#‘yeah but it was windy the last few days‘
wickerjulias · 6 months
the guy who’s responsible for our ac put it back into winter mode bc it was windy the last few days?? anyway now we work w 28 degrees celsius and we’re suffering
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they call me the griever because halfway through a thing I enjoy I’m already sad that it’s closer to being over
#blue chatter#trying to work on not doing this#and just enjoying the thing in the moment#this happens to me a lot with school breaks and such#like ‘oh I love being on spring break but I’m sad bc I’m already 3 days in’#‘oh I love summer vacation so far it’s too bad it’s already a month over’#and I’m like NO!!!!! blue!!!!!!!! you’re missing the point!!!!!!!!#you have the joy *right now* and you are SPOILING IT bc you’re too busy looking ahead to when it will be gone!!!!!!!!!#it happens with friend visits a lot. it’s less bad now but it still happens.#like. the first time I visited friends over spring break I woke up in the early morning of the last morning and just cried#because I only had a few hours left before I had to get on the plane home#and I start hurriedly stuffing seconds and minutes into my mouth and refusing to swallow#because maybe if I just cling extra hard then the time won’t pass-#but it does pass. and that’s okay. and I know that’s okay because life had more joyful things after that moment#had I stayed there on that day I would have been frozen as a much more miserable person#my friends themselves would have been very different people#I mean. fuck. between then and now two of us figured out our genders. both of them got married. they moved somewhere else now.#there’s a lot of little joys that got left behind there. a church they loved. a local park. mountains and windy streets.#but I wouldn’t hold ourselves there. which I try to remind myself when I start crying about lost time again#because yeah. this will end someday. human lifespans aren’t infinite.#but the future is full of life I still have to live. there’s no saying that I can’t have good things again.#and this period of my life is rapidly rushing towards a much more uncertain future and I know that and it’s scary#I know I have about 11 months to make several very adult decisions that will determine a lot of my future#but no matter what I choose this period of my life is not wasted#and I don’t need to hurriedly optimize every second and mourn losing them#and I know that. and I still feel sad and mourny. but that might be more indicative that I’m hungry or smth.
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bubmyg · 1 year
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yoongi whenever he gets to chicago
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
you know that feeling where you’re having a god-awful day and all you really want is a hug but you’re at work so, like, that’s not gonna happen, and you basically just have to stew in all those shitty feelings and wait out the clock? yeah, me too, that’s kind of where this came from.
Eddie had a tough day.
It had started early that morning when the girls missed their school bus – not a huge deal, honestly, he was already gonna be leaving early to go get his car looked at.
But then he got shitty news from the mechanic, and then a meeting with his agent didn’t go the way he’d wanted at all, and then Hazel ended up being a total pain in the ass after he picked her up from kindergarten, and during her relentless haranguing, she knocked one of Eddie’s favorite mugs off the counter. It shattered, obviously, and she cried about it so he’d had to deal with both of those things at once, and it was just a day.
None of it was anything he couldn’t handle – the problem was the compounding nature of it and the way he basically just had to stew in it all until the next obstacle came along and made shit even worse.
All Eddie really wanted was Steve, and how Steve being around made dealing with this stuff so much easier, even if every other circumstance was the same.
He has to share Steve, though, and today he’s sharing him with Steve’s work until four o’clock.
It’s fine.
He can wait until four.
The older two girls got off their bus at half-past three, and, seriously, someone must have put something in the water this morning because they are in rare goddamn form today. If Hazel alone was bad, all three of them together were…well, thrice that. It’s like the universe said I see your bad day and I raise you three elementary schoolers hitting their peak annoyance thresholds simultaneously.
And it’s not like Eddie can even fucking fold, either.
It’s cold and kind of windy outside, which is Eddie’s least favorite weather and he’d thought maybe the girls would want to go right inside, but no. Of course they want to dig out the chalk that got stashed away in the garage last fall, and while Eddie is stuck shivering outside breaking up dumb arguments about who’s allowed to use which colors (he figured the answer was an obvious everyone, but apparently that’s incorrect), Steve leaves a message saying he tacked on an emergency session onto the end of his day and now he’s not out until five.
Eddie doesn’t hear it until he’s back inside, obviously, but when he does it’s like someone ran a whole fucking dagger through his chest.
He’s halfway through making dinner when Steve gets home (he’d actually be done making dinner if the pot of water hadn’t boiled off while he’d dealt with yet another stupid argument), and he drops everything to meet him at the door.
It’s like Steve can tell in an instant the kind of day Eddie had.
“What happened?” he asks as he toes off his shoes.
Eddie shakes his head, “Everything…nothing…I don’t even know. Just…one of those days.”
Steve nods his understanding, and as soon as he’s got his coat hung up he’s pulling Eddie into a hug.
It ends up being kind of a bone-crushing one — that’s on Eddie, though. He’d just fucking needed it. He knows he’d needed it when Steve’s arms tighten around his shoulders and he feels that much better.
“You okay?” Steve asks without letting him go, the breath of his words hitting warm against Eddie’s neck.
“Just tired,” he answers.
Steve pulls away.
“You can take a break, Ed,” he says, and there’s something in his eyes – not concern, exactly, but more like awareness, “I’ll be up in a bit.”
Eddie just nods and heads for the stairs. As he goes, he faintly hears Steve asking, “What the hell did you guys do to Dad today?”, followed by the girls’ defensive protests.
In their room, Eddie makes it through one full rerun of Star Trek and then the first few minutes of a second before Steve joins him.
He notices that it’s quiet downstairs for the first time that evening, and he tries not to take it too personally. He’s always been comfortable in the knowledge that Steve might be better at the whole parenting thing than him (psych degrees and all that), but, shit, if he’s that much better…
“What’d you do, strangle them?” Eddie asks as Steve swaps his jeans out for a pair of faded plaid pajama pants.
“No, I told them that if I hear a single peep in the next hour I’m beheading all their stuffed animals.”
Eddie blinks.
Okay, maybe better isn’t exactly the right word.
“So they’re on verbal lockdown, basically,” Steve finishes.
“Jesus Christ, Steve,” Eddie shakes his head, “You’re kind of crazy.”
“Yeah, well, you were always gonna rub off on me one of these days — don’t.”
And Eddie couldn’t help the way he threw his head back and laughed.
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lqfiles · 7 months
SCORE THAT GOAL! — 50. an overdue confession
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(wc: 2.716)
don’t panic.. but i saw jisung this morning.
it was windy that tuesday. it had been three weeks since you had last seen or heard of jisung and the only thing bringing you comfort in the gloomy cold weather were the gloves jisung had given you. despite your rekindling with chenle which had managed to bring your mood up for a while, a part of you couldn’t help but still dwell on the sudden loss of contact with jisung. you got your friend back, why were you still somber?
“have you eaten?” mark’s face entered your periphery as he lowered his head to look at you. the 4 of you, excluding sungchan who didn’t have any lessons that day, sat inside the cafeteria. the chatter between chenle and ningning had abruptly stopped as their attention turned towards you too. you looked up to mark’s concerned gaze on you. you nodded.
“you’re concerning me, (—).” mark admitted. you had noticed the increase in attention he had paid you for the past weeks, he seemed so worried that it made you feel bad. you flashed a small smile. “i’m okay, don’t worry.” you assured him. usually, mark would hesitantly nod and continue his business, but today his eyes just wouldn’t leave you.
“i’m going to kill jisung.” chenle muttered, loud enough for all of you to hear. while you awkwardly laughed, averting your eyes at the mention of jisung’s name, ningning decided to punch chenle’s side. “ow?” chenle reacted, frowning at the girl who leaned back in her seat. “you’re the last person that can complain about jisung, you’re not different from him. you decided to do the exact same thing, don’t be hypocritical.” ningning crossed her arms.
“i already apologised.” chenle defended, but as he looked your way to see you stare at your lap, he could feel his heart pang. “i really am sorry, (—) i swear.” chenle reached over the table to place his hand on your arm. you nodded again, too tired to respond.
“speaking of.. him, there is something i need to warn you about, (—).” ningning, who sat directly opposite you placed her hand on the table, wanting to gain your attention. you lifted your head up, looking over at ningning who was hesitant to speak as she made eye contact while you awaited her announcement. a sigh left her mouth before she finally continued.
“don’t panic.. but i saw jisung this morning.” ningning revealed, her voice barely above a whisper, scared of your reaction. chenle had sat up straight at the news while mark had immediately looked your way. meanwhile, all you could do was tense. you tensed, barely believing what you just heard, though chenle’s look of disbelief proved otherwise.
“that has to be a different slendy, he isn’t the only tall person in college.” chenle rebutted but ningning shook her head. “he was walking with that group of his right next to haechan towards their classes.” she explained, eyes landing back on you to observe your reactions. “are.. you okay?” mark nudged your side gently to gain some reaction. you instantly nodded, putting another smile on your face. “yeah, it’s whatever. i’ll just ignore him for now.”
your heart was racing while an anxious feeling overtook you. you hoped they wouldn’t notice, but they did.
you didn’t attend football club that tuesday. and for the upcoming days, you avoided the sociology classrooms, as well as the classrooms of jisung’s friends like the plague. that anxious feeling overtook you every time you entered the college, scared of spotting jisung somewhere. you don’t understand why you suddenly were the one to avoid him, but the thought of seeing him made your stomach hurt.
jisung hadn’t made the effort to text you in between those few days either, and you wondered if he had suddenly changed his mind about you. you were sure you two were getting along well, or maybe you were foolish for taking those subtle flirty texts as something more than friendly moments. it was kinda funny, even when you were avoiding jisung, you still couldn’t stop thinking about him. you were sure that even if he told you to leave him alone, you’d be thinking about him.
you pressed the digits into the vending machine, attempting to shake your thoughts away. mark said he’d be waiting outside for you so he could walk you home. you felt horrible for worrying mark so much, but also appreciated his care and wished you could repay him. pressing a few more digits into the machine, you watched as mark’s favourite drink dropped to the bottom. it may not have been much, but it’s all you could think of.
“(—).” standing back up from collecting the drink, you stiffened at the voice that emerged from behind you. the soft yet deep voice was easy to recognise, your mind making the connection immediately. you froze, afraid to turn and see the person you had been trying to avoid for the week.
“(—)..?” he repeated and it only confirmed to you that this wasn’t a dream. you craned your head slightly, trying to get a glimpse. from the corner of your eyes, you took notice of the white graphic tee. it felt like you suddenly had traveled back to the first time you stood in front of jisung, the day you had spilled his drink on him. and here he stood, near the corner wearing the exact same shirt while a peach lipton ice drink was in your other hand.
you turned your body to face jisung. you had expected to be able to avoid him today since he’d be occupied with the club, yet here he stood. opening your mouth to speak, nothing came out. it was silent as you two just looked at each other. you gripped your drink tighter as you felt a sick feeling swirl in your stomach.
he hadn’t changed much, his hair was still that pitch black colour he had dyed a month prior and it brought a new look to the tee he wore. you’re sure he took notice of the less organised look you had, which probably prompted him to speak.
“how have you been?” he took a small step forward, inspecting your face in process. you looked at the ground, unable to meet his gaze that was stuck on you. “bad, what about you?” you admitted and waited silently for jisung to tell you about himself. “bad too.” he copied, and you looked up to see him much closer this time.
“i was going to get a drink.. didn’t expect you here.” he felt the need to explain himself as he motioned to the vending machine behind you. you took a step aside, granting him access. he stood still for a few seconds before walking to the machine. you were ready to walk off and hopefully forget about seeing him today when his words stopped you.
“i’m glad to see you again.. i’ve been looking for you.” your back was still turned towards jisung, but you could tell he was facing you. you were speechless, not sure what to say back. “can i talk to you for a bit, please?” the sound of a drink dropping in the vending machine made you flinch unintentionally. though you didn’t turn to look back at jisung, you still nodded your head.
“i was going to text you, but i thought it’d be better in person. i’m sorry for ghosting you, i’m sorry for avoiding you.” jisung started. you weren’t sure what to expect out of this conversation, the apology managing to catch you off guard. you didn’t respond back and jisung sighed. “i.. i wish i could give you a reasonable explanation for doing all of that, but.. i don’t think anything was reasonable enough to make you go through that. i’m sorry.” jisung continued and you internally scoffed.
“i.. was scared.” he explained and your ears perked up at the revelation. you couldn’t help the frown that etched onto your face and finally turned to look his way. “what do you mean you were scared?” you couldn’t recount doing anything to scare jisung off, the sudden claim confusing you more than you already were.
“it doesn’t make sense, i know. you can be pissed at me all you want, i already got an earful from haechan. but i really was scared.” jisung awaited a rebuttal but nothing came out of you, so he continued. he took a deep sigh, facing the ground instead.
“don’t laugh, but i was scared of rejection.” jisung blurted out, you almost didn’t catch what he said. your frown softened for a bit, instead turning into a look of confusion. “rejection… rejection? what are you talking about jisung.” you asked him. jisung’s gaze maintained on the ground as he spoke again.
“that message you sent.. the one about a conversation we needed to have face to face. i’m sorry for jumping to conclusions but i overthought that message a lot, you know? i couldn’t think of any other reason for you to wanna talk face to face with me all of sudden other than.. the possibility of rejection.” jisung hesitantly explained. with nothing but silence as a response, jisung continued to explain himself.
“can’t believe i’m saying all this while i should hurry back to the training, but i had realised a while back that my feelings for you have changed a lot over these months- in a positive way of course! i have been seeing you differently ever since, in a way that isn’t friend like.. and it’s been messing with me a lot.. i-i don’t know, i was just really worried that you were going to reject me before i could even really ask you out. so i thought if i avoid you long enough for you to forget about rejecting me-”
jisung didn’t get to finish his hasty confession as you had bursted out laughing through it. his head shot up with his mouth still open. you had turned your back to him to continue laughing, trying to fan yourself to calm down. your laugh had turned into giggles and you turned back to jisung with your hand covering your mouth.
“…are you laughing at me?” jisung asked in disbelief as your giggles grew. he couldn’t tell if this was any worse than rejection, watching you try to contain your laugh as he just mustered up the courage to confess. “w-why are you laughing?” jisung was growing embarrassed, maybe this was your way of rejecting him and he was starting to rethink the decision of pouring his heart out.
“i’m sorry, i promise you i’m not laughing at you.” you continued to fan your face that had grown warm. “i just can’t believe you said that. i feel like i’m dreaming right now.” you finally managed to look him in the eyes and noticed the switch from his sad eyes to a doe, lost one. “why would you say that?”
“i was so worried that you took that break because you didn’t like me and realised you didn’t want to talk to me anymore.” you walked your way towards him with a wide grin on your face. “and i also can’t believe that my crush is mutual.” a shy smile overtook your face after you managed to confess back, you were barely able to look Jisung in the eyes.
“so jeno wasn’t making all of that up.” jisung’s own face lit up at the realisation that you not only weren’t rejecting him, but also returned the like he had for you. although, as he looked back at you, the serious expression on your face made him think he mistook everything he just heard.
“what did jeno tell you?” the way you gritted your teeth made jisung panic, ready to take a step back as he threw his hands up in defence. “n-nothi-” instead of taking any more steps backwards, you had reached forward and pulled jisung into a sudden hug, preventing him from moving back.
“being totally honest, i really missed you jisung.” you loosened your hug as you felt jisung try to remove his hands away from his side before they had wrapped around your waist instead. a wide grin grew on his face and he was sure you could feel the way his heart was pounding. “i missed you too, i’m really sorry.” jisung squeezed your sides as he tightened the hug.
“is it too early to kiss you?” you asked and heard jisung chuckle. “is this really the appropriate place?” jisung question and you pulled back from the hug. “i’ve waited almost 2 years for this, i really couldn’t care less.” you took a small step forward. “is this your first kiss?” you asked jisung who smiled back sheepishly. “no, sorry.” he apologised but you smiled back at him. “it’s not my first either.” you told him before you took the leap forward, placing your hands around his shoulders and your lips on his.
the kiss was awkward at first as jisung froze for a second. he quickly reciprocated a few seconds afterwards, placing his arms on your sides and pulling you closer to him. the kiss was slow and soft as you two took your time to savour each second of it. you could feel your stomach tickle and you wondered if this was the true definition of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
your body heated up and the solution would be to separate and cool yourself off, yet you couldn’t move an inch, your hands wanting to stay glued to the back of jisung’s neck as you grazed your fingers into the curly ends of his hair. it was a kiss that felt shy, but full of love and reassurance. the reassurance that jisung did like you back and a love that was always there.
you reluctantly removed yourself from jisung, trying to contain your smile. jisung seemed dazed as he looked back at you with his hands still on your sides. “you should go back to your training before someone comes looking for you.” you explained, trying to pry jisung’s hands off you. he groaned. “well, you’re meant to be there too.” he leaned forward, attempting to pull you back into another kiss.
“well unfortunately i can’t, i’m sure mark is growing sickly worried, he was meant to walk me home.” you pushed jisung back by his shoulders and took a few steps backwards. you don’t even remember when you had put the drinks down, and surely don’t remember where they were now. you could’ve sworn they were behind you.
“not worried anymore.” a third voice made the both of you jump away from each other, following the sound until your eyes landed on the two people who stood further ahead. mark who held both your and his drink had the a teasing grin on his face while jeno was smirking beside him. “mark! how long have you two been here for?”
“since jisung rambled about his little crush on you. nice words jisung!” jeno revealed and jisung rubbed a hand over his face, feeling embarrassed. “you!” jeno didn’t have time to react as you had charged up to him in no time, grabbing ahold of his collar. “you fucker, why did you tell jisung about my crush?!” while mark had taken a step back, jisung tried to pull you away from jeno in worry.
“be thankful! if it wasn’t for that, he would’ve genuinely never came back to college and still believed you were going to reject him.” jeno defended himself, removing your hands away from him. you turned to look at jisung who unwillingly nodded in confirmation. you sighed, walking up to mark who handed you your drink.
“can’t believe that shirt has experienced the first time he hated you and now the first time he got to make out with you. kinda romantic if you ask me.” jeno laughed. “hate is a strong word. and we weren’t making out.” jisung objected but jeno shrugged. “just pointing out the irony.”
it was all quite ironic, maybe fate was on your side that day you spilled that drink on jisung, or maybe fate had always planned for you 2 to end up together.
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previous — master list — next
notes ; it took 50 chapters but we’re finally here LAUNCH FHE FIREWORKS AND BLOW THE CONFETTI 🎉🥳🎊🥹
TAGLIST ; @rksbae @222brainrot @severefireangelprune @violetvoo @prdshobi @kikookii @haechansbbg @en-dream @bbxnny-bbxtch @cvpidxo @jaeminslattes @90s-belladonna @softieluvsyou @wenjunblossoms @be0mluver @jeongintwt @myhaechan @love1again @ckline35 @cassie6392 @hibernatinghamster @starboys-gf @rllymark @mfaal @snflwrhaerecs4u @sunflowerbebe07 @ahnneyong @enhalovie @galacticpurpl3 @manooffline @luv4jeno @mikadorbs @1moo7 @ksywoo @ohdudehesflirting @savluvsmingi @finnydraws @invumi @crvzy-fujoshi @peterparkerluvvbot @hrjunluvs @i2kittenz @jisungji @http-peachie @jisyng @sweetcandycum @giaccolo @shotaroswifeyily @sinsgaybutthatsokay @be-my-sunrise @syzavxy @kyusqult @mxlly143 @o-schist @bigjishirt @snuglyjwi @hyunniesvlog @shuaadmirer
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tojisun · 8 months
this with biker!simon 🤭 the way he just melts omg
nono fr omg the way he melted as soon as he heard it and the way he literally looks like hes about to lose his mind on the highway??? SCREAMING
!! suggestive - minors dni; sexting ig // biker!simon mlist
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thinking about how this isn’t really something you’d usually send—you’re so used to his friends snooping on his phone so of course you two have to be careful. discreet.
it’s been a while since you two have done anything more than rushed make out kisses. even the last time you two tried to squeeze a quickie, it was still, somehow, interrupted by your conflicting schedules.
you’ve tried to hold onto your patience. tried holding back even when all you wanted to do was jump simon because there he always is, beautiful and hot and just overall so goddamn attractive, it should be illegal to be that good looking.
but it’s been a while now. and you’ve missed him dearly.
it didn’t help that his last meet was all over social media, getting mixed into edits because of fucking course he is a tiktok edit now. you really can’t blame anyone—you were there, after all.
you’ve seen, first hand, the way he unveiled his new shop project before pairing up with that guy who you all still call konig. god knows what his name is but honestly you’re not even curious anymore. not when simon stole the goddamn show. again.
then the asshole had the audacity to point at you, black leather gloves stark against all the flashing cameras, and you watched as he made a little fucking heart with his hands. if the cameras weren’t going ham on simon then, they sure were after that little flirty stunt.
you felt yourself be engulfed in flames so, yeah. you really can’t blame anyone for sharing every pictures and videos they have of simon that day all over the internet.
still, somehow, you want to monopolize him. possess him.
and, if you’re not blaming anyone for sharing every sliver of simon’s meet, well, you hope no one can also blame you for what you’re about to do.
simon grunts as he finishes rounding a corner and begins easing into the highway. he rights himself up and blazes past the straggling sedans to get into the thick stretch of the road.
it’s not too windy today but dusk is breaking out and simon’s just glad he’s finally en route to your place. it’s been a long day and gods he’s missed you.
he gets the notification a few minutes in.
