#‘okay fine im short but im tall for a short guy’
wow-an-unfunny-joke · 1 month
DnD au where Chilchuck (irl) is like 4’11 and everyone bullied him into making his character a halffoot
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luveline · 9 months
can I request aaron with younger!reader who isn't really an affectionate pet names type and she just ends up calling him bro out of habit and he's just,,, so perplexed and sometimes a bit annoyed like 'im not your bro I'm your boyfriend'
thank you for requesting ♡
You thought that having a boyfriend would be fun (true) but that the pet names were a bit much (kind of). No matter how hard you try, you've never been the type to call a partner baby. Sweetheart, handsome, lover, none of it calls to you. It's not that there's anything wrong with sincerity nor showing someone you love them, but pet names are clunky in your mouth. 
Sometimes you have to say something, though. "Dude! What is this? Are you serious?" 
Aaron has presented you with a box of pyjamas. Some people might think pyjamas are a bad gift as an adult, but you're genuinely thrilled. They're a present for nothing, I was thinking of you. I thought you'd like them. 
Not everything expensive is good, but some stuff clearly is. "They feel amazing. What kind of material is this?" you ask, running your hand up and down the shirt. 
"I'm not sure. If you like them I can't get you more. I can get you a pair for every day of the week, if that suits you." 
Is he joking? "Aw, dude…" 
"Not sure I like that." 
You lift your head from the boxed pyjamas and smile at him with gratitude coming out the ears. He's really quite handsome, emphasised when he frowns as much as he might think otherwise, the longer strands of his hair curled gently over his crinkled forehead. 
"Thank you! Can I kiss you?" you ask.
His hand is warm on your cheek as you stand on tiptoes for a kiss. He's not that tall, and your weight has him bending backward, frowning into a short kiss. You dodge back to investigate. 
"Everything okay?" you ask. 
"Fine. They had different colours if you want something brighter, but you liked the lavender underwear–" 
"Bro," you say with a laugh. "Don't say it like that." 
"What is that?" he asks, his teeth not gritted but clearly visible, his frown bordering frantic. "I feel like I'm going insane." 
"What are you going insane over? I'm confused." 
"I'm confused. We are dating, aren't we?" Aaron asks. 
You grip the back of a dining room chair, fingernails rapping against the wood. "Um. I definitely thought so, but is that not what you think?" 
"And you're not angry with me?" 
"Angry? Aaron, I'm really sorry, can you just ask me what you want to ask?" You talk with absolute sincerity, perplexed, a smidge worried. 
"Why are you calling me 'bro'? And 'dude'? I'm not your bro, I'm your boyfriend." 
Agitation tinges his voice. It's clear that he's asking out of frustration rather than confusion; a man at the end of his rope. 
You hold your hands behind your back. "I'm sorry," you say sheepishly, "it's a bad habit. I do want to– I mean, I've thought about calling you nice stuff like you call me, but I've never done it before. It feels weird when I say it, like I'm playing dress up." 
A familiar hand in a familiar place, Aaron's palm tender against your cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm not mad," he says quietly. "I was hoping some new clothes might inspire some affection, but I shouldn't force it. You can call me 'bro'. It's weird," —he laughs, meeting your eyes with a tentative smile— "but you can call me anything. Maybe less 'bro'. 'Dude' is manageable." 
"It does inspire affection. You know. For the record." 
His laughter turns knowing. "I'll remember that." 
You lean in for another kiss. He's smiling this time, his lips parted ever so slightly. 
"What do you want me to call you?" you ask, your breath fanning against his mouth. 
"I'd say whatever feels right, but you might start calling me 'man', or 'my guy'." He chuckles at his own joke, hand needling behind your back to grab big handfuls of you almost greedily. 
It's going to feel awkward. Now or never, you think. "Thank you for the pyjamas, handsome," you murmur, spreading your hand against his chest. 
It's worth it to feel him take in a pleased breath. And it really, really suits him. 
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sungbeam · 3 months
jeong yunho x gn!reader
1.1k words, friends 2 friends who cuddle ?, one bed trope, fluff, humor, like two swear words cuz who am i without cursing, snuggling, consequences of yunho being Tall (implied that reader is shorter than yunho)
a/n: im sorry that this kinda sucks ass but yeah,, one bed trope :')
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“OH MY FUCKING GOD, I'm going to hate this,” Jeong Yunho swore as his head poked up into the attic space, eyes wide in horror.
When the inn owners said that the attic was hardly an attic, they unfortunately were not exaggerating. It was close to a crawl space, with just enough room for you to stand up straight, and outfitted with an extra long twin bed, nightstand and lamp, a pillow, and two large sherpa wool blankets. The bed was fitted beneath the slope of the roof because the entire space wasn't even large enough to put the bed in the middle.
You were starting to sweat, and considering there wasn't even heating up here, you raced to calm your nerves. “It'll be fine,” you said with a small, anxious laugh.
Yunho moved his terrified eyes up to you. “Respectfully? I'm gonna go sleep in the storm.”
When he moved to descend the ladder, you slid on your knees to grab hold of his wrist. “Come on, big guy. It's one night.”
“Yn, what if I said I was claustrophobic, huh?” He whined, but reluctantly followed you all the way up the ladder and into the attic. He straightened—big mistake. You heard the loud thump as his head met the roof, and grimaced. “Oooow!”
You hissed and reached over to gently rub the place that began to smart when he leaned down. “Are you okay?”
“No,” he whimpered. “Can I sleep in the lobby?”
Around ten minutes later, after many trials and tribulations and head bonks, you and Yunho somehow transferred your duffle bags up the ladder and into your glorified crawl space. They took up the space just beside the ladder and at the foot of the bed, and as you stared at said twin bed, you wondered if Yunho's legs would even fit on it.
Most likely not.
In fact, you were certain that two people couldn't even fit on the bed unless they were either on top of each other or packed together like sardines.
You reminded yourself that it was only going to be one night. This was what the two of you got for leaving five hours after everyone else, just to get caught in tonight's awful storm and stuck with the only “room” available for miles. In retrospect, it was your fault. Yunho had been generous enough in offering to stay behind with you until you finished your last exam.
“You can have the bed,” you told him as you were both crouched by your bags to grab clothes to sleep in. Despite your realization about your counterpart's long limbs and the bed's shortcomings, you wanted to extend an offer of chivalry.
Yunho twisted around and sent you an incredulous look. “What?”
“You drove us up here,” you replied with a shrug. You swiftly draped your sleep clothes over one arm and gathered your bag of toiletries in the other. “And you waited for me to finish my exam and you're kinda being dealt the short end of the stick with this room.”
He sat down on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest, and though his face was still pulled into the same expression, he laughed. “Yn, I hate to break it to you, but I think you're gonna fit better on that bed than I will.”
You pursed your lips, gazing over at the narrow slot on the floor between the other sloping roof and the bed. That was the only other place someone could sleep in this room. “I don't want you to sleep on the floor though.”
“I know I was complaining, but don't worry about it,” he reassured as he turned back to dig through his duffle. He flicked his wrist blindly in your direction. “You can wash up first; I'll set everything up.”
Since he left little to no room for argument, you resolved to do as he suggested. There was a community washroom on the floor below that you made your way toward. As unfortunate as your accommodation was for the night, you were eager to head back up and go to sleep. Yours and Yunho's friends were all waiting at Seonghwa's cabin already, and perhaps it wasn't just exhaustion that made you antsy for this night to get a move on.
You and Yunho just needed to get through tonight. It would be fine.
When you returned to the attic crawl space, Yunho had everything set up as he said he would. He'd found an extra set of sheets from one of the downstairs closets and laid it on the ground by the bed, then rationed one of the blankets for himself and the other for you on the bed.
You let out a tired sigh and trudged over to the bed to grab the pillow from where it rested on the headboard. You set the pillow instead at the head of Yunho's sleeping situation, then balled up one of your jackets to use as your own pillow. Once satisfied, you climbed into bed, and you were out like a light.
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Everything was hazy as you emerged from deep sleep to confused half-consciousness. The room was descended into darkness, the sounds of light rain drumming steadily against the sloped rooftop above your head. Your brain felt like it was stuffed with cotton—why had you suddenly woken up?
Then you heard it.
“Achoo.” Then another one. And another one.
Even half dead, your brain could put two and two together. You rolled over slightly to wave your arm over the side of the bed, hand flapping around until you bumped Yunho's shoulder. “Hey, Yunho.”
Another sneeze.
“Yun, get your butt up here.”
He grunted. “'m fine.”
“You're gonna get sick,” you grumbled with your face half squished against your jacket zipper. That was definitely going to leave a mark in the morning. “Come up here, for fuck's sake.”
He made another noise, perhaps of acknowledgment, before you heard sounds of movement.
You kept your eyes half-lidded to keep as much light out as possible, and rolled over again. As he crawled onto his knees, and then his feet, you opened up your blanket to him so he could join you.
“Pillow,” he slurred—you whined when it hit you in the face. “Sorry.”
In a drowsy drugged tango, you swapped your jacket out for the pillow and Yunho wormed his way onto the bed beneath your blanket. You scooted as close to the wall as you could, but even then, Yunho was pressed flush against you. His arms came around your waist, his nose wedging itself between your neck and shoulder until he was comfortable.
“Your feet are cold,” you muttered. “Get them under the blanket.”
“Too tall.”
“Show off.”
He huffed out a puff of air against your neck like a laugh, then tucked his knees up slightly to fit under the blanket. Your legs were now tangled among his, your bodies curled tightly together. In the morning, you would rationalize it out as creating body heat to prevent either of you from getting sick.
When movement stopped, you voiced into the darkness, “Better?”
A content sigh. “Better.”
