#“Very Egon Schiele”
bobbydabob · 4 months
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Just Enki again
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ghostbeam · 1 year
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𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞, a vampire!todoroki anthology!!! these fics will be released throughout the month of october and they include dark content, which will be tagged accordingly as each fic is released. so please mind the tags!! all fics take place within the same universe as biting down, and serve as insight to the lives of the vampire family of the todorokis. [coming soon]
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☽ 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ☽ 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 ☽
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𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 (𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
⇢ fuyumi is fascinated by you. she’s obsessed with your humanity, only you’re not human. you’re like her.
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰 (𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
⇢ the first time you meet shouto, you bite him. he teaches you how to deal with being a monster.
𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞, 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐨 (𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐨 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
⇢ you and natsuo have an arrangement. a very bloody one.
𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
⇢ touya’s curse and snapshots of forever.
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Notes: hi everyone!!! I’m trying this out for the month of October + my way of celebrating Halloween with u all. I’ve had the idea to explore this universe and the todoroki’s for a while, and what better time than spooky season! Sorry the summaries are so vague im absolutely horrible at writing them but i tried!!!! I’m hoping to get them all out within the same month, but knowing me this might bleed into november. But anyways thank u all for being here and I hope u enjoy these<3333
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jadenvargen · 3 days
If I want to study someone's art or style, how do I do that? Like where do you even start when looking at an illustration that they made 😭thank you!!!
Here’s stuff i think about. i don’t do that many style studies, so idunno how helpful it is! pls sound in tha comments if anyone has tips:) 
Pinpoint what stuff you like, and focus on that. Focus on technique rather than exact replication, for example ( just first thing comes to mind) if you like rostov’s disco elysium cover art and want to study it, don’t just repaint the image, find what’s key in the style. looseness, maybe? then, instead of copying the image with your technique, try to apply the same looseness. (feat. shitty 5 min sketch plz dont judge example of how i normally approax paintings, versus a study. ALSO not to say u CANT do this it's just how i would study, myself. )
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That being said, don’t force yourself to make art decisions that feel unnatural to you. a lot of the time artists make decisions based on their weaknesses as well as strengths. I do very shaky, hatchy lineart because my hands are very shaky. I focus on painting what I* feel is important and fun. 
Instead of copying a style from a picture, look at a variety of pictures and find technique. For example a lot of people redrawing a screenshot in “sailor moon style” or “ghibli style” will draw… let’s say, an old man, looking like a usagi because that’s the screenshot they looked at, instead of watching what stylistic choices for example takeuchi made when stylizing an old man. So the “studies” end up homogenous. I personally find it unproductive to replicate a painting for purposes of study, but like focusing on individual elements. say you like egon schiele, replicating whole paintings at a time IMO isn't gonna do much, but maybe you can set out on a series where you sketch copy his hands or feet from different paintings, and then try stylizing your own hands the same way? Or maybe your fave artist draws moonlight like a blue stream, or a red one? Try applying only that light to your paintings.
You could also color pick or look at the colors they make and paint whatever you want with those same colors, to understand how they work together and what can be done with them.
Also, if you can, look at their influences! Everyone learns art by seeing others art. Chances are they saw art they liked and picked from there what elements they enjoyed. Looking at the inspiration can help make some of the techniques more obvious.
Basically focus less on copying(not that copying is bad- but not always helpful for studying), and more on what you like. If you find what you like, you can work from there and try to think about your own art from the same perspective.
IDK if this helps as i said, feel free to add onto^_^
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Andrew Scott, Vogue: April 2024.
by Zing Tsjeng, Photos by Annie Leibovitz
Ripley, in other words, is the hero of the tale. “That’s why he fascinates so many,” says Scott. “There’s been so many iterations of him. I think it’s because people root for him.” Actors like Alain Delon and Dennis Hopper have tried the role; Matt Damon played him as an obsequious, lower-class naïf; John Malkovich, as a slimy, camp killer. Scott’s Ripley is different; a watchful loner escaping rodent-infested poverty, more at home among art than he is around people. Musician and actor Johnny Flynn plays his first victim—the monied Dickie Greenleaf—and Dakota Fanning is Dickie’s suspicious ex-girlfriend. “I find Tom quite vulnerable,” Scott tells me. “I don’t think he’s necessarily lonely, but I certainly think he’s solitary…. He seems to me by his nature that he just can’t fit in. He’s trying to survive.”