“hey, baby,” your message starts. “i missed you.” there’s a pause. “i’m wearing that lingerie you’ve always liked, you know the blue little thing? i forgot how lace feels since it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
simon’s breath is suspended in the pathway through his lungs, his eyes going wide as your words draw on. not even siri’s robotic voice can shake away simon’s thoughts—the vivid imagination of coming home to see you in that lace bralette and panties and—he grips the hand clutch tighter—the matching lace choker it came with.
“might start without you, lover boy. so drive home—to me—safe, okay? see you soon, baby. love you.”
simon books it home.
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AAAAHHHH SCREAMINNN no bc this is me w simon!!
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lovelyjj · 10 months
maybe a mix of “i’m just afraid” and “tell me the truth”? 🫶
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.4k
a/n: I lowkey hate this.
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You and JJ were the best of friends. You did everything together. He was your person you told everything to. He was your partner in crime. There were no secrets between the two of you.
You and JJ were on the couch that was on John B’s porch, enjoying the rain. The rain was blanketing the outer banks in water, soaking the grass and trees.
“I love the rain,” you stated.
“Really why?” JJ asked.
“I don’t know it makes me feel less alone, like the sky is crying with me.”
“That’s a really good reason,” JJ replied.
“Thanks,” you smiled.
“You want to dance?” JJ asked with a goofy grin on his face.
“In the rain?” You questioned surprised.
“In the rain,” JJ confirmed.
JJ got up and reached his hand out for you to take, which you gladly accepted. The two of you went out on the grass and JJ held onto one hand. Then he put one hand on your waist and you put the hand not holding his, on his shoulder.
You guys danced and he spun you around and you got soaking wet. You were having a lot of fun though. You were having a blast and so was JJ.
When you were finished JJ ushered you inside as you giggled.
You both changed into dry clothes and afterwards JJ had an idea.
“Let’s make some hot chocolate,” JJ announced.
“Yes please,” you answered.
JJ whipped up two mugs of cocoa and you both sipped yours quietly.
“Tastes good,” you whispered.
“Wanna watch a movie?” you asked JJ.
“Sure,” JJ replied.
You both settled into John B’s living room and put on spider-man. You ended up falling asleep on the pullout couch.
A couple days later you were all going out on the boat. The day was bright and sunny perfect for going out on the water.
JJ was looking at you in your bikini top. He knew he shouldn’t be looking at his best friend like that but he couldn’t help it. You looked hot and JJ could hardly look away from your chest.
You were oblivious to JJ’s ogling. You were happy to be on the boat with your friends.
“I can’t believe the weather is so nice,” you spoke.
“Yeah it’s perfect,” Pope responded.
“I thought it would be windy out here on the water,” JJ said removing his attention from your breasts.
“Hope we can catch some fish,” John B announced.
“Should be able to,” JJ commented.
While the boys were fishing, you Kiara and Sarah were on your phones. You were looking through your photos and you noticed how many you had of you and JJ.
There was one of you two at the beach with the waves in the background and a pretty sunset.
“Can I post this J?” you asked.
“Let me see it.”
You handed your phone to JJ and he took it. He scanned the image and smiled a genuine smile.
“Yeah that’s a good one. Go ahead fire away.”
You gave him a smile and decided to post the picture.
After a while you got a few comments. One was from Sarah that said, “Goals.”
You ignored it because you didn’t want to draw attention to it. The last thing you needed was people assuming your in a relationship with JJ cause your not. Your just friends and that’s all you ever will be.
You were spending more and more time with JJ. Sometimes with the other pogues and sometimes just the two of you.
You were starting to catch feelings for him. You didn’t know how or why but being around him brought out the best in you. You started to fall in love with your best friend. You were scared you’ve never felt this way before. And what if he doesn’t love you back.
You decided to go to Kiara and ask for her help. She was working at the wreck, so you made your way over there.
“Hey Kie, I need your help,” you hesitated.
“Yeah sure y/n whatever you need,” Kiara replied.
“Here let’s sit down,” Kiara said as she directed you to a small table by the window.
You sat across from her and she gave you a kind smile with kind eyes.
“What’s up,” Kiara started.
“Well um I’ve sorta had these feelings for a certain someone and I’m not sure what to do about it. I just know I don’t want to tell them,” you began.
“Why don’t you want to tell them,” Kiara asked.
“I’m just afraid,” you bit your lip.
“What do you have to be afraid of?”
“Well first of all he could not feel the same way. He could reject me. He could laugh in my face. The list goes on,” you threw your hands up in the air.
“JJ wouldn’t do that,” Kiara raised a brow.
“How do you know it’s JJ?” You asked.
“Oh come on, who else would it be.”
“You’ve got a point.” you laughed.
“Speak of the devil,” Kiara whispered as you turned to the sound of the door opening.
JJ sauntered in to the wreck, Pope, John B and Sarah following suit.
“The gangs all here,” Kiara exclaimed.
“I need to go,” you whispered to Kiara.
“What why?”
“I just need to, ok!”
You slipped out the back door leaving the rest of the crew utterly confused.
You have been avoiding JJ. It’s not that you wanted to, you hated the distance between you and not seeing him but you didn’t know how to act around him anymore.
You were getting worried because you thought JJ was on to you. Now JJ was getting worried because he hasn’t seen you in a while. He figured that you were mad at him. He hated it.
When the pogues would hang out all together you would not be there. You would miss the activities they had planned.
It was getting harder and harder hiding your feelings from JJ. You would always blush or your heart would beat really fast. So your only option you decided was to stop hanging out with him.
JJ was confused because of your absence. He was going to get to the bottom of this. He was determined.
He assumed you would be at your house. So that’s where he showed up. He knocked on your door a few times and after a few minutes you came to the door. You were shocked to see JJ standing there.
You wanted to run back to your room and hide. You were embarrassed by your actions. Just all of a sudden ghosting him. He didn’t deserve that.
“Hey um so I miss you. A lot. And I think we need to talk,” JJ scratched the back of his neck.
You stepped outside and closed the door behind you.
“I need to know why your avoiding me,” JJ insisted.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“Ok ok I’ve been avoiding you because I didn’t want to see you.” You nervously crossed your arms and looked down.
JJ wasn’t buying it. “No. Tell me the truth.”
As you looked into JJ’s pleading blue eyes you felt your stomach flip. You couldn’t lie to him even if you tried.
“Fine. You want the truth? The truth is I’m in love with you. And I don’t know how to act around you anymore. I assumed you didn’t feel the same way so to save myself the rejection, I avoided you.”
“You thought I wouldn’t feel the same way?” JJ questioned.
“I’ve been in love with you for years,” JJ confessed.
JJ nodded his head.
“I can’t believe you did all that.” JJ said surprised.
You took a step closer to JJ and he took your face in his hands.
“Come here,” JJ whined.
You didn’t need to be asked twice. You leaned in and JJ placed lips on yours. Instantly you felt electrifying sparks shoot trough you. Your stomach erupted with butterflies. The kiss was gentle and delicate. JJ was excited and you were giddy.
Your lips were crushing together and moving against each other. JJ was feeling warm all over. Your hands were resting on JJ’s shoulders. One of JJ’s hand rested on your jaw and one hand snaked lower to your butt squeezing lightly. This caused you to gasp, allowing JJ’s tongue to slide into your mouth.
After making out you pulled away breathless. You wore a big smile and JJ laughed.
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” JJ broke the silence.
“I’ve missed you too,” you responded.
“Will you be mine?” JJ asked.
“Yes, I’ll be yours,” you exclaimed.
JJ picked you up and spun you around, your laughter mixing together to create a sense of harmony and happiness. Since you and JJ were best of friends your romantic relationship will only flourish because you loved each other wholeheartedly.
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jolenes-doppelganger · 7 months
uuhhhhmm hi!! i was wondering if you’d be up to write a (smutty?) story about rose the hat!!! nothing specific but (i assume) you kind of know how rose is… and maybe incorporate that in the fic? and the whole steam thingy? yeah…
anyway! have a great day!!
[Hi! Thank you for the request! I really leaned into her more sinister qualities that were explored in the book, specifically her fascination with blood. She is a dark character, so this fic is reasonably dark. ]
The Debt
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Rose the Hat x f!Reader
Summary: Returning to the windy city was always a trip Rose dreaded. Not for the drab blocks of concrete, but for the memories that lingered. A child she’d let get away, a meal that had escaped her. The cost of that lapse. What happens when the familiarity of the city converges with the familiarity of a touch?
Warnings: Dark themes (threat of bodily harm, threat of murder, depictions of post-murder situations, etc), graphic sex (oral R receiving and giving, 69, penetration via fingers R receiving, breast worship giving, near smothering of R, light spanking receiving, blood kink, brief bondage, biting), !! Dub-con/coercion !! [Moments of straight M/F interaction between Rose and Crow, allude to nudity, brief touching, but not any more graphic than the novel itself described these interactions.]
A/N: Once again, this fic is not indicative of my moral code, I would NEVER condone someone pursuing a similar relationship, especially if the themes of dub-con/coercion are in any ways similar or amplified. *To be reasonably true to the characterization of Rose is to understand that she is an evil person and wouldn't show up to your door with a bouquet of flowers and a home-cooked meal.*
Word Count: 3.669k (hehe 69)
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Rose hated Chicago. Chicago meant traffic, smog, disorder and weird looks. Traditional caravans sailed right by the town, so driving through it with the True Knot's troop of motorhomes would be both a nightmare coordination-wise, most certainly drawing unnecessary attention. The Knot camped out in a trailer park, using cars to drive into the city while a few stayed back to ensure the safety of their caravan; prime members slept in hotels in the city. Rose and Crow were assigned to a suite, sharing a King bed and a bathroom. Sleeping in a hotel meant access to a shower and larger amenities, but the wide open spaces bothered Rose. She preferred the coziness of her Earth Cruiser over the opportunity to shower at any given moment.
"Rosie, whatcha got on your mind?" Crow asked, chest bare, lounging in the bed after their coital affair.
Rose snorted, tits out and unashamed. Her hat was set off to the side, hair tousled from their passion.
"I hate Chicago, that's what's on my mind."
Her lover nodded, trying to remain considerate, but he was really focusing on the curve of her breasts.
"It's temporary. We'll get the kid by the end of the week. And in the meantime..." he smirked, reaching to bring her in closer.
Rose rolled her eyes, playfully swatting away his advances.
"As if you were hard again." she protested.
"What if I was?"
Rose reached down. He was flaccid, predictably so. They hadn't fed in a while. He was like any man in his mid-50s, capable of lasting one round, needing a little blue pill to sustain an erection for longer than a few minutes.
"We need to eat." Rose grimaced.
She got up from the bed, walking into the large shower. She was tired. One look at herself in the mirror and Rose saw just how weak she was getting. They needed that kid. Her crow's feet were growing more pronounced, her belly sagged, so did her breasts. Cellulite littered her thighs, and her upper chest had that ugly scaly look that developed in older people exposed to the sun. It was unbearable. She turned the light off and showered in the dark.
It was done. The little girl with the braided pig tails was limp in front of Rose; the child's body had given up. Normally she'd be feeling extra frisky right now, leaning into Crow's advances as he felt her up under her bloody shirt, but she just felt hollow. Giving out cleanup duty was easy. Crow pressed on the child's chest, pushing the last bit of steam into the metal cannister. Rose cut off the friendship bracelet the child had on, tying it around the cannister. Crow sensed something was off, and he followed her into the Earth Cruiser. She put the cannister away, looking up at him with vacant eyes.
"What's wrong?"
Rose walked into the bathroom, using the reserve water to fill the sink, stripping her clothes off as she washed away the blood.
"The kid. The one we lost ten years ago."
Crow sighed.
"The one that disappeared after we followed her into Joliet?"
Rose nodded, lost in her own thoughts.
"I want to borrow your truck, head into the town. I need a night for myself."
Crow frowned. Rose only ever went out alone in dire circumstances. She was upset, and it perturbed him.
"That can wait 'till morning, let's spend tonight-"
"No." she cut him off. "You have a hallway pass, go fuck someone else tonight."
Now Crow knew something was off. Rose was possessive, unreasonably so. If he so much as looked at another woman, he'd hear about it eventually. But offering a hallway pass unprompted? Something was up.
"Rosie, stop. We're going to talk about this." Crow planted his hands on his hips.
"No, we're not."
Rose pulled on a fresh pair of clothes, jeans and a sweater. The topper came with her, obviously. Crow attempted to block her as she left, but he was only a few inches taller than her. With the top hat she had the odd ability of appearing a head taller than everyone atop of her 6' frame.
Rose exited the cruiser, Crow's keys in hand. She jumped into the vehicle, speeding out of the campsite. She had one destination in mind, one person in mind.
"Alright you little snot." Rose fumed, focusing her attention on an energy signal she'd been trying to pinpoint for the last decade. "You want to play games? Don't you know what you cost me?"
For the first time in decades, Rose was speeding. The True Knot never violated traffic laws. It drew attention, but in Rose's current state of mind, pushing 80 on the highway was the only reasonable balm to her anxiety. Through the midst of her anger-fueled aggression, she felt it. A little sensation, a prick of energy so damn familiar it made her stomach flop. She slowed down, pulling into the far right lane, focusing her energy on that little bubble of energy.
"Oh honey, you're still here, huh?" Rose whispered. "(Reader) was your name, wasn't it? But that's not what we called you, little minx. You're a Pandora's box."
Rose drove through the suburbs of Joliet, drawing closer and closer, running Crow's gas tank down to the last quarter. It didn't matter, she was close. The little buzzing in her head continued, until finally it was unbearable. Rose grinned, pulling off to the side of the road in front of a cute little red brick house. She didn't do anything, not yet at least. Instead, Rose adjusted the rings and bangles on her left hand. Left for receiving, various 'lucky' charms she'd collected. The right hand she kept bare. It was her dominant hand, she liked it bare. That and it was the 'giving' hand. She didn't need any sort of energetic enhancements, more likely hindrances upon her.
"You're alone in that little house, Pandora." she smirked.
Creeping toward that house like a wanted visitor, Rose waved to a few neighbors who were walking about. The only malicious element that could even tickle the minds of observers was that hat. Tipped at that weird angle, barely hanging onto the crown of her head, like a poorly perched bird. Rose reached for the knocker; she didn't need to try the doorbell to know it was broken. A soft click as the door opened.
"Well, hi there." Rose smiled.
You didn't have time to fasten the dead bolt before she'd forced herself in, towering over you and pinning you against the nearest flat surface.
She'd tied you up. The deranged woman with the most certainly semi-cognizant hat had tied you up on your childhood bed.
"Who the fuck do you-"
"Shut up." Rose demanded, slapping her hand over your mouth. "You're gonna listen, you're gonna stay quiet, and if you scream I will sew your mouth shut."
She moved around the room, closing the curtains, locking and barricading the door. Nothing was going to interrupt this, no one was going to stop her from getting that revenge she'd been dreaming of for a little over a decade.
"Three True died because of you." Rose sighed, settling on the bed in front of you. "They starved. We were all starving, but they couldn't hold off. And you? Look at you." she snorted. "What are you, a teenager? No, you might even be in your twenties. I've forgotten how old you were when we were tracking you."
The heinous monologue ended there. Rose pulled out a pocket knife, focusing on digging out the dried blood she hadn't gotten out underneath her nails.
"Are you a cannibal?" you asked, quiet.
Rose snorted.
"I mean, sort of. We don't eat flesh, but we eat. And you... God, you would have been tasty. Now you're grown up. Age ruins all the goodness of steam, it spoils, tastes rotten."
You swallowed, staring up at the woman with the knife.
"So by not being able to find and eat some part of me... People died."
"Not people, dear. True Knot, my family. The most important people alive."
Rose's personal fable was inherently narcissistic, unyieldingly ignorant of the world around her.
"So you're better than me because you eat... Kids?"
Rose rolled her eyes, grabbing your face.
"I'm better than you because I'll live for centuries. The oldest of us have seen empires rise and fall, we've seen society advance, society crumble, all of it." she whispered. "We are the chosen few, the best. You're... A rube. A stupid, forgettable little tick."
She seemed awfully presumptuous, you thought. But your small judgements were out of place with the extreme fear that clouded most of your higher processing abilities. The animal brain was clawing out from it's cage, and you knew that this meant the odd things would start happening. Ever since you were a kid, it had been the same. You were normal, happy, unbothered, and then once someone put you in a corner, it was like something out of a paranormal movie. The ropes at your wrists got loose. Then the ropes at your feet. They were spinning out, moving with every rapid beat of your heart. But your telepathy was no match for Rose's abilities.
Blinding white pain filled your head as Rose pressed two of her fingers into your left temple. Hands reaching up inside your head, hands clawing and tugging at the animal bit of your brain, shoving it down, pinning it into a corner. It was brutal, and it left you groaning from pain.
"Naughty little thing. But talented, so talented. Telepathy? At your age? God you would have been tasty. Maybe you still are..."
In your state of wooziness caused from Rose's rape-like invasion of your head, you hadn't noticed her reaching for the pin off of her hat. And then that pin was being pressed through the flesh of your clavicle, hitting the hollow skin there. It stung, badly. With a horrid scream, vapor sprung from your lungs. The woman inhaled it readily, her eyes flashing bright blue. And then she sputtered. She removed the pin, coughing and hacking violently.
"You taste... Disgusting." she winced, her face screwed up in disgust.
Blood trickled down from the wound on your collarbone.
"God I need to get that taste out of my mouth, it's like spoiled milk." Rose complained, looking around the room for something to rinse out her mouth with.
Her choices were scarce. Half-stale soda, water, (which wouldn't do a damn thing), or... Now that would do.
"Mnm." Rose smiled, licking the blood from your clavicle away.
Her tongue was revoltingly wet, and it stung where she licked you. Rose's face was screwed up in a light smirk, watching with interest as your body reacted against your ever-rational mind. Her tongue was soothing, and there was a degree of sensuality to her movements, the way she leaned down, rolling her tongue slowly over the wound. She was straddling you, a hand on your shoulder, the other behind your neck. And the tongue continued to work, the papillae of her tongue drawing a light friction over the wound. It was... Arousing.
"Did I tell you that you could touch me?" Rose smirked.
Your hands were resting on her back, drawing unconscious patterns.
"... No."
Rose chuckled at this, nipping lightly at your neck.
"You're enjoying this... Twisted little girl."
The bite went straight downwards, causing your pelvic floor to clench involuntarily.
"I'm not. Well, I am, not because I want to-"
Rose's lips crashed against yours, tongue immediately pressing through your lips as you gasped. Claiming, tasting, exploring. She coaxed your tongue out slowly, her hand cradling your head, massaging gently.
"Give me your tongue." a voice sounded in your head.
It was feminine. You obeyed, sticking it out. Rose's lips enveloped the muscle, sucking wetly. The result was immediate. Your hips twitched, your core clenched, and you let out a desperate moan into her mouth. Rose let out a low hum of approval, continuing to suck your tongue in and out of her lips, imitating oral sex. The suggestion was arousing, and when you pulled away, the look on her face said it all. Rose was pleased. She knew she was sexy, she knew what she was doing was hot, and the fact that you were confused, horny and scared, all against your will, it only served to pad her ego.
"Poor thing... Are you worked up?" Rose crooned, stroking your sides. "Tell you what... I'll make it better, but then afterward you and I are going to brainstorm a way to work off your debt."
Your words caught in your throat. You didn't want to owe her anything, that would be very bad, but you had a feeling that it wouldn't matter what you decided. She'd laugh if you told her you didn't want to fuck her, and probably fuck you anyways. But then again, to make the best out of a bad situation... Who would blame you?
"Mhm, you'll come around." Rose hummed, licking a stripe up your neck. "And it will be reaaaaal good."
Your hands were resting on her back again. She didn't scold you this time. She took the topper off, setting it to the side. Her hair was a little frizzy, but it really didn't matter. She looked like a fallen goddess either way. Her hands reached for the hem of her sweater, pulling it off. Pert, large breasts jiggled with the movement, unencumbered by a bra or other garment. You wondered why you hadn't noticed it before. Rose wondered why she was wasting her best window of performance on a rube.
"You like what you see? Oh I know you do." Rose smiled, resting her elbows on either side of her face. "Kiss them. Give them the attention they deserve."
You obliged, angling your head up to kiss one of her nipples. Tentatively at first, and then a little surer. Rose pulled down your bottom lip, silently beckoning you to open your mouth. She pressed her nipple into your mouth, sighing in delight as you obediently swirled your tongue around the areola.
