be here in any minute and you’re not ready.”
Ignoring the urge to roll my eyes at her, I preferred to have an apologetic face, nearly ashamed. “I really am sorry, mat’, I just can’t find the emerald earrings you and papa gave me when I got my letter, I know how much you liked those,” I told her in a whisper, my head down, looking at the tip of my black shoes.
I could hear her sigh, then footsteps which leaded to my jewelry box, starting to search for them – that made me scared; she always find whatever I lose and then she’s even angrier.
“Those ones?” she spoke and when my eyes went in her direction, she was holding them between her thumb and pointing finger, both of them decorated in golden rings. Anastasia Rosier always wore gold and never silver, like the rest of the family, because she was a proud woman from Russia, from a rich family and she always wanted to keep that in people’s eyes.
“Yes, mat’,” I smiled and approached her, observing how her eyes lighten up when I said the word she wanted me to call her. It was a little strange to call her by the Russian term of the word ‘mother’, while my father preferred the French version, but that applied only between us. “Thank you,” I said and she smiled, putting a strand of hair which was falling from my sophisticated bun behind my ear, and then helping me put the jewelry in my ears.
“You’re beautiful, darling,” she told me with honesty in her voice. I looked at myself in the mirror and I could only agree with her – the dark green dress, laced with black flowers on its hem, was hugging my chest and waist perfectly while the emerald jewelry was making my guise more precious. My mother was very proud every time she was looking at me – I was her greatest pride, as she always reminded me, being careful not to be heard by my elder brother, Felix.
“Come on, your father and brother are probably waiting for us downstairs already,” she told me, heading out of my room. “Oh,’ she said looking back, ‘and Nispy, I also want you to come down, you’re going to serve the guests appetizers.”
“Yes, Madam,” the elf responded, hurrying to follow her out of my room.
I glanced for the last time in my room, to the four walls full of book shelves and paintings made by me and my mother. The room gave me a feeling of comfort every time I was in there, but the rest of the house seemed always to be cold and strange, like it wasn’t the place where I lived since I was born.
Despite of my parents foreign roots, I always lived in England, in a house at the river bank, with a big garden and a lot of flowers – ironically, most of them being roses. I never felt isolated from the rest of the world because of this type of events – even before going to Hogwarts, I met a lot of kids who were like me at Merlin knows what ball or what wedding or whatsoever; I grew up being surrounded by purebloods and I was raised to respect them to a point: they are my equals, not my superiors; I actually could consider myself superior, given the wealthy situation of my family and the title of ‘The Noble and Most Ancient House of Rosier’.
The long hall had a floral wallpaper and dark floor, which made the room seem very old, as the whole house did, in fact. Merlin knows how many generations lived here before me, because despite of the Family Tapestry, I never counted all the names. I only knew that I had a lot of reasons to feel watched when I would walk around, because of all the portraits hanged on the walls. Actually, this little party was thrown to celebrate the new painting my family asked a famous painter to make and also the restoration of all the paintings in the entire house – so, many, many portraits.
I went down the left steps while my mother went on the right side, both of us reaching the middle, where my father and Felix were waiting for us. On the ground floor, where my parents wanted to have a little space for a dance ring, where a lot of people, all of them familiar faces I’d recognize as being Purebloods, their children being my housemates and some of them classmates, roommates or even friends – distant relatives, short said.
“Welcome, friends!” the voice of my father was heard, making the crowd stop chatting. “It’s a pleasure to see you all here, celebrating with us a big joy for our family,’ he smiled and my mother shared his feelings, ‘Tonight is the moment we all will see the last generation of Rosiers, all together!” he announced and I looked at him with big eyes, but I went all smiley fast enough for nobody to see. The look on my mother’s face was blank, emotionless, and I started to feel strange. “Let’s party properly!” my father continued, raising his left arm and encouraging the people to go back to whatever they were doing.
I gently grabbed Felix’s arm, the material of his suit being soft at touch and both of us starting to go down the marble stair, all the eyes in the entire room on the Rosier family. I putted on my happiest smile, because I was a star, after all. Everybody knew my name and considered me to have the life everybody wished for. I already knew all the women were admiring my dress and jewelry, the girls my age probably being jealous for the way I looked.
“I think aunt Tatiana will be happy to see you, Y/N,” my brother told me when we were at the base of the stairs, and I looked up at him, confused.
“She came here all the way from Russia?”
He nodded, making me scan the room, looking at the alcohol table to search her – after my cousin’s imprisoning, she found a little happiness in strong drinks. I couldn’t blame her.
“But before that, prepare to be nice – the Malfoys are coming our way,” he rolled his eyes, looking behind me.
“Felix, Y/N,” spoke my mother, beside her being my cousin Narcissa and her family, “Look who’s here with us!”
She absolutely loved Narcissa, as you also did – Cissy was by far my favorite cousin: she was kind and funny but also she gave me that ‘older sister’ feeling, which I absolutely appreciated. It’s true that it wasn’t hard to be the favorite cousin, considering the rest of them were dead, imprisoned or – worst – banished. What I didn’t like when it came to Narcissa, was the man she married – Lucius Malfoy always gave me a bad feeling, but I kept it to myself.
“Good evening, Narcissa,’ my brother greeted her, kissing the back of her hand like our father told him to do at this kind of events, ‘Lucius,” he said while shaking his hand, the older man having a bright smile on his lips. My brother also greeted Draco, who grew up taller than me, something that made me realized I haven’t see him the entire summer.
“Look at you, Y/N,’ Narcissa smiled while she dragged me into a tight hug, ‘you’re absolutely gorgeous! I love the dress and, oh, the earrings darling!”
“You’re beautiful too, Cissy,” I smiled to her but my smile lost its shine as soon as I felt her husband’s hand grabbing mine.
“Don’t be shy, Y/N,’ he told me, ‘you heard your father, tonight is about you,” he reminded me, kissing the back of my hand – something he never did before, no matter the circumstances; and it was something that scared me. If he kissed my hand it meant that he sees me as a woman, not a child anymore.
I tried to play it cool, to nod my head in agreement and look at my mother, who was already gone talking to the Goyle spouses. Felix had hard feelings for both Narcissa and Lucius, but he had no problem with Draco. Feeling my anxiety he touched my back and smiled politely.
“Sister, why don’t you show Draco the new piano I got you from Russia?”
Felix worked in Russia in the name of the Vulchanov family, managing the house my grandparents lived in. He always got me presents when he came back to England, to make up for the fact that he and my parents didn’t want me to visit him there.
“Of course, Felix,’ I also smiled up to him, thanking him that he got me rid of an embarrassing situation, ‘Follow me, Draco,” I asked and started to walk to the middle of the room, making my way in the crowd.
“What was that?” he asked, trying to keep up with me.
I looked at him only after I reached the wooden black piano, which had my name scratched on its surface. Draco Malfoy looked exactly like his father – the blonde hair, pale skin and icy blue eyes; but something in him reminded me of Narcissa, because under the coldness of his stare, I’d always see some warm. That warm was still present then, after a long time when we hadn’t see each other, mainly because of our parents, who were very occupied. Mine more than usual, actually.
“Nothing,’ I smiled casually, hiding the fact that his father crept me out, ‘I’m just nervous about this night.”
Draco raised his brows at me but decided to forget it, acting like he believed me. “What did your father mean?’ he asked, ‘All together?”
Sighing, I rested my hand on the piano. “I have no idea, kid.”
He wanted to hiss at me for calling him like that, but he was interrupted by the music. A dancing melody filled the room, the piano and violin sounds pairing together and resulting a beautiful song – I would recognize it as my mother’s favorite, the one she always asked me and Felix to play together when we were little. A lot of time had passed since me and my brother played together, side by side, but I had to accept the idea that him and I were on different paths.
“Let’s dance,” I asked Draco who wanted to refuse me, but I already was dragging him to the dance floor, in the middle of the crowd.
I made a bow, like I was taught, and Draco took my hand in his, his other hand resting on my back while mine was on his shoulder. We started to dance and I knew we were watched because I’d see them when Draco was spinning me like a ballerina. The dress was fluttering with every move I was making and the room was filled with laughs and joy, everybody starting to have a good time.
“Could I steal your partner?” Adrian Pucey asked behind Draco, Pansy Parkinson having her hand around his arm.
Pansy greeted me with her eyes, the envy being obvious but still good hidden. The Parkinsons were on a lower level, as my father said once, so the girl’s hard feelings for me were somehow logical. My cousin’s son glanced at me like he asked my approval, even if in fact he was the one who could tell the answer – the men decide for the women in this world, and sometimes it’s exhausting me.
“It’d be a pleasure to dance with you, Adrian,” I smiled when Draco stood still, but he let go of my hand and Pansy smiled before taking my place.
My classmate gently grabbed me, his hands having more experience than Draco’s. He pulled me closer and started to take me to the edge of the dance ring, where the people were fewer and the music was quieter.
“I missed your face, Rosier,” Adrian started his speech. “You barely answered my owls.”
“I was very busy this summer, Pucey,’ I laughed, ‘I’ve been to France and then I had a lot of things to do.”
“Like ignoring me?”
I wanted so hard to roll my eyes and tell him to let me be, but the thought of embarrassing my parents in front of the Pucey family was keeping me back.
“Like doing girl stuff, Adrian,” I smiled and continued to dance slower to the music. I knew Adrian was interested in me, but I couldn’t respond to his overtures because of many reasons.
“Then I’m glad school’s starting next week,” he said and traced his fingers up and down my back, giving me goosebumps.
“Only two days until we’ll both be drown in homework and essays.”
He sighed and smirked, “No, darling, two more days until the best year of our lives.”
“What makes you so sure?” I raised my brow as he simply shrugged.
“I have a feeling.”
“Attention, please!” spoke my mother from the end of the stairs, my father being beside her, with his arm around her waist.
“The time had come,’ he announced as a lot of paintings started to float around the room, the crowd clapping, ‘Take a look at the old generations of Rosiers!”
I pulled away from Adrian, his hand still on my back as we looked at the family portraits. I’d recognized a painting of my father and his sister, Druella, when they were still in school, the green ties around their necks. Other family members, many of them dead before I could meet them, were also present through the paintings.
“Is that you?” Adrian whispered, pointing to a portrait who was restored.
I chuckled. “No, that’s my grandmother, Florinda.”
The boy seemed to be confused as he looked at me, at the painting and then at me again. “You two look identical.”
“We look alike,’ I agreed, ‘and I also got her wand when I could perform magic.”
The fact that I was one of the very few kids in the entire Hogwarts with a hand-down wand was strange in many opinion. But the wand wasn’t mine because we couldn’t afford a new one, as some thought when I got it, it’s because it’s a family tradition to have the wand of a death relative – a wand fromm your family, a wand which chooses you.
“And now,’ spoke Anselm Rosier, ‘let me present you the newest painting of my family; something me and my wife, Anastasia, love very much: our children. The Rosier brothers and their little sister!”
I could feel the emotions in my father’s voice but I was left dry as soon as I saw the big frame in the air, above my parents. Me, in a white beautiful dress, with precious jewelry around my neck and fingers, standing on a piano chair, as three boys were behind me: Evan on my left, Felix in the middle and Boniface on my right, all of them having their hands on my shoulders, like they’d be protecting me. We were all smiling bright and the portrait felt like my biggest desire and my biggest nightmare at the same time – even if I saw two of my elder brothers only in paintings, I knew the older versions of them were how they should look like by now. My heart was racing like crazy and only the touch of Adrian reminded me where I was and how I should act.
“Are you ok, Y/N?” he asked, worried.
“Yes, only surprised,” I half lied – it was a surprised but I wasn’t ok at all. But that have been my life since forever: lie with a smile on will make things better.
The people started to leave our house one by one and near midnight there where only some close family friends. I was talking to Theodore Nott and Draco about some books they’ll need in Transfiguration while Adrian and Marcus were on my couch, talking to my brother about Quidditch, all of them loving that sport.
“Excuse me for a moment, boys,” I asked them and I grabbed the hem of my dress to make walking easier, having in mind to ask Nispy for a glass of water. But on my way to kitchen I’ve changed my mind, going to the east wing of the house, the place where was my father’s office, the library and the room of my family’s tapestry, along with all the paintings.
The hall was dark, some candles hanged on the walls to light the way. I opened the room where my mother usually paints, the smell of tincture and oil entering my nose and slightly burning it. On a stand was the portrait of me and my brothers, calling me, asking me to come and look at it.
So I did – I went in front of it and I stared at it for many minutes until I realized the existence of tears in my eyes. The fact that I’ve never properly knew Evan and Boni made me want to scream in that moment – mat’ never spoke of them and papa only told me minimal information: how they died, when they died and how they were before the tragedy – smart, bold, cunning, brave, polite; they were everything I couldn’t have, the only thing I could only dream of.
“A lady like you shouldn’t be crying.”
I shuddered and looked behind me, where in the door frame Lucius Malfoy was standing.
“A gentleman shouldn’t stalk a girl.”
It was the first time when I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and my head down in front of an adult – this should be an intimate moment and that blonde git is ruining it.
“You don’t understand, Y/N,’ he laughed, ‘You’re not a little girl anymore. How old are you? Sixteen? Seventeen?”
I didn’t answer him; I was going to be seventeen that year.
“You’re a woman from now on, so act like one. I talked to your father and we both agreed that it’s not a bad idea to make sure you’re on your best behavior; so Draco will help us with it.”
I thought about Lucius’ words the entire night – I couldn’t sleep the entire weekend and I was looking at my papa, hoping he’ll tell me something about it, but he never did. I asked Nispy about it but Tondy, the other house elf, refused to talk to her about what he heard in his Master’s office.
Packing my stuff was always a burden, because I never knew what to bring along with me at Hogwarts – I needed to keep in mind the school’s rules but also be sure I have the best options. I was wearing a black skirt and a grey blouse when I came to the train station, my mat’ and Felix entering the platform 9 ¾ along with me.
“Are you sure you have enough warm clothes?” mat’ asked again and I looked at the three suitcases, wondering the same thing.
“I think she’s good, mat’,” Felix smiled and putted his hand on her shoulder.
My eyes were unconscious looking for a certain person and I didn’t realized it until my brother spoke again.
“Are you looking for that Pucey boy?”
“No,” I rushed to answer, casting mat’s attention.
“His father was talking to yours, Friday – something about how the boy’s interested in you for marriage, one day.”
My mouth dropped and I’m sure my eyes were twice wider. Feeling my fear, Felix continued:
“Papa told him they’ll see.”
That was calming me down a little – that was papa’s expression for when he wasn’t very interested in the subject.
“But he’s a good boy,” mat’ continued and I was never that happy to hear the train’s whistling in my entire life.
“I got to go,” I told her after I hugged Felix tight, already feeling how much I’ll miss him until Christmas. “I’ll write you when I get there, mat’,” I reminded her when she didn’t seem to want to let go of me.
“Take care, my precious,” she whispered before I could pull away, getting on the train and waving them goodbye.
As soon as I got into an empty compartment the train started to move, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
‘Evan died a venerable death,’ told me Lucius Malfoy Friday night, when he looked to the portrait.
All I knew about Evan’s death was the Dark Mark he had on his arm, and that was enough for me. I loved my brother very much, that’s a reason I never wanted to think about what he did in his living years.
“All by yourself?” asked Draco before entering the compartment with Theodore and Blaise.
“Not anymore,” I laughed and welcomed them in. They were all taller now, making me feel little despite of the two years gap between us.
They were all like some little brothers even if only Draco was directly related to me. The thing in this house, Slytherin, is that we’re all a nig family – it’s the only place I know I won’t be betrayed. But I feel like betraying them every time I’m sneaking around to see someone outside our house.
“I’ll be right back, boys,” I told them before leaving, happy to see the lady who carried sweets going to the compartment I left.
The train was moving fast, making me feel like walking on ice – careful and slow, a little Gryffindor nearly knocking me down when he passed by me with a camera in his hands. I recognized him as the boy who published photos and spread gossip about everything around the Hogwarts – I don’t know his name, but I know he’s the reason the whole school knows a lot of crap about me and a lot of other people.
“Be careful, kid,” I spat the words in his face, his face going as  red as his robes.
“Sorry, Miss,” he whispered and I continued to walk away, he doing the same.
I couldn’t let a little Gryffindor ruin the enthusiasm who was building in my chest with every step I made – until a pair of hands grabbed my arms and pulled me inside a compartment, pulling the curtain.
“You could be more gentle, you know?” I asked the boy who was making my heart skip a beat, even if I wouldn’t admit it.
“But where would be the fun, sweetheart?” he responded, cupping my cheek and kissing my lips fast enough for me to not complain.
“I missed you.”
“You’re the one who doesn’t want us to write letters,” he laughed, mocking me.
The fear of my parents knowing about our link was stronger than my feelings and I had to admit it.
“And you know why,’ I sighed, ‘Friday we had a party and Adrian’s father told mine something about marriage,” I confessed, the stress taking control over me.
“Your father doesn’t like Adrian that much if I’m correct.”
“True,” I agreed and let his hands relax me.
“He doesn’t like me that much either,” he continued, kissing my neck gently.
“You’re lucky I like you,” I laughed, putting my hand around his neck.
“So you like me, after all.”
Even if we weren’t in an official relationship, I couldn’t deny that I liked him for real – but I wouldn’t say it out loud only because I’m scared.
I continued to enjoy his lips on my skin, and when he came back to my face, our lips centimeters away, I closed my eyes and waited for him to kiss me. In a fraction of a second a slight click was heard but the union of our lips made me ignore it. His hot tongue brushed my lower lip, asking for entrance, which I shyly gave him.
When we pulled apart I could swear I’ve seen a dark cloud of smoke fly faster than the train, giving me chills all over my body. I froze looking to the window, the air refusing to enter my lungs anymore.
“Y/N, are you ok?” he asked worried, and I prepared another lie, like I always did when he asked these type of questions. 
“Yeah, I’m ok, Cedric,’ I smiled, gathering his hand, ‘Everything is fine.”
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missinghan · 5 years
young & beautiful ⤖ lee felix
❖ genre : zombie apocalypse!au; punk! au
❖ word count : 13,1k.
❖ warning : explicit language, mentions of alcohol & violence 
❖ summary : you’ve always thought your soulmate was an idiot to not be there sooner but eventually, everything connects when it started with Lee Felix holding your best friend at gunpoint. 
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Jisung puffs his cheeks out and stares at his own reflection on the glass table. The bartender quickly comes back, pushing a tequila sunrise towards his direction. The boy takes an awful amount of time to study how the yellow, almost orange liquid bleeds into a deep red effortlessly. 
He shakes his bang away furiously, calling out for the bartender. “Uhm, I just ordered a Coke. Not this.” 
“Have a drink kid, it’s on me.”
He pushes the glass away. “No thanks.” 
“What kind of adult doesn’t drink alcohol in desperate times?” 
“Then what kind of bartender doesn’t run for his life when ravenous freaks are lurking the streets?”
The bartender tips his head back and laughs wholeheartedly. “Listen, kid. It’s either beating the shit out of someone or getting wasted to keep the little amount of sanity left on your mind. So I’m staying here for them alcoholics. Business is running low, not taking any risks.” He wipes his hand onto his white apron, throwing him a playful wink. “Call me if you need anything.” 
Jisung beams innocently. “Do you have a pencil? And paper too?”
“Jisung you can’t be serious, where are you?”
Minutes later, he’s starting to regret the questionable-looking sketch of a squirrel on the piece of paper that the bartender gave him. Instead, he presses the tip of the pencil harder onto the surface until it snaps in half, leaving the sharp wooden edges sticking out. He can kill the bartender with this if he decides to spike his drink, Jisung figures. He hesitantly brings the rim of the glass to his lips and takes the smallest sip possible. The burning sensation goes down his throat in matters of seconds. His entire windpipe feels like it’s on fire. 
“Hey, I need some water..” He chokes out as someone enters the bar. 