In Ripley, Zaillian extracts maximum Hitchcockian dread from every creaky footstep. But most sinister of all is Scott’s face, which exhibits a sharklike steeliness throughout. It’s a performance that exudes queasy force. Is Ripley a scammer, a psychopath, or both? “There’s so many things lurking beneath him that I’ve been very reluctant to diagnose him with anything. I never thought of him as a sociopath or murderous,” Scott declares. “It’s up to everybody else to characterize him or call him whatever they want.”
As we weave through tourists near the Tower of London, barely anybody notices Scott, save for a faint glimmer of recognition among mainly young women. He seems to draw reassurance from it. “I don’t like to think about it too much, if I’m honest,” he muses of fame. “I find it a little bit, er, frightening.” He is known but not blockbuster-recognizable, although he is in the upcoming Back in Action with Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx. What stunts did he do? “I can’t give that away, I’m afraid, or somebody from Netflix will come and shoot me in the head.”
What’s been on Scott’s mind the most hasn’t been acting at all, in fact, but art. As a 17-year-old, he was offered his first movie role on the same day he was given a scholarship to study painting. He chose acting, but has recently been thinking about Oliver Burkeman’s philosophical self-help tract from 2021, Four Thousand Weeks, which makes the case for focusing on the five things you truly want to accomplish. “For me at the moment, it’s like, What do you want to do? What do you want to say?”
He scrolls through his phone to show me his work. There’s a watercolor of a couple arguing in a restaurant in rich reds and greens, line drawings of friends and people on the beach, and two self-portraits. “It’s a bit weird,” he acknowledges of his depiction of himself, all bulbous forehead and Pan-like tufts of hair. His brisk, nervy lines are reminiscent of Egon Schiele or Francis Bacon, who turns out to be one of his favorite painters. “Well, God, I’ll take that,” he mutters at the comparison. He would like someday to go to art school. “I don’t ever regret it,” he says of acting. “But I suppose you just get to a stage where you think, What else? That’s one of the big painful things in life for me, where you can’t quite live all the lives.” As he gets older, he feels the tug toward revisiting old working relationships, including with Waller-Bridge: “We’ve definitely got things cooking,” he smiles. “I’d love to work with her again. She’s just a singular, wonderful person.” For her part, Waller-Bridge says: “I’d love to see him do a fully unhinged slapstick comedy character. Someone who is outraged at everything, all of the time.”
As we round the pavement and the Tate Modern looms back into sight, he recalls a poster he received in 2017—a monstrously large graphic that detailed every week in a human life span. “It’s your entire life if you live to 80—you have to fill in all the bits that you’ve already lived,” he remembers in awe, “a visually terrifying gift.” What did he do with it? “I didn’t hold on to it for too long.” Easy come, easy go: We finally finish our loop around the Thames and, as Scott disappears back into the throng, anonymous just the way he likes it, it occurs to me that the actor has many lives to live yet. ■
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nicodelenfent · 2 years
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known religion hater Lestat de Lioncourt hanging a very suggestive/blasphemous painting titled "Young Man Kneeling before God the Father" (Egon Schiele, 1908) in his and his husband's bedroom. is anyone surprised
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not-quite-normal · 1 year
Hello, hope this finds you well!
As a film enjoyer and small artist I was absolutely mesmerised by the animation work in ATSV all around but The Spot in particular stood out to me! I was curious how the process of animating his scenes went especially with all the portals, which I assume many of which were painted in afterwards? Was the way the team thought out his scenes different from other chatacters?