"Beautiful. A little suction, not too much, I'm not a cow." Rose sighed.
Adding increasing levels of suction, you stopped when Rose let out a low moan, her hips bucking against your stomach. You alternated swirling your tongue and sucking, drawing the sweet noises from Rose's mouth.
"The other side now, my other girl is feeling left out." Rose breathily gasped.
As you swirled and sucked the other nipple, she reached up to pinch the previously worshipped breast. Her hips twitched erratically, and judging by the increasing frequency of her little gasps and moans, she was getting more aroused. Finally she pulled back, her nipple sliding out of your mouth with a wet plop. Rose pulled at her jeans, sliding them down her knees and onto the floor in one swift motion. Whether she took off her panties at the same time or was never wearing any, you couldn't be sure.
"Stay put." Rose ordered.
You leaned back against the bed. She put a knee on either side of your face, lowering herself as she spread her labia open. The sight was both daunting and arousing, her inflamed clit pulsing angrily amidst the pink strip of her inner labia. You opened your mouth as she lowered her entrance over your mouth.
"Lick." she breathily moaned.
You licked a stripe up from entrance to clit, tasting her for the first time. It wasn't anything pungent or otherwise remarkable, but it was good. She fisted her hands in your hair as she rocked against your tongue, pushing her clit into your nose.
"Stick your tongue in, fuck me with your tongue." Rose rasped.
Obeying, you punched your tongue in and out of her hole, catching her secretions with your tongue. Rose moaned emphatically, continuing to grind her clit over your nose.
"That's it, just like that..." Rose praised. "Pull me against you."
Grabbing her thighs for support, you pressed her down into your mouth, alternating between licking stripes up her labia and fucking her with your tongue. Her moans grew louder and more emphatic, pressing her clit into your nose until your nostrils closed, preventing your ability to breathe. She worked faster against you, riding your face with reckless abandon, either unaware or unconcerned with your lack of air. In a last ditch effort to prevent suffocation, you pistoned your tongue in and out of her earnestly until she let out a howl of pleasure, squeezing her thighs over your face.
"Hey, wake up!" a voice echoed, muffled and unclear.
A sharp sensation, someone shaking you. Things came into clarity, bit by bit. Rose was over you, shaking you and slapping your face. She came into focus slowly, her face flushed.
"Fucking finally." she swore.
Arms pulled you up, stripping you of the sweaty shirt that clung to your breasts. You weren't wearing a bra, who could blame you? It was midnight on a fucking Tuesday. Or Wednesday, you guessed.
"Are you awake now? I'm not done with you."
You frowned, still adjusting to being awake after nearly suffocating to death between the woman's thighs.
"Naughty thing. Lay over my lap, I'll get you awake again."
You groggily obeyed, breathing steadily. Rose's hands caressed your back gently, pulling your pajama bottoms down. You were still uncomfortable, although your arousal had significantly dulled following you passing out. Her hand caressed your panty clad bottom, squeezing and pulling the flesh expertly. You let out a soft hum of contentment.
"Wouldn't have been a bad way to go, you know." Rose teased, continuing to knead your buttcheeks.
You gave an unconvinced hum in response. Rose let out a low chuckle, giving you a playful smack on the rear.
"Let's try this again. This time you can be on top, huh?"
Rose helped you up, after taking off your panties of course. She laid upon the bed, and you moved to straddle her face.
"Nuh uh. Turn around, the other way."
You obeyed, facing her legs.
"Now lean down. Hold my legs open, that's right, princess."
Princess. The name felt more intimate than the other titles she had given you, most were insulting. You found yourself looking forward to tasting her again. Her clit still remained engorged, and you busied yourself with licking at it as Rose drew her hands back and forth over your thighs.
"Pretty pussy you've got." she crooned.
A sharp bite to your inner thigh. It shocked and aroused you, and your core clenched involuntarily. Rose gave a low chuckle at the sight.
"Is she this wet for me?" Rose cooed. "Might need to have a taste."
Her tongue parted your labia, circling your entrance. Your hips bucked into her mouth, and she smacked your butt in jest.
To make up for your unintentional disobedience, you leaned down, spreading her labia and exposing her engorged clit to your tongue. You circled it a few times before pulling the hood back, sucking softly. Rose's reaction was immediate. She groaned, kneading your thighs tenderly.
"Mhm. Good girl."
Her tongue returned to your entrance, licking lazily, occasionally rolling over your clit. Enough to stimulate, not enough to really please. It was infuriating, but you doubled your attentions in the hopes she would reward you. Taking her clit in your mouth, you sucked it, drawing it back and forth between your lips like she had done earlier with your tongue. Rose moaned, letting out a few words that you didn't understand, a foreign tongue. Then her mouth was at your clit, her tongue drawing steady circles over the nerve. You felt her thighs clenching, and you held them open as she reacted accordingly. Her mouth abandoned your clit, and she moaned out, her hips thrusting against your mouth. Then her mouth was sucking violently against you, two fingers roughly penetrating you. But just as her orgasm subsided, just as a familiar clenching began in your abdomen, she pulled away.
"No!" you whined.
A harsh smack cracked over your ass.
"Shut it."
She pushed you to the side, sitting up. She used your shirt to wipe the mess off her face.
"If you want to come, you'll crawl over here and ride my fingers."
Much to your utter dismay, (and deep humiliation), you saw the truth in her eyes. Crawling into her lap like a discarded puppy, you winced as the pushed two of her fingers into you once more. But that was were her roughness ended. A hand encircled her waist while her thumb rolled gentle circles over your clit.
"Put your arms around my shoulders, princess."
The soft praise and gentler look returned to her eyes. She smiled softly at your obedience, pressing a gentle kiss to your neck.
"You've been good... I suppose I should reward you."
Her fingers moved gently in and out of you while her thumb moved in that soft pattern. It was good, a gentle stimulation to push you up to a gentle climax. You had the feeling that if she wanted you to squeal in pleasure, she'd do so, but this was an allotment, not a reward. Her kisses on your neck turned into soft, tender bites, matching her tone. A slow build up to climax began, and you wrapped your arms tighter around her.
"I.. I'm gonna-"
"-I know you are. Now moan my name, 'Rose'."
You felt your lower muscles slowly starting to clench, and you let out a soft whimper.
"Rose!" you obeyed, feeling your pelvic floor clench and unclench erratically.
It was fulfilling, but not by much. In truth, you'd been most stimulated when you were pleasing her, a truth that made you aware of a darker truth. Rose was toying with you. She wiped her hand off nonchalantly, putting her hat back on. With that one action, she went from uncommitted lover to sinister debt-collector.
"Now. About that debt."
A/N: This is really just a one-shot, I don't see a part two or continuation, but I would be more than happy to write a similar story or use a similar template to create a series. Feedback is always welcome. :)
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tomieafterdark · 2 years
neow... im gonna need a p 2 of this cuzzzz...
pairing: fem!reader x bully!Eren
cw: use of brat, good girl and princess, fingering (anal and vaginal), exhibitionism (did I even spell that right..).
part one 🍧
masterlist 🍒
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…part two 💌
You were just staring at the floor. That idiot Eren really went and got a janitor when he could’ve pulled you out himself, you are sure you flashed the janitor a few times wile they were getting you out…“And why isn’t me leaving you alone, I’m out now he can leave…” you thought to yourself.
Eren was enjoying the shame and shock on your face, the look of trying to process what had just happened and simultaneously wanting to run away and never think about what happened. He wanted more, what had happened didn’t satisfy him it just awakened something more terrible and sadistic in him.
The janitor looks at Eren with a concerned look. “Is she okay now..?”
Eren puts on his nice fellow student mask and it has the janitor so fooled. “Yeah, I think she will be okay but I should probably drive her home.”
“Yes you do that, you’re such a good classmate looking out for her. We need more students like you” the janitor says and smiles at Eren.
“Come on y/n. I’ll drive you home. You can’t walk home like this, you’re a mess.” He coos at you with his gross fake concern that somehow has the whole world fooled. If they only knew..
Somehow Eren and the Janitor force you to go home with Eren. It’s so uncomfortable to walk with him especially because it got so windy suddenly, fuck even the wind gods seem to be on his side today because sometimes the wind blows too hard lifting your skirt up giving Eren a perfect view as he walks behind you.
“Alright Eren which one is your dumb car?” You say as you glare at him.
He just smirks in return, walks up to his car and opens the door for you. “Get in princess.”
Eren calling you princess makes you want to squeeze your legs together, it makes you want to grind on something or someone..
“Y/n how long do you want me to hold this fucking door for you? Get in brat.”
You quickly get in and put on your seatbelt, his car is nice inside and out you gotta give him that.
“You like?” Eren smirks at you.
“Guess it’s okay” you reply in an uninterested tone.
“Such a brat, is it not expensive enough for you? Want me to drive home and pick another car?”
You had almost forgotten how rich this asshole was thanks to his dads medicine company, he bought cars like they were cheap toys. After driving out of the college parking lot and general town area, he drives off to the highway. You’re kind of panicked because you really want to go home. “Eren what the fuck I live 10 mins from the college why are we on the highway?”
“Y/n I had so much fun with you today, I just didn’t want our day to end so soon. We should seriously get to know each other more..” that last bit of his sentence sent chills down your spine. It made you feel hazy but remembering how deep his fingers reached earlier and the orgasm you had makes you squeeze your legs again.
Before you can think any further, he speeds up to 125 miles per hour, with cars everywhere on the highway rendering you quite speechless. You’re grasping onto anything in the car at this point, Eren is anything but a safe driver. You shoot him a worried look, but in return he just gives you a cold look and drives faster.
“Eren!” You finally get out. “You’re gonna get us in an accident what the fuck, and stop slaloming between the cars at such a high speed!! Are you trying to die today and bring me with you??”
“Relax y/n. I’d never put you in any danger..” he replies in a cold tone as he puts a hand on your knee while continuing to drive faster and faster. That hand on your knee has your bare pussy clenching and dripping. You remember that idiot took your thong earlier and pray to whoever is listening that you don’t drip all over the seat.
Eren knows exactly what you’re feeling, he’s done this with plenty of girls before. He knows for a fact you’ll drip all over the place, it’s exactly what he wants.
You both suddenly hear police sirens, Eren’s wild ride seems to end here. You’re so relieved, maybe they’ll offer to drive you home since Eren broke so many traffic rules on the highway alone..
He drives off to the side of the road as the police car follows. You feel so relieved and happy when you see the officer get out and come up to Eren’s window.
“Oh Mr.Yeager..how are you doing on this lovely evening?” The officer says, completely dismissing what Eren just did. You wait and see, maybe he is just being nice before the big blow?
“I’m good, we’re both good actually he says and gives a nod to your direction. I’m just driving my friend here to the Taco Bell outside of town, they have the new wild cherry slush and she really wants it.” You want to scream and yell, tell them it’s not true and point out the obvious: he can’t fucking drive safely.. but you just stare at the road ahead of in shock you because you can’t believe how everyone is so up Eren’s ass.
“Alright, just drive safely there Mr.Yeager.” The officer smiles.
Eren hands him an envelope, and the officers face lights up. “Yeah I’ll drive slowly, thank you officer. Have a good evening.”
“You too, say hello to your dad from me!” Is the last thing the officer says as he walks back to his car and soon drives off into the distance. Eren just looks at you with a sadistic look, like he knows he has power over everyone, like he knows you’ve realised that by now.
He essentially drives off the highway, and intentionally picks the worst road to your destination. It’s an old road with lots of bumps and not a car in sight. He drives slow at first but speeds up little by little, every bump causing you to jump in your seat. The bumping turns constant and you start to feel strange sensations from it, you almost let a moan out.
Eren is liking this way too much, the way your beautiful tits jiggle with each bump, the look on your face when the bumping starts to feel a little too good.
You try to keep quiet and pretend you’re not getting more wet as every second passes, pretending you’re not longing for his fingers stretching you out with every bump. You see the Taco Bell logo in the distance. It’s over soon, you push back all the desires and pent up energy. You’d be home soon, you just get that stupid slush with Eren and then this would be over.
The line in the driveway is long. It must be all those new products, this is the only Taco Bell in the area that has gotten them so far. While you wait in line, Eren tells you to unbuckle your seatbelt and sit on his thigh. You’re so tired you just do as you’re told, what else could you even do now?
When you get up to sit on him he glances at your seat, it’s glistening. You really were dripping. He gladly guides your hips back and forth as you’re on his thigh, causing you to moan out. You’re so frustrated, he can feel your pussy clenching on his thigh.
Eren is not nice enough to let you cum yet, not like this. He keeps teasing you on his thighs, with you whimpering and letting out small pleads and begging for him to let you cum. He just keeps toying with you. But when it’s your turn to order, he has you pushing your head out the car window telling you to order two wild cherry slushes and whatever else you want.
“Welcome to Taco Bell what can I get you?”
Just as you’re about to reply, he sticks two fingers in your wet dripping cunt causing you to moan in reply.
“I didn’t quite get that! What would you guys like to order??”
Eren is playing with your clit while stretching your cunt out with his two long and big fingers. You’re clenching on his fingers, with legs shaking. You can barely keep your balance at this point, you feel close to having the same orgasm as you had earlier in the locker. But he stops and lets you order, not because he is nice but this wouldn’t be embarrassing enough.
“T-two wild cherry slushes please.”
“Will that be all then?”
“Uhm, yes.”
“Alright head on over to the next window then!”
Eren hands you his card and tells you to pay and get the slushes, in the same exact position you’re in right now. Your heart drops, surely he couldn’t have planned to make you cum in front of the Taco Bell workers?? You feel his fingers digging deep inside you again as his other fingers work your clit. You just want to sink down on his fingers, they feel so fucking good.
“E-eren” you whimper.
“Focus on the order princess you can cry out for me later.” He says coldly.
And now you’re at the next window, just as you’re about to hand them Eren’s card you have a clitoral orgasm causing you to tremble and almost drop the card. The workers are not blind or stupid they know exactly what he is doing to you, they just roll their eyes and focus on the task. You’re so fucking embarrassed, but as they take time with the order your attention is back fully on Eren.
“I can’t take this- Eren please!” You cry out silently so no one can hear you.
Eren slaps your ass really hard in return. “Focus on the order and stop being a brat or I’ll make this even harder for you.” He shoves a finger in your ass while continuing to dig in your cunt.
You feel so close, you can hear your own cunt and the squelching sounds. What really does it is when he shoves a third finger in, stretching you out so good you nearly lost your mind. When the Taco Bell worker hands you Eren’s card and your order you gush all over Eren. You can’t hold it in.
“Aa-h! T-thank you- aah!” You say pretending nothing is going on even though the worker can clearly hear what Eren is doing. To make it worse he slaps your ass hard one last time before driving off causing you to moan and cuss. “Such a goor girl, handling the order all by yourself.” He smirks. You’re still shaking from the orgasm you just had, brain so empty you barely hear what else he is saying to you. You just want to sit down.
Before you do anything Eren cleans you and the seat up as much as he can, and hands you a slush. The slush was perfect after what just happened, it’s calm cold and relaxing.
You didn’t even notice how late it was, how dark it was outside. Your mother must be so worried.
“I have to call my mom..Eren where did you put my bag??”
“Don’t worry princess I told her you’ll be staying over at my place for the night” he smirks.
“So where’s my phone?? Can I have it??”
“Enjoy your slush y/n, stop stressing about your phone.”
You end up just enjoying the ride, you had a long day and this slush was really good. Nice job Taco Bell you think to yourself as you start to relax and just enjoy the moment.
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staarri · 1 year
it’ll be quick
zhongli, neuvillette x gn!reader
w. implied relationship, gender neutral reader, not proof read (we die like caribert), implied short(?) reader, height difference, a tad bit suggestive for neuvillette wc 1.1k
where you ask them for a favor, and they cant bring themselves to say no
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﹢﹒ zhongli
another drowsy evening for the city of liyue. plenty of people coming back to their homes, children that were once playing on the streets are now running back to their parents, and the lights start to become the city’s only source of guidance—aside from the stars and the slowly descending sun.
zhongli was walking around, his gloved hands behind his back, holding each other. his ponytail moving from the wind, along with his coat. although he isn’t walking that fast, it is quite a windy day.
you were about to do a few errands for hu tao. a handful of them being difficult, as she wanted you to collect a few things in a forest you decided never to enter after the test of courage you attended last year with chongyun.
you spot your boyfriend, zhongli, just walking around in the streets, doing absolutely nothing. so, you decided to do something you did best: annoy him.
with slow steps, you walk towards his back and give his shoulder a tap. he looks to the wrong direction, before turning right and facing you.
“dear, i did not expect to see you here. isn’t it your rest day today?” he asks, tone soft and worried. zhongli rests his thumb on your cheek, pinching then pulling it—but not too hard that it hurts you. he just likes the feeling of it, plus, you look so adorable whenever he does it anyway.
he adores the way your eyes shine whenever he looks at you. even if its because of the sun, the lamp, or the streetlights, he likes seeing you looking up at him.
“‘li, thank god i found you. i just came back from the parlor, i was helping hu tao out with a few things.” you say, smiling. you bring his hand to yours, then raise your feet so he can give you a quick kiss on the forehead.
“…speaking of, are you busy right now?” you ask. thinking about the best idea you’ve ever had, because there is no way you are going to enter that forest again.
zhongli shakes his head, and lets out a hum of disagreement.
“you have plans, my love?” he asks, the corner of his lip curling into a small smile. he thinks you’re going to ask him out to dinner.
okay, well, now you feel a pinch of guilt in your heart.
“no.. sorry, but we can eat out when this is finished. i, uh, its actually a little stupid.”
“tell me, i promise i won’t laugh.” he says, chuckling.
your eyes wander around, thoughts going into your brain all at once.
“hu tao asked me if i could get a few flowers and plants in wuwang hill..” your feet start to kick the ground, feeling a little embarrassed by this request.
“arent you terrified of that place, dear?” zhongli asks, eyebrows raising in confusion. why would hu tao send you to that place if she knew you hated it there?
“yeah! exactly—so, i, um… thought it would be, like, okay if i asked you to do it instead?” you look at him with pleading eyes, your mouth in a small, awkward smile.
he brings his lips back to your temple, giving it another kiss. you can feel him smile against your skin.
“im sure it wont take long, please?”
“fine.” he laughs, his lips still ghosting over your head. “but, you have to promise me we’re going to wuwang hill together next time. okay? need to get that fear out of your pretty head.”
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surprisingly, todays weather forecast for fontaine was said to be clear blue skies with a bright sun. your boyfriend was out for with the traveler today, he said it wouldn’t take too long and he’d be back by lunch.
you sat in his office chair, a few dishes you’ve just cooked rest on the table. you check the clock, 12:23.
resting your head on the palm of your hand, you begin to wonder how you’ll be asking him this. a folder of papers in your hand, all errands that your boss has asked you to finish and hand in before tomorrow. it was assigned last week, but, being the procrastinator you are, you “forgot”.
you knew neuvillette was good with paperwork, i mean, its his job, is it not? and it was all basic things anyway, you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it yourself since the thickness of the paper was so intimidating.
you hear the front door click open, and you quickly snap out of your daydreams. your goal? get neuvillette agree to help you out with the paperwork without getting too mad. definition of help? for him to do all of it.
he walks in the office, letting out a deep sigh as he takes his shoes off and setting them aside. then, he smells the scent of his favorite meal. he lights up at the sight of his favorite person, you, and a cold glass of water. of course.
“all this for me, sweet thing?” he asks, clearly surprised with the sudden gesture. you nod eagerly.
neuvillette gives a small smile. exactly what he needed right after a few tiring hours of chatting.
but immediately, he senses that something’s amiss. you wouldn’t prepare him food—no, you do prepare food for him. the thing is, you’ve filled his whole desk with dishes! each a from a different reigon in teyvat.
“what is it?” he laughs, already seeing through you. you’re so easy to read after all.
you held the folder behind your back, perhaps he noticed you were hiding it from him? or maybe he heard the light shuffling? either way, you’ve been caught, time to come clean.
“so… i got a few assignments from last week, and i don’t understand half of it?” you smile, trying to convince him to help you.
he chuckles, a hand to his mouth. “you mean; i forgot to do them. right?”
your eyes widen, cheeks feeling warm. god, why’d he have to be so smart?
“uh… yeaaah?” you say, in the worst possible way possible. its obvious you made up the lie earlier.
“figured as much, you wouldn’t prepare me this much food unless it was a special occasion.” neuvillette goes to your side and gives a quick peck on the cheek.
“by special occassion, i mean you asking me for a favor. dont think i can’t see through you, little fox.” he teases, then goes to another chair and starts to take a sip of the soup.
“ill do it,” he says inbetween sips. “but you owe me big time, lovely. maybe you can make it up to me later?”
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@staarri 's work - do not repost, translate or modify.
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thescarletnargacuga · 3 months
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Art: @iamespecter
Racing AU!