The bartender averts his gaze onto the new customer. “Cool, what about you?”
The unfamiliar figure sits beside him, murmuring. “I’m not here for the drinks, but him.” 
The bartender looks confused. “A water it is then?”
Jisung’s head starts spinning slightly, dizziness bubbling up inside his chest. He hiccups with the pencil held between his fingers. Something’s wrong with this man. He needs to get out of here, now. “Sorry, I don’t feel too well. I think I’ll get back to—“ Just when he slips himself off the stool, two other men appear out of nowhere and block his way as the first one firmly holds him in place by his shoulders. Jisung immediately turns to the bartender, signaling him to run with his eyes. And the bartender does as he insists. 
One of the thugs growls gruffly, making Jisung drop the black duffle bag in his hand. “You’re gonna have to pay for what you did, boy.”
“Hi, I’m Jisung. Sup guys?” 
“Did you just say ‘Hi, I’m Jisung’?”
Jisung grimaces as you hiss into the earpiece, the sound screeching against his eardrums. In which, it doesn't really help to cool the situation down. He drops onto his knees when a guy kicks him in the shin, face scrunching up in pain. One of the guys surrounded him hides behind a face mask, whipping out a dagger concealed in his sleeve. With a cheerful voice, “There’s nothing to be all grabby and stabby about.” Jisung gulps. He’d be lying if he said that he’s not about to piss his pants. 
“Uhm, do you like the color red?” 
The one who’s holding him down snaps, pulling his collar backward. “Shut it, twig.” He elbows him at the back of his head, earning a low, painful grunt. 
Jisung asks, as light as a feather, he’s trying too hard to form a proper sentence at this point. “What about coding? Do you like coding? You guys look pretty smart, you must be into coding.”
He sighs in relief when you finally understand, limbs growing wobbly. 
“Han, get the hell out of there! I swear--”
Your words get cut off when a goon peels the earpiece away harshly, examining the device with an amused smirk. “Look at this toy, it might be pretty expensive.” Then, he looks at his gang member and cocks a brow. “Why don’t we just take him with us? He’ll lead us right back to their hiding spot.” His team quickly nod their heads in agreement, staring down at the blond-haired boy with mischievous eyes. 
With his head dangled low, Jisung’s limbs are giving in but the grip on the pencil never once loosens. “Okay..” He slowly looks up and shoots them a look, chuckling darkly. “This is gonna be fun.” In a split second, the sharp end of the pencil goes straight into the goon’s stomach, making him stagger backward and groan aloud in agony. Although Jisung’s frame is quite small compared to what a standard fighter needs to be, he never fails to take advantage of that. If he’s smaller, he’s gonna be faster than them. 
He sweeps a leg across the ground, one of the men falls onto his head, easily slipping into a good sleep until the zombies come in and take care of his unconscious body. Jisung catches the earpiece when it falls out of the goon’s hand. “Thanks, I’m gonna need my toy back.” Before he can slip the device on again, an arm sweeps under his feet and he lands right onto his bottom. “Using fire against fire. Smartass.” He mutters and clumsily props himself up from facepalming himself onto a pool of fresh blood that’s slowly seeping through the tiled floor. 
The only conscious goon smirks down at him. “I don’t like coding. But I do like the color red.” When Jisung flutters his eyes upwards, he’s met with a shiny metal blade, inevitable to drive down, straight into his chest, right through his heart. He automatically squeezes his eyes shut as an attempt to brace himself for the contact. 
“Hey asshole,” His eyes shoot open at the more than familiar voice. 
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You’re so screwed. You’re all fucking screwed. 
You’re not screwed because you completely forgot that you have four finals in a row next week. You’re not screwed because you broke your mom’s favorite mug or accidentally had a scratch on your dad’s car. Heck, you wish they could beat you with a wooden spoon right now. If only they’re still alive. You’d have your parents put you in timeout and fail four subjects all at once just so that everything can be normal again. 
In movies, particularly ‘Zombieland’ or ‘The Walking Dead’, humans are being controlled by a virus that turns you into a walking corpse that feeds off humans’ flesh. But, we naturally do have plenty of brain disorders that can do just that. However, none of those things were contagious in the first place. Until Mad Cow Disease came along. Who would have thought? Cows are simply being part of the food chain then an entire square block, forty bedrooms, and nineteen bathrooms; everyone in your neighborhood went apeshit after the steak they had for dinner. 
It’s a miracle how you even managed to run away without being bit by your own parents, who are now brainless serial killers. The idea of eating someone’s organs doesn’t seem too far-fetched anymore when you know that you’re only one brain chemical away from turning to a psychotic cannibal. That’s not even the irony of the whole situation. Irony, is how ready your current generation is for the end of the world, but not exams. 
Hence, you’re gonna throw a birthday party for one of your best friends like nothing’s ever happened. Except for the fact that you’ll have to lure him out of the sanctuary while the others are working on the surprise. 
Now you’re sitting in an abandoned bar, attempting to cheer your friend up with a shot of whiskey. You’ve never really liked the idea of being inside a bar before. Drowning yourself in alcohol and letting the night snatch your consciousness away as you sway your body along with bad EDM, going deaf with laughter and music banging against your eardrums? Not ideal. But now, it’s all empty. The neon lights are hanging by a single cable, wallpapers chipping off with discolorations soaking through the wall. The once infamous bar where students used to get wasted every weekend is now dead. Both literally and metaphorically. You’re not complaining anyway. 
“Hey Jeongin,” you speak up lowly. “Have you ever hit a girl before?” You run your tongue over the cut right on your bottom lip, tasting the coppery blood in boredom. 
Jeongin stares blankly at the glass of whiskey that you just offered him, studying the yellowish component closely. “No? Why would I?” He looks up and almost freezes to death with the look that you’re throwing his way. He can’t tell whether you’re mad or not because you’re that type of person who doesn’t necessarily need to go all furious or mad to scare the shit out of someone. 
“No? Oh, don’t mind me,” you shake your head, low chuckles vibrating through your chest capacity. “I was just gonna ask you how it feels. You know, to kick someone in the gut or punch them in the face when you know they’re clearly not your size.” You sigh and prop your head onto your hand, eyes slightly heavy from the alcohol kick. It’s been a while since you’ve messed with these things. “Right, sorry. Not my point. My point is: stop being a big baby and get out there, talk it out with Jisung you little shit!”
The boy in front of you quickly looks away when you stare him dead in the eye. He swallows heavily, picking at the ripped part of his jeans. “I’m not gonna talk it out with him. That was stupid, irresponsible and reckless. He could have just let it be and not have his jaw broken. He was supposed to sneak in, get out, and act like nothing’s ever happened. Instead, he got caught at a bar, waved at them and even said ‘Hi, I’m Jisung’. He didn’t even get anything but got you in danger! Look at you! Minho would kill us if he saw you with a thousand arrow wounds like this!” He throws his hands upwards and cries out. “I swear to God, I’d never sign up to save his ass, ever, again. I swear—“
You clear your throat, wordlessly dropping a black duffel bag onto the counter with a loud thud. Jeongin’s mouth forms an ‘o’ as his hands automatically unzip the bag, revealing an awful amount of weapons: shotguns, rifles, knives, crowbars, etc. Heck, even some food. God, Jeongin can’t even remember the last time he’s had a proper meal. He subconsciously runs his hand along the matte-finished surface of a firearm, a retort lingering on the tip of his tongue. “Wow,” he utters. “He really— he got them.” 
“He did.” You cock a brow, leaning forward and zip the bag up again. “And tell you what, even if you’re not gonna be there when Jisung makes a bad decision again, I will. Because you know damn well that there’s nothing in this world that he wouldn’t hesitate to do as long as your little junkie ass is safe.”
“I said hands up! DROP THE GUN!”
“Chan, DON’T DO IT!”
You and Jeongin quickly collect yourselves, scrambling out of the bar. When the door swings wide open, you’re met with Jisung on his knees, hands behind his head, his Benelli M4 abandoned by a water bottle near the entrance. Meanwhile, there are two other guys who seem like they’re talking amongst themselves as they hold your best friend at gunpoint. Your fingers hover over the pistol in your back pocket, mentally debating if you should engage or not. 
The more you’re lost into your own thoughts, the more you find yourself staring at the pink-haired boys standing beside the brunette one, who’s having a handgun, pointing right at Jisung. The freckled boy has you drawn into him like instant gravity because suddenly, it feels like the world stops spinning when he looks up and accidentally meets your eyes. That’s when you take a closer look at his features. Perfect dark eyebrows, bright beady eyes, and prominent Cupid’s bow. His freckles are what throw you off, making it possible to look away because they’re like embers of disintegrated supernovas, scattered across the universe for eternities. 
“Everyone calm down!” You snap out of it and break eye contact. As much as you’d love to stare at the freckled cutie all day, you’re gonna cut him in his sleep if he dares to put a finger on Jisung. “Lay off my friend. Now.” You declare and receive attention from the brunette as he tells you off with his eyes. 
The guy who you assume is called, Chan jerks his head towards Jisung. “Tell your friend that it’d be nice if he could give it back.” 
“Give what back?” You turn to Jisung. “Han, we’ve talked about this. We don’t steal from anyone, besides street gangs.” You tell him firmly, motioning for him to hand over whatever the fuck of a thing that those two strangers need because him getting killed for something as childish as a slice of cheesecake is gonna drive you nuts. 
Jisung opens up his left palm and shows you a silver wedding band, smiling awkwardly as you hold yourself back from decking him in the face. “Look, I was just looking around and I found this thing, and I got curious then they just came back and deadass threatened me with their guns!” He adds in. “I don’t know what’s the big deal with this ring anyway. Looks like someone bought it on eBay.” 
“Say that again, I dare you.” Chan tightens his grip on the gun and clicks in a bullet. As soon as you hear the bullet being locked in to the chamber, your hand automatically flies to your back pocket and pulls out your pistol. You directly aim at his head, finger trembling over the trigger when you switch off the safety catch. “Give-it-back,” Chan says through gritted teeth. 
“Jisung..” You warn him. 
Jisung protests. “Like hell I would.”
“I never miss, just throwing that out there,” Chan says indifferently
“ENOUGH!” Jeongin snaps, catching all of you off guard. “We are surrounded by mindless cannibals over here! We all went through it, we all were there when our family turned into those monsters, we all had those times where we had no place to go, no food to eat, no friends to be there for us. Don’t we have enough problems? For fuck’s sake look at us! Is pointing guns and yelling at each other gonna bring the good days back? So would you guys just stop it? We’re a bunch idiots trying to kill each other when the end is fucking near! Can’t we just be friends and play some dumbass games like ‘20 Questions’ like decent human beings while we’re driving them back to the safehouse ?” 
You stare at him in awe for a moment there, your muscles relaxing and giving up on the gun. Jeongin gives Chan a Look, chest heaving up and down in pure furiosity. Sometimes the idea of surviving does mess with your mind, forgetting that people are still people. They’re just like you. They’ve gone through some pretty bad shits too. 
Chan retrieves his weapon, sighing. “Sorry, we really mean no harm. It’s just that we need it back.” He scratches his neck sheepishly as two dimples are fully on display. He’s not so scary when he smiles after all. 
 “I’m gonna have to confiscate that for the time being.” You snatch the piece of jewelry from Jisung’s hand. “We’ll talk about this when you guys are back at our base.” 
“Chan, let her. It’s fine.” The freckled boy interrupts him. 
You look at him and subconsciously smile. “Oh? I’m sorry, does this belong to you? Aren’t you scared that I’m gonna throw this pretty little thing away later?” 
He replies with mild interest. “I don’t think you’d wanna do that, you could have just kept it to yourself.” 
“No, Charming. It’s not my style.” You voice as you stare down at the ring, studying every little detail carefully. The silver band is exquisite with a sterling double knot, adding a unique touch to the elegant simplicity of the ring. You think you’re already falling in love, but are you really gonna tell him that? Most definitely not. “Yep, not my style. And I’ll throw it away someday, that’s for threatening my friend.” 
He makes a face and takes a few steps towards you. “I have a name.”
“Don’t care. ‘Charming’ suits you pretty well.” 
“It’s Felix. You’re welcome.” He grins, offering you a hand. You decide to take it, kind of taken aback when knowing that his hand is a lot smaller compared to the average guys’. “And I wouldn’t worry about that, you won’t be going home with it anyway. ‘Cause I’ll always find you, always.” He squeezes your hand a little bit too tight for your liking, making you flinch. 
Little did you know, behind his back, Felix’s counting down from one two three with his fingers, Chan watching him closely with his gun ready. 
Jisung quickly notices and reaches out to you. “Y/N!” And one single shotgun rings through the area. 
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On the outskirts of the once stellar city, lies a warehouse in a not so stellar neighborhood. Dead leaves are falling onto the ground, scraping against the concrete surface, and sending chills down people’s spine. It’s like they’re not even trying to grow properly even when it’s not halfway through spring yet. The eerie atmosphere is just another reason for people to not wander around for too long, as if they’d have the gut to come there in the first place. But it’s still a zombie apocalypse, there are worse things that could happen either way. 
You’d be surprised at what people can do when they’re dangling off the fingertips of Death. 
People would never guess what’s hidden behind the crooked door. A living room fully equipped with an outdated couch and broken TV, a kitchen with everything but a fridge. Further into the safe house is a bedroom big enough for ten people to fit in, a storage room full of firearms and weapons. Last but not least, security cameras and monitors are set up all around the base, to be more secure. No zombies in this household. It took you and the guys forever to collect enough materials. The only thing that you’re constantly running low on is food. 
And turns out Jisung calling your name wasn't the last thing you’d heard. 
“Ugh, Minho, get me water,” You groan loudly before wagging your hand around like a madwoman. Once you feel the cool metal surface on the nightstand, you quickly check your own reflection. Needless to say, you’re horrified at what you saw. Absolutely terrifying, yes. Hair falling onto your face, tiny scratches scattered across your cheekbones as they leave an itchy sensation of your skin. Fortunately, the cut on your lips is already cleaned, and your bruises are starting to fade. But what sucks is the constant banging effect on your temple, an imminent pain that’s threatening to swallow you whole. 
Yeah, this is why you never drink. 
“Minho, water..” Your whimper grows smaller and smaller towards the end as your hand gives up on holding onto your phone. “Is this what whiskey does to the human body?” You smack your lips together as the bitter taste seeps through your taste buds more deeply, choking on the alcohol smell in your own throat. 
Minho takes long strides into the bedroom with a bowl of piping hot soup. “Whiskey contains almost no sugar, can reduce blood clots, decreases your chances of getting a heart attack, even a stroke, fights cancerous cells and..” He pauses before wiggling his eyebrows. “Helps you perform better in bed.” He chuckles when you bury your face under your blanket, cheeks tinted pink. He will never not get you with his less than appropriate comments. 
“You’re gross.” 
Minho smirks. “Low blow.” He cranes his neck tiredly, lips curling upwards into a small smile. “You’re quite lucky. Whoever was trying to kill you missed.” 
Your brows automatically knit together as you try to gather the small pieces of memories your brain can muster. Everything that happened yesterday seems too cloudy for you to comprehend, but you could never forget the moment Chan’s bullet missed you by a strand of hair, piercing straight into the plexiglass window right behind you to catch you off guard. Next thing you know, Felix kicked the back of your knees, having you land on buckling ankles. 
You tell Minho sternly. “If he wanted me dead, I wouldn’t have come back in one piece.” You hold in a breath, in disbelief of your own words. “He spared my life, believe it or not.” Chan let you go, but why would he? You did piss him and his friend off intentionally because you never know what you’re getting yourself into. 
Minho figures you might have hit your head somewhere, so he places your food on the nightstand and scoffs. “Eat up, you’re talking a shit ton for someone who almost died.”
“Where’s Han?” You gladly receive the bowl of soup with two hands, mouth watering slightly since you haven’t eaten since yesterday. 
As if on cue, you can hear Jisung shrieking from downstairs. “NO NO NO! DON’T SHOOT ME WITH MY OWN GUN!” 
You and Minho exchange a look before rushing outside, dashing towards the living room. “Oh, you gotta be shitting me.” The commotion inside has your jaw dropped to the floor. Again, Jisung is held at gunpoint for the fourth time of the week, you’re quite surprised that his head hasn’t been blown into bits yet. With the gun pressed against his temple, beside him is the freckled boy from yesterday. Felix, if you’re not mistaken. Chan’s here too, neither of them is looking too happy. If Hyunjin was here seeing two strangers try to threaten his best friend, he’d definitely go apeshit. 
“Woah woah, what’s the problem here?” Your brother, Woojin comes out from the kitchen with wide eyes and two glasses of water in his hands. “Lix, put the gun down.” He tells the younger boy firmly, but Felix doesn’t even move an inch.  
He cocks his head towards Jisung, a scowl adorning his soft features. “It wouldn’t have to be like this if your friend here didn’t steal my ring. Twice.” 
“Jisung, seriously?” You facepalm yourself. You can still vividly remember how Felix snatched the piece of jewelry away from your palm when your face smacked the ground. And now Jisung decided to take it back? Without your consent? You’re not taking a bullet for him, not this time. 
Jisung puts his hands up in defeat. “Okay okay, I have a confession.” He inhales. “I sold it.” Just when you thought things can’t possibly get any worse. 
“What?!” You and Felix exclaim simultaneously. 
Felix tongues the inside of his cheek in annoyance. “Come here, tell you what..” 
The moment Jisung takes a step towards him, Felix takes his hand in a little bit too abruptly. He twists it at a weird angle, making Jisung wince. “That, is for selling the ring.” He presses your friend harshly against the coffee table, the handle of the gun secured on the nape of his neck, and you grimace at the sight. But also, you’re low-key enjoying this. “And that, is for being a little shit. You’re coming with me tomorrow, no negotiation.” 
Felix soon lets go when your brother glares at him, smiling softly, warm brown eyes twinkling like a starry night. Jisung backs away almost immediately in caution when he offers to pull him upright and cowers behind Minho. You can tell that he’s terrified of the seemingly harmless freckled boy now. This is what he gets for never learning, he’s made a grave mistake to touch someone’s property in the middle of an apocalypse, where everyone’s more than ready to tear each other apart when they’re pissed about off about something as little as being hangry. “Huh, you’re not very into handshakes then. Don’t you want your gun back too?” He puts his hands into the pockets of his jeans, turning to meet Woojin’s eyes. 
“Alright, we’ll have to talk about this later.” Your brother merely sneers at Jisung. “I’ll reintroduce you guys. Y/N, my sister.” He motions towards you before averting his attention to the other two. “That’s Minho, find him if you’re injured or need someone to knock some solid logic into your head.” Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair. “And the moron who, uh, robbed you is Jisung. He’s a really good guy, I swear. His hands are apparently faster than his brain.” 
Chan speaks up dryly. “So he’s a doctor, and a part-time therapist.” Minho nods satisfactorily. “And he’s an idiot.” Jisung just smiles awkwardly because he’s not planning on getting his ass kicked again. At least not for the time being. 
You interject, still drowning in confusion. “Wait, you know him?” 
“Yeah, he’s the son of our parents’ former business partners. You guys used to hang out as toddlers.” Woojin says. 
You widen your eyes. “What?” You can’t believe it. Felix is ridiculously attractive (you’d hate to admit that in front of him) so hanging out with a boy this cute, even not for long would still definitely leave you with some kind of impression. There’s no way this charming guy had witnessed those times where you’re still taking medicine by swallowing them down with chocolate pudding. You’d rather bury yourself alive at this point. 
“The Lees made that?” You gasp.
Woojin nods reluctantly. “They sure did.” 
Felix takes a few steps forward and looks down at you, decreasing the distance between your faces. His minty breath fans your face and leaves you flustered within seconds. “Long time no see, Princess. Told you I will always find you.” He throws you a wolfish wink, proceeding to walk past you to go upstairs with Chan following him after. 
“Hey! I still want my gun back!” Jisung yells after him. 