Maybe this accommodation wasn't so bad after all.
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ateez m.list
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @rikizm @tinkerbell460 @meosjinn @hyunjaespresent-deobi @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @floatingpluto @gyulfriend @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @soonyoungblr @justanotherkpopstanlol @kangfication @pxppxrminty @fluorescentloves @haechansbbg @jaerisdiction @super-btstrash-posts @jundundun @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @mars101 @kflixnet
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c0llisiion · 6 months
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♡pairing : jjk + fem!reader
♡: not proof read, exs, idol!jungkook x idol!reader , fwb kinda? , smut , mutual masturbation - lmk if i missed any!
W/C : 1,162
Pt.2 , Pt.3
A/N : SORRY 4 DISAPPEARING AGAINNNNN! i js got too busy guys 😣😣😣😣 rqs are open! Send in your rqs and prompts ily <33 anyways here is a jk fic i wrote instead of finishing my other jk fic :3
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ MDNI. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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2 months. Its been 2 months since you broke it off with jungkook. It was all over the news, a hot topic for the k media. ‘BTS’s Jungkook and Y/G/N’s y/n ends 4 year relationship’, was still trending on naver. It happened so quickly. Knets are already placing the blame on you for the breakup, as they view you as a mean rebel idol who breaks hearts and messes around. A face of disgust was plastered on your face as you scroll through the endless amounts of hate comments knets put under the articles.
“Wow I always knew she was a bitch”
“She definitely cheated on him with another idol lol”
“What do you expect when you date a wh*re? Jungkook should have never dated her”
“She ruined his image”
Back and forth, people were calling you degrading names and putting Jungkook in a good light. They said all of this while not knowing a single thing about how your breakup unfolded. It was mutual. You both started getting busy with schedules. That simple. Maybe a few disagreements here and there. Maybe a few trust issues but the main point was it was mutual and you both broke up because of schedules. You got tired of the same comments and decided to turn off your phone but you got a new notification.
baby star candy 🤍
Tf is he doing at this hour?
baby star candy 🤍
Is it okay if i come over?
Classic jungkook. Getting straight to the point. You stared at the text for a while not realising that you were leaving him on seen.
My baby star candy 🤍
Its fine if you dont want me to
Yes. Quick.
You sent your reply before his second text got to properly load. And there you were. Your phone turned off, biting your nails as you waited for jungkook.
It didn't take him a lot of time. Reaching your place in under 7 minutes and 13 seconds. You heard your doorbell and you immediately rushed to the door. You stood at the door for some time, avoiding the impression that you were eagerly anticipating his arrival.
You opened the door and see the tall bulky black haired man with his calvin klein hoodie and grey shorts. You stared at him before he brought you back to reality by snapping his fingers. You let him in before locking the door. You grabbed him by his wrists and took him upstairs to your room.
He quickly settled in your bed letting out a deep sigh, Relaxing and stretching his limbs out onto the bed. His arm was tucked behind his head as he patted the empty space next to him with half lidded eyes. You rolled your eyes before snuggling with him. Your tv was on and playing a random tv show you put almost an hour ago, forgetting to it turn off. You sighed and relaxed into his arm. The silence was comfortable. Jungkook was playing with the hems of shorts and you with the drawstrings of his shorts. You knew where this would lead to.
His hands started slowly massaging your thighs and ass in a comforting way. Its like he knew you were sad. And he did. “Im sorry” he spoke up. You looked up at him. His eyes were focused on the tv infront. “Im sorry about those comments. I should have said somethin’.” He said finally looking down at you. You shook your head and nuzzled into him closer “dont be. Its not your fault. Tbh i really dont gaf.” He chuckled at your attitude. He always liked your idgaf attitude. That’s what made him ask you out. “So you are not sad?” He asked his hands trailing up your shirt, cold fingers resting under your tits. “Hmm i was but then there is no reason for me to be. Maybe we should upload one of our sextapes to show those bitchy knets and completely appall them..” you giggled thinking about their reaction. Jungkook sighed and chuckled. “Yeah? Which one? Our old ones or the one we are gonna make rn?” His cold fingers squeezed your bare tits and tugged on your hard nipples. You hissed at the feeling. He grabbed your hand using his other hand and started using yours to rub himself through his shorts. He let out a soft groan throwing his head back. You bit your lip as you felt his hand lower into your shorts, quickly taking your sensitive bud in between his fingers, tugging it gently. You gasped and held onto his wrists as he continued abusing your bud. He was growing harder and harder because of your hands and the unholy sounds you let out every time he flicked your clit. You put your hands into his shorts and wrapped your fingers around his dick. Your movements were restricted by his shorts which opted you to pull his dick completely out. You stared at it. Oh how much you missed that monster. “Quit staring baby..” you felt yourself melt as he inserts two fingers into your sopping hole. A loud squelch was heard when he started fingering you. Your hands lazily worked up and down his shaft. Small spurts of precum already leaking out of his red tip. You picked up your pace and so did he. You twisted your wrists around his tip. You knew how sensitive he was there and continued. His eyes were squeezed shut as soft moans left his mouth. He started choking on them as he felt your hands squeeze around his length. God the way you had this man under your control with Just your hands was insane. He was quick to return the favour as two more fingers were added. His thumb rested on your clit rubbing it in circles furiously as he fucked your cunt with his long fingers. Loud noises accompanied by yours and his moans were the only sounds heard in the room. Your vision went white as you finally reached your end. Squirting all over his hands and wetting your shorts as well as your sheets. You let out choked out moans and your back arched off of the bed.
“Attagirl…” jungkook said with furrowed eyebrows as he kept finger fucking you. Your hand movements got sloppy which prompted jungkook to thrust into your hands. You picked up pace which made jungkook stiffen. You knew his orgasm was close from the his facial expressions and his voice. You stared at his face as you watch your ex boyfriend come undone under your grasp. He let out a final gasp before cumming all over your hands. You slowed down your movements finally letting go of his softening cock before bringing your fingers to your mouth, licking all his salty cum clean, staring deeply into his brown eyes.
Only you had him like this. No other woman will never come to your level ever.
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cal-flakes · 11 months
hey angel, I love your fics!!!
please could you do something with protective rafe?
I don’t mind what storyline as long as it has a happy ending, tysm🫶
THANK YOU LOVE YOU XXX of course i can! I LOVE protective!rafe.
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╰┈➤ more protective!rafe
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence. short fic.
summary: rafe steps in when a overly-confident jj maybank attempts to hit on you.
“man, look at her, theres no logical reason for me to not go over!” jj argued, looking at his friends for an answer.
“i can think of one..” pope stated, eyebrows raised.
john b lightly elbowed him in the side, earning a look of disdain. “what?”
i kinda wanna let this one play out..” he smirked, sharing a knowing glance with pope.
“see! this is what i’m talking about, you don’t believe in me! you guys just wait til i come back with her number!” jj beamed, leaping from the table.
“he’s gonna get his ass beat isn’t he?” pope chuckled.
“nah, we won’t let it get that far, i just wanna see the look on his face”
the girl sat alone in the booth, tapping her manicured nails on the phone screen in front of her as the breeze in the bar left a trail of goosebumps on her cold skin.
“hey there! mind if i sit?” jj slid into the cushioned seat opposite from her. “um, sure i guess?” her face twisted slightly as the blonde failed to wait for an answer.
the shrill taps of her nails against the table signified her boredom as the boy stared at her, struggling to find words.
“so…you new around here?” he perked up, hoping to break the ice. she shook her head in response, instead turning her attention to the alert sounding from her phone.
“oookay, uhh, you got a boyfriend?” he pried.
“oh shit..kook prince, eight o’clock” pope muttered, pointing discreetly towards the door of the bar.
looking up, john b watched in amusement as rafe cameron closed in on the pair in the booth. his blue flannel shirt swayed in the breeze, revealing the gun tucked in the back of his waistband.
the pogues observed the scene before them, jj talking away to the bored girl opposite him, completely unaware of the man about to turn the corner.
“are we bad friends?” pope mumbled under his breath. “ohh..absolutely” john b answered, breaking into hysterical wheezes.
“yes, i do have a boyfriend..” she smirked, spotting the tall man now looming over jj.
taking notice of sudden sweet smile, unfortunately not directed at him, he turned in his seat.
“yeah. she does a boyfriend, pogue. get the fuck out of my face..” rafe sneered.
“well uh, lovely to see you guys, hope you have a splendid day!” jj rushed out of his seat, stomping back over to his friends like a kicked puppy.
y/n giggled at the sound of obnoxious laughter erupting from the table over, where john b and pope were sat.
“you okay angel?” rafe soothed, taking her hand in his as he sat in the warmed seat. “im fine baby, i knew you were coming” she cooed, a playful glint in her eye.
back at the table, jj shot daggers at the others as they continued their hysterics. “you guys didn’t think to mention that rafe cameron was behind me?!”
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camslut7 · 5 months
Ain’t no way
Pov: Tenjiku’s top members go to the Haitani brothers’ house for a meeting, but they meet the third Haitani
Including: Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Shion, Mochi, Hanma
Tw: curse words?, a little suggestive at one point
Reader is a female.
I got woken up by the slamming of the front door. Assuming it was my brothers coming home, I tried going back to sleep, but failed to do so because a couple minutes later i heard it again. And then again. I mean really, who the fuck was slamming the front door that many times.
I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was 1:15am. Groaning i fell back on my pillow, trying to return to my sleep, but i heard talking.
Getting up from the bed, i looked in the mirror. I was only wearing a black crop top and my underwear, so i decided to put on some leopard print pyjama shorts (idc if y’all like leopard print it’s 2006 and I absolutely love it).