Apologies if I'm asking about something you didn't work on but I thought asking was worth a shot! Anywho thats it, may you have a lovely day!
good question, and thank you! i haven't seen much talk about spot but a lot of development went into his look
for posing, we took a lot of inspiration from the artist egon schiele, an idea from humberto rosa. we wanted spot to look awkward by making him feel like a loose yet controlled sketch, exaggerating his weird long and lanky proportions into very squared off and angular shapes
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for the portals, they had to be created in anim first and then fx did a pass on them to add all the little extra swirly bits, and then comp did another pass on them to integrate them into the scene. every element that you see in a shot had to be created in 3D in order to move properly down the pipeline so that the other departments knew what to do with the scene, because they don't always look at the animation playblasts, what matters is what's published in the scene file. we can draw over our shots to try things out quickly but eventually had to put in the work of making them real 3D assets. every portal that you see on spot's body and floating off of him was placed by an animator
near the beginning of production, a lot of tests were done to make spot's face portal more expressive, mimicking mouth and eye shapes as a part of his acting. it was decided that simpler was better in this case, so it was mostly just kept as an oval instead
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in order to make a shot like this work in 3D, we used two spot rigs here and a portal tool that let us flatten the geo of the second spot down to 1 pixel so that only his hand can be seen while animating in and out of the portal. nothing is painted over here, this is pretty much 1:1 to what's in the maya scene
in order to progress spot's power throughout the movie, we needed to add more body spots in the india sequence, similar to the second to last pose here (art by aymeric kevin):
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our anim tech lead emmanuel gatera worked with rigging to update spot with the ability to turn sections of his body black with the use of a boolean, since it was impossible to add enough spots to totally cover his hands and midsection. he did still need a lot of spots along with the booleans though, i think it was somewhere around 80 (we had library poses for them, didn't need to bring them all in and manually place them in every shot haha)
and finally forget what i said about having to create everything in 3D because the final stage of spot's power was the exception to that rule since he was only in a small handful of shots. nideep varghese animated this shot with the regular spot rig and drew over it entirely in 2D, which the fx department recreated with about a bazillion layers of hand-drawn fx by arthur muller, srdjan milosevic and filippo maccari. lighting/comp by craig feifarek
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Weeping Nude (Edvard Munch, 1913-1914)
Young Man Kneeling before God the Father (Egon Schiele, 1909)
1.03 "Is My Very Nature That of a Devil"
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wulfhalls · 7 months
omg do you really have a dune tattoo!!! would you be willing to share!!!?? or just say what it is?? im thinking of getting one myself, i think id like a hand holding a gom jabbar, but id love to hear your ideas and stuff cause im still thinking!!!
not actual dune tattoos that are none the less very alia and paul coded. to me:
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actual dune tattoo I've had for like three years and still haven't managed to get a better pic of:
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and next dune tattoo concept:
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line art redraw of a yet undetermined screen shot on my other leg in a similar style to the egon schiele death and the maiden redraw that already there (or egon schieles tote mutter which in itself is already sooooo aliajessica coded)
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iwtvfanevents · 6 months
Rewind the Tape —Episode 4
Art of the episode
Just like we did for the pilot and for episodes two and three, we took note of the art shown and mentioned in the fourth episode while we rewatched it. Did we miss any? Can you help us put a name to the unidentified ones? Do you have any thoughts about how these references could be interpreted?
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Bust of a Woman with Her Left Hand on Her Chin
Edgar Degas, 1898 [Identified by @terrifique.]
Degas, whose work already appeared in the second episode, was a French painter of the 19th to early 20th century. His impressionist paintings often depicted ballet dancers, racehorses, and human portraits of isolation.
Krumau on the Molde, Kneeling Girl with Spanish Skirt and Self portrait in a jerkin with right elbow raised
Egon Schiele, 1912, 1911 and 1914
Schiele, whose work we have also been seeing around Rue Royale since the pilot, was an Austrian Expressionist painter, very prolific despite passing before turning 30. His work is recognizable for its transgressive portrayal of the nude body, including his nude self-portraits; but his later oeuvre features many landscapes.