The pet name that rolled off his tongue effortlessly sends your heartbeat over the edge. It’s beating vigorously inside your rib cage, louder than when your parents were about to eat you alive, louder than when you were kicked to the curb by some random mobs, so loud that you’re afraid everyone’s gonna hear it. It’s only your second encounter and he’s already messing with your heart just by simply existing as he is. 
Jesus fucking Christ. Now, you’re really screwed. 
Because falling for someone during an apocalypse is just another fucked up version of every rom-com to ever exist. Or maybe a knocked-off version of Warm Bodies, except Felix isn’t a zombie.
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You wake up today feeling quite at peace for once in a while since the zombies outbreak only to find out that Jisung is heading outside to search for medicine with Minho. Meaning, drum rolls, you’re having the honor to go with Prince Charming aka Lee Felix and retrieve his stupid ring. You’re far too mad at Woojin to even finish the can of tuna that he kindly offered. Instead, you decide to bolt outside as soon as possible before you accidentally murder your brother. 
“Get in Princess, we don’t have all day!” Felix calls out loudly as he repeatedly honks his car. Admittedly, you’re quite impressed that he managed to find a whole ass Jeep in the middle of this ghost town. 
You enter the car, almost gasping at how good of a condition that this car is still in. Whoever owned this vehicle previously, God bless them because they definitely did a great job at keeping it nice and clean. There are no questionable items lying on the floor or inside one of the cabinets, the AC is still working, the radio isn’t showing those creepy statics sounds that never fail to chill you to the bones. 
Felix perks a brow in amusement. “It’s mine, by the way, I did a great job at keeping it clean huh?” When you give him nothing but a scowl, he chuckles lightheartedly and starts the engine. “Buckle up, I don’t want you to suddenly fly out of the window or anything.”
“Oh, you’re pretty shit at driving then.” You comment flatly, making an effort to avoid his eyes. They keep drawing you in even at the slightest chance. You’re not falling into that downward spiral again, nope, never. But you can’t help but notice how he still looks good in a bomber jacket with a simple tee underneath, tucked neatly inside his ripped jeans. 
Upon your cold response, Felix’s smile remains still on his lips. “Said someone who can’t even drive.” He snickers somewhat sarcastically. Wow, do you miss bickering with Minho about his three spoiled cats. 
“Sure, hand over the keys unless you want us both to play tennis with Hitler in the afterlife.” You protest with as much sarcasm. God, it’s been two minutes into the ride and the amount of willpower you’re mustering right now to not grab him by the collar and yank his ass out of this car is actually terrifying. But doing that can potentially threaten your own life so indeed, you’re starting to wonder if that’s gonna be the wisest decision. “What’s the big deal with that ring anyway? Can’t you just break into some jewelry store and find another one that you like?”
Felix looks into the distance, his smile faltering. “My mom wanted me to give it to the girl that I’m willing to spend the rest of my life with. Even when things are fucked up, like right about… now..” He tells you sternly with a hint of sadness in his tone, his warm brown eyes are now cloudy. It’s hard to break through the wall that he’s trying to build, but you don’t think you both are close enough to talk about these things anyway. 
If anything, you should try to lighten up the mood. “Good luck with that. Because the only thing you’re gonna be willing to live with now is a gun and those packets of Tim Tam Slam.” 
He turns sideways to make eye contact with you for a split second before averting his gaze back on the road. So you actually pay attention to the little details. “Call it.” Felix smiles again, and somehow, you feel like a weight is being lifted off your chest. “And mind you, I have a fiancé. Well, more like ‘had’ but whatever, doesn’t matter, same thing.” 
You nearly choke on your own saliva, eyes as wide as a goldfish’s. “You have a what?!”
“Relax, haven’t you heard of an arranged marriage before?” He looks at you as if you’re some kind of alien species from outer space. “I was gonna give the ring to her but bummer, your friend just had to sell it.”
Arms crossed over your chest, you hold back a chuckle with a hand secured on your mouth. “Wow..” You manage to choke out between giggles. “You must be getting something impressive to be able to agree to marry a goody-two-shoes who owns more money than what she knows to do with.”
“Pardon?” Felix snorts involuntarily. “What does that suppose to mean? Are you insulting my marriage?”
‘Insulting’ is an understatement for an entire lecture that you’ve already planned out in your head that you’re about to give him a piece of but you don’t think he’s ready for that just yet. Instead, you counter softly. “Not quite, but for the most parts, yeah, I guess I am.” He tightens his grip on the steering wheel and proceeds to throw daggers towards your direction with his eyes every three seconds. “But let me ask you this. If you wanna give that ring to your fiancé so badly, then do you really love her? Or is everything just a contract so that you won’t put your parents’ company at risk?” 
A comfortable silence falls upon the both of you as Felix starts replaying your words over and over again in his mind. He’s never the type to go out and about, looking for love like it’s the only purpose of his life. He’s never dated anyone before. He used to believe that love always comes at the most unexpected moment for the longest time and he should be waiting, not searching. He didn’t think much about the arranged marriage either. She was a nice girl, but they’ve only talked twice, and nothing really clicked like how he imagined love would feel like. Felix knew, he knew deep down that it wouldn’t work out after all but he was just too much of a coward to admit it. But your words hit differently, imprinting him with a little something called ‘reality’. 
Everything’s kinda screwed right now, no one knows how much longer humanity can keep up with this whole survival situation. Living on the streets, and can never get a good night's sleep. Although it does sting a bit knowing that he might die alone on this planet, it definitely gives him another point of view to look at the relationship between him and his fiancé. He doesn’t even want to imagine living in the same house with her at this point. 
“Your mom wanted you to give it to someone special right?” You tell him softly, a hand brushing over his as an attempt to soothe the ache in his chest. “Then you gotta find them. It’s not over yet. But that doesn’t mean there’s much time left. You don’t have to keep running towards something that isn’t worth it in the first place anymore.” You pause for a moment, lips curling upwards. “Because if we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?”
Felix bursts into laughter and brushes your hand off of him. “Ew! You stole that from a movie and it’s not even good. Jesus Y/N, get some counseling.”
“Don’t shit on my pop culture references like that you uncultured swine.” 
“Just don’t do that again.”
You roll your eyes at him. “One more word and I’ll burn you down with this Jeep.” And he just smirks at you because he knows for sure that you won’t have the heart to destroy such a good car when the world is literally falling apart. Because chances are, you hate your dad’s old grey Innovator that only pumps lukewarm air inside the vehicle. In which, isn’t the most ideal thing for an apocalypse. But Woojin loves that thing far too much to throw it away so you’ve never had the heart to tell him to. 
Felix calmly parks on a random sidewalk before taking the key and exits the car. “We’re here.” You follow him not long after, eyes squinted due to the brightness of the daylight. Even though you’re barely seeing anything, you can’t seem to recognize this neighborhood. And it doesn’t look very sketchy either, pretty mediocre to say the least. You can’t seem to remember if Woojin has taken you here or not. And you’re starting to wonder how many zombies are hiding behind those buildings, seeing your scent as a solution for their never-ending thirst. Who the hell did Jisung sell that ring to?
Felix narrows his eyes and spots something in the distance. “Y/N, are you seeing this?” You quickly stand beside him, and slowly, a slouched figure comes into view. “I’ll take care of that.” He places a hand on your shoulder when the figure picks up its pace, the muscles on your back tense up at his touch. “Trust me, I’m not gonna accidentally blow your head into bits.”
You quickly duck and slide yourself across the concrete surface in time before Felix can swing the baseball bat straight into your face. The bat comes in contact with the zombie harshly enough to knock it backward, onto her bottom. You and Felix look at each other for a solid three seconds before approaching the zombie again, examining her more closely. Her once blond hair is now doused in nothing but blood, sticking to her face and neck. Both of her lips are completely distorted as if another zombie gave her the kiss of Death (quite literally) as a welcome ritual. Suddenly, she jolts up from her lying position, hands wagging in midair to grab onto something. 
You jump backward on instinct as Felix brings the baseball bat down again, and again, and again until you can’t even make out the horrendous features of the zombie anymore. He scrunches his nose at the smell of the poisoned blood and tosses the metal bat away. “Never hurts to double-tap, better not get blood on my white Jeep.” 
You blurt subconsciously. “Impressive, Charming.” Okay but in your defense, Felix just smacked the hell out of the zombie with a baseball bat, he basically saved your life. Although you’re fully capable of protecting yourself, that was pretty hot. 
He’s too busy fixing the sleeves of his shirt but his eyes immediately light up at your words. “Say that again?”
“In your freaking dreams, Lee.” 
Felix pulls you in and ruffles your hair, rocking you side to side happily. “Don’t be so uptight! Complimenting me once in a while wouldn’t kill anyone now, would it?” When he’s too immersed in annoying the shit out of you, something falls out of his pocket with a small ‘clang’. 
“Wait, you dropped something—“ You manage to wiggle out of his embrace and bend down to pick it up, and your mind just stops. “Felix…isn’t that your ring?”
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“Jesus Christ!” Woojin almost yells when he sees a black-eyed Felix exiting the kitchen with an ice pack on his right hand, lips swollen with several cuts across his face. “What happened to you?”
You walk into the living room not long after, tiny scratches are scattered all over your pale knuckles, blood trickling down on your cheeks like you’ve been crying red. “Okay,” Woojin shakes his head, pushing himself up from the beige-colored couch. “What the fuck happened to the both of you?”
“I punched him in the face.” “She punched me in the face.” The both of you confess in sync, exchanging questionable looks before turning away from each other. 
“And why is there blood on your face again?” Woojin swears, if Felix dares to touch you, he will put his head on a chopping block, not to mention hurting you. 
You shrug back, grabbing a water bottle from the coffee table and chug on it generously. “It’s not mine.” Without turning your head, you hand the bottle over to Felix. The boy gladly receives it, downing the whole thing left in one go. “Anyway, some mobsters appeared out of nowhere and they wanted his stupid ring. I got my ass kicked for a goddamn piece of jewelry, twice.” You merely glare at Felix who’s applying pressure to the cool pack of ice against his bruised eye, wincing every once in a while. He does feel kinda guilty, believe it or not. Maybe lying wasn’t the best option to get you to hang out with him more. There’s no way you two could have died back there, but he would be more than ready to throw the ring away for the sake of your safety. 
But either way, Jisung’s gonna be dead meat to you after this. 
“You do realize that we just kissed indirectly right?” Felix laughs when you chuck the now empty water bottle at him, hissing in anger. He’s acting like such a Lee, irritating, and carefree most of the time. In which, makes you wanna kill him with your bare hands even more in these kinds of situations. “Come here, a princess shouldn’t have blood on her pretty face.” He manages to turn you around and face him as he pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket. When he leans down slightly to wipe the crimson stickiness away, your once tense muscles now relax, loosening themselves. 
Within this proximity, you’re able to take a closer look at his starry eyes with long lashes framing them perfectly, his cute button nose, his peachy lips and how his freckles are more beautiful than anything you’ve seen before. One of his hands holds your neck in place while the other is secured on your waist so it’s easier for him to get a better angle. Felix furrows his brows every now and then, being careful and gentle at the same time to get rid of the blood off your face completely. He did pull you into doing the dirty business after all. Might as well make up for it. 
You didn’t push him away because this feels...safe, and right. He makes you feel at ease after the longest time, it’s like nothing you’ve experienced before. Not even your brother can possess this sense of comfort in his presence. It almost makes you smile which is seemingly paradoxical because forty minutes ago, you were figuring out ways to hide a corpse since you couldn’t stand his nosy ass for much longer. 
“Ew, I’m getting out of here. I can’t bear seeing this.” Woojin makes a gagging noise before stumbling out of the living room with his cup of espresso, leaving you and Felix alone in the living room. A muffled silence occurs for the next thirty seconds. 
“There,” He clears his throat before pulling away. “Done.” 
You look away. “Thanks, you didn’t have to do that though.”
“Anything for my princess.”
You ignore his cheeky smile before rummaging through the wooden drawers. “Sit down.” You demand once you pull out a mini first aid kit, Minho always keeps those randomly around the house just in case. One can never be too careful after all. Felix does as you say, taking a seat on the couch. He watches you taking out a cotton swab with a bottle of sanitizing solution. “Lean in.” You command while dipping the cotton swab into the solution, his hand brushing over your thigh accidentally. 
“It’s fine.” You shake your head as an attempt to hide the coral tint on your cheeks. “This is gonna hurt though…” You warn him, cotton swab hovering over one of the cuts on his cheeks. Felix nods obediently, clenching his fists and squeezes his eyes shut to brace himself for the burn. He can’t gush over how cute you look anymore since he’s secretly terrified of cleaning wounds. But who isn’t?
You smirk internally. “Okay, I’m gonna count down from three to one.”
“Three..” A single drop of cold sweat rolls down on his temple. 
“Two..” He holds his breath. But before he can react properly, you’re already pressing the cotton swab onto his wound, your other hand pinning his down firmly. “Felix quit moving already! How old are you for fuck’s sake?!” You laugh wholeheartedly, struggling to hold him in place while cleaning his opened cuts with the solution. 
Felix shrieks like a little child. “Ah! Ow! Y/N! Ah! Y/N! Y/N, I SWEAR TO GOD!” He succeeds in pulling away after a good three minutes, the burn from the alcohol feels like there’s fire coursing through his veins, burning a hole right through his skin. He’s not doing that ever again. “That hurt like a motherfucker.” Whimpering, his brows are knitted together in agony when you put a bandage over the wound. “You didn’t even finish counting, I hate you.”
 “There there you big baby.” Smiling at him, your hand gently caresses his calloused ones. It doesn’t take him long to realize how soft your hands are, and how cold they are compared to him too. So he decides to link your fingers together, hoping to give you some of his warmth. You completely freeze at his action and choose to look anywhere but his eyes, from the broken TV to the random magazines on the coffee table and his shiny pistol next to them. 
Felix brushes his thumb over the back of your hand and chuckles. “See, you do know how to smile. It’s not that hard to smile in front of me after all, is it?” He brings your knuckles to his lips and peppers small kisses over them lovingly. It makes his heart crack a little upon seeing them all scratched up, because of him. Little actions like this always make you feel fuzzy on the inside, especially when it comes from someone like Felix? You’re done for. 
“I didn’t see this. I’ve never seen this. I’m not seeing this. I will never see this again.” He pulls away shyly when Jisung starts teasing you both as he passes by the living room from upstairs. Oh right, weren’t you planning on decking his face for setting you on a ‘date’ with a guy you hardly know only after three solid days when he kicked your ass?
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Falling for Lee Felix is scarier than getting infected with the Mad Cow Disease (or Mad Zombie Disease). It’s official. But knowing the basic bitch that you are, being loopy in love with him is quite inevitable. There’s no use fighting against fate anyway, still, you’re going to postpone it for as long as you can because you definitely don’t wanna get too attached during an apocalypse. 
Sadly, having Felix share a room with Chan right beside yours doesn’t exactly help you avoid him. He always roams the house half-naked at night like he’s trying to put his chiseled abs up for auction after every shower. One time he almost gave you a cardiac arrest when you found him rummaging through the fridge at two in the morning without a shirt on. There were some nights where you didn’t even get a wink of sleep because Chan and he were too busy jamming to music even though they know that the walls in this house are clearly paper-thin. However, you chose to let them slide for the sake of Jisung’s and Minho’s so-called ‘beauty sleep’ aka their spontaneous cuddle sessions throughout the day. That’s only an excuse to avoid him even more. 
Felix obviously knows what’s up, so he’s been acting extra annoying these days to get your attention. He keeps popping his head inside your room (which was initially a storage room but you insisted on having it since you didn’t want to share your questionable sleeping habits with any of the guys) and asks for random stuff that never seems to make sense. Like who needs a fucking stapler when the whole world is falling into a crisis? You still kept yourself together and didn’t throw hands at him because you’re not planning on giving him what he wanted. 
But what Felix wants? Felix gets. 
“Good morning Princess..” He half-whispers and half-singsongs after shutting the door of your room with his foot. “Thank fucking God.” He mentally bows to whatever gods up there that’s pushing their blood family feud aside to bless him for the day. You’re still fast asleep, snoring softly with your grey blanket wrapped around your body. 
He’s impressed by how you still manage to not wake up early every other day because there’s no curtain unlike his room so the sunlight can easily peer right through, casting a delicate light on your figure. Surprisingly, you don’t sleep like Chan, with his leg dangling off the edge of the bed and his blanket’s on the floor by the time the sun rises again. You sleep with four limbs curled inwards, hands grabbing two full fists of the grey fabric like a puppy. 
He also notices how you’re still keeping pictures of your childhood memories on one of the empty bookshelves. There’s one with you and Woojin standing in the middle of Time Square when you both came to the States. And there’s another one where you’re dressed up as Harley Quinn with Hyunjin as the Joker on your right, Jisung as Rick Flag to your left and your brother as Deadshot squatting on the ground for your senior year’s Halloween party. Although you’re more of a Marvel gal yourself. 
“Y/N...” Felix whispers softly as he sits down on your bed, careful not to wake you up. His original plan to have you chase him up and down the house is already going down the drain since he really doesn’t want to ruin a good night's sleep. Chan has done that to him one too many times and he sure knows the consequences. Heck, Chan might not even see him after this. 
Felix outstretches his hand carefully, caressing your cheekbone like you’re made of glass. He can’t help but act like a creep because you’re too cute for your own good when you’re sleeping. It’s kinda nice actually, to not have you yelling at him for not putting clothes on right after his shower or wrestling him to the floor whenever he headlocks you at the most random times. 
Suddenly, your eyes shoot open. The moment you see another human being’s presence in your own personal bubble, you automatically grab him by the neck before pinning him down onto the bed, locking his arms behind his back. “Ow! Ow! Dude, chill!” Felix cries out from underneath you, struggling to breathe properly when you’re practically crushing his lungs. Okay, he definitely did not see that coming. 
“My goodness, what are you doing here?!” You gasp in realization, pushing yourself off the bed. 
“Woojin- said-“ he chokes out between uneven breaths. “I could- come in- and wake you up.” 
You cross your arms and sigh. “Yeah, come in.” You say with expressive hands. “Not touching me without my consent.” 
He winces at the red marks across his wrists. “Since when can you fight someone like that?” Yeah, those aren’t going away anytime soon. 
“What part of ‘Zombie Apocalypse Self-Learn Defense Basics 101’ don’t you understand?” You yawn tiredly before running a hand through your bed head. “Anyway, what do you want?” 
Felix beams innocently, taking in the sight of your pajamas. “Your attention.” And you internally thank your brother for not doing laundry yesterday (water’s also running low), which means you had to borrow Minho’s PJs instead of wearing your Mickey Mouse sweatpants with the tank top from your old basketball team.  
You really don’t have time for this, you think. Coldly, “Why?” you fake a lifeless smile. 
“You’ve never spoken to me since the day when those mobsters beat the shit out of us.” He pouts like a sad kitten. “Look, I know that it’s my fault okay? I’m sorry. But I really just wanted to hang out with you. If you didn’t play hard to get, you would have saved us a trip to some sketchy neighborhood.” 
You stop him right there. “First of all, I did talk to you. Just a maximum of five words per day. And secondly, they didn’t beat the shit out of us, we made them run back to wherever they came from, crying for their mommy while soiling their pants.” 
“There!” He exclaims. “You said it yourself. Five words per day. Why? Am I that much of an asshole to hold a civil conversation with? Don’t tell me that you’re still holding grudges from the day we first met.” 
“So what if I hold grudges? Do you think holding my best friend at gunpoint is gonna make me wanna befriend you?”
“Okay, bad example—“
“Look, can we talk this out later? I need to go outside and look for some food. We’re running out of those premade, frozen chicken nuggets that my brother’s obsessed with. As always.” You push him aside and place your hand on the doorknob. But Felix catches your hand in time before you can twist it, yanking it back so that you’re facing him, dead in the eye. He’s not letting go of his chance again. “Let-me-go.” You deadpan but receive a frown from him as a reply. 