IT'S SHOWTIME! Pomni needs to learn how to drift! Who better to teach her than the race AI himself? It's totally not a date. Nope.
Hey... anyone seen Gummigoo?
The afterparty in the garage was still going strong. Colorful lights flashed through the windows into the night. Loud, bassy music vibrated the walls. A heavy crowd of NPCs danced in repeating patterns, never stopping.
As rowdy as the party was, it was muffled for Caine as Pomni still held his half melted body. He couldn't hear anything over the sound of his code memorializing this moment. He managed to pull himself together just enough to return her embrace, carefully wrapping his arms around her.
Pomni's head cleared with a jolt. The small amount of silly juice she drank had worn off, and because video game logic, had no side effects. Her inebriated state just ended abruptly. Her eyes widened as she realized what she was doing. She jumped back away from Caine. "Oh my god, I am SO sorry!"
Caine was still holding his arms out in front, missing her already. "Whatever for, my dear?"
Pomni's cheeks burned hot. "For- I shouldn't have- I just- the drink!" She couldn't form a coherent sentence from the embarrassment.
"It's okay, Pomni! Really! I thought the hug was very sweet of you!" He grabbed his cane out of mid air and kept his hands busy with it. "I rather enjoyed it, actually!"
That didn't help Pomni's state of mind. She heard Jax's voice in her head. "He's taken a liking to you. Find a way out." This was madness. Every logical part of her brain was screaming HE'S A PROGRAM! Every other part of her... liked the hug.
"Pomni..?" Caine watched her stand there staring into nothing for at least a solid minute.
She jumped like Caine had suddenly appeared. "I'm sorry. I...I'm just, uh... thinking about today's race."
"Really? Me too! It was nice to do a simple just have fun race!"
She was glad he took the bait for a new subject. "Yeah, would have been better if I could drift properly." She rubbed the back of her neck.
"Wait, you weren't driving like that on purpose?"
"Pfff, no. I just suck." She looked down.
"No, you don't! You just lack experience! Would you like to take a drive on the tutorial drift track? I could teach you!" He gripped his cane, hoping she'd agree.
Pomni saw the eagerness in his eyes. He really wanted to spend time with her alone. "Alright."
He almost exploded with glee. "Fantastic! Right this way!" He snapped his fingers and a portal appeared. "After you." He took off his hat and bowed.
"Thanks..." She stepped through and found herself on a short, windy track. Garage gone. Stands gone. The track was lit by a multitude of high power light poles. The sky above just as dark as the default. She figured the whole game ran on the same day/night cycle.
Caine came through behind her and the portal vanished. "Alrighty, my dear! How would you like to do this? I could summon your kart and I just tell you what to do OR I could summon my own and do the driving for you for a few laps as you get the feel for it first." He posed, ready to snap.
"Uh...I don't know. Maybe, you should drive-"
That was all he needed to hear. He snapped and his bright red and white kart appeared, engine running. "Your chariot awaits!"
"Oh...oh boy." The last time she was in his cart, it was the wildest ride of her life. She hoped she at least wouldn't vomit this time.
She got in and prepared for takeoff, but the kart didn't burnout from the start. It moved forward slowly, taking her through the track turn by turn like it was casual Sunday drive. Caine's voice came through the radio as his body flew high above the track for an arial view.
"Welcome to the drift tutorial! My name is Caine and I'll be your guide-! Ahem- sorry, force of habit."
That got a small smile out of her.
"Drifting is really simple, my dear! First thing you need is speed! Let's rev things up!" The kart accelerated, taking the turns as fast as it could without drifting. Pomni held tight to the steering wheel.
"Now, it's all about timing! This is the part that will take practice! Hit the break and flick the steering wheel hard as you go into the turn. Use the throttle to control the angle of the drift and once you're out of the turn, let off the accelerator and straighten your kart."
"That doesn't sound simple!" Pomni's heart raced with the kart.
"Eh, drifting Is more of a skill you gain through experience than explanation. But that's what we're here for! Let's give it a try, shall we?"
His kart hit the first sharp turn and drifted around it with ease. Pomni felt thrown into the side of the kart by the g-force, but fought it. She got used to it after a few turns and learned to lean with the kart.
"You're getting it!" Caine cheered. "Now, pay attention to the pedals and steering wheel! Feel how they move!"
By the third lap she felt she had a grasp of what to do. "Let me try!"
"You got this, Pomni!" The kart decelerated as Caine releases his control over it.
Pomni put the petal to the floor. Gold flames shot out the tail pipes as she braced for the first turn. She threw the kart sideways and it nearly over shot the turn entirely.
"Little too much speed! But that was a good start! Keep going!"
Turn after turn, her confidence grew until she was flying around the tutorial track like it was nothing.
"You're a natural, Pomni! You could give Jax a run for his money!"
She didn't know about that, but it was nice to hear. She stopped the kart at the start and stood before Caine as he descended, giving he applause.
"Very well done! But, that's just the tutorial. How do you think you'd fare on a real track?" He arched his upper jaw.
The rush of racing was coming back. It was something that kept coming up inside of her. The speed. The competition. Maybe it was her, maybe it was the game, but right now, she didn't care. "..how about we find out? You and me. Random track. One lap." She crossed her arms bravely.
Caine's lower jaw dropped. "You want to race me?"
"You have a kart, don't you?" She pointed her thumb to the red kart idling behind her.
"Well yeah, but no one's ever..." He chuckled. "You know what?" He snapped and Pomni's kart appeared next to his. "You're on. But I feel I must warn you." He drifted closer to her. "I've never lost."
She stepped closer, defiantly. "Yet."
Caine felt a tingle of static up his spine. "My dear, you become a different person behind the wheel."
Pomni shrugged. "Maybe I become the real me."
Caine smiled. "Whoever you are, you're about to see why they keep me in that host box." He winked and flipped over her head into his kart.
Pomni rushed to hers and jumped in with practiced accuracy. Caine threw his cane and it's gold too started to glow. It dinged once, glowing brighter. Then again. And again.
The took off and a giant portal appeared just beyond the start. They zoomed through it to space! The translucent track wound it's way around planets and stars and comets. Nebulous formations of colorful clouds shifted in a transcendental dance. Galaxies dotted the background. It was beautiful. Pomni took the first big turn high and hit a booster, getting ahead of Caine. He watches her fly by with as many stars in his eyes as there were around them. She was beautiful. A shell conked him out of his trance. A distant laugh from Pomni.
He shook his head. "Oh, so that's how we're going to play? Very well." He said with a smirk. He went through an item box and got a bar of soap. "Boo." He carelessly tossed it and took a separate direction at a fork on the track. His next item was a pen. Pomni was on a track below him and he threw the pen at her.
Pomni sputtered at the ink on her face and didn't see the next turn. The ink cleared for her in time to avoid running into her wall head on but she ground the side of her kart against it.
They were neck and neck when the track merged. It spiraled around a shooting star with no sense of gravity. Caine got a popper and tossed it at Pomni. "For you, my dear!"
"Ah!" The popper exploded in her face and she lost ground. Another fork in the track took her down a steep booster towards a wormhole. She went through it and was sailing through open space at an unknown part of the track. She used her glider to control her desent, seeing Caine come over a hill. She'd teleported in front of him!
Taking advantage of her shortcut, she landed just before a sharp turn and drifted like an expert through it, hitting another item box on the way.
Caine was flabbergasted. Where'd she come from?? He put the pedal to the metal and drifted after her. His next item was the cilli pepper. He got close and prepared to fire when she turned her head and fired first. He released his flames as he spun out.
Pomni got a huge lead. She completed several turns without seeing Caine again but after a huge turn around a planet, she heard the dreaded purple shell. She couldn't avoid it. BOOM!
She was stunned long enough for Caine to close the gap. He tried to pass but she stonewalled him. It took a shell for her to move and he waved as he went by. It didn't last, his own cane wacked him sideways and Pomni drifted around him on a turn.
On the next bug booster, Caine got a gold cupcake and double timed it at Pomni. He pit maneuvered her and she spun to face the wrong way. She threw it in reverse. Pulling a Kinger and waving as she passed backwards.
"What the!?" Caine couldn't believe it. She was actually outmaneuvering him.
Pomni cranked the kart the right way around and casually tossed some soap.
"Oh no, you don't!" Caine avoided the soap and pulled out an orange shell. He threw it but was too close to Pomni so it ricocheted and hit him too.
"You're making rookie mistakes! You scared?" Pomni taunted.
"The only thing I'm scared of is having no room for another win!" Caine clapped back.
There karts bang into one another like bumper cars, both being more aggressive with their place on the track.
Pomni got an idea to distract Caine from the next item box. "Hey Caine!" When he looked at her, she blew him a kiss.
He blue screened. He was completely spaced out for several seconds and missed the boxes entirely.
Pomni laughed and zipped ahead.
When Caine came back around, she had yet another lead on him and he gripped his steering wheel hard. "Now you're playing with fire." He smirked and floored his kart. Golden flames rocketed out the back as he wheelied from the force of the acceleration.
He got all the speed. Boosters and cupcakes galore. He was going so fast, he defied physics and did a three sixty drift around Pomni. "This has been a fun date, when's the next?"
"You think this is a HUH??"
He full belly laughed at her face.They drifted together through a sharp turn and the finish line was in sight. One last box for each. They both got the same thing, a hat.
They became two comets shooting across the heavens, flying together in a dance of power and speed. They crossed together, the finish line unable to tell who won. The karts slid to halt on the other side as their powers disappeared. Pomni and Caine looked at each other, out of breath and full of excitement.
Caine was out first, flying up and doing an arial flip. "That was the best! Holy mackeral on toast! You were amazing! How have you EVER lost a race driving like that!?"
Pomni got up from her kart and stretched. "Like I said. I suck." She laughed at herself. "That was a lot of fun. And I'm saying it sober this time. Thank you...er, for teaching me."
"It was very much my pleasure, Pomni. And thank you for that race! My code is absolutely buzzing!" He settled a bit and floated in front of her. "I mean this Pomni, you have been the best addition to our roster of racers, and I-...I've never met someone so easy to talk to before. I always feel like I'm talking at people, not connecting. But you...um, I may have connected too well now that I think of it. I may have overshared the first few times we've talked and I apologize. My problems shouldn't be yours to bear. Certainly not while you're still adjusting."
Pomni gave him a soft smile. "It's alright, really. I'm happy to listen. It seems like a lot has happened before I showed up."
"A truer statement has never been spoken, however, today was meant to be fun. Problems can wait." He gently took one of her hands and held it with both of his. "Pomni, would you be interested in doing this again? Just the two of us?" His eyes pleaded with her.
"You really meant when you called this a date, huh?"
Caine looked away, feeling a bit bashful. "Oh, well, I mean-"
Pomni giggled. "I'd love to."
Caine blue screened again.
"Oh. Oops. Caine?"
He came to with a start. "Pomni! You-!"
"...I forgot what I was going to say."
"Yes!! I said you said YES!! AH-HA!!"
Pomni laughed more, more than she had since day one.
Pomni teleported into the garage alone. The NPCs had all disappeared, the music was off and the lights stopped flashing. The party was over. The place was a mess. Jax was passed out under the table and everyone else was nowhere to be seen.
She got to her room and plopped face down on her bed, smiling into her pillow. She has to admit to herself, racing Caine was some of the most fun she had since she got here. The adrenaline, the banter, his excitement and encouragement and wit and... beautiful eyes. She gripped her pillow in realization. She couldn't actually be-
"Enjoy your trip?"
A voice broke the silence of her room and she sat up with a shout. "WHA-!? Gummigoo? What are you doing in my room?"
Gummigoo was sat in a chair in the corner behind the door. His arms and legs were crossed. There was a faint blue shimmer in his eyes and he spoke without his accent. "Gummigoo isn't available at the moment. We must speak."
"What do you mean? What's going on?" She asked slowly, scarred to move. The way he was speaking so coldy freaked her out.
"I'm your way out of here."
Pomni's anxiety spiked. "You know h-how to leave? WHO are you??"
"I am Abel."
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thetomorrowshow · 9 months
empires superpowers au masterlist (not up to date)
this takes place about 10 months after the end of ‘poisoned rats’.
cw: past abuse, flashbacks, heavy dissociation, blood & injury
It’s on the news before it’s anywhere else, which is to say, everyone knows before Jimmy.
Lizzie texts him to ask him if he needs anything, and while it’s an odd message to receive out of the blue, Jimmy doesn’t mind it at all. Lizzie checks in occasionally, particularly after big life events, and it’s just nice to hear from her.
Then Joel texts the same thing, and Jimmy starts to feel that something’s wrong.
He only finds out by chance, though—he turns on the TV and it happens to be on the news, and just before he switches away, he sees the scrolling headline.
His stomach drops.
The clip starts playing moments later, some newscaster narrating it like a sports game, not like his partner’s life is on the line.
“So here we can see the Oracle grab Major—it’s barely contact, but anything goes with that villain—and then, while Major’s disoriented, he slams him into the ground.”
Jimmy watches, mouth slightly open, as Scott indeed is shoved into the asphalt with enough force to knock a few teeth out. He winces, old injuries twinging in sympathy. It doesn’t stop there, though—as Scott is grabbing at the Oracle’s legs, doing anything to pull himself back up, he goes suddenly limp, and the Oracle lands a terrible hit to Scott’s nose, sending blood spurting everywhere.
The Oracle grasps Scott by the hair, then, Scott’s arms flailing out, and slams his head into the road. Jimmy gasps, reaches out as if he can grab Scott through the screen. This is bad. Scott hasn’t had such a bad fight since Xornoth. The Oracle must be getting more powerful, or gotten more training recently or something, because last Jimmy knew he was a local menace, not actually a danger.
Jimmy almost can’t watch. His hands are up at his mouth, and he can’t tear his eyes from the screen as Scott stops trying to fight back and just tries to crawl away. He almost makes it—the Oracle grabs him by the cape, pulls him back as his fingers scrabble for purchase.
The Oracle drags him up, has him in a chokehold—it’s the perfect position to just kill him, he’s already too weak to do much and the Oracle could easily slip a knife from the folds of his clothing and slash Scott’s throat, but he doesn’t. He just holds him as Scott struggles, whacking at his grip with steadily clumsier arms. Scott stops moving after a moment, and Jimmy’s moving forward, toward the TV, he has to help—
Scott’s only gathering strength though, and moments later he manages to buck backward and throw the Oracle’s arms from around his neck. With a spray of ice on the road, Scott collapses and penguin slides down the hill and past the news van, throwing up a curved wall of ice to make a sharp turn to the right. He disappears from view entirely, and when the camera turns back to the Oracle, he’s gone.
It’s barely a minute-long clip, but it leaves Jimmy breathless in the worst way possible. He needs to find Scott, he needs to help him—he’s opening the front door before he even puts his mask on, only in socks and his gym clothes, he’s got to find him—
His phone buzzes, and without even thinking he answers, everything in him tensing at the thought that it could be Scott, it has to be Scott—
“Jimmy, where are you right now?”
Lizzie. His heart utterly sinks. “I’m—do you know where he is? I’m going out to find him—”
“Are you at home?”
“Yeah, yes, but I’m leaving—”
“Do not leave,” she tells him sternly. For the first time, Jimmy registers feedback from her end—as if she’s outside on a windy day, or standing on the pier. “Stay at home.”
“I have to find him,” says Jimmy, and he needs to grab his key—where is his key, it’s usually right on the hook by the door—
“Joel and I are sweeping the city, all right? You need to stay home.”
“I’m not scared,” Jimmy retorts. “I can fight, I will fight, I’ll kill the Oracle if I have to—”
He stops, reluctantly, at her tone.
“You need to stay home right now, because if Scott is his usual stubborn self and doesn’t check himself into a hospital, he’s going to come to you,” she explains. “Now I need you to listen to me, all right?”
He sighs. He’s still burning with a need to get out there, find Scott, but she’s right. Unfortunately. He slams the front door shut, sighs even louder. “Yeah, fine. What is it.”
“Get towels you don’t care about,” she instructs. “I know you have a pack of rubber gloves somewhere, so get those and your first aid kit. Disinfect wherever you’re going to help him—I’d think the dining room table, but it’s your choice. Got all that?”
Jimmy’s already halfway to the closet for the first aid kit, grabbing some bleach-stained hand towels from the bathroom on the way. “Yeah. What else?”
“We’re most worried about a concussion here, so he might be confused—especially after fighting the Oracle. Help him know he’s safe and cared for. Maybe get something he’s familiar with to have near, to ground him?”
“Treat it like a flashback, got it.” Jimmy sets the first aid kit down on the table, runs back to their bedroom. He and Scott had gone on a Build-A-Bear date recently, and Scott had gotten the Frozen’s Elsa bear. That should do for grounding, hopefully.
He brings the bear (and after a thought, his own, a brown bear with roller skates) back to the dining room, then cracks open the rubbing alcohol from the first aid kit and starts rubbing down the table and one of the chairs.
“Take care of him, all right?” Lizzie says, sounding almost far away. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you with more updates. Text me if he shows up.”
Before he can even say goodbye, she hangs up.
Great. He just has to deal with this situation alone, then. Scott’s never been that badly injured since Jimmy’s been dating him—sure, there was the broken arm incident, but Scott had still won that fight. He’s never been so badly injured that he had to flee.
What if he doesn’t remember how to get home? It’s not like he’s lived here his whole life, it’s entirely possible that he gets lost on the way back. Jimmy needs to go looking for him, has to be out there to help—
From the office comes the sound of a window sliding open.
Jimmy drops the rag he’d been using to wipe down the table and sprints for the office.
Sure enough, Scott is there, one leg in the window, and looking absolutely awful.
He looks worse than he had on TV. The collar of his costume is drenched in blood, most of which seems to be stemming from his nose but there’s blood in his bright blue hair and dripping from his mouth and all over—
Blood, there’s so much blood and Jimmy’s not sure if its his own or his opponent’s but as he stares at it he feels nothing, nothing but hope that his master will reward him for being so good—
Scott grunts and Jimmy’s back in the present, but his feelings of detachment remain. He crosses the office to the window and wraps an arm under Scott’s armpit to pull him the rest of the way in (Scott cries out, but Jimmy ignores it), then puts his other arm at his knees and fully lifts his boyfriend up.
Scott’s almost too heavy to carry—sure, Jimmy’s been working out, but the deadweight of a muscular, six foot human isn’t anything that he’s used to. So he gathers all of his strength and hurries down the hallway before his arms can give out, carrying Scott to the dining room and settling him in the chair he’s prepared before cracking open the first aid kit.
Jimmy strips off his mask first, grimacing at the bruises already beginning to ring his eyes. Luckily, Jimmy’s set quite a few broken noses in his time, and he mutters a warning before jerking it back into place. Scott lets out another cry, muffled by Jimmy shoving a wad of cotton under his nose.
He holds it there for a few moments while he categorizes the other wounds. The head wound is probably most important—or rather, most dangerous. There’s scrapes and bruises in various places all over his body, visible through the tears in his costume. Red stains his lips, so Jimmy pries his mouth open—yep, missing tooth and bitten tongue. He knows Scott’s already got an implanted molar, but this is one of his front teeth, leaving a gaping hole in his mouth. That’s going to need some cosmetic surgery.
It’s not really a huge concern at the moment, though, so Jimmy moves on, rolling down the neck of Scott’s costume.
Sure enough, bruises are already blossoming around his throat. That’s not something Jimmy can take care of himself—he needs an x-ray to make sure nothing’s broken, probably. In fact, it would be better just to take Scott to the hospital right now.
One last thing to check—across the room, on the hook where he usually leaves it, is his key, a pocket flashlight attached to the key ring. Jimmy retrieves it, shines it in Scott’s eyes.
His pupils don’t dilate smoothly, and the left eye is slower than the right. That’s never good.
“Are you feeling disoriented?”
Scott blinks. “. . . yeah,” he rasps. Jimmy hands him his glass of water, gives him a napkin when he chokes on it.
“We’re going to the hospital,” he announces, clicking off the flashlight. “Put your mask back on, I’ll carry you to the car.”
Scott complies, hands moving slowly and shakily. “I—Jimmy?” he asks, voice small.
Scott sniffles. “I don’t feel well.” “That’s why we’re going to the hospital,” Jimmy tells him, voice utterly lacking emotion. He doesn’t feel much of anything, right now. “Do you want to bring anything?”
Scott looks around, blinking slowly. He points to the Elsa bear on the table. Jimmy nods, glances around for a moment before finding a reusable plastic grocery bag and stuffing the bear in it.
“You’ll have to leave it in the car, but that’s fine. Let’s go.”
Scott is, for the most part, complacent as Jimmy picks him up, wrapping his arm around Jimmy’s neck. Jimmy carries him out of the house and into the backseat of the car as quickly as possible, then ducks back inside to look for Scott’s thin work wallet, eventually finding it just outside the office window. He grabs it—it identifies Scott as Major, has his SuperInsurance card, and other necessary cards—then heads back out to the car, swinging into the driver’s seat and snapping a mask over his face. He tosses the bag with the bear in the backseat with Scott, then pulls out of the driveway.