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The Kitten's Art Lesson
Henriette Ronner Knip, 1821-1909 [Identified by @terrifique.]
Knip was a Dutch-Belgian romantic style artist best known for paintings of animals, particularly cats and dogs of a playful nature. See more of her work here.
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F.W. Murnau, 1922
Nosferatu is a silent expressionist horror film from the legendary German director F.W. Murnau. It is an unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula. While not a commercial success upon release in 1922, film historians now consider it an influential and revolutionary film in the horror genre. Since it has been in the public domain since 2019 in the U.S., it is now free to stream on YouTube.
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Untitled piece
Sadie Sheldon, undated [Identified by @lanepryce.]
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The incredible metalwork piece on the wall of the reading room was made by a New Orleans-based artist, for New Orleans... pizzeria! It was made for Pizza Delicious, using dozens of tin cans. Sheldon describes her work as "site and time-specific projects from found materials (...) related to adaptability, renewal, and appreciating the objects of our everyday life".
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New York
George Bellows, 1911 [Identified by @nicodelenfent, here.]
Several of Bellows' pieces have been featured in previous episodes. He was an American realist painter, known for his bold depictions of urban life in NYC. His work "revolutionized the conventions of the traditional American urban vista and surpassed the efforts of other contemporary urban realists" [x].
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Backstage at the Opera
Jean Beraurd, 1889
Beraurd was a Russian born French painter known for his depictions of Parisian life and society during the Belle Epoque. [Identified by @nicodelenfent.]
Unidentified works
In Claudia's room: above the Knip we can see a painting of what looks like four people, maybe women sitting at a balcony. To the left of the door we can see, on top, a floral bouquet over a dark background, and below that, an illustration or painting of a woman with flowers over a bright pink background.
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You can see all unidentified works from the first season in this post. If you spot or put a name to any other references, let us know if you'd like us to add them with credit to the post!
Starting tomorrow, we will be rewatching and discussing Episode 5, A Vile Hunger for your Hammering Heart. We can't wait to hear your thoughts!
And, if you're just getting caught up, learn all about our group rewatch here ►
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theviridianbunny · 8 months
I love your artstyle. I was wondering if you were inspired by a certain artist or it just developed on it's own? P.S. Never stop creating, I love everything you put out!!!
oh my goodness - firstly thank you so much !!!!! <3
hmm- ok, so I've been drawing regulalrly since i was what...12?? and i'm now 24 !! i am inspired by so many artists (and so many other things in general) - I will list a few artists and art movements that I've drawn inspo from in one way or another !! (really hoping this post gets to the dash bc im popping a lot of links to art and credits to photos and what not aghhhh!))
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NEO EXPRESSIONISM neo expressionism was an art movment I really leant into when I was at university. Artists such as Luciano Castelli acted as points of intrestet and inspo there !! Other movements that took me by storm at uni included german expressionism and impressionism -- my university city (leicester - UK) held one the largest collections of german expressionist art in the UK !!
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EGON SCHIELE - specicifcally his line drawings - they have such a lot of life and energy to them! His water colours are also something special too me -! I found out about this art when i was doing my BTEC (pre uni- would have been.... 16/17??) - remember going into the library at my tech collage and finding a book with his art and being in awe - it blew my mind in the best way ! FUN FACT - Schiele was the protege of Gustav Klimt - another artist I get a lot of happy inspo vibes from !! (but will talk abt klimt another time!!)
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CLAMP / 90S SHOJO MANGA - in recent years i've fallen back in love with manga (in my pre-teens and early teens i was a big manga fan - naruto was probz my first special interest ) - but in the past few years i've looked into shojo and josei mangas - the manga house CLAMP has had such a pull on me - maybe its how they use colour - im just in awe when i see their work omg <3
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HIROHIKO ARAKI / JOJO'S BIZARRED ADVENTURE - what im gonna say for now as my final source of inspo - JJBA and Araki's work came into my world the same time as the paintings and drawings of Schiele!! His use of colour and fashion drawing feel makes me very very happy to see !!