“No,” Felix looks like you just spit on him, his mocha eyes are now unreadable, almost hurt at why you’re acting so cold towards him. Some guys find it hot when girls have this kind of facade on, but this? This shit hurts him, tremendously. You might see him as a spoiled brat at day and party animal at night who just happens to be friends with your brother for all he knows. “I don’t trust your definition of ‘later’. Who knows? You might never let me into your life again after this conversation. I don’t like people shutting me out like this. Tell me, Y/N, do you really hate me that much? If so, I solemnly swear I will never talk to you again.”
Your prepared beforehand witty retort grows dead on the tip of your tongue. His eyes...they’re not lying. It makes your heart crack a bit upon seeing how sad they look right now. Perhaps you were being too harsh on him? Maybe you shouldn’t have judged him from the get-go? “You care about me, don’t you?” Felix reaches his hand upwards to tug a strand of hair behind your ear. He gently grabs your hand and places them on his cheekbone, where a scar is fading by time. “Remember this? You treated me. You do care, Y/N. You’re not stupid enough to think that I didn’t know right?”
You retrieve your hand and scoff. “Why would I care? Did I look like I cared? The only reasons I treated your wounds were because I could witness your pathetic state and I punched you in the face previously. Totally didn’t regret that but still, I wanted to make it up to you.” You say, desperately trying to wiggle your way out of this conversation because you’re not enjoying where this is going. 
He inches closer and closer until he’s a breath away from your lips. “Because when you were treating my wounds, you had that dumb look on your face whenever you’re focused.” And you finally exhale when he pulls away, backing out of your room with a smirk. “I’ll wait in the car, your Highness.” 
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Going grocery shopping with Felix is rather stressful. Not because there are zombies spontaneously popping out of nowhere every five minutes, but because you quickly, quickly realize that this boy knows nothing about food other than stuffing his face until he can’t even pick himself up anymore. He can’t tell the difference between actually good meat and meat that’s been spoiled for several weeks. You literally can’t even fathom why because the foul smell would definitely give it away but unfortunately, he doesn’t even spare a second to suspect the sketchy hues of green and blue on the red surface. 
But hey, at least he can kick some zombies’ asses when you’re too busy deciding between salmon and tuna. You’d always end up getting both anyway because why not? Guess this is what you get for not having to pay for anything. Being stuck with an uneducated fool who’s never once experienced working in the kitchen. The area around here is somewhat isolated so the stores are still pretty stocked up with all of the essentials. Thank God they haven’t run out of Woojin’s favorite chicken nuggets. 
“Do you even know what this is?” You throw your hands up midair in disbelief, referring to the pile of grapefruits that are now half-way empty for no particular reason. 
Felix makes a thinking face, lips pursing. “I think it’s a flamingo.” 
“Lee Yongbok, you gotta be shitting me—“
He stops midway towards the frozen aisle. “Woah woah slow down bro, where did you get that name from?” His Korean name is as confidential as Chan’s secret drawers full of his guilty pleasure food. Not many people call him that because he secretly hates it and whoever takes that advantage to make fun of him deserves the cruelest of punishment. Felix frowns furiously at you before grabbing several packs of the chicken nuggets, fries, and some dumplings to throw them into the cart along with his Tim Tam Slam and your KitKat. “Chan told you right? He’s been on my ass all week since we moved in with you guys.”
You help him with stocking up canned food. “Why though? He seems like such a nice guy.” Okay except for the fact that he almost blew Jisung’s brain out. But you’re not gonna dwell on the past. “No worries though, everyone has probably known your Korean name by now.”
“This is not what I signed up for.”
You aggressively grab him by the neck to ruffle his hair, laughing at his misery. “Look at us, we’re already becoming so civil, I bet my brother is loving this.”
Felix tugs himself free from your grip to fix his hair and huffs. “Could be fate, you know?” He wiggles his brows, making you gag as you both make your way out of the store. 
“Right,” you roll your eyes. “And they say I’m the crazy one.”
“No! I’m serious!” He exclaims with two hands up in defense. “One thing leads to another. Are you seeing how far we’ve come?” He pauses for a bit when the two of you reach the car so that he can throw everything to the backseats. “Jisung impulsively stole my ring, which made us run into each other. I met you again because I just happen to be friends with your brother. And since you tried to avoid me so hard, I had an excuse to piss you off so that I’m making up to you right now. How is that not fate?” He ends his speech before entering the car, inserting his key to start the engine.
You jump into the passenger’s seat, scoffing. “Thanks for the pep talk, pretty sure fate’s doing all the work. Now, where are we going?”
“I’m hungry, and I’m craving something.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “And I’m supposed to care because..?”
“Shut up and turn on some music.” He tosses you his phone. 
Felix’s playlist consists of a handful of Coldplay’s songs with some other upbeat, trendy ones. He knows enough lyrics to sing along to throughout the drive. You look out the window and loosen yourself up a bit. His voice is surprisingly soothing, a stark contrast to his usual deep talking voice which is kinda nice to listen to. Both of you never start talking because you’re already dozing off to Dreamland because he had the audacity to drag your ass out of bed at eight in the morning. Your head constantly knocks onto the cool glass window every two minutes or so, but it doesn’t seem to be bothering your slumber. 
It’s almost noon, and the sun’s probably the only thing that’s keeping Felix awake. He’s hungry, thirsty, sleepy and kind of stiff from occupying the driver’s seat for way too long. He didn’t get any sleep last night, busy thinking of ways to get your attention again. Luckily, he didn’t walk out of your room with a black eye this time. Felix mentally exhales when he pulls up, and his eyes are met with the giant purple and pink neon sign: “Fancy” aka Chan’s favorite place. He shuts the engine off before leaning over to wake you up. 
“Meow,” he flinches at the sound and immediately turns to you. You would never possibly make that, would you? “Meow,” there it is again. His eyes shift again to the backseats, squinting hard only to make out a yellow ball of fluff shuffling through the bags of groceries. “Oh my God Soonie, what the hell are you doing here?” He sighs in relief when the cat finally looks up at him, green eyes piercing through the dark. 
You stir in your slumber and eventually wake up upon hearing the commotion. “What happened?” A loud yawn escapes your lips when you rub your eyes tiredly. You turn around only to see Minho’s oldest cat pawing at the paper bags.  “Are you seeing Soonie in the backseats right now or am I just delusional?” 
“Well, that makes two of us. She probably sneaked out again, Minho’s gonna throw hands soon.” Felix scoops Soonie into his arms easily and opens the door. Then, he turns around to look at you. “Come on, I bet you’re hungry, my treat.” 
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“Food,” Felix tells you when he shuts the door behind his back. He takes in the cool air of the diner and exhales deeply. God bless humanity for air conditioners. 
You nod back without looking at him. “Yeah, food.” And you let him drag you across the diner by the wrist. 
The diner is definitely not the place that needs to be booked months in advance. It’s not the kind with large mullioned windows, long embroidered curtains, velvet tables or delicate classical music in the background. It leans more towards the retro style with checkered floor, colorful and fun pieces of furniture, somewhere that makes you feel cozy too. You like it here. 
Felix outstretches his limbs and yawns, petting Soonie gently. The cat isn’t as impulsive as she is whenever Doongie or Dori is trying to steal her toy. Thank goodness. “Nayeon!” He smiles and waves at the brunette girl behind the counter. 
She quickly catches your eyes with her bunny-like smile, radiant skin, and pretty eyes. When she smiles, her cheeks are bunched up, eyes wrinkling into little crescent moons. The type of smile that will make anyone a little breathless. Then, you hear Felix mumbling that something smells really fucking good when he leans over the counter. You look around the diner once again, although it’s empty, there are still people working as if they don’t mind the given circumstances. These people are all high, they are all insane. They have to be.
Nayeon pulls out a pen along with her notepad, eyeing you with curiosity. “Hey kid, where’s Chan?” And you quickly break eye contact with her, pretending to have some kind of interest in the photo of her with other eight girls right beside the menu. They were on a tropical island, smiling and laughing with the ocean waves splashing against them. All of them are incredibly gorgeous, making you feel small in comparison.
“He’s elsewhere with Woojin today. I’ll take the usual,” Felix slides the smaller version of the menu across the counter, perking a brow for you to take a look at it. “Choose whatever you like.” 
You shrug. “Anything will do.” 
“Then two of what I already said then.” He nods towards the waitress, earning another warm smile. 
Nayeon taps her pen against her cheek, whispering. “Who’s that? Did you find someone?” She looks down at how his hand is holding onto yours and grins mischievously. Felix automatically drops your hand at her words, blushing furiously while looking down in slight embarrassment. “Ah, no need to explain, I’ve got you.” She places a hand on his shoulder and laughs before punching in your order. 
“It’s not—“
Nayeon puts her index finger over his mouth. “I’ve got you.” She’s never seen Felix hanging out with any girl other than his sisters before so she’s 90% sure that you’re not just any girl to be able to go to this specific diner with him. By the look of it, there’s gotta be something between you two. How you’re constantly staring into midair and anywhere else to avoid her eagle eyes, how Felix’s cheeks are redder than a tomato. Everything just speaks for itself. “Your orders will be right out.” She beams and walks back into the kitchen. You almost bury yourself alive hearing multiple females squealing and giggling in the distance. 
“Sorry about that,” he pushes himself away from the counter before smiling sheepishly. “They just get excited because—“
“Because you’re a coward who’s never been in a relationship before.” You finish his sentence with a smirk, snatching Soonie from his pocket and walk over to one of the round tables. 
Felix settles down on the opposite side of the table with a sigh. He shoots you a dirty look before pouting. “God, you’re so mean. Stop exposing my miserable, non-existent love life.” 
meanhoe | uhm hello Kardashians, I’m looking for my eldest daughter Soonie?
woobear | not the living room!
trashbin | not my room!
drama lama | not the backyard!
old man | not the kitchen either!
quokka | not the bar too!
meanhoe | tf are you doing at a bar?
quokka | retrieving my sanity…
meanhoe | you know that my whiskey is wayyy better right?
quokka |  DID I STUTTER?
meanhoe | swiped left.
y/n | she was inside Felix’s Jeep for some reason, we’re at a diner rn, some place called ‘Fancy’?
meanhoe | bring her home safely, and I’ll make dinner.
meanhoe | if not, I will grab you both by the throat and tear you apart, piece by piece.
meanhoe | there will be no negotiation, no compromise, and no mercy.
You just grin at your phone before putting the device away and shudder slightly. That’s enough Internet for today, boys being boys. This is why you’re low-key terrified of cat lovers. “Well aren’t you busy,” Felix scoffs when he sees that you’re not having any interest in one of the proper conversations with him that rarely happens. “Too busy texting with some cute boy to talk to me instead?” He cocks his head sideways, mustering his best puppy eyes or in this case, kitten eyes because he looks just like ‘Puss in Boots’.
You pinch his nose cutely, making him back off in pain. “If you’re saying Minho aka the freaky dad cat is cute then yes, I am extremely occupied with him threatening my life for having his beloved daughter in my arms.” Then, you allow him to glare at you for as long as he likes while you’re too focused on admiring the view from the window. The sky is oddly blue today, not too cloudy, not too sunny, the air is not that stuffy either. Maybe on a good day, even a zombie apocalypse seems pretty normal. You can understand why these girls still want to run the diner during times like this, simply because they love their job. And they want to help those in need because it’s the least they can do, to give people a heartwarming meal. 
“Sorry,” Nayeon walks towards your table with a bowl of warm milk. “The food will be out in a minute, I just don’t want the little thing to starve and be all miserable while you guys are stuffing your faces.” She pets Soonie with the warmest smile and the kitten purrs into her touch, closing her eyes in satisfaction. 
Felix pulls her out of your arms and gently places her next to him on the cushioned surface. “Thanks, you didn’t have to do that though. Minho spoils her on a daily basis.”
Curiously, “When did this happen?” You frown before running your index finger over a small hole that just happens to be the size of a bullet, cautious enough to not accidentally cut your finger. 
“Oh, that,” The brunette waitress' expression mirrors yours, slightly confused and intrigued. “Huh, I wonder…”
And all of the colors drain on your face. “Duck,” you say breathlessly, breaths coming in short. 
“What?” Felix can barely hear his own voice. 
Nayeon suddenly looks alarmed. “Everyone get down!” She shouts at the top of her lungs, arms flailing like a madwoman. “GET DOWN! NOW!”
Just then, a bullet pierces right through the window, glass shattering into pieces as you see Nayeon clutching onto her own stomach, blood oozing from her fresh wound. You’re ready to yelp aloud when Felix pulls you down onto the ground with him, letting his body cover up your head and shards of glass cut his cheeks. The diner grows uncomfortably silent when no sound is made, but you still keep your eyes shut and your face buried in his chest. 
“Hey hey look at me,” Felix tells you, angling your jaw so that you can make eye contact with him although your eyes are quivering in fear. It’s not the first time you’ve heard a gunshot before but he’s never seen you so shaken up about it before. It hurts seeing you like this. “We’re gonna be okay—“
Before you can reply without tripping over your own words, something falls onto the tiled floor, rolling across the surface to reach the other side of the diner. You squint your eyes hard to make out the shape of the object. It was almost the size of an avocado, round-ish, and dark. No one seems to notice it at all until there’s an ear-piercing sound that keeps beeping, echoing throughout the entire diner. 
“Shit—“ You breathe out and hold onto Felix tightly, bracing yourself for the blow. 
That’s when the entire place explodes, destroying every single thing until there’s nothing left but the grey ashes that are following the wind to reach the burning sky above. 
Utterly demolished, you’d say.
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“Do you wanna talk about it?” 
Woojin says softly when he sits down next to you on your bed. He gives your hand a squeeze in reassurance, heartbroken at your state. You look as pale as a ghost, the bags under your eyes more evident than ever, and your lips chapped, starting to turn purple. You haven’t touched the food that Minho offered for the past few days, still refusing to talk to any of the guys. But he was relieved that you were saved from the pile of ruins by one of the workers there - Jihyo, he believes that’s her name. He wouldn’t know what to do if anything happened to you. 
“No,” you shake your head profusely. “Not now.”
“So the thought of losing him does scare the shit out of you?”
You nod. “Yeah.” 
“Then you’ve found your happy ending,” your brother ruffles your hair and stands up. “Yes, right in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.” He smiles at you one last time, “Anyway, you better find him then. Godspeed.” before closing the door with a small ‘click’. 
Meanwhile, you’re staring at the wooden floor blankly, starting to wonder how filthy rich the previous family living here was. By the look of it, they seemed to be pretty well off but were probably scared shitless when the disease spread like wildfire. With that, they took off running, leaving everything behind to preserve their precious lives. But who knows? They could be some random zombies out there, roaming the streets mindlessly by now. 
You space out a lot these days, thinking about random things, but mostly him. You keep on asking yourself where in the world is he, how is he holding up, but it’s all pointless since you don’t even know if he’s still… Anyway, but when you peer at the small mirror on your table, you can see a small glimmer of another presence inside your room. Sometimes you don’t realize how far you can go whenever you’re thinking hard about something. It gets to the point where you don’t even move when Minho or Hyunjin is yelling or screaming about some stupid things right in front of your eyes. 
You take another look, eyes growing wide. It’s a glimmer of a pink-haired boy. 
“Hey Princess, not gonna choke me to death for intruding your room this time?” Felix jokes before kneeling down in front of you. It takes you an entire two minutes to understand that he’s here. He’s really here. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him in person that you’re starting to get emotional just by looking into his eyes. They’re still starry, warm and give you a sense of comfort whenever your gazes touch. “Hey, it’s all good now.” He wipes a single tear away from your face that you didn’t even take notice of. 
You choke out, debating on whether you should be bawling your eyes out because he’s safe and sound or kick his ass for worrying you. “You can’t just come back and say that! Do you know how scared I was?! Do you have any idea how many sleepless nights I’ve gone through? And now you’re just gonna come back from the Underworld to tell me that ‘It’s all good now’? Well then if you excuse me, I’m gonna go murder my friends and see if it w—“
Felix figures you still haven’t changed one bit. He knows that you’re a lover, not a fighter. Talking big on the outside but easily hurt on the inside. That’s one of the things that makes you who you are today, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. So he wordlessly leans in to capture your lips in his, swallowing every word, every nonsense, every nag that you’re gonna throw his way until you completely melt into his touch. The kiss makes your head a little fuzzy, and butterflies are tickling at the pit of your stomach. For someone who’s never been in a relationship before, Felix will definitely make you giddy all day with a kiss like this. It’s kind of innocent, kind of childish but unforgettable. 
The deeper the kiss gets, the more you think about your conversation with him the other day when he’s driving you to the diner. Fate might be a thing, but still a debatable topic. You’re not gonna say that you believe in fate because that’s a whole lot of commitment for someone who can’t even stay up to date with a short web drama. But maybe, just maybe, fate is doing its job just fine after all because you can’t ask for anyone else to be with you at the end of the world. You know that Felix’s not here just because the universe pities you (or him), or he will love you just for the hell of it either. Everything happens for a reason, but more importantly than ever, he’s not going anywhere this time. You didn’t ask, you’re sure of it by the look in his mocha eyes. 
Because like you’ve said before, his eyes never lie. They could never. 
You pull away before planting your hands on either side of his shoulders, chest heaving up and down due to shortness of breaths. “How did you...you know, make it?”
“I really thought that I was going to suffocate to my untimely death under the ruins of the diner but the girls found me later on when they were digging through everything. I was knocked out for a good week, some scratches here and there, but no one was hurt severely“ he stops himself before continuing when he sees your glossy eyes. “Nayeon is fine too. She didn’t lose that much blood, surprisingly.” 
You let silence fall upon the both of you for a second when a rush of relief runs down your spine. Then, your lips twitch slightly at what you’re going to say next. “Do you know why I treated your wounds that day? Do you know why I stared at the floor when your friend was teasing us? Do you know why I spent the past few days being all depressed and teary in bed?” You ask Felix with such determination that it makes him chuckle. 
“Easy,” he grins and caresses your cheekbone the exact same way he did a few days ago. “Because you fell for a spoiled rich kid who knows absolutely nothing about being in love. Just like how I did for you, a girl who’s best at killing the walking dead, not cooking, not cleaning, none of that shit. Weirdly enough, fate brought the two of us together again when we’re both lying on the borderline between life and death.” 
You roll your eyes at him and finally crack a smile. The smile that he adores the most. “Then what if fate does us apart? What if it doesn’t want us to end up with each other again? What if this isn’t a happy ending but a beginning to something much more terrifying?”
“In that case,” Felix leans in again, his breath fanning your cheeks. “I will always find you. And look for you, and run to you until I no longer have the strength to lift myself off the ground with my own feet.” He gently slips the silver ring that he treasures with his entire life onto your finger and places small kisses on your knuckles, looking as beautiful as ever. 
He’s right, and wrong at the same time. The idea of fate does have some kind of power over mundane mortals like you because you’ve been tied down to the idea of not being able to control your own life since you’re born. But on the other hand, sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hand to be able to get what you want in life. So seeing how determined Felix is to find you even if it means walking to the other side of the planet with his bare feet in spite of being such a naïveté who believes in things that are considered dumb, you know that he’s being serious. 
At the same time, you accept the fact that you didn’t find love, it found you because it’s got a little something to do with fate, destiny and what’s written in the stars. 
You tell him, voice hoarse. “You’ll find me and never let me go?”
“Not this lifetime, not even in another one.” He says with a smile, eyes crinkling. 
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footballerindreams · 5 years
Something Happened
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Hi! I would like to wish my Deobi friends, especially @straykidsftw (yes, she's a part Deobi), FELIX NAVIDAD!!! 😁😁😁. Anyway, this is one of my works on AO3 that I wanted to post here as a Christmas gift for Deobis. I hope you enjoy! Especially you @straykidsftw !