The hands on the steering wheel don’t look like his, and it takes until Jimmy clicks on the turn signal at a stoplight to realize that he’s dissociated. In fact, he thinks he’s been out of it since he helped Scott inside. Come to think of it, he doesn’t remember doing anything to comfort Scott, calm instincts taking over to keep him from panicking.
A glance in his rearview mirror shows that Scott barely looks conscious. “Don’t fall asleep,” Jimmy snaps, and Scott jolts up, gasping, one hand clutching at his other arm. His other arm that looks mysteriously swollen, held carefully close to Scott’s body.
How had he focused so hard on the head wound that he hadn’t even noticed an injured arm? It’s clearly hurting Scott, and he had done nothing—
“Stay awake, okay? Talk to me. What are you feeling?”
“My arm hurts,” Scott manages. “I think—Jimmy, I think it’s broken again. I don’t—where are we going?”
“The hospital. Just hang tight, we’ll be there soon.”
They won’t be there soon. They’re still at least twenty minutes away. Scott had actually been closer to the hospital before he’d headed home, so he could’ve saved them both some time and gone straight there.
The hands that are definitely his but don’t look it tighten on the wheel. None of that matters right now. Right now he just needs to get Scott to somewhere for treatment.
It’s a tense drive, but Jimmy manages to stay levelheaded. He knows he’s speeding, so every cop car he passes he sends a burst of power out toward, hoping whatever accident it causes won’t be very dangerous.
He sees the signs for the hospital and cuts across three lanes of traffic to get into it. Once there, he pulls into a parking spot and looks up.
At the hospital.
The dissociation hits full-force.
It’s not the hospital, not the one where he was taken right after, but it’s still a hospital. It’s still tied to needles and blood and long hours on an exam table and distress and pain, and just looking at it makes his head all woozy.
His head presses against something hard. His hands go slack. He’s not sure where he is. He’s not sure what’s real.
It’s easier to believe that he’s asleep, easier to accept that none of this is real. He doesn’t even know what he doesn’t want to be real.
He’s not sure how long he floats there, feeling nothing but anxiety about how he’s feeling nothing. He doesn’t even register that there’s any sort of outside stimulation until he hears words, tinny and staticky.
“Jimmy? Hey, Jim, what’s happening? Talk to me.”
“I don’t know,” he thinks he says. “What’s happening?”
A sigh. “Scott says you just sort of zoned out. Do you know why?”
He’s not sure how to answer, so he doesn’t.
“Do you know where you are?”
“No,” he admits, because he doesn’t. He has no clue where he is or how he got here, and now that he’s realized that, the anxiety develops into panic.
“Look around, Jim. Tell me five things you can see.”
Five things—that’s a grounding exercise. Jimmy knows that’s a grounding exercise. He glances around. “There’s a steering wheel. Radio. A seat. I’m in the car.” It hits him like a train, the understanding that he was driving, and he can’t remember that he was driving, and he can’t remember why he was driving, but he’s in the car behind the steering wheel. “Um, asphalt. Parking lines.”
“Cool, four things you can touch?”
The hands in front of him don’t exactly look like his own. One of them lays itself on the steering wheel, and he’s not sure if it’s by his own instruction or not.
He’s sitting in the car, though, so he can assume some certain things. “The seat. The armrest. Um.”
“That’s good. Anything else?”
The voice sounds rushed. Jimmy cringes. He can’t really feel much, other than the awareness that a thing is touching him. Another sigh.
“Right, hand the phone back to Scott, okay? Scott, where are you?”
Is he holding something? He’s holding a phone, and that’s where the voice is coming from. Jimmy stares at it, not quite sure what he can do with it. “Hand it back to Scott,” he echoes.
“Jim’s really out of it, Scott, so can you just look out the window and tell us which hospital it is? Then Lizzie and I’ll be over.”
“It’s . . . United. You guys are coming here?”
“Yeah, well, it sounds like you two are being a bit dysfunctional right now. I’ll escort you and Lizzie’ll stay with Jimmy, and that way all bases are covered. Sound good?”
“I guess?”
It’s warm, Jimmy thinks. Like he’s lying next to a heater. At least it’s feeling something. He feels so detached, so out of his body, that he’s not sure of anything anymore.
He doesn’t hear any more speaking, and he’s not sure if that’s good or not. He just sort of . . . exists, less-than-present but not nonexistent.
At least, until there’s someone grabbing his arm.
He’s not exactly snapped back into his body, but he can see it now—someone heaving him out of the car, someone with pink hair, wrapping an arm around him and walking him to the other side of the car. It feels like he’s observing from above, knowing that it’s his body being moved but feeling no real attachment to it.
It all becomes foggy again as he’s set down in the passenger seat, but he manages to register something clicking and then the car moving. He doesn’t know how long the car moves, but at some point, there’s someone talking to him.
“Scott’s all right, you’re all right, everything is fine. Jimmy, are you with me?”
He tries to nod. He’s not sure if he does it properly.
“No, you’re not. Can you hold this?”
Something’s put in his hand. He doesn’t know what it is.
“Smell that, all right?”
He lifts it up to his nose. It smells sharp, citrus-y.
“What’s that smell like?”
“Oranges,” he answers dutifully.
“Keep your hand up, keep smelling it. Can you describe it?”
He sniffs it again. “Nice,” he eventually says. “Clean. Oranges, and lemons.”
“What does an orange taste like?”
He puts the thing in his mouth.
“No—! No, Jimmy, don’t eat that! That’s—that’s an air freshener, it’s not an orange! Please take it out of your mouth!”
It’s bitter, he thinks, as he obeys. Not like how oranges usually taste. Oranges usually taste sweet, a bit sour, and have all those stringy bits that you have to get off otherwise eating the segments aren’t worth it. It’s one of his favorite tastes, though; the fridge always has orange juice in it and there’s usually oranges on the table. Not just because they taste good, but because they’re decent tools for grounding. The peel has a strong smell and texture, and when you’re done peeling you can taste it.
This isn’t an orange. But it feels suspiciously like a grounding exercise. Why would he be doing grounding?
He blinks, looks up at Lizzie. She’s here. He doesn’t remember her getting here. “Am I dissociating?” he asks.
She laughs a little. “Yeah, I think you might be. Can you smell the air freshener again?”
It’s wet with his own saliva in his hand, but he raises it to his nose anyway. “I’m smelling the air freshener.”
“Good job. Don’t eat it.”
“Don’t eat the air freshener.”
“Smell it.”
“Smell it.”
“It smells like orange.”
Jimmy closes his eyes and breathes in deep. It smells like orange, but not quite. More bitter than an actual orange. Like the way it tasted bitter. “Did I put an air freshener in my mouth?”
Lizzie laughs again. “You very much did. Are you back?”
“No,” he tells her, then goes back to smelling. He can smell something else on his hands, something just as familiar as an orange. Something clean, yet bad. Something that hurts.
“Jimmy, you’re crying. Can you keep smelling the air freshener? Lift your hand back up. What’s it smell like?”
He smells it. “Orange.”
“That’s right. Do you like it?”
“Do I like it.”
“Yes. Do you like it?”
Jimmy likes oranges, so it only makes sense for him to like this scent, right? But in the same way it tastes bad, he’s not sure that the smell of it can hold a candle to real oranges.
“I don’t know,” he says slowly.
“All right. What do you know?”
He sniffs the air freshener. “It smells like oranges. I’m holding it. It tastes bad. You’re here.”
“I’m here,” agrees Lizzie. “Do you want me to hold your hand?”
Jimmy frowns. “Holding the air freshener.”
“You have two hands.”
Oh. Right. He extends his other hand, Lizzie taking it in hers. Her hands are cool, but not nearly as cool as Scott’s. Her nails are pointy, brushing against his skin. The skin. Of the hand. It doesn’t look like his.
“I’m dissociating real bad, I think,” he murmurs. Lizzie’s hand grips his tighter.
“That’s all right. I’m here until you feel better.”
It’s a long time until Jimmy feels more like himself. When he fully becomes aware again, he’s sitting on his couch next to Lizzie, sharing some leftover pasta between them. He blinks at it, vaguely remembering the process it had taken to get him to eat it at all.
“I’m back, I think,” he says, blinking a couple of times. He licks his lips, tastes the pasta sauce there. 
“Oh, thank goodness,” Lizzie sighs in relief. “I was just going to try getting you to nap next, I was completely out of ideas.”
Jimmy laughs a little, thoughts still somewhat out of order from all the fog settled around his brain. “Norman usually helps. Did you get him?”
“Check your feet.”
He looks down. Sure enough, Norman is curled up on his feet, purring loudly.
Jimmy doesn’t remember much from the past—however long it’s been. He has bits and pieces of the drive home from the hospital, but he has no idea when Lizzie turned up or what happened to Scott.
He jolts up, almost knocking his plate of pasta to the floor. “Scott,” he gasps out, “is he—did—”
“Scott’s fine,” Lizzie says placatingly, gesturing for him to relax. “Joel just texted me a few minutes ago. He got some stitches and they just finished his scans, they’re waiting on the results. They got him on some pretty good pain meds, I heard, so he’s doing fine.”
Reluctantly, Jimmy sits back, wringing his hands. Sure, Lizzie can tell him that Scott’s fine. But he hasn’t seen that, he doesn’t know for sure, all he knows is that he barely did anything to treat Scott’s wounds and then couldn’t even walk him into the hospital.
His head hurts.
“We can call him, maybe?” suggests Lizzie. Jimmy nods after a moment. That might help.
He sits in silence as she fiddles with her phone, doing who knows what. Every second that passes is another second that Jimmy doesn’t know how Scott’s doing.
Then Lizzie’s phone rings.
She answers, grimaces at the screen, then hands it over to Jimmy.
It’s a video call, and Scott’s there. His nose is properly bandaged, now, and Jimmy can see through the eyeholes in his mask that his eyes are puffy and bloodshot. There’s a large bandage along his jawline, and his split lip is actively bleeding. The ring of bruises around his throat is stark against the hospital gown.
He looks absolutely beautiful.
“Jimmy!” Scott cries, delighted, then sheepishly ducks his head when Joel shushes him offscreen. “Joel—sorry, the King says I can’t say your name.”
Jimmy chuckles, nerves quieting as he gazes at Scott. “That’s fine, Major. How are you feeling?”
“Not great,” Scott admits. He shrugs. “My head hurts, but they put some good drugs in my arm and I can’t really feel it so that’s good!” He tips the screen to show an IV. Jimmy shudders and looks away.
When he looks back, Scott’s turned it back to his face, concern written all over it. “Are you okay? You were . . . uh, what’s the word. . . .”
“Dissociating,” Jimmy finishes.
“Yeah. That. Lizzie said it got really bad, but when we got to United, you just sorta . . . blanked out.”
Jimmy bites back a retort. He doesn’t actually want to be mean to Scott, especially not when he’s floating on pain drugs. He’s just exhausted and foggy from the dissociation. “I’m good, just worried about you. And maybe don’t say real names, yeah?”
“Oh. Right. Joel, how much longer?”
A sigh from offscreen. “Probably half an hour, maybe more. Done talking to your man?”
“J—the King wants his phone back,” Scott whispers. “Are you really okay? Do you need a nap?”
Jimmy can’t help but laugh. “I’ll go rest if you rest, yeah? Love you, keep annoying the Mad King.”
“I love you so much,” Scott says seriously. “I wanna kiss you right now, but I don’t wish you were here because that would be bad for you. So I can wait until we go home.”
Suddenly choked up, Jimmy manages a wave, which Scott sets the phone down to return. Then Jimmy passes it back to Lizzie, who exchanges a few words with Joel before hanging up.
Jimmy doesn’t go to bed. He curls up on the couch and turns on some episode of a 90s sitcom to watch in silence.
“You didn’t fail him,” Lizzie says during a commercial. “You did good.”
Jimmy sighs. “Lizzie, I was dissociating before I even helped him into the house. I didn’t call you, I didn’t actually do anything to help him, and I couldn’t even go into the hospital with him. I freaked out and couldn’t help when he needed me.”
“You fought a trauma response to assess your boyfriend’s injuries and were able to drive him to the hospital,” Lizzie counters. “You set his broken nose and kept your head, despite having triggers all around you. Not to mention, driving him to the hospital was probably the best choice you could’ve made—I don’t have a car, and Joel was halfway across the city. There was no way we could get him to help. You did everything you could.”
Jimmy doesn’t argue. He’s too tired. He just turns his attention back to the TV as the commercial break ends.
When Joel helps Scott in the house several hours later, Lizzie’s made pancakes for them all, and Jimmy’s set out plates and spreads. Scott eats a single pancake, eyelids heavy, before limping off for bed. Jimmy follows him, rearranges the pillows so that Scott’s newly-casted arm can be elevated.
“You’re gonna be here a while, mister,” Jimmy tells him, handing him an ice pack. “Doctor’s orders. A week of bed rest, all for you.”
“At least I can give you kisses,” Scott slurs, smiling the best he can with a split lip and swollen mouth. Jimmy giggles, stripping off his shirt and climbing into bed next to him.
“I think even kisses are gonna hurt, baby. It’s okay, though. You’ll be okay.”
Scott nods sleepily, eyes already closed. “Yeah. We both will be.”
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finchyyy · 11 months
Kinktober Day 23 (praise kink)
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Praise kink+ Seungmin=Kinktober Day 23
You can Seungmin were good friends, both of you knew each other since you guys were ten. Now your nineteen, siting on the couch and watching a gibli movie with a cup of ramen. Seems like a calm evening right? Well little did you know that Seungmin was panicking in the kitchen.
"I want to drink some water I'll be back." Seungmin said as he got up from the sofa and walked towards the refrigerator. Water was the last thing on his mind, the only thing there were your thighs. Those shorts were barely doing their job. Not to mention the shirt you were wearing, it hugged your figure perfectly however, Seungmin had to snap out of it. He could not risk his bond with you just because of his sexual fanaticizes.
His thoughts were interrupted as you walked in the room "Everything fine? You were staring at the frigde for a long time." You said while closing it. You leaned against the counter as you spoke "Okay, tell me whats wrong?" "Nothing actually, I just zoned out thinking about something." "May I know what that something is?" You curiously asked the male in front of you.
He took a moment to register what you were saying as he was only staring at your body. "Oh uhm I was thinking about the...Constitution?" You started walking towards him,"I know you are somewhat smart but you will never think about the constitution in your whole life, tell me what is the problem?" You found the answer to the question as you looked down to see a painfully obvious bulge "Fuck I'm sorry, I dint mean to get hard." Seungmin replied in a panic tone as he walked towards the door. "If you want me to leave I will, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." He said, clearly embarrassed.
He was fully expecting you to kick him out of your house however, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a kiss. To say that he was shocked was an understatement. He slowly started moving his lips and melted in your kiss. It was like a windy day, messy but refreshing. You pulled away as you look into the eyes of the male, "Was I the cause of this?"
"Yeah" Seungmin said as he met your eyes back "but I can't help it, you're so pretty." You were not handling Seungmin's complements well, that was shown when he saw your cheeks turn into a light shade of red. Seungmin smoothly picked you up and placed you on the kitchen counter. He kissed you one more time however, this time it felt different. It felt rushed and powerful. Seungmin roamed his hands all around your body while kissing you. Due to the lack of oxygen, he pulled away, only to see plump lips covered with his saliva. Fuck, that only got him harder.
Seungmin stood up from the counter and bent down until his face reached your thighs. He lifted your shorts and sucked on the surface of your inner thigs, leaving dark marks. He could not resist himself when he heard you moan. "Take of your clothes and underwear." The older commanded.
You were eager to know what was going to happen next as a result, you quickly removed your clothes and underwear. You were left naked in front of your best friend. It was supposed to feel weird in your mind but it did not? You felt comfortable with him, you didn't feel exposed. When you removed your clothes, Seungmin looked at you with lust and admiration. "Fuck, your even more beautiful then I thought." He said as he slid his fingers inside your clit and oh boy he was skilled . God he knew how to use his fingers well.
"It fe-els good" You said while stuttering. He loved the effect he had on you, he loved being the reason you're making beautiful sounds. "Does it?" "Yes, fuck I'm about to cum." That motivated him to put more effort, he slid another finger and applied more force. Just after a few seconds you released your juices, making a mess on Seungmin's fingers.
Seungmin held the fingers in front of you, asking you to suck them. You did as told and replaced the cum on his fingers with your saliva. "You did so well,darling." When you heard that comment, you could not help but close your thighs. Being the observant person Seungmin is, he noticed that little action. "Do you like it when I praise you?" You were caught off gaurd when you heard his question. "Yes, I love it when you praise me, I love it so much." "Fuck I can't take it anymore, can I fuck you?" "You would be more then welcomed to." you said as you smirked at the boy.
In just a second Seungmin released his dick from his pants and boxers "Tell me if you want to stop ,okay?" You rubbed your thigs as you were slowly to get frustrated from not being touched. "Impatient, I see." He said as he slid his dick inside your folds. The sudden action made you moan loudly. He could not control it anymore, he knew that he had power over you and it made him go crazy. He started thirsting at a faster pace, earning more unholy sounds from you.
"Oh fuck-k" Seungmin groaned, "Your taking my cock so well ,love." "God your going to make me cum." When you said that Seungmin got impatient, he wanted to see the pretty sight of you cumming. He kept his thumb over your clit and started rubbing on it. That was your last straw, it was the last thing he did before your juices shot out. After a few thirsts, he came.
Both of you were lying on the kitchen counter, "That was amazing y/n, you took me so well." "Ugh don't start with the praises, otherwise we will have another round." "Well, what if I want that to happen?"
(a/n- IM SORRY i feel like the smut in this was really rusheddd I feel like i need to improve the way in which i write smut cause its not the best hopefully this kinktober will give me more experience )
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kafhiime · 2 months
When a Star Dies
Pairing: Kafhime
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Pre-HSR Kafhime stargazes…… romantically… I think…
Ao3 Link
The trek up the hill to XEL-II’s best stargazing spot was by far the most difficult that Kafka has ever subjected herself to.
Earlier that week, while pushing back deadlines on requests, Kafka had got a message. In the darkness of her room, her phone lit up to a phone number she had barely recognized. The attempt at anonymity made her chuckle, knowing exactly who it was the moment she read it.
You always wanted to hear me talk about stars, meet me here.
And an attached link led Kafka to coordinates that were extremely far from her. It’s a pity the sender knew Kafka would traverse the entire universe for her.
So now, at the flat outlook of the hill, sat a lovely red-haired lady. Kafka could only see the back of her head as she walked towards the telescope and the small blanket that the woman was sitting on. Kafka took a minute to think of what to say, before her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.
“I can see your shadow, Kafka.” Himeko’s voice broke through the windy night, laughing quietly at Kafka’s failed attempt at stealth.
Kafka sighed, now making way to sit beside her partner on the blanket. She placed her arm around her bare shoulders—barely protected by her long dress—before commenting, “Are you not cold?”
Himeko smiles at her concern—which makes Kafka suck in her breath. It had been a while since she had last seen the trailblazer; she had been too caught up in her exploration to make time for Kafka, but it didn’t bother her. Kafka had cherished every moment she had with her, even if they were scarce.
“It’s barely cold, Kafka.” Himeko held the hand Kafka had on her right shoulder, squeezing it, “You’re just cold-blooded.”
Kafka let out a laugh at her joke, “I’m sure—us devil hunters tend to be such.”
They sat in silence for a few seconds, staring at each other before Himeko bit her lip and turned her head.
“You’ve been busy,” Himeko looked at the stars, “you’re a hard woman to contact, you know. I could’ve never spoken to you again if I didn’t figure it out.”
“But you did; you always do.” Kafka draws circles on Himeko’s shoulder, letting her hand move down her arm.
Himeko seems frustrated at this, holding her glare for the stars instead, “But I could’ve chosen not to.”
Kafka knows this, of course, she’s not the type to pressure the people she’s with. Part of her wants to hold on to Himeko, continuously message her day and night; but, that isn’t possible, not for Kafka.
“Then I would let you,” Kafka removes her touch from Himeko entirely this time, “but, you won’t, so it’s alright. No harm done, right?”
Himeko thinks about it for a beat before speaking, “Yeah, I wouldn’t.”
The soft reassurance sends something sparking in Kafka. The care she felt from Himeko was new, this back and forth chase since the day they met by the wreckage of the Astral Express. Kafka knew her life had always been spontaneous, but the consistency that was Himeko was welcomed. Himeko had been there for her even when Kafka couldn’t reciprocate.
It’s a shame, though, that Kafka was never in it for the long run.
Kafka feels the touch of Himeko’s hand, now resting atop of hers as golden eyes stare into hers. The moonlight dusts the top of Himeko’s hair, not quite reaching her face. Then, when Himeko’s face shifts to smile, shadows leave her eyes in favor of letting the light glisten in her eyes.
Kafka loves her, she thinks.