Thank you again for your kind words !!! You've genuienly made my day !! thank you thank you thank you !! <3
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ramheadedgirl · 9 months
You're like the Michelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinchi of Furry Art
i was aiming more for Egon Schiele but ty that's very sweet
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unvolver · 2 months
the last one. this is interesting bc unless I miss my guess Paul's head has been severed from the rest of his body while he wears his Billy Shears haircut. His skin is livid and blue and yet his eyes remain active, turned away from John. Paul is dead and John can't let go. The fact that they are both naked makes me wonder if this was a su!c!d3 gone horrible wrong...or horribly right.
In the original PID myth Paul's head was severed from his body in the car accident. Shears demonstrates this here. Is this a simulacrum or the real Paul? Does it matter? John clearly can't tell the difference if there is one and he's our foremost Paul McCartney expert. If someone could tell the difference between Shears and McCartney then it's John.
The fact that they're both on a rock reminds me a little bit of Prometheus. For his sin of giving fire to Mankind he was chained to a similar rock while an eagle was commanded to dig out his liver and devour it daily. This torment was his punishment along with the tedium of being trapped in one location. John&Paul themselves are trapped in one place forever. The Shears myth persists alongside the Beatles and their torment will never end so long as there is an audience to remember them. John clings to the dead body of his lifemate as Shears/Paul looks back at us without hostility.
Also damn John is so thin here it just breaks my heart.
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to begin, this piece was directly based off this art work by egon schiele. you can see i really like his general themes of eroticism in his art. i didn’t have a clear meaning other than wanting to depict something intimate but not inherently sexual in a way?
but damn, the PID interpretation! super fascinating way to see this! maybe unconsciously i was thinking about a mclennon / PID theory where they believed that john pursued a relationship with the fake paul, and in the end it resulted in a blood ritual in india that left john mentally unstable and their relationship completely severed. i feel like this endless hell and torment idea fits well with that weird theory i read. also strangely enough it reminds me of samsara and the cycle of suffering, probably because of my buddhist upbringing and because i’ve been reading buddhist philosophy books recently.
i am now very into the idea of a lovers double suicide between faul and john. thank you
i’d like to thank you for all these wonderful asks and analysis of my artwork, i feel like i didn’t do justice with my responses bc i suck at articulating my thoughts, i wish you could hear me saying mhm! and nodding my head in enthusiastic agreement. i will continue drawing mclennon artwork that relies entirely on the viewer’s perceptions, one of my biggest goals as an artist is to leave an emotional effect on the audience, and i’m glad i was able to achieve that.
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New article & video!
Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne’s ‘Cabaret’ training includes weekly bouts of ‘torture’
By Social Links forNicki Gostin, for New York Post. Published April 22, 2024.
Eddie Redmayne is doing all he can to keep in shape for his role as the Emcee in “Cabaret” — which includes weekly bouts of “torture.”
“It’s quite full-on,” he told The Post exclusively at the show’s opening Sunday.
“There is this amazing man named Greg, who is kind of a genius, body-work human being who punishes me once a week,” the actor, 42, explained. “My wife [Hannah Bagshawe] thinks it’s massage, but it’s actually a kind of borderline torture. But it’s keeping me upright!”
The Oscar winner confessed that he also gobbles down “every single sort of lozenge or tea or Chinese medicine.”
He added: “Or anything that anyone tells me is good for your singing voice.”
Redmayne has had plenty of experience playing the legendary role, originated by Joel Grey and then played by Alan Cumming.
He won an Olivier Award in 2022 for taking on the part in a West End revival, which has now transferred to Broadway.
