#‘my six eyes tell me you’re suguru geto… but my soul knows otherwise
artxiiside · 1 year
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Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
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honey-nut-scooter · 1 year
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“Geto was Gojo’s first and last warm spring of youth-“
Istg half of my brain mass is taken up with these tragic gays.
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turnedinto-themoon · 1 year
satosugu rlly has everything
haters to friends to lovers to enemies to one dies in front of the other to HIS CORPSE IS POSSESSED BY THE OTHERS ENEMY
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royai · 1 year
are you currently watching the new season of jjk? :)
i pop in and watch an episode every now and then. i haven’t watched linearly. i did watch all of the star vessel stuff (needed to see gojo kill toji) and then the ep where gojo is sealed cause i loveeeeee that satosugu bit in the manga
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galaxynajma · 1 year
Every satosugu and ItaFushi shipper ever
" damm homosexuals 😭 homosexuals😔"
ItaFushi new gen satosugu
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“my six eyes tell me you’re suguru geto but my soul knows otherwise”
16”x20”, acrylic on canvas
you know it’s got me big sad if im whippin out the traditional mediums-
also im so excited to frame this for my new apartment shdidhsjskd no one will ever know the true meaning behind this except me, ahahaha
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akugumi · 8 months
first gojo hits us with the “my six eyes tell me you’re suguru geto. but my soul knows otherwise.” and now yuuji can feel megumi’s soul
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hoao · 5 months
oh to know someone so deeply your soul goes against everything you see, refusing to believe your forever best friend really is standing in front of you, feeling so clearly that it’s not him it’s not him it’s not him, my six eyes tell me you’re geto suguru but my soul knows otherwise, has your mouth ever opened up in hope?, have your eyes ever sparkled with yearning?, suguru, suguru, suguru?, no, it’s not him it’s not him it’s not him
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the results are in!
with 314 votes these were the top 10 stsg moments people can’t believe are canon (top 10 based off of the ones i listed lmao) this will be long but i did say i was gonna make a post of the results so -
10: in last place with only 1.9% - their names complimenting each other + Geto’s robes being called “gojo-gesa robes”
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i included these together cause they are similar imo. both being based around the other.
9: “the only one i have”
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the iconic quote with 3.2% that is so misquoted cause of that translation that i’m pretty sure people ignore that that’s actually what he says rather than “my one and only”💀 (myself included but for the sake of the poll i did the accurate translation)
8: the light novel in general
maybe i’m biased cause of my user but only getting 3.8% of votes surprised me lmao.
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i mean i just think about “Even if everything was different now, there was still one thing- from that very moment it all started- that had never changed” as well as “Geto Suguru It was a name that the Jujutsu tech organization feared…but to Gojo Satoru, he was—“ all the time
i posted more quotes from it here
7: with 7.3% (nanami surprise appearance) we have their official songs stated by Gege.
Shame On Me being Gojo’s
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and Come Back Home being Geto’s.
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6: 8.9% of votes for this insane moment from the newer chapters after Gojo’s resurrection lmao
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him and Kenny are fighting and Gojo offers to fight on Dec. 24th (Geto’s death anniversary) with Kenny replying “How romantic”
this legit made me scream when the chapter came out… anyways
5: i almost didn’t include this moment because i was sure it was gonna win because of how often it’s brought up but i’m glad to see i was wrong💀
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but still in the top 5 with 9.6% is Gojo recognizing Geto by smell in JJK0… i have nothing to add to that cause like. what.
4: with 10.5% we have Gojo’s last words to Geto being “3 words” as stated by Gojo’s english va! (which i also mentioned in the post linked above)
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(that being paired with the light quotes above and “such embarrassing words” and it being words they had “never said to each other before” … we all know what he said…🙄)
3: with 12.4%, the one that made me spiral and realize Gojo is probably done for, Gege himself saying “one cannot exist without the other” about Gojo and Geto…
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so either Geto is miraculously gonna come back or they are sharing a death anniversary lmao
2: at 18.8%!
the infamous vol 0 quotes that are 100% parallels because the entire movie is.
Gojo, to Yuta in reference to Rika: “Love is the most twisted curse of them all” (idk why i said 'worst curse' in the poll lmao)
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Geto as he dies: “At least curse me a little at the very end.”