“I wanted to show you,” Himeko doesn’t take her eyes off Kafka, “there’s a celestial event going on here.”
“Here?” Kafka raises her eyebrows in surprise.
“Well, light years away, but here is the safest spot to observe it,” Himeko explains, now turning to her telescope. She angles it carefully before letting Kafka look.
Kafka peers into the telescope, looking at what seems to be a very distant white star.
“It’s a white dwarf, reaching the end of it’s life,” Himeko speaks, “this one is relatively small, but it’ll have a thermonuclear explosion in a few minutes.”
“And what is that?” Kafka wasn’t as well-versed in astronomy as Himeko was, but she admired the lengths her lover would go to explain everything in detail.
“It’s—well, I can tell you about how it looks,” Himeko moves the telescope back, “It’ll be red and orange, it’s like fire—it is fire. It’s pressure built up to create a nova.”
“Not a supernova?” Kafka jokes, “sounds like this star is lacking.”
Himeko softly hits Kafka’s arm, “A supernova would be hard to see, but this is just as beautiful.”
“I’m sure it is,” Kafka laughs, looking up at the star, “The death of a star is a beautiful sight, sounds unfortunate though.”
“I don’t think so,” Himeko sighs, “It’s sad, but the material of the star scatters away to create new stars. It’s still living in a way.”
Himeko pauses, leaning her head on Kafka’s shoulder. The sudden movement surprises Kafka, who was still admiring the stars until now.
Himeko continues, “I think it’s poetic, in a way.”
“The star's death?” Kafka asks, now moving her hand to play with strands of Himeko’s hair.
“Yes, even if it dies, it passes along to create more,” Himeko leans into Kafka’s touch, “It’s memory is never forgotten, because it leaves so much behind. Even in a supernova—the star pulls everything into it. Every black hole is what once used to be a star, it just changes.”
Kafka sits still with the information, “But, humans seem to forget it, isn’t that cruel?”
Himeko shrugs awkwardly in her position, “Human’s memories are fragile anyway.”
“They lack significance compared to the universe’s memories.” Kafka finishes for her, now looking at Himeko from the side.
“It’s a bit harsh, sometimes our memories are important,” Himeko smiles, looking back at her.
Kafka considers it for a moment, the only memories she truly cares about are the ones she has with Himeko. There hasn’t been a point in her life where she felt the need to care for human emotions until she met Himeko. She wondered sometimes why Himeko put in so much effort for someone as nihilistic as her—yet, here she was, holding her close in the moonlight.
“You’ve been thinking about this a lot,” Kafka interrogates softly, “what’s got your mind on the death of stars?”
Himeko exhales, “I’ve just been thinking about death.”
Kafka pauses. Her shock is evident on her face yet Himeko doesn’t seem to notice.
Himeko continues, “It’s just funny, you know, we all can die.”
Kafka still doesn’t seem to say anything, she doesn’t know how she feels about the concept of Himeko saying this, it’s too out of her reach.
“When you didn’t contact me for months, I started to almost grieve you,” Kafka feels the tinge of guilt at her words, now focusing on them completely, “but then, I thought, should death be something to grieve?”
Kafka doesn’t know if she should reply to this, but she lets Himeko continue anyway.
“When a star dies, it’s a celestial phenomenon,” Himeko’s voice is almost apathetic—no, she’s admiring, “I want my passing to be like that.”
“Yours?” Kafka questions.
Himeko is silent, as if she’s contemplating what she wants to say before saying it. She lets this go on for agonizing seconds before finally speaking.
“I dream of death,” Himeko smiles at the starry sky, almost refusing to look at Kafka.
Kafka’s reply takes time, it’s only a few beats later that she can let out a small: “What?”
Himeko sighs, adjusting herself off of Kafka’s shoulder so she can face Kafka completely now. Memories fleeting in her mind of her dreams.
“There’s fire,” Himeko pauses, “there’s fire everywhere, at the end I’m staring at a girl I don’t know as my body burns away in ashes.”
Kafka sucks in her breath, deadly still where she is sat. Her expression is mixed as she stares at Himeko.
“I wonder when I wake up if anyone finds my body. I wonder if anyone is there to find it anyway. I wonder who that girl is,” Himeko turns her head to look at the sky, “but I’m never scared.”
“Why doesn’t it scare you?” The response is out of Kafka before she can even think of what she’s asking.
Himeko chuckles lightly, “I may not be like you: fearless and unmoving. I do fear things. Though, I think acceptance outweighs that fear now.”
There’s silence as the stars move. Kafka stays still.
“I used to wake up from that dream in shock, I used to be sweating and shaking, now I just wake up warm,” Himeko looks up at Kafka now, “I feel like a phoenix in some ways. The ashes crumble and I’m left in dust. Now, if I die like that, I can die happy.”
Himeko sits up and places her hand in Kafka’s, squeezing it tightly.
“I’m more afraid of the ones I love leaving. I’m fine if I can die knowing I had you with me.”
Kafka feels the lightest brush in her heart. The soft beating speeding up in her mind as she squeezes back. Her voice isn’t heard in the moonlight when Himeko kisses her, she’s been silent for long.
Kafka isn’t sure how to feel. Beside her undying trust for Himeko, she feels an urge to close a door. Something that had been nagging at her for years. She wants to know what fear is like—but as the world turns to face new constellations, she finds herself lost in the stars that are Himeko.
Love wasn’t something Kafka had known. She had no family, no friends, and no partners. The life of a devil hunter was a lonely one, there was no time for love. Her apathetic nature towards others had made sure of that fact.
But in her life, there are flukes. Himeko had her utterly soft; she became everything that she wasn’t.
There’s a bright light in the sky, the white dwarf has exploded, Kafka can see the reflection of reds and yellows in Himeko’s eyes.
It’s gorgeous.
Kafka takes the moment to bring Himeko into her hold, hugging her tightly. She isn’t sure why she feels like she has to keep her close.
She looks up at the short-lived exploding star, watching as the light travels around. She feels Himeko smile into the embrace.
Kafka knows that, for as long as the stars let her, she will love Himeko.
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palmtreesx3 · 1 year
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Act 3 - Getting Lucky
Praise Kink (Robin's Chapter)
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Series Summary: (11.2k)  Fall is settling in in the Windy City, and Steve and Robin are swept up in their overthinking. The pair are left to their own devices at the shop while Murray is off traveling to Sex Toy conventions. Robin and Alex have grown closer and are the perfect pair, but Robin’s growing a bit of a complex because the relationship isn’t quite a s reciprocal as she’d like, so she calls in the reserves to give her the tutorial she needs to overcome her trepidation and dive right in. In order to repay Steve for his thorough tutorial, the girls start to meddle, because if they can see one thing, it’s that Steve loves a good self-sabotage. Everyone’s a little concerned over the opinions of others and seeking praise and reassurance in all the wrong places, so grab a cozy blanket, be a good girl and enjoy this chapter of Get Off. 
Warnings: it's a sex shop and generally just NSFW so 18+. Sex paraphernalia, dildos of all variety, sexual innuendo aplenty, eating pussy and explicit descriptions of said act, dirty talk and praise kink, allusions to jerking off.
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“I swear to Christ. ROB! I know you have it!” Steve shouts out as he’s pacing through the apartment corridor looking everywhere but nowhere all at once. The pacing was more of a nervous habit, looking like a mother who is trying to walk off her frustration before she loses her cool on her lovely, doe eyed child after they broke the expensive family vase. Speaking from experience as the boy who knocked over said vase…he’s probably picked up a few mannerisms from his mother, now that he thinks about it. Back when she had time for him. He shakes his head in annoyance - at Robin and his childhood - hands flailing in the air above his head “You gotta fuckin stay out of my closet!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Steve.” Her head pops out of the bathroom, looking down the hall at her friend who is zipping between his room and hers. 
“You still have BOXES in there Robin. BOXES. We’ve lived here six months. SIX. We’ve gone through an entire season. It’s fall now. Please for the love of God, unpack your things. How do you find anything in there?”
“I know where my things are, thank you very much. I just happen to enjoy some of the things from your closet, so sue me.” 
Steve is exasperated with his friend. He has been dealing with Robin encouraging him to spend every last extra dollar he has after bills, beers at Benny’s and whatever else they do to fill their time to buy new clothing because his “style is like a billboard asking for abstinence in this city,” yet she is sticking her nose in there every other day stealing pieces of clothing he’s had for years. “One man’s trash is another lesbian’s treasure” she tells him every time he bitches about the double standard. 
“I fuckin told you. Hands off the yellow sweater. Off limits. That and this jacket….they’re NOT getting traded in. They are not fair game. Got it?” he’s glaring at her, one hand on his hip, the other holding up a steely gray Members Only jacket she still can’t believe hasn’t been ruined from all of the bullshit it’s been through back at home. 
“Yeah yeah, It’s a great layering piece, can you even blame me? How do you even still have that thing, anyway? Like, how wasn’t it ruined after Billy clocked you right in the nose?” 
“ROBIN. SHUT UP!” he shouts, storming off to his room to get ready for their shift. 
“Love you too, Dingus!”
Robin finishes readying herself for their afternoon at work, stepping out of the bathroom after perfectly smudging her imperfect eye pencil and adding a red lip that rivals the auburn in her hair. Fiery undertones just like the girl. Her lips, her hair, her personality - they all match her new red Doc Martin boots that she’s really just awful complaining about. She heard all about it - how hard it was to break those fuckers in. Got some tips from the Queens at The Rainbow Room that she’s gone back to now for shows numerous times since that first night. Alex asked her upwards of 10 times if she was sure she wanted them and if she was ready for the commitment to breaking them in so they don’t lay dead like a fashion sacrifice at the back of her closet. Told Steve all about how she was going to push through and how it couldn’t be that bad. 
Well…it was. It was that bad - and Robin is not built to stick it out. She’s not formulated to power through. The problem is, she wants to wear them. Needs to wear them. They look good. So she settles on the only thing she’s ever been able to do to distract her from her pain (emotional and physical) and that’s: Never shut up and complain about it non-stop but only to Steve and take her entire bad mood out on Steve. Needless to say…Steve is tired. 
Steve is in the kitchen, two brown bags perched on the counter top. “Apple or banana Robbie?” he asks, holding up one of each in the air. “Banana. Definitely.” she smirks, as he tosses it in the bag, labeled with scrawling chicken scratch Robin along the front in pen. She leans against the counter as he wraps up two sandwiches, tosses in some snacks and folds over the bag before handing it to her. 
“Thanks mom.”
Steve doesn’t grace her with a response. He just rolls his eyes as he tosses on his jacket and grabs his keys. “Let’s go, loser. And don’t drag your feet in those boots. Pick them up and fuckin walk. We got a shift to get to.” 
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The lock clanks as Steve opens up the front door and clicks on the neon sign in the window to designate the shop is open for business. Murray handed Steve the keys last week before he headed off to Las Vegas for an annual Adult Industry Product Conference. Showed Steve the brochure for Sensual Revolution '93 and told him "Maybe I'll bring ya along next year, big boy. Just take care of my baby while I'm gone and you never know! I might just upgrade you from Sex Shop Employee to Sex Shop Supervisor."
Not that Steve had aspirations to move up in the world of The Hideout and make a career out of it, but if Steve could tide off his father a little longer by being able to tell him that he's a Retail Supervisor that might buy him a little more time without hearing about how bullshit his work is. 
"We're open Rob! I'm gonna go restock the shelves in the back." 
"Yeah buddy. I got the register! I still can't believe that massive rush on massage oils last week. I still wanna know what sparked that… " she trails off. 
Everything seems fine for the rest of the morning until the loud hiss of  a massive delivery truck arrives out front, blocking up the narrow lanes of the city streets, horns honking and shouts out the passenger side windows starting immediately. Robin perks up, setting all four legs of her wooden stool back on the ground. 
“Uh, Dingus? Are we expecting a delivery?”
“No…what are you talking about Robin?” Steve shouts from his spot, crouched down in the back stocking the lower shelves. He hears the bell ding, and just as he stands up to peer out and what’s going on he sees the delivery hat of a man at the counter and the expansive vista of the biggest delivery truck he’s ever seen show up at the shop covering every inch of space their front windows have to offer. 
Robin's eyes widen as she reads the delivery slip, "Urgent: Assorted dildos for The Hideout."
She bellows out a laugh, not once looking up from the packing slip she still holds in her hands. “Steve. The man says you need to sign for these.”
“What the fuck is it Rob?” And with that, she silently extends the paper out to her friend. He snatches it quickly as she holds back her chuckling, rumbles leaving her nose that emanates in the back of her throat. His eyes scan the form until he gets to the bottom, reading the slip he does a double take. with an unexpected, jaw-dropping inventory of various dildos, more than they could ever imagine.
“I’m not…I can’t sign for this! He didn’t say a goddamn thing about any delivery let alone this! It can’t be right. Nope…. I…no.”
Steve’s still rambling a bit as he walks out the front door to the truck, along with the driver. Robin’s lips are curled up in a permanent smile as she chomps on her doublemint gum, getting the worlds biggest kick out of watching Steve pacing back and forth on the concrete, hands alternating between flailing in the air and resting on his hips in a stance that looks both like dominance and defeat all wrapped into one. 
Before long, Steve comes barreling through the front door, pushed open by force with both hands, finding them raised up by his ears in surrender and shaking his head in irritation. “They’re bringing them in Rob. It’s 10 pallets. 10 PALLETS OF DILDOS. I don’t even know where we’re gonna stick all these dicks. Jesus.”
“TEN? What the fuck? What happened?”
“Apparently Murray’s having a grand old time in Vegas. Did a little bulk ordering at the conference. Got them shipped direct and told the company Harrington’s got em.” his face scrunches up as he mocks Murray’s intonations. 
“No…it’s fine. It’s cool. We’ve got it. We’ll figure it out.”
“Steve…for two people who have never handled that much dick in their entire lives, I’m a little skeptical.” 
“No, no…if Murray were here…what stupid shit would he have us doing?”
And with that, Steve sets off. He immediately figures that Murray would be blasting off directions for him to unload the goods, so after ripping open the wrapping of the pallets himself…he instead naturally gives that job to Robin. Figuring Murray wants to offload the old inventory, Steve gets some sale information ready and decides to mark down everything on the floor - sure as shit that Murray got some new and improved models, fancier faux cocks, better colors, better…whatever bells and whistles. He doesn’t care really…he just needs to make room. 
After running off a huge stack of flyers on the copier in Murray’s office, he tells Robin he’s heading out. With a groan from the girl that echoed in the storeroom, he promised he’d return with a fresh cup of coffee and her favorite muffin if she’d just shut the fuck up about it. “But Steeeve” she groans “I can’t look at any more of these. Look at this one! It’s an actual monster cock. It’s got tentacles!”
“Aw, ew, gross.” his nose scrunches up and he turns on the balls of his feet, the new black chucks already fading a bit since they’re suddenly all he’s wearing - the red swoosh of his Nike Cortez’ tucked back a little further in his closet than they’d ever have been before. He jogs out the front door, stack of thin copy papers tucked as best he can under his arms, 
It’s a warm fall day today, sun heating up the streets in the warmth of the afternoon, as he maneuvers the busy city sidewalks, tails of his unbuttoned shirt trailing behind him, a well-worn black band t-shirt he picked up from the Goodwill downtown tucked into his denim. He almost didn’t pay any mind to the shirt as he scoured for his size in the bin laid out before him, but threw it on top of his pile anyway after reading the band scrawled across the front - Pearl Jam. 
Steve’s on a mission. He’s trying to get down the street to some of their notorious partners so he can tack up a flyer on their community board, or leave a stack of them at their bar or with the bouncer. Anywhere he knows won’t turn up their nose at a rudimentary flyer boasting discounted dildos. He makes a mental note to insist that Hopper and Joyce leave some on the bar at Benny’s even though he knows at least Hopper will bitch about it nonstop. He knows Joyce’ll look at him like a doting mama before scowling at her counterpart and telling the boy Whatever you need, honey.
He doesn’t see you until you’re right on top of him, and to be fair, you didn’t see him either. So when your chests connect in a thump and everything the both of you are carrying falls to the gritty sidewalk, both of your first instincts are to bitch about it. “What the fuck is your problem man, y’wanna watch where you’re going next time?” you scowl.
Before he could even get the snarky words out of his mouth, he says your name and you snapped out of it in an instant. “Oh God, Steve. It’s you! Sorry, I…I’m just in a fuckin’ mood today. I’m knee deep in midterms and I really just don’t want to read another essay about family dynamics and how my dads expectations really fucked me up - y’know?”
“Yeah, oh I know. I mean, not about the grading essays thing, but…about the dads expectations fucking you up. That part I can relate to. Not the smartie pants stuff.”
“Ok, well…” Your eyes roam up and down his face, seeing how scatterbrained he looks, now crumpled wads of paper crushed up against his chest. “We’ll unpack that little tidbit another time, then. Haven’t seen you in a few weeks. Maybe some coffee again? That shop by your place was nice last time we met up. Good music spinning, so - y’know they got me hooked.” 
Steve nods in agreement. After that night in the cab, you’ve seen eachother a few times. Nothing crazy, but intentionally. First you met up at the record store so you could show him some other albums he might like. The next time, you went back to the ice cream place from that ill-fated date night because for some reason, ever since then, you’ve been jonesing for a scoop of that peanut butter swirl ice cream and ended up sitting for two hours just talking. 
The last time, he invited you to their favorite coffee shop, sat at a table just adjacent to where Robin and Alex sat, scooping the foam off of one anothers cappuccinos and lattes with their fingers, ankles tangled together under the table, clearly whispering and staring at the pair of them and doing an awful job of keeping their voices low as they spend the whole time making conjecture about what exactly is going on here with the two of them. 
Robin was nice, she seemed quirky and fun and Alex seemed like some of the angsty, take-on-too-much-responsibility type girls trying to stand out in the crowd at the University you’re teaching at - which basically means you know exactly how to socialize with her if need be. But since then, you’ve been so wrapped up in the start of your semester, taking on a bigger courseload than normal and getting wrapped right up in the happenings of the fall semester to keep up with anything but teaching and grading. 
Steve finally talks after a few seconds “Yeah, it’s really…been awhile. Thought you forgot about me.”
“No. No! Well…you haven’t forgotten about me huh?” Your eyes flick down to his shirt, the typography finally catches your eye, and you point to it with a smirk. 
“What do you have here, anyway?” You snatch one of the fliers off the ground as the autumn breeze starts to swirl it around at your feet. 
“It’s nothing! No…well. Our boss got a huge shipment in - like, HUGE and we have to make room…..on the floor. So….I’m running a sale.” 
“Oh hoh hoh, this is great. Is Robin working? I kinda need a break. Show me this shop of yours? Please? I gotta see the merchandise.”
He is absolutely dreading this. He knows he can’t say no to you. He’s been doing great those few times you hung out together, but he can’t deny that just thinking about you makes him sweat, and he has continued to - over and over and over again - indulge himself to thoughts of your voice, your face, your body as he loses himself in the tense grip of his fist. So you have no idea how much of a hold you have on the guy. Blissfully ignorant of the fact that you have him wrapped around your little finger. And he’s utterly embarrassed, because he knows it. Stupid Steve getting obsessed with another girl again. Convincing himself he’s in love. Yeah…
The pair of you walk through the door of the shop not long after that. The sounds of voices from the back room ring out, cackling laughter that is irrefutably Robin echoing through the store. Steve leads you back behind the curtain to see Alex sitting, entirely amused watching Robin lose her cool at every dildo she pulls from the box. Robin is there, sitting cross-legged, holding up a gigantic transparent pink dildo, wobbling in the air, her cheeks almost the same color as the jiggling member. “People fit THIS up there? Who LIKES that? I’ll…Look at this thing!” 
You immediately burst out in laughter and Robin looks up, beaming when she sees you. Eyes darting back and forth between you and Steve. “It’s not as bad as you think, Robin.” you say. Entirely too seriously, and Steve almost gives himself whiplash looking at you as you shrug it off and move closer to inspect the wares. “Ran into Steve on the street, saw you guys were having a sale and I HAD to see all the fuss.”
“Steve…lotsa stuffin’ the muffin gonna be going on after we sell those bad boys.” 
A litany of curses rolls off of Steve's tongue in response as he yells something about setting up a sale display in the front.
They all follow Steve out to the floor as he works up the display space. Robin slides over next to him and starts to help, setting a box filled to the brim, bulbous heads sticking out over the edge. She leans over into his shoulder so she can whisper “Stevie…your face is way too serious right now. The girl you like is here while you’re tossing around fake dicks. You gotta smile about it or…lighten up or something. She’s not gonna like your sourpuss face. I think I’m the only one that puts up with that”
“Rob…she's not.. I don’t - '' but he’s cut off by the whirr and buzz of a pile of vibrating dildos Robin has accidentally activated. Moving and bouncing while making an incredible racket against the glass top of the case, the dildos start toppling over the ones Steve has meticulously stacked already and buzzing right off the side of the case and onto the floor. The vibrating dildos are chaotically bouncing and toppling everywhere. “Shut up, you two!” Robin yells back at you and Alex sitting curled up in the seating area, faces red with laughter. 