"Hello. Eric?" Sangyeon answered his phone. He always pauses in whatever he is doing everytime his members will call, but most especially if it is Eric.
"Hi. Hyung. It's Felix." The caller replied.
"Oh hey Felix. Did Eric left his phone again? Aish that kid."
"Uhm. No, hyung. Actually, I need you to come here at school." Felix was uneasy on the other side. "Something happened to Eric."
It has been a tough few weeks for Eric. The Boyz are preparing for their comeback and everyone is busy. Dance practices, song recordings, photoshoots, you name it. And to make it more busier...
"Okay class, exams will be next two weeks. Please study hard and good luck." The teacher said as she dismisses the class for the day.
Eventhough Eric is an idol, still he is a student and him and his hyungs are always reminded by their higher ups in their agency that no matter what, education comes first and that they have to maintain as well their grades and good image in school.
"Hey Eric, your comeback will be after the exams, right?" Felix, one of the members of Stray Kids and by fate, Eric's classmate and bestfriend, asked him.
"Yeah. What about it?" Eric asked.
"How is it?"
"Very busy. Actually after this I have to go directly to the studio and practice."
"How about the exams?"
"Don't worry. I still have time to study after practice."
"Are you sure. Seems like you really had a lot in your hands right now."
"Don't worry. I can manage." Eric smiled at his bestfriend.
And so it has been Eric's routine to go to school then go directly to the studio after classes and prepare for their comeback, most of the time it's until midnight. Then he goes home with his hyungs to their dorms and stays up to three A.M. to study.
One night, New woke up and noticed that the study lamp is on and Eric is reading and writing something.
"You're still up? It's past three in the morning and you still have class."
"Don't worry, hyung. I'll just finish this and then sleep." The maknae replied a bit groggily.
"Okay. You better sleep immediately. It's not good to stay very late." New reminded then went back to sleep.
"Okay." And Eric went focusing again on his studies and stayed awake for another hour.
"Eric, wake up. You have classes, right?" Juyeon nudges the sleeping maknae causing for it to stir.
"Eric, it's almost 8 am. You'll be late for school." Juyeon added.
Suddenly Eric rose up and jumped away from his bed to the cabinet to get his uniform and dress up. It only took him 5 mins to prepare and not even bothering to wash his face and brush his teeth; unusual for a boy whose neat as he is. He rushes out going to the door when Sangyeon called his attention.
"Eric, eat before you leave."
"Sorry, hyung but I cannot be late for today. There is an important test that I have to take." Eric says and went out of his dorm.
His routine was starting to get worse. The Boyz went home by midnight and the maknae stays later than usual, studying for the exams. He was also starting to skip meals because he is being woken up multiple times being almost late. And during his recess and lunch break, he sleeps rather than eat a meal. Adding up the tight daily schedules for their comeback, Eric never had a decent meal.
"Eric! You're sloppy!" Q shouted as he noticed the maknae huffing for air and being slow in the choreography of their dance practice.
After the dance, Q approached Eric.
"What's the matter with you, Eric? You're messing up the d--- are you alright?" Q stopped scolding as he noticed that his dongsaeng does not look good. "You look pale and there are bags in your eyes. Have you had enough sleep lately?" Q asked in concern.
"I'm...fine...hyung..." Eric replied in between his huffs of catching air. "It's just...it's just...things...are...very...busy...at school...lately."
"Aish. This kid." Q sighed and pat his shoulder gently. "All right. Guys! This is a wrap for today! We've got to go home and rest. It's been a long day, especially for Eric." Q announced making everybody start to pack up their things.
"Hyung, we still...have...2 hours...left for...practice." Eric complained.
"No. We're done for today. Everybody is good. And besides, you need to take a rest. Now pack up. We're going home."
"You're still awake?" Haknyeon asked. The Jeju boy woke up feeling a bit thirsty. As he approaches the kitchen, he saw Eric on the dinning table, writing something on a piece of paper and was surrounded by books. He is sniffing.
"Oh. Hey hyung. I'm about to finish. Don't worry." Eric assured.
"Eversince we went home you've been there. It's already three in the morning. You should sleep. We still have classes too in the morning."
"I'll just finish this then I'll sleep." Eric said with a sniff in the end.
Haknyeon let him be and went back to his room. He knows Eric is hard to persuade, especially when the boy is focused on his work. But little did he know that Eric went to sleep an hour and a half later.
Eric woke up holding his head. It felt heavy but he did not mind it and went to prepare himself for school. As the usual, he was running late and skipped breakfast again.
Luckily, Sunwoo and Hwall are also runninh late and the three of then went to school together. While on the ride, the two noticed that the maknae was coughing and more sleepy than usual.
"Are you alright?" Sunwoo asked Eric.
"Yeah." Eric said then coughs a little. "It's just dry cough." Then Eric leaned on the window frame of the car they are riding and supported his head with his arm.
"You look sleepy." Hwall noticed.
"Because I just woke up." The maknae justified.
Sunwoo opened his bag and pulled out a pack of juice and gave it to Eric.
"Here drink this now. So that you have energy at least until break time." Sunwoo encouraged.
"Thanks, hyung." Eric thanked and got the pack, opened it and drank the contents.
It sustained Eric on his classes but only until recess break where he slept again rather than ate. So by the afternoon, he felt much worse.
Eric is on his way to his second class in the afternoon He was walking more slowly looking for something to hold on as he approached the stairs. He was coughing more frequently and he could feel his head pounding in pain. He whined.
"Eric! Wait for me." Felix shouted approaching the boy.
Eric faced his best friend wincing and trying hard to focus looking. "Oh hey...Felix."
"Wait, Eric. Are you okay? You look sick." Felix said worrily.
"No. I'm fine." Eric tried to convince his idol best friend only to end up coughing.
"No you're not. Come on, I'll bring you to the infirmary." Felix encouraged.
"No. I have...to go...to..." And Eric saw every blurry at first then it went blank.
Felix was alarmed when he saw his friend fainting. Good thing he was able to catch Eric before he fell on the stairs. The Stray Kids member shouted for help. Good thing there were school council students passing by and he helped him bring Eric to the infirmary.
The doctor told Felix that Eric had a fever and was then asked by the latter of the activities he knew about his friend. From what he knew is that Eric and his members had an upcoming comeback and at the same time with upcoming exams. The doctor slightly concluded that his friend was probably stressed and overfatigued from all of his activities. The doctor prescribed some medicineand advices and left him to tend for his sick bestfriend who is lying on the infirmary bed. Breathing a bit hard and with a towel on his forehead.
Then he remembered that Eric's members haven't knew of his situation yet so he decided to tell them. And since he does not have the numbers he tried to look for the maknae's phone on his belongings without stirring him up. He found it on the boy's school jacket and tried to open it. Luckily he knew the password and was able to open it but he was surprised then laughed when he saw the wallpaper of his idol best friend cuddling with a certain handsome member; a story he will leave for next time.
He looked on the contacts and found what he was looking for.
Calling 상연 형...
"Hello. Eric?" Sangyeon answered his phone. He always pauses in whatever he is doing everytime his members will call, but most especially of it is Eric.
"Hi. Hyung. It's Felix." The caller replied.
"Oh hey Felix. Did Eric left his phone again? Aish that kid."
"Uhm. No, hyung. Actually, I need you to come here at school." Felix was uneasy on the other side. "Something happened to Eric."
Alarmed, Sangyeon stood up from his spot on the studio. "What?! What happened?!"
"He was not feeling well. And he fainted and almost fell on the stairs. Good thing I was with him."
"Where are you right now?" The leader asked as he fumbles and rushed to put his things on his bag.
"At the school infirmary hyung. Eric is asleep right now but he's a having a fever."
"Oh shoot. We're on our way. Can you stay with him for a little bit?" Sangyeon asked.
"No problem, hyung. I already told our teacher and he said it's okay to be with Eric for a while."
"Thanks. Don't worry. We'll be fast."
Sangyeon came 30 minutes later with half of the members of the group. They almost broke the door of the infirmary as they were rushing to see what happened to their beloved youngest. Sangyeon was about to shout when he saw Eric sleeping on the bed, still with a towel on his forehead and being covered with blankets. Felix was on the side seated on the chair while reading a book.
Sangyeon was about to ask when Juyeon crossed him and went to the bedside. Seated, he touched Eric's skin. Noticed that it is hot, he removed the towel from his forehead, dipped it in the nearby basin and put it back.
"Did he wake up?" Sangyeon asked.
"Not yet, hyung."
"Oh dear." Jacob sighed.
"I should've known that he is sick already. He was having a hard time catching up during practice." Q regretted as he remembered the face of the boy during that time.
"I noticed him still awake in the early mornings, studying. I don't know why. I did not bother much but I reminded him to sleep." New said.
"That's why he wokes up late lately." Juyeon said.
"And skips breakfast." Younghoon added.
They were cut off from their conversation when the three older maknaes came in.
"We just knew from Eric's teacher what happened. Is he okay?" Sunwoo said worrily.
"We don't know. Have you noticed anything unusual on Eric?" Sangyeon asked.
"He spends most of his time sleeping during eating breaks. We don't even know why." Hwall answered.
"Felix, can you tell us anything? We don't understand how this happened. He does not say anything to us." Kevin pleaded the Australian.
"Well, actually..." Felix started.
Eric woke up whining in pain, which made the rest of the boys stir up and notice.
"Eric. How do you feel right now?"
Juyeon asked.
"Where...where am I?" The youngest asked.
"You're at the infirmary. You are sick. You fainted. Good thing Felix was with you."
Eric finally noticed that he IS in the infirmary. And that all of his hyungs are with him right now and he is being surrounded. He had mixed emotions of worry and comfort that his hyungs know and are around but was covered by a pounding headache.
"Why haven't you told us that you have an important exam coming. We could've cut you some slack for you to be prepared." Sangyeon said.
"I don't want to bother you hyungs. We've been preparing for this for months and I don't want to spoil that just because I have exams. And besides I was doing okay with the time."
"Doing okay? We have heard you were sleeping in the early hours of the morning. Not to mention a very short and deprived sleep. Then you skip your meals! That's okay?! What if no one was there to catch you on the stairs when you fainted? You could've gotten an injury aside from being sick!" Juyeon reprimanded.
"Hey. Hey. Don't be so hard on him." Jacob patted the worried member's shoulder.
There was silence for a while and the tension went a bit high.
Eric lowered his head and sniff at first, then whimpered, then cried softly.
"I'm sorry. I just...I just don't want to be a burden to you guys...Now?...Now I became one..."
Sangyeon closed his distance to the boy and hugged him. "Hey. Don't say that. It's not your fault. You were just doing what you think was right. You are not a burden to any of us."
"You know Eric, we have the same situation as you." Hwall started. "Being an idol and student is hard but it will be easier since we are a team. Don't hesitate to tell us anything. We will gladly help."
"Hwall is right. We are here for you if you need help. Especially about school." Sunwoo added and assured. Putting a hand on the youngest's shoulder.
"Can we stop the drama for now and go home? I want to take care of our baby boy might as well do it there." Hyunjae sassily complained. The others looked at each other and laughed then agreed.
Eric is so lucky to have hyungs like them.
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kpoptionate · 6 years
skz ➾ boyfriend!hyunjin
stray kids masterlist // official masterlist
requested: anon + anon + anon
a/n: thank y’all for requesting <333 (anon #3 i’m writing this at midnight and i’m crying i love you) (also i’ll get the minho one up soon !!)
a/n2.0: this got really long dammit lmao i’m so in love with him
woojin // bangchan // minho // changbin // hyunjin // jisung // felix // seungmin // jeongin
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h w a n g  h y u n j i n
this is my boyfriend right here mkay
but if he were yours
wOw do i wish i were you
he was at the park with his dog kkami one morning
and he was just chillin on the bench bc his dog is chill too
but then she (he ? idk someone inform me please) sprinted over to this girl on a nearby bench and started barkin at her (it’s you !)
hyunjin goes to collect his dog and apologizes and you tell him it’s fine, your dog does that too sometimes
and he doesn’t really know what to do so he just kinda apologizes again
you think he’s hella cute and adorable so you pat the bench beside you and motion for him to sit
he was lowkey hoping for you to do that bc he thinks you’re super cute
so y’all’s dogs run around and play while you and hyunjin talk and get to know each other
time flies by and the sun’s starting to set wow
kkami is asleep on your lap and to hyunjin that’s literally like the best thing ever
the prettiest boy/girl ever getting along with his dog, what else could a guy want am i right
he thinks you’re pretty cool and all so he gets your number as the two of you separate
y’all hang out a lotttt
definitely waits a few months to ask you out just to make sure
he eventually does when y’all have a picnic at the park late at night
he brought flowers and a necklace :’)
the first time he brings you over to the dorm to meet the guys they’re freaking out
like wow one of us actually managed to get a girlfriend
i mean everybody thought the first one would be hyunjin tho bc like
he’s hyunjin
he’s also kinda cliché but it’s so cute
your first official date as a couple he takes you to the amusement park
the rest of skz follows y’all but they make it so obvious
like dressed in all black and everything
he wins you a stuffed animal and gets you ice cream and goes on all the rides you wanna go on even if he's scared
when it's dark you he takes you on the ferris wheel
the guys def know what’s going on, cue them spaced out around the area with binoculars and walkie-talkies
when y’all get to the top
he takes his finger under your chin and makes you look at him
he gives a small smile with a little huff and
leans in
kisses you
when he pulls back he’s got that grin™ on his face
the guys on the ground are screaming and cheering and hyunjin gets superr shy but doesn’t let you know they’re there
y’all don’t argue a lot
he hates making you feel bad
boy has a little temper on him but he knows how to control it
until he gets jealous
he is one jealous boi™
around his members he might get jealous every once in a while but it’s not enough to bother him too much
with other people tho ?
watch out hun he’s coming for you
when he sees you talking to a friend and it’s going a little too far he’ll invite himself into the conversation
but the other person just doesn’t stop and you’re too naïve to notice they’re flirting with you
so he’ll pull the other party over to the side for a conversation with his hand tightly around their wrist
“look, i’m not trying to interrupt or anything but that’s exactly what i’m doing, keep that shit up or i swear to fucking god”
i’m not experienced with aggressive dialogue i’m sorry lmao
however, on the occassion you do argue he can get kinda out of hand
might accidentally yell something you’re self-conscious about in the heat of the moment
he’ll hate himself when you storm out crying
very stubborn, but not when it comes to you, no sir
he’ll give you two or three hours to rest and calm down
then he’ll show up at your door with flowers and snacks and little gifts to apologize
his eyes’ll be all red and puffy from crying
if you still close the door on him he’ll probably just burst into tears and not leave bc he just feels so bad and doesn’t want you to be mad and possibly leave him over something so trivial
always tries to make you smile
your laugh is literally like the best thing he’s ever heard
you guys goof around so much
he has so many pictures of you on his phone
he probably sets up a personal insta just so he can put up photos of the two of you together
they’re usually while you’re eating or sleeping (you asleep on his lap is his wallpaper)
or while y’all are on dates
expect lots of those btw
if he’s feeling like the aesthetic boyfriend he is he’ll take you on small ones like the dog / amusement park or ice cream or to a little outdoor café or bike rides through seoul and stuff like that
but he also loves fun ones like laser tag or go-karting
if you guys haven’t seen each other in a while though he’ll take you to something a little more fancy
he always makes sure you look good he always thinks you do tho
like if y’all are going out and you look kinda dumb
he refuses to leave until you fix yourself
he does it in a playful and loving way though
if he can’t find anything for you to wear he’ll buy you something to
he definitely takes you shopping a lot
mostly for clothes
likes you wearing leather jackets and a tshirt
especially his leather jacket
or his sweatshirts
any of his clothes really
you just look so cute and soft and cuddly and fhsjfhjkds you bust all his uwus
it makes him want to cuddle and squeeze you to death
especially if you’re just in your underwear and one of his white shirts to bed
waking up with him is the best bc he’s all up against you with his face nuzzled in your neck
whines when you try to get up and he’ll grab your hand and pout and you just can’t resist bc who can say no to a pouty hyunjin
i feel like crying imagining it :’)
likes cooking with you
even if it doesn’t turn out so great
y’all are always just messing around in the kitchen
likes finding recipes so when you fall asleep or something he can have something for you to eat when you wake up
always makes sure you eat too
oh you just woke up ? i’ll get breakfast
you haven’t eaten since lunch and it’s been four hours ? let’s get a snack
jUst finished pizza ? you need more hun
you need to make sure he eats and rests enough too though
bc he practices a lottt and often forgets to grab lunch so please please please bring him something to eat
he absolutely loves when you do that
it makes him feel loved and cared for and important
likes to be babied, but also likes babying you
love love love loves showing you off
like he’s constantly talking about you to everyone
cool with pda only if you are
if you are then that’s gREAT
he likes to drape his arm around your shoulder when you guys walk
especially around people
loves hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your head
cuddling 24/7
cooking ? he’s back hugging you and waiting for you to feed him
dancing ? he’s changing the song so y’all can slow dance
watching netflix ? he’s all up on you, legs tangled in yours with your head on his chest and his fingers in your hair
really good at kissing
like have you seen them lips boiiii
does it all the time
especially little pecks on your lips
doesn’t care if there’s people around, he’s your boyfriend he can do what he wants
he doesn’t go past that when people are present
but when they’re not
okay so
he might be legal in america however he’s not in korea so i’m gonna keep it appropriate for his age, lmk if there’s a problem please
okay so everything usually starts with cuddling
which’ll lead to him giving you little kisses on your forehead or cheek
which moves to your lips
and he’ll peck you some times before giving you a longer kiss
he’ll gradually move from your lips to your jaw to your neck to your collarbones
leaving marks all the way down
then back up again
he’ll teasingly drag his tongue up and across your lips before finally locking his with yours
pulling you onto his lap with a hand at your jaw around your ear
his other on your waist
when it comes to kissing he’s definitely not rough at all with it, very slow and passionate
lotsss of open-mouthed kisses with tongue
probably groans a lot
especially if you bite his bottom lip oh lord
he loves it
also bites and pulls yours while looking at you with dark, hooded eyes
somebody stop me please this is too much for my heart
runs his hands up and down your body
like he’ll start from your neck and slowly travel down to your waist and thighs before going right back up
will also slip his hands under your shirt when he comes back
loves it when you roam your hands around his body too
especially his chest and collarbone area
however he also loves your body pressed all the way up against his to where y’all can feel each others heartbeats
probably won’t go farther than pushing your hips down against him
bc even tho he’s a confident boy he respects you and doesn’t want to do anything you don’t
even if he did i’m not writing past that dammit
so he’ll end it off by dragging his hands up to cup your face
and he’ll slow down the kissing until it gets to soft little pecks again
then he’ll kiss you all over your face and lay down facing each other with your legs tangled
smiling with red and swollen lips
facing each other with your legs tangled and your arms around his torso, his draped across your waist
bc he just loves looking at you
he’ll kiss you again bc he just can’t help himself
he loves the feeling of your lips on his
then he’ll pull away and settle his face in your neck and fall asleep
wow i’m in love :’)
overall someone who just loves you so so so so much and loves to take care of you
but you need to take care of him as well bc he’s busy and forgetful
you’re truthfully the best thing that’s ever happened to him, nothing makes him happier than being able to see and touch you
it’s not possible to love him more than he loves you
okay i’m soft
i’ll stop now goodbye
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amzngphil-rp · 5 years
The Grandest Thing That Almost Didn’t Happen|| Phan Proposal
[Incoming Call: Kitty Cat Valdez😚😤😷]
"Hey so I just got off the phone with my landlord and they said it would be possible to give you my place."
"Your voice sounds super sweet right now."
*gasps* "Thanks, ugh, don't start! I gotta explain what he said we all gotta do."
"Ahhh yeah. Just hang on I gotta find something to write on. Phil's been not cleaning his room and he's got a dance tonight."
"Oh yeah? Some Valentine's day thing?"