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bangs my head into a wall… okay and number 1!!
1: at 23.6% is the stsg moment. “My six eyes tell me you’re Suguru Geto but my soul knows otherwise! Hurry up and answer, who the hell are you?!”
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not only was seeing Geto the reason for him getting sealed but he went against his own power, his own technique which makes him the strongest, to listen to his soul. and to quote Song of Achilles (which i made a joke the other day about stsg being modern day achilles and patroclus) “He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
okay this was the first poll i’ve done like this besides some random funny ones on my other blog and i can’t believe it got 300+ votes. maybe i’ll do more in the future if i can think of some topics.
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rsatoru · 2 months
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© art credits @qmthtdy on twt ! >^<
Fans consider the 25th of July to be a "SatoSugu day": the ship's name in Japanese (条五, pronounced "natsu go") means 725 — 07/25. The ship name GoGe literally translates to "five summers".
Anyway, it should be okay. We’re the strongest.
Satoru – “You scared?”
Suguru – “Not really. We should be fine. We’re the strongest.”
— Chapter 72
Yaga – “Why did you let him go?”
Satoru – “Are you... really asking me that?”
Yaga – “No, you’re right... I’m sorry.”
— Chapter 78
There’s no way I would mistake his residuals.
It was my best friend. My one and only.
Satoru – “Now, now, don’t be spouting crazy talk to my students.”
Suguru – “Satoru! It’s been so long!”
— Chapter 0.3
Suguru – “Sorry, Satoru. The girls want to try the crepe shop on Takeshita Street. I’ll be on my way.”
Satoru – “Leaving? Not on my watch.”
— Chapter 0.3
Satoru Gojo is Master Geto’s one and only best friend, after all.
My six eyes tell me you’re Suguru Geto. But my soul knows otherwise!
“I could't follow him. I couldn't stop him.”
Someone who doesn't want to be saved is like the setting sun sinking into the mountains. No matter how you hold out your hand, there's no way to reach them. There was no way to reach him.
Gojo Satoru. His appearance meant that this was the end. Or rather, to Geto — there was no other way this could end. In that way, it was easier to accept that this was his fate.
The strongest sorcerer; the wickedest curse user. Now they were mortal enemies, as irreconcilable as oil and water. Yet now, as they chatted on this little road by Jujutsu Tech, it was hard not to remember. To remember the past, when they laughed together. Idly chatting in the classroom, getting lectured by Yaga, walking shoulder-to-shoulder. What they were doing, what they wanted to do, what they wanted to make of themselves — as long as the two of them were together, none of that was ever in doubt. Days like that, long ago.
Gojo felt like he didn't know what face to make. His words, his every expression, even his bad habits — they made Gojo feel like each one was full of nostalgia, to the point of fond annoyance. A conversation between the two of them alone, ten years separated. Before it became a curse, Gojo opened his mouth.
To live for the purpose of being yourself. And for that goal, Geto could only continue to pursue his twisted dream, drowning himself in the curse that lies in the gap between ideal and reality. This was the final confession of a man who could only choose to warp himself, who had erased himself in pursuit of his goals. The only person who could bear such a curse was Gojo Satoru. Where did it go wrong? And how could they start over again?
Moments * After Toji’s death both Satoru and Suguru inherited what was left of him: Satoru took in his children, Megumi and Tsumiki, while Suguru got posession of his another “child”, worm-like cursed spirit that called Geto “mother”.
* Geto’s execution order was issued right after the village massacre; Gojo has been postponing the task for 10 years after that.
* In a private conversation with Yuta Okkotsu, Gojo admits to his student, that he has a personal theory about love being the most twisted curse.[10] The only known negative incident in Gojo's personal life was caused by Geto, who betrayed Gojo and became a criminal.
* In their final scene together, Geto tells Gojo that in this world he cannot really laugh from the bottom of his heart. Gojo's final words to Geto are unknown, but whatever he said made Suguru laugh for the last time in his life.