Just then, a group of the shop's regular customers start trickling in flyers in hand, intrigued by the commotion. Robin, overwhelmed with the chaotic situation she herself unfurled, immediately goes to assist the customers, leaving Steve behind to deal with the cacophony of mechanical penises. To distract from the mess, Robin begins a rambling speech about the history and uses of various dildos, sharing more information than anyone asked for and with surprising accuracy and detail. The three of you all look on in amazement and curiosity as Robin suddenly transforms from a bumbling, blushing sexual idiot to this dildo encyclopedia in no time. 
“Hey! Ladies…watch this!” Steve picks up a few of the dildos and starts juggling them in the middle of the store with particular ease. In a rare moment where Steve shakes off the uptight strings that tie him up and hold him down, his effort to make things a bit more lighthearted, pay off. 
Everyone’s hollering and smiling and laughing, however, his juggling skills are far from perfect. After a good run, he misses one - a big sparkly silicone thing that starts bouncing wildly across the counter and lands with a smack and a slap in front of the customer at the register. Robin and the customer look down at it, mouths open in disbelief. 
Steve’s bracing himself to get yelled at by one or both of them, but instead both blow out a laugh they were holding back before the whole store erupts into amused giggling and full on laughing fits.
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After the shop closes that afternoon, the four of you find yourself walking down the sidewalks, sky overcast with the October chill that creeps in at sunset to steal away the warmth and glow of the day. Standing in front of a bowling alley tucked away on a side street, Alex cocks her eyebrows at the others and says “How about we have some more fun?”
Knees knocking together as you and Steve sit shoulder to shoulder tying your ratty, overworn bowling shoes onto your feet, Robin and Alex return with drinks from the bar and plop down next to you. “Drinks on me tonight, assholes.” Robin proclaims happily - that is until Steve quips back “Good, you owed me for your stupid dead keychain pet again anyway.”
Narrowing her eyes at Steve’s, she ignores his commentary and quickly moves on. “Alright, two on two. Let’s see how bad this is gonna go!” She claps her hands and rubs them together in preparation. 
“Guess it’s you and me, huh?” You bump shoulders with Steve, “I promise, I’m not that bad, so maybe we have a shot.”
Over the next hour the group is rolling with fits of giggles and laughter after dropped bowling balls and rolls down the gutter and baskets full of bar popcorn, kernels falling at their feet as they talk. 
On one side, Robin’s begging for bumpers after four in a row has Alex taunting her to no end. Beers are refilled while Alex tugs on Robin’s belt loops to maneuver around her, palm running over the sliver of exposed skin on her back as she leans down to grab her ball. Cheers are shouted while Robin celebrates a Spare with a chaste kiss to the apple of Alex’s cheek. Comfortable silences are filled with her nervously picking at the strings jutting out on the frayed knee of Alex’s pants and filling the void by picking at the cuticles of her nails instead when Alex gets up to take her turn. 
On the other side, Steve has bumped into you twice. Once causing your ball to fall out of your hands and barely missing your feet. He’s gotten his arm tangled in his open flannel shirt as he tosses the ball, so he takes it off and hangs it over the back of the chair where you’re sitting, the sides of his fingers brushing against your shoulder as he moves away and eyes darting nervously when he hears a tiny scoff coming from Alex, whose eyes are fixated on him with amusement. You and Steve are faring well and scoring better than your counterparts, but every time you go to celebrate, the interaction falls flat - one going in for a hug while the other sticks two hands up for a high five, the next time going to the high five while the other jabs their fist in the air awkwardly. 
Alex slinks over towards Robin and whispers, “This…is fuckin painful.”
Over the crack of falling pins and music on the jukebox, Alex shouts over to you, “So how exactly do you know Steve?”
“Oh, yeah…honestly, we just ran into each other a few times. All very random really. Saw him first at the record store when he was getting his first vinyls. I was there picking up my new copy of the Pearl Jam one…I guess I kind of made the suggestion he try it out himself.”
Robin flits her eyes from Steve to you, now wholly making the connection on why Steve’s probably constantly playing "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" late at night. Steve sees her gears turning and he tries to signal for her to drop it, but in true Robin fashion….she won't. 
“So wait, that’s how you met her?” she jabs her thumb in your direction while shouting at Steve.
“W-well, yeah I guess technically. I didn’t really even know your name until the cab thing like…a month later.” he says casually, directed at you even though it was Robin who asked the question. 
Looking at Robin’s blank stare, you fill in the blanks for her when Steve doesn’t continue. “Yeah. Well…Steve kind of knight-in-shining-armored me from a bad date one night. I recognized him from our run ins, but we still didn’t actually know each other at all, but he caught me at the tail end of probably the absolute worst date of the year. Dude made me pay for everything and left me to find a cab myself and I was just a fuckin mess standing there on the sidewalk trying to count my change after paying for dinner.”
“Oh, yes…Stevie loves to be the hero. Dontcha?” Robin pokes at his shoulder. 
“Well yeah, he really was. I definitely didn’t have enough cash for the cab so we shared one and had our first proper conversation, bitched about how awful first dates are - or dating in general, right? God it’s been the worst.” your words trail off as your brain is clearly rolodexing through all of the failures and wasted nights you’ve collected. 
Smiling at Steve as you say it, “We just kinda keep running into one another, so we’re just embracing it!” Steve nods in agreement, tight lipped smile pulling up on the left side, oddly quiet as he listens to you recount how you’ve found yourself here in his circle. 
“Hmm…cute.” Robin says, a little over exaggerated, as she unties the frayed shoelaces of her bowling shoes and walks up to the counter to return them.  
At the counter, Robin stands leaned over while Alex slips her hand in the back pocket of her wide leg denim. You and your teammate for the evening fall in line next to one another behind them, shoulder to shoulder again, looking over at one another, waiting to see who will talk first. 
“We really whooped their ass, didn’t we?” 
“Thanks for having me around today.”
You both spill out at the same time. Both agreeing with a nod and a smile, eyes locked together just as Alex and Robin turn around to face you and move out of your way. “You’re up, Romeo.” She winks as she reaches out to grab Alex’s outstretched hand and head towards the door. Steve watches as they tumble out of the entrance and the door closes behind them, the pair illuminated through the glass by the lights on the city street as his friend leans in to kiss her girlfriend, like some perfectly lit scene out of a movie. 
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This all started because Steve tied the stem of the cherry from his Old Fashioned and set it casually next to his coaster in the bar. Gasps of "How didn't I know you could do that?" from Robin. 
“Wow. Wow. Honestly. Who knew Steve was such a Cunnilinguist over here? Fluent in Mumbling in the Moss.” Robin’s teasing, but her jaw is just about on the bar and she’s fighting back the impressed look she has on her face. “Let me get my notebook out. I gotta take notes…please, please don’t stop on account of me. Continue….”  Robin gestures at Steve in a bow like he’s a fuckin member of the Royal Court of Pussyeaters, taunting him with wide sarcastic eyes and a glint of actual curiosity he can clock from a mile away. 
“Robin, YOU have even said it yourself.”
“Oh yes, how could I ever forget the sounds Melissa from upstairs made on our first weekend here? Right. Sorry. Blocked that out of my memory bank shortly after it happened.”
The thing about Robin is, this city has made her feral for new things and new information. Probably something to do with the fact that she can actually live like she wants to more openly, that there’s less judgment or even a community. Maybe it's a lot to do with the fact that the girl who used to cringe at the word boobies is hawking condoms, crotchless panties and sex toys for a living and learning about her sexuality in real-time, but Robin has turned into a sexual sponge. She’s shy about something until she’s not. Zero to sixty in ten seconds flat. She sees it once, asks a few curious and direct questions and suddenly she’s ready to rock and roll. 
Over the past few months, Steve has watched her boundaries literally crumble at her feet. The first time it happened, early in the summer when they first got the job, he found himself sweeping the same spot in the front of the store for twenty minutes straight. He was completely distracted when Robin went on and on extremely enthusiastically about Ben Wa balls to a customer. 
At first he was lingering because the girl was pretty - shiny hair grazing the tops of her shoulders, sunkissed and peeking out of her tank top, glittering gems dangling from her ears. He was admiring the girl, until he heard Robin talking about those balls like she knew what she was doing. He hadn’t thought about those since he had that stupid sandwich shop slip up, but apparently since then, Robin has become a goddamn connoisseur. He almost dropped the broom when she gave the girl some of her favorite personal tips to enjoy them as she checked her out.  
Since then, Steve can’t even count on one hand how many times he’s had to hear Robin talking people’s ears off about fuckin Ben Wa balls. She’s like a Ben Wa sales person every night at the bar, yapping anyone’s ear off about them, talking about no less casually than like it’s talking about how you take your coffee. Just rambling on about how if you slip them in before your date, it pays off at the end of the night, or how if you add a little vibration they go wild. If she didn’t already work at a Sex Shop, he’d tell her to get a job at one with how she’s acting. Steve’s no prude, God no… but he doesn’t think he’s ever going to get used to his Robin talking about what she sticks up her vagina like that. 
So now, here they all sit, at the corner of the bar at Benny’s, and she’s trying so hard not to look like she’s desperate for a lesson, but Steve knows. He knows she’s trying so hard to get information. So she can deliver. She won't ever do something unless she's sure she'll be good at it. She won’t say it out loud, but she wants to return the favor and she’s terrified she’s gonna do it wrong or be awful at it. He knows all of this just by looking at her body language and the look in her eyes. And shit, it makes him cringe thinking about it, but when Hopper leans over the bar and says “I don’t think he’s really that good if he’s not gonna spill the beans? Pretty face like that has probably never been sat on in his life.” he’s all in. He’s not one to back down from a challenge. Stubborn as ever. 
“Well…You’re not exactly wrong about that. Not for nothing, though…I tried. I swear. Hawkins, Indiana is not filled with adventurous girls that are willing to do that.”
“Wait…who did you ask to sit on your face, Harrington? Do I even wanna know?”
“Don’t worry about it Robbie.” He waves her off. “It doesn’t matter anyway. No one took the bait so I stopped asking. Plus, most of those girls didn’t even want me to do any of it in the first place - I mean, after some convincing a few of them changed their opinion afterwards but still...”
“So…wait. You didn’t spend all your years as King Steve feasting on clams? That makes no sense? How can you even self-proclaim you’re soooo great at it if you don’t have that much practice?”
“First of all, I did just fine thanks, and secondly it’s not about practice, Rob. I’m a fuckin natural” Steve grins wide like a cheshire cat around the rim of his glass as he throws back a sip, knowing his comment will send her into a tizzy.
“Oh you’re just disgusting Steve Harrington. So fucking smug about everything.” As she rambles on, Steve lets her go, barely noticing that he’s not paying any mind to her, and he asks Joyce if he can have the jar of cherries behind the bar. Joyce smiles at him and winks, before sliding the glass container down the bar to him, catching it in his hand and wiggling it in Robin’s face. 
“You wanna learn from the best, Buckley?”
He hands his friend a cherry and asks her to tie the stem and the first one took her 18 minutes. She’s awful at multitasking, so while he’s trying to fill the time with tips - about how she shouldn’t dive right in. “You gotta play around a little. Show the girls some attention, work your way up her thighs… don’t just stick your face in it. Got it?” She doesn’t. She’s got her brows furrowed and one eye squinted shut as she’s exaggeratedly moving the cherry stem around her mouth by jabbing her tongue every which way. 
He rolls his eyes and holds his hand out in front of her mouth and tells her to spit it out, like a small child who got in the candy bowl and has to give up her treat after being scolded. The next hour goes by with Steve trying so hard to be a patient teacher. 
He starts from the beginning, making sure she doesn’t skip over his first lesson: Approach but do not enter. He tells her about how no matter how bad she wants to, she can not under any circumstances make full and direct contact. "If you use your tongue like you just did with that fuckin cherry stem you're gonna scare her, okay Jabby"
In an almost reverent and detailed narrative he continues on telling tales of kisses up ankles and legs and warm breaths against their entrance. Teasing and touching and tounging through wet panties. Featherlight touches and sucking purple marks along the juncture of thighs. At this point, Hopper is leaned over his bar looking on like a little kid hearing about knights and dragons in a bedtime story. He needs a napkin to wipe up his drool after listening to the pussy poetry coming off of Steve Harrington’s lips. 
Steve dangles out Cherry #2 for Robin to snag with her lips before moving on to his second lesson: Start slow. Robin has her mouth open catching flies, cherry stem just resting between her teeth as Steve goes on to explain how she should kitten lick just around everything she has to offer, then in. Gentle strokes exploring what’s there, tongue flat, loose, gentle. Circling the clit, running it along all of the places in between. “Opening up the flower,” he says. Bonus points if you make noise while you do it, tell her she looks pretty he says and Robin nods in understanding. 
Palm extended again, Steve nods as the stem falls into it, telling Robin “Nice. You’re getting there. This’ll be important soon.”
Cherry #3. Take a break. He looks her dead in the eyes when he says “You gotta take a break here, Robbie. Don’t do that thing you do about every other thing in the world. Where you’re all in and super focused and too excited and you forget the steps. BACK OFF. Do the thigh thing again, just less is more for a minute here….You hear me? Now gimme that stem.”
Robin pulls the stem out of her mouth, holding it up to her eyeline and sees her knot is tighter this time and she's done it quicker. Much quicker than before. She grins “Got it! Got it! Am I doing good?”
Steve smiles at her, and pops a cherry into his mouth, handing one off to his friend and grinning like a devil as he hands one to Hopper, too. Both take the offering, despite Hopper acting way too cool about it, he plays along. Cherry #4. Dive in. Swirl, slide and suck. Alternate until you figure out what works for her. Listen for the sounds, the breaths. Pick up speed. "Lay that tongue flat again and lick her up from back to front, because she's gonna taste like heaven." Robin nods as he tells her to add a finger or two if she wants it but keep playing with that clit, rolling and rubbing and maybe even some flicking just like that cherry stem. 
All three of them pull their stems out, candied cherries already warm in Robin and Hoppers bellies so they could focus on the stem. Steve, however, pulls out his stem to show off the tight knot and sticks out his tongue with the cherry still there, untouched and carefully maneuvered out of the way of the action the whole time. He makes a show of swirling around the cherry, undulating his tongue with a smirk turned up on the corner of his lips before popping the red orb between his teeth and crushing it with a grin. 
“Okay, fine. You sound like you know what you’re doing Harrington…that…yeah…thanks for that.” Hopper says as he walks away, turning his stem between his fingers, a little too deep in thought and mulling over Steve’s words as he serves up the other patrons of the bar. 
Stirring the ice of her now empty glass, she eyes her friend. Still processing that he gave her such a detailed lesson so she can effectively eat out her girlfriend for the first time, not to mention the fact that listening to Steve Harrington talk about worshiping a woman like that kinda turned her on, it takes her a minute to finally break her silence.
She looks away from Steve before starting in on one of her tried and true rambles. “I gotta repay you for that weirdly effective tutorial. Just maybe one nugget of information. I mean, I may have never been the giver, but consider me a receiver? A tight end? I dunno I was trying to give you a sports analogy because you’re a jock. Were a jock…or whatever. Anyway. Girls…they don’t agree to sit on your face, man, and it's not because they don’t want it. They want it. It’s just, like, REALLY embarrassing.”
Steve looks at her confused. “What do you mean embarrassing?” 
“Like, 100% of us think we’re too big or not good enough. And being like that is a little intimidating. Even my skinny ass thinks I’ll crush a girl if I do it. “ 
“Too big? - oh.” It takes some time for Steve to understand, never having to deal with any type of insecurity like that ever before it never even crossed his mind that it has anything to do with themselves or their bodies. He always thought they just thought he was a weirdo for asking and making things complicated. He assumed they didn’t have time for any theatrics and just wanted to come and maybe sign up for a second date. 
Robin sees the wheels turning and the gears grinding in his head, and she knows this means he understands but is too engrossed in his analysis of the actual injustice of it all to speak words. “So, maybe approach it differently? Or find a chick who is just so fuckin confident she doesn’t give a fuck. But let me tell you one thing…it pains me to say this. Truly it does, but your nose…is MADE for it.”
“My nose?” his face contorts in a confused glare she knows all too well. 
“Oh baby, yeah…that nose is made for pushing a clit around.” 
“ROBIN!” Steve pushes his chair back, feet squeaking along the roughed up floor of the bar, as he walks over to the jukebox and leans over it, grumbling yet again about how she always takes it one step too far.
“You’ll thank me one day, handsome! You’re not the only one that has information to share, you know?”
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Steve has never seen Robin like this before. He’s not sure what to do with the information his eyes are transmitting to his brain in this moment, so he just stands there unmoving. “Uh hello? Dingus? What’s the deal?”
Robin has exited her room in those stupid fucking red boots that she now is insisting are comfortable and fully broken in, but the fishnet stockings that follow her skin up her legs are not the first thing that make Steve do a double take. A white baby t-shirt sits under the spaghetti straps of a lacey, silky black slip dress, a cut up to the thigh that she may have put there herself. A chunky, more masculine belt looped around her waist - wait…is that from his closet, he thinks to himself. 
“Please stop looking at me like I’m an idiot. I look dumb, don’t I? Of course I do. I gotta change.” 
The only other time Robin has found herself in anything other than pants was that one goddamn time Nancy Wheeler dressed her up like a China Doll to trick that fancy psychiatrist guy, and that’s a memory she’s tried hard to suppress.But there are no frilly socks and poofy white collars on this dress. No stuffy cardigan. And even though she never thought of herself as particularly feminine, today for the first time in her life she feels it.  
“No! No Robbie, you look … great. I - I’ve just never seen you in like…anything like that. It’s…super fuckin’ cool okay? Like magazine cool. Like not friends with Steve Harrington cool.” he shakes his head as he throws some popcorn into his mouth. “Alex is gonna fuckin’ lose it. You gonna remember what I taught you at Benny’s? Tonight is your night, my friend, because she will not say no to you in that. For sure.”
“You think I’m gonna dine on the Adult Happy Meal tonight?” She says in a sly, teasing tone, knowing just her sexual euphemism will get Steve rolling his eyes and irritated with her in no time. 
“Y’know what, I was trying to pump you up. Tell you you did good…but fine. Be that way.”
And she hated, just hated to admit it, but Steve was right. Alex loved it. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from Robin’s thighs all night. Her fingers lingered at Robin’s waist and along that belt anytime she was within reach and Robin’s skin tingled with anticipation. She felt possessed by Alex. On a short leash. And as the music thumped in her chest, she felt the dull aching throb building between her thighs at the same time. 
So it was no surprise when the two of them pummeled through Alex’s studio apartment door backwards, not taking their lips of one another with enough time to pay any attention to where they were going or what they were running into. Robin’s were slick with spit, cherry gloss and the smudges of the deep plum lipstick rubbed right off of Alex’s own plump lips. 
“This..” Alex picks at the straps of Robin’s slip dress. “This is nice.” She almost growls out, finger hooked under the thin piece of fabric, tugging Robin with her until they hit the edge of the bed. 
“I don’t think I told you how hot you looked tonight. It’s fuckin bananas.” Alex’s lips pepper kisses up the column of Robin’s neck leaving streaks of whatever pigment remained on her lips rubbed off like a trail of smoke, fanning the fire deep within both of them.
Alex’s nose is pressed up and into Robin’s temple, lips parted and breathy and tickling her ear. Tits smushed and pressed together the closest they could possibly be and Alex’s hand wastes no time slithering right into that opening left there by the makeshift slit cut into the side of the satin, up along her pelvis tugging the pesky fishnets out of the way and diving right back down into the hot wetness pooling in Robins’ underwear. 
“Oh, honey. Robin…so wet already?” Her fingers smooth back and front again, swirling around Robin’s clit and sliding right inside on the backswing. Robin chokes out a breathy moan, pouty lips gaping open, eyes rolling back and long eyelashes fluttering in the air like the wings of a butterfly. Alex slides those fingers back and forth, back and forth until Robin looks back at her, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her away just enough to look into her eyes. Alex doesn’t let up her motions, two fingers loudly moving through everything Robin is giving her. 
Robin reaches down towards the bed and takes Alex by surprise when she picks up one of her fluffy white pillows and pummels it at Alex’s head. “Ow, what the fuck!” Alex shouts. She looks at Robin, corners of her lips turning up into a mischievous smile, fingers curling up into the sky as she shrugs her shoulders teasingly. Alex’s face melts quickly into one of laughter - but only temporarily before she reaches for her own pillow and wails on Robin, smacking her right in the shoulder. 
Pillows are flying, both girls are laughing so much their tummies are starting to hurt. Fluff and feathers from the pillows are starting to puff out and flutter through the air. Robin lands a particularly good blow on Alex’s upper body that has her falling backwards into the bed laughing, and it’s in this moment Robin finds herself giggling, perched right on top of her girlfriend’s body.