"Exactly some Valentine's day thing. He's gotta go for Daniel."
"Alright. Is that it?"
"Yeah...that's everything....I missed you talking to me."
"Yeah, it's been fun...if I'm not doing anything maybe I'll call you later for uhh... so I can get to hear that voice a little better."
"PHILLIP! Dirty boy...well I'll be waiting!"
"I'll see you soon and I'll let you know when you can book the flight for me."
"Ok...I love you, Philly."
[End Call]
It was seemingly the perfect holiday, considering that's how the school described it. Many staff and students were running around painting the school with blobs of whites, reds, and pinks. Wallpapered halls with valentines, cupids and hearts. It was all pointing that this had to be it.
Phil had thought about it for the longest: Dan's a flair for the dramatic and would love all the ambience being put to use for something extremely romantic; he also is a bit of deprived of attention and recognition, so he'll take to the gesture pretty well considering he's being as cheesy as possible.
It had been really strange. He was planning his proposal but he couldn't get Cat out of his mind. Probably because it wasn't on his mind, it was on Zach's. There had been this insane pull lately that he needed to see her, be with her. He figured it was passing because it didn't happen all of the time, he'd catch Zach trying to call her and he'd think about her in class. Nothing else. He was aware that his other had been working on her and that's where the confusion laid, but he was more set of having a friend help him with his future, despite how she felt. It was too much to unpack.
They had to get ready.
Zach had grown fond of Dan over time since he had been there the whole time but they just got to know each other, and now they're about to have the rest of phil's natural life to know one another. They had made up for Phil and kept it that way, and Phil felt better for it, and things felt equal. This was going to happen.
Dan just got dressed and went to the party when the time came, as instructed. He was bouncing up and down trying not to question why he and Phil didn't come together. They had been together the whole day. Maybe he was working something out as Zach. He knew by now that Zach wasn't always considerate of what they do or want to do. Once he got the message that Phil was on his way he got excited. They had dressed so nice, he couldn't let this night go to waste. He made use of his time talking to his friends, seeing that most of them were dressed up and a select few weren't, but it was mostly the gammas so it didn't seem off. They can be so isolated and busy that they miss the invites and fliers and come to any school event as they are. He noticed some of them were excited to be there and others looked to be holding back. Especially Joey. He looked absolutely stunning as usual but he looked more confused than Dan.
Phil had arrived and everyone wearing dress up clothes applauded. The man walked up and embraced Dan, and he never felt so loved like that. For everyone to finally approve of them. Would this mean the houses were no longer divided? Even Charlie and Sean were dressed, guess so.
They partied and had such a time that he hadn't remembered since high school. It all felt unreal: Matt wasn't getting kicked out, instead he was talking to the new girl at the boys' house, Gabbie, and they weren't arguing or being angry in any way. Same went for Shawna's feud with Ro, they weren't throwing anything at one another or staring at other or ignoring each other; Ro was busy with the catering and slow dancing with regularly clothed Mark. Cry and Joey were happier and closer than had ever been and Felix and Shane were actually together with Harlan, playing with him and dancing with him on the dancefloor.
It was quite a sight. And little did he know it was all for him.
The night had drifted on, with more memories to stuff into a scrapbook or a family photo album. And then the exact moment came.
The song faded and the announcer (one of the deans) made a little speech on the success and great energy in the room. Dan was barely listening for he had his man wrapped around him and swaying back and forth and waiting for the announcer to finish.
The announcer called for couples only and a lot of people got up and flooded the dancefloor, taking their partners and starting the sea of middle school swaying. Most of the established couples, enamored and emotional, danced to Sinead O'Connor's "When You Love." Felix and Shane shed a few tears as they pressed close to each other and Harlan hugged their legs as they moved. Ro and Mark are slow dancing but are talking, as a just married couple would when they finally have a moment to themselves at the reception- mixtures of happy and overwhelmed by the song choice. Joey and Cry danced almost alone, Joey leaning on Cry as they savored their moment alone, undoubtedly whispering to each other smaller things to savor in the moment.
All the old and new love in the room, really motivated Phil, knowing it was their turn.
The music faded and Meghan Trainor's "All the Ways" started up and Phil let Dan go as he walked them to the front of the dancefloor and picked up a microphone:
Daniel James Howell. I've thought about this-us- often. This moment has come to me and I didn't know what to do or say and so this day would frustrate me. Now, I feel like we not only have given me the words to speak and the lung muscles to breathe, but also the heart to love you and myself just as we are. I've gotten to see you grow just like you've watched me, especially when I wasn't always right. You've always been there for me to tell me how it mattered to you and kept the focus on us and taught me that we can't give up on us. If it was truly what I wanted, I should never give up on it. I've only had few feelings similar for anyone before, but none this strong. Ultimately i got better for you, i was sent to the institute but i feel like that you knew it was gonna take time. And for that, in front of our friends and family...
Phil pulled the small ring out of his pocket and lowered in front of Dan, who was still attempting to process that he was saying this and that this moment had finally come. He dropped his glass of champagne and threw a hand over his mouth. His legs moved and he almost walked away, only to pace in a circle and nodded frantically. He looked up and Phil and looked around to see the reactions of his friends and many were surprised but others were stunned.
The other man waited for him, and began to tear up and took his hand and slid the band onto his finger. Their hands were trembling as though it was below freezing outside and stood up. He locked hands with Dan and looked at him to confirm, "Yes?!" He asked excitedly.
"Ye- what?! Yes! Yes oh my God yes!" Dan said exasperated, vibrating as Phil pulled him close into a kiss.
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OB Rewatch: The Redesign of Natural Objects
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I so want this to be symbolic of Sarah Stubbs’ relationship with Alison Hendrix.
As always, there are SPOILERS for the ENTIRE series ahead!
I loved
The shots of Siobhan out stalking Duko. Somebody make this into a poster with some inspirational Irish saying at the bottom.
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That Alison and Felix communicated to defeat Duko. She has people she can count on who know her secrets.
Adele's back! Yay! “I don't want anyone friskin' you. It's not as fun as it sounds.” Heh. And I just love this shot of her.
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“Cosima, it's good to see you again!” “Um, yeah, I'm a bit conflicted about it.”
“Yo, Rachel.”  “Yo.”
Cosima recognizing and using her value to the Susan and Rachel team. She doesn't have a whole lot to lose at this point, but she has what they need.
Great contrast of Jesus Christ Superstar with Donnie in the cell. I don't know the musical, but people have pointed out that Alison's playing the role of Judas. (See, they told us that knowing Bible stories would help us understand other stories, and they were right!) Plus, this shot of Alison is the best shot of her for the entire series.
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“Yes, I'm sure you're excited about your contribution, Ira.”
I liked
When MK says, “There’s something you should see,” she immediately follows it up with what that something is. It’s refreshing.
“I could build us all coffins. Shall I start with the smallest first?”
As soon as Scott said he wasn’t working with Rachel, Cosima went with his assessment. Because he’s her partner.
Spot on music for Donnie's opening scene in prison – Sonny Curtis' “I Fought the Law (and the Law Won)” After all, “I needed money 'cause I had none” does sum up why the Hendrixes got into drug pushing in the first place
The finch desktop wallpaper is a nice touch.
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“She even cheats at Agricola.” Oh, Scott. I'm curious HOW one cheats at Agricola, though.
The person Art trusts to talk to about Duko is Raj, the sweet guy who got Beth and Sarah all that equipment.
Alison says Shit! And Scheisse!
Both Siobhan and Sarah trying to dress Felix like he's not the biggest fashion stickler of the entire Clone Club.
Alison's terrified hesitation as she talks to Felix on the phone. 
I didn’t like
Donnie is such a fucking idiot. He's learned nothing from working with drug dealers. Has he even watched TV?
I hate any time a character tells another character how “crazy” they’re being. If the characters and plot are strong enough (and in this case, they are), the audience can gauge the craziness for themselves. Telling us is just talking down to us. 
What the fuck, Rev. Mike?? “I'm sure the children will be just fine with proper therapy.” Alison, get thee to a different church, now! I kind of wish they'd made Rev. Mike a Neolutionist. It'd make more sense than him just being a shitty reverend.
Cosima's hair is under the ear protection/ head set, rather than tucked behind it. That bothers me.
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Other notes
Both Rachel and Ira are wearing gray at the beginning – Rachel dark, Ira light.
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By the end, though, Rachel’s back in white, and a shirt very similar to the one Susan’s wearing. Ira’s still in gray, though.
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Thank GOD Charlotte was removed from Susan Duncan's “care” before Susan could fuck her up any further. The way Susan pits siblings against each other, obviously keeps Charlotte away from kids her own age, and invests nothing in social or emotional education.... And Charlotte's little smile when Susan says, “Ira, have you shown Rachel your toy soldiers” says everything about Charlotte's comprehension of the game at hand.
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Rachel’s comment that she has “a long perspective on our ailment” gets fleshed out (sorry, bad pun?) in Season 5. 
Alison heard the term “fly in the ointment,” and thought of Sarah immediately.
Alison had that mini bottle of vodka completely open when Felix startled her and she dropped it. Nothing like vodka-infused mascara, eh?
“Beth told me about you. How's your illness?” MK makes it sound like Beth told her about Cosima’s illness, which makes no sense. It could be an intentionally strange construction, though, since MK’s coded as neuro atypical.
Rachel has an eye vision of the inside of the yurt with the Messenger, but no Delphine. Indicates Delphine (a) is in on the visions and helped orchestrate this one, (b) is out of the yurt and the Messenger just helps himself, or (c) just sits back and puts up with anything and everything that happens on the island, even if it's in her personal space. I’m betting on (b) or (c). Still, how cool could it have been if Delphine showed up in her eye vision, slowly moving her thumb into Rachel’s field of vision.
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This shot, by itself, could make an interesting dental hygiene ad.
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If Duko’s niece is the reason he's doing all of this, it's telling that he says she's “like, ten.” Most of us, I think, would be able to give our beloved nieces’ and nephews’ ages at the drop of a hat, no hesitation or “like” involved.
I have questions
Is the safe house a former bakery as well as grocery? Those look like bakery or pizza ovens to me.
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What happened to the Threatening Neo after Neolution collapsed at the end of the series? I’m guessing he stayed in prison, but did anyone tell him they collapsed?
Art was totally opposed to Siobhan killing a cop, until he was fine with it. Was it Duko going AWOL, or his threat to Donnie, or his trying to get Sarah that swayed Art?
Who had Kira's ears pierced, and when?
And what was Rev. Mike doing with that stack of hymnals?
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What denomination are the Hendrixes? Not Catholic because we would have known by now, and because they call him Rev. Mike, not Father Mike. I think these symbols indicate a particular denomination, but I don't recall which.
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Why is Rev. Creepy helping with the rehearsal? Don't they have a musical director for that?
Why is poor Scott the one who has to clean the blood from the comics shop? And why is he using such a stiff brush? A damp cloth and some bleach oughta do it.
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I have questions in general about the state of Cosima's reproductive system. She says they couldn't get her cells to create a usual culture (though she doesn't give a time frame for when that was attempted). Fortunately, her disease isn’t real, so I’ll never get my questions answered.
Where and how did Sarah have her eggs removed? How many did they take? Did she get that oophorectomy after all? Did she enjoy it?
I would have liked to have seen
I wanted to see some discussion of how they've already looked for Delphine. Sarah's claim that “we'll find her” should have been met with a response of “How? We’ve already checked everywhere” or some other expression of frustration.
Someone get Tatiana and Terra Hazelton a Broadway musical, STAT.
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alonely-dreamer · 7 years
The Origin Series- The Ballet Dancer (Part 3)
Hi, hello, bonjour,
Summary: The Volturi and the Cullens see each other again for the first time since the “Renesmee” incident.
Words: 1262
Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Please, leave feedback, I really want to know what you think of this series!
Prologue / Yōsei (Part 1) / A Chance / Yōsei (Part 2) / The Ballet Dancer / Visions / The Ballet Dancer (Part 2)
I should be posting part 4 tonight or tomorrow.
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen
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The city that never sleeps was a nest of vampires. New-York never lacked in tourists or strays whose disappearances wouldn’t be noticed or seemed as ‘abnormal’. Humans always found realistic explanations for unrealistic events, because they knew what their kind was capable of. Kidnapping, murder, human trafficking… Who would ever think that someone’s disappearance was due to a vampire? Not someone in their right mind, that’s for sure.
Vampires knew how to make themselves invisible. For the Volturi, being invisible was the most important thing. But even though New-York was a big city, it wasn’t easy to wander around in dark robes without being noticed. Fortunately, the ‘Kings’ were smart enough to keep up with modern technology. And so, they made sure that their private plane would arrive at night, and that a car with tinted windows would be waiting for them there.
A sect. That’s usually what the humans they encountered thought. The pilots, the flight attendants and the driver were all meant to believe that their customers were part of a sect. Of course, they couldn’t die, that would attract unwanted attention.
The car drove to a hotel which was known to have been there forever. No one ever saw anyone enter, but it always seemed busy. The lights were on at night, people passing by could often hear music coming from the old building, as if it were a normal establishment, even though rumors had it, for those still paying attention, that the customers were all ghosts forever stuck there.
The hotel was a huge building trapped between a restaurant and a bar. It looked like it had been built two centuries ago, but there was no sign of it aging, as if, it too, were frozen in time.
People would walk pass it, without even looking at it, as if it weren’t even there. As if it were so old, its refusal to live in the present had erased its existence, had made it invisible. People would go in the restaurant to its right, then walk out to go in the bar to its left without giving the hotel another look.
The car stopped right in front of the building. It was early dawn. One by one, the six passengers got out of the car. They were all wearing black cloaks, and their faces were concealed in their black hoods. Of course, no one noticed them.
The six vampires entered the big bright hall. The first thing they saw was the huge chandelier which almost blinded them. The wallpaper was a dark red which matched the huge rug covering almost the entirety of the white marble floor. The luxurious furniture of the room was white and red. The stairs where made of white stone, the rugs covering the stairs were dark red, the curtains which covered the windows were red velvet, the entire hotel was white and red.
As expected, the owner of the hotel was waiting for them at the reception.
“Aro.” She took a step forward as she spoke. Her voice was soft, and even though she was a vampire, one could still hear her age in it. She wasn’t old, she looked like she was in her mid-forties. She had brown hair that she had pulled back in a bun, and she was wearing a red dress and red heels.
“Ellen,” Aro smiled at his old friend, “what a pleasure to see you again after all this time.”
“It’s a pleasure to receive you here,” she smiled. Aro knew that smile well. “It’s an honor to have you as our guests for the first time this century.”
“Have our friends arrived?” Aro queried.
“They have,” she nodded. “They’ve been there for a few hours. Patiently waiting. I offered them sustenance but, as I feared by the color of their eyes, nothing in the menu was appealing to them.”
“Yes, I’m afraid there was no time to warn you of their… particular diet,” Aro said with a fake apologetic tone.
“Your rooms are ready, of course,” she told them.
“Thank you, Ellen. Again, I apologize for the short notice.”
“Oh, no,” Ellen smiled, “it was such a pleasure to receive your call. You are always welcome here, of course.”
Aro smiled, then nodded, before he walked away without giving his old friend another look. Ellen smiled at her guests as they walked past her.
“Caius,” she smiled politely, but the blond vampire didn’t even look at her.
“Ellen,” Marcus stopped before her. “How have you been?” he asked with a small smile.
“Perfect,” she replied. “How is Italy?”
“Always the same,” Marcus sighed.
“Maybe it was time for a change of scenery,” she said.
“Perhaps,” Marcus sadly smiled, then nodded, before he followed his brothers up the stairs.
When Ellen turned to watch him leave, she noticed that the small blonde had been waiting for her master, like a faithful servant. Ellen would never say it aloud, of course, but the twins always made her uneasy.
“Lady Jane,” she smiled. “How have you been?”
“Good,” Jane merely replied before turning around.
The Cullens had been waiting nervously for the Volturi to arrive. Alice had seen that Aro would be traveling with only Jane, Alec and Felix, which should have reassured her family, but the presence of the twins didn’t reassure anyone.
Aro was the first to step into the room that had been given to the Cullens. He saw, to his surprise, that not all of them had come. Only Carlisle, Alice, Jasper, Edward, Bella and Emmett had made the trip.
The yellow eyed vampires watched as Caius, Marcus and their three guards appeared one by one behind Aro.
Caius’s anger was obvious on his face. Jane’s eyes immediately found Bella, the only creature on the planet who was immune to her abilities. Bella ignored the girl’s stare.
“Carlisle.” Aro said his name even though he was looking at Alice. “Thank you for coming,” he said, his eyes finally landing on the blond vampire.
“Of course,” the doctor nodded. “I’m happy we meet again under much lighter conditions.”
“As am I,” Aro said. Of course, nobody was fooled by his smile.
“Enough,” Caius interrupted. “Lead us to our mate,” as he said the word it was clear that he didn’t believe the story they were telling him, “so we can go on with this.”
“Patience, brother,” Marcus sighed. “Let them speak.”
Caius rolled his eyes as Aro held his hand out, gesturing Alice to approach. The small vampire slowly made her way to the dark-haired Volturi. The last time she showed him one of her visions, it was a death threat she knew he hadn’t appreciated.
Aro took her hand, impatient to see what she had seen.
“What do you see, brother?” Marcus broke the silence with his eternal sad voice.
Alice watched carefully as Aro’s face first showed fascination, then surprise, worry and, finally, horror. He backed away quickly, letting go of Alice’s hand.
“They didn’t lie, brothers.”
“She’s yours?” Caius asked. He tried to conceal his surprise, but failed.
“Yes, it appears so,” Aro whispered thoughtfully. “Why did you think she was ours?” he asked Alice.
“I don’t know. I just… know.”
“Is she right?” Marcus asked, hopeful.
“It is not impossible,” Aro replied.
“Full moon is tonight,” Carlisle said. “Alice will take you to her.”
“Well, we are… forever grateful to you, dear Alice,” Aro said.
“I suppose there’s no convincing you of letting the man live,” Carlisle asked.
“Indeed, Carlisle,” Aro said with a cold tone. “That man’s fate has already been decided.”
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Don’t Forget - Sans x Gaster (Human AU)
Chapter Six - Sunday and Monday
Sunday morning. The scientist awoke to the loud sounds of Papyrus and Undyne playing upstairs, and the sound of sizzling from a pan in the kitchen.
"I'm gonna get you, Papy!!" Undyne yelled.
"No, you're not!!!" Papyrus yelled back louder, giggling. He could hear their feet pounding against the floor as they ran.
He sat up, putting his hand on the back of his neck and rubbing the sore area. Sans hadn't been kidding when he said the couch was uncomfortable. Gaster picked his glasses up, and put them on, looking into the kitchen. Sans was making breakfast, it seemed. The younger male didn't look too pleased to be awake, and he was only wearing an over sized tee shirt and boxers that went down to his knees.
"Oh, hey, you're awake!" Papyrus yelled, which surprised the scientist, and made him roll off the couch, landing on the floor and making an 'oof' sound on the way down. Sans looked over as Papyrus giggled and went to help Gaster up.
As soon as Gaster was back on the couch, he looked over to Sans again, who stared at the scientist curiously. He smiled a little. "Nice bedhead."
Gaster's cheeks flushed pink. Right, his hair always had been hell after sleeping. This sleepover thing was a bad idea, but it was already too late. He fixed his glasses. "Good morning."
"Technically, afternoon." Sans replied. He went back to cooking. "Do you like pancakes?"
"Pancakes are okay. I'm not very picky."  He replied. He rolled his neck, trying to get rid of the muscle ache he had developed. "What time is it?"
"Around noon." Sans answered. He looked over at Gaster, who stared at him. He stared back for a moment before going back to cooking again.