* In chapter 0.4, Gojo tells Yuta that Geto is the only close friend he’s ever had. It is notable, that Gojo uses the present tense in the original Japanese panel, even though Geto’s life has just ended.[11]
* Gojo refused to send Geto’s body to Shoko Ieiri for an autopsy (and subsequent cremation).[12]
* While discussing their strategy to immobilize Gojo in order to seal him, curse Jogo says, “Even a thousand measly human lives wouldn’t be enough to distract him!”[13] It turns out to be true; Gojo mercilessly kills a thousand mutated people, but Geto’s appearance stupefies him and leads to his defeat.
* During the battle with Hanami and Jogo, Satoru deactivates his Limitless Cursed Technique, and fights the curses only using his cursed energy and physical attacks. A mere hour before Gojo is successfully sealed by an imposter wearing Geto’s body, Jogo notes that nothings seems to be able to stop Gojo (“Is there anything you don’t have?!”).
* When Geto’s body reacts to Satoru’s words adressing him, Geto’s imposter notices that it is the first time when it disobeyed him.
* When Mei Mei meets Pseudo-Geto, she wonders why he is still alive and whether he and Gojo have been conspiring and working together all this time (although, she discards that thought).
* The Jujutsu Kaisen 0 light novel mentions that the events that happened to Geto and Gojo's inability to help his only friend led Satoru to choose his path as a teacher.[14]
* In the same light novel, when Geto leaves the college after notifying everyone about The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, Gojo watches him go and sees the "shape of his soul" (夏油の魂の形 in the original text).
Behind the Scenes
Gege – “How to put it, through making it Satoru (and) Suguru—”
Interviewer – “[You wanted] to get it to feel duo like.”
Gege – “Also meaning wise... a natural born genius and a genius through effort — well, not exactly — but I kind of wanted to have that difference in nuance.”
— Gege Akutami about choosing Suguru's name.[15]
The kesa... I may be mistaken but the kesa here is most likely called "gojou-kesa". When I was researching kesa, there were several different ones and this one was apparently called gojou-kesa, so I recall figuring "oh isn't this just right".
I was lectured by director Park and the sound director before recording [the scenes] where Geto talks to Gojo, since the relationship between those two is special.
Lines they exchange often have a different distance from the others, and there are words that can only be understood between the two of them.
The last [scene with] Gojo and Geto... no, it might be better to describe it as Satoru and Suguru's back and forth banter along with their expressions. That scene lingers in my ears.
Interviewer – “Do you see any difference between Gojo from the anime series and the movie?”
Nakamura – “I could really feel a big difference between Gojo from this two hour movie and the anime that had been on air for six months. In the TV anime Gojo didn't talk about himself, so you couldn't see his human nature, but in the movie, the way he interacts with Okkotsu, and emotions he has when facing Geto help to show his own human nature.”
— Yuichi Nakamura (Gojo's Japanese VA).[20]
Interviewer – “What do you hope the audience will pay extra attention to?”
Park – “I hope people will watch it with Gojo and Geto's relationship in mind.”
— Sunghoo Park, director of Jujutsu Kaisen 0.[21]
Last scene between Gojo and Geto is the best scene. Whole team worked hard to create a better atmosphere and tempo. It brings tears to my eyes when I watch it.
I think the main topic of [Jujutsu Kaisen 0] is love. Okkotsu and Rika's story is a story that's based on love. Aside from that, although it's not exactly the same love, I think there's still a kind of heart-to-heart understanding between Gojo and Geto. They were once good classmates; now their relationship has turned upside down. Okkotsu and Rika, Gojo and Geto: they're all cases where love could've helped them grow, but instead it became a curse. I think this detail is one of the special points of the movie.
The pairing attracts a lot of people due to the characters’ connection they formed as young adults and the sorrows that followed. Their contrasting aesthetics, personal views, and eventually their opposing positions in the jujutsu world make them a fascinating dynamic to explore. Another thing that sparks interest in the fanbase is that despite Gojo’s omnipotence and absolute invincibility, he has one weakness, which turns out to be the memory of his dead friend.
Many fans view Gojo and Geto’s falling out as a break up or divorce, there are a lot of fan works (art and fanfiction) made surrounding the theme of ex romantic partners. One of the most popular concepts is Geto and Gojo breaking up in front of KFC, which leads to humorous fan arts like this or this and even playlists (for example). A great amount of works focuses on the time period between Geto’s turn and Volume 0, when Gojo and Geto are considered to be on the opposite sides of the law (fulfilling the trope Love Across Battlelines). Given Satoru and Suguru’s story is undoubtedly tragic, many fan works on AO3 are dedicated to studying such emotional states as heartbreak, loss, grief, e.g.