I went out of my room and to the bathroom to pee. I mean hey, i got woken up anyway so why not pee, go drink some water and scold my brothers for waking me up.
While i was doing my business in the bathroom, someone tried entering. And i mean full on pulling the door open with all their strength.
“Why the hell are you pulling on the door so hard? Can’t you see it’s locked?” I yelled at the door, mentally thanking myself for locking it.
I heard someone groaning in annoyance on the outside, walking angrily back downstairs. And then i heard multiple people talking. Like more than two.
What is going on? Have my brothers brought someone to our house without telling me before hand?
Already kinda mad at them, I quickly washed my hands, checked how I looked and went downstairs to see what the hell was going on.
Walking down the stairs I yelled “Ran, Rindou, did you seriously bring someone to our house without telling me?!”
And at that moment, I looked in the living room. There were 7 guys, including my brothers, sitting in the living room, now looking at me like I was some god sent creature. I was dead ass looking at them like 🤨.
I few seconds of silence passed “Okay, what the fuck is happening right now? Why are you random boys in my house?”
“Hey, who are you calling a boy? Can’t you see im older than you.”
I looked at the guy with piercings and big ass tattoo on the side of his head.
“So what? Can’t you see I don’t care?” I said back at him.
“Who do you think you’re talking to, little lady?” Said a very big guy with some funny eyebrows. Seriously, someone needs to fix them.
“And you are?”
“That’s enough.” I turned to the side to look at the tanned boy with platinum blonde hair. “Ran, Rindou, who is this?”
“That’s our little sister.” Answered Ran.
Sighing, Rindou asked “Y/n, what do you want? Why are you so angry?”
“Why am I angry? You’re the ones who woke me up in the middle of the night. I wanna know why there are people in the house, at 1am, making noise and waking me up.”
“Woah, calm down, baby. You don’t wanna mess with us.” Replied a very tall guy, with blond on the front of his hair… Damn was he fine, but damn was he tall af.
“Yeah, what are you gonna do? Yell at us for waking up your highness?” Said the guy with the tattoo on his head.
“Um, guys, I don’t-“ Rindou tried butting in, but i cut him off.
“Oh yeah? Wanna fight? You would win, right? Since you’re being so cocky. Although, I think you’re a pussy.”
“Okay, that’s it, little bitch” And at that moment, the guy with the tattoo tried swinging at me, but i quickly dodged it and sent a right hook to his jaw, knocking him out.
I cracked my knuckles, making eye contact with every single one of them, stopping by a boy with a scar on his face and mismatched eyes. Oh, he cute, I thought, and hot. Looking at him up and down, I noticed the boy blushing.
Smirking at him, I said “Okay, who’s next?”
They were all looking at me as if I just did a miracle. Except Ran and Rin, they’ve always known that I could do that.
“What? Scared?” I smiled, focusing on the tall guy with the blond strand on his hair.
He scoffed “As if.” “Well, it sure looks like it.”
“Okay, Y/n, that’s enough.” Ran said, standing up from his spot on the couch and coming towards me.
“You should go now. And put something with more…” he stopped, searching for the right words, looking me up and down “more coverage, you know.”
And as he said that, all the guys in the room looked me up and down, now noticing how short my shorts are.
I scoffed “Oh my god, as if I care. You’ve annoyed me all, I’m going to sleep.”
“Good night, sis” Called out Rindou.
“Nighty, Y/n” Said Ran.
“Sleep well, princess.” Said the tall guy. I should really learn his name.
I went up the stairs and into my room. Closing the door, I sighed. What the fuck was all that?? I layed in my bed, going back to sleep, hoping that they won’t be here in the morning.
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dwntwn-strnlo · 7 months
TALLER THAN ME nathan doe
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, dwntwn-strnlo.
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. yayayayayayyayay christmas 🎅🎅🎅😍😍🫡😋😋
↳ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. nathan doe x reader
↳ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. picking a christmas tree!
↳ 𝐂𝐖! just playful banter fr 🙏
getting out of the car, you were immediately cold. but your excitement was enough to push you through and run through the snow.
nate followed closely behind you, hesitant to the idea of going out and chopping down a tree yourselves. his whole life he always stuck with a fake tree or one that you could buy at the hardware store. so this was a new experience for him.
"you ready?" you beamed, reaching out to take nathan's hand in yours.
he smiled back, intertwining his fingers in yours. "sure, but i'm cold so lets be quick."
playfully rolling your eyes, you leaned into press a kiss to his lips, "you're a hockey player you'll live."
nate laughs, "okay, okay." he smiles, before ushering you in the direction of the tree lot. "since this is important to you, you pick the tree."
immediately lighting up at the idea, you turn to your boyfriend with a bright smile. "really?" you ask with excitement reigning your voice.
"mhm," he smiles, nodding his head. "go find your prickly tree."
you're quick to start pulling him towards the smaller trees, reaching about 6 feet. you don't want to make the mistake of getting too tall of a tree, so you decided to play it safe.
eyes landing on the perfect tree, it's like it's enhanced and you fell in love. you look at it with the vision that it just fell from heaven and landed at your feet.
nate follows your gaze to the full, deep green tree. "babe. . ." he shys, "it's taller than me."
furrowing your brows at nathan, you meet him with a teasing grin. "everything's taller than you, sweetheart."
he glares at you, ready to make a snarky comment but your right so he refrains. "hey, that's not very holly jolly of you."
"okay well i want this one," you grin, hugging him tightly and meeting his eyes. gently swaying the two of you back and forth.
admiring his defeat, he lets out a breath of air. "fine we can get this one, go get one of the guys to cut it down." he says, nodding his head in the direction of where all the workers are.
"you can do it, your a big boy." you tease, tapping his shoulders.
"yeah but since im so short ill take longer but with your long legs you'll be faster." he giggles, running his hands up and down your arms.
"okay, okay! fine, you got me." you laugh, pressing a kiss to his lips before leaving him with the tree.
@thetriplets3 @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic @20nugs @gracietaylorsversions @fenoy7 @mlimmm @prettysturniolo @ssturniolo @gabbylovesreading @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @matthewmurdockswife @jellybeanbby @slaysturniolo @iheartshifting @mxqdii @luvsturniolo @lvrsparadise @partoftoofuckinmanyfandoms
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msbyzsz · 6 months
heather weather
"i can't believe this is actually happening...i was not expecting this to happen to me," you say sitting outside in the rain. you just caught your boyfriend cheating on you. You came to one of his games without him knowing, just to surprise him after the game. just to see another girl run up to him and kiss him at the end. so you left.
waiting outside in the rain to collect your thoughts, you had no ride, it was pouring rain, and you just caught your boyfriend cheating on you. just your luck. so you decide to sit on a bench while crying your eyes out.
"hey, are you okay?'
you jolt your head up, looking up at the person who just spoke to you. "oh yeah, im fine." you reply back to the stranger. "you sure? cause it doesn't look like you are," he says. "yeah im actually fine, i just have allergies." "its december?"
later that night you ended up safe at home, luckily to your knight and shining armor who rescued you. you guys ended up exchanging numbers, been out on a few dates then, have been together ever since. but...something just isn't sitting quite right with you. you've been getting this gut feeling but have been putting it off, cause you don't want to stir up anything between you two.
then all of a sudden everything starts crashing down on you...
i still remember, third of december
me in your sweater
you see him standing outside leaning on a tree, expecting he was waiting for you. so you start to walk towards him, until you see a girl go up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, and giving him a kiss on the cheek. you then look down at what she's wearing, and it just so happens to be the same sweater he gave you. on the third of december..
you said it looked better on me than it did you
only if you knew
how much i liked you
you vividly remember when you to when out for a walk together, just talking to each other. then you felt a breeze, and you wrapped your arms around yourself to try and keep from the cold. you didn't even know why you wore what you did, you knew you should've brought your jacket or something. and before you can even think you are wrapped up in a sweater...his sweater to be exact. so you start to take it off, "i'm fine, i don't need this." he pulls your arms through the sweater so your actually wearing it. "i think you need it more than i do, plus it looks better on you."
that's when you knew, how much you liked him...
but i watch your eyes as she walks by
what a sight for sore eyes
brighter than a blue sky
now every time you looked at him all you could think about was the way he looked at her, he never looked at you like that. but you can't blame him, she is pretty. she is the beauty standard, blonde hair, blue eyes, short, nice body, what more could a guy really want. but you, you weren't even close, with your dark hair, dark eyes, tall, decently pretty, and the only thing that you could one up her on, was your academics, but no one cares about those right?
she's got you mesmerized
while i die
you knew she has him wrapped around her finger, you would practically see them everywhere together, him looking at her like a lost puppy. and you couldn't help to think that, you two were never like that. what was really so different from her that he likes so much. it was living hell, you were practically dying at this point.
why would you ever kiss me
im not even half as pretty
`you remember the first time you guys kissed. it was special, it was snowing, and you guys were under a light. it was purely out of a movie, that kiss. but now when you see them kiss, you really wonder if it meant anything to him, why would he ever bother kissing you, it's not like he wouldn't think you are better anyway, he would say that you aren't even half as pretty as her.
you gave her your sweater
its just polyester
but you still can't believe he gave her that sweater. the same fucking one he gave to you. so it clearly didn't mean anything to him, it never mattered. you can't believe how much a piece of fabric, a piece of fucking polyester makes you so emotional, but you can't help it. he gave her, his sweater..
but you like her better
you didn't even know where to go, or what to do after this, but you knew for certain that you couldn't deal with this, he will always like her better, no matter who it is they will always like her better. you've always said third time the charm but at this point, what's the use. they are always going to end up thinking they found someone better anyway, and then you're stuck in the dump again.
"wish i were heather..."
or... what if you could be even better...?