The scientist took in his surroundings, since he hadn't really had the chance to look around the other times he'd been here. It occurred to him that people usually didn't sleep at their co-workers' houses after the other had only been hired for a week. People didn't usually sleep on their employee's couch to begin with. This friendship thing was shaping up to be an interesting thing so far. Still, Gaster found himself wanting to get Sans a new couch. It seemed inhumane to let the shorter male keep this uncomfortable piece of furniture. Plus, it was ugly, and didn't compliment the red wallpaper. It bothered him.
When Gaster looked back towards, he found Sans staring at him. He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, may I help you?"
Sans' cheeks seemed to flush pink, and he looked away. "Nah, was just trying to think of a joke to make about your bedhead."
It seemed like a suspicious, but Gaster didn't care enough to pry. It didn't really matter, in the long run.
Gaster fixed his tie before he unlocked the lab, flipping the light switches next to the door, and looked at the wall clock. Seven fifty. Ten minutes before the shift started. His co-worker would walk in the door at any moment.
He worked on a few paper as he waited; complaints from people about the Core, concerns, other worthless documents that would be old news by ten. Everyone in the Underground had a short attention span.
When the door hadn't opened by eight o' five, Gaster became a bit annoyed at Sans. Five minutes late on the first day of his second week. Disgraceful. He made a note to lecture Sans when he got there. When the clock read nine thirty, Gaster started worrying about Sans, more so than being annoyed at him. His phone started ringing, and he checked the caller ID before clearing his throat, and answering. "Yes, hello?"
"Dr. Gaster, I checked the system, and it says your assistant hasn't clocked in to work yet." Asgore said. Gaster worked on documents as the King continued. "Do you know why that is?"
"Mr. Fontz appears to be late. His shift started an hour and a half ago, and he has yet to show up." Gaster answered. He looked at the clock again. Only a minute had gone by, but it had felt like ages.
"I heard there was an increase in crime rate in Snowdin. That is where he lives, correct?" Asgore asked. Gaster tugged at his collar.
"You don't suppose something happened to him, do you?" He asked nervously. There was a sound of papers rustling, and the King muttering.
"I have not gotten a report from anyone in the Guard about anything like that, but the guards in Snowdin are not exactly the hardest working bunch... Neither are the sentries. That whole town is honestly full of drunks, and bums. Which is why we have the most issue with Snowdin."
Gaster stood from his desk, fixing his glasses. "I think I'm going to go see for myself what's going on."
"Okay, but be careful." Asgore warned. "Good luck, Dr. Gaster."
"Thank you. Goodbye." The scientist replied. He pulled the phone away from his ear, and clicked the 'end call' button, before turning his phone off, and shoving it in his pocket.
The ferry ride to Snowdin seemed to take forever, and the Riverperson warning him in tongues wasn't exactly easing his mind. He was really starting to worry when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out. It was a text from Sans. That eased him a bit, until he read the message.
Sans 9:55 A.M.
sorry im late for work somethin happened can u come over plz
Gaster shoved the phone back in his pocket, getting off the ferry, and walking briskly to his assistant's house. When he arrived at the literal scene of the crime, Guards seemed to be arresting someone (he didn't recognize who), and Sans and Papyrus were standing outside the building; Papyrus talking to a Guard as Sans was leaned up against the house. Both brothers looked a bit banged up. Papyrus had a few cuts on his cheeks and forehead, all looking very minor compared to Sans' injuries. A medic seemed to be talking to him, but Sans didn't seem too interested in receiving medical help. Gaster pushed through Guards, sentries, medics, and neighbours until he got to his coworker, who looked up at him
The next few minutes were a blur, but soon the authorities had left and the only people that were there now were Sans, Papyrus, and himself. "What was all that about?" Gaster asked.
"A mean guy came into our house! He tried to take our stuff, and he hurt us!!" Papyrus answered.
"Sorry." Sans said. Gaster took notice that the smaller male had his arms wrapped around his midsection, and his shirt was soaked in blood.
"Sans, let me see your injury." Gaster said.
"It's just a tiny cut, I'm fine." Sans replied dismissively.
"Sans, this isn't a game. Show me."
"Let's just go inside." Sans said. He started limping inside; which just worried Gaster even more. Papyrus had already run inside, so the scientist followed his co-worker into his home. The smaller male limped toward the couch, and Gaster picked him up, making the smaller squeal and flush pink.
"I wasn't joking." Gaster said, laying Sans on the couch. "Now, are you going to show me the damage, or am I going to have to do it myself?"
"Fine, fine...! I'll do it..." Sans said. He looked at Papyrus. "Go upstairs, and straighten your room up, bro."
"Okie dokie!!" Papyrus said. He ran upstairs, and Sans lifted his shirt a little. He had a wound on his side that was very clearly bleeding out. Gaster's hands hovered over the wounds as green magic poured from them to the cut. Healing magic. Sans didn't make eye contact with Gaster as he worked on healing him.
"You could have bled out and died." Gaster said.
"I know." Sans replied quietly.
Despite himself, Gaster Checked his assistant's stats... Only to find that his HP was dropping. Not as if he was getting attacked, but his maximum cap HP had gone down from the usual twenty-five to fifteen. His Attack and Defense had dropped, too... Curious. "Why were you limping?"
"The guy who attacked us kinda... Pushed me down the stairs. I landed on my leg weird..."
"Jesus fucking Christ, Sans." Gaster replied. One of his hands focused on his co-worker's leg, pouring healing magic into it. Healing magic could never do quite what a hospital trip could, but he had a feeling Sans wouldn't be able to afford a hospital bill.
Based on the dark circles under Sans' eyes, and the fact that he looked like he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open, Gaster assumed Sans would need some good old time and patience in order to recover from everything that had happened this morning. He didn't bother the smaller male as his eyes closed and his head dropped, his breathing evening out and becoming rhythmic and slow.
Once he was sure his magic had done everything it could for Sans, Gaster pulled his hands away. He fixed his glasses as his gaze rest on his sound asleep assistant. Even after all that, the smaller male seemed determined to keep his hair in his face. If that wasn't the definition of stubborn, he wasn't sure what was. He sighed. Boy, wasn't today interesting so far?
((Woooooo finished this
Just a quick note that chapters are gonna be slow in the making, probably until the end of July. I'm visiting my home town right now, so I don't get on Wattpad/AO3/Tumblr very much. I think this is the most amount of time I've written this week alone.
If you have fanart, feel free to send it to me on DeviantArt, Tumblr, Instagram, Kik, or Facebook. Feel free to inbox me and ask me for my username on the specific site/app of your choice.
11 notes · View notes
jrazillashadowworks · 8 years
Day in the Life of a Sheep
So, this piece is just something i had been working on for a very very long time for the amazing and awesome @mishy3wynnn. Was supposed to be a birthday story but yeah only late by a couple months... *cough* Sorry about that. I really hope you enjoy this silly story. ^,,^ /
Word Count: 6944
Warnings: Minor violence and blood. 
The day started off much like every day. Mishy came to work at the Mayor HQ, punctual as always. Even with her horrible sense of direction and aptitude for getting lost, she never once showed up late. As soon as she stepped through the large, ornate doors, her job began. With a polite wave to the peppy Felice and his not so peppy, twin Sister Freya she walked past the reception desk. Taking the marble stairs that swirled on both sides of the massive oak tree in the back of the HQ encased in an outcropping of multi paned glass that separated the outside from the inside, she approached the second floor.
It was always strange that a tree like this was standing, as if inside the building, but it was such a remarkable beauty of nature. The bark was rugged and expressive, thousands of intricate crevices and markings decorating the trunk. Tendrils of strong branches struck out in all directions in strange designs. Thick bunches of vibrant, dark green leaves crowned the tips. In the warm light of the sun coming in from the windows, a gentle emerald glow danced off the foliage, bouncing off the glass in soft rays. One of the window panes were left open, no doubt the work of Felice. It gave the HQ a calm, earthly scent that could be smelt all throughout the building. Mishy stopped before it and breathed it in as she always did, letting it settle for a second before exhaling softly. It left her with an invigorating sensation that lingered as she went on. Of course, this was needed for her to make it the rest of the way.
Past the library on the second floor where no doubt both Vini and Felix were working diligently, there were another set of steps leading up to the third and final floor, right above the common room. Turning down the immediate right hall designated for the offices of each mod and their own relaxation room at the end, she found hers, nested at the end on the left side. The three older Mods took up these three and the other offices on the other side belonged to the younger.
Glancing a finger across the golden plate with her name etched into it, Mishy opened the door and went inside. Flipping on the light switch, she looked at her quaint but elegant office. The walls were covered in crimson wallpaper, delicate black designs swirled and flayed out in classy shapes all across. Bookcases lined the right wall, filled with all sorts of manuals. Stacks of papers and manila folders formed small columns all around the room and on her desk. Spots of fresh green, indoor plants of different breeds sat in decorative vases all about. Some were sprouting Aloe Vera plants and others bamboo palms along with many others.
Smiling lightly, she sat down in the high, leather backed, rolling chair. Adorned over the back, a red wool blanket she always kept for when she got chilled, which was more often than not, hung over it. With a sigh, she relaxed for a moment to recuperate after the trek up the daunting stairs. Finally recollecting herself after a momentary lapse, she got down to business.
Although it looked as if no one would be able find what they were looking for in the many stacks of papers, with knowing hands, Mishy immediately pulled out the exact files she was searching for. Fanning out the required forms on the glossy redwood table top, she examined them. Lifting a quill pen, she begun working on the scheduling for the Mayor’s many meetings and the mod duties for the next few days.
 After a while, Mishy could hear the muffled voices of the other mods as they showed up, more distinctly Arc and Panda whose tones rang out the loudest as they complained at one another. Mishy snickered lightly, shaking her head as she marked down that they would patrol together for the next five days. “Best way to learn teamwork is to force it,” she teased in a dastardly tone, her bright red lips twitching into a impish grin.
With all growing quiet again, the others off doing their own assigned duties, Mishy focused. Subconsciously, she had pulled the blanket over her shoulders and wrapped up completely, only her arm extending out of the fluffy cocoon, so she could continue writing. Who knows how long she had been working when a soft but swift knock sounded at her door. At first, she didn’t hear it, but then it came again, this time slightly raised in fervor.
Thin glasses sliding down her nose, she blinked before turning to the door. “Come in.”
“Terribly sorry for interrupting you,” a soft, almost regal voice replied.
Mishy smiled at the smartly dressed- a detail the mod particularly appreciated, older gentleman, stood in the cracked open doorway. Sharp, knowing brown eyes calmly looked at her, though the lines of his face were strained, hardly discernable from his usual stern expression. “Good day, Deputy Mayor.”
Charles nodded. “Good day. As I said, sorry to bother you but there is a slight complication.”
Thin brow arching, Mishy lay down her quill pen. “Complication?”
Pushing the door open gently, he took a step into the room, revealing a torn piece of parchment in his gloved hand. Noticing, Mishy straightened up. “What is that?”
His mouth becoming a straight line, Charles flickered the paper between his fingers, clearing his throat lightly. “It seems to be a haphazard message scrawled in haste by Panda. Something unexpected has happened.”
Mishy’s expression became as befuddled as her thoughts for just a second before composing. “How can something have happened? They were here just a few minutes ago.”
Charles shook his head, scoffing with a smirk, before composing himself immediately. “They have been out on patrol for the past 2 hours.”
The mod blinked a few times. “O-oh…Well…what does the message say.”
“Apparently the rightly dubbed Team Rookie have run into a spot of bother while out. Not much is said other than that they could use your healing expertise.”
A pang of worry struck her chest, her breathing slowing down. “W-Where are they?”
Charles rubbed an index finger against his chin. “According to the route they were to take and the time, they are most likely in the southeast residential district, closer to the harbor than not most likely.”
Mishy held her breath for a moment before letting out a sigh. “How am I supposed to get to them? My sense of direction is known to everyone here…”
“Indeed it is. You know who you have to find.”
Of course she knew. “…Raz...”  
“Finding him is going to be fun.”
“No doubt.”
Leaving with the door open, Charles peeked back. “Might as well check if he’s distracting the Mayor from her duties as usual.”
The deputy Mayor now out of sight, Mishy reluctantly shrugged out of her blanket and stood up. It was only then that she noticed how stiff she was, one of her legs asleep. Stretching and shaking off the sharp tingling in her limb, she grumbled. Besides her bookcases was a narrow cabinet set apart from them. Pulling out a gilded, gold key, she set it into the lock and turned it.
Flicking the cabinet open, she gazed at her prized, neatly nestled Double Ram horn bow. Lifting it by the grip, Mishy ran a finger along the smooth, twisted grooves in the top horn. Pulling the string over her left shoulder and grabbing a quiver of normal steel tipped arrows, she headed out of her office.
With a rather quick stride, she passed by the two doors, stopping before the black painted one designated for Raz. Might as well check first. Knocking, she waited for a response. Nothing. Again she knocked, this time a bit louder. Nothing again. ‘It’s not like it’s going to be unlocked. That would be too easy. Ah well, whatever.’
Grabbing the silver handle, she was shocked when it lowered completely with a click. ‘Unlocked?’
“Raz, sorry for barging in but its seri….” She was cut short when upon opening the door was met by a ghastly wall of squirming shadow. Staring into the endless void, Mishy huffed and leaned inches before it. “Raz I need to talk to you,” she said tentatively.
Silence ensued as Mishy stood awkwardly in the hallway. “…Okay then. Checking with the Mayor it is.”
Visiting Gabbi, she was surprised to know Raz was not there either, leaving only a blush covered Mayor who scrambled together a group of papers. “He was here only a few seconds before your arrival,” the Mayor nervously giggled.
“Did he say where he was going?”
The Mayor hid behind the documents, only letting her bright blue eyes to peek out. “It’s Raz…”
Head hanging over, her shoulders dropped. “O-okay. Thank you, Gabbi.”
Thus began Mishy’s arduous search around the Mayor HQ. At first she checked the rest of the third floor, going from room to room, peeking in for a second before leaving. No Raz.
Exasperated, she had no choice but to check the other floors. Even then, what if he wasn’t even in the Mayor HQ at all? The simple thought of that potential actuality exhausted her. Maybe Team Rookie would be fine without her help. Immediately, flashes of the duo’s many screw ups filled her mind. “Sometimes, being the only healer sucks…”
Taking to the second floor, she rushed, nearly tripping down the staircase. Making a clear sweep, she hurried as fast as she could manage, shifting her gaze everywhere. Checking the library, she scuttled around the massive shelves of books, whispering to herself. Felix, one of the librarians airing out a pile of open tomes, tried to ask her what she was looking for but she passed him by, failing to notice him. Mishy nearly ran into Vini who was dusting one of the aisles and stubbed her toe a couple times before finally leaving the library with more than a few hairs out of place.
The second floor yielded no results. No Raz there either. Shuffling down to the first floor, she stood before Felice and Freya. The twins looked at each other and then at her. “Hello, Mishy! Anything we can help you with?”
Resting her palms on the table, she took a few breaths before speaking. “Please tell me one of you has seen Raz…”
Both of the twins looked to each other again then back at her, Felice flashing an empathetic smile while Freya remained as stone faced as usual. He hesitated before speaking. “We haven’t seen him. I’m terribly sorry, Mishy…”
Groaning, the Mod let her head droop, almost resting on the desk. Pushing off she did her best to retain some form of composure. “Thank you for your time.”
Spinning on her heel which proved a magnificent feat for one as clumsy as she was with her feet, she animatedly wobbled back towards the staircase. If one of the rookie Mods ended up seriously hurt or killed she was totally going to blame it on Raz. This thought alone let a devilish smirk play across her face.
Resolute that this was the last time she would be walking up those damn steps today, she was surprised when she saw the Shadow Mod walking to his office upon reaching the third floor landing. Mouth shooting open she pointed a finger straight at him like a dagger. “Razzzzzzz!” She let out with a long hiss.
The helmeted man stopped and turned ever slightly. “What is it Sheepy?”
“Where have you been?! I’ve been looking all over for you!”
Raz scoffed, keeping his back to her. “Have you ever gotten an answer to that question before?”
Slack jawed, she huffed lightly, defiantly looking away while addressing him. “I need you to send me to the harbor. Team Rookie is in dire need of assistance.”
“Nothing new there.” He begun to walk away.
“No, no, no, no you don’t,” Mishy snapped, clopping over to him before planting herself in his path. “I walked all over this building, the least you can do is help me out now.”
“Sounds like a personal problem.”
Letting her hand drop, she changed tactics. “Please?”
“They could be dead or dying.” She whined, wiggling her arms frantically.
His head tilted as if he was thoughtful then he shrugged. “Not interested.”
“I will pester you until you do agree.”
“I have no problem sending you to another roof.”
“Do it for Gabbi. She won’t be happy that you neglected to help out and possibly save them.”
Though it was impossible for her to notice, his stature wavered. Flicking a gloved hand, a snaking carpet of shadow curled out from under Mishy, flinging her hilariously into a wall of unnatural darkness. Though one would usually scream, she grinned as she sailed through the air into the void, for she knew she had won.
Having traversed the shadow plane plenty of times, she simply plugged her ears with her pinkies and hummed to herself as she glided on an invisible current, doing her best to block out the incessant wailing on all sides. When the darkness wrenched open, a blazing light blinded her as she was spat, hopping out of the shadows. Exclaiming, she scuttled before toppling over. Scrambling to her feet, she fixed the glasses that now sat sideways on her face, hanging by one ear.
Her vision returned to her, she looked forward, blinking. Before her was the vast ocean, glittering in the dazzling, warm rays of the sun peaked high in the azure, cloudless sky. Many lavish seafaring vessels of all shapes and sizes were docked along the vast, gorgeous marina. She had little time to appreciate the gorgeous sight however, for a symphony of concerned chatter pervaded the air, reminding her of what she was doing there. Standing up, she turned to a mob of people talking and pointed ahead back towards the residential area that bordered the docks.
Brushing her knees she joined the crowd, trying to break into the conversation. Though it took them a moment to realize the small woman, a burly sailor acknowledged her with a raised brow. “Heya, Miss.”
“Mod Mishy,” another said, shocked.
“What’s going on?”
“Well you see here little lady,” the sailor intruded.
“That’s hardly a proper way to address someone like her,” the other snapped. “How brazen.”
“Its fine,” Mishy waved. “Please just tell me.”
“It’s some strange mechanized terror running rampant in the streets of the residential area. It ran by at a blistering pace with two others dressed like you chasing after it and some crazy woman screaming.” He scratched the scraggly scruff under his chin. “Seems they were trying to stop it with magic and what not but yeah, it wasn’t stopping. Strange beast it was.”
Mishy placed a hand over her face. Mods using magic in the residential area. That’s not good. She needed to get to them post haste. Then it struck her as she begun to walk away towards the line of buildings out before her. What more could she do against something like that? Reaching for her bow, she was alerted that it no longer was wrapped around her. It must have fell free when being thrust into the shadows. As if on cue, her weapon suddenly appeared at her feet from out of nowhere along with the quiver full of arrows. In her peripherals, she caught a glimpse of a glob of shadow from a lamp post shudder before falling still. Slinging the bow over her and snagging the quiver, she gave small thanks to the shadows and the citizens before racing off as fast as she could to where they pointed. What a bad day to be wearing heels.
The colorful houses passed by in a blur as she ran down the streets, more than a handful of times falling. Pain was shooting up her legs but she ignored it. Luckily for her, it was impossible to lose track of them, for they left many horrified and exasperated citizens in their wake. They gestured onward and cleared the way for Mishy who struggled onward.
There was a surprising lack of property damage, minus thin, circular indentations left behind, no doubt the work of the mechanical beast they mentioned. Up ahead, the tall buildings ended, opening up to a large patch of grass, a tree line off in the distance. Eyes shooting open, she caught sight of Arc, Panda, and the unknown woman standing before a bizarre, hulking, metal contraption at its center.  
“Least they lead it away from the city,” she sighed between haggard breaths.