The “Fantastic Beasts” star also played the role as a teen, and he joked that his mother has a video of his performance locked away.
“She’s holding me ransom to it,” he quipped.
“She cannot show anyone,” he went on, adding that taking the role to Broadway has always been “my dream as a kid, to do this, in this city.”
The Kander & Ebb musical, which is set against the rise of the Nazi party in 1930s Berlin, clearly has resonance in the current climate of antisemitism and fascism.
“What’s extraordinary about ‘Cabaret,’ it was written in the ’60s, 20 years after the end of the Second World War,” the Tony winner said. “It was relevant then, and now it couldn’t be more relevant.
“Yet what’s extraordinary about the piece is that it’s very specific to the moment in history that it happened, so you can read it in that way or watch these ripples across generations. Sadly it always seems relevant, and that is a testament to the fact that people perhaps are not learning from their mistakes.”
This production, which also stars “Glow” actress Gayle Rankin and Broadway vet Bebe Neuwirth, is not shy about portraying the decadence of the era.
Redmayne chooses to call it “hedonistic and celebratory.”
“It was an amazing moment,” he marveled. “There is a wonderful museum in New York, the Neue [Galerie] that I go to quite often, with all the Egon Schiele paintings and Klimt paintings. That’s a wonderful way to get seduced back into this world.”
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I would love something on Kyra (personally I always wanted to know what her dreams in life were, but we only ever get so few lines on her through Theon’s POV), or on the relationship between Aeron and Theon, or if those are both too grim, I’d be happy with something on Asha and Qarl!
It's not too grim at all and I like thinking about Kyra!!! (Also here's Asha & Qarl and Aeron & Theon)
I am just afraid I will disappoint you because I admittedly lack creative skills so imagining what those dreams and life could have been is difficult, even if I have strong feelings about her being a satellite-character and what that tells us both about Theon, the society they live(d) in, and the author.
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+ this very beautiful and evoking piece here because reposting art that was originally posted on Tumblr feels unethical
(Sources: "Girl covering face with her hand" by Egon Schiele, "Minor Detail" by Adania Shibli, unnamed sketch by Egon Schiele, Edited audio of "Run" by Timber Timbre, Onion article, screenshot of "Belladonna of Sadness", "Fake Fliers" by Nathaniel Russel, sadly couldn't find the source for Game of the Week, "The Key in the Hand" by Chiharu Siota)
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dyemelikeasunset · 11 months
Which artists inspire your art? And what kind of music do you listen to for your art inspo? I love all of your work btw <3
thank you 🥹🥹
Character designers that really inspire me are Kinu Nishimura, Afu Chan, Elliot Alfredius, and Edayan
Manga artists I really like are Ai Yazawa, CLAMP (2000s era), Yuhki Kamatani, and Gido Amagakure
Fashion designers I like are Mary Katrantzou, Gareth Pugh, Rein Vollenga, and admittedly Jeremy Scott 😂
Some fine artists that inspire by are Egon Schiele and Emil Almazora
And with music, I like a very wide variety of genres, but I do gravitate towards rnb, rock, post rock, and prog rock the most! But I have to admit I don't have a big library of music artists I listen to regularly bc I really like to do deep dives into full discographies and song lyrics/meanings, so new artists can be intimidating for me!
Some of my favorite artists are SZA, Young the Giant, Sam Smith, Dance Gavin Dance, Zayn, and Andrew Belle
I've been getting really into the band Muna, and re-igniting my love for Chris Daughtry lately too LMAO
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withinthesplendor · 1 year
When you talk about emotion in Irish, you don't say, 'I am sad.' You'd say, 'Sadness is on me' - 'Tá brón orm.'
And I like that because there's an implication of not identifying yourself with the emotion fully. Like a bruise sadness is upon you in varying shades. But as we all know bruises heal and fade just as the sadness will. That's very important to recognize when trying to heal.
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Egon Schiele’s “Crouching Nude in Shoes and Black Stockings, Back View” (1912)
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