DENKI KAMINARI, bakugou katsuki, keigo tamaki, DABI, AOMINE DAIKI, murasakibara atsushi, eren yeager, ZEKE YEAGER, tsukishima kei, bokuto koutarou, OIKAWA TOORU, sasuke uchiha
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sunlightmurdock · 10 months
im the anon who mentioned older bf/firefighter bradley and i dont have any thots because honestly it all just turns my brain to mush BUT he's such a "good girl", "i got you", "i'll take care of you", "you got me" coded guy (in whichever context...) ugh i love him so bad 😭❣️
He’s the best because he’ll always be able to tell you why your car is making that funny noise, or why your shower head won’t stop dripping, or why your lights flicker even after the bulb has just been changed.
Plus, it’s always a pleasant sight to see him leaning over the hood of your car with his brows furrowed in concentration, or his biceps flexing as he conquers your shower head with a wrench. Even when he takes his shirt off to fix your shoddy lighting situation, just because he knows you like to watch.
You’ve joked with him before that he looks like an action figure when he’s in his uniform because he’s so handsome. If he was, his catchphrases would be ‘I’ll take care of it’, ‘Don’t worry, honey, I’ve got it’ or — your personal favourite — ‘I’ve got you’.
“Bradshaw, your girl’s here!”
He turns and looks at you over his shoulder, lips quirking up into a beyond handsome grin. He sets down the generic looking tool he’s working with and turns towards you as you stroll into the firehouse.
Wrapping his arms around you, he lifts you swiftly off of your feet and kisses you, then sets you on your feet again.
“Hey, baby. What are you doing here?” He asks, taking his time to look down at the cute outfit you turned up in. He knows damn well that you’re wearing it for his benefit. He adores undressing you.
“Can’t I just be here because I wanted to see you?” You ask, looking sweetly up at him. He smiles back knowingly. If you had just wanted to see him, he would be making the short walk over to your place on his lunch break. You wouldn’t be here in front of all of his colleagues, unless you’re suddenly much more adventurous than he had anticipated. He raises his eyebrows expectantly at you.
“Okay, fine. Could you come and help me hang the new blinds I got for my room?”
“You still haven’t put those up? — What did I tell you, that window is right in front of your bed.” Bradley frowns, fingers curling around your hips as he tugs you closer to him. He knows what this neighbourhood is like. He can’t stand the thought of you changing in front of that window.
“I tried, but it’s high up and you’re tall. Please?” You smile. His frown softens. He can never stay mad at you.
He leans down and kisses you softly. “I’ve got it. I’ll be there just after five.”
And he is, promptly. Arriving at your door still in his uniform, marching you through to your room and installing the blinds with ease. He makes you sit on your bed and watch him do it, in case you need to do this again when he isn’t around.
Not that he would ever let that happen.
“Alright — looks good.” He shrugs, prodding the blind with his finger and turning to face you. At some point during the installation, you’ve gotten changed. Well, undressed. Sitting on the edge of your bed, just like he had told you, now wearing just your bra and panties.
You watch his face change as he crosses towards you and grabs hold of your waist, grinning as he tosses you onto the centre of the bed and covers your body with his. Just like you had hoped, he’s kissing you passionately and tearing his shirt over his head within seconds of finishing the project.
But then, he pulls back and studies your face, frowning slightly. “Baby… you know that I don’t help you out because I expect sex, right?”
You grin up at him deviously, draping your arms around his muscled shoulders and nodding your head.
“I know,” You tell him, sitting up and pressing a gentle kiss to his neck. He closes his eyes as your mouth works soft, open-mouthed kisses up until your lips are grazing his ear. “But that’s why I ask you to help me out. Just so we’re clear.”
He pulls back swiftly, eyes wide in disbelief as you giggle up at him. You watch the surprise on his face become amusement as he squeezes at your waist.
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betty-gb · 2 years
characters x short s/o
alright here we go, this is hc of some of my favourite boys and one girl with a short s/o. like quite short, like 4’11/5’0. this honestly became more general hcs but they still focus on height factors.
includes: leo valdez, connor stoll, gilbert blythe, carter kane and kate bishop
disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions so please don’t be mean if you don’t agree. also lmk if i’ve made any mistakes regarding canonical facts about these characters.
pronouns: i think i only used pronouns once in this and it was they/them so anyone could read this although some head cannons were more geared towards a female audience as i myself am female.
warnings: some mild language
*not proof read*
leo valdez:
-starting off strong with our short king, mr. leo valdez
-he is canonically about 5’6 so we’re going to go with that
-he’s a little shit
-just putting that out there
-1000% using you as an armrest
-asking you to grab something for him that he knows for a fact you can’t reach
-the whole package of teasing
-but can we really blame him
-he’s been the shorty for a while and he enjoys finally having someone shorter
-now leo i hc as a little spoon
-just because our boy has some major trauma
-but if you were a demigod too you would probably have a whole lot of trauma as well
-we love
-anyway with the height difference i feel like he would big spoon a bit more but you bet he is still laying on your chest with his face in your boobs (for anyone who has them) or just your chest (for everyone else)
-you would probably come up to his nose area so perfect height for him to give you forehead kisses
-although i feel like he prefers to kiss the tip of your nose
-especially when it’s all rosy from the cold
-in terms of clothes sharing
-i feel like leo is more of a ‘let me try on your clothes that are too small for me for laughs’ guy than a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’ type of guy
-which makes me sad
-but it’s okay because he will still give you clothes if ur cold and he will most certainly blush and pepper your face with kisses
-now with you being tiny and all he feels a certain sense of protectiveness
-not that you can’t handle yourself yk being a demigod and all
-but he’s lost enough people and he will not let anyone hurt you
-anyone messes with you they mess with him
-which isn’t very intimidating as he’s also short
-but he makes up for it with attitude
-all in all leo will be a bitch about your height but he will also love being taller just the same
connor stoll:
-next comes my one of my favourite demigods
-idk why i love him so much but i do so ya
-let’s start with his height bc he’s a tall lad
-all we get from the books is ‘tall’
-so i hc him to be around 6’3
-i also think travis is about 6’2 so a little bit shorter than connor
-and boy he will not shut up about it
-but i’m getting carried away
-as you can imagine this is a biggg height difference
-probably the biggest one i’m gonna be writing about
-it’s like 15-16 inches so ya
-you don’t even come up to his shoulder
-kisses are always a struggle but you make do
-he picks you up
-you stand on a chair
-he sits on a chair
-it works fine
-he is another little shit
-wow i seem to have a type
-this time it’s even more extreme of a height difference tho so it’ll be sooo fun for you
-that was very sarcastic if you couldn’t tell ^
-he will toss you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and parade you around while you whack at his back
-and if you ask him to get something for you
-don’t expect it within the next hundred years because he will hold it just out of your reach so you have to literally climb him to get it
-unless it’s something you need of course because he’s secretly a sweetheart that would so anything for you
-in terms of cuddling, im assuming you already know it would be very hard for you to be the big spoon
-wow i just realized that this height difference is giving those draco fanfics where y/n is like 4’11 and not like other girls
-back to cuddling tho
-i think it would be okay because i see him as more of a big spoon anyway
-or he would like to have you lying on his chest
-omg i’m just picturing the whole him in sweatpants like rly low down on his waist with no shirt because you’re in his shirt which is way to big lying for you lying on his chest in bed
-i’m swooning
-but ya
-i feel like occasionally he would lie like lower on the bed with his head between your legs on his back
-so like the back of his head is resting on your stomach
-idk how to explain this properly i hope that made sense
-speaking of clothes tho
-i think he is more of a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’ guy
-only because he may rip your clothes if he tried them on
-if you were more similar in height he would totally be stealing your shirts and putting on a goofy fashion show for you
-and like i mentioned before his shirts are huge on you
-it’s adorable
-now for him the whole protectiveness is stumping me
-i feel like he would kinda respect you and know that you can handle yourself
-because you are like a badass
-but i feel like his whole protectiveness would come out more if a guy was like hitting on you and got handsy
-scary boyfriend privileges coming out
-in battle he would for sure try to protect you but not rly any more than you would try to protect him
-your amazingness makes up for the height in battle
-i generally feel like protectiveness in battle would be about equal both ways
-and he’s the quiet jealous type so i feel like if a guy was like flirting he wouldn’t necessarily do anything
-only if the guy got like to touchy or aggressive like i mentioned before
-wow i really rambled for connor
-i’m sorry i just love him so much
-so all in all he would be annoying but he would have so much respect for you and your abilities even with your height
gilbert blythe:
-alright we’re switching fandoms now
-for the first time in forever i don’t think he’s a little shit about your height
-gilbert is around 5’8
-but for my self indulgence let’s say he’s around 5’10
-because he gives decently tall guy vibes
-so that means we have ourselves a height difference of around 10-11 inches
-he really just sees your height as a way to coddle and protect you
-which obviously you don’t need
-but it being the late 19th century we got all the big strong man stereotypes
-he’s not possessive or anything though
-just protective
-especially from a certain someone
-*cough* billy *cough*
-we all know billy is a grade a asshole
-and it’s even better that my phone just tried to autocorrect billy to bully
-quite fitting
-as for cuddling
-gilbert is a big spoon
-and i am set on that
-he also loves being on the couch and just holding you in his arms while your head rests on his chest
-maybe he’s reading to you
-gosh i’m soft for him
-so the height difference works perfectly for you guys with cuddling
-and yes he is a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-i will stand by this until i die
-wear his sweater and he might just blow up on the spot