Another trope explored in fanfiction and fan arts is found family, considering Gojo became Tsumiki and Megumi’s guardian, while Geto took responsibility of raising two girls — Mimiko and Nanako (like here, here, or here). Some AUs include Suguru being mentally stable and becoming a teacher at Jujutsu High along with Satoru (and getting to know Satoru’s students). This inspires many artists to come up with different, often comical, ideas of what their day-to-day life would be like. While some prefer to reminisce on the sorcerers’ youth, others like to explore what their life could be like if Geto came back and took control of his body (like depicted in this comic or in this AO3 work). Often SatoSugu feature works dedicated to other pairings as a background couple, especially in ShokoHime fanfiction and artworks.
One of the most occuring motifs that artists tend to use in their works is a dragonfly (like here or here). Both Satoru and Suguru have connection to that insect: in one of the interviews, mangaka Gege Akutami admitted that now that Geto is dead with his body still automatically reacting to Satoru, his physical state could be compared to a dead dragonfly with its head ripped off: technically it is dead, but it keeps twitching post-mortem.[27] Some fans hope Gege was joking, and still belive in the possibility of his consciousness (or soul) coming back to him. In a flashback scene from manga, young Satoru can be seen wearing a dragonfly patterned yukata.
[28] Another thing about dragonflies that unites both Gojo and Geto is its Buddhist meaning. In Buddhissm, it represents the joining of Heaven and Earth as the dragonfly is one with the air and with the water at the same time. Famosly, Gojo quoted Buddha ("Throughout heaven and earth... I alone am the honored one") when he overcame his struggle and was symbolically reborn to join the fight against Toji. Artists mainly use the dragonfly as a symbol of the tragic turn the relationship between Satoru and Suguru took, and the unavoidable nature of fate.
There is another symbol. In the second opening VIVID VICE, Gojo can be seen walking in rain with a bouquet of white and blue flowers in his hand. Judging by the size, shape, and petal edges, these most likely are white calla lilies, gysophilia, and blue roses. White gypsophila from his bouquet, or baby-breath, is used for funeral flower arrangements and farewell ceremonies[29]; white calla lilies symbolize rejuvenation of the soul, love, and grief (often chosen for weddings and funerals).[30] Blue roses do not grow in nature, but can be hybridized or dyed; among other things, they signify unattainableness, a never-to-be-fulfilled wish, and impossible love.[31] Gojo is dressed in all black and is wearing his black shades, meaning he is on his day off, and chose to dress like that for some occasion.[32]
The fandom has taken liking to this interpretation, thus, flower bouquets comprised of blue roses often feature SatoSugu art pieces. Since blue roses are hard to produce, cosplayers (and some artists, too) tend to opt for blue hydrangea, flower that was first discovered and cultivated in Japan.
In Volume 0, Geto takes Mimiko and Nanako to a famous crêpe shop on Takeshita Street.[34] In the first light novel, months after Geto’s death, Yuji and Megumi wander somewhere in the Akihabara area (9 minutes from Takeshita Street by taxi) and see Gojo; they lose sight of him, and when they find him again, he is eating crêpes bought, judging by the package, in “a popular crêpe shop”.[35] Most popular crêperies in both areas belong to the same brand called Marion Crêpes. Fans believe that Gojo and Geto visited crepe shops when they were students, thus, in fan works they are often depicted getting crepes together, sometimes accompanied by their “children”.
The ship’s popularity reached the cosplayers, too. For example, in 2021, married couple from China with almost 7,5 million followers combined on Chinese social platform Weibo cosplayed the characters during CP28, Chinese Comic Con held in Shanghai. As seen in the video the couple posted, they were extremely popular, as the crowd of fans kept following them wherever they went.
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this is a special repost to my past satosugu analysis
posted last 07.25.22 by @seouci only on tumblr.
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yaoi-gs · 9 months
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My six eyes tell me you’re Suguru Geto, but my soul knows otherwise.