Hurrying to join them, Mishy got a much better view of the beast, calculating it in her mind to be well over nine feet tall. A patchwork of slightly rusted grey and copper plates made up its box like body. Four jointed legs kept the bulky thing upright. Two circular oculars sat atop its jutting face, tightened by rubber hoses, staring them all down. Copper pipes snaked along its form, a small chimney crowning its head.
The mechanical monster’s lopsided, hinged, toothy bottom jaw opened with a grating whine, revealing the black pit of its interior. It looked rather dorky. Almost like a strange, metal turtle. That was the best analogy she could come up with for this contraption.
Upon reaching the group, Mishy leaned on her knees breathing heavily. Panda and Arc commanded the beast not to move as if it could listen, weapons raised. The woman at their flank frantically begged for them not to hurt it, speaking through hands clasped tight over her mouth. They all had failed to notice that Mishy had arrived. Barely catching her breath, the new arrival wobbled over to the woman. Taking the current stalemate into consideration, Mishy approached her, hoping to understand the cause of this insane situation before things got any worse.
“Good day,” Mishy breathed, wiping a curtain of sweat from her brow with a handkerchief. She tried to sound as professional as possible, which was proving difficult after running all that way. “My name is Mishy. I am a Mod under direct command of the Mayor. What exactly is going on here?”
After a few seconds of awkward silence, the woman suddenly jumped out of her skin with a piercing squeak that made Mishy’s ears ring. She did not however, turn to look at Mishy, but kept focused on the metal turtle. The woman had a sallow countenance with almost translucent skin that appeared as thin as paper. Deep, dark circles accentuated her frantic but drained, blue eyes.
Her hair was a mire of thick, unkempt blonde tufts, pinned on both sides by bronzed clips while the rest sprawled out in all directions. The dress she wore was dull and grey, any color faded beyond recognition with but a hint of what they once were. Patches of many different fabrics and designs spotted the tattered skirt and blouse, creating a tacky mess of seam riddled cloth. A utility belt clasped around her extremely thin midriff held many cast iron tools. It was immediately apparent, that this woman was this monsters creator.
“Please don’t let them hurt my baby! I’ve worked years on this beauty! Vishpala have mercy!”
“Please relax,” Mishy said. “Your creation has clearly been rampaging down the streets of the capital. What use could such a contraption have besides wreak havoc? We can’t let such an object be left unchecked.”
“You have it all wrong!” She shrilled. “My baby has never acted this way before. I don’t even have the proper gears or parts implemented to have it up and moving just yet!” She side glanced at the Mod, revealing glistening tears, threatening to crest over. With such a look, Mishy felt a pang of pity for her. “It’s not to wreak havoc but to aide! It’s a walking boiler, used to follow its master and keep them heated in the frigid winter months!”
It wasn’t hard for Mishy to appreciate such an idea, being akin to suffer the cold more than most. Although, the size of it was extremely impractical. Shaking off such innate thoughts, she returned to the root of the matter. “Are you saying that it just started moving on its own?”
“Precisely! Upon visiting my workshop, it just came alive!” She tussled her crazy locks. “I tried to stop it from going out but it seemed bent on it, breaking through the walls when I barred the door!”
“Don’t!” Panda interrupted abruptly, grabbing their attentions forward.
Ahead, the monster begun to move, mouth jittering, a hollow bellow seething out. Though there was no way of knowing, it sounded irritated. It did not heed Panda, but moved even more, bucking at the two Mods standing watch over it.
“If you want a fight, you will have it,” Arc spat, striking a blade outward, leaving a trail of bright, blue sparks in its wake.
“Please, no!”
“Get back,” Mishy demanded. “It needs to at least be immobilized. Afterwards you can find out what’s wrong with it.”
Without waiting for an answer, Mishy ran over to the two. “I’m here to help.”
Panda looked back, face a waterfall of sweat, exasperated beyond belief. “Mishy! Least now we shouldn’t die!”
“The message said you needed healing expertise. Are you two alright?”
“Of course we are alright,” Arc scoffed, still trained on the beast. “Panda was just being a worry wort!”
“Worry wort?! That thing could trample us, especially you, shorty! It was the smart choice!”
Mishy caught sight of Arc’s hair rising slightly. She wasn’t sure if it was from the growing static emanating off the small Mod or from Panda’s snarky comment. “Glad you two are alright at least. I would have come sooner but you know. Had to find Raz.”
“Thank you for coming, despite that!”
The beast roared at them, upset that their attention had been taken away from it. Nudging forward, its mouth started moving, as if to imitate speaking, an orchestra of screeches and whines from the grating metal. A hollow drone slipped in between following the strange facial gestures.
“You’ve had us run all this way after you,” Arc griped. “No more running away! Come at us!”
Bending its jointed legs it thrust off the ground, shooting into the air. The Mods looked up at the silhouette that now blocked out the sun, leaving a golden outline around it. Then it came barreling down on them, trained to crush them. Mishy thrust herself back while the others lunged out on opposite sides. Each of them came just within inches of being squashed as the metal contraption slammed right where they stood only a second before. A burst of harsh wind blasted into the three as it touched down with an ear shattering boom, sending them tumbling back. The strange mechanic was luckily out of reach of such an attack, feeling only a mild breeze.
Hopping to their feet, the three Mods stood a triangle around it, hoping to attack from all sides. “Why didn’t you manipulate the wind you doofus?!” Arc piped.
“I didn’t have time to!!!”
Mishy snapped an arrow from the quiver now strapped to her leg and nocked it. Eyes skillfully scanning for any weak spots around its legs. She pinpointed the rubber around the joint and let the arrow fly. Whistling through the air, it punctured it, jutting out. The metal monstrosity was unfazed.
“Go for the legs,” Mishy commanded, raising her soft voice as best she could. “We need to incapacitate it quickly!”
“Hell yeah!” Arc became a blur as she charged at the beast. Mishy could barely discern her movements as she slid under it, delivering two blows to each of its legs, blades clashing as she joined Panda on the other side. The monster did not take kindly to that. Scuttling to face the two others, Mishy loosed another couple of arrows, piercing the same spot, sidestepping and fanning out.
Panda and Arc danced around it, each taking turns at lashing out. Panda had gotten a few shield bashes in using bursts of wind to skyrocket himself into it, trying to topple the beast with force. Arc weaved under it multiple times, striking repeatedly. Numerous nicks were now visible, marking up its legs in aggressive patterns. The lumbering monstrosity could do little to combat the trio’s attacks but to spin round and slam on its belly, easy to dodge. That is until it began to hop. Seemingly learning from its situation, it saw its futile efforts and resorted to squash them yet again. Even upon avoiding such offenses, the aftermath left the Mods muddled and discombobulated, struggling to regain their stances. In one instance, Panda was tackled and sent rag dolling a few feet away, a painful sight that caused Mishy to cringe inwardly.
Pleased with itself, the metal monster pranced about on the spot, guffawing. Its celebration was ended abruptly as an arrow pierced the plating between its eyes. Upon sinking through, a wave of crackling electricity rolled down its body, thousands of jagged blue tendrils clawing at its seams. Rattling madly, its body vibrated.
Regaining control after a momentary lapse, it prepared to shoot up into the air yet again. “Like hell you will!” Feet invisible under her, Arc blazed forward, springing upwards in a fury, both swords ready to bring down. Her hair was flowing, flickers of blue glittering between the strands. From her vantage, Mishy could feel the current of their shared element literally licking off the young Mods shoulders. She understood what was coming. There would be no immobilizing it now. Only its destruction.
Arc’s blades hissed into the metal, cutting deep. Dangling from her swords, Arc exploded with a massive pulse of electricity, a searing white light enveloping them with a bang. Snakes of lightning struck out from the orb of light, creating a conduit of anarchy that crackled the air around the now invisible combatants. Mishy’s teeth chattered from the sound, body trembling violently. The light became a plume of steam, billowing out to all sides in rolling clouds. As the sound of intense static waned, leaving but echoes, Mishy, ears ringing was assured it was over.
Letting her guard down, she prepared to sigh when something surged up from the river of wavering smoke. Jerking her head to follow, she saw the beast now riddled with holes, flying high up, Arc still gripping tight her weapons, wriggling wildly in the wind. Trails of smoke tailed the two, curling.
If Arc was to let go, the fall would leave her more of a mess than the enemy she clung to. Feeling her heart plummet, Mishy could do nothing but inhale painfully, throat and chest almost constricting. Shooting to look for Panda, she saw him already standing up, blood dribbling down his forehead. His shield was tossed to the side, arms shooting up. Even Mishy’s mind, now wracked with adrenaline infused worry understood what he was doing. He begun to move them in waves, eyes fanatically focused. Even as the crimson leaked into his eyes, he kept up the motions. And though it was not immediately apparent, their decent faltered. They were still rapidly approaching the ground when Panda gasped. “Arc, let go!” His voice carried on the wind, a boisterous cry that boomed, directed to her.
Nearly dancing on the spot, Mishy failed to notice that she had dropped her bow and covered her ears now, not wanting to hear the sound of all her comrade’s bones breaking. Arc obeyed, letting go and falling away, back poised to strike the ground. Her uniform and hair billowed. Panda continued his gestures, moving closer towards her. Arc spun and wavered, twisting at times between haphazardly controlled currents, moving away from the beast. With a final burst, Arc touched down, immediately lost to the earthshattering boom of the creature striking the ground immediately after. Parts and gadgets scattered to the wind, flinging in all directions, raining down in metal chunks.
Mishy was lucky, none of the pieces hit her, only scattering about her feet. As the dust and dirt settled leaving only a brown haze, the beast was defeated, a crumpled mess of scrap, a remnant of what it once was as the face remained, adorned on a mound of its shattered body.
“Are you alright Arc?!”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she called back. Though shaken and dizzy, Arc teetered over to the mess and dug out her swords, neatly unscathed in the rubble. Sheathing them in their respective scabbards, she readjusted the mask that miraculously still sat atop her face. “Thanks Panda,” she said nonchalant, throwing a thumbs up his way.
Distressed, Panda only glared back before hunching over with a massive groan. “No problem! None at all!”
At their back, the inventor of the beast darted past them, bumping into Mishy before sliding on her knees towards her creation. Screaming, she hugged the jaw. “No! My baby! You murdered it!”
“Just doing our jobs,” Arc sniffed. “I’m fine by the way.”
The woman was lost to them, animatedly sobbing while throwing her arms every which way, mumbling incoherently. Mishy rushed over to Panda and healed the superficial wound on his forehead. The cut closing shut, he had but to wipe the trail of blood from his face and he as good as new, minus some dings and aches that would only recuperate over time.
A chorus of footsteps alerted them to the presence of a large patrol of police garbed in purple. More than a couple familiar faces stood within the group. Ray first approached them with a stifled expression of worry. Mishy gave him a quick report, leaving the police to clean up the mess and take a statement from the crazed woman who was now holding some sort of improvised funeral over the creature.
With this insane situation over, Mishy longed to end her day and just snuggle up in her blankets back at her apartment. Surely, this was enough for one day. With the other Mods bickering playfully at her side, they walked back towards the city. Realizing that she had gotten no answer for what caused all this mess, she found herself peering back. It may have been the trick of the light from the falling rays of the sun, now seeping over the horizon but she thought she caught sight of a small white being wobbling out from behind the rubble of the beast, invisible to all around but her. With a toothy smile that took up most of its round white face, it looked directly at her before vanishing in thin air.
Chalking it up to her tired brain, she rolled her eyes. There was no way that could have been a Sup. No possible way. Letting the silly suspicion flee her mind, she found a carriage for them all to share back to Mayor HQ. The ride was relaxingly quiet, a steady drone of wheels against cobblestone lulling each of them to sleep. They had nodded off until the jerk of the cabin brought them to attention. They had arrived.  
Upon entering the building, Mishy noticed a figure standing before the reception desk dressed in the elaborate and flowing garbs of high Ekard fashion. The red and gold accented robe gave him away instantaneously. But it was another less anticipated sight that immediately stole her attention. Peeking past the twins, she caught a glimpse of the crazy black, white striped hair of her forest child, Skunky. He was hard pressed against the glass of the cylinder wall that protected the giant tree, staring at it. She could hear his excited exclamations from the entrance, mentioning how big it’s gotten.
Breaking off from her Mod comrades who thanked her once again, she felt as much excitement as she could muster in her state, putting a slight spring in her step. Felice tilted his head back, saying something inaudible. Suddenly, Skunky spun round, eyes of bright green as fresh leaves, falling on Mishy. Face alight with utter elation, he immediately vaulted over the reception desk, kicking off a stack of papers before speeding towards her, leaving behind a myriad of expressions from the others ranging from delight to slight embarrassment.
Sliding up to her, he hugged her gently before spinning her around. “Mom!”
Chuckling, she patted his back lovingly, once he had put her back down. “Still wearing the same thing as always I see. That jacket looks like it’s had it.”
“These are my favoritest clothes ever,” Skunky chimed, his brilliant, childish smile bringing one to her face as well. “I missed you sooo soooo sooo sooo much! It’s been like forever!”
“I missed you too,” she replied. Mishy noticed a smidge of dirt marring the dusting of freckles over the bridge of Skunky’s nose and pulled out her handkerchief before cleaning it away. He wiped his fingers against his nose after she was done to stop a sneeze only to leave yet another streak of dirt.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mod Mishy,” Paul joined, his voice elegant, a massive shift from that of Skunky. “Sorry for springing such excitement on you out of nowhere. Seems you have had quite the day.”
“You have no idea.”
“Well,” he said, pressing his fingers together. “If you would be so inclined, would you like to go to dinner with the two of us? Mayor Gabbi has graciously procured us a reservation at a rather lavish restaurant not far from here.”
“Please,” Skunky added before letting her answer. “It would be so much fun.”
She faltered for a second. “As lovely as that sounds. I still have some duties I need to attend to.”
“Miss Gabbi said that you are fine to go if you want!”
“Well…I guess.” Skunky grinned at her intently, fluttering his eyes as if that would get her to say yes. But of course, it worked. How could she refuse such a face? And she was indeed hungry, though she had not noticed until now. “Alright.” Skunky danced on the spot, chanting yes repeatedly.
 The subsequent dinner was very enjoyable and delicious. They were treated to a lovely sampling of the many delicacies within the capital, created from a talented staff of highly celebrated chefs from many different countries around the world. Their dinner consisted of decorated platters swathed in seafood, chicken, vegetables, and fruit and ended with a sinfully rich desert of their choosing.
It had been the best meal Mishy had in a very long time, with no room to be left unsatisfied. Skunky of course ate the most, creating a show for all around as he messily and hastily stuffed his face with decadent shrimp and whatever else he could get his hands on. His ridiculous methods and mannerisms garnered countless stares and shocked expressions throughout the establishment. Mishy had tried to rein him in, teaching him how to use silverware properly only for him to go back to eating with his hands seconds later. Paul remained a glowing scarlet throughout, nearly matching the color of his clothes. “Amara has been trying her best to teach him to no avail,” he whispered.
“There’s just no taming him,” Mishy chuckled, shaking her head as she watched him gorge himself.
Skunky talked, mouth full of all the wonderful friends he had in Ekard now and the increasing number of animals that visited his hut in the forest. It made Mishy happy that the people were beginning to appreciate him despite his peculiar personality and visage. The conversation however suddenly veered into unexpected territory when he mentioned a couple of reporters showing up and asking strange questions about his love life with Paul. Said Mayor suddenly spewed the water he had just drank from his mouth in a mist, immediately hiding behind his cloth napkin.
Mishy instinctively glared at Paul. “Is that so?”
“I didn’t understand a single question they asked!” Skunky went on. “It was very weird.”
“Right,” Mishy said, still staring at the Mayor.
“No worries, Mod Mishy… They quickly abandoned the, erhm, ridiculous story when they received no answers. Amara having a stern word with them as well.”
“Good. Thank her for me.”
Luckily for everyone, the topic quickly changed as Skunky was not one to linger on any single one for long. For this, Paul was visibly grateful. Though Mishy was very protective of Skunky, and had often questioned the Mayor on his intentions, she knew full well that he was a wonderful match for him, and without a doubt made Skunky the happiest.
Upon having their fill, leaving only a few slivers of cake left, Mishy and Paul had to apologize to the all around them. Skunky all the while, simply stretched, yelling how tasty everything was. If it wasn’t for their positions, they would have no doubt been thrown out for such behavior. However, everyone was kind and waved off their apologies, reassuring them that it was all perfectly alright, a courtesy. Though, of course, it went without saying that they hoped to never be stuck in the same room as the three again, were they to come back.
Coming out of the restaurant, they were greeted by a nice way ward breeze. Night had fallen, the black ocean expanse of sky twinkling with starlight. Warm glowing pillars emanated from the many windows, lighting up the sidewalk. Though it was tough to say goodbye, Mishy was nearly falling asleep on the spot and was in desperate need of sleep. Walking her to her apartment building, Skunky gave her a long hug, repeating how happy he was to see her again before finally backing away. The two silly men waved to her as she walked up the steps. Only a few feet away was relaxation.
A haze hung over her head and she fought to keep her eyes open, fumbling around with the keys in the lock. Turning it, she was surprised that it hadn’t been locked. Figuring she must have forgotten, she entered the darkened apartment, simply locking it behind her. Flicking on the lights as she went, she approached her bedroom. Passing by the kitchen however, she caught something in her peripherals, a shadow walking parallel to her, stopping in the doorway.
Her reaction was delayed, movement faltering to defend, heart shooting into her throat, arms out. The person did nothing but stand there. They flipped on the kitchen’s switch, the flickering light assaulting Mishy for a second before she could make out who it was. Standing opposite to her was Ovis, chewing on a sandwich. He was amused at her reaction, handsomely smirking through a bite. “Yo.”
“What are you doing in my apartment?” She hissed. “Get out.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to take up much of your time.”
“You already are,” she scoffed, pressing a hand to her chest, trying to calm the rapidly beating heart in her chest. “What do you want?”
Ovis tilted his arm to reveal a long, bleeding gash striking upwards from his forearm, to his shoulder. “Could use a quick fix.”
Annoyed that he was bringing his problems into her life yet again, she sighed. “Fine. This is the last time though. I’m very tired and done with the world for a day.”
He held his arm out, keeping the sandwich clutched between his teeth. “Go on then, Doc.”
Rolling her eyes at his statement, she called upon the green spirits to wash over his arm, mumbling that he better not have bled on her floor. Pressing her hands lightly to the wound, she felt them course into the gash, slowly closing it. Though it took longer than it usually would, Mishy running on fumes, Ovis broke the silence as he muttered about what had transpired, muffled by the sandwich. All she could make out from his muddled explanation was Hanya and a standoff. In the end she told him to please be quiet.
As the skin magically seamed shut, she moved away and wrinkled her nose at the clinging blood on her hands. Brushing past him, she walked to the sink and washed it off vigorously using liberal amounts of soap and making disgusted noises.
“Thanks Mish,” Ovis said, assessing the almost unnoticeable thin scar left behind, which was but a sheening trail on his dark skin. “Even when zombified you do a miraculous job.”
“Thank you for that assessment,” she stated. “Now if you wouldn’t mind. Leave me alone so I can finally rest.”
“You got it.” He held out the last bite of the sandwich. “Want the rest?”
Eyes falling back on the young man, her brows lowered. “No.” Pointing to the terrace adjacent to the kitchen, which door was already wide open, she demanded that he leave.
Plopping the last chunk in his mouth, he sauntered out. “Have a good night, Doc.”
“I plan to, once you are gone.”
Sifting outside, Ovis flipped over the boxed flower bed, off into the darkness, finally leaving the Mod to be alone. Nearly slamming to door shut, her head rested against it. It took all of her energy to make it to her bedroom and take off her glasses before flopping onto the heavenly plush bed. Face sunk into a big pillow, she lay there for a moment before gripping the wool cover on top of the layers of others and spun round, wrapping herself into a toasty burrito. Within seconds, the hardworking sheep passed out, adrift into a deep sleep surrounded by well-earned warmth and peace.
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