-from how adorable you are of course
-gilbert is just a sweetheart and such a simp that will do anything for you
-he doesn’t really look too much into the height difference
-he just loves you
carter kane:
-were heading back to the riordanverse because i am unorganized as heck
-i haven’t read the books in a while so bear with me if i make some mistakes
-i saw somewhere on the internet that carter is 5’6
-and sadie is too
-i think i can see this for the age he is in the books
-but when he’s older i’m picturing like 5’11
-because i hc that our boy had late puberty and a late growth spurt
-sorry sadie
-i hope you enjoyed the small amount of time being taller than him
-so ima talk about little carter when he’s still a shorty
-i don’t think he ever really payed attention to his height
-or others heights for that matter
-my guy was travelling so much and had like no friends his age so i don’t think he had much of a perception of how tall he should be
-at least until him and sadie were reunited
-then the teasing was relentless
-for the sake of this let’s say you either came to brooklyn house with them or were already there idc
-so then he saw you and noted that you were short
-yk a little mental note
-‘hey sadie y/n’s shorter why don’t you tease them instead’
-but it’s a sibling thing
-even considering that i don’t think he cares that much about height
-he just wants an inch on his sister
-cuddling with him is awkward but i think he’s pretty flexible with big spoon/little spoon stuff and your height difference isn’t so drastic that you can’t spoon him
-cuddling with him is pretty versatile
-i’m terms of clothes
-i saw someone say that he will leave his sweaters in random places for his s/o to find and hopefully wear
-i love it
-it’s perfect because he’s so awkward but he is definitely a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-i can’t remember who said this tho so if you find them please lmk and i’ll give credit
-now protectiveness is difficult for him
-he’s such a worry wart
-and a total mom
-so he like wants you to be safe and wants to protect you in battle and stuff
-so he used his height to help with that
-even though you’ve told him so many times that you are fine
-now when he’s in his godly avatar thing
-major height difference
-i’m joking
-let’s not get into that
-imaging kissing like this big chicken warrior head
-no thanks
-again i just think carter doesn’t really care about his height difference with you
-he just loves you
kate bishop:
-last but not least is miss kate
-i was originally going to do all boys for this but my bisexual ass couldn’t resist kate
-so kate is about 5’8
-and i like that
-nice solid height
-a bit tall for a girl
-but isn’t everything about kate perfect
-i feel like she lies somewhere in between being a little shit and a sweetheart
-because she is so confident and cocky
-but it’s hot and she’s a woman so it’s okay
-on the other hand she gives massive simp vibes
-because she is my favourite golden retriever character
-i feel like some people may disagree but i feel like she’s a big spoon
-that also may be biased though as i love to be the little spoon sooo
-it’s okay tho
-i feel like she likes you to be facing her while cuddling though
-and size works out for you guys because she is bigger and also the big spoon
-if you desperately want her to be the little spoon i can see that too
-and for little spoon kate i feel like you wouldn’t really have an option no matter your size
-you just gotta make it work
-because i see her as a little whiny poop
-big spoon kate is too tho
-who are we kidding
-she was spoiled growing up
-she’s not bad spoiled tho
-now onto clothes
-i think she’s both a ‘let me try on your clothes that are too small for me for laughs’ and a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-but i think she is more the latter
-for protectiveness i have two different cases here
-let’s say that you are an avenger/super hero/fighter or wtv for our first scenario
-she would totally be protective
-you’re her love
-she needs to keep you safe
-and you are also small
-more excuses for kate to be protective
-i feel like no matter your height tho she is just a protective person by nature
-so in battle she would be watching you in her peripheral vision all the time
-not that you aren’t doing the same tho
-option two
-you are not an avenger/super hero/fighter
-you are an average person
-don’t you just love the idea of have a tall sexy woman as your like personal body gaurd
-because i sure do
-dream come true
-but honestly
-you would probably get roped into her business with the tracksuit mafia so you are in danger a lot during that period of time
-and she’s the sweetest
-it’s a sad fact but we all know that shorter people are easier targets for bad people
-so she would be so cautious
-only because she loves you though
-she definitely protective
-especially of you
-and she for sure loves the height difference
thanks for reading and lmk if you want me to do hcs for a tall s/o!!
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fanficfanatic000 · 3 months
Edward fucking munson
Eddie Munson x fem reader enemies to lovers 18+ TW no minors
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Hawkins was a small town but you were always quiet and a loner you didn't really have many friends at all. You worked at the arcade and it was a decent job except for certain customers like a blonde haired basketball player to a adult slob that greased up the machines..It was a normal work day. You were on your lunch break on a normal Saturday the usual customers came and went until a shadow of a short frame came up behind you short curly hair and a lighter voice "hi um one of the games are not working can you check it out?" You were just about finished with your lunch and he seemed pretty kind compared to others you stood up "uh yeah sure just lead the way." He grinned "hi im dustin." "Im y/n glad to meet ya dustin""So do you like nerdy things?"he said walking slowly "mmm i guess yeah i am considered a nerd...." you thought he was trying to make small talk... "do you like dungeons and dragons?" "Well ive never really played but yeah it kinda interests me "He led you to the arcade machine and it wasn't processing the coins hmm there must be a wire loose or a jam but that wasn't in your skill level "sorry kid its jammed or something ill try to get it fixed tomorrow" he looked slightly disappointed You barely noticed the group of people looking at you 2 other boys younger than you and one much younger girl..all wearing the same t shirts Then you looked at dustin as he spun around to maybe his friends "guys this is y/n i think she should join hellfire" a taller much sarcastic boy says "what! But shes a random girl!!" A dark skined boy says back "but eddie said to recruit people he didnt say male gendered"The smaller girl shouts "look mike shes all we've got.. its better to show up with her than no one!" You just watching this happen not knowing what to say The sarcastic one Mike rolled his eyes "fine but if eddie says no im throwing you all under the bus!" Dustin nodded his head"So y/n hellfire is a dnd club at Hawkins high after hours every other day if you want to come play some dnd just meet me outside of Hawkins high at 4:00pm" you nodded "okay i will be there" they left after that and the rest of the night was pretty normal. Sunday passed so fast you basically cleaned your room and watched your favorite movie than fell asleep and it was Monday you got dressed in a tank top your favorite color some ripped jeans and your converse and your favorite jewelry and threw your jacket on. You put some black eyeliner on and you were ready You listened to one of your favorite bands on a cassette player and it was 3:40 so you drove to Hawkins high and you parked and saw dustin he was kinda like a little brother you stepped out of your car and "Y/N yes! You're here!" "Just on time " you look down at your watch and see it change to 4:00 "okay lets go" you followed dustin through the school halls you remembered see you went to public school until freshman year and you got bullied so bad you had to do homeschooling instead you were graduated now though. You watch the door open to reveal a dimly lit room full of people. Mike. Dustin. Lukas. Erica. And 4 others you walk in and dustin moves out from infront of you "eddie this is y/n."A tall handsome intimidating man stands up from a throne of some kind he stepped around the table and stands infront of you his frame slightly towering over you" this is who you found Henderson " he pinched his nose bridge "this girl is what you found she probably wouldn't know anything about dnd or anything!" You felt attacked but little did they know is that you can snap back " this girl probably would probably win anyways" you said with a smirk he stepped closer smugly bending slightly "you think so Princess?" His eyes meeting yours and they felt familiar for whatever reason. "Okay lets play!"
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eunoiaaaivy · 1 year
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made this one for my beloved! @vespersposts
-cw: just me simping
gom + secret characters + luxury brands
a/n: not really high in the fashion field so please, i'm sorry!
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MIDORIMA SHINTARO: [GEORGIO ARMANI, BURBERRY, BALENCIAGA] come on, MY MAN WOULD LOOK SO HOT WITH THEM. like bruh?? i think they suit him very much çause shintaro is a picky one and plus he looks hot with them. especially black. LIKE RAWR IT HAS ME ON A CHOKEHOLDHAHDJAJDJJDJAJJ. it just clicks that they fit him so much. he's elegant and came from a high class family so boy, it's definitely his signature along with a bmw or porsche-
AKASHI SEIJURO: [ LOUIS VUITTON, GEORGIO ARMANI, BURBERRY] another fine guy- he'd definitely nail the louis vuitton one. LIKE BRO GREW UP RICH AND YOU THINK HE WOULDN'T LOOK FINE WITH THESE!??? bruh- and don't even get me with the georgio armani one. ugh, another one who'd definitely nail the black collection. IM SO WHIPPED- definitely can turn up with an audi sports and nail that stuff.
AOMINE DAIKI: [BALENCIAGA, ROLEX, RALPH LAUREN] UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGhhhhhH, can't get enough of me picturing him in one of those photoshoots where he's holding his freaking collar and that dead look in his eye, so fierce and hot. OR JUST IMAGINE BRRUUUUUUUH, another collection with another color supposedly dark blue holding his hands like do you know that pose?? where they look like they're praying, sitting down on a stool or something cubic, and they're just kissing their hands that's in a praying position like ughhhhhhhhausyusaudhsh. DOWN BAD.
ATSUSHI MURASIKABARA: [DOLCE AND GABBANA, BURBERRY, LOUIS VUITTON] NAUR- STOP. I NEED SPACE TO BREATH MIDORIMA WAS ALREADY ENOUGH TO KNOCK OF MY OXYGEN FROM MY LUNGSHSHSHEHSHS. anyways bruuuh, he's tall, hot, gorgeous and fit enough for modeling. Murasikabara modeling panel when? honestly, he'd slay them. Like even in the backstage?? He's not even doing anything and bruh- expect him looking hot with that louis vuitton bag wrapped around his body from right to downwards and him looking at the screen, eating lollipop, not even knowing the fact the camera was at him and he's just standing there eating the dang candy and having his hands on his pockets like 😩😩😩.