She wanted this to happen. Really she did. That was the point. She’s come a long way but Robin is still too chickenshit to ask for what she wants in bed. She’s definitely too chickenshit to take charge. So as she lays here, leaning over Alex, pillows around them, blankets and comforters scrunched up along their sides in a sea of white linen, Robin leans down and connects her lips to Alex’s in the most possessive kiss she knows how to muster up. She spent all night feeling like she was on Alex’s leash, but for fucks sake, she wants to take a little too. 
She’s always a little frantic, but this? She’s tugging Alex’s shirt out from where it’s tucked into the pleated trousers hanging low on her hips tonight faster than she can blink. Her bumbling fingers are trying to find the confidence to be smooth about pushing her shirt up and up and up, but instead it’s just hurriedly shoved up far enough for Robin to get a little bit of access to her breasts. She slows down a bit just enough to savor how her fingers slide under the band of Alex’s bralette and brush over both of her nipples at the same time. 
God, Robin is losing her mind and she’s quickly going to get in her head if she doesn’t follow through. She knows that the second she lets her intrusive thoughts spiral, she’s going to be too worried about doing it wrong, or not being good enough that she’ll just run back home to Steve like a kicked puppy. So she takes a big breath - one that could be confused with someone diving down to the bottom of a summer swimming pool. Alex’s head pops up off the bed and is momentarily confused, but she falls right back into the mountain of pillows as she feels Robin’s hands extend, pressing her tits up and back into the mattress just as Robin’s nose starts to trail down, down towards her belly button. 
Kissing the softness of her girl's tummy, Robin tries hard to remember that this is not a test, before she keeps mouthing at the dough of her hips, dragging the waistband of her pants further and further down. Alex’s hipbone, popping out just for a peek, gets a small kiss from Robin before she swoops her finger down and into her trousers following the seam of her thighs. 
“Rob…Robin…what are you - oh fuck!” She cries out as she feels Robin’s blunt fingernails run up through her slit and back up, starting to fumble with the button. “Robin, what are you doing?”
Alex has felt great during this relationship, yeah she’s more of the giver, but there’s been plenty of grinding and sucking on nipples and self pleasure that have brought her to climax while the two of them have fooled around on couches and over the paper thin walls in their apartment as Steve sleeps next door. She’s been patient and attentive to Robin, knowing she’s still learning and exploring and not expecting her to do more than she’s comfortable with. But tonight she’s getting the distinct idea that Robin wants something a little different. 
“Rob, you don’t have to …just…lemme take care of it”
“NO. Alex. Stop it. I…I wanna try something. Okay? Please?”
“Oh-okay, sure. But just stop if it’s too much for you. I promise, I don’t need you to fingerfuck me tonight if you don’t really wanna go there yet.” Alex is talking while Robin ignores her, working the pants loose and starting to wiggle them down and over her wide and pretty hips. 
“Alex. Please. Shut up. I’m usually the one talking too much, but this time it’s you.” She connects her lips to whatever places she can reach on her stomach before looking back up at Alex, eyes wide and big and doe-like “And …I don’t want ot finger fuck you.”
With absolutely no notice after that, Robin’s head ducks down and quickly finds itself between Alex’s thighs, shoving the pants legs down as far as she can go while she runs her nose up along the edge of Alex’s deep purple panties. She hums loud enough for Alex to hear her and that alone has Alex’s eyes fluttering shut in anticipation.
 Robin starts with small nips and licks along the inside of Alex’s thighs and remembers specifically that a few good, deep licks over the panties might be a nice place to go next. It’s safe for her underneath a layer of protection - mostly for her ego. It’s like the mental boundary she has still standing before she takes her first real lick. But with a deep breath and a smile she quite literally can’t hold back, Robin flattens her tongue and runs it right up the center of Alex’s panties, flicking her tongue when she gets right where she knows her clit is hiding under that cotton. 
Alex’s hands jolt towards the bedsheets at the unexpected fervor on Robin’s tongue and the girl keeps exploring all around the exposed skin before taking the front of her underwear on her tongue, wrapping her lips around it and sucking, lapping, drooling right where she knows that clit is hiding from her. Alex is moaning and groaning under Robin and the sound is music to her ears - a symphony of praises like Robin has never quite heard before. She wants more. Needs more. 
Tugging down the sides of Alex’s underwear she rips them off and throws them on the floor behind her and stares down at what lays before her. Alex, bared to her, legs splayed out to each side. She can’t help but admire the pink shades of her lips and the perfect curls of the hair adorned there. She runs her fingers along the sides of her pelvis, tickling the pads of her fingers with the roughness of where her trimmed bush is growing in just a bit. Robin is pretty sure this is how a dog with a bone behaves, but she couldn’t care less. 
Next, she does something that even surprises herself. Rolling her tongue through her mouth, she gathers a glob of spit and lets it fall right on top of Alex’s clit, holding the hood back as the coolness hits her bundle of nerves. Robin blows gently on the wet skin, a small thread of saliva still clinging to her cupid's bow and Alex can not tear her eyes away from what is happening between her legs. 
Robin dips her head down and rolls her tongue, front to back, side to side before letting her lips wrap around her clit and suck. As she continues, flicking and flitting and moaning into Alex’s cunt, she lets her fingers wander up until she can feel the heat of her girlfriends arousal on her fingertips. She looks up at her and asks “Can I…can I put these in, too? Do you want more?”
“Jesus Christ, Robin” she gasps, “You’re trying to kill me right? Holy shit. Yes. I need more.”
Sliding her middle finger into her first, then second knuckle, just to test the waters, she’s quickly overcome with how soft and warm she feels in her hands. “Oh Alex, you feel so fuckin good.” She works that finger in further before sliding it out and adding in her ring finger, too. No resistance, only the slick sounds of Alex’s arousal and Robin's fingers working her up better than she knew was possible. 
Thanking god she knows how to play a brass instrument, knowing damn well her fingers and her mouth know how to multitask and move in tandem, she starts thinking about this orchestra between her girlfriends legs. Moving those fingers, not letting up with the beat and tempo she set for herself, she bends down to connect her soft lips back on Alex’s, lapping around the place she feels her fingers slipping in and out, licking along the edge of where her lips end and Robin’s fingers begin. Feeling the plunging and sucking around them as her pussy clenches around Robin’s fingers. 
“Ohhh fuck. Robin, goo-good girl, Rob. Feels so good.”
Robin feels her own pussy clench around absolutely nothing at Alex’s raise. Pulling out her fingers, Alex cries at the loss, but she quickly moans louder than Robin’s ever heard before as she replaces that emptiness with her tongue. Shoving it inside, curing upwards and soothing that ache with the warmth of her tongue. She remembers how she rolled and sucked on that cherry, and repeats those movements until she feels a wetness, a creaminess that makes her moan out loudly herself. The vibrations from Robin’s moaning are doubling down on the orgasm crashing through Alex’s body and with a yelp and a groan and a giggle, Robin has her head laying across Alex’s sweat slicked chest, staring up at her waiting. For approval? For literally anything. 
“Jesus, Robin that was….that was some top shelf shit. Wh-what…how? I mean, I’m not complaining but I was not expecting that.”
“It was fuckin’ hot wasn’t it?” she muses with a laugh.
“Lord help me, I…think you owe some thanks to Steve for all that, actually” she says painfully through her teeth. 
“No fuckin’ shit! My man!”
A scoff comes right out of Robin’s mouth, unable to hold it back.
“Maybe if he uses some of that magic pussy eating technique on whats-her-name she’ll be just as obsessed with him as he is with her.”
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The windows of the house are actually rattling, filled to the brim with young bodies living in downtown Chicago neighborhoods - friends and strangers alike. Robin and Steve stand outside waiting to enter, looking at Alex for the go-ahead. “I don’t really actually know the guys, it’s just….I mean it doesn’t fuckin matter. Look at this party.” she gestures up to the house, lights flashing from behind the curtains in the windows. “We just gotta wait another minute or two. I’m meeting someone else…”
“Someone else? Who else is coming?” Robin’s volume starts off loud and starts to fade into a smirk as she catches a glimpse of you approaching the group on the sidewalk. 
“Hey guys! Thanks Alex, I’m so glad I ran into you earlier!”
You clock the look Robin flashes at Steve and you almost feel slightly unwelcome if it weren’t for Alex, grabbing you by the crook of your elbow and pulling you forward into the house party, the duo still trailing behind trying to process what exactly is going on and why.
Robin jogs up to Alex’s side as they take the steps of the house two by two as they approach the door and leans in “What are you doing? When did this happen?”
Once through the threshold of the house, the loud music and shouting voices muffled their conversation with ease. “Oh whatever… listen, I ran into her at the coffee shop. Said after she went there with Steve that one time, she liked their Cappuccino so she’s been going back ever since. It was my chance to invite her out…maybe give them a nudge. I swear, I owe the guy after all that lip service last night.”
“You’re trouble, you know that? He thinks I’m trouble…but…”
“Maybe we're trouble together. Let’s go.”
Alex grabs Robin’s hand and trots off to the back of the house in search of a few drinks, trying desperately to lose both of you behind them and force you into close proximity. 
As planned, Steve can’t find the pair anywhere in a matter of seconds, searching over the heads and raised drinks of strangers on the living room, repurposed as a dance floor, it quickly becomes futile. In the loud atmosphere, The Rolling Stones Start Me Up blaring from the speakers, he turns to you, unable to get a word in and get you to move forward with him in search of a drink, he tugs at the collar of your blush pink jacket - one that makes him smirk because he recognizes the ribbed collar and button clasp of the zipper jacket. Looking just like his own matching gray one, shoved in the back of his dresser lately in an effort to try and hide it better from Robin. 
An hour or so passes and Steve still hasn’t found Robin, not without trying because his eyes are constantly scanning the crowd, like a lifeguard scanning the water keeping children safe. She’s fine. It’s not my problem to babysit her, he thinks. She’s got Alex.
He’s still with you, leaning against the wall and watching as you dance along to every song that plays for the crowd. Right now, he’s got his eyes glued to your hips as you move along to Owner of a Lonely Heart and sip your lukewarm beer. 
You occasionally speak to him, but fuck if he actually has heard a thing you said. You haven’t stopped moving along to the music. It’s warm inside, so he’s holding your jacket now, while he sees the sweat dripping down the nape of your neck. Following it as it drips down and around the column of your throat. 
He clears his before he lets himself watch it go any lower, over your clavicle and jerks his head in the direction of the kitchen. “Refill?” he asks, and you nod as the crowd chants out CAN'T TOUCH THIS, jumping in unison and making the floor shake. 
Armed with your fresh drink, you find yourself following Steve down the steps of the basement, concrete walls and dusty corners, a basement not meant to be inhabited but perfect for a late night party full of friends and strangers for whoever actually lives here. The pair of you plop down on a dingy sofa, rifling through your purse you pull out a black package and slide a slim black cigarette out if it’s case. He looks at you quizzically as you light it up, the warm and spicy smell of your Djarum Blacks filling the air around you. 
“A clove.” you exhale. “A clove cigarette? You want?” you pull one more drag off the cigarette and pass it off to Steve, who studies it before placing the filter to his lips. Pulling a drag, feeling something like cinnamon crackle through his lungs, his brain is fixated on how your lips were just right here where his are now. 
“Whoa, that's…different.” He coughs out. “I like it, though. It feels…like…cozy? Does that make sense?” 
Taking another drag and blowing out his smoke in one smooth motion this time, he hands it back over to you. Nodding and looking one another over as you pass the clove back and forth for a few minutes in comfortable silence, you’re broken out of your little bubble by the sound of cheating and squealing from the other side of the basement. A squeal that is unmistakably Robin.
The thump of the base echos against the damp and dirty cinder block walls and you and Steve turn the corner to see Robin, perched on top of an old wooden table, swaying and dancing, tank top straps falling off her shoulder as she sways to the beat 
Rhythm is a dancer. It's a soul's companion. You can feel it everywhere.
Robin is clearly shitfaced, as she falls to her knees and gyrates on top of the table, you hear Steve groan and he runs his hands through his hair before he goes to step forward. Putting your hand on his shoulder to stop him, he looks back at you confused. “She’s got it.” you gesture to Alex, who's standing there looking mildly concerned, while also letting her pretty girl have some fun. 
His protective nature is more evident than ever right now, and it warms you to see it. You’ve only ever really witnessed the snarky jabs and biting remarks that seem to be what their friendship is built on. The concern and softness on his face here is different. Maybe it’s not so much that he wants to be the hero - you remember Robin’s remark the other day at the bowling alley. Maybe he just…cares. 
The crowd around the table is cheering and egging Robin on the entire time, only shouting louder as EMF’s Unbelievable switches on, causing Robin to lose her footing. Shaken up, she reaches for Alex, a dazed look in her eye, while her girlfriend throws her arm over her shoulder and they head towards the stairs. “I’m taking her home. She’s a damn mess. A cute one, but a mess.” Alex says to Steve as she passes him on her way up the stairs. 
You and Steve trail behind, Robin’s lolling head looking like a ragdoll thrown over Alex’s back. “You sure you don’t need my help?” Steve asks. 
“I got it pretty boy. Just…do a welfare check on my girl in the morning. I swear if she wakes up in a pile of her own vomit though - that's on her.”
And just like that, you find yourself the recipient of Steve’s care and concern, as he looks at you on the corner of a quiet midnight street. “Gotta get you home safe too. C’mon.” Holding open your jacket for you - the one you almost forgot he’s been holding for you this whole time - you step inside. He wraps it gently around your shoulders, fingers lingering a bit softly just before he notices and gives you an awkward pat on them instead. 
“Are we walking, or are you gonna make me get you a cab again?” he teases. 
You roll your eyes as you start walking away. “My place isn’t far. Just this way. Y’gonna make sure I get there okay?”
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Nursing hangovers and sore bodies the next morning, the pair have their feet sprawled out across their respective couches, curtains drawn tight keeping out the golden October sunlight, hoodies tied up around their heads keeping the noise out and the light dim. Robin gnaws on a bagel, untoasted, uncut just straight from the bag like a heathen while she is mumbling about what she and Alex have been up to lately. 
Steve’s head is hurting, but he really is happy to hear how supportive Alex is of Robin and all the cool things they are doing. He wants to hear more about it even though it feels like her voice is driving one hundred screws directly into his brain stem, so he tips back his bottle of water and tries to focus in. 
“We went to this sick basement venue the other night - the music scene there was so cool. You might have liked it Steve. I hear that vinyl collection you have spinning. I have to say, I’m impressed with your blossoming musical taste.” 
Just then, he’s hit with a chunk of bagel right on his forehead. Begrudgingly he lets the hunger win out, and takes a bite, needing something to sop up the hangover but too lazy to go down to the corner store for a proper greasy breakfast sandwich. 
“Might that have anything to do with a pretty lady who teaches at the University? Hmmm?” 
He can already tell Robin wants to lecture him. He doesn’t want to hear it. He knows what she's going to say, and maybe that’s the problem. Maybe he knows what she’s going to say because it’s not really that wrong, and he just doesn’t want to admit any of it or unpack any of it. Why do that when it’s going to blow up in his face anyway? What’s the point in getting his hopes up if he can just play it cool and casual and make like he’s not phased by it when it inevitably doesn’t work out. 
Steve already had his head running through this himself. The facts are, you are not a stupid girl and you’re not rolling around the city looking to settle down with some schmuck who juggles dildos at his day job. That’s pretty clear. That date that blew up in your face? That was at a nice restaurant. It was a serious date - or at least it should have been. Steve’s a 26 year old boy running around the city like it’s a playground trying to find himself and you’re an almost 30 year old woman with a career and a personality who is just way out of his league. 
“Robin, it’s… complicated.”
“No, no. I’m not seeing what exactly is complicated about it. She’s so COOL. Steve - this is exactly what you need. I don’t know why you will constantly throw yourself like a hotdog down a hallway at anything else that looks at you for a second, but these ones that are good for you. …ACTUALLY good for you, you pretend like it’s a pipe dream?”
With that, they are both startled at the bell yelling out from the phone on the wall, neither expecting a phone call this time. They both look at one another before Robin sighs, pushing herself to stand and clicking the buttons of her Tamagotchi on her leisurely walk over to the receiver. Picking up the phone and laying the handpiece on her shoulder, she continues her focus on caring for her beeping blob, dead set on winning this round before Steve watches her face go white as a ghost. 
Her eyes are boring into his, he’s mouthing What’s wrong and he gets nothing in response. His anxiety is swirling in his chest. It’s the kids isn’t it? He can’t help but immediately think that they are in imminent danger. He’s up and walking over, mentally ready to pack a bag and start the drive home before Robin silently hands the phone out to him. 
“It’s for you.” she says, stone faced and looking at him with pitiful eyes. 
Steve answers, a serious and curt hello into the phone when a familiar voice rolls out of the earpiece that makes him freeze. 
“Son… Can you please explain to me why someone would be telling me these astronomical stories about you - a Harrington - working at a Pornographic Store?”
TAGLIST: @livsters @katie-tibo @johnricharddeacy @angywritesstuff @k-k0129 @tisthedamnseason69 @middle-of-the-earth @thebrazilianatheist  @mochminnie @micheledawn1975 @falling-throughthe-hourglass @rafaaoli @ash5monster01 @gabessock @onyxslayss @scoopshxrrington
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lauvwar-r · 1 year
07 from the start ⸝⸝ cold drinks and cowardice
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"oh? we're not going to the library this time?"
it must be a sign, you think, holding a paper bag in your right hand and his hand in your left. it was late enough into the cold winter season for frosty breath and signature hot chocolate but warm dandelion rays seemed to follow you two and frame the campus perfectly.
"nah," you shrug, "pela said that the council agreed that the stage would be put in the middle of the campus uh- garden? lawn? grass area thingy- you know what i mean…"
"yeah! we thought the area would bring the most traction." you're not even looking at him: your nervous eyes glued to your surroundings with false confidence, but you know he's giving you that look. that sickening soft one that you often mistake for adoration.
it's… fond??
and it makes your heart race — just for a second, before remembering what he said before.
"not a date huh…" you mutter dejectedly.
truthfully, it kinda sorta hurt when you found out he said that. whilst not fully demolishing your ego and porcelain heart, it did pinch at you — like soft rope burn for your self-esteem.
but what hurt a little more was the fact that he never told you. never told you about his private account that is.
i mean yeah… i have one too, but that's because i talk about how much i like him on there, you reason with yourself. and i get privacy and everything. but, bronya? you thought him and bronya were just school friends. were you… even his best friend?
"hm?" a hum interrupts your spiralling thoughts.
"anyway! i thought we could like, survey the area. see how and should things be set out and work from there." you say with faux enthusiasm, "we can work on your quote-on-quote poster on a bench nearby too."
"...it's not that bad."
"uh huh," you tease, raising an eyebrow. whatever. who geppie lets follow his private doesn't mean anything.
eventually, you two end up sitting on a bench together that faces the lawn.
"oh come on! look," gepard laughs as he pulls out his laptop, already logged in and displaying a somewhat improved version of his last poster. the changes are minor, like font changes and whatnot. but you can tell just how much effort he put into it. effort he put into everything and anything he did. a quality of his that you love. "i got rid of some of the uglier images," he pointed out excitedly, shuffling closer to you so you could get a closer look, "just like you told me to." the last part, a whisper similar to the sweetness of vows.
"it's good…" you mumble, too busy clinging onto his words and soothing a racing heart.
"really." you reply earnestly, hooded eyes studying yours.
you wanted to lean in. to tread past the tightrope of a line preventing you and gepard from being more than just friends; to finally speak your mind on what you've been feeling for the past few years.
"ah!" you explain, pretending to remember something by suddenly grabbing your paper bag from before.
…you're a coward.
inside are two beverages and a warm pastry carefully wrapped in tissue. "my favourite…" gepard mutters, surprised, "you remembered."
"iced coffee. you always preferred things cold. and a pastry too! it's a thank you for yesterday and-"
his ears turn redder than the normal red-on-a-windy-day red. and you almost — almost considered this a win: a step over that line, before…
"ha. you really are my best friend."
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MASTERLIST ⸝⸝ previous! ⸝⸝ next!
𑁤 sypnosis. despite claiming to be 'rizz master 3000' name has failed to ask out their crush and childhood best friend, gepard, for a few years (L). with this new wave of courage, will this lovestruck idiot be able to confess before gepard buys a house and adopts 3 cats and a bunny with someone else? (this is a joke. geppie will not be adopting 3 cats and a bunny).
notes. . . omgg this is like my 6th time ive tried to post 😭 ( so sorry for the like 3week hiatus LMAO) anyways ive been trying to get into a law school for next year so college has been biting me in the ass lately. sending love to all yall tho <3
. . . tags @520cafe , @kitsuxiv , @91ed0 , @iridescentsunsetwaters, @yevene , @lunavixia , @vilthenothing , @ryuryuryuyurboat
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