Credit: xo.romiiarts (IG)
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andiftheycare · 4 months
hello, what made you to like and ship satosugu? I love satosugu so much
I see you. I love them so much and they’re giving me so much joy.
So. There were a couple of things that made me go “oh,”
And I think these are just… very basic? I’m so sorry I’m going to be boring 🥹
- Hidden Inventory, the KFC break up. Iconic, incredible, heartbreaking. Up until that moment I was jokingly shipping them. Then I watched the KFC break up, and thought that Gojo wasn’t the most emotional character. Or rather: they show him happy and joking around and angry, but they never show him losing his composure until that moment. And with losing his composure I mean something different than, e.g. when he goes feral in Shibuya. It’s one of the few moments where he’s incredibly emotionally vulnerable and it shows. And this was the first moment when I went “okay, so this guy was down badly”
- Shibuya, “My six eyes tell me you’re Geto Suguru but my soul knows otherwise.” This is one of my favourite tropes and again, what can you say, what can you do, if barely hearing your long lost dead lover’s voice makes you stop for long enough to be trapped in the prison realm. What can you do when his voice alone floods you with memories of your youth. What can you do, if you can recognise him by the way he says your name? Nothing. Hence, here it’s when I gave up and opened ao3.
- The JJK official fanbook. There’s a line in there about Geto’s body reacting to Gojo’s words in Shibuya, when he tried to strangle Kenjaku. I don’t have this in English, but in my version it says that the reaction it’s “like a dragonfly that keeps moving after you cut off his head.” And, in my head, there are two layers to this. The first is that Gojo provokes this reaction — “Suguru, are you really letting this thing use your body like that?” - and even if you don’t read it romantically, it says a lot that this ignites the body’s muscle memory, and speaks about the type of character Geto Suguru is. The second, is that, well, protecting your friend is an instinct that stays in your body (not even your soul, geez) after you died and I cannot. I cannot.
There’s more and I can keep going, but these are the key moments that made me ship them. I’m not commenting on the bike scene in the opening because that’s straight out of a BL. Or the fact that the first time I read a stsg fanfic I thought that most of the things mentioned in the fic as canon events were fanon and made for the sake of shipping — when, in fact, where not.
And anon, hope it’s ok - I’m interpreting this question as “things in the show/manga” that made me ship them, rather than adding too much on narrative/themes! Thanks so much for leaving this question in my inbox, I always love to yap about those two 🥹
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divinityandfanfics · 3 months
“ Cursed, and Blessed Words ”
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a/n; stop i love making these but hate it at the same time </3
blurb; “gojo cursed geto as geto died, now, those same cursed words came true.”
WARNINGS: manga spoilers , loss of limbs , death , character death , satosugu has its own warning
☆ manga spoilers
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»»————- ♡ ————-««
satoru and suguru were bestfriends. maybe, more than that.
they had a deep connection.
suguru was the only one who could truly and genuinely understand satoru.
suguru was the one who balanced satoru’s cockiness,
the only one satoru loved.
suguru was the only one who gave satoru a chance to be his actual self.
who let satoru unleash his inner child.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
so, why was the man satoru loved so much infront of him, dying? missing an arm, on the verge of death.
“you’re late as usual, satoru.” suguru let out an airy chuckle.
satoru was silent.
“do you have any last words?” satoru asked.
“whatever you say, i hate those monkeys..”
satoru crouched down, muttering an incoherent sentence to suguru;
“----- ---- -----.”
suguru’s eyes widen, before he smiled.
“atleast curse me with a few words before i die.”
suguru gave him the student id of yuuta, looking away as he drifted to the realm of death.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
shibuya. the big mission. the mission where strong sorcerers were sent.
of course, satoru gojo was there too.
he was fighting four special grade cursed spirits just a few seconds earlier.
but, roughly approximately one thousand transfigured humans were released all across B5.
so, there wasn’t much of a choice.. except his domain expansion.
after tiring himself out, he was breathing heavily as he carries two heads of transfigured humans.
and then, the prison realm got opened. and he knew he messed up. he was now going to get sealed.
before satoru can even think of a proper solution,
someone spoke behind him.
satoru’s eyes widen.
he slowly turned around, taking in the sight of suguru geto.
suguru geto, the man he loved- whom he also killed.
then, before he knew it, his arms were bound by the prison realm.