KUROKO TETSUYA: [HERMES, ROLEX, LOUIS VUITTON] UGGGGHHDHDHDHDHDH, bruh the roles one!? That one photoshoot, where he sharpens his already monotone eyes and is like looking at the camera while having arms looking like it's fixing that dang watch. LIKE UGH. AND BRUUUH HERMES!? HE'D LOOK SO FINE OH EM GEE. AND THE LOUIS VUITTON BELTS?? POSTING THEM ON HIS INSTAGRAM WEARING THEM!??? LIKE UGHHH!!!! HE JUST LOOKS SO FINE!!
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Special characters!
© eunoiaaaivy
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tv-gh0st · 1 year
Wtf is the deal with these bananas!
So having a banana shoved in his face was not what Legend  expected to start that day with, but that was what happened, and it pissed him off, I mean hell he thinks he has the very right to be pissed off he was littarly just sleeping, they all were also the last day just wasn’t good, getting shifted to a new Hyrule that looked like its been devoid of life for a century and all they’ve been doing is walking, just walking! So m getting woken up before the sun has even properly risen by a fucking dude with a banana isnt exactly on his list of fun things. 
What didn’t help was when everyone wad actually getting up the dude(who was crouching down like a fucking animal or something) jumped back and threw a banana and hit Legend Right. On. The. Fucking. Nose. And ran before Legend could get a good look at his banana assaulter. 
"you okay legend?"
Okay so what if there was a random group of 8 travelers who had seemed to be extremely prepared with weapons and armor, of course he has never seen any of there gear its fine. But they also seemed very unprepared asking for directions to Kakariko town? From random strangers like littarly just a random person not selling anything just standing there, like hello 99% chance that’s a yiga they may not be the hero of courage but yiga aint above attacking travelers. So yeah he was confused and worried. 
And sure he may have been following them all day after telling Zelda he was just going around towns getting supplies, but this was important, did Link mentioned he knew almost everyone in Hyrule, like EVERYONE. Yeah so having almost 10 strangers who don’t know how to get to Kakariko but are geared up definitely set of some alarms in his head. They finally settled down, the small multi colored one was cooking while Link was up in the tree, he was this close to shooting them all just to get them away from the pot out of disgust after seeing what he cooked, maybe after figuring out what there deal is He'd be able to make them a good meal because it looks like they haven't had a good one in a while. 
 after that disgusting dinner they finally fell asleep, armor off, except that one stupid familiar one, he had quite… interesting markings on his face, they kept calling him rancher and Twilight but he disregarded there names and called him face guy(even though he wasn’t the only one with face paint on) it seemed three separate people had watch and he waited till the third one was getting tired to sneak up to the one who had- questionable fashion choices and in true Link fashion crouched down, and shoved a fucking banana in his face, he also threw banana's at the others to wake them up and get there reactions threw another one at blue hat just for good measures and ran, climbed a tree and waited.  
And god was blue hat pissed, hes glad he did this early in the morning cas hes sure blue hat would have tan after him if he wasn't so out of it. Everyone was waking up though now, watch guy currently being the short one came rushing back as everyone inspects the bananas confused. "you okay legend?"
"oh yeah Sky im just peachy getting woken up at the crack of dawn by some stranger throwing fucking bananas at me! Feeling great!" oh god Link is really glad be didn’t do this any other time he would have gotten a good run in. the tall armor guy, one of the more intimidating ones spoke up, he seemed to be the leader. "Legend I know your upset but lets move on with it, we can atlest get on the road faster now, hopefully get yo Kakariko today or early tomorrow." Did they know anything? It would be a day and a half walk to dual peeks stable a day if they didn’t take any breaks and were quick on there feet, aswell as  another half a day to kakariko, and that’s if they arent stupid and take the wrong trail(he cut down the sign when he was starting his journey and no one bothered to put it back up) either way they were heading to the stable it seems like so link might wanna go ahead a bit and warn the stable staff.
He telaported to the stable trusting that everyone seems to wake up slowly and they'd be there for a bit. the stable staff were happy to see him, he knew them all and honestly hes 90% certain he alone is keeping all the stables in business. He walked up to the front desk. "Link! Welcome to dueling peeks stable how are you doin? Need a horse, want horsly, or Aurora" 
'not today sorry, I came to warn you about maybe 8 strangers' Links rapid signing and the word stranger emiditly set of the stable master. "have you tried bananas?" 
'threw them at them this morning, they just seemed
Confused and pissed off, no happiness or excitement definitely no eating of bananas' that was blue hat, he was pissed off. Honestly Links happy he did it to wake them up or else blur hat would have seen him and run after him he swears. 'they are suited up with weapons and armor, but they also don’t know shit for traveling, don't even know the way to kakariko' 
The stable master nodded along with him.
"those weirdos, we'll keep an eye out for them tha ks Link, you following them?" he quickly nods "ah Link just like you, thanks again for warning us" Link nods then teleports back to them, and they were still packing, almost done to be fair, bjt still packing just ad Link thought. 
It was a pretty uneventful day, no one caught him although blue hat was grumpy all day and surprisingly white cap dude, but still nothing happened, I mean they were intresting at the shrines and tower but didn’t really touch anything at the comand of the one they called captain.(even though he didn’t seem like he was the leader at all) They made it to the stable which none of them seemed to recognize it yet again setting alarms off in his brain and he notices everyone at the stable avoided them and the stable master was snappy with the leader who seemed to do all the talking. 
Link decided to teleport to just the other side of dueling peeks so he could walk in and  bring no extra attention to him, luckily the stable master seemed to get the drift, even asked the usual banana question he asked to everyone. although it seemed even the normal treatment he caught the attention of the 8 even though they tried there hardest to be desecrate they were horrible at it. It was most noticble though when he was cooking a whole bunch of food, he was low on supplies and holy shit did they stare. 
"I cant take It anymore, what are you making it smells really good!" surprisingly nicer then he originally  "Wind!" blue scarf grabbed the kid from the back of his shirt like a little puppy, harsh. "sorry bout my little brother, we've been traveling all day and haven't ate yet." and he has no idea what comes over him but for Hylia knows why he offers it up, his fucking food. 'do you guys want some' he was half suspecting them to not even know sign, even though it’s very common to speak or atlest understand it in Hyrule hes 80% certin there not from here.(god this is how everyone must have felt when he just kinda showed up randomly) they did infact know Hylian sign, which confirms they seem to all be Hylian.
Blue scarf looks over to the leader who has finished getting bed for all of them, god this is going to be an interesting night. He answers "Were all good thank yo-" with the protest of the smallest one, blue hat, and explorer guy(he wonders off a lot) the leader sighs. "actually if you wouldn’t mind, I know were a big group so if you don’t want to we really would be okay" 
"no we wouldn’t old man none of us know how to fucking cook" another inexperience point for them, who travels, and with how geared up they are it seems like they've been traveling for a while. Link decided to just get to cooking, he already probably has enough for everyone but that would end up making a dent in his supply so he just makes a quick soup instead, pumpkin soup because he bought, a fucking lot of pumpkins from kakariko last time he was there. 
who would've fucking known pumpkin soup was a favorite, or atlest he hoped that was what it was. They reacted like they’ve never had food ever in there life, but hell who is he to judge. All he wanted to do was figure out if there a threat or not. 
After they devoured the food(some had two rounds) they seemed to be getting ready to sleep, Link would have ignored it completely if he didn’t hear his very own name in the midst of there hushed conversation, at this point he was itching to just pull a sword out and demand they tell him who they are but they all seem to be seasoned fighters and as skilled as link is against a hord of monsters the only people he's ever fought are the yiga with at most 3 at a time, which are in no way equivalent to 8 mostly older looking skilled fighters.
 So he kept an eye on them, he "slept" outside so if they were to wake up he'd be able to still hear inside but also could follow them outside. Therfore another sleepless night full of cooking and organizing the slate passed by with no shenanigans. The odd group were getting ready to leave to kakariko asking the stable master directions, he could tell he was unhappy to point them to one of the few remaining towns but did it anyways as to not seem suspicious. Link decided It would be best to go teleport to kakariko and warn Impa instead of follow them for the short way up. So he payed the stable master handsomely thanking him for keeping his identity quite and teleported away befor he   refuse. 
And he was off.
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mangoposts · 5 months
mina I need a story time on everything u JUST SAID
K so there’s this guy i was talking to for a lil bit his name was BRANDON im exposing him cause he was an actual dickhead andddd i only began talking to him because my sister knew his sister and she was like he’s rlly nice you should talk to him blahhhh and i was like noooo but she gave him my number and he texted me and i had no clue who he was so i texted him back
Long story short i had a convo w him and he called me and he was fine i didn’t like him romantically but we had decent conversation so i would hang out with him from time to time cause he lived close and we become good friendssss we hung out often and he would call me a lot but i NEVER liked this man the way he liked me and i was very verbal with it like he tried making many moves like reaching for my hand or fixing my hair for me or whatever and i used to be like Uuuuughhhhh gross but he kept doing it bc he liked my literal disgusted reaction LMFAOOO
But anyway he noticed i started to get distant like three months in because he started to make too many moves and i didn’t fw that and i didn’t mind losing him as a friend at all so i just went a lil ghost then he texted me a freaky ass paragraph explaining all the things he likes about me saying he sees me in everything and everything he listens to or watches reminds me of him or whatever and saying to give him like one chance and listen this guy wasn’t ugly AT ALL he was very tall and he resembled Vinnie hacker a bit like same features😭😭😭 But i just could not like him in that way so despite the nice/creepy message or whatever i was still like Nooo i don’t really like you like that and then he called me and explained some more and was like can we just hang like one more time nothing romantic i just wanna be able to talk and have a drink with u so i was like okay im not declining a free drink bc im a slut
I see him like a week later and we hang and then we go back to his car and we were gonna bar hop (I was kinda drunk and he was fake drinking. Literally completely sober while ordering me drink after drink which was crazy asl) But i noticed he wasn’t on my level so i told him let’s go to a different bar whatever so we’re in his car now and we’re in a literal empty ass parking garage bc he parked on the highest level and it was like 1am at this time
He brings up the fact that he fw me a lot again and despite me being tipsy i was still like listen broooooo you’re just my friend and i like fw u but i do NAWTTTT want a relationship in general let alone with you and then he’s like getting frustrated and he’s like “But i literally do everything for you” And starts complaining and yapping or whatever and im like falling asleep listening to this man im like Listen Bruh im either gonna fall asleep in this car or we’re going to go home bc i ain’t having this convo and then he started threatening me and was like “If you fall asleep you won’t wake up” And that was literally enough for me to take out my phone and text my sister to get me an uber but i did it casually by laughing at him and i was like “Whatever man” While texting her 😭😭😭 But i was tripping lowkey
Anyways he did have a weapon on him and he was going to use it if i didn’t just feed into his delusion and start saying “I do like you im just messing around” 😁 So i basically just acted flirty and shit until i knew i had a ride then i leaned over and unlocked his doors while like kissing his shoulder and left LMFAOOOOOO the ops were AFTER HIM🤍 But to be honest i don’t know if he suffered a consequence actually
He was a cancer man btw just saying ion know
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walnutcookie · 1 year
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i need to talk about almond again
clearly the people who draw him as a tall muscular wrinkleless perfect handsome faced buff hot guy know jack shit about almond cookie cause that is NOT him . hes a weirdo hes a loser hes fucking pathetic hes not even a good guy hes a cop and hes literally canonically arrested children And also tried to arrest a whole fucking dragon this guy is so sick in the head he looks like a poor little cat whos been stuck in the rain but if you brushed its fur back and now it looks even weirder. he canonically tried to buy butter pretzels painting with coffee cups and i tjink thats so fucking funny
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look at this . Fuckinf thang okay hold on im gonna get a little sidetracked here but this pisses me off sooo bad
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they changed his line because it was too sad or some shit but ONLY IN THE ENGLISH DUB . this line is canon TO ME and nobody can tell me otherwise Fuck you he hates his job so much he started it when he was in his 20s because he was following in his moms footsteps and then she died from a fleeing wizard soon after he started his job and he was left without guidance to his job or life in general because she was his only local family and he hates his dad so hes completely alone and scared and eventually he does get used to things but he no longer uses magic and doesnt consider himself a wizard and he trusts them considerably less
and then things get better and he feels like hes stable enough to have a kid maybe ! so all by himself he bakes walnut and hes doing a little dancey dance around the kitchen as she cooks hes so excited to have a lil daughter and when the magic settles in and shes alive and in his arms he Absolutely melts . she is sooo tiny and delicate and tinspney he is just like Oh my fuckign god i will kill for this thang .he watches her grow up and raises her all by himself (well he gets babysitters since he cant always watch her as a single dad, usually latte) and hes soo proud of her and shes just so smart and cute and also is scarily similar to his mom . he'll never admit it out loud but hes scared of how ambitious and brave walnut is. shes awfully persistent on her dream to grow up to be a detective like her dad and it scares him how smart she is but also hes sooo proud of her shes AMAZING and solves every case shes ever gotten . but he always makes sure to protect her however he can, he controls all the cases she handles and stays very involved to make sure things dont go wrong. rogueforts antics are usually the least dangerous so hes fine with her taking on their antics ,, and despite him swearing to never use magic again when walnut came out as trans to him he did a little spell to help get rid of some of her dysphoria like his mom did for him :] (and then proceeded to pass out becausr he hasnt done a spell in 20 years and magic is incredibly draining)
hes so so scared that shes going to meet the same fate as his mom and he'll be alone again . granted he has close friends to support him this time but it hurt so bad when he lost his mom hes horrified to have it happen again. and after walnut gets cursed and he almost loses her he snaps. suddenly hes obsessed with his job. he has lost ALL TRUST in wizards (other than latte and bus other really close friends) where before he was a lot more laid back, had a dad bod, was much more cheery and took care of himself, now hes starting to neglect himself in favor of his job. just like his lines in crk, he skips his lunches so he can take on more calls. now he feels obligated to do it, to protect the streets of parfaedia so he doesnt lose someone again. mans ages 30 years in a few months because he refuses to sleep and eat and relax. mans is stressed as fuck holy shit he needs a vacation hes geeting sooo many gray hairs. his detective work has started to interfere with his teaching job too, and his classes are getting cut short. his entire life is crumbling apart because hes so desperate to make sure walnut is safe and eventually it probably gets to the point where hes convinced himself that this is what his job is all about and he forgets the reason WHY hes working so hard (to keep walnut safe) he ends up just believing that hes always needed to do this and hes not overworking himself and he needs to try harder and it isnt bad for him . he only takes breaks so he can spend time with his daughter and go to amusement parks nd stuff with her . he has a hard time staying awake but he'll fight the drowsiness to make her happy
hes grumpy as shit man before he was pretty chill and outgoing but now hes just a big old grump . partially because hes sleep deprived but mostly because he hates his job soo much. he hates it he hatee his job sooo much but girl hes convinced he has a responsibility to protect the city and if he leaves it alone for 2 minutes itll burst into flames and also the fact that walnut would be SHATTERED if she found out he quit because her dream job was too hard . so he pushes through
hes soo clumsy he'll trip on THE AIR and fall and scrape his chin and break his arm and then he'll get up and run right smack into a pole . the reason i draw his nose bandaged is because he breaks it like every three weeks hes the bisexual man whos wiping his bloody nose seductively but its not seductive its because he just ran into a wall all of his senses are fucked up btw. his sight and hearing isnt so good because of old age (hes like 40 btw and he has glasss but refuses to wear them) and hes burnt the nerves on his tongue and fingers with coffee he cant feel or taste for shit and his hands feel like sandpaper and hes broken his nose somany times that his breathing is shallow and raspy God damn this guy is pathetic. miserable little wet cat of a man. he has so many scars and they arent impressive at all tjhey all come from tje stupidest things ever and he has the WORST FUCKING LUCK TOO he'll be walking under a line of trees and get hit by a falling acorn TWICE.
anyone who draws him muscular is WRONg SO VERY WRONG hes built like a twig hes weak as shit and can barely lift a rock he cant pick up walnut anymore the only tjings hes good at are running and throwing handcuffs. also he does NOT have a smooth and clear handsome face he looks incredibly tired (he is) he has eyebags and wrinkles and his nose is broken and his face is scarred Fuck you
the only times hes not grumpy is when hes with a loved one or with a kid . hes actually pretty sarcastic and sillay around walnut and latte and eclair (and later roquefort) and he chuckles a lot but hes always very nice around kids . Aside from arresting them in all of his canon art and even the cutscenes he really only smiles around cream puff/walnut/the player (whos mesnt to be a student),,, especially with walnut he looks so happys in the canon art :] AND in the newest detective event whrre he helps the little kid GWA (ALSO IF YOU TAKE HIM BEING FRIENDLY WITH KIDS THE WRONG WAY IM MAULING YOU HES NOT A CREEP HES JUST A DAD WHO DOES DAD THINGS BITING YOU BITING YOU BITING YOUT) i think hed be the type of guy to see a student crying at their desk and pull them out of class to ask whats wrong and give them a pep talk if tjey need it ,,,
also he definitely has a sweet tooth and he denies it . he wants to keep that cold hardened detective look so he stays away from sweets but girl walnuts halloween candy isnt just disappearing out of nowhere . I was really happy actyally because the cake shop thingy confirmed my hc and HE ACTUWLLY SAYS HES NOT A SWEETS GUY AGAKWBFLDH (he doesmt show any sign of denial but shhhhh trust me he secretly looves sweets)
and tjen . His health gets soo bad one day when he gets home he actually just passes out. Not just in a "i am tired" way he literally hits the floor hard (this also happens to be on the same night he confessed to roguefort). he wakes up in the hospital and walnut is Traumatized (thats for another ramble) and now is trying to help him better health by doing things like leaving sticky notes reminding him to eat and urging him to sleep and he feels HORRIBLY GUILTY that his own 12 year old daughter has to help him with self care but hes made these horrible habits for himself that are hard to break . and he struggles a lot!!! but hes trying
then soon he starts dating roquefort (secret identity of roguefort if youre new to my blog) and with their little family of three theyre all a little better :] with the efforts of walnut and roque combined almond is back into Healthy habits . woohoo!
and then he sees the wizard that killed his mom and chases her and Fucking Dies
which like . man he spent so much time worrying about losing walnut and having to feel the pain of losing his family again that he forgot she might feel that pain if she lost him.
anyways if you read all of this i am Kissing you on the lips . keep in mind none of this is canon im just rambling about my interpretation of almond (which is the correct one /LHJ)
ASKS ARE VERY VERY WELCOME Idk if i missed anything
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nvertheless · 2 years
ADOR INN — jay park
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sypnosis -> you and your two best friends go eat at a restaurant your friend has been talking non stop about, you enjoyed it! 1. for the food and 2.. for the attractive waiter who had been serving you guys that night?
pairing -> waiter!jay x fem reader
ft -> le sserafim’s yunjin, kepler’s chaehyun & enhypen’s sunghoon
contains -> fluff, crack, mentions of food, one sexual joke, chaehyun and yunjin being supportive best friends!!
# of words -> 2.7k
authors note -> this entire story is based off of me and tai /@un-flirt with our other friend going to a restaurant and having a really attractive waiter!! we didn’t get his number obv but i will say this automatically made me want to write this based on jay 😭 so i hope you all enjoy!