“my six eyes are telling me you’re suguru geto! but, my soul says otherwise!” satoru yells.
“so tell me, who are you!?”
“how’d you know?” he laughed.
because suguru’s voice always softens whenever saying satoru’s name. always softens just how satoru remembers it.
“....suguru, are you going to keep letting other people manipulate you?”
kenjaku was confused, before his hand moved on its own, and choked him. “w-what the fuck!?”
then, the so-called suguru laughed.
“ah, this is..”
suguru geto’s muscle memory to protect satoru.
to protect his one and only lover.
he smiled, quickly gaining control of the flailing hand.
before undoing the stitches on his head, and taking the top of his head off; revealing a brain with a mouth- it is also super pale, almost white.
it must be the person’s cursed technique.
“well, you’re going to be sealed now, satoru gojo. no real effect if you found out who i am.” he smiled, before putting his head and stitches back.
mahito appeared, and satoru told him to hurry up and just trap him.
he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he told him to hurry up because he couldn’t handle the sight of suguru anymore.
“well, suguru, i guess we really did meet again.” satoru muttered, silent enough as for kenjaku not to hear.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
(manga spoilers start now)
satoru got out of the prison realm at exactly december 24th, since he requested of it.
afterwards, he was soon to face off against sukuna in megumi’s body.
(after the battle i guess ?)
satoru looked at sukuna, who was leaning against a broken piece of concrete.
satoru thought he won.
just then, sukuna unleashed a world-cutting slash.
a slash that went through his infinity.
cutting satoru in half.
satoru’s upper half fell, and blood fell from his mouth.
“gojo-sensei!” he heard the cries coming from the jujutsu sorcerers who were on his side,
before falling to the hands of death.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
satoru then was in an.. airport?
then, he started to poke at his head.
“was it all a dream?” he asked himself.
satoru snapped his head and eyes up, meeting suguru.
“suguru? so, it wasn’t a dream?” he said.
“mhm, my bestfriend, we meet again.”
“fuck you mean bestfriend!? are we not together anymore!?” satoru said in a fake pout.
suguru chuckled, sitting beside satoru.
“so, satoru.” he started.
“we really did meet again.”
satoru looked at suguru, then smiled.
it seems that what he said to suguru did come true.
the words that were silenced, no one else could hear except for them both.
“----- ---- -----.” was actually “we’ll meet again.”
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turnedinto-themoon · 1 year
how am I supposed to be excited for JJK season 2 when the horrors exist
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ace-touya · 5 months
Yk I think it might say something about me that some of my favourite characters are rooftop trio and satosugu because let’s look at the parallels here okay stick with me
Gays (EraserMic and Satosugu)
Chaotic, silly guy + depressed (Hizashi and Oboro + Shouta, Satoru + Suguru
Parental figures (Eri, Shinso, Megumi, Tsumiki, and doesn’t Geto have daughters? I’m only on season one I literally haven’t even met him yet and I already have Satosugu feels from edits)
Came back wrong trope (Kurogiri and Kenjaku. It even both begins with K!)
The character who came back wrong works closely with a blue haired villain with a similar power and a hand motif (Tomura and Mahito)
High school friends (UA and Jujutsu High)
Emotional Reunions (‘Who would wanna babysit that gloomy little punk all day long?!’ ‘I’m not the type to neglect a friend’ vs ‘all the information provided through my six eyes is telling me you’re Suguru Geto.. BUT BOTH MY HEART AND MY SOUL KNOW OTHERWISE!’)
Members of the group becoming teachers (Sho and Zashi, Gojo)
A girl who isn’t technically part of the group but Does Exist (Shoko, Midnight)
I feel like what Satusugu is, is what people focus on in the rooftop trio. Hizashi gets ignored a lot of the time. Which I won’t stand for, he’s everything to me.
What does it say about me? No idea. But it says something.
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lalalalalopes · 3 months
just heard a character in a telenovela say "a minha alma reconhece a dela", which means "my soul recognizes hers". it was a scene about how a woman is the character's past lover reincarnated.
this made me think about gojo's "my six eyes tell me you’re suguru geto. but my soul knows otherwise!"
anyways stsg feels hours.
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