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you and your two best friends, yunjin and chaehyun had been hanging out in town for a couple of hours now, having your little “girls night”
“guys let’s sit down! please i’m so tired of walking.” chaehyun complained as you nodded your head and yunjin laughed. “that’s because you decided to buy 5 things of clothes!” “i’m sorry i don’t have anything in my closet!” you laughed at your two best friends.
you found a spot as you guys took a seat near a restaurant chaehyun had been going on about ever since you got there. “guys do you think we can go in there to eat?” chaehyun asked for the fifth time today.
you looked at yunjin, who had been looking through her phone. “im okay with that, is that fine with you yunjin?” you asked yunjin because you were starting to get hungry as well.
yunjin turned her phone off and looked towards the restaurant. she nodded her head, “i’m down with that.” “perfect!” chaehyun got up from her seat and started walking towards the restaurant. you and yunjin quickly got up and followed her, knowing how fast she walked.
you all made your way into the restaurant that was named “ador inn” and oh boy, was the restaurant nice. “holy shit i feel like i don’t belong here, why is it so nice?” you joking said.
“hi! welcome to ador inn, how many people will you be with today?” the front desk lady. “oh hi! can we have a table for three?” yunjin asked. “a table for three.” the lady turned over to the other worker as she grabbed three menus. “alright follow me this way!” she said as you three followed her.
she sat you guys down at a nice table with a candle lit up right in the middle. “enjoy your stay!” she said as you all thanked her. “holy shit chae this is such a fancy place?” yunjin said, looking at the interior.
“i know right!” she said excitedly as you laughed. you three looked through the menu for a little bit before footsteps came towards your way. you looked up to see..
“hi ladies! welcome to ador inn! im jay and i’ll be your waiter for tonight.” he had short dyed dark blue hair, he was tall and wore his uniform so nicely, plus he had piercings to match his look.
he was fine.
you were starstruck by him you looked over to see chaehyun and yunjin, who’s eyes widened by his charming looks. “so im not the only one.” “would you guys like to start off with any drinks for tonight?” “i’ll just take a water!” yunjin politely said to him as he wrote it down on his notepad.
“i’ll have a lemonade!” chaehyun replied as you looked down at the menu, not knowing what to get. “and what would you like miss?” he politely asked. “i.. uh..” “we have water, lemonade, soda and cocktails if you are of age for it.” he jokingly said as you laughed.
“no no i’ll just take a coke!” you replied to him as he smiled and wrote it down. “alright i’ll be back with your drinks soon and will you guys need time to look over the menu?” he politely asked. you all nodded and thanked him as he walked off.
you smiled at chaehyun before putting your hands on your face. “he was so cute whatthefuck.” you mumbled as chaehyun nodded her head at a fast pace. “yeah no i won’t lie he was really cute.” yunjin agreed with you.
“you should get his number y/n!” chaehyun suggested. “shut up chae i’m not doing that.” you responded back to her as yunjin snorted. “i mean… it’s not a bad idea y/n.” you shook your head laughing as you looked back on the menu.
it was a couple of minutes before your good looking waiter came back to you guys with your drinks. “here’s your water, lemonade and.. your coke.” he softly said as he passed your drinks over. you all thanked him as you could feel your face get hot.
“y/n stay focus!”
“have you ladies decided on what to order yet?” he asked as you all gave each other a look of approval before nodding. “i’ll take a club salad.” yunjin responded first as he wrote it down on his notepad. “i’ll just have the chicken sandwich.” chaehyun said.
when it got to you ordering you suddenly froze out of nowhere, “uh.. actually do you know what’s good here? or a meal you recommend at all?” you asked, suddenly not knowing what you wanted.
“hm.. i say my favorite meal is the original pasta, it’s really amazing and everyone who eats it loves it, i think you’d like it a lot!” jay replied with a soft smile on his face.
he was so attractive, and helpful? woah.
“then i’ll take that!” you responded back as he smiled and wrote it down. “alright perfect, i’ll take these out of your hands for you guys then.” he said taking your menu’s. he walked away as you never heard the end of it from yunjin and chaehyun.
“y/n i know you clearly knew what you wanted, was that your way of trying to get him to speak more?” yunjin jokingly asked as you tried to defend yourself. “no im being serious! i didn’t know what i wanted.” chaehyun let out a small snort.
“y/n just ask for his number already, i mean what’s the harm in it?” “i mean..” you looked over at him, who was laughing at something his co worker was saying, before making eye contact with you as you quickly looked back at your friends. “what if he has a girlfriend?” “just try y/n! your no fun.”
“.. i’ll think about it.” chaehyun let out a cheer that was a little too loud as yunjin shushed her. you guys talked about whatever was going on in your lives to each other. you guys sat there for a couple of minutes before another waiter came by your table with your food.
“woah that was really quick.” you thought in your head as she put your foods down. you all thanked her as you dived into your food. “woah! shit why the fuck is this salad good?” yunjin said with a shocked tone to her voice.
“these fries.. im about to start moaning in the middle of this restaurant cause holy fuck.” chaehyun said as you let out a ew and yunjin side eyed her. you took a bite of your pasta as your eyes widened. “oh wow this is really good what the hell?” you responded.
you guys sat and ate for a little while as jay came back, “how are we doing? is the food good?” you all nodded. “this is really good! thank you so much.” you told him as he smiled at you. “no problem, i told you the pasta was good!” he said with a slight side smile plastered on his face.
“just let me know if you guys would like anything else.” he said as he walked to another table. you felt your cheeks as they were hot. “y/n he wants you so badly now ask for his number.” chaehyun teased you. “stopp he doesn’t want my number he was just being nice just as waiters are.” you told her.
“okay yeah i’ll believe that like he wasn’t smiling like he was a middle schooler in love just by talking to you.” yunjin pointed out. what. “i.. you know what i’m just gonna-“ you put a piece of your pasta in your mouth and stopped talking.
yunjin and chaehyun laughed at you as you guys just sat and finished your individual foods. you guys talked before jay came back. “how was your guys meals?” “they were amazing!” chaehyun responded to him in a happy tone. “that’s good, i’m glad you guys enjoyed your meals!” he said.
“would you guys like to pay now?” “yes and do you guys have apple pay?” yunjin asked him as she volunteered to pay for your meals. “yes we do! for apple pay you can come up to me and pay at my computer over there.” he pointed to his computer that was hooked up near the bar area.
yunjin nodded as jay went quickly to give you all the check, he quickly made his way back and put the check at your table. “just come meet me whenever your ready!” he said with a smile on his face as he walked over to his computer.
you all looked at the bill which was.. $60. it wasn’t that bad for yunjin as she nodded before bringing up apple pay on her phone. “wait! we should give him a tip!” chaehyun suggested. you and yunjin agreed with her idea as you took out your money from your pocket and counted it.
“y/n you should give him your 20.” chaehyun teased you once again as you laughed and genuinely liked the idea of just giving him the 20 dollar bill you have as a tip. “wait y/n.. you should put your number on the back of the check.” yunjin suggested.
“are you guys serious?” they both nodded. you thought about it as you sighed. “.. does anyone have a pen?” chaehyun giggled like a manic as she looked through her bag and found a working pen. you grabbed the check and pen as you started writing a small note and your number.
“okay i did it, now what do i do?” you asked as you gave the pen back to chaehyun. you having no flirting experience was really hard. “you give him the tip with the paper and yunjin will pay!” “but.. what if he doesn’t text me or thinks it’s weird?” you asked as yunjin scoffed.
“y/n your thinking too much about it, don’t worry!“ yunjin reassured you as you sighed before you all stood up, pushing your chairs in and walking over to jay, who was talking to one of his co workers.
he gave out one last sentence before looking at you three. “you guys ready to pay?” he asked, yunjin nodded as she hooked her apple pay onto the small tablet, paying fast for your meals. the other check for him printed out as he gave it to her. “sign the bottom portion and your all good to go!” he said.
she signed it as chaehyun looked at you to give it to him. you felt your heart beat fast out of your chest as yunjin gave him back the check. “alright perfect! thank you so much for coming to ador inn!” you walked up to him and shyly gave him the money and paper that was underneath it.
he smiled at you as he took it from your hands. “thank you so much!” he said before opening the dollar to see a.. 20? “woah wait a second.. a 20?” he said, confused by your sweet action.
“thank you so much? what the hell that’s so.. thank you so much oh my god!” he said in a happy tone as you shyly smiled at him before walking away. “have a good evening!” chaehyun said as he looked at you all walking away and out of the restaurant doors.
“damn jay! i don’t even get a 20 dollar bill everyday.. you must’ve done something for her to give you that.” sunghoon, one of jay’s co workers and best friends, said as jay had a shock look on his face.
“oh shit wait there’s a note under it.” jay said as he unwrap the note from the money, he opened it and he suddenly froze.
“hey! i know this is really random but i honestly thought you were really cute and i just wanted to give you my number for being kind to me and my friends, text me if you want to of course, xxx - xxx - xxxx
l/n y/n, the girl who asked you for the food recommendation :)”
“damn jay! get it!” sunghoon cheered him on reading the note from behind. jay felt butterflies come into his stomach as his cheeks were turning into a pink color.
you got home later that night, walking inside your room and jumping on your bed, face first onto your pillow. you laid there as you didn’t want to move from your position. you felt your eyes start to get droopy as you closed them.
until your phone buzzed next to you, you grabbed your phone and turned it on, thinking it might’ve been your groupchat with chaehyun and yunjin, it was a.. random number? as the text message said.
“hey! this is y/n right? this is jay, your waiter from ador inn! i also thought you were pretty cute too :)”
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